THEnOIHTETG QTilltj PTBUSnKD DAILY. BY - . l, ' cm Ji, Dawson Bank Bimatage, from u on ear, In advance...... .7 00 SUmonthiJn advance.. 8 80 Three months. In andvac...v.., 00, la advance ... A . X . : . . ' . r ;; . ' T5 ' The Moainw Stab will be delivered ia any part of the City at Firms Ckicts per weuk. . OUTLINES. : Lhl -Tbela.estloa lESffE Fulghum are in the city. : commcQces this morning;4 Jht James looks- very much1 as i if the. Senate f as a,lovely.: RlTer and Kanawha Canal doesn't conflict would xlao concur ia this repeaL as a . Pin predeceasor. ; j ;:l . f in Interest with the, Atlantic and .Great Western. V-i KeintorccroentH. ; art mary- i ggigalnst the Modocs. WoodhuH & I Qnum ur bsu u v " i steamers on the Ilaranaline were seized, for debt in New York Oglesby , elected Msvorand entire Board of; Aldermen in Hannah.-t'p6i&wn ... i o : ii. r 1 1 j j t . Bill b Senate aboHshing Admiral and Bill abolishing the franking privilege, passed Senate. nouse took no action on Colorado. . iugenw. ana mace. I r tprome Nanoloon are to bSthMdltksat f - .tfuardians of young Napoleon; No mani-1 festo issued and the young Prince will not assume the title of Emperor. j Gea. John B. (Jordon was . elected C In the I nfrrl. Moons of war i if. lnul L.-JT .ntt . yesieraay, wnicn were atsposea - . txi. me leijon wm ue very M m r mir Thw dhi. : . . i lumuumt uu win uiace iiie vi kuji- i .v. u ' ' -'T : eiehth baHot U. a Senator from Georgia, 6 ' ' -. y . WHAT 1MB LECisiAXPUS lid V. TLESOAY 4 On Tucaday lhe ybung lncmber . T.;ot Mr rniaon intWv. f 11 (Jill MMlvi " "7-- .inl ntihi&mtfc ) " v ; l--s , -1 ciaruig -vr ..---r. itiiv T;-r"-r; J State. It was placed on the calendar,' I A bill was introduced in the House J nrovidini: for aXunatib -Asylumor pro , . : . J T -tfeS referred. ..... , . - . Usury waa discussed inlhellouse I .wilLont action. The question re- .witLoiit action. The question re- curred upon a substitute offered by Mr. Brown; of Mecklenburg, fing' the rate' of interest at six. per cent. iffhpn no amount is specially agreed; - on but allowing narties to Contract on, out allowing parties w v y between themselves lor anv rate wiey-ii e " I may nt, to, agree p. ? on ootn siaesoi tne question i were made. Mr; Stanford, of Duplin, usury law. ' ; In tlie Senate, Tuesdays the. only . basinesA of-funeral interest 7ws tiio consideration of the bill providing for a county finance? committee; which was defeated on its third reading. Caldwell, the Governor, is playing Legislature again. "Not content with dictating to tlte Legislative branch -of the Government, he sends in his "little bill" ou the State debt. Cald well the Gubernator should be .writ ten down after the manner of Dog- berrv Said 1 that grand judicial .luminary "Writ me down, an ass." Gordon's 112 to bteptiens' 8G gives Georgia a resolute, practical, able, . young, i arid U high-soiled; 'Senator. Georgia buries lier fossils, and turns a morning face to the future. r brijrht future is before Jobu IViiQT- , imght j lUttirf , c don, for we cannot'-mistake the man. LAST NIGHT'S MAIL Soase Dalaft-e f Cangresa. ' f .. f The, House "of Itepresentatives, is : -so in used to- bold - and ourageona .atlion by its members that it was verjr much astonished, probably, when Gch. llawley "called nainesn on the bill to pay the expenses of contestants if or seats. This bill takes about $150, '000 from the public funds to pay the (expenses of men 'who set up claims to :seats iir the House, whether they get . . a u: : .inose, seats or now uu. J'r' uon, 01 courser lnteresteu uvnn2w-uw. voted affirmatively; and when Gen. HawJey called out their names and cited the law against them, they were astounded;," Probably they were also , indignant; tb'ia is not the way in which Congress generally does busi ness. ' . v ... - - The principal measuret. concerning iiteriuiL iniiirovemeutKr jire ,the,ir- giiiiaVbhipNCaiial.bUt- ;'the James 1 liver iiudf ivanawhafCaital bill, and titini fejll Jfora. caual o connect the waters of t he Tennessee and Savaii- tternal improvement. eat sesstuu- 1 .. . if. f &o nrucli of the inie; ot aeiense ; , ' '-"vii MIHVU J ayv hiv v - -7 - has been developed by the Caldwell interest in the lvaoaas enatonai in- .jr.tiali.rtreralry:wty'rf the Coosa liver, I-A.Hatv.Joade4 thc.aboutyl2,000 brick, $o Jinfaj'Ols gives' in Georgia. Ktither.of these meas- which was on Us way from the TV ork House jjethd r the'; apnearance oLr a,. ; ; ' uivs has;bce'ii agrei-d to by the coiu- to this city onTuesday,-durio vthe seyere. .weWhfp jTOe tfeWl U t-h HHTteeblrt It ftf fair to presume, irom 8eortu, -'wasNiwariipeil- wnen'raooui. nu 1 wncave Mansard - root ;..Pn Dock the interest shown in them to-day by from mouth of Smith's Creek, and between the " Home' aad V Bethcf," there performers. says the 2mi . ... :i,t , the ahairraan and 31r. .Ncgley,' that werit' to' the bottom. There were three nj" a'tow'tir witli;ve"icapf,;-"U 'same' "'-We are. told by tho News that they tvill all Civ reported favorably, -o mett on the flat: atJhe t tlmev . who. gtle jhe Yrenth reof of ' the Home." the question as to who pwns .the; property to SO, by which the House grautect tne uken the precaution to carry with j them flag.gtafir.jrom which wfll float' the-Bethel tion is, did' the Confederate gtates own it special omay.lKJ-.taEn.iistrtg aJu reached the shore . in safety: Theltat W The tower and Mansard roof willbe Io the Stete?; Mur . asumpt;v evidence of a desire to wUl toDlTbewid(romU8 watery bed, iJulucti i- y A woman named .VicCdna Pool, ipass iheyganticiflchemesi of,;v, Jjlkii .KSSflS I?!!: tr lately phoned out of ttepemtonbary, was 1 i-:--'t nj-'' I the feat.-1. 'iw .r , :rjL i - very appropriate. ' it U in the ahape 01 an 1 fv -; . f 1 ... ... -- leruay muiuiuit. . . . . . , , . . obscure the issue by abusing ,tW6- conduct, was reqroired to iay a fine of tatSl&Si ; .ecution witnessetUmust Harriet4 Brbwu xhargedwilh aisordarly tiUtjLaM'tyJi tWier.mejHn .be 2uaideai- rtHi;-t-,.r- ho, hate ben produced tM. tjoka itt ttrV-1 Pork'TaTW do not be shining lights Of "dn -ajarg ' John Ajtarew, fro Jo&&Z.tlb HatiSpV morality; but so much -baa. already .dhwrderi. fZ .jgSy 4-! -ton' A. Gllubbard for-plaiatia, ;aad been estaUishedby'''amumttide'of thepaymentof thecoata M&frs U . f:?; Jt2r Girea for.defendarta.'. eargnefL eoncnrfirif t-nts that iti sccras lm- y Awhite man; whose name we rev Post, wJJ,;,t 1 Qexpene .so w w ta p8 Eirdsey va. WUUam Ilsrnsa, from. inere will De creat sarnnsel .J.thisughpat bill to that end was favorably re- roneaarojrrjone) i0t Us- Uoroinittees. lhe lawlias not been so Hucccssful in - fr v",;tffvvi I "'P" . "MW ou in , object was not anticipated. ; , oJhe spal committee, of which v ns"? OI A,ow 18 cnair: man, io investiirate tne cnarcres pt f Rnd coKrruption , pre?err;d to investigate the charges pf Bas Senator in a very bad light. r- Other waahlaictoa Dta. fbo Havtian ..Minister here is on t the alert, and watching the move- meats of the Samaha Speculators very closely, will do all - he can to defeat,! tne. scheme, yt He contends that these I moveraenw are a serious menance 10 his Goyernment . It is not credited here that ny new grants of territory or - nrivilejrea have been secured through"' President Baez, who holds his 6ice hf the sufferance of these I ' . I entuwwd.the armed power of the United btatea government. I Vein the Credit Mobilier committee -ames siuca; o uis siaiement mat Senator Patterson hot only knew he was buyiug into ths Credit Mobilier, out pocketea the -.ttiviuenas witiiout any qualms of conscience. ! . ! T mberwrot fte? Kenans Citizens'-Committed who"have re- mained here, . prof ess to have derived greai, encouragement irom ueranCe8 ff" JJ" Linaill show whehertheir hC8 are-justified. j The needv Congressmen, who were I - not-let into the "'Credit Mobilier land ot let in to the Credit Mobilier ! and lit 1 1 a. ? it I aer S mings, are agiiaung tne tjronrietvi of increasing (heir - salarv a1, a . 'A - j-. - to lOjiiuu per annum. - t pinchback .8welU aronnd the capi- 1HETEOBOI.OOICAL UECORD. ,,s . January S3, 1873. r,. k nr: against Senator Clayton, of Arkansas: 'Mr t' vnnn jtmM. Ther Tlme. lif" mom- Wind. Weather. - er- eter. " r a. M. amj w.w light :ciear , "lr.3. 50:07 BS' WGentielFalr 9 P. M. 80:13 46 rS Gentle lOar - Mean Temp, of dsy, 47 deg. Notb. All barometric readings are reduced to the sea level and to SS degrees Fahrenheit, ' : ' BOBXBT SSTBOTH, i - .-, 4 r Serg't lgnal Service D. (4. A. vKU . ilii v .1. i Weather Beprt Wab Department, ,' Office of Chief 8-gnftJ Officer, Washington, January 22 4 :33 P. IL I- trrooamuuM. . ; For New England, winds veering to north erly and easterly on Thursday, with increas ing ckmdineaa. For Middle States, falling Via imnraii faonh n n si Klolr vtrtrtnorlv isk uaiuuicici , aiu auu wam uuiiuvhi easterly winds, cloudy waatber and rain, except for northern portion probably snow, For South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States, easterly to southerly winds, falling barorae- ,.. .m.M .lWnt. era Gulf States, and northward to Wiscon- sin and Minnesota, rising barometer, falling Swi-i.' these conditions extend East- weather, and ward durine the day over probably Michi- gan, un 10 7f we8S" . w rw- - . em portions of Georgia and Florida.- ; -r THE OITT. NEW ADVKif TISBMElfTS. B. P. Harbison. Concord Chapter. Muhson & Co.--Conar8 Ten Cents a Bo: R B. Buknktt, Agent. Wanted. f IT..?Y0091Tik Notice.-; ! w F. W. Kebohseb. In Store ! In Store! P. Hbihsbkbgxb. Hyrnnals. r fl. YAJtaJCBisoETemperanca Meeting? .CB05LyAMoRBis.--Saleof Plants, Bwa41ta Coae0eeea A Dam- geroas niaaUe. We learn that quite a serious row oc 1 " 1 4t a house ofiH-fame in the south- .ired at a house of -m-fame in the south - ern secUon1 of the 'Clij 'on Tuesday night, v; - Voha umn wsnl huriel by oneof the belligerent, at the head of another.; Thi. little incident resulted in the severe burning of one of the inmates of the house and the partUl detraction or costly carpet, to say nothing of the narrow of thebuUdrngfrdmbe-ing destroyed escape by the flames. The young1 man It whose bead the lamp was thrown fortunately es- caped without lniury We learn that quite rrwer. iSged in the difficulty; ' A Flat Swamped. MaVar. i .ii-fr The following cases were oasposea w 1 ..rdav mornines r -: durintz the " pres- 1 uul "" uViV . ' 7 -y-. o 1 I nn..oaJU arnorlpncM) in ACCOmMishlH? I nw, atmo th rinllNt wi. whir ih. in I st flmnap)i In 'Ralrforh TiimwIav. nuuxMa .ut tr.- i sA:ckc)yand,!Capt.ItT. Special meeting of .Concord Chapter tnls eveniog for work in ; the Past-Masters', degree. :.:,.; h J iv Vri ; ,r we nad a call lost mgut from ' our' endMr... J.: ,T. Britt. formerlyVof the Q afecnicrruU. dcWiUia ".urfu ""r" Court, which commences its session in this vwm, wmca city next week. j i :n t - f'if'K' fi ght three' shad of at the we believe, City subscribers to the Star who can not make it convenient to see the agents are Rested to leave the amount of their indebtedness at this office. ' All degree members of the Friendship Temple pfjjonor andemprancc are nd- tified to meet at their Hall this evening, at 7i O'ciock, for work in the degrees. , . ... -The regular annual meeting of -the Wilmington North CaroUna Life Insurance Company will .be beld,at the office of the ..Company. .In. this, city, this evening, at 8 ,,'v,. o clock. The WeCanUna-JUeord is the' tame of a cleverly gotten up new paper-Just issuea . oy vienaeun ana- uarpenier. at i Rutherforton, N. C. The editors are J. B. I Carpenter and A. L. Grayson. They run on the independent llneV We wish you weu. a j ?f rtu: p by'a'omife of Jis phW All be wants is 'for hia friends to graph. Anhawantt lator hiairiendsti "hunt V81 at the "Buck's Head: in the " WhiU being White The" ' la want of Tl AitrnM oni si sfi null n 1 1 urt tvlonta t a AellAl 4 a w . the fact that Messrs. Cronly & Morris wffl - . i ; 4t Kuaiwjea assortment of them at auction this morning, at 11 o'clock, at the seed store Vr. t n t i T,K ..,'. r TTif Of itr Q PJ Lamb,- opposite , City Hall, See advertisement. .... . 'if Rem4ellngs ml tke Beamen'a Heme. At last we are to have a house of refuge, a home for seamen, that will be convenient and comfortable and an ornament to the city. The plans by which it will be erected, and which are understood as having been adopted, reflect much credit upon the judg- ment and taste of the conunUtee having charge of the matter. A want long felt .is I bere supplied, r;1 The old building, the de- lapidated condition of which has for aome- wmo icTCa au vj tf-ovc iuq wuiuiuuiij, io to pe torn aown anaanewoneerecteaupon lhe eievauons ana plans as to style and wBireareBw iB juiienui; nwugjxKMiu are - s ' riM. i a TT y i a a i complete. The new J HomeMs to be In aiza 61 feet' sg.uare.liThe Jront on Front street trill be of iron and in the Corinthian , , . ti, iaa- style of architecture. The lower floor on this skis ViU be peenpied at stores,. so ar j ranged that there can be four, two, or one, demand may dictate.; It is expected to be the handsomest front tor either wholesale I or retail buainesk In the eitv. The main 1 entrance to the " Home" will be on -Front f? ".-7 'I T T street, while the wulcw wffl1 enteir through the tower on Dock street., t-r The second floor, on Front street, will be divided Into offlces,whlle "the balance of the floor Is designed f or the keeper of the j " IlBmen and his family. A part of the third floor will be con-. I enleatly arranged the special accom modation Of officers. . A smoking and read ing room for seamen will be located on the 1 gorna floor, frdatlflz on rDock ttmtl i The gtsaerai dinine room wUl be large and com - -jmiJL " r' - R;7.: I a . ' , tww owm vo.we. 1 for the arxyiwdatlon 0l feamei,r H j ; u 1 ' A large tank for the reception of niitni' ter will be arranged so as to furnish a plen tifnl surirjlvotwaterforthewa for aH other purposes, hflthe water- closets on ery floor ; wiU be so connected with the tank, mat uiey wiu act as aoeir Jk uv awuw " o , i M.twir: separate; iistitutiona v the "-Betner presents in tne eievatioo a oeuu- At .1 A - 1. A-J e-r- r. - , ip to have Gothic doors windows, rthe windows above becapped wUb what is known among architects as angie-hcods, thA whole to be ' surmounted with a . ave a street very appropriate. It is in the shape of an - I uytr-lw:r"-r aBCfiwrwUKiai yrnsUvinTo-iiviif (.wuiyu a , rope uiuu6- ;t - - -,-v-r corber as a finish Jo the tower. f Jik! i at e iu ut ui iuo kuuu. ; ,mi .)-. .fiJ- :: ?"i., T ----- nn,- lV.- nnpta thd daalh An marine Disaster. , . 4. iThe. brig Jeneterance Capt,'j" Martin, which arrived at Bristol on the 2d inst, from; Wilmington jports.having experienced-very heavy weather; the entire, pas sage. . Dee, 20, lat 42. 19, Ion 88; M, ,was struck by a sea,' which carried away boats, stove stanchions, started covering ' boards, ,.. An unsuccessful attempt .was made Tues day night to break into the .store of Mr, L. chiseLr-Not . succeeding there, an ..effort was next made tp get in at a window, one of the hinges of -which was: found broken off. Falling in each case, the thief v is sup posed to have left the premises in disgust.1 - The hog cart was out yesterday '' gob-1 bling up' -stray porkers,,. . ;5 CITY ITEMS. A faQ stock of News Ink of superior quality for ale at the office of Thx Moairao Stab. Cash or C. O. D. orders will have prompt attention. - The consolidation of the CaroUna Farmer and the WVy Star having largely increased the circulation of the latter, adrertisers wDl And It an admirable medium of communication with the farmers ' and planters of the two CaroHnaa. ' Book Bixmebt. Trs Mokkdcs Stab Book Bind ery does ail kinds of Binding and Riling in a work. manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. : Mer chants and others needing Becelpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness lathe execution of their orders. jDa pswraa-We call the attentioa of me. chants, clerk of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, raUrosd ?&xn Md "gents, and all etnen having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the Hoasnie Stab PBrxrnra' EaTABUsHxxxT for the ferompt and faithful execution of aQ kinds of Job Pbchtimo. : We can famish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills,' Cata logues, Bills of Fare, Show-Billa, Checks, Drafts, Ac, Ac t Satisfaction guaranteed. . The thief who was arrested for tobbins Parsons' tore. In this town, was found to have a quantity of Ayer's Hair Vigor In his possession. When asked why he wished to steal that article be answered that " T . II I ... U 11.11 , W, . . TT . MO a thief and bald too." If that Invention of the ereat casausi souia restore a laaMcnaracter as esectnauy as tt docs their natural beauty to bald and gray would surely be, aethsy say it now ia,troiy I mvainawa.TawisuHi w rfmai.-v TJbolpbo Wouxs Aboxatic Scbxkbax Schh apts I seemu se extensively gamiagon paoac connaence. and promises to take the place of every other liquor seem to be extensively gaming on pabac confidence. I V1 .u especiiiiy for medicinal use. 1 ' ' ! This l wv tTa tea KaU, found in most of our Drag Stores In this city and conn try, and its being strongly commended by the physicians, the mild and agreeable taste of this ar- ncie, conuviea wim me iirong, pungent ana actual sensation produced on the palate by the common deleterious article which Is now the eeneral com plaint of nearly all the medical faculty of this coun try wouia, or ltseu, sumce to give it the decided preference. If prescribed as a medicine, It is not eaa to tsae:ana to nse as aDeverage it li cotunaerea 1 by judges to be superior to any article of the kind adbiah a Voubbs. Agent. ,. , ,,. Jan 83-iw Spirits TuiTentine. - Yancey vUle is doing a lively to- i QtC() tnul6 . Tho Friend of Temperance is 1 wa waM-a v wa, vhkowvm whvwi Mi Gn8- Lewi of Haleiffh. i jjas a tremendous itussian Dlooduouna The Monitor learns of a pros pect for a bank at . Magnolia at an early day, ' Wake, has a kind of hdgazooty. The swine cough, have fever, lose appetite and die. - It. is said a ioint stock combanv is being organized for the purpose of build z a 1 hotel In EnfleldL net in JGnneiav . t 1 a i-t v. Aleck.' a Colored band at the N. 1 viti:K.. i lUIUIKU UI UVn g E while jrouphng some cars. C.R.R depot, Raleigh, mashed his hand . tjiiiiam county movement was discussed before the Senate Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Out of a population - of ; 500 in that village the: Rutherford ton Record counts up 38 marnageable ladies.. r ty A lamp explosion ; at Mr. John Beayans', near Enfield blackened the walls of the room and excited every body. Mr., E. a Wallace, of Sugar I Creek.. Mecklenbure'county, aged sixty-live 1 yc:018'??-?68 a nephew of 71. Prof. 'K..-;M.' Mitchell, 'cblored,' working in the interests of the National Home for Colored Totrths, was to have lec I tured la Raleigh, last night : . i l'''?TheWeMon',JiriM savs that J the dwelling house of Mr. J. A PickreU, C Geolo- ntai; swa?S a pe ooyt .gae hich, lodging in his windpipe, came near causing his death. rTr1 fn,rv - ?a? in. - The Rutherf ordton Mecord in forms us that quite a number of colored citizens left that place Monday to work on the Air-Line Road, and that there are fears farm labor will be scarce. ! The ' maiden ! speech before the Supreme Court of Mr. Lewin W. Barringer, son of Honv D. M. Barringer, is spoken of as- a rare combination' of modesty and tal- I ent, says the aemmet.. i 'll n . f I ati rf trkOT tomlmeof the "iustletoe Boush. at the I iewbern Theatre, Tuesday night, passed I off well, and retlected great credit on the I 'Xif Ako5,rt Lewis Kerr, the gifteVlaiidaccnrolished I daughter 0 th Hon. John Kerr.ofYaa- ant. Case artrued. .L. Salisburv vs. R. M. Cohen, from Wayne; Smith & Strong for plalntin, K M. Cohen-for1. nbnselfV-Case argued. Elizabeth Lee et el, vs. Wm. II. Pearcev from ,Craveu.r. Judge Green for plaintiffs, Alex, Justice and J. H. Haugh tod for defendants.'. (2 cases.) ' Argued. : - A mcetinsr of the ' Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society was held Tuesday evening in the- parlor of the;Yarborough House,, ilaleigh, says the 2feit&, We are glad to state that a: full ; at tendance Characterized the meetincr. arid the interest manifested augurs well for the suc cess which- will undoubtedly crown the ef forts of the Society next Fall The vacancy of Secretary, occasioned by the resignation of P. P. Pescud, Esq7, was supplied by the eiecwon oi uapt it. T.-Jfulgnum, oi Uolds boro.; ; If better selection could have been made. A letter was read from the Presi dent, Col. T. Mi Holt, by Dr. Blacknall, authorizing the appointment of Stanhope Pullen, Esq., on the Executive Committee. and adding the names of Messrs. Pullen ana Askew, to the Selling - Committee. Capt. R. T. Fulghum will move to Raleigh at once and, having purchased the Eeeon Btructed Farmer, will consolidate the two ournals, and run a live weekly agricultural ournal, under the supervision and in the nterests of the State Agricultural Society. North Carolina Legislature rCohdensed from the Raleigh News. Tuesday, Jan. 21. ' senate.'.1" ' : ; President Brogden in the chair! ' Reports of standing committees were presented by Messrs. Merrimon, Allen, Norwood, Gudger, Troy, Scott, t Cowles, wanay, rnce, lemming ana Murray. , Mr. Merrimon presented a memorial on the sale of the Eastern Division of the Western N. C. Railroad. Referred, - i: Mr. Norwood, from the Committee on the State Debt and Liabilities, in resoonse to the Governor's message and bill on that subject, reported as follows: "The Ioint select committee on the State debt and liabilities, to whom was referred the message and draft of a bill on that sub-' ject from the Governor, have had the same under consideration. ' :- ; . "The committee believe thev apprehend the importance of the subject of the State debt, which has been committed to their charge, in its various aspects and bearings, and they indulge the hope that they may. inane time De able to recommend such a course with regard to it aa may best pro mote the public interests. . - ; v , , j t . "The appreciation by the committee of the immense importance of the subject in duces them to refrain from the reflections upon-' the communication of the Governor which to some it may, seem to provoke. discharged from the further consideration of the said communication. .!' ! - . ' Norwood, Chairman. " A message was received from the House transmitting sundry engrossed bills and resolutions, which were appropriately re ferred. ' r ' -' Mr. Norwood, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported a bill for the improver ment of the agriculture of the State, which was made the special order for Tuesday next' " :-: ' ! " . Mr. Stilley introduced a bill . to lav off a new county by the name of Core, out of a portion of Beaufort county. . Also, a bill supplemental to a bill to lay off the proposed new county of Core. Both reierrea. ' Mr. Allen introduced a bill for amnesty and pardon. Referred. . - The bill -providing for a county finance committee after passing its second reading was tabled. Mr. McCabe called up the Senate bill to incorporate Edgecombe Female Seminary, and the bill passed its second and third readings. - Air. Allen, by leave, introduced a bill to prevent the sale of reversionary estates un der executions. Referred. Also, a bill to amend the law relatiner to purchasers under executions. Referred. Mr. Respass introduced a resolution of instruction to the Committee on Prooositions and Grievances, requiring them to report T tne cause oi iauure oi tne late secretary or State to distribute the laws of 1871-72. Adopted."- fi .-." -. ' -. Harris, col, introduced a bill concerning final judgments of justices of the peace in criminal eases. 1 1 Referred.' ' " - Mr. Mnrphy, a bill for the establishment of a hospital for the Insane. .Referred.! ; . On motion of Mr. Price, Mr. Hortonyas added to the committee on propositions and grievanoea, ? ,.-..,;';i:tWi tin motion of Mr. Troy, .the vote by which the bill to incorporate, Edgecombe emaie oeminary passea. was reconsidered, to give time for the consideration of ! the question as to whether aR private hills of in corporation shall be accompanied bv a re ceipt that the tax of $33 has been paid, and tne em was made the special order for 12 to-morrow. - .. : ; , ' .- The bill to amend the charter of the town Of Golds boro was informally passed over, ' Mr. " Nicholson Introduced a resolution instructing the joint committee pu the af fairs of the Western N. C. Railroad to in vestig&te and report ' upon the leealitv of the debt and mortgage under . which it , is proposed to sell that railroad. Went over under the rules. . i t; 1 5 J 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Carter a! petition from certain citi isenspf Hyde county praying, the enact ment of a law compelling all vessels com ing in or going out of Ocracoke and Hat- teras Dar to taae a puot. - i , ' . ' as , TAVaVUsw . ah TorM4 faarwir 4TkA -ln Irts nwr 1J-UC AaJAAVaj 1A1H AAWAAA UlW , J UVAAVACeA Jf Committee; Mr. Anderson, of Pavie,' are- port irom tne committee - on engrossing bills; Mr. Waugh, a report from the com mittee on counties, cities, and townships ; Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, a report from the committee on corporations 4 , , Mr: Sneed a resolution of instruction to the Attorney General, ordering an investi gation of the affairs of the Roanoke navi gation company Mr. Morrison, j a resolu tion declaring the special tax bonds of N. . , . . , - . . v. xrauaiuent ana .vouu. ,. . : Mr.rWaugh a bill td prevent usury j Mr. Stanford to chancre the tim of electinEr May or and Commissioners of the town of : Golds-' boro'; MMoaa-awfeiU to incorporate the; town of Statonsborg; Wilson county. : Dudley, coL, a bill to establish, a branch asylum for the colored people at Newbern. The bill to repeal the usury i law, Intro duced by Mr. Gorman,' was taken up.; ,vj ' The substitute offered, by Mr. Brown, of Mecktenburg. was . read; and vdfecussed at . Mr. Brown, of Davidaotf, tebved lq postx pone tne bul UU Monday.- 1 k. ; v ' 'i;ili. Gorman moved to; refer to the judi ciatMrnmiUee' i ft f- y s . : ' Messrs. McGehee. Anderson of Clat. and Mr.lZTcGehee la aJspeechof some length oppoaed um passage at ,t McJOnea, of CaUwelV,P0Ki ome leneth la favor of its passage.-.. :f f'r,Vi ". Mr. Stanford favored its passage.-. ' '. f-Mr. rVaurii -spoke in oppositioh' t? fee WHOLE NO, 1645. ; Mr., Moring spoke in opposition to both the original bill and substitute. : . - . r Mr. Badger argued ia favor of the repeal of all usury laws,. ;f . ' . On motion of Mr. Houston the House adjourned till IS o'clock to-morrow. 1 --t rf . :- ;Theu iChreniclel : tod hi Sentinel gives the.deailsoa, startling .rob- berj; said J- (Augusta last ,S.und!ay evening, in which four dwellings, were , overhauled and over $400 ' in money . ., j. . -...'. f.i. "j-.i.'- " nrnlpn . . I -, i. t HOTEL AREIVALS. inal HoteL R. Jones. Pronrietor.- J W Haas, Marion, S C; O A 8anderson, Colum m . , iaaus iuai rviif a v V A uauuievU vviumut J B Brown. E J Joyes, Balto; J M Powell, W O Oil- tct, r air nius; it k negieier,- j- LiBeuars, ueorgis; Thos W Devsne, FayetteviUe; A F Tour, Whiteivaie; jonn m w nit tea,-j a Mcuonsia, maan:w wuor each, Chappason; H O Dockery, Rockiogham; F' Alley, Mew Hanover; H McNahr, J LMcMiUan, Red 8prings; P Dineham, Raleigh: M.McRae,6hoe Heel J W Wooten, Wm E Sutton, 1 enoir co: L L Alexan der, C W McClammy. jr, Sound ; J J Austin, Rich-; iondoo;HC Wiel W,C&ARR; ChasT Willis,1 Laurinburg. r , . t ;r..:.. v.- -v . V ." f , NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. "WILMINQTOW. N. C, I -, .January S3d, 1873. f - 5 i iil ir -V-T. A IX DEGREE MEMBERS OF FRIENDSHIP A Temple of Honor and Temperance are request ed to meet at their Hall this Thursday night, at IX o'clock, for work in the degrees. By order W. 0. T. , iauJ3-lt:i, ; ;. 8. Vah AMBINGE, WE. t Concord Chapter ITd. 1. AspxctAx; iiESTma this evening, at 7 o'clock, for work in the Past-Masters' degree. All R. A. Masons In good standing are fraternally invited. Byorderol theM.K.H.,, -j .5 a. F. HARRISON, Sec'r. St. Johh's Haix, Jan. S3. Flowers at Auctioni HI. CBORItT, Ametleneer. - .-. ..i-ByCEOKLT M0BBia, cM; ! -npHIS DATy AT 11 O'CLOCK, WE WILL SELL , A at G. P. Lamh's Seed Store, opposite City Hal I. 100 Fine Rosea,. 100 Fme Large Asaleas, la large pots, and a large assortment of Green House Plants, Bulbs, Ac. . Jan SS-lt Tax Notice I e'-JrJ. .it: .' ; iru.'d o.t I PDITIONAL EXPENSE WTXAmCUB ATTEB ,ii :.f 1 if-. FRIDAY, 24th INSTANT, . on property to be sold for taxes on' Monday next, -. ;, , ... ; .... , I tttii inst. D. HGOTT, ' Tax Collector. f V! , janta-lt- COLLARS. QNCE A WEEK BUTTON HOLE LINED, ;; .-: . Only 10 Cents a Box. j .;: rji-. ,!-, : -.-m,. .- ,. ...,?.-.. i i-i SALAMANDER CLOTH-FACED, LONG POINTS. 25 Cents. -!'t ' METEOR, AN ELEGANT, CLOTH-FACED, LONG POINT, TURNOVER EDGE, Only 30 CentA ' jmS-tt( ;.t .Cltyr Clothiers. : WA3STTBD,: .- r - ; j- ff. 1 000 0178X0111113 TO rATROmZE t THE "BCCK'S-HE AD" SAL90N. ...,!- , R. BURNETT, Agent. TO r. 1 uespdam HaSLWS3E)VSTaI aa 8KTH i , uanio?9u3 nSVD tq Xddt peea sudk anS3-tf w ; 'j-r . m' r m S I Tl MT.fiTA f 'ITI KT.nTA I t't 1 15 Hhds and 15 Boxes D. 8. k Brno. Shoulders, 13U JBD16 rOTB, lit, .. f,i, 150 Hhds and Bbls S. H. Molasses, 4 ' .100 Hhds and Bbls Cuba Molasses, . " 400 Bbls Golden Fleece Syrup, . , SO Bbls Fine Syrup,' A rfi;.. TOO Bbls Flour, ., s ,, ..... S00 Bags Coffee, ... 100 Hhds and Bbls Sagar, - s ) . - - 1 i 100 Bbls ADDles. 150 Boxes Cheese, 220 Boxes Candles, loo Boxes (Jandv. 15 Bbls and Half-Barrels Snuff, . 50 Cases I and oa. - r i 100 Boxes 8oda, . ' ' S50 Boxes Soap, i- , ,250 KegsNatls,. ... i S,000 Bushels Oats, - . -, SO Cases Axle Grease, . f.., . m unis uine. 130 ItbU WhlskCT. ' 25 Bbls Brandy.; . 200 Cases Brandy Peaches, ' , i .100 Cases Schnapps, , - ' y 25 Cases Tomatoes, ' . ' 1 .:- 25 Cases Fresh Peaches, : 75 Boxes stsren, . 40 Tons Hoop Iron, ' - '' -' JOO Dozen. Water Buckets, 200 Beams Wrapping Paper, Ac., Ac , Ml S ; J. For sale by .''.5 , ; P. W. KSRCHNEB, -. 27, 28 and 29 North Water st. JanS3-tf- V CCORDINO TO THE USE OF THE PROTEST ! AN EPISCOPAL CHURCH EN THE f f UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.! .i' y ft - ',15:; ; t?(i:i. i A Xaxge and Taiied Assortment, from which all may obtain suitable copies, at, :-'li. -V .. y-i. Avlj-Hl !.' 'k '. y n HHNSBERQER'S Jan 23-tf ' r.i.t'i live Book and Music Store, , ; " i ' i Testify to the meriU of ' ' V r! 81ctitn.';,:'aJair la leetorinsr trav hair to tu'orisinal color sad noting its growth. It makes the hair sort ens glossy. The old jnflsstaaraira. made young again, Ills 'e'ver used,"" It removes dandruff Sba aQ scurvy erup- tteos.. I It does not staia the skin. ...i-,.-.,. : u: i j )Ou Treatise oa the Hair sent freafcy mafl., -.X, Beware of the buwstoub, preparauoaa which are suld upon our repu ipu'saon. 1 , .- - n R p. CALL m CO, It XL, IrUtota, ryo? sale by aUdrc-iA. 5 One Square one day,.. J.r ;..:.r.i..;......-.fl 00 " v ." twodavf.,..J... vr:r' IJ."- 1 60 5 IT' thru d.iri Jf; ITl .1 r. t Li S ftt 4i' . -lour dava.-.. IM . ; 'f ,avdays., ...... .v:i... ,:....,;, S W - --.--"eaa week. . BO vfe Three wefcki.r.l! :! 7."!f. a B0 , -1- :-I'v,; Two" monthl f. f 00' One year........... , 60 00 : tar-Contract. AdveriteenenU jtaksn;,at propor-. tionately low rates. ; . Five Bqnares estimated as a Quarter-column, and tea squares as a haif-colttmni A-it vv i i .. .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,' K ; oa,BJSj.i X - nt v itTA vX a DeBossbt.' 1 f. denelral inavraii y -AVerttsi' . .'5 TTtfcl :;j,y i' i!fU -V:?-.: .VAvV v FIRE.3IAEISE, LIFSJ. " t ' -7 Frlaeeaa Street, near Water. 'ueo'SO-hae-tr p"'" j iv;i.,"-' ' '.-fa. -f- ?Horsa: Blankets; 1 i f Tap ir5rr WOOt MATS,' TRUNKS j ' BAR. oodles, Bridies, Collars, Uames, Chains, nesa. ffodiwr. Basdwarei Twslltog Bagiv FeaUer Due, tSteek Urgs 4 Prlee . J.8,Tenhsm Ac Co.. South Front tt J ".. vcKso-a nac . . .s;UmiartoB,N. CL r . Ji5 -?MISCELLAOTOUSi li t . Good lTowa for Smokers. nrr viAOTOEi.iHtPMENT oV"-' i ?.Mit;;mt. jftdr"i! ir ; i- LAPAREPA - SEGARS v wnicn we will open oa the, StUi Instant. We have also on hand f : , y I. u - j - .v.J :-iif r'iiY-f ii.-if 4 , J Metaaemj-" - LongfeUbwand J t, " "la1, Ilenry Clara. fTIC) lf ' with Our Usual full stock, at best ImnorfeA RmM Also ..'.- ' 1 -- . '""'Tr STOUte' TOBACCO : ' Besintttiewtol H . , Isa n-tf uf f : f .,j North Front ilyeet GREAT BAEGAII7S i! 4i- trt A TKC i HAVLNU A FULL AJ1J UDarPLlf l'K LINE OP Foreign and Domestic . , , , .U KX i O O .D S : We would tfjspectfully caU the attention of buyers to the same, (n view of the approaching "Fair. we beg tears to state that we hrtoad gUring Y" ' OOUTDStronS and thnna TlrHHnir nnr rlf, m ,,., eoijasioa.. In addition to our EXTENSIVE stock of Staple and Foreign Dry Goods, we oiler a complete CLOTHING, BOOT, SHOESy wlTATS, OKNTS' FURN ISHING GOODS, to wnicn we respecuuilvaskimeand all. to Ine our stock, D WKJLLL, oct27-tf , Jfo. 17 Market Street H0ELTJAY3ii GOODS. 100 WH.iJ!iiri.t i in, es, unoice :;;;NEW:..BA'lStN8; CHAMPA QNECIpJZX, MALAGA Git APES-COCOANUTS. -r: yrtHiij-MiH-) aJ.ottj?d...) i. fret .1 siX-X MO'K' an't' ; AND A GENERAL ASSOSTMXNT OF T1.. I J V IV. TT . , , HoliilaTS" nov v- ,,v ; . v Ml ana u JrToat street. F. As.SeHUTTE , f j I Wholesale i and.Retan Dealer ia all kinds of Oarpetk WiiidwSlik &c. GBANITB nOW, SO. FRONT ST. ? ' - - '-.'v. ; I..) ';. 7 -V ., fyMrpheletieiUiK a4- Paper-Hsnglng done at abort notice and in the best and latest style, ' , Jt-aiir . j:iiv.t'i'r t:; ..v.;;. , 2g qTltA,!!! PATElt, RBAMls WRAPPlNa PAPER, j -tv,, K BUNDLES TPA TOt TWTKX, V. ivl-f AU ,. . , BUNDLKH COTTON TWINE, 5 A Packages Musket Caps ia tin boxes. ; .WV'L, 'a SiX)"Vj 74" JU '!- . -i, , w;K-itea f. i ,. Eft Packages Waterproof Cps, k - . , t" ; 1 r-Gross Blueing, .c, .Aty;;, Jan 17-tf "5 j HOTTENDQRF A BASQAGEN; i i in i i j ubt iteceivea : Jik .u - Common 11-inch Pluz WgZt bright and dark double f'7 aW VWiH 1BUI VI U1V i a-.i ii ! - i' a i , t .. t, ' VM II Ut IVHUVVVI 'AWs ane W of lm- porfes and .Domestic . .l.Segars..; Price reduced, to new 20 cent tax.. .1. J -r. Hiwl-eHttl-.TT- MriltKHIMglr Janl9-tf t ii j x r Ko, Market street. 4- - O r rprjjj , ITNDIBSIGNED . . BAREEP9 nEREBT A 'give notice that their shops wul hersaiter br "WHO. HOSLTTt,- '.-t't CH-'wiW), ' BENJ.LARRINGTON, JOS TURNER, ' CARitAWAY CLEAPOR. -. , ' . , jaa tm . ,. f . t . H.. . ,iEf bctoi Gamble's ;3 t I.T, f'T" IwO rOTL 'C-" 3, AT ' :1 .!.. Mr..if,i!J.),y: a a. vi ". T' tint-'" ..- v .;-.-.., 's- i-v V. - t , . '.'v. .... 4' . a" - y.1 '""A"