' ':-(:. . . a . ":" , . - " t - - :: i. .f - 4- ..-' ... . - , v --- ; j : . . - r j , . . . 1 '' M 1 WJ.TX r ,.,. ' ' MMMWMMMWI n HI - BBII I I ! Hl I I 'Ml I I "T '.m,, , . . , . 1IIC FDBTiiEit FKoin xii B flood and f crawl in bv.Manr. Annund try to fcleeo C3r XT rA: O.... . I. CI f - if ;l ?' it Mi 1 1 i ; 1- ; Editor WILMINGTON, M Pxr ,v nTnciwi)At MoisNno J a. 23, :73. 'r - ' i 1 , i It costs more to jsend a barrel f freight from here to - Crtinnbl,,rVO. ? than from Ohio to ;Nenr-'T0TJ? Why l$;t-State-. , tHU Intelligencer. ., 7... -, t ;, . . : 1 ' V -It i' because the throngh-freight gystettfJiliXite therejrailiagpidemio in this country. But what .dqea the InieUigericer think of this: A bale of. v.. cotton may "bo slilppetl from "Wll-' d to New York, via toe , AVil- mingto raiDcrton and "Weldon Railway and conuccti6nit7fbrlt2li6-Ibutlif it is - shipped from Uocky Point, station - -on the same road, and 14ailes nearer . New York' it costs $4.00 So it is .. . A ,V.5j J .1-1,4 - more economical to Bhip from Rocky 4Vmt---Wilmingior- pay ing he local freightf.irff 50 cents per bale, and o i , ' thenfe-ehip fr,om WUmipgton 1 to L . And . yet the YeragefibipPF: 5!11 r?11-! ; . - in concluding that from Kocky tont - via. Wilmington tia Rocky Point to ' New York is a somewhat circuitous . : x ' . w..--. -- , ,, ltL . De a -Horizontal route; wno khoh r itf LaatSatardayVinvestigation into .the. ce4itjMobilier business devel- r opea tne iacupai ine union iracinc Railroad Company let out to ( v, road.- u The , profits A arising from job are supposed.to be at least $30,- 000,QOpn7iThe road is deeply involved our civilization. - God help us! J The death is announced of a great L v f ! V ... . j . - e'ergy- social vaa a vwmtt fC 1 A , . T?.: TV-VV r r, lev Noel was a son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, and aypunger brother of the F.;rA1i;,VorrnUw Vor wiftmr :'in debt; ;,rIf owes the Government a .'FftsidefitGrant'Vaa'pardoned "-"'. ."-".'-."- " iniw wren :;e larerainoiint I .Yetrh poollyrimckets William Henry Henderson, convicted poppingthrough a window; pane and floatea about .The mer rosewUhm ifAc rW. V iu Agust1.!87p;of robbing the tnail escaPinS- ...i a - . J V . ' , an,honr toa.heightf ..ten feet above $30,000,000 prolate on a nice little ?gwmo SivUll' The financial: balance-sheet of the ordinary level, and .within, about speculation it .coaly, arranged-for fcjhtenc'edltd teh'yeas, imprison- Baltimore Bhows a diminution of i the two feet of the greatest height altam- Jhri.frrl 0?lLtfMtiJr2alIrL'il U , ajk.. InuA;.in.-.: niwVdebt of th6 eitvvsince Octo- ; ed i' 1857. --The water in the street rr, r . -rr- r.- , .. ''Vearsh6wai a prominent clenrrman , . . 1 of the established church, but in 1849 51 jconed ihalBapUsifcil ACIMTtimi ;of , his decease Mr. Noel was in his VSrdiW? tbe - .vMftU ivuuH i iM- i.! - - - tT " ... . - ... ' . I .l1 lta iifSSrSEfrH0"" immigration business, and leave it to State regulation. -It 1 Vonld do .Veil " luf r V- -V kfe result was the appointment ot. a com vM t,- Georgia Railroad and Banking Cpm- mittee and a report upon Women's to kee r-W? bUS1 'neis M .trell.- y t 1 l i . , I Tuesday, tIst, was the anniver- saryofjthe; birth of that grand chev- alier and noble 'Chris'tiah'gehtleman," .lJAt- ' .tho idealldier.v. Jnst two days after Lee's." 1 A Charlotte contemporary talks of M..,'inrAi n,M Ti iiaaiiiaiiv aM -VUV aumui v iauuvu 1 meaning .that interior pillage. Yes, a gooa many oi tnem necessary nrst. . . . . . m i 7iv !ti..M ' ""'t;;. L -TJOTEIla&iJUn WATERS. ilob34 flnishedr!Got JbmCiogies rjeeJrably, A . M Cool and cula'tbig-Old Prob- ; a mpest3vvyA Home on arriving at Us th g at us tnird anni- v?iMHuf.i.. ; vcrsary. '.4. .i Prj!7" TIMELY TODICS. .j'.:JiTLirr?lQJ'Z.. 'aiciuMTTiui laicruiu uoyniTcuicuk vimu- -4,tt;u- .n, n.Moi 1 : vTi:v7.t717 v engroased much, of tlio time of Argentine . statesmen Inl and uout of theif 'lej&lative ' halla -WltfirrainafadM' have . renreeanizednretfeseatai ... 7 , ,. , ,;! 4 v basis of tire: XTUsus-esUbhshedi tlej Port ". iurenilieda aging mx aurerent .railroads iiave neen passed; a national bank a'6"rganlied, and ', other measures of '"public " 'polity ( are 'now laws of the Argentine Confederatf64. ; All r I bft world InproTds except " t! land of the ' "free: and the home -of -the-brave." !The peopia-oc Jiuia couiury.'Heem .wauio-iiKo io care 'for none of these things, or if they --K undertake tliem, do so out of a low, mer i 7V i senary, spirit We are rapidly f orgettlffg ' iir f Jl m a . i::7?$Q$ ? be. freemen and have free- . men's aspirations. Thi exemplars of our C2.''paesacivai2atfbn are .Tom Scott Ben i., Butler, Kansas (Jaldwell, Judge Durell and negrd Pinchbck. Lv.Z-ff. ' A ne cotton estates mernDersot vjngroip . . . Ay- "hare Asrccd bnewWl lo jrefwd tlio ! ; ' ' 4 - f. . Vtll aw AwvAM a ialf-for we haven't seen the bill or even a o.Ttop8is of Ibe aame--that -iho provisions t the Ml edally changed wiy kt-F.A f,Z S; .'alLuicLerrTtia - A hrtjssels bank smash ost Pio Nonoa coot OO.botiC-i j . J ' The wife pf Governor Safford, ; M. Capefigue, the French his torian, died in " Paris three ("""weeks ago. iivefltVLfour'-i fOifV; aged eventy-tour.. i fc i U aBcrettT weak'nesa for pork and beans that Is, he (MAS ff AtPAnir ut 1am ' ' ! ' j (; HonFred Birdhas; befen"' con fined to lvia -cagQ. for the first time In - 40 yeara! A 3ofly.hfgjthy bird. " Bradlaugh's, ambition ' is -civic." Ge says : ' t desire to climb 'step" by step, ; regtlnc: the ladder by whose rounds I ascend 'firmly on Parliament-made lawaj and avoid-1 ing mose appeals w iww ui ius,nuiwi i make victoryblpody and disastrous. i OX TIIE BO AKIDS. );:,:chariotte ;cuh a.ff-rAIisa Neilson' appears :!, i as ;fytiet iaPWladelphia, 1. Zfi ' V. Theodore Thohias closes hia en- ennt in Minii.irfr.hu i. tx-V - . .X-Tne'-i crueliy alludes w jny jje old woman r , 2 , T m, . Mr. reenters Lyceum Theatre, 0f , old 'Frefacb-Theatre ' New York, W now completed, and is both externally ana Internally Le most "unique building of any devoted tbq Arm r& taUovuitry.r : . Miss Patterson read in-Charles-1 AoQM6MayivaJTu2ay7inglitsl TKfc4,irw?,V, .. 4ilCjeiWlluan regrets to learn that Rev. Mr. Davis, I ft omV I ovu 1 ruwJ,a.Y" r,lu r"r oi tne cnurcn at union vine, wnue rWUii from the MrDat7FridT . ' . s. i 1 e 1.. I V8S-.inrow?-lfKnen;iy 'F0 horse against a fence and received in- J1153 ? a serious cnaracter, . r n.j A meeting of the Medical Soi ciety of South Carolina was; held itr-i rr . r .u u.wuvijr, auu me .uusiew vi mo Roper, Hospital were instructed to continue negotiations with the:.City -r-- -."V," yearsor more. - r. . . ' i ' .1 .. AUC 1 Ulb AVUTiU lliUllUilU BLUVlk.- M11 cently introduced in the Geor- g1 oenate, which has for its object panyrso as to permit them toid in t,e construcUon of .and hold stock in the Port, lfov.il H.lilron.l. "1 . , .In the tt..:, States Court, at .Charlestonyplias Reade. and Carolina eigerTonTicted-of-attemting to intimidate, voters, were sentenced to I t txrrv mrtnThfi' imnnennmotii irl f Ka iaiI arSrinitetSI C.yame9.'Elijah; 'alias Monday Waites. convicted of voting1 more than once, waaaentenced to two months' imprfni?fit in the Charles ton jail.. In;the Inferior Court, Sam I l l, ' F. a i . j gery. Thftday5eit:was appoi ft w u,iiM tuaavf i ior sentence aavv i.- s . J Famine feCba broken out in the poorer districts df London. , , - The orrifififfJr of Crnnatt flr.r,W,nW ' " His. 1 he English press doesn t . bke "a ? iW5! oKt - i announcing nianrminienuon trrretirp to private life. i -! ' Sebastood harbor is liein g cleared and deepened,. .W aa to Jsnable lanre" ships to enter it, "and: the:, materials I r i i , i - 1 - , for-?uch 8hlP8 have.already been sent to Nicolaieff.The: trance wiU-bv fortifion! ' u.Swm- u . The Englisep.nbcans have invented anensign,. It tobe greeny wniie ana the fertile the blue f i & men are f rp ' fi" Snnin tirilt fmnuiof ... . ... C . n "1""" " ""' 7.?; '.fu'- stan.iinganiiyv.anu jiruarmy ot I'e sirves. Hie-ta!Hlir armv will be . 'i .it. . Tr ' -v i. t ".1. ' ' -ill . T. " i. perhaps the smallest in Europe, for in nu im i it iu consist or mora than 40,000 men, and these 40,000 are j to oe.ootainetl, purely by ..-voluntary t nvtitat mAM Till rE dLD DOMINION. t'i ht'so;,' a 1 ' t.j ' -a14 va -i y IlLj liAtl If. .ALitiUlIllllltl - HUH liiiuv&eu uuwii auu uau iier UD5er I nrnL-bn hir n nlnaSmr'.itafnafTa H nraa and anotner narrowly escape! .Li.i-,rI r,fiJ2ij J f. Pr", -.It,' , "'S".11" vi . .vucAiugr I -a asvr wa vsvf UVl Jiy nn accident on the Vxiana IS 1 ..... .--rT.Tv.. ,r-. ji. i , . ; radof-reeclablfebily, V. "caaea to JUU isunj .conanuuea i . . T . ... .. . . I nvaronmp 1 ni inn mill mid kiiow ill I rn iiafuuii -i-.MthAn - I , . thr VT"T7; rv'r 7 . ftr recent stornv were found alive irf f theM'Phifad6lphia r'and "Wilmington ... I . .- , 71 ' . I i ' I w ww w... J V, I V I". A . ( I I 1 II IV- -v. 1 V O 1 , UUlilMiVUII . w . .... .. j xiai.tr. . .vo i mi . use uiiuie iiilu liiu ilium aLitrcL. Uiue. tUA. nrst, M. Stand lor puci , -.-jr,?.. . ihtf hj."dinrier Then andlla pontics ara aow'M eTer, - - -j eortt, the whUefor purity favorable proU: ; ; -le1 fCeligMn .: S i 3 'dcMl' j - -or the skv. beneath which The cotton factories in treorgia : in.. im-iA ,n Jr., 'm:: t ? n' 0 WL ,;- i. iMUuwv ! r. cqaLi!; - areworth,$M49,050, of, which Tbe wee botirs ayont the-twal-. XSSSfS itire military strength of 11 are located in Colli tubus, -a: yon turrl'buV'aain;' Barefof6fcl,f -'" -n- , ,t iaay jn Jioston ishiuiuwsbw Xncca. . -i :. . -.t?r; A capital improveinentT-The) fiew State-Holise at Alba,ny v The muskrat crop ia said to be winter-killed in the far -A ortnwest- ' V " SAnt, A.Vermontt.baby.was so beavy that o6t ifcafa.the bottom of 'the , V;''A - cloctihjit - - - bas'Stbppd - Mr. Clock,;Tteeper ot the- Firet Jslaiid lijrhthonse, who has resigned..;, ,s,.n ' : ; rn:raItiti.-A suit 'Tor libel has J . . , . . . ... . .w.i.:,. lieen lirdurrht bv thd'Turkish trovehi- meut against the London Times." Iff 19 lubcuucu J '"f&-"& 1 -1- Meji., he,Mlc.o Wmisw, of Kgcobed Bieau iiet! : "Six feet in his boots VI exclaimed Mrs.' Beeswax. '-;,,What will'the im pudence '"jof;; this Vworjd come "to I Avpn(ler?';iWhy,. they might as well tell roe that the .man" had six Heads in his bat!" ; Kt ' " ' v.v . v r ,T-i Josie jMansfieldj vi; a womaii' or attachments, r strong- and . otherwise;' Just now idicliJtr me-for a resident 'she ksdrecaver "ItlOO. w1i eth seeKs io recover i vuu, wiucu hu n, the broken lnyles, of Pans; JoSie,always was a suitor. curing, tneeceni coia weaiuer who took Jthenr: by : the ; sitting-room fare, which smu restored them. to, un- ber 31St, 1871, to tne extent OI iyo,- , . M: , ,f " " ' u vuo .yn"t vuv . , - -i . f of t.ia fino. hnt anincreaseof the Am .5 .- ., ?3eH .daring, fperio ft sw sjwt -lnwinrv n a k? ri tti n t id rii 11 amounting to 51. 2 73. 1UU. ineamount 0f atockr and: aecuritieaibeld. by, the v? v.w'fc. MUuJJ"ra," 'ieg of tne State is $8,542,230 93. . .y-killu U T viS t for some time been known m England ;- , n , Tnw iToiaor' 1"- i" Vil v7- yVf ; 1870 thB of M elons f PrrrtPRtarit. Fr.Wor.al Church resolved - k - LU&L L111S UUUm 1JC1CUV 1 UWiUliW I !.. . 1 AF M.nni.Atmno rtT wbmev i' prosecuting th. ag: Wessive work'of the Church. a The ZV whh en Mtion3 a9 3 part Gf the Church's aid -... i thpso "SfaerhWa and ' Orders of Deaconesses" have undoubtedly it creased. ' ' . DOWN IN DIXIE. , "A'.Macen colored girl, suicided. it'' :fj v! A negro was found dead m Au-,1 i ,. '. ported in Huntsville, Ala. m UOOb UUUUa T - lij ICOT nUli Oil. n J. 9 . 1 t ha jlrl pot. atr nf hp-apoisrin.' -r T' r i v ' ugU8 a nre "TO" 8e P;F - ColumbuauaiiM, ;,(lan4nore I 'Atlanta, "- j'.r 1 K v i: - weekfroitl -sl uTh ' : A Old Controversy UevlTcd. CO ; -vXT -v;r ;t0; : A!t.k;.w I w;-'?'rt' L ,.TA iv.ii' .u inai ne is aouuiiiu,'iwmfl;iiowuie mc 1 LIlilL I1C 13 iAJUlllV.. t jUVAUlu tul J fctf A ,w.tAirpP1nilahhw that i t, UA; VAAUA- oughly, and have searched diligently,. but have lailed-lo ftnet ' any evidence to convince me inai. oiantey nas ais- 1 .a -.l,tmnfc tne ki Ar1Wiii 1 o f nl r nna . V- CA WvlUVIVUH El VUy 1 Af I .:. ; . . . .. -, , v T . a? tf? Un ey tb.ry, and lesa than a !vear 'we shalUknow. more , .atxmt .iu.!ii.j-;jou:iiw itUfiOEi r. I , ----- - - - s ' .letter; f 1 lu I , . 1 , J ,A. wilUuormakftaepartve chnrcl f v - u- ; m ieou1urpcuii s u.v the previous night: causing the ice I m . 1 . JL :v "T"6 - V r break up' and pourinfca portion muu , guinff torraer never Kept nim- waiung-ior i fW fl v . tn r - f t.htnwn. rfnatn a tpw n.ivs Hfo " I - - xrtJwvw... o.-' v'ono I fortunately no livea'were""lo8t" in the I'lNl Tnnn ni. .Si ,., JS1? nted that city full of thieves. : . . v, fown at least. f , : , '2eYr cases ot.sman-pox:are;re-M - it , ' -L - -i- t, , ' 1 Kiikiiiito.c.i jws- :Tr,&ir; s Z' lT;1 i ' iori eigntcnances-iotena liuie rea nan- avS T , neUookingh DEHOCEATIC DALLY of the SOUTH.1 J t i ;uij'vn i i big merino potato,' awaitls" yp'u;.ey 1saaimsiv mo. vrAndrew..C eall it;a baby, and packeiBp wittf killed at vVicksburg laatjrweek fy vnwiii ffria tKpfirt fpal AniiftiiB rf and southwtst. 3 V, "fc,iuulu u ,v.tf, .. . i.i-.r V .;,! 7..". L.. . . ... ' -a " ir ; " - v " i .? J4 f ! ; M ' J -"- f nTnexi iuerr7y.ca jioa,iin.ai.v:' llTff toAIiyr'OTCMTKil, t . 1 "atW.'Tf omiltnri UrooTv ,nf. Troiml 3. ParpwortH.kndiat1thSilmvriiri I pwhu" nrxiu-trri,,,... ' )."Mi.""f.ff -fM-.-rf r i - -o- TV --o-vr-n I uotr jobs FoTiSTra, edor-In-cnttf , j supported Try county. GadiedaveryjOTddenlyilasli J and catnip, tea, lajnd long jfiannel, and tJlargaBd iessatathsaoatA,no eaipidlseaseMi-u'i j diaper. tnfl,landtbabyii olic i RA'.h!lniversU iheyL.ijw-,i..lL ui,t, i.iih tha mnt. 1 "Will become inst aS mUCh at homeria l-theaoiuaweat and the onran of TKmnlar ouCion:. lViiWAA3 Tltriif or. pun wi.M.WM wuiy , cuua. wijw,, - -tf-rrv rr.r. -r -:A0Tr"7' : 1 baby backhand. If orth, and bob it nf4 I "T r"J T i . . ; T : : f i : ' . I ' I- an1 HAwtki 1 ri m Mi ' 1 sw- vr I a few l-w I I T. V..; .J I .n.r;. "IV ""Wll, Dinging, lUMUWUUCf WHU I . l ..f. a. lUlIC ICSU 1A. AIW TT a -riie Grat Frcnt ara Cot Gorte Ii- Af , .-ffMi.,L! h nionrirvn irr a manp iif ii h iihuijiiuicw land, but the sudden cold snap, it was hopedrWoulsare itfronMromedia wlfalsea' ounntdl ...u .ik,t fVU'ftKH VU'in.' '' L.-tjit.v. :-jj the!lower river: r- ? ; - : -This hope; " however, Was' 'doomed v4t.at.wA;ifmAt i aiiimir. tial freeze of Saturday only terapora- - "J . o 7 --a oherrneljn rida and4foi:pd Vfb"P SnraV on therivtr HnTln MaW: irfrmseasWold bell W-Moscow ei havinij Tisen : SuddeulrdurfnP11 'arm8 andlegs he's got, - and 0f d submerging . whatvesyu lumber-yards,1 1 tnra and awAllinmi-later tha inmates . ... 1 ? had to e8CfM'fl-best thev could. VfistPrrlav a fenortftr sf the i??m who . . . 1 ... . - visited the scene of disaster gathered maKe uu uuri7 any some TlarvrofJTWhich we se-' f ' ' And 'then-i: to" Hhink- that as days ipf.t the TbllOwlnV ' - a . A'Efcojrtt)rEROWw AbouVlO. o . clock yesterday Jlpn- day) - moTOWg hiver . choked up, - thd,tdrren pour -into -thebwifrthiff' itivithoreVblumftna force iban before. Tlie". railway r;tracX "of jMarylaiHl-iiiUUoaa was quickly Dooretep-wowhw-and fences were carried nway.1 i Great piles of Urmber J uicwjr nrvoo iu a uciu vi irom uvc Un RfiVeri fMftnd OVerfiftvrlwHno'V were innndatedyhe inmates "being I 7 - - ' - -J " o I mora innnHofa1 "flia' 1 driyeo-io theappertoneairhmate. w.u.!,p - WW:P9W 11111 ill I iirrii l ill ii f uuib were uiwureu,.uuveryswii sfouiiirmsemMmhglr laboring to I 1:- u j:.r. House after house was visited, and the ocennants taken' ffohr theeeond- storY.wmdsrum-over 200 persons w'li" u.yyi";4Wf"5 1 were a88istea w nign iana, oniy to land to!Jook down upon the taging h A SCENE OF DESOLATION. track and buffetted.i about, some turned around- others knocked askew, and one or two upset entirely. Small outhousesdafecfirr the tide. Boats the I the rower sbattling to do good, and on the hills were open and children; climbing the bluffs to seek shelter where they might among their more itej neighbors. ' The1 scene, was fortunate one oi tiesoiauon ana saaaening to i jl ? a. . --ar-' j.j i txie to Grace, Dli.:. the result of the flood. , Tbe narrow ! -i.-! 'i ..- m iscape8 reportea were mimerous, out 1 ... TV T X." T T A TIT VlTTm . I ' . ' . . . . ' 1. Just married; destined linger in-olovernevowikTiiaY and sacn herbage ftomme to twelvemontha.; Then- . ? (night you are' tnrnedat intortreets pondstmd 'miH-races"! or amid eignteemncnes eep, arm unit- rblazes'and told to ruti Ttora rrnr nrtma'arfqin ;a;p4'ipy,Vdiscons6latesepse 'of ;damp -11 t. ..A "111 'JL i-.A J. .L!, iijbwH aumvjouj.ofuy a. poison Binn or such a juatter between you and the' .- . " . I . - . I distressing penneaa. of.ra cane-seat ' .Jl Ml 'A-'i-'J jT -1.A I jra.tJiiHl n im ;T - . .!,; ... :.m ,;, , : t ,-t. i-'Z7a T. eI ? TJ,i I nr onmn rrwalz-wlxr Arnll all V.a I v wv.ww um.s .u.v. v CMA VUV Ji . . . . . . . . ' . . MaryAndi Up to.Nr nose. .nodes the warm, bed' covers:1 to !belp - eiguu . .uany iamiiies procteueu, i .. . . . . Perfvviller others to Havre de ;mOmil S ' IteStailXailt. , tju the cars, and some came to I . i i i i ttti n -rmv yr aore to their friends ; to await -Ji-JlJiJ'-CjlBJL,' " new jatrncirtwBai,iar mw III llJaj 11 h'U -s oovvery w.w.oq, inen impaueij!j,fi,Tidiapabiic.HoiiA,, :,77a Why V don't-Miyoa trot him faster, SiS i. ; - . ' I Ifth.CV .dually Toir cUdvwav, ihtL a ianf djmaze of icecam( aiile, bovi .lte skaUne.- steam Lrbistle z 8OUBC8U Hn"w .auu VltW rmv..anfl. legs, and tnen, keen andA&nlUomes. t that terrible "ah-waah! " ah-w-a-a-h!" again. I guess, -youj ?fake niip' don't j.L, r rn w . I vjet xne paregoric and a teasnoon. 1UICK ays J and don7 you get it? I t , . v - l .1 j TOa oreSnb.Sn' 0 - screaming -une u an area pounaato ine square incfy and Mary d Ann rearing around there in the pea makins a i i ii i i . - fCKingcnair or n.er, nack, ana jeu "iff "By, by! O " like a Wild Com Wcue ?n(.inewar pain. , un. no: circumstances are1 not such' as to I 1. ' ' i Inn x au penraps years roiron, mere una .li.. . . r t rTO-w.o.TDore ana more yeijoi sucn i ( vi(! ainu ;t?rr Tim and 1 Chronicle: ' ' 4 - BtySWESS1 C ' " .v " 7 .awha CARDSL1'-'' ft. TOLUCBi. i. ... IOTiNGTONj . V. IN ALL ITS RAXC11ES Country merchants will do well by calling on nt xamunngr oar toct , . a i dot iy-a -r- MOFFi-rr & co.,s 4; .; Jl GKXERAL COMKISSlON MKECH ANT8, II ,iK i .ill ..i . ).i!4fo I l .1 AorUa Water ptret? , . WILSIINGTON, .M. C. Will glre prompt personal attention to the sale at shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores. General Produce. etc, ete : . Aiao to leccMiag anaiorwarcunK gooda. . fW Ordert olicited nd promptly filled. : sepia-tr ' . i :' f 1 B F- WITCIIEU & SON, I 'no3tiqs6ioH-ttcttAOTtf 1 1 v It And Dealers In -If Grain. Floar, Hay, and also Fresh and Grit. No. 8 and 10 N. Water st, Wilmington, N..CL ' - ... . v , Proprietors of tne Merchant's Flowing Milk. , nov 25-tf Evans & VonGlalin, YyUOLKSALK AKD KETATX' DEALERS Bdfltl Bhtt 8how, Keep all ides of Men's Boots and Broeans. Gait ars, e: morals. Bronze, Button and Lace Shoes: a large lot of Children's fine and Copper tipped Shoes. . . We respectfully ask oar old friends and the public to can and examine onr new ntook of coods. EVANS A VONOIAHN. Princess street, opposite Journal Office. PUECELLIBOUSE, J. It. i DA VIS, I'HOPRIETOIt. THIS DATE, THE RATES FOR TRAN- ff?0 cording to location and room. Day Boarders, f8 00 i perwosk I No. iss. Water sc.', Wilmina-tonrf . c. 1 . ft .,-i r . .. . ... .7 - i ,.'".'.. v ,; -iJ- I . I U a m TJ v.' '1 ; . 4,;Utt'U.c.p.,jDlJH,VAJ;f4 WTt.limrOTrwT(r-.i , 1lT7v .s mjcjxlankqus. O 1-A J - V T,'.yHBf ' ' i rn j , n ' . UUI.I rcCiJISXe T- - Larget Circulation South of Louisville I i ... , . 1 ,. . . i. .... ; The Dally Register tl tefaniium:i:j'lii ' o, l-iaTfta wio Atcgistw aarm aaatt foil ot choice reading for countrv circulation) i& ner anuntn Advertisers can find wo lrr.n wicnTrrw fnat maauur uemseires anown to tn ymvhiM nf a latum . .Mississippi and tti? adjoining gtatessi si jaal-iw ... r ... . vf 86 FOR 83. i a- 'i?il I - A .three-dollar chromo to verr subacriher foil IS it a I UA .... S Ml 1. .Jku.ii ... k a . . I I. .. n,. i. .i,u .1 .1 : . . : .l icti sus in thaart stores for aa. it T equai-jn j man, alike in every section of the Union; is aot so SfJlc"irolone,8t Historical and Biograpnicai aifntcfaeavTraTai aad Adventure, Sabbat, iteading, I" Timn fTTT till Phllrln n TIT in 1 llnir i 1iil.il tural, Oerrespoodenoe frtm Aorwad," Exosrpts on Jmiiiswirreaders entertainment equal fat tharac. ler to'tbat ef any oT tbe popular atonvaperl RwtTmvH .i. - riRsa ds ts m r wiisott Fre- um, or thrp month. SI- Th. i fMjcjtnew eonles ot tha trr i,V UAuw iu muKninn M-ntMnt i . . . . TianSl-tf i - ---j ' r , iii ' rtj "TV, SOLUBLE SEA -. . VVi". ' - l Wl I, i-A f : JOHUH POW15l.I.:tQ!i ;. i . If i J i Deab bir The Soluble sea island (toano purchased of you this others, and has rWn me more satisfaction than any of tha others. The Soluble Sea Island Guano wmT one uaed upon the acre of land upon which my son raised tbe cotton upon which he took the State nrpmi! for the greatest amount of cotton to an acre; and I am Informed by theChalrmaa of the Committee that h a he entered for the largest amonat of cotton to the acre, premiums open to all ages, he would have alaotab that premium, beoting all 150 lbs. I am better pleased with it than any other Guano ' I have n Jji . cotton, aad I shan ure it in preference to others next The -Amount of Seed Cotton Made on l,-cjr.,i. 'I!!,,;h.-;r tut -iH I '1 .17 Send for Circulars. , Eight pages of Certificates f-Virginia ai ' ' 1 r ' . . f.i ' i j .. t . ' . y ' 'lis 'it 1 1: 4 vii r.jaa i4-4m N A V AS S A C U A .4J , !.'l' S J' " l 'tf-; I l.t'iW'. rl : -t Biannntcturera pf tlieiFoIIo'inff IVcIl Known 1 P,0r TJ L AE '. ST ii.ni) AR D TEBTlilZERS: .;V -JW1 per ten' l)eUtttd:ollltll8, it-Itetotr: T U-..--:iirUO.J 'm;i(U J.s ij'riuif U, i . , .' ',1. bomoie 'javassa; uuo,i; 1. DISSOLVED ; HA VASSA PHOSPHATE, .frlU'li'l: il ' ( ! a if ? ' 4 LIBERAZ'blSXJO encTes eefaMsned at all the Hon. E. S. BEIDGEES. Coi C.L. u jan 14-dw3m tltresideBt. STAB ; AHBI0I7IATED V Lorrentz & Eittler7rtiiiloreo f , ; ;t ..i i t-'" 4 : ' . .-.... '-'S... -. 'I .m,' ' ... red by Schr, Jessie S. Clark a cargo of this reliable standard Fertfllrer, and are pre- "'-": ' ' -I 4 '".fc ..H--'-i V;. - 0:-..;.iv .-..-' cash or on time. ..-...;' : '.''.'','"'-'. r-.'; ic, , .4-. We have Just received pared to fill orders forcash , ....... v.;.;,flr f:....:. ,L , J7ottiingthat ws eaa sa concerning have beerf using ii tor the past few t' -fc. ..i.l .?. W . ,J H.Tlii!!;! i80 GENERALLY USEDAND IS 80 WELL KNOWN, ' ? ''.. ; ;; ( t ' .. .r. i ; ' ,-' - : - - ' . ' ' v-1... . ! ,1a the, pot ton growing eonntrleS around, that Tor us simply to announce that wehavo it again and of er it f" ' J 1 , 4 : ' Vl' " J - - , ,-, M ..I III I M M . i for sale at the same price and same terms as formerly Is all that Is required. r : j Send orders tp .n direct, or In counties where -it't'j -.flit .tL;i .JJit!tiJ, "!( ""h-l'i '--.'.: ;,i' if. fM H'y.i t'J ,oii;U .v,- ! Mtuiffia f7i2jE4 T FERTILIZER EOR- ALLUROPS. tV-if i".;ril.t milt If ' ' . , ,i(Agaln for thecoming season we desire to offer ..... Whann Ea Bone Siiper 1 PKospKatef lime. v . I iHiIk . ' i va;1X.1 'Jtl!kLi.:i,U. k . :.v,j f . - v - . " .'t 1 1 - Tbeiprience6f lttiaVast,yaT bas served to to be, as we'haye heretofore and do nOtr represent! CoiamercAalJjAnmsjuar.offered for sale. J i -.tsii3i.itxil LiAA.-AA-ai-J. WV AlaVJhnniDers, 6f Vitlltcat froia parties .Uip; rsiti w .. . wanl toifcnd In their orders, so that they may be .ui.i tw y ;! m ittui i-:t vrf - .jl: t! an-W-tf li;(i it I ... . . 'T - ill - Owing to the great demand we ara able to offer onl a limited quantity, ind would advise rrvjCTi':::;:; S'WiDT.A'R'D "F-Iri'Zl'8! !! 'a '."iiTri itEtiJJiNS AinjERMji !t'.I 41.. i, i;J,,a. 1H i..' ti,iAAi '(;,; :5t: PH0EHIXGTJAI?0;priceper ton2,0001bs: $57 50 "tfl'f' MAinPTiliAl! , WXLCpXr GIBBS '&iG0.J3vM S TtrftATYvrrL:;:"' firir.A .. 1 t.nn 9.(100 1 ha. S65 UU I we ars onering tbs abOTe old eslahHshed brands of Fertilizers to Planters at abort prices, on j able November 1st, 1873, without txTKaxsT, with the privUege ot discount, nor cent per month r sn I r-mtrril IIiiiii ir imi i III f i I . . ail 1 These popular FertiUara WeJSeentj by the I J" 1 i tjf woaia .especially call the attention ot pti ,JP? numberot planters, and taewsnlta ' weBia especuujy cau tn attention or plainer J PT Urge numterol planters, and taewsnlts ihow aatealaaftii BUKrbf".-v j ...-..-,; i . I factors receiving orders from tnr ftintr trim. rl A Factors recelvinj orders from their country friends fjr perfUizerrf .will pteass ra! I plr-porohaSes. - ihstaaaard at tb flnanos we repeet is guaranteed to be fully f iJT" .f owewnt ww tr maae, on nf I . mi - - . . . . . . i on, 1 . : - TT, : 't---"i " 1 --.vk-aw.- .MuTHnuionniQDi! iorwr, ff ca- i ISLAITD ,. GTAIIO. dOlASBOBORQwn CWL?T.S Iw'i.-,. ' t . -'-"-";. ,,s. season for my cotton .crop. . - T a, ORANGRn an Acre of Upland , hy Ilr. Granger wo. v V':" vi' ' '-r t- ' ' V -. A , ' 4'; Ji.. NorUtCaroUnajtov., ; W O C O PAW V , rtu? t trj jA. V. J.i. ill Especially f of composting , " ' : wUh Cotton Seed. ,. i. $30 00 , 133 00 ... , . MADMTOEAtERS cities and towns in the Southern States . , i.;... f;i. ' . .-.".: 'iT -Am' . ! GEAFFLIBr, DONALi) TffacRAT!, Superintendent. Secretary aad Treasurer. SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, !' .-1 -IF . ' 1 ! 7 i nlna tbe STAR would fully express the opinion held by those who yearaadttbas'been'':::c K V-'??.-' livi.--.' wa have agents leave the orders with 1 with them.' ..fit V Ii K 11 W.U A N W ui .i-.ii , ui SiiT)erkPhost)ate of Lime ;aiAira:i:Jij)R;r:y.. to our friends and the public 1 &tt'V"l It. 1. A ..,.; 1MH. CUi.X 'J.i,lkf.ii;-il. .l.-iiJW , strengthen onr confidence Ja 1U real iorth, showing It ttaVood' as the best and suberior to the greater part of ; , " . . p' " - U;--' ' J 2T?-1 r:l L :t.:.i! V-iii V. . known, to all in this yiotoiry and csn ' ', .- ' -. . j r ..... ..... reffrto tboMtn filled from first cargo, , now nearly daeu f V vYlCK & MEBANE. nmibVEiiEiiT to the soil. - ,M,l. Vi!J. i.,-u..fh, UJVI'a-:: . !-'l iffi'.il it '.!-.!. -H 00 - V -'J-"!. planters of "North Caroiiha and South Csrollns fW 'se M ' I eaoou no cms rranusMei preparanotiF i w-w- the an .increased net profit of ,880 to V per J-' -r. uU ' r-j.w r.-n irriuiznr .wui iim can am w" - ..... can H V ""-" . ftlnn tp W repre'" aiu casj, oraers . . .. . n . - - - . w A - i'- t"? rr" T ' "jxr?TT i k j - J ' c 1 tanani dre ail letMTs ta ;. " ii 7-. for oii w Dcrrc '"v"." . .? them.5 Cfa . aVJkAUAS r, roprietoj;? V - . . 4AA - .2 S V. -" . . iwu. i miicia nt 'r, v . . c..:M Ifllt