WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. , flt vrJorning :: utar. j -The :Xew XorkiXulletfy i calls j-MISCELLANEQUSfi vciiviui4 iu,me peculiar-opinions enter cf Curreat Ccsiaient t C5 to 020 sssM? people of either sex, young or old, make more money at in jPPOi .zzft txjiir ot the specid pyment bill of - tlrFi- I ' r: - y X. ; f nanee. Committee, which iV thinks -V ;? gtLJ..w the most Derfect measnra formsnnini -v J f: a.--. , A -.1 ::t3tv'-42.'' - r fSTorfolk Vi'rgiihan.f work for i na in their apare momenta, or all the time. th at anTthinrelMi Particulars free. Address Q.; STLNSON A CO., Portland, Maine. . , , The conference meeting througa at fast, Pe boys around the restry waited, T see the: girls come tripping past ; . : Like nO birds waiting t be mated. tion which has ever been r presented L--if - -. '- r ' - , 7 . I. . . r """vw i, .. : , i - --a..; .'" S1.000 vMir vumrons , cotemDorarrvrr the vugreBu. , i ne, eaiior .aoes not i ..i x : m i k Tor ut caae of Blind. Bleedinz. Itcii- ..5 " W ilmineton an w nrffinc the Loo-i. I believe that "resumption on Mrt Sheiw intr or Ulcerated Piles that Da Bins Piiji Kkxkdt i fails to cure.' It is prepared expreesly ta care the LUinre, AN6rth: Carolina to hftv th wans plan would shock anything or Piles, and notning eit. bo :lf . Sold , by all drnggisU. yfot braver he that leaps the rall nitory of thatJState written by some anyoody.,; Aine ,( editor irre2rets that , . , ... r. . . . , r r price fL" .: : s .. . :- - . GEO. P. EOWELL & CO.'S By level moaRet nasiies litten, - . rf. i iwiiiut!ieiii .ieraon. nmi.w tmat that i uuiuciiuiY.reueuuou ov in nrpss i x 6 a. . . jk ! KWnibeprov!Mfor.tr,n .o(JU .Ireally. mpitorio. mi,ro ,' ' ' v'v ate. Nearly sis years aso the Nor- the recovery; of the pecie. basis' V' j rT"h ; "Rogt' M"ar?ck ' RtnA-b.y ".f -i ltLtmaiiced.the seenia ;.to indicate a lamentable indlf. V ;Afe..JieSt .Maae ; Ana sinnea iowrto wsnie jp Jtrm i vv.vi aieu our ; - "f: ...- ,cu"'- i "coopers Aloni? a sort of lovers bv-wa v.. r ( I eaVt remember what we said, . I Twaa nothing worth a song or story, w; Yet that rode path by which wesned! I . Seemed all transformed and ngiorr.A j The snow was crisp beneath our feti,.j A fwnoie group of Commonwealths roak- nu. m,n oj ct.i"; I The moon was -iulf, the' "fiekla' gleaming ' r 1 -uu were . 1 twind and linnet ahelteNMl w ' . .1 iter face wth voutU and" health teaming. 1., A. ' 1 The httlehand outside her muff f 0! sculptor, If you could but mould lt!-i-1 So lightly touched my jacket cuff f To keep H warm I had to hold It. , - ' J To have her with tne therealone i Twas love and fear and triumph blended; At last &4 Itached ibu foot-jtf ocu eLoniJ 4 V.here hacjoiw4trjeyeBdw. She shook her. ringlets from her brow, .-. j And wun. a rtnannjruu.ifiied, dissem- ; i i - iT i iK-T-,yT- u J The moon was elowly peeping through it. vt hLUta if iJTj v . u ? 'J'OM&SditS nfetferOaxi H ' 1 1 My liptUV then had only known.rT J j. i no an or moiner ana ofstsier, ' I But somehow, full upon her own ' ' t ,wectjxttaruagmoniu-iAisedher! Perhaps 'twas only boyiah loveyet still, O, listless woman! weary lover! ' i J.0.P1 Wlreah, ,wHA Jhrfllj t I d give but Fr1? ,ITe over? .; HELD - AND - FIE In4ta. Rwhtber. ,r M ' Lt' T,-"r87! escured br a sufficient remuneration. 5J ?Sd 6? .milfs ?nlh We trust we shall soon hear that some fyrP 5??S?J rJtnSpr; one' of North Carolina .gifted, sons J . ducIng VeguntCWdlW has been assigned to the task of gir They can btappedtjis stated, for in U8 a of tnat great S(atbein twenty,ucxessivei&itaout in-- aU her rciations-it is afwork which 3"yini hty 8tlnd 80 close that one; ought to have been done long ago ! j s mcmgrjhesaptghty.in. A' , a day each t? Tiding, oii aiaver- Lv, Charleston News. ; ' ; j age,- three5-taWespoonfulsra-day.' ;T .-f ':. :tb state Debt. ; ..; ; , 1 Irty-three thousand of these frees A joint resolution was introduced have Jbeefr Counted, in a traofoi ooun- in the House of Representatives last try ft mile long by eight wide, rhere, week; aatbonzmg the Governor to ap- her, 1861, she suggested to the ad are in Europe and America more than, point three commissioners who should ministration the Tennessee plan of ?iJ0 mandatories' of.c India rubber investigate the amount and' yalidity campaign, which culminated in the articles, employing 600 operatives of the State debt, and stamp official- capture of Corinth, prevented inter each, and coDsnming' more than 10,- ly the bonds and stocks -found to be vention and the raising of the block 000,000 pounds of gum year; and genuine. Objection was very proper- aae by European powers, and was the ; the business is considered; to -be; still ly made to this resolution. It pro-' decisive campaign of the. war. Miss in its infancy - Bat to whatever ex- posed to give the commissioners too Carroll has justhadpublished a pamph teht it may increase, there will still be much power. r'None could know who et of fifty:five pages, giving the plenty of rubber to ; suppiythe:.de- J mand." :,..'.; 'i"; Pi Haw ta Fit Collar, ta Ilaraea' SboaleV j - The collar, should be purchased of I P-?'-0";!!?"? on the hrst time, immerse it in,fater, letting remain one minute, and imrae-, u""": i - - " " ""f " o - ful to have the harnes so adjusted at the top and bottom as to .fit the shonlder, and then put. the horse to work i . Theolhin.by -being.wet will adapl itself to the shoulder and should vdry Jon' the-horse.--Wheri taken off a shonld toe lett in too same 1 Shape U'OCCUpied Oil the horse, - add 1 er af te; w,n ave eollarn4 noooiidrttrsrttr- wer. K I'.U il i 5 I Of llaUOlStatfl ' J f A young man Once picked up la 0 7 m a gold coin, that was lying in the road. Always afterward ashez walked along, ne kept his eyes, on. tne ground, nop- i . . j . ,s..U.w - '- 1 A J ,1 i TtTr: ir-:"" diffa-en tlmiropdly number, of coins, botn gold and silver. But all these years -that' lie was lookirig)for . them he saw not that the IIe.ivens were bright alet-hlnli4lle?neer let his eyet'tuiWawayt frVjon the filth and jpivi ia AvliSob-A. aoncht his trea' .sure: aud when Jiq,died a rich old' i ... ..r- : .u i.'i my ufw mis tair caiu,a3(ii i man, lie i dirtvf r6ad in' wliich td bick1ip money.- f 6r farjevitttf its' wishes.' 1 A motion" to' I ."pears' that.the wholo number r - - - .1 .jiou-n :s raade bv a Senator, and he 1 manufacturers In the United KieetiT trMitwal t te.teator 1. rerisek to but ICV An appeal is made: 12,2.94Kmployingl,491vmeh, ; ArkMsat,;- , , an,h ifefa9es Uo T)nt "that to the for whom thlwhole amount of '.vL. riT?.'WCK Jan. Hrtn TT,fl(reaaoo Ls artvea. for his I iriven is UM0QQ TrS77 k Jruay eiecv-a ist;tfiTody.over; which -Thases;o several lija Jflux pris ed United btateS Senator tO SUCCeed . - . . CV- k. . I 1 nndewnW : cnnatrl-ra. Senator Rice.- This wnseffeeted by the action of theJ)enocrats in oaoens dayiifghtMieywfuea: Wup. "ftf1 ' -JY, It. i -j 4s one man. - If the thirty-three consent Shade;Graham, of ulaskf coun the case, the tDem(KTats decided to 4 outofftheir personal tyGa., was burned! to Vdeath a few go for J)orey ::leeam .his friends had . se - rights under such davs ak' He lav down near a fire promised to swpiMM-t all the measures! - j. . a t 1 mi 1 of relnn vthey i des.red. The State a.lmm, to Uar- PWtTWiSlabst they w.uii fiaiiM i , wan iihi. ii liiry " thontrht vlhi'rt-4 waA ' rKWlity? of elecMnit .hinib it being, sjilijlhcd that it toiill not dMie thoy bad to vho!VfH'wve'"i h& i.'elurlicaiM, aul ... ' - -. tv - i a- a - 4 1 t . wprewrrea.W.giv wiiiv- i B a e-iui., ministration,, whioh proui wed the de; sired refoim measures,- rjlther than Vide with Ihe C!aytoii:!5owfe'n "party; . f A'f Mi a&l)a.dtf ritalia'd "decided to. go for ; Dorsey - all the Howen . men went oyer to him. in. r a body, and iJorseyrfcei vcT every ' Viepn blican vote and nineteen Democratic votes. 4 Ele ven'llemocriWs for Garland," and there were fon'rscit- -.- , -v.... -..,,-,- i i -- - ' - I ' ' Charlemaffne,8 Book of illours'Ms' if allowed tostand.w, ,Na better. -nWr;:jbV ! 4 : second in'.valtte and historical interest I reason could possibly be given for its ' tt ;iv:V.rt: .ii ! t4' kaoti-s Jiti'JtTW-riTiJT'iri'i tjj j I, to.no manuscript fa the.world. -It-is continuance on the statute books. If ' olvan, Vtnnrot "vara fe: an'rl l.a 1 anr.h & law facilitates the PUttishmeht ! I v.' .M f.J!il!i.taflalaili' V A r teTTLg: -OT-Tira J'jeLRKltATTO' "MCK always .beea. considered, a, most pre- ot the guutyannereoy qimimsnes &izl&;?;ij,;uy '-, r i . ,7fr. i' :it--l - y igg 3 H 6 O I, 5 eious. example of ,the.arts:ofhose crime in.tl meU0roh., it:may, per- f f fifrTTTI? OfitP ",? ElCO JiElCOlt-i ' distant ngcs.f The 16am' are4 opar- haps, curtail the enomous; fees pf; .PiiCG"iOE t uAJIBlFS fllME.01P k( KtoNoOSi?a.i i.;;!; f'nfrlWBi ,-',ple vellnmr;tlie- character 'irrY giie. that branchfnhe Iegal professiou -Tfl wii)aFr.63f TnS Best JliTiSLixib''' HMK '4'p-i-t ; AVaUUlf vr -.icoi! wit'BiNcaAJt; eitpertoteiideat r ' iXt AWund withiixiAAUt whaUke especial care ot xnmlnals; dViiatrdceft ordma-v lja amt iiX?zkr :,.t n " m$ illNcil!1 w 8,f,tttdett',:i '.Vteolort are .'as fresVaslf'.'Iaw bit yes- but' certainly the -great i result, is? a .ff: -? .xttedding caexw -AiotviCATEracASDs JJJilt Capt. t: l; NOBwooaTI - vff , "i'r'f. :erdafyf?and.who delicaeyis.tiil tho Consummation most; devoutly ; to; W - W 2:- iTVri vonr.of ,fir4stC i ' 4 i wished BoUimori Gazette - 4 : t r'-jaatMm.r'T' .tHudA., 1.-4-rr. rttnaaadPniALrtviiouat.- ilia. t-tf-V .jrauorao-,, J .iw4Jl J Apuadat-f 'l-v;;Tri--:.- 4 "". x w-:.. r v ;v7v A" .'.-' r- .,7. .1 WV': anxiety to see- this work . onderial-Mi I Vt 18 vlw lwua actW out a beyond dispute, nevertheless, that our sister tAte.18 less known than any.otheeof the ' bngiual . thirteen. If : not of the- in hn' TT'..r.'' ' ,. I up . ine . funencau Unton l and -if is conallr trnf that.: aho mair uu.nM I . 7 . . " ?panson witn the proudest m their uianui. pappose tne maxim tuKiK tnlla no . U . 1 -1 .1 JL..ir.f imo vVit- H r""" F w I the Want" of a nroner rershnl nf Jitr growth, achievements and resources; out Pe accepted as an apoJ- S or this neglecU Her annals ate too full of historic sunburts for them to remain unwritten, and fiow is the time to make provision for the work. t,me to make provision for the work. ve-say.now is the time, for the men tirWen,, gables vfarobniana . of. this Beneratim to understand and depict l --vr . A, K her,pnsi .history Now is w the time .fW.;? Jas many, .educated men with- h'dew wbo.re. able- to; eon, r ; "pvM,,v4, nci I system,, while, they pan appreciate y promise of improvement held out the riew?JnVi.,a nn,lnnV,t,lK, old any hv tho f iinru ?Wva t,r.,iKt ,ii.r I Urrhtin I hi a n otui . nidan k ?L found let a liberal appropriation be made for his support and reward. Such a -noble ; task - should not be assigned td anyoneV unworthy: of, it ny reason-i unpenect , attainments, Q n rl . t-lir . Tloc- ohllifir' gn ' rwnltr . Twi and what the commissioners might be, j and thdr; recognition of any set Of I bonds or stocks would embarrass the navo been sent to members of Con Legislature,; besides exciting in the gross and other public men. She mini) rf tho IvMirl hnldpra rnrx rri?h 1 ' TT T t Wni;tM1 .... What. ever the character of the body ! to whom the investigation of the condi- on of the debt is entrusted, it is to be nopea mat me Bcruuny wiu ue mor- oagh aa final. This is no time for tinkering;, Whether the examination take fiye months or five years, let it be so searching and conclusive that the Legislature can adopt the recom- mendaUons of the board with satis- faction tor. themselves and justice to i,o w"rdArivTh work oannnt ha rlnno Tesnlt irJ oatchmcr tin the debt, with a 'certainty that the process .must . be repeated a year or ; two hence." .We naian A Wa a nAMAff 41Tti4 5 mn ? aa 1 ....jjn of all the transactions of th - . . . : . : government in : connection; with" the bt. and we .trust', that the T . --t . MntA0r f.'farahir -v.iK.i..; ..iv.auii ltbat.end.t. ' ...A: , , - Mobile Register. " , s A Jndn Over th Htnstt.' i ' .. A jPiir.8pecialrfroecilIontgomeryj.in forms, us Jthat. Judge. JVIcSnsry still presides over the Senate as" a judge does." rmtthe bench' That ia io sav.; he assumes to direct the orders of the 5. ;.-' !ii i.? nonv, ar Oliraril y . WlUiOUfc. vonauiuntr - - - a bw. I of aUoria:; : tWe J . nrtthinc to sav ercent this : The SenaW consit8 of thirty-three mem- of additional pardons wUi: be rissued. bershesidlnrofheSenate frbr7,e;' ' ! ..-i1.-s,n,i VI i VUII WtftllVCrl, H1VIV J? HVWMHIii SUVS to ,aW ial,ont it by the press. But t .itaents of these gentlemen ... th oninions. - The bullv- mnra . .Ma :a JHHT.vorl in 'airrirdir ha.il t T M a .a w . M m yVCTiii cause' the' tSenate permits it 'It can be ' stmped : whenever .-'! the Senate cIioimpd to dd it. J And. after, all. if i the membe Of Uie oenate are Kept lhniMltMmeMi onTv.to be .olaVed - V . :':-r,:'jrloVa Af. l a -A .. might as well go home and attend to their private business alfalrs, Ve learn that the leading criminal lawyers of,.? New York have united Jn a ; movement: Jo brenk dqwii the new jury law providing ior r intelligent jowrx-in'ream given iw tu action, oy one ui tiiw iiuiaLrer, u'.uutu ' it would ruin the criminal jiraclice, ,nK l a soana state of affair anU a " w ?u8FeiiWuu- mum.e- ly postponed. ..... -;. . iU.,i A Rhode Island journal announces rnaS A .anee nasinventea a patent mtvl A. A 1 1. ..I T uim ,,esi' 10 KeeP lue ieatnerea -song- sters from soendinsr their winters South." c..,u n T .:n : , ?xi no win uiveni sometrunsf to steal at theNorth that win keep the carpet-baggers r from spending their winters South, the invention will be worth , more than all the bird's ncts that China has ever consumed,-T-Xo?r isvUle Courier-Journal The Bey ot Tunis impales de- faulti"g office holders on spits ten feet hlSh - What., a terrible sensation there would be if the Tuisian method of dealing with '"official defaulters should be introduced into this coun try. We are afraid there are not spits enough to ') accommodate f 'the "victims. -JSeic 1 ork Evening Tele- u.- remains to be seen what will I gro,w out of - England s; reported declaration of her determination to secure ffghanistau against attack if secure Russia"' annexed Khira. It is to be P' :inter?t.of ' the,Pe(Je?f particular, that the ''sick 5 "man" in that quarter will not be made a sub ject of war. Baltimore Sun.r'"..u WA'SHINGTONV Tbe Carrall Claim Alabama Political Sitaatlon. . ii , - Washington, January 20. y ,;The claim of Mss Annai Ella :JCar roil . of . Maryland, which, has been before Congress for several .'yearsi is again being pressed with her usual vigor. It will be remembered that Miss Carroll claims that in NoVem- whole history of her connection with thi movement, and conies of which rv t reiuJ. President Johnson; the late exlQo v. Hicks, Charles 0Conor, Thomas A. Scott, ex-Assistant Secretary of War, and several members of Mr. Lincoln's cabinet, all awarding her great credit for the services which she claims to m m a - have ; rendered. iUiss Barron con- eludes the recapitulation of -her ser- vif a with n. rennest to the covern- . t : .t!. to their magnitude. uieunuf ieuiuuciMuu iu jiujiuimuu I -fit th P,iaidnt.' had a lon interview this faf ternoon , with the 'Attorney General He assured the Attorney aT '..t A. aV at. OAnntxItAMMA A 1 a Vma a iaof invnkWfnrther i - - r - ' r o , I crovernment interference. This ffter the ' Atlornevl General had as - - a k2., m emeu UUil tuav UIV lviviuuivui nvuiu not interfere, although iiWwas' the strong desire ot the. administration Mm . '-. . ' for a speedy restoration of i harmony, which he thongnc could Dev accom- liK V - mnA .kor. f,,87 " Trr CUVO VUf yVii: OlWa VU 'VtlO t aSC04 v. : :-t ' " ') 'MISCELtAXEOUS.' r' iFrom an pfficial slatenient prepared i a a i : 1 . .. at vuc unciuai icrcuuo uuiw.- i tu- cigar States is and ' bonds a MirAn tion by tne Attorney (neal, and it is probable that very j?oon; a number s iu -4Mii ir,! io, the woods while .intOxicatedV SPECIAL NOTICES.. ;U ; avisiiWtt'9iau;Ai.a , THISsnperbHairDyeis the Win ttovarUt- ,1 . nerfectlv harmless, reliable and Instantaneous. No disappointment. No riducukras tints or nnpleas' ant odor. Tbegermiiie w. A. uatcneior'a nair uye I produces IMMEblATELY a splendid Black or Nat- x . TV- Aa- ' Ka Blr , Kn laaaa Ha ural Brown. Does not stain the Skin, but leaves the 1 hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold hy 1 Bond street. New York. 'ect Dye. sold oy an xrruggiBis. ractory jo feh 7-eodly-ent Tn Th Sat MISC1HaLANEOXJS.jj - - -t u;-' To Truck Farmers. -rtsT received a lot of the YV?'V V- 'j t.ii .''' o'Cr; ,. ThewirrIc8tkaowII. lsoarseiotot;;ti ' r . I jtstYJJi lTloyeEES)i,Gm6is BKST QXTAXTTY,. v AT JACOBINS BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS .;3arpenters' Tools,';-" MACHINIST TOOLS, '. Tiirpentliie Tools, -h i t .. '. i .' ' " LOWEST PRICES AT JAOOBI'S H a rd w ar D e p o t i . : PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, Ac, i ' Table and Pocket Cutlery, j ASSORTMENT LABQE AND VERY COMPLETE. f- CaiiaH Pistols and Ammanltlon, -at .- N. JACOBTS, . 0 ITIarltet Street. i raayia-tf EL: & B. -Emanuel,. ' . " ' $ . . M AK ZE S T BEE T. ...... JANCY AIWiSTAPZE ! i- - :. ' . . v -- . ; DRY GOODS PHILADELPHIA-HADE SHOES. LADIES'. .'. 1 UNDERWEAR, Etc, Etc.,u - v Etc. . ;M ..rr oiiO'X'jbijsrca. OUR ENTIRE ' STOCK, TO? WHICH RECENT ' T' . ADDITIONS OP j , . i Fashionable Goods HAVE BEEN MADE, IS NOW BEING OFFERED : At Greatly Eeduced Prices. Bayers, before parcbasln; else- where, would do well to ex : amine our Stock. H. A B. EMANUEL, : 4& Market Street BOT14-U ; THOS. STANLY, PROPRIETOR OF '!CITT GRANARY," ' ' , "TKiKa rt ; r, '"' pn pPnn Hnipof flQtc "Dint t,P 8.P MUk Jimh M4") WbC, b. Ready access to mv Warehonsa for the delivery of cargoes, and ewy . handling and storase at small ax- i pense. Best qoauty or corn direct irom vessels at tne lowest wnoiesaie pncea Communications for information concerning the Grain Market in this city promptly answered. - ' rST All orders should be accompanied by the money or cuy acceptance. . j . Oryrcx A3ro WaxxHouea on Maskkt Waaar, ' jan lft-lm r; " . NEWBERN, H. C. For Sale. 1 20 - HTTT8 K a barrels apples. 50 1 .III rf BOXES ORANGES, - AA barrels potatoes. vBarrels'cider, , Vnneo 0s reacacB, . . ' . I. . , kOkra, VegeUblea and Oysters, Brandy Peaches Raisins, Figs, Candy,vMackereI In whole, half and quarter barrels; SnulT, Segara and Tobaceo, Floarr -- Sugar, etc; Ac., &c Janlitf IIETDE BROa i SEED; EQT ATOEi pARLrRosiV'-3 7 - - v GOODRICH -rr- ; ' .... o . j.. PINKEYES, - . . PEACH BLOW, ..I--'; t " " "" JACKSON WHITES. i. .' i .-.'1 j Graeerlea at trie lavreat market prleea. jan 9-tf BiNFORD, CROW A CO. Notice of rDissoltttioiis rpHK FIRM OF BASS, SCOTT & CO " WAS DIS. JL solved on tne utn instant oy tne aeatnor wm. R. Bass. The affairs of said firm will be settled by the undersigned surviving partners,; who will con tinue the business under the name and style of Thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed ?oa the old firm, we hope by strict attention to i mem a conua nance oi tao am - c P. S Mr. O. Fennett, Jr.,- will eont e with the new nrjii. - - w .- ww.iw . . , - -i i . j . . jJMey&Sous, DTJPLI&R OAD,'X. C, TTAVaT;jDPENI1) ya rNo, IX IVortli Water Street, , WUmington, 14. C.foc the transactloa of a strict f I nommiMMioa and , Forwarding Business, and solicit eoaslsameats- of Cotton, iSavai o tores ana.otner Prodnee. Liberal cash advaacea -made on prodace I or aaia or annininn. ' Refer try' pelmiisaioa to-E. E. Burrnsa, .President Tirat Natiorial Bank.-' .- -JanMlaWtr TOOLS, TUB A book for ftdvertisers, containing the name, loca tion, population, branch of industry and other Infor mation of Importance concerning "every town in which a newspaper is published in the United States and Dominion of Canadas. . 1 ' . PRICE, THREE DOLLARS, ' ' '.1 Vr.. : . . . .-. ', ... r - ! .; S by malt Address pablieherp, No. 41 Park Row, N. T, . .. GEO. P. BOWELL & CO.'S . AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY A book of 600 nasei is, witn. editors' tliahmnt eizo. and publishers. names, date of establiahman sue, politics, sabscrip- tion price and circulation of ail newspapers in the United States and Dominion of Canada. rf PHICEVFIVE DOLLARS, ',7 by maiL Address publishers, No. 41 Park Bow, N. T. SEND 25 CENTS FOR THE Advertiser's Gazette, A book of 128 pages, showing how, when and where to advertise, and containing a list of nearly 8,000 newspapers, with mach other information of Inter est to advertisers- Address m GEO. P. BOWELL A CO.. Publishers. jan 1-tf - 41 Park Row, New York. ' MISCELLANEOUS. ' 1840. 1873. i & PAIIM-ICILLER, TAKEN INTERNALLY, CURES . gUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, Ac, WEAK 8TOM- acn, General Debility, Nnrsmg Bore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pain in the ;j . Stomach, Bawer Complaint, " ""r ! ! Painter's Colic, Asiatic CMarrhaaaadDjaeMttty.- ; a'AIiTOXTEllNAlURES Felons, Bolls and Old. : 8atV 8everofBura and Scalds, cuta, Braisea and Sprains, arwcning or ' ; v Breasts, Frosted Feet and Chu- s , r i blalna. Toothache, Pain in V , : j ." the Face, . Neuralgia : . and Rheumatism. the; paiit-killee is by axJveraal consent allowed to have won for it self a reputation tusarpassed In the history of med ical preparations. Its instantaneous effect is the en tire eradication and :--?.: . EXTINCTION OF PAIN In all its varVons forma incidental to the human fam ily, and the unsolicited written and verbal testimony of the nwfi In iu favor ara its owa best advertise ments. The mcredienta which enter Into the PAIN-KIL LER, being purely vegetable, render it a safe and efiicaciooa remedy taken internally as well as for ex ternal application, when need according to direc tions. The slight stain UDon linen from ita use in external applications is readily removed by washing la a litUa alcohol. Thia medicine. Justly celebrated for the core of so many of th afflictions incident to the human family, has now been before the public OyR TmHTT-TWO TEARS and baa found ita way into almost every corner of theworld. and wherever it is used the same oninion is expressed of its real medical properties. in any aoacx wnere prompt acuon upon tne sys tem is required the Pain-Kiiler is invaluable. Its almost mstaataaeoos effect in relieving pain is truly wonderful, and when used according to directions is true raits name, - lit La, in trntila famflmedclBe; shoald be kept in every family for immediate w. Persons travel- tng shoald always hava a bottle of thia remedy with - taem it ta not aniieqaantiy toe case tnat paraona are attacked with disease, and. before medical aid I caa be secmred the patient la beyond the nope of re covery. - uapuunj oi veaaeis anooid always supply themaelvea with, a few bottles of this remedy be- ; lore leaving port,aa by doiag so they will b ia pos session ox an invaluable remeay to resort to in case of accident or sodden attacks of sickness It has been used in. .-r v -f SEVERE CASES OF CHOLERA, and never has failed in a single case, whera ' it was thoroughly applied on the first appearance of the symptoms. . . - ... . ''ix tnoearvDo nave so - lour aea and. proved the bxaariUal oar article we wenld say thatwe shall con tinue to prepare our rain-nuiier ox tne nest and pan eat material, ana t Bat it anauoe xa every way worthy of their approbation as a family medicine. tanPrlee tSeenMeaati" and ' FERRY DAVIS A SON, ' . , r Manufacturers and Proprietors, - ''.. . 136 High street, Providence, R. L . , BOtD BT - !' ifQJ , . GREEN & FLANNER, Whjonotoh, N. e, And all Druggists. -' " ' " ' Jan 5-2m Molasses and Syrup ! J 2.150 j w7 II D s . r TIERCES AND BARRELS OF ! S ; H . SYR U P! AND- West India Molasses. - i octt-tf , ' ,"' " WILLARD BROS. Goods. r-..7.1p - -T7AMILY FLOUR. PIG HAM! &Xireakfaet Bacon. Smokec Tongues, .. , - v . No. 1 Mackerel. Pickle Tripe. f oet received and unsurpassed in jJetts, " ' Xi44t4Zh:i:' X&i$n Market atMset:: S48 00 per 2.000 lbs. $53 00 per 2i000 lbs. , ...1 .: FREE OF ) t -; " yVe challenge comparison with otHer Fertilizers aa conaaerea, nuae it, ...... .w . ; . i i Th e C h e apest r.l Demand M6re;; tlmai - ;-:v'- 1 '" .- ' ' ; ; DeBosset INSURANCE. 1 VILHIHSTON NORTH CAROLINA Xj X Jb ' jj Insurance Company ! OFFICERS: A J. DaROSSET.w.. JOHN W. ATKINSON. F. H. CAMERON Da. E, A ANDERSON. ..'President ......... .Vice President. Secretary. . ... . . .Medical Director. DIRECTORS: 3. VT. Al General Insurance Agent.- L B. Grainger, dent oi tne nans: oi new nan- over. F. W. Eerchner, Grocer and Commission Mer chant , C. M. Stedman, of Wright ft Stedman. T. H. McKoj, of W.' A. Whitehead & Co., F etteville. R. H. C!owan, President. H. B. Eilers, Commission Merchant. A A Willard, of Willard Brothers. . W. A Cnmmmg, ' of Northrop & Camming. G. W. Williams, of Williams & Murchison. j Ell Murrar. oi E. Murray A Co. A J. DeRosset, of DeRosset & Co. Alex. Sprunt, British Vice Consul, of Sprunt & Hinson. - P. Murnhv. Attorn ev at Law. J. D. Wiluams, of J. D. Williams & Co., Fayette- Ule. Jas. C. McRae, Attorney at Law, Fayettevtlle. L B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansville. ; J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lnmberton. ; . . SPECIAL FEATURES AND ADVAN TAGES. 1st No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra charge on the lives of Females, a Policies inconteetabls after fire rears. 4. The Rates of Interest on the Fonda of the Com pany higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in in other States, thus insuring larger Divi dends to Policy-Holders. - - , 5. The Directors and Officers of the Company ara prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to aa-asaa osMNTBOBITY and WORTH. & The Company la established oa a solid and per manent basis, steps Having Dcen taken to increase 4 THE CAPITAL STOCK TO $500,000. TAAtL TH WNDS bFTAAircMANT ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. THs fact should "I'Jtw Carolinians. It is wefl Jmown that others, to North hat hundreds of thousands of dollars in Life Premiums ara aanoallv sent North to enrich Northern capitalists; thus con tmnallv drainimr our neoDlfl of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On thia ground the friends of this Comnanv confidently aDDeal to every son of the Oai North State and ask their support for thi. . - i - j f !XOfrErTOTlTrJTJOr i 1 which, while It offers substantially all the advan tages of Northern Companies, helps to build up UOMJS IN 1 aK1ST. AGENTS WANTED In every county in the 8tate. JAMES D. BROOKS, ' Genl Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THOMAS GRaEME, Agent at Wilmington. ' $27,000,000 FIRE INSURANCE CAP ITAL BEPBESENTED AFTER , PAVING BOSTON LOSSES. Oueen Insurance Co.. of Liverpool and London, Capital ...,$10,000,000 North Britisa and MercanoieJUisnranco T Company, Capital. A.a0,003,000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Capital. . 600,000 t, 500,000 100,000 500,000 Continental Insurance Company, of New York, Capital Phoenix Insurance Companypf Brooklyn, Capital .". Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, Capital ; MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New York. vpr e LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. ATKINSON & MANNING, nov 22-tf - 1 ' General Agenta . - - Security against Fire.. . THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME IXSUJIANCE COMPiiA V, This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, onjJl classes of insurable property. All losses ara promptly adjusted and paid. The HOME " ia rapidly growing ia public favor, and . appeaisytneoaaoeaeev to uaratera or property in Joith Carolina. " i . it-. m . "tgAfenttiitallparts ( R. 1L BATTLE. Jr.. Presid of the State. iO , lent. : - C. B. ROOT. Vice President - tA BEATON ( ES, Secretary. PUJLASJaI uowfHit, supervisor. - AXIUNSON A JLAWNUNU, AOXHTS, Wilmington, N. C. i r am i. ia.;j v-v '"-"Wi am t 9 - a,- r ar J- .:.;,.., v' Tel - .V'.-ii C0.3A. X W . Vw - - J - 7 INTEREST. v- v . ; .. , ... .. . - , - ., to remit OT appIicaOon'tb trbpa , Qnalltj" and pric ice : f'fr r-w.'.i '. m .V . V an u re J n P ar k et ; vfji'lf eiifiiV !( 'i & Oo;i Wilminerton, . MISCELLANEOUS. aStreefauway::J; THE OLD SCHEDULB WILL BR XL run, cata tarUnjj at6X A, and on car run nmg aa late as 11 P. Ja., Three cara ara now on the -line, and every effort wul be xaada to acoommodaU TTEREAFTER tnepnouc . ! I Tha Cars runs to aaA from the; R&Qroad trains aa . ' usual. , 7, .'-' ' iT-' , . - , ONLY SUCCESSORS .TO..V ' u-y f l'v If O.-TXXfcli BT'jST AB E T , WHOLXSAXJS DSAUKB8 DC - t - -. ' - s . . t . , - . -v-1- -. - Euins, Segars,1 Tooaceo && ; T. O. Banting, ONLY : FOR THli HOUSE. OCt ss-u L'.-l.ft Va" ' SpecialNotipe o UR BOOKS ARE CLOSED FROX THIS' DATE, January 1 & 1873. 'it 1 r Our accounts are all made out and we therefore ra- Si t I quest all our customers to coma forward and settle. i '' I"!' Jf.i3 'C-v,Kl'.i ,: Hf .',At Preparatory to taking stock' we wM self oWentire stock of FAIX AND WINTER DRESS GdODS ' . v,i.';V i;.i ; -yiut'-iJ les'ft''a'.irt'!' AT COST F0RXEA8H. i ? Market itrett; 1 1 jan 1-tf AlXSEEWNiSS . , . i t-5 i.'i5 SHOULD SEN, F0RA)CQPYOF ar ai'ta- aV'COKMATm,.: Which contains a list of all the desirable advertising . : madiamain the cann4ry with CtacnM-noify Raraa, -Ac., invafoabla to all wha desire to spend their moa- -ey to Beat Feasible Advantage ,bmt poet . free for 35 cents in paper, 60 cents in eloth.1 Address '."" - 1 General Newspaper Advertising A cent,"' 10S Waahington street, Loston. novl-Uwent WJanS-lSt; j ' .v WOOD, .TABER, &:.M0ItSE, . Eaton, Atladlsori' Co,;' Itf. Y.,v f IaANOTACTTJBERS of . FrK "stt.au igGnna, Portable, Statlaaary and Acrlealtaral. ; Hundreds in aae la PrtnOngJ Rooms, Shops, baaIIs, Mlnea, and on Fanaa and I rnta ittlons for Grain lUrcHi.mg.'. Food Cooking for block. Cotton Ginning, 8awing, etc. Circulars sent on -. plication. - One of these Engines can b seen at taia office. ..';.,v.?v.l.i,1 octl-DAWtf .,' Just Eeccivci, u NUMBER n.i ONE :Z OTtOZ, 1 fBORHH S CiEOMi: : vEDIIEH. i, 'S nor 15-tf .?''" v.f;?:toWAJCSS A HALL. - 100,000 ' tss finouixxnAS and bides .--I..".... -" i For sale by''' ; ianaSl-tf . . WTLLATtn rros d ..;r-;' ;5."K. .;''. . -- rpxfrr labBwiNO ktiit rsrnsD. i EHY is complete in ail ail Its -polntmnta, and is in chare of one of tbe most ;1 wo tn the State. All kinds of LjiuaDS v "ii 'y,' aaaplyaadaxpadaar. . . 21. 'A :.V- : 4 - a :