i , H 1 I- I 1 ' i : i , i J A i BY4 TELEGRAPH. : : koos uEPoirrs;: The James Rlrer n4 nautwba Ca . nal-tExeeutloa of Three Common lots la a?raie Captalu Jack: 'flUe llorse IIrIne Stok Depressed Woedhall 4s Clafila BSIsesllaneoas. 1 ' , WAsnnsQToy, Jan. 23. - " Col. Carrington, President of tho James Hirer and Kanawha Canal Co., denies the i statement that he said there was a convict between the work which he is f06teriD ' and the Atlantic and Great Western Canal. lie says there ia not and never' can btf any The Committee of Ways and Means in ' farm Boutwell that they do not propose nay newt legislation for the negotiation of. U. d. bonds. - . to ...Paws, Jan. 22. CpenoaillyDeOamp and 'Benot,' tbr con demned Communists, were shot early this moraine on Satory Plain.' Fenouilly died without uttering a word. vDcCamp's last words were: "I die assassinated; down with false witnesses, lawyers and Thiers." .Benot died cheering the .Republic, the Commune and the Army. Only one volley was fired, as all died instantaneously. There were but few spectators on the ground to witness the execution. . x il 1 1 .nil ii Kuuauv. sin. mh 4 . ' . . ? . n Reinforcements are moving agam vui"- Jack. ' Fourteen dead whites were leijon me recent oatue ncuu u , F of the Texas raciac k. fw " ?s met last 'inursaay ai Aruuu iijr. au .kin Vaihiii A mprin . arrived i, here lUUCi HU) 7, 14 irom iiiverpwi m uhj d mo iova recorded. . . . . - r-; Nkw'Tork, Jahi, 22. v - The decision In the case ot roster me car-hook murderer seemed to depress. tokea. very much... The . Columbia, and. ." line have been seized for debt. The Moro Castle will be seized upon her arrival. WoodhuU : Clafttn are. again in the Tombs."' - - tFASHIKGTON, . I" ' -.5 jnTA8B3N0T6N, Jan; 22. SENATE.A memorial of tho merchants of New Orleans asking the government . to "take charge of; tho Mississippi levees 'was " presented. The Senate Is discussing Indian " affairs.- . ' ' ' HOUSE.-Joint resolution of West Vir , ginia ceding certain franchises to the United States presented. House discussing the " admission of Colorado. Tb Cotnmittet on priviledgea and clec Uonswill "commence the Louisiana investi gation at 10 ;'clock to-morrow, probably with open doors. ' . A large number of witnesseshave arrived. "T bin Nit-in uKPoitTs. VASIIICJTOX. a 4 - ir 5ii "i-tirafBilr;:- Wasaington, Jan. 22.. SENATE The bill abolishing the rank :,of Admiral and Vice Admiral of the Navy passed and cow goes to the President. West presented the credentials of Mc Millan and Ray, contestants for -Kellogg's , .vacancy; -'The credentials were referred to iba'Cbmnrlttec on Elections and Privileges. The bill for war sloops passed with amendments, by a vote of 89 to 8. ; -.. .The bill abolishing the f tanking privilege, ' commencing July next, passed. . v . HOUSE.- No action on the Colorado bill. . ,r, MISCELLANEOUS. . : Nominations. --Postmasters Fowler at Milled ireville, Ga., and Mrs. Bice at Gren ady, Miss. ' , - ... fi FRANCE. CoaTerenee t Cblselbarat Empreit Bncenle and Prince Jerome Napo ; leon to be tho Guardians of tbo Prlneo Imperial, &e.; Loxdok, Jan. 22. " It is repotted that a conference has been held at Chiselhurst and it was decided that the Empress Eugenie apd Prince Jerome .Napoleon should be the political guardians of the Prince Imperial and therefore direct the movements of the party. It is said no manifesto announcing the intentions of the BoOapanlsUwul be issued, nor will any proc lamation be. published. The Prince Im- , perial will not be called Napoleon 4th, but will be known as Count Pierrefords. He has adopted as his motto, . " Strength but not Impatience. ' . ;. Of GEORGIA ' , ' . VhK - s - r GeiT. J -R. Gordon llet4TJ. B. Sena yn tor on tho Finn Ballot. : ' '- '-l' Atlakta, Jan. 22. Ca tLe rst pallot for Senator Gordon re- ' ceivd 84, tcphens 71, Hill 35, Fulder 8, . Akt v-in 14. . JSid. Gordon 87, Stephens 71. ' 3d; i , ' ens gains j 4U the same. 5th. . Oor ' on 112, Stephens 80,;Aketman 7. Instruction ..will probably,' come from Ccr . c ,3 for an election in the 8th District, made vacant by the death of the lamented GeiLWright.- . - RiBflrnirt rpinRs. A 'tkipatch - from SprfngfSeld' says R. Oglesby has been, elected Senator from Illinois. ... "' At. SaTannah yesterday tho Democrats j elected Anderson lay or and the entire Board 6f 4Aldermen. . - , ' . .AdVces from Lima and Peru report the . small poafc as. terrible- k , ,. Iloscoe Conkttne has been " re elected renntpf from New York. . -,.- fiCrilc Bamana Bay Company met at New u - York vesterdar. acceoted the renort nf th Cbmmissldhers and elected officers for the , year. - d jabsntmc maiekbts. ". ' " ; tt.r.4i t 1$ -Yoiuc, Jan. 23 Noon. ;-. 'iK)uyetj. strong. ' Gold firm at 113J. Money 4irm -at 7 per cent prerninm. Ster r ' llalixchangfr-i-long siht 109J; short llOf. Government bonds dull, but firm.". State ..bondauui.but4lull. '' " " . , ; ir:''U.v. ':; ''' Cotton 6teady, with sales of 2,443 bales -r .... Upland420ic;ut3;Qrlans21ccnt4 Flour strong. Pork quiet, but firm mess 1 3 75. C 3'Lard steAdy-WoeierH gteiuti8i clt Spirits Tarpentine firm at 0303pct:nts. Itosin ;. - rjnict at fa 80 tor etraiaed. FfeigiiU quiet., : ! y 4 v; ''New' York; Jan. 22 Erenlns. , ? 'Srne "closed, asy at 4.t per cent. : . ; Btcrliu,; Lxxhause f.100ai09. Gold" . 113.- OyvornmenU rrcgulnr. and lower. , . States dull, but firm. ,;i.',:.iti . y-Uplands .20 centi; firm. V. I IS a tnauo umw. wneat :v"aJ:",r. ?V0.TX3,V - .1" ' UlUUVVr ' ilUVlJ,' a LL WATCTT, rJWELR Y AND,OTHERAlT r.";r-- t" ' ttttcr, vTrith'.iteuttrflcr. : - -H- r t A JJU r-.-7"'rlt --.tf . - tcle9left for wpairi wi the llW fir of?' '-a i -:.e!cr;oJ offered ''t-: -I-i' ., illlTJUjD ilia i':iWfr s. WUattasa, K.VX JsalMV ' - ! A-tf- A tctitor. ; ',.'::'''( .-.,'- v ; v- r 'l - ' - . ' r-.-':-, f v .;. 4 t . :. '' .1 - , i- ' ..': '- . - ' ' : -' - ;- V-' ..." ; . '' , ' " ', '' '"' 1 ' ' ; r. ' y: ,' 1. . ' ". ," ' - .V'!. ,. "..7 .". ' . V ".. "... t ... Spirit Turruntino"tronA Tloniii flrtti.-. Tne sales to-day of cottoh Wr future de-. livery amounted to 8,800 pales as roiiows; January- 19fai9 ,". 848 cents: February 19 IMS cents; March 2X&20t cents; April 20? (201 cents: May 205a301 cents; June .2lie2l cente;Julyli21 9-10.;-, ; -y.- .. - -A i y; .Cincinnati, Jan. 22. . Flour'flrm. Corn steady. Pork steady at $13 73$13. Lard steady; kettle 7i cents.. Bacon steady; light stock. Whiskey in good demand at 83 cents. '; ' V ' COTTON SXAUKETS. 'llempbis quiet; Augusta, moderate de mand; lioston, quiet; Mobile, steady with light offerings; Galveston, quiet; Charles ton, qniet; bavannah, quiet; New Orleans, active at. 17f; Norfolk, firm; Baltimore, firm. ' .-. .. .v.-; .--, z A''-.. Consols 02f United States bonds . ' 4 IavKRFOOji, Jan. 22 Noon. Cotton opened quiet-rUplands 9fti Or leans 10d. V V 'l, - : v " 5 ' v" : Shipped from New Orleans December and January 9 15-1 6d. V;','vvi LATER . Liverpool, Jan. 22 Noon. Cotton closed heavy Sales 10,000 bales; for speculation and export, 2,000 bales. Shipped from Savannah or Charleston January and February, 9fd. i -xreaiuu8 nuicv. . svrt,tv-9. tee V49. a 4 .5. LtixnrobL,' jaii. 22 Evening. Cotton closed heav v UrJands. 9a94d. : , 0rjeftng) 1010id. include 5,000 , a mericanV Bacon-Short Ribs SG. 6d . , London, Jan. 22 Evening. Common Rosin 10s.- PRINTING AND BINDING. Si STAR 55 1 H C STEAM Job Printing House, BOOK BINDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY,1 WILLIAM 'H. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMING TON & uC. THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT JNTHS STATE JLIVJNO ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED. .1HT I V THE II EST ASSOHT9IBNT OP Cards and Inks. SKILLED . Y70RKLIEH ... , .1; !:;.. 'j" )-!?-;'..; j Evnr Department. ..'.I : N O X T II K" LOWEST: iPBIOES, n UtXJTrA. : i y. 10 t. f .- 4 ; M.;. ,.-t . -T. J i : fA.nr Jl ..1 ' V M .r... 1A' K'I".' i.i . 'iili fc :-! r - 'W. vH!;- ' ftWI T I? T C I A r?-V r ,". - -. -; I W.I LMIN(i TO K -?JtA H K J$ T itSTAK OFFICE' Jann22.; j SPIRITk TURPENTINE Market firm wkh sales bf 25 casks at 68 antf 245-it": 59 cents ? gallon for Southern packages, clos ing at the latter figure, which la an advance of 1 cent on last quotations., r: r ; .. - ROSIN. Sales of 800 bbls Straiaed at $3 and a small lot (12 bbla Extra Na.J at $a 20, a decline oL 10 ceaU on . former grade. . ' ' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of ? 120 bbla at $5 '10 for Virgin and: Yellow Dip, and $3 60 for llard. r: Market steady.'; - : TAR.--Salcs of 88 bbls at $2 50 bbL Market quiet. . .. . . .. .. .4 l" - COTTON. Market quiet and firm for higher grades. No . sales reported. We quote: " . : V Ordinary f . f : .V : U M :A cents'? lb. Good Ordinary ..17 4 Low Middling.... ....18 " Middling Uplands...:. 19 M Strict Middling. .10f MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr North State, Green, Fayetteville, F W Kerchner. 4 ; " CLEARED, v.; Steamship Rcirulator. Freeman, New York. Barry Bros. Stmr D Mu;bi8onv Garrison. Fay etteTille, .Williams A; Murchison cii V JWi Stmr North State, Green, Fayetteville, F W Kerchner. b Br Brig C C Van Horn, Hooker, London, Moffitt & Co. . ' RECEIPTS. .. ( . Pm RIVER STEAMERSr c Stmr P Murchison 598 bbls rosin, 20 do crude turpt, 16 do tar, 1 bala cotton. Stmr North State 100 bbls .spirits turpt, 498 do rosin. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New Yokk Steamship Regulator 418 bbls crude turpt, 2,169 do rosin, 503 do spirits, 173 bags potatoes. 2,600 bushels pea nuts, 4U9 bales cotton, oo pkga mdse. . r FOREIGN. ' London Br Brig C C Van Horn 3,483 Dois rosin. . - MISCELLANEOUST" of Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, "Nesralgla, Lam bao. Sciatica, Kidney, and Nervona Diteases, after years of affertPg, by taking ur. rl tier's Vejr etablo Rbenmatle 8yrop, tbe cientiic diacovery of i. P. Fitler, M. D , a resalar graduate pbytlcian, with whom we are personally acquainted, who has for 89 rears treated thee dUeaeea ezcln- sively with aetonUhing results. We beliere it our chrirt tan Cnty. after deUberatloa. toconsdentioaslT reqneat suffeiefg to nee It, espeetallyperaons in mod erate cirenmstances bo cannot afford to waste money aad time on worthless mixture. As clergy men we eerionriy fed tbe deep responsibility renting oa as in publicly endorsing this medicine. Bat oar knowledge and experience of ite remarkable merit rally jnUfle oar action, iter. u. u. Jtcwing, Media, fa, snuerea sixteen years, oecame nopeiens; kov. Thoa. Mnrphr. D. D.. Frankfurd. Phila : Rer. J. B. Davis, Uigbutown, N. J.; Rev. J. 8. Buchanan, Rev. Jos. Begg, Palls Church, Phila. Other testi monials from Senators, Governors, Jtadgea, Con gressmen, Physician, 4e. forwarded gratis with pamphlet explatntng these ditteasea Une taoasand I dollars will be presented to ant medicine for same disease snowing equal merit anaer test, or that can prodaoe one-fonrth as many living cures. Any per-. son sending by letterdeecrtptien of afflictkm will re ceive aratis a lesal) naraber of bottles locate, agreeing to refund money opou sworn statement of its failure to cure. Afflict ed invited to write to Dr. Fitter. Phila. His valuable advice costs nothing. GREEN PLANNER, Wholeaale-and Retail Agents, janl4-lyeod-Tu Wilmington, N. C. A GBEAT Of FEB. OJILT 3 FQB $11, IN VALtTKl OR, TOR $4, $18 TS VAttT. OR, FOR $5, $26 IK VALUE 1 HHE BEAUTIFUL AND AUTISTIC CHROMO ,A "Isn't She Pretty," h and varnlabed. Size 13x17 "Isn't She Pretty," highly nniehed, mounted lafterLUUe M. Epeocar,) oy man, securely oo mrelT free, as a premium to every $3 yearly rab to DEMORE&TS MONTH LY. acknowledged the most beautiful and asefnl Parlor Magazine in America. 'Isn't She Pretty P Is a beautiful chroma and splendid parlor picture, and a valuable work of art. wortn moretnaa ooaoia toe eoscor saoeenpuon, and together with Demorest'e Monthly affords aa oBDOttoaltv for the investment of t each aa may never oecar again : or ia place of Isn't She Pretty, ' for $1 additional, Hiawatha's Wooing after Je rome Thompson.) size, 15x35, price $19, will be sent post-free; or both Chromos and Demoresfa Month ly, for one year, for $5. " Hiawatha's Wooing" is an equally splendid work of art, a large snd besiti f al Chromo. and worth foor times the price charged Husbands, fathers, brothers and Lovers, do not fail to subscribe for DEMOREST'8 MAGAZINE aad present it, with a beautiful Chrome. It will make eyes sparkle with delight and satisfaction, and prove monthly reminder of yoar good taste and kind feelin?. Address. W. Jennlnirs Demorest. 838 Broad- ....... VmiV rVmlm. A ttm l.t.at .iimWl rf the Magazine, cenu eaco, post-rree. nor , . ... -- 1 5;000 ; Cigarsy T TV i. A SSOITTED BRANDS, i : JMPOirrai. AND. DOMESTIC, . ft -ji mi g-?fi cheap by jaaw-tf.;. west ca Coal ! TA7E A.&B FILLINO ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY t T with best quality Red and White Ash Coal. fOOD of all kinds, fall length or cat to any de ji v i amo Mngin, ana prompiiy aenverea. . av m . . . . ..( 1a l-tf O. Q, PARSLEY ft CO. rrr 2 DH.-W. J. D. BELLAMY GIVES NOTICE TO the Dnbllc that he has moved his office to the . building occupied hr the Wilmington Library As- soewupi), nei nora oi jproca weoo s eaioon. OFFICE HOUE8:-9 A. M., 4 P. M., 8 P. M. janl7-eodtf. .. . .Estmbllsked tat 1820. .1 . V k ' CAMDEN, S . C . . x j . 1 -: DUBL1811KD EVERY THUR8DAY AT S SO j "P bta oMabllshaMaL la tho tear of Mr. Range's 8a I per annum. Advertising rates liberal. i ' 1 won, and is preparsd todo all Work In his line, ch M!f!!t otr Tr. 21 a neatly .ad peol. W. H. BiaxAKp, Agent, 0w i-tf 1 J in w :id;opg;qigars, i r. ..(KaaJOBSv JNYCLAT,CABANNA8. TARTAOASi- 1 P anolaaFlearo. Users.. Flor del Pn mil An1 other breads. Good quality aatLeheap price. I ran " ian wf yy-;-: r. AS.1 -c? BTEVENSOS. CJT Oar quotations, it should be understood, rap resent the wholesale- prices generally. In maid email order higher prices aave tO charged. ABTICXSS. r&icas. . BA.GCHNG Gunny . .. :.W lft 17 DOODie A&CnOr. Doable Anchor " An. . . ; . BACON JCorth Carollaa, ' 19 10 12 BhoalaeraV lb... , ........ - Sidos, i n...........l.M, . Wentern ffiami. . . ...... . ......... r Shoulders.. ...... v 17 ' 9 BARBELS Spirit Turpentine, Bocood liana, eaca. ........ New New York, each......;. New City, each -.-t... S 40 & SBO ''a 8 00 S60,(g S75,, 81 8 00 1000 03 i 1400 BEESWAX fJ lb BRICKS Wilmington, ft M - Nonaera... ....... BUTTER North Carolina, y . Northern, fb. CANDLES Sperm, 8 SO 80 90 I 60 & 88 1 50 : SO r 17 S3 Tallow, Adamantine. W 9t CHEESE Northern Factory V.fe Dairy, I..;... State. W lb . .. . 15 & COFFEE Java, 9 Tt.. .......... 80 I SI & S5 iOa 0 & nx& : 160 18 00 i Klo, ft n v., Lafrnarra, M flt... ... 23 28 . 95 15 165 .i. CORN MEAL V bushel... nOTTON TIES IB lb DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, S yd xtxxk, w buncn FlSU Mackerel, No. 1, V bbL.. No. 1, V X bbi Mackerel, Ho. S, ft bbl .&tl)M.......:L!.V.v 9 50 14 60 , . too a W 50 1 ISO 13) 9 00 . 0 00 000 1Xfr 8 6 00 & ' 6 60 : 7 00 j ' 7 SO & 6 50 to oe i-ti (M 8 SO s & 9 00 ; 9 50 9 75 10 08 10 60 13 60 & 0000 sMackerel,No. 8, W bbl.. :..?.. Mallets, bbl N.C. Herring, bbl...l iry voa, JK Super. Northern, v obi Kra do f ; V bbl.,,... - 'Kamify V o.. .... City MUla Sopsr., V bbl. .. p fixim, DDI..... fiV.fc & FaaOly, bbl.,. Kr. Kamllv. U bbl... frKRTHJZEliS t; - r- a ; Peruvian Guano, ft 8000 Ss Baugh'a PbMpbate, . i Carolina Fertiliser, " " Oronnd Bone, " " Bone Meal, " Floar, " NavssBa Guano, " " . Complete Manure, " " Wbann'B Phosphate " " Wando Phosphate, " " Benrer A Bats' Phosoh. M 80 00 00 00 00 00 SO 00 48 00 i 63 00 08 00 ! 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 & 67 00 1 65 00 65 00 . 00 00 67 00 . oo oo 7oo ; 00 00 TO 00 60 00 Cd 00 00 16 18 90 i 96 71 ! 73 70 0 75 65 70 1 30 1 S5 7 r 8 : is. wx leo- - 1 85 ISO GLtjK Tb....'.:... GRAIN Corn, in store, t Btt B Corn. Careo. 66 : 08... Corn, New, bosheU Oats. bushel. Peaa. Cow. bashttl HIDES Green, ft ; Dry, V 9.. ......... ; HAY Kartern, 100 tos.. ...... Hortn Kiver, w loo ss HOOP IRON V ton ... LARD Northern, ft ft... North Carolina, ft lb.... LIME bbl 150 00 160 00 10 13 10 i IS 1 66 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S3 00 95 to tl 00 Si 00 so oo s3oo: SO 00 :85t LUMBER River (Last sates), : Wide Boards, M ft Scantling, V M ft Flooring, V M ft ' CrfT Sxaax 8awi Bbip Staff, resawed, fill ft.. Rough Edge Plank, U ft.. West India Cargoes, according to aaiity, v m iu 'Dressed Flooring, .seasoned.. Scan tnne and Hoards, com- 15 00 ft 00 18 S3! ?4sr MOO 45 SO S4 100 7S5 S3 145 110 40 1 85 100 MOLASSES-Cnba, hhda, V Ral.. uuoa, ddis, v gai. .. Sogar House, hhda, ) gal. " bbla gal.. Cjrop; bbls. 9 gal .s . , . moo 39 1 10 Kerosene, y unt, w gai... Linseed, V gal loo 80 75 000 Keem. eai. .....:: PEANUTS V bushel POTATOES Sweet, V btwhel. . Irish, Northern, V bbl POJtK-orthera. CitvJieaa 3 50 16 00 46 60 08 Of 00 00 oo oar do oo 00 00 14 50 Kump, w bbl RICK Carolina, fl ft........... 6X East India, V ft............. 00 0 00 3 oo 135 KOOETh. DUBtt...., uaus country, vs.. dry. ft 3 S3 00 165 165! 10 ROPKr. . .i . . .....i.. 8 ALT Alum, bushel . uverpooi, sack... ' " American. V sack.. 1 60 1 60 SUGAR Cuba, ft.... X 11; 13 , rortaKico, y .. 13 13 A UJUCT, ST 13V . . - . o ooo ex. c m ft Crashed. V ft 19X 00 0 8 .4 00 600 t 60 3 00 30 00 0000 00 00 . 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 11 11 00 13 00 9 00 10 15 1 60 850 5 00 (iOO 1 00 500 1 75 S 60 U 40 .46 60 SOAP Northern. lb. SmNGUBS-Gontract, V M Common, MM.... STAVES W. O. BbL, V M k. u. una., w at at TALLOW ft T1MB SER Shi MU1 Prime, Mill Fair, M. Inferior to Ordinary. V ft WHISKEY Northern, gal.. north Carolina. gal WOOL-Unwashed, 9 ft...... wasoea. v BATES OP FREIGHT. Per Sailing Vessel Per Steamer. To Nsw Yokk. Crude Torpentine V b Tar bbf bbl 0 60 & 0 CM 0 00 0 55 0 45 0 65 0 60 0 60 1 00 0 00 0 60 0 60 Spta Turpentine V bbl 0 75 80 Uoein J Obi Cotton bale 0 60 0 00 0 00 1 75 00 JO 00 x ao o oo 0 00 0 00 0 00 30 00 Cotton Goods bale.. Flaxseed V basbeL.... Peanuts fl bushel. To PHiLaoaLrBLa. 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 60 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 t 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 0150 ,0 00 0 60 0 00 0 80 . 0 00 D 60 000 S 00 - 0 00 0 75 Crude Torpentine V bbl Tarw bbl Spts Turpentine tlbbl Kosin w bbl Cotton S bale......... Cotton Goods tt bale.. 000075 0 00 0 10 0 00 10 00 Peanuts W bushel Lumber V M 0 00 P 10 7 UU VJ09 0 00 0 45 TO BALTDIOKa. Crude Torpentine V bbl 000 000 000 0 00 00 0 00 000 i ar y ooi Spta Torpentine 9 bbl OWC045 0 75 itoain w ooi Cotton V bale.. Peanuts bushel ..... 0 46 3 00 0 00 Lumber w M. .. 00 ' TO BoflTOM 75 Crude Tumentiue bbl 0 70 0 70 Tar Wbbf. 8pU Turpentine V bbl 1 15 ttesm v doi.. Cotton , bale. .. 0 70 0 00 Peaaats bnaheL.i.l 0 1. Lumber-il M..... 0 WIL9IINGTOW nONET " MABKBT. OORBXCTXD BAILT BT TKX un ITalT RAKOTtB, I. B. GRAINOKK, PKB81DKNT. 1 . -; : r . ; mmrrjfo. nunia Oold 110 lit 8ilver...'....V.. 105 108 Exchange sight on Northern cities Par. ExeaangeSOdayse " " lllt-cdla; rar vai. BeUiae. Navassa Onano Car" . 100, 110 vC.( Boads-fOld ECbapoB , . . --"D' Fandint Mb, . .v.i IA.B5 ; 1. , " J86S 'TV' .1 - . 34 so Do.",.4'pedsi Tix'.'.': .13 Do. to N. C. Railroad .. .-'-...... SS W. . W. B. K. Bonds 7 We (Gold Int).90 Wilmington atyRinaX f c.v..v,. 70 h old OWc. ...67 - , . ' - -ii.- nmr i. - - 85 IdtilA In Y '1 Mf83c..i.ijj..7a?i: ; " new aanoTer vqqulj awiw iio tvbtsi, js-. . 6 WcfGold Intl.... : .70 New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 - B. tniA r.i . i . do W. &W. Railroad Stock (Par 100).,. ..65' i North Carolina B. R. 100) 44 i -t il w., U. Kauread -Wit Gas Light Co. 60). .70 MISCELLAJSrjEOUS. Shaving Saloon.n jOlS TXTtNtB INFORM if HIS pnfMEROUS I J friends and castomers that he has recently fitted 45 iQleq-PQi-. X UUit" WfiItJye etyiu and JSiftwi - 'NOSTB BTJTTCOMTETEJTT B: AlfpEFS I 1 a aBiiiviiawny. t emplored. PoiiW attention and general u'jctlon guraoteoo. , . ' f , . , , . A qec 14-qr . 80 45 0 46 SO 90 0 00 0 451 O 00 tsooi 000 0 11 0 00 8 001 . 6 60 .... ... ' : ... - 0 00ft 00M .0 00 ft 0 00 0 00! 000 0000 00.000 0 00 0 00 0 65 OO0OO0Lt6Q 00 ft 0 001 OlSft OtWftOOOl -010 i new nuvii; motkm ... a... - ; tzs First NattonalBank, . . , 7f. ... 100 106 SUmlngtnn Bnildlng Stock, 43 60 echanTcs .---.-' 41 10 66 'MISCELLAlfEOUS. 31 r ... g -cC,LBICB-TrJEBCT9 A3ARREL8; J. iM.iii COFFEESr-RIO.LAOUAYRA AND JAVA; CGARS ALL ORADESf '' FLOUR SUPER. TO EXTRA FAMILY;' ; Raisins, Candles, Fire Crackers, flr.ii.. J iL0TS TOSFlf;" ! - . '-! For sale at . . , ADRIAN, 4 VOLLEBS'. ; decl9-tf . . " . Bacoivl Lard,j ' Butter DRY; SALTED AND SMOKED ,i WESTERN Shoulders and Sides In Hogsheads and Boxes. ' V Sngar-Cnred Hams and Breakfast Stripe. s N. C. HOG-ROTTND, " CITY. MISS PORK; BUMP . PORK, PURE LARD IN TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, BEST FACTORY CHEESE, i r-- IN IiQTS TO. scrr., . J.' : For sale toy ADRIAN VOLLERSl ; may l-tf , Dissolution of Copartnership. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CO- i. partnership heretofore existing i partnership heretofore existing under the arm name of CoWille & Taylor expired by limitation January 1, 1873. JOHN COLVILLE, - K. al. TAlLUJi. Wilmington, N. C, January 1, 1873. . : . . ISevr Copartnersliiiy. ; WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS DAY forned a coDartnershlD under the firm name of ColvDle A Co.. for tbe porpose of continuing tbe Lumber Bnaiaeas heretofore carried on by Golville &TTrr..-. Tho thanks of Colvilla &. Tavlor are hereby tea. dered to the public for past favors, and a continna- uoa or us patronage soucueajor tne new arm. Persons Indebted to tbo old firm are urgently reo.eoteel lOi aettlo. their ac counts. tJOHN COLVILLE, JL J. TAYLO O. M. BUMM ERALt Wilmington, N. a, Janaary 1, 1873. JanS-tf To Arrive Within Ten Days. w , - . . - ; y i AAA BBLS NEW YORK CITY INSPECTED iVUU MSS8TOBJI. ' ;u j ,;',n , Warranted futy weight 1 r' QQ BOXES DRY SALTED SIDES, ' ' : . For sale for cash at low prices. -,. f ToArriveiriTiineforHan 500 TONS NAVASSA GUANO , i Fresh from the manufactory at Wilmington. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, oa' reasonable term, at manufacturer's prices. . ,t - ' . A. DAY, Agent. - Goldsboro, Jan. 6th, 1878.' ' 11 rw ' THE COLUMBIA UNION Issued daily aad weekly, L. Case CvRMirrxB, editor and propri etor. A lively, wide-awake, readable journal, pub lished at the State capital. "The Daily Union," Issued every morning (Sundays excepted), and fur nished to subscribers at $7 per annum. - Habscrip- ttons invariably in advance. It will contain the latest uw telegraphic information, market and commercial re ports. me vveeiuy union," published ev 17- i nursoay at tne tow price or s. An excellent vertLina medium. Rates reasonable. Book and Job work neatly executed. Jan 16-tf DANVILLE TWES, VIRGINIA Manufacturers, farmers and business men . generally will find "The Times" a valuable medium for advertising, or for obtaining correct Information concerning the re sources and climate of the Dan River Valley, ia Vir ginia and North Carolina. This region is unrivalled la the production of the finest vellow tobacco grown DUDU&ned wees.lv year, or fl 35 for six months. Address P. BOU. IN. Times Office, Danville. Vs. ' Jan 16-tf ' "VTOTICK By virtue and ' In pursuance of the i. power contained in a certain, mortgage deed, bearing date the tilth day of January, 187, una reg istered hi the Registers office of ew Hanover county, In book D I D, page 407.' and executed by the late Robert H. Cowaa to my testator, the late Alfred L. Price, I will, oa Monday,' tho 10th day of February, A. D. 1873, at Exchange . Corner, in the city of Wilmington, at 11 o'clock A. M.,' expose to ale to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Robert fcf. Cowaa, deceased, in the Wilmington and Seaside Railroad Company, consisting of 660 shares, of the capital stock o said corporation, upon which M per cent, has been paid. CUA& A, PRICE, Kx'r of A.L, Price,. , r -x .,; f , JanSl-4t TtS MAGNOLIA MONrTOIWPubUBhed at Mag nolia, -N. C, every-Wednesday has now an extensive circulation, sad larger than any paper Pnhll.aed ia tho coostWa ot PqgUa, - smpsoa, Ons low and Joaes. affording a rare opportunity to those who wish to advertlso, being circulated in a rich ag. ricaltaxal community. We have succeeded beyond oar most sanguine expectations, and our list is can. stantly bacreaaing, having the support of an appre ciative puoiic. . Terms, s per annum, months aad 75c. for I months. Send fi S1S5 for for soecimen copies. ' Address W. T. HANNAFOKD. editor and proprietor. . a,UmX i iiu;.uu ftjaatlftf - W INSTON SENTINEL, Winston, 1 Forsyth co. N.C.;esUbUshed If yeara-We. would call eavaatava VI ? UMUllKtval mVUSUll Willi SPVCK the trade of this section, to tho value of the lSentW nei" as an aavertuin UoninFors; aio ana uwrim eoanaea. aooacoo. Trait a&a brandy Ttriacipol articles of . traffic, The Northweatern N rauroaa win oe compietea to tnia place m a lew weeks which will place us indirect rallreadooauna., nication with Wilmington. Terms Card, 1 year. $18f 6 months $7; 8 monthoi A Jaatlltf I . 1 m.i, in i L., v, , T THE MARION STAR is the only newspaper pub-' lished at Marion,' 8. G. Msrchanta and dealers ia fertilizers In Wilmington, should remember this in the beginning of the season, if thev wish to ad. vance their interest ia the, Pee Dee section one o( the best agricultural districts in South Carolina Ad. arose w. 4. Moa.KrfaVi.LJ at K-jaa 16-tf a The " CIiri8tik . Giices.w A" 'KEW $9 VATVS"AaiQ ctacbI and heaoygivcB away to each subscriber to ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE for 1873. .. A magazine for cultured homes; a magazme al ways op to the advancing- thought, aocial progress and spirit of the times; a magazine In which the lighter literature of the period la. made the vehicle oi pure ana noh to sentiment,, i.. i it.'1 ?.'.' -f -.. 1 tt THE GBBISTIAlf . r HOPE, GRACES. CI1ARIT Y. - "And now- abkfcth FaltL-- if epe saHtharlty: these tin ee, bat the greatest of these is Charity." i ;.. aw. -'Hi " " iia.' ir :.y i j ' 7.S0 IIS VALVB VOU $2.60, It is a long time since anything has appeared in. Christian art so lovely and . so exquisite - u design' and execution aa this large and elegant una and tipple steel engraving, fThe Christian Graces." sUe si by inches, vfU groaptog of the figujreils graceful oeyond conception, and the' faces of such, rare and heavenly beauty, that it seems aa if the art ist must have seen them In a vision. Every ubsert 1 per to " Akthtjb's Iixubtuatks Hoju Maqanx " : for .Wa will 'receive m copy of this splendid t1 picture yBxa. Price of Home Magazine $i.BO a year: MMtSMlMn nf Muniiln. in MDtl - LOCAL AGENTS WANTED evervwhera to rt . ! subscHberi far our beautifulmagjwine,' so, weU, auown ipj ip.o isnwetuv ysws ana. sogrcataia- f aa wake large eomoiiasiona bend for agents con,-. UaappQlntment abuut UfOu.if aeliverv of rjlrtm. ss we fcaye mie ainr4e.iftrraD"nerta for their rao. Id pjoaac;iuii,--v C ,- t; 8. ARTHUR, r9. i& ... r i 1J 4 811 Cheenut street, hiiadelpU r; Iaoeuwai circular, on caa. oaraiy -enyv. pThe pt ristiiii Oraces ,lto any p?rpn cf tiif-ko an! Ine, teiiciooa rtlln-'irlr t. r 'tf.nir "m anhu -!1um.-. I BALTII10RE LCCK HOSPITAL! i - dr.: Jon a, p w , VirYsi5lX Tin's tfjEfbRXf M tSsTrfu- .JL TION, discovered, fcheu in the great hospitals ot .Europe, viz: .ungiana, rrance ana eisewnere, tne certain, epeeay, pleasant ana enectnai remeay in. ine world for all excesses or abases of the system. . Weakness of the Back or Limbs. Strictures. Affec tion of the Kidneys or Bladder,- Involuntary Dis- caarges, impotency, uenerai ieoiutyr m ervoueness. uypepsia, juaneuor, uaw epmis, unuunon oi Ideas, Palpitatioa -of the Heart, Timidity,' Tretn- )ling, Dimness of Sightor Giddiness, Dteeas of the lead. Throat. Nose or Skin. Affections of the Liver. Langs, Stomach or Bowel. thoes terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of youths-secret and sou lory practices more ratal to their victims man the song of the syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriagee, . impossible,, destroying dolu oouy ana mina ; 'i.iv-.; '!.;',. i' 4.3 1 Especially,' who hav become the vlctfrns of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Soong men of the most exalted talents and brilliant itellect, who might otherwise have entranced list ening Senate with the the thunders- of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may icall with full confidence. I i5 ti ,1 x , MARRIAGE. alamed persons, or yonng men: contemblatins marriage, aware of Physical Weakness. Loss of Pro- creative Power (impotencyV, Nervoos Excitability, Palpitation, Organic Weakneaa, Nervous Debility, or any other disqtiallflcsaon, speeduy reueved. - lie who places himself under" the care of Dr. J. mar religioasly confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as s physician, y ;h ! f 'ojjjjy 5TBtAKNES8' ?, ? W immediately cored and fall .vigor restored. ' ' This distressing affection which renders life mis erable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not be ing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensce. ' Now, who that understand, this subject wiO pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudential f Besides being deprived of the pleas ore of healthy offspring,' the most, aerious ana des tructive symptoms of .both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical 'and mental functions weakenedT Loss of Procreative Power. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, ConntituDouai Debility and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, isecay ana ieata. v : -' i A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED. h Persons' ruined in health by unlearned pretenders wno Keep mem inning month alter montn. taking poisonou and . injurious compounds, should apply immediately. , . DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate of one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the beBt part of whose life has been spent m the hospitals oi London. Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cares that iwere ever known ; many troubled with ringing In the head, sod ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sadden sounds. Iwsbf ulness. with freauent blushms. attend ed sometimes with derangement of .mind,, were Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured them- i i i . i . . . . . . . bcitcb uj uupruuer mauxeence ana souory nuna, which; rain both body and mind,' unfitting thetavfor either business, study, society or marriage. ' These are some of tne aad melancholy effects pro duced by the early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, . Pains ia the head. Dimness rt Hffvhfr T naa r? Vf n .n!. Pnn.n P.lnUotlnit a Wa' Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement. or tne uigesuve runcaoaa, uenerai uopinty, (symp toms of mptioa, Ac MjSKTAiif. Tks fearful effects oa the mind ara much to be dreaded. . Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas,- Dopreseio of- 8pirita, . Evil If orebodij Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitsc lumuiiy, oicx, are some oi we evus proaacea. Thousanda OL. oersons of all aeea can now Indra what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak. oals. nervous and ema ciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes,' ceupu uiu Bjiupwma oi vonsumpnon. , ' '! - Who have injured themselves by a cartaia practice, indulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at echooL. the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not curea renaers marriage imposaiDie both mind and body, ahoold apply ii What a pity that a young man. the hope cf his country, ua pnae or uis parents, snooia do snatenea rxom ail proepoct consegnence of deviating from the path bf naturev and Indulging in a certain secret habit. finch per sons muBt, before contemplating .jj -- ) -.j,' JLARRIAGE ; ,r.; ;,s,''? w '' Reflect thai a sound ailnd and body are the- moat necessary reqaisitea to promote . connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed wkh despair, and filled with the melancholy- reflec tion that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. . -i f - . -. 1 A.: CERTAIN DISEASE,' ' t ' - fi" :.' ! -'''' i When the misguided and' lmorndent votarr at. pleasure dads ho has imbibed the seeds of this pab ful diaeasa, tt too often bappeas that , an Ul-timed sense or sname or oreaa 01 discovery .deters him from applyiag to those who. from education and re Itabmtv. can alone befriend him. Ha falls inta aaada of ignorant and ' deshrnimr Bretenders' who, incapable of. curing, filch hut pecuniary, sub stance, keep him trifiing month after manth, or as looa; as the araaUeet fee can be obtained, aaa in de spair leave him with ruined health to atgh over his galling disappointment; or, by the use of that dead ly poiaoa. Mercury, cause the. eeaatitotkmal symp toms of this horrid disease to make their appearance, " such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased noe, noctar- nal pains in tbe head and limbs,, dimness of sight, . deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches n the head and face, and axtrendtiaa, psogrossiag with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and -the'' vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commlsse ration till death pate a period to his dread-' ful suffering, by sending him to that Undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns," ' To such, therefore. Dr. Johnson offers the most ' certain, speedy, pleasant aad effectual remedy ia the ' worm, 1 5, if fv'f isuoi m. 1 1 OFMCl7MirrXIFBKIEIlICKST.; . V BAlTIMOttEV ttYLaMl ! 1 ;'" f. ' P .: ;:' :-. ; '.iVl f '--J r 1 , f ! I! Lefthand side going from Balthaore Street, a few uuvn nun uic norutr, c ap not to ooeerve naavs aad number.-. t:r r.o.rt:. i":,i . ! vertisement iuj4h4ns mintmn.. , fcw. . , ... , . . .. 1 .ut jKmiJNTOF TjtPESSS;.f,f! f i The taany thoaaaneaoareeT at this earahnsmwent . witnin the last twenty Tears, and tho numerous portent surgical operation, performed hr Dr. J , tae last twenty Tears, and tho numerous ha-' Dr. Joanf. wiukmh oj toe representatives of . the Press and man iy others, noticeaof which have SDDeared again an d afaia bafo tka nnWl kau Kb in (7 a man r.1 knnu ....... .... . a- cient guarantee to thoainicte.; " , V t m ttiarch lS-ly ent ' ' f , .Oranges lOranges! 1 1 II INFORD; 'CROW ' 'COi' "HAVK JU8T ' lot,' ee from. itMcafndies,. n ifnj.i h j ' --40,000 YERY.TINB ORANGES.; n.-lj ' I 7ouf orders at ence or there ,wlll bejooae leftT , decSa-U . . . r. : .' - ; .' "' " r.. l.r;- 1 ; : z.500;Acres of Laiia at $2 Per Acre Ayaluabl laatoti,,0fiered at 1 a A . FINE PLANTATION, CONTAINING !A handsome residence aad 3,500 acres of land, sit- 8,500 acres of hud, sit-- uapea on tne.waoeree river., arx9t, twenty-eight miles from Corambia, and within a few miles of tho Wilmtngtan,- Columbia ahd Angasta foilroad,. is now offered for sale at five thousand ($5,000) dollars." Before the war the place was valued at fifty thous and dollars.. ,fcoll fertile, adapted to the raising of corn, cotton, rice, Ac, and abounding in timber of every variety. ?i .;:- i 'wii,m 'Si hij Besides the dwelling house It contains out-buttd-' ings of various kinds. Lies partly In Richland and. partly In banner county . ,acrmn. ma. 1h ZT . - V:f:7?r)4 J ..Janlftf if' .vmturBy eouut Miroilna. tl'.i ,v,fiLTATERPpOLlBiTJK ALUM, AndWdrtiagoniOT B j 3 rfMto:iti Sift jic?;a-unuAMKBB06 L 7 T - r . i sj ' 1 f. , .. I t . t"- (,Arj.,r ,!t !!i Kti-V ?...-f -i LrrWr L; T' d f AvXNfBarrJlaSAd thWw(al. rI,Vf:1ia.V f3sr- Ho letters received aaless postpaid and con-, ta&iiagaatamp to be used onv the raply.- Pereona' WCltine ahOUid State soe. and aamd mv nmrtinn nf ki.- .iV-.? -1- . 1 T board rrom him ince Twh. of Sp Ust; am rery :yCl fCOtalndO tOPqandacii tha.bSMtasss,' atiho pa- anaasy about aim.-' He wm in axid' health d.i"i&''JT,L.Cl 1 I heardfrom-him ;U about afeet 10 inches iWe!w?! Uaa, No? 1 araniU-Row, Where 1 wlfl so nappy? to bye re4hairV so ' Lehman. WU1 any 'person be ssd-micMfoXsiid ci- I U 7rVv' n7uch in needot J- .".1 -vOv-., ",A"ri I his wppotL. fJJAuU K. P P AatRElXt - 4 Set 1-tf --. - , -1 . - i c ( -. - ".itolagtonN. C, General Sutfto Office." ITILlbllrtOTOIOLtflrtillA" Ar ' . - WTT MTVrtfVlW V n 'Vf. - A tj l 1 .-i ""'V v., .VU) lUl. 1874 Chfmgq of 5 Schedule: THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO rvrn effect at 3:25 A. JC, Monday, 1th Inrt: , 4 Leave WUmmgtoo.,v,M.V.i. ',8:25 'a M. Arrive at Florence 9m A v Arrive at CotnmbiaU4;i&.Vi:Wr S:4o p m Arriva ll.lanili. . t.' H Arrive at. Florence,o..iuLi. ;-4:is P v' Arrive at Wilmington...,.....,rt..; 10: & J; Mglit Kxprcs Train ; Daily (Sun '' days li;iceptea.V. Leave WltotogtoB..iM.i.,.,-j.;.: r. p v Arrive at Columbia.. ...... 8-40 a V Arrive at Augusta :v,....,Uvito: 8:'so a! m Leave Augusta.. .. j..,.i..v..'.,. 5:50 P v Arrive at Coluntbia.tv.uA.il.v loao K M Arrive at Florence.. ...,4; ...xu. 8:i v fi'lrCfcS a 2: !: s -''.rt.tf ;i?AlJAJCES ANDERSON, .. oct 90t r. n T &lr 'y., Gegl Ssp't. AND RUTItERFOIlD n?ni I ' divitai CisWxvTm ato'' '1 ' ' - . ' Wnjraotow. N. Ci Jan. s, 1878. 7 H , M, Changed of Qchediile. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ON AND AFTER iB?rjr.i lb w!M Iratsswill run over this Road a follows: . . . .; , j vw r BEfis7aVAim VBEIOITT TRAfN. ''iC'ik strive at Vv . T,..f,!t'..-'!f,;', .Urtua fiV:4 . : . PA8SliHCEn A BXPtZESS FREIGHT 1 RKVT1VT JanT-tfj Chief Engineer and 8rtp''t Wilmington & Weldon 'RAJXliOAD'CO.- u. imiinil mi A eoff Schedule. 1.H a: sT I AJXD Airi jlk J 1 1 N K 1lra- TVJTiVT xaa- V senger tratna-on the Wilmington and Weldon. I. -I I. yu SKAlt TU. AITtl i -Leave Union Depot daily (Sundays ex-'' ; 1 Arrive at dsboro:::i?.:..'.?.'',,;;.t 1 P. M. . . Weldon A5B p M. Leave Weldon: dallr Bandars exceed lt7 ! ed) r a a aa . ar a a arrive at Rocky Mount ; Goldsboro.... ...vv.Va's.vll A. M. Union Depot......: ......... 5cap. m. l,y.M .vwRXPBE8 TMAXNwf vr t Leave Union Depot dsly........;.,At 10:40 P. M. AirivstG8boroi.U..ti..3.iu.vV :00 A. M. - w weiaon . .. s0 A M. .LeaveJv-eldon, daUy,.... ..ta 7,10 P. M. Arrive1 at Rocky Mount.... 88 P. M 'i'ir tt!ldaboroa.iwi..r1.C;;i.TJ0a8 P. M. .The mall train makes close connectfonat Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes, t i . ;,. " s :. 1., , :i.r: . --j If -f ,j. v- ' ' Express Train connects only wit. Acquis Creek Psllnaaisai Palaco Sleoptata; Oars onthUTraU. . . , ,, . , i TaKIGHT TRAINS' will leave WTlmlni trl- I Weekly at 6:00 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. f u.KXPRESS FREIGHT: TRAINS will leave Wit srtleat itl mv7"1 iPU!,M 5 ?" nd 1 l.t f.?Js- A. .Vtv-..f I . SCiXtVi -V Til II I ft! U - . j ..- a w wMa w aj. jus. General epperiatendent . STEAMSHIP LINES, PHIL ADSIm; AND OUTnERN . . . 1 . . :'i'j?il M "ife.;'if "J!1 Ui'.- - i i I.;l?f. ..!Hi1 ;f-jr'ii Ivii taxi 'ilii vuoT. k- .'-'i-' Hiul1 Steamship f Ehe, -'1 ' ; J if 1 JrElSLAWAitiaAj ntOi'TrtKa. .! eltbaaas. r-' "Ji.l I AM ...jip .. . Fortrsianist'lsnsutWhpplyto 1 .?! ., te I .i VobthUssW vtt -Vi'I't tft'' viiM) SsBsetjiTdlBaTalat t(l h,U Vrt n-.J.? )une0-tf AlA-LTAirXOUtt ,Aiil ; sVia.flUNti's'ONi ' 3 tot? ifr.yi Mil? :?- .;iT' -:f .ti iV..SteamsMp vliiie, iWii v-"'". - .n i..t..'i- ,T.r fc Bennett, nEBECCaCLYDE, apt. Eh C ChUds, " I ' -WILL' laSXAFTElt' tS ATL' ')' 12 VEUYj TUESDAY 6. JF1TIDAY, ft fif AND WrtllTON1 .".ivifary Wlpay ui4SatTirtla7, fcv CONN KUTLWU AT iWIiaiLSUlV -v with the Wilmington, Columbia ( and . Augui the Wilmlnst.n. Columbia t and Augusta, r i - Wilmington i ana wcidon, ana tne ' w nmuiwui wummgton ana wcidon, ana tne ' w nmun;wu. Charlotte and HntherfOMl Kalliwdai also the several ciianoiieana wunwrow jtsurasu lines of steamers to Fayetteville, - GlTlaac Tbroaela BUI of Ladloar To all points HTfo'rfli anOouth Carolina, Oeords and Alabama1 connecting it Baltimore.witb the Bal timore and Ohio aad thaNorthera Central Itailrosd for alt points in tho West and Northwest, and with steamem and Ballroads tor Boston,-- New York? ana V - i '"Agent, WUmlngton. W. V; , I iwomtwd i-W-VAu.' Baltimore, i k " 1 r L?JOTiCl.MyLhusbsnd, Miclu FamJe" ri NovemDer s3d,,.W7a' Since that timo be . 4- v.. k a- a .T.j a... 1 havs not li TTt-11 ' n dWal a; aniU. wlif" TTJ??5' ?gni Trams for TON LUM BER run irrespectively. f - 4 , V , ta?" No Train wW leave on Sundaya ' ' ; '."' 2r-?H- tfr. I'iXH URL. FREMONT' ia ; ' . OrtEi 6 Oral 8irraBi5txxsnrt, I r lv Vl W UmiogtonT N.-C) Sane 8th, 1871 ' f iri .i ;if A .-. .1 .... V4--, 7v'f'?