- remembrance.' ..' "J w i ; BY KMHY BRONTE L . Cold in the earth, and the deep snow piled above Uiee, Far, f mr removed, cold In the flreary rrtve, Have I forgot, my only Joys, to love thee,- Severed at last by time's all-ftevef ing wave f Xow, when removed, 3q my thoughts no longer hover "; 1 . '."' ; Over the mountains on that-' northern . I i F t - i ItW1SJ2?t,",1, Thv noble heart forever evermore? ' . ... ... unuu. v b. . From these brown hills have melted into Ppring: - ; , Fnithful indeed the love that Is remembers After such years .of thganc and Buffering. Sweet love of youth, forrfve if I f orget thee, While the world's tide la bearing me Othe Sea and other hopes beset meV iimv9 which obscure, but rnnnnt rinth wrong. ".::;;".v- No later light has lightened up my heaved, No second morn nas ever suome lor me; I All my life's bliss from thy dear life- was given, , ' " . v - All my life's bliss la in the grave with thee. Bat when the days of golden dreams had perished, - . ! And even despair was powerless to des troy, ' '" " -Then did I learn bow existence could be cherished,- ...... Strengthened and fed without the aid of Then did I check the tears of useless passion, Weaned my young: ul from yearning Sternly denied its burning wish to hasten r Down to that tomne already morethanl mine. And even now I dare not let it languish. Dare not Indulge in memory's rapturous pain. Onee drinking deep of that divintst angrtiih, How could Itrust tUo empty world again? FIELD AND FIRESIDE. Practical Uinta ( Itnag Farmer. From the Rural Carolinian. A ruined plantation and the sourest set of neighbors imaginable will sug gest the propriety of his selling out and trying what ne'ean do in ' Texas. j Some of his neighbors may be able and willing to pay something to get rid of a nuisance. Hence his planta tion is sold and he is on" the wins to try the genial soil and climate of ' the far west." Men whose organ of des- tructiveness is largely developed, find a proper field in. the dense forests and cane-breaks of that region. . mw ya t LnA surest for himelf and the country,' is in the first place that helay off and inclose a trood and sufficient portion CD ' of his plantation for pasture lands and that his own stock be confined on his own; premises. He may be under temptation to let them run at large to get a share of the pasture on tne waste tanas oi a neignoor, out De had better provide for his own. This pasture land claims attention and some labor. -Its value may - be crops for the pasturage in winter, by . r.. . ti . . I piantni&r snruDDerv, trees ana vines for browzing or to raise a forest. The small grains should receive a large share of attention both for what they yield in the way of a supply of food for the crop of vegetation that rises after harvest and '." which if ploughed in the fall - contributes largely to keep up fertility. should receive due attention both in the use of appropriate fertilizers and prompt cultivation. Cotton, as the great and reliable money crop of the cdunlrr, should re ceive due attention. Fertilizers should be abundantly applied at the right time and manner. - i I am of the opinion" that it is good policy on the whole to plant about lialf the usual quantity of land in this crop, wun a view 10 . ine pruuuutitui of a given quantity of the lint. Say for instance the farmer expect 8,000 pounds of iint.V. Ordinarily, 40 acres are necessary to yield this amount . The held be e over at least five times with the plough and twice going over 200 acres with the plough and 80 acres with the hoe. Now, suppose half, of this labor is devoted to the preparation and appli- canon oi ierniizers ior zu acres. This labor in time aggregates abont ninety days for a man and fifty days tor a horse or mule. aii I "Vi-v " All the ferti hzers necessary for the 40 acres, and the ninety days labor of the manarid the fifty days' labor of the mule, devoted to the 20 acres, will, as I think, secure the 8,000 pounds of Unti l- To sny 1 nothing about , being able to give t he more prompt attention in Hie nuin r of cultivation, every prac t'ual liirau-r knows the importance of doing w or k: m : he right time, in the whole itroftRM of raiijtnsr a ciop, and thetl Inif from an unlavorHble imason. It ,nar .e tot, wet or too drjr to give the ruLiAM. lK' r? V? 2??" Mc. rca w . Jf a iW?:r: . u.y. w woroui a.,..a..a i... .u- ...,r.., A.v in -iim wjni iY vnu . uiituiiuiiaiv " limp. It has Wen, demonstrated that1 mi ncrc of land in our climate is capable f yielding 1,200 pounds of lint, so t!i at I think 400 poundtaa an average ou 20 acres, with high cultivation, a a afe estimate.'"' 1 " "' , It i ralso important to '.'the young man, and to posterityi that ' he adopt and carry out n system in hia modes of cul tivation and hi - processes 1 of "fertilizing. '- ;, ' '. There should be systemin the rota tion of . crops, a No , field should be put in crops requiring summer culti , vation, 'Aurith the plough, - more than two years in succession. ',14 is true ' . some fields have held up longer than thisi and man v wUl hold up V But the policy of ridinii a free horse to death was never good, even though he were Torroxred.. -. , .The most successful farmers in the wophl are those who have been most systematic t m - this ", respect. With them the object is not only to, reap an abundant harvest' the present Rea son, but to increase the probability of arger result in each of the years fol io win sr." " - -v. . With a view to this end. fertilizers are chosen or manufactured.' the crop tur eacn neia selected, tne kind and ordei of ploughing directed and the jfiifl iu which me ianus snail lie un j u ii uivii tuo lAuus Dliilll lie un- l!?on?hed - 80 it may be he.-c, and 8n2Iiia De . . ' : . A.here nouW be system in the choice and application of fertilizpm Sme of these are quick in their re- salts. Others slower in their opera- tion, but much more durable in their effects. Every plantation affords a great amount of material, which may be convened into Valuable fertilizers. Observation and experience must be relied on to guide in such matters. la Europe lime is the sheet anchor amonK fertilizers, and would doubt- JCa Kany in mo production ot most crops here. Onr soil is 'hungry for alkalies. Their application would cure many ailments, and in particular would 1 render the turning nnder of green crops and other vegetable mat ter more effective. By the way, the burying of a crop of vegetation in the soil on which it grew is one of the cheap methods of improving land. Ihe present season has been very favorable for the irrowth of -.veceta- Z" rr"!V: w.x Y.,1,13l""a3 ",lvcr epnumeu wim umo migni neip me yonug man s crop next year and years following. to be continued. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. The Cream, of Current Comment.! New York Tribune.! A Delirium of Vengeance. " It is apparent to all and to none more clearly than the miserable con victs in the Tombs that lust now the way of the transgressor is to be especially hard and uncomfortable. The unexpected conviction of Stokes revealed a stern disposition on the part of the people to insist on the enforcement of the laws. The affirma tion by the court of final resort of the sentence of Foster, the car-hook murderer, indicates the purpose of the authorities to do their duty. The liberate attempt at assassination by fger win go xar towara mtensi l.S -the feeling of the one, anc and urging the other to carry out the strict letter of the law, however re volting it may be. This is certainly a bad time for murderers. Every few years the public of this city seems to be seized with a determina tion to publish all sorts of crimes in the most summary manner. The simple fact is that executions now-a-davs are without moral. As e punishment of crime, they result ffwi frennftntlv more from ontsidn m- too frequently more from outside in fiuences than from actual evidence. The whole system of prosecution is tax and wrong, ihe absurd plan of selecting juries from the most igno rant of the panel; the vile methods of confusing witnesses until anything and everything but the truth is ob tained; the swearing of ignoraut men to deliver verdicts according to the law as well as evidence, when they are avowedly ignorant of all complex principles of law; the permitting of appeals upon ' the errors of expert Judges who are trained to commit few mistakes, and the denying the I - t 1 V VI 1 C J . n8l.w "" .r noiT. i tv rnra 5 i T.riFH H.rf hmkh v if ii m. tions of common sense. The meth ods of conviction and execution are blots upon our civilization. New York Journal of Commerce. Down With Special Legislation ! Special legislation in its abuses and it almost always t abused has been a curse to this State. Wa Jaws f cha j thc - 0penont and placesf for di the recting the election of supervisers in towns and cities, for amending village charters, for designating places of voting, and for opening streets. In most instances these are insignificant affairs, unworthy of attention of a great legislative body, and being or dered by a general law than they possibly could be by special enact- 1 J Bnt iefflation in it8 bearing upon this city involves inter ests of far greater magnitude not on ly to taxpayers here but to the people to the whole State, who cannot help sharing in our prosperity or adversity, L Therefore we see with pleasure that the committee urge the following de scribed two amendments to the Con stitution: w,,e forbidding the passage of special charters or the amendment of charters . foccities: and the other i'u :,i;v:.i.,l nfth, - " .,road trayks ()r' anen J I, A clmrten,. A third most comprehensive amendment, which will affect us benefi if adopted, is that pro lnbiting the granting of i :i cr tne ranung vi any fepcumi or exclusive privilege or immunity or franchise whatever. . Gen. J. II. Gordon, tne New Georgia Senator. ; The successful candidate is a gal lant soldier and a true patriot the pride of his State. He has fought his last .fight manfully and bravely, and won it fairly and honorably de feating the most ,. formidable oppo nents who 'could hava been pitted against him. As a Senator he will be a fit representative of his State and people, and into his hands their honor and their interests may safely be en trusted. He served his State through four years of war and eight years xif peace never deserting her or her children for v.Mv..in9tat, totjdrig their cause . his v cause-rr; ? "a richly earned his ; re ward Ule had I the Democracy on what, was thonht. 1 ; u oiwpo m iooB,;.ana wouia bave triumphed then' had not fraud been employed against him. He was one of the . leaders in the movemen t of 1870 which commenced, andv in the movement of 1872 which com pleted, the overthrow of Radicalism in Georgia. Last summer and fall he also materially aided the Liberal cause by his efforts on the hustings of the West. His speeches attracted great attention, and were most favor ably commented upon by the press of the country. He will serve us well and ably, and give us no cause to re gret his success. Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel. STAR BEAMS. Weniauski gets $5,000 a month. . Miss Cary gets $600 a month in gold. ; . Baltimore exports annually $8, 000,000 worth of oysters. It is believed that Queen Victo ria will open Parliament in person. The. Vanderspiegel family of Bennington Ct., contains a snuff-box 125 years old. Lizzie KelseV, a Black Crook beauty, has saved up and bousrht a Jersey home. Aide, who wrote "Danube Riv er," has written VDance on Forever," a Linden song. The Ohio Legislature has passed a law making the vendors of non-explosives responsible for the damage done. A railroad is being constructed from Jaffa to Jerusalem. When the line is open, the journey will be made in two hours. ; At a Washington wedding late ly, the groom wore black kid gloves, and married the bride with a diamond ring. "I now pronounce you man and hand over that ten dollars before I go clergymen have of securing their fee. Two new mineral species, from the province of Los Bordss, in Chile, have been described by M. Bertrand in a recent number of the " Annalea des Mines." One of these is a double chloride of silver and mercury, called bordosite; the other is a native oxide of mercury, termed hydrargynte. ' The jury have declared innocent Jennie Droz, the Cleveland girl who shot Mayor Fisk, two years ago. She has all along pleaded guilty, but what is such a young girl supposed to know about such an important matter compared with the "twelve good men and true ?n SPECIAL NOTICES. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE. THIS superb Hair Dye is the Ut In Vu toorid perfectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No riduculon tints or unpleas ant odor. Thegenoine W. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Nat al mown, lioea not stain tne skin. Dot learea tne ir clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all Druggists. Factory 16 Bond street. New York. feb 7-eodly-ent Tu Th Sat ' PHYSICIANS AND CLERGYMEN Testify to the merits of HALL'S VEGETABLE Sicilian II air Benewer, In restoring gray hair to its original color andpro- moung 11a growu. 11 majses me nair son ana gloss ossy. It Is i ne oia in appearanee are maae young again, the best HAIR DRESSING ever used. It removes dandruff and all scurvy erup tions, it aoes not stain tne asm. Onr Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail. Beware of the numerous preparations which are soia upon oar reparation. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. Jan 3$-eodlw-dw BUSINESS CARDS. A. ASRIAX. H. TOIXXRS. ADRIAN & VOLLEBS, Corner Front and Dock 8taw WILSIIIf GTOPf, N. C. TY7HOLESALE GROCERS Vf IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on as ana examining onr block. nov iv-u MOFFITT & CO Q.ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Waiter Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. WiQ eive prompt personal attention to the sale oi shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc., etc Also to receiving ana lorwaramg gooas. - W Orders solicited sad promptly ftlled. ep8-tf - II. F. MITCHELL, & SON, QOMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers in Grain, Flour. Hay. and also Fresb . Ground Jaeal, Pearl Honunjr and Grits. pTos. 9 and 10 N. Water et, Wilmington, N. C. Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Mills. novS5-tf Evans & VonGlahn, IXTHOISALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 'V - i Hoots and Shoes, Keep all grades of Men's Boots and Brogans, Gait e'ra. Ac: Ladicu and Misees Leather and Cloth Bal morals. Bronze, Button and Lace Shoes: a large lot of Children's one aud Copper tipped Shoes. We resiectf ally ask onr old friends and the pnblic HI call auu euuuneunr new riuun vi turns. EVANS A VONGLAHN. Princess Htrcet, opposite Journal Office, nv7-Sni FXTRCELL HOUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, PBOPBIETOR TfROM THIS DATE, THE RATES FOR TRAN sient Boarders are $4 00, (3 00 or $3 60 per day, ac cording to location and rooms. Duj Boarders, $8 00 per week. QanSl-tf ILTorrill's Eestaurant, No. 1 6 8, Water St., Wilmlncton, N. O. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. THE BEST WINES, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. - T ; The public are Invited to call. DeJ9-ly JOHN JAMES, A 1? r 0 d u c e lire li o r , miscellaneous; II U IT THE J A C O B I A X E, The Best Made. WA J0XV3 TOOLS, THE BEST , QUALITY, AT JACOBI'S. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, r, " Carpenters Tools, MACHINIST TOOLS. Turpentine Tools, LOWEST PRICES AT JACOBI'S Hardware, Depot. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, Sec, ; Table mid Pocket Cutlerj'i ASSORTMENT LARGE AND VERY COMPLETE. Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, ' , . ' i AT N. JACOBI'S, marlS-tf Market Street. ; THOS. STANLY, J3ROPRIETOR OP "CITY GRANARY," DEALXB IN- orn, Peas, Wheat, Oats, Rice, &c, k. Ready access to my Warehouse for the delivery of cargoes, and easy handling and storage at small ex pense. Best quality of Corn direct from vessels at the Ipweet wholesale prices. Communications for information concerning the Grain Market in this city promptly answered. r All orders should be accompanied bv the money or city acceptance. Omra m Warehouse on Market Wharf, janlft-lm NEWBERN.N. C. For Sale. 2Q BAGS C C NTJTS, BARRELS A1TLES, ; BOXES ORANGES, QQ BAREEL8 POTATOES, 2ft BARRETT CIDER, Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, "x Okra, Vegetables and Oysters, Brandy Peaches, Raisins, Fi8, Candy, Mackerel in whole, half and quarter barrels; Snuff, Began and Tobacco, Floor, Sugar, Ac, &c, Ac HEIDE BROS. jan 16-tf SEED POTATOES. 1,000 BARRELS JARLYROSE, GOODRICH, PINK EYES, PEACH BLOW, JACKSON WHITES. Groceries at tne lowest market prices. jan-tf BLNFORD, CROW A CO. Notice of Dissolution. THE FIRM OP BASS, SCOTT & CO. WAS Dis solved on the 8th instant by the death of Wn. B, Bass. The affairs of said Arm will be settled by the undersigned snrvivine partners, who will con tinue the basin ess nnder the name and style of J. J. SCOTT & CO. Thankful for the natronaze so liberally bestowed jipon the old firm, we hope by strict attention to Dnsiness 10 merit a continuance or tne same. H. JJSAuS, 8arvlvln P" P. 8. Mr. O. FennelL Jr., will continue with the new firm, dec H-d3mwlm . G-. Boney & Sons, ; DUPLIN ROAD K. C.t JJAVE OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE AT No. 17 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, for the transaction of a strict Commission and Forwarding Business, and solicit consignments of Cotton. Naval Stores and other Produce. Liberal cash advances made on produce 1 or sue or shipment. Refer by permission to E. E. Burross, President jrirst .National uanK. j&n y-oawu T?NCOt7BAGK JCi IIOITIE INSTITUTIONS. Security against. Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA DOME INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" Is rapidly growing la public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. ty Agents In all parts of the State. Zfi R. hT BATTLE, Jr., President C. a ROOT, Vice President S EATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Aokkts, aug 1-tf Wilmington, N. C. WOOD, TABER & MORSE, Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, Portable, Stationary and Agricultural. Hundreds in use in Printing Rooms, Shops, Mills, Mines,- ana on r arms ana rianta- tions for' Grain Threshin Food Cooking for Stocl Cotton Ginning, Sawing, etc Circulars sent on ap plication. One or these Knglnes can r seen at rnis offlce. loci i-usnn Dickey Flour. 300 BBLS" OF THE celkbrated u dick BY " FLOUR, Just received. : C f Kits No. 1 MaskereL . For sale by EDWARDS A HALL. Just Eeceived, i A NUMBER ONE LOT. 02 H0RTHl: CAEOLIHA .JUTIER. nor 15-tf EDWARDS h HALL. ; Bacon ! Bacon !r 100 000 1158 SHOULDERS AND SIDES For sale by nne itl-tf WTXLARD BROS. -TTTEDDING CARDS AND VISTTINO CARDS U0tl Psiatiag and PabUabing House. ii s. if NEW; ADYERTlSEMENTa 05 to 020 All classes oforklng'people of either sex, young or old, make' more money at work for us In their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. 8TINSON A CO, Portland, Maine. $1,000 For any ease of Blind, Bleeding, Itch imr or Ulcerated Piles that Dx Bine's Pnjt Kkmsut fails to cure. It is prepared expretslyto cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all druggists. race fi. . , GEO. P, E0WELL & CO.'S GAZET TEER. A book for advertisers, containing the name, loca tion, population, branch of industry and other infor mation of importance concerning every town in which a newspaper Is published in the United States and Dominion of Canada. PRICE, THREE DOLLARS, by maO. Address publishers, No. 41 Park Row, N. T. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO.'S AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY A book of 600 pages, with editors' and publishers names, date of establishment, size, politics, subscrip tion price ana circulation or ail newspapers in me United States and Dominion of Canada. PRICE, FIVE DOLLARS, by mall. Address publishers, No. 41 Park Row, N. ' Y. SEND 25 CENTS FOR THE Advertiser's Gazette, A book of 128 pages, showing how, when and where 10 aaveruse, ana containing a list oi nearly s,uuu newspapers, with much other information of Inter est to advertisers. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Publishers, V jan 1-tf 41 Park Row, New York. MISCELLANEOUS. 1840. 1873. PAIN-KILLER. TAKEN INTERNALLY, CURES gUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, &c, WEAK STOM- ach. General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pain in the Stomach, Bewel Complaint, Painter's Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. TAKEN EXTERNALLY CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, Severe Bums and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Rigworm and Tetter, Broken Breasts, Frosted Feet and Chil blains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. THE PAIN-KILLER is by universal consent allowed to have won for it self a reputation unsurpassed in tne History or mea ical preparations. Its instantaneous effect is the en tire eradication and EXTINCTION OF PAIN t in all its various forms incidental to the human fam ily, and the unsolicited written and verbal testimony or the masses in its favor are Its own beet advertise ments. The ingredients which enter into the PAIN-KIL LER, being purely vegetable, render it a safe and efficacious remedy taken internally as well as for ex ternal application, when nsed according to direc tions. The slight stain upon linen from its use in external applications is readily removed by washing in a little alcohoL This medicine, justly celebrated for the cure of so many of the afflictions incident to the human family, has now been before the public OVER THIRTY-TWO TEARS and has found its way into almost every corner of the world, and wherever it is used the same opinion is expressed or its real meaical properties. in any attacK wnere prompt action upon ine sys tem is required the Pain-Kiiler is invaluable. Its almost Instantaneous effect In relieving pain is truly wonderful, and when used according to directions is true to its name, A PAIN-KILLER. It is, in truth, a family medicine, and should be kept in every family for immediate use. Persons travel ing should always have a bottle of this remedy with them. It Is not unfrequently the case that persons are attacked with disease, and before medical aid can be secured the patient is beyond the hope 'of re covery. Captains of vessels should always supply themselves with a few bottles of this remedy, be fore leaving port, aa Dy aotng so tney win oe in pos session of an invaluable remedy to resort to in case of accident or sudden attacks of sickness. It has been used in SEVERE CASES OF CHOLERA, and never has failed in a single case, where it was thoroughly applied on the nrst appearance of the symptoms. To those who have so long nsed and proved the merits of our article we wonld say that we shall con tinue to prepare our Pain-Killer of the best and pur est materia), and that it shall be in every way worthy oi weir approoauon aa a iamuy meaicme. Price 25 cents, SO cents and $1. - PERRY DAVIS A SON, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 136 High street, Providence, R L SOLD BT .4- ' ; GREEN & FLANNER, WnJONeTOK.N. C, And all Druggist. . . ; J , jan 6-2m rHplas3es and Syrup ! 2,150 II II 1) TIERCES AND BARRELS OF S. II. S Y It U P! AND- West India Molasses, For sale very tew by octS-tf WTLLARD BROS. - Kew Goods. i tf-rr v trr rTTt vrhniua''.'; '' ' Jb Gilt Edge Butter, N. a d Breakfast Bacon. Smoked Tongues, '. " "' ' ' v - No. I MackereL Pickle Tripe, Just received ana unsurpassed m quality si . r.- ,. jam. 1. laarJ is, - Jan 4-tf - . SI Karket street .Eico! Bice! 120,000.' LBS FRESH BEAT RICE, 1 i. vTROU B2LT0N BICE lOZJA, - v...:-:-- FOT su Warm v 4 t WJLLAEDDSOi . : J'f : (capital' ren years oast nas estaoiisnea capital of the Comn&nv in this trade affords the surest Planters may rest assured mat tne euppu.es put heretofore sold. - - ... '-. Tenns-S50 Cash; 860 tF" To accommodate Planters thev can order now whether they will take ALL TIME or CASH price. Agents for Facile guano Co. & Dealers h WILMINGTON, N. C. tan25-dAw3m ' 848 00 per 2.000 lhs. -853 00 per 2.000 lhs. - FR EE OF We challenge comparison with other Fertilizers as considered, make it T he Cheapest Manure i n CV1 arket. ; Demand More than Doubled Each Succeding Year, LOCAL AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. , jan 15-d&wtf INSURANCE. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA LI Insurance Company ! OFFICERS: A. J. TJROSSET ..President. JOHN W. ATKINSON Vice President. F. H. CAMERON secretary. Dr. E. A. ANDERSON. Medical Director. DIRECTORS: J. W. Atkinson, General Insurance Agent L B. Grainger, President of the Bank of New Han over. .... F. W. Kerchner, Grocer and commission Mer chant. C, M. Stedman, of Wright a stedman. T. H. McKoy. of W. A. Whitehead & Co., Fay- etteville. v . R. H. Cowan, President. II. B. Eilers, Commission Merchant ' . A. A. Willard, of Willard Brothers. - ' W. A. Camming, of Northrop A Camming. 1 G. W. Williams, of Williams St Murchison. Ell Murray, ox E. Murray St Co. , - A. J. DeRosset, of DeRosset A Co. Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel Je Hennlng. ' Alex. Bprunt, tintisn vice consul, oi Bpruns Einson. P. Murphy, Attorne; bv at Law. J. D. WUUl ams, of J. D. Williams A Co., Fayette- ville. Jas. C. McRae. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. L B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansville. J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lumberton. SPECIAI. FEATURES AND ADVAN TAGES. 1st No restriction on Residence or Travel. 3. No extra charge on the lives of Females. . 3. Policies incontestable after five years. 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Com pany higher than those on the Funds of Companies located In In other States, thus Insuring larger Divi dends to Policy-Holders. 6. The Directors and Officers of the Company are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. & The Company Is established on a solid and per manent basis, steps having been taken to increase THE CAPITAL STOCK TO $500,000. 7. ALL THE FUNDS OF THE COMPANY ARK INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Carolinians. It is well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars In Life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern capitalists, thus con tinually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State and ask their support for this . - IIOITIE INSTITUTION, which, while it offers substantially all the advan tages of Northern Companies, helps to build up HOME INTERESTS. AGENTS WANTED in every county In the State. jXmes D. BROOKS, . ' ; Geni Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THOMAS GRAEME, Agent at Wilmington. " T , Insurance Rooms. $ST,000,000 FIRE INSURANCE CAP ITAIi REPRESENTED AFTER , FATING BOSTON LOSSES. Obaoti Tnanrance. Co of UveTDOOl and London, Capital . ...... ..$10,000,000 North British and Mercantile Insurance ' Company, Capital.. ............ . 10,000,000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital. . foo,wu National -Fire insurance Company, of Hartford. Capital... ........ .600,000 UHMfel Imsae Pmmmmw IVsW -York, Capital ......-... .... i,80p,000 rheenlx Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, - Capital. ... i W00,000 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of - t Richmond, Capital..r.?-v...... MO.OCO 'iLUaSE Tho oli'Mercantflo";Ka'tasi -ct New York. ; .-i-- , -. . , . r LIFE Thfl Connectiput Mutual of Hartford , ATKKSO & 1IANNTNQ, s ' -J: .-- . : General Axenta. OYSS-tt $i,ooo,oca) : H?t?ni&$ri& Hr$ its cnaracter for reliable excellence. The iaree ruarantseof the continued excellence of this Gnano. into marcei wis season are precisely ura same as mat . ; ,i . .': - Time, Without Interest. and have Until the Brat of Anrll to, I . ; s . No; 1 CMncla & Gnahape PewYiai Giw, iE.- , i. t h 'r,i'i - ". Cash, 1 payahle Nov. 1, 1873, INTEREST. ' . to result of application to crops, ; Qnallty'and price " 1 " . : r f " . ' . ... DeRosset & Co., Wilmington,: , : A GENTS FOR NORTH VAR OLINA. mWELiSKEow: Street Eailway. j - - - -T i: TTEREAFTER THE OLD 8CHSDITLB WILL BB XL run, cars starting at A. M., and one ear. run ning as late as 11 P. M. Three cars are now on the line, and every effort will be mad, to. accommodate the public. - The Cars runs to and from the Railroad trains as usual DANIEL KLEIN, i ' Proprietor. sep 20-tf A. Greenwald-& Co., . ONLY SUCCESSORS TO , GREEN WALb k dqJ NO. T MARKET STREET.' waouESAui dxaubs xv 'T ; ; WHISKIES, BEAHDIES, OUSTS, Euma, Segan, Tooacco, &c ; T. O. Bunting, r only Salesman on the house. , ectas-tf . . , . . . . : . Special Notice. t t,. y , - - , QTJR BOOKS ARE CLOSED FROM THIS DATE, January; lsl873 ... .....v. - - ,v .. . . -; . ' Our accounts are all made out, and we therefore re quest all our customers to come forward and settle. Preparatory to taking stock we will sell out entire stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOQDS AT COST FOR CASH. J. & H. SAMSOIT, 43 Market ttreet Jan 1-tf ALL SEEKING If A' IV' ' . SHOUUn SNl FOR A COPY OF 4K Which contains a list of all the desirable advertising mediama in the country, with CtBorruTioir, Ratbs, Ac, Invaluable to all who desire to spend their mon ey to Beet Poeetble ArsmtSMre. Bent post free for S3 cents in paper, 50 cents In cloth. Address : X Ji, - T.C. EYANS, . .. A' General Newspaper Advertising Agent, w, - . . V--1M Washington street, Boston. . . noTl-lSwent-WjanS-lxt ' u ingh as2 chool, ,. i .' --.,. a. .f : fe Y.5. , r.nl WW TtTWrTTf IV RnrtArfntAndent ' v ' ! Mai. ROBTP BINGHAM, Acting Superintendent X'-i . Capt T. L, NORWOOD. -J. - rli Spring Session of 1878 opens Fobm Tth, Tor Circulars address, v " MaTrOBT ELNGHAit, . ; ess mtmn ' ""a a. TlTTa i T . - ' -! v 4 : 't V ,,3 r A- ;;f- r TV .4 --i