RATES OF ADVKHTIIXIf CU OnoSoaareoneday-... V,is. S5 three days W four days . J M itlTl W 'r. Two weeks. D OW une montn rr . v BATES Q CB8CimON. t v One year, in advance $7 00 Six months, in advance S 50 Three months, in andvance 9 00 On month, la advance. , 75 ." TlwMoumrt Stab will bo delivered in any part of the City at FimiH Cents per week. - Two months..,,...,,.., "f . Three monUis.d... ' Six months .---35 52, " i One veer. . .....60 00 , i 1' r. - ry Contract Advertisements taken at propor VOL; XI--NO-1136; WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1873. WHOLE NO. 1,676. tionately low rates. Five Senates estttnaUd As Huarter-coinmn, ana ten squares as a half -column. . . . . u THE HOBNUTG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ' Omen, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. i v f y -. a , . ' . ' ' OUTLINES. ' Louisiana occupied the morning hours of the Senate yesterday. ' The Utah' bill passed. The Bteamer, Grecian, Liver ' pool and Palermo, supposed' to be lost with fifty passengers..- - A cotton spinner's firm in Stockport, 'England; failed for $40i 000,000. ", Senate made put the day on Louisiana affairs. ' " Carpenter and Thurraan spoke. Amnesty till passh ed second reading In the North Carolina House of Representative Wednesday by it majority of seven. The bill Tvas amended to exclude rape, wilful murder, arson and burglary. Great Sensation in lower house of Congress yesterday over the ex ' pulsion resolutions. Sargent's resolution condemning conduct of Ames and Brooks, passed by 4 majority J The matter is not I yet closed. G6ld 1414f, and cot- J . . , ton 202O21 In Nef "i ork. yesterday, Westerly wind afid douflv. ' At a Boston fixe, a girl and several firemen per- lshed:--Nerk 'aty- charter lias passed LcgLslatmr (ttt The Attorney I General is carefully considering tho: Bank"- rupt bill which recently passed Congress. Spirits : Terpentine, Col. Bingham was 37. at the m t tL ' i.a 1 orv.i Tarboro has jwt had a married men's dress hop, A crazy colored woman in New- bern has been"commiUed to jail. , The Hickory Pre, : extolleth Watauga timothy to tho skies. Right City, expeusea of Iialeigh for February and "gas bill for fonr month amount to $2,497 65. , ; . . The Col. Mon ia' " Commerciar is now the dinner house in Goldsboro for the Southern bound train. - . The Messenger says the citizens of Bentonville, near where the battle was fought, have all forgotten the day of the week. ... s ; - A colored woman of Newbern was severely beaten the other evening by a party of women of her race. Belligerents arrested.' '. .' ' ' " Another " biggest hog - yet." Veter Little is the happy man. He lives in Catfish, C-'atawlKt country. It weighed only 573 at 2 years ." months. And the Hickory ! told us. - Beaver Dam Mills with severaf hundred bushels of zrain and a large quan- I titv of lumber ,-were destroyed by fire last I ?VidayJ"?eleaTO Wthe W"h in mon The Era is reliably informed that a lady. in.. Salisbury the other day threw up a pia that had been in her atom-, ach thirty-years and died. She swallowed It when a child. ' . ' ' The Southernen saya the latest reports guArxrvtee the election of John Cobb, Radical, to tUe Legislature from Edgecombe. The vote In Tarboro township stood: Cobb, :m-. StampN 71 Married in Ualeiffh on Xhi 25thr I inst.., at the residence of the bride's mother, bv Rev. Dr. Pritchard. Major a H.. Clark, of GJoldsboro. to Miss Mary. A. Tompkins, formerly of Ooldsboro. - Ky 'thetienBiw' table 'of 'T840, tb production of tobacco of North Caro lina wasft!rtedatelverrmilHon of pounds. - By4he eeaaua-ol.lSTQit'Jfl put -dovra at I forty-three millions of pounds. The frrtellicemce reaches ts by way of the Greensboro Patr . that Cloe Charles, a colored woman, residing in Deep River townnhip. Uuiirord county, it at her dinner table on Monday last. jyer towwnip. y.mru wyj.- nnm ... ..y.JKA The Patrwtlearnn that the store, or Xessrx Williams, at Summerfield, in Guilford conntv. was destroyed by fire on Saturday nieht last. Nothing saved ; par tially tomired; supposed to be incendiarism. Dunne the pjale that swept over the coast of Carteret county, many of the fences were blown down, and trees dug up by their roots. The " City Hall" at More head, owned by Mr. Ramsey, was also leveled to the ground. , - : r The Goldsboro Messenger learns that a colored man. while engaged in ditch- ingWfirmineltr North .river; Carte days ago by the falling of a tree which he wasjn the act of. removing. . The Observer savs at a meet ing of th Board ptVectcra of the Fair of . J J Tk- tion vire. J. U. liurrougns, resignea, nnu xji. F. IL Glover, Assistant Secretary. Tho Supreme Court han reversed theverdu., revered at Wayne Superior V"JU" 'aB." . . j T,.:r against the Wilmington and Weldon Rail- road, in which the jury awaraea ner aam ages in the sum of $3,775. It will be re mcn,ViorpH lKThiisbftnd. Mr. Uriah Denmner, was killed at the Dudley railroad accident,. ..rinriDg the year 18 1. Tho following are the appoint? jcs oj the Governor for the Insane Asylum, Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Wind, the Penitentiary, whom the 8u-preme.C-HWt have recently decided to be the U'gal .ctitodians of these Institutions: Insane Asylii Wesley Whitaker, Rich'd C. Badger, Jeff, fisher, Dr. J. G. Ramsay, J. P. Prairie., Goo, W. Stanton, Dr. T. L. Banks, C. L. Harrie, J. W. Wood, G W. Brodie, T. George Walton, Henry Walser .nd W. R. Myers, institution for the Deaf 7" a t k :?a Ttvin RiinJnhn'iVichols. J. X. Bunting, T. F. Lee, Handy Lockhart, tiwt Ti.nonn Penitent arv uen, ai- i7 'T; ri w w.lkW Ino. TL liar- xb Jones. TwentV VCJirs alio tne t-uiuc.i StateidU noyt Jxport more than 1,000,- tattaianoi, exyvrij uwiews aV TT Ana noiinda rf. cheese. Now tne an Art-, . i s4 nhaaui ,nw t.iim ail" nual export amount to more than 60, 000,000 pounds, Dd America has tako from Eugiaai ad Holland their monopoly of ihe xsheea ftg4e in Europe. Mr.' J. T Ilolmao, an old Texas cattle raiser, eayi tiutt the &upply fit cattle in Texas is beW rapidly ex- MmU i&inmmi.' THE CITY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B.' P. Hakbisos. Concord Chapter. ".O. Prrsos & Co.-i-Cheerful Voices. DtjBrutz Cctlar. Legal Notice. G, R. French & Son. Bootsvand Shoes. uSSLL TBisiONToce. Q$ ih HF-hf sberger. To do the Public Justice. The Steamship Volunteer Thft Norfolk Jmirnnl of vpstprdftv onvna the following additional particulars in ref erence to the wreck of the Steamship Vd wtleer from ew York for this port : No thin 2 further has been heard of this steamship, heretofore reported ashore on- p Currituck beach, twelve miles north of Body Island Light. Captain Crossman and Cap tain Crellens, theagentof the Underwriters leave for the beach this morning. The cargo, which qonsista of general merchan- flise, nas aitprooaoiy Deen janumi, ana wui be brought here, whence it will be reshipped to WilmingtonN. C, its'priginal point of destination. WHh good weather there is no Jubitha th ev?EPTiS!E?2hn SXi gfn SSUS&Si of water n her hold. - Sh-driftd ishore broiaA owhut.ai abei of light djaughf lier eft v" At low tide, as previously stated, one can walk dry shod from tho ship to. the shore. Owing .to the fact that the lessrs. Bakers' wrecking steamer ; Baker was sent to Baltimore Tuesday afternoon to raise the steamer Ihonut (Myer, sunk near that citv bv the ice some time ago. assistance uua will 1U11U llbtiD luicuiuicut tir gEitujg cannot be sent immediately, but the Baker i.fa oeen teiegrapnea toproceea aionce wj Kbe of ,--3 It is also proba- ble that the Resolute, which left Fort Royal, 8. CM Tuesday morning for this port, will assist in getting the YUnnUer off. .Every thing depends , tipon the continuance of good weather. Should a heavy storm come up, the vessel would probably go to pieces. r CapL- jCbilds, of the .Steamship Rebecca Vlyde, "wlncE arrived Tiere from Baltimore yesterday, reports the Volunteer high and dry on the beach, that she had bilged and would probabiy prove atotal Joss. Nothing, is known of the cargo farther, than the speculations contained intbfe above extract from the Journal. . A Snlt-Xlte Comes to Grief. A lady boarding house keeper on Mar ket street was victimized on Wednesday night to a considerable amount; by one of the numerous sneak-thieves which infest the city. The articles missed were five pairs af blankets, an umbrella, a pair of shoes, a quantity of ladies' underclothing, number of bedquilts, a pair of gloves, &c A colored girl by the name of Annie -arviU vn(riiminlrmr" of beincr the thief. and upon a search warrant being issued the most of the articles were found in her possession and restored to their owner. The girl was arrested and committed to jail in default of bail in the sum of $100 for her appearance before Justice E. S. Woodford! this morning at 11 o clock. Annie White has, the reputation of being experienced In tho business, and it is to be hoped she will be deprived of the opportu- f Pfession r 80111(5 time to come. Fnrioaa Storm . - One of the severest storms that we have experienced in a long time: passed over this city Wednesday night The rain was heavy and it was accompanied by lightning and thunder an vivid and terrific as -would be expected in July or August One startling I peal occurred about 12 o'clock, at wnicn " ' time the electric fluid came in contact with O.Gr Parsleys I Pc Wl -zA v.P-nWk and Oramre TV WX J ( Vf ' CJ streets, scattering it in every direction. The storm ceased Z about! 3. o'clock' yesterday morning, and during the forenoon the Clouds entlrddisappeared; an- exquisite caim succeeaing me xuriuuo wi vi -mentsi. ' -, ' ; j. New School Edlflee. A fine two-story' frame building is about being erected n tlve rEast side of JFourtb, rtrr. and "Ann streets, to be used as a school house by the Sisters of Mercy w B- -r , , I , . , . i,t - Ul :- J wiU be 50by 33 feetf an(i on the 1iwer floor, to be used as a school room, exhibition hall; etc., will be 50 by 80 leet, mcrading the passage. The foundation I . 1 : .1 1. I. utt. J11 Anna iays, wnen uie nvora., wuwu wm I bv the Cape Fear Building . Company, wiU be pushed forwhrd to an early completion. I .. I , .1 t weiearn toav . uc w3' v Cantata on Monday night amounted, to im tk;. The total eroenses. including n Koiisft. nrlntinir. etc.. ' were m 20 making the net receipts fit the v!" .nL raSJJir:::X: uy 1113 ivautt&cto iw nv -1 . a Tniin'o bnwh and the Ladies' IWCCU Dt. "uu " - 1 -r-i- . . 1.... An 4lA CT tl .V, Memorial Association; uu, .w realized was so small, it was finally decided to torn over the whole amount to St. John's church. . ; , ; ,r p j, t " ' " 4e u m WThe laying of the track on the WUming rtrfnrA Railroad has n ftnd half miles be- i : . j vAnd TJlesville. and within a miieanu Clf of Wadesboro. or .as far aa the road jiau oi vi . . ia eoia has been graaeu . . ' i L . .1 ihoimii nf Ann . It 19 01 ine ruau, uu "" 1- pected that the work will be pushed for- j pectea uim. ' . wtw- i i mnnnn eaeaiucsuicH nuu yyoiu i-, . . - Be juit and Far If U One of our wood. dealers was complain in a dav or two alnce that while ne was compelled by the authorities to remove hie pasaee pf flrn enJnes most niedlate?y mm to their own'twe'and :Jail not teen-in&r-: fered vi ' He wnatta aauce for 1 we think o too. - ... Loeal Sota. There were no cases before the May or's Court yestenlay morning. The storm signal was displayed at the Weather Observatory yesterday. ' ' The La Belle, Chris tensen, sailed from Bristol for this port on the flth inst A brig and schooner were reported in below yesterday, afternoon, bound up. ; : The Court House exterior is being re juvenated, by aid 'of the painter's brush. f There will be a police trial in the Mayor's Court room this afternoon,' at 3 o'clock.. . . , . - i Special meeting of Concord Chapter Nd'l Ihia evening, at 7$ o'clock; for. work in, the Past Masters' degree, -, -. v The gas pipes have now been extended J out Market as, far as Fourteenth ' street Eastward the march of improvement takes its way! ; .The Bgard.of Qounty, Commissioners meet in regulw monthly session on Monday night next ' The Axiditingommittee meet on Saturday.' . ?.'....! The bill to empower the Commission ers of Anson county to levy a special tax passed jtssecopdlreading in the House op Wednesday, - ;. ;r , The bill to change the time of holding courts in Brunswick and 'Robeson counties passed its several readings inL the' House Wednesday night. Thesteanrer.TTw arrived yesterday, discharged her cargo, reloaded and xndleftfor Fayetteville in just three hours and a half after she reached her wharf. Lenten services at St Paul's (Episco pal) Church every, fay, except Sunday, at 9 o'clock A." M. and 5 o'clock, P. M. Sun day services at the usual hours. The Berger Family Swiss Bell Ringers are billed for this city on or about the 11th and 12th of March. This is a most excel lent company and will be liberally patron ized. , ' ' .. ' The members of the colored Steam Fire Engine Company No. 8 had a parade in full uniform yesterday, accompanied by a band of music, and last night they had a grand ball at City Hall. The Steamship Volunteer, just lost, was an AH iron vessel of 611 tons, built at Chester, Pa., in 1808, and owned by the Lorillard Steamship Company, of New York. s' ( The Senate resolution to refund to the Wilmington & Weldon, R. R. Company $1,987.23 collected as taxes on the road in the years 1870-71 and '72, was rejected by the House on Wednesday, by a vote of 30 to 5. The unsightly porch or platform in front of Messrs. Yopp & Woolvin's, corner of Princess and Second streets, has been removed and a new one placed in its stead, which, not being so wide, gives more room on the sidewalk. Klyeterloas DlMppoaranee. An old colored man, by the name of Henry Edwards, who has officiated as a porter in the tobacco store now occupied by Mr. David Pigott for the past-thirteen or fourteen years, has T mysteriously disap peared. , He had. been complaining' of bev I : ' ii . 1 An . n!t; ; vinff that iiJhin he would go to his cousin's, somewhere in the Southern part of the city, as he would be more quiet there than at his own home, which is situated in an alley . near the cor ner of Front and Walnut streets. jWedoev day morning he got up and. started, as he intimated, for the store, since which time lie has not . been 4 keen or neard of 1 by nis family, and it is feared that his mind may have been a little unsettled and that some accident WMlb-lm.befanen . Trim.' His family . were. very, jnucn aistressea I ) . , 1 .1 , J aoout mm yesteraay, . - Lvatv nnsaibla effort to discover his where - i Anm rtiA ATTnwr wn i-iiaw-kvav n ia in noro. An Accident and Marrow Escape. ' A. friend" tnforms us that the village of Warsaw, Duplin county, was thrown into great excitement by a noise heard yester day about 2 P. M., and which, upon in- I . . ' ti -j 1 .V - qmry, proved 10 nave Deen causea uy uio fallin2 fa of the dining-room of the resi denCe ofDr. J. R Hili- Atthe time itfell there were two persons in throonne of ur. Ji8 aaueniers. a smau riti, aiiu ut , I Y. . A rman Vint fartnnntdta 3 Vthh the neither of them were, hurt, although the room was almost literally shattered into fragments. The giving way of the pillars which sustained the floor was the cause of There was no wlndat the 1 time. Another Victim. Another accident was caused yesterday by tne hoisting aparotusat the footof pock . street. Mr. S. G. Hall was passing in that Tlclnity when the rope was cast loose and - strpckifan)n the legs; throwing him heavi- ly upon the rocfe pavement, lie susiameu np serious injmry, butliis arm was. so badly I ,,, win tAW ho able to nse " - . for a day or two. we learn tiieHorw-iu he made to prevent a recurrence of these L,nt whlrh n the result of careless- awwcuwi n""v .v v .v 1.. ... . - --r -. . '-i--. ,a.r,n 0 ness on the. part of the I tpnd to ther hoisUne. and .could easily bo j nTOner attention: : : r . - . - . .-. - atepheaXawrey. y ; otepx? membei 18 WPffHW w"-" !?TJLZ:rr.3? fe, l!Tn ; i ftlena Kowwiwsp". i, a nir -rotnainintr i tnen onerea ' ana reiectea. rof the once noted t Lowreyf gangj tZTT - - W'-fo ids aatmtsnearlhwJrAUiJ t'K;il'il:Z - .Tl.A.'.Ann' rttirll.IT thft lAttfl I". Ui1 ...wC . 'I tM . . I . " . . A1AM1V 'MOT., 1 ,:T . ?. Educational meeting. The third' of the series of Educational meetinga will ;be held at Pike Church, above Rocky Point, on, Saturday, March 8th. . A. R. Black, Esq., Rev. H. B,. Blake and others from this city are expected to be present. -Teachers and other friends of education' in that , part of the county, are earnestly requested to attend. ' city .Items., . . ' Kkidvuxk Fbxauc COixxoe. This Institation opened with nearly a hundred papila from five dif ferent States, the first Weolp , It has a corps of nine efficient professors in all the departente of a lib eral and thorough female education.'. The consolidation of the Carolina Farmtr and the Weekly Slat; having largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Cafotlnas. Book Biitdekt. The Morn ins Star Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Job Pkistinq. We call the attention of mer chants, clerks of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, and all others having orders for printing, to the f acUities offered at the Mornkjo Stab PBjxrnre Estabushuckt for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Jos fotimNej. We can furnish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets.: Tags,: Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare, Show-BQle, Checks, Drafts, Ac, Ac Satisfaction guaranteed. Ttfnrt.ri finrmiTia' T-OfTielninrA. . & Condensed from the Raleigh Sentinel. Wednesday, Feb. 26. ' 1 SENATE. Reports of standing committees were rep resented by Messrs. Gud&rer, Cunningham, Murray, Todd. Dunham, Flemmine, Price, jjjjj' wortn, Morenead, of KocKingham, weicn Mr. McCauley. a bill to repeal the act of 1872 to exchange the stocks of the State for bonds -with which said stocks were pur chased.' Mr. Flemming introduced a resolution in relation to the Western N. C. Railroad. This resolution empowers commissioners (Joseph a. Wilson, Jttathias J. Manly and Walter L. Steele) to act in concert with B. S. Gaitherand Marcus Erwin and confer with the parties to the action ; and if the parties to the record will agree, then, un der order of court, to sell pendente Ute, with such assurances for the completion of the road to the Tennessee line as a majority of the five commissioners may deem sum cientl Mr. Morehead, ef Guilford, introduced a bill to supply the machinery for submitting to a vote of the people on the first Thurs day of August next, the proposed amend ments to the Constitution. Referred to the Committee on Constitutional Reform. . , The bill to regulate mortgages by corpora tions and the sales under the same, the un finished business of yesterday morning's session, was resumed, the bill being on its second readme. - - Mr. Humnhrev moved to amend bv rro- vidine that the provisions of this bill shall not apply to any corporation in which the btate nas an interest The bill passed its second reading with out a division, and its third by a vote or 21 to 18. Mr. Cunningham moved to reconsider this vote and to lay tnat motion on tne tabled " Asnreed to. ' The engrossed-bill to be entitled an act to raise revenue, the special order, was put . - , j. upon its secona reaamgs . The bill was considered by sections. 'Thn hnlv' amendment tr the bill as it vA TTnno, , am to tv,ot nt A TV eymour to include loreign uncorporatea I .l. o..- j Z. ' : I in the provisions of the 25th sec. of sched- . lB.(. . . v . . . ' On motion of Mr. Worth, at 2:15 the fur ther consideration of the bill was made special order for to-night after the business on the calendar of private bills is disposed of. ' " Mr. Eespess. by leave, introduced a bill to Incorporate the Plymouth and Fairfield Railroad eomoanv. - Referred. ' , On motion of Mr. Love the vote by which failed to pass its third reading yes terday, the bill in regard to the Marion and Ashevule Turnpike was reconsidered Dy a I vote of 22 to 15, and the bill took its place .?JS.tofund to the mington And Weldon Kailroad company I 4 ni M illantaH a, toM rill lui nurl in Sl 1 :tnd year. w - - . mt oteor rteor Wto a. . . The bill to refund certain taxes to the A. Tv & O. R, R. .was rejected on its second readiriir tfV a vote of 20 to 18. The bill' to empower the Commissioners of Anson , county-;, to levy a special tax passed its secona reading. . The resolution In favor of Jas. o. mc- Gowan passed its second and third read- I 1 tue. - - ttT,xa,xra, rmn?a HOUSE OF KEFKH-SJUS 1 Mr. Bennett, a report from committee on 1 ftn nrnnnRitinnsi and imevances! Mr. SeUle. - . : 0 -- - I frnm inrnmitip. fin BAlBTIPH Ann TftRH- Mr. I 7dJJBiganm ftom committel on enrolled hm: , On motion of Mr. Bryson, of Swain the rules were8uspended- and the bill to amend the act to incorporate the Western Division of t,he ; Western North Carolina Railroad passed its several readings.: The special order being the bill to grant amnesty and pardon was then taken up and discussed at length : by Mr. McGehee for the bill, and Mr. Uaager in opposition. ' The queation first recurred On MV. Badg- i. v;ii afo.to looa er's amendment, whiph was defeated ayes novo Kfl Mr. Bennet moved to amend by inserting after the word "raDe" in the section the words "deliberate and wuiui murder, arson and burglary," which amendment prevail it eo ayes va, nays i. . i Dndlev. colored, moved to strike out Unioil and. 8 I 43. Davt 7i 61.- Mcaurm offered as an amendment that . . , . i . I provisiona 01 we uui buuu not Bfv " tt Klux, Heroes of America, d Red 8trifnrs of New. Hanover.. county. ;which . - ,- . rc na amenament aia nos prevau. - yes oo, nava 59. ; tut.-.iki?. Various unimportant amendments were UUI U1B UUI need a Sill tOi charter w Quage Railway Com " The Mil to nm a new county be gins, of Halifax county, passed' its several readings. - . , ..,?. The bill to incorporate the Cincinnati and Great Southern Railway Company was taken up as the special order, and passed its third reading. . ... . 1 The bill to re-enact the act to incorporate the Granville Railroad -Company was taken up and passed us second reading yeas 68, nays 23. The join resolution in reference to the upneat in me case 01 me ; western mm. j. Rairoad passed its third reading: yeas J0, 1 . j e rif a. -V- yi navs34. " - - Mr. Heaton introduced a ball to incorpor ate the Ladies' Comperati v g Association ot Wilmington, lief erred. The bur to aothorlzeGranville county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Gran-4 v ine i. passeu us uiiru reaamg yeas 61, narsSd: " ;, . "' , Mr. bettle introduced a resolution to re scind the resolution impeaching Solid terR. M. Henrv. ' Upon motion of Mr. Bennett the rules were suspended - and the bill amendatory of an. act to authorize the sale of certain lands was taken up and passed its several reaamgs. ' , Upon motion of Mr. - McNeill the bill to change the, time of holdine the courts ia Brunswick and Robeson counties was taken up and passed its several readings. -' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O. DIXSON 3c CO. offer these new. fresh.' genial Juvenile Song Books to the public, believing ; mey will kkas oox- S T. mm m? mm 1 FABIBOW WITH ANT OTH- AJ 11 t3 611 U Ixes. "Cheerful Voices.' by that most successful L. O. Emerson, ia for Com- TT Z A mon Schools, and as 800,000 V OIC 6 St teachers nd dudIIs are al- . reaay ramuiar wun nis prenons cnooi song books ney win neea ne urging w try uus. mm HParKin5a71itit brightness of its contents. fitaKEub ies. I SnDerintendents av! "The more we use ii the better we like it." "The music has a freshness and beauty unsurpassed by any book I have seen." - Choristers say i "A work of sterling merit" "Far excelling Sabbath School Music of the many dooks ijiave oaa tne pleasure to use," c ' Price of "Cheerful Voices". . Price of "Sparling Bnbiea'V. ....... 5o cents, i 86 cents. Specimen copies mailed, noet-naid. for the above prices. Oliver Diteon & Co. I C. IT. Dltaen & Co. Boston. 711 B'way, new xotK. feb 28-Staw Wed SatAWeowly ent - , WilmiDlton Railway Briip , Coipy. Ornc Chtkf Exoihxxb & Oufi Srr'r, I Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 26th, 1873. . i NOTICE. TN CONSEQUENCE OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE A or inattention to currents recently, masters of vessels and steamboats are hereby notified that they MUST, IN PASSING THE "DRAW" at the Railway Bridge at Meares' Bluff. ALWAYS pass by the EASTERN CHANNEL or EAST of the DRAW- PIER. As can readily be seen the current seta directly on the Pier of the main Bridge in the western channel. and serious damages may result from neglecting this notice. . S. L. FREMONT, feb 28-3tw3w-fri Chief Engineer and Snp't SOLOMON HAAS and others, Plaintiffs, Against. JAMES SHACKELFORD and others, Defendants. J 1AM DIRECTED BY THE DECREE MADE IN the above entitled cause at the January Term. A. D. 1873. of the 8nterior Court of New Hanover County, to notify all creditors of the firm of 8hack eiioro, Haas s JO. v present ineir claims u me, duly authenticated, on or beiore tne ' 19m DAY OF MARCH NEXT. i Iim directed to distribute the fnnd in my hands. dims within the time specifled. " DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, Receiver, feb 28, mar 4, 11, 18 HWHI?lt? TT IS A GREAT SUR- JL prise to all buyers of BOOTS ana SHOES That they can purchase such PRIME ""'GOODS for id' . : LITTLE MONEY, --rBoit , GEO. R. FRENCH & SON,. febS8-tf . ,29 North Front street .!) To. Do thb Public Justice ! It MISCELLANEOUS WORKS,. LAW BOOK8, :: ''' Magazines, Periodicals, ' MEDICAL WORKS, MUSIC, SCIENTIFIC WORKS : And Blank Books,, all sizes, . - , . v.;'.-.' . Printed, Ruled and Bound at febSS-tf . . HEINSBERGER'S Book Bindery. H6. la UUUUrU Ullct tOl XI U Xa AT 'clock, for work in the Past Masters De gree. AH Koyai Arcn atasons in gooa standing are fratemally Invited. By order o' ttte u. i. B. P. HARRISON, Sec'y. 8t. Johh's Hall. Feb. 88V It Horse Blankets. LAP ROBES, WOOL MATS, . TRUNKS, HAR 1 ness. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, HameS, Chains, Saddlery, Hardware, TraTellmg Bags, Feather Dus- I ters. . Stock- Prteea Low, octS6-tf nac Wilmington, N. a Thos.G&sxz. , T, C DxRossxt ; GE-ZEME : & DeEOSSET, General' Insurance 1 Agents, , v firXiabine, LljTE. , i . ii Prlneeaa Street, sear Water. dec SO-nac-tf irirt AAA BBS BBS' gHtfULDKRS AND BIDES .For sale dv ''JWILLARDBROa. Us: SO - JuOSCELLAlTEOUS, A. Greenwald; Co., QJJLY SUCCE8S0R8 TO ; 1 1 NO. T MABKBT 8TBBT,y WBOLKEAUC PKAUEBS.IN " , ; wmsKOSf BEAiroixa, gusts, r ' Segari ' tootcco, !&c Hi. T. Hunting, ; ONLY SALES3IAN FOR THS HOUSK-j tr"r?y,T:-, '! "i i I OCt S8-tf " ,. .,rJj For Sale; f A HALF AXTJ WHOLE BBLS MACKKKKL. O U 15 Bbls Turnips, SO Bbls Floor, l.UUU . 50 Boxes Soap, 25 Boxes Starch; !- r !.;. .. . -a -T,. .,. , , .AAA PRANTTT BAGS. TAKLE SALT. i K Qi) 25 BARRELS CIDEB, Canned Tomatoes, reaches, Candy, Mackerel in whole, fcf and qnarter barrels; t Snoff, Segars and Tobacco, Floury Snear.' Ac. &c, &c' - feblVtf . , . ; . HSIDA.BROS. L0E0HJB0S. & ;MDDFLBf ir NEWBEEH, N. 0. "TTTE HAVE JUST COMPLETED OUR NEW f V Warehouse and Wharf, and are prepared to nanaic ' Qniij 'iBiceV-Feas GoiioiL.- cayj in any manner, either by commission or direct sale, a large stocs. ox CORN : Jan 31-lm F. Ar SCHUTTE,v Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia an kinds of Parlor, CuaituTj Dire, &tcten & Office FURNITURE Carpets,' Window Shades, &c. CBANITE BOW. SO. FBONT ST. t33T unholBterme and FaDer-Hanrfnz done at short notice and in the best and latest styl janvt-tr r A BAGS CHOICE RIO COFFEE FOR. FAMILY usji. .... , O A MATS VERY SUPERIOR .OLD GOVERN-' t3 MRST JAVA COFFEE. feb 27-tf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. Partner Wanted, TTTITH CAPITAL, IN AN OLD FIRM DOING . I T an increasing business. Address, MERCHANT, Petersburg, Va. febar-st Steam Saw & Grist Mill FOR SALE A T ROBINSON'S STATION ON W.. C. &R. R. Jt. R., twenty-three miles from Wilmington. For further particulars apply to . ur 10 u. m. sujluiskjuuj, wumington, in. xeort-u ' e Hare Eeceirei ly Steamer To-Day A choice lot of FTJRE FRENCH CANDIES. Dried Fi. Prunes. Dates. Fresh Nuts, Lemons, Apples, Jellies, Preserves, Ac,, Ac ieozT-tr WEST & CO, Just Arrived & For Sale HEAD OF . 4. NO. 1 BROKE MULES, : From 4 to 6 years old, and from 14 to 16 hands high . feb S7-St Ci .' SOTJTHERLAND & 8TKAGALL. " ' Bacon, Bacon, Bacon. IJ HHDS & BOXES D. S. SIDES & SHOULDERS KA HHDS AND BOXES SMOKED SIDES AND Ut SHOULDERS, r JQ TIERCES HAMS. , ; - , l ;- For sale by, . . v. . F. W. KERCH NER. febSS-tf ' i 7iJ8 and 89 North Water st 4 NOTHER LOT OF THE CELEBRATED Cucumber Pumps, At New Hardware Store. . . . . . St.,, ' ' ' dtlLES MURCHISON. febS6tf. Corner Princess and N. Water sts. Bob White FIoub. OAA BBLS BOB WHITE FLOUR Just arrived.. AVI . . .... ,, ; .. For salry - A 1. . F. W. KERCHNEs. feb29-tf 87, $8 and North Water street Oats Oats! Oats! '4: 000 SEED OATS, ' For sale by 1 !: - ' -F. W. KERCHNER, feb 26-tf 97, S8 and S9 North Water St ."Street Bailway. TTEREAFTER THE OLD SCHEDULE WILL BE XL run. cars startlns at 6 X A. M.. and one car run nine aa late aa 11 P. M. Three cart are now on the thepublic. I The Cars line, ana every en on wm oe nwae to accommoaaie runs to and from the Railroad trains as usual. DANIEL KLEIN. sep 80-tf Proprietor. NOTICE. nPHE SUBSCRIBER, HAVTNO QUALIFIED AS A. Administrator of Joseph A. Clifford, deceased. gives notice to all is indebted to the Ute of said deceased to make immediate payment. and to those having demands against the same to present them dnly authenticated on or before the 81st day of January, 1814, or this notice wiU be pleaded m oar ox wev re cove PATRI ', Adm'r.' January 88,1873., lawow ClUQAR-CUREl), OLD N.C. Ajm NEWN. C; ti m j tii t . a niv.v F. M. Beef, vUiU Whtte.B0aos and Gresn Peas to ga . with them. . , ' ; "''. 1 1 . Stabilised. Weak). Darr ' OrtemV. Prortrtntmu V Miscellaneous: u s -I . , rJ.v PJl ONL F, Auctioneer. "vl sir c ' ... v ?-. SlUr (1RONLY f MORRIS. u , ATTRACTIVII SALE nn Ctockery & Glass Ware AT ' AtlCTlON t rH FRID4T NEXT, 88TK INST., AX W WVLWK. XJJbu M., we W1U aeU at par, salesroom. No. 4 North vA. ,wewpseHslpor,salearo Water street," a Jarge assortment qt fv;i ''rfi' : It J-T.',lf..T' V. 1 leiiow ware: CJ. C. anfl White English Ware ! j Cups and Saucers, Dishes, Plates, Spittoons, iDifhea, Basin and Bwers, Boep Boxes, c,&c. HnnaUtinr of, Pitchers,; Mow, Bowhu Chambers, ates. Spittoons, Deep .no I Consisting of Tnmhlors, Goblets, Dtsaes, Table Sets, Fruits. Preserves. Celeries, &c Ac Grocers and dealers generauy an parucniariy vited to attend, this Bale,' as tho, goods are fresh and desirable.. febS8-ts WlMniton. darbtte &Rnlli6rforiR,R. tinder Decree of Foreclosure. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE SUPE rlor Court of, the County of New Hanover in the State of North Carolina, made in the case of J oseph Stuart and Philo C.iC&lhoaii, surviving trustees, against "The Wilmington Charlotte and Rutherford Raih-oad ppmpany" and others, at the January Term ,1873 of soidt Court, the undersigned Edwin E. Bur- russ, Chas. M. Stedman and John D. Taylor, refer- reel appointed by said decree, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, at the Court House Door la the dty of Wilmington, in the county aforesaid, on THURSDAY, the JOth .day of April, 1873, at 13 o'clock. M., the . entire Railroad known as the Wilmington, .Charlotte j.and Rutherford Rail road," from, ks Eastern terminus in the city of Wilmington aforesaid, to Us Western terminus in the town of Rntherfordton in said State, a distance of 871 miles, of which 134 miles from said city of WUminRton to a point near the town of Wadesboro, and 0Q miles from the city of ' .: : . : . ... .:- m . Charlotte to Buffalo Creek ia the County of Cleave land in said State, are completed and in use; with all t ' - . . the railways, rights of way, depot grounds and oth er lands, tracks, bridges, viaducts, depots station houses,' engine houses,' car houses, freight houses, wood houses, machine shops and all other shops, houses or bull dings, and all locomotives, tenders, cars and other rolling stock or equipments, and alt machinery, tools, implements, fuel and materials of any kind for' constructing, operating, repairing or replacing the said Railroad' or any part thereof, and all appurtenances or fixtures of the same belonging to or purchased by said before-named defendant and now in its possession; together with all and slngiw lar the corporate rights, franchises and privileges of the said above-named defendant as the same are set forth ia the Indenture of Mortgage referred to in the complaint filed in said case.' ' And mcrading also all and singular the shares of the capital stock of " The Wllminglon Railway Bridge Company1' standing in the name of said defendant,:andall tbo8tate, rights, titfc, interest, property damv and demand of said , - t defendant in-' and to any andalleat and' personal property or effects herein Before fcf erred toor which is owned by sal&def endantaJ l'f 0 ' ' i '.t--.fr ... . r The bonds of said above-named defendant, "Tho Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company," secured by the Indenture of Mortgage referred to in the complaint as bearing date March 1st, 1867,' and made to Le brand Lockwood and the .. . i - ....... . . , . plaintiffs amounting In the aggregate to $8,500,000, will (e received from the purchaser or purchasers in payment upon the following terms and conditions, viz: Forty thousand dollars of the amount bid at . .4-. .1 ' ' ' said sale, is to be paid in cash, and for the residue ,.'. .' . : .' f x; v ' or remainder of the amount so bid, the bonds se- cured by said mortgage will be received to such ex- tent and ia such proportion, as such residue or re tnainder bears to the aforesaid aggregate amount of said bonds. ' w ' s. February 83d, 1873. '' ' ' r. EDWIN K. BURRUSS, , ) CHARLES M. STEDMAN, Referees. JOHN D. TAYLOR.' ) feb 83-tds r ii v Farrar's Ague Oiire IS THE ONLY MEDICINE THAT CUBES CHILLS & FEVERS IN THREE DAYS ! Money refunded in every easoU a cure is not ef fected. For sale by every drug store. Ne uralgi a 0 ured. FAIlllAa'g ELECTRIC TflJTLL CURE NEURALGIA IN ITS WORST ' FORMS. NOCURE.NO PAY! For sale by all traggteta. ' " " ' Cfeb Se-tf THE PIONEER,, Published every Friday,; at . , Florence, S. C.,- ly . . HcDiarmii, HAS A LARGE AND RAPIDLY INCREASING circulation In the Pee Dee country. Conserva tive in sentiment, It folly accords with tie views of our new aureus. . ,, ..,n' Terms of Subscription ; , ,....$8 00 Six moatM, ia advaaoe. . . i . 4 ' .......... 75 . Specimen copies free. Address , PIONEER, i io ra-u ,.N t,--.. - XKJteoc o. RICE FL OUR, ,E0ai 4',vtlieatea Grlt, Bi2 'EiMlIlT -onMteT.FM CdXi i i" EILN DRlEDv' . ,, ; CBASklKTERfttkCO., t North Frotrt street. fabfl-tf ' ' '

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