r BY TELEG-RAPH. NOON REPORTS r WASHINGTON. , miscellaneous. . , . Washington, Feb. 27. . Louisiana affairs are becoming serious. Upon a resolution of the Fusion Legislature to reinstate certain courts in Orleans parish, Gov. McEnery calls out the militia of the paxlslv- No danger eems tq be apprehend-. C c& liero 3i taere, and. i$. to .thia Jwuy; np Federal action has been taken. It was un derstood that the McEnery government should be allowed to organize bo as to ob tain status before the Courts, and .was not to be interfered with, unless iftttempted to seize the State -government It U thought here that the rubicon has been crossed and startling news may be expected. "; The Senate has passed the Utah bill.. It provides easv moans of divorce, validates the claims of a plural w ifa to thare.lhe pro perty of polygamlsts, and gives women the custody of their minor children. " The panel from which Juries are .selected - is shjtn-; moned under the uuspices of five comma, sioners, three appointed by the United States - and two elected by the people, .who will probably be Mormons, i-i &-VvA The House will vote early, to-day .on the expulsion of Ames and Brooks.; ,' '' : Snow has again suspended travel In the far West " ' ' " SENATE. The calendar being the reg ular order, Carpenter moved to lay the cal endar on the table for the purpose of taking ! 1 up the bill reported from the Courmitteeon Privileges and Elections, providing for a new election in Louisiana. It is absolutely ( - necessary, he said, that this should be acted ipon ia order to avert the bloodshed shown by the morning papers to be imminent in that State. Sherman and Morton also urged immedi ate action upon the bill and it was taken up. Hill offered a substitute, embodying his views,' in favor of forming a Legislature out of the legally elected members of both of the bodies now claiming to be the Legislature of Louisiana, and authorizing the new Legis lature so f ormed to count the returns of the last election and decree who are legally elect ed State officers. Carpenter addressed the Senate in sup "' :' port of the bill reported by the majority of the Committee. The views of the Commit tee, he said, were fully set forth in the major ity report, and as the bill had been submitted to persons representing all sides of the con troversy, he supposed that if such a bill "were to be passed at all, this one would be satis factory in its details. He had just been handed by Mr. McMillan, claiming to be elected' from, Louisiana, a' telegram pdr dressed to himself,- which was .read at the desk as follows: "New Orleans, Feb. 23. "To Mr. L. McMillan and Gov. Warmoth: ' "It is not true that the country parishes arc rapidly acknowledging their allegiance to the Kellogg government The people in the country, like the people in the cities, will never yield obedience to that govern ment It can never collect taxes and it can only be maintained by force. That .force will have to be United States troops, sta . tioned in every parish to enforce the au thority of his government His government can only be maintained by an actual con- ?ucst of the people, and not by the kind of orce which' the people would submit to rather than have miltiia." The dispatch was signed by a large num ber of citizens. According to McMillan, they arc leading men in the country parishes. Morton said it would be a vast national misfortune and a great misfortune to Lou isiana, that this bill should pasi A small faction in that State having got up the the so-called McEnery government without a shadow of title under the laws, was now endeavoring to stir resistance. As to resis tance to the true government the Kel logg government which must lead to strife and bloodshed, McEnery, a so-called Gov ernor, without any authority whatever, was now doing all he could to destroy the effi ciency of the de facto government, and doing. tais, as ne lorton) was advised, at the in stigation of persons now -in Washington. , To make' good this charre. Morton read the several proclamations of McEnerv. con cluding with the one' published this morn ing.! iiut ju.aL.nery ana nis friends were now, getting into rather deep water. Upon 1 attempting to carry out this proclamation. theywould'be mere riotors, and on refus ing to disperse, they would be liable to be shot Teletrrams had been read from Gov. - Kellogg showing what McEnery was doing ,,, .ana unaer wnai innuence ne was acting. In one telegram Kellogg says: "Gov. War , moth telegraphs, urging collision. I don't think the opposition can eet strenirth . enough; they .are fast losing the confidence . ; roi uie community.", in another telegram, dated o the 20th. Kelloee savs: " Gov. Warmoth has teleeraohed McEnerv as fol lows: 'If you are a government, do some thing to show it now. Action! Action! Action!'" f , ,.: Trumbull. I am- authorized by Gov. vvarmotn tojsay mat ootn or those dis rpatchesstatihg that such dispatches ever v-auic iiuui mm, aru utterly xaisc. - . . . r morion. i nave notnmg.to say upon , that subject; I have read the dispatches as ihcy Jiave beea sent Jaere. . . , , Carpenter, proceeded with an elaborate speech. ' '. . ENOUND AND 8PAIN,. t . Supposed Loss of a Steamer and Fifty . Persona Operations or tne CarlliAts, . V ? '- i ;5 i ii La t k H y London; Pebl 27. ,s , The steamer Grecian, from Liverpool for : Palermo, is supposed to be lost, with fifty " Marshall & Sons,' cotton spirmersof Stock port, nave suspended liabilities $40,000, 000. The Carlist General, Olio, is matching on Xavarre and the Carlisls are threatening Pompeluna in force. The Government Wjprt arc entrenching. J ',::::. ,v KI.ROTKIV KPARKN. V " ' .I'd i "rr.-v ' t I c ,-. , "AtC0HTmbirf,Pd!;161mlJ: Ihirrell, col : ored,-.was -shot dead whilo attempting to ; ; weai.cnicKena.' ' mere was a trap gun at- , rancea ior poultry ianciers. . , ,, '!. The Spanish Minister of theColonies has , u-'iciii(iwuu u iuc .vuiuuiiiic vi vuuii una h Porio'Itfco tlie farmatiou.of a new Minis try; and says the Republic will defend, at . ' whatever' price, .' the integrity of the An -. t i J0im Mlr IIT BEPOUTft. WASHrXGTOX.J ' ;'''.' ' - i'onKreeslonal. ' i ' ' " WAgnrxoTON, Feb.27.u SENATE. Carpenter was generally de nuneiatonr'and eloquenwin. his speech on the Louisiana bilLiHe argued' there was j n ctf two courses -to; pursue r; to mcknow-' ltd McEnery or. pass an cleetion bill -,fhnrmaxi; 'whorepresented the Demo- , ;rati.. favored the recognition of McEnery - os the only flotation. . ' . w o . - x , . - " The epeeches upon the subject indicated mat, in toe opinion oi tne orators, a repub lican lorm of government ,in 'Louisiana for . the moment had ' fizzled. The Indication. n are thattto ot wUl ha very cIom and thatl the- issua; will be forced fKCjefenale aaiourns. ... HOUSE. The proceedings of this body,1 to-day were quite sensational. Tne House met at 10 o'clock and discussed the expul sion resolutions till past noon. ' It then pro ceeded to vbteron ! a'j, substitute .offered by Sargent (of CaL') for the resolutions,' and this was carried by..a majority of four. Sar gent's' resolutions absolutely .'condemning the conduct of Ames and Brooks were then , adopted by a vote bf five to one: ' "' ' A third resolution (Sargent's) was to dis charge the .committee, and - thus end the whole matter. That was defeated by a majority of twenty, and thus the whole subject was again thrown open. Speer (of Pa.) then offered a, resolution censuring the conduct , of Kelly, and that was discussed, amid great excitement, till the hour for taking -n-recesv a r" - If that -resolution 4x5 -adoptd'-ifr will be followed by similar resolutions in regard to Dawes, Garfield, Bingham and Scofield. ' MISCEIXANEOCS. ' . The , bankrupt bill recently passed by Coogresi has been received in proper form by the President and submitted hy him, in accordance with the usual routine, to the Department of JuBtlce for careful examina tion bt the Attorney General. The approv al of the President to the act is required on or before the- 4th ( proximo to make the bill a law.--In the meantime Judge Williams is earefully. considering the entire bill, and the arguments which have been presented thereon, .before sending to the Executive Ilia odcial views of the measure. The prin-cipal-'jopposition ' thereto comes from mcr chantrand prominent business men of the titles of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Tort, to which ia given the most earnest at tention.. The opinion of those who are .more deeply, interested , than all others is that whatever the Attorney. Generacrcports will bo concurred in by the President The entire Congressional delegation irom tne Stata ot Virginia are pressing for. an ap proval (rt thatall. Vjq ISO OiHi ; iiutler says an extra session ot uongress, is mevitaDie. Senator , BcEy,-; from Mwsourk is at Wil- lard'a 'J-t- v'w Commodore Gillis is dead, aged 70. T .TERRIBLE DISASTER. Fire and l.o of Life .In Boston. Boston, Feb. 27. A fire broke out at the comer of HanoVer and Blackstone streets, to-day. One em perished and sixteen girls escaped to an ad-, joining roof. One jumped from the third story. Another was severely hurt by jumping from the burning building .to an aujoimng root. - reverai nremcn were killed by the falling walls. - ' - ' bimon Jirown, editor ot the Jnc hnnmna Farmer, fa dead. Weather Report. War Department, ) Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, February 27- :35 P. M. ) . ,. T PtobdbUUie.. ... On Friday the barometer continue lowest in New England, with northeast winds in the morning, backing to northwest by even ing and" cloudy weather continue possibly with snow. For the Middle States, rising barometer, westerly winds, falling tempera ture and clearing weather 'For the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States, north west winds and clear weather. For West ern Gulf States, northerly winds and clear, com w earner, i rom tne uuit states norm wardto the Lakes, fresh and brisk westerly winds with generally cloudy weather in the lake region. Cautionary signals continue at Wilming ton, ISorfoik, Cape May, New York ana New London. . . KLECTKIC SPARKS. A dispatch fJem New York says the Government sob $1,500,000 at 114 53-100 to 114 57-100. The Assembly at Albany lias passed the New York City charter. OO.TIKSXIC 9IAUK ETS. New York, Feb. 27 Noon. 4 Financial. Slocks active and firmer.! Gold steady at 114. Money tight at 41 per cent and in terest Sterling Exchange lone 1081 : short 109J. Government bonds dull, but steady. State bonds very quiet. Commercial. Cotton nominal Unlanda,203 cents: Or-' leans 21 ct9. Flour dnll. Wheat dull and in buyers favor. Cora dull. Pork firm- new mess lo 0015 25. Lard quiet, but steady Western steam 8f8 7-1C cents. bpints Turpentine quiet at 66&67. cent. Rosin firm at $3 75$3 77i for Strained. Freights 'quiet; but room scarcer'' ; New York, Feb. 27 Evening. - r Financial. "-rV - Mony less excited loans generally at a commission, but closed 6&7 per cent Sterling Exchange 108i108f . . Gold 114 114J. Government bonds closed steady. Southerns, very dull- Tennessee's rniot so firm. ''- ' v t.. , Commercial. Cotton irregular sales of 050 bales Up lands 20 cents; Orleans 21 cents; net re ceipts to-day 813 bales; cross receints 1.440 bales. Flour quiet and unchanged. Whis key dull and easier at 91 cents. Wheat very dull and nominally 23 cents lower. r.n vinii nn umIt aZa i!ru Corn dull and weak, and demand limited. ' Rice quiet at 89 cents. Pork quiet and firm. Lard weak. Naval Stores quiet. Freights quiet Cotton by sail 5-16 cents,. i ne sales to-day or cotton' lorra tore ae livery amounted to 14,250 bales as follows: February 2020 3-16 cents; March 20 5-16 20f cents; April 202Q ll-16.cents; May 20i2r centa; Jtme 2121 5-16-cepts; July.2J 9-16 cents. ,-T. fcT CrscrsNATi, Feb. 2. Flour qttiet at $7 68$8. ; Corn 3940 cents. , Pork higher, city mess f 14. Lard steady,' steam generally held at 71 cents. Bacon steady and held firmly at 5 cents for shoulders; 7J cents for clear rib aides and 8 cents for -clear . sides. Whiskey steady at 87 cents. ' :: . COTTON MAUItilTsi " ' Baltimore, dull at 204 ; Boston, dull at 2(J MobUe, dull at 17J,'18ivl85;p; New Or leans, demand generally "active atl 7, 18" 19; 'Memphis, uiet at 19; Augusta, dull at' 18f; Charleston, dull at 18Jrl819; isavannau, tiuii ana nominal at lyiwjiVf . FOREIGN IARK1ET47 TiONDOX, Feb. 27r-JNoon. - UonsoW. 92i , United fStatefhwds 'five's 90r ' ' . '-x - Sugar afloat 28s. 6d. ' - pAnis.1 Fob.1 27 Noon. Bourse lientes 56f. 40e. . ' i 4 - LtvERPOoi Felx 27 Noon.;. Cotton opened quiet, ' but, steady Up lands 9d; Orleans. lOd. ;"'jy't ' c ;J jLiTvBjL, Feb.'?? Noon.'vw Cotton quleif Sales 10,000 bales; for spec ulation and export 1,000 bales.- , ' Breadstuffs dull-Red '; Wlieat ;12a- ;edl Flour 28s. Cd.29s: Pork 55s. , Bjicoii ' Cumberland Cut 85s.. v, .- rs 1.1 .vJi..-LoKDo, eb. ii-Eveifing. Lr-Fctx 27, Evenin. Cottonil6sidnlli-tiiand9d.; Prleans" vii&LVO. f . emgaJesjAineri . ,eJ?JuarZ.OT March, .flW.- ;,.v(i - 1 Short Rib 36a. Spirits Turpentine 48s. umonin tiie Bank of England lias.de- Ms. ;j -iU-iJil-1 V.-'sld Jaii 16 ? .Tallow.458. SU ;tTjwpentma.48i. Ger Barque RuflplJieArsUiJa4 21' . jjtyEKPOOLrrlclx 27 Eveninir. 1 1 -Shipped froffltSavannab: and ChaMesfon. deliverable January or FfbrnaryJd., f , Shipped from rSavanhah' tr Charlestdff tRKET. STAR OFFICE, Feb. 27. :UIUENTmErt-SalfiS of 50 auks at 62 ct. ' gaflcm ir6otitKern pack ages, a decline of cents since last qiiota tidns. , 'J a ' I v; ( ' ROSIN. Sales of 300 bbls at $3 fori Strained-and $3 50 for No.' l,'-aadecline tfl 15 cents oa,former grade since last reports. Also, sale8.oi C bbls Strained,, for March delivery, buyer's, option, at., $3. 10. Market dull. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 603 bbls at $5 25 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and $3 35 for Hard. Market steady. TAR Sales of 92 bbls at $3 60 bbl., an advanee'of do cents since last reports. COTTON. Sales of 35 bales at 17i18 cents Also, sales of 75 bales as fol1 lows: 1 at 14, 7 at 15, 9 at 16, 4 at 17. 5 at 17, 1 at 18, 33 at 18 and 25 at 19 cents , lb. Market quiet at the following quota tions: Ordinary 15 cents it Good Ordinary.... -..Hi-Low Middling....... 18' . Strict Low Middling..l8i18 Middling Uplands . J . l ,x i . Strict MiddUng 19i MARINE. ARRIVED, Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Childs, Balti more, A D Cazaux. ; Stmr Wave, - Skinner, Fayettevillc, Wil liams ttMurchison.. . . Schr Ann and Susan, Podger, Baltimore, E Kidder ArBons."" ' Schr Brave,-Foss,' Norfolk, G G Barker fe On. with corn to PvW ITerchnrj". ' Schr Ray, Dennis, Jacksonville, EdwardY Schr S C Eborn, Moore Jacksonville, Edwards Hall. ; ; ; r CLEARED? ' Stmr Wave, Skinner, Fayette ville, Wil liams & Murchison. v . RECEIPTS. ' PER RIVER STEAMERS, &o. Steamer Wave-290 bbls ttin. Schr Brave 0,400 bushels corn. ' Schr Ray 140 bbls .turpentine, 14 baled cotton, 240 bushels peanuts. Schr S C Eborn 150 bbls turpt, 12 bales cotton, 75 bushels peanuts. " New York. Naval Store .Market, Feb " ' .' ,ruary 25..". ' Receipts to-day 2,520 bbls rosin. The market generally for naval stores is in a dull and uninteresting position. . The demand is very light for all descriptions, though hold ers are not pressing their goods to any ex tent Spirits turpentine is weak in absence of demand, and would not bring over 07c in merchantable order, though generally held higher. Sales 40 bbls at 67c. Strained rosin is quiet but firm at quotations. The" fine grades dnll. Tar In moderate request and steady. .. Sales 100 bbls Washington at $3 50 $3 621. Fitch in moderate request and unchanged.' We quote: Tar, Washington..' 3 50 3 62 do Wilmington.... 3 75 4 00 Newbern 3 50 4a 3 02 Pitch, City ..4 00 & 4 25 Spirits Turpentine. 13 gal. . 67 80 87 00 50 00 50 00 Rosins, com'n strained, bbl. 3 75 do do do do do do good strained. . 3 85 Cox No. 2... No. 1 pale extra pale, window glass. . .3 87(A . .4 25 (ft ..4 75 & ..5 00 ..6 00 The following have been the receipts of naval stores i - - y: : . Past. Since- - Sam a week. ; Jan. 1. . tune '72 Turpentine, erode, bbls 174 2,036 1,824 do. . spirits 1,638 10,517 8,157 Rosin...... 27,608 115,65 126.871 Tar , 1,14 . 4,701 ,414 Pitch 120 . 363 225 The following are the exports of naval' stores: j Sine Same Jan. 1. time '7 "it... r 265 3,059 3.45S 64.431 78,346 JO. 1,074 329 . i 571 U v-eek. Turpentine, crnde, bbls,.. do. spirits 41 Rosin 3,650 Tar 6 Pitch.. C List Of VcMela In the JPoYt of Wll , 'f. mlngon, C, Feb. 27, 1873 STEAMERS. . ! eblecca Qyde"' "Childs. dia.r; A!) Cazaux. Tohawahda, Wiltbanksdis., . ' -::.t... . - i v . Worth & Worth. '- Y 7 ' BRIGS. Alt avela. Cousins, ldg. , E Kidder & Sons Percess Hinckley, Small, dis., - - . , Harriss &IIowell Albert;FescarySWebe.'ldg7 r ' Home, Genn, Idg, G G Barker & Co SCHOONfiRS.ift S' V Ann Susan, Podger, dis., E Kidder & Sons Brave, Fofea; dis G G Barker & Co E L Leonard, Googins, dis., 1 hTflVlor .fe'Mathlas 'Cheeaman dis. ' 1 ayioT jaamias, lyneesman, ais.. Harriss & Howell Francis Satterly, Stetson, ldg, N Y do Ocean Belle. Kelly, ldg, E Kidder & Son James Bliss. Batch,-ldg.,T Hf-.db', : B FFarnham, BrewsteT.-ldg.;1 ' Master.: Tie wis A Edwards, Miller, ldg., r ' C Williams & Murchison. QGWishartvi Mason, ldg, , ' - - , AD Cazaux N A Farwell, "Farnhata, lder H I - GG Barker" Co George & Emily, Richards, rpg, do Lillias, Griffin, rpg, do . Little Rock, Myersl ldg;. r i do ' i John Wentwortb, Lewis, ldg; - ' ' . .. - -i b F Mitchell & Son C S PiwkardV Packard, wfg,, i Northrop & Gumming.' A F Bailey, Alien, ldg. , do , do . BARQUES. Oquoeriddj Ttevontoria, dis.,;" Moffltt & Co.' Garsang, Thornton, ldg., Vick & Mebanc. Desenganb, Tcllerea,ldg., ' v,r .'friK vv rt"Wilflatns & Murchison. Amelia, Broock, ldg. Willard Bros.- "Brilliant Star, Corner, ldg., Vick & Mebahe' Express, Langston, ldg, HarriHS & Howell Isabel Noba, Tdg1. Moffltt'& Co List of ' VelaY Sailed for tllp? Port. BRISTOL. ," La Belle; Christensea1; ' " sld Feb 9 -..ww CARDIFF.-- :- Ieteor. McCiillock, ...,;,., sld Oct 17 Delta Pctewbnj; V. lf "sidov 13 . , . -. BOSTON. , . . Schr Georgie'D. Loud, Holbrook.sld Feb 17 Eliza Evelina (Br' ITJb 13 Brig Andalusia (Br),'"' ' NEW YORK, Feb 13 aid Feb-25 Wffd HUntcr, Erickson, 'JZli cld Feb' 4 'tt iiurcermeister Jverstem. xjirenriCK, , l ron Montag. Stromstadt ' 1 -sld Fob-6 Brig Kp nlgenAugnstvPrittkor, sld JaA 16 Essei BmtthT n3irt U () '() (j 37ai $7 J Anderson, f!AKTTEN AS ' s B3g J M Burns, Feb 4 wrr.MiNGT nirtLESALE PRICES. tXar ftuptAttons, J$ Bbonld bo understood, rep rewjut the Wholesale prlcce generally. In making' up mall orders higher prices bare to be charged. '"' - ARTICLE. PHICKH. BAQQINQ Gunny , ijonbie An caor. jWble Anchor "A" ........ , BACON .yorth Carolina, vHams, 9 t.... shouidew; V T7rT7..... Bides, $ B .fclVeeturn Sinokad- yilams;. .. . Rides, V...rti...Ti,t.... Khonlders,. Dry Salted r.T. i .Shies S B)......... ,......, BMonlders-. ....... . .: : : BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each ' New New York,-each....... New City, each BEESWAX 9 B BRICKS Wilmington,- $ M: . . . Northern.... BUTTER North Carolina, $ lb Northern, $ lb CANDLES Specm, 1 &,,,.. Taiiow; Adamantine, tt lb 00 00 & 14 ft 13 9 H 17 7 8 1 is 7 - 7 i 40 3 68 31 8 00 03 ' 30 .SO 00 18 & 250 et 3oo J 2 75 & 10 00 14 00 80 (A & & & 4i . 42 20 19 23 CHEESE Northern Factory V & ... Dairy, W Bt..., k State $ lb :..T; COFFEE Java. VI)..., Rio, lb Lagnarra, V fi , CORN MEAL- -ft bushel COTTON TIES lb.. SO & 15 30 & - m & 25 & m 25 28 95 15 165 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd Yarn, v bnncn 1 60 & 18 W 0fiO 14 50 22 00 - vflO.4. W 5tf bDL.U....l.. .k. Mackerel, No. 2, 9 bbl...... No. a, V X bbl MackereVNo. 8, V bbl Mullets, 9 bbl N. C. Herring, bbl 7 50 a 10 60 & 5 00 000 a 900 000 8 'Cod.' w lb.. v.. .....m... -7 -Fin.hbl....w..w.. Da.a.6 50 Sapor. Nortnern, V DDI... Extra do. " Jtbl... . , Family bhl.-.y 8 00 000 9 00 10 oo 8 50 9 50 JO 0Q 12 50 & 000 & 1150 & 900 9 75 tl0 50 00 00 City Mills--Super., bbl. ..I " Extra, $ bbl.... . ,. . " . Family,,, bbl.. ExFamUy, ft bbl.. Fera vh'oano, 2(0 fes Baugh's Phosphate, " " Carolina Fertilizer, " " Ground Bone, " " Bone Meal, t .JTiouri " " Navassa Onano, " Complete Manure, " " 80 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 53 00 (iH 40 00 & 45 00 ta 67 00 65 00 67 00 Cm 70 00 fO -wnana's rnoapaate :' t , 00 00 t WOO Berger & BnU'c Phosph. " nTTTc La ik 60 00 00 00 16 90 75 00 '85 1 30 7 13 1 85 1 80 21 95 GRAIN CoraVui storeV'S 5C lb8 Corn, Cargo, V , , . Corn, New, V busheL ' Oats, 9 bushel. Peas, Cow, $ bushel HIDESr-Green, S ,.... v Dry,'l BKli . ...(... HAY Eastern. V 100 lbs North River, ip 100 lbs HOOP IRON 9 ton LARD Northern, lb. - North Carolina, 19 lb..., ... 77 tD UUU 70 140 8 18 175 130 00 14000 10 10 bbl.. 160. 160 LUMBER Crrv StkamSawed r Ship Stuff, resawed, M ft.. , Konsrh Edze Plank. M ft... 35 00 32 00 23 00 SO 00 80 00 25 00 Vest India Cargoes, according , v to qnanty, f m. it . 1 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . Scantling and Boards, com mon, tt Mft. MOLASSES Cnba,hhds, 9 gal.. Cuba, bbls, 9 gal Sugar House, finds, V gal... r u bbls, ft gal..;. Syrnp.bbls, t gal.. NAILS Cat, id to SOd, f) keg. . . OILS Kerosene, ft gal Lard, Wgal... Linseed, gal Kosin, gal PEANUTS bushel 85 00 1500 23 00 42 45 24 28 100 87 45 & 6 73 ;5 29 33 145 1 10 40 140 100 1 10 1 00 .30 1 00 0 00 4 25 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. . Irish, Northern, V bbl 5 50 17 50 00 00 00 00 15 00 WUM. JSortnern, KMf Jiess... Thin, V bbl Prime, f bbl.... Rump, w bbl :. BICE Carolina, ft .... . .". . .'. East India, f) B Rough, fi bush....... RAGS Country, ft B ty, ft 0 ROPE . .-. SALT Alum, ft bushel Liverpool, ft sack American, ft sack SUGAR Cuba, lb 8X 9 00 135 00 000 3 75 1 60 1 45 9 10 12 11 11 11 13& 6 8 a 23 00 1C5 ISO 10 roruitico, y id A Coffee, lb B ft fi C " B Kx. C tt Crushed, ft lb , SOAP Northern, fl lb SUINGLES-Contract, ftH... Common, ft M STAVES W. O. BbL, ft M. . . . 12 11 11 11? MX 8 600 00 2 50 80 00 00 00 18 00 10 17 00 15 00 IS 00 5 00 1 00 1 75 34 45 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 22 00 17 00 14 00 800 500 250 40 50 K. U. Uh(L, W M Crpress, ft M. I'AJXOW- ID. TIMBER Shipping, ft M Wll Mm. vr . in .1 a . 1 w jiay, ....... ..... Miu rair, Inferior to Ordmarr, ft ft,. WHISKEY Northern, figal.. North Carolina, ft gal WOOL Unwashed, f) Washed, W lb... BATES OF FREIGHT. Ier Steamer. Per Sailing Vessel To New York. Crnde Turpentine $ bbl 0 60 0 70 0 60 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 50 0.60 2 60 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 50 0 60 1W)I DDI. Spts Turpentine t bbl Rosin W bbl Cottony bale. Peanuts f bushel ' To Philadelphia. I Crnde Turoentine bbl 0 75 80 0 60 60 0 00 1 75 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 65 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 PTarW-bbf...... i Bpta Turpentine y bbl Rosin V bbl Cotton bale......... Cotton Goods J? bale.. Peanata fl bosh el...... Lumber 9 M To Baltixorx. 0 00 1 00 V OO O 80 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 50 0 00 t 00 0 00 2 00 OOO 0 75 0 00 0 10 7 00 8 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 0 00 10 00 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 0O 00 0 00 0 45 0 00 2 O0 ... Crnde Turpentine tt bbl Tar bbl I 0 00 !045 -0 00 0 45 8pu Turpentine ft bbl 0 00 0 TO ttOSUI fl DDI Cotton tt bale....... Peannts boshel .... Lumber ttM. ..i.... t To BoaTox -. O 00 0 45 000200 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 6 50 00 0 00 8 00 75 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 70 0 00 1 10 0 65 0 70 2 60 0 00 0 12 0 10 Crude Turpentine tt bbl 0 00000 Tar w ddi.. . O 00 42 u 00 0 00 0 00 0 00000 0 00 0 00 Spts Turpentine ft bbl Kesin ft ddi Cotton ft bale Peannts ft busheL... Lumber ft M..w.... 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 O U 12 WIL.IWIJVGXON ITIONKir 3IABKET. OOBBXCTXn DA1XT BT THX BAHX OT JTjnf HjUIOTXB, I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. ' .'a i : BUYING. BXLUNO. Gold....,i.A.r..... ........112 114 SilYer.v.. .v. ..........''. 106 109 Ezchanee sieht on Northern cities Par. Sxchansr 30 days on " - v. . . .l(ai V edis, , . f . . . . i , Par VaL ScUing,- isanK or w uanover biock. ........ : ws 1 .- vh First National Bank, .................. 100 105 Wilmington Building Stock,.: : . . . i : ' 43 63 Mechanics. - .- " i.... '. 48 ' j 62 Navassa Onano Otv -J ' . . i . . . . . . . . 100 ''; 110 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon 84 , Do.- Fnndingl86.;.;........25 Do. " .. 1808,. ....24., ...20' Do. Special Tax 13 ' Do. ' to N. a -Railroad.- ..50 &. W: R. R. Bonds 7 C Gold Int) .90 w. W r 1 T Unties Q if e . . .55 .71 - Wilmington City Bonds, 8c. !. i. i;'- " i n .7Wc.v...-:.".-.80 "' jld Slc.'.:.70 n -NeW Hanorer County Bonds (10 years),' ' 6e(Gold Int)... .'..'..;.'..70 New Hanorer County Bonds (3 years) fc (Gold Int) 92 W. Railroad Stock CPar 100X, .... 55 North Carolina R. R. fKW).. W., C. & Railroad " " 50) WiL Gas Light Co. oV..-70 MISCELLANEOUS. Notices TlfRS. MART CLIFFORD HAS OPENED A ,, i'OU isoaraing nouso on Marketntreet between Second and Third. Will give good accommodations ana first class table, feb 18-tf - " "r" Ch.oice,Goods- .3' -v : OCOANFTS. FRESH: LEMONsV'if , ; . . Picele Tripe. Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, ? Smoked. Tonzuea. LadT Flneer Annleo W ' Englisbrand. American Pictdes, Primes, C 'i JA8. L METTr, feb.atf; yAuBl Market street Rye' FloGMmTlotiri'lncMeat . And our own peerless, unapproachable" ; L ' 'CHAS. d, MYERS A CO. 7 North Front street. ' MCEtlilNEOUS. iits TOOUR-i"" M CtTSTOIEES AND THE PUBLIC t(. i(; , GENEEALLY. HAVING -MADE A CHANGE IN OUR BUSI. i negB, we are now, pfiering great bargains in ' Dry. and rcy Gopds at prices to suit all classes. . Having also decided to sellout some Departments, in order to make room for a more complete stock of Dress Goods, fec, we are now oienng tne resume at cost, ano some Less than Cost ! , We Especially invite country merchants to' exam ine these Goods before buying elsewhere. ! J. & H. SAMSON, 43 Hajket street febl-tf i ...... . SEND FOR A BAEEEL OF THE . CELEBRATED , Empire Flour, 99 . AT THE OLD PRICE, AT GEO. MYERS. JUST RECEIVED. NOTHER LOT OF CELERY SALT; , FRESH CANNED Fruits and Vegetables, AT GEO. MYERS', Jan 24-tf 11 and 13 Front Street A GREAT OfTER. ONLY 3 FOR $11 IN VALUE 1 0. FOR $4, ' $18 IN VALUE. OR, FOR $5, $26 IN VALUE1 mrmr ptfn ipi vtt J xm .TTTTTr rtnurvun "Isn't 8he Pretty," highly finished, mounted and Tarnished. Size 13x17 (after LUlie M. Soencer.t retail price, $8, will be sent by mail, securely done up, post Tree, as a premium to every yearly sno scriber to DEMORESTS MONTHLY, acknowledged the most beautiful and.nseful Parlor Magazine in America. "Isn't She Pretty i" is a beautiful chromo and splendid parlor picture, and a valuable work of art, worth more than double the cost of subscription, and together with Dcmorest'B Monthly affords an opportunity for the investment of $3 such as may never occur again; or in place of "Isn't She Pretty," for $1 additional, " Hiawatha's 'Wooing (after Je- post-free; or both Chromos and Demorest's Month ly, ror one year, ior $5. "iiiawatna's- wooing" is an equally splendid work of art, a large and beanti f nl Chromo, and worth four times the price charged. Husbands, fathers, brothers and Lovers, do not fail to subscribe for DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE and present it with a beautiful Chromo. It will make eyes sparkle with delight and satisfaction, and prove a montmy reminaer or your gooa taste ana ana fee line. Address. W. Jenninss Demorest 838 Broad way, New York. Copies of the latest numbers of tne Magazine, 25 cents eacn, post-rree. nov 24-tf 86 FOE S3. GRAND OFFER! npHE YORKVTLLE ENQUIRER will present J. three-dollar chromo to every subscriber for 1873 who pays $3 00 in advance for a year's subscription. The Chrome entitled "The Unwelcome Visitor" is executed in the finest style of chromatic printing: the printed surface is ISX by 17& inches, and the picture sells In the art stores for $3. It is equal in every respect to any or tne enromo premiums of fered by other publications. , The Enocikeb is a family paper, devoted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Trades man, ante in every section or tne union; is not sec tional in its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness ana accuracy, its columns are niiea with the choicest matter appropriate to the different departments Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Reading, a column for the Children, Wit and Humor, Agricul tural, Correspondence from Abroad, Excerpts on all Subjects, an Epitome of the News of the Day, &c. ORIGINAL STORIED The publication of Original Stories is a feature of the ENquiBXR, and for the next volume we have pro cured several from the pens of popular and enter-' taining writers! Ia this Department alone we can promise our readers entertainment equal in charac ter to that of any of the popular story papers. . ' , The subscription price of the Exqcibeb is $3 per annum, with -Chromo Premium, or without Pre mium, two copies one year $5; onecopysix months, $1 60; one copy three months, ft The Chromo will be promptly mailed to subscribers on receipt of subscription. . Specimen copies of the paper sent on application. A ddress all letters to !-'' L M. GRIST, Proprietor, i dec 10-tf - rorkville, S. C. . Fancy and Toilette Articles. TUST RECEIVED FROM STEAMER A LARGE O and fine assortment of ' LUBTN'S EXTRACTS, - LUBIN'S POWDER, f ,-' GERMAN COLOGNE,' FLORIDA AND LAVANDhR WATERS, a BAY RUM, HAIR, TOOTH AND , NAIL BRUSHES, 1 ' PHOTOGRAPH COLOGNE BOTTLES, BOSTON PlfRFUMES, . . ELDER FLOWER, CASHMERE BOUQUET. BROWN WINDSOR AND LUBIN'S SOAPS. s, r Soldat , ' " - . . 1 J. K. McTLHENNY'S ..... - -,!;, ',7 . Drug and Chemical Store, . feb l8-tf . , , . (Uppitt's Old Stand.) Just Received. -JgQ BBLS PINK EYE POTATOES, gQQ BBLS EARLY RPSE POTATOES, ; 2QQ BBLS JACKSON WHITES POTATOES, JQQ BBLS PRINCE ALBERT POTATOES, JQQ BBLS CHILI RED POTATOES, JLLSO 5.000 LBS CELEBRATED VPETERS" S. C. HAMS. - . . : 'For sale low by i BIN FORD, CROW & CO., South Water street. feb23-tf OWEN FENNELLj JR., GENERAL COMMISSION 1ERCHANT, t , .TSorth Water St. Wilinlngton, N. C. t3T" Consignments of Cotton, aval Stores, Pro duce, &c, solicited. , . . , ; ... r feb 9-lm . ; Dickey Flour. Of! A BBLS. OF, THE CELEBRATED " DICK-' BY FLOUR, just recelvod. . ' " . ( .. QQ Kits No. 1 Mackerel, - ForalebT- -sep H-ttr ; EDWARDS Jfc HALL. rrootor & ramble's 'LIGHT OF DAY: BRAND : AD AM ANTI NE C A NDLES. i LL SIZES. 2ALSO HOTEL CANDLES, AT a. manufacturer's prices. Sold by . DAVID T, BUZBY & CO. ''Jan'18-3ni," ' , ; Baltimore, Mi PEOCTOE S GAMBLE'S OLEINE SOAP IS HADE FROM THE BEST MATERIALS, BUT sold at price of ordinary soap. Over 1,200 (ami s. lies.oeing it. AU grocers have it. t-t jan 18-3m Wholeaalt Agents n The, Oamdea-Jotirial? PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDATI kttk SO per annum. Advertising rates liberaL ' ' wl i ni; JOHN KERSHAW, Prop'r. ' W. H. Bzbxaxd, Agent. Qan 14-tf BALOTORR-LOCK- HOSPITAL ! it. PHYSICIAN OF THIS CELEBRATED INSTITU TION, discovered, when in the great hosnitals of Europe, viz; England, France and elsewhere, the certain, speeoy, pjeasant ana eaectuai remeay in tne world for all excesses or abuses of the system. ' Weakness of the Back or Limbs: Strictures, Affec tion of: the Kidneys o Bladder, Involuntary Dis charges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness,' Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the. Heart, Timidity; .Trem- Diing, uimness or signs or uiaoiness, uisease oi me Head, Throat, Nose or 8kin,' Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those terrible disorders arising from' solitary habits of vouth-eecret and flolitory practices more fatal to their victims than tne song or tne syrens to tne manners or uiysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriages, &c, Impossible,- destroying both boqy and mind. t ii,f YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary V IVOj SLUUW USMMUUA WUl UVOMUVUTV UBUlV n.UJVU Ml . anally sweeps1 to an untimely grave thousands of Soung men 01 me most cxai'Q uuents ana Drmiani itellect, who might otherwise have entranced list ening Senates with the the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. ' MARRIAGE. ! .' '' ' ' " . . ' :: '' i".--- ';...- j : ! Married - persons, or young men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, Loss of Pro creative Pbwer (impotency), Nervous Excitability; Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or any other disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places, himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, ana confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ' 1 ! ORGANIC WEAKNESS ' immediately cured and full vigor' restored. This distressing affection w aich renders life mis erable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of' improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not be ing aware of the dreadful consequences that may' ensce. Now, who that understands this subject will, pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudential t Besides being deprived of the pleas ure of healthy offsnrine. the most serious and des- tractive symptoms of ooth body and mind arise. ine system Decomes aerangea, tne pnysicai ana mental functions weakened. Loss 01 Procreative' Power; Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation, of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility and Wasting of the Framej Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death.. .- . 4 , A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED, t . . , Persons ruined hi health by unlearned pretenders whr keep them trifling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, ; , ' Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate of one of the most eminent colleges In the United States, and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, oashfnlness, with frequent blushing, attend ed sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. " '.1 4 -is. Ji' . ,r i - . ( i ,s i ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses 'all those who have Injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad melancholy effects pro duced by the early habits of youth, viz:' Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, &c . , ' MrsrrAiLT. Ths fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self -Distrust Love of Solitude, Timidity, fec., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and ema. ciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, couph and symptoms of Consumption. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope cf his country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit Sqch per sons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another is blighted with ouown. . ,.- j ,. .., , v : A CERTAIN DISEASE , When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed .the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often' happens 1 that an Ill-timed sense of shame or .dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who,- from education and re spectability, can alone befriend hhn. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch ids pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month, after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and. in de spair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment; or, by the use of that dead ly poison. Mercury, cause the constitutional symp toms of this horrid, disease to make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocture nal pains in the head and 'limbs; dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches n the head and face, and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object .of commisseration till death pots a period to his dread ful Buffering, by Bending him to that undiscovered country " from whose bourne no traveler returns," ; .To such, therefore, Dr. Johnson offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world. - - OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., r' BALTIinORE,' ntARXI.Alyi, -,: Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the comer. Fail net to observe came and number. ; . ' , i tST No letters received unless postpaid and. con taining a stamp to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptom f The Doctor's DD?LOMA hangs in his office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this establishment within the last twenty-years, and the-numerous im portant surgical operations performed by , Dr. John son, witnessed by .the representatives of-the Press and many others, ' notioes of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his stand ing as a man -of honor and' responsibility, Is & ; suffi cient guarantee, to the afflicted. - - f j J Skin DlMasei Speedily Cured. - march lJ-ly ent '"- 2.500 Acres of Lani at $2 Per Acre. A '' Valuable Plantation Offered at a '. ."-'! ! ' Sacrifice." A FINE PLANTATION, CONtAtNTNO A handsome residence and 8,600 acres of land, 'sit uated on the Wateree river, about .twenty-eight miles from Columbiaand within a few miles of the Wilmington, Columbia and (Augusta Railroad; is now offered for sale at five thousand ($3,000) dollars. Before the war the place was valued at fifty thous and dollars. Soil fertile; adapted to the raising of corn, cotton, rice, Ac, and abounding in Umber bf every variety. 1- ..: r, --.- him - Besides the dwelling house it contains out -buildings of various kinds." Liesparfly In Richland and partly in Sumter county. Terms, Cash in advaB.ce. Apply to -RIVERS WRIGHT,'' ' jan 14-tf, j xn Pnlversity South Carolina. , Salt! Salt! Salt! 32 9001backS AMKRICANAN1 LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM And Worthington FINE SALT, For sale low by . . ct-tf , .t u : WILLARD BROS. , Bargains in .t - 6ARSiCES&0. COATS BUSINESS: SUITS .'itr.f 'ii'jl Tin xnT'l-iii will ui f aiYt no reozo-tr City Clothiers. General Sup'ts Office : ' OUSTA B. R. COMPANY, . WILMINGTON, N. C.t Oct 7th, 1372. Change of Schedule. 1 i. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington. A. ii :55 -V l 8:40 p. m 7:43 P. M; u A. M. 4: 15 P tu Arrive at norence. . . Arrive at Columbia... Arrive at Augusta.. Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia. '.. Arrive at Wilmington., 10:2J p; j,; Nljflrt Express Train Daily (sun oayi Juxceptcd.) T iiflVA wilmlTifTfnn Arrive at Florence,.. Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta. . . . . . , . Arrive at Columbia. : , , Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington . . ; . . 6:45 p. i, 11:85 P. m. o8:i0A- M 8:20 A. M. 5:50 P. 11 W:0 P. M. 2:1S A. M. 8:00 A M. JAMES. ANDERSON. ! flenU Snn't Charlotte AND RUTHERFORD R. R, . Otocb Cwixr Endtkxb am Gen'i. Sxtp't i Change of Schedule. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ON AND aptpt. . t REGULAR FREIGHT TRAIN. 5-80TeMIgOndaTat6A- "d "rt -1' ' ' " 1 ' PASSENGER ic EXPRESS FREIGHT .TRAINS. limingtoa daily at 8 A M. and arrive o 'Leave IJlesvIUe daily at 1:40 A. M. and arrive at &:ao r. Jft. IF Two Special Freight Trains for TON LUM BER run irrespectively. L No Train will leave oh Sundays Y '' ' ' - ' 8L. FREMONT. 'JS ' ' Chief Engineer and 8np't. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Change; of Schedule. 0 - " Omd or Gkn'i. Supkrintkn9knt, I ' ' Wilmington, N. C, 8une 8th, 1872. f f8 AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PAR w senger trains on the Wilmington and Wclrtoa Railroad will run as follows : t ITIAII. TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally (Sundays ex- cepteai At 8:15 A. M. 12:11 P. M. 2:11 P. M. 3,fio P. 11, Arrive at Goldsboro. Rocky Mount Weldon Leave Weldon daily (Sundays except- d) At 9:15 A M. Arrlre at Rocky Mount 11:07 A M. Goldsboro 1:16 P. M. Uhion Depot 6:30 P. M. : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. . . , Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount Weldon.... Leave Weldon, daily, Arrive at Rocky Mount ..At 10:40 P. M. 3:00 A. M. 4:50 A. M. 6:60 A. M. 7,10 P. M. 8:58 P. M 10:68 P. K. 8:10 A H. uoiasooro ...... Union Depot The mail train makes close connection at Welrinn for all points North via Bay Line and Acquis Cm k nnun, . . . . . , Express Train connects only with Acquis Creek route. PBlhMis PslM Sleeplns Car on tbSe Train, , 4 . . FREIGHT' TRAINS will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 6KJ0 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wil mington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. 21., and arrive at 11A.M. . i JOHN F. DIVINE, June 9-tf General SuperintendenU ! STEAMSHIP LINES. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN Hail Steamship Line composed of the first-class steam .Ships pioneer, 83s tons, ;Capt. John Wasceley, ' ' " TONAWAND A, 850 TONS, ;,Cpt. C,. C. Weltbanks, WIU hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilming ton EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. For freight engagements, apply to ' ; WORTH A WORTH, Aoixth. u Wilmington, N. C. ' W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third ' street. Philadelphia. June 30-tf BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON ..It.. I,,., SEMI-WEEKLY Steamship Line. COMPOSED OF THE FIRST CLASS STEAM 81HPS I i : D. J. FOLEY, Capt. D. J. Price, "' ''' fclJCILLE,1 Capt. I. S. Bennett, REBECCA CLYDE, Capt. D. C. Chlldi, WILL .HEREAFTER SAIL FRO M B A L T IMOEE EVEBY TUESDAY & FRIDAY. AND FROM WILMINGTON Every"ees3Iy and Saturday, . , CONNECTING AT WILMINGTON With the Wilmingun, Columbia and . f Augusi. Wilmington snd Weldon, and the WUmlngwn. Charlot&and Rutherford Railroads; also the vcri lines of steamers to Fayettcvllle, ; Clvlnx TnVoncn Bllle of Lading !To all points in North and South Carolina, GcoW and Alabama: connecting at Baltimore with the timore and Ohio and theNorthern Cenfral Ra" for all points in the-West and Northwest, "d steamers and Railroads for Boston, New Yorlc sdu Philadelphia. ; ,-ForIrelght engagements apply to cxzxVxt !i;v . i'" Agent; Wilmington, S.C- Akdbbws & Co., Agents, Baltimore. . dec 81-tf :.EOTToompreteJin JfiKof and is la charge ot one of the moat skiUful wor tathe SuteTll -tods 6t Jading executed neatiy. cheaply and expeditiously. 1"

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