im t THE HORITHTG BTAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT (i " " twotoJV J W - thraaumira..... 00 r flro 4ays w ona miak. .4vV ? r " " ) one week..., 1W net! Orric Dswson Bsnk Bundtags, Front Bt ' Two weeks w .; ; ,Tliroeireeka....U.... ...... ...... jW 1 One th....7. 8 00 " rf Two month... ,v 1 00 Bixmontlu 35 Off " - OneTew....,.., .,..;... ..60 00) EVOofitrmot AiTartfeements taken at propor tlonately low rates. . . . ' Fire ganarea estimated aa a bnarter-column, and . ;!7 tuLn9 0v.iaaaaan10N.y7 x A. AhVV .'. .j On year, in advance $7 00 9i months, m advance.,. A BO Three months, to andvsnce. v .t.j. ..j ; W One month, la idTtaco....?.:........':.;..;..' IS The Mobmiko Stab will bo delivered in nT nut I VI II . 1 YT -ATll AAA. ' WILMINGTON, N. C,, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1873;; WHOLENO. 1,684; of the City at Porraw OaitH per 1 ten aqnareaaaanalf-coJaxnn. , ; . , i-i -v. .'.., . ..,;.. .. . ... . . '' , H OUTLINES. French and Germans are negotiating for an eracuation of French territory by Ger man troop. f ,--j Great excitement pre vails in Madrid. ' ' G. W." Cortia, edi tor of Harper's publicatlona.v ia seriously ill. Over a hundred persons Were iajured by a Parii' cartridge i factory, explo sion. The Pope says reconciliation with the Italian government is Impossible. I Jonea. the. Bayannah banX clerk: who .1 Jones," the BaTannah bank clerk; 'Who mysteriously disappeared the other day, presented drafts for $35,000 at Park Bank, New York, and was. paid, . absconding be fore the discovery was made. Noth ing important from - Spain, txcept rumors of change in administration. New York markets: Cotton 20f21 . gold, 113i; spirits turpentmjs dull at" 85; roslh firm at $3 65. Proba. toay partly cloudy and clear. Tko CoafUct la I.aUlaaau current with the adjournment of Congress without taking action to settle the issues presented It the rival (TnTmmnt. Af T;in m f ' !ll -uT5iSifflJ State, and th rftsnlt in Hofwan1 ' I An ftttemDt bv th MeEnerv mvnm. I ment to take possession of the police sutions of New Orleans precipitated a couuici, ueiwrea iub iu.cnery.miu- i tia and the polic-during Wednesday I night, resulting in the killing of two im rtr Ar)f 4 Vk A ttTAtifiin at aAmA a I twelve others: , The superior discio- line of the boiice. who. besides hana armed with musfeets, broucrn a cannon. I charged with grapeshot, to bear upon tne muiua, gave inem me aavan- tage, which was secured by the event- nal interference of the United States troops in ernment, under instructions from the President M Washington. Thelegisl' Jative headquarters of the McEnery Government was subsequently taken possession of, and the power of the xveiiogg guveruueuk lunuor uwunu by the distribution of Federal troops : throughout the city. Quiet had been restored yesterday forenoon, .; when Sherman, at shirton, I think the announcement of the President's order to me of last night will effect a I Wilder & Morton, near the Charlotte- De permanent settlement of the troubles f pot, took fire yesterday morning but the here. in other words, subjection is 1 accomplished. ISalt. im ItA. TIHIIE CIT NEW ADTBBTISBMBNfS. F. H. Alfktxnd. Cape Fear Academy. MtNsojf & Co. Silk Hats,' &c . 1 ' Jamks K.' Simon.' Building Associations. S. Locis & Co. Dry Goods, &c. . , - G. R. French & Son. Boots and Shoes. R. L. Habhis. Undertaker, &c Barry Brothers. Agents. Notice. . ' Giles & Murchtson. Scales! Scales! F. W. Eebchner. In Store. P. 'Heus Buerger. Pianos ! PianosL. D. A. Smith. Feathers. Woostkb. & Cosolkt. Drug Firm. FoREMAN.CapeFearS.F. K Co. No. 3. Oar Cap.reb.esi To-Day. Services in St John's Church to-day IwmTuI Rnndav in Lent ma follows: Cehv 1 bration of the Holy Eucharist at ?i A. M.; I Morning Prayer at 11 A. M. : Evening I Prayer at V. Ml Services :t rStTauTs Evangelical Lu theran Church as follows: English service at 11 A. M.; German service at 7 P. M.: Catechetical lectures on Friday at ty P. M, '. Services at Front street M. E. Church, at 11 A. M. and 7iPM. Prayer meeting Wednesday nlgbtai 7r jb'clock.'TGentle manly ushers will be in attendance to con duct strangers to seats. rRev. R. 8. Moran, D. D., Pastor. Services at Jirst Presbyterian Church at HA.M4andnP.M;;ReA. F.Dick, son, Pastor. Services at Fifth Street M. E. Church at 11' A. M., . and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting 1 Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Rev. G. W. Pugh will officiate. Seats free. f ' Services at St PauVs (Episcopal) church' at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Seats free. Services at St Thomas' Catholic Church at 7 and ldj A. M.1 4 Vespers chanted at 4 o'clock. Catechism for the children at 9 :30. Catecbetical instruction to the colored peo- pie at S P. M. in the basement of the church. r -iv!i.n,.o.Gt7 A TVf Th 4-UM:uiw,,,vr-...., service of Uie "JIolv Way of the Cross" . . , . ,. s-z. . .. every Friday evening at 7JU. umciating clrrrrvmen. Revs. Mark S.lrosSand Jas. B. rtJ 1 m l White. - ' v " " v a' 1 .n Services during Lent at 81. Mark's (col- ored Enisconaft church Sundays at .11 A. r fi t r 2 nhiArnBfrvc.nAtP .... .3 7-r ' ' ' M Other day's of the week Daily aiorn- ing Prayer 5 Pr. Seryic oned- nesdayeyeniagaf 7 r. .Tit. Seats. free. Disinterested Pnffi." ' . . ,,;"p ,., The purely dismterestea character of the following notice, which we copy from an Arkansas paper, 'is respectfully .submitted to all who value ' " Puffs'" : ' " Mr. Edward i";i.Aiir tothelW,forwhichheha,ourtoanks: Mr. Phillips; reputation ia' a painter is too di niwiiiucuiy,.. : -oar nanus ;ewn ornamental Minting done will make itrof't' The little colored child run over byi horse and buggy corner of Third Stab. isaaMtobeina verv critical condU - tlon, with but slight hopes of its recovery. Fmmaltfiy . AT4 7. TT 1 - J i J- CJotton Factory! J - Only 1 patient to the City Hospital' last week.. v. I "Xerel Vere jpniyTelpolfce arrests during the past week. - Speckled Uout and other choice fish were plentiful ia market yesterday. The Bchf. Fanny Elder, Rich, cleared 'rom Boston for this port on the 5th. : TK 'ft'h. ? r..7L'T rZi from New York for this port on the 6th. ' Only 1 convict to the Work House during the past- week, from the Mayor's Court. i . ,r. "-''i , Two white and three colored couples were'granted marriage licenses during the oast weft For two weeks in succession there has not been a single iaterment in Oakdale Oemetery4 . 5 i f '". ' . 1 1 The Clerk of- the Market wmnrta th wriyal of 148 market carts during the week closing yesterday. ' a .t.i d ""S ui vpoicar o. x. Company No. ft U called for Tuesday - .yr"" I ' The interments In Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week consisted of two adult. and one child, , Delays are dangerous. Let usstart the I cotton factorv before tha enthusiasm diea ut-V Strike while the iron is hot it I - Mabson, McLa.urln, Heaton and Lloyd V dress their constitutents at the City " uk i The Tarious butchers, of this city I slaughtered 67 beeves, 11 calves and 161 hogs during the week closing yesterday. . Vw m- i " W 30 10 25 cent on the in- . Zz. . . . Tf ? ot have a cotton mill in Wllmlngtont , ' , . I AlKwsebelone'to'aCcblored man fell Into the dock foot of Hulberry street yewcruay morning, out was rescueu wim- out much damage. 0 townsman, Clarence Low, 2 wiU enter on his duties as Clerk in the Bank of New Hanorer tomorrow. , .; v a The turpentine distillery of Messrs. flames were quickly extinguished Cotton will never be " King" until we release him from the thraldom of Northern manufacturers. How much stock will you take In a cotton mill in Wimington? - The "red-ball" diversion of the Wil mington Steam Fire. Engine Company has been mercilessly abolished. .The members are expected hereafter to go for the hose, reel : The Steamship jantia will leave New York Monday night,-' proceed to Norfolk and load with the cargo of the Volunteer, reaching Wilmington latter part of this week. The agents of the Lorillard Steamship Company notify shippers -by steamship Francis Wright that they must get theirown Inanranee. a the Comnanv have no canro nnlirv on that steamshiD. . ' ' ... -nr,, The alarm of fire North of the Wu- W .nH WMnn Kailrui vesterdav ,,,0, about 8 o'clock, was caused by the burninz of a foul chimney. The alarm was quieted in a few minutes. To llams' JMews Jjepot, jrrons Btreev we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank Lottof JUudrated Jmeepaper l at the. lJurrent week. The stand wfll be open unta 10 o'clock this morning., ,. - 'ilMr. Wm. It McLaughlin, formerly of this city, where he was connected with the . ' . . j - - - steam saw mills of Messrs. Northrop & - rs,,r!no. wa waylaid near Goldflbaro on ' androbbof sthemc d in hi poeseion. A nranna1 rnlli hi nn rietween HintO .-y- . . . K Tnm and Andrew Perkins two colored , . -tio r.r th of fUeond and wket streets. Yesterday afternoon, was in- Kw TVn wkn arreated Per- - Z::V::'C7Z t7L K.U19 u " r- We learn that one house in Petersburg M.A01 ten thousand Doundsof dried fruit from "vVestern part of this State a few 1 - s Dried fruit isfast becoming an " . . .s I important article 01 commerce, vam qusuu- LtJ...Mw.tafr - u ueiug jvv nntie8 toVirrinia and the Northern cities, I r tf-v f it wniniw flnda its I VrVlVTI Willi'.!! IIS LSS-iU WB. II a ax rm km t - m - wT m this direction. The comple- tSftnn,tne Wilmington. Charlotte and Ruth- , a direct .. . ' i.-. ,! - line 01 communicauon ucccu . the we8t wiU re8ult in a diversion of this and many others."ot the rich produc- i. ' " .Vi'- ' 1; " ..J'l. morlrot' WOnsoi wink region uu. ... .... ..... . J which win oe one 01 vne greai. "ws that will accrue to our port by the comple- ? nf imrtnrtant Anternrise. l)tJkM W Wiw - r- . - g a AUaaa V.aagrf aalA t Aa 171 sMafiAall. A colored member of the.South Carolina Letrislature.happeningiptbis citr on Fri - .Wr; T ",r itA .vlo-ht he nlacedWa nocked fl P-rt morning ana exnoimcv ma ' ered that t240 of the sum had disappear- ed. A warrant was issued forMomeand TnTTm the Gtuu Houw 1 gation. Job a B. Owens. . . This' famous4 Comedian will once more rPI bef o aw vpera iiouse to-morrow eTenmg, the pro gramme selected being TomTaylor's charm- ing comedj of The. Victims' and Owen's fflmnna onootislir 'taT. OT ?1o T f erring to his appearance in these charac ters at Savannah the New of that city says: "Wis have never been better pleased and delighted with any of Mr. Owens' Dersona- tions than we were with his Joshua Butter by, in the "Victims," in wiich he was most ably supported by ar company of no ordina ry merit. As there was not a fault discern ible in . the representations of nv of the characters, particularization iwere totally umiwcaaarjf, losuua XJURerDy, sax. Owens was irnsistible: ifid nuTer. -within our . recollections of Savannah, .have we a more tboroughly amused audience, Throughout the piece the interest 'never reDaered that the temporary absence from - p .cTri- tice 811(1 of the cftmedyjife most excel- "U"J ucT"- auuienco las evening wMnnnano nr laMa'tAWih -ama mamovm and was a substantial evidehc of the high appreciation in .which Mr. Owens is held by ouj theatrical public. The crowning giory oi me piay was tne grand presenta- tipn scene-' 'And when yo5 wear think Solon Rhlnrf u anBn.1 ru.oW with every manifestation of aDDroval. and S 2L5fifS?1 h? ca7ie farm WUI wear7 oi witnessmg it." Reserved Beats can be had at Heinsber- Eer' without extra charge. - - . Aident on shipboard. Mr. Frederick Hall, 2nd mate of the Schr. jxci x-. jw, who naa nu arm oroKen on passage from Weymouth, Mass., to this pun, onei menuon oi wmcn was maae in oar P&per yesterday, was taken to the City Hospital, where the broken limb was "set by Jr. Winants,. physician in charge. He states that in the midst of a gale of wind the vessel shipped a heavy sea which struck him with great force, drenching him to the skin and throwing him with much vio- ,ence agaiB8t . lee gcuppflrs, r break ing his arm in two places below the elbow.. The accident occurred on Monday last and the broken limb remained in that condition until yesterday, when, as before stated, the necessary operation was per formed. He is now doing as well as could be expected. Railroad Accident On Friday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, as a timber train on the. Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad was pas8ingovera trestle between Rosendale and Council's Station, coming in this direc tion, by some accident three of, the cars were thrown from the track and precipita ted through the trestle. Fortunately there was no one on the cars at the time and the dlmSl- l? sup- puaeu vo nave oeen causea oj me oraKe oz one of the cars falling down on the track. The track was clear when the down pas senger train arrived at that point yesterday. Judge Onderdouks Lose. Referring to the late robbery, of Judge Onderdonk the Washington Star of the 5th inst says : " In such crowds the light-fin- ered S1? tad ' fine field for operations, I and 8ome lostby them. Judge Onderdonk, of Wilmington, N. C, in attempting to get i on uie lucumona uain, atAiasu lasinigai, I . ... . . w, fnd r $70,000 of notes, .belonging to a Southern railroad with which he is con nected." - -V,'. I Adelpalaa Society. I the last meeting of the Adelphian Lhv erary Society 'the following officers were I elected for the ensuing term: President W. -j W. Shaw; Tice Preddent; H-rO. Rankin"; Secretary,. H.W. Fonlayson; Treasurer, E. I Of- Parmalee." Bpervising Committee A. C Craft, J. .W. Cobb. H. O. Kankin. ifi I i-i r t n vtT v t l Jw TfM I Boyd,'J. D.' Burr. Query' Commitfee H. .:.;,mm - I ssaaicaaawaiaM. . rwn t m-r 1 f ciosmg exercises oijnrs.cxaogm a I . ' . . ; i1 TV ti cnooi, near Dummervuie, crunswica. vu., took place on Friday, several persons from l .... i ! . m.. "WW, a""". " CMIWBW w" Mv in featsof declamation by i . m- .r.- r u Lni -v. -!- we papus, -ButHter vreurgc iuuniuyuuuuui I cellenM.m thatdepaient -(: Alter the con- I elusion of the exercises an address was de- livered to the school by Squire Chinis v - . I Blab 09 AtklaBoa'a Appointments. 1 . , , Marr-h0th i Wi'V"''''''' 1 hcotiana necK oum 1 HamUton. . :; . . :. . . . . . : " 31st P, M. Williamston. .. ....... ..Anril 1st Sn : . -. . . . ' . - -, . . I a v ". fM 2d " " r 4th 'A 6th 8th -j0hni PitVcoiintV: Snow Hill Church of the Holy-lnno- . T . r!nnnt -ifjth mtoh (Good'FridayV: ; llth Newberne (Easter Day). . I BeaUfOlt 18th 415th 18th 19th 20th. 22d, i u TkrKooPlr I Uk.ilU"U,iu..yf. Trinitv. Beaufort Ocu... Washington, Beaufort Co. .1 "u vyiiuivu. -. ....... Bath :.. " 23d 1 : i ' " 25th St James, Pungo: . . W-k iL. j 1 Sy, 27th 1 " 29liif " T" 1 - ftauntvt i:. Dkhonn?:V:V:nr7 30th Elteabeth7 City. . ... . r . .May 2d 1, -Z -j - 5th P. M. Mission ChSpeL Chowan ' , , Countyi f.V.-uV; " 7th i Muitreesporoagn. --'v l WoodvUle, Bertae iavv.-:'- liut 0;----- 1 r, . " - - 4 Raleigh Baptist Seminary. - Last night Sergeant Van Soelen, R. L. Sellars and Fletcher Tilley unearthed the ghost " at the , Court House, which has been disturbing the officials for some time pas. It turned out to be a colored man by the name of "Wm. Jackson,, who was found, comfortably ensconced, with blan kets, lamp,- marches, &c. . His ghostship was lodged in the Guard House. C1TT ITEMS, Wjuttxd. 15000 cypreaa railroad ttea, deliverable In Wilmington or at any navigable point on North- east or Northwest branch of Cape Fear Hirer. . Ad dresa, Thoa. Williama, Bocky Point, N. C. ' Tba cobaolldaaon of the Carolina Farmer and the Weekly Star bavins largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisera will find It aa admirable medium of communication with the farmer and plantera of the two Carolina. Book Botdkbt. Tct Moaxnta Stab Book Bind ery doee all kioda of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chant and othera .needing Receipt Booka, or other work, may rely on promptness in the- execution of their orders. ' Vr Job PRnmso. We call the attention of mer- chanta, clerks of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, and all others baring orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the HoBxnra Stab Piustin Sstabushkbiit for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job PBXxraro. We can furnish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Ticketa Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare, Show-BiQa, Checks, Draft, sc., ate Baaaiacuon guaranteea. Durinz the fever enidemic of last month, the stock of Ayer's Ague Cure In the Old North State became exhausted, and before a supply con Id be received from Lowell, the suffering from chills and fever be came fearful. A few parties were so fortunate as to have it on hand, and in Iredell county the druggists eked out their slender stocks by selling doses a spoonful each for a dollar.. Many paid ten dollars for a bottle, when the regular price ia but one, and tnongu tnemaerves ravorea at mat, so vaiuaoie are the curative properties of tola nreparation, which not only expela the poison from the system, but leaves the patient with unimpaired health and vigor. Raleigh (n. C.) Btandard. Spirits TuiT)entiiie. Horse disease again in the neigh borhood of Weldon. ' Mr. Jas. N. Whitner, formerly of Tarboro, died In Beaufort Saturday. The Asheville Citizen reports the robbing of Mr. 8. C. Shelton's smoke house. The Newbern Times announces thet Joshua H. Brinn, Esq., an old typo of that city, died at his residence on the 6th nstant A negro boy about sixteen years old, John Wilkins by name, had his hip and arm broken a few weeks ago in this neigh borhood, by the fall of a tree. Mr. A. J. Morrison, the talented young representative from Lincoln county, nas xenuereu ms resignation as a memuerui the House, which has been accepted by the Governor. The Raleigh Em learns that this State is to be divided into two districts. Col. Douglas, the Marshal of the Western, and Marshal Jarrow remaining in charge 01 the Eastern district. r Mr. M. L. Barnes, yard master of the A., T. & O. R. R at Charlotte, was struck by a brick bat on the forehead and was severely hurt on the streets the other evening, says the Observer. Dr. E. Burke Haywood, of Raleigh, removed a tumor the other day from the right shoulder and arm pit of Miss China Gardiner in Chatham county, that was 9 inches long and 8 inches broad. Unddr the head of "An Out rage," the Salisbury Watchman says ten or fifteen citizens of ' union , county were dragged from their homes and taken to Salisbury to be tried for telline a negro, that if he voted against one of the parties interests, he should not remain on his land. The Enfield Times learns from a eentleman of Scotland Neck, that a little eirl of Mrs. Banders, of that neiehborhoocL was burned Xo death on Jfriaay last 11 seems that the little child was playine in the kitchen, and going too near the .fire, its clothes were ignited with the a Dove serious result):' ; '. " : ' i It 'is said that Gen.'"Dockery declines to accept the Directorship on the Penitentiary Board because it won't pay. The late legislature limited the yearly com pensation to three hundred douara. , xiere- torore tne isoara charged expenses, ana Gen. Dockery's were some sixty dollars monthly.. . . : ; : CoL J. M. Heck has not only subscribed two hundred and fifty dollars in cash towards putting the new Fair Grounds in order,- but has presented his young thorough bred stallion, valued at two tnou sand dollars, to the Society to be given to the county or individual . who coiitributes most to the interest or the irair, Jx- . ! -, The News learns that the United States Supreme Court, in the case of All cott vs. Wilkes. Bridgers et aL, has decided in favor of the defendants. :'- This case in volves the mining property" known 'as the High Shoals, in Gaston county, which is val ued at a very large amount 01 moner. Jx Gov. Graham aDDeared for the bbiintijBL and Judge W. H. Battle,- represented the defendants.' n i. - ; ' r! r inv.i 'vau . J amies H. Harris colored, elect ed by the Caldwell Board of Directors for the Deaf, Dumb ana .Blind Asylum, Super visor of the Colored Department is to re ceive a salary Of $1,200 per annum. Dur ing the administration of the Holden Board .-T J .1 .L, 1 UU9 sanw uuui uciu uic pwiuuu ah uie nus- rv above named, but when the Democratic Legislative Board came into power he was continued in office for a few . months at a salary equal to about S400 per annum, and after a while his services Were entirely dis pensed wiULr - Frbm ihe Weldon" 'News : Capt. E. 'N. ' Peterson, who "returned from Sea board, in Northampton county,' on yester day, bringTis intelligence of a revolting murder near that place on Wednesday night last ' ' Prince Albert Faisori had been ,mer chandizing in a country store near Seaboard for some -time. - un the night in question three negroes went to ' the store 'Ostensibly to make socle purchases. ; They lingered around until 11 o'clock when ' two Of them left; the other remarking that he would stay all1 TriehtThe rnext mornmr the' neero who remained at the store went1 to Marga- rettsviUe and reported 'that F&Ison's store had been burned. '' Some gentlemen, visited the spot and found nothing 'but a"pile! of Erietor.-a it was Known mat ne naa several qndred dollars ' in the choose; aS' bej had shown it td the three Tieeroes. u It is sup. posed that he-was murdered, the store rifled and thM bomedV Persons mthendghbor hood heard screams and jpisto! shots la the direction of tiie rtore after 12 o'clock on the fatal night No arrests have been made. NEW A1)VTISEMENTS. " CAPE FBAB"r K i V THE 8UBSCBIBEB BEOS LEAVE to an nounee that he has aasnmed the management of this school, in which for four years past he ha aided General Colston. - j .w.-u.. - Professor II; Talllcnet has the instruction of Classes in Modern Languages, Mathematics and Chemistry.. , . . . marS-tf - . . ,FRANS S. AUTRXEND. 11. L. IIAlg-RIS, Undertaker and Cabinet Maker. V Orders by telegraph promptly attendee, to. Store on Second, between Market and Princes streets, i '.., mar S-dSUwlm wit-sum. EYEEI WEEK, "yya are becetvtno wkkkxt ADDITIONS TO OUB LAEGE ' ' and varied stock of BOOTS a J SHOES ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOB Gents' and JLadit? Wear, GEO. B. FRENCH SON, ' mar 9-tf 99 North Front street. S. LOUIS & CO., (Saccessors to Loalg, Davis A Co.) ' , Wholesale Dry . Goods, - dec., S3 MARKET JBTXf ; -,3. S :i.A t V'S" ;S liWaxavTox, N. C? TE ABB NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST V. tock of Goods ever brought to thi market. Having a branch house in New York we guarantee to supply merchants at He? Tort' WloiesalB- Prtos, and on as good terms as can be bought there or else- wnere. Havinc no Retail Denartment connected wfth oar house, makes us the ONLY STRICTLY WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE CITY. : mar 9-1 1 Ho? to Manage BuUlim Associations! BEING A COMPLETE GUIDE FOB DIEECT ors. Secretaries and ether officers, containing forms for keeping all the books and accounts, to gether with the rules, examples and explanations, Ulnstrating the various plans of working in the dif ferent organizations -By Kdmnnd Wrigley. One volume, 13 rao., seat Cloth binding. Price $1 Also recently published, -. -.- BCIkVDlNG ASSOCIATIONS "WliBt Tbey Are sutd Hvr to fJseTMesn. By the same author. the nractlcal working and benefit of these Associations as a mode of sarinz to the indus trial classes. Cloth, Price 75 Cents. Published by JAMES K. SIMON, No. 39 South Sixth STBBBT.THnjjstrsiA. The above volumes sent bv mall on nieefntnf Price..- mar 9-lw 10TICE TO ALL" SHIPPERS ,.-.,-;- BY THE . - Lorillard SteamsMp Comp'y, rpHS LORILLARD STEAMSHIP" - COMPANY JL having no cargo policv on the . t ; , ... . . . . STEAMSHIP FBANCD3 WEIGHT,'" : f ' . .... - . . r' . shippers who are in the habit of Insuring with the Lorillard Steamslflp Company must get their own insurances . , . marUt BABEY BROTHERS, Agonta. OF THE LATEST. SEEING : BEOADWAY STYLE ! . . . i , ..- .. . CLOTHING At Low Prices, at -' MDNSON & CO. .mara-tt - v . -.'f : ss Xarket street' PlO PIAjNOS. lOIANOS OF WELL KNOWN MANOTACTTJE- X. era: KNABE A CO., CHAS. M. BTIEFF, of Duoniore, m njtfi 11,1, jetiM-I 1 ftiWBJ YHjOTJiItn A T3TTT 1 D M nar.. rj - ' ' ' Foreigri and American Sheet Mo sic. Instructors tot nano, singing, uouar, vmim, Acooraeon, Instruments, etcf. etc Musical. Jnstrumenta. such as Vlollna. Guitars. Flutes of all kinda, Accordeons, Flutinoes, Ooncer- tinoes. Banjoes, Tamberinea, Fifes, ete., ea ' . German, French and Italian Violin. Violoncello and Guitar Strings of tbe very best quality. , Mask) sent by maiU Aa I will always have a large stock on hand, all orders will bepromptly attended tost tuXNosAiiG. JBBa " . r mar 9 tf .1 Live Book and Music Store. 'Wooster & Conbloy. Ha .TING ASSOCIATED WITH MYSELF MB. T. W. CONOLEY, a weU known Druggist of this .. i ; . - " . i. - ...-,' city, the business wQl hereafter be conducted under ,-f. -i -.Titr .-..1 1 .t(i; 1,1, : the style of Wooster & Conoley. : mar 9-11 .- l L. WOOSTEB. i i i . i. , ' CAFE FEAR S. F. E. CO. NO. 3; MEMBIBS-Y0U1BE HEREBY NOTIFIKD . H "5Pi g?f loo compsar new at the Knguie Bouse t , i i. . .0?T TTJESflt EVENING, AT.TM flCK. Is ? Wot i?jhr y.silVi-A i " r .T-' HA' SMITH dtCOn ' 9-xt Na Front street. NEW ADVTKiaiEOTS. v-; In Store! In Store! o aa spiErr casks, , , " " ' " 150 Hhds Hew Crop Cuba," S"if.X ' -100 Hhds S. H; Molasses, s- SS0Bbla8.H.sndCubaMola8as . ..aoaBbGoldenFleeceSyrup,;,.., ; .i - 4 . . WO Boxes P. 9. Sidei and Shoulders, ' 100 Boxes and Hhds Smoked Sides and Shoulders, , ' -v- 8,006 Sacks Satt, 600 Bales Hay,' VYi's; r&rt&sir.ti? TO.QW gnsln4 BnaBMalloniy ' 80 Bbls MuBets, 850 Bbls,JBbU sad KitsMackefel,; r lflW Boxes Smoked Herring, W it . I ..c' ?. r .500 Tierces Lan4 Plaster, f .. ISO' Tierces and TibsLard, " .: ' 50 Boxes Cheese, 100 Bbls wTnakey, r... -ct , iS0 Cases Brandy Peaches' sad Cherries,: 15BPemarsand.P,B.Sugar, 0. 150 Bbls Sugar, 450 BagaCoflee, . 400 Baga Shot, 150.000 Musket, W. P. and O. S. Caps, u ;.Ai .SMJCegaNafla,S50 Bbls Glue," 4 300 Boxes Soap, 150 Boxes Candtes, ..,'; ' i ' Bales Bagging, 400 Bbls Potatoes, Ac.; Ac, ..f (... .-.. . l f- UA; - For sale by -y.i t. F. JV. TntnCHNBK, tt, t8 and t9 North Water at' mar 9-tf .'" TScales It Scales l: ; QFAIX KINDS AND FROM BEST MAKERS, .. .-..- t. At New Baraware store. '' :t- - ' GILES & MURCHISON, -mar 9-tf . Corner Princess and N. Water ets.' Horse Blankets, ; . LAP BOBE8, WOOL MATS, TRUNKS, HAS. ness. Baddies. Bridles. Collars. Hames. Chains. Saddlery, Hardware, Travelling Bags, Feather Dus ters. . L- . ,. ' StocK Xarare ana ptoh mew, . j.8.Xopliain 4k Co., No. 8 South Front St, ctS6-tfnBA - . Wilmington, N. C. Taos, Gbaub. . , . T. O DbBossbt : GEJEUE & DeEOSSET, . General - Insnranee Agents, f, ... .... .., t , .. .. .: I' ' FIRE, MARINE, LIFE. ,; - PrlmoeBB Street ac Jfater.j aeo au-nac-u , - .... . . t - . -1 MKCELLANEOTJS.; OPERA-HOUSE;. 'v- Two Hllits Only-r' . . v , MARCH 11th AND 14th. , ., . Tbe OrlclauUl stnd Only ; B E B G E II FA HI I IVY STISS BELL RINGERS, And their enure Company of Musical Artists. The most Elegant and Popular Troupe traveling, ' '' All the Latest Sones and Newest Mosic Young Ladies' Silver Cornet Band Parlor Orchestra. First season with this Company of the greatest comic voc&iiu ana aumic oi tne age, SIDNEY FRANK 8 V Miss Aska Bxboxb, Gold Cornet Soloist -Mies Ndxis E. Kxapt, Soprwio. ' ' Una m Bkroxb, Staff Well Player. Ernst Tbteu, Violinist All tbe Favorltea w&$ Appear ! rtT" Grand Matinee on Wednesday March 12th. at 2 o'clock P. M. ,, , ADMISSION: .,. , tV Drees Circle and Parquette... ....... .......... 1 00 Family Circle , SO Gallery..... ......... .T.. 85 Seat can be aecured at Heinsberger's book and music store without extra charge, ir ; . t W. W. FOWliER. -1; mar 7-5t Bualneaa Manager. . For Sale Low-, SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, " - - GOODRICH SEED POTATOES, ilM-C iN'-V. i $.-.: . t r.ii. - - T? ABLY BOSS SEED POTATOES,' ; . -; TVBY SALT MEATS, 5'- O-! MOKED MEATS, JMOURAll Grades, &c c. ! r mar8-tf BUCFOED, CBQW CO., South Water street A Card. V - rpHB ; 8TJBSCBD3SS IS ' ENGAGED' TJ THE JL pnblicatioa of a Monthly It U do signed to be re'igious and literary its character. -.. . i It is the only one or the ma in tne state, ana, Prnaps,muie.Bouuiernouts., r , j .;. , v ; -, Will oar people patxonixs itr It will hareafter be published at the exceedingly low price of one dollar peraMUBV; Jii;Uryj,i t-.,f.i. Ul Ministers who will act as- agents wBT leortvethe- Magazine grans. Any one sending Ave subscribers at One dollar each wiU be entitlea to an extra copy. Specimen copies free. ; Address " " f ' ' i marT-St lc . State vllie, N. C. HEIDSICK CHAHPAGNE-PIPER i CO. QUARTS AND PINTS. ... CARTE BLANCHE OjiartSt flats A M-Ptots. 6 A BASKETS AND CASES' ABOVE CELEBRA- wu ted brands at lowest market prices. .v iCHAS D. MYERS CO. ,t T North Front street ' met copy. v . A eBEAT Of FEB. .' ONLY $3 FOR $11 IN VALUE I OR. FOR $4, ' $18 IN VALUE. 1 OK, FOR $5, $96 IN VALUE 1 , rrBS BEAUTIFUL AND ARTISTIC CHROMO, A "Isn't She Pretty,"-highly Snished, mounted and vamisbed. 8ize iSxtTAfter Lulls M. Speacetv) retail price, -$8, will be sent by mail, securely done up, post fre, as a premium to every $8 yearly sob scriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, acknowledged the most beanufnl aad seful Parlor Msgsadne hv America. "Isn't She Pretty P! is a beautiful chromo and splendid parlor picture, and a valuable work of art. worth mors than double the cost of subscription, and together with Demorest's Monthly, affords an opportunity for the investment' of $S suck aa may never occur again: or in place of "Iat She Pretty,'' for $1 additional. Hiawatha's Wooing (after Je-! rome ThasnpaonJ sise, UxSS, price $lVwtUbessBs -post-free; or both Chromo and Demorest's Moaasv iji for on year, for $5. - f Hiawatha's- Wooing " la an equally splendid work of art, a large sad bsMti ful Chsecao. sod wonk, I cm times tajkrtM charged; Husbands, fathers, brothers and Itfvera.oo not fail to subscribe forMOKESTT MAGAZTNB; and present H, with a beautiful Carouse. It will make eyes sparkle with delight and satisfaction, and prove amonthlyresminder- ii yoar good, tsato sad kind feeiing, Aooiess, W. Jannlnrs Demorost,8ea Broad vray, hYork7 Ckajaesof -the latest aaiabers of the Macaln,sa cents esx posHCm. . f - aof S4-tf . W ' MISCELLANEOUS. yy-r: , OPEBA HOUSE. MANAGES.,. ......i.........i..W. E. SPALDING One NIsibiS Osily KBr Btob1bik ,'JfIarcb 10 tit. XMEKtCA'S MOST 'FAMOUS COMEDIAN, 1 ' 91 B. JOHN B. OWENS, Supported by bis own Dramatic Combination. The' performance will commence with Tom Taylor's pep ular comedy, entitled. , TUB VICTIMS. JOSHUA BtJTTERBTi ' ' - "Msx 3. K. OWENS. To conclude with Mr. Owens' great specialty, ' ' SOLON SHINGLE. Solon Shingled. . .C . .U . . J.Mr. John B. Owens PRICES OFADMBBSIOK: presCircleandParquettc.A;t. 1 CO 1 00 Parauette Circle. Family i Circle. 60 uauery.-. Private Boxes . . .., ,...., $10 and $12 Reserved seats may be aecured at P. Heinaberger'a Live Book and Music Store, without extra charge, commencing Thursday, at 9 A. K.' mar fi-5t Solution of Copartnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .THAT THE Co partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Cohrllle A Taylor expired by limitation January 1, 187S. J JOHN OOLV1LLK, ... r K.J. TAYLOB. WDmlngton, N. C, January 1, 1871 ; J ' v ;::: TyTTE, THE UNDERSIGNED, ' HAVE THIS DAY V fOI Taylor. . f ,s ... .. 4. The thanks of Colvllle A Taylor are hereby ten dered to the public for past favors, soda continua tion of it patronage aoliclted for tha new firm. Persons Indebted to tbe old arm are rs-etatlT requested to .oettle tnelr ae co-uaita. ' JOHN OOLVTJLLB, . . H. J. TAVLOR, . ' G. M. SUMMEBaLL. Wilmington, N. C, January I, lffja. , , - , ant-tf - ' . . i 1 1. i i r O. DtTSON or CO. offer these new. fresh. genial Juvenile 8ong Books to the pubUe, believing iney wnx bbab oom- Ct A A wfw 1 'ABBOH IBS ASTT OTH U O OTX Ulna 'Cheerful Voices,' by that naost successful sad popular composer, Mr. Ia, u. jemerson, is lor uom . Emerson, Is for Com. TT . Schools, sad ss S00.O0O V O 1 G B B . teachers and DUDila sre al- ready familiar with his previous School Song Books mey wu seen no urging o ay uua. And aa for our Sab oath Scbooi Song Book whose guttering title aptly - describes the ar- brightness of its contents. read the following sxtnote TJ 1 " H from 'commendatory letters: Xv U 0 X W B Superintendents, aayr "Tbe more we use it the bettor we like it" "The music has a freshness sad besxty unsurpassed by any book I have seen." , Choristers say : "A work of sterling merit " "Far excelling Sabbath School Music tf tho icri Ax. many booka I have had the pleasure to use. " Price of "Cheerful Voices" SO cents. Price of "Sparling Rubles" .85 cents. Specimen oo tiles mailed, post-paid, for the above prices. Oliver Dltaon St Co. I C. IT. IMtoon de Co. Boston. Til B'ways Siew york. febxoiSatWeowlT en Fanby. and.Toilette Ailicles. TUST RECEIVED FROM STEAMER A LARGE U : 'L- and fine assortment of LUBTN'S EXTRACTS, LUBUTS POWDER. - " GERMAN COLOGNE, FLORIDA AND LAVANDKR WATERS. BAY RUM, HAIR, TOOTH AND . ' PHOTOGRAPH COLOGNE BOTTLES. BOSTON PERFUMES, ELDER FLOWER, ' - CASHMERE BOUQUET, . : BROWN WINDSOR AND LTJBIN'S BOATS. Sold at. ; j ,;.T . ' ' J. K. MclLHENNTS , , -. Drug and Cheancal Store, feblS-tf ' Oippitt's Old Stand.) Just Received : o : ALAROBtOT OF . CkMnmon 11-incau Phis- bright sad dark doable VUIA .T9 utMm. UN sweet! 'Caveadiah V, andouiergradesnf use T WSMP II o Vawoowv AWainWof Im- ported and. Domestic i- Price'reaaccd to new .ja) east tax, H. bURkHTMER. rUga the iDdiajOWrf, ..So. t Market street jan l-tf ')!Hffltl IT"1 . 1 " " . Farrar's Eleotric TjrriLL INSTANTLY GIVE RELIEF IN CASES - ...' if . V NEURALGIA, DD7THERIA,' COLIC, SICK HEAD ":;" J AC"Tt, pJkaratWiA-ji : . ; c ; i ; j.Clllat and Fever Not Elore. TARBATS AGUE CURB ISNOT OSLY A PRE JJ. ventive, but a sure ours of Fever, sad Ague, Cnms.e.7 '.!' i . eiv. j ' Manufactured by the ,. , NORTH CAROLINA MEDICINAL COM'Y, and for sale by aQdruggUta. t mart-tf 'Wanted. rpWO BOYS "WITH SOME 1 CtFZBISSfCE Df A the Carriage Baslneas white boys preferred, ' P. H. HAYDEN i'.. '" On Third st, next to Southeriand dt BteagalL . mar 4-1 w . ,. f f t , .,, r , i , 2g5 ipqp f ; .. Jfow landing m Brig Redwood, dirert from Havana., For sale wtrjlewby.t ' tasriw , ,.., v WORTS dt WORTH. :- Proctor S hamble's "LIGHT OF DAY BRAND ' . r A D AM AN TINE C A H D 1VE S . ALL -ALSO- HOTETr-CAMDLES, AT manufacturer's pricea. Sold y , - ... ..; . . AVIDT. BUBTJbCO janlfrSm ' , . , Baiasaore, Md. PROCTOR & GAMBLE'S OLEIHE SOAP j,.,,.i,.T-i tf,,.'' ,s,ir .cf -"i. tft4. IS MADE FROM ThR BEST MATERIALS, BUT sett as srioe ef ordinary somp. ' Ovet lUO faml Ues asing U. All grocers have it . D. T.BUZBYaOO&dtimor.Md., JanlSdm ' WhoVosalo Ageeta. A Great Conveniences. Cdfiited an( Ground CcC?- ttttatooo SouSeS!" OBtrat JAB. O. BXEVXSOJTC. rmea a copartneraup unaer tne arm name of Colvllle St Co., for the purpose of con tinning tbe Lumber Business heretofore carried on by Colvllle