tar. ;r:r A HOOTU nVJSIfc; ?f . , Wsssgwa BT WILLIAM MITCHELL. i VW - ' ... to) "-to? "There are blossoms that hae budded. hiZTV!:??: ot t0T f bliched i the cauld. . i . 'An', females that. . -iney-ieu ine lauid: f -:a t ! .u tr i t . . i - BUt JJother a n mi i nmiw-m n riia nnimm am i iUM yuu au me ; : w j .-.!.., "In the waH there's tribulatlonJ in'tfiAw.ri there la wae: ' - i !. 1 But the war! n is bonnie. for our Pathe f made it sae: . t - I , ThenbriehtenuoWarmorJailiannv . ' aa veiranir . i.- . ,, . ThoucH vour gicv be nftAn olniiHA t I na be for long.; V i .:. Scottish American.' J3 OME 'NEW B 0 0K8. 2 VOLS.. ' New Yobk." 1 HXXPlta Lusto Bbothkbs. By many "Middlemarch" is regard ed as its gifted author's cAtf dPceuvre. George Eliot the nom dt'&wrre of Mrs. Lewea is the greatest English I novelist since Thackery, Dickens'and Balwer. -v-- i Thjc Wandering Hbik, j bt CHABLjca ; Kxaskt 'Also ' from Har pers - lieadew not so much a favor ite as formerly, out , nis ;w andennB I Heir" h&j received ii'r' MarvJ m!r.n,AZL notices. The Strange Adventures of A I Phjleton; bt WiLtiXM Black, liar, f . .-a. ter Brother "leW'Yorkr'.'. a iiarper liromers. I Santo Domingo, Past and Pres-: 1 vt. bt SAnti. IlAAn. - IIftrrer- i - ..1,..,.T, -r'il'.--.., J..,L,,l 'vi I All these works can be had ,Z ... k". .. i i einsberger'sLive Book Store, in this city. : ! TiiifGBATB or mrrcnELL. E; Wilmington,;NI C-V March 8, 1873. Editor Wilmington Star. ' ! Dear Sib: I. beg leave to enclose for y oar"aWeptance one of my photo phs Tsiereoscopic) of thereof t c sit' v tt tr - i as you are aware, on the summit of I the mountain which bears his namfe.-l r if: 'vi:"l I Thfl neorTct.el onnditinn nf tlio I grave is painfully evident. There is nothing to mark it but a few logs I i i ' ' i i plied into a kind Of Obloner Pen. and f a sort oi rude beadstone, a fragment I of native rock, with - no inscription I save the -height Of the peak 6,711 I feet. I A few short years will suffice to obliterate every vestiee of the last I resting place of this martyr to science I Cannot some means be devised to commemorate the hallowed spot, by a permanent and fitting memorial? It is hardly creditable to ns Caro- linians to suffer it to remain as it now is! -. "r-i -. 1 I I take the liberty of calling atten- I tion to the matter, feeling, assured I that, when the facts are known,' All : that is Proper and becoming in the I case will be done promptly. ' ' 1 -iVery respectfully, , rr-'lltmr MOBOAV. WW IX DIXIE. Florida crops advanced. They hM' Mardi Gras both in T'..t n-.t. '' -v Lditie lvonE ana xieiena. Motile "complains of gangs of .Kn. Lrrrl nrvnnc- negro thieves quartered sor Dog Kiver. ;,.;i'LJu x-. For the tenth time' Osoeola's powder horn has been "dugup in Florida. ';--lv The Savannah Regatta Associa tion elected lion;' John Screven Com modore. , , r : ! Rev. B. B. Shepherd, Wilkinson county, Ga., died on the 10th lilt., in the aiitiath var of. his ft r. j " I Two thousand pounds of meat lost by meat house accidental fire at 'Mr. L. B. Morton's, Stewart county, Gal Mr. Philip Pearce, of Tallehas see, was seized with' apoplexy 'and died almost instantly! on the 24th . ultimo ,v ,4 f. i , ;-uwsr. .ToKhna Dflk. a vounff tne employ outne ueorgiaDwwroau, i was teatioiiy .crasnea oy a. train on -Uonday;,ugbt. :- ' I In endeavoring to escape, a 1 horse thief .named :Wm. Grimes was shot and killed by an -officer near SAmAnf tliA Tm naDers are wroth at some of the Alabama papers, hecauso. the latter- .write- articles not intended 'to Pe Texas' 'under title of The Texas' Fever." j ... ' PWl !A -t.W."hiri A aavg a. aiu auiisu via wvww . r - ing yeryfast.. Prior -o;1860 there was an avemo-e of 15.000 bales per annum brought here. In" 1872- Vi the receipt!! not exceed 30,000 IHUeS. . t Allen G. Jones, a Maihe man rpni1nt in savaBnfth and bookkeener resident in bavannan aea, oooKxeeper ot the ,&outherivani:aisappearea with his wife ort a DrCtended Visit to KingatreeVS. AiWtn bu is oiaooverea buai ne is naeuuiwr w a large atnorinti robabljt:30;00(. fJi s.J. - On the consummation of a recent marriage not a thousand miles from Americus, says the 'Republican, ar vwitor unwisely observed to a little brother "? of theJ?ride, "You're, a brother-in-law nowt,Tommy-4'yeSiJ said the little fellow," and ma says I will be aa uncle by and by" ri .1 . 1 ! lL"' t ,,.-... .. . , m FIELD AHDJipSIDE. i the llural Jesaentfer.1 WW S09IE CLoVfia. V V 'By-t U .means, ifjyott are cotton PTe;t, advantage of the ores- PrpAOT stiff- , iieaa tBifi4-fAtTm,wi;. 1""' -"wv msmw vi4w. w -mwm. Mi sc. w v - " - -- - ni . v,vyu pi viir , wiii uruuace yoa a i zWf TTiOTHJPMOWing I treatment r Aa scon as the land iffintww Transcontinental Memt)his Pa- P Wing; order,: Jjcatter ; broadcast SOll bnshela of .ntt.fm mi) iu rviAUv I Uw,; WFW as ueep . o iunuweu iu'i nesame.fu!Wroy subsoUer.one uoree iii couon.. plow;witn only . wevpotnt-oildoesv Very 7Well) r"7 ' :n,Juarcn:Li soft - oroadcast 400 lbs. Bradley's lime Vor some1 good phosphate. rer acre, ahd aftrnsa I I ' ww;v . ptvno TCI J I i uiuw ini in wir.n smopia ntnmo r I yotif land is xi6t utoo wet when thU ?iW-, or .."rU v5 rw. "M""1 Tr lur- rows which finish the lands in plow- ing, will serve as ffuides for sowing and top dressing all the time. Sow l tt Beed and a ?half of orchard crass per-acre "Beparately. o-You 'can sow 1 IthemJjand any- mfr.vas umfornily es desired after a Mil Very; fw; Strokes. i;Thisy done apply one Hundred pounds' of ;w)ne dust ' . a a afi.. . per acre. and i rehaiTow-nr mr I ii , ypur; ;iau :jtt..iti0t marled, orr-t bOen;'Verr'fMwntlyu.limil if'miiot' have a" dressincp. before the fweda s.v.v. ni 1 T a I 1- 1 . I ww mu js uevwr, iiuouau ii win not I IniUrA ihfl Vflnnor nTonts nf OA n. Ol i Ijuahelaslieli; lime, or ftsequivalent in -vww .WMMOb. V.MU Kia. ... A- I 1.1 ..1. i feood Mhey doiibletheiuanUtv. xii tfune mTau tnree-iourthn or oni bushel of . TlnatPr., Tn TnW Ausragt pull out such weeds as mav. I mnd.thlck, enough tu , oliok'e it out. I Keep Stock. Off of it this year. " TT annv Ti1n.ni-1 . 1 ehnriTrl vtmr r,rsAr.r, I to quality of land and location. Every farmer can determine for himself, and so manage as to avoid an outlay for hay and waste of time in hauling it in busvTseasons; "'BzxBRoi . XIOTJSEVI01.D BCONOITIT. WATiBPjEtdoVFOB ?B00TS AND SHOKstanseed oil one-pirit; oil of jcmuw wbj,' 4uwiBr ponna; xurgun- pelted togeth6rj with a gentle i -heat, 0" 1"1" ior. se, to oe warmed and well . rubbed into the- .avuva Vbxvrao tm UIC. VI 1IJ VUC DULL.. 1 01 ij'i:-; ' . . t I oiioum oe pourea wnen meicea into t tin runs nr tinrps tn l-ppr wull I . How to Wash Kid GLOVES.Have ready a little new milk in one saucer, oi .. . 1 I and a piece Of brown SOaP in another. I and a clean . cloth . or- towel folded I three ' or four times.,, On the cloth I spread out the glove smooth and neat. 1 Take a piece of flanrieL dip. it into the f milk, then rub off a quantity of soap on the wetted flannel, and commence to rub the glove downward; toward the fingers, holding it firmly with the left hand. Continue this' process un- til the glove, if White, looks a dingy yellow, though clean, if colored, till it looks dark and spoiled. Lay it to dry, I and old gloves will look nearly new. I and will be ' soft. glossy, smooth, I shapeTy,' and elastic. ; . I ;?IIow; to. Mxnd . China. Take a J very thick solution of gum arabic in I water and Btir into it piaster oi i'ans uiiui, tne mixture occomes a viscous pastel cw"Apply 'it with a brush to the I fractured . edgeST jnd . stick them to- I gethetv -' Tire article cahriot Bgain be oroKen iu np same piace: -ixie. wone- i ness ot: tne Cement renders it doubly valuable. 1 - "4 .t lift ," iityJT u' A-- ft. - A Teeta TfW4a: f TaAeliera. ,?S?"x toi"iPt rom "being blameless, U the worldlsslowtoreeog- nize the fact, that rltfht teaching. service that involves so many oondi tions; ttnd that should engage the best prert of ftcuiMTatea neart ana mma, can no more be bought with money tnari canr lore i and; Reverence, .hope and faith. If teachers are themselves tiemseives i imboad with ffenninereoect tor their proferlon;'ifappllr, theli(onla are ktst from commori creeds, and .from the contagion of false estimates, they will nor lait toinieciuiners vain weir cony KWDSi f anq, XW on Deiiw Uiwue. v Bvtuwe. r'"v'v" mAaa nf BAAnrino ArwvrtAriLT.irtn t. n Ati thapm?atj?mW-w that tf pitirori,waiiirjgs,'jor.tne .worse alternative:.-of t oaiid erina -t0 . errors. vnd espeeially.-T -byf themaniai for cramming; youtnini ; minas antu j tne gorged inteuectls in liBmliient' dan- cai -or 1 1 1 e-umz. naraiysiavrr .i; ra eem to De commensiwaie,-wiin s me aojwIRjjQrWcepJiwtoelaholy necessity,, onorn A6? riving alJad fn u-d to beUeva tbat. though the reaponses to' faithfulworkl, don for GoX' a-.i,n0.B n1iTi- of Etetrial life Churchman n, i , i - , ; u : . ' 2 v . ' . .. . T, m . l? I The first ba the most brain' forcend I TlATOAllft " AneftV.". A. .Mixed .. lOOd OI. - - - ; v - Atrictiy vegetable living ordinarily Hv a fn.fr comoleilon and amiabili- ty, and extreme pugnaciiy m 2ff2Sl VllannaDiul ThVA ATI Till AI-meetlUe reformers, without ever setting a river ltt Pre Araos,are a soDer,.irugai i , -leilfier. nottaB, conseien- i tl - hd ebntehtion on religious sub- t iecta. Thev lanrely snbsii SUDS181 on noe, i v-- - - , --- ? zr Xm.'9ljaUUJpW''m V1 rlmttltbtii ' Tit mtlttbn. n,,;;..goxe8,-,cameiB and irame: bnt they manifest. noi dis position to feed upon meats, .as is ne nMMifi fn fAmnArn.te zones, or in hien northern latltudeaA An intellectual man one-pt their tJidTecLTwho riaea toidistinetoir-by the-grandeur of his mental status is extremely The bwer eind ale drinXers . expand I and Sow fat, btrt they are not mtich given profund researches In science. - k, ; thoght-uid-e-expended,-for ga!8D r?T . 1 .-?KawiJbirTi.irrr A?:ii I fm.v in Northern Texas, havmer traveled the man in r J'rrr-:rr-r rr L2yz-j.cn l n -it--... v v y "crii : .t,- f rrnr JTrrrsiran ncrneB ana aims wim tue l entire uiamncu uv mniftgu. jiw oiuiucr TUB LATEST BAVD. The 9IupbiB and El Paso Railway The Hew- :3Tork -HeraW has following history of the financial Which constitute Ah JVench indictment ! acrainst General John n a.,A..T i - wiciw iicma uavu appeared in me papers in regard to the suit brought xu uiic a 1 f iti in n.w e iru i riwr. .innn : jpremont -on account of tne sale of Donas in ranee of what was called 'clfic Railroad ComDanV.of which K nr.a r,w,:j.t t : I ; j.ui. uo3wiu ; appear in person to ae- cuu uhubch, uut iue uun is orouj?QL of France to bring out generally all the facts in the case and endeavor to reacn such Frenchmen pated in the swindle. The writer was in Paris 1iirintr iha eiimmav sir icn rmkn.: i. : .ni v. IUf, TT II VM KIJO DiUO Ul memberalheh advertkcnirinfcf in tn lea1?? Papers ofthat city Nothing wuiu ue Birougertaanine terms Ol these advertisements, s It was . stated thSt the ilonds efea first Imortgage on all the lands ceded to the road- amounting to 10,240 acres per mile, or 300 acres to every $1,000 bond. and "thirty acres to every 1 100 bond.' They were offered at 410 francs for every $100 bond, payable in 1893 at 515 frahcsT Six "per cent, interest was said to be guaranteed by the Amen- can Government, and nnrfthsutersi nf oonds at that time (May) were enti- tied to 'the first, 'nhnnsm navaWt le in July. The trustees of the bonds ' . V'' A 1 t ttuuuuuceu wo ue anarew . tllirr.Sn drwrarnnv of Pannairlnanio vm... u. V 1 Ul UV1 M. I'll 11.1 . rw a. MmisterPlenipotentiafyof the United States at St. Petersburg; Paul S. rones, ana avante iu. awenson as tnY..Pi1 frnrn iKo Pnria 7 Knilrvnnl May 13. 1869. The name attached to the advertisement was M. J. Dasa- is, one Of the bmcers of the French r j -i. t. -t IkI; J wfiT r tnpir int.rnrinotmn hurl t.hA aanttnn nt the Imperial ' French Govermnent. ii.ditoriai8 appeared from day to day announcing the excellence of the bonds, the favor with which they had been received, arid predicting a speedy advance in' price; Every American in Paris knew their character; but U was impossible to expose the fraud, as the papers had been subsidized and Goyernment fa vor been procured. ; a. circular in me Mgiisn language can banking houses in regard to it, out it couia not reacn tne u rencn. Some Frenchmen did not discover the J.1 UIA AUUUGUUUUWU Xll, VUlM . VU Kalu I . . " . 1 wme, noei suns were Drougni againsi t.hm - Thp hAntl worn anM onrl ol gentleman connected with one of the principal banking houses of Paris as- r , j. . . I Serted that. a3 the Proceeds Of this I sale, they remitted to .New York the largest sum they had ever remitted at one. time almost three millions of dollars; To facilitate the sale of these bonds maps were printed, with large lines drawn ! from Norfolk, Va., to San Diego, through the whole American continent, and it was said that the new company had formed connections with roads already built, so that much of the lihe Was then virtually in operation. ' . : JThe operations of the swindle, many of them,Jcame out in a report made by the late Senator Howard, of Mi- chigan, from the committee on the Racine Kailroad on a DUl to lricorpo- raie tne; oouinern Arans-ontmentai Railway Company1 and grant it the right of way, presented to the Senate April 22, 1870; ' By this report $8,- uuu,uuu oi inese Donas were soia in iraris at sixty per cent., realizing at that rate $4,8$O,000. The facts as stated above were admitted before the committee, as the Firnch papers were produced, and the ciily defence was that the agents made these' false representations without the authority of ucneral .Jt, rexnont. : - Jout for. these f alse statements, however, the bdnds could not have been sold. i : .. ; When all the facts are brought out -ai u:, nMK.'kin tnA Tf V" w f J mosj aroit and sue. cessful -swindles ;ol the -"period.! It could not have been perpetrated "in t EnMand or Germany, where! Ameri- i. n-itlp- ratter Trhnwn. nor 1 ..vtA ,;T. 1 . . ' : I y '. f v our country in France. ' - A Small Boy Ticketed Thronclu A boy seven yeare old , arrived m had died4'aridhU father wanted to place him "with some friends,' but could bt come with hirri, s6 he pur- 1 chased a through ticket, pinned it to the lappel of his coat, and started him on his long journey. . The various con- andwhett at the end Of their route, batjdejt hlttl oter to the next one. lie arrived safe and sound, ,and said he a jollUme. MISCELLANEOUS. GEEAT BAEGAHTS Poll artrl Wint Ar lftnrtR AVING A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF Foreign and Domestic , V " i ",' -DRY&OODS, We would respectfully call the attention of buyers to the same Tn view of the approaching Fair," we beg leave to state that w Intend vlng; j , i &i ft- Toourwn -tlueeTlBitr e.i:.'.iii''!- iivfeit itkt-ni oi l i occasion In addition to one KXXJtaBivJfstocaot SUple and ForeigaDiT'eodi onr a complete CLOTHniO. BOOTS, SH0I3, HATS, GENTS' FtmNIElTXNQ To wMcb we teipectfalry ask one and in oar stock. B. eetsi4t..a--i No. IT Maxkat Street. ' MISCELIiAOTOUS. --aj sjiSui fc..- rs- J A C O B l A X E, The, Best ade. i""iOOFKR3' .tools, thk bust oualitt. AT JACOBI8. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, Carpentert,i Tools, kACHrkKT TOOLS, ; Turpentine Tools, lowest prices ; ATJACOBrS Hard WafQ -UCPOt- . PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, VABNKHES, &C., - A.T JAOOBI'S. Table and Pocket Cutlery, ii ; ...-ti.it r- ti.fii . " : . . ASSOBTVENT LARGE ANDnTEBT COMPLETE. Osbsh Ptatola and AjaamiuttoiW ' AT " .'v:'; N. JACOBI'8, : 9 market Street may U-tf ALE OP- fiMiigtoii. Clarlotte S RnWoriE. R. Under pecre of Forecloaure. TiY VIRTUE Or A DECREE OF THE 8UPE- X rlor Court of the County of New Ha&oyer in the 8tate of North Carolina, made in the case of Joseph Stuart and iiln C. Calhonn, shrriTing trustees, against "The Wumuigton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company' and others, at the January Term 1873 of said Court, the undersigned Edwin E. Bur russ, Chas. UVStedmaa and John D. Taylor, refer- i appointed by said decree, win Mil at public auc tion to the highest bidder, at the Court House Door in the dty of Wilmington, the eounr aforesaid. on THURSDAY, the 10th day of April, 1873, at 13 o'clock M., the entire Railroad, known as the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail- road,H from its Eastern terminus in the city of Wilmington aforesaid, to ita Western terminus in the town of Rutherfordton in said State, a distance of 87 miles, of which 134 miles from eaid aty of Wilmington to a point near the town OI WaaeSOOTO, SUU OW BUiCB ilVIM UO Clfcj ui nxr t, n, t n said state, e completed ana innse.wtu.au raUways, righu of way, depot grounds and oth- .1 er lands, tracks, bridges, viaducts, depots, station I bjonsea, engine houses, car houses, freight houses, wood houses, machine shops and all other shops, nouses or buildings, and all locomotives, tenders, cars and other rolling stock or equipments, and all machinery, tools, Implements, fuel and materials of any kind for constructing, operating, repairing or replacing the said Railroad er any part thereof, and all appurtenances or fixtures of the same belonging to or purchased by said before-named defendant and now in iU possession; together with all and singu lar the corporate rihta, franchises and privileges of the saM above-named defendant as the same are set f forth in the Indenture of Mortgage referred to in the complaint filed in said case. And including also all I Mfl p, . rtt.iwfcrf Tt WHminglon Railway Bridge Camptnf standing in the name of said defendant, and all the estate, rigbta, title, Interest, property claim and demand of aaid defendant in and to any and aU real and personal property or egecta hereinbefore referred to or which isowned by said defendants. : r TERMS OP 8ALE-CASH. The bonds of said above-named defendant, "The Wilmington, Charlotte and . Bniherford BaDroad Company, aecured by the Indentare of Mortgage referred to in the complaint aa bearing date March let, iSffi, and made to Le OrandXccawtkid and the plalattffaj wnounttng in the agsegata to $300,000, will ie recdved' from the ptttaaser or purchasers ia via: Forty thousand doDars of tie amount bid at said sai,Ts tobe paid ia caaa, and for the residue ced by said mortgage will be received to such ex tent and in such proportion, as such residue or re mainder bean to the aforesaid aggregate amount of said bonds;' Ji-.hJjH 19V February 82d. 1873. EDWIN E. BURBUS8, CH VRLES M. 8TEDMAN, Referees. JOHN v. TAXWK.- . " . J ' INSURANCE. IiisTiraiicel Hooms. ..... ,.v r. .rl-: izi v5 . j,:i-rt:-:;i. ! .. $27000,000 FIRE INSURANCE CAP "- tTAE. BEFRESENTED AFTER FATING BOSTON XOSSESU Queen Insurance Oa 6f Liverpool and London. Capital. . . . ....... . . .... . ..... i .$10,000,000 North British and Mercantile Insurance ; OomBur. Canltal... ... TTurtford Thsnrance Comoanv. Canltal. 800,000 - OQ,000 National Fire Insurance Company, of iaartfoiA3aintal.-:ar:virr Continental Insurance Company, of New York, Capital - . . Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, 1M000 100,000 600,000 Capital. .i .. ...v. Virginia' Home Insurance Company, of xucoa-unu, vayiuu ..................... MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New TTWTII rm.. fU.M.alAfv Vra1 A TTsaPlfrtPal " A 1 iiUiT-lIN WHlANwl ahihh vt aaawa wsa , :.il-J A 'J ' ' ', ATKINSON & MANNING. ' V ' aovtMf -; general 4enlt , ENCOURAGE ;-.i.:.,MOHIB INSTlTUTlOars; Sec.- ftgaiast Fire . v: THE NORTH 'CAROLINA. ' ' ; , nosiB iksxjiiajvcte comAirr, BAT.KIOTT. N. cVdsV This OonrDaBT continues to write Policies, at fair ins na all ulsssas nf InsnrnblntirnTinrrir ' t All Hvsee are promptly aajusfea ana pau. iw ana r ftt uaB parts oV the State, - ' K,k BATTLE, Jr. v President. - r at-BO.-TleeFBaldsna & i --V"- 7( .TtATZJ3S392i eV MANNLNCk AaTorra,-: HiiJiKiii uiwrKK. Mrwnunr. . -. .1 . .7, S ww m , -ai .Wflmtngtoa. K. C .'. HlgCgLLANEOTJS. Prospectus for -1873. P SIXTH YEAR. -.if. : --. ".r.T7:.Jrif aTtiU'i- "!"!. THE ALDINEy An fllnrtrated taonthlT lonrnal. univemDt admitted la oe toe nsnawmestpenoaic&i in ue woncu -' -- A Toprescnutire- and ohampfon ; . of American taste. : "HOT yOE SALB CJ BOOK OK .NIWS STORK THE ALDIKB, WHILE IS8UKD WITH ALL THE reeolarity, au none of the temporary or timely interest charactertetk) of ordinary periodfcala It is an elegaat miscellany of pore, light and graceful lit erature, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec imens of aristic skilL in black and nite Ai though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its men as, tae real vaine ana . Deanty 01 ihjs jlu DIME will be most SDDreciated aftarit has bound hp at the dose of the year. While other pub lications may claim super! r cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDLNU is a unique and original conception alotre mcepdo nnap- proached absolutely without comDetition In price or character. The possessor -of a complete voluma cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and en gravimn in any ehape or number of Tolumes. for ten times its cost, and . then there ' are the chromoa .besides! u .w.v :. tri i,' ART DEPARTMENT. ; , 2 Notwithstandlne the Increase in the price of enb- scriptidn last fall, when THE ALDINSatsomed ita present noble propotrlons . and representatwe char acter, the edition was more than doubled during the past year, proving that the American public appre ciate, and will support. A sincere: effort in the Cause of Art.: The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted them eelvee to the utmost to devdop and improve the work; and the plane for the seating year, as unfold ed by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friend of the ALDINE. The publishers are autnonzea to announce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America, i ' In addition THE ALDXN E 'Will: reproduce exam ples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest jgeneral. interest, avoiding such as have become familiar. ' ihrongn pnowgrapns, or copies ox any kum. - . , l ne quarterly unxea pmtes, loriBia. win repro duce foar of John S. Davis lnin.ltable child-; sketches, appropriate to the four eeasona ' These. pUtes, appearing in the issues for January, April. July and October, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription. Z. 1 The popular feature of a copionsly-IIlttBtrated "Cbristmasnnmberwill be ootinnd?f-- : To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling, will command the sub-i criptions of thousands in every section of the ceantry, but, aa the QBefalnesa and attractions of THKALDlNB can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publish ers propose to make "ussaraiice doubly sure" by the foUowing unparalleled offer of ,: ' TSE3SJXM CHR0M08 FOB 1873: Every subscriber, to THE ALDDTE, who pays in advance for the vear 1873. will receive, without addi tional charge a pair of beautiful oil chromoa, after J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. The pictures entitled "The viuage tteiie" ana "VTossms ag the Moor" are 14x80 luc ee are printed from 35 ttiffer- tsat nlatea. reauirinff S5 imnresmons and tints to per . requiring fect each picture.- The same chromoa are sold for $30 per pair in the art stores. As it Is the determi nation of the conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach of competition ia every department, the chromoa will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every sub scriber will receivs a certificate, over the signature of the publishers, guaranteeing that the chromos de livered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The distribu tion i of nietnre - of this erade. free to the subscribers of a $5 periodical, will mark aa epoch in-the history of art, and consideringthe unprecedented cheapness of the price for THE AXDINEitself, the marvel falls little short of a miracle, even to those best acqnain t- . ed with the achievements of inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For Illustrations ol tnese enromos see aov. issue oi inn jLuuxajk.) THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT i f wCl continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with-its, artistic attractions. TERMS: ' FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance, with oil chromos free. THE ALDINE will hereafter be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate; c8h for subscriptions mnstbe isentto ftepi bshers direct, or handed to the local agent, with resnonslbilitv to the publishers, except in ca UP- out cases where the certificate is given, bearing tho fac-simile signature of James Sutton & Co. AGENTS WANTED. Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, wiui applying to rent, will receive lull and prompt information by JAS. SUTTON A CO., PnbHshers, No. 58 Maiden lane, New York. TttB FASHIONABLE SOUVENIB, TOB THX - holtdat season This year will be THE SUPERB VOLUME TUB A1VDINE, Richly bound in morocco cloth, assorted colors, bev eled boards, red edges, gilt on back and side a truly royal volume a gallery of fine art engravings that will be at once a great pleasure to the recipient, and a demonstration of the tasta of the donor. There are about tOO plates, moat of which could not be matched in size or aualitv in the art stores at a dollar each. They comprise designs -by the lead- tecta. combined witn aura. tore, eattea oy me . poet-ecnoiar, nicnara cienry Stoddard, forming a most attractive ornament for the parlor or library. l. . m , rut.a. - Delivered free. Liberal discount to the trade on this volume. Order promptly. JAMES SUTTON CO., Publishers, : No. 68 Maiden lane, New York. i. decl7-tf .i:;i.:fvH -::vv-:" rr- Holasses and Syrup ! - -a. 2,150 BHDS TIERCES AND BARRETT OP S. H. SYRUP! I WeSt Illdia JjIOlaSSeS, For sale very low by WTLLARD BRO& oetS-tf ky . w '.. J .vaf. 9 L . .. n. - .. . a - - . i f :.. . -:.. , r. -u . .. Cbt. " a-u.-W .Ai .ti. ,4Aj.iwi i i, 'W'. , TBY SALTED AND SMOKED WESTERN JL Shoulders and Sid e In Hogsheads and Boxes. Tr ' Sagar-Cored Hams and Breakfast Strips. CITY MBS PORK, RUMP PORK, FUSE LARD p TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE ;TABUE BVnBESTACT0BT CHEESE, IN LOTS TO SUIT. For sale by may W-tf ' ADRIAN At VOLLER8. The Spirit of the South, A HANDSOMELT PRINTED 94 COLUMN PA x.vper, published every Tuesday morning ; at M ,aai. : ' 1"";?. : & .- W. tt. TERSx, fiduor ana rropnetor. isthe ony iite to. Congresslonai District; having a large and con- Ricbmond. Robeson. - Anson. Moore 'and Mont lauuy iinirrnniiia .wvwieiiwm ma uw vywa w gomery, chiefly among a class of people who do not read the Democratic papers, it offers superior in ducements to the merchants and other business men .of Wilmington aa an advertising j medium. Rates Of advertising reasonable. Subscription: only $L8fl a year to advance.; ' " If eb 18-tf , CO POURTB - . and ' .market: EST ,. Bammor -nd.N.-Y. PiajroetBi Mffluc for sake1 EiceIBicoi in ;i20,QOO LBS FESSB BEAT BICE, :i JJi vii c HI VROM HILTON RICS MILLS, 1 - Forealeby "!- '1;' PACrFIC G U A NOO O.MJK ANJivS . ; CCAPf TAIj SOj-UBLE I? ACINIC OWO . IS GUAMO IS SO WELL KNOWN XZF ALL THE SOUTHEHN STATES FOB ITS BEatABEABLB ecta as an aeenoy for increasing the products of labor as sot to require special recommendation us. ' Its m for atnren Vears Daathas established iU character for reliable excellence. The large fixed 1 capital of the Company in this trade affords the arftt gaaraiitoe of the continued excellence of this Gnano. " : Plaatars may rat assured that the eu4Uos put Into' market this season are precisely the same as that heretofore sold. .t -z-riiZi ci hiT.w i . ' TermiO'Gala ' To accommodate Planters thev can ord now1 wlMftheethey.wi.UteAJ pricej tots for Pacific finaio Co.lt Dealers ta ianSdawSm'' 'f ' , ' Card I in Efert j 1 i ErlmeatefWi -FeilallzSrt on?th6; Crop ;of f 1872, Editor -of the 8 tate The following figures are taken from the tate 0 1 oo 5 3 ss.- NAMES OF FERTILIZERS. ) t, NAVA8SA....T. 9. Si1 a STATS' . a PATAP8CO. . . . . : . .ii'. .-i . .4. BO WEN A JIERCER..,...,... S. GILHAM'S-. 55 765 CO: 65 85 60 ISO 65 5 60 640 '6. JOSH. HORNER.. -840 600 685 TOO t. MARYLAND . ,t . . ............. , . . , , . . g. BrunKwuui.,.,...; . . ... .i.,.v..i.. 9. ATLANTIC i... 10. CAROLINA 50 83 11. NO MANURE.... 10 - The FertfiiseM were carefully weighed and distributed under the immediate Mperrislon of Capt Thig- pen, on nnimprovea soil, sa&ptea 10 UHWD,wa as picking and weighing of the Cotton carefoUy attended ntae price," while that of others, in some cases; was aa above actualry less than it should ber-.iiu .f.:v.u t::ucti,: tr i--k 13ri This result is highly aartsfactwry- to the proprietors of the "Carolina Fertilizer," which is now offered through our Lecal Agents alt $48 cash, and $53 payable ls$ November. rifu vi mar5wf CO,, 6 AgClltS. O A "ROXiXlsr A. Ji. AO;-; 848 00 per 2.000 lbs. 85300 per 2.000 lbs. FREE OF We challenge comparison with other Fertilizers considered, make it The Ch eapest 171 Demand ?More than Doubled Each Succeding Year. LOCAL AGENTS THROUGHOUT Tim STATE. , . . jan 15-dawtf ETIVJAW THREE VERT SUPERIOR ARTICLES ARE OTTERED JB THB SULPHUKIO AGEfJ ANp BUPEB PHOSPHATE COMPANY of Charleston,, a C, viz: xt ----j -.wwi- .Ju WESijJio A complete manure adapted to Cotton, Grain E T.I.W.A N C - mMaIa m Vwnnt Mia aama erade of Soluble Seed in such a manner as to ensure one o' the best osereu at me very mzn craao oi ia per vau. wvhs'im heretofore, of Peruvian Guano, Ammonia and rotas. ice oo Pecjon, u mm oa w bhwojbs mm AlXied$Wp Seed in such a manner as to ensure one o too ow iroiaOT iw vy -- JSTonane, Price S40 per ton. if paid oa.wt befortrUrt U April axt5 43 p to-Prable Ut ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. nostinff. fr- TAEE NOTICE that all these fertilizers must help for more than one year. , ; ; . to obtain two tons of hair tnai graoe at a srog w iw-4m 1Yy Y'.w.vi:. f ? "? waMui ia nr-anni nam aa nerioni Da.vmnie.xaK noiamnT ii4ai wiuhmu uwnn SPRTJHT & HinSQnrAsents, ; ; G. BONET & SOtf, Duplin Road, L. A MERRIMAN Magnolia, D. G. MORI8KY,Warsaw, DANTE I. BOWDEN, Bowden's, FAISON A HICKS, Falson's, - B. t. 80UTHERLAND Mount Olive,: GILES KOBNEGAT, Dudley, - Jan OtttfawTr" " " MKCI51XANEOUS. Street Railway. TTaBEAFTEit' THi OLD SCHEDULE WILL BE Xl ran, cars starting at 6) A M., and one car rmv cars iuw. bow vu uw iarssaf" 10 -frr I JqS runs to and from the Railroad trains as DANIEL KLEIN, , , Proprietor. sep 10-tf " Siimter Hews, r RTJMTElL, SOTJTII CAUOLINA, ; " 'PubHshed Weekly. Darr Oaten, Proprietors. ' augl4-tf ' W.H. BERNARD, Onrr, '1-. Tn.. -, if. ' Wilmington, N. Q. OWEN itoslu jrii.: QEHEEAL COnnMOH HEECHAHT, v' - of CbttonV NaBtores, Pro- febS-lm 'he Camden Joiiriial, PUBLLSiXVERT THURSDAY AT per annum. Advertising xajas liberal-(j , per annum. Adrerttslnf raja 4 JOSS fJSSSAW, Fropli , WE. Bmrsan, Agent. Uaniv eT-Z iff-wii-" - 'A tt $1,000,000) and have ttnta the first of April to decide Mto t ,- rT'2 y.-i , i ,--,,t r. SlCMMlialB 'r'. ,'' . ze rT riu m bhant ! Agri c n ltnrnl Jonrnal." i.;a'., ,.1 'Jt. Agricnltaral Joumaly of March . 1st, rl8T8: 1ST, Bi.. a 8 s 0B lb 1 955 285 199 SO $88 5 $ltT5 WW 83 45 87 00 J4 1 1 50 65 887 43 87X 4B 4 M SO 00 45 10 -340 87 60 .1 MOO 7 60 near uie saiofi raruuty as waw o oiocvu. sua umi to by him. The price named for the Carolina was "cash price;" thui making thefeaatt of tte Carolina if-?-; o 'i f:' T- - - - - - Cash, payable Hov; 19 1873, INTEREST. as to result of application to crops. Quality and price .-.'.v.v;:'--:-;--:'- arm re in Market. a5 r;i ,L T.B Js ia: :3H 180 $4 05 $7 80 ,180 4 85 9 40 180' 4 85 5 00 lSO-t-'HS'-.V'. 180 6 40, M97 -180 4 60 13 00 c180- 5 85 180 1 4 60 r ieo. fol A GEJy&S'FOR' KOBTBtjOJLBOLlNA. q xj:A NO. and Tobacco, being the Well known article heretofore R W O O D V Ph wtth fle-elemenU of Ootton iurtlliaenlot are pf the meKS srr caxD otSoiiji PHoarata, and '.T SUB-AGENTS: - wub-"- , B. &X W.ATCOCK, Fremont,. '" ' MELKX JONES. Lnaberton. ' r .:-,&) AJ; Q MxCASBaLL. Shoe Heel, ROSA a BROTiIER,.Wadseboro. MISCEIdjANEOUSi if The "OHristian Graces." A "NEW $5 PICTURE OF SUKFASSTNO GRACE xx and beauty riven away to each subecriber to ARTHUR'S HOHEHAQAZIIE for 1873. A magazine for cultured homes; 'a aniasles al ways up to the advancing thought, social progress and spirit of the tlmes a - magsalaeto wtlch the lighter Uteratare of the period is made the vehicle of pure and noble sentiment ' ' FA IT 8 , CHRISTIAN GRACES. , Bon, CHABITT. "And now abldcth Faith. Hone and Charity: these, three, but the greatest of these is Charity. $7.50 IN TALCB FOB $M0. tt la a lone time since anything appeared to Christian arise lovely and. so exquisite s in dens desum and ramtioa aa this large and elwxnt line and stipple steel engraving. TW ChrUoan' Oraosa" sue si dt ti mcnesi im jruupniK w uemguresie gmeeful beyond conception, and the' faces of such rare and heavenly beauty, that It seems as If the art tat must have aeen them m a vision. - KvervauharrU , ber to " Aarirc' IxiorraA-ran Hon MAeazm for im will' receive a copy or this spleadM SS glctareiwta. Price of Home Magazine tOQ a year, peeimea copy of Magmaine IS cents. -LOCAL . AUENTflCw ANTED, everywhere to get subscribers for oar beautiful aaagaalne, so well kaown for the last twenty years, and so great a fa vorite with the people. InteUJrent men and women can make larj comwlssions. Bead for agents' coa Idantlal -enxular. ' Tea can hardly show The Christian Graosa n to any person of taste sad One reliusfeeliM without getttwt asubecrfber, No . lia&ppomtnMnt about prompt delivery f pictures, as we have made ample amngwneitta Tr f r rap id ptodarrtosy J , ' .-yV.Mf AL.n.uA, A : r - JC and SU CaeaMt ateeat, lnartihlt.. I ii

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