BY TELEG-RAPH. NOON REPORTS. THE SITtfATION ABROAD. France and the i0k withdrawal t War Indemnity German Tro-r - tpanlan AffUn. ' - 5 - f -; -.-.. s ..' l t . a , London, March 8. , Special dispatch' irom Berlin to the Lon don Timet saya the government of -France haa officially given Germany financial guar antees for payment, at the designated time, . of tbe last milliard of francs of her war in demnity, and that negotiations between the two governments for the entire evacuation of French territory by German troops, at au early day, have already been commenced. The Jjaily Tdqpapkot this morning has a BpecULdiipatch from Madrid stating that the streets, in the vicinity of the palace of tbe Cortes, were thronged with people dar ing the session of the. Assembly yesterday and much excitement prevailed. Detach ments of civil guards were stationed at va rious strategetlc points In anticipation of an outbreak. The same dispatch states that Senor Figueras, President of the Council, will to-day propose a motion for the imme diate dissolution of the Assembly. A Paris dispatch says it Is reported that over one hundred persons were Injured by the Fort Mont Valevian explosion. TUB SOUTH IN NEW YORK A Good Movelllness of George Vfm, Curtis. '.. - , . ; . ,' - New Yobs, March 8. George .William Curtis is seriously ill with typhoid fever. , A meeting was held last evening of a large number of Southern gentlemen, in cluding the most prominent business men from the South residing here. Ex-Gov. Lubback, of Texas, and Col. Hart, of Geor gia, delivered addresses. The object of the meeting was to form a Southern Association for social, benevolent and other purposes, which . should include all gentlemen con nected with Southern trade. ELECTRIC SPARKS. "" The Baltimore Steam Packet Company's Ireightpropellor Transit is anchored near SewelnT Faint, below Norfolk with her machinery disabled. At Liverpool, the steamer City of New York takes the mails and passengers of the disabled steamer City of Brussels. The report from Madrid, announcing that the great powers will jointly, withdraw diplomats from that city if Federal Re public is proclaimed, is denied.' . Capt. Timothy Rogers, aged 79, Surveyor for the Board of Underwriters, fell dead in the Tenth Baptist church, at Philadelphia, last evening, at the conclusion of services. At Salisbury, Md., George Hall, aged 18, shot Amelia Spackley dead while home ward bound from school. Heliad written Amelia a love letter, which she failed to answer. Both belong to good families. At Paris, a 'terrible explosion occurred yesterday afternoon in the cartridge manu factory at Fort Mont Valerien. Twenty eieht persons were injured, twelve of whom, it la stated, cannot possibly recover. " ' The Brig Ida C, from San Domingo for Boston, when 7 miles from Boston Heights, was driven on toe coast and lost sails, deck hand and a German sailor named Lore Morse overboard. She put into Hampton Bonds, to-day, for provisions and sails. OUR NICUT REPORTS. WASHINGTON. miscellaneous. Washington, March 8. . Members of Congress are exdted over their extra pay, which they voted them selves, some $5,000. Comptroller Taylor has finally decided .that there is no technical objection to paying them. Vice President Wilson has appointed Samuel Hunt his Private Secretary. . -i Nominations Mrs. M. E. GUI, Holly Springs, M ws.'; ' WmTMllla, Jr., Alexander, La.? John O. Connor, Baton Rogue; C. De 1 leave, New Iberia, Postmasters. A. S. Goes, ' Collector of Customs at St' Augustine, Fla. W. H. Smythe, Marshal for Georgia. Capt. Joot Getz,' Commodore. n ? r rr. i - The Senate caucus agreed ;to jConalder Clayton, Caldwell and Patterson's cases. . --, The Louisiana contest came up in caucus,' but was by unanimous consent passed over. spain.; v Movement for a DLMlattvn of the A " MBShlyA MlxeA Directory Talked of A Share Kneonnter. Sec, . U O U Madrid, Sfarch 8. ) , The Committee of the Assembly having thoxharge of President Figueras'. bill for a insolation of the Assembly and other pur poses, are still in conference with the Min istry. A compromise is sought by which the threatened crisis may be averted. At a late hour last night nothing had been made public concerning the probable issue , of the conference. Among the reports current in Madrid this morning, is one to the effect that a mixed directory will be appointed to" assume control of the govern- . meat. - Toe memoer mentioned are Figue- , ras, Rivro," Oreni, Manas and Castelar, under the presidency of P. Y. MargalL The styled pure . Be-' publican. , Dispatches from, the; Provinces not disturbed by the movements of tbe Car lists report mat quiet prevails. ; a oaoa oi men which was to leave Fraveres, Madrid, to join tne uariuu zoroes was overtaken yes terday by tbe government troops and dis- y. persed -after a short conflict Fifteen of the band, including the chief, were killed, . and one nunored taxen prisoners. r. .TfBW TOnK. rMlrreulartUes of Georgia Bank W ? ? n k V 'iNrw York, March 8. .lAIIen J.'J6nes, late' Clerk of the South- ern Bank of Georgia, at Savannah, came to tnts city witn lrauduient draits lor f35,000, u "which were endersed by Kissitn & Co. He drew money from the Park Bank of this .city, :-with which the Southern Bank of Georgia are depositors. . The fraud was discovered to-day. Jones has absconded. .x?iut.i.: i -, v . , m ROME. "The Fope's IteIr an Address. Yiii f y Rome, March 8. -Theop .replying ,to an address pre ' setited to ia tsday, said that reconcilla !, -,, tloa witn C16 Xtallan Government was lm- . poasiblext (ioP would punish the lnvado8 of his dominions ' Aa Catholics were ever RQshakable in their ltD ta utmost . conndenc 4 rh iV-"le triumnh ' of 'the " ' W-ltl h .i , f ..... . , ... . . .. . J !7 Vcrcasd Wcii-elghths of a mllliont snecie atJ n crease thrpe-fourths of .a ..mi) lJeuffln d, -era decrease : am - an qoaner . miiHo , deposits decrease two and a half minion. Weather r Beport. ( j v -W ab Department, riCEKT, 1 umceoi yowi oignai unww, ,f ,1 ai m ii.r.J ni i ssaa - Washington, "March 8 4:85 P. ProbabOAtu. v:v , For Sunday, 'in Now England States rising barometer, 'fresh southwest winds and partly cloudy weather. For the lake region westerly winds and. generally clear weather. . For the Middle and South At lantic States partly cloudy and clear weath er, with: westerly winds. A -storm-centre will develop in Texas and extend north ward to Arkansas.- '""' ; Cautionary signals continue at Boston and Portland, Me.1 1 Warning "Signals or dered. BOHtBSTIO MARKETS. - , Nsw ITobk, March 7 Noon, v- ItnaneiaL -Money firm. Gold firm. . Government bonds doll,1 but' steady. State bonds quiet i , , Commercial. Cotton dull, with sales of 927 bales Uplands 20f cents; Orleans 21 eta. Flour dull, steady andnnchangecL. JWheat steady and unchanged. Corft quieC Pork firm new $15 87i$16. Lard steady Western steam 8 9-168f eta. Spirits Turpentine dull at 65 cents. Rosin firm at $3 ,65 for Strained... Freights quiet, but room scarce. . . Nkw Yorx, March 8 Evening. Money stroneer at 1-32(31 commission. Sterlinsr lower prime bankers 1071. Gold 115, 115i115i. Government bonds dull but steady. State bonds very dull new South Carolina's heavy, ( OommeraaL Cotton dull, with sales of 927 bales- Uplands 20 cents; Orleans 21 cts. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat a shade firm er, but quiet Corn quiet and steady. Pork firm new $16. Lard steady. Naval Stores quiet and weak, tirocenea quiet .. ifreights quiet room scarce. ; . Uotton JNet receipts ou Dales; gross J5,- 209 bales. Sales for f utnre delivery 19,000 bales as follows: March 19 7-16 19 15-16; April 20(320 11-16; May 20 5-16(3204: June 20K&20 15-16; July 20 15-16&20i cents. ' Cincinnati, March 8. Flour quiet and firm at $7 75g$8. Corn Bteady- at 40 cents. Provisions generally firmer. Pork in fair demand at $15. Lard firm Steam held at 8, City at 7 and Country Kettle at 8 cents. City Bacon firm Shoulders 6; Clear Rip Sides 8; Clear 81. with sales. Whiskey firm at 85 cents. LoTXiffvxLR, March 8. . Tobacco very stringent and active with 1 m e 1 ie . , .1 . "Tl ? J Baies oi nogsneaas. r iout iu xtur ue mand and unchanged. Corn firm. Mess pork held ' at $15 50$16. Stock light Bacon quiet and steady Shoulders 6J6J cents; clear rib sides 8 cents; clear a cents. Lard tierces 8jK38 cts; kegs 9$9i cents; order 1 lots il cent higher. Whiskey steady at 86 cents. ' ; COTTON MABKBTS. Augusta, quiet and firm at 18; Philadel phia, quiet at20f; Mobile, quiet at 17T, I7, 18i, I8f19i; New Orleans, fair de-. mand at 17, 17, 1819i; Memphis, dull, at 15. 17. 17iai8f; Galveston, heavy at 16; Baltimore, dull at20: Boston, dull at 21; Norfolk, dull at 19; Charleston, quiet at 17, 18, 1919; Savannah, dull at 19. FOREIGN MARKETS. London, March 7 Moon. ' 'Consols ' 92. " United 8tates bonds fives 90f. . Paris, March 7 Noon. Bourse Rentes 56f. 73c Frankfort,' March 6 Noon. United States securities five-twenties of 1862, 95f. .. . . . Liverpool, March 7 Noon. Cotton opened quiet and steady Up lands 9f9fd; Orleans OJlOd. LATER Liverpool, March 7 Noon. Cotton closed dull Sales 10,000 bales; for speculation and export 1,000 bales. Sales include 7,000 bales American. Shipped from New Orleans, deliverable February or March 9jd. Breadstuffs quiet Pork 56. MISCELLANEOUS. THE "STAR 99 V-STEAM Job ; Printiiig House. TIIH.EE STEAM PRESSES, COMPETENT WORKMEN 7' vr v The- Best Material, UASON ABL PRICES FOR SUPERIOR WORK. Give us a Trial. fl TT A TVT Tl fl TJr W T? T VX XV XX IN XJ J JC JP Six XV l rTWE TORKVTLLE EKQtJIRER win present a JL three-dollar chromo to every subscriber for 1878 who pays $3.00 in advance for a year's subscription. The Chromo entitled "The Unwelcome Visitor" is executed in the finest style of chromatic printing; the printed surface is IS -by 1U inches, and the picture sells in the art stores for $& . It is equalinJ every respect to any or tne enromo premiums or fered bv other oubUcatlon, .- The ExQuntiB is a family MDer. devoted to ths Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, (he Trades- man, alike in-every section of the Union; is not seo tionai in its cnaracter. nor parasaa or sectarian. Besides an ths news of ths day. collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its columns are filled with the choicest matter appropriate to the different departments Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Reading, a column for the Children, Wit and Humor, Agricul tural, Correspondence from Abroad, Exeerpts on all Subjects, Epitome of the .News of the Day, &c ST0J2IE8. The publication of Original Stories Is s feature of the ExquotsH, and for the next volume we have pro-, eared several from the pens of popular and enter talning writers. ; In tbis Department akme we can prom ins ur readers entertaiament equal in Charac ter to that of any of the popular story papers. T ' i The subscription price of the Exoutara is it ee annum, with Chromo Pram Una, or without . Pre., miun, (wo copies one year no: one copy six moaths.- fl 60; one copy three1 tnonths; f L -The Chromo will be prompuy mailed to subscribers on reeelnt of npuy mauea to suDscriDers on r nbscription. Specimen copies of the paper sent oa iJlltMIMlU.l IVIHICHIf. )una Sl-tf WWAfij) aK COMMERCIAL. WTT.lVf TTJ firpnW AT A TTT TCT. , IT . J4 4. VJi - W y j m w- ! t X ISTAB pFFJCSS, March 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sales of 210 asks ateOcents gallon for Southern pack ages. Market quiet and steady, v ROSIN. Sales of 4,800 bbls Strained at $3 . and 165 bbls ', Pale at $4 25. Market CRUDE -TURPENTINE. Sales of .187 bbls at $5 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $3 00 for Hard. Market steady. . : TAR Sales Of ,171 bbls at $3 00 f bbL, an advance of 25 cents since lost reports. Market firm! ' : 4 - COTTON.No transactions noted. Mar ket quiet and nominal at the following quo tations: ; ' ' - ;), Ordinary . . '.7. .. . , .16 ' V cents "ft lb Good Ordinary... r. ..17 " " Low Middling. .18 " " Strict Low Middling... 18f " " Middling Uplands.:... 19 "f Strict Middling... ....19 , " " Now York Naval Store market march . . ; -e;i87S. . Receipts to-day, 1,874 bbls rosin, 892 do spirits turpentine. Spirits turpentine con tinues excessively dull, and the market de clining. Sales have been 75 -bbls at 66c,. and 70 bbls at 65c,- closing at about the latter figure. ' Strained rosin Is less active than vesterdav. thouch a fair trade has been done at about yesterday's prices. - Sales in clude 600 bbls at S3 65. 860 bbls at $3 60. 1,000 bbls at $3 62, 100 small bbls at $3 70, and two cargoes at Wilmington, 2,000 and 8,000 bbls respectively, both on private terms. ; In fine grades we near of 750 bbls No. 1 at $412. Tar continues steady; sales 100 bbls Wilmington at $4 25. Fitch unchanged. .. p ... MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteyille, Williams & Murchison. - . Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, FWKerchner. Br Brig Andaluza, Matheurson, Boston, B Kidder & Son, in ballast , ; v XLEARED. Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, Tayetteville, F W Kerchner, , ; , ''.RECEIPTS.; PER RIVER STEAMERS, &C. Steamer D Murchison 565. bbls rosin, 70 do tar, 9 bales cotton. . . List of VmwIi la tne Port r Wll . ' mlncton. N. Blarelk 7. 1873 t BRIGS. Redwood, Melville, ldg., Worth & Worth. Altavela, Cousins, ldg., Kidder & Sons Home, Genn, ldg, GO Barker & Co Katie P Lunt Pomeroy. dis.. blaster Ida Bella, Foster, Jdg., Williams & Murchison George D McFarland, McFarland, ldg., J II Chadbourn & Co F. St Clair Edwards, Steelman, ldg.. Harriss & Howell Ann Susan, Podger, ldg., E Kidder & Sons Brave, Foes, ldg., GO Barker & Co Francis Satterly, Stetson, ldg, N Y Harriss & Howell B F Farnham, Brewster, ldg. , Master. George & Emily, Hutchinson, rpg, GG Barker & Co Lillias, Griffin, rpg, do C 8 Packard, Packard, wtg, riorthrop & Uumming. BARQUES. Oquoendo, Revontoria. ldg., Moffltt & Ca Garstang, Thornton, lag., Vick & Mebane. Amelia, Broock, ldg. Willard Bros. Brilliant Star, Corner, ldg., Vick & Mebane Favorita, Crafft rep'g, Moffltt & Co. Line of Vessels Sailed for this Port. - HAVANA. Span Barque Juanita, Maruri, aid Feb 13 La Belle, Christensea, . . aid Feb 9 NEWPORT (WalesI Delta Peterson. aid Nov 13 BOSTON. Schr Fanny Elder, Rich, sld Feb 6 SchrGeorgie D. Loud, HoIbrbok,sldFeb 17 Eliza Evefina (Br), . Feb 13 Brig Andalusia (Br), Feb 13 LIVERPOOL. Wild Hunter, Erickson, eld Feb 4 Bureermeister Kerstein, Ehrenrick, sld Jan 16 Rana, Sarsen, . sld Jan 16 Ger Barque Rudolph, Paske, sld Jan 21 LONDON. Moats?,; Stromstadt, ? ' t -rd Feb 6 Brig Konigen Augusta, Pritzkor; sld Jan 16 Essex, Smith, C2slJJan27 GLOUCESTER. Frau, Anderson, sld Jan 29 , r- CARDENAS. Brig J M Burns, Feb4 NEWSPAPERS. Spirit of the Age. r I HK SPIRIT OF THE AO'S WILL PRESENT A X pair of fine picture, worth $3 to every subscriber for 1878, who pays $3 60 Jn advance for a year's sub scription. The picturesi-en titled Raphael's Cherubs is executed la the finest styteof Mthographic printing; the printed surface of each u SSxSS Inches, ana we pictures seu ra ue stores iot as au per pair. Rev.'T. f PRITCHARD, D. D., I Contributing Rev. U. T. HUDSON, . . f Editors. The Am Is a weeklr famllv MDer.' adapted to the home circle, the farmer, the mechanic, the trades man alike, la every section of the State. It is not sectional la Its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness atd accuracy, its columns will be filled with tbe choicest matter appropriate to the different departments storief!, historical sad blo- I graphical .ketche., travel and adventure, habbath Siding, wit aad humor, agricultural, correspond- uuiorNAii btorieu q psDueauon oi onguuu stories is a special feature of the Aex, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of pop ular and interesting writers, ha this department alone we can promise onr reauers entertainment equal in character to-that of. any of the popslar tors papers., jjtlK- t,U ; -Tk&ms iw Advahcs One copy one year, with s pictures, $3 60: oae copy onft year, without pictures, as: one copy six manias, without pictures, si 35. . Every reader of the- Sfibix or ths Aox, as pub lished before the war, is earnestly requested to renew WW patronage. Benajrorspecunenipopy. Address, ItDWARUS ft BROU(JHTON, Raleigh, N. C. . ; feb9-tf ... , -. ' .; ; r- . ; 7 . rpHE MAGNOLIA MOKITOR-PubUshed at Mag JL. noua, au v., every wednesoay naa. now extensive circulation, and larger than any paper published In the counties of Duplin. Hampson, Ons low and Jones, affording a rare opportunity to those who wish to advertise, being circulated in a rich ag ricultural community. Weoave succeeded beyond our most sanguine expeciauons, ana our obi is con stantly increasing, having the support of an appre ciative public Terms, $ per annum, $1 36 for 8 months and 75c. for ff months. Send for specimen copies. Address W.T, HANNAFORPjl editor land proprietors , ; -:Jaa 4f rpBX. , CX)LTJMBIA UKION-Isssed dairy and JL weeuy, r kxam ubpsjptkr, dltor and propri etor, a pTBiywmB awsKB--'trow apje onrnat, pu -iisnsa av tag wm eapttai. wi ob jjui litAI-r LJnton." Issued every morning nudays excepted), and fur- Bunea to suoscnoers at S7 per annum. subscrlD tkms invariably m advance. ItwUl contain the latest telegraphic uuormancm, market and commercial re- pons. bhwui union," puonsnea evi Tnursajrrst tneiow pnee or S3. An vertbnns; medium. Bates reasonable. wrksUyxeroteoVr;.rr fif . ArJaal6-& 3g HE PEE DEE HERALD has theT largest eJrcubv Htm of but twoer DubUshed in Anson or adtoin. couatiea. is therefore Tna bbs sdvsctisinir ma. dium for the narfthanta' f . WlhnfnsMi. liMm, 7s- BOOSW CO., Wadesboro, jstOki.- fob S-tf .y1 WHOLESALE Jf SICES. ,rrTT QtiI'1"""'. H sbonlfl ha nnflerstnod, rep resent the wholesale prices generally. In makincf up small orders higher prices have to be charged. ,ABTI0Ut8. FBICX8. BAGGING Gunny 17 18 00 JUouDio Ancnor. Double Anchor " A". BACON North Carolina, i, uams, ej iir.ri Western Smoked 14 10 s.xa 15 12 1T;.; Ji 8 60 8 00 8 75 . Hams . . . . , .-; . . -Shoulders,.... fi.. ";-. OIUCB, V UI...V. ........ Dry Salted Sides lb Shoulders... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, second nana, eacn New New York,, each New City, each 140 & as 81 8 00 03 SO 80 35 . 00 16 BEESWAX V lb BRICKS Wilmington, f M.... Northern.. ...... i '..... BUTTER -North Carolina, ft lb & & 10 00 & 14 00 & 80 n orinerm y id CANDLES Sperm, 43 43 SO 18 19 33. xauow, TB. Adamantine, 9 lb ..... . & & CHEESE Northern Factory ft lb 18' Dairy, w State. lb 10 & 15 SO & 33 & - 85 & 93 & 1 60 a COrPEE-Java. V Kio, v id Lasruavra. 9 lb...;...'.'.... 25 98 95 9 15 CORN MEAL-- bushel. ... . COTTON TIES V fi uuMX&Tiua sneeaug, 4-4, ya lira, w ouncn.. FISH-MackereU No. 1, V bbLv 165 8 00200 9 00 W 14 60 & 7 60 10 60 & 5 85 g 000 & iacxerei, no. s, ooi..., No. S, V V bbl Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl... Mullets, 9 bbl.... N. C. Herring, 9 bbl , Dry Cod. S 8 00 000 8 650 000 000 1160 9 00, 9 75 10 60 00 00 FLOUR-Pine, ft bbl... 6 Oil Super. Northern, 9 bbl..-. Extra do. " tfbbl... Pamily " bbl... City MilLM -Super.! w bbl. M Extra, fl bbl.. " Family, fl bbl - Ex. Family.-10 bbl 8 00 9 00 10 00 8 60 9 CO 10 00 160 FERTILIZERS , Peruvian Guano, f) 3009 lbs Baugh's Phosphate, " " Carolina Fertllixer, " " Ground Bone, " " Bone MeaL " " " Flour, " " Navassa Onano, " Complete Manure, " Whana's Phosphate " Wando Phosphate, " " Berser & BoU's Phosnh. " 80 000 00 00 00 00 & 6000 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 16 & 68 00 & 40 00 t45 00 57 00 & 65 00 67 00 ft 70 00 70 00 & 00 00 & 91 & 95 GLUE 9 "... GRAIN Corn, in store, fl 60 1b. 90 Lorn, cargo, w &o ids........ Com, New, 9 DusheL Oata, fl bushel Peas. Cow. V bushel 76X 00 ft 80 000 65 1 85 7 IS 1 85 1 80 & 70 130 8 HIDES Green, fl S Dry, fl lb HAT Eastern, ft 100 lbs & 18 & .175 140 00 jNortn uiver, w uu as HOOP IRON 9 ton ... 130 00 LARD Northern. 9 lb 10 10 1 60 85 00 83 00 93 00 80 00 North Carolina, y n.... LIME bbl .J 13 160 LUMBER Cttt StxajcSawkd Ship Stuff, resawed, W M ft. Rouffh Edare Plank. 9 M ft.. 80 00 85 00 West India Cargoes, according to auauty. van Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 85 00 Scantling and Boards, com mon. V Mft 15 00 S3 00 MOLASSES--Cuba, hhds, fl gal 37X 48 Cuba, bbls, fl gal... Sugar House, hhds, fl gal. 'r " bbls, fl gal.. 8vrup. bbls. 9 (ral 45 3 98 80 .. 97 35 6 76 89 1 10 1 00 30 75 0 00 4 35 17 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 & NAILS Cut, id to SOd, ft keg. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal Lard, gal Linseed, v gal Rosin. eal.. 145 110 40 185 100 6 60 .. 00 PEANUTS 9 bushel POTATOES Sweet, fl bushel.. . Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK Northern, City Mess & Thin, 9 bbl Prime, fl bbl Rumn. 9 bbl 00 00 00 00 15 00 , 9 00 135 ! 83 00 165 ISO 10 RICE Carolina, fl 8X East India. V S 00 000 3 SX 6 75 1 60 1 45 MX 13 13 & 13 & 12V 13& & Rouen. 9 bush RAGS Country. 9 . City. x ROPE SALT Alum, ft bushel .Liverpool, w sacx American. V sack SUGAR Cuba, fl lb rortaKlco, V tt A Coffee, ft tt . B fl lb............... C " fllb Ex. C - ft lb Crushed, tt lb 13 12 13 12 14 7X 600 800 00 00 00 00 SOAP Northern, fl... SHINGLES Contract, ft M Common, 9 M STAVES W. O. BbL, fl M...... 4 00 3 60 90 00 00 00 18 00 10 17 oa 15 00 IS 00 6 00 1 00 175 , 25 45 a. u. una., w a... Cypress, "ALLOW J .. 00 00 11 29 00 17 00 14 00 800 660 860 3X 0 50 ft . TIMBER Shipping, fl M sun mine, w m . Mill Fair, ft M Inferior to Ordinarv. 9 ft WHISKEY Northern, ft gal.... Norm uaroiina, w gai WOOL Unwashed, fl B wasnea, v t , KATES OF FREIGHT. Per Steamer. Per failing Vessel To New York. Crude TurDontine ft bbl) 0 60Q0 70 0 60 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 60 0 60 3 60 0 00 0 10 & 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 60 0 60 075 80 0 60 ' 60 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 10 OOOQ060 0 00 0 50 0 00080 6 60 0 60 0 00 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 7 00800 0 00 " 0 45 090 045 000073 000 045 0 00 9 00 000 0 00 6 60 00 '-- 75 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 70 0 00 1 10 0 65 0 70 8 60 0 00 0 13 0 10 0 18 18 X Tar i EC Spts Turpentine fl bbl Koein y ooi Cotton ft bale Peanuts fl bushel. . . . To ParLASkxraiA. Crude Turpentine fl bbl 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 55 0 60 1 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 000 10 00 0 00 0 46 0 00 0 46 0 00090 0 00 0 45 0 00 3 00 Tar w ddlm Spts Turpentine fl bbl KOSm V DDI.. Cotton ft bale Cotton Goods ft bale.. Peanuts ft bushel Lumber ft M To Bamthobx. Crude Turpentine ft bbl Twbbl!Vr.i....T. I Spts Turpentine ft bbl tcosin y ooi..... Cotton fl bale.... Peanuts ft bushel wtton Lumber 9 M. 0 00 8 00 " ToBesrow Crude TuTDe&tine V bbl OOOOOOO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 Tar bbl..... Spts Turpentine fl bbl nesin 9 ow.. ........ Cotton fl bale Peanuts fl bushel.... Lumber V M... ...... ooeooo 0 00 0 00 0 00000 0 00 0 00 WIIltUN4BTOIf mONBYt SLAJBKET. ;--- OOBSaOTXB DAILT BT TH BAJTK OV WKW BAKOVZB, J. E. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. , BTTDtS. SKIiDTS. Gold.:..::. ..."..u:.:.'.'.-ii8 ' 115 Silver. 106 109 Exchange sight on Northern cities . . . . .Par. Exchange 80 days on , .. " ...... Kaij flcdis. ParVaL Selling, Oat cao Bank of New Hanover Stock First National Bank. 95 98 100 43 43 100 .84 .85 .94 .90 .13 106 63 63 110 Wilmington Building Stock, .... . Mechanics'. Navassa Guano Co. ' " N. C Bonds Old Ex-Cou; Do. Fundins 18( Do. " ,1868... Do. New...;...,.;.. Do. Special Tax..., Do. to N. C. Railroad ..60 W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 flc (Gold InQsOO W., CV K,R Bonds, 8 e.. 4'TfV .56 Wilmington City Bonds, Sflc... 74 New Hanover County Bonds, do'yean), wc (Gold inL)!.!:... to : New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 . ftc (Gold Int.)..... ....OS;' W. & W. Railroad Stock (Par 100). 65 .. North Carolina R. R. " " ..100).,.44 W C. A Railroad . " ( " 60).... V , r Wtt. Gas Light Co. . ." ( ? 69)... 470 r 'nEWSPAPERS. ' . THE PIONEER, ,( . . Pabllshed every Friday, at . . Florciiee, S. C, ,liy f, J. HcDiariii; HAS A LARGE AND RAPIDLY INCREASING circulation in the Pee Dee country. Conserva tive in sentiment, it fully accords with the views of our beet dtizena. r- ...... '"JT" Termif: Subscription: i r, . One year! In 'alvSMS.'X.V??.. .......... .1$S 00 Six mouths, in advance..,...,. 175 Three months, In advance.. .... 75 V fpednien jpqgex free.' Address . t TIONEER, . . , feb86-tf. : .r r.iS.IAiC Florence, S. s DANYILLETIlIVIRGINLl Manufactu farmers and business' men fenerallv will UnA' "The Times' a valuable medium for advertising; w lor oouuwok wizvcii uaounHivn wnrauun tne re sources ana cumaie 01 ue van itiver vauey, m Vir ginia and North Carolina.! 'This region is unrivalled in tne production of the finest yellow tobsoco grown United States,-and iU reneral azrkultural ad lathe vantages are superior to any other- -section of the mh. pnllliiMMr4 .7 VtJMtrcermndcsaebyVv7 j rs,pT$ltefOTsixmpnthfcArldreM yii Offles Danville, Va t.- i Xr ..-Jsal i s -MKCEIIiANEOUS. Havana Eoyal Lottery. n : Ctrarid t Extraordinary Orawingr for 23d April, 1873. AAA TICKETS ONLY, AND 2.097 109UUU Prizes, amounting to $l,2O0,000i One Prize of of....... " " of....... Two Prizes of.... Four " , of.... "1 .....$500.0OO 100,000 ..i.. ,50,000 86,000 10,000 n nnn Twelve " of, A TT .1 T J V. a a ..... - And the rest Of 91000( 9800, 9500 9lOO. For Plans and any other Information, address BORNIO ft BROTHER, 77 Gravier Street, New Orleans, La. MANUEL BORNIO, " . First Sub-Collector of Lotteries for exportation in Havana. , Persons wishing to secure Tickets should send their orders with all possible anticipation. -feb 11-DifcWtf. 1 BEHD TOE A BAEBEL OP THE CELEBRATED Empire Flour, 99 AT THE OLD PRICE, AT CEO. MYERS'. JUST EECEIVED. NOTHER LOT OF CELERY SALT, FBESn CANNED Fruits and Vegetables, AT GEO. MYERS', Jan 94-tf 11 and IS Front Street F. A. SCHUTTE, . Wholesale aad Retail Dealer in all kinds of Parlor, CMter, DMui, KitclenS Office FUBNITUBE, Carpets, Window Shades, &c. GRANITE BOW, SO. FRONT ST. Z35 Upholrtering and Paper-Hanging done at snort notice aad In the best anc nd latest style. janS-tf WOOD, TABER & MORSE, Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ESTGINES, Portable, Stationary auad Acrlcaltnral. Hundreds in use tn Printing Rooms, Shops, Mills, Mines, and on Farms and Planta tions for Grain Threshing. Food Cooking for Stock. Cotton Ginning, Sawing, etc Circulars sent on ap plication. One of these Engines can be seen at this office. oa l-D&Wtf Notice of Dissolution. rpHE FIRM OF BASS, SCOTT A CO. WAS DIS JL solved on the 8th instant by the aeatbof Wm. R. Bass. The affairs of said firm will be settled by the undersigned surviving partners, who will con tinue the business under the name and style of - J. J. SCOTT fc CO. Thankful for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon the old firm, we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. H. JjSADLii, 8uryIvil1 partners. For reference would respectfully refer yon to Capt L B. Grainger. President of Bank of New Han over; W. J. Exuxn, of Wayne 00. del9-d3mwlm LARGE STOCK SUPERIOR BEARD finest Imported and Domestic Seprs. Q ASANAS, ROSA CONCHAS, " PAUL MORPHYS, LA PAREPA, V ' METAMORAS, ELPOETAS, and others. 150,000 in stock. , CHAS. D. MYERS St CO., 7 North Front street , mar7-tf ' Post copy. Salt! Salt! Salt! 32 900 SACKa aotrtcait and ' LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM And Worfhington FINE SALT, v. j Yoteod low Tij' .ctS-tf . ''.. WILLARD BROS. Just Received, r A NUMBER ONE LOT 02 ;fOREvCAEOUM: nov 15-tf EDWARDS A HALL. Dickey: FlduiR 300 BB.0B'1 CKLEBRATED EY FLOUR, Just received. Kf Kits No. 1 Mackerel, .'. " '.. t . DICK- UW '' For sale by EDWARDS A HALL, sep 6-tf . A CARD. Hi AYINQ purchased the Interest of Mr. Brock, I will continue to conduct the business at the old stand, No. 1 Granite Row, where I will be happy to . . . . . .... see my old friends and customers. " 4- oct 1-tf . . .. H. WEBB, Brock's Exchange. HAVING ENTIRELY REFITTED AND RE modeledthe late Clifford House, I am now ready to wait upon my old customers and the public generally. f " ' H. C BROCK,' 1 feblS-3m Prop'r Brock's Exchange.- We 'HatB EccareJ li Steamer May A choice lot of , Vi PURE FRENCH CANDIES, " " s Dried Figs, Prunes, Dates, ir.' Fred Nuts, Lemons, Apples, Jellies, Preserves, Ac, Ac. . feb-tf WEST A CO. ; ;r;.':.'H0T.tCEl...:-: THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING OUALIFIED AS -Administrator of Joseph A Cluforck deceasedV gives notice to all persona indebted to th es uto ot said deceased to make isomediate payment, and to those having demands against the same to present them duly sataasrtJcated en or before the 81st day At .January,' ,1874,. or this mo tic will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ( .-:' PATRICK MURPHY, Adm'r. r , tfoaoaryao, icio. lawuW t New(Spirit Casks Si I maxirf WORTH A WORTH. Tjpi q-yx MEDICAL.TCr?7 BALTIMORE 'LOCK HOSPITAL! " JOHNSON PHYSICIAN OF THIS CELEBRATED INSTITU TION, discovered, when- in the great hospitals of Europe, vie t England, France andelsewhere, the certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for all excesses or abuses of the system. . Weakness of the Back or limbs. Stricture, Affec tion of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involuntary Dis charges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness. Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trem bling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Longs, Stomach or Bowels--those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of youth secret and solltory practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriages, &c, impossible, destroying both body and mind. . . . - . :' i. .. ' . ....!.' YOUNG MEN : Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced list ening HenMes with the-the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. ..... . . . . . - Married persons, or young men . contemplating marriage, aware of Physical weakness. Loss of Pro creative Power Clm potency), Nervous Excitability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or any other disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide tn his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately cured and full vigor restored. - This diBtressing affection -which renders life mis erable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not be ing aware of the. dreadful consequences that mav ensue. Now, who that understands this subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudential t Besides being deprived of the pleas ure of healthy offspring, the most serious and des tructive symptoms of both body and mind arise. The system oecomea deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened Loss of Procreative Power. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. . A CURS SPEEDILY WARRANTED. Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trifling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, snould apply Immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate of one of .the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bash fulness, with frequent blushing, attend ed sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them fox either business, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad melancholy effects pro duced by the early habits of vouth. viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the head. Dimness t oikul, lhjbb ui uuBciuar rower, .r&ipiiauon or tne Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Slc , Mxhtallt. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. . Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits,' Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can bow Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and ema ciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, eouph and symptoms of Consumption. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. ' What a pity that a young man, the hope cf his country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit Such per sons must, before contemplating . MARRIAGE Reflect that s sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these the iournev through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that tbe happiness of another is blighted with our own. ..... A CERTAIN DISEASE, When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in de spair leave him with ruined health to sigh ovet his galling disappointment; or, by the use of that dead ly poison, Mercury, cause the constitutional symp toms of this horrid disease to make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctur nal pains in the head and Umba, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches n the head and face, and extremities, progret sing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and tbe vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commlssetation till death puts a period to his dread ful suffering,' by sending him to that - undiscovered country " from whose bourne no traveler returns," To such, therefore. Dr. Johnson offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectuplremedy in ths .world. . ,: .: BAIuTraonE, MAHYLAND, "' Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. ' Fad not to observe name and number. ; . .'... - . No letters received unless postpaid and con taining a stamp to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptoms. ! . The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs in his office. , ' " ' 1 - ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRES8. . The many thousands cured at this establishment within the last twenty Tears, and the numerous Im portant surgical operations performed by Dr. Joha Botvwttnessed by the representatives of the Press end many others, notices of which have appeared again ana again before the public, besides his stand ing as a man of honor and responsibility, Is a soffl. dent guarantee to the ithm -. ' Satin Disease Speedily Cured, ' march 1s-1t ent , n 2.S00 Acres of M at $2 Per Acre, A Valuable Plantation Ofibred at ft ''" ';' Sacrifice. A FINK PLANTATION, CONTAINING A handsome residence and S.800 acres of land, sit uated on the Wateree river, about twenty-eight miles from Columbia, and within a few miles of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, , is now offered for sale at five thousand ($5,000) dollars. Before the war the place waa valued at fifty thous and dollars, . boil fertile, adapted to the raising of corn, cotton, rice, &c, and abounding in timber of every variety. - ," Besides the dwelling house it contains out-buildings ofvariocs kinds,. Uesparfly in Richland and partly in Sumter county. Terms cash - In advance. Apply to " " . . . . f . ; I - : RIVERS WRIGHT, Jan 14-tf , . University South Carolina. SUNDRIES! . T ; g C. RICE IN TIERCES AND BARRELS; QOFFEE3 RK, LAGUAYRA AND JAVA; gUGARS ALL GRADES; ' CLQUR SUPER, TO EXTRA FAMILY Hal sins, Candles, Fire Crackers,' . V IN LOTS TO 8UnV ' ' For sale Adrian a vollees'. s: xr it t , -A ND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT CELE- brated brand of old "Hunt Whlskev " toe-ether with other famous Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Wines, Bum, &c,atu: V..'U4 - - 92 -'rj-s.nrr.:,; ' -t ! , JAMES X MBTTS'; Metts brand of Family .Flour Is 1unsur passed la .SXi til if rrnms iiouNf it sf Aii lidbitiiikNivi I Jt.-jaJi"S U all aU its anpolntmenU, . and is in charge of one of the most skillful worktaeq in the State. AH kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply and expeditiously.- augll-tf fl rA: AI fiOAB LINES. General-8up!ts-0fficeT -OUST A, tt. B. COMPANY, , WTLMINGTON, N. C., Oct 7th, Wj. Change of Schedule. tmi THAT T f . n - . . qHE FOLLOWTNO SCHEDULE WILL GO rvr- A effect at S:25 A. M., MoadayT7tS inTt: EAX EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington.... . . Arrivm t VWiim A W. :65 A v Arrive at Columbia! Arrive at Augusta.. Leave Augusta. Arrive at Columbia ' Arrive at Florence '.' :40 p. m J:P. h. ........ 6:85 A M. KM A. M 4 15 P v Arrive at Wilmington. P. m! Ntgrht-Expresr Train Dally (Su. , ; 1 -aayi laxcepted.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence. . ; Arrive at Columbia '.' Arrive at Augusta ..... W Leave Augusta " Arrive at Columbia....... Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington i.i ' " 5:45 P. m ":35 P. Ml 8:40 A K. 8:80 A M. .5:60 P. M. 10:20 P. M. S:lS A M. 8.-00 A. 11, ; JAMES ANDERSON, !' ' '.. Genl Sup't oct 9-tf Wiliiiingtoii, Charlotte ''AND RUTHERFORD R. R, Omen CHrjwEwowxxB iwn Qnci Sot't i Wnamteron. N. C, Jan. S, W3. ' Change, of Schedule. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ON AND AFTER this Road as follows: , r REGULAR FHEIOHl TRAIN. ItaJndaDyataA M and arrive PASSENGER & EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. r i:wndilyt8A M. and arrive o 4yeevinelailyatl:40A M and. arrive t,IF1TT 8Pec'f Freight Trains for TON LUM BER run irrespectively. tW No Train will leave on Sundays. . ... irivt s. l. Fremont, jMT-tf Chief Engineer and Sup't .WiLnmgton &. Weldon RAILROAD CO. Change of Schedule. Orncx or Grw'r, SrrpfcRnrrxNDrxT, ' .W1?2'a'8une 8th, 1878. f fXN AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PAS V senger trains oa the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sundays ex cepted). At 8:15 A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro ... la-.n p. M. Rocky Mount a:n p. m. Weldon 3,60 P. M. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays except- ed).. , At 9:15 A.M. Arrtve at Rocky Mount..... 11:07 A.M. Goldsboro....... 1:16 P. M, Union Depot , 6:30 P.M. - - EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot, daily... .At ,10:40 P. M. Arrive at Goldsbor. A. M. Rocky Mount 4:66 A.M. Weldon... 6:60 A M. Leave Weldon, daily, 7,10 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount ; 8:58 P. M Goldsboro....... , 10:58 P. M. -Union Depot 8:10 AM. ,i. - .,- . The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acqula Creek rentes. . . , . , . . . . ' Express Train connects only with Acqula Creek route. Pullman's Palmes Sleeping; Cars nthla Train. - - FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 6KW A. M.: and arrive at 1:40 P. M. , . EXPRESS , FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wil mington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M.. : , , .". . JOHN F. DIVINE, June ft-tf ' 1 General Superintendent STKAMSHTF- LINES. PIIIL.ADELPILIA' AND SOUTHERN Hail Steamship Line. QOMPOSED OF THE FER3T-CLA88 STEAM PIONEER, 825 TONS, Capt. JTonxt TVaJteley, TONA WANDA, 8e0 TONS, Capt. C. C. UTeltbanks, WU1 hereafter eaQ from Philadelphia and Wilnung- evert Wednesday siorning. For freight engagements, apply to ' ' . f -WORTH S WORTH, Aoknts. ' ' ' Wilmington, N. C. , W. L, JAMES, General Agent, 180 South Third street, Philadelphia. June 30-tf BALTIMORE. AND WILMINGTON : SEMI-WEEKLY " Steainship line, COMPOSED OF THE FIRST CLASS STEAM. SHIPS D. J. FOLEY, Capt. D. J. Price, . LUCILLE, Capt. I. S. Bennett, REBECCA CLYDE, Capt.D. C. Chlldf, . ; . WILL HEREAFTER SAIL FE0 MB ALTIM0EE ETERY TUESDAY Sc FRIDAY, , AND FROM WILMINGTON Every Wednesday and Saturday, ! CONNECTING AT WILMINGTON With the Wilmingt.n, Columbia and Augusta, Wilmington and. Weldon, and the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroads; also the several lines of steamers to Fayetteville, . GlYlng Tbronck Bills of Ladin To an points In North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; connecting at Baltimore withthetJai timore and Ohio and theNorthern Central Railroad for all points m the West and Northwest, and sritn steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York ana Philadelphia ' t WP, ngagementappjyto , r J Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Akdkkws & Co., Agents, Baltimore. . ic dec 81-if- - - " - ' . Hav!2 Hay! TN XOTS TO 0XJIT , i . f . - r ' Y rW &vollers. feb8-tf . fj 1

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