the nomnnG staii. PUBLWnED DAILt, BT" . One Squar b day,..... SJJ - ey.ti;"ii.;.....ii.' J four days '..'.V-. V S 60 800 Omen, Dawson Baa Bulldl iigs, Frost sC ? f bates or ruMciurriPN. mm year, In advance .x , oo U months. In advance ................ 3 50 Three months, in and vanco. . . . . . . PO SStSSfer:;::::;:::::: -:::SS H r ' QM TMt W 1 me inoutn, in advance 75 1 me loouui, mi whmiwi -ja w'T'-v-w- The Morkins Star will b delivered In any part V ( 1 1 1 : "X T' O 1 1& " of theClty atKDrmi Cbbts per week. , v.. , l , V,XJ V7 A"- ' UFlTyqTiare7t5SaatM a Barteoharm, aad ten aqnarea aa alutf-oolnsin. . ; . WILMINGTON, N. C.4 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 49, 1873 ' , ;' r.. !-- ..rjurrT" ' : ! s ' ' r 1 ;. . 1, . . 1 . ; -.. t a W" A tVTtinTISIKO. v ' OITTXINI3S. Laurenceburg, Ky., wa burned up. North Missouri Ii. R. engineers Btrike. Yravel Impeded. While the President of the Western Pennsylvania It R. lunched somebody stole $168,000 in bonds. .Schooner (kirfaiict and twelve la crew re ported lost. Steamer ClarksviUe with 800 bales cotton sunk on Mississippi. Great fire raging at pentreyille, O., yester-, day. -1 Fight with drdnken roughs ' on a Third Avenue,- New York, car. France will not have to levy, or 'loan to finish paying the war indemnity. "Live France." Prof. W. O. Kerr has been made an honorary member of the Vienna Commission... Grant, nominated, as P. M.' nt doisborbvH - Cloudy? 4 The Fifth Avenue hotel fire was repeated in a small way at the SL James Hotri Montrcal. New York markets Cot I ton, 19i19i; Gold 15i15; Spirits tar- pentine, 5758; Rosin, $3 4o$3 50. Dlatrona Flrea In Norfolk. I Special Telegram to the Richmond . Dis ' i patch. V ' ; 1 r Norfolk, March 1 7. House, J amesliittle. proprietor, which is situated ' .t .thecorner) of 'Wide water street and Commercial row The flames were soon brought under control, but not until the interior of the bnildinp- had been much damaged by tire and water. The stock of Mr. I Little seems to bo a total loss. i J T f t, fi. u n a. i ii 1 nciuic no uio aii uic vcutrai liuuse I was subdued another alarm was caused by the breaking out of flames in the ..lnc. Anhnn! K fl,n.i t?:j y aicuuu wvujicu ijr vijic9 ivciu i & bon, Kader Hiffgs fc Co., J. N. liell & uo., ana Bradford cc laze- - a - 1 w 1 wen. vonsiuerauie uamnge was none here also. Kader Biggs & Co. ; lose 10,000. I Their stock was insured as follows; Great Western Company, f 10,000; Hoyai, ot vernoo,,: f outijndon, iattan 15,000; Virginia State, $5 000 JJl V a sjvr, . --.. -vxawajv ww aiawuti a Farmville. $5,000; North British and Mercantile, $5,0 0V; JXpwe, New York, 5,000. The onildiflg was insured in the Virginia Mutual for $8,500, and Howe, of Columbus, Ohio, $1,500. C. Brooks, of the Central House, loses $1,000, and was insured in the Petersburg' livings for $1,400 and the Howe,, of Ohio, Cor . $ 1,000. . Jaa, Little's loss is $2,500, hnd he was in- Kurea tor i,vuu. , 3 a From the Norfolk Virginian. i V The Late Flrea. rrr , , . r I, I I fliLSa7 tt. I.un ArT ait onalaruoulart ot the late .fires w a iintro irfiinon inn rrti lAwrinf on- I wnicn occurrt'u in ims city ves- teruaymorning: v; t , TheDUiiarng occupied by Messrt: Jwie .Little,, as. a rearaut, and .lent xrooK.e, as a cigar emporium, tfotalry destroy etfr f , . , ' . . . .ii p cwwDeK ana nx.ure,, tTTC.- nor,.' i aoVCvT ' ' WB - vw j xv.r,i iv-Tir. tU' ' Tlinf .UtKor store; v&frms::- , The fire at the largeVrehouse oc- cupicdbyMcssrfcK&ejIRiggSCo., Chas. keid'&SoinVJ.N. BeU & Bro. .. ' Tr- '.TV f rt A-rrf rfTI irdd nonOOfl Vtv cnorti fr'nm thft fir on Commer- ' . r . 1 1 r : .i. tklsMrWUBl Wtolj the balding, lpo much cannot be 'i.t':Jva)lor their aetf? at this fire. Their exer- tions were' ttl&d 4tenQ8V but with an habK wl and :??,a?t ;?ency fTb.buildjfigapdstc JW V' -:oa nnA ttnttt. MWUJt:u y Vvvvfv"v " not beLascertaxned. fcixty-ion oC cottojijrYisvnjaged!.,-.. not bejiscertained. iSixty-f our . bales 1 . n i ii i ii. -j..- IfOTICS. iiiMViv sys vaa aa a - w w w w ' jQnt iuiffh . wait of several min ntea hadbleri mAThe'pUrihhA'tog. cases were disposed,o - - . - . ... . . - . t Micr. struck uo: wllail to. the CbieiwJ. r.TWrillcCe charged with disorderly Regarding thisaa an unwarranted in- terruption oi me; piece,-iu., .vusir man became indignant.. and properly BcrvUUy andtbAVthe-play proceed Her . ortroye4& irreat Burpnse ot ine rrwiueu- a a A7 ABA I'SMOl s An T fl Tl fl T - I ' ' . . t . .. S -1 tfirera and himself and family. relates a Washington correspondent of the Norfolk Journal. . Tho yotef by Which-: the Free Railroad liill was postponed in the Virginia House of Delegates until the 2nd of April was ayes v7L, noes 33. ine motion xo posipvuw at. w t JnA Th. friends of tWmpnanrft concede thU action ;;n;:wtrt Irretrievable defeat, so " 1" ' 7 far at least as this session of the Upn eral Xslciably. i t oawnVilw Ufarmcerncd. I la it i AW ml r At9 mm ay -W r- w ' ' " - - - itt . r t. a;r.r Elder of Ilillsboxoufeh District, died 31pn: lay evening fjtmiinjurie. received oy a lau from the acaffoWlnrot the new- -Methodist -ioiieire. on the llth Instant. Air. a. was -Colleee. on the llth instant. Mr. B. A.. A Am. T U S Aft A ...AVI . IUUII II V CIA BUU 0 T w T-a Tr.l.MAe sbmI was one of tho piUars of . tieM5rtJrodlt I liy for olher and more congenial those oa the partof Courtiuo; Iloa. Episcopal Omrctf la this tPUte.. W fi u,; i Cratthff tiv4.C8)l,?t 1 v was Alwut fifty teAtt.U -V- v acllmes. tf-" . . .... ,.r. THEOITY. NEW ADVERTIUHENT9. Munsok Co. Spring Casskneres, &c. S. Lotna & Co. Dry Goods. Sec advertisement headed " Wanted." C. L. Chessctt. Build. Associationv 8. R Bukttjjg. Auction To-Day. . IIktjdb Bros. Salt in Bulk. DeRosset & Co. Brick and Shingles. r HkiDK Bkos. Notice, fjWNEWTBlacli P. Heiksberger. "Inquire Within." hooting; on th Street A Narrow Escape. Alex. Bryan, colored, living on Nun be-.l tween Fourth and Fifth streets, .reports tr hewas arttinff in htaroomby the stove on Monday night, between 11 and 12 0ock, me DacKdoor being open, when a weaPn suddenly discharged in the direction of Church street, the ball entering nisdoor and striking a brick which sur Dorted the stove bv which hA - - 1 xue siove was KnocKea down Dy tlte forpe' 1 pi, uie concussion,, and tne Dau, tne lorce of which was spent by its contact with the brick, was subsequently picked up in the I . I room, it 13 in the Shane of a mmme ball I . . 1 U.: . . . 7 ' , . .Ti g immediately range of tlie place where the ba1lBtrock - Had he retained his position a te longer he would now be in the " happy huntinS grounds of his fathers." Hehasno ,ae ny mis auempt was made upon his 1&,'W he is confident that the rifle was ii ai.i,.wni : i "iui miuiciuun tubcui. , I This firing on the streets at night is get- ting to be an Intolerable nuisance and one iv. v-.1W.a-' urn duuuiu uc ausuiu uciurc serious conse- I. quences result from the dangerous habit. Narrow Eseavo from Ylarnlnc To Death. A colored woman by the name ofRodie Powers, living near Rocky Point in this county, made a narrow escape from burn-; ing to death a few nights since. :, She was gnT.r.lflfr TlfHir IrtR TIT WIT Ft ra r v In Knw owma when 4, 8udden draf t fannedJ the flam(i, which communicated with her clothing and I .she was almost .Instantly enveloped in a fiery mantle. With' commendable pres ence of mind, no one being near to assist her, she rushed out into the yard and plunged into the well. The fire, of course, was im- mediately extinguished, and she was able to crawl out of the well and get back to the house; from whence she was next day sent ny ner menosto tne Hospital m ims city, The condition of the unfortunate woman is a very serious one.She was almost Bterally roasted alive, her clothinsr beinir nearlv all . " " . . . . . . ... iw'- led frdm her back the entire length of k, uj m m m ; The Cargo of tbe Volnnteer. , The, teamer FatUta uroceeded to Nor- foittotake in the cargo of the wrecked but found that it had not yet been trans- .j .v. i. i a x . .1 t icnvuirui UIC ucbuii buu i wao iuuuuib deenedeipedlentforhertoretarntoNew York: : On Mond' however the: steam- I ship France Wright proceeded to Norfolk, and It Is expected that she wiU arrive here with the careo by Sunday or Monday next vri? C::i'.:i;:M; Xfc. a. r. Hart. The steamer vL P. Ifurt haa Just been thorougblycerfiaakd, newly painted, &e., I Ann lOOKS B8 nanaSOrmS ana COmeiV in ner 1 new dress as a blushing bride at' the altar. 1 irr . co-'-n.. rantaSn r.n .gan&deT 3LMWm craft and hope that she mayTrove as successful as aheialiindWtte- bir regular trinevv.JeAoJfFayette- vme yesterday :: . t ; - 1 (JBi We learn that Mr. r. a. uunen, wno j-Af injured on Monday by the Tallin it nf I .v." - " . .taw..- I tllal SCanoiUing 1U luo ucn , cqwj fthnroJ, -omcr of Fourth -and Campbell I ' ire xuku u asvAirra iwaa mi ru. srvKn amy i ba mi wwus ijrirs.". Trip o-htiiwrA not Cfiy-TeJL knee was dislocated, wLicl causes intense suffering and fears rr- - 1 a I Mavora Court i - . -. - . ' mormnz: charged with disorderly discharged on the payment was! discharged on payment of cixXtt 3 25...-; f r .rjjey'iMceea! - 1 " ZTf T n'cr pi-. ' . wnlnmlMns correspondence from Ji . K T . 7T.. .. ,.r i. tM tSUBOnsf wswt-biiu jiiuwwuv., st n now m Columbia, which came to nana ye'sW,'W MOT hM .rtrnrtoTirtrrTfT aeiar nis visii ui city until the 7th of April. In the mean- time we shall have to wait patiently and en- aa M mmBkaAV a'AWtt Vi4aa dure the pressure wiu. wun .m. i . v- -vta to mngur and, iesigiiati is to our aid.- I . i jnMBari Z . . - . . v(tu .mn natned Samuel C. Butts, ; A .white -man -nafned Samuel C. Butts, ? .. .. - iSiiXU in ilia Uil of this who ha beenscififlned in Ute Jail of this k a months, his case I SJSb Tam IkHfll iiiitiuiLrta MS w J : . ' . " from BlaiJan to -jl. dl:harged from custody - . on that he would Wm.rZZTZ t. 1 pay tne sum I WT SBV A 1 JW AB B WJ HITIV 01 buu r I vt nonre . Davis. . Jnose iiaiuy,10n. I A. Wllmineton Boiidins Aasocutto Local Dcta. vvf - .' 7- There are 35 rafts of timber now on the market unsold. ,; Justice John Penny, of Holden Town ship, has tendered his resignation. ' - The storm signal was displayed at the Weather Observatory in this city yesterday. There are a large number of foreign vessels in port and we learn that several oth ers are daily expected., , vy - The members. Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Compayi' Na 3; colored, had a grand ball at City Hall last night ' A sailor belonging on the Norwegian tfng , Jxujut .wa- arrestea .? yesterday and placed in the Guard House for safe keeping. Bishop Gibbons delivered the at Richmond on St. Patrick's Day. address Mavor Keillv also srjoke on the occasion. The " chicken dispute" has been in- definitely postponed, and the feathery fight- ists havetire to tfslwdeftprivate life. 0 1 tions o? this city had, a Festival, &c-, in the two lower, rooms 01 the City Hall last I night.- - 4x;;V r .7 '. .V The field in the vicinitv of the Union I I Denot was on fire vestard&v evenino-. and I o I . . . I Tlietuwgularaieeting of.tter wu- mmgton Building Association wiU be held at the rooms of the. Wilmmgtbn library Association this evening at 8 o'clock. f Two..colored.womeu.iianiea Tena Al- dermen and Charity Henry were arrestea yesterday morning on the charge of fight- i mu 1 uf -fr , "J f'.cio, twgiyW S i- if i fore the Mayor's Court this taornlng: m A Bear Hunt & TTliat Came of It Disappointed Sportemen. ' Wfe learn that a. certain gentleman was riding out just beyond the southern limits of the city a day or two ago when he sud- denly came upon some dark object which T"1 w . . 7 v.! 1 77. .vIT.Z PS t to be far off at the time. 'Hi soul was in arms and eager for the fray," and. his friends were soon excited to the same pitch of expectancy. Guns, pistols and clubs were hastily seized and the party double-quicked to the miniature swamp where Bruen was supposed to be ensconced. It. was surrounded by the eager sportsmen, and some of the most darinff and Tenturesomf m amongst briers Jmd buahe8f eAch anxious to be the- aw to drawl a bead unon the noble monarcn of the forest. - Suddenly the dark object c&me m of one of forem0st i j i ,jj i vs- Ul IUC UUTUIK UBUU. ITUU M BUUUCUIT UUkUU i ' - - gun to his shoulder, took deliberate aim dfl . . Th whole nartv immediatelv and fired- The whole party immediately rushed to the spot, when there upon the ground, in the last agonies of dissolution, lay a huge, black, stub-tailed New Foundland dog! The party returned to the city "sad der but wiser men" and since then none of them can bear the' least allusion to theraaZs I of their excitinflr huntinz exDedition. l " " - , We learn frota the Norfolk Journal that a bill authorizing the construction of this line of travel passed the lower, branch of QtAvMjx several STS!'ft the Senate- The Journal says; "The Btates of North and South Carolina have ; incor- I nnrntj thia Pnmranv nnrl Uie names snter- 0BtAft ivei rWnririleted their organization, I . . , m 0ur;Senate to: iuthorlze thec- 8tnictionof about eighteen miles from Nor- folk to'the North Carolina ,line., ., As soon as this authority is obtained active work will be nieafieo!ateace, aud it is con-; S i-U !.- nivrf inno 1inv I ' " : -.79", - ' '' A. f t A AM AAnAtfeH me passage oi wi umiwruui hicc. Fell la a it. . ! - : ';; s sa BAmat n vna namai ait rairnn I . B A-1 1 a nvawwi. wj i a wwirAA myiuiaiA mj hwv aoa. i Kova leu ta a nt at tne corner oi mtuoerry - 'm m- i i , . . - . . iAWnrtaWat streets vesterdav morning . ajg: N.Hf1!! about a quarter to 13.0 clock. She ,was taken up and carried to the Station House, VtoyMA wB 1M JtcMtet. f . i . r . j. . Mr. Samuel BeJ was, halted by foot-paas near the corner of CJhrirch and Third streets 601 on Monday night, about ;Ufo'dock, who t Jjl h:A.iJH v'jJ'l-' ,-J W'md ' vtBAf I .rvnA-rATio ?n the ht amesranco "in the JJ Um6n ( desperadoes were ingntn . . a MrBefi'i wife Is there no way thes night prowle r ... ; niaden Superior conrt. J- In Bladen Superior Court last l I tame bills'' were xouno. me case oi x.a- Shfirifl WM P081 OB or me MMeneeui unpuiiaui iinus. i.v. . , whole business of ciyu. a6d criraiaal' docket was fhiisKed . the.. . fbst week of the, taaau '' .a, . i ? ' 1 7 i tcim.., t I - ' ; , Tlui Commissioners appointed f Dy the General Assembly to act conjoint. Mlf "?0 Pfr I judge UlCK, OI uie V. o. vuvuw wiu, I .V;VV-t nH P.t.tle thv matters Dendine D and setUe t I -oMrnrt wheisete Hnanr Sibley andcfo - gnjd Court, whereut "VSI I en are plaintiff agampt the Wettera N. t twwh w . - w this! 'T VT" i,Vr,..'r awa luian VBATIAsBTAf n Y theExecutits otutBalelgb, oAtheJnd day of.AprU. Jm&Z .v. Ot.. I ad DT tne leeWMUra wvi.. vhhwcu.! nETOULiSMOIITHLiaASTIH nnd toot m aepartoxa r T T4- -wriiaB'BriilTloir.W. LL Steele, ami 1 wroom sso wunungu iht cmr items. Is m Coot. Theirt "Mint Julvof th aoaaoa cam from Bcoek'a Exchange laat sight and as fiaartllj rUahed; ' . ! , v Jon Prihtino We call the attention of mer chants, clcrka of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, and all others baring order for printing, to the faculties offered at the Horn are Stab Fararora Estabusbxxkt for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job Pbihtisq, We can furnish at abort notice Carda, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programme. Ball Tickets,' Blanks, Pamphlets; Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare, Show-Bills, Checks, "Drafts, Ac, Ac SaUsfactioB gaaranteed. u 'f The consolidation of the Carolina Farmer, and the Weekly Star having largely , increased the circulation of the latter, advertiser wll find U an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of the two Carolinas. Book Bikdebt. Tks Moainsa Stab Book Bind- ery of Binding 1 SlnT. and Baling in a work- reasonable price. Mer chants and other needing Receipt Book, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of s ,? ; . mUop Atkimsom'a Appointment Endfield.....w;,.'.X..i. March 29th Scotland lieck. . . . . .. 30th 31st P. M. UAMf tAl' - -rowi .11 , . . ... iiaiuuiivu 1 nsmiirrin - in nb uiuuiiwju.'. .v. ....... .-hi- i 1 1 ,- 4th - 6th c.8th! ; loth 5 llth lSth' v 15th 18th 19th 20th 22d!; 23d 25th 27th .,29t,h. 30th fit Jhhn Prtt Conntv snoVHill.;.iV....v.;:; Church of the Holy Jnno- cents LenoUr County v,: SSrwDayJiv " Beaufort... .........i. ot jpnn SjAuruaras vrech. teJSnSrtrv' ' . T - ZlOn UhUTCh Iftth .0.4 O St. James', Pungp. ...... . Plymouth. . . . . ... ...... . St. David's, If ashington . County St- Luke's, Washington 11 uounty; J Elizabeth City May 2d Hertford 4th Shk k Edenton. . . I Mission Chapel, Chowan 7th : 8th 9th llth 13th Murfieesborough. tt tt V I VVTVA V AAAb AA1 MA V Vb Windsor. I Tarboro 16th Collections in aid of Diocesan Millions will be made in the churches visited. . Spirits Turpentine. Saxe next Monday in. Tucker Hall, Raleigh. The ..Tarboro JEhqruirer now is desperately 4n love with Charlotte, and we wont say any more. ; Mr. T. C. Hooper in a card an nounces thit the Newbera Sun will be only temporarily suspended. T7 The Presbyterians oflWashing- I ton are building a spire for ..their new church thirty feet high. Hon. J. J. Hickman addressed a Were audience in Newbera Monday night. I The Templars received v ruoiuimih, bbjs ine j.vmM. ,. . : , ; . , , t- . Three candidates are already in the field for Mayor of Charlotte: Messrs. & P. Smith, P. A. McNinch, and W. II. II. Houston. By June or July, if nothing un- n rMMOuta.'iAlLxBil oommunication foreseen trrfTtHytf, ll-ry oommunication willhA ASnhlishMl hetween Atlanta and Charlotte. -, General Airencv to raise tl0O,066 for I -"" . t-.---r r pt jowo Sffii&ffiai Jw,!lv,i . ; Raleig'h "tiews says.'John I ir na X a.lnw t.a Kum arw l oomted on the Board of Directors of the J PitrritentifiTV. . caos Gen,, Alfred DoCbEftT. Of ' s'jvr ny mancanve that there abetter cUmate and ioU elsewhere than can be found in North Carolina, says the $lTl At ? Patrick eratedin ! TT, "v- "v 1 V I lUUeign UJ gHUlU eupuct u ik Tv-irsn o-H in Rlju'.lm aITji noblest Btvle. Gen. Wm JB. JUox presiaea juaj. Deacon uaies mnAik an plnnnpnt srjeechl and several other made an eloquent speech, and several other I aJJ.m-.MiA.. . WMmTrlOO Trt TflD OTQ a hi i i rBMMB-iw aarriR ai iniin a aa a Liuuiiu w wuv431mj s ... i 77- ttf.. ... j I -B- a . . A ' ' V 3 - - - - - J i m&m iuiiv tio auvi a i ai a i n lira 1 n 1 ..n v .h... time turrmTTSatDltr keepers and kicking up joeA .gtwrajiy, trriNewbern Saturday. jJxTgy got in the station house, after I police had knocked two or three of tleton, was entirely cwisumed bynre this - i riii nvi urv n aaaa am kiimiwa am . wa, thft honsehnld forniture. Loss estimated at rom ten twelve thousand dollars; no insurance. i . r - ' -v"1 , , . h i - VirrT': iTTlttT iT'C' ' i-L- ' 1 . rvannsntii rioiRL. nauueu wi Nstkmsl Hotel, Reuben Jones. Proprietor, MarcU iaWfra ws Maiiins. Muinns'? b a W 8 M. uulns. jnuinnsj a n reiou Pelot. T M Smith. Colombia: L Johnson, ayettenJiefj J Bon- Tnavn. n is Ait tearn. iisaricBvuiii o a vaaa.wa. . . w ' -w 1 a- - a ix mii rn. unarieBton; Va: Oeo T DatU, EnfteW,-T MemKa. wiumoiA: Jss Murphy. Bami S MUTDUT. bampaon CO: acwmm, nicunwra " Joellord, 6T Pah, Laurel Hffi; T I SmUh, vA co W oaiBQB. turwuuuf a ai iwiu"i Uneham, Raleigh; B S DashielL Land, J G Christian, N C; J H Aycock, H U ioymm. DP High, T Brett, Columbus co;JS IowSm NEW r ADVERTISEMKNTS, fc 'j i , i I , i i i i i i i- Brick ' Shingles, IftrlA-. mn inehfUiB'Wn''-. m i vWV in I FBAleay lrii - j. - n. .1 .:i DtUOSSITA cav , aw m earn T I i X ftOJli JUtULAifc- r,I1..7t lU nitinli ft f P iciatipi O OF THE will be held at B4 this evening' at Q'clocfe Due racelved t is-it vr :a l. vEJCSaurr, seCy. . ' 1 BnrWmrhAm! J E Ones'. J C Timmonr, Mars B week 03 w w DW Martpn S!?i1i Js evenlnsr At a o'clock. Due rtceiTea as ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - S. LOUIS 0c CO., ' . '' " (Successors to touU, I)ivU 4 ;Co. Wholesale Dry Goods, jvnafmGJVjr, if, c. E ABE NOW .BECEiVIWG THE Largest Stock of CoakU ever brought to this market. Having a branch hous in New York w guarantee-to apply merchante at New York wholesale price and 00 as good terms as can DfVDongnt were acemewnere. ; ? ; fiavtag bo retail department. coBaeeted with our honeeioakeBUSthe , Only StrictlTWesale DiyGccasHoase B theIty. mar 1S.I4AM SPEDTQ CASSIIXEBES . AND - ' fJf . EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, NOW - i i ' i i' OPSNINQ TP M ake1: t tf O r die r W ' - AT i MUNSON & CCS marl9-tf ' City Clothiers. '! '' Notice. r-.p. t.'t' PERSONS 'JlBK HEREBY CAUTIONED not to trust the crews' oT the following vessels, as no tills of their contracting wtll be payed without our order: '' NOR. BAROpBNTINE LaBELLE : ' NOB. BRIG FBAM; ' NOR. BRIQ RANAJ .' V eWSDISHBRIQDELPHIN. . mar l-3t ,-.?; or' BEOS BROS., Agents. ' ' INQTJIEE WITHIH J , ! NO PEES TO PAY. "TNOtJIRB WITHIN" IS DECIDEDLY THE lantd for many years. It should be lathe hands ot mrn famfl-r. aa It irlma a vaat amnnnt at InfwiM. tlon n every subject. As a book of reference it is invaluable. It refer to and explains everything whether you wish to model a flower in wax to orna ment a vvse by th art of aoticaomanie: to get mar ried; to tie any kind of knot: to acquaint yourself with the technical terms in literature, law and medl- cine; or whatever too mar wiah to do. make or to enjoy. Any information Vou may want you can get by procuring a copy of "Inquire Within1 if For sale at mar 19 tf five Book and Music Store. S. 11 BUinriMO Anetloneer. T WILL SELL AT MY SALESROOM, AT 10 1.1 JL, o'clock A. At. to-day, a large lot of - dj Iadlet and ChUdrcn. Sboea of BEST quality. . ;: ar lMt , ; SALT IN BULK. QARGO LIVERPOOL SALT For r Ale by. .marlSt HETDE BROS. ' Blacksmitli Ranted, A ISS I wages to a workman who understanda the business I wages to a workman who under) 1 taitottnTtaieata, .Address, W. J. NEWTON, - N. C -mar iwii-- i s :i Wanted. ;- m, ll stock anik good : wIllint-he 1 tnemortprospe wmWng'toenaagobueaa: - "eUln81!? 1 mnou w w auuv oj hwuiuk akvnsf vj : OFFICE.. I , mar 19-lw -T. O DaRossa ante :f.vuV .f- : '1;. ti -OeneKil,-! Insraranee AerjiU, FIBS, MAKTNE, ' LIFK. ' ' . , Artneaaa Stieet near Water. ''joMMc-tf, " ; 1 ' Horse Blankets. i t ap bo: I JLi ness. 6 wnnf. uits tiimb itaw. !!1!JKS?S . i term. b - I waajutw J AMaawmv. AtexvataM. asfciyia Afswiit awo- " tr -.rzzz ..-r" I . . A -octawaac,,:-: . , ' - , S. Xophauss. St Co. i w. j c- i - -r--. : ; rr1 - tct. . no. Boutn rrou ot.. : WilmlmrtDa, N. C Additions to Stock. t4te!arb NOW. RECETV- m .T . I-- .'.1:5 rr-; :(':; f7C ing large aaajaons to - y fit, , our )compteta stock of MS .BOOTS & SH0ESV We offer the best selections of. good to be found in the State. GEO. R. FRENCH SON, i-. j.-.-., 29 North Front street. i - mArlS-tf. ,u?; M-Electro PlaMma Silfer, ClBamni SIATEBM.L, A MOST DESIRABLE PREPARATION FOR very housekeeper. - Superior to Anything ever offered aa a cleaning material for solid silver and gold. Warranted to-contain no add or quicksilver. , ,.'-i r rwAS. T. Trrwt as cr '. 7 North Front street. it. I Poffeei fior and pats. 450 -rwsww ?1A nT'BUSHSLS CORN,' ? ' BTJHXLS OATS. for sal by F j wtnsXSCuiiEK. ' ..aarM-tf , TT. tt ndS9Nrth Water at. Bhayingr0al9pi)2 TOE TURNER INFORMS UTS -JITOCnBOTJS J friead and tBStossori i that lm has reosatry Sttod ti hi. .i,nhavit to th war Mr, Kr-n't a- up his eaUoUahsaent, in th rear of Mr. Range's Sa kwsaBAupreparedtodeHOl.worktoa atshArinc. HAirCutting. Ac., as aastly anZrps(U- ttoaaly salt cant eoo taecny..' --as i 1 t MISCELLANEOUS THEKHFTJll YOICE9,, I - FOB - i SCHOOLS 1 1 ' the remarkable I "OEMS OF There Is SID ALL ho mistake, about BUT ITt CLARKE'S character of this MODEL I$fSTBUCTION BOOK. From the first it has taken the HEW lead, sellteg largely, and tlidpg high! commeadationa irom those well METHOD qualified to Judge. Xusical writer v-'.'j'-.if f "'' for the papers say: "Likely to become a popular :.-H ATI .- 1 ' . a Richardson's." rUIl The very book." Anmw . nntlMia p.VArv Article has Jastty' placed It far above' R D any similar book." "Attracts and . aUares the pupa.'' s - L,J0vr flo'wing . with OR (WHS 1 pure melodies," Price $1 60. r-Tor sale eTeryhre. ' , "SPARKXJNQ Ouvbb Drrsoi Vt Co "MUSICAL - KUBUES FOR TRBABURK!'' 711 Broadway, N, Y.! 'ALL ' TRY IT I SAB. SCQIS. u-ta-inv i- sa 5 'ii: - - Undertaker and , Cabinet' Haker, y , , , XW Orders by telegraph promptly attended ta . Store oa Second, between Markat tad Priaces streetat : - ' Xmar 9-d3UwlmAw4t-ua WiMiiitra EaiTray Briiie CoiaiuT... Omca Csaxv EirotirntB ft Guk'l Strr-', i Wflmmgtoa,N.O., Feb. 38th, 1878. "XT'J 7 ;) : fir "1"'' ; FL THr I -- OT IBAttenUOa itTKNCX OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE to earroat tecaatty, masters of vessel and teamboats are berebv sby notified that they MUST. IN PASSING THE "DRAW" at the Railway Bridge at Meares' Bluff - ALWAYS pas by th EASTERN CHANNEL or EAST of the DRAW' PIER.-; .-.: r As can readily be sees the current sets directly on the ner of th main Bridge in the wcatern channel, and serious damages may result from neglecting feb 8S4fw8wi " Chief Engineer and Sup't f o. i roaaun i', v ; flfflrf! fFW?nrpi nun1 nullfiftfl? . a nrw row L h W.P Caxasat. Eaa.l Qtr Marshal: r? r'fT Sib 'In referaacat taar msUer of coastructSg suitable sidewalks on certain streets th Committee, on Streets and .Wharves, to whom the matter was referred at the last meeting of the Board,'' reported recommending that pavement be ontroted on Front from' Bed Cross to Castle; oirSacoadfcopa Princess to Orange; on Market from River to Ninth street: on Red Cross from Nutt to Second; on WaU ' nut from Nutt to Front; oa Mulberry from Water ta Front; on Water from Cheenut to Mulberry; on Ch ant from Water to Front; oaPiiusass fiom Wa ter to Third; a Pock from Water toTbwd, andon Oraag from, Water to Front streets; and thati the. Marshal be instructed to give notes tasougn the papers' to the property owners on 1 said streets, that 'if sidewalks made of brick . or stone (flag) are nt constructed by taa 1st aff May next, the city will do the work and th property in front of such sidewalks will be sssroardto pay for such work, 'All sidewalks to b constructed nder Uie superrialon of the MarshaL '' "' The report was received and adopted on the 10th of December, 1873.. T. C 8ERV08S, ; Jaa S-feb l-mar lapl 115 r ; . ; jOTtaaantcr. :r: ' -. , "vvTi.'i , crrT of r ixirnNGTON, ic. c, ) ... -wanaarj7tbisa. , ) t , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE ORDER from the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, I hereby give notice thAt if tba ernars el property along the streets named above fall to ecestrnet sidewalks, of bricks or stone (flagj, by the 1st day of May, 4873, It wUl be done by the city at their expense. ; ' . W.P.CU)AY,5 jan-febl,niatl,apruiAis - , THE'. STAR!' Job trintiiij i) . ':' .in ; . ; r" . ,j' TIIUEE STEAM P UESRES, COMPETENT WORKMEN : .r -..;. i'r 'Of - The Best Material, REASONABLE PRICES FOR t ., .. trpElriioii wonii aiU i Mai- :aiek6yElour s -!t 300 , BBLS.'OFTXnK CELEBRATED DICSV XT" FTjOTJAUaetaoataai. 50 atKklAUert, f e a . JAABAJWJ a hall,-.; r 1 i:XjirOIutll I DVi lllLL r , 7u. ,:Tu it I . 'i" A SHIPMENT OF CSOICS TASLE BTJTT1 I ' A 8HD7MXNT OF ClrOlCX TASUB BUTTER. Ui .-..t y.- ' . I , Z;.. . . CHAS. D. MtZRS OO. ' arir - iNorta Front Kreet., ' aSBBBsrfaiBaa(aaaasB SO Ur-1 -t o MIS0ELLA1?E0TJS. Mmeral Waters I Medicines ! Exeekdoc prtB2 Water o ptaaght. , 5 - VTOTT. AND KlSSmOlW WATERS, ;v. ..i'f By CaM or Bottle. ' r1 snOf 0N8' LTVKR BXGtltATOR, AYER'8 A?D RADWAYS RSAPABILLAS, ROSADALIS. And a large supply of Proprietary, Remedies. ;vr , .oMjaaxw-.,; . . . J. lMcILJnSNY, , mar l,tf; ' v-Vyr- LlpplU Corner. XTOTlC&Taere will be sold to th hlgheat bid IN der, at Point Caswell, New Hanover county, North Carolina, at WoejMeday, March SSUx, THIB TY BCiLDENU LOTS. , , : The peculiar local advast otthi plaMeom mendainan emiaant degree to the who would like to purehe propey whera they can lira easy and long, sad grow rich in the shortest time Lo caud at th bead ot tid-watec on Stack River, ac- cessabl at all times of th year for steamboats, with a tvao te BAval tora af any tbonaaoa ooUar per annum and a back eonmrv MU fllcient to tripale mat nm wbeaort comaatiUon aoaOsne teneral. we can safely predict th time whea this wUl cU the most jWWiac and iaaportAB nuaga of he state. . rk tUmw XtwOL-Kaii will leav WUmmeton at 6 o'clock A! M. on day of sale and retorala After aooaatasma.y.:in'i it' i', . aurt4-tw oaeo Broiarw k nrar, Wilmington, tfTai March. 1873. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE CAPITAL STOCK OF thoBeal Btato and Loan aassriattaa r hre- bv notified that bv leaolutkm of th stockholders. the first monthly instalment of Four JDollars per share isreqeJ thWlasU uird to b paid on of before Maturoay, 1 . . f .1 Th andersiraod will roeotva taa amounts due. from 8 o'clock P. K. to o'clock r.M., every, d r faring the present week at the.ofltc of Cronly noma. J . , , :. -WILKES WHOUS, . . .Secretary aadTroasorer. marl-lw Port copy. ? For Bale Low . WCROPCVBA3al)LAS8SS, r gU&AR flrjrJMSYRW, 'ft OODRJCH SEETi POTATOES, rJtf t :tt.i u .r!.r:j?.:'- ' JARLX ROSE SEED POTATOES, JRT SALT HEATS, ! r , , 7; MOKED MEATS, ' )UE All Grades, Ac, Ac. - ' BTNFORI CROW h CO., , , . Seata Water street. msrS-tl. -AT. t ...t -. ' .e I yjflf JJL, fSteVeilSOn S 1 TlIM50 -fW99 : i i was ti caa v . VBER AND TOILET 'slf'fANttY AK- Fino Confectioneries. lH' v r .ffftrrr w4va m a w n a . Sittjateb within k of a Mtlb' of shoe Heel Depot, W., a R R. IU in Roboson county. An excellent stt for a Qottoa Factory and other machinery, A 'i yJf'f:' There to now to snccsasrul . al ooaratioa griat' mill, lourtBg mm, sawmill and wool factory . Wsh eiWng to tavast tavs3Abl wsisr power oold do well to anplv socsv ' Addrea meat Shoe Heel Depot, RobesoaeountyN.C.' ' ' Maa MAST ANN MoLEAN. .MolaasesI.Molasses Z 2QgHBAMBIC;MOLAaSES, 3QQ BW.trcaABMOLASBESrj , . BBLg WI4)ENFEBCE BYilF, , . . , J'hjL-.y,w. TOcHNEIL mar Jtt H. O xSfvtSaad sat North Water St. IE, raour. y w - ! ray, Moaats, A V V A AVAAAaVf .1.-., rVro Vfl: rt. . T Kejgtuar sales or mercnsiMuse, noaseaoia ana Kitchen Furniture TueadAa -and. Friday of each 1 ' f! Land Glue : CAA NEW CI XS: ...... . n.r. see seeoad Hand brtruxasn. ' Kl oi?w ?4nhu.5f;jJn!m;t iv- ; j Dried. Figs. Prunes, Date,- '-'-'o ' Fresh Nuts, Lemons, Apples, Bacon ! Bacca ! 1 100000 ""'T f8 . inof t ort Tti Far aula bw UBtUf . ' ' s WTXlAKDmaOS. ii AmrOMIATED EUPE3' PHD!?HATE. 1 1 ii..' ..i i 100 Ton Nw TABrtiBg. Hn , mar 15-tf O. Gy FARSLET CO. PROCTOR & GAMLTS OLEIHE SOAP IS MADE. FROM THE BEST MATEXIALS, BUT sold at price of ordinAry eoap. Ovet lM fami ne using tt. All groom bar t. . -, . r ' D. T. BUZBT A CajUlthaor, M., jaalSSm i vi - Wholcaal Agsats. TO rt vi KJ A14, JONDS; PTBZTXNTWX .TOOLS AirURCHISON, tt tf -: CetaAt PrfaaaBd Watar rata t ni Tt7o rvTi e' ii IT ONE-HOrtSN WAOOI(ra,ri' .il jji' V 10 Four-Horse Turpentine afoaa,, ; . j , 6 TwoHaraaTurpeaUa Wagoaa, Vs awe y - r ---.a. v