TEE HORIi lift STAR. PUBLISHED DAILT, BY Orricx, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St Bins or BTTBflrmrnos'. -V A' six months, In advance 3 50 Three months, In anoyance , .- 00 Aoemonth, In advance ......w-. 55 The MoRNiwa Stab will be delivered in any part of the City at Firrwnr Cmrra per week. OIJTLTNGS. ' ' French and Gerinah' governments' haie exchanged treaty ratifications. The porto Rico Emancipation bill has passed the Cortes. Tho City of Bnweh be came unmanageable in mid ocean but was towed into Queenstown by. another steam er, Senator Caldwell ' resigns and thus avoids expulsion. r Ike Young is secure in the 4th District Collectorship, Harriss being withdrawn bjr the .Presl- o. ' ' "-a: ir..i, (lent. DMJttuier uisauieu at Havre. Rain. --Case of Clayton, from Arkansas, was taken up in the Sen ate. - New York markets: Cotton, 19i19Jd; Hiail51, Spirits tur pentine, 55 cents; Rosin, $3 40f3 45. THBOITT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . ni Doolkt & Bro. -Yeast Powder. Wm. M. Poisson. St. John's Lodge. J. Miles Huntek. Special Practice. DkRosskt & Co. Meats, Starch, &c. Croklt & Morris. Auction To-Day. I. C. Stevenson. Extra' Family Flonrj Local Dots. The Wilsonese predict that Bait Jhc$ will he the slogan in the Third Ward to night Joscphus Constable Hill will make a "a run on the Banks" in the Fifth Wardto night. A cullud pusson suggests that "Rice ain't for Canaday nor Wilson nuther for Mayor he's for hcsclf." , : A ball for the benefit of the Wilming on Rifle Guards, a colored organization, took place at the City Hall last night. - A Cta-wra T swrrnv tVin nnlv nmfttninff kJlv,v ' J I member of the famous Robeson outlaws, made a narrow escape from capture a few night since. James McQueen, more familiarly known as Donahoe, was in the city yester day. He had his gun strapped to his back and excited no little interest. ;- . . T;' There is to be a public examination of the city Free School on Seventh street be tween Ann , and Nun, on Thursday and Friday mornings of this week. ' . The Knight of the Thundering Lungs will raise his mighty voice against the Can adayanpony in the First Ward to-night, and great will be the terror thereat-. - There were 987 bales of cotton ex, ported from Wilmington during the past week, of which 170 bales went to Baltimore, 334 to Philadelphia and 493 to New York. t A fire at Fayette ville, Saturday, de stroyed the dwelling of an old colored woman known as "Becky Ben," and pne or two others in rear of the old Dobbin House. ' I ' -V n 1 . ' . T t-- It is estimated that nine hundred of the fire-tried will rise to "pinta of prderf at" the Ward meetings to-night. The lucky ones will be those who are sham enough to see the "pints." A colored Ethiopian Burlesque Com pany, which has recently been organized in this city, will give a concert "on Wednes day and Thursday nights for the benefit of the Cape Fear 8. F. E. Company. ' - There was an old man in the city yes- terday, giving his name as Win."- Whi&ker, who says he fought under Wellington in the battle of Waterloo. He was on his way from Charleston to Richmond, v. . Dr. Frank Hines, who lately gradua ted from the Hannamaliu Medical College, and who is now on a visit to his brotber Maj. J. S. Ilines, of this county, will lo cate in Wilmington ; for the purpose of practicing his profession. . As we have had occasion to refer to a broken place in the pavement on the North side of Market, between Front and Second streets, we will now state that we learn the flag-stone has been ordered to make a new .pavement at that point. . Several of. the small Indiarubberbal-." Uooos which are being peddlod-Around 4he f:ity were turned adriXt yesterday and floated off heavenward until they were lost to sight One carried a message written on a card, wkkto we easy possibly hear from. V; r . r Steve Lowrey, "the last of the llo hicans," is said to be very careful in his movements of late. A gentleman from Robeson informs us that Stephen is In evi dent dread of losing his scalp, and makes no more reckless raids on the dram' shops.' Mayor's Court. "'.';"-:': ' The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: -. .' '"' ':. ''. . Richard Holmes, charged with attacking . J ames Gruber on the streets and robbing him - of his pocket book containing money, was required to enter Into bond In .the sum of . $200 for his appearance earance at the next term of the Superiour Court. Peter Baker, charged with the same of ' fence as the above, was required to give security in the sum of $200 for his appear tance at Superior Court " 4 1 ' Si William Williams and Frank Jessup, charged with disorderly conduct, were fined $2 25 each. l Teachers' Meeting;. There Is to be another of the meetings of the Cape Fear Teachers', Association at Long Creek on Satnjd&i ApriniM il't the forenoon there will be a drill for teachers, after which a public meeting will te held. S. N.' Martin,- Esq., Sheriff Black and Bcv. IL B. Blake, Superintendent of Schools, Will be present t and 'address the peopie. ii is to De nopea. tnat tne citizens 1 . . a a . .a a . of that part of the county will makajt con lL J. j .t..lZ, iJJ JL O , '-j :", ' ,,.t . , -T- '- . 10 . ' i - " - ' .-.-' ." . ' i i . . in ,,in' ,.i i . ' i.i,' i ii " j ' . . TTZ r! VOL,;!XT?0157. BOARD OF ALDEB1SEN. .c f &!.' mi ir ji i't': v ..) -f i j vy Extracts from, tb Proeeedlnc. ?v J The Board met in regular semi-monthly- 'wcikmo was given; lass leremng unaer session last night, j,-. - ucwo n ' r 'vcwumstaricea of the most gratifying' char n.,Th proposition of Alderman Sampsonto &cte?- iTae members of the' Society with make Dawson street passable from Front to1 Invitedi guests, assembled atHarry Webb'i Second street, and also "Water street'frdm ooa about &j o'clock; and punctually at Front street to the river, by cutting away an T8U"J "iuor oauery ana conveying tne ui Dawson street, was recommended ny V-tr'T-e v- .V,18. ? by the Board. I. .1 The Committee tawhoni was referred the matter of Policeman Walcott reperted that they had examined into his conduct and find that his course in beating a drunken man recently arrested by him was uniusti- a we.-the evidence produced going to prove that the man could have been carried to the Guard House without the (pse of the club. Report confirmed.' . ' j - ' Gas lamps' were ordered on the Southeast corner of Fourth and ' Campbell streets,' Northwest corner of Tenth' and Market, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market, Northeast corner -.of Twelfth and Market, and Southwest corner of SixthVnd Church streets. ; f Permission was granted H. . H. Munson, John F. Stelter, Charles A. Price and D. i . . . .. - . ..... A. Smith to erect frtme buildings on their, premises. j ... . ' ! Petition of J. N. Ilinton for repair of sidewalk near his school house on Fifth, be-; tweed Annand Nun streets. Committee on Streets and wharves. j Petition of Jno.fD. Love for refunding taxes paid by him on slock of books, &a, was referred to the City Attorney for his opinion. . Petition of sundry Citizens for a gas' lamp on the Southwest corner of Second Rnrl Prinraa atTwta M rf n th , aZiv; a i I :ei Petition of Robert Henning and others in regard to sawdusting Castle street to its connection with the contemplated road to the Sound, was referred to the Ctominittee on Streets and Wharves with instructions to report at next meeting",. .'w iV - " . ! Petition of.B. F. Mitchell & Sorff of per mission to erect a board awning in front of their!- storey ? was ; referred" to the '; Com mittee onBtreeta'and Wharves. A. Gommonkation .from Rev.. Hi IB. Blake, Superintendent of City Schools, in viting the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to attend the annual examination, of Wil liston School on Thursday and Friday next, was received and read. ' It was resolved that the Sheriff of New Hanover county be requested to instruct the jury in assessing the damage; and .benefits arising from the opening of Nutt street, that for the present their assessment shall not extend beyond' Brunswick street. Alderman Sampson offered the follow ing, which, was adopted: " j . EesotvecC That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to Mrv Owen Burney for his efficient services rendered while an Alderman of this city.' . WHyini Danie.bcolpred.as ' grinted a recommendation for a license to retail spirituous liquors. A communication from IL Nutt in refer ence to damage ta his fence and sidewalk, by fire companies on the night of the 11th instwas received and the City Marshal dl- ted tootify the. severalcompaniea .petition of Hbward'Relief jFire Engl ne Company No. 1, for a hose carriage, was granted, provided the city is put to no ex pense for furnishing of providing for horse or harness. Thfl ordinance concerning the cons W tion of new sidewalks in- certain localities 1 ---ae.'frttiw-4 fSWTt fmm Vsrious Committees were'granted further time to report. Ti-.''-. . . a 4 I The Board then adjomrned. Small-Pox. ... Wm. Jloward, mate-of ,the SchrT7t, which- arrived - here- Vrotn-New'-YoTkon 1 Thursday last,, was taken sick just before reaching this port. i Upon the arrival of the vessel here two of our experienced phy sicians were called to attend him and yes terday his case was pronounced to be con fluent small-pox In the meantime, it seems, he had been removed to a house oc cupied by a family by the name of Stafford, near the corner of Fifth and Mulberry streets. As soon as the case was pro nounced .to be small-pox, a strict guard was placed over the house, with instructions not to auow any iar v. ?w. y. from the buUding. - The vessel was aiso re - tnoved to the west side of the river and a guard placed over her to prevent any com - munlcatlon with the shore. To-day, we L . - , m . J .ha j J .nnjtjn. -tlfV. waerstana, procured by the authorities and the patient ,r rt .-j t.j I nnA.PT th anmims of the hosnitahlft Krit- I for the rftptiinc OT trifl sianaard weints ana I. MUinerryio orange, insieau wi iwui ncu i - T" -..-. 1 V - i . ... . I railroad W N6W XOrK. , An PeaD Cross to Castle: River to'Flfth' instead of ons ot tne society or Bt. ueorge anoat,' meajiures ox tne county m a coot n Diwow a VUlK - anT VnH tn TVrirf Inert oaf I Andrew. V;., , , -"v .f " 1 ceed $30 per annum r . v .'.,. I fled at this disparity of prices of Nntttn sSnd.- V Vi ! An mteresting feature' ofhis deUghtful : The S removed to ft ,The sick man admits that ty 91. BU"UW, "umuci J he attended anIrlsh wake" just before the extended limits being procured forhe leaving New York, the deceased having benefit of such of our citizens as 'may?. de come to his death from the loathsome dis- sire them, since which we have learned that easewhlch he owar heit andlthere Mr. T. C.Servess, City Clerk and Treasu contracted. This is the only case and with rer, has beenmaking - arrangements at the nrantinns which are beinc adopted. North for a full supply of .the, maps, exe- taken' in connection with the latenessof the season, it is thought there wfll be little danger OI tne uiaeaae spreaum. Tin-Ware and Drafts. .Ooklrfend' Memn5SnandJoin brother merchants, of Magnolia, "doneinapprovedstylebyanouy-tonguea f drummer last. Saturday. iVWyonguea first sold tnem un-ware then prevailed on tnem to casn aiverssmau ooa ftn i oralis ranging yi v oralis rangmg ill tummy - 1 MftgnbllaJxnerchants don't cash draita any VVILMiNGTOIf, Th( AnalTersavrr' CeiebrMloW oi M. ' CMrces ii 4. 8. Andrew Society. uiciaaijr wkuhvi s me PW. r m , ; . : , ' f , " . r " -V? rrr, r iucu uv jut. neuo ana au compeieni s- i sistant,' Mr. Collins! '.Tneyiandy .' w;ere.Va- ariuur witu wuicu mer were euosuuieu, uy . ,.w company .weuvawe?w toe skill employed in their preparaUon.. ,t : ; When the fraornfinLq inf. thtt Hnmnlnnna feast had ,beenM removed, the atntionl of V- - . ' - ir . f tne company was aemanded by the resi dent, Mr. Sprunt, as .he inaugurated the M fasot ff MkaaAn awi flrx'nr r9 oiil -. The first toast; ".The DayeCelebrate,"' was given by the President, land accom-' panied with a speech -of -great interest and real eloquence.! ) Mr, Sprunt gave an inter esting account of the formation of the So ciety "the first organization in this country embracing as members representatives of . r . - . I Bouiut. - fv o regret oar innuiuiy - vj give a ull synopsis of the adrnirable speech of the I President which was much enjoyed for its r ... j. .... . . . -.1 j i. i ... . . ...... . .1 uuuueaue auu tut liuiuur.-' Mi.. , ... - i t-.. After the President's speech an interlnde of a few minutes was delightfully passed in listening to the 'Fine Old English Gentle man," as given by Mr. Brown. , I, ... . - : The second toast-'The Queen'? was an nounced -with-some - appropriate" accom panying sentiments "by President Sprunt, Wl which were received with hearty evidences enthusiasm, as was also the third senti ment in honor of the President : of the United States ?sh f - n-r ; , "England,?, the foprth regular sentiment was responded to in .a handsome manner byMrGleaves. r; ."Scotland'? the fifth senti ment in order was responded toby Mr. Col ville in a .speech which merited the warm reception it met... Another interval of musical entertainment by Messrs. Brown and Colville was follow ed by a few humorous remarks from Dr. WG. Thomas. I r;.rc::;"':' . The sixth sentiment, The Land of Our Adoption," was responded to briefly by Sheriff Black. The' "City of Wilmington," seventh in the order of regular toasts, ' was responded to by Major Engelhard in a few felicitous remarks which met with a cordial reception. Tk6Pres was briefly, responded to by Professor .Alfriend.-,.. -. . v A short musical entertainment by Mr". Chapman and Major Mann, preceded the sentiment of IThelOld Folks. a$ Home,' which was responded to by Mr,- Alexander I in a few pertinent remarks. ' A sentiment in honor of the "King. of Prussia was responded to by Mr Pechand in terms of grateful acknowledgement for the compliment paid to the man whom " Germans honor above all jnen.t q 'q The' rt Health'of the K3ng9fDenmark" -"-.--- "'a .. responded to briefly byJklr.Heide. f. , The Ladies," the last of the regular sen timents, was humorously responded, to. by Mr. Graeme, who made an ineffectual effort to provoke a -response in behalf of the ladies from" "several handsome bachelors't present, At a quarter past twelve o'clock, after-1 16 ringing.of 4Auld panJi dispersed, with many friendly, ai 1 surances and promises of future re-hnions occasion, neceasarny,. omitted here, were the letters of apology for hon-attendance from CoL'W. L. . Steele, JoL Jonn JflCKae and non.' A. M. WaddeH. Tne Donna Anna. ' r. The 8cbr2knna Anna was floated Sun day morning by the Waccamaw Wrecking Company's Steamer ' WaccamAw and towed up to the city, having sustained loss of rud- der and.f sise keet; ) The Jknm Anna was from Charleston, mbaHasttothis port, and went ashore' at Lockwood's Folley ; during thick weather on the morning of the 20th. UKung a lmpoesiDJe so savamo vssei without immediate asa stance, : Captain Whaley,.came to town the same evening and requested1 aid from the above company. We learn that the Immense power of the Waccamaw was brought into lull requisition beiore WWg XX rooner t unav- 1 j,,- ben not enough water at low tide trpon the reef which the 'SchoxmerTiad to 1 cross, to float a small boat r ? -lit . - , - I HV.a. . - . - - Tr 7 neces- -OTtebn a large-scale, and that they will be nere xu m nr ft r a : r, Is Tito CatrtT of tne VolnnteerJ amflhit) YolunUer: - ae wmarrive' here abt frj OT Friday tnorhiflg; a ., ' taornlfig, t, txttnnpn e Happen : should no untoward .circumstance i.i.v. w preTcnw -7- ,?t . .u-v 1 epecnu coinmiuuuuu ? j ..w. lAarn- that the steamsffiD' Trance I Tear oi. tn$ Duuomganapaixiea oitau.ipo I ; Mzmrxn I i i -.T:-.;i-rj I iVi.t ""Tit 'firtrtk Muralmil who is Jnnction, on the eof his 1 . . , i,. , trvo MMfafn f hnflrdingr wltih Mr Hunter. s, J; , n' fw mcreasingpopuls i i Wfihiam9ka. as jxoraWia.-otH.ruav. wu i uvbuu v",. M-r-or .r .'irrvr i Hnea to Koston. n .-aae- " ' W - -" ' i 1 ' v ' " " - I VUB Ai uus-ud, aaa . WcIX I .-, si it. aAM-A tiA irrt--ar-rbl I . T"l-s-ssi i ; I vritjri tA chantt 1h& - rises, ssi i br Mr ill irrni w d bukiv .snsi -eiwj a vm m v a. rm , - t i vt. . ' - .'.Sv'-a liviu is ss-a. aiHaa-a m m ma mr- s7ii.ii inn iu i ur saa ww a i sv s - t. tlPt i s w - - I lOAAO VAVTa vs-ae - - I fla-AMsl TlATiaflslH . ' - v I v ksa N. p., TUESDAY; ' JpH:25,i8i? COUNTY COOTIttISSlONES. .Extracts from tlte IPr oee edJUp sr ; 7 The Board met' last '.evening fia jegttlat.J , j session. , . : ,lj .was ordered that tjhe matter of grant-. ing retail liquor licenses be referred, to the m?n at ensuing municipal election in STBrye, PTlaende Margaret Beggi iShairman nf thiiUi with rwr" biW 7-' I i erpecM that the meetings will ler. Miller Brien, Jessie Brown, careEdwM airman of the Board with.power 1 Ordered that the Communication: from. Solicitor CanelL in reference, to' the in. bondst .various township offl- t;er8j aa reported by the 6rand Jury, be re-. ferred to fhe, Finimce...Cpminittee. for , in- o,, i?.Vs,-i i-n itJU, jjgggg were oiredlteA Wovided that t .following report of the Chairman waTsabmitted, adopted by the .Board and 4l'Jj , -l ?l ' ' ' " oroerBa. spreaa on me minutes; i ft : vi" , j - ' t I beg leave to submit for; jour i cods' der ation the following estimates of. money re quired daring the 16 ' months' from March 1st, 187310 Jaly lstj 1874,' and the proba ble resources for the same time;-:. - Is. f ;-j . yiuiuaj jr eipciucs ju villi jumu iov, .- 1873, to July.lst, 1874,;.at 3,250;. f Der Bridfires and extra exTjensesT. . i.-.!.! - 5.000 " -r i 3on due March 1st,. 874. . f 16,900 4 ' Total.1;;:1. .w58,W0 1 In A fmm lata KhATlff It F9Q I 0,629 .,. , . ... :. $17,791 having fo-be raised by taxation . . : $41,109 l-il .o? J-:!.. fj"f-i . i-i - -' ' . ' - . - . . .... : . ; ,. . . , . ko Ann fTl . - . . m ' i m A ue amount requirea jor support ox i , t the County government and the , payment of its debt, about to be-' - 1 come due. ta.'.V . . . i"; : ;.. t41.100 I recommend, for your consideration, the levy of the following .taxes, and estimate the receipts therefrom; 4 i . ; . ; Estimate of Schedule B tax,' 16 '. i 1 months;'.': . .:. . . ..v.$16;0OO Estimate of Schedule C tax; 16mos 2,100 Estimate of Income tax, ,16 moe. J.000 i t.y,uty..u 11 $19,100 Ttoal an1 vwrna! Tvrnrwtrfv '-frtr (Ta I - ? expenses, estimated value $tt40Q' ' ,000, at 3H..w. i..,'..' ; . 2J,200 Extra tax for payment of debt and,.. - 1 Interest oh same at 6 cts on $100.. 3,200 l --Total. 1. . . . .-. . .4 .- V Ii i IZ. $42,500 ' The State and County tax combined, will then be thus: ' IV... : ' State; on $100 -real and . personal , '! property. 43 , PoU ...4..$1 05 is ' f:v:0 County, on $100 real and personal ' -- Itpropeaty. . 36 2-3 Poll 95 School taxi on $100: real and. per- ; 0, sonal property,.... 8 1-3 87 cents Poll.lV 25 : ': - $3;25 A .. ! The recent bill for the establishment of a "House of Correction and Refuge," having use ot uorrecnon anaKeiuge," navmg (nAtitnhAnt nnAit Vi a Ttrxaiarl in rtWVtrf9t v'a" I its establishment. JWithou knowing how much may be required, : or what amount j may be profitably; employed, 1 ampiot pre pared , to make, a recommendation in the matter. ' It seems to be Of great impor- wa nam mar wi-a nwio rui intrr in nrownTiir ti t tance that no time belost in starting it. Very respectfully' , -t : (Signed) . ? Silas N. Mabtik. . unairman. i Ordered, That the Committee on Finance . are ' requested to obtain ; the opinion of the Attorney ox the County Commissioners up on Section 24. Schedule B of State tax levy, and also Sections 1 and 8, Schedule C of . the same, and report to this Board at the next meeting. ., , . , r, ,j . The matter of establishing, a House , ot Correction and Refuge in this county, was referred to a special committee, consisting of the Chairman and Commissioners Rice and Morris, to report at next meeting. The sum of $50 was appropriated toward the repair of certain .bridges on' the road J " The Committee on Public Buildings was authorized to procure some suitable place Instructed to report to the SoUcitor all per- I sons who infringe, tiie law against usmg i welghuand .measures not seaiea .dv tne Standard. Keeper, after the . first' day. of April,' 18731 Qi1. ..!. f. ,cio.V;r. J :The following were , drawn as Jurors for the April term of Superior Court ;, ' FIKST.WEEKv Wm.HBarr, Jordan'Nlxon.HenryTur. ner, Jnb. G. Bnlcken Morris Tste Jas. T. successfully all esses undertaken. , It will boseen Walker.'Banm HilL PH. Smith, M,, J. T ersacs to bis sdrerUsementthst holus ar TMT.rtaf Tnoir iWaiid RAheit" Bo- sppolniment.and eanno poesiWy re- Dinglehpef, . Boney.f WeU. Robert, Bpr- dea,ux,'.D, f.T. f Durham, j Edward .Garriss, Leonard . Halifax, John .N. Maffitt, J. W. .Westbrook, Daniel Shaw, .Joseph ; Price, Wm. H.;Goodman,. James Garriss; Benj. Farrow, A J. Akens, Seth Walton, S- S. ,Walker, John Dyer, Nelson Hanks, Joshua R. Russ, J.i F. Croom, .R. C. sLewis, Mflls Donalsoni Fw C Singletary, John A.? Far , hitlar; D. Hall. " U H. " , ' , , . SECOKD WEEK. ; Americua CampbeUJ. W. ,B. White, Ezekiel Homs; Wni,k B.Cliles, John A. Odum, Samuel Bear, -R L. Harriss, Wm. A. McNeill, Wm. S, Potter, Wm. A. Wil llama Bftjwni J. W. Eoerers. A. Car penter, C. WMcClammy ,' A N. Chadwick, J. C. Woodcock,i John H. Brown, J; 'M. Casteen. .. :: ... .j Adjourned to meet again on, Thursday ejenmgj.Tthinstjiivr-; i; - ( hp-rir f Robbery sf CltlalnAT.j , ; -) j , - , . , : - ! '.Teaterday, afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, a thief entered the residence, ox MX. Samuel Hunter, corner of Third and Camp- beu streets, wnue; tne xanmy wre in ine .The School authorities have received offi t f ciaj notjco of the ' gift Of $3,000 from' the wirv. e" . . . . Peabody -Fund for the benefit of OUT City -:oA'i-:e.Tin.t;i--'-i-1nfci xrce ouiwifl. iuuw 6vvy- -w- fxtMbrie Of the best inanaged.charitles I JPS LAt Wsl SV a waasaoawa-e ( I lVVUaVt frU theBouth.' .j -urn iico- Ward BXeetins faU Erealliat I -i uuj evening, mrO u ciock, pieeuiign wiu i .?eW 4 ta. 7liric,Trtod4,l)j-theiBev publican voters of the a same; f or the pur- I tW "ommaung canmaates ior:,Aiaer- m i . m a-a be very, exciting ones, as the two if aspirants for the, Mayoralty will marshal their forces in lull .strength's. The .foUowing are the names and jC.latwificat.ion of .the candidates for nomination for Aldermen in their tea-, pective Wards, as f ar-as we could gather; ffirtt ;,aniV-pJohn Evangelist and Jacob I.THie, Wson; men; Aaron Keilogg and J ohn Lewis, Canaday men ; Henry Brewing- ton, independent supposed to favor Cana- -Sewnd Ward March Walker, (Wilson),. ytk r. canaday lUanaday). v -j . . r -JA TFordL L..E. Rice, (Canaday); Al len Etaia (Wilson);1 Daniel Hcrward, independents-supposed to favor Canaday. -" i sm iFtntrtk tyariLTL teuuV(3Iyers (Can-r IIVW rTortf. JOS. C. HilL RevT. W. J3L't BaifatfHewlettall bfcoancea ta I uvtt i w ' . DeaouDtzux. t ArroooPlekpoekets.' uii Richard Holmes and Peter Baker, both colored; were arrested on Saturday "night j a white man by the name of James Gruber, a arVia Mam Vi. m.m. T. .Vm. I who had been in their company.' ' They were taken s to ! the Ouard House, ' where" their ey , but Only about tO cents' were found an the person of one and about 40 cents on the other. Finally, however, the Janitor, Wm. JL WaddeH, took them in .hand, when he found $7 hid in the lining of the coat' of one of them and $5 stowed in the toe of the shoe of jthe other, - which , was, about the amount claimed to have been los&by Grn ber. . ini'-T??,'-..;r.i V;-""l , We are requested to state that the Rich ard Holmes mentioned is mot the son of Wm. Holmes, by that najne. ' : t 1 Dews Wlttt tbo Iast t ' f J J We leartt there Is a. party in this city, who proposes to keep the business 'portions of Front arid Market streets - thoroughly sprinkled during the comingseason pro vided they can secure' enough' subscribers among our Merchants and ' other business men to pay the necessary' expenses; 'They do not expect nor desire to make any money by the scheme, but simply to T keep teams and drlvere employed during the warm season which would otherwise be (he greater part of the time idle. Only a mod erate outlay on the part of each one will be ;necessary, and the benefits and 'comforts arising from a thorough and systematic rt enrinMiric wm Wtw fktA "" - I Arrested for Brftaklng Open a Car an 4 Steallns Panas;o, A colored train hand by the name of Josh Sanders was ' arrested ' at the depot last night on the charge of breaking open the baggage car on the W.,' 0. & AR. K on Monday, the 17th Inst and stealing a quantity of baggage, reference to which has j heretofore been made in these columns. He was lodged in jail to await an examina-; tion befote Justice Woodford ' , ' . -a aami ' aa '-"V ' f t - " -a-aSBMSasssaa.a-i-M,. , , 5. -v- ir - rirrtPorthe Star; j rf --.;.;, PKANTJTS. it i!.'! Why is there such great difference 'in the price of the same quality of peanuts sold in New York and Wilmington? A few days ago a car load of peanuts, Shipped by rail from Rocky Point, sold in New York ai one dollar and twenty-five cents per bushel; free of dravage and all other; 'expenses, except commission for selling, and it was . a com mon article Our peanut farmers cannot sell this quality of peanuts in Wilmington I it only costs eleven cents a bushel to trans- ut iarm- dissatis- between Wil- commission as well M refcrnTanl correct' errorawd j abuses. AU the farmers a RocxT Ponnv- ytn sir.il CITY lXliJUS. -, Caxcx&s: Cdbid. Dr. J. Miles Honter," whose skill in tne treatment of cancerous diseases Is well known, may be consulted a the PureeU House this day only. .Be bj'asmerous oertLdcates snowing -wkataebas sx)mpllslfed, 'snd gnsraatces1 to treat " mala fat Wilmington but one day. lereons afflicted with osaeers, tumors, scrafola,' Ac, should consult Dr. Hunter before as leaves ft other points. : Fih Tobacco. Mr. C Hlnes has favored us with a sample package of very fine smoking tobacco man ufactured by the Alamance Tobacco Company, of Company Shops, N.d' ; ; '. tiFaxa Taxr.-rPersons wishing to' attend the sale ot lots st Point CssweU, oa Wednesday,' tho 96th 7, can make the trip oa the . steamer- Northeast 1 ZZZ, ehsrge., ,-,. -,''? ,:!'. hu-. Job PniSTiKa. We call the attention of mer- I chants, clerks of courts, sbfirlfls, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, 'and all. others having order for printing, to the faculties offered at tho Moehino Staa Fanrrnra SsTABUsnxxKt for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job PkistihbT"' We can furnish' at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball 1 Tickets, Elanka Pamphlets, Tsgs, Ilsnd-Bins, Cata- logoes, Bills . of Pare, Bhow-Bills, Checks, Drafts, &c, Ac. Ssttsf action guaranteed. . , r ;;t The consolidatfa Of the Carolina Homer and" the Weetly Star having largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will, find It an admirable medium of communication with the farmers and planters of thetwoltoaB. 'r y'y V'; ' DiimKcno. The well knon Groton great worougmare m un rturvaero as ceaaea 10. do. -ikamu eana ,aon, proua as wou aa un prosper mass -meeting aa-emoiea, nave name or tneir town to "iiM" best known men m; America, Dr. Txb, of Lowell ana me-ijeguustare or, jt as- pnyMUIHJWiO lata- lima -at, - awwivw ui wiu v - commend their choice, for not -.only is . ths name ihort and distinctive, but Dr. Ay i's medicines have sT.de it gratefully kmrwn to the ends of the earth. Probsbly-noBvteg Bisn. hss estried rsnef such sachnsetts has enacted that decision into law. Ws . oooatleg. multitudes of the sick as h, and this high In JmjJi ; which he is held by thosa wo know i - I J.C. A bow njm. Bristol Batapd; y alia. ImQliPfim j !. III '.i. LIST OF UBTTEHS jciuiuujj5 ui mo iwsvwuiw 24. 1878f"-' V" 'H .sir A.Wmjyien, Rachel R'AMrich, J D rK miHi - - t. Brickler:. 1U t JIUUC1 LUWU, UC1Q AJ V , WJW v McKaV. Henry Barnes. Hannah BelL F M Branson E M J Bogen, Fanny Bright, D M Brvan. David Dunn. Catherine Brinkleyi 'Almira Beasley,-Barlow1 BryaiiV'Alphy.h AMuuev Ancei Jiioiton, r i , i . a W S Cutler, Wm Carbard, Saml R Chinnisa, M Alma Croom, M OCole, James Cobbett, Monltree Carter, U C Qrabto Hen rietta Carter, 'Harvey Carolina, melin& Chad wick, Charley Clark, Ann Carters j : ,iD. Frank Davis-. , r ,j ' K J q Eaton, Clara Ennetl . I T r F. url Fov. car Washington Fov. S A Feldmaa, Jutt.,Fatec!E. A Fefp J roiey. - r. G Major GolL, Mary Grant, Lula Ganse, Miles GrimeaJL Liither JQaiten, S Galloway, care J G GarreU, Isia George, J N Green, ueorge ureea, uavM uauaey Alice uruntn, care Mrs Rankin. II. W N Hall, Wm B Hill, Rebecca Henderson, Lewis Henry, James Handy. J P Harriss; Norward Hoak, ; Julia Hysmith, Jtu It Hardy, Simon Howarov Anna lull, a TTnw TT.nclav nana If1 f TTnn1v. f TTnv ltt,A TTanRlAv fm F M'ITenir. sXmTllinlra HmMr Handtey-" ! 1 L-JTirnanIsler 5 'imjv r- . Jj Margaret E R Jonesj Anna Johnson," John Jones. " ' ' . ' K. J M KeJohn KeegaffJLOB3ng2r Owen. Eeenan. Thomas Kins. i; . --Anthony Lawrence, Eugene LeKoy, I M. Thomaa" J Mote ' Sarah D Montfoixb care J J Beasler, J W Means, Macum Mc- Muisa Airs McK-inzic, Doctor jJlaye,..3iary -aar a . . w-w -aa a. . w . -r-a XksrsaU Nance, J O. Nixon, Jlartln Nealon. Vireil Nelson. O. J R Overby, Mary Ann O'Neal, E J CNeal; Sally Owens. - , ' . , i P. Alex Parker D C Pearson Caroline PeaseL Ella Parker, Flore nee Patterson. : ' R. Herien Giestow Reese, Washington iioDinson. " &-aiary Swiiisoit Carson 8c Peter I H Smith, Lon Southerland,- Calvija Shaw, m Southerland.- Calvin Shaw. John Henry Scott, Henry Scarff. . T. C HTTeutterburg,' Anna Turner, caret John Turner.' - ..v-jw ViUaos.- i V.-Emanuel Vagers, F C Veelle, Davis H Vann, Ama Yeney. . -' ' ' W. John Sampson Walker, C F Wffliss Martha Ward, care Joseph. King, Gertrude Williamsw Jaa ' Wescott. Manerva WarrelL Mack Williams 2, Wm Winters, Wm Wes- 7 pers?M cS.. Ior;ietters the above . . ... .. ,-. 1 list wffl' please y "averttse called lor witnln 80 days tney will be sent to the Dead Letter, Office. ; . ; ; lR..BiaH, p.M, Wilmington, March 24, 187a 9" 7 SLABBIED., McSWEEN McSWEEN. On ISth inst at the residence of the bride's father, near Cliff ton, Temn.. I bv nwuwa we S4vwiu vi Marx a McSween.; No Ccsrd!?"fi ' rEW TAP YRTJataTKNTS. ; , Jit. CBOJfZY Auctioneer. v, 1- : IT ' - --By CROWLT & MORRIS. '-V rpms MOENINQ AT 10 O'CLOCK WK WILL JL sell in front of oar office, a lot of I ' HoMoli- aiilQlclieii Fnndtiire -- . ! -'t AND AN ASSORTMENT OF ' '' -i I PXoTfi e'J-a.'Bkt'.&i - 4 aasrcsv SS-lt.uH. ) DH. J.. . HUES ' HOHTER t , CO. SPECTlAlVXiACTiCEr CtoexsY Tjimors, Scrofola, ChTonid 'TJTr cers, Venereal Diseases, Uter-1 - tnalUiMMi ti4 (11 Tin. MmiaWWtaauail Hill f .1 J ' S UCCESSJb'UZtL JC. I toxea JUisaruerB, : ' OmCE AHD INIIBIaAllY: - 4 - EAST-CINTRS STREET,' ' ' I tonnuuuon tree, ;-)o ,-:tlff :r- ceo j r( eonseqnenos of Increased practice, we bars opened an Inarms at Ooldsboro, N. O., for the scconamodation of patients requiring daily atten tion, and we promise those who come to us, ail the comforts of their homes, kind and careful aueatioa from experienced sad trusty attendants. , t uavmg secorea tne services or two nysicisns and Surgeons, Da. WM. H. MOORE, formerly Sur geon in charge of the C, General Hospital at Greensboro, N.TXad Da. It K. GREGORY, 1 lot hi 61 ly Surgeon in charge of the C. 8. General Hospital st Charlotte; N. O: Late Surgeon fat charge TJ. 8. Post Boepital at Charlotte, N. 0. These eentlemen will visit the Inflrmsry daily, and give sucn other atten tion as may be necessary,. $ nitiaii j Dr. J.Miles Hunter s i Will visit the following named place, and remain a few days In each, its win be seen by the fouowjnt schedule, in order that persons who desire It may consult him. . -i ; Wilmington, N. C, - on March U 15. Whitevfile-ColumbM Co., N. C, on March S7, S A ta Fairblnff, 8. C. . . . ? . on April L Marion, C. H., S. O ' ' ( on April S, A 6, viT.. a ri . A a nail a a, o Society Hill, 8. C, on April la Cheraw, 8, C. r k on April 11 Alt. Soekinebam. N. C..- ' ' AH AM 1 a 111 Littles' stills, Blchmond CO- Troy, Montgomery Co., N. C.,. on April tl A S3. Carthage, Moors, Co., N. C., i on April 14 A S3. Egypt, Chatham Co., N. C, on April t8 A Ss. Pavetteville. N. a. . .... onMavl.SAA uivuu u- V, w avpru na lOb Lumbertan, N. C, on May 6, (A 7. Brown Marsh, tuaoea 1., . u., ; onjiay wlo. Circulars wfll be distributed upon arrival at each place. ."' march 15-DltAW4t-pd. , St. Jolui'sLodgeNo. 1, , F, oc' Ai 'M. ' ' T RETHREN Y OU ARB HEREBY Sim- HONED to attend a special eon rsHmicatloa THIS (Tnesdsy) evening, st half -past seven o'clock. : k, . PI oner oi tne w. aL, - TT A. A. ruioovii, ; 8C John's Wall,- March 25, 1878-lt Becretaryi i ' E-ctria F I gl3AlJLTUlaPTED TO THRREST TRADE, Every barrel gosranteed aad. aelivered at r - . v, - i r'oo c-iWiwr: J-w-O h'&n ' .-i-T f -artSfri jri :.JiK28 G BTTtTENSON. Dry Saltcii Ileats "US'. , r, ( Qf B oU - 1AK BOJES SIDES ANTi S OTJLDERSt ', . BOXES EEIXIEa. 1 -ri.rv.pO') ; liu I , march J5-2 t JOxROSSST QOt, hi : UAlCS w UKAaiiBinut One Square one dav ...4..............tl 00 twoiayi,.i.,.... ..,...... 1 w S 00 " fonrdays eo " K flvedays A 3 00 ' one week... ....... ............... C0 " TwO'eek.:.U..i 6 CO .i vr3Thejeweek 60 " Oiveiaoiitlij.ii...j. Aiii..Ai.i. 8 00 .... Two month.,,....... .15 00 M . . " -. Three months.,., . M00 - , ' Bit laotk.J..V..... 86 00 I. . ' one year wi wi I r ltJobtrae Advertisineirt.tala at propor tionately low rates. . Five Scmares estimated as a jinarterluaui, and nenqnares as s half-eolrunn; ; - - tfw, BOXES ' PKABL ITAHCn; starch t5-St DaR08SET CO. a 7 Has kmc been regarded as the best and cheapest i Bakln Fewder la aae. -.ferfeetly pare and healthy. It makes; at aWt aotioe, delioioiw BieenlU, Kolw. .to.i There seed be no waste or food papered with It, salt is always of the best quality Wswoaldsay . to those "wa W avr weed It that a vrj rw B-Ula lrlll enable them to see it, notoelr with eatlrtt saticfltotlon, bat with scooomvv (;;( ... ; , Pnt no ruix. kit weight, as represented. : ti GrooMS od Peelers sett ljj 1 ti ti w PCOXEY & BROTHER, Prop's, 6d Wew' Street, , r march tIeoaSmosTa Th 9 , A J o i Taos. Gbjms.'Ti,, ,t.,'.; ; j : .l CO XUBoocrr it GU2EHBk t DeiOSSET, : ' . : General Insnraitcd1 'Arents, ; '-tj,, 1 ? -ii l.".T-r - PrlneeM Stroot, near Water. ,?;HprG0 Blaiikpta,C; Aarfillarv HaMlwaMt Tvavalllna Timer VaaVaa Ttaa. -Saddlery, Hardware, Travelling Bags,, lTeatbe Dns- Mva " - ' v"j ' ' Stock lAive su A Prieo lew, , i.i . .ui . ; . j, s. Tevham A Ce . i. -.Nowp Boetk Wroat St. ' octtt-tfnac ; tM tr,. .WUaUngton. M.1C. 'I , ' jnSCaBILLAKEOTTS, Fine SHkHats! I : 'XIIE SPnCf O ST YXBi : Tia ororiQ I Q nQQiTfl ArflC I vv?t " 1 wnwji.) JS'..xrr-:Miitii 5 rjX HAKE TO. OBD-Otfi,NOWrc QTXSHtQ. 7.J7 Lsave. ortes wttkv .vita. rti ii MTTNSON & CO., ! t aurtS-tf . Merchant Tailors, 88 Market St. I nMllTi-A 4? til SJX uailLytipa, OUGAE, COFFEE, TWDlMOLASSia.SVllUP, ' BACON, GLTJX, FEBTILIZEE3, AO., Ac; ' ' Orders fdr'Korthem! Markets : telegraphed ' and nswerf returned promptlT. ( ' ' ilr ' 'orders for -this Market ' promptly execated. Negotiate sales or purcbases' n deserlpnossof P MforWnc6x;Cnb ft feb.lSiianos alonek- , JAS. T, PETTKWAT, Broker. Mineral Waters ! Medicines I Excelsior Spring Water oa Draogbta ' '' 4 '' CONGRESS. HATHOKN . QCTTTBBURfl, ' - VICHX ANO KISSINGSN , WATERS, I '.rrr', f-..; '. Sr..) ' BDfMONS LITER REGULATOR, ATERTS AND RADWAY'8 8ARSAPARILLAS, ROSADALI3, .s ... And.; larg !': rtpplj; of Preprietary , Remedies, t ?HSOIJT .tM-"'.. t ' J. K. McTLHENNT, t ').. a 1 -Druggist and Chemist, ; ... , f Lippitt's Corner. mar Molasses and CofTee ! HRl)ff AND BBL3 CUBA MOIJLSSEli, ' ' ' -jWKHltMSUOAEItMOIJUtead8,Ji: ; QQfiBIflWlt'MOI 2 KA ItffitJS GOLDEN FLEECE SYlftJrV"' ' AKI) SACKS OOFFEEJ , ' ; - 93.tr ' - if, S8 sad SS North Water st SUNDRIES! i: ti -.tic J'Kl. ' V . . r. . ..' '. IT , T . '' i ... ! " . - - 42 C. RICK IN TIERCES AND . BARRELS ; Oe . .v-ijaiic r.-.mf vic.MM- pOFFEES-O IQUATBA-AND JAVA; QUOARSALT. GRADED; riAra. jus eurKKTO xxtka. faault 7 ' ISalsliiBS CrtsalelBtJ FtM 4 .. -c. , . raixxrsTOBXJiT,! A vaX pot Bale at ADRIAN k Crackers, VOLLERS'. 4 'V A decl9-tf . nauin niul Partr.-.-! .. Oftfi BOIES D. 8.; SIDES' SHOULDERS,. 185 aSUlf Boxes and Hhds Smoked Sides sad bhoald ers, SWBPortuC .-Ji .v&U ohf.t ,f.T a - ' -"!-- ". $ y NTm afCERCHJSaCIw mar-tr ST.SS saf S North Water Bt najtrato,& VOfilce; i H AVINQ i REEK .'APPOINTED i ' JL'i rt , XTJSTICC OF TUll aBAOS uh for NSW Hsnover County, I am prepared Idtnassct snv Dusiness tnat may ds enxrosiea to n me. ones ce, next coor west oi toe uoun tou-.- rtS-lw THOS. M. GARDNER. Bacs Palo Mo. BLOOD, WOLFE ACO.nB ALE AND PORTER, Aitkens', Toonger's McEwsn's Ales,RarcUy A Perkins' Brown btoet v.' - - "' ' . . ... CHAS. D. MTER8 A CO. i martJ-tf -i, i!i'.i;i 7 North Fr ti : ' '- "W. 'H. STEYEirSOH', A-gentv Crockeiy t& iGlaiis ...nurSO-lw. ,,:...,;) i j;-vjir.. v-jsdiiu' J"OE TURNER INFORMS HIS -NUMEROUS : friends and enstomers that he has recently fitted up his establishment, in ths rear of Mr. Knngs'sBs- . loon, ana u prepsroa to ao su wera n nis una, w i m Shaving, Hair Cnttlng. Ac, as aeatly and expedi tkioaly aa Rcsnbe snem thecltyv ' The Camden Journiala ivlf- Mtl'lit! EVERT TTrnSSDAT AT H $0 , AdvsrUsing rates liberal, nu.r, toaaai r !ralftf 1 I S-v, BtriojsitEb rf annua . . ..Tit! n t J; venient to attend. V.i 'A1 moreto speaKoi. nv,r pT" 1