the nommiolsTAs; ' PUBLISHED DAILY, BY 0rrirm, Dawson Bank Building. Front St mans or sua&cwrno. ..r taadvance..-.......;, '-T to " y!f.t In advance M SjSlffifi toandvance.:.....,,......,.... CO' Three o". -dTnce ...v. ...... w. 75 Oo "S"- Htab wlU b delivered ia Hay part oftiwCJty at PimsM CHTt pr wet OUTLINES. ,- v : r Mormon are trying to aaissionize Arizona with view to obtaining political trol. . Jay Gould waa fion-commlt , . i tho examinatioa fcefore the Erie la' vestigating committe?. - The f rlcnfli of the passengers lost on the Atlantic condemn a pyblic meeting the delay , of the White Star line in securing the bodies. O'Kelly will I treated as a spy. . To determine the political complexion of the Ohio Constitutional Conyenliion Just elect ed will require the official returns , Snow yesterday in Philadelphia. -The indebtedness of Alabama will be decreased by action of Legislature recalling railroad bonds and issuing new one payable In thirty years. There was a great storm yesterday in New Yorit. More gas threats from New York. Partially clear and cloudy. ,: - New York mar kets: Gold 18W; . naus qmevj -The Hodocs murder General Canby and another. t- AlfOTIIEB APPALLING CALAISITT The month opene4 with the de struction of a noble steamer and the loss of five hnndred and fiftjr lives. Then came hurricanes and freshets and forest fires in rapid so ccessiont In the dispatches we m printed yester day was a brief statement that the city of San Salvador, capital of the little Republic of that name in Cen tral America, was destroyed by an earthquake, involving a loss of eight hundred lives and twelve millions dollars of property. This is a story of starkest horror and curdles the blood in the reading. Eight hundred souls swept from the earth in a moment 1 Not long since a great earthquake overthrew the an cient city oi nuoco, wuicu, u. our memory serves us, was tne most frightful casualty of the kind since I the destruction of Caracas in 1812. Life in the tropical countries seems to be subjected to innumerable perils earthquakes, volcanoes, simoons, fevers, cholera, plagues and a myriad others. GEN. CANBY niJIIOEBEO BT THE BIO DOCS. A telegram from San Francisc, on information received by courier from the lava beds, states that Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas were murdered dur ing a peace conference by the Modoc Indians. Capt." Jack shot the Gen eral with a pistol. ; ' ; Edward Ii. S. Canby commanded the Department of North and South Carolina during the period of recon struction. Captain Jack and his whole miser able band should be exterminated at any cost. No quarter should be showed them now. They area set of sneaking, cowardly ruffians, and should be shot without mercy. Spirits Turpentine. ' " Watauga is to build a ne vf .Court House at once. The health of the people of Rock ingham is very good. Bond of the Enfield Times says: "I Take My Pen in Hand to Write You tu m FeW esW eTery tlme be I u paper. I The Rockingham Courier men tions the upsetting of V boy, horse and wagon off the Factory pond near the Depot V agon demolished, and that was all. - - Mike Woods, who escaped the other day from Ashville Jail, waslastseen in iransyWama county, HU left arm was woken, and h vm- aiirhi j both legs. ' J Messrs. L. B. Manning and W, U. Jones, of Rinsrwood. have lost bv recent nres, says the Weldon News..' That paper also notices that a fire has lately swept over EnfiScT eoante3r ween Halifax and - The Iloekinrrhnm 7i"i. . i alkmgabout a stwnge bird of dark grey length 27 Inches, four feet from tin to tiD of I .1L.6. " w.clsaiD Qt i wnicn was iq mat place. ., : , w , v ... Quite a fire bn'We'dnesclay near l?Vn? In Anson county, which threa enea to burn Dp the place, destroying fenc &(L Ve,7 considerable injury was n.e ;w The y it got out is unknown. So My the Rockingham Courier; " From the Weldon New: An HMineff man naned William Stewart, a hi.V lhe ,worse ,or benzine, was badly RD.an2 then robbd near Bass's mill on gwBatarday. We learn be has since died, wough we never vouch for deaths now. - -The Enfield .Times informs ns tlwt Branch & Cook's loss at the fire last ftru07 S00; insured in the New tSc!' fachJne7 and buildings about five Wousand. Machlnerv. rnttAnb .n ... ln.,??lHe ,U,8Ured ln the "Old Dominion It n!lnCv Co,mPanyj ot Virginia," for tbir- U tm.L?8 of the Ra-lroad Company,' it Powbto to form ever a rouh esti ri Placed l ariou amounts,' '7ing from three to ten thousand dollar. n . . . j . ww.wm. muv a i . x. From t.K a Amivim txrt Iimm e8d?7. lb Are got out in the woods man ft?2?wngnm',nd aetroyed Peat W of Messrs. 8teele & Terry's torpentine tl "me 'eticingarouid the phLni: oo in the Ttxinit . tr,,t i-w-J v"r aS a SS fierb? l08 wnjPaper Kfnn!l! lacJ CtP4: o. Vf. Mo- ne.Vrrannr.f;n;?.HJ uealso lost much turpentine scrape, (a. the F -.. . .? l"Tf VOL. XII: NO. 19. q? ies: ess o i q? .7. HEXy ? AO VLUTISEMKNTS. V, Mtmsow & Co. Pearl Hats, &c. ., 6e adTertlsement of Hibernian BalL Wit. A. Wnxsos. Hook and L. Ca DrDixr & Exjjs, Joyce Gaiters.' ' Bt. Clair Deardio. Notice. . D. P100TT. Our Brands Cigars. G. It, Fhikch & 80s. Pretty Shoes. Greek & Flaknib. --Carbolic Boap. ? DbHosskt & Co. Batting. ; ; v -v ' ' Chx. D. Mtebs. Roll Batter, &c P. W. Kerchnxb. Applesy Cheese,' &c. Cronlt & Morris. Auction Sales. " Giles & Mcrchison. Sturgeon Twine. Jas. McKek. N. C. Medical Society. ' McRae & Turrek tine. New Goods. J cl Hashaoen. German Association. ' "P. Heinsberger. Epicure Extract lBvtrla Amwr4. . We have received a communication from a number of our subscribers and others, en gaged in the turpentine business, in which we are requested to ascertain and publish answers to the' following inquiries concern ing the inspection of , crude turprntine in this city: ' ' 1st. What, if any, deductions are made from virgin turpentine on account of chips, bark or trash f - ' ' - 2d. What, if any, deductions are made for missing hoops and broken staves? 8d. What, if any, deductions are made for a lack of from 1 to 6 inches of a barrel fnj 4th. rwhat, if any, deductions are made for barrels made of green timber? 5th. .What, if any, deductions are made for churned, stirred, or ' mixed ' turpentine, as it'is termed here, or ia the hard parts proportion of the latter thrown out alto gether? " ' ' ' " " ' t6th. Are th quotations in your prices for the best or poorest or medium grade? 7th. Are the.quotationsto be considered cash in all cases? ' After consultation with some of our. In- 8pcctors we subjoin the following answers. numbered in accordance with tha questions propounded: lst.: None.unless the quantity is sufficient . .... . .... I to show that fraud was intended 2d. 'None," unless the barrels are to be shipped (though partiesoughttobe required to have at least eight hoops on the barrel.) 3rd. The rule here is one twentieth for packing.. 4th. There is a deduction, but it is entire ly optional. 5th. There is from 1-5 to 1 of price. . . 6th. Prices current are for the first-class article. , 7th. They aria. 4,' j i Wilmington Retail Blarkot. The vegetable market was very poorly supplied yesterday, the "hucksters" nearly monopolizing the business. - The following prices ruled during the. afternoon : v turnip salad,' 40 cents per peck; onions, 10 cents per bunch -r cabbage, 20&25 cents per head; sweet potatoes, 35 cents per peck; Irish po tatoes, 50 cental peck; radishes, 10 cents per bunch; lettuce, $1 a dozen; carrots, 10 cents a quart: apples, 75 cents a peck; ap ples, (dried.) 12 cents per pound; peaches, (dned,) 25 cents per pound ; turnips, 50 eta. per, peck:- walnuts, 50 cents per peck; pickles 20 cents per dozen; eggs, 25 cents per dozen; lard, 12 cents per pound; but ter, 55 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents per pound; - chickens, $1.25 $1.50 a pair; lamb, 20 cents per pound; beef, 12 cts. per, pound; beef, (corned) 15 cents per pound; pork,, (fresh) 12l15 cents per pound ; real, 1520 cents per pound ; ham, 1820 vents per pound; shoulder, 1012 I cents per pound ; n tripe, . 20 cents , per I bunch: ovsters. (Sew Iuverisl.oO a eal- 1 Iob; oysters, (Sound) 80. cents a gallon; 1 - .A I clams. 80 cents a peck; oranges, 40 cents per dozen.. Larceny Cum Jennie L. Nixon, colored, arrested on a capias from the Superior Court of this coun ty. for larceny alleged to have been com mitted in Grant Township, was brought here yesterday, and, in gefault of bail in I the sum of $200,' was lodged in Jail. " ' I Joe Nixonr father of the Above, was also I arrested on the same charge, but upon giv ing the necessary security was released from custody. The parties were arrested by Constable Thomas Nixon, colered, who resorted to a ru in order to get the daughter herewith-! out using force. Be pretended that she was only to be used as a witness against her father, but when she arrived in the city he drew forth the document which was to consign her to prison until Court. The Ueceat Accident. ; .- The Columbia papers estimate the loss to the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railway Company, by the last accident, at $35,000 to $40,000. They also report that the fire which caused the accident origina- ted through the carelessness of a farmer wn0 nad been DUrninK ofl ome land and allowed the fire to get beyond control. But tne inrormauon we haye seems to estahush the fact that the fire was caused by. parks . - - . . .. uuLu m iwuiuuuf. wuivu no. nuiuwcu .to run without any, or . w.ith;a defective, smoke-stack. As we would like to see the responsibility fixed where it belongs, we will be glad to hear fromparties who know the facts and who will state them briefly. Fir In Daplln , We regret to learn that the dwelling and "M ' I Dunlin. moke house of JIrr John W. Boney, of were destroyed by fire on Wednes- day morning last, about 10 o'clock. Near. ly all the furniture was saved. The loss on buildings, which were not insured, is estimated at from $2,000 tc-$2,5O0. The I A- 1- .tJ A- - V---. -...1 4AAt4Atva1 aaa si isi ia iin.'va nswn nurtuY ail i in i it i iimi i WILMINGTON; N C StT Oar Churches To-Day. Seryicea at. St.. John' church to-day- Easter Sunday as follows: Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7 J A. M; Morning Prayer and Celebration of the Holy Euchar ist at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 o clock. I -Serviceg at the First BapUst. church, as follows: Morning Prayer-meeting from 7 to 7:30. Preachine at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Address before the Sunday School Mission ary Society at 5 P. M. Sunday School at n A. M. -a - Services in St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran church as follows: English service and com munion at 11 A. 1L ; Preparatory service at 10 A. M. ; German service at 8 P. M. ; Sun day School at 3 P. M. Services in St. Paul's (Prot Episcopal) church at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Seats free. Rev. Thos. M. Ambler, Bector. Services at the First Presbyterian church at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ' Rev. A; F; Dick son, Pastor. Services in the Front Street M. E. church at 11 A. M. and 8 P.M. Sunday School at 8 P. M. ?- Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Seats all free. Gentlemanly ushers will be in attendance to conduct strangers to seats. . Rev. R. S. Moran, D. D., Pastor. . . Services in the Fifth street M. E. church at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Seats free. Rev. C. W. Warren. Pas ton An Exciting Bnnawar.aat Narrow a. very exciong , runaway occurred on Princess street yesterday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, which came near resulting in serious consequences. A horse attached to a buggy, driven by a colored man by the name of Win. H. Howe, foreman of the "Brooklyn". fire company, was approach ing Princess street on Third. Just before reaching the corner, Howe's hat blew off and he dismounted to recover it. Upon re gaining his seat and taking the reins the animal suddenly darted off at a furious rate, running across the sidewalk at the corner and taking his course down Princess street He had run but a short dstance, however, when the buggy, was ovarturned and the J jj .i " - I driver thrown Out In front of the office of E. S. Woodford, Esq., opposits-the Court House, a little son of that gentleman was sitting on the end of a prop affixed to the lamp post at that point The speed of the horse improved after the driver had been thrown out and he ran up close' to the sidewalk, the wheel of the buggy striking the prop upon which the little boy was sitting with such force that the position of . the -buggy, which was on one side, was completely re versed and . the shock of the collis ion of the . wheels of the vehicle with the prop threw the boy upon the upper most part of the buggy. In this position he remained until Abe horse had ran about twenty-five or thirty yards, when the buggy was turned bottom upwards, throw ing the little fellow off, one wheel passing7 over his leg. - The horse continued his course as far as Mr. S. P.. Currie's livery stables, where he was halted in .his mad ca reer, the buggy being considerably dam aged. . .The little boy, who . had . almost miraculously escaped instant death, jumped upon his feet and . was quickly surrounded by a sympathizing crowd. Captain "Woodford, arrived, on the spot in a few moments, when the little fellow was taken to a physician, who, we ' are glad to learn, is of opinion that his injuries' are not serious. His escape from death, or at least from permanent injury, . is, under all the circumstances of the case, the most remark-1 able one we have ever known. The prop i upon which he was sitting, though firmly I ImbMlded in th unwind- loose by the force of the collision and the J . . I lamp post startea irom ih jwhuwh. , . . i Tle lea Outlook. We are glad to know that Mr. John JS. I Lippitt made contracts some time since for I a supply of ice for the entire year. But for this prudential step we have every reason I td believe that there would have been a I marked advance, in. price during the ap-1 proaching summer, as the ice companies North are said to be forming a combination that will result in an increase of price, ice I is not merelv a luxury.', but a necessity, in 1 this latitude and anything that tends to lessen the consumption is always to be re gretted. At present prices, even the poorer classes of our people are enabled to use it Tbe Opera House a a Ball Room It has been suggested that now the theatri cal season has about closed it would be a good idea for the lessee of the Opera House to place his movable floor in position so that balls can be held there. By the way, we learn that he has expressed some intention of doing so, and that in such case he would reduce the price somewhat ..There is cer tainly need for a good ball room, and by means of the movable floor the Opera House can be' made into an excellent one, as has already been sufficiently demonstrated. ftMk; , ' . . ; , " Thr flv interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yester- day, of which one died from old age, one from teething, one from dropsy, one from consumption and one from a disease not stated. Their ages were 83, 27 and 19, and two infants of 10 months respectively. Frtree Meeting; Daily morning prayer meetings are now held in the 1st Baptist Church from 7 to 7 :80. Preaching erery nighl at 8 o'clock. Rer. Dr. Pritchard, of Raleigh, is to arrive on M nd (to.mjrrowvtb assist fte.PastoK I . . - i -' Rev. Dr; Peterkin of iVirginhvwin preach at 8t Paurs (Episcopal) church this I AefaAltiM O AlUMU . . i ciEUaiut smai a u'lALVLsmw j - - Blustery and dusty yesterday.; c a . Eight days more for listing taxes. - Partially' cloudy and; clear .weather predicted for to-day. A. new billiard table was received1 by tne uape x ear uiud yesterday,', It rained for about five minutes about 1 o'clock Saturday morning and then cleared off. 't't: 'J.i I j'kIV. i;.-'-..;-.; ' All the almanacs say this is a good time for merchants to advertise their spring goods." t'jp' v44-,--!tyj Three ' large whales I "are;" report ed to have been . seen off the western bar a day or two since. !t' ."'' . A cool change, very decided in its ef fects, came upon ns yesterday, and over coats were again in demand.. . Only three marriage licenses were is sued during the- past week and they were all for colored couples. Only 3 interments in Pine Forest Cem etery during the past week, of which 1 was an adult and 2 were children. We are requested to state that the sac rament will be administered at the Fifth Street M. E. Church this morning" directly after the sermon. " In. consequence of, a run off on the Petersburg road yesterday, the trains missed connection at Weldon and no northern mail was received here.' . '.c .- To-day4-Easter Sunday ap propriately observed Cin the Episcopal, Catholic and Lutheran Churches," with ser vices suited to the occasion. A colored man by, the name of Scott Herring, a bony-fide citizen of Union Town ship, was lodged in jail yesterday on a charge oi a criminal character. -"Messrs. Cronly & Morris sold at auc tion, yesterday, about 1,200 bushels slightly damaged corn at 55 to 65 cents per bushel It was the cargo of the Sue Gumming. . There was paid into the City Treasury during the week just closed the sum of $851 09, of which $767 15 were for, sped- fic and $83 94 for real and .personal taxes. We learn that the contract for plumb ing, furnishing the gas pipe, &c, for the new building to be constructed for the Bank of New Hanover, has been awarded to Mr. Wm. H. Dart, of this city. ' - We have been unable to trace to any reliable source the rumor that the Commis sioners who recently sold the Wilnaington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railway have engaged board for the summer months at Shelby. . ? Up to 3 o'clock . yesterday afternoon 1,410 persons had listed their city, State and county taxes, which constitutes about one- half of .those liable, to real estate and poll- taxes in the county. No session of the Mayor's Court yes- . , - . I :rday. The police arrests are getting to I terday, be few and far' between. An indication, we hope, ef an improvement hi the morals and orderly propensities of the community. To Harris News Depot, Front street, we are indebted for copies of the N. Y. Ledger t Chimney Comer and Frank . Leslies' t&xutrated Newspaper for the current week. Stand open until 10 o'clock this morning. We learn that the Wilmington Rifle Guards (colored) are to hare their anniver sary parade on Monday; the 21st inst, the festivities to be closed by a ball at the City Hall at night Officers for the ensuing year wui also be elected the same erening. A colored man by, the name of Eman- uel Usher fell in a fit of some sort at the corner of Dock and Second streets yester- Samaritan of his own color, who happened .... . to do passing uy, wok, cnarge. oi. aim ana carried him home. swddem Seatk. We regret to learn that the wife of Walter P. Leake, Esq., of Rockingham, Richmond county, died in that place on Friday night from disease of the heart. Mrs. Leake was about 45 years of age. CITY ITE3XS. . mcBab & TuaRwrnira. McEae Turpentine offer a most attracttTe line of goods si .thetr Palace Otter brands of Alpaca, and offer, in all departments of their business, the lowest prices and the best I qualities of goods. .Remember, the. Palace Dry just what you want An examination of the stock ia all that is necessary to convince the most skepti- Pattxbxs. j, A Js Johnson are agents for the sale of K Batteries: Ca's patterns for all kinds of Ladies' Garments. A full supply constantly on hand . ,y - ; H ' J.. A J. JOBHSOK, ; Agency of Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine. I.tirnrr. health, economv ineuei by using Doo- ley'a Yeast Powder. Elegant light rolls, biscuits. prepared in ten minutes. Job Pristiko. We call the attention of mer chants, clerks of courts, sheriffs, . lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and agents, and all others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the MoKHitre Stab Panrrma EsTaBusmanrr for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Jos PE&mxa. We can furnish at short notice J Cards, BIll-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare. Show-BOls, Checks, Drafts, Ac. Ac. Satisfaction guaranteed. ... . - - - - ;:';. ..a: FUBUO SXXTXCKS AT ST. JAJtIS' PCBCtS BOLT WXXX AXI ZASTXB TTDX. 'Easter Even. Saturday Morning Prayer. .V T A. ML i ' Anie-4jommunion..ii a. jm. . Erening Prayer... 3P..3L Easter................,.'.MoTnlng Prayer.. . TAIL Tt: -- x. ' "" ana unh munloi? . ...11 A. . y-' 7 Evening Prayer... ftp. M. Kaater Vondav.....i....Mornitig Prayer & . Ante-Communionll A. M. - - '. - - Broiling Prayer.. . a P. la. lutur Tuesday.'....... .K Hntng' Prayer 9t . r y ' Ante-CommnBion.,n A. K. " - J - ; Evening Prayer. 5 pf M. XmV ADYERTJSESffiNTS. t ,5 ByW. & W. R. R. FarLihe. , WB ABB IigGtECEIFT OP , v,5 gTKAW. palm Leap, Panama, leqhobjt, CA89L, 8ILK AND - ; PEARL' .HATS!; . . 8ILK, ALPACA AND GINGHAX TJMBBSLLAS, ''ladles: Silk Snn Umbrellas, LADIES' BELT EETICULES AND CLOTHINQ. apl3-tf. ' : t-f CltyClotUen. Brands Cigars ! . "SON PLU 8 Vu t TEA , -Figaro isiaiila," : PABTAG1S, ; Imported by ' ' pil ml apis-trr Tobacconist. - 71 ust Lop k ; IM ice. TO BE WELL DRESS ED YOU MUST HA VIS A PRETTY FITTING SHOE Oar stock now embraces C tome styles and noyel- ttea. ' i GEO. B FRENCH BON, - apia-tf. " ' M North Front street Epicure Extract. READER, MAGINK BOOKS FROM WHICH light la reflected upon all abjects with such clearness and diatiiictness that too are forced to un derstand their contenta, that may be perused with delight, at morn, noon ana nignt ....... . BOOKS .. calculated to satisfy those of all professions and trades; la ract anyDoay ana everjDoar. .. wwu oi this kind with DEOORATIONS IN CUaOMOS . - and Music, making home pleasant and a place of happiness and contentment, can always be found at '! EEINSBERGER'S ap 13 tf , . lire Book and Music Store. Auction Sale. . Itl. CBONLT, Auctioneer. By CRONLY A MORRIS. ' fXiS TUESDAY, 15th INST. sale; rooms, an assort-' mentof . . , Household and Kitchen Furniture, POTATOES, CHEESE. &a, 50 BUU No. 1 Hackerel, ' Now landing ex Timothy Fields from Boston.- splS-St . EIGHTH ANNUAL. BALL Of Hibernian Benevolent Association Will tah.b flaub . at the Hall of the Adrian En- ?ln p:- Wedsesdsy erening. April 16 . Tickets can be had of oommittee; no Uckeu win be sold at the door. J. U. McGart- tT. J. Brown. J. J. Kin. John Moore, William Dowlini?, Committee. lap lS-St-eon tnen wed f Mnitofl Hoot ni Ladder Co, No. 1. rpmc MEMBERS OF THIS COMPANY ARE 1 hereby notined that a called mertfaur wOl be held at the Hall on Monday, ULh inst., at 8 F. M. . By order of the President ap 13-lt Post copy. WM. A. WUXSON, Joyce Gaiters! JOYCE btjttoned BOOTSi. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot ap 13-lt NOTICE. T ... X7BINO THE ABSENCE OP THE T7NDEB- sijrned from the city all persons haying business wun ' . . ' TEE AMEBICAN LXFS ' will apply to Messrs. Green & Planner, druggists. aplS-tf ST. CLAIR BEARING. BATTING- Of; Best Quality for . Strainini -Rosin j TVrAKTJFACTURED BY THE GREAT FALLS JLIA, Manufacturing Company, Kocklngnam, Pi. u Orders filled at factory prices by : - ' ap lMSUwSt BxROSSET & CO. ' Latest lXOIll CalilOmia. V 1 THROUGH BY RAIL. Golden Roll Butter ! FR8T SHIPMENT FOR THIS SEASON; MOST Elezant Butter. Larze sales last season. We hope for larger this. " - ' ' ' - apl3-tf 7 North Front street Fruits and Vegetables. j f BBLS CHOICE RED APPLES.. 100 BBLS k) Early Rose Potatoes: 60 Boies Choice Messina Oranges. res. Lowest figures lor casn. i. ; aplS-tf CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., : -1 North Froat street Bed Apples and Cheese. )X BBLS BALDWIN RED APPLES,' BOXES CHEiiSis Jost receirea ex near. For pale by . P. W. KERCHNER, ap 13-tf ' . ST, SS and North Water st ' CABB0LIC SOAP; F OR WASHING HORSES, CATTLE. PIOS, Don and other Domestic Animals. Frees them from insects, cures the mange, Ac. -'V ? y : Tmnta anA Paveon's IndelUble Ink; Benzine. Paints, Oils, Congress Water, & il V p!8-tf GREEN A FLANNERS. Ths Twentieth Annual lleetiiig -W TTTTC WKDIC AL SOCTETTTJF. THE STATE A) OF NORTH CAROLINA will he held lu States villa, M.C. vw- i at 11 A. M. r JAKES MeEXS, X.D., Bocretary neaxoi society N. C Raleigh, N. C., AprU U, X873. . . . . , 3t rrmm - f ' FtjJ . i-:Ki1 fit!. J fit!" .V. V fa.t ." ;i WHOLE NO. 1,7U, NEW JADYERTlSEaiENTS."- MS Dry Go od S to r : KOJ 45 MARKET STREET; : Graid Promenade of Fashion. QUS MAGNIFICENT STORE IS HEADQUAB- ?...ti- .TXB3 j!)B, i ii,,,-.r ; i s ..1 V:f. f: DRY GOODS, Domestic tioods ' 'i r .'-t Dress Ooods,.;i' .f :'?: t Housekeeping Goods' White Goods, Cametims Oil Cloth, Cocoa ani Straw : Matting. Ros and Slats. Every f acQitv for making nurchases at home. No use for Bending to the North for anything. The nnest ana most rare fabrics we have brought li rare fabrics we have brought iu end. 1 wa win take nleasore in soreadinff lees variety, and we will take pleasure in spreadin them out before those who mav kindly favor ns with a tour of inspection, and at prices which defy com- petitien. We enumerate as part of our stock: Blea ABra Cotton Sheetings and Shirtings (most favorite brands), all widths; Plaid and Striped ' ' Domestics, and Domestics and Scotch Ging hams, all kinds; Cottonades, Cloths, Cassimeres and Kentucky Jeans, for Men's and Boys' wear, to suit all; linens, Ducks and Drills; Fancy, Plain and White Do., Da ; Tickings, Denims; Osnabnrgs, Cotton ' Duck (Sail Cloths). ; s : OUR DRESS GOODS DEFAETHENT - Comprises all the latest fabrics, shades and designs IN Piques, Lawns, French Brilliants, '. Organdies (Solid and Fancy), Geneva Cloths, Austrian Glace and Stripes, . Spring and Summer Mohairs, Cram, Stripe and Checks, Oeeina and Satin Stripes and Checks, Indian Tussare . .Cloths, Japs, Lace Stripes, Moz&m- '' biques, Lenas and Delaines (Wool , . and Common), Percales, linen Suitings, . . Alpacas, and the beet and largest assortment -Hernanit Black, Colored and Striped Iron Silk and Shawl Grenadine. Linen, Silk and Cotton, ever . presented ln this market REAL Lt AlVOCA J Lace Points "aoid Sacques! We have brought thi season the onlv large and handsome assortment of these goods ever presented in this market, to which we call the etpecia) atten tion or buyers, the Btate over, from the seaboard to thj mountains. Orders .and inspections solicited. saasiacuon guaranteea. uur stock ox SMALL WARES, NOTIONS, . LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S GLOVES, AND UNDERSHIRTS (for Gents, ln Silk, Liele " and Gauxe), TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS,' PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, BOWS, , TIES, SILK, SHAWLS, HOOPS, BUSTLES, Is full and complete. We have also a large stock Ladies' Trareling Trnils, FacUuc Trnnis ZINC TRUNKS. - , In Linen Goods we offer fifty different styles Ranging ia prices from 40 cents up. r... " BLEACHED IRISH LINEN, in any quantity and BARNSLET'lINEN SHEETINGS," P. C. "UNEN,' oest maKe best rabi les ever osereo in tnu market; , ; SOO DOZXN LINEN TOWELS, all prices, from 10. cents a piece up. - k piece up. AH our goods are new, and we are determined to ell at bottom prices. sell at bottom prices. Our long connection with the old established house of John Dawson, together with the fact of our selves being well known is a sufficient guarantee of iair aeaiing. promptness ana renaDiuiy. we wur make tt to the interest of alL whether wholesale or retail buyers, to buy from aa. Samples, with prices. sens or given ox any oc our laonce. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' HcRAE & TMEHTINE, " . , Palace Diy Godds'Store, 45 Market Street. april 114f Spirit Casks and Hoop Iron. 1 000 8Pntrr CASKS' "' TONS HOOP. IRON, For sale by ap 10-tf F. W. KERCHNER. We Will Close Oat the Balance of Fine Tripled 5 Silver Ware A T AUCTION ON MONDAY, 14th INST., AT 10 JLX. I . o'clock A. M. CRONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneers. aplSlt 0. 0. V. O.-Eye Whiskey. T7INEST AND PUREST OLD RYE WHISKEY T OLD RYE Sold only by X1 brought to this city. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 7 North Front street. ap 13-tf ,He7Crop Cuba, a 1AA HHDS NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, For sale by 7. W. KERCHNER, ap 13-tf Tt, 98 and 9 North Water St Sturgeon Twinj AND ALL 8IZES SEINE TWINE, GILL NET Twine of every size; Fishing Tackle in great At New Haraware store. ... GILES MURCHISON, " ap lJtf , ' Corner Princess and N. Water sts. German Association.: A CAIJJ MEETING WILL BE E1LD AT OUR - - Club Boom on Monday evening, at Ajf o'clock, Apr! 14th, AO members are invited to attend. By order. aplS-U JUL HASHAOEN, Secretary. VfXlTE OF ApTEZXTISIKOf .". OneBauareonedfty,......'. ...... iv..........! 9? Jrr three ttays.V. i:: a oo ' lowuaya.i. Are days. " . . " , one week S 60 n TWO 1 . . . Three iwo weeE1.,I,lv...Mi"v;' : zz 6 00 weeks. i ' ? On month two MBtbaAx;. !? 00 Threa mrmtliB ....X W fiix month., f55 One year... ...... 60 00 PP" Contract AdTerosemsnts taken , at. propor ttonately low rates. ' ' ' , . -. Five Squares estimated as a quartereolumn, and ten squares as a half-column. . ' new Advertisements. McRae & 1 Turr ehtine r OFFER -PIECES BUCK iffiCA. -AT THE t- Palace. Dry-! GPd8 - .-- r- :. TH E BUFFALO. BEAT IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN HADE EST THE FABRIC, (LUSTRE 'AND 8 HADE , OF THIS FAVORITE DOUBLE-! FACED FULL BLACK BRAND. WB OFFER ALSO .' TT,EB TRAD C MARK PATD." ' " Jl. 2T ID I Made of the finest material, possessing the brightest possible lustre. Both of the above brands . we confidently recommend as of , . , . SUPERIOR MERIT! ' The-Beaver Brand It bright Silk Finiehed Fact Black Pure Mohair : made of the. finest hair of the. Turkey Goat, and. possesses the highest degree of brilliancy,, pre. nounced the most beautiful black; lustred, goods for Spring wear ever offered tn this market. It hat the diamond lustre of the Turkish Btlllisntlne. . - aprll 13-lt r ' - ;'. , . i' Hayl Hay ! Hay !; ; ; QQ BALES PRIME HAT, . For sale by , F. W. KERCHNER, - ' ap 19-tf t7, 98 koA W North Water afreet TAX NO TICE. ' " ITtlmnston Townsblp. The board of trustees and tax list- ers for the township' and city of Wilmington will proceed on the first day of April, J873, and for twea-" r . . . ... i . ty days thereafter, at the City Hall, In the 'City of Wumlsgton, between the hours of Nine A. K. and Three P. Ml, and every Friday Evening during the . . .- - . month of April between the hours of Six P. M. and I N&e P. M. on laid days to list the taxable lands and I . - . . property, and make the assessments required by law., I .. . '---'71 - All persons ana corporations witain uus townsnip and city ire required by law to give In their taxables and attend at the above time and place for the pur poses specified; within TWENTY days," under the PENALTY OF DOUBLE TAX. " : ' ' " ' Extract from Act to Raise Revenue: v " ' ' .... . . "All persons who are liable for a Poll Tlx, and ahall wilfully fan to give theme elves in, and all per sona who own property and fall to List within the time allowed shall be deemed guilty of a miademean or, and on conviction therefor ahall be fined not more than ' FIFTY DOLLARS, or IMPRISONED not mora than THDZTT DAYS." ' ' " ' r 5 By order of the Board of Trustees of Wilmington Township, this first day of April, 1873. - ' " - ' -."V"'"' a T. POTTS, Township Clerk, mar 80p 8, 0, 10, lS-nao - .. J ' - Horse Blankets, X AP ROBES, WOOL MATS, TRUNKS, HAS XJ nets, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Hames, Chains, Saddlery, Hardware, Travelling Bags, Feather Dus ters. . " - . Siock Mtz ana rneee low, J,8.Tophain ftCo., " ' - No. 8 South Front St, octto-tf nan- : - ' v , .,v Wilmington. N. C , Thos. Gbxxb. ,,,L V , T,0 DaRoMar- , , GEJEME & DeROSSET, . s General - Insarance Amenta, . ;,. . .-, " FIRE, MARINE, LIFE. f.r-.uit -f.; t' t ; : . Prlneeea street, near Water. s dec t0-nao4f ,., , j fti".T" :l- Valuable Beal Estate FOR SALE! -T; A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING SIXTY acres, situate on the north side of the old New- bern road, directly opposite the farm or gardens of Thos. J. Johnson, about one mile from the city of Wilmington. .There is on the land a comfortable residence comparatively new, and a portion l the tract is stin bottom lana, ana tne euare piece is ad mirably adapted to a market garden.- - . , This land will be sold on accommodating terms, and persona wlehlng to purchase will please coaler Willi , - . ' '.;' i " KESSKS. WEIGHT STCUJa . mar 28 eodlnj-M-u-ta ? ,1 - i ; i ' 1 Hew line. - I tANDTES, - ' - '''' j . BIM ; T " I CANNED KBUil. CLARIS tU UIOI A1W, t.i. J4A81N3. ... ; lEAtt AND CIGARS. At wholesale only, ap 8-U - EDWARDS A TEAlX a Store! if 'X . j vtr .vki.?-. (uyiy"yf PtfHf ,L--tl