the noEiTnitf otiiii. ; PUBLISHED DAILY, 8T . ! OrriCTi, Dawson Bank Buildings front St. V i RATES OF ADYBItTsrNaa Oae ftqfeare one dAy.j. '.-. ...,,,.tl W two tya,. mi4 M..,..tM 1 co u ' '.three days....: ... . 00 four days... 60 " ' eoe wk.uA.:t sij; ..&,..--. S 50 Two weeks ,. 5 00 - - Three week..W.Uii. " . One month.. ....ft.,M,M.. 6 00 " . ' -Two months.., . Three monUi...v.uJ.V,, ..M 00 " Six montkt.. ...85 00 PFContract AjdrertSaemanta takea at ptopot. tionatelv low rates. . . vajs, ...... a As W .ii. .M ufli of, icBifatorioK. jt.j, YQIj; lXII.trrNQ.i28;: J j ;::;:vvLMISffelTQN;-: N'. :C.vI':THURSDAYi:mi' HOLEiNGH J2i.; .Mo.h8tab will be delivered in any part '- Five Squares estimated aa ft 'qbartM'Colama: and tXYxrnx Cawrs per week. 0f the city ten squares as a halt-column. v . v . -.-t-if j , A'. ' . ..(. " s. . if j c; 4 . ., .. !- - ;'.. ,1.1 ! , -, U ' '.' l.-ir r-t 1 , ,. , . , . ;. .... ; OliTLIIVES. - Grant goes '.'to. oloradoUfleed ines gans Piedmont milroadivni he discontinued by; the Gorerninent. - -rhn Modoca in the Lara heda fired on a pack train and kiliea one man, iasi ounaay. i p Rv full of floating ice at Milwaukie. I A RerorderHacKeu, oj hcw 4jr,.va uirva j, -i..sfix. made anymore, sentences lor t , r f.Sx t " vr i 1 ormq lmuruuuiucuh uuu uoi- ties in the injunction case have appeared I the from the strange aecww u uj5Aiucnr. Cloudy. - - THBNBWMANACKfflBNT ot T1UB" On Tuesday, as we stated last week 3lr. T. Aingsuury agaiu ixrcame i i..;tu TT.ilit.or of the Raleifh Spi- I He A.wvi.. : --- -o j tinel. Mr. John ' Spelmari assumed rharee of the city columns, the; same c, .... . line uv . , . i . r ; L was Mr.Kinffsbury is a ; eentleman . of I - scholarly attainments, , being ( justly for considered one of the leading belles- wtres scholars of oil r .State. In the c nf votrdav he savs . paper we hope to avoid the criticism or I those parsons who considered - the Sentinel I ,be guided by their plana nnd hall consequently ignore in the main all literary j j:.inntt I discussions. theoity;: jfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. CniLDa Ag't For Sale. . F. W. Kbrchheb. Ilay, Hoop Iron, &c W. Howe. To Fifth Ward Voters. W. M. IlARKiss. ouce. , Opkba HousK.-Art uwa To-NIght Smith & Strauss. Dissolution, j. J. Fcwlkk Registration' Notlcef Dudlet & Eijjs. -"-Gentlemen's Oaiters. Wu. M. Poissbif.Masonici -:; ' x ' TT. A MYERa Ilorses and Mules. See advertisement of Printer Wanted. Green & Flanker. Hair Preparations. ilElNSBEROER. turning roints m iiiie. ; R. P.. II aLl & Co. Hair Rebewer.' n.Avant tn TtI.DlTn. As a matter of general in forniationV to I tflx-navera. . we : rive thefollowine- letter I from the State1 Treasurer'a place in "our columns: - -ht : i- i WVu.VA".W, ) Raleigh, April 21st, 1873. , . MkSBRS. DeROSSET & Ca, ! JJ; !h i,J ..liMU!WCMVi..lCv uear sirs: rours or Htir lnst.. was duly received, and as it involved the decis- ion on a question whicn 1 desired to confer I 1U with the Attorney General , pon,M this an swer has been delayed. " Section 9, of the J'MachiDcryAct,' under the title "What the IM AaU contain," (meaning the list given in by the tax-payer) , eaya "the list shall state the taxable pro-' refeJ to the firTt day of April, in that year," aim aiter enumerating certain suojecis un- I " """w, ur .oajr iiutuci; au i other personal pmperty whatever dwuuo i, anw i, oi me""A uj raise i .v.vMuv, p.v,, Wo mcitiuaii in, .u iui minvm m nr tnrontv Mints Wir iha M.n. i al f- rJ Ll T "Y.- XT.rVrV"ilf,:" V"T v" YJ uun:u, yuyani vawe or real and personal property in the W-Bections' VaC aref. same force. ,t : t j aiSSZSSSS A?. State for a non-resident of the State, on the I o. f v ' . "-."J Kv "" i lstday of April, must be listed for taxa-1 jon,and from the Snguage of ,the acts, m!X ifcotfecXMam"o the confrtni-tlnn hm a ttJL, o,i i correct. I. am clearlv of thi nnlnln - that the law intends it. ' 7.. " veryrespecuuuy, 11 " I D. A.JENK18. i i ? -iw. - r.. . i P.T w r -,, . ", 7 , I W" Bxra' - Superior ceart. "" -- This body was engaged all day yesterday I for permitting the frying.of Jsh and other I WCs.n me aiaraet House. The I ollow- ik jury were empannelled in this case: 1 Morris Tate, Robert Bordeaux. J. W. West- I brook. W. IT -..jinnA ;,v.i. i..i.j , ,,. ... uwuumu. iicuuu iittuaa. i Pethr TTWnnr Xrrt Ltnz? rt -rl u. K BerdenW. n. Biddle. Wm. Jackson. nnn w n.... . .. I . . wiiiuu. mi. Doiicuor vantweu I appearetlfotthe prosecutiiJn'andlil; Lonr don, Esq., tot the defence,, ..A number of witnesses were examined, when the case was riven to the jury, who returned a verdict of Sib. 7" ?iT .vto ui, vug in reiereuce w tuo mar ket House and me remainder forfahing to "ep Church, .Nutv North .Water, " w;r ana mncess streets In order. adldatee ror iid.rm.n We hear that a call for'a convention to nominate Conservative candidates fof AK iermen ttnA artwrts Mt a.m.aL- mitteewmnrl T "tl wm 2 !!.!'" be!g8?ed orroff- -vynveDuon to be held next Tuesday I ening. iTlda IWU 1 owthathad not been forgotten; but the fneral oninion ha. he thai ,t W. kI; ?! nettecallfor fw day, before the election. c. JL m m . " itamptoa. I ihenextlAntn in-'-ffo. cPt Maffitt's wul be that of Gen.- Wade Hampton, which will probably take place nruig-tiunatter'pafiof Ve lechirerwlU be delivered for thednefit of Lee MemorM .a. - rmw ' j""" efrom the rich inteUectual treat which "u DeruTnished by the distineuished South I oland orator,, hould,he sui, t to tiarantee a crowded house.... , I SUpastyear IUsthe"peof JLT Long Creek, considerable' damage was qualities have already, gained them quite a r the Publishers to make the Uentind in the ers- e had swallowed a great quantity of done, r .r . ; reputation, and Instead of being out tUirtjr this State since the passage of .the present true sense of the term-a political m pa- water of which a he- was; relieved by the iixgcordinir to the records in" the "City or 'tttfrty-Te :'djrs between here and Jiver- Bankrupt Law. ' . . " c iv a snail lucrctuic. m wm cuuvisiw 1 nmrw- ann lent m . wtinn K.irrrf waa i in lh nnal. .1- .L Ik I tllv AK Km ' WATtn - K W fW!I- H ' KL v wuoiMijj CMj ut wue owue i , v. ' "" " - - i ani; V. A xxjjxen, uu n tne Mavnr anfl Ttn"A i Mitr.hen an mod ' A.' 11. v anio JLKeien. lui- I .eai in - .. -vr- y, ttwHiuot viti r "I . , , .. Wilmington, in their individuaf canacitv; 1 wards & Hall,. Barry Bros., 0. Q. . Barker fJil&jrfi&gaED bt' tATED PRODI DROWNING. Anotfar -yr amine to. tittle OoyL ;t. DMger r PlRylns About .-Anouier narrow escape from drowmoir ocdurreIn" the river at the fcKt of .Mket - jwruaj uueraoon, aooui a o ciock. number of small colored boys were play- o-jggM44-a wib j wnan'nen; one i oi - wmi.aiiacnea io me cna or tne same 1 mlaKA k?q tnoi-v vwAa K-i.5rvU, tt L . " o uicviuiMtcu tuw r i river. 1 he little fellow could not swim, nmtu nc....u ui tue u wouiu: soon have taken him under it A colored .mnb.v. e.nam?of J8: Howard, who hap-: pened near when the accident occurred. y waV expUed and unhesitatingly plunged into the riVer to save him. clntchAd him hvth ohirt. ' ha w --- --- r. T- I rapidly -king to the tom and had startca lor me shore with him when parmeni irave wav ann tne hnv again smmne mine ireacnerous waters. Tr. - ni.iri w-.-.v vr vom mvMi j wa VU' v " un wuijk 11ULI I the second time seized the boy. but the delay can. ear, resulting iaaatroutfto both the boy and his rescuer, aaU was with jjisuiuuuwtji - mo wwcwucusuuiu w mtb yuijr,-fweTr, ue Buct.eeueu m reaching the wharf and the little fellow was bim8elf agam The , little 1 V . I , boys, both white sand colored anv ttr n v 1 m rrn .F aV I 1 1.. a ! i 11 1 j : ' 1 f uiyc uau muujr wwg ai m uanger 01 playing about the wharves and in boats anu iiais, uui uiey arv uow to neea mem. OrsaixiuUon ortlk .. 'Praacua.V Bx j A called meeting tf this bodv Was hfld , . ---ro,- y. . ... I yesterday morning at the Commercial Ex- 1 change, fof the purpose of .perfecting an - V -r- fr.F is ifi- oiizatlonVSwu E iUAGi Mr:F. W.Kerehnerrwas -called lo the Chair; and; the-fiecretary being absent, Mr. j mitAhU raarJnr tKa tlL T5h. I reported, through its Chairman? Dr. W. W. Harriss, recommending that Ob; arrange- ment lot the permanent use if rooms be made atpresent but that: application be made to the Chamber of Commerce far the tcmDorarv use' of their roomsL The renort I was received" and the recommendation " adoTitedvr'-r-'r----;rTr-- I a a - a j i T.wg B9ked farther time t0 Drepare; a code lawrfforth. p - -nto; til nl nvnmmnulAil thnt fnr Hia rroaint th I nilea and.retmlationa jf the Chamber of T . v?l ic I " w i"- w"3 guiuauto ui iu uuujr. mc atsu 1 recommended that an Executive Committee j of five, consisting of two members and the I three officers,, be appointed, -and. that the meetings of tne iuxenange be held daily at from 12 to 12-50 o'clock, beginning on the day of May m tions were adopted rand the Committee uuua were nuupicu ' , i t . I crrantea rurvner uidb.' - .:-t, . , . . , . i --r- - . " " ----- v- - ; ; T" t rnk pri).i '" i I VTfTT. McKivT Vice-President.. I iTC i i H . , , , , R- W. Andrews, Sec'y and Trewurer. The Chair appointed,, on. the.Executive I . Committee, Messrs. GvBoney and S. IL iiisnbiate. x:i.i,i - ; " - - isnoiate. . . TheExecutiye Committee. were. request td ctmfet:w!mitSeChamber7ot Com- merce and apply for the use of their rooms nr tn PrndncA Exchanire. and alao to ar- . t wTrZ:'l VC ZT., E " . " I salary IormeDecreiaiyana,Areasarer.,: i w - - ' . . -4. .. i w " "" I bershiD reported. throurfMr.5S lTFish Mate, the following applicants, all of whom - v' - I ""ere elected, viz: . &f.AD.CazauxWillard3ros;3rQr - 5. ""f ; r1'! f oclt Co., A. Weui, Agent, boL uear k i Bros., Macks Brda..Cd" Aaron & Rhein- I atofrL : N! TacbircniMvera1&Cd2Zllanlc: - r - i f Kw Hanover. Dawson. Teel & nennine. Taylor, ; Odes, Atkmspn Manning jaa. r oLttin.. V'n ifia - J : ' u": j Lit I i The meeting then adjourned, subject to a call from the President; :rr;:it x- r ii. j.ts rt pUm'I Capt J; N: Maffitt's lecture," Which was .tattaraWVMIa'l. . ... - In consequence tne aimcuity oi. securing Blayor Co art. - l - ; The following" cases were disposed of yes terday,1 ! i Julia Ford, .charged with cursing and abusine lartha 6uSn.' was! found luutv a ... . - v. ." nnd-fequired to pay a Jine or f5. :t, r.ti .. 1 iyconduct and shooting on Uie streets, was fj ' . , Pr0f. CrmweU. .El.lbttIoni)t5T The fliitot the series of Pr6f.X3romweirs T.CLtDeRdfesetwasschosen Secretary pro HSf!"" W"!) wime would be well for our merchants to -tarn ir ggmre, Moeses i!.ponce, lizzie fcmJ-- l ,rr '-.yj TA a.&.z new steam pump and 600 feet of hose have their attention to m. matter f importmg 1? FaHett" ' llimnlcf TrannW rThe .,abmnWe.:ppbm been P0 d Placed position by the Awffgc,d.fto: England,: taJtoS .i. . 1 . 2 An, v.mHu been given lastpight,, was .unavoidably I P9tEoned'antiJ ttis eTeninS in ton8e-1 Vno.of a.0t J.?PP J lnUme - mesuDjectoi inia evewng ex- wa m ' A a . a. wW v t -5f W ?e,f wiwu ra suarge. . v-.i ..v (SSaxy port3;v. fe: i2vWtnto construction of othe; and Local Dot. ;.' i 'i I ' Asudden tjhanee' In the weather yes- terday again cornpelled V resort to thick i'''ljv' 'W 'i "'."wV ". P noaiu at iunvnguci aui luia, diacharlng . & : i '! Par p - - Th Tiritioh Pr5 -r n.'n ,. i - . , , . . vain, i enealy, sailed from .JPall ..Biyer; tor thia r,r.!.:!,0.JV" tt.d H:i-aI liUfi . irr. The editor of the Rocky Mount MoM want ;i good-,pterddi8".-.Wj.T-L. TiiL.f ... - Tka qma. 4 : .u -"J cJT Ainr.ArathUAv.n5no. -t ft J r 1 uaow" ccrjr wuicwiua i uie mnch wished fo rain last niirht. hnt to O 1 Mr I theUmeof going to press none had fallen, The Brig Itocea Mnkley, Capt BmaU, from this port, was at Humacoa, P. It, 1ua04sb.wwiu1scnargug19.1oau1or.uew1 Fires were raging at various points in 1 this county yesterday. In the vicinity of I Clerk and Treasurer's office only 290 per- J sons and firms doing business in the city j v..: : .v- I to " - j v. ...... 1 M T.mM i Mrm.n T v - . wnao A. uson, ine- new ap- Dointees as Registrars and Insnectora 0f I Election, were duly qualified yesterday. Wllmlnetoa and Weldoa Jtallroad. t . ... a a.i provemen aeema w oeuieorueroi me in latltade- Eren Rauroad comDanies have caueht the infection, the I companies have caught the infection, the Wilmington and Weldon shops in this, city ying3u &eei supplied with a fine new WU1PMJ means prvievuon c meir I IZS 77 J " l " I "vrumenu m saTing mucn vaiuaoie prep- t0 company. RMhtMti.n , - ? V 1 The wdrfcof regisiration wUl commence I to - morrow, and continne dnnn? the re- I . a 0 . w .wr , tlon which on Monday. the5th f a-wsnn.nd it tIiB ITnnr: irnu - WiTann nnW nilvIrA nf th fMttr I Attornevl decides that the law doi not re- j Itegulaf "monthly' communication of 01 ine owners 10 tne satisfactory ..manage- I -ivanu ojpn coumy, on -jasi mesaay nigm, fStlJdhn'n'Tf 1t'i7V..AM -thi ment they have received aTthis end of the a Wednesday night one atJJnionPactory; .1 T" r . v Tr" is i " r,i,, Vj - - I on Aausaay nigut ono at ueaar ,x&us,on . Uii.v3 U1fc V. r "4 me iwuj; wuiui is, uuwefw, uutuuuuum iu a new registration, as it: will be necessary for voters to see that their names - are pro- perly enrolled before the day of election. Severe Accident.' Mr. Frank James, of this city, met with a eeyere accident yesterday, aboni 13 o'ctockJ ' ""T: tie was cDzaKcu ut.wurauiK on a uuuuwe i - - j - - , . 'A Fowlerhen a iomi Decame loose ana ieu. suiauni? mm on i the hart Inst below the shoulder. He was onmnlAtplvdiAAhldhvthsMow rwino - nn - . . i r . 7 1 able to walk to the buggy- into'wbich he L te4 .ome . t lrowem.. f i AUC r"' - man, on , i ceoona. oetween siaraet ana aock i streets, is going up !-It Is to be-three storiehigh ed to be. When Completed, One Of the hand- aomeat biiildiiiainlhaiitv. "i i -..mmm ial10 Eieeuoa or oaeers. . i t a.mMltnw Af- 'alnmWkiiw A'A -Wtlminx. t o e j i o i ton Kine UUardS. : Held at tne ' Armory l lll- ,1 wcrt re-elected by acclamation: J. a W. AMfAUJp lAM aUAJLiaaw Saiv AVUVnuiK V1UWA0 Eagles Captahij W.H.TIowe, 1st Iieuten- Lieutenant. REQUEST. . DIBECT FOIUtlfSIf TBADK. ! Fleetwood.Xtae of -vn,mt nas Been Aceompllabad.- "War4 'to "omr Itterclaaaita Suajeet of Dtrcot Importation - , - . . , : j One of the most gratifying evidences ' ? a " , J , ton mercnants w-'uer-utCTeawng uHcrern i , . . . , i inamiested m.uie..e trade with foreign, countries. f We regard this as a subject oi tne greatest importance i . . m : j ' I to tne prospeniy oi our cuy, auu wo hums i with pleasure, the, fact that since our late W rh.p. 'Wf,.tto ..tores - - . .- i iiAiropean maraeis urns nwuug vu mismerchsjidisehaabeeidonegenerallyhy irreTessel.m "single voyagei anditisbut recenUythat asuci vjre . . , ; - , .., cessful effort has been made to establish -a TTW.twood . , . - A,,;.!. MeRLVlrff - ifttt tiverrl' WBr mak voyagds wUhTlmost earity of tSntPt shins. It is-lesV than three years Since the first Tesseii imsuue w w wninmgton, under .charter,, in thensual "way. r fHer owner, , Mr.,;Thomas Seed, of Reetwood, EngUnjRras weft pteased with her first visit that he sent ner nacK on with her first visit tnat ne seni ner a second voyage, ; and -yery? soon followed - potter $0 same . ticlass. , Jmgfouna.euy. smtea to .me there kre' Acwr fm' the line amen RtMinrii 1iw-1 " clipperV' viz: ' tW; ?k l3d,ihR'Bri W the the'C tttn iwt tefioiW rh ,, "A o , . i ion register, are unuorm in ng ana gen- i era) aTmearaface -carrv Email carmiea and erai appearance,arry 8mau cargoes, ana .1 i ... : . . . I AtnUTA - esrin tti tha lian;ill Vvo ioW T. uit 1 few j tobe?caUedtii lLmf - rfc, in honor of the little daughter of Mr. S. W. Vickvof this city? TheV naming of two vessels for the mmtngton Agents, is,: XIi really remarkable, and we feel surethatthe encouragement they hare received has been v . . . ... .. 1 v. .-ui I 7 - - . - ""' nrfl va n innnHA m I AT;.4HH I Af Vtl tionof the carw down heriVerl which' idways has to be done for veksels drawing more tnan twelve feet. With the present ! vessels come and go on almost any, tide I without delay or difficulty. '" Their. sailine I P?V 88 formerly the case with nearly m vessete tlitac Jittle cpDera make the trap all vessels, thtsc litue cliDDers make the trin I in from twenty to twentv-four days.f One I - 1 or them went home from here in December last in the rastonishingly: short "period of , Tj , o ry 5--. - neen aaya ana we snail not pei surprised I mi Mcor u 11s ueiog uoneanven less ume 1 than that., At niPnt th nw .rtvi. f w.ho. - 1 imrrtedhexefromEnglandare hoop iny cotton tieaand railway iron; . 1. J are not brooeht here- in, imrh ouanUties as to furnish cargoes f or all the vessels which can be loaded homeward. " It we ore assnred that it can htt done aahWnlv N" Nortlue factthatTessels frequently come here in ballast to load with naval stores lor JSurope, is sufficient proof I that they would bring merchandise at a very tow rate' of freight, if it could be had: The x ieeiwooa ime oners excellent opportunity I o our wholesale" merchants to undertake meir own unpornne, - as me A cents nere I I assure us that eoods .will. be broue-ht bv. I , a " - ' their vessels at a merely nominal rate of freight, only for me sake of the' homeward CaTCat ThevratB firsUilasa Andinsnfi-AS I low as any nther. vessels. tt H-- CITY ITHMS. Paiktiko Ikx. We have just received a stock of I News Ink for summer use, put up in packages of 5 pounds each.. Cash or C. 0. IX orders promptly The consolidation of the CaroliHaFarmr and the Wetilv Star having largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers win find it aa admirable ZJZZ'JZS,:rSr S'T.T: -c " nuu w imun wiu i planters of the two Carolmaa. "BmnBrnnr TnirAnu .im hmvimi ? "f"""" "oi "no uung uvor i lclumto man naw manner, ana at reaaonADie nnrjw. m er i work, mav relv on oromEtneaa In the TAcntionof 1 their rdera, ;- 'TT: l U(i a,t . job mmmi-wi can the attention or mer i I - . i having the MoBxnra' Stax Panrraro EtABijiDrtTrT for the prompt and fatthftd ezeention of au kinds ' of Jea Panrrnra. We eaa fornlah at ahert notice . -f Cards, Bffl-Heaas, xetter-ueads. Programmes, san TlrkeH, WanlrA, rwaplua Jags, HaM-Wlli. Ota TT! rr. -. , t, ;., ;f ,,4jt L . . . " ; aaine xnier vm wasarrestea ror roDouur ranons 1 siore, m una town, was iouna io nare a gaanuty oi llfiLlftf J .P-fe vVAAT SAW WIDUCU V Ua4j WUVJ UU aUBnWCaUlalr Kbaidiif f the SeSt ff heads It would surely be, as they aay it now la, truly invaluable. Lcwiston (ate.) JonmaL T-X tnii;J - T..tA, ?J1 1 citizen of Oxford - - mo success 01 tnese vessels nas oeen 1 ai uoiumDia on oaiuraay mifau . , un sun- " ' S' m AT . apal ? V . f 3 Tf I Snipe- asKpjrjc. . ei-, - - y'-fn ' 11t:.lRBLalI. "i NadUMi i Malstoia; -a I -ii-iDanbnrr needs'a scbooL"r r .Foaaaie by ail dreggista,r latt4HBodjw-dwij I vr. Samuel AV.Auky., tu uiuestt i vv r ; ' tord,' was buried , on last Sat-. I yZi :'iJ'v;"''",-r:P -a,- rj -L'lfc seems that Hf. TV. H. Barnes, editor of the Heart and Hand will lecture in itaieign on tne zi prox., aiter aii. - ... r .l, : nLt a.t..". f nr.. y dodiiioi toe ixoiusuuro ea- tenger passea ' inrougn weiaon Auesaay night .medmM M-Jlte . .; tisfrranh AfflM nprpt nrrorn niAr.en at w ar- saw" wm be removed to Mt. Olivln a few beauty but he can always, tell .when; ladies "P"?? .ma Y -SiS authority thatithe gauge on the Korth Car- olina 3, from Wnsboro to Char- ....-... . mr-- AVk R: A "RlTH ttearBnckhorn i?g to jump .from, the train he. S fTnael& count of "a tournainent" at Halifax Tuesday " "rLt? p QQee.oCaPtMuUenddiveredtoeaddrc J the nights. J f Coilli ;Williaia RlHyersvof Chari lotw, has de(mned meappomnneniaatto I T lflTI n ll II Liiin LSaaatCi. .A. Uuii4 ws. ai a aaa CSsldwelLJakd i tof the same piace nas oeraappwawiuij I ! ! The Kaleigh denum sayi uoi. - Wi TTr-r TT An4artii if lmt itv haiin rvoswfi- 4sIo.n a Pce of furniture, naeIprobaWyas! SKrof "otie of the hrinHrtal AhMmn hia ttalace: -x , -r.. uv vi .Ciiun ded the contract for doing the brick ond wood work on the nwhniMinyforthiR Bo 1 we leaf n f rom the new. -The new i n ji 5i . i . . . the basement, and wUl'De-fteated with- m- rr , - r- The Jndefatigable Ramsey: has iturnefrom asing trip ialf ot the .Gc Jlemplara, .fle, organized S?1 V, , , ' : ' sr rum fctUB vuanuue t vsuserver. i"- From 'the s Charlotte 1 Observer: r" r,..wl."'""? oniA8ignee or.avui uari, -'anKi mm mm MnnlAM ll iMtvtrtn .-.-( 11 .was tried in the tjnited States Circuit Court Sa-SSV!f: question of fraud; on th wu"P"t waug inTei u luaume oi cause to believe him insolvent The jury found all issues In" favor of plaintiff and -' K.ISX OF LETTERS Remaining in the city post-office April 23, m' . . . . - . . AO'a "A. Capt Benjamin Anderson, Ameha Armstrons-. Hon J W Albertson V- ' r jThnmAA RlAnrt Thnmu -RrnAtnt iocnara crown, MArir ; Kmihtm;; JLiOueaie BrownJohn. A Buchanon,. Jonas Bryan, James Burney, Isiah Boston, -D E Black man, Edward ' Bowens, ; Alex Benjamin, James aurney, :isian JJoston, iiiack- man. iow&i Amos Bird. aElizabethCarrrGeoM Craven, Sarah Canadv. Michal CarrolL Plenrr Croom.AW Canady.chai.ClLReOTCto tfZ&ZTSXSfa 5L; Davison, John Dixton,' S Flock Dramce. Oreen; StfHSSo Edward D Hewlett , Fannie Hatch,-Leizai nines, uene tiawaina. j ; : . r ii -"f Jamj """P -oonsom j Jourkuu j ' t . ;?i v ii- josepn x, jvemp, Jonn; ivemp ior TfrlJ .erm0IL- arAirtrt wnomnn ni! tAn Henrv' Monfount. James Miller.-Kdmnnd Jbia auvuav uaWA vt auwu avu iuvumu r,.' jt v.jrrr3i7.TT. PJjS .JSom N Verien Kelson 'M Newton'' for JoP11 iS uenry XHasli,;Cur KatlianieL - v, yurup. - P. Thomas Palhemua, Rapharel Person, .1 J r Parker, A JS Patrick. R. Sarah Rundlet, Rev Robert Rumley, Doc Charle M Robert, Capt D Rem, for C C Sigman, Abner Richarson, D a Register, P Reynold; Robert Rhone, Rozeller Kobe son, John RoweU, C,C Redd. f H. Thomas Saait, W a BMpper, ntme mgnore, Kocce sceiyu, J steward blossom. Jno Sullivan," .Edward Shields, A J Skipper, P?er Banders,; Alice ;Smnmersett, K O Nmith T. Daniel Tayter: William Tate, Mary Tisdale. ic. . -?eif .i. 3 v ; W. Henry Whitney for William H rer- . . - fr.;;- T tot.s Tiii- uus. ti u 11 wk, iuuuios ti tunc, iimi ir"'ITr" ru. wm ,7t ww.-iw a lw':TII5,T"5, W r . . rj -r . . . ' i r v.t? Anna m woodman. Anranam w aaaeu. mease sav "advertised.". H' not rr cauea ior wiuun ov aays uiey wiu uu mmt f-Wiriii Alnoo'oiro';--'! .5lSC . 11 iii.iiiigwn, amu u. igiu.- - NEW ADTTr3lTJSEMENT. . rvHALL'B YEQETABIE Sicilian L Ilalr ;Benewerl - GRAY HAIR, TO ITS ORIGINAL; COLOR. 1 - - ft jp, ftjung out, it-is the beat dzeaainv in the world, m&kinz lifeless, stiff, braahv KOTTLAR MONTHLY COMMUNICATION . vrtii rrhnnidavVAvenlaK At aeven and a half -Bybrderbf tHewVic: ' . WM. M. POISSON, Bt John's Hau, April S4,1873-lt - ' Secretary. llotice;' ; IHR VOTERS OF THE THIRD ' WARD ARE i t. an, ed at the store ulberrv street. instant, from the evenings or v. rrom- e to v o-ciock r. m. .TregUteatt SLSfT tlon wUl be continued for the period preceding the election on the 5th of tf , l " c r f --.--.'JOHI W. BISSENGER, john hargrave;", Registrars and Poll Holders. 1 ' - llOllCe. i 1, notifled p. m. till 9 o'clock P. m.i place of registration and tweea Third and P 'nnrth utreetR; J j . - ! i .4- t n im iTa ; , . , 'JL IX HEWLETT, . s i;, Kegistrars ana Anspectora. ap94-tde . 0 u 'n-'-Z-WV Oom.M&ZkUZ. v : ; - , - ' - - . . - ' . - t- 'SACKS LTVESPOOL ANbtaner-' liaaheia. Wmte and feubwOom; moo Bbia. riour. , f aptttf OPE R A HOUSE. PROF. CBOMWELL HAS THE HONOR TO COMMENCE (flI3 AP paratua having Brrlved) the grand opening of hi1--:tt r t .!. id- :' -. : .i -s "A It T-'-'T'l E W "" to-night,1 aprh: eVnv.isTs. ! '"' . London, the Modern Babylon, WriX BE REPRESKSTEn. , ! x.' ro t " i RESERVED SEATS Meored without , extra charge at Heinsberger's Bookstore. , Doors open as TV Entertainment commencing at 83 o'clock. 1 : ' GRAOT) iATTNEB SATURDAT.SS!I apSlt. , , . , For Sale, i ' "l V t ; A BCTIC FREEZERS, WATER QOOLERS, Hep's" Patent Self -Watering Flower Baskets, Warren's Patent Cookers', Patent Wash BoUerstEnglish Wafer Irons. Jelly Strainers, Toilet and Chamber Setts. A variety of Lamps, Kerosene OH, 'Pomps. Stores, Tia Ware,; lETAL"B00HKa DONE TO ORDER.' And noon as favorable terms as at atiy Ather nliuvi in the city, at No, 8 Front street, near the corner of Market. ap4-tf .'-W T. CHILD, Agent3' lIlgistiibn-llotice. TSE REGISTRATION BOOKS OF FOURTH Ward will be open for the registration of voters on Friday, 5th Inst, and daily thereafter (Sundays excepted) until the day of election between the hours of 9 A. M. and 8 P. M., at Ana street Engine . JOHN J. FOWMTR. . . s - r , ap 84-lt 5 J WM. MoLiAURIN, -,. Regtetaaraf. ITotice.; THE COPARTNEBSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting under the name of Smith ft Stranss is dis solved by mutual consent, to take effect the 10th of April. 1873. John H Stranss is alone authorized to settle the business of the city and Wm. V. B. Smith is alone authorized to settle the business of Bladen. r. : ' - f;.- vr --r : .WM. V; B. SMITH, .. i 1 "' ". " 8 . - .u1;"-"11 ' ".lis. ii Ilolasseo IIolacse3. "jiyg ; hhds. "ahd BBiw cro'fctjba. 300 Molasses,- , g Q Q Bbla Golden Fleece Syrup, . 2 p iA : i For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, apattf . . 87, 28 and 29 North Water sC'T Spirits Casks, Hoop Iron & Glue. 1 000 spnuT CASKS, q'q tons hoop iron, : 2q'bls.gllb,' ' 1 For sale by ' ap 24-tf " . nr . juuiwunua, SY, SS and 29 North Water street. , Gentlemen's--' G-aiters. JpiNE PltENCHlbALFiN-' -' A ' 4 , -. Hand-Made i( , . Fasbiokabui Sttxas. t ,i .. DUDLEY &. ELLIS, ' sign of the Big Boot 1 apl4-lt "".; ' ;Hay Hay Hay. OKA BALES PRIME HAY, r ur aaie o y P. W. ap84-tf 87. S3 and 29 North Water St i Savages IlrsiiLa!-: J.'0 ' fel.CPOR THE HAIR.) I Ki fd-: XXowlandfs Slacassar Oil PUFF BOXES, EXTRACTS, - COSMETICS, Smelling Bottles,.Hand Mirrors, Brushes. Soaps, Ati, Ac., at , v GREEN, fe PLANNER'8- .aprtr : , . ,r . . . . HORSES-AND MULES -FOR SALE. ST'"nrX.m HORSES , AND, MTJI4ES--I WANt to close out in one week. Parties in want of stock will find it to their adyantage to anpplyk themselves immediately. z jtv.:i is. i. - itia stoca can be seen at y. j. .aontnenana'a Btaoiea, apr 4St .. ...... . , W. A. MYERS. Wanteti? silt) L GOOD PRINTER TO WORK ON" ATiOOUN r newspaper will be required to do Press and Job , ... j Address immediately, ..-1 ?' - -,:r apr 84-lt ijl ;Eocky Monatv Nlfci 4 Wilininii!! JANJJ Cbartereat py , A'C of tbe Ceneral Ae embly oYoribarolljna jatatS . r ,T t2.J -Ai fled February -28th, 1873. SILAS N. MARTINr. DONALD McRAE 1 i ..President ...Vice- President . . . . . . ... .vl : ..... .Cashier P.M. KING.. .4 DIRECTORS: V SILAS N. MARTIN, , ,. , DONALD McRAE, EDWARD KIDDER, 1 ' E. K. BURRUSS, ' .... GEORGE ,CHAD BOURN ; 3 iiifj I ?C X HIS INSTITUTION WILL COMMENCE BUSlJ nesson Thursday, May' 1st, 1873, ; at ita Banking House on Market street, north aide, , between Front, t,; .. - ' . ' ' ' ' " and Second atreata. ," 1 . , .,..!. -.. "j( 'j Depoaita of ONE DIME and apwarda will be re-4 ceived. Married women and minors, by the poo vi-' sion of the charter, can deposit money in their own name, subject to their owa controL; (. t j-fi ) i INTEREST at the rate of SIX PER CENT.- PER ANNUM allowed on all deposits of FIVE DOLLARS and upwards, remaining In the Bank three months - , - d .''-. :f .-:- - " and upwards.. Interest la payable aeml-annnally-r when not drawn out the amount will be added ta the principal money, and is entitled to interest the same !-.,., ........ - v ' f!WJ,v i Loans' will be made upon ftrat class real estate and collaterals, at reasonable rates. ( tu ; It ia intended that this lSattlott. shall supply a long felt Want Ih the dtof Wilmington. It offers a safe place for the deposits of the wings of the peo- 4 1 r - .f ... i .... !..-.' ' 1 ... pie, however smaU. It wIU add to tiiesum , deposit ed and girs aa impetaa to boslaess by retaining and emoloylng the capitArwhere tts nmnTated. The patronage 01 tne public Is solicited. , ap 18uH may 1 sac THE REV. FREDERICK ARN0LD,B. A., : 7. .'of Christ Church,1 Oxford. ,;. , .ltmo, Cloth, $1 78. - hW -PHE author, in kis efforttto exhibit Abe turning : A- ooints in the different ttaees or thaaea of lif . and their Importance in influencing the character ana tne fortunes oi men, sceeps always in view that it is effort more than accidttot thai, controls these, and shows . how a proper conduct ot life Bay in many cases lead np to them, and thaa man may be come in a large degree the arbiter of Ids own destl y. The moral effect of the book on thar vooog is excellent from this point of view, and It will possess elements of Interest, aa weU .as of caaael and ln strncrionK to a large class of readers. " - For Sale at - - . HElNSBERGSRw ' - ap Se-tf.'s.ii t u . 'lin Book, and Mnalc Storei Old rnmiture' Made New, C1 LEANING, GLUEING .VARNISHtNO AND CtTSHIONTNG Done m the neatest style and at shortest notice. f, Orders for Overhauling and cleaniag laattrasees and executing caae bottom work eolicltea. - ; ; Orders left at Mrl John A. Parker' a patnt shops on Second near Princesa street, will recatT prompt attention. . Work . reaetved and deliveiied , free of dreyaue. I ' j 4 LWM. J. IL WELL. apSO-nactf w . , " . - Lime," Lime. 1 800 BBLS E811 LraEAA Choice Article, :t No wLanimg.'. Orders aoUcitd...: ap 18-6tnae WORTH WORTH . LAP ROBES, WOOL HATS, TRUNKS, HAJt ness. Saddles, Bridles, Cellars, Hamea, Chains, Saddlery Hardware, Travelling Bags, Feather Cas ters. ' . - - -. ii Stock JLarajf and Pileti Law, : Biepuan c aw. ; . No. g South front 8t; ' Se CO., ; front St . octSS-tf nac.F, j MISCELLANEOXJS; j.. afr V jA" - "J iFUEIsITITEE ATAUCTJOIT. v;f .D0rHllK.CKONXV-AaiotleWoev.'r V ;: BTCRONtT &.,lt0RRl& W.l.!, ' o N PRIb AY MdRNING, TJStB? ' iNSTV,111 c6M MENCUNG AT 10 O'CLOCK, we will sell. In front of our sales rooms, an extensive assortment of ; HOUSEHOLD AND KTTCIIEN rtJENITURE, , ap23-8t.. . y ... r-.- j .'?..-., ' THE CELEBRATED j :: buFFIELI) ' TTATTS, rp4TE FINEST CUBED HAMS IN AMERICA, .JL direct rom the o:j. !ti.. vi ;yn.'J .'. Packing House In Cnlcasoi v. , ' if 1 v-r r t ' ' ' Thes! Heunl appxlmaVte, 'CHABA.61EB and, GbOI4V4LtTIE8t Oiir own 1. 0.1 HainsVf AND ARE SAID TO BE EVEN BETTER BY . , MANY. . OUR FIRST SHIPMENT FOR , - ,i THIS SEASON XQWJRBTO&Bt;xj !. ... C ; i CHAS.D. MYERS A CO.i 1 apSS-tf. VJ -" TorAFroatatreet:, rpHOSB HANDSOME CASSIMERB BUSINESS A' and ' ' ' "-' " '' T ' ": "' , 'JD r e s s Ba i,t sc j . -v;;cAisiirjrjn30cnLija Superior Wnite3 SnHrVB;lrn1aai; iTats AC. .'rr.'-. i" isur: -'MTJNSON aCOs Clothing and Purnl'hin Store, apS3-tf , 00 oaiwt win. Coni-i-Ccnx. ."U 1,. i . at. , -1 .. . 15,000 BUSHELS i;-i-'.-.i-'- -''.'' ' I , . t . .. '....,!-... i ....... . fc v;i-Faj sale by; t-i. W itKiJ i'; Iap'88-tf; :!,oi .WIUJAMSMURCIIISON.- nirCottonJBattmg:!:'V iV' ' - :i"V f : :- ' TX)R STRAINING ROSlN, IN LOTS TO SUIT, ) 'r -Poraieby apS3-tf 'WILLIAMS MUBCH1SON. PlouiFloxiTs 1,500 BBLS.; ALL' GRADES, 'Fot'eaieby ap 23-t - ' WILLIAMS MURCHI8ON. ;:. : ;oia:iune. . BARRELS FLOUR-, 600 BARRELS PORK. " - 25,000 LBS. D. S. SIDES AND SHOULDERS.-f IOO BARRELS SUGAR. . . . , - , gO BAGS COFFEE. ' -400 BOXES 80AP, CANDLES. STARCH, PO TASH, LYE, TOBACCO .Ac Low to the trade, ip a-trl , v "EDWARDS e HALL,, f e Hare Recdrci ti Steazer To-Day i '"'A choice lot of ' J " F itTOB FRENCH CANDIES,'- H ,u' Dried FIct, Prunes, Dates, ' ..,t . :ii..... Fresh Nnta. Lemona. ADDlef Jellies. Preserves, Ac., Ac ' ,;,4 . feb87-tf 1 ' T -! wat WES CO.' ' 1. C00PEH3 TTA1JTED. ONE TURPENTINE STILL AND ri&&, modelled for making Window Glass Rosin. I ale. . . w i. .vl' -Cooper, to masts Hpmt or ttoma. , ritv or country, can find employment. I ff&wV'""1! ANBoimajgc' i A ' FTRST CLASS MILCH COW. r A LltZXAL A poereITided guarttto. bSfi TfT Apply thlsofflce. a? ill 1 r.f 1,