THE IIOEimiG GTAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY j ()rric Dwoa Bank Buildings, Front Bt iutbs or insaaBirnox. ,.Teer,hidvence O" Ttiis. tn advance a ..$7 00 so ; 00 W 0 fflViSTAB wlU bo dell wed m any part Ths 0. nmm ner week. ..K.CltT " ' "outlines. -, , - 7, bridge at Dixon, BU on whlch two hundred people were witnesdnjabaptlztog ve wsv, Sunday, and a large number re drowned or crushed In the ruins. Sherman and Howard testify that Colum not burned by order or by Federal Lops, which la false. An excursion Mja i from Pfinceten to ML. Camel, ran off Hownabank;manypassengera were serious- l or mortally injured. Pacific mail Lk fluctuating widely-down to $32. Decision of Stokes case to-morrow and expected to be against him. , Suit of people of New York . Ingersoll decided br Judge declaring ia faror of tftf demurrer by defendant . -r Every house In Dixon, jjl in mourning on account of terrible bridge accident LU. Jno, L. Wor- den, U. S. A., suicided at TVatertown. Hon. Hngn McAllister, of Pa., is dead, Court of Claims rendered only one judg mfnt yesterday in otton cases forjf 4,033.; Vienna exposition progresseth finely, save for Americans, who are indignant at their situation. . . :ggEOITT., NEW ADTEnTISE9IBNTS. Wm M. Poisson.- Masonio. .r DTOtKf & KiJJa. Boots and Shoes. S. R. Bcntihg. Auction. Local Date. O The Schr. Laurqx Boberts, arrived at Bucksport, Me., on the 27th ult . The Schr. Laura Louisa, from Boston for this port, sailed on the 25th ult T : . , We learn that a son of Rev. Mr.'Hiden wu painfully injured in the hand yesterday by a fish-hook.. . .'. v. ., We learn that the pic-nic ait the Wil mington Garden yesterday evening was a grand affair. ' Special communicaUon"of St 'John's Lodge No. 1, F., & A.. M., this (Tuesday) Teniae, at 8 o'clock'" ' "".' ''?" There was only ; one case; before the Hayor's Court yesterday, which was dis missed on the payment of $3. ' - The U. 8. Court, Judge Brooks, pre siding, met in this city yesterday. Busi ness so far unimportant -,.i.t .'. . -. The meeting of the Board of County. Commissioners was not held last night, but postponed until this evening. V " The hog cholera Is prevailing to a con siderable extent in this city just now. hTVe hear of several who have lost heavily by the disease, - , , t,x r. . : . : - . - J. 'i The officers and visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society are requested to attend Hie monthly meeting of the Society at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation ' this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 6th inst, at 5 o'clock. ;', - Messrs. Lemmerman & Coney's hand some little tag, the Wtn. JVyw, made the ran from the bridge over the Northwest branch of the Cape Fear to this city, a dis tance of 4, miles, yesterday afternoon, in just 19 minutes by the Watch. Wreck, era cbor.ij.J.-AJ We learn that a small schooner called the Toy, commanded by a celored man by the name of Bo wens, bound; from this port to Masonboro Sound,. went .ashore just In side the Masonborb Inlet on Saturday even ing last She passed over the bar safely, 4 at after getting inside she from some cause 'became nnmanagable and drlfted,,jm the ' aheala. As soon as she struck, the break- ers orervbelmed her and all efforts to ex tricate her tram the difficulty, only resulted ia making her ease more desperate. Final ly the anchor va thrown out and all hands fcstped evetboacd aad swam ashore,- there b.'ioj ao boat Attached Ao the schooner.' At aceeants one of the ata had gone by tkT board, Jbe nsaaei , was .under water and it v'ae beJiered that be would ptOT a total loss, The Toyl we understand, was owned f Dr. A. W. Rt"sar, and was valued at about $700. Her carbv consisted of building ma-: tenal lumberj hiicka. &c, fcr Messrs. O. G. Parsley, Geo. A. Peek and f'aTage, and was valued at a.Vmt $200. No insur ance on vessel or carg.x A greater part of the lumber will probab ly be saved, r ; Daaatle Leber. . , y i'i." The subject of domestic labor la agitating the minds of a very tmany. or out people Just how; whoW cowplaialn? 'of lie tn reliability of a' great many of the colored female servants. iMaxry ; instance, occur in which servants leave their employers without notice thus causing "mch ahnoy aoce and trouble, 'while other! seem to think they are entitled to: the privilege ,of going off and neglecting their business whenever they feel to disposed and return ing whenever they get in the notion; and others still decline to depart from the regular routine of business no matter what may be 'the circumstance requiring it Employers, fof course, get out of patience with this sort work, and many of them ere .talking of foDowing the; example cf-Northern com munities and Importing white A' Lclp." It ia to be hoped hut our .colored .domestics fcay see the advanU-tr-l3iely: to'accrue io themselves by-icauguraUngT an.; Improve nentinthe matters touched upon above. Cat at CUTricka.'' .1-; L8t night, about a quarter past 8 o'clock. colored boy attemDtcd to steal a bolt of calico f rem the store of Uecsrs." Mclntyre Bhoard.' Fortunate! v he waa discovered la the act by a member of the firm of Ehrier Bros., who captured the darkey and deliv ered him to Hesara. M. & who turned him oyer to a DOliceman. Just before rearh. lng the City Hall, however, he effected- his y cape and was not recaptured. VOL. XIL NO. 38. Olive Locaa at tb Operat Henie, To introduce Olive Logan to toe public of an American city , were :now ji work' of superogation, and we shall assume that as a preface to an account of the lecture which she last evening pronounced, upon the occa sion of her first appearance in Wilmington, there Ix need for the briefest possible refer ence to the lady in her personal and non professional character, , . : , , . A member of "a numerous' family difr tinguiahed in the annals of the stage, she was for many years, an ornament to the dramatic profession. To her rare gifts as a writer she adds the cultivated elocution and dramatic intensity of the actress, and ""not tbleast, striking - of, her numerous attrac tions as a '.lecturer, is the mimetic power with which she sketches phases of7 human nature and human emotion, and thus vivi fies the admirable Verbal portraits with which her lectures abound. Miss Logan; or more, properly ) Mrs. J9ikes, for. a8 bas been several years a married woman, Is of striking And' attractive' presence,' and it is not often that a face is seen more truly typi cal of intellectual, force and piquancy; ac cording to the accepted canons of the science of mental and psychological interpretation through the medium of physiognomy. Her self-possession is that of the practiced artist and is agreeable and assuring rather than objectionable; her voice ia resonant, and her 'dress emin ently tastef ul and decorous; Last evening's lecture was devoted to the discussion of " Girls," and . a subject, . so universal in its scope and interest,, and so essentially charming in itself, appropriately employs the pen of a clever woman. ' The lecture on " Girls n is a model Of the lectu rer's art, and we do not recall an effort more thoreughry in accord ' with our conceptiea of the uses and objects of the popular lec tureat once to amuse,', entertain and en lighten. - It Is difficult to ' decide to which faculty of Miss Logan to accord the heart iest praise, sq wonderfully doesjiheexcel in clearness, dramatic force and .unity,,, char acterizatlen,' wit and anecdote." liex facul ty of genendization-of sypthetical discus sion is wonderfully accompanied by the power of acute analysis. Clever in each of its parts, the lecture as an aggregate, "now ever ancient and deep-rooted prejudice may have been wounded by occasional passages, must be admired for its brilliancy, piquan cy and common tenser-and not Jess for its high moral tone.'.. .. - .- , LrK , Miss Logan's lecture upon " Girls n is subdivided , into dasseas " Little Girls;" Fashionable . G iris,! Beautiful : GirK" Western Girls," Southern Girls," and Strong-Minded Girls." . - "t After pithy statement of the 'difference between Our uttle girls and other peo ples' litte girls," a graceful statement intro duced the " Fashionable ' . Girl a ' class 1 which Miss Logan again subdivided into the Flora McFlimseys, who' have no con ception beyond a milliner's shop; and those more worthy votaries' 'of . Fashion, who properly appreciate the aesthetic beauties of attire, and yet appreciate, the value of mental and moral culture. : " .The "Beautiful Girl" waa . admirably given in. . a brief and ; pungent , statement, which, giving due recognition, to physical beauty, yet maintained the ' supremacy of that higher beauty tf ihd and tharacter, of which the other Is only a superficial Adornment' r . .; The "Yankee GirF and :the;",Wpatern Girl," as given by Miss Logan, are admir able pen sketches, and ' are illustrated ; by anecdotes at once prigina) and. apposite The SciithernlGirr,pf Miss Logan is a very beautiful picture, but lacks true com prehension of the average girl of our see tion; yet it is faulty only in those features, of which there can be no just appreciation, save from a more frequent contact with the genuine article than Miss Logan, it may be reasonably supposed, has enjoyed. .? . The strongest and best sketch of the serieais that of "the Strong-Minded Girtf whom Miss Logan, .admires for her pluck, yet fails to commend in all particulars. A1 remarkable feature of Miss Logah's lecture' is the entire abandonment of , the usual5 accessories of , the public? lecturer she speaks without:; manuscript, desk . or ther paraphernalia; yet with a, .readiness whici has no check, and a fluency which knows neb-er hesitancy nor interrupuon We shall hC1 UJS8 uogin again, w night," as :wm "evedy lewhO heard her lecture upon " Girls. - w - - f Attempted nomleldi In DeplfO-Fe- On Sunday night last, in Rockflsh.Towii' ahlo. Dunlin countr. while a colored man by the name of Tony.jrilliams was sitting in his house eating his supper, another, coi- red man by the name of Joe Matthis ap; proached the house, poked nis gun uuvugu the crack and' discharged a load of buck shot into Williams' head, -inflicting severe injuries. It is hoped, however, that they may not prove fatal, r Matthis had been heating his wife "arid she' had fled to Wil liams for protection, which was the cause of the difficulty. . 5 ; ; : v.. '",'.; ::r In the same Township (RockfishX - on Thursday lasty e colored man named Ben Herring was cleaning out a well, at Powell & Caldwell's steam mill," when It' caved in and Injured him so badly that he died yes terday.' m-m ' " ' TcBayereaiee. -The officers -Tecently. elected s by - the Friendship Temple, of. Honor and Tempe aace (already published) .were duly installed at their Hall last evening after which Rev. Mr. Warren-Pastor of the Fifth, Street .M, E. Church, delivered an 'excellent address." There was a very' fine attendance on the oc casion, including a '"pair 1 proportion : of ladles. The Hall' was 'neatly dressed ' and (he ceremonies were very interesting. WILJIINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY, ;. ,;.'--'.v SECOND FRESBTTESIAN CHURCH r Dedleatorr Scr vleea br ' Bt B. F RIeirblc Brief XeaerIpilon"er tit Bnlldlnc Treasure r ' Statement, 4ce. The Second 'Presbyterian Church if this cny waa,ra punqay; jasyaeqicaiea w me semce;or; yoa. , ' v: .v.. ., The new buildinir, which is situated on , the corner of Fourth itod Campbell streets, I is a'very neat "orick structure, capable of I seating, comfortably .' about thxee; hundred I person" The interior is tvery iicdy lfuK nished,. and presents s very attractive ap. I pearance. .i The wainscot and ceUms are of I native yellow pine, highly varnished,' and the ceiling, especially, is quite unique and handsome. The room ; Is lighted by gas I by means of two very 'pretty - chandeliers, Rev. R FMarable, of Clinton, conduct- e the dedicatory wryT I Messrs. Dickson and Burr." I llr. Marable chose as i text,- VRejoice in the Lord always; and agaur I say rejoice" JfhlLlV. 4. He began by Saying that the church had sustained far more damage from its professed friends and supporters than frftm nil thm attest. nt Uo . emies, and thought the infidelity, material ism, and ritualism of the present day could easily be traced to the blunders and heresies of professing Christians. In illustration of mis, neierrea io JMew Jiingiana, wnere I the deseendants of theTprlmitiVe Puritans, I who, almost without exception, were sin cere and God-fearing men, instead of striv ing to have their hearts right in the sight of God, turned their attention to the observ- ance Of Outward, forms and ceremonies I While their lives" Were in mostcaiesoorfc ously at variance with their preaching, thus uia pure reugion oi uieir iamers aegenerai- i ed till at length puritanism and hypocrisy I became almost amnnvmona terms. ' TT U !. 1.1 A 1 I w uiwuuh luuvuiuurui hhuvw uj iiuuij i Christians, who seemed to think they must I wear long, wry faces when on the contrary they should be the most cheerful people in the world. 1-' . 4 - it J- W" The sermon was listened to with marked attention, and every one seemed very much pleased with the services. . At the dOse Of the sermon Rev. Mr. I v.v. pvjnuw, j i treaittiw;7romwliichitaK) I mg naa Deen erected at a cost oz aoout f o, 500; all of which, with the exception of about $300, has been paid. It seems that the present structure is only intended for a lecture loom, and when the congregation becomes larger and better able to bear the expense, the intention is to uuuu a cuurcnwnica. wiu pe an ornament i tothecitv.. vii-xjf.i ai istii.-ai As this is the only church in .the neigh- I borhood, and the city is growing rapidly i vi j. i i v i v I '. - m m m I meaoaoi aouig raucngooo, ana in many may be induced 1 16 attend, wh4 have now no regular, place of. worship, and many more who are seldom if ever seen at any . . - '.. church. . t i i v Tbe Election Teeaerdey. k' I The municipal election in this city yester-1 day passed off very quietly. We heard of I ... , ' . .- ' I of the Wards and no attempt to create one "" "w .,-..v- . or 'three collisions between -colored ' Rd; I publicans of - antagonistic factions, which threatened something- serious,' i ,jt I were finally quieted dowib. ; v? Awuw..u,K ... vmvu. " i rrom the vanouarvaras:?ellr I - - - - . . -i tO CO rfk. OI .-vj1n' f?- tf' -?" K o. p- 2. 3 3. :i'-. J,-' .: -. -' . ?- ' S:i.r. .: w ,..; t r v il - Moore 643 887 4?3 241 Adrian..... 651 484 451 216 Grainger,... 0462 873 w423 UW Pishblate... 493 883 896 170 Canaday.... 1055 ,125 867 576 Wilson -.;, ,,- 75 .154 456 5 Banks. ; - 45 188 261 612 Rice..V.i:.. 78 1047 269 811 rWise..... 7" 61 129 .253 850 Brewtjigtoa: OI O W 323 r 252 850 Hankins.;.. 54 121 253 605 s Kellogg ;-.. a : 86 64 11 15 ? Furlong liVi ' 60 ? 65 88 161 temagt.te 13;....... 6 Blected.-yA .- lfii ; At the hour or going to press, 8:13 A.; jo., the vote oi ine xirst tiara naa v not-veen counted out Of the tenlAldermen, Messrs. nA Mnora (Oans!P:rvAtTfa and w. Adrian ani Mnora (OnTHfrv.tWr and w. ara ucryumj oicukcia, tt im mo iwiui iuuw what in doubt as to the other six. thouehlt " THfihhl AtA 4 lT!nnserra.tivea are " also irtpi'.. . ''7 '.. - A i t.. . m'. ... , ' i.' I Dr. ateJawell Address. '. . The medical Journals are as warm in their praises of the ; recent address delivered bej- uvUitnn of r the trnf - l. .' 1 vr T tt ' v yersity of the City , of - New -York as the daily press of that metropolis was Just .af ter the'erent" ThB Chialetm Medical Journal and Setiao speaks in most complimentary terms,. while tbi .Southern Medical , Bseord, after speaking of the honor conferred upon v- . an additional link in the chain aatcbwell's. repuUtiw to,;ot confined tr, irrvvi old State , of . North Carolina where he has attained the .highest , profef; brethren but is known as an author : and t"A vA wintrw.,' essays Wu ; r-, . ParJai' i w u IT Ui iiXB k f7 . 'f fll- fijstlrumiahed Mrs. Beecher. wife rf.dBjM divine, Henry Ward Beecher, or BrooKiyn New York, arrived at the Purcell House on , ' . eunoay morning. Dfl a- from a brief visit to the' South and: leit on 1 the Northern train yesterday morning. VICTOHT! VICTOBY!! We stop our press to announce that full returns from the First Ward make certain the election of all four 'of the Conservative candidates for Aldermen, ; James Wilson and Aaron Kellogg (Republicans) being de feated: ' ':: " ; " - - . : " ' V'. i ' ' Eleettonln GoldaWro. ' ' r? By a special telegram we learn that at the municipal election 'In- Goldsboro yesterday the Radical ticket, headed by Gen.' J. W. vox ior Mayor, with a- mixture or so-called whites and colored; men fdr Councilmen, beat the' decent Republican ticket, headed hy J. B. Whitaker, Br., for Mayor; and the Democratic ticket, CoL Baker for Mayor, by a-majorjty-of 46. The dispatch' saya "Thousands of negroea are parading the streets with, tin pans and. whiskey barrels, shouting over the result" irusf t -f CITTT ITESX8. rij6k Sa'taWiav last a amah tad eo toereiT with large wWteepota; haa a knat between her teata. The Under will be liberally tawarded by leavlDg mt wiui aw Jer cnox aMi ana jfToni BHeeia. FBXKTnra Pirn.-We have now in stock over 900 reama of news paper, alae S4zS&, weight 80 Iba per ream. ., It la goedVrag paper, and will be sold, ia lots to suit, for caah, or cent by express q, 0. 11, ,J0 .paraTiKelMiLWebAv JnstrecelTadas Newalnkfor attmmeriifle,pattopinpaclcagea fSS pounds each. '" Cash or C O. 7X orders promptly flued. Price 85 eenta per ponnd. ; - ,! .Joe PwjiTDHk We call ' thcQattentioa of . mer- chants, clerks of coorta, sherlils.lawyera, railroad a4 ateamahlp officers and agents,' and all others aarlng orders for printtng, to the facilities offered .at 9t u3Q VLm ef an kinds or job faunae.- rw cav Tirnlaa at abort notice Cards, Bni-Heada. IetUr-Haaia, -Programmes, Ban Tlcket' BUnk" PW Taga, Eand-BIlla, Cata- ' ' , , b.h., gaszanteed. , ; . Snrlnff onr interview the American eosrnl at Wan kok presented the King an elegant assortment of his medidnea from Sr. J. C. Aver, of Lowell. Mass.. for the use of the court. He explained to hla ntajeaty their origin from the .great chemist and their nses. lor congna, tae Baraaparilla for 1 the Ante Core for the fevers that are so fatal in this hot coon try. : The dangerous condition of a favorite wife in the palace with one - B nf t-ti fltanrrtma th na innllnln in miai - - - - li T mm, cial Interest in these products of .medical skill; Uv- o toe oisoraera tneee meaionos core rave m our country man an tu ouier attennonawe n Jf141 !?,T.,-.V had Spirits Turpentine. 1,5 ; 'Ah alarminer drought prevails inBtatesviiie. ' : ' to Congressional ConT venuon, which assembles in bt XiOUis, Jao., on the 13th inst 1 . The name of. Boon HilU situa- Jonnstoncounty, ; was cnangea to Princetown Ion Thursday; the first day of ' .- CriTlAftW- kr ttM thieves who are " cute" enoujrh to steal harness from buggies in front of stores on principal streets of thaf progressive town. , 1 ;, ',.'," "';' o -i-w-f , i ne Keidsviiie lucora says : vv e learn from rellarjle anthorltv . that two or three of the ronnr Btaleva who reeenflv moved from Patrick countr. : Virginia, to Uolorado were kUled m;the latef right with the Modocs,'. ' 75 Sayathe Kaleigh SerUinel:.;A ygar- diea renitenUary oh Saturday. Paine, a colored man: was sentenced to three years imprisonment, two of which he nau ecrvcu. xio Uicu oi pneajnunuk jAne pio-niounaerineru8pice5 of Temperance. anoLKamsay Jjoast6Ho.lQ. independent -order or liood '-Templars, Which, was to nave come oil last - Jfxiday; was .postponed until Baturday, In conse- ence or the heavy rains , fffc - The commencement exercises of the Warrenton Female College will take Rer. will preach the sermon to the graduating -class, nd Jtlon.jV. JM. ( xtoDDirrs, oi owtesvuie, rill deliver the literary address, , j -t . , ; .. - u '-;The Raleigh Newv is fesponsu lft for . the assertion that '? at CarvJ-i six niles west of Raleigh, on the North Caro lina' Railroad, lives a man who. has five btother-ln-lawsv- all . of whom, ' as well ' as himself v were born 'on the same day of the game month, We believe on the 17th! day of -rfff-GoLJ? Mi EvinsV of t: Spartant morial Address in Charlotte city on 10th o Mar. and has, surnifled his. acceptance or th ftrwitntioh.- ' TJol 'Evlna ia the editor of I the gpartanbtmr Spartan, a lawyer 6f dis i uncuoa, : anu wiyt uu iuu jubuuo. uj ua 'memory of ;Y.the bpys Vho wore the gray. Of AlaiBiBghamV, lecture .i Uf J3Aa. liinernam a , lecture .in i dized thotignts, ior its earnestness pactness. and for its sueeestrven I j u.m tv-vi. Ua us I ILI1IJ. SlJ.liaJlJkC.. JL lUUaUU ig Luae Mi theorr a litue too far. but thatas eenerally the ;case' witiv all , earnest and. positive j thieJwra.? ,H'.m J !;ii ' t it ' .. . tITwo neCTOes; ' cmpl red - near Qarysburg, Green and Minnifleld, had a 1 difflcultv some time azo about the former's utterinz slanderous words about the letter's wif tnjday, the difflcultv was renewed, when Green stabbed Minnifleld in the left breast, inflicting a serious ound. . ureen bleeding, after him, who got a hoe and beat J (jreen unmercifully until they were separa- ted. Minnineidis m cnucai conaiuon. . I The Golds Doro , Messenger, al- the driyert of oQl r-t nartiea. also those ef our relirieua and other; jfrirnala will meet together. and :i fright, of the Hnmphrey House, win aff ord -n-h hoflnltalities to the actual corps of edi- y.openedjicmsc wiarML and the MeaaengerM satisfied the peopleiol Goldsboro will make .editors feel, fully at during their sojourn, Itis alsopro- to give a Grand Ball and supper at the Humphrey House, tad an excursien to Beaufort on the following day, .provided 77- oQcals 0f the Atlantic -Road can-, be 1 DreTan,e4 Hpon to "extend such courtesy 1 over tnas roao. MAY?6,- 1873. mTRTIS NASH A I Rt VHbew'a Church. HDIs- boro, on the evening of April 9th,. by Bev. C. J. CnrtlSjM. A. Curtis. Esq., of Wilmington, to Miee Kry K. Nuh, of HlllabanJ. Mo cara.: NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. TJNTIETHE 1ST 0PftJTJNE WE WILL BELL OTJR. LARGE AND v WELV SELECTED STOCK. Of 1 AT REDUCED. PRICE $ GASH. r.-t i ',- v Ladies' Fine Boota and Slippers f Children's Fan- ! Infant Slippers I U AD Hals to om Orto id-f airatcL itrBLKT" V KLXTS; V J 1; Oli .e Yt X. ' may 8-8w use i i Hi' III', I Si Auction Auction. -iiun-iTur ,i:-iin 1 ii!W--j2.t cv'im.'-pi'j R. XXuntIiis,v Auctioneer,' ririLL SELL AT THBBaB oFTHB 'jtalU ket,atUe'clock A, )L; to-day, i,h.j f,j;fr ;jLf j, two good -; :jj 1 SADDLE AUD .WAElsTCS gQESTO may S-lt s'riTtT.-ft' )t r:-y V'.-r?i'f St. Jolm'sLodgQ Np;l s-.'f.;-be Pi-k tjkiUlatji'?' X'trxl ."ci SPEClaXi bOMlTOOTCATIOlf this- rruss- . .. 1 oraer 01 me w. m. . y . . m:VI; .,;tn., v av: 'wit'M. FOISSOW, t John's BAH, May 6, 18T&U .! ' ' iifteeretarjrt 1 Horse Ilaiiliots, j t . 1AP KOBES. WOOL MATS, ' TRTJWKS, v HAB i neea. Saddles, Bridle, OeUan, Barnes, Chains, Saddlery, Hardware, Travelling Bags, Feather Da- Steele Larat and Prleee ' Lew. J: , ll'v-j tit;r:.u..i-' - . r. -..?ffflr - -'TTo.l.eonUi Frontet, .etft4f aaeitj fr; -r.a;7;illialat?oivli. iil JlJELLANEOUS.!. Etivia'Bo lottery! t. ORDINARYDRAWItfGS Class 90S .'.Mar eta, )8731Claas 008. .Jane 10th, 187S CUm 804. .May MtU, 1878iClaas 906. .Jane Wtk, 187S The amount drawn ia every , Ordinary JJrawing . wiu oe 1 , , t460,000 divided into 782 Full Prize . ( -v ; aA toixows:- Ji -. of.;. ..!......'....... .:...!S.. - 6O.000 '1 ! O. ..i..,.. : 6,000 1 44 Of... 10,000 10,000 10.000 S " 1 of $5,000 each. 10 , of 1,000 each. 80 ""of1 500 each. 40,000 648 " of: SOOeach. O JnnnftniHiwi nf JUM auh ta tha $100,000 Priae.1. 11 ' 4800 9 Approxlmatloos ef $S0Q each to the $50,000 Prise............ 2,700 ' 9 Xpprozlmations of $900 each to the '' ... iifiOO Priae,.... : .,l,SOO A.pproximuoi oi wu eacn io mo ADDl $10X00 Prta.. . ,1,4 4 Approximaaons 01 ziuu eaca 10 ute - two 15,000 Prtaea.. U, .400 783 mum $450,000 Addraea ah orders to BOEKIO A BBOTBSS, CoounlaaloB Merchanta, Who are my only aathorlaed eorreapondents in the United States to receive .or ders and cash aQ nriaes in New Orleans, La., No. 77 eravier Street MANUEL BOKSTIO, First Snh-Oollector for exportation in Havana Cuba street, o& - - - - apo-aawix HoCcb to, Fruit anl TOetaWe firmer., TTTE . ARE PREPAEED FOB THE COMTNO HE COMINa a. Teretahles. 'IT' season to dispose- of ah Fraits, Teretahles, Ac. that may beeonsicned to onr care, and wu care, and aeu it prloaa, with neUe will be them promptly at the highest market prompt retams and quick aaleev- SteneUe rarnianea to-au atuppera. .--nee cara aeiow: ; e !: , j T. BBtjaans..:2. F. SaoAseare. 13. M. Cusjutt. -T'ilii x ir.ii ) vJ n.'i 11 .... .j't tu 1 Mill a General ? Conuniaslon aclrcxumts t a-'si a it "vt ii si Wnp'i' " Liberal advance made on coaalghmentav t Orders ffHed with ?:'!iitf!; .;) i ' . ' .!!' ! cf Coffees-arid ;T6b; r P5IRE. JAVA AND LIGUFIIA ;e:s'! iA?:;JLJtxs. .fi Q.RKEN, ROASTED AND GEOUND FINEST JBBADEa OF. COFFEES.? 3 Till -r. i ENGLISH BREAEAST, .NATURAL JAPAN; t;i OOLONG AlTD v6XUCBONG F !' --j'- S-T , i A Jlj A O . .' u .. ? rr r t f l:.if ' ' -.i'." We make large purchases direct from the import era, and not only save to onr customers two or three profits, bat can always recommend oar Teas as fresh and full flavored. :; Band for samples to , ' "J :!.. t- .s -. . ... i ., . - , ., r CHAS. D. MYEBS A C00 m y4-tf '-n -r ' ; v North Front street r .Bacon i and' Pork. (ffi BOXES D. S. SIDES AND SHOULDERS, : 400 BOXES SMOKED SIDES A SHOULDERS, OftH BBLS PORK, i'.r.. 7 For sale by-' --t p. w. BXRCBKXB, "'msy -tf; ' ' ' 'at,' and 99 North Water si pistiUers'; iStipliekj;; 1 AHA SITRIt'cASKS, 850 BBLS GLUE, 60 1 ,UUU Tons Hoop Iron, 90 Bbli Bangs. 900 Kegs Nails, S30 Packages Eiveta, SOB BoUa Cotton Bagging, jI -i'H For sale by -V 11 wl:aiaCHNrEV;: may 4-tf, . 97. -tj and North Water St. ; -(K A HHDA CUBA MOLASSES. 900 HHPS AND 10 U Tlerees 8. H. Molasses, 400 Bbls S. H. Mo lasses, 500 Bbls Golden Fleece Syrap, 18 Bbls N, a Bjnrn, LOW Bbla Floor,. , jinfi t.L;.;j fi- mm AAt 1 1 ? 94. H and 99 North Water mrZ. T . . . . . . ' . 1 . - t y If. ill CARPENTERS' TOOLS- OF EVERY DESCSTP J tion, from a Gimlet to a BoringMachine, at New Hardware Btora, eoraer Prhjceaa and Watar streets. xnayVtf ' GIXjaAirTcmsON. , :, WHOLE NO. :i,734: EAix noAU ijnes. ;; :G6ncM:Sup!ts OClcej 1 ivi rn.irxiwGxoir, COI.TJXIBXA ' i AV ' 1 . n n .All . Wr - : ' r : v71Uiri!raT02r, jf. Oct. tth, 1871 u-.i-ae j.y.ijtt.vmi ini j2 - - -- - - t.;!9 ::rti. .? rpHE TOLLOWI5G SCHEDULE WILL GO IKTO A effect at A M., aunaay, na nst: . ;,i-ni nriniES TttAIw: rDallr.l " v' T Wnmlnftm : 2. lit A. M. Arrive at Florence............, J16? 4b ;JJ Arrive at Colamhia 9:40 P.M. Arrive at AaguaU.,.. TS P. M, Leave Angnata.. ....... ;..i.,;.j'6aa Ai Mj amvs at vohud..(,., f , jo a. v Arrive at Florenee.......i,,. 4:15 P.M. Arrive at Wllnnajlx..n.... ,...'.. AS P. M, Aisni Aiipreas xtsuji, uaiij pun- Leave WQmngtni;.Mu.:..iiw.f) SS Pw M. Arrive at Florenee.n4,...f. ..... IVJM P. M. Arrive at Ctolambia,7.....7..n:...-r. lf8:40 A.' 5. Arrive at Angnata.. 6:90 A. M. Leave AngUBU....;.;,.;......"...... 60 P. M, Arrive at Colombia, .,.w.i,4,.tf:: W:W P. Arrive at Florence ... . 9:19 A. Arrive at Wilmington.;... 8MA.1L :.-!? rc JAMES AJfDIESON, ; , &1-Miil- f --:.;VtQ3: ...ectS-t t.r AN1 KTJTIISBFOBIk IKi X,,a fi J ' 'dmcrn CHETtoiosm' aW Giort 'sw'T? i :a .u . , -Wrumreron, H. O, Jan. a, I87S. - ft 11. UriH "V -1 'I'i Jh .V. i.Vl TtNTIL FTJRTHEH NOTICE ON AND AFTEB vJ Jannary 6th, the regula train will ran ever tauasioupws:.. j.-., f.V vn:n leaveWlnnlngtoedcnyssSA A.'raot arrtra at o:w r. au . . . . r A8SBM CSSK 4k BXFJELSS9 VXtEIGlXT X Tjeare Wnmlng'eafly at 8A."M.,;an4 arrive Leavs tLaeavQle aafly at 1:49 A M. and arrive at 4:65 P. M. . s . ,' !' WW Two Special Freight Trams for TOIf LUM BEK roa trreepectrvely. - ; .-..j .(....- r mo Train wfll leave mBoadaya - 8. L. FREMONT. t JanT-tf.: : )fa f Chief Engiaeer aad Bopt ' Wilmington' &-7eldon . RAILROAD C0j HlJlj-.iJnilV; ff . i Ovrani ov Gxxi SonBnmxsnrr, JITSBJUaflT, 1 t 8th, 18TI f 1 STANT.-PAS. ... , - wuminsTon, . u., baseeui o. rtrainaon the Wilmington and Weldon wiu run ae iouowa : . f! ' MAIL TOAIW. Leave Union Depot dally (Sandera ex. ' cepted)i:.'....v..'.-rf.;v...k..:At 6:16 A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro , IS: 11 p. M. Hocky Mount......:.....' .e 9:11 P.M. Weldon ........v. 8,60 P. M, ed)........Tr...Trr....TrrAt mix, Axrm at Rocky Mount. .. J1S07 A M. , OaJdaboro 1:16 P. M. ' " Ceaea Depot........:.. S:90 P. M. ' SXPSESS TBAIN. v.'? Leave Unlcm Depot dally;...:... ...At 10:40 P. M. Afnve a oiosooTO,v.....,-...,..i... axw a. jl. .i Rocky Mount.... ....... .j 46 A.M. J Weldon -6:50 A M. Mere Weldon. daily,.-......,i ..... . - 7,16 F Arrive at Bwky Mount. 8J8P. ; Go)daboro....v-i.w...-. 10:59P. M. The rnafl tram makes eloee nonasrtinn at Weldon Tor all polnta North via Bay Line and Areola Creek saiasav 4 yis-is m mm i ?:a ajewTimneet only wh Aee Oriek roata. JPwUmriaja's IPelaee sUMjalM Cmxm " TKB3GHTk TRAINS ' wul eVve Wilmington3 id-- IAJV A, U,nWllf M lSJW AT. aM. A 9 FREIGHT. TRAINS wlU Jeave.Wfl- mingtoa dallr Snndays excepted at 6:45 K-'M, anaamveat4au-. ja.f;;-.. .. --' 1:2.-:i Jone9-tf v GeneralSaperlAtendent WIL9IIJIGTON 4c irSAXMlIf B. Jt. ) -Jf- -U- .?WjjrAtm IBIAs 1S7S J U i; -!; f .17AST lTT117TTfr SMTfTTI T TTT .TS' - i .:iForAeeeiamodtloaof J J l nxr! Shippers of Ireiglit and Vegetables to COMMENCING APRIL- 10th, 1878, THROUGH Freight Trains wlU leavd Wilmington daily (ex cept Bandars), at 5:45 P. 1L, arriving: at Weldon at 8 A M, connecting directly with Seaboard and Roan ke Railroad, and arriving at Portsmouth 1:80 P. M. V.-i X 1 lis MONDAY AND TUESDAY I wm take Wednesiay's ship.' Of ' ' ' . t Wednesday thtjesdaYv and fetdaY1'1 wm take.Satarday's shlp!. '",''' 1 1 ' Ts: Baltimore and Philadelphia shipments made daily except Saturday,' will leave Portsmouth next day without fall Shippers at each station along Una or road can avafl themselves of this trala, ' - , ,,-r.t ".-svj -J-. f. DTVINX, CtalSaW. , ( A PorayGenl Freight Agent; -vr, . . j ap 18-lm ( MISCELLANEOtTa ROM AND AFTEB THIS DATE THE BATES f or lighterage of cargo henoe to vessels over the Bin ' ..-!'-.?. 1 uy. . h i'-Mj ;fcsc;.j 5! r; SO CenU per Barrel for Rosin, . ... f y . SO Cents per Barrel fur SslrHs Tsfpentine. -J-rir ) : Agent Waccaiawaf Wrecking Co.'- - - ; TiABBISSi HOWELL, mIT For istnut Brandt and Lighter Washington. -.'ii Fi ii ,;-ii.. yd:t) ?i OldilainoVt Hk BA BARBELS FLOUR. rK?;:s lARRELS PORK. " 5,000 LBS. D. 8. SIDE3 AND SHOULDERS. i 109 DilUUIXS BUUAK.. .. to BAGS COFFEE. J -r 400 BOXE3 SOAP, CANDLES. STARCH, PO. TASH. ; apStf 1. a, ivMVAViSfi. low to tne traoe- KDWABDS A MALU , naaeuvenngau rreignisio new xora,-ruUadel-phiaand Baltimore boats leaving that afternoon. New Yorkahipmeats.of., m h .jxArrs op ADvci:rrniG. r-r Oh Bwrnaaa d v. i 4 . .t 1 VO " ihmii i i.Ij. 1 60 " " three days 00 . t foMdyi..,.,,...,f,.V a0 one week, -- - Tw mtkl ...... 6 00 . ThmiNMka.,A.l...i'.;..'IM One molh . 8 00 TwononUui ................15 60 TTiueotttiia....c-4.i.i,..fsoe C3w nrm 1 K si 85 00 60 09 ' M One year. nsr-Contract -AdvertiaemenU takes a t -UBk asawaaaaawa a . propor tionatelv low ratee. ' Five Souaree eettmated as a quarter-comma, ane teaaqmaresasahalf-colnma. , rr ;.' ? ? JO. cnoif . Aectleneer.; t. BT CBONLT A MORRIS. ' :-' " tvi;nt v it,v .j ., rr w c 0.. ' ; t lo ON TUESDAY NEXT. eta jNaTANT, XT U o'clock A. hC. we will aelL at onr aalaaraom. Na 1 North Water street, an assortment ot ; r . , -JiVv.'J ImiCBOXCS TAST8-oi '"'vs1.! ' V " maya-St , v ;.. .r . . . 1 " ' n 1 .1 .' ."')'T' 1 ' PercoiiallA'opcylkemptioii tiri--i'it iiotfaiaambt- K'l' ft U-VV-'i. out T AM OFFERING FOR tste A above, together with choice rd boairht at the nt tal ot their extenstv stock, coaaUOng of recent white coons, mm, -i osiai, i; k.aUeA,I7LsM su OUAreahs ;x.Tv ivor.-: : n : vy,-m - all rtRd ,1 1 r a 1 a a 't ' y ' -f'fi I .5l'. ": 7i'.U'JV.v:i.'.. HiteUfOVf at prices not 1q exceed, and In many cases leas, than-' t.?'--'r-'ri ..'- .. tMneeeii let Front and Second itreeta,' aaxt aeor toevansei Voauiann. ;r .. may e-ai- 5 BUSINESS VSU1TS!- 1L .liitoiPnckt HITS. DUCK. itjith7. 0 LITE LOGAN AT THE OPERA HOUSE. Two - Nlgnta Only Monday And- Tuesday, 7 ? st May 5th and 6tli; 187J. -'.'n; f J . lui viiA-z;ioz . . .',.m L j j'.f Afw rpHE WORLD BJCrOWNXD LADT ORATOR, WUL tm Monday, Kay 6th;' aeUfer net fsmoul lac- .! 4 a. , and ee Tuesday, May 6th, he briUIaht and witty diaeourseon . . . . . , , . . NICE TDUNO 1TEN-. 1 .i'.t:-'lUr T ,-.'i.--.',.-1 vet i!.v- 1. TVmra niwm at TV rminmr4n at AW ft'MAV M.Admisakm iL r e extra charse for reserved seats for aale at Heinsberger' Lire Book and Masie .Store.;; I., yj J ; -i,; a :4.esaAi,' , -. . , . QWlNO TO THE IMMENSE PEMAND roa tmjs !l ' j Ay :. Cr'.i'.i' aT9J . Ska tmm. m "f t, WX ARE . IN BECXIPT !,pF. 4 , .,- 4 2 5 O aje sW ook ly;. PUT UP in CASES FOB FAMIXTjUSa -UJ t3ci .Itii:4 tu liSiiiTftaa ap9o J5lir.fTT antisrrerit'sWei ir. t ,'.'.9lf?.';.i :J.rrr 'livjj TOBACCOS. itYXBY.Dl DESIRABUr' FOR KS TAILERS.'i TK7ftl lji ' lTlceUaattpayAents.- i ft 1 ss i 't: TT .1 if ,'tifU .U. 1 ) :) 'i5J. ., .way-::.-.! ;u 'at J ' -:'U'';s!'( :rt: .jsV l."?il.o' 'jf;i r m v " A3XD SAY1HG3 BlllXrf U VV.ILL'.i OPENi f FOJt'.i BETSEitEai ! 031 wit nONBAaV JLia FAAr, INBXXUJr OF ,1 v:j'.-'fj Tm 1T ejf BIAX cfn.j 'ir; r TWa. poatpoAMaentk aaevoieebk, .ewing to', tae noa-anlval of the safa and hooka. . ,r r, :., .,,,'. AH papers pfbllshlng irst. notice Vffl copy, til fil h' lif?;y.-i . ?'-;U::j n '''.' J.i.t -in-) ;-iit !.)! .'ii.svj Ilczsina Lonciia.; rA ORANGES ! STICK CANDY ' BTTtt! BOX; Cutting A Co i's Apricot. :' ' ' bartlett -pears; :; Newtown- Pippins,: and ' lot of -nice things m the" . i ! j.FIsli and flesUiLinev - 1 1. . j ! ?. CL 8TEVXNS01T8j - api Bbbto.ahd CSioeb; li Io vnTi:ii.-fJlat i'ftrAy Fiiil4s::rt:d!ip 'T.7? fell j'f. .f 3'M 1 V.Vili LowrrntcEJ. -.rrtin. 7iT. 'J'.. . . r . pCPJL'li.-f li - GEO. B. FRENCH Jt SCITS, tl Korta Front strssC nayl-tf "to t

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