(TV THE NEXT OALB Tit AX SWEff - ?" ''"V A. O.iA iTaV AA t - ' ' r- The EtIIs ot BfoncrtllsnWThe Pollti- Nay the clash of arms in Louisiaua . Pic-nici arealltho croin Charles- eai suuaUon-itintre-Probabie New B.aVS,i-C.IRL8', the second clash has actually oc-1 ton x v k eToiti wht is the Do.tr rtiie K B -IT X T H E .V! B E S T, kas Wdat MpionsorfrXr 878. tuC J2rrAii;:;5TOi5:::)iHjUi'ffiiioifl Grievous ffiitttiOeJiJI)iiiXI With ern SWimyCom44Se; ana aasning son-in-law of the. Fenny sylvania 4SftftpBEj&. Mf by tiya atcbtv iS&ObrJ o? the ly dispjiji late coijteiit WlUfc ?9y Vf?Sfta Li mm gM Norfolk apai.iwii btL' " j nU 1 T IflTl T I T 11 U Tfl I 111 I I I HI I II I TTl V 1 u nv the Soufi3ty6qmpany4for achangUOfgalMMj hT - . . . r. ii. i f i vl Li r. i-t'-. - own "Well, our remark , npon receiving ftIL onr remark- nnon refteivinc I cit;SxoTr. nAXUu&i.axeb . 04!XSqL'tan, anadrcvd themibaok toiStollar- . :ai .'KijTJ .jfH, ttovfflK'froifr'whiph pr6int thia prices " ." Af uriher4iieetin tW ChaW-' jeoparayrorr raUroad1Qo1idn; TJ rfifaa be eM - tarelv ttiaiift)) and whijWep-twsaifi conspicuous- tl AnW'e appointed of the Chamber o'Ctofifierce certain railx6aaJma Ki "Tire this a.fel2ii fciosulslan8 ported by the "charge of the light Brigade" of the Richmond Enquirer is the favorite. phyaLof-ir chbor, we "still Kve. Yes, we live, and we llvfl to wort iW rt-h1f f b4titM of our city. Ve live uncajoled as yet, ai 2 w adv But e Joum vocates the the LCT'Wffil11 ton more thantntfaiHef tW-busl-4 ness on ... - m. m . i mrU tptter-fff-tedthaii 1 a(, we are e in ine counsels 01 ine ooutn- ern Security Company, when it orac- ularly proclaims the immense advan- wges tDaermapys ecatTOaisr great1 , V6id "and tutting WHl greiter power in theirn othVgnWno- puwer ui wwiwnwOT vnvgiaini I V. Jinri rTaioT 3uage wre-xemper or ouxpeopie oetwr than .we do, -wBen If pp6se. to . t r a r, nr- r tt" changlheiage'ln'llieallea terests of WilminMbUirwas'JsdT monopoly, that it may well desire to - use iu capaciues in inis new enter- i Diise. I Btt1TwaS22IirLSwaa assured tb the T-iIA.t9 Greensboro toC, A1 the other enoHdtM: rOadtd-a agent Wa'eulherrffirliy Cfein kA vuvkn.rrcK'ii will adrSTtrtHnlertbtth fTl . ' . ? til h rOad-Hdatrf PrJk tePnategMiABtelns JUttnwtaifiilt&MiiUs Sr"t4" It or of the NorhernoJhrfinmght which we have agam and againw the interests of onr'rSnrlfetS ont. does rJV!twf'Hrf thl"nkrirjfrrovnifl-, tint. rrlriwnnrr tnftnra i rnintwi tnr I &-aj-rrsr.trx-rj i us, and,wV(ret6Kl to hope.-!t We havpfdjj tj Qast, bu in vain, vve worship at no rami road b' ly doe Ours hMliBeovrse. fonjnerj teMdltoB-e ettniuasofclttfff is fcWcoagtsCfeifl' course, Ir UJTrllglTt - - " i. - ' - ynsw . . " - - 1 1 . i aisinieresLeQis. y e inaYJiaYeixrieo,4 - M"rLfiLiJLZ2L of evil was exored,. since, we, com- manna1 nnvomiaila anil na finn. I vwv vvy- n. im ,ua, others may rfeieatf eeUaiiifV w I -w J w raise iT.i7Tii7.Tr,-4 fought .- Wi the true interesfa"6f ftiT'mf nave a WIAi-JI? trust withrenzeal, ff dl afford to let our local Mnt ; i 1 - vi - fight iflklusT - vvaa wua vviibviuiiwiai w 1 .-1 v: 11 .5Ar"'I - r: t 1 rTT TTTnFTTTT.fT T'tlfentlXOIV DISASTER, t'' At hundrrsofis, tnony 01 baptism were hurled into the Rock rivertKISome .jfty tifre 'tilled by thedebjth or were drowi artaS city in the northwestern part othe. State. , The telegraphnrnis particulars ui wnai is a Oappaj' ling caiaatropne. xhe cause of tbfr disaster, a rtjrMi rj, poranly awaken public solicitude T lor the safety ooTtrfdgei?4 19 had constant reminders of a lata that the faaterliwiiril grp-ws the. JesajtL! cares foJ2$iqqi2S QtlsAtXix:. minders theicab-tv at DixonrMrcnft of tberraQlfi ,i nrwiC i Jioa-es p. . U- r. T r,,?T U. as great as in the affai at llolfaTl - , . 1 - ' -- V ine people are M&Ungw tinA nf f.vo. rr -iui a,. i - ? . 1 fj4pf41i'1: bj TTiiit.nl fliatM ' v m l i jnent of Kellogand seem determtn-" JSTtiiftjiuwlierl.twd h4ndreil, irodor itoe 'OTceMri " . ! Th0'niri,Bi. ihv:J iorcei(.3ftmwiexioijae 4ijTauwiu-r- me ciuzens repuiseima f .,1 . lV. TU iSftM oaiui Biuue mo cjbwv vu. ,"vy 1 ...1 r TVsld 1 r. 4,-r $unKi r ZZkTr bitvii w;.a6lji m;ine:Dona Jeasesv Dtore the Supreme hundfM dollars, tasr appl' MiAM.kiA p ' rv" "1 r ivf-.na a v w r hmifii nn . :r . . - . i r -v- (.;:. .. r r owak jraiijhJtiurfrf. floh4Kt v fo 1 f . . r .r . ,. .l fv. lrlv -mvorjoa ifviinEjuJqt,! v "4- I r . . . . 'i fTTiYw4 ,r: has yet oeeWrHdi 8 "oII ec -x&'n3l f iTTOJifYf & irji .. . -OT L'ilvPJiS ff1rnSMtW.h,rf-Mmfirmftt.tni aU cTme whimMraiS hstlectiQB ccByacts,"s'iysteriia)r. w0prv - over tfie dead sad In a DT6odYreencoaiuer 1 i r r TTi r . t;i t , m r : i "i i in . i m cdimlw&fiimsiaction mi.tt,ivv.4ivi'tASM ..ffMnfctiVw i W fo Have been performed at uapmo w . xr" v-; . . - - Dj SKlii ul process ito uxft-seaa ox imns: a:nrl G. on the street J slanbed2 hiiri f rgeiy ehgtt-'cmrea-paa himMlt In tadtes, aoa i m moral ad - rnvntidMrStiSrelMWifift been la life. .'..Now tali itory hattbi Sandr HW3' ! Ifr.lv - ui r. ri!-ucitt.x:a.'li:a-M.UJ Inifr?ir?Tl lfWrTT1 w l - An i Khwt1vlll UltiU thltsafelW r - - -. wntttn for the specialbenefit ofthe mannea, J TsrrsiffTnsiEBix nnifVffTMrvirmirnjiamTPr'i kawi tbelccdoal Of -AJrerinleBl: ift ccud blood. Md whom.ttilVHof 'frwiian'f. i y . - hkvawdw4i m nui if muxn. m lmed!ii.rfronif maiU'rodn) fiipitf fcyi - ciotiatdWtboue.nrA,apldie Lir: Vhjc.kwitfid Mm.bok1t9m Sltt:m -woLolaiT. .St .ill Jacwcv.-t beer Cellar in Leinzi?. a man iesefiQTB& ra v fpMJ I PHIfrTJ.I.rTFf QMIPTnnBH ymjVMIUl. j wasgMtai Incurkhld proptlfatal -nalaQz.l aJfeQicWia ftinjMryiiA I sooni Ikd'thaaflawhWJW "WIC .!xT rnoID place i ----- t - j - - a -- t a tnan the dead aaloori-Keeprsaa - I j 1 ' ' ' 1 1 f -i"'- ioniTKrt&zioiteoiAhtM3e&bvki J.UffVhfU.lhI origiiajninnj 01 a BuxnecFft. thecirUtt a 1 , w -r 1: a 1 . w: a a 1 41 .Va"m I -1I!'U IT rM 1 i il ' j-I f ' ' 1 . I. J 1(1 .i.i... ...,.. j L . K' ir,r. v.r :, r..- on a table bv the side of aaothe I laTjoja wk;,wasrtMlcoi i f : r'ALnr:r..vi i:r(rt. vyfveari bAstoVVoftb rrpsb'vteriAni Our- beoble ArSr.almosV a line; bn tae.othev kaadUB W atrabal ntmlniltionn thnKMnM ftlatalimbAr . - : r TT.TiTT.. i Tl 7 witoessesitaici.rf iaUawhW aad 1 1 1 .1 1 Jl I nr mi Mm m 1 iih HHiLMina 'r ' iihji wfii (U '-1 o ntenarv recaiiea inn aioon-KerMr'a rpi- by nfeme;'rbV soldfer-haa eehirT.M J -t " "5Vi I - 1 1 aeeoerB irananess. anaverear irarniiiiy. in 1 j 7. j-,. jti.c - taati.A a. . r- spiie pi uis 8iaimeriDg uuerance. uewasi;. i . -,-.. . . j , j -1-AlUioughves- I tlia nAoratirin ivv fu Hl tr nn n I iu fr?2g--Wii5? her lie 'hYubVbI!.. birttonaldered a crinl or, shall he be pensioiieddlicrally cared for injbls infirmity aa gSMlgdsiti?l4'niuch divided. Etneror' yiUiam say Nof pet emntdrilv. r ' And so say we to the truth of 1 . n ei for the nunxeSr -of coaimercial in tercourse with foreign nafibns a of" 'the lame kafue1 illfie FfcnCh' two-kndtAir and ivfrT'liSa'tic ipied, i:ThOolnviQW ing areUTerbat it is iatendedtoisaoa: golT Soinaithat. phsil he moiupies 01 xno Li. .... ..a m m eoi tnctallc currency will Tvifc.! rrAnYincon- u .VV. -il jrriATkr .,V1maa I .'vMieiices and the expe08 thSt aWDrirpaaies ejha)ganf urretjry;wilttos. avcddcdfBT-,r 1 our on coiss wia eiprt:ata;1sf many cotra- i w.iiiniriCT lti;uma;iletAft3 pVer- ta I ioiiflj - -. . r t?? W11' v'P?" 'VU' ay A' -A LI kirn-. SoVuiKo tioalt.h OtvitfferJal I .1 m,n lleaCL. , : : - , , . . 1 - . . Seven hunddpersoas were ?n thwMericajisrToi'to4aybouldtake' ard in the steaiirboat exfcutaien hnk'atnOTiHnenibsi ttfosperous 'of - board in the steami)oat exeutsien Satwrdai tinu m tbu mipiujmis. ui uxessrs. vauter, ur auMXMgiMou BlakePraidear;'H.E. , lIeinit8K"l Vice - President f Qeorce ; 'Cofield. -r. :rvijr"i6,w """" n-- piirdanr lButailtiar beijn;-madanr ;ut j'wi.,ii.".;ri,''-'.'i 4sfl wonaenni tnan inose oi a mine- - J t 0.13 :C-:JWI .IT. .Tc-Ui aol-ci moaesjannonttoRwnosa arrest J Htf! rTT, "i1 oiereu rew.ru, w . 1 - - - ' - ag, 'I-he nOTexhwged;agalireTya,n tfifi imnrdef of "his. f aWef-ih-iSw Vn 1 I SaturdundJertook't6uroh tae xnoneVT kiirawer ui - mm. Diurnnv r HT.nrn- fin rtten ho iirferf eredto tei hercrertT f J-ia u.LLfidioi!.i:- ii'i:-r.iJl - ttiW0Pt.k'!a ifiXoftvi tttiTml w M-JanM Kiifittkftv. t.!iiihti -rT-'"" or. in the aafefcape'lhtdTtarbers rthe street and haa rffit Wtteen IcaiHl 3 The CharlesiioJJvtc Jonof Cf- 'jiirAkAmM'yvaii TTwo hvestferdar to fortv-two candidates. forty-two candidates, Vi Twentv atSt. Phillin'a Church, 1 a. t f tM - J werf temales; nineteen at St Mark's Chteh,nn-tbe'fliffterriop'fiftee Of Uhobr - wtwnral aadhWatcSfci o -i v : .ii uiif ii . 1 1 i.im vfii ill iw iuiiil ; . ,J .iiT ; . 1 . - i rFridav. evcnuiff a .disehanred soldier J ii ?vi iir.ailnniiii: i-troni tnefcommana ot vaptain Vraiia r.. r -Tir!rarriI-irrKrror,TUJ s t1" """T" "'S "' HtT r l.drmk!? This therCantain-ref used' u rJlt.r ij " ' v: rrTlL--. "r S M tart ay- ciirrdi riifvi--fn-Tii Fima UiLTT- e4,t-Bai vrrfktiv ri?4 ia aMrtMMtaa vasv . a gift - ? 1 DOWN IS DIXIE, fetorf j I t U TiS ccr ' nr.- . " a ' f k a.i?f-?iV!''rvi i" I m t . 1 adwa. eoo..f: J - . "P in A . rrw . it I owr - naLAiDajjy w auomaiTiiie, woa; araiiexson, j coi f:.wiii oe i fHM JMlM.li BUauSBJ aiSsJ AtiMjJilaamitkinCl Ailrita-itto kidtRitlbjeiloeempi enort Martha Ann Merriett, .whiter that murdress of anotherwoumn ofthe stamp, was sentence 3 nWhr.rf.CS? 7Lrii entiary.T6r.lite 1 f rotxilJougherty m - 1 SL DRfjlTlilllTiniTJ nT.TJUBf tfHMSL t A Oil AI t tr o t !rrV - r 4Vr , - . a r ; . . . rr ,6 , 'tTT . 00 , L oava uKen. ciacs ui vrrmixnrnaar on: 1 1.11B . niii7.Ti ihi 1 .1 jura 1 wwKwmt.w wm iti m h. .1 Tes&o rtitnd' Vdeathtm fiMtodayr.fcoa' t! krWQYtVtl M am. 1 r ui -mi aT 4aVWM- Ska ill viavKuuutv. 1. was leii id lub Daau.11un1.11nn inp mnican Homier irom iuh Uborshbitfivailjciai .v,. bjuL.theinselves.ii'JiIf they "again :fall i ' I Fl Thnw nav wtfAii for.fr.rli.o4 J WnaMMfi tetiw htf&&W an.d pwtectthem from their own . t m a. . . ' i . - ' a --- JJ " " - I iinj.iJisia .ar 1 iiiiiniiv iiiiiniina- iiiiv w jxrariaiactureS 7,000 fJbalea of . -cotton f i , mi , mi ?;n I , mi . . 3..r..i a I . A" t-- t ram lA.tria wasbuiir or fmano trod-1 - - w - iv -t r : st ' t . a hnf -y"- tf76agands "bf a v-a - w liivS Hie VyOimiiLMiB unit !in-rayvp;,OT-;r.fll Gal, largely m exce8sl.fofi;thercorre-. 'a 'AttoA ad AAmin r intn I ti rra Kna. sponaing weeics 01 last year, ju jub. , ' . , ' ' 7 ' o ---r is continoeil, the total Wtsea'Son' A.1 Richardson, A. B. Niles and TD.. at Oolurabus wilPbo some SQWLfwglass.,, rri v.i i :-k -L: T aitb J?r a j; isiiA to. tLAyrPacahoikmedSteeleinrr. the utopenendf JafiksodlcdttntyaA joRAheiiastb ofUrcbrTwaf arresbed J 0nHhe.iNwrtAwternLKai.Ja :jt1 brought to bcotti.nUiP?.dayJ ast, and, indefanit4fJLdascom vnitteSd to jaiL .ii:;ti XTIO TT W . I II . . Hill j Im .lb UO 1 TheMJtMJ.vesJnfltaa-alyroDirr as tbat-which inlmortaliad Dames 4 aiTdr PvthiaH:ct3ie0dlhmnr.lri .1,-?-.. "Vr '.iwr-TfA'.fcTn aaiiu war l. a war av 1 m v 1 u . a. a a.a-arvaA7 rraur-awses w . a qrjBenUy-goVoquarreva one or itouxnoe&ed tne pujerinxo a a. Ji m A. a. 1 a av -!L'fe.4ErtL. ' J-a evAax and riot havinpnfi6TreTeubS2nto pay his fine his'tonrfedfnend' Y-suvm Auev are nowiaaier, irieuua il-Xax . S-mV.. .&i:i iitl - th$ New Orans Times. hare several toeiffhbora. .but ITexioo is- l"2-- ?-ir-: - e w, Ye now specially re- ier. irossessea ot one ot the nnest Kil ntUrtfl nw Al!mnfncr-n t-Vi r rtm-w) A rank'atnonthembst pfosperots petrpfea; liut iihfurtuuatBlyey-do' Bou xnougttiywffwinwrae-iTopiCS no r f ; rnat&i j;There arevlowever ereat -.din versities within a comparatively. Jim- ited cjlethpa sugar cane.he oof ee plant, xiottpnand,, wheat are. success iii - - - " " -:r jr.;;;. k f .... ,;',lTMs Beautiful bea vehlelbed'coutk try,; hair been1 Ibng 'oursed Vyu ini6'n gret pole imL a" Mongrel v-gWern2 merit?iJainee -ISJwhet'Bon3 An1 ijstio Itarbid'was i -ptdclalmed u;Etn proriu.De present Tear .os. grace . lI -l - (4 t . tfieml?as.t)en-:i6 j substantial I peace thm. h hon rth. anhntitii n wrpreapentyjja iftiexiaj.unUTDane iias become thnOTaVlitjpfto?i jpolitiand. mjUu mifitary history , of the country, has "'been "sirangely mixed." pouniiry. , nasT Cjeen sirangeiy mixea. an3iith ih'iii'ection after insurrecf the demoralraed lnhaTntkkftliave hud liLkits liiiuc or- lubiiuatiuu lv ucvcavu f:PvbiWabrtt'th4tftbrbas'b' . Ir.'T . . . .... . . . . , ..... .:. dnbtfnl'.-iieaetftriiBt theichrbHM3f 'di hM-txiouDttui teace iMrt tne icnromer rais --T- r- . - z . . some new excitem-Vad4o-doubt we suau suurvi near ui pruuuucis- mientos 'in' the ngtiat- grandiloquent -styleana fjenerat'trouwes- tnraugn- iJBUt thertttire"Axtepoiaira;c" itecen LhF80"0"8 cy the iicasttry ;xeparx W ' 1 . men or tne irovernmenc, sai xo oe "of a most outragepua character haye. atthisedj'deerieated.-oppoaitioQ-i to -P resident' DerdcF and his cabinet. ' As1 .story goesfthW1 Vhole1 ncial I.machinerv of., the government is run j- , - -'i j . i . i . . . s - i v.--..-, in thejuxtereata-ofia gthe iaecTet rdwedHm Wrredit0 fbtnliei4 rowea" nrom- tmr-reait -juomiier. w'"ZfrtnV Z?K&Z-&r; rwftcrewis encjwnaett;-jwttp -lc criminal '.knowledcre.of the frauk fP supWd-belinteresteti ineather their Wn -hesx8?ra:J 3l;. r to-ini.9.1 - . : i i m iLi ,,), I j . ix neea . scarcely pe.consiaerea " neea scarcely Mexico. 'If few Tearsof warrsode- r - .: ; - -- -7 - ; " f . r -7 , - ; -t -.-rr r o- -r. pedpleofjMeaaco to ilheirpreMpt.nhV fortunate isUtAi&.l c6ens. Alitora, uorojiarand others, are now deadltlidltffitV withr Lerddv Such men, wneit uie Curtain nse&ywiij pve T.oangerous.cnejnies. xvocoa siues wun the President.ior.tha tima.liaing.-hnt the renntation of beW SakU,, . o . 1 ' rr " x by rq means certain that he eaed tnabreaK ouXJ30?1'jSn::noj -s iueanwDue the auesuon arises, wfiat DUVU1U buv UUIKU - UliOVCa Hiijl (When the traditional, disturbance- of peace reakaQui .agaln.eyond, F-m rewy gSvW teftentitnTin3 lheafnrrT?tMeliw and if she "wift ribi otheigoV- act hetseIf.Tb interests:! elvilika-' r-t- r- - s r j - - 7 ' these nerpetnai raids, across o tnr 4or- e'i . - u : . , - ki;. 1 - t-- mtldiiWled jr bxipor; apd vemXvTe. must UX;"inT raisgrace )i perpeiuai ruisoraex ana Ant Wav mno-" flcrf OtTA'4 ft. nAlornhAlr'rt f - r ' - -"O. J AMa&.. MAAkiAf Mica b-a.it a 1 1 i iniinniiici'uiaaci ca. - i . 4 Tb aeara.Xaalxeira.v'i-.' 1. r..r -. i ,j Kt- .u. xvW "r, J J .1. - w r ' r, nri tx .'itrua.ii:. J.i;r." -Waddell;Bcoh4 .rresiaeni.'-YT . n. rrauueu: seconu ITwei PresidebtfGin Smithy tbfrd - - - - . ,x ... 'JB. I-Mallon Treasurer VVVL. C. yfr4aA':"a5fr . ,V ---i'The English tern "hnsband'is'de from lb "Aro-STor. wnd land m m whib" tarnTtv;'r.hft' bond "of. rihV:hoiise;,;"i and it'was' t ancientTv spelt' houseband. . and eon- tmoed ii. c.Tifct. 'T iix iv.4i-i.i.,:.ii,v"' the nEibIej'aftir:the introduc- tion of ther" art or ' printiher, VA hus- .band, then, is a hOTsebpndPthe bond dam hdu'sethat5 which neirirdlesra house-that 3 which 'engirdles - family into the union of strength and tneoneness or love. I S r-r.it - ,,r - v . .. - . j . H1 ;v 77?? "f-Jilt i ioe circulation, pi Lon.aon newspa- 1 ifigjtnd veniBg rt xogetligiye0 1 a wni tbtil'daiiy ttf-SSte rl i Vice iPresidfintCA; Yi Moody i fottrth-' v ice : .r resident,, j . xi. r men ; nit n ' Vice President, A. J. BaUleVSecretaw AND .;C0Tr)lIIZJI7: j A. !E S--- .T;'r pr:uu:-. L:Y: owl 'J.ll vlu . E a d y - II a d b W e a r , TIO SZSITahe :lCii 'JUZTCtaM -'-t-'J cR iV H H . I-' K 1 A i sfqida ha.it, noJoi1;inaaf-i0o.a vf mil ! I.r;;q 2J0iiq oaJ no uonq iu:nii;f:i is Vilrainsrton.Rl.C: 7 'J I fcoohq t,i!l y j i'jawvo od ci via vj ' pu'r-iiionhuiri r-'x tajnoic. h.YxY- tut apriliMni 'J'iti ftif; d bjauVy?. jsJ via 'CTl AUU, lOAJUtaUA, - . . . r pln of anj kind. , Sol4 by All drugget. n , . : . CIlillB antf Fever BTe More. " JD reathni but . a tare core vf tFever' and jLgaevi r.cj NORTH CABOLTnA COMX and fee sale br ail drngghta. , ' 'J "T mat ircMectiiral itgii worts aii star. Co, 1 ll-Jt -jus is. t3c-i .iioos 1: 'niicx;!; L ,Ci!j JTpfc 1.000, i,ooa, i.H,j.ooecr7 WrwW -ni i i- - STpMlaltfeis i-'-' Jl- ' a : :.7A'i.il -b i FRONTS. FOR STORES A FUBU0 BUILDINGS .Xria-aew Cape 8111a, Colmunv, atei.. c mn ! l . j . j OALVANIZKD TJtOJt CORjnCE, 5 APS : A BILLS, f - V tJookln aBdeatlny Stoyea, CABPSSTTXBS' A FltJltBSBsii n0fii;u Jbc! as aod3aa-we frlau i Mi. V STAB HTJSIC .'BOOKS; ;TTS02f AlCCa OFFKlt THX FOXLQWZltO KK JL7 same of pronolaent; boolta iecenUj( adrertiaed: Emerson t Palmer's Famous New Church Xonc Seok.: Sells anely. . toerM Voices - .50 cents : ; L; tl KmerwB'i brOJiant new School Song Book., . All U schools willnse lc i .u 1 -57 f-jf . ...... BparBfaigllti'bles y2 -Wcentr . . i . T!e most widely iaown and used cfell.Reed.Qr- J"lTlie!,tOems ot Strauss" aas bad aaaaprtcedeated Ala.. fl fm ffYT WnTtlTTlTv)TT10' " -0 i .70". ylhrw': ! t T;!d .-sJ'y .! i vXttber book sent, postpaid, on receipt of retail iOltaer Dltsea fc Ce. I O. n. DlUen Ce. - J-Boaann.v kill J'wey, JJewXorsv;. 'pJdSUwwedsatAwtf ' 4 1 leraReceivedi ... .3fj Trbright and dArg double. ;V.o aJrXUtaick'NaTV, blacsf- and1 . I . m aweeti liwndisb. jCli8iiyl0eaccfl; ValsQaane lot f,Im. t- ported and - Domestic ? WMiaC redoeed o-aew SO cent tax. i no j ia,0T rtt ipuat1IXAi.ry:i . r . ' Sign of the Indian Chief," - Wholesale and RetaH PaaktlttaTJ kiada ef .fu - - vwaa vujaj-"- - j OaietSjzWmdow-Siiaaes, Hi i' ' -r-jioi) 9C:c:I S.':l VU iiKTOU 8Ul JjJ ava, tt.l.i t n l - .a u puuiBiercng ana A-aner-uanging aone.as abort notice and in She best and laaesttyle.- " - Jan -tf :rf!"ims ioIi!w rotl 2!iaiTI XV iBALES kFACT0ltT PRtCES; iLI tI(' UA (.'eJ-josoO tlioif aala bftaafchili. v.fca.thqo'u 'rli'if ivl eaiaiBoaHya,u..H -WILLlAMS MUBCHISON. ,;. Vrajr tA:fv ifiraaatriw Loir ' vjJ "X fESSlNA ORAKOl BOX; Cutting; anOd !aiAarisots n a lauoii; Jeijn;PppIaaaatlPj.Aj ai. lavo OTWITOJ ? 1 J'OLTJ" ;LE SEA State M-Fiesim at4rilM JOHN H. POWELL. Esq. r ,-. DxAa Bra tCha actmale Bsa ntiu Bsarfll saBchased others, and hss eiren ma tnorAtif action thAn any of one ucd upon ue acre ( laseVopon wklek ray eon jorne gre&ieet amount of cotton to an acre; ana 1 am lniormea oy toe Chairmsn of the Commiu.k .om be entered for the Urgest amount of cotton to the acre. prcnunawopentoaU ages, be weeJdaAMuTr. that premium, beating all lao s. I am better pleased with it than any othac Osano I aaTatnM? cotton, and LsaaU,aalfeim prefesenee ta etaers next season for rny cotton crop. ' ' T A. GBAN fw h Alco EifiluTPrcimxim i -?vsrt..nyot iitj.m I)ynaro ao9tj mujiwis .10.. ii. , f li'JIU'ff .ni .,TJn 3Jil K 11KU ; -: .byartofnm t ' t o? otot fc . EBf" Bend for Cbtulara. Eight pages of .Certificates from Vlrfliila and Norta Carolina, . " ; v)BUSINESS'CARI)S''I'Jk 1 " . liioJn r ADRIAN & 3VQMl5Xsr; r Oil"! feejrrt sDj oiii vwTTtrmaaT.Tf TV ! ... . : , IN. ALL ITS BRANCHES, Ctosjftrr merchAtrts'wfllno well by xalimg on na snaexannwngpnratocavoiij ou-jaiinoTjiimu hi I Wi orFirT-.co'f. rjrj 1 .vrTilint n. ffHin r nivnlj f'Jt lor KSIBAJU Cp3DOSSI9g ltERCHAKTS.,., n Win giVe prompt penonal attention ib h4 Kale or shipment oi Cottea,3(airsl Stores Genesal Predooa, etc. etc. Also to receiving end forwarding goods, ' rr Ahm4 anKrlA anA nmrnntjDlM." 1 1 .l aeptlrtt bii ,oruo 3n uoijr.uji-s otU L-o: j r a -t i ' i a . j j a . - a . - a- (jyfSLWV Li,-ibimd duo hiii; - And Dealers In; rs vaiiniaive Gralav Vlarv HaVi-i a&4 la: Frnb Gronnd nieaX..lieavrllIomlnr. ,Vrt No: and ii :Water'stYrnm, J? v nojMreMfs ef uie srcAW aje lonppg 4is, i L - , i i-Tyr -f.'.-rr-nr.-r-nt at- 'iif N. 16 8. Water St., tnimln gton, If. C. f SALS AT ALL HOtTRS. Tlrit BESmVINES: ill IlqaprjaodCialwtyaveoband. nja j;. r:: sv- The foaua are amtea f cau.; ; r , 4je ia-iy; 'Al; B.; MaaauaKHt. VThos. C; FctflB, f saL Asm. AiMjrnejr a auiu wunaeiigi a . j av. juaw, i State and Federal Courts wherever then aer- ylcea may be required. .'run J. Omea Former office of Phillips ft jKerrimon, y l31ISCELIANE0US. .v;,L-ci 'WEILL'S5 OTTT.STOBEii TTAVINO-! JUST i RECETVED j' A 2 SPLENDID. " 77??.V: oJ o!J svj-it ' Ij DUE S S . O O OXI i; I . . tr t r r ' ..... ..'..Mi .. 1 we wQl sail taaaame ai prices neret before oitered. JAPANESE: BILKS, LKad POPLINS; XOZAM" "1 HM.B. IVT:M 'H .....I W -WJ M IT- ( . , m m - i 2-137.' -, Ct r.'M ' i 'Hi . b0 V 9Oi! arxuriui uutun, AlMafullnneof . , . r . u3jr j - ML3.il iUIT 'U w...t WUlXE.,GO.OJ:,r KQXlESv:FrWLvJUaWJ."r J 'aiWaeWr-VIax.Ii a odi mntJoY, .T,1I fenoIo'J r"is-tf!oTl M stlL MStmU',Z-jrml 4.T.T nsi -.-ji. i : r . , v r -si;" , a Jfc&lsins, Candles', FlreCriiekers, " . -i'i, AJlliA liJAVl" Ai. ta. al It'llt, a 2 rAmiLmsi J lol(llinSoaaCaralIl CMoridafvLimeii 3iwna4kknajiaaX J, .Iff .A Flowet, Casamere and Parisian Booaast Soass.Saiv Tawg waiesenaceeTeryrnorning. Sold at f .i. i' A: y . . . i . . J . T. ..... . ... J . ept-tf .ijpaltt'saidstApa.w wffi contUaelto condactitb irutoeM.'at iba'atd WEBB.. HA VINO , INTTRELT REFiTTKDfj ACT i Rgi -modeled tha. lata. CUlFnnl Hnnr T . 'ready to wait upon my old customers and tha public .aw"aM.j,i,jCj-i0in,0f) o.iafvi"l'l'.'.iiCI Mea-liia Jl'KJ.-m.pv'sro.aSha "T7"m7rrltoTt-r.A.o rrrr aviifflptiil! te:&n:Saifir,sPliiisiiIiatB-J -agT ifiaIt.ur.4LiatQoi f Ia VICE FBXSIDKN T8,' SXECUTlt E CbM riL jaittee and aaembers of this Bodey are renaesi? I swl M tn i aa- T asaVieieuw ! WamsMa-ae 1( A.V I wv aaavasa; la a rnraif ry waa aaia-aa i yaamj t mMj ''"i I nOFFEES-t-JnO, IJOTATRA; AND-JAVA i f. i'. f VJ.J .Uvi4ii-J. .R ib' 'so AH! U for,dUhifeetaptBToWi-Aa' , ,i.til j iHiot. i u id i j juii TiTTTT i i I VfW. a will nn ,-i .,-.!. . n vt I n3lios4waatliifrwffl:leeV if i nU-. .u! Jiu e-iyy w;! ar, irO,g.PARSLETaC0. .pPBa'sMcateANpfe " ! , . ; rr.cr a w cTTrn- IBLA1TO QUA1I0, - ; i i ii, j; of tou tbls season wanut ., . the others. The Soluble fW 1 .1 . ji n or thre ieed the cotten upon which he toafc -the gtti71u,tl ati W CoiultvLPaiT. iUTUil (UiUlMiu-il IlSKi, t Ij- ! Pffrin jay '. rtn-n'i .f):'.ffci .ju.:,,,; T.iToTr(rri H'Mi Iaw'J a a aas a 1 1 1 1 1 a n. v . w a a w ra era n a a. ' ! -td (dw ifikyrjf.iioj .1, ' liver, 18,0C Polloiei lafaed. ,. : J-r..,"jJ7 02'vd b'jjjvjiv,'! .-i Anaual J&tOrpr 14,600,004 on i fc ;)JOV li.l VKtfil -.V'JlilJ .. : ; .. (lijeOTPrcsiieroiisl Prompt ! .I'.'Jl V'l JilTlt'ClHt Jr Jill dO 'ilfill:- (.lV, 'i- ..... SL13LTKlJSES,: .a5 LOSSXt, BECCRE l tsv i!; Jo V ! no (fun :':.) i . . Investments, ample reserve rjr.: 1 a- and eoop rrpLrsr. . : ;? .rl , ; : , Jtnlttma la,PoIi:ie Liberal, X'.&O 1' ATKlKSOU iHAHHIHQ, GealliHits, Ineuranee Rooms, B N. Water it " -Ii:.) wyif Ji.'U n. I v. .. W. C, Csrrington, President; John L,Edwardi, Vic 1 Pjejident; D. J. Rartseok, Secretary; J.J. Hopklu, Aatfttant Secretary: Prof, E. B. 8Hita, Actuary; & J '.,-.; i -..T.'.i. C.'Bartsook, Caehier, . ' ., , , mar M-tf j Tnsurance Rooms. 2T,0e,toFil INStTftAHcBOAP. ,'JjiiPattttntanan j;! i BAsrikfilI4SXOIV IOMES. 0eeJlaBaraatM)Cs,er aad' London, Capital r ........ $10,000,000 Kortti Brliuih.aad Mercsntfle-Iasittance Company, Capital ,..."10,0OD HrtfcslnsnraaceCMpaay;Cairftal.iii t,SO0,fl00 2tational Fire lnsuranee Company., of f Hartford.apiaaL.u.ty..uIWvr. ' 00,00 Continental Insuranca Cempaay. ef New -IT Kark, -Capltah Jzl.-ik .V.l t. .V. . . , ' 1,890,000 Phoenia Insurance Company, ef Brooklyn. --3spUalv-jj i.lBS Virginia Hons Insurance Company, ot -Kicbxoond, Capital. wJ. .Us ti. . . . :-7I J'i soo.000 1; MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of New ! The Connecticut MutualjiArtlord. ion: ! ATKINSON V MANNmO, . t a JOevesat Aaenta norn-tf i,T . AIQiaa, mNSTITVTIOIIS. jTil nhr. f awvaa. iKMitM 4r r w I :?.v tAf.wnttjar. all n.fl ", This Company continues to writs Felicias, at fair atea, en all classes of Insurable property. -&u iuwip aaw AwwaUBuy aajuaian ana. pauo. j aim . C.RROOT.YicePreewent.fr.f t0 -,v BEATON QALga. BacrataW' J 1 1 . y'-W ' i1: TULASaJ C)WPKa,8irtew . Mi. ... J . ATKlNfeON aLNING. Aearrs. ,- vrm.. .Njjfi.i j w uaanurtaa. n. u. it m ! v!;;::;'),! . . .. ; Fire, . Insurance : j Company I . j ti;V 1i f.:? to 'T?ibiiIim'Jl OiiJ rrr. to-the Sobllc-aiinaaameairitT agaaast. Joss a ississ ',' by areJarwea s' -. 1- 1 "V " V ' fiOi Ci eoinJa fcii! o-rn oy Jo b:-:.i - J f: J j eCtjrerXasnrtxAae tbaa can be effected In, anyr lber Cempasy la tb tlty. J',tjiu'ifw(Ou .....v.. ji tiii,-.aavai. aviwiMMiaitiii -tr i : . r . .... apatrvaee next west of tbaceertuoi MKGELLANKOflJS. ' 1 Qrtibiial i2i Co., ONLT, BTJCCSWIRSQ-3 ''- T . bREE2?WAZs& -CO. ) AT. racril NO !i lrauaaiAaa toaAtaas-'a',lrI'-' .... ' .. W...f 1 ' 1... ai.l.v.... . T S 1? ill Oil I task BeaH;Tooacx56,: U '; ' Kol J a - lit 1 tier s I -FonrUaad -u.rkntatA . r '.-- N'!!awAU'. -amk acn. ,LSaTU" -.rrr i .vruaWM.'-- onw ri -of ) rlf Vbtr ssa,. ' i ij iV.'f '1m Y'i JU I .! J1. James, Preserves, &c. sW. wi i'a-;feht7-ff i.y.f V tnll lu ,1 WIST CO. fpE ffel DCI KClALb hae tse Unrest eW JL . tiou ot aay-paper aatlisaed la Aaeos - lng CounUesle &2fre te bt Mvarti;'"? em for tha rcha s of VU -u. ton. , Ac lrfv' KKIviflT jo,. edesbarev N. - , f - tttms " la rapidly growing to pahue fswtr, ssa bTPeala. MtaeeaadenoSi to tesorer a property la North Carolina r..w,,.,,.v,: ....p li:-vr Antsttallparial'cf tbe State. JH ' lr tt BXWliiWaanL .i.TT7TT - omit BAtKMANTOir tee fecrtJfiit ; - i : -Li . , I i AAAaaia IK as. ST a tassacaaar " I - laaui imm w 'Tanvnaeaa - 'a1- -