-yjjwwrxzi&i ticks. BOOKS. ThV-Messri. Harper, the well known Vetf York publishing1 house, issue t popaUr edition of Lord Lytton's iW ' . v TrnelmChillinrfr.w. l48t g r' rj A.hAVAw"j-- y -v- .... med tofirrow in moral power, KJU w - nd bis later novels all testify to this i fArfntl'oTtfttVSJ'nS. oflSbSC tr'r7 work maybe deemed less brilliant that' the gorgeous creations of his Youthful years, at least it may m Ja it that it leaves no orhq&jteA? fame, but the rather makes his mem- to be cherished as tne memory or Af virtue rewarded and vice chastised. I Kenelm Chillingly.! If aOToryDi ine VnliBhsocial and political life of the Enguau "" present generation. For sale by P. HnbergeT. trJ IT PERIODICALS. We are in ipJtoheJUyxum. hr of the ro Carolinian, which MW maintains its well earned repu- I ation sarslassgVMtUTalM Announcement is made of the azioe, association of Mr, , ""Jr fi-J " r i :-- miii t ho nprrv the enersrv which I he has ever exbibeA during 18 connection with the press in Charles ton, we look to see the Jiural Caro linian maintain its-pateptttatkm in every particular, and go on prosper ing in the future. rrzrrTHO'.. iH.ia ai The April number, of the BritUh Quarterly for April contains seven ... 1 I ralnsble Jtngnsn reviews Dnngs mem Wehave receivedaheApra nam- ber of the Monthly Magazine, pub- I hshed at Statesville, N. C, by Rev. A.K. Mordiison;'arsq,te JQtW Scott Jitdikioood tor April. VlraiaU mm. Nrth CarIlaa Afrlcal , taral telt7i Pursuant to announcement, the itockholders of the Virginia and North CarpUDa A.griiiltttilBocjet7; met on Saturday last in the Circuit Court room of .the City Hall in Nor folk, for the purpose of reorganiza- bucu Bieus an may uo cumuuereu neo- i essarj tu maae u jt air uunng -vue ensuing fall a success in every sense of the word. Nearly2all o& tbettock was represented, either in person or by proxy, and the meeting was evi A 1 Al ' J I -1 dently in earnest to leave nothing un done which oonld yraraDte ihclfariif vi me Bucieij, aua lae oojecia oi me assemblage. The following gentlemen were elected to their positionaunpaimously : PresidentL. D. Starke Recording Secretary T. A. Wil liams. corresponding Secretary C. G. Treasurer J. W. Grandv. " Executive Committee L. Berkley, n Ttrv:ij t t W. C. Marroa4toarbotjKideT Biggs,D. S. Cherry. pi 1 1 ... . iue oooKs oi tne association show I wuv aonvvuibivu DUUTI that the Society now owes about $3, 700, with about $1,500 of unpaid sub scriptions now due. These particulars we learn from the Norfolk papeis of Mondiy.i 1 u A BIyatrtas Harder. CoLUMBFflfO.pMay-2. -The corner's 1nrv in th mm nf tn dead man found near the city on the -yvovu w vuanes iving, renaer ed a verdict to-day that the deceased came to his death from ''blow ad ministered by some person unknown. Jromthe testimony-cievraL-;wit-nesses it ttfiparitLSeiday evening Kelly and Sullivan,' who are mthe hospital badly wounded, and another man named Jack went across Alum creek bridgejad next morning Jack recrossed the bridge alone, and lound indicates a severe struggle, and fight no doubt occurred Sullivan "Ji he and King were friends, and wme here from CincinnatU few days go;that theyZmet OisUbanl eaUed Jack, and started on a visit west bf city. Sullivan's talfc bevond this pves no insight into this mysterious Jffur, but as&ack is miaaintAqd-both n wnen found had theli ould md1U wreed inside out, it would Z . ;?nn1 ha couJd U aomtthing A Xarrw XUap( At the freight train was crossing at Jquehart's, says the Columbus (Ga.1 a lew miles distant, a biz pine "Vioto the eround and tossed ore ti . - ivuuu uu wiweu over .wain to the other aide of the it waa m . .- rryt aumDered sixteen cars. Aahort I c behind was the passenerl train. r'r.mDtaeTtirmuch.And1 ""Jtaune ont tfc .v ' v or ont Via -s .v ' v j i o wuiuuwi vi vue cau fli no tSSInf' tdSV rr-6" !la artist who :PAtnt. hi. reoXftj oarlvioiues iu - i vifiTorons. ana abundantly, fruitful. articles of intere8ttbesuie.the depart-- ry importance, a.training oi tne mentof "CbntfemporaTy literature!" H Wn&J?Zi3fo mi T A vkrtf t - mnvint AT ThAtfA I within eatvTeaea atcnfcff TTWOIJ xrne answer d tnisr tDat-tne people l I and, of consequence, blind to their I Honn ATTJmcn ro sssnotv .TVUB. Im the State Agricultural Journ&L Oar first parents irerrplaeedin the Garden of Eden, ' f - 1 " Ih-y sub sisted on fruit,'jwe U l-to tslieye. "And the Lord God planted 'garden eastwardftieof ,a14here hit pjitH the a&ifA hott of'tMgitdTbade theXbM God to groW erery tree that is pleasant to J tv. -ntt n-fnZi- f O fe - WV1. . the Lord God took the1 in&nV and put bimintqthaarifinjoiEden; to dress Wr Infer7 ftotftttfrCne' inspired joe lal Adainras . horticulturist and that he was taught the fir8t principles"of - the sciebctf pby ehoTalvTOdwinlaginethat lh ardenen.wma well kept, that the i trees ( were beautif ullj , trained, pn;wy lonaea, moron eniy, pmu- and that the treertrem protected from wvuuw-Tm uuier ioru3 io to piain - Tthat Adfm af ' cattle, sheep, goats, JhxJ,ot;Xfcage -At will among the trees of tden...nd it is very certain that the sacred liistorian planted by Joaln the garden except trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees trees f pleasant to the sight, afid good for fooABH Wtfdernot aV there was ;nowe,.cTqJKtaJtojaa rTfi?J? iuus urwuuw are uub meniionea. lnereiore we TCiieve'tnat tne great Creator dnJUdejl 3taCffulL,-gidd; &4w- auumuvw no principal oiet ot tne human S h W, and leassndrtitya-bjve, -cheering and comforting presence of the grandest 'iadjlelie$i4h;.ife.' found in all the realms o.fvfaStnfe. Then if Ihesif-ChingifHbe drHiy db; the people of thJ foosthliirhteried 'age oft tJ worldpecially thepeo- bitually neglect, arid, regard of secdn- ment Ofnecfenee' ? " ','-WhSr ill "answer ' . - in'.' TTTT. , , he qttesUonr VVe' cannot -tmWss1 the 5, anJ future welfare of their children. Unfortunately there exists among en independent disposition: to be a,4 and to follow dissimilar pursuits! altogether to what the people of theS .North follow. It is the nature of us all to evince on all occasions a spirit of . independence. We wish it dis tinctly understood-that rwg are . notl UT any way Whale er,epTendent ponT people of otheniecttdOT, ihtTWiertry o mauav ouruiiu.. uxairs,- in par ticular, so aa that it wilL.not appear that we are taking pattern .from the - . . T ,-. A. But, it matters not what we de serve, thase. evident ththaKtbiisa. two sections of the, great IAxnerican republic are mutually dependent on each other;-extstaT5eseetM4 exemplified itt Various -wand! we meretUe;.eeDaMcey an agHcwltnralJointof yieW, butvel dom in a horticultural isense. Horti cultural societieaJ -faid' institutions of learning Are in t ope ration -iaarioeis2 sections of the-r-KoytkL; ndfa"ave' n. for yeais. btfat- l3tev,gbritin yiartriefK M4'farMWeeD.J':3Ye peo pie have teeB,J ami Are now Demg de ceived by tree dealers, and we have tried to criVe sonie of thereasons in this numoeTvhr ther awj deceited nf8' 1?errsuaed- , Te,7, if" I JJfWcltrWj run iri nniuEH umB ui nrnnaimiH Ann . r. " " fcr .-:-p " competent to judge betwixt nrst-class and second and thiid clas trees : nd plants, and heoOuld tell by iht rrotrth Audi general appearance ofi the differ ent sorta oi.treesj whether prrut the. nomenclatore : be correct. STOCK. VtLSJL. , VJjXX iU)iTOES ivuRAXf wobxj: l see in your paper of March 3dthi some in formation wanted in regard to stock peas, by a young farmer"! think I can give all tl mf orniaticW Jnecessa- ry. I bftve been .raismff .thera fer five years veryj&iJyAni-woald. eration. Th ere ia nothing' ietter f oJt cattle than the stock peas: they will fatten a' hoe faster than! torn? I be lieve that twenty acres of peas will fatten thirty headWhogs '-without ' : . . i any-oorn. x oj may turn ncawe Ana cogtHn a neia ax-wru ana peas, ana they will eat th pas ajid iJiot .disturb the corn, irlant when, you plant corn in the hill with the corn r two Deasin a hill and culuy a(e them as you do your . - -A corn and if you have a Brood stand and cover up half of them in plowing your corn, you will-have plentr. -Lrj uui buw uieui: xae weeos Will come and choke them out. c Thet do not in- ?d V t:Ad'yan Wtd Jland, W the vines Are Very thick, and whn iTO"!1!? oroicen- id : tmAli : pieces - by stock. I do not know what they will yield, as I never5 gathered h'Acre of them in!my life.r'-IAlwAyBAgather four or fivej bushels. .very xear for ieeL A E00 nand caii- gather five out. Tbehev I "Would be safe in say- seed. A good hand can gather five ig th er. will mal fifteen buah els per j 1 inA.ntir nitanapwin viiamvKwi acres. BUBSCBiMtBv4 Charleston, Mo. ' w ' etttoABT. Oxtosd DurijNairix well to--- kethes two ounces of r grated ; breAd, four ouncei of currantifour . ounce .. . ' - ' r i ' dried suet, a tablespoonf ul of. - sifted I sugar, a little allspice, and plenty of I grated lemon peel. , Beat up well J wo f vgs, ua a aitue miiKvaa aiviaotne mixture iniofiY jdirmpliffgsri?ii,ry. them in buttef to, ght browji '.color and serve tbemwith wine sauce. . - French CfibuT.-Cut the cabbaere fine: add fox seasoning one tablesooon- lul of CTpund nnstaraue-sauig ufi ground -peeper, salt twojeggs beatej one teacup sweet cream, one of white sugar, ana woi,yPeKark v arm -Do- re stirrrait:w-,r e Pjlbsxip CAKES grated parsnip (raw)? same Quantity, oi oreaa crnmoa, one xmp .'mile, two eggs, three tablespoonfuls floury salt and peppejr. to taste; ; . Fry. " in c batter- Farther PtUalr th iUtr twraeerUuCrcUIX4iMmrk- to.riiaasisu j.-.ni.-rj- Yesterday 1 we published !;1riei item grvitig1: -,the fact , of 4,tragiooo tnrfrfenctf iri IWTenoe yillel' .a . small . town in northern Georgia,' wnicn" was ' the 'dey:iVbo of lightning of Herald of April &Othgirea5nie,paf ticulkrs,? whKbrubjouii; One of the most sad and heartrend- us sceneffTW haru ever witnessed Occurred in; 6ur tillajre on fast " Mon-1 a 'j 4ay. i Dnnng th monkmds; to the squart mile, and in; Massachu had been gathering . m the West and wttstwih:i86.fe4.?!An element of in the deep Andheayj3els;.o thuajiAt indicated . more , than . an . ordiBarv amount' of It electricityi Abbut teo tfclock Dr. Atkinson, Principal of Xawrence vailed Jkcademyj 2 ' pave' 11 hS scholars recess it i.waa dropping rain Several of the young ladies and a iromberiifc Abe smalLgirld Assembled -f in snouse aajacent to tne Academy. Miss lAntonett Roberts was" standing against omear the cornerpbst of the, bonee, in. the door- Miss Vesta-Brown and Mary, Born were near her, while vemna ana very near tnem Adariu mdv Ann IQtt-King,Maud 'Russell, Katie Strickland; Elizabeth Herring- toir uljia p rowrvl annie liyrd, Dora MIUlOAIIlUa AUiai AWKWJlAJa;t WlVA'k4lenrr Vly iVM; dnyinffiiaAtv.the Btandinsr, littlex drea danger they were in. Suddenly there "WAff a bright flashy as the electricity leaped from the overchargedOTQH' followed by a aterrifi c peal ofJ.h a nd er, vThe Whole bevv droDDed as suddenlv as if a bolt had struck each one. Some falling oifothersj' while some ofthem were thrown clear out 'of' thej;dobr xrpon the' ground. . i xr'.'. i a ; : i mviA c There was nobody to give the Alarm and it was a minute or two before the teacher or other scholars'" knew what had happened. One of the little eirls. not so much affected, got up and ran to the door And told what- cad' oc curred. The whole school went to their assistance, immediately and ear ned those unable to walk to the school room, i -Every Assistance in the power of Dr. Atkinson and the scholars was rendered. It was soon . found that there was no hope of their being able to revive auss xtooena, one naa Deen standing, sear, the post down which, the lightning passed, shivering it into splinters And then passing alone tne silL If is supposed; that the light ning struck her head, part of the hair; oh the back of the head beictr soorchecL: sdtnown1 the skin1 was not broken. Miss Vesta Brown. Miss Mary Born; Miss Maud RusselL' Anoa iou "iunsr, - Ada vv usod. isiizabeta nemngtonsnu oaue DincKiana were all yery senoaly. - affected. It was Uhbught. atrfirst 'that Miss -Vesta Drown wast atauy iniurea." xne ugnv ning passed down one side teAring her Ioth6sand scorching the fleahAnd literally tearing- her,, shoe up. She waseaing gaiters, laced, an3. yet , laced, And yet ine snoe was wnr-ou the sols toro from-the nppenurnThe othet.girls, with the exception ot one or.twb were prosti'ated'fdf' awhile from the)slicimdi:tto'4ightning seemed to have affected their feet and le more than any 'other rjortian of for by faethat7thewere Ejtano;, injt near 'therein ialong wbi the ear-rent-passect -r...j r-mi twd tmmir-in air the parties are; domg? welL' mAny of them have About xecpyerel(r.And, the others Are entirely out of dancer. Every attention has been shbwn them, tyaJlf. 1 Uiay uicuiuu hiu wtuu viv, . WhileU!te:"ti.fi life was; no greater, yet !t 4 matter killed. . ; TheaseinMtk the v m ei o standing is yery sniilV Arid 4bbmaii torrent ! passedwithintwa- f eetof vt.-'v'-L -v: : . :n i each bne. shiverinc. Anew silL slmo umvy There were some remarkable phe nomena connected with this sad affair rwhich we havetiot spate to describe. One of the most remarkable instances .was, Ihat'iipbn the arm of one of the yoaDg'iSdies aA oak leaf Ana blossom were dsgaerreotyped with remark able mmutenessi.'i JtcWaS.radriAlly disappearing, but could be clearly dis tincmisbed late Monday evenin sr. The "body of ;thr;fYbTing ladr who ;was killed remained warm until along in the evnirjg, And some: hope . was en tertained that she might- be - revived, put AU esoixs prorea unavailing. i CsUes-OaaatBKa Dk. . H (Air. CAleb J Cushings boot-on;thf treaty ,01 Washington is very sharply critsoised in'EngUnd.v; LThe London Morning dPot regards the-pnblica-tibn as A 7cbhcIusiYe proof that Sir iAlexaader -Cookburn has; exposed for -the ; edification w 'posterity .the Soundlesaess of the claims of which; r. Caleb Custiflwas the exponent, And thAt the lAtter gentleman as was not nnnaXtlrahainterryfe seated the Chief aostieeV oon duct.w iThe London vvJScAofnx der the head of. JA Yankee i Jlz xle.AayB: We may compare the 580 pges to the Seated language of an excited after-diarieroratort -It is a lat lampoop h,Bu t fo.H a lam poon of. the ounsel of the American iroverament; and there is no'knowing' Ufat It is fibt vuuusuvu - rr itu - iuo-apDroDnioa OI eveA greater :Authoritiea4han4iTCr leb Cushing. ). Sir1 ; Alexander - Cpck-. burn may, perhaps, feel bound l& re i i ply to the charges thrown but. at 'ran -donx LA warof recriminaticms;may ensue, and we do not lookdforward to the struiErsrlef with satisfactioh. Jf u rtr.If. t- GBmreltCei isa Beord. The oensns of '1870 gives New England aa increase in. populatio of X 50,847, saj.l.lper centr;tialf3he rate (22.22 per ceni.Vbf the inweaae K- OI the ftonntrv " fir thiA TRR 170 irn l. luths. r.Wbere the mereasel)y births is largest, the number of foreicrn-born persons is greatest. - Ke w Hampshire actually, loses 7,775, whUeOthode l&L and gained 24.47 per cent. Massachn- settSLwith A foreign population oi 853, 3 15,4nd 590,352 persons both Of whose parehts werevforeign brn.dded 228,285, or 18,38 percent. .uJIhe Birth rate ba$ gone down aUthroghiew; England, and the average family' fell from; 5.15 in 1850- to::4Xin:i870 ,iii -K"gw. Hampshire i in - Massachtxsetts. : if. 'frdm' S.luJia 1850 to 07 iBl870;and. in Vermont, xrom o.so in l 5a to .ea in 1 8703 'Iliis decline la as positive in Maine, where there ate only 17.9 ljper, sons to the square mile and rSn ver mont, where the population is rural, As it is in Khode Island with 165.43 tt: teresi not named is the immense Vi rhiffration from New 'England to the West btheBad -commeiii.to vbe : made is in the fact not so' jxthcfxof the positive falling off; of native popnla- tionas in the reduced number oi cbiU dren from parents born elsewhere. A tabre going back fortr. or. fifty years, would show the1 relative- reduction tQ. i i ' . .i --; a pe .mucn greater man. is statea aoove. ' t . m m mm . . 1 L- i: . u.-r.' ' t.' - ...uiT i-'-xo!i aa,aneeaoM or ueB.rT:vwnd:i'iJ rt ei T-.-. l.i.i;uf.ij.'ii: 4 rTotepanisrh S'circus, tells tho" follOW-- f lag story; x rememher, once .we en I terenngton, apd itftappeed a. w ; ; . . v . , eamiligTof"Tte'j?ame tmJt; i)r P; hind meIturoed my face to; the ass tail and sung but, ' Here we are 'eKJ The people laughed and shouted and TTTd Harry, seemed ; greatly" amused. The next day at the circus I made 1 -him a speech, in which I ad vised him to be f resident of the- united ptates and take me in his . Cabinet .-Thai niht he sent me a bottle of the finest, wine I ever tasted, sayings from the poorest iooi to tne Dest. . ciown in me United Sutes." -yt'i,.' MISCELLANEOUS. BlTiTTlXE: JACOB I AXE, 3 t t i 14 if ,W ; 4 le-.-.wttiV TlH BBST " QUAIJTYr AT jrAtjOfflPft. . (u( aek flJaarpcnten Too : Hi ir;i:V 5 . .! Tnrpentliie Tools, ! rwtom nnrwa Cue ' r 'if ;?ttA&vvi m" . 1 iAr U-6"5ii-' r--3 ' ------ - - - 1 rALNTS, ULASS, VAJUiJUUlitB, StO., 1 y fT ri SksissXiSxsrr larqb and vestcoiotb. ;7ii:bbi 1 ; pjff-aii x JSAH' tr: if I 4 ' ' .b, Plstwla sua AjaimauslUia ; ! VU't . OiililiJu 6 AT- yrmnotJtLZ' rc crrr q-q 7.tt may U-tf ! e w a : 0 IE I v ? t-Tf ffAVE?THIS DAT ASSOCIATED ., WITH JTJ- JL sell atri UeinncB weswrmaon -ttormeriy- win ieeers. Adrian A Vollers), who la well, the business eemaiulty for his tategrity, I weii. Known vo experienee and buaineea canecity. us . i i. . .i.o;o-i- WnmtogtoBVHICJlaTls,18T.' ' 1 NOTICE. t Sef erring to the above Card we beg leave to Inform the uslness community tha wa hay this day en tered into oopartnershlp, under the arm name of E. Peschau & 'Westerruann,' ycr pie transaction of w Wholesale GrDcery& Conirmii Bimno- i.. " I ! -,i:Ki v .u. ru..3.s ;t " In Oils city,' and respectfully tender our - services yrornlslng that any business Intrusted to oar ear will meet with prompt attention, and we hop that our long business experience wfll enaile'u to glvs '.lanWwacttbaWw'pa . f 'A. rOOVUAV W II I.I.IW tf. 1 l. y '"WUmhigton, N.; C.; May lst,4873. ; .'1 i nhn BARRELS riXUB-ALL 3BADES, " . - - 5 ' t - r f - r BOIES AND E3EDS HAOOli," rioo. fiJW3S COFFEE, I'DOSJNAILS. i 500 HALES EAT, Aadafnn BneGr cneap, at .IL'A'd- I- tl X'--J ii-ht 1 1 oLi I BiyJVED,CB0W C0.,& Try oar celebrated Golden J4BfW?vs-jr.e,i 11 i , .aw ex '-J..- BLACKSm msy4-tf i ...:!...:- i - miscellaneous: ? 3S il.fl alCOITiO, ioi:l:t:r?5 V- ; Tns J )Lr s.u.fil ...rJ.tj--). ..is -( 'i .0. J o p riintiiigT,lOTifio- &n- zn ; i u?n. J'fiio to i?5 f-T ;u.;y. i - - r i .' t; r? . ' -T li r ; y i ' COMPETmT ' WOiuaiElt ; : - , I ! ...vn: Ui J :l - VI 'I't. A !-. ' .Titti.'u .FOB. .noa'oll ,i.ja S il MI I A ,-, f IC hH"f::1 Tll i ft B V U k U , J1IUII y. h K GEEAT EFEB. OTSLTASFORiU EJ VJLLtlBI OB. FOB S4. 18 IN VALUE, OK, FOK $5, $3Q m TALUB17 rpHK BIATJTrPUI. AJTD AETISTIO CHROJtO, Hlm't She Pretty" highly flnlBheiii iu yarnunea. size isxit (flxter X4iue AU bpe -MUQorice. S3, will be gent by-t tsaiL- fleenrelr up. post free, as a premium to CTery fS yearly eab MOer to DMORKST8 MONTHLT, acfcnowledged caesaon oeauanu ma nsexai i'arior jiagaune m America, "Ira't She PrettT 1" is a tantlfiil chromo rti Jrth more than doable the coetof ubcrtption DDortanitt for thiaTwtmeat-of a-uch.a zm? inr mi uniLiimaj. IllAWauni I VT UU1U iiwne Thompson,) tee;iart9rpit)rtlllient DenioM0t, IConth- lyT'ot r w 7 tTmmVSST Wooine" U aa. eqally splendid work of art; large awl beauti ful Chromo. and worth foutime8 the price charged. uaaDaaaB. latneri. orotnera ana Lorcrm. ao not iau to auDecribe for JRM OBEST8 MAiQAI2IS and present it, with a beaaafal C3uomo. , It will yeea aoa zee line. way. New York. - Copiee of the latest number iU tne Magaxiae, so ceau each, poat-iree. - r - -"BOTSVtf -c-u- JpB0 ..... ; t o Vi... AJTEK TBI3 PATS THE BATES i-J ii ,t it for lighterage of cargo beace to,TBeela over the Elp we, SO Cent per Barrel for Koala,". , V ,' V i 30 Cents per Barrel for SairiU Tarpebnn ,o T.D.KEAKBS, Jafent Wiff am aw Wrecking Co, - For Stmr. Brandt and Lighter Watbliitton. 'if. m ay A J thEiFionjeer; . I.'A;. .4.v:f .liabei Friday, at" , HAS A LASOX BAPtDLY .tNCBSASraO elicalatioa ia tbe Pee Bee eoontrr. Conaerra- tlre In aenttanent itfally accoida with the rlewi of our beat cltiawia, One year, la aTnee;..i. i". . . .i.-.S OS1 1T1 II I I II Hi AtwAMMA ... ... Three avjctaa. In advance i 19 Spedmen copies free? Addreeer . FTOSEIBV X febSs4 -rkweaV&C, The Spifltpf libCbiitli; FEINTED at COLIIIIn'Aj- i jCX; per.i fjobMahed- wvery Tueeday meruing at ' BcaddnghanvGby;ii rlxcti Rpgfi 'rtSatrW Trxrietor I is toe only Republican paper pabHshea In the i Sixth District; navins a' larse and con stantly increasing ctrcolattotrVto eotrntles of JUchmond, Robeson, . Anson,- X oore-. and ' -Kontf L gomery, chiefly among a class ot people who io not reaatne iMmocratie papers u Affsrs OBesior -Inducements to the. merchants and other business men of WQmlngten- a an 4kdvertieiBg medium. . Bates of j advertising reasonable; K' Subscription: only tl.SOayesjtinadyance. ' feb f a-tf Braxiter Ile sTJjrrrEH, sotrrn cAB9,Aii!rA tit ? Published Weekly. Darr A Ostsn,. Proprietora, 'Wlltlaill c. rpHE MAGNOLIA MONITOR Fttbllshsfl at Mag- X fWslfsA. "M 11 snussj Vsar1naasar1siw hsi'Mnis ta nolia. N- C. flTCTr WndnMulaT hu'iu u extensive cucumaon, ana Merger mi ones, affording i inrcSatouMnHdhag- who wish to advertise, bei ricultoral oommuarty. We hare succeeded beyond our most sanguine expectations, and our list Is con stantly uicreasingaavu dative public Terms months and 75c. lor 3 months. Send for soecim en pTetot. copies. Address W. T. HANNAFORD, editor ai and. Janll-tf The Camden. Journal, :.;:f CABIpBNS. " . i r'i ft .:-''" I PSISuffiKLi? ,0 ' U I- KKKSHAW, Prop'r. 1 . I .i.i " j - W . H. BaaxaXD, Agent fjaali-tf Tbiisprial. V t'f-f HAYING SECURED THE SERVICES 07 RAN som Perkins, I take pleasure in informing his' friends and the public generally that be be found la my establishment, under the. Furcell House, pre pared to wait on them as nruaU' Also to the ladies that all orders for hair dressing, braiding and hair work of all kinds will be promptly attended to. - a-tf---i J .-...i--- - JT H flARTUrWAY. Hi hayjan "TOE ; TtTRNER INFORMS HIS KUMEBOITS J friends and easterners that ha has reccmUy fitted, trb his establishment, m the rear of Mr. Ranee's Sa- , aaa M prepared to ao au worx m us nne, sncu aa Shaving, Hah Cutting. AC, as neatly and expedi tteualy MltbeoVmiai thecity. : n:; . .:i ! MARION STAR is the only newspaper pas L't. lielrad at Marion, 8. C Kercnants ana aeaiere in fertilisers in Wilmtngtow shonkj remember: this m tne beginning or tne season, u uwy wua to aa vance their interest. In fa Pee Dee sectton-one of the bent agriculture districts la rtoath tlarnllna. Ad. tlress w: r. acUaaLU tja-tf fy f f I TTa T nmm ; now sUJiiWsraari-iisw: BRANDT PEACHES, .i 'i u'T Kl -1-nMi - CAIOtED FRUITS. r.? :" . y CANNED OTSTEES;iAu'i !J "- . I-. :. BASINS. .Vimo SKii.1 i; .r-rr:!.r'AJtlTCiaAB jl. wnoiesaie wit. t-ts j - '- , aps-ti' .uf.i K3WASDS A BALU MISCETXAjfeQU: 1 fc9t ITJL QEospecftnsubr rl 8731 i t,r-A. .Ul tr;.ll a i 8IXTIT TiO'f t " V-1- i V'"f Aa DlBBtntted nronthly JonraaLHalTersiay admitted i ' -to oe ine nanoaomest penoaicai w cae wer, . , t'lft i A repreeentatiTe and champion .I - ' Awericaa taste. - : Hot fok.salki?cboo2; 02 kews sto'elks Ta ALWNB.'WHILB ISSUED WITH ALLTHSL regularity, haa none of the temporary or timely' nety I It is- an elegant miBeeUany of pore, light and gracefrU Us I era hire, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spee unema-oi innuc aauu, in Diacs ana waiie. ajuiouu i each eneceedins; noma lUlBKC afford free rts friends, the real Talaeaad beahty PINS will be -rjaost .appreciated titer bound up at the close of the year. Jicationa may dalat aaperiur cheaps ess, wua nrsM iqi a uauiar class, a tufi aoiqns and original .ceneepUon-r-aione and. OI proached-absoiately without competition In pi or characters -The possessor of a complete row rice omi cannot dnplicatw the quantity of fins paper, and. ssswines in any- ahape. or number of volume. ten times its cost, and' then there are thq chromo nelaea!:t.a 4 -. t v AST DEPABTMEST. "- t"i t 'Sit, f dip' ...KstwlthgtAnafag the Increase in the brice of rab scriDtion last f alL when -TUH ALDIKS assnmed its present noble proportiorjS aod npreeentatiye' ehar acten. theeditfon waa more than doubled dnrisr th pest year, proving that , the American pnbhe appro, date, and will support' a sincere effort in th cause or arv Tne pamishers, svanoaa to jasmy ute reaay confldenee than elainonetratoeV haye exerted them- eelyee to. the utmost to devuop and improve toe nvsJmi wmbs, u vasaaaej 1UI UiV WUilH jvenstf wo sAawaw s ed bT th nWtlthlT lftSBefL Will- MtOnlAll and ellsbt T yen the moat sauguine friends of the ALDINILT .-j jjrom many or me most eminent artists oi Jtmenoa. " In addition THB ALDINB win "reorodnca exanv Idea of, the best forehrn masters, selected with a yiew w xne nigneas aruanosaeeess ana greatest sjenerar' lntesest, avoiding such as.hare : throusli Dhotoerauha. ox ooDiea of any kind. The auarterly Uoteo. olate. for 1873. will nm- ouce xour oi 4onn , tk'iMviav ininutanie cnud sketches, -appropriate to- the four seasons. These plates, appearing in tbe Issues f or January, ApriL July end October, wouJd..b a)oae worth the price at a year's subecriDaon. -mustrlled -- . - . ..The popnlar feature- of fc "Christmss" number win beeonUBoed. c- .To rinnnnea anrh -varnariMr enitoma or the Art world, at a cost so trifling, will conunand tbe sub scriptions of thouBanda In every .section of the teuntry, but. aa the usefulness and' attractions of THK ALDINS can be enhanced. i-DroDortion the numerical Increase of its suuumtets. the publish ers propose to make asenrance doubly sure by tne f5f1,m?aJ?li?;d.05e! ms no e3imi. : t PKEMIUMCnBOKOFOBT8ttt . Bvert subscriber to TUB AJLDINE. who pars in advance for th year 1 873, will receive without eddVt nonat cnarge a pair ox Deantinu oil chromoa, attar J. i. HiU. the eminent English painter; The pictures entitled -"The Village Belle" : and Crossing- the Moor" are 14x0 incsoa are printed from 35 differ: feet each picture. - The same chromos are bold for 130 per pair tn the art stores. - As -t is the determi nation of the conductors to keep THE ALD1NA out of the reach of competition in every department, the earomos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other pertwUcalg; Every sub scriber will receive a certiflratey -oyer the -signature oi tne puDuenera, guaranteeing t&at tne earomos de livered shall aa eouai to ihe aamples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The dlgtribn- Uon of pictures of this grade, fras to the subscriber. oi a $o penoaicai, wui mara an epocn-in tne mstory of art, and considering the unprecedented cheapness of toe price for TUB ALDUS K Haelf. the maryel falls' little snort of a miracle, even to those best acQuaint- edwith the achievnoents of inventive renins aad Improved mechaaieal apDiianoea, (For ilisstratioos ot these chromos see bv. issue of, TUS AUIN f ! ; r.i r'-.i ' i -'"X"! ill' W win con tins tinder' the care of Mr. Klcbard "Henry Btoddara, assisted by the best witters and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of THE ALDINB always In keeping with iU arUstie aromcaoma. . ITT?T)10 "? 'F1V K DOLLARS per annum, in advance, with oil enresnee rree. t tub ALD1KB win. ljereaftet be obtainable only ty subscription..' There will be no reduced or club. Tate; cash for subscriptions murbt sent to the pub- uaher direct, or handed to tire local agent. wlthOi 4-iesponsibUlty to the publishers. exceot in wnere tne ceruncaie is given, Deaxing tno lac-sunue sLmatnrs of James Bntton A Co. ' - . . 1 -tier" : : V .-.-V W?&'fH.&-VA - I AGENTS WANTED, .usiu ni ?i Any person, wishinr to act nermanenUv as a local agent, will receive full, and. prompt . lnf onnaUoa by. app WDv --r-'A. S. to c ' 1 i aa oui ivn at w.,.ruDUBuer 1. iers. Xork. J" i XXZE aTABHIOff ABIB SOlJVKNIaaV v. oa rat .r. JL. all. Mi. (ll-! ttAHi EQLISAY, SEASON ThU yesr wflLoai-.." . ' !'H (B fil ! flt WW VTYT.l I'M Ff "U,J if. -3., Rfchly boond fat morocco cloth, assorted colors, bey etod boards, red edge, gilt on back and side truly royal volume a gaiiery or an art engravings mat will be atone a great pleasure to the recipient snd a demonstration of the taste of the donor. i tTms ve aooot 90O piatea, wxl or whlcn -aid! not be matched m sise oe quality in the art atom ab a dollar They comprii anee eeewns By tne reaov givugue icape sub- tare,, edited, by the. joet-cholsr. Sicnsrd; Henyjt Stoddard.' forming a moat attracuYB ornament for. Xhe parlor or library. . .r--r. 1 , Delivered free. Liberal discountto he trade on this volume. , Order promptly. . .. - . . VlkMUMa u W v W., A M '" . 1 v, . . . Nov KUVMm New YarVl . dec 17-tf jfHf In 'anctavoiJ . t . i i i j. . l i W 2.500 icmof Land at$2PcrlM- 1 A vainaDie Plantation rufferea at a lnahle PI 3 V 1 v: 'Allfe 8 1 A FINS -MJUSTATTOSr" CONTAININO A handsome residence and t.500 acres of land. Slt- natod on the Waters river, about twenty-eight miles front Columbia, sad within a few miles of the Wilmington CoinmbU and . Augusta Railroad, is now ottered for sale at five thousand ($5,000) dollars,' Before the war the place wa valued at afty thons- and dollars, j SoilferUle, adapted to the raising of corn, cotton, rice, Ac., and abounding ia . timber of every variety; u- : ' Besides th dweQIar house it contains ymt-bnQeV tnga of yarioas kinda. -UtDsporTJy la Riehlad and partly ia Sumter county. Terms, cash, to advance.. 1anl4-tf ....: rUnrveraity Soath Carolina.' i 4 . i- 'i 1 ' ' ' ki y.'t "fi T'i;;)! y I .ts:r. ) i louxiiO aI ; iT O IRA II II D 8 I WlSiWV bo r 1 a Jti iiz-ikt. r.orioj TIERCES AND-BARRELS 07 f . . r r . ci- l 5TT"-r."in '-wr n rT, .ttst ; C5.1 JO. ;IO I"ftU'lrj" 1 .j,miii i.-iifc -'-i; ' ': ' 1 , - AND , ' ,.j ... -..j fi 1 '.-, J.uii ; '.co tvtt iiU ;u West India1' Holafeses,1 'el4',i For sale yery low by " ? ft -t -"wtllard bros;-0 octa-tf Bacon, f Lardi Butter, DRT : SALTED AND SMOKED : WESTERN Shoulders and Sides in Hogsheads and Boxes. Sugar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. . "W. n. TTOfT?nTTNTl; , CITY mS8 PORK, .RXniP POBK, PTJRB LARD m TIKfCSS A2TO TUBS, CHOICB " TABLE BTJTTER, BE8T FACTORT CHEESE, J 2- ! IN I.OT8 TO SUIXv ,1 vv.', Tor tale Vy i;''' ADRIAN V TOLLERS. 'r. ! -V WROM HILTON BIOS MILLS, . .". -free- aslenjrx .LiM .wnai, 10 YK .adeaAtF, . S & .wttf.iW -se "Ill 4Viah rrTORNINO ST AM EJe3.rT3rito - K.iT is eompleta m ail ad' its snoiuunenta. "I and Is in charge of on of tbe moet skilual workmen rn the State, au xinaa oi j. .nftlng exscutea neatly. Aeaply and. axpefilttoasly. -;sng U-tf ; pieaeuT m .JirrrsPAPEiis fpH .TOEKVTLLK ENQCIBm wffl present a - ' X. three-oonr chromo to. even aubscriber tot whe ya j mi .o'5Mi a year' SebacrtptlOB: obaniption.' 5-4 The mo--rnntJea rne-xinre come YiKl tor" is executed ui uie uiran bvmol. cntoaatie printing; imiiwsa iiuimi in 171 UJCnra. and ue picture sella In the art atareaot t-Iu U eqaal in the: Trades- faxerery section S tbe Uaioa;ia not seoiov tlenal! in lt rhrrtt.r ftAP nsusifaJk sTaP SlaWtaH an iwaiaes au me news of the day; couatM With t VJew bserreefaeaa aadoecctSBkBy.ttat eeUuon sreiJlsC raM witb the choicest matter appropriate to the different , 1 b ; departmente Stories, Historical - end Biographical u AaTenvnre, BSDoeta Keaalnr. seolnna tow thaidr,WHj4 Pumor aricoV r;i' czcerpis on ail ,. ,,- . ' .1 -C ... 3 ill . 1 ' ' . every respect oany 01 uie enromo prenuiuM of fered by other publications. The. KaoBBBaay is -e fan taper.roied to Borne Circle, the Fanner, the Meeeenio. the While Other PUb- I i 1 - 'i I J. w i;v;...:'!M ri ,;j uii 1 .Y..v:i in aauuuk, auu iwun uca.ii raiuiu wi umrm pro -, v " , oore sererat rrom -xne pens -or popwsr ana enter " tainlnt writers, in tkis J)erarWtit alone W eaa nu.! 'promise oar reader entertainment eqnat tn tnaxae xi ; . itT W UXJU OI that of aoT of the nooular story oseers. . '.Thesnbecrt Hon price of the Khoudiks Is S3 per ,t , annum, .with Chrooi 'Pramiam, -or avitaoss- rre mlnrn, two copies oneysarf 5: onsoocyetr jnonthw.:i ;.r.-r. fi 60; one copy three mouths, SI , The Chromo. i wiu e promptly mauea to saoscriMrs on receipt or . ,, subscription' Bpeotaej, copies of the paper sent oa application. Address all letters fcsb n;n t lt ritlrii 3 t.r. ,S.M,GiaST.ropTtoter,r..inr fc a. r . ' " " Vtwttt tiiisi A nymn a ocmr i-n a T' a VjVnr k uu win i im n-i ottpp a oongn npapp'-'1"' " 'A aidtVriveTway to eaihsVbrto . AOklJUlW VI1VAVJ h subsoriber to AKTHUK'SpilEUAQnllflBror mo iv 1 i.-vu.'i'Ky nil j.i.tt , A magaarne for cultured-harness a L-names a ahaflaziil si- f'iii- iys up to uie aqvanr.ing uougnt. social prorress and spirit of the times; a magaalne m which the 'hterlinsratnre'ofae Period la made the vehicle ' : -i pure anOjforjwaeaweafciuJj-iaU iwui rt.tr; i iCttttlSTllN.eJ-io- ot!; y.ciBOFB, nr. av.lvx? -i And sow abldoth Faith, Hoprr and Charity; these tarseyanl toe grsatestAf these t Caartty.' x -asiT d atUeqoi9Jtf.aa;oUia io i . ''' 19IIS'jI1 IT.SO IK VALVti VOM 1.IO. - - 'ilblig t5me;!ffi'an .aUS ,T.;. Christian art so lerelr and so ermitBit7in design " " - , ana execution, aa iais lanre. tcaa elaeut-ltne && - v- stipple steel The ChrlKtiMm- Hnam u ( sise SI by ST Inches. .' e grouping oi the figure is . graceful beyond conception, and the faces of such 1st must havs seen them in a vision. Every subscrV ber to ! Ajbthtjb a Jxt.TBTaaTxs Hon lusiim " . . . tor 1818 'wm-Tecetve- a copyof this splendid 15" )lctore raxa. Price of Home Ai&raelne f ICO a year. - - Jpeelmen copy f Marjirine 35 cents. rn iai fctiis; iz's.n t i -LOCAL AGENTS WANTiaTctarvwhare tet -.. . subscribers - foronr beautiful magazintu no' .well . ' '-- known for the last Wentv yenrei-eiHl- so crest a fa- J ! yoritewitotoSfoide.r.utoiiigm-HsAdssemea'J ' can maxe large commissiona end ret agents' ton.;; ; naenuai circular, xsu can narciy show "The Christian Graces " to any persOS"TrT8.Bte and. fine religious feelings without .getting nsobeeriber-So ' iisappointment about nromot deliver v of nicturea. as we have mads ample arrangements for their rap , Id nmlii.tli...i.Cu'. .flJlTJirAlTW - 1 nnf ! ii mi rTi i ni n, ..r vvii.4Atv.Cl''A ' i oct&4f it ro ti Jul tfiV.:.: Sri iriibfahB Age -i-U r fTuTS SPIRIT TUB AOB WTT.T. WltTCSfrWTJ A - X pair of nne pictures worth is to every subscriber lor 1878, who pays AS so ta advance tot a tsar's sab. "i ' loia, wno pays fxaum aavance to iption. The niotures entitled BsdI naei'sHM Cberuba,,, i execuiea m tne sness style or iiuioktsp nic -j. printing; the printed surface of each is ttaSS inch es. and the pictures sell In the stores for S 60 per pair, ; . ; . - Key. j.. n. rruivH Aitu,' I Contributing r Bey.H.T.BUD8CTN, u-ul iJf - BdHorsv-1 C'V; -i an Afii n m wmkiw rum rmnaR. wwHia m ui ..j home .circle, the farmer, the mechanio; 4ke trades. : man auae, in every section or n btate. it is not , w.wvMa. amm MV V. IV PTIMIIBiii II - . Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view ,L; ... w ourrccunrea ana accuracy, . columns WUI oe , ; f Ailed with the choicest- raalter appropriate to -the ,s ; -different department storiea, chistorical. and bio., i. : . '- grspalcal sketches., travel and adventurer Sabbath : Beading, wit ana hnmeey-sgrieaJtareL eorreepond- -(ic,' once, an epitomerer wenewa ot toe dnyfJKV-;W .J--.x - VBlBUaSd DTOilIKS.-r-l.Iie DuoueaQan or enflsu It! atorirs ia aipedal feature of the Ao v and for this y Ml saiwuWMMtf. feMdMlfMM t..n.ii. fiff run ana interesting writers. - In thla denartmant jV-i. alone w can promise dur readers entertainment - equal in tcharacter -to- that -of ey of ,the- popular J , ' Tkbju ta ABVAXca-Oaa eoTm year(- with -A :, ares, t our one copy one year, witnout picturea, MSf vases Aay v ws a. one copy aix aunua, wivnous picxures, ai xo. Ererr tender of the Spout ov TBBam ain' UfthArl faflfarsl thaWlaP. I AammMtlvVsMinsVaarrAH faA tmsM haa1vnaifirMtorM- KssmsI fur iisanlsss an sisni a an . C - - pWAJu4AJJUQUf aTOav Jialelgn, N. a-: ,1 feb a-tf, r f A jjj jjg 0,1, u j I i . . i ..'i- 7 e3'iJoiiioji' laeqsx dailt at the capital ! V ' J. 1 o; jaivro 3uii iu.a tt .t - '5 . . i . , . i8:01iest Dalli M1tfi;Jie"tiit Oiei ----! i - nAcii-ry nrmtllf lf:if 'cts;i 1 -e t 1 1 1 7 1 illK Hk NTIN ki. ni&. mttr n t i.v-ttw nca. ' X- gone changes and imavoyemeeterhich make it 1 one os we oest newspapers or toetate, ana as It circulates in every portion of. toa JTaSe m second to none aa aa sdverUsing mediam, , Friee, $&, m -SEMI-WEERXT BTCTEIEIt-fcThe Semi-Weeklfi i satinet is smeuestionab!ythe"!bearMst and. best paper of the kind in th Stated Price 6.iU- ."THff WpEEXT SENTlKEL. The Weekly Sen- Lx L tine! Is among the largeet papers "hi the State, and . , . eontaina from fia tA- XI : mnSmnnM-n- ttYrAk'rA1rn. " -c" t Daner -fn the Stale, and r . , contains from SS Is Sl sdIubm-af ehoiee'readinir " matter, including the trat .tolegraphio news from- " )U a all parts of the'world. mVor tbe present 90' sdver-! K x( ) ' tlnniniiiitii Mill Tm i IwimI flip IliT. ailiilnii ' X4gm tf . I- subscription, $8 In advance. Address f 1 fc fioii WTiMca-ooMyAyT j.TJt Aviuia BtHi, dw per amiiuu, lie vuron- -cl enters the new year in sew and beaotifaL clear 'A-' - type,mawng toe present the fsrored. time to sub-'" ' t"-- JL scribe for the paper, . It will be thsaim of th pro-j, ; 1 u :. prietors to mekeHone of the best local papers pub., , ..' , fished mthe State. .Fof toefsmer --it 'will -furnish Jl" each week, valuable, tofonaatiom selected treta tae l..A'.. ' bejrt farming iottrnals otthe-coontry. y For the ladies nj i a fair portion of space will be devoted to poetry, to tereetfag original and select-eUiries:-Tayhi.rrf notes. V -J"' t Ac - The general reader will alwayaAndto Ka-aewe-. 1 cuimnuu uib Toy uuew.cerrect atvi or tneiOay J.1 x Great attention-will be paid to toe Jooaldepartment, : Containing, salt will each week, 11 tocal-ttems of iuu ' j interest, neticesof ludsainaiuryatiBiWnHkm--'' ''-'- -about county and- township- affairs,- 'will csiaka the U.i is . : Chronicle i inyalnable" to every intelligent maa. . r ) and woman to ',, Cawrell and; -adjoining oonnUes. -', J, , The whleTclrcuWiebtsm4utea :poprUrity of J :"" the Chronicle, to theboruer eoanttea of.i VhgmiAii r. . and Nortbj Carolina make Jt oae of the .best ad vertising mediants in this and adjoiuins States.. Care token todisplay adverrimeaist toe-else-of the1 paper is a guarantee against their being lost like they do la larger size papers. ' Money remitted by m au m reeisterea 1 letters or P. O. orders at our risk. Address Chronicle, Milton. N, Hii ;w -Iebf-tf COLUMBIA UXION leaned u aali-n mmi. ; " weekly. L, Cass Cahrairrxa. editor and Dronrl. a . j .vi . vw. uiu;.iiiunwiM'iwiMMv juurniu, pue liahedas the Btate capital -"The Daily Union" issued every morning (Sundays excepted), and fur nished to subscribers at A? par annum. Bubscrip c; ' ' tlons invariably la advance. It wUleoataia the latest ' telegraphic information, market and commercial re . , , porta. "The Weekly' Union, - published every '. Thursday at the low price of $ .ia- eseeUeat ad "N'a vertising medium. Rates reasonable, tSeok and Job i i -work neatly executed,;, ' .; J( , ... 4anly-tf ,- : h- TTtTDTSTON SENTINEL,' Winston resrfc Aa mm. Ai wi si ta vv. We- would call v v N. C; established 17 y the attention of Wilmington merchant who eeek. ii..; the trade of this section, to the value of th 'Sentt- -. .;., : nel" a aa Advertising snedium. Prfnclpai clrcula- ' T tion In Ferayth, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry.- Yad' v? -J : vi kin snd Davis conntia. Tobitoco. fruit and brandy --,'. :. J. principal articles of trarnc The Northwestern N,,, . , , , , CX railroad will be completed to this place in a few " . ' . weeks, which will place us iadlrsctrailreadcommu- '' V' nicaaon witn . w uminrws. f lis ma, Lli. I jssi, 1 .- fla; 6 men thai $7 months, i INIA Mannfa farmers and business men federally v The Times" a valuable medium for advertbriri. ar ' for obtaining correct Information concerning tbe re.. t4, , aouTOM and climate of the Dsn River Valley, in Vb - ' . ma ana xx ortn uaroiins. xsa region w unrlvailaa -" ,j the prodoctioa of the finest yellow tobneo pn u .Vt.ir to the 1 United States, and lta peneral aericoitural aV ; u-i South, -The Tlaies" as puhiiahed wee kryat JiMs" .J rear, or 1 as for six months. Address F.B0CLDL3I. c. tanTme, v .,-,-r jaaje-WM. i i;., a" SS SSBaaAssBi mmm mm-ma a SMV , , mnn warn as?yt:a'mry-m-fy. WVwiTyo4vwry w-.JL1''''" J "J n ' a4aAa; tJAat VASj saM 1 ae.ra eja a avkaasj , . n ; v . t S aw 1 . . ii.i.ii . . i .. .1 ,W. 1 ji .ft1 iAv'i, it , ix, C y 1 - v.. r i r.i Li ; A Oofuteryaoye paper, havfr- the lareet circuv Uon of any other paper published la toe Fee Im. country, and thererore tile best sdrertiaincmadlsm v as per euuum ui auTaaim . ap 1(-IT SI ;fi( jit. 1 Wiiw.i C..J tl'T k-Jils;.'' .u.i ) in 'sctarers.1 "j1 '.' will ajaa: '.u."i;t i .t,fi : 10. ltv;ii Hiniifia -i t tr. .i I IS T

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