SXA.THS OF ADTEUSXISIa. ' On Bqnrondi7,. ?? - ( !'i! owlty, JJJ - OMiMk.. S BO T wiA.,.,... . Ttvweka.. " i Oh oatii.., .... fS m ' Two month... ........... JJJ silWililfflaisiilli THE nOEITIIiaOTAE. fCBUSHTD DAILY, BY omen, Dawson Bank Bondings, Front St batm o iUBiewrnoH. . - , , ; -i . . mat la advance...?.. ........ .$7 00 irT-.nnth.ta advenes... ....1rt 75 Tmomw Stab willb. delivared la any pert Jff.qty at Ftrranw Carre per week. 7 OUTLINE. The Modoca are moving toward the Pitt RiTer country and it la thought other In dians are with them, - -The Republican Contention of Ohio yesterday nominated candidates. Tho Spaniards are excited 07$r the Carlist atrocities. -Thirty per sons were killed la the Jachitan,' Tehnante pec, a riot CoL McKeozie In vaded Mexican soil and fought the Klcka poo Indiana, killing 19.,F Clear. :i The President has issued his proclamation commanding the. people, Louisiana to submit to the Kellogg despotism within twenty days. Gold in New York, 1171 to 1171. ' At Shomontin,Penn.', a ,caifold of a new cathedral fell in while a large crowd was on it, during the ceremony of laying eorner-stone. casualties. There were several We have received two numbers of the Rocky Mount 22tpoitort a new paper published in the interests of the Republican party. , The,JErpcor, is an energetic newspaper, we ahonld judge from the specimen we .have seen. Mr. C. C. StUleyJs editor. ; . ; The long expected proclamation baa been issued. ' In it the President of the United States abases himself by stooping down to fix a foot stool for Kellogg. The proclamation, is a tissue of falsehoods. , : , t The horrible atrocities of the Car lists in Spain would seem to demand the condemnation of all .chmtendomj The world is appalled at the shooting of prisoners in cold blood. . ' - TUB FLOOD, r f ? V.Ul Tk Tar and Bwatkt am a Buip age-serleae Dsumaa te SM Crmpm, r R&Wiih News, of Yesterday. . From the East, West and Central counties, we hear the same reports, and it is beyond our power tar form ny idea of the hundreds of thou sands dollars of private ' property which have been destroyed. .. . From an intelligent gentleman who reached this city from- Loviaburg yesterday, we learn' that the' classic Tar has been cutting some fantastic capers, and has' been overflowing its' banks to such an extent as to carry i . m . a. dismay to me Hearts 01 too fanners. Our informant, who is a Very prudent' gentleman, says Franklin county alone will sustain at least a loss of one hun dred and 'fifty thousand dollars by the recent floods. ...; $j ;"r v ? A gentleman just from Halifax ren ports even greater damage along the course of the turbulent Roanoke. The vater rose higher iiTthat rTverHffian was ever known before.- The damage to the crops is very great, and will reach several hundred thousand dol lars.,, lie gives us some details which ill serve as a sample for the rest.1 Not a plantation on the Roanoke from Weldon to Hamilton but' has been more or less ' damaged, in some in stances the ' damages to individual farmers footing up thousands of dol lars.' Near Weldon; the plan tation of CoL N. M. Lonjk n these of Jrio. Long and John Long, Jr, . have, sustained.. enous losses. These gentlemen had each several hundred acres in cotton; corn and oats, which were under wa ter for several days.s At Halifax.Fer 7 Jke water rose in ! the' ' storehouse and destroyed $2 500 worth of goods. At bollock's Ferry shops were Loase8 washed away, Ac, S ;le,,tV tne valuable plantation, oJMajor Jcha B.NeaC-'of.Novfolk.-of the firm of Jno.. li. Neal & Co., was completely submerged. The cabins for tk. k. .v , bouses, and the gin house were badly pured, and a cnV containing four hundred barrels of. corn was sub merged and it is thought the com will ruined. ' u ,.:,.,w u All the Scotland Nock plantations, yiug w the vicinity .f the rive? A n-Stbeir ihaw of disaster! foL , ' rerrT on the. planution owned by Mai. John De- SVf thU citv the Celling was ed four feet and a half above the na. The atock on the plantation Llw?,bar S taken in the on k mates aousht protection ill. 6 ,"e011 floor- vOce f art x- Si I atance of several fooui r1!60 which- Pinta KLVf J0 -The Yadkin ert than " any time . live lL h7l 0at8' r t: floated l J and houses have been "Ml tu ?M - wollen current, rJ oatT. fT?Wl"? erP of 'wheats 32 tad w have been sadly CftJ0me inltaQce irretrievably faaii rumw to the Baptist Con- W.Dil. thusreports: The more PeoDiTTwsare conviaced that ttlthV11611 l5T ' "asoa to t 'ileiTii ' rt better coverrritiit, "otr? ftr"" "" more pror peroi X 'oand It ery ci- S fil ,3 -7 cf v.Lo ass m - , VOL; XII.-NO. 53. wirnr adtczxtisxuxeivts. O. DrrsoN & Co-Dollar Music Books. See advertisement headed Tor Rent." R. P. nAUusok. Concord Chapter. ? Edwabd Tksjtow. Kotlce. - 8. R. Bc3nxso--Lots at Auction. ? B. P. Mrrcnsxii & Sow. Corn, Oats, &c J. 0. 8txvk58ox. Parched Coffee, . nmraBEBaxK. Books! Books t 1,' (.iff XlOUaXE.' As was to be expected, there was a Targe attendance at the Opera Urase last night to iiste to tb lecture ot ;Mr. Wo. H. Barnes on the subject of Entertaining an Audience. The speaker was introduced by our fellow-citizen, Co! Wm. L. Smith, in a few remarks. Mr.4 Barnes treated his audience with a sketch of the origin-, rise and progress of American Odd Fellowship in chaste and beautiful language, which oc cupied abeut fifteen minutes, at the conclu. aioa of which he recited with great pathos "Binttt on the .Rhine,", by Mrs. ..Norton, which drew: forthrarioui evidences of ap preciation. The balance of the programme consisted of delineations of character, anec dotes, comic ballads, &c., during the rendi tion of which he was frequently interrupted by bursts of loud and vociferous applause. Mr. Barnes certainly has a fine concep tion of the manner . of " Entertaining an Audience,", a fact which had its practical illustratien In his effort of last night ' The speaker concluded ithi entertainment by mimlcfng fowls, animals, ' &&, which was very amusing. The lecture abounded In wit, humor and pathos, and waa also in structive and entertaining in the highest degree,' to his . large . and appreciative auditory, - '. ; . . Better lAte Taam Never." -' r A Worthy old- colored man of this city in formed us of a rather singular circumstance yesterday. ' He says that twenty years ago a colored woman came to him in distress and asked the loan of $12. .The woman was in needy circumstances and ' out of sympathy for her condition he let her have the amount Time passed on, but seemed to bring no Improvement in the worldly prospects of the woman, hence her creditor con tinned from month to month and from year to year to put off the unpleasant duty of asking her for the money. Recently, however, he has become aware of a change m her prospects for the better, and so some time in April he sent her a note, reminding her of the circumstances of the transaction and requesting the payment of the money, without Interest, which was sent to him yesterday morning, with, expressions of gratitude for the favor she had received at ais hands. A PerMjuU CAlllaie-awr '-: t A dUScultr occurred between two white men at Messrs. Hart & Bailey's ,est&blish ment, yesterday, which came near resulting seriously. , One of the parties was an em ployee of the firm, and was attending to his work, when the other, with whom he had preriouslyhad some nrtimndpnrt ending, en tered the room and commenced an assault upon him, finally drawing a pistol and dis chargtog it at his' antagonist, but without doing him any damage. :;The one that had been fired at then sprang upon his adversa ry, k necking him down and Inflicting con siderable injury upon his person before they could be sepsrated.aTbe man . who mads the assault in the first instance is said to have been partially intoxicated at the time. A Hatter f If Up mediate steps are not taken to im prove the sanitary condition of the city we may expect an abundance ox siexneas dur ing the heated term." The streets are in a lerrible condition, while stagnant pools, filth and corruption are to be met with on every side. ' The very atmosphere, at times, is' freighted wita deathdealing odors: We hope our new city authorities will take this matter Into immediate consideration and act with the promptness which its importance so imperatively demands. , . ' ( pBPSSBaStBJSJSS ' "B E4weatUBal Drill. ; We are requested to state that the Cape Fear Teachers Association will hold a drill for a review of ' the week's' work at the Hemingway School House,' near Boney Bridge, to-morrow. The following ques tions will be presented : for description: School discipline. What shall we teach the little ones?' Best modes of teaching spell ing, reading,; geography , and arithmetic. Sessions from 10 A. Mv to 13 M., and from 8 to fl P. M. , Doers, open to all. A. R. JSlack, President ;K m"4';',; i "'SSSBn,SJipppSSaMWMp klarera ceuti; . ; -,- The following cases were disposed of yes terday,jnorningt ,; r. -r tT fvto:? Tena' Alderman, charged with disorderly conduct, waa found guilty and 'sentenced to 80 days in the Work House. ' Charles Mallen: and Sandy: Campbell, charged with disorderly conduct, .were, re (a av st tin avf ftif sinrl iYim naim Two cases were conunuea oyer. The Postmaster General has interdicted the circulation through the mails of news papers having any writing on the wrappers except the full address. It is not lawful to add initials, nor even to write one sew paper? on the wrajer.iii' Jju Next Pridsy, the CCth of Hay ons treek from toSy is the period set apart for the 2TaUonai Memorial . celehration, , ry he way, we karn that Col. Brink received .cat Wedjaes&y nlht 1,100 miniature flags, one for each grave, which will be used Instead of fiowen for the decoratioiv. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, Xcal Xts. The fruit crop very short this year.,.'-. . ' The Italian string band makes good music Special meeting of Concord Chapter No. 1 this evening at 8 o'clock. The steamship Benefactor cleared from New York for. this port on the 20th.; The Spanish Barque Jiianitd; Maruri, arrived at Texel from this port on the 6th The Norwegian brig Bufus arrived at Bremerhaven from' this port on the 5th instant - . ;. Superior Courtfor this county con venes on the 23rd of June, one month from to-day. The river was again falling when the steamer North Sate left Fayetteyffle Wed nesday; r ; '"' There were some very fine shrimps in Market yesterday, which retailed for 25 cents per quart The German Barque Fawrita, from this pott for Rotterdam, arrived off the Isle of Wight on the 8th Inst' ' Master Sholar, instead of Shoard, was one of the recipients of the prizes awarded at the Histrionic exhibition , Wednesday ibt. :,-.. An Alderman from the First Ward was sent to the Work House yesterday. The Individual is a colored female and her name it is Ten. . We have been' shown by Dr. ' J.'C Broadhurst, of Lillington, in this county, a copy of the Cape Fear .Recorder of date 12th September, 1827. , . , ; . V. The examination of the Candidates for the Naval . Academy was to have com menced yesterday afternoon, at Mr. J. N. Hinton's School House. ' An advertisement signed "Snider received from "Abbottsburg" yesterday, is declined. ' The money wfJl be returned to the sender on giving his proper address. -: We are glad to learn that the "Wil mington Comet Club" are meeting with Very flattering " encouragement in their efforts to raise 5 funds to purchase instru ments. '": j-.. i It was the La Fayette Light Infantry company which celebrated the 20th ef May at Fayetterille, by an address, dinner, 'hop," &c, instead of the Indepemient company, asntiated in our last . . The low ' lands . in Union Township are said to be suffering severely from - the heavy rains and the farmers are completely discouraged, having Jgiven up the idea of making any crops of consequence. ... A letter from Nash says the hail in some sections of that county on Sunday evening last was the severest ever known. The stones were as large as hickory nuts and some of them remained on the ground until 12 o'clock next day. , . , , . ( y We learn from a letter received by a gentleman in this city that there are several cases of small pox at Rocky Point, there being as many as six in one family. It has raged mostly among the colored people, but a number of whites have also had it Tfc Crp. , We learn that the rains have been very heavy in Robeson for a day or two past In some sections of the county scarcely any crops will be made, and everywhere they have been materially injured. The same complaint cemes to us from nearly every quarter, both in this and the adjoining counties. 'pm'i nrtt-l ,iAJi" fni- 'lTMlil Away. The bridge ba the A. & N. C. R. R., over the Neuse River, between Newhern and Kiiiston, was washed away by the flood yes day morning, consequently no mails were received from that direction last night' The freshet' U 'saiJtd' be the severest 'ever known there, the river having risen about forty feet ."I T ' I j .. j CTTT ITlSJaS. - KnxnnT.-Ai elegant SMortment of millinery foodJ will be found at Mrs. 8trock'a, eorner Market and Seeoad streets, , The ladles are eordlauy tartted to eaU and axuniaeMy stock. The beet goods at the lowest prices. - Xsa. & X. Btbocx. JL - low Panrrae. We caQ the atteatkm of chants, clerks of eourta, herUCa, lawrers, raOroad and stesashlp ei&eers sad agents, and all others harlaf orders t at prlntinx, to the facilities offend at the Hon Stab Panrrae Xeaauasim f or thepraaptaad fatthfol exeeatloa "of sS kinds' ef Job Panrrae. We can farnih at shert notice Carde, BQl-Heada, Lettor-Heada, Programaiea, Ball Tleketa, Blanka, PampaleU. Taga, BaneVBUhvCata legaes,Bine ef Par, enew-BIIla, Checka, Orafta, Ac, Ae, . Satiaf action gaaraateed. The epnsftlMtiii " M rimm m i Wtly Star haring largely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers win Sad it aa admirable Mdioaof eommanioatioa with the farmers and Ranters ef the two Carolina. . Panmxe PanGS. We have now la stock over SCO ream of aews paper, else 94x88, weight SO per ream. It la good, rag paper, and will be sold, in lots to salt, for cash, or sent by express a O. IX Booa iWaT.-TBa Boole Bind erj docs sB Undf'gf fl'T BnHAf -fat a vart maallke maimer, reaaotiaMe pdcee.. Mee chaata and others needing Beerfft Boeks. work, may rely pa prompUMSs lathe execatioaof theb ardors. - . , .- ( ' OoateBtment and- lrp1neee' feign to all aooeej hold where Dooley's Yurt Powder to ased, Try it. Tow grocer he it. , Pat up fall weight.' -,.;" - j . .- i ' " r iaeetbs of ' theatriker in Raleigh Wednesday niriit a. resolution was cered raising a committee of five to wait on the contractors and get from them each a written statement 'as to whether or not willing te comply at once, at what time they will do so. It was a mistake that the strike had extended among the farm labor ers. Betts and Allen have not yielded to to the ten hour strike. TO ALL XmOttL IT MIT CONCERN. The undersigned members of the Board of Stewards of Front Street Methodist Episco pal Church South, deem it due to ourselves and the public generally to publish the fol lowing letter, and an extract from another letter, having obtained the consent of the gentlemen who have received them. The extract is from a letter just received by the Rev. Dr. Moran from the Rev. Geo. E. Reed, Pastor St. Pauls' M. E. Church, Fall River Mass., the letter from which it is taken, being a reply to inquiries made in reference to the Rev. C. W. Warren lately from Fall River and now living in this city. The letter is from Rev. Dr. Young, ; Uni tarian minister, Fall River, to a responsible gentleman of this city, hot a member of our church, and will explain itself. ' It is due to the public and especially to the Rev. Mr. Reed, that we should do this, since, in order to prop up his own bad character, Warren has referred so many persons in this city to that gentleman whose name has been so freely, but so falsely used in vindi cation of his (Warren's) character. , .It is also due to ourselves and our Pastor since we have been so wrongfully accused of per secuting him (Warren) as an innocent man, because . as friends of - religion - and purity, we have felt it to be our imperative duty to expose him. Let it be distinctly understood that we do not now propose to make a full and formal statement of the numerous charges and specifications which we have evidence to prove against him; and which would have been established by this time, if Warren had submitted to a trial before our church tribunal. Our ob ject at present is simply to show by the aforesaid letters (one. of which is from a gentleman whom Warren himself has re peatedly declared to be his "best friend") that he is at least a tad a jan as w have rep represented him to be; and that as such we are, and have been, perfectly justified in taking the position which, on conscientious grounds, as members of. the Church of Christ, we have been compelled te assume in this whole matter. The following are true copies of the letter and extract ref er redto: . . - . : : h --:' . r:.,v:'.v?i::v: May 19, 1873. LETTER TBQM REV. DR. TODHQ. My Dear Sir: About ten days since I re ceived a letter from Miss Bradley, Principal of T. N. School in your city, inquiring into the Character of the "Rev.,r C. W. Warren. I then gave my belief that he was the ob ject of unjust and malicious aspersions. ; I now believe him to be an imposter and ac complished rough every way base and rotten and I wish to undeceive Miss Bradley and warn, her to have no manner of confidence in the miserable fellow. A mysterious telegram which came to' me Saturday last, signed C. W. Warren, makes me fear that he has her confidence still, and that a letter from Fall River to her, sent in the usual way, may fail to reach her. I there fore send this enclosed to you with the re quest that as a friend of purity, and virtue you will take the i trouble to see that it is without any chance of mistake put into Miss Bradley's hand, that she may not be caught in any of the villain's snares. He is playing 0 terjf devil excuse the seeming profanity, but the expression is most appropriate to his case. When he left here, not being of his communion, I did not then know of the stories that were already circulating. ; Yours respectfully, - -v Joshua Yochg, -" Minister of the Unitarian Church in Fall River. . . .. , Fall Rrvra, Mass.. Msy 17, 1873." i: H i Moran, D. D.- . ; V, ! '"7 " t " Dkab BftO: " Your letter has' been received. : I am greatly obliged to you for your long and circumstantial account. It served to clear up several points in regard to which, I have been in the dark. I saw Miss Tripp's aunt last night; she'caHed upon me to inquire in regard to Warren; she stated that she was present when Mr. Warren asked the girl's father for . his daughter as early as last June, and and that Miss Tripp expects to marry him now, (see note A.) has her trousseau all ready. She has received letters from Warren constantly and he has fooled her so completely that she has retained confidence in him." He has within two-or three weeks written her so Miss Deane says that hla banker in New York had failed, and therefore the marriage must be postponed. . Warren has told me repeatedly that he was under no obligations tolliss T. and that he had no intention Of marrying her, yet she expects him to u - ; Now sir, I have this to say I have stood by Warren in this city when it has cost me something to do so, , because I have been loth to believe him guilty, and I could find no definite proof for the charges against him. He seemed to stand alone,, and his case excited my sympathy. I know that, as his ' best friend." my name has helped to prop his falling fortunes. But that must end. I told him that I should standby him until I was convinced of his guilt . Infor mation has come in from so many quarters of late evidence so full and trust-worthy that I am forced to the conclusion that he is as Unmitigated f$coundrfl at can be found. You are at liberty to use this statement as you may see fit. . In regard to his trip to Europe, his falsehoods have been of the most outtageout character, (see note B.) I have now no reason to disbelieve- other charges brought against, hinuwhile here' charges of immoral conduct charges of falsehood. I wish it distinctly understood that I have lout every thzed of confidence in him that J am convinced of , hie . villainy. When I received Mr.' Walker's telegram andnietter I wrote . to ; Warren that I believed him to be a complete fraud-' and a bate deceiver. r If; he .pretends; to have re ceived any communication from me within two weeks of a different tenor, he utterly falsifies. : Miss Deane told me last night that Miss Tripp said she was pursuaded by .Warren to make her statement to me deny ing any expectations from him.- ? I shall be glad to hear of his whereabouts and of his past history if you have, ascertained , it : I need not say a word as to his infamous slander on our Northern Women. Let me hear from you at once. .,.- ' . , ' ' inf ; - , Yours Very Truly, '. h,;j V, j vi;.:j- Geo. E. Reed, , ' . H Pastor St Paul's M. E. ChtKch, ' l; -Ai li : Fall River, Mass.1-; " I am In atmost daily receipt Of letters from various parties in your city. I trust that this letter sufficiently expresses my con victions in regard to this man. j- Reed." ;J ; ;-.t,ii CXXWV Hawks,-:"--t ) i.-vtf hctr. ,V;H.' HL-'Bowse,- -Vv : i 1....,-.,' f4u? q5iR Wr CBASWXCX,-! ' . . . Geo. i IT Keixky..4 H V i I, JjfO. Ey IiEUQETT, L T. Alderman " , Nora A This Miss Tripp is one of the two ladies that Warren is charged to have been engaged to marry about the same time, both of whom had their trousseaus ready for the occasion. The sad history of the other, MisS May Swain, of Nantucket, Mass., we cannot relatevi-xi s i - Not B. The falsehoods here referred to had to be invented by Warren, in order to cover up his imposture of pretending, when he left Fall River, January 10, 1873, MAY 23, 1873. that he was going to Germany, where his wife died, and he had a sick child, and pre tending, when he returned to Fall River in March, that he had actually been to Ger many, when, in fact, we all know he was here in Wilmington daring the whole time between these dates. In order to confirm the impression he had made, he forwarded a letter from Wilmington under cover to the American Consuf at Berlin, with in structions to deliver the same to Rev. G. E. Reed, if icthat city, or if not there, to for ward to his addreaa m Fall River, Massa chuseto t EUECKKRT. In Baltimore, lid., on the 15th inat, Mm. Mary A. Roeckert, aged yeara and S months, iboUms of Prot. Rueckrt. of thlaeify.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DOLLAB HUSIC BOOKS. $ t -..:$,.; $ l : Clarke's Dollar Instnictor, : . . , ForXleosl Organs, Clarke's Dollar lnstrnctor, .. For Pismoforte. Clarke's PollaxInstnictor,H-t v - j - ' ;. For Tlolln. A HRSB VKRT ATTRACTTVR AND USEFUL Inatractiotf books; designed for those who wish to take a partial and easy coarse I M of height, popular muaic for practice, ths first two eontaialng each nearly 10 tones, and the last ISO tones, besides exercises., ; ,. SITBAITSS f Alt k HftTSIO ; : 1 .00 T ....... rorVioliaor Flute andFisaa -. Wlanera Ua$anel l-latef . .. IetBT, 1.00 rorS Violins, or S Flates or Violisaad Pfete. Iflmsier Uaa4of reir, $ ' . - INearlvreadyl H l.OO Kasy Quartets for Violin or Flute, Cornet or Clar ionet, and Sad Violin or VioloneeUa. - The ahoTs 8 books are for Tin Psoflb, and are fall of the bright, -wide awake, easy mutic, that ian hard to pUj.and U so delightful te listeners. a a a - The above books mailed, poet-paid, for the retail OUver IHttea C. I C. II. IMtaem St C: m,Jn?otAah . IjllB'way, Mew York. mayK-dStawwedssiawtf . O It D K K H 8 I NO T ON A WAWiJ. P 111m v . m mmm Mk. Village on the Cliff." &c Illustrated. Svo. Paper. $100; Cloth, $1 MOt "T. trmf' - - - - ....... -. .. - ; ,. . One of the best romances known to later Ttr- literature. N. Y. Times. - . . "Old Kensington" marks a distinct Improve ment in Miss Thackeray's work. Fan of touches of art. Anthexueum, LoadoiL : -- . ' rpURNINQ F PINTS IN'LIU. : By the Eev. TazsKBicK Amrou, B. A at Christ Church, Oxford. Umo, Clolh, $1 75. STB A N;OS 8 TO B T . Library Bdltion, llmo, Cloth, $ 175. . xui hn auy . ' - ' At . HXrjrSBKRaXR8,' . ' ' "Live Book and Music Store. mayfS-tf - ; ;k - .jv- .::t Concord Chapter Ho. 1. A' SPECIAL XXSTING OF CONCORD CHAP ter No. 1, THIS (Friday) . evening, . at 8 o'clock for wort m the M.M. Degree. UlBoyalA Masons in good standrng; arefra- . By7ordor of theH.P: -' ' ' '"'" ": U ' 1 - B. P. HASBtSON, 8ecy. 8t. Johs Hall, May , 1873. ; Post copy. ' i;' Notice. v ' .;; . !!-; .-i 4-.- - fU';-' . ; O0N8IUMJEJU PLEASS TAKE KOTICK THAT the Oermaa Brig DtB PEKSTB wiH be ready to re ceiTe cargo to-morrow, FrkUr. Mar tSrd, 1878. ' . maySSt - ' ' ' & E. BTTirrnrO, Auctioneer. J WILL SSLL , AT THE MARKET HOUSE, Saturday, the Scttk . met, -i twe' VEST vamable ' j !trtis'ii( -.Vti,'' ' ';l on Bladen street These are the most valuable banding lots north of the Railroad. -'-. may SMt 1 KHA BUSHELS MIXED COBK, -''' ; "rtrtrv BURBTLS OATS. 1,000 BALES HAY, i .- r ' To arrive sad for sale at B. V, MITCHELL s) SOU'S. , i maySS4t . ; " t :!EOTIIiM:COSTElKEICE.;,- rpHB ,; IMMEKSS , POPULABTTX OV MT lomis iip aouan oo; attests Its purity and econamy. Have no more barned ooflee, bat bay it, beam eaaurauv roastea, J. a STEVENSON'S. maySS-tf s J--'!- y-"-; For Rent r.; ,- - r TTNTIL OCTOBER 1ST, AND PARTLY- TUB U nishedif desirsd that commodioas ; Tvoiioir swill tiro, on east side of Fourth, between Market and Priav Cess streets. A Fine Cistern on the premises. appiy m awai nng ior may z3-strr sa I. - f . -? .-7v The Mystery-Solved at Last I Ssuvalnst Bargains! Barauins! :'' : . ; "'W : - -' : ' ; AT COST! AT COST! AT CX)ST1 At Solomon5 Levy's 1 Store ! ytOME ONE! COME ALU AND SEE THE ' '-l iWJ GREAT FALL nt'-'TV... . ' :)- DiTtt-Clotlila lit rxaiJWErjkee,. . :t. A foH and weQ selected stock in aQ departments.' '" A FUTJC. LOTS 0? arHZAS ' I am determined to change my Cosiness, and la order to do that I ester my "fi V "Z ' s i -t ... ''.-.-,.: i . j.f!--.(!.!--"' a Ne humbdgr Come and see for yearselves and . . Save" ;at Least 1 25 : per; Ci . t f By poxchealnt yoar Goods of a i i :"'. - -Axi ou :; SOLOIXOlf I.BTT, ' . i .. -. ".t-er: -. ' ": ' At the old stand, soatheast eorner Front and Marr ( ketstrseta. mayl5-tm-nae i I rpBAVELTNCI BAGS, VALTSTS, 8ATDLES, X Harness, Bridles, Martingalea, Collars, Eames, Trace Chains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Shammot Skins, Leather, Feather Dusters. Axle Grease, Sad dlery Hardware. Also a large lot of second-hand Saddlery Good. J.8.Topluum Oev. : No. 8 South Front lit, msys-tfaao Wilmington, K. a NEW AD VERTISEMEirTS. UNTIL THE 1ST OF JUNE TTTK WILL SELL OUB LABOE AND WELL iv SELECTED STOCK OF Bobte aid Shoes V AT It E D U CCD PB I CE 8 Ladles' Fine Boots and Slippers t Children's Fan' . - cy Shoes I Iafanto' Suppers I - Gentlemen'e , (uppers and Ga Dress Boots and Gaiters I All Mi ts mMt, aii WamitEl rr DUDLET, ELLIS,' ' . v Sin of the Big Boot- ' , may 6-w nac Na 41 Market street MISCELLANEOUS. New Spring & Summer Goods v ; .. .. . . . . ." . i'.S. .- ... .. ... . .1 -.y. JUSTBBCETVEDAT--' ' O'-. --- J. & H. SAMSON'S. TITE BESFECTFTJLLY ESVITE OUB CU8TOM II ers to inspect our Dress Goods, which will be f oaad the most varied and. Lsursnast Bteek. lm tbe City, eeasieting of the latest styles and shades in Japan ese, Grenadines, Cualliea, &o, &c Xur stock ot , k WHITE G O O J s - is also replete with Piques, Cambric, Checks, Nain sooks, Jaconets and Swiss, Table Linens, Napkins, Doylea, Ac. ; .... 4? . Parasols, Gloves ahd Hoslery in great variety. ' ". ap 17-tf Coffees and Teas. t PTJI1E J ATA AND ULGVYUA COFFEES!: BEEN, BOASTED AND GROUND FINEST GBADBS 07 COFFEES. QioicestGralesDr Iiierial, Gejowier, ENGLISH BBEAKFAST, NATURAL JAPAN, - OOLONG AND SOUCHONG - ' ' :: : . teas. i ...... i We make lares purchases direct from ths import ers, and not only sare to our customers two or three profits, but can always recommend oar Teas as fresh and full flavored. Send for samples to - j '.: : , CHAS. D. MYEBSACO. , r i may4-tf j. w I t: T North Front street Ann iuu unjjui vk the very lowest u , airaei men, aiarga lot of Fine and Com- ,v1 mon tl-lnch Tobacco. Alse Fme Imported anaxtomesuc Segars. Oall aid examine Stock. H. BURKHTSfEE.' ' i : i - Sign of the Indian Chief.'i; T No. Market street may SS-tf LA W E S i & c O 0.S ! Belfast Ginger ! Ale ! .!!. i: -''; ''' licT ! i'S-fii TBM MANY SPURIOUS AND DELETERIOUS f miztores new sold in this market as , : ' i i ' t- . . - ;. Z' - ; -0',i;n- o;c Et; yA-t,'in': i ; . : ,:' -ii.J,'iliV.J uil ,JJ; lli'-il V 1 Girea as the pleasurs of offering the shore, which -; , ' ' ' r - is guaranteed superior to aU other branda. h--. -,; .) .7 v. .' l and IS Front street IIAYOB'Q OFFICE, '. crrr of Wilmington, n. , V PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS ...... . r ' i- i -. of&cs untU the S4th day of May instant, at noon, for tepairing the OtyHaU and putting it in good order. ParUes -may ' contract for' the ; whole work' ' or in parts, ae carpentry, ' masonry, painting;; sVe.',' as per plans and speciiications la this office. : i W. P. CANADAY W J-4t , , t . . .. , . .Mayor. . TTH A ffl A TTTl TTATlTitT AJiiAAA AJLL1A AIUJJU X . , f.i' Our NEW STYLES of Shoes for Gents' wear are very neat and pretty, made of best ma terial and sold at low C prices. ' ' - - : GEO.. B, FRENCH Jk SON, ! North Front street: may-S3tf ' Corn, Corn. 20e000t?E tj) ';? !.; a For sale by . : mayS-tf "i'i WTI.I.TAM8 St MUBCHISONt'' Full lines cutleby - ov all kinds At ' v null I.' New Bardwsre Store, ,: maytS-tf,,;", t,,, GILES A MURCHISON, 4: :X3axxgei- r Ale. A -DOZEN OP THIS MOST POPTJLAB BEV-,-lV";EBA9 , 'cHAS. IV MYEiafik CO. il: . -may Alt T iv ,' Koitt Viwtou. '! iJtra Superior- Bee; TT7 WILL CrrtSt TO OUR FAtlONS f ON V V 8tvrAT moraine, inst-. one- of the BFST ever S0I4 in this Market: also some EXTBA FINE taitta. Plee ceil and lea-re your Mders. DAVIS WHITE, , maytKt Second stMarkot ' 1 XUDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS W pnatr PrlattmKand Pahitahlng Hoaaa, - ... rvs 6qpifUmtei ati oiurtMnaa, and teaMTurMuaanU-eolanin. 1 1 ' f ' . MISCELLANEOUS. snONLY, Auctioneer, 1 r & MORRIS. WE WILL 'Ctheroi Onbatcbdaynext.sotinsaIvx. "ess: sell at Exchange Oonw at 11 nvio. - eing east corner of Anderson and Gwynn Streets, a j'the West half of lot 4 and 8, in liock tX: 75 rHoase 4 ' . roooms ,;;i" S il -, t- v' ' v. i.. S '-sj r.s tHonse S - v s rooms 75 MOBTH. Terms U Cash, balance S ' and S months with S per oent interest r r. may Sl-wed-frl-sat ' ' St M CRONLY, Auctioneer, , By CItONZY & MORRIS. m SATURDAY NEXT, S4TH INST AT 11 'clock, A M., we will sell at Exchange Cor- r PIECE OF LAND: .; , situated on the east side of Green's Mill Pond, be tween the Old Newbern and the PUukRoadaTThs same beginning at the Plank Road Bridga,oa Green's Mill Pond, thence, north 83 deg., East chains to Monk's corner, thenoe north 15 deg., west 80 chains 66 links to the Newborn Road, thence with the Newbern Road to Green's Mill Pond, thence with the meanderings of said pond to the beginning at the Plank Road bridge, containing by estimation, SO acres. -'. Terms: V Cash: balance, S and S months with S r sr cent, interest ' may il-St-wed-thnAsat - Assignee's Sale. j KC. CBOOTLT,' AaeUeme. t . aBy CRONLY A MORRIS. "-" ' ON THURSDAY, MAY S9ra, 1878, ' AT 11 1 o'clock A M.J will sen. at the office lately oo . cupied by Messrs. Petteway Moore, N. Water st. 4 1 LARGE IRON SAFE, ' S DESKS,' .' S TABLE, . . j . SCHAIBS, PIGEON-HOLE CASE, LETTEB PRESS, t LARGE WAGONS, - 1 1 MARKET WAGON, ' . 1 BUGGY. ' . . . . Terms Cash, , ' . " . GEO. Ml BOSK,' ; - . ; ' - Assignee m Bankruptcy. - ; may lSeodts atOth sn TTT .. ..... ?. .. , F. A. SCHUTTE, ' Wholeesle andBetaU Ba1eV ta aUkmas' of ; -v ' . ! jiRm Carpets, Window 81iadei &c. . guanitk now, so.rnoirTST. L ' i "-' - . .1 Upholstering and Paper-Hangteg done at ' short netice sad in the best and latest style. - ;Jaetf - , ..,f ... .:; ' A Suspicions Letter . ; ; ;; . , n vAT -TlIE:;i : U hnihi: lioYelty Dollar Store. Jr ?;j LADES f LEASE 'C1LL S HAHIE. ' - 'maySB Z'ny "n'r r.ii S- -'.nrlJvr.- Sing -CTIinrt-In. ' g0Q BBLS OT THIS FAVORITE BBAND r ; ,. . 'vt C..rr;.7v'ltesaiyVlfc,ir4 i,'--ff-':,'r ; may4f I : S WHXIAMS MUECHISON. - Plotir iindjltelis:cik 1,000 f-v.a-n ' ' ,,t , r jK HHDS AND BBLS CUBA MOLASSES, ; . . KKQ HHDS AND BARRELS S. hVmOLASSES, , JQA BBLS Q FLEECE SYBUP !t ! .:- For sale by -.- T. W. 1X1ICHNEB; j Stay SS-tf ST, S8 sad SO North Water street House S I-'if i'i J .7iTOomeJ -j .- ' . !? J2g BBLS WHISKEY, (BYE AND COENJ -2 BBLS BBAHDY; ' nC-M-nTi: 'i-- '"'i " 1 VnA CASES SCHNAPPS, "''v ''iVn'. For sale by F. W. KEbCHNEB, may SS-tf V,SS-am4 SS North WaterSt J Kerosene ; Oil. Elce iii Haf : 2 BBLS KEROSENE OIL, , . , ; , KA BBLS 'AND TIEBCES,' WHOLE, AND gQQBALlBAY. , ' For sale by F. W. KERCHNEB, . Salt! Salt! qalt!, . ! SACKS AMERICAN AND r . v tnrmivw-kT.riTifWTwn attfu And Worthlngtoa KINK SALT, .7 -. .! tut d -.i .; ; i - .:Forsallow"y ?' ;:' ;'- .I'etatr il i:-wnjA-aBBoa.!h A' . i ... . . . . . j m Will Close up. ' j ' '-.! i -'- i ; ,-.t ;?...; ,H..i Mx STOKS WILL E3 CL0SK ROSf i' TILL " ' . f - ij'l rf.J t '..-jU;-i fj;Milt ;itt- iwtf! X o'clock thU Saturday ereniag, la respect to Me- . . maytotff i, v1, -;! ti C, STEVENSON. ,"! "V i BRANDY TTlACnTu$ -!) ,.j J ;v, - , -iC -".'J r- '..niT-AS AS3CI0At3. iffs'tff ;JP aPWAEDf jsitALtJ 100,000 LBS SHOULDSSS AND SIDES Tor sals by JtmeSl-tf WILLaBDEBOfl,