. t fnoEiniiQ STAB,. . ; .) ,' VUBlisHEDlDAiLYBY HATES OF ADVIIUTISIPIO, ii& K.i OneSqnaraoneday....... ..............tl 0 --- two dr,.. ................ l eo ".tStlt AMudayt t 60 4dy...xri;Aj..:.:.:j oo .' M . Tm K 00 fro RA.TSS or VMOfBTIOX, r In advance (br one yetf , .dvanc ( rt (bv' mall)..., $7 ..$7 00 GO 09 75 f On? 0"Jbers. delivered In any put of th 10i. tm Cents per woe. Uuruity Agemtm are city'JthmSedto collect for mora than I month ia .jTnoe. rM aaa OUTLINES. TteBrodioLas issued a circular to f or-1 ,; Lalth ii so bad Ua physicians hare advised . !m not to eo to Vienna. r- Gold, in York. Archbishop of Utrecht, the dowager Queen of Frederick IIL of Prussia ana rraww Aiwuuuurg " dead. "- " ' ' - ' '- NBTT ADVEBTlSEMKNTt. r g. L. Frkmont. Reduction of Rates, Befreshing Ice Cretja iX Mebanw'a. T. C. 8KBV088. Tax Notice. MS JS-JtT ' i a NdrKhesMftr - tfce ' iriaiUwai mt th Comsnercls.1 Frrty r WU- ThU enterprise proposes the connection I of the Northeast branch .ox tne uape if ear with New River by a canal of , sufficient dimensions' to permit its navigation- by steamboats and rafts. 1 1 ' : - j Nature seems to have pointed but the route, (or. there U.a .vartety; atrearna forming a connecting "link between the ; two rivers.: It ' is proposed, we learn, to leave the Northeast Rhrer at Bannerman's, either utilixing Holly Shelter Creek or fol lowing its Swamp, leaving the last named stream at the mouth of Big Sandy Bun ,w fi,i;no' this stream and iwtmn to i o-J T.. Pnona n (lha rliviinv rlHiro I jilg oauujr v & .a between the two riversX crossing this po- cosin and foUow ingrown either Htwesor Troublesome Run Creek to the navigable . a.val ' mlirinaV at 4iitw. waters of tlie Southwest, making a June- tion with New River four miles below jacasuuTiuv. The projectors of the scheme propose In constructingthis canal to divert all available- streams, including the Southwest, and if necessary the waters of the New River, inrouga uie cw.., vuua vuimjiu sity of much excavation and aa a conse- quence greatly lessening the cost of iU con- LcUon. It is also claimed that thia canal will need no locks, which is half the cost of construcUng works of this sort ; Th. onstrocUon of thia canaL it is wA -ill afford drain to soma of the- richest and most valuable swamp lands " in the State, and will open np boundless pine forests, valuable for timber and turpentine, and on the low lands will give an outlet for large quantities of cypress, juniper, white oak, ash and hickory, and an almost end less amount of valuable fire wood; besides which it will facilitate available and desir able steamboat communication between Onslow and adjoining counties. A. the waters of New River teem with fish and among the finest oysters in the world, this connection, If made, will open them up to remunerative markets through the different railroads diverging from this city, aswell as more fully supplying the demand among our own people. ' j We learn that the citizens of Wilmington .. . - ... are manifesting much Interest Inthls enter- I prise and that steps "are" being taken that I will at an early day msure a survey of the i i .i route of the proposed canaL with a view I of ascertaining 'its feasibility, cost of con struction, &c. Iu case 'the result shall prove satisfactory' we'shall no doubt' soon have a new adjunct to the commercial in terests of our rapidly growing city. Mayer Coart. The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: , ; ; . , Wm. II. Moore, charged with refusing to obey the summons of a police officer. Case dismissed. . 'fa?i was found guilty and sentenced to pay a I line 0L12Q and costs, or go to the Work 1 House for 80 days. , . .. , , ; ; Annie Lewis, charged with being drunk on Fifth street, near the Stafford House; on Thursday at 2 o'clock, was required to pay a fin m w'2r-".rTl-.L-wrV-i - u'u wr-Kw-uie- wwa House for 30 daya, . ? f , , . 1 t - , . . ... . . . I Annie jjewis. cnarrea witn disorderly I condaet, cursine and fishtins ' with Lottie I Slafford, was required to pay $20 and costs xajuiq Dianora, cnargea wjin Deing dis- I orderly and ewslng ap4 fighting with Annie Lewis, was required to pay a fine of $30 or go to the Work House for 80 days. ' Tour or five cases were continued over for a future hearing. 1 Death ot James rirsooa. The Raleigh papers of yesterday an nounce the death of this gentleman, which occurred on Thursday morning at 6 o'clock, surviving the stroke or paralysis with which was aiiactea jnst 'twenty-iour nours. Mr. Firsson Jiad marry warm friends in this city, where he resided for several years, lio will regret exceedingly 'to hear the The following is the report of Dr. A. E. above announcement. In alluding to the Wright, Visiting Physician to City Hos d occurrence the Raleleh New says : "Mr. pital, for the month of May: Number of Rrason was a man' of distinction, being the Pioneer piano forte manufacturer in this country and a musical artist of no little KeriL He possessed the esteem of all In this community who knew him, and by his kindly disposition and integrity of life se cured to himself many warm friends. His death bed was surrounded by numbers. of sorrowing friends who rendered him all the i4 that human knowledge could suggest. a son of Mt P.'s is expected to arrive to day and the remains will be taken to New York for interment" ' "" ' Kdaeatloaal and Icrtealtaral. I A . ... . 7 . . : - -wu, uvvuaaiiwuvu wiLA uio ew r Hanover County Agricultural Society menclng at 10 o'clock. ""icq meets at the same time and nlace i Mu-utmam, aur-a-, udtio oiar oi uw ouum y- i TTTKDDrNa cabds and visttino -?Ti 1.. t..i f T . ,T " P - 1 Tickets. Blanks. PamphleU Tags. Hand-Bffls, Cat- of G. T.. No. 8. of Newbern, led by the Wednf tbtmost egant styleTat mux at UOCEy fOlnt WHiay. Com- I , m. . t Ro1o!i Ti-s ,,.. rl?arnnnwfl flrtA I ' ,. -i tWIL E BEBJ '. t .'.' ?, t k rt YQL:'XII'.-N0. 66. ltalXts. '' Showery ycaterday. ; ' Thcrmomelor al 88 in Ihii ' dfElce yes-! Anderson, tlie " Baggage Man," is dangerously ilL. life . v--3' i if. Some of the officers about the Court House have been Vaeeing snakea," , The steamship HetropoLU: was . to sail from WaW YorV fnr hi rort Wjrt.rlav 1 ' ..-.. I ine jsvropa. Thornxomer sailed from; I Hamburg for this port on the 20th ult Th Wild TTunfsr V.rApann Brrlvprl at London from this port Oav- th 22nd ult. Hamburg was at Dungeness on the 21st Ult " The . 'FiiteAr' lirununond. anl the I ! - ktrtranff, Thornton; sailed from Liverpool forthia port on .thejiad nit, . The Eliza Eveline, Munroe, from this port for Hamburg via Fayal, passed Deal on the 23rd ult " " p - Va TMifmcul I . . . . e T.t his position as contracting engineer . Of the Carolina Central Railway. 1 . . "! i o irtjii ' ' . -The excursion party to Smithville and the inacksn Grounds nad a good tlmeyes-1 . - s terday, but it wa too rough outside to do 6 ' T ' ; : ' ' I - I ..: A workman at Messrs.-Hart & Bailey's I I frmni - p .v th nnmn nf Ramnel Martin I ... uaAKSl hhiM aariir r a . nf wo .-j j j - i iron f ailing on him. - Wound not erious, We leain that fliegrai. overrunning cr0pson the line of the Carolina Central , v . . ,A . . i road between this city and Wadesboro, the effect of thewy rj nuns whidi hare Tuuwnt uik mkuuh. i , v Telmceiit tax payers for 1872 are . rip . . TrPAanTfM. thatJlwj10ie dty for that year are; p&id m f b1, qq or 15th inst f wffl proceeded withto fun extremity the law. , l V ... . . v ' . t .r, T A 1,1 of a ,ence of Maj. F. D. Poisson, was McWentally didiarged yesterday, the ball through a window and barely miss- nt Toiason; ;The pistol wasthoprop-; erty of a colored man who sleeps on Maj. Poisson's premises, and the girl is supposed to have taken it from his room during his absence. -' :-- " I ; Tko ttoauaioBilF Balelck. We adverted briefly in our last to the fact that the new steamship RaLexgh, built for the Baltimore and Wilmington Steam ship Line, was launched a few days ago at the former city. The Raleigh is a first class i steamer in every particular, and while having a large carrying capacity draws but a moderate amount of water, so : as to be able to cross the Southern bars at J1 seasons. ..8he Isabournine hundred tons 'barthenj nnd will be rigged as a three-masted vessel.".. Her machinery and interior finish is to be completed as soon as possible, and she will erelong be placed on m connection with the other fine gtcanwrs comr 7 Tr . i T? understood, wUl be commanded by Capt Oliver, who superintended her construction. Ts bs Breksa Up. ... i We learn that the authorities have deter mined to breakup the den on Fifth, near the corner of Walnut street, which has I long been a source of great annoyance to Deonle residine in the neighborhood. . The I " . I nronrietre has been summoned to &Dtear . ... - - - mmmM4Antu before the Mayors Court this morning to er thecharge of keeping a disorderly hoase. and we learn that onite anarrsvof I ' N AeelelemS from tlao Jfromatsire Dls- ' ro efa Plotol. v ; ; . I . Mr. Arch'd McColIum of this aty met with twite a serious accident yesterday, Ho was in the act of cleaning a loaded pis- .i v i. -.,At.n- AiA i ww wo- the ball passing through the palm of his . . 1 . 1. T leu nana ana cominz out at lao. uaca. . in flicting a very ugly but not necessarily seri- ous wound. The injured hand was prop occurrence ui uie acciaen. Clrea RleUas sa the Streot Considerable amusement was created on Princess street yesterday by the antics ol an amateur circus rider on tne oacK or a small poney. The animal make every fw Atimit.1m nff end rllrl mtiM riim vuvit rv suiwii v - . to assume everr lmairfnable-attitude but that pony with the intention of riding him, i and he did It I Hospital Beport. I patients on hand April 80th," 83; number admitted during May, 12; discharged. 1; . oiea, a. umoer ot patients on nana Aiay V ttm m.'W . - a a. 3l8t,34. ... ; V " ' ' Xao Carollaa Ceatral. . . TT.i .v.. .i. i, .v. r if Tf v icatu him uio nvia uu uie vuuuua Central road between Wadesboro' and Charlotte is progressing finely, and by Mom - day it. is expected three hundred hands wiU be employed on that division. - ; Joa Panmiio.-W eaU th attention of mer- chants, clerks of courts, sheriff a, lawyers, railroad and steamship ofocer and. agent,' and all other I vmoro0rsorju.UUfc S j O ta VAfeA.llMAO rafTiiaiai J m i w pioBipw .ma Zouuumi uwusvi ,m - ar -- - I ,OB Panrrnio. t W eaa furnish at abort notice r " . , I W BV PMVW-W.is) VMWS v-"xn I -fJ 'w a&iauwt vv m.v- I 4 Ac, Ac Satisfaction guaranteed. i ii! ... CJITY ITHS1&. ..Tffew maps of the city, with the extended, limits j etucraTed on a large scale, can. be procured at the of the City CTerk and Treasurer atTeaeonahle , .i . :-.,.. ..i i;;r i I offlce rates. Rninwivin-ntkn..l. nA i...hi engage board la a private family, located near busk ness portion of the city, ddreM B., P, Q,Box ' PKnrriM W hare aei received a stock of Ior nmmer use. pmnp m pacaages or pounds each, Cash , or, CO. D. orders promptly aued. ,?ric . eents per pound,: j ' The consolidation of the Carolina Farm- and the rTseUy Star havmg larger increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable MHJtMM -...J. I.. tt .... m.U V A aM.AM a. A I ; KaxJsW., mmineryl nvwla will h fonnd at If rm. Rtvk' turner it arket and Second streets. The ladies are cordially inrlted to can ana examine my stock, xne sest gooos i the lowest prices. .' ' Mas. K. M. Stbqck, Kar Kin.n -To. Vnunu R-m Itonk RlnA 1 " T 111. t j to I7ria t-i1 TT .v I manlike, manner, and chants and others needing '. work, may rely on promptness In the execution of I ' - I i ' : ' - ; i I A Poltoiat Busmss. The widespread inflnence I of American skill and enterprise has outstripped the I comphension of-the AmeAcan.themselTe-, The iinpiM ni nnr mi pimna ma Mnowo nw nmn rrwu ti cents. They wrap the loins of Africa, and the 1 a-1 trncuorouTs&nii office in Lowell showed ni that the whole surface of I the habitable globe pays its tribute there; there they I Mta a anil aPvA vnst. vswinlmtnonra sf mlmrMrf mil I .h. tmf r.mw wtW. . n t)...UitninM " iJ yv K f I oe teaarrom ana written in many tongues, rorwmcn Ke1 of the world. We were overwhelmed with amaze- meat, and our readers would be by an Inspection of this wonderfully ertensiTe, healthieaiing enterprise. "r 1 n. f t ; - : .. IF YOU g: ..' Want a Cook, '. " ' - 1 Want a 8itaatkn, " ''$'' ' Want a Salesman," . .- Want a Servant QirL . , ::; " '. : . Want to sent a Store, ; ' Want to sell a Piano,1 . Want to sell a Horse, ' Want to lend Koney, - " Want to buy a House, r ; ' Want to buy a Horse, -.: Want to rent a House, . Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place,. . :, Want to borrow Honey. Want to sell Dry Goods, . t Want to sell Groceries, ; . ,? . " ' Want to sen Fumitore, ' Want to sen Hardware, ' '; '3 Wan.t to sefl Reel Estate, -: Want a Job of Carpentering, . Want a job of Blacksmithlng, " Want to seU ItHUnery Goods, Want to seU a House and Lot, . Want to and any one's Address, ' ; - . Want to sell a piece of Fnmitore, -.',' Want to bay a socond-hand Carriage, Want to sen Agricultural Implements, - , Waat to And anything yo hare lost. , Want to Advertise anything, to advantage, ' Vj Want to find sin owner for anything Found, ' Advertise In . 'N ;;V V " THE HOSNINQ STAB. "' Spirits Ttilentilie.. : ' Henderson THbune reports Granville wheat crops very promising. ; is visiting Ireland- before going to the yiennaexposition. Thursday, owing to the indispo sition of Judge Brooks there was no session of the Federal Court at Raleigh. , : ; ; me ivtnston uazetH records the sudden death last Tuesday of Mrs. Kennedy who lived near Falling- Creek. i A ' ' ..-';..' ;. i rt.i -lit."-' f at; reasonable prices. W. JJaleieh: A. W. T .. Rev. W. W. Morsrah. I S2f f.V1HLl,KPh Receipt Book, or other of QrUensboroi Ck Wx Bevi R. IL Sim! tZtKir? I 5 ,ea dre. aT fs.wwrf3 -L- Th Nrrrth" CutoUti. rrortir I airropeny.on biock jn lraae, aio ruu i ture s inits to isu joo.. . jiii v- y A lie, XXtmu VarOiinn XeniZer I 1Ki:(;nrithatalldelinnnentartiaswhOsa' I . Company's works will be located in Raleigh xv fn n.lHmaM aa Urmt Amr.iriA . , uu mot m - Mw.uv. : j , Georgo Johnson, colored,-snp wtTar3 ZlFEZk ..-. - :, ., river for shad. . . , Tho;.TFotVjAma 'Jiaysj an un armed man'.Jn Salisbury had a, terrible struggle with "a large (ana fierce dog tne other night, but was not much Injured. v-r- Oa Tinxsday ja Baleigh an Id lady named Sallie TJodd was.kuled. by a walking between the railroad rpposed that she lost presenceof I t J 1m V M i muu auu rau xu wo , - m ... Nerens Mendenhall has made a h preliminary .survey of the proposed route tr n xr i Wat (innw a. about $10,000 per mUe, So says the Winston! Magnolia Advertiser; Mr. C. Sens. Ons! yhojectly oled f .wcuiv-iuut ucikuui aw w u ... thetn i of tid I m i.5 vJ) . nn a AVW1AOU1LS iuivow aiviuaug ava aiawvauiSj vu the 14th prox, to consider the best means now in our city, says the Elizabeth Carol- man, maturing their plans for carrying on their manufacturing enterprizes and devel- ODinz their other business interests here. They are gentlemen of large capital and In domitable enterprize. - - . ; - Battleboro Advance,' Ben Davis, th notorioua character," who "figured" In this place last year, first as the teacher of a 3 tlf - convicted at Northampton court ; fast week of forgery and sentenced to the Penitentiary for five years. - lie was indict- et in lour casos, ana mea ana convictea In only one, ana uuw uio moiavoraoie I . - . tnr Mm TTa will ha tried in thft nthpr I ra. -which . are more artrravated. when 1 his term expires, and the chances are pre t - ty good for him to get a lease onthePeni- r,.i m:. 4. V TT XJJm AA -.fW ouw I l7 wasennvcua .fa ..ii ahaI Ana rna mnar im. posing processions of colored men that ever ' paraded here. The Victor and Bucket! Fire Companies Nob. 1, of lialeign,, Keu- 1 j . 1 J-l, . - Taurine Fire Company JNo. 1. Wltii i together witli tljQ various a empenUiCC uei- MfCsUA TV AAa laAA'O TISaiVUi yww w I egations from all parts of the State, escort music, paraded through the principal 1 . . i - .. .. 1 i T" streets and were everywhere Greeted with perfect iOrde and fin marching..Mr Next temperance conTeuuoajWaa organiiea. J7 organization was effected by the "election 'of harieS'N.! Hunter, of I uueKii4. vuzuriusn, suuuseuu is. x-rive. vi. i XT i -t a. . mi v . . - - . . i wewueru pecremiy. u iflfl, usual .cguunii,- were appointed,-- among which was tro!ioiBi ? neTnVaser- manent omcers of ;tne HJonvenwon,, viz Ed'wd R Dudley, President; ChasN. Hun ter: Secretary; Jos. C. Price, Assistant Secre tarVvnd av ixnunberr of -;Tice.i Presidents. AftereffectiAg a rrmanentrgaizUon Mr. Dudley. spoke, at length,' ppon ;the , oh - lect or tne.uonvenuon and welcoming tne Delegates, and those present wfco nutn- oered two or tiirea AUndred. persona, ilis f " . . .. i, , 1 I ftSASt . wwjjgr. k v . ix.-wyojc, ui I l""eigu;li. W V. Lfeo.!U. VVUlia, Ot 1 mons. of Favettevilla. , The names of the I -.i ' . u i w -tn I iM.iit:r iinicriN wti 1.1111 ill uui if hi ii. uhi wiix rnrhliari tbm In rlna timtt 4 Pot ' On M l.LV-" j JTi-T. . nliT'i." -t i V Arnold, -of Greensboro; - 'was ' appointed Grand Lecturer for the State.' also a num- 5L?!rf Tstr2T KfEZ S'Z w .o-www wawwa rwaw business was transacted the Lodge closed Broughton, Jlsq., editor of the fpmt of $16 Affg Robert : Hancock... , Jr., r Geo. M.. " A - . . T. . Arnold and James xieaton addressed tne ' & a. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j Carolina Central RallwaV Co. vwaviiuw wuuuwi avmuiimj Wi, ,r w X . , ? , i. IK-vi.W Wf,,N. h nEDUCTIOJT OF RATES! CORN. j..i-,' t : ': j ' ON AND AFTER TO-DAY THE CHARGES ON Com by ear load, 380 bushels, will be 10 cents per bushel or $38 a car load to Shoe Heel and all Soints west from Wilmington. All places east of hoe Heel the rates will be (9) nine cents per bushel by car load. , t , , . 1 : : . . - .... The rates on Salt-will be' as last 'rear bT car load. 85 cents per sack by car load of 80 sacks,, for Lum berton and all places west. East of Lnmbertona lower rate. , . ' , Apply to Freight Agent - ! B. L. FREMONT, juneV-lt .! -.'.' EngrandSup'C Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. The Oldest & Largest Henfactorj ofSafes . 3E SAFES ARB MADE WITH THREE AND four flan ires around the door, of refined wroueht iron frames, with angle corners, and , ' ... Warranted Free lxbm Dampness! We win deliver these Safes In Wilmington at same York.' ? - ' junef-tf WTLLARD BROS., Agents. -To Delinpiit Tai Payers for 1872. ! 7 Offle Treasurer and. Collector. , Cttt or "WsuatQTon, N. Jane 6th, 187S. A 8 SEVERAL PARTIES ARE YET OWING XX. nt Titm for txn am Seal Estate and Person i city faze for ism are not paid in fulfon or before I the . - i. i i . ' . " 1 - - - S ism aiaj ei d eav. auvtaa, i ' ' ' - , I saan proceed to collect the same with essts, at the full extremity of the law. ---T. C. 8KRVOSS, j Jgnc7a' " tY r TreMfV'and Conector. j -. 1 1 n i i TTTtT Sti i J X- TF JOU WANT A GLASS OT BEALLY, GOOD irv ritm sans Wtlrilini' J'f'.' ' wft pura Cream; MSSAN2T8 Drug Store is, the place ' 'fo get u' corner Front and Princess street .v Jane 7-eodSt sat' TT rm.. If o.iJ 'a. t ThO MYSteiy DOlVed. at LaSt I . r 1 1 ; ''J. Bargains S Bargains 1 1 . "i tt-f AT C0ST1 AT COSTl , AT COST f A f Sol6m6ll iLow'S. Store ! - ,? , r rtOME ONE! COME ALL! AND SEE THE I 1 J . , great FALL. IN XKTJNKS, Sce. 1 e. -L ': - - -; -; ' ' '' A fun and wen selected, stock in afl departmeata. , A rULL IUTE OF LADIES' WEAE. . I am determined to change my business, and in order to do that I offer my r ENURE STOCK AT COST! - ;., .... - N humbug! Come and see for yeorselyes and . " , - . - ' ' c ' j . - Save at.Least 25 per Cent, By purchasing your Goods of ' SOLOMON IiETT, 1 At the old stand, southeast, corner Front and Mar- ketrtreettt:, . 1 , j . I r mty j4nvnae ' WilTfliilfrtrtll QTtfl WplflnTT PAl'llMlT ?A I IUlMlfrlUll . H VAUUU MUUiVUH UWI OFFICX 0 GENL SUPERINTENDENT, I af.wh ism T -.. 11S.'" ftPECIAIj NOTICE. WW AND AFTER- VJ ? MONDAY, JUNE o passengers wiU be carried on e Through """""TT T.-. JOHN F. DrvrNEl may 81-lm nac - . , GenT Bnp't CARDS SARD'S I aaslt PriaUng and publishing Honsftj ' tiwau uu a icwhiwuu 1 jsbou w iu r avaa w A A., on urns, viyi. v. v n uwub I w vununi uiw price tn uioir piuaum u v 1 ranged nch sv Lodirej Immediately after I r - ri - 7if I and the remainder in one and two years from day of; SJSZZfcJ srie,Wtthtaterfromdda.te,idthUthe i j-- -.J--.-U..U. . ,.vu. 1; aeipmaana wummgton every Taesasy mornmg, at I. oe secureo Dy sanaiactory oono, ana a lien on u HuiM.'' n.:Wr! TFr.'1ciT-wl :T- iTnH- In rriirwsrh Blllft of Xatetlnar cl ; payment in tulL r . ,f J . " - nw.-.- . jy AWrrn . ii w h i iharles n. Hunter, of I at as low rates as dt any otner route. . ajso to uv- i v " pui, ut upenuoa, according v me serma V. i ", " v - . t W aav So J BM J jStatPft" J-SlSSaWe"l,ll",,,?PPlflP T, : j ' .V r;: 1 i U TT v v rrVJiVKLISO BAGS, VAUSfcS, 1 SADDLES, 1 Harness, Bridles, MaVuneales; (Suars, Hamet l SA lars, m, 81 ' n-- vuuub, tit ujub, opura, uoz voiiaTS. gmmnot ok.. T v. r . . . , . . l o&uid. uc.uia, k huux uttHoi. jlxio urease. . oau- ou.. T v. u .v. r- . . . t. . dlery r Hardware. Also a lam lot of second-hand I Saddlery Qopds. 1r at Woi a.. ii!;,- .i Kcv8 South Ifront 8ti i smay8-tf nac i .i. i ' iHSCELLtoEOXJS. ; Mi n Up AT.TTnA A MTTTirRTW! LS.V - M' - ! "MX" 1 w U XHBBH Mail f Steamship, 5 Company I . FIRST CLASS STEAMERS 22L Glren toNew YorW. Boeton. PrOride PorUsnd and all peinU in the Jfew JbarW SUtes, Through rates from Philadelphia to all points In North Carolina. South Carolina. Geonria. Alabama. is . . - .... ' . . . ' . ' iorasiana, -mismsMppi ana .renneesee. at as ww rates as br comsetiner lines. JTor Freight engagements and rates apply to H -.-: Wilmington. N. C! 4. jml OKSBXK1DupennieaaenK. ; .... ;o WlLL-JAMllS, General Agent, j jane 6-tf' S87 and 239 Dock street, Philadelphia. , TJie. IrTflmiiigTm Trust , Company t -. j,,-? AND . . j j-' i '. : S AISSSBXNK, 31 Market Street. OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY FROM O A. M. TO 4 P. M., and on Saturdays (exclusively for reeeiv- ing deposits) from 5 to 8 P. M. f . . j- All accounts kept Strictly private ana confidential. I Married women and minors can d i deposit in 1 this In- sntutkm. subject to their own com atroi and no other. interest allowed at the rate or six -per cent., per annum on all deposits of five dollars and upwards remaining on deposit three months and over.. .! j -me ttansang nouae is suuatea so tnat ladies may attend to their own ban kins busineea ( The patronage of everybody 1b solicited. Dirtctort: Silas N. Martin, Donald McBaeV ,. K. B. Burruss, " Edward Kklder. i( ! . 8ILAS N, MAKTIN, . ' ' President , , . DONALD MoRAE. Vice President : f'F.'M. KING, ; .. ..... Cashier.! George Chadbourn. J, june s-om ' ' LA WES & c.os 0v 4. iLi r A 1n I The salety or the securities, the constantly ln JD6iIdSb VXinffer '' IllQ I I creasing capital of the Association, the Ubelwl rate . . .. . I of Interest, and the character of the management, T 'HE MANY SPURIOUS AND DELETERIOUS mixtures inow sold in this' market as i N.G E 11. A Ia .E r- . . - -..1 Gives us the pieaeure of offering the above, which t , is guaranteed superior aU other brands. Sold omir iy.f:Mr ' . i-.t- im i -u: ; ,i:-,-;-.-i . ; v.i GEO. MYERS,"' i mavl8-tf 11 and IS Front Street HARDENS AND INVIGORATES THE GUMS! I Purines and Perfumes the Breath) Cleanses, I Benuufies ana rreserves toe s. j ni -v i TET H ! : ; ' ; ; Use It dsflys and your teeth will be the last of Na- - . .SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. i i may tl-eodly ta ta sat -1- CL nil I summer1 wear: FINE ; BUXjED) .BUSINESS ,r SX7IT9. i LINENS im J0PACC1S, " I FINE-WHITE. SHIRTS, j TRUNKS,' BAGS, Ac., . ; .;. '!'. i ' i . ; , , ' ' nUNSONftCO.,. Clotmnc and faratlaMiae Store, V j . Jnne4-tf f . , - ; i .- 88 Market street j NATIONAL HOTEL, ; : tRr JOB" E S ,5, Prcnetor, " , ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY OF . ,WItmN0T0Nt 2 C. : On and and after this . date, the rate for raAssnnrr boabd will be $3.00 and $S.00, per day, according to location of Rooms. jnne4-lmo : : , - .- High OUR BOOTS, SHOES ' And Gaiter for Misses', Ladies' and Gents' wear, are very stylish and salted' to all classes and conditions. ; r GEO. B. FBENcil St SON, June 6-tf S9 North Front street- .-!: Old Line.' j nnrx gjjg BARBELS FLOUR., 25,000 LBS. D. 8. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 1O0 BABSKL0HUUAK. , ,V T . . o n n a fi nnirirKM. . - - - ! j . . . . i 400 BOXES SOApT CANDLES, STARCH, PO. TASH. LYE. TOBACCO, Ac Low tothetrade- TASH, ap 8? . WM AM W ' EDWARDS A HALL. TliejCaiadIl, : JpTJiriial, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT $3 . per aamrw. Advertising ra tea liberal. , JOHN KEBSHAWr Propr, WH. BxKTTairrt, Agent janl4-tf id LoWi .WHOLE NO.-1;762. A J- MfeCELLANEOTTS. i ntPOETAHT. SAW Of Public. Property. . sttvul i. r. v sj't. . j. Jiit ' ... ... . i AT A MEETING OF TBS BOAnD OF MAN-r . seers of the Cape Fear and Deep KItct Naviga tion Works, at the ExecntiTo Office In Baleigh, on. the Sd of Jane, Kf78, the followiug- resolatiOBg were Haw -it edt V(il-M,JiT L Raolvtd, That in accordance , with the act of theOeoerslAssemblv. I860.' M61 J char 1XL It Is deemed advisable to sell the interests of the State of North Carolina in the Cap Fear and Deep BWer X Betoived, That the same be sold in two sections, vtsf-lst, from FeyetteviUe to Sharp's Field Dam; Sd, from Sharp's Field Dam, Including the same, ap the Cape Fear and Deep- Biver to the llmiuof the . a Sstotvd, That the respective purchasers shall irjon the i condition that the respective purchasers si ungt ased, Field m Sharn'f Dam, Including the same, to Trsor's Kill in Hoore county, wttha a year from said date. 1 ' . :8'MtftV That H.'A. LondoriJ' Secretary; and B. ti llowze. Attorney or the Hoard, be anthorized to make said sale at Lockrllle, In Chatham county, i oif THE 8TH OF JULY, 187,' i t and that they Ktr notice of the same in the Bra and Nm in Baleigh. the EaaU and Statetman in Fayettevilleth ar and Poet in Wilmington, untU tne aay oi saie, ana Dy posters. . ... ? . ' .(;. .::.- -it j We shall offer the above orooertv for sale accord ing to tne aoov resoiuuons. j, .jc-.-.uu . : - ,-, :.:.ty-, . ; . . H. A LOD27, Secretary. B. L HOWZB, Attorney.;: ! fjun8-till joly'8 Eeal "Estate . mC Loan Association ?!. SAVINGS' BANK t y f nSO. WILDER ATKINSON. I"'- ..ii.-.r.Presldeat THOS. H. McKOx .Vice Preside inn a a, s. yir.Ta . . Secretary and Treasurer DIRECTORS Jno. Wilder Atkinson, of Atkinson St -Manning. Alrich Adrian, of Adrian A VoUers. t Wm. H. Bernard; of the Wffintmrton Stab. Isaac' B. Grainger, President Bank of New Hanover. ueorge Hamss, of Hamss A HowelL " , Thoa. H. McKoy, of W. A- Whitehead &Co .. .. ( Roger Moore, Broker. 'T5 . . ' ' Samuel Northrop, ptNorthropAXinmming. George W. Williams, of Williams & Murchlson. rp(HK ABOVE CORPORATION, CHARTERED X by act of the General Assembly of North Caro- by act of the General Assembly of North Caro lina, is now prepared to receive DOLLAR and upwards, on which to receive deposits of ONE SIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST win De allowed. - .. t . nnltft in ftng th'f t"e - SAFEST AND BEST PAYING SAVINGS SCHEME ever offered to this community. !':- ;'J '-' , Interest allowed on all sums remaining one month and longer. ..... .. ..... !; 4 Fifteen days notice required to draw out money. ' -; Deposits received ' at anr time bv the Secretarr and Treasurer, No. 41 Market street,, t.. ; : , jane 6-tf , - ' . ; WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT AN OR&iH ... i ?: .'-.,! ;:! S-,' :'' S i 'AND WHAT WILL AN ORGAN NOW BE without a codv of DITSON A CO.'S new. delu lelightfuL complete collection of Reed Organ, i Music, called the ) Music, called the ORGAN AT HOME ! Every Organ needs it f The rgan at Home! Best collection for Reed o Atiil tOO not difficult pieces,' r. . - . i so o 'aii-lsed that no dull music is in them: the orgXXn. smooth, legato style used, but ' ' ' KT' " : '-' ' " -( as an orgaJLl at Home should, be cheerful,, " i.t i-.--u . light And staocato music.i not .excluded. : At Sent ..heOrgsnmaHomeisftenSilentfor ome music is not provided for it'-Here to H 0m-Uke, easy,: famffl&r, new " music," at holile In every nation, in fact an kinds by w-homJCl yerybody considers the best com- posers. ; ' The publishers take pride and pleasure in pre- eenting sack a superior book to the public, and.' j believe it worthy to be at home in every family., I Price, Boards, $S 60; Cloth, $3: Full Gilt, a4...-, Oliver Dlt son et Co. I C, H. Dltson 4t Co, Boston. r in BVay, New York. jane 6-d3taw wed sat wtf r.u j TOBBING LOTS WE ABE SELL- - ma .. 't Tobacco Goodg i-a.; AT ....ii's 1' AstoiiislaiiLlj ; Lov.;Frices ; For Mr. Spinner's, or other gilt- . edged 'paper.' r- , Da PIGOTT, , I jane 1-tt . Tobacconist Salt! Salt! Saltl : 32,900 SACKS AMERICAN AND 1 LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM And Worthlngton FINE SALT, , For sale low by etS-tf ; . WTTJ.ARD BROS.' Just Received. ANTON GINGER PRE8ERVE8, ' ' Is m QTiDDDTJV OVUITU TJi'VlwllWTa TT ft mT VA AaUACiUWAl OA IVI X VS A A JlaAr UASi) ' JELLDJS, PRESERVES, LEMONS. - ORANGES, Ac, Ac., Ac Ai& umger imp., a. zounger, mcttwsn's; , Porter, Brown Stout , ap5-tf : JAS. L METTS, B7 Market st . Attwood's Q niBiiiB Tonic Bitters vyiNCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE8, ' Pond's Extracts, Flavoring Extract 1 1 ;; - Congress Water, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Kerosene, Glass, Varnish, Ac., Ac, at junetf ' ' GBSEN St FLANNEB'S. Shingles ! Sliingles ! 20,000 " : on nnn no- hearts,, 11 A 1 1 OmTiaad and for sale by ;mayS4-tf O. G. PARSLEY A OO. j To theraxmeriof ITewlIaxifmr Coxmty COL. D". WYATT AIKEnVvtRAND DEPUTY OF the National Grange, wfll be in Wilmington on 6 , to Saturday, tb.o litis. Iatstant, , deliver an address on the Patrons of Hnsbandrr of Hasba - Fanners and agricultoral matter generally. Fanners win JI a. ai i fli a. ri . a J . a. a 1 near vi avmcuuBg va uen t fjune s-dawtd . 1 -.... .vsr . .i i . ... v . . . . jM nr Van TRlvnr I 4. ReOivd. That the sale be nrjon the Mnreaaed. ball com-' " . .'Tbjweela...,;..".ri...i.T .160 f t Three months.. .... 00 Biz months.. ..." ...85 00 HfCon tract Adrkisssnents taken at propor Uonately km rates: . , . . Five Honares eUftied to a -urUSMliaan, and jten squares as thalfrcolttian. - - w MISCELLANEOUS. ."fie HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED "WlTH MY . self Mr.. Heinrich Westerman (forauorlv with Messrs. Adrian A VoHersV who ta well known to -the business community for his Integrity, experience and business capacity. . !' ' f . t r .JUJUSIUI rESCHaU. . .g.fosfai.jst.nj, r:v.r , . COPARTTNEIlSIlil? NOTICE. TRef erring to the above Card we beg leave U inf orm the business immunity that we have this day en tered into (xrtnerbip andar U armam of ;1 .:" i vy .)r..:J tI"ffi-!XCfi ;':$ E. Peschau & Westermann, .fMwili IitW'' .ir;irr'; . For the transaction, of a . , Boteale 6MCuryi1JinnMst(!nlMra fn this city, aad sespectfuDy tebaet' oar services. promistof that any :baemess lntratted W out care will meet with prompt attention, .and we hop that our long bnalaess experienc wlU,euaWe ,,f..tf give fuUsauaeUpn to our patrons,; f t- E. PESCHAU A WESTERMANN. WumiBgton,N.a,MayJst,t878.i s-T..t EXCTJESI03T TO MttTffle : ail tte'BMM1 Gftais, Stonewall !LodgeNo. 1, K of P. rpHB STEAMER WACCAMAW WILL LEAVE JL; feet of Market street at T e'clock A. M.v on Wednesday, June 11th, for Smithville and the Black ash Grounds: A good band of mmaio will be on board and every facility will be offered to make it a pleasant trip, i v i' i-!irtifu-. . Jrarues not Winning to go to ui piacanau vtruuuoa lav over at Smithville, where the music will re main, in order to let tnem enjoy tnemseives. a. .hMn Anlnv thAvn The Committee reserve the right to reject all ob jectionable persons. . . f "I'li'I . Only a. limited number of tickets will be offered jforsaWi f,Mf-t 4 i-'l i.-iij 'rt' All necessary refreshments for the Inner man will be furnished on the boat, t! ; i:.u:. -i'Usi. Whole tickets. $1 00 Children 1 1 ...... i '.' .-.v. . i i ....... i . i . ; CO . Tickets for sale at Heinsbergfr'a book, star..and oy tne committee. rrr tw r a xrta r ' " n J. V. KING, VCoai. . i B. L. HARRIS, fi-.- : jnneS-Bt; Sealed Proposals a t n - 'i-fr-r- ;i..wn:j ivini' TX)R THE CONSTRUCTION OF "THE TEMFLS X? OF ISRAEL." to be erected On the. corner of Market and Fourth streets, will be received until the -v.-j-Sd iiirtaiit at 12 it ?;!ifflii Plans and cations may be seen at the store bfB. WeiU, o. 17 Market street ' ' The Committee reserve toe riehtto1 'reject' any or aUbida, ; . .r- .,nr-' I'lfr . syiHiAr TBuoding 9fTc :-r? ijrf v fiIhblatb, f 'JomaiUPost X Medicines,.' Perramery, &c. JTJST EECEIVED BY gTBAXfRTt.';. PEARL'S WHITE GLYCERTNB, ' MAGNOLIA Balm, Laird's Bloom ot Youth and Opera . iii: Perline, f or the uompieMon; rniii- f mmfl. Kathalron.. TrlcoDh- ... erous and Ursine, for the Hairr Lu bin's' Extracts, Florida, Lavender ana nay watersuennsn i Cologne and Otto Roses, for the Hand- ' ' kerchief. Also, Radway's Re lief, Resolvent and Pill, Sarsapartlla, Rosadalls, KennedT'a Discoverv. Ferrated Bark. Ferro- . , ( Phosphorated Elixer CaMsaya Bark, t P.mtmHii Paruip lilAannltk . . . Paper, Fly Papea. Sold by: -- '21!"' ' il .J-j.Ctl'..' .':! J 'rw-.'i " ii" f:i:: Dmcnrlat and Chemist I . O ' l3ppitt Comer. Sarnil JResiifiice : fop SateyTciv Reiit ! - WILL SELL MY PLACE ON GREEN--J vine Sound, Well known as ,4 i ... , ..- ... .!-. easayai 'seven mQe "from Wftmington,' on the seashore. The houee is large and well adapted for two families or for a public house. -There are all necessary out houses, garden and: csxharaisofwo peauwiui amLpjuu una r aonth of the bniJoJhsi rsrOBi'wlshinirtO purchase wul visit the premises and see tor themselvea . If not sold by the 15th instant will be rented until the 1st May next. Notice will be given. BRIQKl Br?ICK. .t,vui?iu. Fifty i Thotisana -iit ;t v j j f-'HU'fV'ii.Tf; A -.il ?. J 1 i. ' E C O II A 1S D B U I C It 1 vfir 1 SETt-jJtio :)f3 1o 3ift fti.,v'-n-:-J CLEANED AND IN 'GO0l7'OBDEK, 'r For sal by ?:t.-11 i may S8-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON- ( ..;fC..-AXLjr.VA,0. VAAAV:U f - ' f -, CITT OP WIIMINGTON,1 If. i ; . " ' ' June '4th, 1173.' All bills contracted by, authority of the late Board of Aldermen, previous to the 1st of May, 1873, win be presented atone for payment, and persons holding them are requested to send . - ;!:-; ! -n ''j - - 'if '.' them up for collection Immediately. . , June 6-tf . W. P. CANAD AY, Mayor. St.- laillliop, " SLTloule. : SKUacaHe, A N.D OTHKB BBARD.S v . ii-;;;;:;cLXii5T,lii. A futt line of Bawtorato ae Hstlmo Wiaoo. jun6-tf 7 North Front street mcAEOBnBnBioi) HvCM , , Mat 6th, A, L., 6973, A. D. 1873. . T A REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THJ8 Lods it was nnanlmoualy " ' : . . . JUsoived. That all Masons be invited to join aa in celebrating 6. JoW Dir. th ftth Jane prox imo in conaecUeth aod tM v Joaw'S OarBAa Astxitk. By order of theLodi . T A TFTJTT 1 W.M..T i...,., r -irBtX f aay SS-lm . - . ..' Sec'y. Bacon ! Bacon ! 100,000 LBS SHOULDZB3 AND SIDES For sal by - June tt-tf , WILLASO B0S,

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