vvy saw (TL -TVlOpJt uHaw, Sir B a rdett, ig pay the ! JlUrtninn - ISiT expeuse of his election to Parliament. 8r ATiSS5l The BUwart tli -i PRnfriNaNi bin pi$aai Paints, Oils, and Glaus.' pnrl ori i. Ou&qoc. toaof522i Doors; Sash,, Blinds, 1. 7J ; I kJwaVl . .ll-...-- c.i-i v 1 -Vhit fiiiuii.i..M I i. . T " ' 7 was called,, wagthe, daujhtf 5 f a LWashlngton Letia New York Sun. small Lancashire, fairmer.'an to .good To show torhat hdt trrisisnob- looks added the more valuable' attrac- bery reached ,at the x ionl capital tions ot croM sense and good humor, last winter I ViUirii3.ivi-elatA th A , f e w 3 a vs b of ore, ber-roftrriajh story a birthday party, which Sen-, was 8cruoiiig tLe'stairs, when one of ator. sStdwartj Tof ill etadaj igave faia her master's clerks was . about going: daughter?. JFor months scarcely any Though weal and woo up to change hi-rplotbes. was.rt thing was talked, of, in fashionable, . . ,TU fufl Vi2HLia4 ainy,'dikyaand, beW canxirms- quarters save this ; grauafiSiS Ewh w wrdo to havtj llK'Jk 'Bettie f iras to .be . It was .designed foiutba "t" Tir.hr.-in mm. "ia tne young .man to lake off his vei III ilw v ------ , A SYMBOL. GOETIIE. The man's trade ResemMa4fT . With all its strife Is like the stir made . By man on earth s face. rLT?? An'rVET. O TH TP i"R "P. I r 00 Jn advance for Utled ne A1 lABQU AND IWFTJ. KKT.TE.mrrv s-rn.. TIR YHUYILLB lSiint3 wiB preeena - 4 jr.v h..-'-.T77J rTTTTrm rr.7r'X. three-dollar diroioo to Lowest cash Ddcea.i Call and examine. -i . . I who pays , v. rT 3 1 vu it f TBe 12 ; " ., 1 . . . 1 ')'-; I- NEWSPAPERS. :; .y; . .. ". No. 9 Market Su eqiuu m cdums of- :nt of the . seasonr-r-a marnifiAnt. I . .. r-.ir m-r .. ..". shoes lo-iAnblUW thyaiaW Ih entertainment vbiQeirV in BllllderS Hardware. 4 stead of doing so, however, the elerk splendor and .rort thaooHrt fete- of an LocrHGlLw;'JiSil'inTJT :i n il took; especial pains to stamp And! oriental pnucei UtiWawnpossjbtPv ; r " . .-W , , f , - , . scraoe fet every sten in tAirt. ifind any novate. residei:W Ll " ' ' U f f ? i- mwm as mncn as possible. ,:inis waa l i-ne lJ . capacious enouguo attora 1 y Agwjcyror, f too much for Betty, whojjboUted af-M room for the grand display that was j j TTTP. fTP!Th?.-R-R. Agh SHALEES ier nim . . 10, do maae, ana tonne 'acconimodaT l " ' ft wAnnarmeiibBMiftt v v . ' 3 : 1 r . j a. . l i t .11. A veil of dread! Hangs heavier still. Deep BhnnBcrf ttW"" ' ' The stars overhead. And the foot-trodden grave. Ob9erre them well, And watcn tnem reveaung. a. IBB uew " u The voice of the blest, And of spirits on high Seem loudly to cry: To do what la best, a a i ' Unceasing endeavor I ' ln silence eterns.M , a Here chapleU are twin'd. That each noble; min4 "' Its guerdon may earn. Then hope ye forever fc THE COUXT8KS. .....h .ra OrMt Baaklax 'UaaM li , a-vf TJaAT MiUJ A Bostou paper contains quite an exten tqd your stooklUgsi todi3 whenever choose iUl ...,t oo't Pi ljearhg of the approaching ttiarr; naga, inyoung man expected to. 1 aismissea or maae in some i way, .1 suffer the consequences of his'indis- creuou. j.ne young jurs. uoutts, no wever.'so'iat'-from showing her dis- la xeootedin th finaet atylaof chroatlo the rtatd aorfaceia 1X f i'X Kp" pictare aella la the art atorea for $3. , It la every respect to any of the chromo preo ferei by other pnblicaticma. : The enquibbb iafamUy pepc,ftoteQto the Hone Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic the Trades man, alike in every aectioa of the Uakm; pt not eo ttenat in ita coaracter, nor partisan or aecuiruui. Besides all thsaewaoT the day, eollated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its colnmna are filled with the choicest matter appropriate ta the different aeparaaenta-Moriea, Mistorical. 'ana jsumpmcw - Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Keadins a column for the Children, Wit and Htrmor, Agricni tural, Correspondence from Abroad, Excerpte on all Subject, an JEpitome of the Kewa of the jDay, &c . : ' . . -V; -j f t-. i i . . . i v. i I'.' . lite publication of Original Stories is a feature of the Ehquibkb, and for the next volume we have pro eared several -from th seas fcf noaular aat enter taining writers. In this Department alone we can .i9bau trAh STEAM. WttI ium w - . . 1 - ....'. 1 ...... at; TNE J bfe :Piin tiiig Hoti s 9l Ji(l;s7r :-s;c- iw u i'jr3 fcSf: i ..... . . . . BOOK i BINDERY : 'nil v I iJ tit ifi i 4T ; i.x-'U ;i i.3ii'- '"-..i vin; . u i UulJlilijii:--.-- uti jktrtjj '-(itl u,-jU i iJ UJC J f I VT TT Ah nlnstrated monthly journal, universally admitted '' to be the handaomest periodical in the world. ,':t . a repreeeiiUtive. tuA. champioa' f .: 9 American taste. ... . NOT FOR SAIJI IN QOK JISS STORIES rpHK AID INK, WHILE ISSUED WITH ALL THE X regularity, has none of the temporary or timely Interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals.' ' K f an elegant miaeallany of pore, light and graceful life era tare, and a coUecUon of pictures, the rarest spec-, . . Imens of artlsuo-ekuL tax black and whit. AHhooffci i each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure va .,. ( Itt frienda, the real value and beauty of TUB AL , r DINK will be most appreciated after it' haa beetf11., bound np at the close of the year. While other pab-imK licatlona may claim imperiox cheapneaa, as eompaee4 Wtut maia OI a aunuar cxaaa, ina ajuuiti m a nceptu BL'M'BOOKHAITOFACTOBT" A.(nA anit Ateln4nnl MSonTHAT- fl1fYW A SiTtrt 'tirldTi." '' JiU(UQ JU1U VtlKUUH VWUVVfKHMl FUU MUHLT i) reached absolutely 'witnoui compeuaon iat price or characters The poaaosnor or a cosnplete TOtom. ,, III III III I'll I II I II I I III I I III I II I I II I I II 1 1 II 1 1 1 111 Hill FIIIIH ISIIIIIWIft 1SI m I'll .... ft . -. i . . li .... - , I . . J ii J ) 14 f. . : ri , A iuglyleased foioue:week$tOd per. ti TA"? r s Tl la 1 -Sl u 4 4 Tn0 V wiiSW 1 1;.1' ;' r IL JL j Tj J-L--ut a . ' i. ,- . ,lr.,.I Fortaieat f . . 1 annum, wm vumM f reniiiim, w witaiim rre- i rtayr4 All rtny Of' Workmen and .de- f :fcLATHl2 JACOSV' l minnTWo copies one year fsfone copysix months. I , !riii v;it -i Jj-.j n v.d-M tf? 1 ,not enough bunUpg m the navy yard ! r ; ' iUIVI wbicrip.sVaeiiMacop v, 11" fK') ;r!'h '" t . . . : and arsena tnt-the-demand; V - V: .7a 'V,- Z I tl!) ' rniTluxi iu aur ftUUftLra vr uuiutovi t ten tunes us coat, ana nen tner. i Desiaesi volamea. ro ' i tao enromos t t,.- .ii j VKrAXitUlST.- Will . a Notwithstanding the increase In the pnee of sub- arvintlon last falL when THE ALDINE assumed Its . present noble proportlona and representative bjui ':c ! acter, the edltfcai was mora than doubled during the. ,IVJ pleasure,' -was particularly gracious Philadelphia, though it and friejidly-tanim.'- T V 4nitejleaa bf mta)ltESih SolMsaWercaicapSSil I plints and trees in'the - Goven that, and additional . . supplies had Lto be ortfer&infi-ara sKloikJLaha was movaoio Government notwithstapdingherr deficienov I Botanical Garden were 'carted r tip ' to l T m culture and refinemerrtik she soon Masomo.UaiiAtQ;, ado; JWat4iefrAnlaf . . . . i rr a. . . mi i ' i it i became the equal in manners and in telligenco of the ladies to whorrwher f ortunata . latroduced hjv ,nded account of tfie great Eng- Her daughtew weroo" Vellrdugh 4 up that ithey became .the ornaments their liveral dowries helped ..to gain theriji'adroissibnT!:Sophia married Sir Francis Bordett - Susan, the second, became Countess of Guil ford ; and Frafieis, ih Ahird, was made wife of the. firsts Marquis s of Coutts liking for bright as well as aristocratic company drew to hia dm nera many wit!, especially those of tne tneairicat - 'proiession,. 01 wnicn ne was very fond. In this way ' he! be came acquainted with Harriet? Mellon, the well-known actress whom he mar ried nthQ death of his JSrstwife, in 1815. She roved aa. excellent wife Mt:a zi 'the "'old 1 to hlmJ aid. at his death. seven years' banker left his property to his widow, after! Iheii marriage, at "the age of who ' married again; ' xhis "grand- .ninety-one was left in unrestrained possession of all his : personal", arid landed property, including a very large share in the immense annual profits bf the banking-house; ''Though she afterward married the "Duke of St. AlbanSjiMrW Poutts did iaot part ' with the control of her vast property, wnicn sue leiiia Bupposea acooruaiioo with her first husband's wishes, to his favorite granddaughter. lish banking boiw vi vu 1 1 um which source we gather these details: Everybody hasjjeard of Lady Bur dett Coutts,"the weaftriyEnglish wo man whose muuificence and hospi tality have given her a world-wide reputation; hot few pee kiwwu f tbiug about ihe family to which she was indebted, both for her name and her property. She was the daughter of Sir Francis Bnrdett, the eminent Whig statesman,, .who left.alarge family and a small estate. He had married the daughter,, of. Thomas Coutts, the founder of the fortune now possessed by his grand-dangbtr' and of the famous bauking-hoase that bears 1 his ' name; BIRD (jGESiS2 imie BigK SehtmeL Carpenters', oois, KACHTkiSTTOOL8r:J sii9 -tat Bthiei " " srtit aulht F s v o i k. vwU-en TwpfttlneuTooISt j!iio -d; Inew, j rtj .tit;S?iaiflii;7f it ' I i ,t A4KTil-i..U XAEGEST PATXY ATTHE CAflTAL naaniCTniL' r.1.n' -'t:!.-. Lr.tjfi j ;fl ia . Sj ; ur.t i ( I oonndenee 9 pne thus roady rM! 7 ..i. ,fi. ... WILMINGTON, iV. iWaytO-tf; !if.!J Wavrlft Strait, a effect; ko The decorations alone arejuud r to,hayo4ico8t..fiyo;;th9usandud Krt Then a errand collation -was - ordeTed -.' from NewaXorJe,. whi(5lijawiUjt ithe wines and . Jiquors, . cost five . thousand m0re.;By6xder of 1 the Secretary Jof w Navy.Marineahdasn Qreat Inducements !:.!: hand - todiscourse -eweet ' strain of 1 i -i muairv Over fiio-ht hnrwi InvifJ " i n.! t BISOra vaj.mit Ml pearea in tne court circulars tne next morning, fully that humbertjf people were present and participated ia the vulgar, shoddy affair. The toilets ef the mothetr ? and ' "daughter!, were minutely described in the court' circu This OUestam 'ttlM State5 lmtJDne. iiW i f t t P-v;' tl-sLiw V 'tiraon al Wfi6 WISH if 4 f u'l u s i . a ." - - 41 44V. 4-: vrV. M' lo wxk. T rpHE SENTTNEL HAS TffiCKNTXY UNDEB JL r eone chanees and improvements which maka it one of the best newspapers of the State.- and as it circulatea ia every portion of the State is second to none aa an advertising medium. . Price $84a& i'xm gEMl-WKEKXT fci EN TLN EL.--The Semi-Weekly .pert in the Stale, and :iv. t. .'iU it ,;!! 1"i ri Sentinel is unquestionably the cheapest and best paper of the land in the Btate,It 4710s Si , , THE WEEKLY t!EMTI5iEL. The Weekly ' Sen panera in columns of eholee reading S1ATE HATING ALL THESE 1 j daughter's chances of being a rich woman were by no means 1 flattering Fortunately for her, Mrs. M Coutts;' whoso second husband wm Jlhe Duke of St! Albans1, secured "'her i vt.iiiK beritance in her own hands, and, at her death, showed her respect for the memory of old Thomas by leaving it to his favorite granddaughter on con dition that she assumed the name v of Coutts. , THE BAWKINa HOCBE . .. .... r Down in the Strand, near Temple Bar, is the great, , banking chouse of Coutts & Co., as solid 4 and 7 strong as in the lifetime of its found er, and retaining , arid increasing the aristocratic patronage which he first secured for it. u The building occupied lata, and the ; cbsto''ViblaTsanaeV as wifii a ui vueir uiauwuus, accurately givenper -order, J-iuppose-at 4)00! .Lav--u-u. w KA. This same . Senator Stewart. : a f ewt years ; since,1 was so poor.'jtliat on; his first, advent in Washington he lived in a third-rate boarding house. But the Central Pacific Railroad and opera tions in the stock of the Little Emma silver mine,' made him a millionaire He used his position vas Senator to make money 'directly' and 1 indirectly also. It was his supposed high and honorable station "as a United States Senator that enabled." him,, with the assistance and endorsement of the U. S. Minister, Gen R. -XC. " Schenck, to manaere the Enerlish . caDitalists and dispose of the Little Emma mining stock. ! f wUl eVrnestfy reqtieBt allf 1 I tdnel Is among the contains from 96 to matter, including the latest telegraphic newa from au parts or tne world, jror tne present no aaver tieementa will be receiyed for this edition. Price of subscription, $3 in advance. Address , ap 6.tf 6EJSTINEL PUB.,CQMPAT. IN STORE 'AND FOB SALE.- tiit. At the yery 1 lowest &&ZV Market Prices, alarg a. 1 Demonstrated, : nave exerted tnemi -i selves to the nUaoafr to devwop and. improve the ... .Ua work; and the plana foe the coming year, aa nnfold '7 ed by the monthly isues,wlll astonish and delight ; i 1 even the most sanguine frienda of tha ALDINE. a iJiv .. im. yuiwimi wmwimwi wi mwMmw j j ( ) from many of the most eminent artists of America. '.' la addition THE ALD1NB will reproduce exam- '"j plea of the best foreign maatera, selected with a view -. v. to the highest artistic success and areateat jraneral :, . tntaraat. . avoidiajr auch a have become familiar through photographs, or copies of any kind. -. ; The quarterly tinted plates, for 18TS. will repro- Once IQBT' Cs . alOOB. IX txavia iiiiniiminq emir; akntahaa. annronriate to the font seasons.. . These plates, appearing in the Issues for January, AprlL ' July and October, would be alone worth the price of ayeara en ascription. . ' -:.". a s c ; s The popular . feature of a copious y-Ulustxated "Christmaa" number will be continued. ' " v : ' ' To posseas-such a valuable epitome of' tha art. world, at a cost so trifling, wul. command the aubi . . acrtptiona of thousands in every section of the ., , cenntrv. but. as the usefulness and attractions of THE ALDIKB can be enhanced, in proportion to uFACUJTmauCQkBIimii -i f VI 'isl'llutt Ki V ft -.J .i the numerical increase of ita supporters, the publish-! rs propose to make "assurance aoablj sura1' by th; 'tilt it following unparalleled oiler of. if" ta' i(amtoe'MV Stick, wlilcu."to?j HOW OOSPLKTEv:a . 1 va ! la ! t A.DliiP'1 OTDEBWEABi -: Fancy; J Staple t ail : DomesOc;;vGootls I 'v 0 nr '.1SB-LTJRZ, VrN" i t andby so doing you will find a , "1 ! 'iL THE BEST ASSORTMEWT OF :-.!;'. iolof5 Y PEi P APE R S, l5 mon 11-inch Tobacco. 1 .'4.; 4- 4 .4: "t.4-4--Kf a Also Fin Imported ana uomeeua , ,- -1 Call Stock." aXi iCi and with imay 22-tf and examine i iit funliiU -' tttm of th Indian Chlef. No. 6 Market street X 1jft:i 2 Vl V Ii .!(. Card s ah din ks. it". i'.i-V.) i, J j . FKEMIUM CHBOMOS FOB 1878:i .;'. - "( . - . " r 1 ; ' ' " " - ' -i 1 ' ' ' " ! . Every subscriber to TUB AID DTK, who pays in advance for the year 1878 . will receive without addi-. tional charge s pair of beautiful oil ehromoay after . J, j. H11L the eminent English painter. The pictures entitled -"The Village Belle" and 'Crossing the . Moor" are' 14x30 inches are printed from S3 differ ent platea, requlringas impressions and tints te per fect each picture. .The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair in the art stores. As it is the determi nation of the conductors to keep THE ALDINK out ' of the reach of competition in every department the chromos will be found oorreepondlnirty ahead of any that can be offered by other periodical. Every sub. . scnoer will receive a ceruncate, over vuo uiuini of the publishers, guaranteeing that the enromos de livered shall be equal to the samples furnished the : agent the money will be refunded. ' The diatribu-. of a $5 periodical, will mark an epoch to the history : art, ana c a nnci 1 short of a miracle, even to those best acquaint- and considering the unprecedented cheapness for TUB ALDCNK Itself, the marrei rails , ..!! DESIBABLB PATKBNS, FINB FABEICS, - Holasses and Syrup ! 2,150 1:. ft t . U3 ! u t- . i.i. . ..!i.Vrf SKILLED WOEKUEII :sxvi-a i?. : Lady Burdfett Counts, still Retains ner mieresi. in wio uauauug uuuse, sou 1 1 vi.. . .1 ur yaiuauies arc biuicu iu iuo snuug 1 jgpjjy ill-COtten Wealth boxes built by her eccentric grandf a- o1L v?. : ' : ther. , Some ten years ago it was. es- ZZitri , . . . - . . . . - . 1 m 1 uci wan tun uiuiais ui bul1 V! Rnnlv vtiWnixh avgrnnloi Af imn I Will BlsidOttModlr- w w& J umwm VAwaaitvu a wua . T , -j contin- i ? witnyour-- no wonr 11 subordinate suidfalc dealing be Satiifted " TIERCES AND BARRELS OF "i .... JM.if i -AND- a.! a. 3 .1.- v. .. . , ., . l.i. . : ,.1 tons ana fill a hundred and seven flour I & . r ' uytue urui uiosnivv auu iwuij sacais. i. lie otu una ui vuuvts uj vu., lookiug, and the smoke, which, has in' wWch she is the principal proprie blackeued its walls XorXruoreUhan i tor.' is still the most aristocratic of .1. t' ' f I ' " 4. AT cWest India? Holasses. ST 1J irn' ru. IN, " . ;.: -1. -' ; .rtment. v.t; i MISCELLANEOUS. ibrium, ,Ji For sale very low by WILLARD.BROS.i Ji" .'i ' i-n-T-.. .! ".. ii V .4 1 JUST RECEIVED AT . RATAZZr. ,tj si. 11 n-f even rir Kotleo of also Ufa r tfco Kmi- ' V . smt Itallam Statoaaaaaa. a .The death ' of thisemment states man produced K profound . sensatioa In Italy. Urbano 'Ratazzi 'was born' m Aiessanqna, jrieamoni, jane 1 8 08teroei vinff-a taollece eda cation he settled i aa; an I advocate in Turin- After the -revolution ia 1848 .A. f ( - . 1 J 3 il - 1. " ' ' 3 s ."a ceniury nas ueepeneu iuo Miusiauuai 1 ix)naon DanKers, ana nas jusx aamn 1 tt- n;,. JP 0-nJ aspect of the- old t pile. Insid and ted'as a partner Lord Walter Camr 6W bpiUlg 05 BlfflLmer ItOOttS out, everyiuing auuiibib is ueavv auu 1 oen, me orouier or me juarquis 01 solid Gilding and filagree! worlt; may 1 Lorne. v- i-"! tc Iaa " V .t.M' A itiASiAli.An 1 1 w I..' I Jn... . riches, hut the aristocracy of some thing besides wealth; .- prefer-Sub stance to" show.' "So thOughCTipmis Coutts when he built this structure. The stroDC room .where the taafeaare kept cost himUehihbusafidbun The walls, floors and roofs are made of solid blocks -of stone, .carefully dove-tailed together,11 arid the doors' and panels are of wroughtlrdn. Here are safes within xsaf es pontaining the NO. 29 MAEKliT;ST.d tiH 17 1 1 m 1 ngt o n jiu .C . " MsyW-tf Havana KoyaHottery, m. mAro mm WE RESPECT JT U LLY IN V 1TK OTJR CTJSTOM ers to inspect our Dress Goods, which wul be found the most varied and J . ... v I.retJoclc In tllo pitj,'; Hi"" consisting of the latest styles and shades la Japan ese, urcnaamee, vpauies, c., tv.uur. stock ot -I WHITE -Q-O O D 8 Is also replete with Plqnee, OambrlCj " Checks, Waln sooka, Jaconets and Swiss, Table Linens, Napkins, ORD13JAIIYDIIAW1WGS. I Doyita, Ate. Class SOS.fMay1 otaT iffTStClasa 905.'; June" 10th, 1873 Class 904 May S 1S73 Clasa 90S. .Jane Stftk, 1873 1 . J&UU-: The amoant drawm fit 'oTery: Ordinary' -Drawing. $450,000 clividediatoj82JiiUPrues; V I aa wtiotft'i 3 2.500 Acre of IM at $2 Per Acrp A ' Yaluahle Flantatioii - Offered at a V FINE PIANTATION, X)OTAINING A: Jt. handsome residence and 9,500 acres of land, sit uated on the Wateree river, about twenty-eight miles from Columbia, and within a few miles of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, is now offered for sale at five thousand (S5.000) dollars. Before the war the place was valued at fifty thous and dollars. Roil fertile! enacted to the raising of corn, cotton, rice, &c, and abounding In timber of -1 everv varietr. tJ- J ' --. '-- I Besides the dwenins bouse it contains out-buud- taurs of various kinds. Lies parfly in Richland and partly in Sumter county. ; Terms cash In advance. aal44f..4 l; a n University .South Carolina j- j i.1 3 ;(ll . Jiii. j .ifclt r.i.uu: NOT TUB ... J LOWEST PEICES, .C,'.iU:JJi i.i It -a i'i.-.'T. i !'S . i-JiiJ . ; - . -.- ti J l.T 1 Ah -i-a-i 1 Prize ot.. 9 a . w. . ; .'if i ' ."T " AT a titleeds, reiirolls,aridTJrieele8raWP electee irom-weouege oi uahles of the highest nobility in hg-re?83?" tW-nf1?06 T Panuola, Gloves and Hosiery " of::::::::::...- -land. More cprpnetted tiM I np to this .smoking old Wilding than Pffe ampng theohbewfc.Ater all the othAr i,T,vTrtr.Anfltoi'rfTi the defeat-of Custozza, Charlea Al- don. You may elbow a duke in these bertaHed "him ; irita, ti.iiiniatry quarters, andAirusiayaiiy-UselU' hich hwa Wigel-to rsign eight you are not careful ""s a .-. days afterwards. Katasn .then joined a shrewd move. the oppbsiUon,Jujuder ij'Qiobertn t, . . - - .j .:.-' w.v: - whose triumph he Yeceived1 the post cl m'T? i0W v? minister oYtieinteriorrrd suVse Lnl t?ret CCnred fV W?nking- -enU f iusticpehoweversepara, Not rragei?f wftSIS?. - tedfrmGW STU??. ffter. his establishment' ft Piedmont ; army ftot Borne Ma inflnaT "B eraMne'-1B5rea foxthe puTposeof 'restoring the Pope, hu influence with moneyed men, and, I aii tjec sharply rejected iby as one meansP .anmdWt iPafliaminTtasiedt e-oY Ull IHI'I. (TTVA - VAwlrv I a m W i va awa. tA if hOr I . ' - ! THEOLOG-IGALfi PABABLEa-AND . SlMIUTTJDESr DRAWN iron earthly things, with which people are fa miliar, are wise and enlcient means of inculcating' divine truth, and that preachina; which )eada-the hearers to think and draw correct conchnrtona for themselves, will be likely to do them the most good HYMNS' jroBAlX CHRISTIANS, THOUGHTS I FOB HOLYiVEEC PRATERS TOR ;a i"2 ti.u .ntfiitm nmtnmi. ? s-vt . ..W.. . I 10 of i 80 -"r S46 . of L000eacn.....i-.. 600 each:.."...". 800 each. 9 Approximations of $500 each to the aiuu,uw rnH ................... T 9 Approx-aationa . otjgjtojge 9100,000 S 0.000 25,000 10,000 fiojooo 0,000 T 40.OOO "-j'Sf IHH i-.'l I'l'jk'SW fc.'slU-- DRY SALTED v AND SMOKED j WESTERN Shoulders and Sides in Hogsheads and Boxes. . . 1 .. SngaxCured Hams and Breakfast Strips.. ..... .w . 'i n p. ii-.u; "i 4,500 2,700 - 1 .t-.U-.tinn. rf Mm wh to the m 9 Approximations of 200 each to the- t - t 4 Approximations of $100 each to tne ;j -. -j-mm t, saivkT 1 1 ;s3 i $4SO,000 rt ffilVv'T,,i ?t&iobertL RatW however, retained, SAt ' ,nnUndicaUon of Charles Albert; wheri he xf Holy LlvLugLnoly Pylng Ood'a Wajrjpl f eacel. I W" C ',v.': -K-S jlrt Ri Jwq bM i.,tKWW- Tit - - JSI jnna 5-tf ' - Iiva Book and Mueia Store. f - ,.- irt aWImm ta BOR-TIO" ....in vran-hsntji wht are mvonlvautho: reanondeota in boenlte4 Btotoa toreceivo ders and cash l4i Jriaos iftNewJD - . - . . v W -4. MAN U - Jirst Sub-CoUectof lor exportation in Havana-Cuba it rrrry wr.w pork: RUMPyJVJiK.. &i i PUBS LARD TN TTICRCra4ANIi TOIraOICt TABLE BOTTEB, BEST FACTORY CHEESE, H i . . I: - J ; iWi . Foreale byJ.' i.'.'d ADRIAN A VOIXERS. Vinajrl9-tf v;l.:ea i.;-.-Ui.i-" 4fc4 afe1 f.-avschtjtte;- CI Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia all kmds of :b.v Of of the Utt.la ed with the achieremena of invennve genius una ; . improved mechanical appliances. (For iliastratkma . of these chromos see Nor iasueof ..THBAUIftB.) . . - I r' 1 : THE IJTERARY DEPARTMENT ' -i-i i;'-.-. :,Ai -i.j.: j u. r. ;" ' : will continue under the care of Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the best- writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of ' THE ALDINE always in keeping wn ita anuao attractions. - ,t; ..v.i ". . 1. TERMS: TV DOIJ-AB3 per annum,- ia advance, with oU chromos free. . .. . - THE ALDINE wilL hereafter be obtainable, only -by subscription. There will be no . reduced or dub rate: cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pub lishers direct. Or handed to the local agent, without resnonsibilitT to the publishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the fao-simile sigjiaturs of James Sutton A Co. '; c...::i . J '-'-' 'AaENTO WANTEI?.1 " ' ' I i.Ct, i t ..... ,1 t -.i..-. Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local . agent, will receive full and prompt infomation by ,, applying to . - -, . -. . ,,.v - v , . ", . lorn fti; . . No. 58 Maldn lane, New'Iork.-: THE FASmONAiTLB 80TJV1.NI11, ST' jit rii:it ' .i .v.-o-.-st r-i-ot 3: ? :; i J HOLIDAY BEASON '-;'' ...fc.. ;. ' , " Lr,,v. ' '...I'" '. I4;.cr.la Thlayearwnjbe fl td . Liii i.i THE STJFEB VOMjMB 'ii' ' l.Jai tOfi il.i?L?i -;oi...' Hi!.. J. -Tra;kkiNi 3t:'i i ""K-IX..U. 11 !i'.l !'.!. BLchly bound in morocco doth, assorted colors, bev-. . eled boards, red edges, gilt on back and side a truly , royal Torume gallery of fine art engravings that ;. will be at once a great pleasure to the recipient, snd -. a demonstration of tho taste of the donor. . . ti i There are about 300 plates, most of which could . . not be matched in size or quality in the art stores at " a dollar each. They comprise assigns oy ineieaa- nra. licht and eracef ul Int. HtA r. the rt-scholar. Bichard Henry blaa.-a in- . nu rrttW- mnanutiit far UWUUWU. W hb. ii. wwww the parlor or library. A NV' OTHER ESTABLTSHMENT: .fitiU.1 'i 'i-i , V" j ."a ii:: "l ..i. ii . 3 1 "Jf VfrVii:'. lil2 ii hli.'it .'it li i. iiT '. -I - . Lr,2it ,A. Hl.i Sui ii . ... .J. ..lrf.l- v .Li .uiri.) 1.. t4i.-a.iav-; L fcir-vif'a:i n iPriiitiiigf -Buling fcfund himself again; in the Tanks of n t --::."-. rri"TT--iit Vie JtWVHiiAvuH VJUL.vtLi,t;rvin jviui-sva- the party of moderate, reformersy and became Vice President "and in 1852 President of the 'Chamber, and in 1854 b-fc re-entered the ministry,' with' the portfolio i of . justice,,, under . the. presidency of his former opponent, Count Cavour. TDniCavourV. retire ment, after the peace of Villaf ranca, llataizl Jbtccanie minister of 4be- in- terior, but resigned, in June, I860, Snmter IIeT7B,- q S.JITI.U. , awijaA;V4VA is ribllshed Weekly. 'Parr Wrten,- Proprietors j 'V iBEBWABlJ,1 AisT, auglt-tf Wilmington, . a-. - 1 . . . . ..... tf S CltV man. bY.RinV.inrtJ-hrtiit hWhtiiJi- ness, said a noblemalr'a ;aplied t'6 him that, very' day Wa loiiof thirty uiousana. iojjpdsliijijuerXnsecl to make, because the security offer ed wss'WotstrffioteW tCntia said nothing but after his guests had gone sent a rtesserYg eHd tteODleniaa questing the favor of his lordships attendance at his banking-house in the Strand on trW following mornrnsri ine .next day the banker, .was grati- " uv w hjsj i inraoir onni nv u.iai aiwi kv - v . . i i th i.iJ "7" T? f . .lTT:.Ti that time he, has remained compara-, i Columbia? TNiosisei aflr-aiid " 'rV."A.i.vA, Aoau ,.ior.:uy ,uvi .1 j, U-U Ukt. Miniy' nftrf dftwtf t A weekly, L. Cass Caarawrn. editor ana propn. the notes were "ZJ "71 "T' VJ I " I , . n A. W ' '- MA. A.ltffl Sfl If Jii" JfUJ.Il his av V j SVl JP Jw M. am. r LafiriSi; it: -iJ i AND i; Wo. -IT - Blarket , Street; A SPLENDID assortment of .i:,. u.i" .: .'lt i.fu:li Oi i.;l Tonsorial; TTAVTNO SECURED THE SERVICES OF RAN- X som Perkins, I take pleasure in Informing his frienda and the public .generally that he be found la m j establishment, under the Puree 11 House, pre nared to wait on them aa usual. Also to the ladies . .. 1 . J I VIJ1-. tnei ail oroere lor amir utvmiuk. imnuu rork of all kinaa wu ap6Htf.Li i.i & TT AVISO JUST RECEIVED JUL t si -m'---." m-t ' a: n Anna we will sell the same at prices never before offered. They comprise rijj ,e?.i.ft.a.2 .rJt-'.a'R.- JAPANESB 'SILKS.'LENO POPLINS, MOZAM 5 BIQ.IJES, CHALLD2S, GRENADINES, . , , ' UDholsterinsr ' and; Pa short notice and in the best ian-tf.' 'i'" T done latest style. 1 .. '..ii 1. ft 1 i .r.3'. C "..y 1 . Delivered free. Liberal ilscountto tha tradTn this volume. Order promptly ' "; . l-:-,?valV. j" ;7T JAMESStrTN APabUshers,, ., ! No.,68 Maiden lane, New York. AeclT-tf . ' v Tlir3 ''OMstlaiirGraces." ANEW $5 PICTURE OF SURPASSINU UKAC'iS and beauty given away to each subscriber tea I K" A maganne for' cultored homes; a magaaine al ways up to the advancing thought, social orogreea and spirit of the times; magazine ia which tho ter literature oi tne penoa ia. maae io:Tenjie , HOPS, K'CHABITT 1 t lit t'1 " I J of pure and noble sentiment. i THB ;CI1JXISTIAN . . r Ana now aDiaota jraiui,! nope a vii, these three, but the greatest or these ia c , A J A. AAA - , - 3 A u ii. STRIPED LENOS. rati".'- , i'.-i ist and hair work of all kinds will be promptly attended to. f ? 1 th-.. J 4 ' " i ouuusunii nouniia. a a iianded to him VAf i'- t " "But what security am I to give nnDn - . ' t voaiw, w,th yourlorrliaip:. note-of- l he astonished, nobleman. gayer the minor positions. tly, L. Cass Cisrarm. editor and propn. lively, wide-awake, readablo Journal, pub- ; tne Diaie capiuu. "m uiuj uuvo, Ismad everv mominff (Sundays excepted), and fur- VUAi A AAW WJ , lished at the BUte cai nlshed to subscribers at $7 per -annum. 1 Bubscrip i L j t jr- cm. v- 1 r.-'ir w-vTir iTi.v7 . I ftv- . ..k. i.J a m9 t will contain the latest and commercial re- Alao a full line of t ,." ? ' WHITE .o6o'D:V:;' PIQUES,' PERCALES, LAWNS, ETC., ETC. j ;dlii Bedy-Maie JBreaaea,;- : HOUSE FURNTiiHINO iBOODS, t M v f s ii3TiH: 'tjoY8' AND MENy WEAR,' ii r .v , 4 i TheprUi Carolina Aryus, rV, Weeklyf " jTaially a , PoUtical. Ifewjpaper, D. McITeill, Editor . . . and Proprietor, rADESBORO, N. a, HAS FOUR TIMES THE ablished in . t -jl!tolHM Hi- liUXiuliitu U'J '.TS-vj V. ; ! ,,--ii : - ..i ii -4 . . . Oi? EYERY. DESCRIPTION.. ; ...u'l V .ir.liiJ'J i!i .1 - ,. V. s Icaarlty..-. . i these! a ui h& i:ui-' V' J k' a'"-ii"i 'r T.. ... . 'j .......... i It is a long time atnoa anything haa. Christian art so lovely ana so and execution as this large ai ) appeared exquisite in design . ri.i-u'.' la i'i large and elegant Una and - Th -Christian Graea.H Bgureaia ' .1 kI .. Mill! It. aiae SI by Z inches. The grouping ot to -raoefnlbevond conception, and tho laces insures m of such : ara and heavenly beauty, that it seems as if the art V bona Me circulation of any paper in Anaon, Executed Promptly. r ftiiT of the snrronndlnB' (Jounuea. 1843, it is, snd haa been the organ of the up country ever smoe aaveraserB anew ua Taiuo. u 10 , Y. J. advertising medium in Anson County. Advertise 1 Advertise I f Terms reasonable. Subscribe 1 Sub scribe! I Every merchant and business man should nave tne abods. jiu i J may-gQtf - . , ' . : ' i-Ul care ana butuu vwu. 7- rw. . 1st must have seen them In a vision. Bvery subscri ber to M AJtnrtm'e Iu.vstka.B9 Hon Maoaanra w for 1678 wul receive a copy oz una spienoia picture rsii. Price of Home Magazine $150 a ye Specimen copyof Magaine 15 cents. LOCAI AUJ-N'Xtt WafillUJ 1 V-. AND 1 For,Sale, If. 13 t-i S K I I P TJ L L Y 1. ataaur lTTItelft-ll'a Sccnss Tar Ills Ae i ,BBB4 rfamo, v-i V j A Washington special telegram nator Mitchell, bf state that he pa bus hea - wtii 1 An excellent aa 1 oteand'saidnhatai:presenii1vel! f.-lA should J renmre!. bhlrrten thousand 1 , !The IrienaVof tSej pounds. kndAwiahA thk; WWi to-1 Oregon, in this city, open an account withibira"foi' there- dmiU that he is living under an alias,! wainini? tbirivi thAnaariat I as "chareed by a 'Pittsburg paper. F Coutu consented to -thuarrageT "They state, however, that it is not jent; lird hhT:tt' satisfaction? r if ow though hajbtlje tactrill imperil lonfefter of receiving; itf addition to bis seat in the Senate, as it is cjaimed Hie amount bnrrnwn a ilorvnait. rf that the Senate, a long time ago, finn r .. r - -r - I , , , lyuf-J.l maae a preceoeut w 'wiwiw clude"a'Senat6relected"uridef an as sumed name, on the gronnd. that the TWWft. 'r'hTiraaT at the low nrice of tX vertislng rirflm'lM',,'(iillWa-t Book and Job work neauy execuiea. , jauiu-u. The Camden Journal; ; CAMDEN, 8. c. .j:4 PUBLISHED EVERx THuitoiAX. A'i'-f S w per annunt AdtoTtJaing rate UbaraJ. w J JOHN KERSHAW, Propr. WH. BniiBO. Agent. .: Dan 14-tf and all the Novelties of the season. ; - if. a S.;-.'i A . 4 Tfa-Mctftillv. u Jir apS5-tf ij . :, ABCTIO tootttoi traTTTTt - COOLERS.' Hep's" Patent Self -Watering Flower Baskets, & Weill: . I- TVarren'a Patent Cookers, Eice! Eice ! 120 000s"?' i . i - i r - r j Patent WMh BofferTTagTMr WafeT rona,"Jelly Strainers, ToUet and Chamoer oena. awibit Lamps, Kerosene.on.; Pnjnps, Stoves Tin Ware, 200,000, the proceeds of the sale of wrae family estates, which the loan Had enabled the nobleman to effect. At liis recqrampudtijnjpth.cr. cncm-J lection was valid where there was no miatake aa to the individual meant to their accounts to Coutts, who now I le selected by th-Jgifliature,rTThe became the favorltw hanW-W '-faJtHil tause of his chana-eoLname and local wnable Ixndon. George the Third naMttttioav. (he forratyUved in Penn hanked -witK Viim ?ii fAnn . v, awlvanfa-Y lAlVtil 'etfttai'wiBa iomOi Coutts had lent 100,000 to his son-1 yptttMntodis FROM HILTON RICE MILLS, f-".ii V t'- J . For ale by METAL- BOOFEElb DOITE TOXISDEB i Improved Machinery everywhere to get subscribers foe our beautiful aaaguame, so-weU known for the laat twenty years, and ao great a fa vorite with the people. InlaUlgent men and women can make large commissions, eena ier agenus- con fidential ; circular. Yen can hardly . show "The Christian Graces" to any person of taste and fiao religious feelings without getting a subscriber. No Uaappointment about prompt delivery of pictures, aa we have made ample arrangements for their rap. Id production, - T. flw ABTHUB, i ovg Mm u vhhii'i" .-t r- rrr U octs-tf : : A- GEEAT OEPEE. ONLY $3 FOR $11 IN VALUE I OB,' FOB $4 $18 IN VALUE.. ORFOR$5, $2 JNVALXJEL ttdi t-di 1 1 1'i'i if 1 1 r. aim AwrraTTrT nTt?nrr .10 MAIM A Jk. &A.1AT VA . . V W . nigniy nnisnea, s e jl. d; nnHi JL "Isn't 8he and varnished., Slse ,! I OF dec 9-tf . WIXLARD BROS. . .i i jfa fc a O FntIT OF THE SOUTH." This is now tne ft AiliUUiUUU f the county, i country pa- t- in h. t.to. it offers supenor inducements I onlv newsnaDer published fVmn-v. and it being the omciai and having a scucuiauon sw biaie, u tothe saerchanU and other business men of Wit mm &n advertiflliiat toediam. AaTcnlse- irTuwaii at reasonable rates. Address, W. R ' And upon as favorable terms as at any other place In the city, at No, 8 Front street, near the corner of Varknt . ...-. ,' vpSEtt v -K rra !T. CHILD, Agent f r" ' Lk:kJL "' . 'f - to3tt I'vl ? . . . Published every Friday, at fiil .7 t -r-NT TrTS TO SUIT .-r IHflf.ll ' ,- t.-.T! 1 TUY.r.i,nn 0 0 llV W W i1JpniTni i flUlDllUD, U. UJ Hi ii Jiiujuijuiftua i ; i ' ' :.. I TTAS A LARGE AN1 irtvAika.1tv31.4- i Pickled J-sfelter. ftfiS- 2 TERRY, Editor and Proprtotor, Rockingham, K. C. Ti-;-:ar TN HlatJf jaIjkels, AND RETATLPIB QUART BaCOn ! BaCOIXj .vrABOinviisTir'v'i pbestb jaag. rr n. l aTTnrJLDERS AND BTJ)ES0. lU' ""'" ' .i 'a-tvorTr 6i- 5fjx :o a o;-t apOeOoo tai tti." -TTa - i .' W1I-LABI1 BBO8. Q LB FEACHJS9, u raa vaaa v.j.i. . - . AAf W -' -i -'' J: C.OTEVENSON'S.. AS A LARGE AND RApmLY INCREASTNfJ . uf.-yuuwi.i 1th the views 0 our beat cUieena,. 10 YTiTerma- Subecription: - f One year, In advance $9 00 ci- ihnBBnj m. sdvarirA.' A 1-A .saA - tfcagtaliT5 -t - 1 Three months, in advance 75 & Y spectsaaaoo. ia fre Addresa v PIC.CEER, wit --' " -v-tm - a TiTftTurn 1 1 ... aw c-i;!1..!-' ) Wo sure (eb.SStf ibledto fill order wltM V T SX O SX.cP I ?A T c 11 (after LllUe mtafl nrice. tA. will be sent by maiL' securely done UP, post Tree, as a premium 10 every ! yeauy acribertoDliMOIuaT'8MO-rrHLY,ackwwlec the most beautiful and sseful Pvlor Magaaine In,.,; America.. "Isn't She Pretty ln. Is a beautiful chromo and splendid parlor pictare, and a valuable work of ' L.kMai rtrlth-th-totktl. .'' and together. opportunity j never Month-,, .t Wooing" ia ;: . 'ju -ra-a larvaana ' with Demorest'a Monthly aoraa a o ,! tor the investment of $3 such aa may , , a . A UT.U 0.a TjMf T W M )ccur again: or in piace oi . -VlTS-adfliHM. Hiawatha' Wooing (after J- 1 m -a " . aa at rl 1 sbm9e . rnvnA TlinrranftOTi 1 flriKaL lnT2iv TJtlCe KlO. w-.A f ViAih PViwimAal snl tABBiniva va WWaU yauauv - Iv. for one year, for $5. "Hiawatha's t!itith dhl and aatltf action, and prove i . Z'ninder oi yous good taste ana anc V j h7ltaa!Chie.SCe ; BOTii-tf r; ,a-i. -ua.S i,

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