WILMINGTON, & 7 P SUNDAMORNING, JuNK 8, 1873. BY TELEGBAPH "!!!: NOON REPORTS. JPeVrefgn iTKlseeUaneana Items. Xl i'if ;WxranioToirf Jane 'f.vv' Thiwii- ire 'sevea , caaesVof.uchera' in Th -flpanlsli Cortes wilt rwv . Minlatry.; . Deputy Blanc proposed, after the declarl ouuu ui ,mc TcpuDiic, - xnat tne - delegates place. themselTes at. thejiead 0f the volun teers in the respective provinces . and unite in a gtlnd effort against the Carlists.'' -'k It I stM Sl. . - - t .m - . t","':'' nomcsno yxws. Capt.. Jack's surrender. .1 Jack says he sur- rendered -because ha. nnia hoi Id out no longer. ; The (opinion prevails that General Lavia Will snoot CaDL, Jack. Boston Char. suggestions from the- civil authorities. A correspondent of the; Bulletin had a talk with Boston Charley, who said : a majority of the captives were prepared to die like men.. 7 Capt.", Jack 'cares for jnothing and does not.peak , to any person- except bis' tuawjr jaaiy.-7 vnariey- says twelve Modocs are still at large, and Cpl. green's command still hunting for them! Of 111 hiin4iiM f na 4kAa, " A dispatch from Sag Point, June 4th, says General Davi command with all the captives, were at Applegate's , house, and were to come to Boylesr camp that day. Hooker Jim and Steamboat Prank are hunting after misaing warriors and squaws in . that vicinity. Sleepy. Tom -had just come irom an lsiana in ;iiittie Klamath Lake with Techee, Jack's squaw and jLhree children. .. . -' ;..-:, Viau o-'.-.-v .1' ; . '- Hon. John Printiss, the oldest printer and publisher, has died at "Keene, N. H., aged 96. , He established the New Hamp shire Sentinel in 1797. and , conducted it for W a5U 'iiij .. vrCt IT . iU 1,ew "kork for kicking his wife to death. t " waa(h MJHfl 1MUMA I Va . a v . at. . umeer omcers, alter capturing the ; dead DOtIV or inn :tJnrAn UeMnrAmmnnU filled it with kerosene and burned it to ashes, preserving the ashes in two vases which now adorn the President's room in the casino of Puerto Principe. It is stated that an American named Jienry Recoe has been appointed successor of Agramonte in command of -the ' Cuban forces; : and the most energetic warfare continued aeainst the Spaniards.- . " S The missing steamer Geo, Cromwell is still the object of solicitation in this city. The agent denies, the truth of the report that Cromwell had on board a large quan tityof ammunition. He says she had none whatever among the cargo. Her fate will probably . be . determined by ' to-morrow, when the steamer "Washington, following in the track of the Cromwell, will arrive at New Orleans. . . .-..r .. THE CAPTURED INDIAN S.'T The Lataat from tha Front-c.eaeral ;' Darla' Parposea. Boylks' Camp, Jnne 5. iaie yesterday arternoon a detaUof men, belongmgto artillery, arrived m camp from wl? fwiJS? ralar. wUh twenty juniper logs, clean and straight, and evidently not intend use in the erection of tents for prisoners: Jiany persons marveled for what Dnrnme I the timber had been obtained. This morn- ing the secret is out General Davis in- tends to erect a scaffold and execute about twelve of the worst murderers in the tribe. at sunset to-morrow. He feels that th-r I is no need of delay, as no doubt of the no doubt of ihe exist, and justice tain action. Even itinr a tr Kum ui uia vicums can exis demands speedy and certain at this time he is now writing itofnm.. of their offences, which will be read to the vunuemnea juoaocs. S!twT&. cop ?ted a"' Ve arrange- 7 rY'uw ia property-is or war, and if punishable at all must be mT10' 0h , through a power devised from the usages No ODcratlonS around ttm Inn h. -t,a I . i Pi "ctuuua ui me juoaocs, re-1 U1 wr nor anacnea tn any way tothemili celved orders from Washipgton to bold the I ary or naval service of the United States. Prisoners until fnrtnnr mAiA - - I ArrwHinrr rt k .: . . , tK... i r ' T. -" "v jjo wit-' -a uiMiutuuns ueretoiore re- I Sl fl m V'50nteniPiated work- f601 no civ ibunal has jurisdiction The feeling In camp is one of profound dis- k the cases disclosed by tha rjUThX gust at this action. . ' ' ; I --I Y - - - '.V :,V-'i.v. . i PnrV m00. wl.m.v I been burned- S4U0000 in seventy-four cmpaWTSh foreicrn comnanlM mffw I a w 7v"vr-? ""-'rJ- i : I QU11 NiqnT nEinmTS. I .nn-Tl r-- 7Tfrp w-..Z7- w j. I WASIIIIIGTON. The rtaiMpinloai it the . ' ai.. h'.l : . . . . ... . . "WltaSToiCJune t. S1IovI?, opinion of the At- ?Z - the , question anbmitted .,f,?!fM'e?&rttnent relat5v to the cap ture of the Modocs: -,:- D&VAhtiterr op Justice, June 7 ' A PrttidtnL- , . SJ. thortoacknowled to the Modo -li'riT""1" a-' - wua y wa va awes wnnas nnnarn a.Ai ui H5fl.. rrt . - v " u uracunonTAr I j - - 1 1 I:.H--S wuu mese inaians by the terms of whicl mey were logo and;emaln unoh rPa.,. vauon in the State of Oxgonl 1 hurt Ifl?..nf;.y frJnftJS resemtlou, amnitarydWb7nft;74r. lo,uiWttturk;,KQdintftL,rr.r, , V a ? . Paceaoiy, tne orficer irnli- f fated his determ nation t. 1 I eably, the officer irxli- f ? in nnniiMiiu.i... C C vvuijimaiuu 1 in ounacQuenca ui. nvhuh a 1 1 in oonseoueruA .r - -.-Z.- r " I ltTfr. ih-iTr..j . ,uuu,c "sued ina oue or tnore sever liuitw .-.i.si. reDQUM. - fmrlm. L.ili.; .. . . I xura nni-V i i 6 "WMuira, negotiations I ..nks SSiVHSMl! bete. the " & va,vo. ! niirBiiania w 1 . t?at -eod, met Ca-J-t . wuu,d u sa m iirno JZJST a!' i -ome of hi; anUkiT. uwc'Ma terms of a treatr and While so eneed. Onn r,Kt.r??y! I i ;vT treacherously assassinated and Air, Heacham severely wounded bvlh. Indians present on that ecfSm - tS.T foirowef and Capt JTaU ormoat of hinbe ,hav been captured and a2 now In the hands of the milUarv ' mwT ties. ; Gen.'Bherman, u a SSSSaSSS the Secretary of War. dated the 8rd ffi? recommend- that such of these Indians aa have violated mHitary law be tried bySi" tary, tribunal, This recommendation ia an. proved by the fleCretary of War. Instruct mi . 1 o-o i vaaoT ann uw PrMl. . , . -was u mates hi the field. Rti m I Leaber i r t Tv1 by Francis 7?r J -rj ? evised by a board of offl. ra, of which. rtAit W X ti;.w w or 18 " WVMWal lU't1 r Ull these instructfbns W ai' fofiows f irnirarAr. iraituuu ia iww kidqs; nrst, that which U conferred WdScnriofl by ttitiw 2nd, that whielr is 'derived fromiOoinl mop law of war. Military offenders under the statute of law must be tried in the manner therein directed, but military offences which do not come within the statute must be tried sad punished under the common law of war. The character of the courts which exercise these jurisdictions depends upon the locaHaws of eachpartic-. War COuqtry; Ithe armies of the United States the firstSa exercised by 46"uVtinatti4i, while cases which dp not come within- the rules and articles of war, or the jurisdiction conferred by the statute on court martial. " "SWrW pwoussions, . w "All the; authorities able to examine upon the subject harmonize laws of wr thPr u n!n- m6- wiLii mesc insiructions. Accordine to the than a flae of truce IScW lnod f&ith, and there can be no irreater act of I A 1 1 . . . .V perfidy and treachery than thassassination oi lis oearers alter they have been acknowl- edged and received bv those to whom they reisent Ko statptp of jlhe .United platen makes this act a crime,' and therefore it la not punishable under the rules and articles bad faith is the breaklDgof this parole by paroled prisoner. While the United States were at war with Mexico ser- 1 tu. . -Lr.;non were tried by a military commission com posed of officers of the -United States army, convicted and sentenced to be shot and executed for breaking this parole. Numerous trial? .of a similar" nature'; took place during the war of the rebellion, but there are no statutary provisions" whatever upon the subject, and the whole, power of the military authorities in such case- ia de- I ? j . . rivcu irom tne usagesoi warT"Dn the 23d of August, 1805, a military commission, only appointed, assembled in the city of Washington for the trial of Henry Wlrz, who pleaded, among other thinss, that military commissioners had no jurisdiction over either his person or over the subject matter of the charges and SDeciflcations- being a tribunrl authorized by neither stat ute of military law. martial law, or well established usage. But this plea was over ruled, and he was co'nvictea upon several charges, one of which was murder in vie- lation of4he law andcustornaf-war, and after sentence he was hung for hi, crimes. A" 'Proceeding? this case derive their ! auuior"y ana validity from the common law of war, Certain persons, it will be re- r?aJ iVi mo uwuuauiia ui President Lincoln. Attorney General Speed, in discussing this subject, said s We have seen; that where fwar cfcnva the laws or ' usages ' of 4 war com also,' and ma aunng me war they are a part vl wo uwg 01 me iana unaer tne constitu- Uon of Congress may define and punish onenses against these laws, but in default J i laws. of ConeresadafinirjfTthnafllawHan kni ing a punishment for their infraction and me mode or proceeding to ascei whether an offense has been committal ascertain ittedand what punishment UtabeiaUlicied, the army must be governed by the laws and usages of war as understood and practiced by the civilized nations of the world. Again, if tnnfv1v he has offended against the laws of war he I buuuiu nare sucn inai ana he punished as the laws of war requires. A spy, though a Prisoner of war, may be tried, condemned rhackef, a Jayhawkef, a bandit, a were1 wbel and assasin, being public enemies, may be tried condemned and executed as offender! against the laws of war. Thekw nf ntinno - the experience andh eV hsdet cided that lavhawkera. hamii offenders against the laws of nature and of "war, and as such amenable to the military Our Constitution .has made these laws a Part of the law of the land (see also Vattel 850. Whe&ton'aTnt law Ana wi-J.tI; law 220. Ualleck's InL law 4001 Clean's casehofds, under the cinJntSncel ffiSSiT suted, a nuUtaryconnniBBion to-txrillet but tha tsut L J-iT but the facta .there are entirelyltoettni iivui uhm) unaer consiaerauon. Milliean un icsiucuk ui a otaie not in rebellion. " prosecution. He waaneitber a prisoner met lows , --ai . i " . wiwwu uunue naageaof war on land. U tTT . ,war on. lan- I i tau municipal law, of the ground J tries to which they belong, is silent and of no effect between armies in the field." lf - l"7 these rule f not altogether, are c juaniiesuy tnese rules to a great extent. correct, for it cannot ue pretended that a U. S. soldier is tmiltv or mnrriari-r v. v;n. - - a puuuc enemy in battie, which would be it the munional W.wa.infeal.tHeW Committed nnder niirh frnrr.... . MJ ' AI1J1UL 1 -i1 the laws and customs of civilized warfare may not be annlimhin n .j mS!.wtta.tte. radian-tribes upon our tlnS .k "er' br tt.e- circumstances at- tending the assassination of Canby and S'Sff&X theirmuVdex a " .r" r, Pi savage 1 45 jor j Civilized ' le. Indiang -concerned init fully underatcwi tha ha " I w:JTr.T.. "i".uu 10 aenne exact- Liiifir ! a s ia . a United Su buVey1Syrbe?n lliS! isuuura ui me innian trihu. .t. d . . - .mw 1 . hiwu aiuea. n it na ih i.. k.. wa&eTmVprlTain which make a netroHatinn 7"'7l'y T tifitie Posaibk, and I which-makTwra like thafin queionVaiatbi nS authority. Tu .J.!..m"11 lodoca1 oracticHllA: ,...u"."ie w "'UuKlajiCttijeaiul JhfeaLkalniiYJ- bat it i- ti. ..Ff""Unifes tlieitf a1i4.uledcaijwiul JinalaaalihUaH . .-- v.. mo VJUliea DlateS Hmth i. .... . tn : " . " amies, as ngreemeui lor -peace, to deter- Vt.. ... .. .. I weusion, mererore. isthnt a Mili WsdS .'""Ked with ffens. .SuSnK rivMurniTni 1 .. -.av . . 1 uch trial are found iruiitr t i.-V "lTt uiavu ia w w m r uni t u . isr . . . h trial are found guilty, they may be uh-e or justify. . ' " wu ouiw i ui wv m r . iv a ni roi rn inn ! iiirMK.iBvB in 1 -VIA? bJW rwin"e 1 - Very respectful! vours. Gko. H. WuxiAais, Attorney General. 1- NEW TOBK. ! QUaellAana JjUelLi ffeaaei. I New York, June 7. &forPtb?mLB.to ernenspa ... aa1H aS i DalilaiOO f i Arvr.Xfu; 9 muiln- ..raring; the are enormous. "uui. ban au 174.1 anii vnnaaia - a a . -i.... iiir?.1',,'wov . Week's raeinta aft . to I 'aiAnaafa IV . -..ya WaW S I aai Fit ahcjs. 1 Tfc WtrIl4uUr,t, - .w PanisJune 7. ( " r"AKis,-June 7. rm. L TV." iT'laiW r- , - . - i .c me xan&i jrance-nas paia.-inta, ine Treasury one' quarter M the" tab- due to' Gerroay oa ijeoontiof war indemnity. The remainder will be paid itt monthly In- stallments. . .The report , that there hare been : TOccessful negotinUora to- accelerate the ! departure- of f German troops - from France Isproab) false.. V.. 'r. vl. - '., LaehlBr fii 8tamr.' - m. w i, Philadelphia. Mar 7. I Th-fit" llD:TlIinoi 'nf , A" U.S. and XiTerpool liaej wa launehfwl at it o'elock In magniflcient style. The rirer was coverea with steamers filled with srec- the:Ticinity w'aw"ocounues9 multitudes. Four -J fd"t ; "0,T'Ta,nd .- . UAUltiU INTELLieENCK. ftafetr lim.r G. CrwII. T.-lt ' ... - - . . . ilKH New Orlesju. whra mm.! .t .-i.f. ... i '-tii. ' I i : port has caused so much anxiety reached I 825ffii;:lV;': tere tc-day.. , Her engines broke7iown dur-1 gSS SSllLV Jf I Inir the vovtMinit ha mast n. the Bahama. All on beard well. t . WBATHEtt REPOBT. Win T)tcpa BTlmiT "JOOTT, 1 Hurl0: uasmngton, June 645 P. Prvbabi&ie. ' ' n r ; )WA8BIirGTOK, .' June . 7,' yor New - Eugland, rising" barometet, somewhat lower temperature, light to fresh northeasterly to easterly winds and clear and clearing' weather. Far the Middle : States,t;rrising barometer;': slightly lower temperature, winds veering to westward and easterly and generally clear weather for the South Atlantic and Gulf States; east of the Mississippi partly, cloudy weather and areas of light rain, from Tennessee and Mis souri w ine upper, lakes, easterly to south ern winds and increasing cloudiness with indications -of aia areas.' esneeiallr tar fortherry and Western portions of thii sec- yJ.-, Au,,- , , ' ELECTRIC IP1BE9. from the coantry aaioining the Danube. i v r J 1 . LKa. YiZZaL .rZi me Premises are iwi w Nun ui uquor. a o jmw 1 orr nana: fstatpmpnt BnAwa . decrease in loans: of fu-soo onoTI T"T " cr9ase f6j60u,oooJegal tenders increase a uwa- . v a waw aba 55F1Y VW,UW; ilepoBi .' t a 000. xviCi0,o. It Cleveland thehomeonati . resolution that hotoeopathists be reDrescnt- I ed in all medical lnstituUo which arrt plied by national. State, municipal or eh4- mosynary contributions. M-tMwa AKA1 a! ' -- I k.n t... .... irT' uan I : . QBi, June 7 Noon. Financial. Stocks duIL Gold steady at 1171 ITonev bniet at S56 per cenL'rmium. SteriiSf quiet, - J' Bona" CbmmeniaL-rr . Cotton quieV-Dplanf cnta-OrieaM 191 eta. Flour auieLbnt wrlthnniiai5f! k!T quiet, put without decided chang - .ffi ESZS? mess S16 621. Lard rfnTlWMf. !tlS?f,tt, ' SPTurpentinesteady at 46 cts. Rosin dull and heavy at 3 83 for Common Strained. . VrMt,mAr.n T . - - I hft aalaa tVJow . . ' . I ,. v " wfcwn tor iurare oe- I 18 T16JoJy 18 ItZZV """J 197 - M c7 "? ." 811 I - ' ? 1 , . , Nkw Yowl June 7 EvRnfn ' : j .... .U5 i -juvemng. i : financial .'.j . i ' wernng iexchange steady I wmuo quiet, with sales w v.i Upland, lu sets OrleanVlS ctA SI oulet bni aw'VCfrA SHv Jlour .... . ' i r I checks business. u cents mcner. w wfv M fti . ' Luri firmer i Weatern Steam 81018 15-18 nmh v I I Stores quiet and unchaniEed. ThtiTflrr i,ow Daies; sales lor export to-day none: ffntore delivery 2,90abales; mar! ket Closing as follows: June 1815-18: JOiy li191; August 19 7-lkai9 Sen! tember.18 KAMmWutl. .t I on the spot AUI UDlf UIHIL XnR WMir r KBa Kaam .Z A a wwuuus nave remained unchanged, al though at the close of the tha ni. . " waav vUl wAava rates were held mnrB 'flnniv tk. 1 of the week include a tTliOA of which 116,250 wer contract stockW 7,900 for, immediate deMvenTM TfolW.. M25 tpofISS for speculation. Of the VborA iftoq bales wereto arSva 7 Te 1898 xr i..rT w. 1 V1 wres nave improved and the de- mana tor spirits turnentl na rthmn &hrm. h I 1 v wa aaaa avaaea uc waoir . v n to . Kl 8 .t . w wv..atc iuuir an iuiawntn I i ;'omi:MABKErrs.''W''; a?!17; Mobile; quiet ;oSV.!..."T"H.an Q,'" heavy at irift -rqa M l85 Btimoi V 17" ! - - ' Tj . -r- ' FOUBIQN IHaRK ET8. Ixjitdou,-June 7 JHmu. United States bonds- nves bonsols 93 nominal:' 1 ' Sugar, on spot, 29s, 6d. ; ' . , . ; L -. '; k!VKKpmu Jane 7 Nwn '- ; Cotton; opened ' dull Uplands 81d. ; Or leans 9fd.u .,... . .... I later. 5 i - .... . LlYKKPauL- Jnn 7 i- n..wM'--"- v Awaa. out BitlCS IDCiUQB biJM llnorin.. ' T nraJJ., f tT . s2r?fei. " T,, Ty Just Received. ANTOW GTXUBR PRKSTCRV V T! .RASPBKKHy SYRUP, POTTBD HAM SPB-U JAS. 1. MUTTS. 87 Market at i " i . "a-TaTE safVMiifcJ , .7. f Grne' wfll be in Wiitnlngton on . : n; 1 f'flja dallvca'aa 'iML 1L. r'-.'r .i.Luita,rKBSiCKVE8, LEMONS Porter, Brown Stoat. ' ; 1 . -..- a .- -ar ai ISrN AaV a a 8ninIes!.8hliujles:!,.'i SSaSSM l6:ooy??"-'-'--i :avBvi '. ...TM-tf ... ,f n . . - BRISTOL.- 20 .--" rTTTf - ; i ! !IM.MiJf Af,,. COMMERCIAL; I vv i i Jit l lAJXf- Al'A U KET' rlrs i - . ."-.. . I hi ; j ' :.: STAR OFFTn?' Tn- 1 r - . BAAtt "IGB, June a . i SPIRITS TURPiartTKK--Saies of 800 casks at 41 and l85 at iU cents eallon frt ct, D , 1 , g"on fOT S011"16"1 Packages, an adTance of cent . on last quotations, i. Later in the day an additional sale of 100 casks was made at A cents, market closing quiet and easy at these figures. ' .' - ROSIN. Sales of 858 bbls Strained at CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of .167 bbls at $3 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip ana a uu lor Hard. Market steady. TAR7-Sales of 62 bbls at $3 35 W bbl. an advance of 25 cents on 'last quotations Market quiet ' . ' d'-h nr.nuOA ,: f COTTON.Saleiof 28 bales as follows : 13 t 14, 13 at 16, 1 at 17 and 3 at 18 cents V We quote asfollows: n- : . : !.,'f . I 4 Ordinary, 10 cents $ lb. Low Middling. . .. . . .17 " Middlinsr. :........18'.' Strict Middling I J 18f Kw Trk.NaTaa Mara naratet, JTataia Reeeipts to-day ,1.446-bbls msfn Th marked opened a trifle firmer for spirits tur pentine, owing to advices f an advance or ic at Wilmington, but Joward the close there was aa easier feeling, and sales were made at 46c fiat - .Transactions include SO Ebb '; 460, 50 bbls' at 46c flat, 25 New i","" last night at 46c,. and W bbls to arrive at 46c Strained rosin is ucwucuirwwHi OWlOff la DaTl to a declinSr at Wilnungton?nd-wTO freiehts restricting the demand fn .t mies or An engagement .was effected to-day for Borne 2.400 bbls to Anrwr, ixTf- oA lbs. Which is the Mrta.r -rr.r offeredtt t3 with nrivU- f Jam SrS 2 ! a luiQ ui i.uua DDiB in tim waa early in the day of good strtlned K $3 15. A cargo of 1.250 bbls mod atmin Sr o . J--- I IF UUIS finer grades have ruled quiet and without business of importance. Tar remains dull, but about steady. Pitch In moderate jo bin? enauirv. and tha atnn Btai . T rn 1 . 1 : 11. uw uis- P81168 w IX ew Y ork Produce Erchaare f ui Wi W nnnra) amaa FAllMa. 9 v v u uvw uaiaawarai I fa xiua pentine. S7g. LcJidon-Jlomn o fdlS. spirits of turpen- fPaW xtr-vt . . .' u . 'S00--00 4 25 .?aM .Offi4 50 A1 V W Lanili: iJ--x-.-.A. . ' - . W A 00J "7 .3 50 0 00 V" urPenune, gai. . . . oo a 46 bbLS 00 i 8 05 03 101 9 jju o 9 60 S tiQXtfh A nn do pale,. ..4 5 00 do do extra paie.......;...5 &j 5 75 window glass.. 60 0,6. 00; MARINE. ARRIVED. Ttrtni VT7 c"vmsoo ayeitevuie, YY Ullama ifc Alnrrnlnfit i CJ V k T"PT ttr .1. a. x.t- . . vf it w XTUuipa, yettevme, I una e vv onn. r :-r-- r wiIcld?f-Qn L&BriS A.tS?ffte,!r G GBarke &Co. Briff JeanWKEneleanair TirAt; i Barkef & Co. "tJ'-,k"'l' I tiiHawellW- i trui nECErirrft. PER RIVER STEAMERS, ike. Steamer D If urchiaon S9Qbrrfama;m no do spirits turpentine, 6 do tar, 3 do crude turpentine. - SteadnerXHmibartandUa hhii nat .vn POO.Oi EXPOBXS. PORHGN. 1 1o sml IfcrrTBatnAii Dutch Brig Jeanette 1,625 i"a TT . V W a ' . '-i. " I 99.477 feet lnmW .ttJfZJZ I tai.r., - 'T. Y , ...;x:nt"W. " I ! 0C Ier Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. June 7, 1873. L Brown, Evana & VonQ, J C Heyer, O R French, W4WRB CoTh W ShureE Peschau, W R W Co-op Asso- J Jcott & Capt J P Divine, J D Worth & W, D Pigott, A Qreln, walp; J Fernberger. : rir ;f; fef.;? y , , S1TJPPINQ BIRECTORy. V J T 1 : - af WI1. ia. aa, ar wA -.a a -aiactaau m. Cm JTaaa 81 STS. "-'A . HTV 4 1DTTTTK3 i i , , f , i. Jrtoneer, Wakely,, r.- Worth & Warth Isola; Lord, i- iv;: G O Barker & Co Ottawa (Br.), Martin, . .-.;.v.. ' ... W niimi AV lfnMli!.. D F Brown(Br.l Eldridgtldg, West Indies, . j -.. ; - ,, r -1 .,, HflrriaaA-TTnwoU 1 Jannette, Englishman; dis.7" 7 tSSSSSF 3gZ& . - - i- GO Barker A Coir T " f Wr. Luola Mnrchison Jmim , u? Williama Jk f,i..: Charles Sawyer, Mullins, E Kidder & Sons Lacy Wright, Elsy, Williams & Murchison Adei,a Carson, Godfrey, -, -r Mofflt 4 Co John Somes, Heaibe, xr i i ; OOBarker&Ca Mary Augustus, Holt, G G Barker & Co J B Van Dusen, Corson," dis.', - i Harriss & Howell Ida Bella, Fisher. dis W & Mnrehiwn Ger Herman Helmrich, OscricLv'v-. Ua vr" J" "MvuFcn, uis. , tieiae Bros Iri Adelaide, Pocutis, ball i looi.yiToo.; isVeschau Uet f Teasel. Sailed far tbj af art. Brig Walthani, Flinn, ' cldJunee2 . BOSTON. . Brig Black 8wan, Winlade. . eld May 14 e T ai. .wvr . . t uwuiu, xsg. i 1 a ft . ' III ! 3C- RItimoreAna TViimUstom .. 5 f .J SElU-WEEKlt'f STEAMSHIP, V LIKE ! p(OXFO8S0 arm FIRST CLASS BTKAJ4SHIPS , i i aot raoM wnjONeTOH i- i... . ' Every Wednesday and Saturday,-iy I A. 1 VT10 t wxlme?QTON ? iu. j witoin" iTciIhe" slaottuMreral ,xo au points in Worm and ana Alabama 1 eoonectlai amor and Ohio and the (or all point in tha West BtniMrtafl4paUroada(Drletoo, New York and Ainmrwa Ua, Axanta, BaUimora. i,;;;ir: J dac 81-tf PHILADELPHIA & S0TJT MaSLr SteailxsMpl'Oo JtHK .FIESTj CLfSS 8TJEA3fXSS ; t PIOlrEEII, 8li'tonCafpi ohnakt'jj TunawjUDa, 8M tana, fcapt a (X WUtbank. form a yfeeWr Line; and sail alternately from Phtia delphla and, WUinington. ererj.Ttieadaj morning a THriif;h Bills of Lading uiren to new Torn. Boaton, Providence, Pall Elver. . -1. - .. .... . . . A UlVlOHil SUIU Ml ami SI I "JSl tna SH aaaaat LStalaoJ CIa.a ' 7 maw ruoie. aio to lit- I terdam, and all point on the Continent .ilE.rt Uoaat of England. . . I xrTiTgh ,te8'POn PMUdolphu to u North Carolina, South Carolina: Geonda. points far : Alabama, f S?22&J!. Tmeee, at . a IpW 1 wjrasui cssaeementa ana ratea anniv in . . 1 i OBTH A WOBTH, Agenta, . , j t... . Wilmington. N.a,J- V 'WM.'L.-JAMIS, General Awnt, J -tf t37 and t3a Jt street, Philadelphia, Bcott s aWantaorfxed to leUJe Vtiald poat i ... 1 H JLBaTTTA Tha andenhniad ariTl i,l,a5 i0lne cn ccont, under the rams IK- and reepectrully aski a coatinnance of th&patconaf j ,j Mkvncu. iTnr arfiiaitaaai a, -wkM. vuw was ici a ua 3 Sl5E3 President Branch Bank lew Hano ver. Goldaboro. TS.Cl ,. . , T a tS-T' ad -Wa. B. n.aVKb... ...... BUf llnt LA.WES, & CO.'S I ' I Ul Brumous and pxletbbiotjs I A rnirtnros bow sold In this market as O E U , A I. E r f .1 'J " v u.'" Oives aa the nleaanre of ofiVrinv .i vi.v ipuwtee4avperktoaUeherlranda. GEO.rMYERS, - !... I .( " and M Front Sfreet. , , nrPOSTADT SALE ;-ia.I Of PubHb: Property. O. K the 8d of J-. in .k-I'r." aigu, on, Tiannail- """""I roaoiauoaa weri 1 .That to accordance with th. r tkaa n si , a.m : T tv mrytm Vl a-laaaV-waa .--MV1. 'r." . M I uwj UT-UClai aUBUUDIT. lNHI 1HK1 K' CWI la a a oNortk Carolina U the PnSlWRiTiJ "T rw'r r - a --aa-.. ........ .-. . I 1 Cape Fear and Ter .to the limluof the nnuu caarter .v ? -t a j i .Jil Hi p: auu wjo renuunaer in ona and j JHJJ 4 ttat the aame V. " . - - 0... uaw aef asm a laaa 4, JimalvrL That k. v. eonditloa thA, uiJZT 8 veara frona dn it -.i- IIVD f lTHUVI la in HhMl. M.u V. .. pincludina the SZ toffi ZmKif coanty, within fpaa .( .JIC and that', 1 XJT1 notice of the same in the jew M m ltaleialx the 5wia a"eJrr? and AftMi T'?rPerty'' sccord- H. A. LOOTJOU, Secretary R t HOWga. AeyjTw tfaa;. , ..HRrtr aaa oaUMiaK f0' WajneiN.a,iM9 8th( Wfj ASS&Jm '-Ww breb eivaWiU t7n SIT -fwi nr. Jane 7-td TreaeVand Collector. Corh,7Cti-n; Old line. t!0C r?'vvu u. e. hide ssrfiw-"J I t iai iefimaTTM v uu n . t. w. . . : ixarerpooi uom- I I TV Trl ; r " ' r J11'V"M"T" do 16s: soirita tnr- coj iaTiH-AtarraHSi?f.- i ATAMXSTINO OF THS BOARD OP VAX. W of the Cape Tear and DeepElrar IaT hib tt orxa. ax ma iamH.. rwHu -rTi! i." "m 09 "O" "t twe sections. I f aas?eu! the Cape Fear and Been nTwlThf iLJS1.?? I In xeawtutf. That the reaoMtiva 5 f. ( the Price their pnrchW to 1 the remainder in ona and . j-ZI . ir" onaip a JTleld f t - J v ;"r is not considered l , i toTraor'a Mill 1 a f faaaary taapakberA as the 4naWad.k.Ti.f U . 1 I -- - . iii' . . ? ; ; ... - a 'RAIL ROAD;LlNES. - General Bup'ta Ofiico, cointtBiAviAti II 5 II I 1 I II 1 I - . e;of:schedTae;;':: ST WtM a i . '.'"i. Jj.'iSaOla. iMlwaaa a-V1 Wl-1 TWS WUUUUia, - ,7:4 P. 6:86 A. Arrlra at Oohunbi..-.Vji Arrire at Flocenca Arrtre at WDmingtonV..'.'?. i..4, m A. 9:30 r: VI 71! Ul ArtreatCohimbU;Ll...... J..7:;.v..7 "10:) P.'St1 aJ T I . 'W if i to winwiwoiu... ...,..... f0A. JJanel-tf.;r!'' !:'.! 5 sait Geni 909. i 1 i I ii.iifcl'l Hi 1 Change a of, Sbh'edule:i; V. wnr traina oa thaw TtAlIrrfcart will rm. . ji j f3 ...-.flAIVTBAlWa,;! . lWaUnl(pepoo(au - Jiv ArnT at Goldaboro Wll P M ! Monnt.-k....;..;..v.;! .f sin p!m V ' weiaon ajsop. if. .;j .eaj.... a a.-i a Amreat lEaaZ. iTr cnrKonnt........i.7...; ilKJTA. M. . 1 Union Denot e t , 1k-x t if .a gdafioro.. . : 8KXV A..X. ?7......i.....'..rf .:M Pi M : r. .. Unton Depot.... , ? 8:10 A.M. )The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bar Una and Amnii pm.v f'' i"::-;U I'I-'H iVl Jt4i2lW eoawecta: wnlr -with Acqnia Creek Slpiiic; Pa - :i -ft ;.SlTj:i;r ,-.!' r r PRKIQHT TBADffS wDl We Wilmlnsrtoa tri weeUr atK A. M., and arrire at 1P.M. -rtf.n 'IGHT . TRAINS wiU leare W andarriTat4a0P. 14V . i .. . -:i i.,! lnel-tf r General SnMrfaitAiuiAnt (i T WlLMDfGTOS DAILT (ixefiPT 8UW- a M vv 11 " t f'fAm nl 45 P. it. - , .... i ,-;sJ U HKIQJ5T .TBAINS. Leave WDrain; Leave Wlhnlneton daily (except Sanda7s) 6KWA.M t::tl - S0?.M TT8 iauia xmn vnarjone oaur. -ArBSK.4nSSfe Aatut;rAi:r'Ui::, SIT?- 2 i rrn- ol7lTT 7 DUB1f,CT requires. Engine ?ttasnp4A -vuyxj.u&Xf mum; ppjlflffS. I . . . ... . . f 1 . 17 AilVWAtAl ' AaalAwtw. , ...f a wlili--' ?V . . , r1 I .V.iil? -OCSS.TIUT HE ? . tarn - lVi: 4 abaVhig demodstrkied .j wuupioMj as w cap furniture ia all am anH and all the appointments -V U, apiai hA th;; .Xi'J . drcalara are ia connut ni .a . . Fotfuraerrrtlcalara apply tdKru i0 L.:a' ,th!.. .CAMPBON, . Of.thsPiriaaldponaadla f theScrerc, EowsV fraanaXPopetoii. ..! lfraawl n4r ad I Dollar " .Store, j SIXtJEU'S MEW IMPROVED Ji xiiMum-UAtM. -wuAiUl a. ITTiUaa011 ill T nn ii.i n urv a i ii -'Ji innn i I - 1,000 other ea of 0" aiay ss-tr'1. v 1 j: i iHayas Hay .IT j.U . 1. 1 ri 1 "f.v Mvr.rTi'Zj: "jiaff Shayirig, 1 . . VTibnte B"a"as,, n. hnington and -waldoa .v zZ5r " aooa ran nv oonaecooa With the train, onboth ndsxf this JUflj may 18-tf .' ,Jf-nlef KikieWind - fe the moantakaof u$alA o 't UnViWef Bt,t-on Saartt. , .-'TT, W Cheaapeakeand Ohio-' roa and tnltfll S! 1 ' i opened acaia for the nMntina at tA. - I ' .;.(; . 1 :. . u.. ii I f the Hotel wffl be atrit. f - i . .. , . 7' I f -.. . .a. .... f r F . a 1 lTwM.ll BtUl waa I - v aawasasv The norning!Star" - - .'err ' Ji i; u-j t.i .,- . - , r . i , PUBLISHED DAILY AUD WEEy J M.: if IT. Jf. ; iVvj j,t. at." JV i f 1 i . . . . . DAILT STAR, Ona Tr;:f.;.e..' 17 00 .fiThJiM J. Ji ;-i f),'J.,,iy . ;., Threa:llontbs.,.v.'' ' J' 1 r .imiu) an 1 4 i W1KSXT STAR, Ona TTI, $3 00 ,1 - ... " Sixlfontbs.......... 185 ! Noticed -of. the Press: a f htlt '.nil ZTTt ', "1 ,5l.iti)i ! 1 A tratlaaa Vr.--BMtUbbn-A4tnct. ripnancaUy a lira papa .- GUboro Jf. yiinin ) -iiJi i-,j,,i:jt' , ri ft Bv? PVac.-Saawr W a) JW. :i ! I :i j s.t t v1 ....i ... .: i Banks amour faa laaittas a.iii- .v.. . 1 Ona of the beat MUw in th r,. . . j.v , ... ...V;: : vd kiiiii..t : ! i. vainabla ppefc!lva':cLn 5mK ldln iownali of the South.- v v. mar. J Tf . f - Wilmington. published in the S ... JJ.. .... -. if yJiSZ!?!! ??dQC ra the' State; bold, lnda Peadent and well inTormad.-ZSZnr jLZzSXT J Ably ediUdi aadaa a btnratlan which toeaka Tohfe..of .comment on JiSnS i. M.M. ! -y, 'I, nIKfrjSu.K? Pi tfl now tt has the awSfyi? ! taa 8tt-.-- -tf !?fam? MTaoir very mach buprored. -JMaU Vtma j 1:TI tar. Urn nii . ; j v, aaiV4 r? il- ,i ,f r.'J , : yamesoonably tha best aaO Innmal 1. WnHh varaiina, and baaJm ,.1,. 4 a.. : tatA irWA- o Wi" JT ovuioom I , -mt t taa 'J a a.t.' t Jli ( . . . . . 'aaW. eW correct market . , , ..... -i.iai.M ' 1 Cltia kaVul. a n a Uwbett t f A Sraancn and lSAJ,..J , 1 '- a art ;. - ...m rnr- It fIif&ioI rf( j,. - Vaaa 4th, un 1 1 j i p'FWnoi acthoeitt J'.Ji ftrVjrJH.bt prceUed,aTooca for pajment. ooMuna; mem are reqaeated to una them ap for collection fan . -t ' aei-tf "1 I a W:Kf?ArTADAY, Mayor. , TpSCAEDRi I0D3E,DIFOBD, I. C, J , BtwI. 1,iJ873, A. D.187S. u'bi Mf0?., tovited to Jota !?FV2a?' ? ta atdeia JoaoraOa-sa .7 order of the Ledge. J j . JltHMlA . ... r... 1 t .3t el: iirurr-.tMo.-i :,At UUU.-;- - ncojJrtni nr hi rt rt f c It f I. . l Toil " itiThltMltfMKha. r "" j j :-'fi;lv!' f!j -j ,i, - i j --iiin yl . .1 f"i.,,i ,r.., , 1 . ..!-... f . 1 t 1. I i ,L'iJ- , I i,-j'.j;t,-.. f ....... . ... IK'. 1 . S??J5eaaaaaaaaMa.a I jQia jr poop, owpiB, 3 50 00 75 75 Brig J M Buina3' f .-ai bchrOVan Duesen, Con W, aid May 9 Til - iun -uwia MrtaWV il.L 1 aaajastf WILLIAMS ICTJBCBISON.

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