PUBLISHED DAILY, BY r IUTM Of I CMCBWTIOX . (- in Advance ( " ) ' 00 (w m advance 860 TOSSES : - - If !S h-abers. delivered to any part of the i rm . SabVcrtbers, iellwi to any part of the Totfi.!??nSweek. Our City Agents are city- '"Zl, to collect for more than ft month la At I . an UIU1 a-'-'- - . i, ..,,.... i I . , I . . 7 i t a- -- OUTLINES. A Mvely marder Calendar f of Bubdaj add Monday- - ucecner conunues w preaca ' -tallsm. A big seiznro of xtha- t, stills in BrooU jnn Sunday by Bow fcres with dealings In Southern Bedorities. t Vr.rV markets : Gold 16 : Cot- 'toD nominal, 'sales of 677 baies at 20 5-6 cents for middling ; -spirits, turpentine dull i-a rents : rosin dull at $2 90 for com mon strained;' HrrYclkm; fevea butk in I Hampton Roads ; the Ato, Havana for oDedcata. 4-?rae4 feportadln- vasion of Mexico by Apaches denied.- Fire of .IW1tmpfrlW: oftrMoatDelier.! Said that 20 con- ils will ba removed, to,;iuak ,jway for- cti,prn men. Kellogg telegraphs kJUUW- that taxes are being ( collected ith great rapidity. London will give the Per sian Shah a grand : reception V'eofnesday!, . Trinity Church ' vestry was ' robbed Sunday night Hon. Moses-BateSi of Jlassachasctts, i-dead. , TUJ'tT. ' . ; , .; ciiAPgi. im,v T v Coniitltt f 7JPhlf oler:IllwrwT. Correspondent fialeigh, SentuL I found the door ,of the building broken nd lying over. Troceedinj? upstairs, the "Archive Room.w,;waa found open, the drawers of the press ess pulled oat and a -large .collection of pamphlets, documents; &c., Jying open and tossed about. A large safe in the room, was closed. o( The, door of the Debating Hall was faBt. The t :k. Annr at.onrl 1 wide oiyen. Eri- . i , . terin' the Library it was sickening t0 See lie cuimit.ivu. c nw &u Ubles which - occupy the centre of the floor were covered with valu able books and engraving in very gtae'bf ' negrcct and' dilapidation. Most of them were ljingopeu, their engraving , and maps pulled , ou t, rriishi-cl or torn across, arid oth er books' iit -the ' ime' cttfd? tion piled uoii them. 4 . The Amer ican Sylva, for instance, pen with a volume of the Loudon . Illustrated iV, also open,Jying;on it. A copy of Belzon? Egyptian Hieroglyphics, of the Dlatcs torn, all of them loose and displace, surmounted . by . ir : i u 1 1.1. ' -1 ' I- ' Jiail a uozeii buuu lkjuu iu 'iuo leonoaravhic : .' Incvclopcedid: Of wkat was ouco a copy of, (I think,) iCatlermolis Indians, ,only, .the, backs remain, and one Indian "Dortrtrt torn across, and a dozen torn pages of the letter press-fto title1 - page. These1 fragments mixed with the remains gravinga, books of art, a collection of valuable eolored German Iithosrabhs w of Italian scenery and fragments of maps seotrraphicai una otner l ne floor as well . as. the tables were strewed with bits of pictures and fragments ilof works. Amonff the wrecks lav a oodv of m Fannincr's Kar ef e rative,?'hiehihe--7fcSmisHno about to re-publish. .. The, tables were sireweu wiin aire, Dies ot glass, gravel, &c. The books on the shelves were in the wildest confusion manv rrreat ly abused, many Jay pa J,be floor--few. stooa upright, or. were in tneir ip roper places, and on examination- it '.would seem that no man who had of Bate l&ixn a book! from the shelves' bad bee at the trouble to replace it with its own set. The windows were aill open, so they hit te beeh for sever al years In j&hort jt :wa a seen to rawe the gorge of any man who bad ever lamA Hhrf rtfSnih.!? WtHKA Univereky, &r had a spark of. State pnae, or my Jove of lettera or desire for the Dretiervalion of things which . - o . are not nnle- fn tiurt ir1m rrf.ntifcii-silk ly of value, but are hallowed by time ' Una? Are we in the middle of -the 19th century, or.are the days ,of the Caliph returoe(LVh6n'ap'abh'dli5rajry. was ho miie accounteapinatit went to feed the fires of the city bakeries ..-,1 i t t . the oie "iriT NEW IDVKKTIIKHIIIVTa . .J-ltlLinoforSa11 :BAmBiBxaa.-r-Notice? -M. Cronlt. Auction.. , , IQko. R. Faitjrc'n A Sox. ijoots, &c. Dam & Ostkkn. SamUr 1wb.-c f WiLUAits & Mubchibon. A Card, - Taos. U. Cabb, Wil. Lodge No. 819, P. llrxs sbkrq En. -Ne w Book. v. , See Nolfce of Board of Assessors. , Vresae Gart. . '-, iTyi V'jTC SaturdaT th: v Court Tuiet at. llle-!tisual ''OQr. All the Jadges present except Judge Boyden, detained by sicknesi' ' M ' s ' ; Th following cases, as we learn from me Kaielgh papers, were arrued i f ? ;: Satate vai John Divine, New Hanover. "wuney uenerai Hargrove ror tne Btaie. -'v vwunc-u ior me aeienaaou " -t - torraic Cumberland; J." C. McRaeffor H'.uuas and a. & t. U. Fuller and J. A. "Uthrla frtr Hafan1anf . John Holmes, executor. Vi. Ishim Good- Cumberland j D. & T. C. - Fuller iwdanu. ' JV.A.".Mathr.lefoT de State ts. Gilbert' Emm. CumberUnfl ? Attorney General Hargrove for, the State J nd J. W. Hinsdale for the defendant, . , The only case bef ore the Mayor Court yesterday moraine was that of Pone Brown. colored, charged with cursing and abusing: w vife.and actbg in, a, very r disorderly banner ' generally 'on 6unday;4durlni nurch hours, who was required, to part a -rvlfiuanaco8ts, "v.:.-.t t ,.: jfj - The, iiex, Smith,varrlved, at' London wis port on the 2no; jnst FFn Li.t.J ?';v-r :.: i -f.i. f T ' . v.,'.. .,v.oT:i'5i'. VOLXII.-NO; 74: J t'tTAIXIldtr Escape. Tk JFire SunAay , if lhtNarrw i Kle rrAm' j Very DMiraetlve Caflffr&tloH K.MrYTaaiT Jl -i I A few minutes before 0 o'clock on -Sun day night, soon 'after1 services : had com menced in the various churches, the start ling sound of the fire-bell waa heard, and! jnjfik'A n,d. flameu werq anon ,fouAd to , 4be issuing from the? stw:r Messrs Williams & Murchlson, , otfOTtliVTater. between Mavrke asu irnocess aureeui no steamers and nook and Ladder truck were quickly nea bylored -firemen-being2-the first :to get a 8 togT'J wu iu wprauon, wnicn in a snort time rcht ttfiamcsHffi had evidently beeit bOThing' for some' tWei uciyp? was aipcyerea., A,geaueman wno was sitting on the balcony of the National Hotels jhe m&fJ&ttWlTri apparently from a child about five years old. The cry wu repeated some half dozen times or more, and no adult voice taking it tip ho concluded it was a false alarm. 1 1n a lew minutes pne of the ladies present said some one had; cried fire and there was a smoke. By this time the smell of fire was unmistakable and considerable smoke was to be, seen in the direction of Princess street at iU junction with : Front? He went as rapidly as possible down. Princess street to thenajTorTinpieTr& that the smoke did not proceed from that building, ; returned to Water street, when flames could be Seen issuing from the north ernmost window on the ground floor of Ifessrs. Williams &' Murchison'r store. Qwing to the density of the smoke, &c, in consequence of which' ho was not able to.lo-i cate the fire with certainty, he ran to the front of the building that he might be con fident as to the locality, .when several per sons standing in front of Messrs. Cronly & Iforris salesroom cried, ''Look out, there is powder there P1 . He then ran tip street towards the Market House tower, the bell In which was then ringing, and during the interval in which the Fire District was struck, there seeming to be some hesitancy on the part of the man who was ringing the bell, our informant cried out "Ring that bell; the fire is in Williams & Murchi son's warehouse, next tcrtheCastoei House, " The bell thea'strock-tIio.,Bd"'f:r9 district, -fhlch was incorrect the Ero beir .la tlie 2nd iward and in the 3rd district. Tie f;ra when it" bmst 'Irom lie .window above aluded to had evidentlyin theopLalon of our informant, been burning at least om Tkntr, l&nd the question ' is, -where was the policeman stationed on that ' beat, and the private watchman, thai they did not discover it before ? , And, secondly, the fire being so near the bell tower, why did not some of the policemen on ' Market street communicate to the . bell-ringer the exact localltyof.the fire? . ... . . ! The flames, of course, had attained con- sjderable headway, but the firemen worked manfully, seconded in their efforts by the Hook end Ladder Company, who, though nndet.iheudrcuiiBtancea not called Into continuous active service, ; rendered much. valuable assistance;, and as a consequence it was not very long before the flames were The loss by fire and ; water, together was very considerable. The building was dam aged to the exUntof about $1,000." It is the property or Mr.'- 0v O.' Parsley and was insured In the 'Pho3nixw Company, of Hartford, represented' by Messrs. Taylor A Giles, of thts cjty for , $7,000. ,-jTh lost on stock; composed1 it rrleofall' aunui a cBi'Uiiakcu tu uviu fiv,vw u vl6t 000, and is supposed Cta sJbS fully covered by insurance in the '! Quocn,. Continen-.'l tar; and ' Jmpcrialrepresented Jn : this city br Messrs. Atkinson & Manning;' . -. The'origia of the fire iis unknown.' Messrs. temporary office lor' the f buildlngoccupled by Messrs.' Cronly & 'Mojrrts. '. There ;wiU benointexrnptionoftheirbusme . . it '-' very small proportion of their stock was kept id ' the '' store; : They will fill orders' as Usual, and in the course of two weeks or a little more the neceigary Repairs' will 'be made and (bey. will remqift into then? store. They saved , all, their books and papers of value.'-' '" ,-; " i .. .. v - Richard t.:' Chavis, arrested on is peace warrant issued at the instance , of Margaret J. Chavis, had a hearing before Justice T. ii. Gardner yesterday, The warrant was finally wthdrawnfby plaintiff' she 'paying toecosttv" -f ,,v"', -'JV::."'X,:T Richard ' Joyce. arrested on a warrant charging him wi ! committing an assault upon Annie J. Speight, was required to give security ih tBdsam of 4100 for Lis appear ance before Justice Gardner this morning, at JO o'cIock:.' i : Altnid J ' Rnelirht mAtj1 nn ih rhrtr of using abusive '. language towards Delia , tr I - - o Joyce, was required to- enter into bond In the sum of 100 for ter appearance before Justice Gardner this morning at 11 o'clock. IT. It V..-T We learn that the necessary steps are being taken to secure the survey of the pro- posed capal to connect the Northeast River with. New River, under the direction of a committee appointed for that purpose, who are busy raising the proper fund to meet the expenso of carrying on the worn The Revenue Cutter .Wm. JL Seward, tm der coTninarii 6t CapL4John Carscn, which has been stationed In ov r waters i -t a year pr two past, has been' ordered to Philadek phla, where she will undergo thorough re pairs.. ; hd wCl. leave . for' her destination. this morning. . i:(V ;ii .Haiti i nportanf Arrest p ikH JU ii lievX;. W. Warren, itorrAerly of FaQ Uv er, Mass., but for some time past a resident pt thiscity, was . arrested yesterday morn ing about 71-'o'clock, o'n the charge of at jemptihg to obtain valuable:, letters frord the post bfllce under fraudulent pretences.' le was taken before Justice J. J. Caasidey( (o'mdnniOTiatfed'lils Tfeteaiiotf; wasnteryi annoying, as Hit bad" midb ' his 'arrange- I ments to leave, for Goldsboro on he morn- ng traia.y advertise his-loctere-f or-Tues- day evening. The Justice reminded him that the charge was' quite o! serious one and would jhaveo .be investigated. Finally he oeciarea nis willingness to remain, remark ing that his'ageni could 'attend to the mat ter of advertising his proposed lecture. fie then asked for time to get his break it and to make some arrangement ior his defense. Justice' Cassidey ' asked ilr; Warren if he actualy intended to remain ,n the city durhig the day, in answer., to Fhictlie stated positively ' that he ' should f6 iBoJrThe magistrate thea' informed him that he would , take , his ' personal recogni zance in the sum of $100 for his appeara ance at his office at 3 o'clock, and he was accordingly ' duly recbgnlzect ' ' As Mr, Warren' took his departure he - was again reminded of the importance of appearing at the time indicated and he reiterated bis purpose In jtaphatic. Jtexms, to be at the office ot 8 o'clock to answer the -charge against' him. He then. left. ' This was about ten minutes to 8 o'clock; and' at fifteea " minutes past H' eight he had secured a seat on the cars and was on his way to Goldsboro'. The affair got noised -about the streets and was the universal topic of , conversation, ihough it was not until sometime In the early part of the afternoon that it began to be generally known, that Mr. Warren had left the city. At 3 o'clock the case was called. ' but the defendant, of course, failed to . make his appearance and Justice Cassidey declared his recognizance forfeited. .f . A dispatch was received from him yes terday afternoon, by one of his friends, re questing that bonds be given for his ap pearance on Saturday and thrt he would return on Friday. '"Many of his friends are of the opinion that he will return and an swer the charge. - ...--i'' - An Important and valuable contribution to the fire literature of the day is afforded by a published, statement of the observa tions of an officer of the United 'States artillery who was present at the Boston fire of the 30th of May last, and who writes with the authority of an expert and a train ed scientist He deduces as the result of his observations': ' L That all attempts to extinguish the flames of a house thoroughly on . fire are. useless ; that throwing, a' comparatively small quantity of .water, on . a thoroughly ignited bxrase but heightens the .danger, as" e ensnnes cannot uaruw suuicieai w ex iguisbr 'theflames,1 but- serve -merely to lpncrfbAn tKi"(1rtTt!nn of bwrnlns-.' "A t It IL That the ellorts of the ilre depart ment in such cases' .should -'be directed to prevent the spreading ; of thn ffiThey should therefore thoroughly wet the roofs and exposed wood-work of the adjacent and opposite houses '' ;, t' 1 TJL That slate roofing should not be used directly on wood, as .it affords very little protection from heat ... . ... .'!?. '.''' ! IY..That auxiliary means besides those now in twe'trdst -beadopted and! Incorpo rated into oaFire IJepartmeat system. 1 I U7 Small Fires; ! Several small fires occurred in this City i i: !;'"' P-..- Sandat.'.lmi resulteAbj.but UtdedamageJ The fire-boaid in , the' barber ahopVla the alley nearly in front of the Stab: r office' caught, irom sparas nai came aown tine miiiey;; from the fireplace in the'storj. ahore, out the flames were soon discovered, ; Some time during the forenoon .fire was discovered among a-lot of .straw. & the rear-6f Harris' News Stand,- on Front street, and created no little-, exciteraent lor. a few minutes, but it was put out before any damage ensued. : , , ' , . t (About 6 o'clock in the afternoon fire broke out in the stables of Mr. George F. TUley, near the corner of Third and Jled Cross streets, but, as in thejother instances, by a timely .discovery of the flames they were extinguished without any damage of consequence. Tlie Gotten Pnaxle. ' . ' " ; Mr. , H. Emanuel of this city ' gives the 'solution of the cotton published in our last as " f onowsrV Petef a Cotton Puzzle ' in your paper lof the ISthf is simply a problem in Quadratic equations, the answer being 85 bales at $93 00.. .FV. .. . $7,820 00 Number of bales 200 total cost $13,640 00; difference in cost per pale between the two - : cmAp 24 00. Mr. Emanuel elves the rule for the "solution in full, but not having Iho algebraic sighs heoessary, we omit it I We were shown yesterday, at the office of Messrs. Taylor & Giles, .an old copy of Laws of North Carolina" dating fiom No- vember vtn, j iuo, w -iceiauM ww, 1790. They are a present from Dr. WjW, Lone to the Wib-oingtoa Library Associ ation,' 'and ''win' .prove a valuable ac cession to the Library of that institution. Death's Delng-a. "Z-' -.- j Mr. J. Eli 6regg--foraly7iiaent of the Wilmington and Manchester iallroaq, and well known in this city, died at his res idence at Mars Bluff,' 8. aj on Sunday morning about 7 o'clock. Mr.- Gregg was In the 67th year of his age. ' i .... '.-.' ' i II II ill 1 rW-w.lJ.XV M li t I IM. I I . , t i 1 1 i. i it I I l i i . . f t v .1 . ...i . f :. I l rV-V Jl X VL A J. 1 AJ ' V4" -J J fceeaaDots.,,.,;,, 1ii -- -The Board of Aldermen meet this even- j Ing at 8 oclock;w.'MaH.r . r.i -,u I ! -The steamer ifetrcpoHs salut from NeW York for this port to-morrow. " , v "-' iin' exciting', runaway 'occurred on Market street yesterday afternoon. , , Regular meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 819 this evening,! it 8 o'clock.4 . A- ( The Burgermsister Kmteui and Seriha arrived at Stettin from this port on the 29th -It, o.I intf,'i'H:: ni .-?. .;T.:.4: tJ 3;;. ! TheSchr: fiilYutcliMd' from Belfast, Me.'j from this port on the 8th' 1 -The last brick, in. the construction of the i Seaman's' Home was laid yesterday af ternoon..-: ,.n - -!.-; ",wi r(i""-?;- 1 -TheBrituhBarc2u2eiin sailed from Bermuda for this port on the 7tttinstc'' -fiAA ' i: i -a "ju n. 'fid. i A report is in , circulation that a new Republican paper is soon to be started, here under the auspices', of Ex-Mayor Wilson."' Our new Chief of .the Fire Department, Capt. .John H. Robinson,; proved himself to bo " the right man in the right place " at the fire Sunday night. . if i. j-UuJ Giblem Lodge of Colored Masons will elect their officers on the 24th inst " ! J.1V. Hood, Grand Master, is now in the city and will remain over until the" ceremony takes place: l-' -y-C The Board of County" Commissioners met last night, but owing' to the lack of a quoninl and the illness of the Chairman, an adjournment was had until the first Monday eveningin juiy.,.;, . ., n..,. ! af i Heduetlen la Telecrmpkle Hates, i5it We have been ' furnished 7 by Mr.;' L. A.' Angel, in charge of the Telegraphic office in this cityr with thefoEfowing statement of the reduction In' "telegraphic" 'rates. At some of these offices some reduction, was recently made, which will account for the desparity that wffl be noticed: From Wil mingtonto Raleigh the reduction is from 65 to 40 cents; to Weldon from75 to 50 cents; to Charlotte from 75 to 50 cents; to Golds boro from 50 to; 40 ' cents; to, Newbern from 50 to 40 cents; to ' New York from " $1 25; to $t 00; ' to phUadelphia from $1 25 to $1 00; to Boston from $1 50 to j $1 25; to Washington, J. , C, . from $1 w to 73 cents; toisaitunore trom $1 00 to 75 cents; to Charleston from 75, to 50 cents ; to. New ' Orleans ' ' from ' $1 ' 75 to $1 25; to Cincinnati from, $1 65 to $1 00; to St Louis from $2 40 to $1 25; to Chi cago from $2 00 to $125... V.-e; oj Night messages at half rates, as usuala i j Msssssafc- assffc --ssfci -i V n Vlre tttVDarltBKten Ctr,'t. "(D. j The' tarpentlne distillery of MrWniuuix C. Jackson, at .Dove's Depot, Darlington county i S, ,'jCly waV destroyed by fire at 7 o'clock on .the xnonung of Saiurdaylast,' the 14th inst, including about twenty-five barrels of spirits of turpentine, a let of rosin, crude turpentine, etc. :He estimates his loss at $2,000, upon which there was no insurance. The fire is supposed to have been accidental. Mr. Jackson jcaa-in the city yesterday procuring $h$ necessary, material for reconstructing his distillery, which he will soon have in operation again. ; ,. ,.,t y. CTTT ITE33S; 4 ;IAt Txmk To Harris' News Depoi,' Front street, we are Indebted for copies of the' New fork iedflw Chimney Corner and iFnmh XmS''722m- ttated Semepaftr for the carrent weelo-.Thfl stand will be open until 10 o'clock thi A. X. ( i-j at; ' Pmcrrae Pra -We .have now la, stock, over 900 reams of news paper, else SixSC, weight SO; e per ream.' It le gt)ed, rt paper, and will be sold, in lots to soil, ior cuo, or sent dj expreaa v. v. u. : ; - i ' , i a-sji esi ' i ' ' -v i i iFsnmxe Inc. We have Jut reetdved a stock of Kewt Ink for enTamer use. pat op la. pavekafee ef t5 poauaa eaca. yawn vr v-. r v. v. wuw a ptyutyuj Hed.J Wee ts cents per pound. " ' 4 1 The ensot1dsti of the OanUmm ft and the Wkly Star havinf Urgely taereased the drcolatioa of the latter advertUeri will, find it an admirable atedlnm of comm-uilcation with the farmers and planters of the twoCarennalT1' Book BnnnBT. Tks Mowixa Stab Book IMnd r,dof sJlklA44 )f PsdloSSndBalint is e .work manlike inanner, and eaeoaable -prices. .Mer chant and others needing Seoelpt Book, or other work, may rely oa promptness In the . execution of their orders. r,J''.; .. , , f i -iU . v ' a-a tgfr !-a Li-T' i thx Wnj Gxxsa do not regard Dr. Ayefa wisdom IS migrating northeach immense number of them u are flying or er mi now while hie timanac says: 'Bleak and blostert mnw " Cedar Ran' We were too fast last week in or item oa the roa- fllct between Dr. Ayer and the wild geese. , The Doctor's ecienee beat their instinct this time. Not for yean have we had each a snow storm as that of laat Sunday. The enow lies three feet deep on a level In; Minnesota and two feet In WisconBln, while the storm hat rwept from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains, enow ieu 10 vanoos aepum as far Booth- aa Duftr. Tort Union and Santa Te. liearned aa we believed Dr. Ayer in the arena of na ture, and wonderful aa we knew hiaenedicinea to be, -we were not prepared for ae signal an instance of hi uperiority, not only over the wise men, bat the wisest of animals whose instinct is considered nn--f ailing, i We drive up the peg more firmly than ever over our hearth for Ayer's American Almanac Cedar K&pld Times, March 10. v-ifJaaeUaeod-lw: t - ioe xvaieigu u.tcioijuuiouct full account of Trinity ; Commencement. Sunday, 8th, Rev. M. L. -Wood preached the sermon before the Theological Society. Monday and Tuesday-were devoted to de clamation, w Wednesday, at 2 o'clock; P. M., .the literary address was delivered, be fore the two societies by J. Barron .Hope, . Esq., of Norfolk, Va., and it was a rare literary treat, one that shouldlbe', heard or read to be appreciated. '- It was a compari-' son- ef 1 the cold; : austere, iand Calculating material, progress-; of I the; Nortih and . the social school of the South- At 8 o'clock. P, M. the two Societies were represented by speakers from the Junior ClasVN.W. Yottng; of Olin, Hesperiani and B. F. Longj of Graham, Columbian.' 'Both speakers ac quitted themselves welL and after them the address to the Alumni was by T. R, Pur nelL' Esq'., of this city and State Librarian. The-Salutatory was delivered by Geo.1 B.' Everett, of Evert ttaville, and the Yalodic-o-T by .Wm-! HsPegranv of : Harnett :ounty 2, is- t aS i-r- CoLrp;,WyaU Aiken, vijl ad? dress the Cumberland farmers at, Fayette ville on the 24th, and at Jonesboro oh the 25th. .. "3 a.l jr.oir t.KsA y s '. a in j I 1 sa .' - 'J Spirits Turpentiiie: i i.hU.'.i -ew i.itf.: c .-..w.-;ttii- .-.ri iu.-; i w. The t-Presbyteriaar chtirch' inv Tarboro is gradually aproachiag -oomple-i ! ---.Messrs, ; Leo fc Ker?.5viU sqorj; Commence ,the, publication of a paper in Chnton.- kfl " "' ti6ri will be heldin Raleigh on the Sthand 10th of; Julyneit t ':1-5" -'J -.':--'.'ivJ: Maj; Robert Bmgbalaririll Me-. liver his lecture od the. Anglo-fiaxori Race Trborp aheu,t the Sh prox. .tk, 9, ' -r Pender, and; Jenkins gifl the Oord Orphan Asylum aiarge bilL x t.i; ! CoL Kenan of .Wilson is, to. , der Ever the address before, the .Masonic fra ternity of Edgecombe county on St.. John's day.-2 J Vi inp xii'i,-. t 'i iiu i,iui -'f I -"-iyrizzel's Citiiens 'Reliens tfie name of a Fayetteville colored fire company organized last week. : It numbers 60 mem .:t- Died m Charlotte -Friday, savs the Obaener, after a long illness, Mr. David Parks, the oldest.and one of the most highly cut-ccmcta ciuzena oi vnariotte. 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ! Mr. Andrew J.' DeWittAsso elate Editor of the: Goldsboro Metsenger, was summoned to the bedside of his inva lid wife in Virginia, some weeks ago, and has hot yet returned.. - . i . . . - 'l The Kineteenth Annnat Meeting of the Stockholders of the' Atlantic' and North Carolina Railroad ComD&nv. will be held in the town of Beaufort on Thursday the 26th day of June, .1873. f iv , , , s ;Tbo, Circuit : Court .ia Raleigh was engaged .Saturday during the entire evening session unon the case of Windlev t. Bradway and Pettitt, a case involving the sale of a vessel at Washington, JC C.ii. A ' ' A' Raleigh JVetos special says Dr. Morgan Closs, a very . prominent citizen of unapei nui, ana a orother o tne Kev. Dr. Closs, a Presiding Elder of the North Caro lina Conference, died suddenly Sunday morrung;' ' jh--:; no ..-r.a ? -. i The oldiLaFayette Band, ; with L. Johnson, Musical Director, and Mr, James Woodward as Treasurer and Secre- . has been reorganized, savs the Favette- e Statesman. - Miss MolIie BeU,' of Washing ton, has been decidedly successful in New York as an artist, and at the fourteenth an nual exhibition of the Cooper Union Wo man's Art Department,' was awarded the silver medal for drawing from cast 1 : - The Conservatives of 'Beaufort county will hold a convention in Washing-' ton on the 4th day of July next to nominate candidates to represent the 2d Senatorial District in the next Legislature, to fill the vacancies caused Dy - tne resignation oi Senators J B Respess and IL E. StiUey. '. 5 The Sentinel - plan - of writing the record by counties of. North: Carolina was sursested by Au. Turner. It has fallen to the lot of the Associate to write the no tices about it, and ' it will probably bo his work to arrange the records for the printer and read the proof..Ta. f:ii- i, t-joi o The, Taboro Board of Assessors report as follows, we learn from,, the En quirer: Real estate, '-1873,'valued &t $453,-. 42Q 00: real estate, 1871, valued at fstji, 783 00, which shows a net increase of $71, 655 00. If the nroDertv was sold at auction we suppose it would, bring at least 40 per cent, above the estimate. ; ' i i ---In'the morning session Saturday of the Circuit Court in the case of Swasey t. 2X. CL R.;R. plaintiff's counsel made appli cation for an order of the . Courto be di rected to the proper Officer of the Railroad, to Issue certificates of stock (30.000 shares) f the States' interest and that said certifi cates , be placed in the , hands of S. Fj Phillips, Esq., Receiver, to abide the further order vjf the Court. Messrs. B. F. Moore ahd WBL Battle argued against the mo tion, but it was allowed by the Court. : A. S. Merrimon. of counsel , for the. olaintifL gave 'notice of a motion.' to be' hereafter made for an order Of sale of said Btock: -' I Eagle: There are three Frro Cbih panies or organizations in- Fayetteville, 'all under one -management.- The Hook and Ladder Comoanv numbers some 50 mem bers, with Mai. RC. "Gorham, "Foreman or Chiefjthe bucket company oi 4U 'mem ber. El P. Powers, Foreman; the ' McLean Fire Ctompany, r. Engine Co.) SXk menv. oers, u. wones, xureouui, a xv. joouu .19 Chief of the whole Fire Department -of three Companies, t The Rescue Fire; Com pany of Raleigh is to ne nere ,ta juiy ior a turnout, and we learn our fire companies here have decided to entertain the Rescue Company at their . homes free of -: charge, and give them public; dinner, ball &c., at Fair Grounds, also receive them , at the ae 1 ' Washinsiion corresDOhdence 'of f Tarboro 'JSnquarer r The residence, coos:- niomsDaaur ot alt, xim-ad -.vptMug, u esteemed citizen of . this , county, living in Pantcgo District, were entirely consumed VtweltMi iNwis tnnt KiiTMriair 'miwnirirr Y-tAtlaTrtaaaTV the hours Of twelve' and one o'clock, togeth er with a large portion of furniture, provi sions, &c The cause of the fire is supposed to be the work of a robber, who having first robbed the dairy of its contents, con sisting of one barrel of sugar, one bag of coffee, and, many other valuable articles, then set fire to the building, using kerosene to carry out his fiendish design. No clue as vet to the robber and-incendiary. Mr. Topping's loss is estimated at $4,000. No insurance., ..... l"-mK; NEW., ADVERTISEMENTS.; TJnderwfiters . Sale. S) ' !H. CBONLT, Ancttoneer BY CBONLf, A MORRIS, g na n AY iTtTESDAT) AT 11 O'CLOCK. A. 1 we will sell in front of our Sales Rooms, under Inspection of the Agent of the Underwriters, res and on accoant of whom It may concern, h 120 Bags Corn slightly Damaged 1 !li.t"sjii: 'AHD''!!A'-'''--'..'lu'-f': ; Black Walnut Chamber ' Sett, j ;i' 4.'U'l"' t i--it i Junen-lt - BOOTS Aim SHOES. ALL KINDS OF ' X 2 l-ir TOR June lT-tt 39 North rrout street. I IN I I I " V . II l , .r i ? .. , ii ,, -i, ;w;;a)d-vtk.em U TTTTffW 111. 11 I rpBS trNDSSSIGNKD BOARD OX - A8SESSOB3 will meet at the City Hall Court Room, thM af ternoon; at 'o'clock, at whlchtane their books TQl h cper for inspection sad aQ cdmplaints care fully consldersdLi ' 1 'h t ' ' ' H fita tVf.UiTi,tiZ H'isLcaoNL'fi io finl J. K. BEOWN, .;'KI Jttnei7-1: ulliz J0HNWIQHTMAN7, ! :;The;Sumter;:Hev7S ,;; 2 Tl.'e" feiiS- 'iai'. thi'Tllneii1-'' AN iNDEPENDKNT "AND' FEARLESS 1 J-UB- NAL, DEVOTED TO' THB'tNTEREST8T; fJ:'t)V TEH GOOD And truk peo--'7' fii "J j?Lb" OI THE COUNTBY. ' -1 . - . r t . - V - flT4 fiinrle conlaa tji 00: two Mm(M Sit An a 1 - L 1 Address, J r i mij-. PARBi &l OSTEEN; ;; w Sumter, S. C. i W. G. Ktuthtcdt. ijonelT-tf I Ifii Mti- s'r ViHtf '-iv . v BY MRS. OLLPXIANT., . LBOARET MAITLANDIS A WORK WHICH wUl standout, amid the Actional issues of the present season, like a pure nainn in th midst Of paltry paste. It is one of tne most fervid and un impressive narratives that has ever fallen, from the press. With s power possessed by no female writer of oar day, unless It be by the lamented Grace Agoil ar. Its fair author strikes on every page for the in tellects and hearts of her readers, and rarely fails to. touch the latter or take the first captive. AS a pic tare, "'Margaret Maitland " has scarcely ever been approacnea cenainjy never excelled. Jostout andforsaleaT'1' ri XWin i I - HEINSBERGER'S June mf a - J Tirs Book ani ifurs!crStoe.' A M ' "J ' TTrX BEQ LEAVE TO I TENDER OUR 8IN V V cere thanks to the officers and members of the several companies of the Fire Department of this city, and especially to its chief, Capt John H. Rob inson, for the- efficient and energetic manner in which they discharged their duties at the fire last night, and to whose exertions we are indebted for the saving of much property. june rat , j w i ijii ft wn siuwuisurt. ! WILTfONGTON LODGE IfO. 819. 1 i REGULAR MEETING , THIS , (TUE8DAT) EVENING at 8 o'clock.: A full attendance of the members is requested. - . v. ittua. tx. UAJiit, Becreiary. junel7-lt v- .... .. .. . -Notice. r;,i TSE steamship metropolis ' S AILS FROJt NEW TORK ON WEDIIESDAT; JUNE 18th. 1 ISAKttI liKLTltUiKa, June 17-It, ; Agents LorUlardS. 8. Company. Hotses fbi4 Sale. A 'TEW rArR OF SHALL BLACK HORSES, sad two or three other Horses for sale, . Apply to 1 .Major J. H. REtLLT; . june 17-it supenntenaent treetvuauway. The Mystery Solved atLast I T-r- i, it J-4,rr'J)', ,f-v;it a' '. H ti .':' I"4 JO ?i .'(Vi c Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains t 1 -f. AT COST1 ' AT COST! ; AT OOSTf I: At t'-''i.r:i . - a j 1 " 'H J-MIfffil'-1.:. L'.h r 'fl't fit t.'ti pOME ONEt, COMB , ALL! , r AND .SEE JTRX ti:. ,'jy- 1UT GooteClotliiiir: BootySM'Hate; 4ce.,- Ac V ..I t. :sl i 7v'l'l A fufl and well selecte& stock in all departoents. V A FULL LUTE 0FLADDZST WEAIU I am detarmined to change my business, and in. order to do that I , oxfer my f i '--'' " - y l - ENTIRE STOCK -AT COST! - No humbug 1 Come and see for yourselves and t j It: -U. t. " i ,M-::-i; i Save at Least 25 per Oentj y. 1?$ T9W Goodsof , ".',7 f' :'., ojlosiow; ikyt, 3 ?. At ths old stand, scitbeast .corner, Front; nd Mar ket streets. may IMm-fiac'. fiMfljirjaiiitE Cn. OFFICE OF GEN L SUPERINTENDENT, I . WnJOHOTOS, May 80th, 1873. . t SPECIAL NOTICE. " M rfvN AND AFTER ' 1.1..' vnvniv 'Trna--a ,! '.---- ' MO passengers will be carried on " The Threngh jupress irreignt Trains." . may 81-lm nac - ' ' '' r; - - Gen'l Sup't ' TIIP0BTANT. ' . ARRANGEMENTS FOR BOARD 8urairiBit jtionxhs can be D NO e upon reasonable terms at the . .''-t!. North side Market street, sear Secosd, Wilmington-, n. u Transient as osra per, amy oniy juneia-iwnac 9, rpBAVELING BAGS, VALISES,' SADDLES, X Harness, Bridles, iiarUng&ies, Collars, Hames, Trace Chains, Whips, Spurs, Doe Collars, Shammot BnnslLeat.ner, j dlerv Hardware. Saddlery Goods. Skins, Leather. Feather Dusters. Axle Grease. Sad dlery Hardware.-J Also a large lot of second-hand laaiery uooas. , . :; -! . JT. S.Trophavm 4c Co., ,, n i .--: No. S Sooth Front Bt, - ' Wilmington. N. a may8-tf nac MISCELLANEOUS.'- Y ii Ilolasses arid Syrup! O IRA Q W. . r t . t . t"! TDSBCBa AHU KAKKKia OF 1- ilv'ii ji v :;s.;:-hvs;:r-d;!; T7c3t Iiirnclista. For sals very low by octt-tt WTTJiARD BROS. :r:s op ad yi:iT7,?iiP? I . on day," A j A Li .H.U'.-; ... . .. A .ft JO . . . . . . ...... . , . mn " " three day S ilr ;r four fly. ...... ii ..:.,.,,... 60 ..4V..,Y...... Three montha . 00 i . ,8UncthswA..i...i.r..u,...M0 ' " One year.... B0 00 f Biraet Advertisements taken at propor L t- ' 'tw rates. .''iii Ronately . eetimated- as a Quarter-column, and Five SqnaK alf-oolumn.- - -'' tJ ?iv., l. ten squares as a . a Doors, u Sashv Pafnta, Oils, kind Gln8: ta'5'i 'imci hit mtiiwiyUm ;Iihc-- A; LARGE ,A3rp IWI SMJEtrTED , STOCkC jtHit 'fTl'!-lC f..i-VS-i? . .. . t 11 -sJI vi.Ii hire ulywr-tL' , xh'lt-- (frr-Js . I,orfVf.V. ii .:i'W I Biuldei:Hardware: , LOCKS, HUSOES, BOLTS, Ac,-, - - ' , of every- description. : i AKBOCJ1W , ' L.' ' ' T : 'V ' j THE CTIErlTlATED,.MAT.T,rX3 Agency for , SASH, HOLDER AND LOCK. ,., ' u . t T WJLL NOT GET OUT OT ORDER OR WEAR JL. ontin a lifetime.' , I"" I ii. For sale at V W.1 'i'li'-u:."! NATH'L, JAOOBI, , , Hardwars Depot, , I . . , t No. Market SL - 11 ii ... ,'T; ir.v. . , BIRD CAGES.' : COOPERS TOOLS, . j - ii. . Hi . . Carpenters yools, ., ,.' .v f i c IiaCHINISX, TOOLS, ' y.ii o Lv4 Tarpentlne Tools,, T: 'N." JACOBI'S,4 M ' :' 1 " Hardware DenoL maySO-tf 9 Market Stroot. OREAT JtEDUCTION IN ,! S prin g-i andSnmmer. , i ; DRf3SS GOODS v & H,fSAMSON'S., 2,000 Yds, striped BXozamMqnes at '15c.V worth 25c. J A ''FULL1 LINE OF STRIPED AND FANCY GRENADINES. WORTHSOc.. REDUCED TO ' t 50 cents. LARGE LOT OF STRIPED AND FANCY v JX PLAID JAPANESE REDUCED, TQ 20 Cts. per iara, And all others' at a corresponding rate. We have just received a novel style of .y. f.- Worthv of the attention of oui enstomers. which vfe- oCer at 76c and upwards. Lace Points at a great sacnace rrom fie pe ana apwaraaj v I i, r,;c "! Piques, Nainsooks and Summer, Buttings in endless'. , vanetv. Our DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT embraces all . the prominent brands of white and nnbieacnea in MJ.U widths, .at prices to defy competition. . ' .. -; : , june 15-tf HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH MY-v self Mr. Helnrich Westermann (formerly with Messrs. Adrian VoltarsV whe 1 reU known' to .1 the business community for bis integrity, experience aad business capacity. j;n fns-.- ".i;i;v ., i .-. ... EDUABD PESCHAU. " 1 i i ' .:)VUifl I ,; tx,f V i K'i;;-rt ,- Wilminirton. IV. OL. V 1st. 1R7JL" t , : - ' lit i .iU'.- .. .., ; CPAJttTNEBSn r Refer-tothsabOTeCwsbleavetsiiiform , . the busineea community that we have this day en S -l-off tW'ttaaMettak Ca---JJ l-h'uh f ' -"'' "I.''' I. .vi. . t. ., , '. lir..1tlt ..,Hn. ,, ...iilnaa promising that any business, our care , will meet with prompt attention,, and we bops that oar long business experience will enable as to give fall satisfaction to our patrons. - .,' . I : . PTtSfTHATT A WESTERHiNN. ' Wilmington,' N. C., May 1st, 1873. . 4m 1.1 FOE BaflXE : 1 Q)0 'I-:IS 15 TUBS BUTTER, ; d K A 6alefl -T- 400 Boxes Smoked and D. S. iuu vr. Bides ana unouiaers, m r Hbda.' & H. Molastesj tfiOBbls. G, F; Synrp, ' OU 10 Bbls. N. O. 8TTupt00 bbls. S, H. Molasses, 8,600 ' Sacks American and Liverpool Salt, 800 lSaclUiownbai',-,. 2,000 Bushels Oats, 25 Cases Oysters, 150 Cases Brandy Peacftes,' 800 Cases. Schnapps, 2QQ Barrels Brandy and Wiaky, , 41 ' 300 Kegs Sans, , ; 100 Tierces and Tabs Lard; i t ' . t y f ir...f i t ..,.! iV'i'l! '!. .-t .; 20 Tierces Bice, Hi-. SACKS COFFEE (ALL GRADES) 50 Tons Hoop Iron, ISO Bbls. Glue, r: BMs. Bungs, 10 Bbls. Spanish Brown, 800 Pa avO. pers Rivets, 600 Bags Shot, 100 M Caps (Gun and Musitet) ieu itoxes todscco, ore, arc. : . : For sale by ,, V W. KEBCHNER, Jons 15-tf S7, ts and. t9 North WaterBL ' B i n g h a m C c h o o I . r t '"MEbaneville; n;'c.!, MAJOR ROBERT BINGHAM, Supertntwdent -; MAJ. W. B.' LYNCH, ' ' CAPtTT. ll NORWOOD. ' Pell aesslog Opens 5ttrJsiIy. 3FcrCarar,addr-s, - , ,p '-., : j . - -. MAJ. ROBUST BINGHAM,' . June 14-lm DAW, t - ., Superintendent. . and lsto chsrgeTfoneof themostaklal workmen U . steeply and sxpedi xialy. - au ll- V KhtBe Tongues, choice Mess Vacke- J No. l Salmon; Duffleld Vm and Fulton MB kA8. D. MJILCO. jnnel-tf 7 North Front street. tered Ino copsrasrahipVsnder the irm'name of . 4 RiPeschau &Weatemaiin-:,. ;)