' W . . n in !-.. - : --:t - I -7-The .adyancenlhe priceof coalj f i ' -t fw,o,l Vrt"icr.tur7wn't'j ""V4 wra-nuegeu enons 01 tne coai . ar a mi in nfYWA-iVx.. w. - - - . .. a t . a. i .at mtt u e BY COHSTANCX FESDCORB WOOLBON, nnwn in the heart of June, my Love, Down In the heart or June, The eold, gld flUiUUteddegroom r :f. thfair Bky's vail of Bummer Vhile the green, green earth laugh aloua In tho heart of the red, red June. ' Thlfl is the best of the world, my Jove, r, , . , TtWh Ulhe beat of the year; C4'wiaii J Behind is the Springtime, cold and sweet, forward the Summer's feverish heat; . Stay then, my darling, thy hnrrying feet, k For the best of our life is here. Sip the red wine -Jon y4ove,- , Sip the red wine of June; To May it was white as the falling snow, August's deep purple will darken its glow; Then with lingering lips and kisses slow, Sin tne rea, reu wiue ui tue jane, . . . - i mini An . l - . ui vpiiuuu newspaper propneiors yyyaui w promote a xna:c,-anTTe should subscribe id and pay for papers' ' garded with!,coneern mu At- just as other, people do.ii ATc t a I j .FrowUtt. feocnurieni- Sfcfoute Times: While the tend to bring tya;bill-to makeVthe' xnoerai iv,lvju! vr couiracis dv i -worcmea ifcoi iwtuitfvjupiwyw avriUMM. P- 'v I iense. - in u i , proud iJentity of anythinjj like Libera cloud rgan''-at.ion distinct from thato hs out the ll'- I. -fcrrDr ratio" "y . t-i.s The- ork'Tribuhe. 4 .i . THE NEW YORK TRTBTTX15 . STRIVES NOW, as It baa strfyea bereUifara, to be Ant of ml) and 'preeminently a newapaperrIa tho promptness,- ao ' curacy, JnlntaB,lMiMea, lnterest.'variety and con-. Yen lent and attractive airai?aiDn)t of ,ita bqwb, lu out in he.stupend.o3 fiasco of 18. mtWayayi Vhich.i trainaV rev-kept t una eiepenji)! jwr4oi6t4iit4 apart oport thejaame line-trf raili f k- rST.T'v'Y -'Mr iA4i?u!r'(;cenain ana lnvanaDieintervBr or I jj felt much more.&coessfuUir at some isbac&f'insieavi! !f 'kii' !iincrrarrr Vr t deaied advlsabla to Bell the InteresUof tha. of North Carolioa In Uaa Cap Fear aad Iep Kavigation Work a. .:;)!; 1U : : ' THE "07AR',:i Prospectus; for. ,1373. ;; jH .t-".i"iO'i'yi erf 0.0 -! A A MEETma OF TIES 5COABD jF HAW- XX er of the Cape Fear aad Deea BItot Navlga- I ambition ia to be tho foremutit Journal of the world, tton W orka. t th xecat)ra OiSee ui fialeiirB is I i TMnnf Mhmt lsKnr r4 eot tirrauittin lM tiM Sd of J ane 1873. Ue following VesolaUona were created for It exbaordinarV f adlitiea for the colleo-P8d(Jat'"u-,' ' ' - w'rt I Uon of Intelligence both at home and abroad. Kot X-1 tuJ'i-'' 'fl '''1 tUy the common eren of the day bntthaJtede the GeneraL Aaaembiy, 18M, 161, chip. 13J, It ia eoelai, Intellectnal aid religions dicuMk axe Tuui- T U K .T I Tl i tl T H hlTfl A rouy reproduced in its column , iucorrospanaewa t. V v M. A huvj.uk ,Jf..!fwK watoh the growth. -andr derelorrmeBt of --Amertoan' 1 ; v , , Trance and Spaing the. apread oT 6nocraXiC prtoch V) V State Hi .yef . BMErfeed, That the ame'be told in two lectio, done in the ast. . i. friable irrtetYal of;,tiirie, finds?! J fj, ia iJEprfand on? lineal having i heavvr I a. Betoivtd, nr r . ... . ...J tfliiuT :.'i.'.iaiL-:i j tr -i ( Pay oae-tatrd or that -u-tacou J. tLCnraVn. CO JULCSSen. r ""v , VO ,rU ways cavme l and the nmainderin one and two Veara from dav at of the price of their pawn a are in cash ofoedL That the respective; pntchaaeta ahatt plea in England and Germany; ,ihe ferment perrad- ' tag the whoie eontineat, caused by th eoaiUct be tween the adrancea at nhnicil and aocial - acienoe and.the phUoaophicaL theological and material kleaa fa pact epoot; the axeiangTaca between. Jfcweat itruain ana iuesia xor tne aupremacy in Asia; we ner: V Itmv ha rr,-AaA . ..(b I Anaororecatfl lAnorth nf A finft -niliia I wde, with interest from said date, aad that the aame "wi ;CZZZL"r?ZZAVM?? Mbysisftbobd, and alien .o the less' than six eminent Southern meri'havSeen inHted ')' -7 'nj jnon laeraporanlv of 'iiermane Krriouspulpitaof Th roses. 'Jane tosesl 403 . I t - ..m.k 1.1 U nathMav blossom's irentle hrnth WOUld : , argue' 'that seeking tfr return. of tlie word The orange flower will be strong unto death ; But the rose is sweet, and its sweetness saith. " There are none so sweet as i," m i vcu,, uiocuij) .iiuv!iu I mierei pnrcnaaeo. nue , nof to jnaae-nnuf denry-;L?Vtentsipfiwhich:i 16 Bllf ' either 'f tte'rewt of ollisiaiMii; ;:;""f3 uuj I teiatoTiMiMatae.M iiTiv.u ' t f J ft t"1 tt ''J a L " uw iTWBUuoB mat we reepecuTe porcnaaers anau onk ntly, trie Va- I f - J.X COnseauenee Of numerous and I Jlete and put in operation, ' according to the tenna rkcitrr -Ttria I repeadeTrSrtineiiTr ' the - j6Dlee;lX3alais. anrthei fjkkej 'tW.'tPrannli I !"Jr anfcem Bharp's.Field f I i "J r , W . . - including ma Mjne, to l-yaor-a JnlU inflloore preaeninffana I liOVerament - atia -the-CTmrrrntssioriff I coantr. wltMn 1 Yetra from aaldrdata.- 1 -- i i etura. to. the ;swii!e-:Qaailr;(Iiave resolved x& addpF S 'inodel field l -f TSUI . .. . .. w r.-.M.n? ti 7 V Vttiiutl VM Cl"ut: VVUtUUCVOlS Then live In the heart of this June, my love, ew Yorli iferald ; W-b mav T presented and invented ,by CoL Mail- dearth! . - to timejand pprpach more.and more Soon must our wedded life prove It own I to free trade; as the necessities 'and Butnowwe are iovenH-are gPds on earfc, In the heart 01 una rea, rea june. w-ii u j ZZ jT That H.- As, lionden. 'Seeretarri and a. l. nowze. attorney ox ine iMara,, oe anuonzea to make said sale atockUle, lavChathsin county, this moment-director of tLecannon 6ue of an lmcroyed description t will .als bpdopted.tiii IdiiuaW;! I OTHBeTIlDF 31 and that thrfve notic of the wmUTlfi fb "Era , -i . . i ana amw in xtaieiEn. tne -JEoois 'ana. zfuUMm&t in IOUnaery OI JN evera. A "gun Carnage FayetterUle, the $tar and 2to in TWUnilntfoffiTOtU "T jj - v; .T - r l wonderfal awakening of Japan, and the jwogreaaof . i Jnaropean ana American etvuiaation in ctuoa. a auj uie sreM cenvera oi acuriiT inn xxuuuiMJS na iui j agents, and no expense la erer spared to give lt leaoera ine.iiuie ana qucseet lnteiugeBce oi wnsi jaaaoa in erery quarter of the globe, .-r. i . - v.' amenam inaumry reoeiTee now, aa atwaya, a large share of THE TELBUHIt'8 attention. ' The success,' tbe trials and the wants of the predmcttye classes at stadied with parUcnlar care. ; The progress of intei, tion and of labor saying contrivances, the develop, ment of out resources, the preservation of ourpnbucV land for the landless, the utiliz&Uoa of oar vast Kin era! reeonrcee. the extension ol faclUtiea Xor brinffv; ing producer and consumer together, receive from this paper the fuHeot Uinlion, andco.urjfe nmL . J..t. t.w Jk To scholars and tomes of the learned prof easions and of atudkma leisure TiUs TKLBUplH endeavora to make itself especially acceptable. It has excited Widespread Interest by -the publication, of full re-. pons or tne most. vaiuaDie lectures, tarauao aaa literary, and its careful and .comprehensive sammsr riea of scientific newS. reoorta of discoveries ana explorations, narrative ot tOyages, fall record of. th proceedings of learned socieues, and attention to the cans of school and university caacaoon. j ' -ai'TjrU dV -.-- v ,'--v IBOOJBIlfHER i ( Ik ."I i v. i,.-.: ' -. .v Aa illustrated TtrnlJilt Jownat univerBallf admitted ,to be the handsomest periodical in the world. ? I-W NOT FOliia IN- BOOX OB '. HCZWB BTOR1K8 rrwt !kTnmj& isdrwiTH aiIlths A reoresentative and champion X ' regularity, has none of the temT DV Of Tn. liiHiliuiil mnafiu lit. m eratore, and a coUectloaof pktarea, the rarest spee,;r . interest cbaracterUtic ot orduiarv ' an elegant misoellaiiy of pore. Ugh ipporsry or timely periodicals; Itis it and eraoafallit-rJ--i- IiHI-BGOI-'MiniFiCIOBT iw? : wju tiai -7;f..'ii-.U ulnnV-j i WILLIAM iLRKAIiD; .1 :tt ." in :thi I -AaA ifimplef frjtddft of hot6grapni jTf f finting haa beea deyised by M. ,21? : 1 y " tVe shall offer the above proper),j for- sal accord-i resoiuuons.. .T0j.yi: f -o,,ife1:J c tiiiJ'-.-nla:J ! To'fwthiiwi'" '- ds. I UlK wiii be most appreciated jifter It baa been bound up at the" close of the year. ' While other pub 1 hcatlons may Clatm snperlvrchermeBm,Meoiaoiju Wllb rivals of -a- similar clastv- Til- aUnu. i , unique jtnd onginal conception alone and vhp-ljT" proacbed absolutely without competition ia price'-'"r.'i or -character. . The possessor of a complete volume ' e&nnOt duplicate the quantity of- fine paper and n- ivings in any shape or number of volumes, for tun-ncoeajia'wentnm.m - Uh-JvS fr' orfiL hutftioi' v ,AJt I UrAJSlJUST, i.' .. t. Kotwlthstaadltig th fareiise m th priceof sub,,. i 4 ' acrtption last fall, when TUB AXD1NS aasnmed it ,,, present noble proportiona and -represeBtativ char- ' aoter, the ediUoa was more than donbled darmg the - -' past year, proving toss we unsncu puuucatjprv; nnDorv a smoere man u we cause - blisters, anxious to Justify the ready riTTiT -n a -Km TtTOT-OTin-n conseqolntly, the1 oldTjera&crattd pol- , printing has em deyised by M. FIEJj-U AJNJJ XiKijoijUL. iiicians and iaui;nals' are laboring in rion, of Pari& If? consists ttfMpregS H. A. LOiroOSr, Seeretary.-1 .- MJii.u.11 vain. They wilr nolbletorre- niting aper wittf eM maddTon summbr feed fob cows. construct tLeix parttaoverthroiy which renders it: sensitive i to While our dairymen are consider- the admlhrstralion ami partyrTj The drawing VhiofrHf m& lug WUiili i ecu nvjo .tunjr 01111 uui I jnti ynujji,! ia for their cows to feed upon when mast'fin3 6me the heat of summer has reduced the r- flush or lueir pai.urograsses, we r satirist commend the following detail of ex- A-ntV perience from Harris Lewis, of Her- ernor of lririnia at the ccimini? elec Iwliivslina a-a.lilne .grotmdr -which : c ' v i.-t .-. I TnAr hA hnmul viTonlr-Ka. i1e- 1 Tl ; B. X HOWZSL Attorney. , OunetS-till July 8 I gniitJiaonian Inatitnta. iaiV tiiora:lahorato Dro- ri.:I ' , . "' !7" 1 '," ' j i gramme ot its lntennens wonia seem snpernnous. primate. ftiio-i.Ovlfi'Wft TTAtino I 'fapoUticsTHJi. TBIBUNB Is the champion of tovIio-Mi XI1UJ-I1 L 1 II O XlUUUCe r '"oV ;i -.nv :" I IndeDelldentol, osrtiiaiv4ies. but firm in iU devotion vo xne cause oi acnoot ana nnivenuiy wuwuw. i - i -.m-rrrr -arrTrt Aiir ht irf i -I Whilfl it ran nolnt W the admirable accounts of the I ' WILMINGTON.1 JN. CV .- '' . "... - . . i . . .my M i . -.-, oiflcorenes ana isDors or -wgassig, prepare iur . ex-President Bill; the reports ot scientific and agri cultural conventions from the pen of Prof. D. C. QUmaa; the papers of Prof. K. L. Yonmans, an tne contributions of Prof. Spencer F." Balrdv - of the otate, and will su oi Art. The rial confidence tnu.demAasUsbid. liars exarUd them selves to tha utmost to develop and improve tne work; and tha plans for tie coming rear, as unfold- loniss ana I of the ALDINK. ed by the monthly tree tee. -will even the most sanguine men ' l-.'- - -r;T: .-?nAT Vr7i .... and delight Ldinb. .1 The publishers are authorized to announce designs from td any -of the most eminent artists of America. ' - In aIditlon THBALDLKbi rU,-reocoduos.exanU - Sles of th best foreign mas tens selected with view 7 ) the highest artistic success and greatest general , interest, avoiding such ss have become--familisr through The dtice four; h photographs, or Copies of 1 quarterly tintui plates, for four; nf John" B. DavV.i : or CorAes of anv kind. . . . . ... 1 ibiS, wiu repro inimhable ehilaVf rpHK FOLLOWING vfJjARANTENK SBOULA- .i 1 JL. uuita rui iw 111 luixe uu auu aicr utv . pBr,uu,uereyre'- vipuiug pajjcri-aiu upon .iue, Bensiy .i-.i,..-t. J otber.AU u ! Uve parasanesrliliT-e arid exDosed to lktcf June, 1873, until fnither nbtici : f iNeW1, JCprs; -Un.omeAlOgy I .-$ovrM-m.iBUMXB I tst. All yeseels from ports south of Cape Fear wIU i "a . . .. . .. i . i iai uroa n ai 'in' 'rsr atnw , " av f. jb .mm: i in J -nsii amir aWHra-TiMr iimii wv bltjw nappeneatpspeaKxneotnerj i:-TYt ": isA a v.nniiiiti.'frir.v. 1 vuea iouna 10 oe. nroaucea on.i. in I Phvakian. - -.Jrz:. . kimer county. N. Y., as he gives it in tion. Confirmed by thislnliis singu- :lWati! the New York Times J I'.-jO UVU iar ppinioq that he was iiVtyet dead; lngc8Utl. Remaining white by ; as j "'-l , ;mJ . J I f uw xruuseu uimseu. seizea- 'peni i--t-: -xz'a 2 .T . understands that cows require jsome and wrote a lettef to the 'pwspapers kind of lood more succulent man that Unr or five columns Ion t. filled with' a. nsmgM a , A TEXAt BENDBB.? ' '1 i-tsor famished by ordinary pastures in the disquisitions bnV.all .sorts -iof -i topics.; Frteistfi Marder f Foar iieepine latter part Of the season to maintain I bnt TnAinlw invrirt.Ml-t.ninniiRt.-.nna.tiS'a.t. I i Mea. M-iZo full rlow of millc, and especially du-1 have been ground to " powder and' ! 'VlXfjBMsniasav ng a dry season. -Sowed corn has 1 blown to the winosVy the "events of Thfir-folloWingdvmdv"detaii latter part a nn become au almost universal substitute for the grass which the pastures" fail to furnish until tho herds are .turned into the meadows in the fall.' Acting under advice of dairymen having long experience with sowed corn, and imi tating tho universal practice of those around me, I tried sowed corn daring the seasons '50. Lacn one sown broadcast, and quite thick, "using from three to four bushels of seed per acre. But while feeding this corn' twice each day, and all the cows would eat, I found that I could not keep up the flow of milk and main tain the weight of tho cow. The dent or western corn, was enormous, yet the crop failed to pay its cost in cluding the cost of feeding it. Some experiments -were "instituted to ascertain both the green ( and dry weight per acre, which were cbottV a astounding to me as its utter worth lessness . Sd. -AH veeacla bavfaig sickness Ofi board on arrtvaLT or having had sickness- during the voyage,' are ' re- qnirsa to eome wu too station xor -raspocuon-wim-out regard to the port from whence they sailed. '- sd Vessels not Included ss above will proceed to WSminirton without detention. -r- I - '. i f ....... . f'Tisn.' tfxix" T " .....,'....! 4th. Pilots are esneclallv en loin ed to make ctreful inauirr. and if not t-atisned with the statements of the captain, or if the vessel is In a fllthy condition. tney will onng tne vessel to in -station xor niruier, examination. ' --..,;'f.-,.: 5th. PlloU wnfuHy violating th qnaranttner laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch r masters of ve fits so a tne of two hnndred dollars ($300) a day a Independent of partisan-ties, but Arm in Its oevetion to republican prlaciples, it endeavors to fulfil the idea or its muismoua lounaer. noraw ureeiey. as th advocate of that- nations! toiler . to -which th - f preservation oi tne union is owing, out tne iranx I and fearless enemy of wrong, whether in the Repub lican party or In any other. ' It defends its couyio- tionaio tke extant of its abUitr: bat in its news cot- tine-fumns it remembers that Its readers have a right to see both sides or every controversy, ana so get we whole truth of every question, whether it tells for or against the -political theories- of the Conductore ef tne paper. :-: l ms- ni -i AnS fln.ilv. nr'iTRTlltBTmH holds that new era Of Jeurnalism which Is now dawning must be difltln- nished by decency or language, canaor ox.eaHev ment and moderation in. debate.. It f i ; ; 4 ir vin v 'Uitlr .v'n-.:- !- sketohes, appropriat to tha fowtaeaaoaaV, T?s.,l would bo alone worth wTprioew ' 1 1 Sa-iui;:vir-.iit .At lute jitiv-i-- -n.l vsaanhariniiaaa. i .- u::r)U -n f i.' H .? "I' !ATJS;iUVtNG ALL THESIS mlan feature of a CO-poul-fUlStmed ; .-..i J s" number will be continued, , . .. -ss- such, -a valuable epitome of th art -; ' .jd- j '.'Ml .) TJf. -is? coarse, in vectlr e.and often marred the poll! eschews the which have i controversies of the past; It avoids slanders and personal quarrels; tt la a "pam per for gentlemen and ladler-ftt for the parlor, we study and the homo fireside,, rather than, we nar- i"..li'VJ i ! : 1 . I L.-t-- 1 theeityiteen Years whielVbavepas andriearffeezirig:, nrrtla I f or ererv Aa v thev violate the ouarantine laws, an "w .ii o n w wo buuocu. mu i u vi i m j 1 i. .mmi mv nuuv j other persons are liable for each and every of of the Old Dominion. k:s asleep, was givenn bya,. gentleman-J fence.;. SS- ; XieW XOTK press Eugenie has, Ostend. -Whither is- she boubd r- I r;occn,Tei.OIi prK or -irmity room. It it editorial department it commanos ue nana Mf murnf the ahleat. .most .noaajlttnL and TBB BEST ASSORTMENT OF I p;-., ;i-J. . - - i.i. . c 1 r f 'i l..-.-. f. -,r ClX hs noDulsn -ruiruunas'' To do sess world, at a cost so trifling,, will command the sub- senpuons of thoosanaa m ,very oecaost r ; we j , cesntry, but, as the usefulness and attractions of . TBMS AID1NB can be enhanced,' In proportion to . th numerloal Increase ot lu supporters, the -publish-1 era propose to make ""assurance doubly sure by ths fouowiag unparalleled otter of ; ,.;: aCit;i n FRKlaUM'OM08 FOB 1878:" ' -. jtverv subscriber to TUB ALD1NK. w1m pars in advance for the year 1S7S, will receive without addi-', tional chanre a pair oi Deautirui ou enromoa,' alter ilLthe ! J. jr. Hill, enttu Moor' tie eminent English painter. The l entitled - "Tbe Villager Bell", and Croelr the ' '.are 11x30 inches are printea from. 85 -Jiil nost brilliant writers whom th Wi ptOfe tj.j t sion has yet produced; and R oonstanuy aim ataiyi "rr.;T "f? - vT "A T 1? T?' R higher Urs-rtandrd,a X 11.e 1 Ji. L kJ2J XV O fQre. Tk.' T''l 5! 1;mV." Aii lWIi S J if X 1 4 ' i ( . , -. ' - - fl1 tnt. in iAntoniTil OrUon. i .t- .ci- I over the Kansaa trail itadbeen!iOT' Plon PloW : i there atiy good reason "MfeW -MP1 wpy aiiugeme anouia not pay ner re- i .r" " tr ; . ---t.-v.vT , "t1 onnot a I'roo.Hont MlMahnn V ia I VU :j- VM-M . .1 tlwUKllEa.-niu . may 8t-taw5m-tu frl Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, N. a' TBS WSKSXT' TluBuNJ contains a earenu summary of news, a very large proportion of agrl cultural Information, a careful selection of literary and mirfnllantrms needing, ' and the Cream of .tho ano; ocutoria. . snstter oi.xnjr.oajjj a copy, 1 year 5S Issues .1 .. --jl 5 .;:)i . Ltu Five copies, 1 year os Issues. 7 60 their ! io- T . not our opinion that the ex-Empress, ambitious as she w, wil do anything raahrvv It is not'unnkturaL' however. to attach rfome importance to this visit. .blankets, to get vhat little' rest a cow boy? jean have. -- -a-': -J - About 10 o'clock, a: Mexican, who was one of the hands employed,, and All alone Poet Office 10 comes.. si 8t eacn.- 90 copies. ISO each. 80 copies., .1 10 each. Who Was acting a8 COOK, Stealthily j bapo. Sciatica, Kidney, and Nervous Di"cfee, after procured an axe and; commenced, ia T?iteViSnlLVll f1! Cold-l-tK, tOIirder- of i. F. FiUer, If. regnlar irradmrte 1 , I xt .-rri,iri ii -v ;l XT T ...... Ji,iIvV 11i:. I PuyBicum, vu warn we an powuiij avHawuivu, 4. L5F mftjAyuitt il j stilus Who has for 89 veara treated -we tllseasea exdu, tlXXT. or, when iuatasww.m the- it, eepeeially persons to mod- T J j zi aaa i ifJ!Zrsl '& TSIUCS OF THE "8Ett-WEEKLY TKD UNX. J.. A NorlhsraPreUst Agralnst Northern Ah J-bo w aof t4md-THUly--ftndenti- , , rxo on Aiauutss. j to ksjos or sttbscrtss-bs. All at one Poet Office. , , 10ooptoe..$leach. " ' -' SO copies.. 110 each. SS codIss... 1 00 each. - i And an extra to-each club. - For clubs of fifty THS SEMI-WEEKLY TBI BUNE will be sent as an extra copy. ....... -j. THE Sklfl-WEEBXT TRTBTTNE. TKibushed every Tuesday aad Friday, contains nearly all th import ant news, eorreeoondence. reviews and editorials of, the Dally, with tho agricultural and miBcelianeous matter of the Weekly." It price has been lately re-, dueed so that clubs can now secure It at little more thu the rant to rilnple snhecribers of the Weekly. It give, in the course of a year, three or four of th .1 ) q: :l .Villi': ;-ji I'.A' ?.! r:on :zw.zr. ij uuer-.. nt plates, requiring 45 impressions and iitoper-- feet each picture, i The sam chromoe Srs sold for -i; ' $30 per pair In the art stores.' as mm tne oeermi-j. , nation of the conductors to keep THE ALDINE out j of the teach of competition in every department, the -' chrosios will be foand correspondingly ahead of ny that can be offered by owerperiodiajLa,! Every eub-) A scriber will receive a certificates over ths signature of we publishers, gusranteelng that the chromos de- . llvered shall be eaualto thesamnles frirnished tbe ('' agenti or th money will be refunded. ! Xha dlstrlbuKi tion of pictures ef this grade, free to weenbacribera .i of a $5 periodical, will mark aa epoch in the history ' . -, od with the achievements' of Inventive jrenias and -''i'1 - " , " . - - ; of theMchromconi&v.hmotf THBALDIlSEi .'. Hvi;.';! i.rMX'i 'i.l "!:'.. jii-iu i-j I .. e -- j,ri'-(1'!f , , -r-,. , -.(-.,, I -Lu iJ t. .,... J ? It', i j!. t .I..U4 J . . ill i A. IT T0hkA Tl"m. )V uLEDLWOT-TTTTRTT . -v..: ,, . r r . IN A? . Aii-rrczxn o i r I T 7 S -t . . .- -r ..... . . . iw uu mpntj.nwji iirftf-rlh-eArvnrtt. tts--t Oli QlITOatCnirjfir tne- 111 in One,' -, tne I teqnest snJf erers to ase T " " I I ,i ; ..-. ; -i I erate rimn erate ebestmstance who -cannot afford to waste ? . - : w0jam.w - mvi i man vv o oraAiiivnnnmvfliin TQ nn o i Diccuci duluulcuiv - awue.c Dua uu- i r... a n.... m n,.n.ii... ...i.in... a . .1...... grass. A sufficient qtiantityof "this Apd. this . sort, of .recognition T of; a covering his danger, gave the alarm, corn was cut to weisrn .one. nundrea.1 TmmAWvrinmi;tff "nH a nn.e-nmei Land he. with tne rem aim no onea. e- i nA iWrAr ar it rmrmrkahie merit 1 ' . . I - - : toHrliirrl. eiuilatnil nv the best writers and Poets oi tneaay,wna wiu stnv to. nave, we uieniviire m , . THSALDENE always in keeping with Its xt4stic --' 'attmjtios..-rii,i'il ifi-j -cnii Ls i--3 i-.'---) 1 J,..rijV .1 ii. I .j .. !.!, j.-. ... jiwi ' "FIVB lXlLLAES per annum, la advance, with oQ '1 Chromos free. - - - ; - - . J; Tint a T TirwU rn nnriiafthr . be Obtainable on IV hv anbacrlntlon. - There wiU be no reduced or dub . , , . , . . . . . . v rat; casn ior suDscnpuons-mast oe hui iu uw pub lishers direct, or kimaedto the local .agenu without remaining ones, ; experie fully Justifies our action. - Kev.-C H. Swing, Media, Elgh .one hundred, 1 rmrnon Knmanitv &nd.&..nnUfrKal ivAnd he. nnnnla onrf t V1 trraan . wiunlit ,niM 1 -f. 1 a -1 I riA --. .. fc.-v . nt:M.-- -- nmrnnrnnnn in T.nPBn nnnTflrmntr inr.i tauwi" fc . nOVtk 0elimafiu1 f mm 41,. Tw.rvrw4,jn I ' ' - 'l 'f. .. . -l.A hn.Uf 4kA'M,n,w,J wtAti Tia1 XXa munu .ivui (.uo uivuviuuu fpriTji nT iiminitnv sun siTMT.inn m-trpa 1 - uugvi wo iuuiucicu ucu uou uu i iwwuivut. u. iiwiviu, .u, .t. of an acre upon - which this 'irrewvrf af-otKVTOKiTr,mrr oil .. I head comnletel v : severed ! from his I vrltlJrfTh 7i wjf ' U . .. KI V CV. T1 VW WAW WWvUCk JVMW .. vUB 1 , r J ' . , ll. .vww, - - I ... u, . . knlinna m 4ha otinno -if mnif sn1 1 DOQV.'WnilB U1B Omen WeTB mUlt?lBUJ i.."Nm- .-.; . Pa, suit ered aixtsen years, rlwesvmo lopeles8;Kev. TlvotO-Jlnrphy. li. u., ifraaxrora, nuia.; iter. j. n. Dacnanan, testV- ' Con- grstis with On copy, on year,' 104 nmmbers.'.'.i...!,'.,,'".$ 8 00 Fiv optes, or over, ior eacn copy. " Ten copies land one extra copy) for. . .... w . 85 00 .TUTU Gov fi n t '-ru'iig cntfitK "rikTffr Titi'toutus.1 To kudlnbeerners.v..:. -i.t. an acre 3.200 bounds: Al a ' a I v w - Bj-s teijya j w va duvu s7'U'K-e7 iMf , uucting irom tbis corn ninety-two atrSt? Loni and lobile " Wft per cent, of water, and makifla rMmehow" to fair allowance for woodr fiberi'which lviri ,,vi -rVhV Ref fJ was found t.n Yf ' fi f're.p.t.ifin nvor I it.. : I rwi1 ir -a ri vrsra Yn an tvlnrl - " . - l 1 1 UBUMUUa iuc...cuuuB.,aU'i;n auu "Jt " - wvr)i.i. ts. iwemy ions per acre, -ine one nun- t.ufnnrt.nr-n'r-ht most nastiv ana almost iin.i ineaemen.ravreians. Ac dred pounds after leing thorougUy Uarr common TM v.5ui, wuuus, wiuuio ury weigui. vi I cultured ID. Pl.atPam anuhi rw-wia Inn I gerous, ana nry caut5 was gtvea luri son sending by letter description of aHUcUon will re- .LCI . fj7 -xvmwf. ln1Al r-An-enn-BAan'ae oa M rot jjini iranui umni. .L11U UUIV uu CUv I . . . . w w . - . . m 1 r- m Mnnurrs novxiee 10 enre. enieemrra I m uuu money brut irr.1:was to Secure the mOneV and BtOCk I uon rworn statement Of iU failure to cure, Afflict- I Terms Caah In advance.. '". . . . .. t ..j n. ii -Di.r. irw..t..l,. r.rl I fiend .wasuoalv nrevented from doinff I i . a sainBitif -vp, Amrmst; ; . i . -. . - . --i.- r r "&"- 5 i -- - .... . v -.!. - ... . ,i ji f r iiinifiaaia nnn iinaii airnmn xne cows couia not eat or di&rest I w4t nVi Wiwirirwl tn-thinV Vinrlto-Af I bvi the alarm which was finven. au- i i, la-iv-eoit-Tfi ; wummirtam. n. cr' tnA hrw-klr TfA t tt . ha.l' l L - -e --c-m i' S-s- J ' ' S f ' " " .2" "1 lw ym ""-. AvAitAMAnt jvf nrViT . n K, VWA : fr ..In :4 1 NOT' TUB ire-,- - i . - r aVmvti rT a flraft oa Wpw York, or a poet Office monev order, if poaaible.. Where neither of these i can bo procured send tho monev. but alwsys in registered letter. The recistrationTee has been l ducea to tern nasi ssMnsst . -l mav Ift-tt; , , , ; Ttus xiuiJui, rewv ior. . , --- ' :- u w T? t--i (a -4 ir -rT YTrr.rYnCiV t Li i.itll . 1 CJ.ft .-agSkeSiTf tS.-i teweeii nn it: .rfr.: ah .-. i' -V'.L - ,i ft)!-:, l.i ; rim' kit 4- ).1S 'tin j y i -s- JJ(a V . J'l ; iXi-l - Mi-'f: h r.l .'? Tppa2 Sheiryv .....? much better .hai..: the hoop poles, tha thbsiTearelyThat We afeicT "img tne excitement of -w! whole my stei7 in regard to Jtefra cipitately fled. . . as cattle food became" as ' clear as whh-moist evesdViaBctabdr ! itTmm .my .-r . e.u T.o0!4lovai '4mMl04Tki9wJLm I:':: The next trial wasmade- witlte tones of Mr. Dawes, and, enrweJ -r The cable dispatches brought .the 1 f , w "t's but this grew so. large that most of it J jviewingfwitli Complacency the con was left by the cows.' The rotber'thrJ Ending of. right with 'wrong and crops were of our common varieties, the subversiotwrf the foundations of - i ... OA7 PRICED i-.'stnk ,- i,l --"-- - - ui uvigt-i:iis.iuft-vwiivy' iiiH-uiii I.-f and gave much bette? Tesultshut, I BOciety. Ah! well indeed foritftl were all nnaaf iflfntrtiw. eTI m-it h l j i i. I r, t ... ' .n i. t. L wnoie unprohtable. 1 have fed fiomeTeinotions are held msnbiectionto their 1 -nron&hl v but rew"tveoi)le whoThivtr SWeet COm in Hfiiftr fnrua mhiA thav l.u.. . " - 'lii' I J fi" lil.. vt.L ,. . - - " "-y j wwiiiectuai percepuouB Hieu iia.o anv weil-aennea iaea or-iis cnaracter .Palace grew. libition bJM862r rwe,Jryetal- Palace t - r -w ; vasw VV . was w - v msstw - I JO, lj LRJUliU AA.JUOAI Wa-a WW va W UOVa a-a av w relative value aacompared with thit-tended toxonfpund Tight-with ;j coristrnction'rr iliadi'eenr otbtIh ffOOQ Crass, fnr Tirrw,n ninrr m.1V dm. l.tl T);i;.11 V I . , i! : . ' i 11 i - ' -i - -.:. 1 ileal, ;;7 1 VirZi.u iS;Ta J "5'. 1 J jeieyen years in process ot constrHo . I lndefimte -danger in.'claspmg : hands. I owing -to rn ium uiv eXDenenee : Wlin ROWea I ,na. tho hnoHv T,eem-n nr. lib-a I Vt.V, rrTT ' f T.TV.f lrta - . i imvavbs I - ' . , J-. I, Vf iilUll DbWU . ' VUV TT 4. T . LS,cWM9 corn I Bion. viz. : Fimt That irn wm grown too chicle Wd.tM muri of nature thaHn . 1. 1 O -1 1.1 . ir -0 1 J... U,UlO I ,Tf ,! w J. .';' i, ,w;w ; a-l i-l TIT J C1T- J.V'. intinigence'of thV destruction of the Kexwuna KjamQ-WWWaWiXUmul&W Alexandra Jralace. neari6no.on. in-1 r 1 . '-iv: jii J. .AiT.ra. ; . . i .i!..' "I Art CA mT?T. i n A T T. f IATp amvavxs a aaavww w ar v.t Toivinga loss oi aoout three millions 1-4 ou of aoLlars. As .this - palace : was-out A. K NK 'I'AKliK. VVlMltl .Ifc tf were ail unsalisfactoryi and npon tbe I Wa have statesmen among us whose the public on the 24th ulL, there are1 emouuusareueiuiuBuuieutwuvo wno,nayt3ri - .t l tl.J --rYll-"!:'' intellectual perceptionsmen like Iny wellefihed IdeaoHts eharacter- ZUU UaseS OmpOTOa UlStreji ahoitnotlos andinfb laat-tf and ' Paper-HsnglTir e beat ana latest style 1 t r ' r i - iJtv s? FronH$3 69 to 12 per Case,' i 0:. Junel04t. -i WELL don at -Tii'-v iinniA.9iMd Ally. Twni WILL - BE A jOEETINQ. OF .-.THE Stockholders of Cyrenesn Comnsiy 'on ' ihe first Persons indebted to .the ''I U. n"i' I-ac ?vii"r,. '...... . AO ..... K8X OTJLER iSTAlalSHIvTOT. J Ante :t'il in Jib-'. iol f-rir.nr.u .f.tv. i H&nday m July next .rti.wf'. FOB THE. - . . . ! responsibility to the publishers, except in esses Where we cernncsie is given,- n ring wo las-aiiiiiie signature of 'ames. Sutton. 4 Co n- ,-,7 i;AntrjeiW. wishmgtoapeTinM agent, wiu receiT nut. ana prompt wocnauua oy -". applying w .,. JAB. BUnVfl B W., iTHiliaara-a, ' r 1 r. No. 68 Maidea lane. Htw Yock.il7 f ir m i.- V .r,rilliB xf Oil! .il..ra,' THE FASlIIONABI.E.f OyBNIII-, v " cv-r "-' ''.ItT .ffl7eiiif.I t . - HOLlDAy SEASON . . . r. , .U..-.3 'iij: jr jVi'Ji 1 nif'ij Cl3C-fe D'J -it..- ; cTWTs.wilI w.aiuij. Ut-iwl 9-jV.ii:- -I---,, TOE"8UJlCItrf voLirjaif"'1:-. . uV-ti ,'i V 1 - t-'l 4-"" ' ' ?:. i-r.vi evii.oi-' ..fJ of '-' "'' ' TUB AaVDlNKva:- -.ona jaliu-"; . Richly bound In morocco doth, assorted colors, bev oled boards, rod egea, gilt on back and tide-, truly loyal volume a gallery of fin art engravings that will be at one a great pleasnroos-th recipient, and . demonstration of the taste of the donor. & j ' There are about 900 plates,' most of which could not be matched in atse or quality In the art stores St.. . a dollar- each.- They cowpriso designs - by tie lad- ' lnr painters and dranghtsmsnjG' tbe dT giving thoM.X widest range of figure, animal and. landscane subr j E combined withTure, light and graceful llter. dited bw tho ooOtocnolar ichaiA Beary. ' lard, forming a most attractive, orasjaynt tVU ' I -tha parlor orUbrary.- . -4 lcliveTod free ,..iberal . dlsconxiito tha trad bm l thia volume. Order pro-mtrtly. 1 " 1 -. " , .W I Tiii JAllaa8fjTTAfcaVblls --'. f f f -o I ts vJl AS Maiden taw, Nw Xorki i a dcn-tf -.V-i.f t-'-ii wi-.r.n , fvii ';, c. 1 i-ffn.j.t. SIKKt e ff . r A Jev - P'j.wtu aai iu. .via vv -t riH.'X.t ifOC.ll BE S T Q D A L ITT 0 P- W 0 B K rrfBMiM f ., T TTNDltS THE ABOVE TTTIJi X JTtOPOSls TO?'"M I .iHj1--'-; i ZVA. 1. . l-rvj-tu. 1 il I 1 TtnMiah Sratin newsrtanerand nheeonentlv In htl 1 i 6ATi.;yX .o-JOV I ooVnpsiiT arerequested to pay the Same on or be- iii r , ... - J-i-j ''- -.- .PV I t-7r , , ,;,..i).ijJ V .!... .... - r Tjtri -itrAri7T?G'i,r-r"'I lore that data. . anthonx AftAUxa-aiJi, . s flllll V. !' - "-f - iA- ...Hand IS Front Street S.9 Jnly,lStdm;;i''i Hecelver: L'3'01TT::5T0EE, No. :iT Market Street.. I we will sell the same at price never before offered. Alley waf""'-; , v -, JAPAB 81XKS, LKNO POPUNS, MOZAat 1 BIO.TJKS, CHAT.TJES, 43BENAI)INE8, STRIPED IaENOS. ' " ' -v- Alsq a full line of - , . -i ' WHITE v. v . .ir .-J GOODS: vi ftf.ro'sfi the 'bloodv chasm. or like I nrrtri iIaa ?tt .Tii"itvrOn!rrs.ti corn, as a substitute for grass,'! Dawes,pwh6 'with 1 the greaC gifts of ' web iriany times BtiiroeAidedJmt ara iorcea to.the followiag.eoiiclae 1 fia ntt-under theJrae biud. viz. : X irnt i rint: mv rnrn vu 1 r...t,r.n.a ;n Am.'. .a. 1 t ; 3 i- . nnn : it. .T;""V , 5 a ; , l "vj"? v V , . ; j --rrAviNa just ibeceived. a.splendid SnauO tO be Of anV Tame. . Second- 1 lAmrtnririat CMef tate .nle nrlMna.l aI1.. Tri ' V. -t-V I .' 1' " ' ''V! r' $ ' mat tho large Western corn, known noma, frafmince and Verdure, fcver thai L.a Tnnc-n.ficAnt.lv firorated. The ""I : - as the Dent, or Ohio corn, is inferior Union arid Rebel esdalikconfoundV. naVe, which was 900 feet in length; I;?. .w mraTon and 8mAller; kiridsi ing right 'arid wrong, and blotting Vai filled, with stotues, fountains, -1 V" at , . ve neyT ,conversed out all dlstinctionsv betvyeen patriot- shrhbs and! flower-beds; t In the een- witn butane dairyman on- the aub j8n) and treason: Let us be thankful trat transept there being three the jeet of sowed corn. who knew the cost f0E such 'statesmanship. Elsewe vaA dome rose toa height of 220 feet, growing and feeding an acre of it. Bh4uld go-round,-like-careless - na, ita bircumference1)emg 170 feet. In IT - i-i 5a-ve not coavcr8ed ture, decorating all our graves alOce, ' thii part of the building a huge organ witna sohtary dairyman -tipqft ' this forgetting passion and. , resentment, had been erected under the personal u)ject wi,0 kuew the value of aa acre letting the vis medicatrtx gently close supervision of ir Mjcheal CJosta,' and of sowed corn aa food for Tiia' dairv .. ' j v..i vi. , . -TTIj ' . . cows, bat as a rule among-dairymen, ting out distinctions, subverting so- coritinirallyto be given. Aspecialcon- wib to ox 4 crowing and feeding an ciety. Rudeavwakening.irom ten- Ceri hall, capable of holding 3,000 peo- omer nnfinin fV wwedconjis no beUer for -any he devn the lute and stiffen up ' to the concert, on the 24th, Costa had the oi cows to eat than a board or rail .revival of dead and btiried batesw e rjontrol ot the band and Hhe chorus, w6' t V Teti etter thfnany,stone, rr not children, let sjbe men' arid" upwards of 1,000 in number, among waiij 1 buty havejilso fcoma td Ltli angry, unforgiving men, lest we sub- the' singers being Mile. Titiens, Mad- conclu810D that good grass U better yert society. ,- - A am4 TFebem-Bettini,' Mile.' Carola, tnau either. The whole matter of . And God, in mercy 'to Xi&t grant Sioiior . Campanini, . and . other dis- wwed corn, rwy be. summed up in that the-white-Sviriged. angel,. as she tin euikhed artists.--In the -northern w-w. u any person is engaged in the turns her -face awav from? a Christian i i r Wa nadoria robmf. were iai..a a. as - r af s ar caaawa v w w r 3 - , - 1 -xa- - c-w 1 ,P. . " " " v I noi see vuts cruuuuug jluhui-ui sjrreea -u For SalQ or Rent, 1 As 'T.ATWE n'JTiTKEri FLAT. 'WITH CABIN. tUL. ill ' ' ; In good order, nearly new and,weU builtcapacity TO tons cneap. Appiy.aot i is rs i. ; ; .." : . a .-?'' Juie 19-5 F. At KING. .soiisj 'tHJ.E ?rto.;.;ji loe AND .j;;iia?;l..jv ' : .N . '-.'" aw piques; PimcALES, lawns, etc., etc;. "a u til MiWHl l ar"ia-Tl in. Itti aT3j s ssl in ar ,qnii ii : j. . 4 a b"' iuf"-Ti I urf "-oou ib uiiyv oe, uarpu anil ebriueuw 1 piei was aiso constructeam an w value Judged. of at random;;, IW; . w4iDtPrruPtioa)f -tne sweet-offices-of trahsept, 'irirLwhiclr- .there was tb wiu w ine conciUIWU lUtt. I hnt.v nrt InTo ihnt r-lot no "rlr'nm -f. ;l..a"'nvffari At tha Liadlea lloAdy-lttade Dresaes, U6TJSE ITIBNISHIltO OOODS ) t ; f I - I . n . . .1 , . . . mi.. 1 A f mt f uJIo' Ainu BJLns num. ' I.' M .1.1' . - i. 1 t. WnwItlM nf IbeaeasOBLT'.:. .""'." 1 ''" ' TSl.'..if.. B. WBILL, and all the Novelties of the season. ap25-tf Respectfully, The. Wilmington . Trust CJompany j AINU .::';.. ;- ' : S ATINGSBANK-, 1 51 Market. Street. OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY FROM 9 A. H. TO 4 P; li,, and on Satnrdays (exclusively for receiv ing deposiu) from 0 to & P. M. it 1 j .1 m j-s f ,. ;(. ).. -i : . 1 All accounts kept strictly private and confidential. j . , . -.. -i - -j , - Married women and minors can deposit in this la-' stitction, subject to their own control and no other.: ! Interest allowed at the rate of six per cent per annum on all deposits of five dollars and upwards remaining on deposit three months and over. The Banking Hons is situated so that ladles may attend to their own oanKm oubuiom. . . ., . The patronage of Trybody is solicited. " ' (HI J i- OP EVERY DESCIUPTION, ' Executed Promptly - AND S K I L F ,TJ L ,L J 1 Mayor's, Office, f j-'f ,, - CITT OF "fcllllNCrrON, If. c.. 4 ,:i'itV''-- ''..' Jane 4th, 1873. j . . . 7 lH SllaaN.ltetliv,5 Donald McRae, -E. E. Burruss I . Edward Kidder. -, George Chadboorn. J uaeo-om .,'D1XAJ . aiAlil liX, . . , President 5 ; DONALD ltcRAE. i -i . - . i vve President J nri I ,i Csshler.v : ' I .; S i ' '! TTNDKH THS - ABOVE TlTIJi I fTCOFOSS TO'4" U nnblish first in hewtrrtanecand stibeeauoatly la T1 book form, a series of sracle giving th was reo-tJu ord ot North Carolina from the election of Lincold ' In November, 1866, to the close of the war between' tka Aral In Vf . IflfiS. Mv nlm -mhrUM hra;C.; divisions : . " ..! 1st. Accounts of each skirmish- and battle on th haoil or upon th waters of North Carolina. , . 8d Accounts Of every ostue rougnt annng tne war on tbe soU of -vwry- SUte, to- -waiohanyof tho - troops of North Carolina took pert especial care Deing taxes to snow wnat tnese troops uia ana sui- . f ered In each ot those battles, and what, tory andi . reuuwn our officers and men fairly won. . , t u ,r-; ad. "A Southern Chart for aUOmo.,r' Ah expla- (... ; nation of the third division oT wo pioposed plair-' will 1 snbniltted st a later day.; -t.ni o t..iiut That I may successfully accomplish this arduous ,,., but pleasing self-imposed task, I Invoke th sld of tT - all my brother soldiers and ask them to rurnisa me - -material which can be arranged and digested so aa vtry to form a complete record of tne heroic aeeas 01 tne;; jH;. sons of North Carolina upen th battle fields of the , ' Confederacy; and especially do I ask all who can ',: write to fumish me details of every battle in which ' ' -bev participated, and-j the . part borne by their la- " , mediate commands.- . .- .. . , 1 1 ii ,.. General officers from Other State Who command ed North Carolina troop are respectfully asked to1 ' ' -give me all the information in their possession ret- i ' aavs to we conaaci ana oearmg 01 wose troops. , , , In endeavoring to do Justice to the soldiers of my native State. I certainly shall most carefully abstain 1 ' from doing injustice to those from say others -..: V'.-. Address' Our Living and our Deaa,n newborn, , . . The first tmmber win be Issued- about w lutn or June. Subscription price $3 per year In advance.' ' v lAt Colonel 10th Beglment,N. as. T. ' j - . '. r i I. k ' 1 I l ,1 'I Aii BILLS CXXNTRACTED BY ATJTxroRITT, A -. 1 . a. ...,f -.-'- ;- ,. A B.CTIC FREEZERS XX. TT A A AAA . .5 iv' 4n j I - .1 .. i'iMi : tit.- I " " ? .?:. " nos see ,ue crauuuugjiurnAi oi wrewi rAfthiii were ffOrKJ oy juiuais. H.nu H . ,1 i!. sell his cows and grow corn: -nd Avarice and Lst of - Power 6f tnnvo T.lnnell. Cole. Cox. Pr6'utfiWktay,Jawffliprt5 tronri V v. M M W,wa,v7,i!Mpir anamntlt. Gilbert, 'inrner, Juttermoie, gooa grass farm, he can crrow erass t a -wt-. hi-VinA'.ritt lr La 'iVa.- m-n. T?ni!ci, vucaper ana better ho can grow corn.Ti sowed corn all ga to grass' rreTf.Tra Lvjllf A l.mHif.AMAMJ, - . . A AAA. " " 1 rHep Paiont Self -WatermglToww Baskets, PateiitWaeh BoDera, English Wsfer Lrons, Jelly . Toilet and Cbsmoer dohs. a variety oi Improved Machinery ' ; - - .o'niJ '"wait. A GEEAT. 0FFEE. .. : ONLY $S FOB $11 IN VALUE f OB, FOB $4 $18 IN VALUE. fitt, F0B'$iC $26 N VALUE f EBTTJTaFUL i AND ARTISTIC JaatShe Pretty" highly finish .r-. i V : !:i 4 !t S-'i.i.' i nciu.BCTuiu vi ., tAAw r-- - taoestrv mEnffUndOitethiHtion. -. , . .. .,.i..' i.'l.V- ! . -ludging irom tne general uesenp- and persons holding them are requested to send, I " ' " ' k: "'"'" 'Ssl";;::i ':. V. ut ,i4 wexitnpfoTecllectloiillnAiAOiUa .1' Vr'::'! Aataysi oil. Pumps, Stovesy Tin .Wares i v - June 5-tf ft, - - f T ThejrA biult atitlcigti six-miles- i-Baluam iDian, the murdered of tioiof the building, it was to from the river to keep the first settlers'- the1 Brituh Hsior Xracdonald. !te be I voted to public entertainment in J oU ja mub iiu i, i;i . uv i i ijD.Lriij i Bk.ii imi cm ki rr nr. rivr nrnpr iii i,iin xuucci flaws it . If We, I 4 A. a . J SF r at . " - w sayg the New'iYork 'uhticrotis I cf AfghAmisUn. Bat' Bakrarii IToya Strain Lamps. c,c. . . . irCTAL E00FIHQ D02TET0 0EDEE . ;-.-'-. -a i a. j .., . " And upon as favorable terms as at any other place , In the city, at IS o, 8 rront street, near we corner of Jsrket . tri'i-r fT A,! r-TTTTi'!.; rj Ml tl -"!- -- xi vnniir, agfais. - j . Vvu'-r - - America. t "1 -V - Wl"''-"- '"' ;..,...,.'.. opportunity i Iafc "" - . ' "' t ) I v'i'itf,ra .-11 VI3SO;jr'5C"3! .f4i-:i LBS EaX0TJL232R3 AND BIDES 100.000 - - r ' WVTA. a.1aW fM A -i . aw (U c . li - t TToavro oaUtleA to 11 tMrAana krlilt lUU WB A I ll'l IFI I l . IWTs I IXMIU'Hin vlTPAafA I I UO Vlaau UIJ .ftTsvAA aTA-Aai A AO x ay vmsWiys 1 44 ramma,A Oka . AM.V aJ 'a.WHAjff 1 and varnished, i Six 14x17 (after LUlle K. epenoerj -'''J retail nrice. AS will bo sent bv AnaiL-secnmlv done) n-J I apt, post free, as s premium to every $3 yearly sub- ... ; . Bcriber toDEMOBEST'S MONTIILT, sctcnowl edged " . we mosv peaourui ana- nserui nnor Magazine m - -America. t 'sn'tSlw Pretty; lsaaosmlfuichresDev ni! ana spienaia pan or picture, ana a varaame ww ,j ortn more tasn aoaDie tne cost oi auoPCTii'"A, . , , - with Demorest'a Monthly anoroa mm for the Inveatment of tS such as may .ViiV never occur agam; or In place of snSh Pretty, . f 1 .iiaiHnnii hi wat he's Wooing (after Jo lomeTliompsonT S-s. 18x85, prle fl wCl smt post-free; or beth Chromos una ."jU1?: toMlanSc?xSho T Jantittba bewttful Chroma , It will make kllwlth derhtandsatiBfaction, s.d prov. a monthly reminder or'ywiT wlT , '."rrr- TTU-.. w. Jennmn Demorest. ltroad-1 Vk. VayTVw Vork. Copies of ths latacsn ilHas, JuA15-lm .' WTfj,AB!S WIIIiAE3EAaTlin aJTHOl PISFATOZXi .103 .Xoavx7tTJ t

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