a. fl I : i.l - VJ It ...v1" n sr v' . . " V. Editors. CICKBO 17 UASBIly I .... ;ii 1. 1 1 i vTuesdIy ;'MiaNUff, Junk - 24, ,1873. from th-N6WYorlc2?fli' a care sal estimate otjhe growing crop of oClott'in:th?SoutfiJ--Th -New- Or- ; ' leans Cotton 'Exchange" now 'brings out-a statement some ' three weeks - later than that of" thbHuUctin. "We present the figures' of ' the increased acreage in the several States 14 as furnished - by - the - Exchange. - They or'North. K3aroKnay SSper cent; South' Carolina. 10; Tennes see, il0j Georgia, 20 j Alabama; 7; , AOsMpD.Y:Iiua; 2f jv Texas,r 25; AAansas, 5;: Florida, .2,. These rateLincreasefllpwagain over the estimateof fcst- yearV'nrade-by the v; Ncwprjeans Cottori . Exchange of nfw'afr ,..u.a jjp to the date of the repprV" June 7th; the, weither - was so unfavorable that with: other drawbacks the; crop jVwas thonht - .to "be " some' ffaffi t0 twenty .days behind.' Jt is probably still more than that, ; as the rains of the present month-have given J-he . grass a very :'i decided advantage over the planter: : i-Tiw- -roportof -tha-Agricultural 13 a read will give Yarthef Information respecting the acreage " of the grbw- ing crop. iu.x. -v. . TUB SPECIAli BONI)S. -The bol4ersf-specal tax: bonds of this Stto have decided to make var on the State for their collection. They , have secured such eminent counsel, as Caleb Cnshing, that fox' pf Massa chus'elts, and Ileverdy Johnson, also a lawyer of great astuteness. .The State Courts of North Carolina' are enUttigtto2e5WdJioa43ne T. B. Holders, propose to resort to the universal panacea of the day, the Federal Courts!'. ! Now all this will be very fine for milords if milords ' can get around this express provision of the Federal Constitution, contained in Article XI of the amendments':1 j o 'Thejadicaal; poSverpf. the .Upited States shall not be construed to ex tend to any suit in law or-equity commenced or prosecuted agaastone of the United States .by . citizens of another State, or by citizens' or sub jects of any foreign State." 7 - .,'! Possibly we should not , now con- sider the provisions of the Constitu x tion as binding any body .outside., of the Southern States ' HoweVer,c,we sfiall see what takes place. The pay ment ;Tytn:jeopie oi North Carolina jf ;thWtaril;bcdsTuldn befan almost intolerabW iniqujty,, , ;, i ' ' '-,1 oiTXIA riGAICIEtUIiKik XVIT. 1 against the NewO.rleans Picayune terminated 'in theTF6urth District 1 Court in that cit, last Saturdaynihl, by a Terdict ia ;f avor of the plaintiff. Hawkins!- damage&--were-set'-aii thte l&ure of IJII GH the , verdict was v redered: two. 1 3 uxyruen went to the office of the JPicajune '" andf confessed4 that'ztney "biai iSien bribed. .,Of course the JPtcayune pub lishing company will apply for a new trial. - A0; j This a specimen of Kellogg justice and Kello' morats.1 "- The offence; is . I rank imd? smell iar heavenr i J til I (I I vve trust tnat the uonstitutlon which the great orator and fctatestilad, Castelar, is preparing for, then Span iards may bring quiet and peace to troubled Spaiiv That country needs repose Tieit ;' to intelligence.; When the iBtetiseJgnoraflcejtliieh. centuries of ecclesiastical .despotism .Have im posed upon the people gives place to ikepublK5anlight in its full effulgence, f w shaJ,bave a pacitil, annited isnd :t strong and potential Spain. XII K DlSPTCUEM. 1 ; Six. fire, '.with: htavy losses is each; a storm; a robbery,, followed by the ! iduath of the robbers;-the lynching pf n negro raper; fifty -two choliera , death in, Nashville President seri ' misly ill ' fatal L accident1 oil in Eng lish railway; wreck of a steamer with "loss of 'fifteen lives';' chblc'ra in three European capitals; such' is the record ?of f the Sunday and 'Mpnday r just ' :'pastT w' 1 " fv"-.. 1 u - . TIMELY, TO!iq.. The rrepreetlJ, foadotienaitl blow-its-QWB-hom.New-YorkoiQeraZd has. sept a reporter (beg pardoja(mi8Biotrerito fn terview"lhe'J:Uig:f 8wedea and-Norway. With Herald audacity he made his way eyen into the very presence of rdyalryi'royalty supper, royajtyfaj the ,cloaeU He .speaks '' WlUi tantffrdid of 'haying stodd'with fly, Ambassadors oot-v other r powers," and of having . received, .from, the lips of majesty itself the hiehe'sC'Draiaea for his journal. Tifcmfcl edlttyHremarks1 u'p6n bn atectoribe case: "That is atffilal'Mei JSvhcro our con?espondent pictures .Irimsplf ' as the reDresentative ox a great newspaper, ; tonrlW an ambes&adcf amone. the aii r basaadors at the'jDourt of Sweden. If it were a uitiu icuiu, we wiigui, biiitia im l felicity and forzet it Cut it Is aomtethinir mora than the imairarv of a skilled writer: I It ia nart of th w nhilnsnnhv of modern rHf - THa nntlMnm n tfcn - thrmirht and i 11 feUcityof Axpressiba'odi'Je them- wherein is reTealed, a, pew .allegory for tlnn ttmv ikf 'ihtt tinss hanrihff like a rJond over rov&i nannera ana KiOsiyiurones and imperial crawaav, .initio , ' I : The chairman of the India' Peace Ckim mission lorciDi, uiusiraws . wag v'uvuiuca , , ;, .., w f .. and virtues of the ChrisUanrelirfon In ;fiWiW( SjWj0)1?. lews helromulffates fcoaeemlnir the treat- ment of the . wd -whftVlUvliil. Wn apluroJ ty-Thstrogpilnreahm, though, he has oinlftierson several wounds inflicted by Uw.MppctHghehM beea aa eye witaem'of aomi ot ' the jworst. atrogey.have:xomm calmly in" favor ota pacific policy and moderation in the puniaumenvQijUie raoe -JSSS325SS ani conelderaUon, la. pb de- A ' A J-niM hilt thin Er-O f hA 1 OA1 I death bnV e whtte WWhatever maybe the disposition made of the Modocs, fled. Be hoUaihaUhnMd?Mandwill be no change in the GoveramenWpoUcjr on. accojoni of thiawari ItmustanifiwnXpnr- j sue a humane and forbearing policy with the Indian. HL owaridea of-Ue test policy for the future is that, all tribal lines should j be abolished. . ; ,1 ?.. i;uu,ui ; I t o kA Chi fr, vrv Rn h- X- VI tr J ItW Mvr v I"""" I llahed a prescriptlfrom some of the in nbvsicianstothe wtfrtd for thi preTen- tion of Cholera. ' This has been reproduced o . ... t -...t ..." by another New , Xork Ma)fnl mt1aAw Xa Mfftntf -' a a 7: . pf the country we .reprint this mortilng, be-1 lievurg-wc are oomj a srricu. c yi cp- 1 criptioa is this: " lake equal parts tincture, of bbium. 'red' bebber." rhubarb.'' pebper- miat and camDhor. and mix them for use. Tn w of dihffia.' take a. dose of ten to I n intta'wiaarWnfni " ' ; rr--.r r Kr.'-iT1AoK,a Y.T, Vlr. I he expects ho'wrthtroubl 'Pomrthem. Their desires for war are Ihorbuehfy satis- 1 Stakes 11 ia W::wifl -ttt.tlUlF6"?6- : 1 xit1.j. a i wv,.'. cholera.1 We commend it to our- Western I ordinary summer coroplaint," , . j . j 1. ' I Phnadelnhia has its mvsteries of crime as 1 weU;as; New Jork :aod; Brooklyn Twol children, Annie Keagan and Maggie Mul- j ,:i I jr, WJrr" 6 nouse in W ;i w , v.aruv i the, chuoren was peyona numan a ana 1 the other reriTed after belng0 remoyed.; There- were iruiaesupon 'j)otii cmiorea. No clue to the: mystery ims jet beea- heuncedthbugthe pollc? are workhi,up: iYnt taan Tacrrria vrfion (iVtn frnm f)i place of confinement made the remark, ! ''Woman took me to the country for gum.lTge'r.bejeeunff'.hira jfron the strain. doll baby, and when I cot back a man pat I me inthe closctr At this' Ume the child I was laboring, underrreat niental excite- I ...... . . , .1 . . -,-v-k . . . j . .. . I montan tl. ... nnl onil t I PALMETTO1 LCATES. friy-Dr. F.S,XewiedJ6d from a wild anacK 01 smau-pox, says tne ui bia JPAoenixijOr 1.I . "JttgcTCwwas buried with Masonic honors iatho Presbyterian graveyard, at Anderson, last Wedries- Ssv'a .:. if: r .:.r. ciu. kvj--: .ltt :::r-it ! A colored woman t has. died in Camden from small-pox, so we learn:! from the younwrf. The disease islSonlDeiimv said4ol -haveOoeen . broueht from! unartestotv where it is said to prevail. I Vl'Mf. G: Er Elford 'has: solcmhej reenviU.JOMiaiier to JUr-.i-X5. IMilnvJ of thf, MLInrij . arid 1 KAtrf. I l ... - A ftft.pr IhprA will tMluit vina nnhliitd.:! tion the Enterprise and tiane'er." "' i.a..lfl..r j j m. .". r ,.... r,; ; I mere is a-rumor noatmsf over th btatathajalji ) ftOtmgftt :n the State Treasury, and ..there, is some talk that the Legislatare ill be con- venea ln-extrjf aessmncto) examine xn- to.the Treasury affairs,, j :v;JjC . . The Marlboro Times complians of large quantities of rain. Corn and -cotton are doing as well as the rain and grass wilr let them. Not witlmtaadingmuch tllweather latelv has not Ikjcmi favorable for inkirtg hny, the f artnor itfpaidp be gauiini' on Uie "grass: ; I terrible ' ' r.K 11 inU 4 V Fhri rr a r disaster occurred about two and a half ;mile-ftbove,t Prosperity, on the Greenville and Columbia Hailroad,on Saturdayihe 2iat inst. :rfrke boiler of the htealu v thresher Messrs. Brown & Sch urn pert, while threshing at, Airs. ewers', expjoqea,, . killing UapL Jesse 5ohumpert;irrack"Ke'ed er and Alf redtJaryTthe last two col ored, and wounding "Drayton Bro'jrri, J. li. Ylutman;llUldlipp, Anderson rorter, Anderson singley.bimou Gall man, 15rown Ualrdmble, and Shed Kibhir ; the last' sixcolored. u Cabt. Schumpert had very recently .married the second time, ,aiKl( leaves, a young wife and -fi vo ohitdren-to mourn - his losKT CabUinlSchWttperCwas ft noble and'e'rierolfSTnai' ttHttwiajbegrfeat ly missed inJtlommunity. We tender ourVympathiestothe bereaved family. iirrGoTernmcnt detectiviarclaim to be r Off th-ertrirsr-nf trra btotbh recorrisof the WarJDepartment. JiJs asserted that theiaiaii will;beiound At all events, copies of the most import tant documents are knoWtf toMtw, in existenceiingaod hands and in a peri eci Biaw pj preservation. m TprXH OX.D DOMINION. - 'i Mrs. Tm. G. Gaffriea, ni&r riteatyst&tion, took laudanVm ito m" y-i v.1" j ! IsliAiEarlv. nowln his BOXh vcar. has recovered from his ieeuie health so as to be able tO' visit his TieiirhbOTH. Art &Teiandrja papeurtpofU the. injuries .rMWXffiT in Wfltshingtoh. ' -.rrr'" i iae taYMs.'4fw uiiu&sMai. Sathelin-'wnr'ri name JtP; ue.jnaueu u vpyfyi w e : nominees ot-; tne: uonservauve jwpv .jvunuwu. .r 11-. day nighty robbed the indriey draper and kindled' i fire,! "which was extin-; gmshed.. however. ,t wv :r ; .'1; V-w-.I DOWN 1 DIXIE. r ,t ; A ohiid died .in, Savapnah-f rom injuries Received while on ,the .street -WDanra Sayaih boy m . al!cidenUl,y 8hot " t Z .J ' " himself with a pistol Jast y ednesday.' aatea xetn : ir. jiomuay, wu w killed by a. constable and posse of charred with an r attempt to. murder the cohstablewho kttemDted to. arrest .hc - JSunday, Jwhen.tlie.'j'fiste'-M. with an axo. The constable? then begged 'vhua- to.-.toomfi f o h$ -Court' iiottse on JXiondayM noon wnicn ae refused to. do. ldO posse went lo nis house Tuesday, wnen he bred otrtnem ?with - a '-?daable-bafreled ; shot- gun . ....... , - . - . '1 .-v& and they returned "the . fire . killing coroner's lurr jg homicide ,in execution of the law, SlnKUr Xliaa Of aaBtty The method of madness' is tapidly becoming: a ,-very dadgerboa thing-r aomething -which threatensf "to '-ma- iiijtvL t-:i.ci;ir:-- ICrittll V .TOUUTO WV rCVUrUB Ui mo UCiU law snau cnecK tne progress . 01. tne .. 1 S J?. 1 . on which'sonie rhan or woman is not Kijedl) some 'ottef matf 6r woman who happen to be insane'at the" time Ot the Killing.: makes its rviCtims Wtamit all po of queer crimes.,., It v6 " JMa? 3XD iwwiMuawu. i'.H !mauo vuuuk-- 'i- worth namVdA'an thA TTTw "EH. riandBanTecasbieranonbezzer.'- But pitch- publwhed'Vesierday 'tadrning. Q 1 TaV61veYOIr: havinff cotton on TWria. train on the ErTeaiailwav. nnder o 3 delusion that he would be permitted to ride free, had his fare rtimxn&od&iTInmXn&f'' foifnable to rmttW?. ViJO'l.kAA.TX TtTti fiiri -lf1 his elteiott dnd the carof Ati l)aa Then and them . Sevon hmd ah attack of emotional insanity, - arid'j Whlfe 'tiri . a .. jm r r . - . L?,'J1.1 'Owim nnuenceay m waivunut tnp XlmO 1 OF XUS 3 ralQ lO '' 1 tUrO OU " ItiB r.iiii wtprnvron. duii me.Yiqiim.,ui eniotlojmlinsanityhepta uons on inft trae anojarrangea uiem in a way best calculated to-Wecfc the cara ,and iiU'theondnetoii'Iand all theii piassengem; j BHtci.hro'agh1 BOme was at once discovered tci bo insand, and will.we snpposetbeeturned to r .!t,r;T .fj ; "- i ' t'? -- Ininuicvaisirf4gi5,3jysn y'j kVrttTniiArWt; ,tWwfti r.Wftl 90ms rf npromiae,,bnt itiisi. October fori tfccheer lnti oeanuiy urn winter or oor years. XlXlltns 1- !i iliev as yearsj1tfiurethoafjtBittbifolloWo wh greater than'the last,, the preparation r - RaVa. - r Tt. i tln, ..whv.nwMMh rnt thdught .aehesoenreo in its-prbtfer i hi a int,wHw t bffd' 4KA,. 4i, the'doWbreon'teriitfoh : whenfctfre of I berkelf ;nndiftinln wfiller dntja and, her claima that woman steps firm 1 ii .1. .4 -.e ly forward, with kindly smile,1 with gracious airffdtfOrISClous power, to mount her" iviitibg throne, and grasp the jewelled-" scepter of perfect ;wmn.h99!V: c Eve.ry .white ! hair",. that I gleams among - the t dark, ; .every t -line UP .'-lbftqiwiite ouiteimuce, telling of gatherecHtlOtfght8"and fresh treas- j tires f htttnatf'sorrow-nnd svrnpathy, I ;t.. v,'it.rmii vnii vor j;.1.- f!. hri-lti,si.Wiii her brows. J Oiir" birth. Jays arcj-oniidiiheJadder leadiiig upwards, and ever, as we mount, if we do not find the atmosphere purer, and more invigorating, the prospect fairer and" unghter, it is because wo turn our faces downwards, 'and refuse to breathe freely, or lobk'about us. ." , Ou uruteb tZ'Up XToot. ' The Maroa (lliy;tfews' gives, '.this experience in relation to the exchange of courtesies between railway omoiais and country editors Y'11 ,u "' " Editors are a hard-working- set o men, ana travel 'iar-iesf uan most people would thihfcng;th;e past year we .have dodrfuliiSQorth of advertising for.tbef railways JDuri ing. that entire f-tiniBiiiWe:-baver not traveled on our paseroversooiniies, This at five'ceritP8?ldrfmake3he enormous sumf-pf llMeltblTa'rtfwhich lns witbnsoaBiVBngsaaceHrt-paying twenty cettta'zoaie.n " ?F" r"n' rtstfsf f-j- f-Vi""' j e'"rrHaaneA edict Arnold of te sfomach.savs the x-nuaaeirhisjarv-r . ; r6 W ntnl ' nhd' howle knlfiL .The returned; a veraict 01 x : r-tm.avoidabl'twriMtfip we receivea mjnLor v in advertismffiThiiaft .dei&eadJ STAR. BEAMS. Mr; JMadie?a- wat- ned for iiir brietyj an& wctiofflladian.,1 t : Tpusanan aon't-you cry,'' JN YnercdcPB advice to' jliss AnifconyJ, - bt. .Louis Globe wants ser geant Bates brained with a rotten applev " - -r::. --- ' I A?rofegsoV ' AVataon) of .Michigan J TT! f-. 1 ; i I nlanat , An .prphan.under .age; married uiB lemaie guaraian recently, in, xii nois, and was obliged to get her writ-; (efn consent''' toaheiiiarriage 4 before the weddnig could take pla6e.,;i'l ' ; ! A' curious1 coincidence is report ed from East XJhity,vN. "II., where a chilrd was recewtly .borri on the birth-'' day ,of its- mo,the-, and the mother" was uorn on me Dirxnaay or ner! fathpr.' ' ,:': :i ; 1 ' ' ; " 'An fixornna old o-pntleman noroil seventyj tell in iovo with a1 Detroit water girr,T and f at ter three hours acJ quaintance . proposed marriage. '-'She ref used.himy and.tbe age lo verjconi mitted,,' suicide the 7 nexT day, .;y throwing himself from a railroad train. you grieve for hinr,iimychild. niYou will -never hnd fus equals t.-dotrt Know as X; can responded the' sobbihif widoW : "but I'll do my best I" The iather went home pocaforted.t Jt TUB FASHIONS. b L'lbt.l P. vJ 1 T -lci Wnr. - i 1 4vuuuiuivuuiiie HlUlli nl The round Josephine waist f or high necked dresses is the next change that looms up and tnreatens to bring the now pbpular ' basques' into " disfavor. The Josephine wlaist is perfectly blairi. 'XI..I.!- t- -V.-.lt. - . " ' wita nign snoniaer seams, two darts in fron side forms behind, and is cut oil evenly , around the waist, and worn with, a broad belt, often three inches vwide7 ,A , high .'ruff , and close coat Hieove nnisu tue simple ana tastetm ' ' ' PrIneM Dreiui. 1 The ' mbst stately' dresses of the season are therincesse, dr,' as they are- promiscuously called, the empress And i dnchesse ' dresses. These were originally an ade. 1 with- ther waist and skirt in one, but the fashion that has been most successful has the baclr in long entire breadths, i torn, shouldertb foot, whUe-the plah front is relieved V 1 . .if uy a- umwua iaumg-ust Deiow tne . . . . . . .. . . waisti ana concealing a neit, to which the front of the skirt la il Attached. Worth reyived; this fashion, which .ijs merely an improvement andelaborai tion of the simple Gabrielle. '' ! v 41 i ''"''nrenadlne ttoas lreae.'-r " ' "'House' dresses ' of - grenadine 5 are made with a basque and overskirt, or else the newer round Josephine waist. The basque is lined itbroughout - with thick ailk,i and requires no inner-lining; its edge is simply finished with a piping xf silk; the. postilion pleats behind are pressed flatly their whole length, precisely like those in riding napits, and held dowp pyi,two; jo ws of. buttons., ,-Leads are fput f in the keep i In placed AUhbusrh the ede ui, iue pasque isvery ptain me dos m 'and1 shoulders havb an-' elarate. ruff and piiff Of 'the 'grenadine,1 beginning Wthe Waist in 'J front "and 1 extending up around tne oacic ot the neck. ' : i ' ' Solid Blaelt drenadlAes.' ' For the street,1 for churchy and "for visiting,-solid black1 'grenadines with thick stripes make the favorite cos tume -of- thstftoheTJJottdj and damask black.. grejiao!ine8Jafe"yaTso stylishly worn, hut.jn rOrderto be fcffecfivgf they reduTre 'lo- beiahd. Huiueiy iuau suu very mucn mmmeu, iscthe "gaSrnienrfpreferreS1 f bri'treet suits: 'ftlil inade thghtlrf ullr with waist and sleeves lined with 'silk, and is tnmmea wuTi elaborate ws of lace in fronti:and':jfocHetid buttons in whichjetiiritWdn!o6d: rATiigKfrfiise and sash complete the garment. -' : JJfil .-IU IrrlaeeW Iie.- fWpltrsaenah Xjh.yl1?6 535. nad& iq the p'rjeesai r: styleKTheii areutrimmed up :the"i f rdnt breaths i wititi the7riew bands of tufefes; afrd erntchin S or elsa thev are elkbdratel v embroidered. .Opeh-'wqrkedl English jkiembroidery and.- the ' closer polka dots i vines and tufted tieedlework- atohQtrhiimingfi VcfrV; sheer French' hainsbbk dresses are .also made in this', shape,' Oand trimmed .'with (box plea tings of the iauno seuTn wiae uairus 01. wasn ueiw ,,f! r Samtiier KTeUnf;.Jree.i.;fi v Evening dresses for summer .balls and hops are made, of 'two' shades 'of gbssamwH "tuiEfe, ;tfrelse:jf ;tarlatanl Fbr l.Vs'tJinceV trb Shades' of rose-col ored, tuile appear in.onevdress, The low Josephine waist is of the' darkest shade, : covered 'with length wisej puffs or lighter5 roster The sklrt''la9. three front breadths covered rwith'Teugthj- we' puffs lofithe two shades alter nating. I The back breadths-have' fi ve or else seven flpunces'of 'donblef tuile laid in side pleats,' andVare ! giT alter nating tints. A tuiled sash is draped loosely about the hips, crossing -high bri the right' side, and; beings "caught together low down on "the lef tlwith a eluster. of . roses of Tvariegated huesrr pmk, red, deepormisoo. nd pale bum j . .It'is - anoddtty, 'of Scotch , humor mat it piays cununuanv aruuuu 'iu? severest: reugious .iaitn in tne. wona, : AnVi-eade- of Dean Ramsav -is Prer pared to believe 1 thff story ; that ; this notice was iateiyr posted in tueyestit bule of vx rirWl(a'(itlan4$.ye) persoT who stole Songs of tthe. SaHc tuary from pew No. 2 should 'im PrbveJJh q bpbrtuitOT singiiigthem i n'ereJL. as .-.he iwiltaveno occasion id V miltUlffnlBlMrtxvi nvw. Uae1rVirnHVnfln'lh4 . " -r- -"i. " 1 j j- t 1 1 7-; Afather, 'in 1 "consoling- ,his! daughter- who had lost her husband said: "I don't wonder vo'u ffrWe. SPECIAL NOTICES. V.T fS VEGETAEUS 1 m - t Sicilian,- lllalr ReneiVcr Ig'ie beet articli known to preserre tlie lilr. It - ; will positively retej : . ! - J a ml w 1 Gray Hair to its Origiaafbolor andj jnf maay of tbe ipoetpQwarfa and restorauve agents In the vegetable kingdom. It hi lMlr,4BMOillB4 gtoMSfC Somw sum lha ft tin i . ... It Is reoofmnendaaand bbM by itae D8t medical. aarnomy. . t .For eaje by mjl "dnwreif'tA-.Pilc tLttX x I R. P. HALT 1 A CO KMbna. N. H.. ProBrietots. -'joM'lB-eodlw-dAW . -1... ' --'..j. v ' Howard 'Association', ' Pnlladelphla, pax. i j: . ?. f: An InBtltrrtlon asruga high repoUtfcm ' for hon- orblo conduct and proreeeional akUL - Actlnc Bar- e condnct and profegi J. 8. HOUQHTON. geotr, J. . UOtitlHTONj M. O." EsMyfl for Xonng; J0L lea. sent fi-ea ot chAive. . Add may&8ra urJo. SSa Kinta.aU PhUadelpbis. ; UUITAAU A uAuri un iGQVdlirmv ;cETATOoiJs.-;'r,; iSJ VJi! BY TUK GOVERN OH . f t T ' ,t . SXBCUT1VK DEr AKTJIENT, . i 5!, r. .u 1 4j j (SauMBjJoM 910,1873. Be It knows to all whom it mr cobcot-. That In conformity with section 8, chapter 153 of the acts of the General Assembly passed at the- sesstan: of 1872 "73, in relation to amendments of the .Constitution of the State: !-! ii - . . b ., . t Tod'R CaijdwellT Governor of the 'State' of ,r ' North Carolina, do order so mach of . the vrsamble of said act as sets forth the alterations proposed and agreed to, and the second section of said act to be paoiisnea xor day nel. published Tri Raleigh, a of time, in the following; Weekly', paper,; pnbliaEed in tne various uongressionai lusincts oi the state, First District. -"North Carolinian," Elizabeth CScyj Express? Washington.'-- 4 ' oecoBo : iwmnrrr:'Piev,i" joiasOore; .vjflau,' BactT Mnnnt - ' Third District-"Star, ' WUmlagtoor--States man,- rayeueviije. r r.- Fifth District "New North State." Oreensboni: "Chronicle." MUtom.- . . . - i bixth District "OemocraV r Charlotte; "Spirit df. AshevilleL b;.: That portion of the preamble' ordered to be pnb llahed U in the foUowuig wocds,: to-wlu - iiu i ; . fifths of the whole number of members of each UOOM oonenrrinz.) the bill containing thn samehaT. Ing been read three times in each House, proposed the following alterations of the Constitution ot the Stole, to-wit: Alteration in' relation to the public debt; alteration in relation to the office of 8uperin- wBaenioi ruouc worxs; alteration in reunion to un owe census; alteration in relation to exemp tions from taxation ; ; alteration in relation to the University: alteration in relation to the sessions of venerai Assembly; alteration m relation to the voae ijommiBsioners; alteration tn .relation, to Fed eral and other officers holding office.": - " : ' Tbe second section of the said acf ordered to bo puDUsned is in the fouowing words, to-wit '-It shall be the daty f the Sheriffs la each and every countr la the fitate to onen Dolls at the sat eral election precincts in his county oa the said first Thursday in August next, aad the same shall. be kept . open for one day, from the hour of eight j'clock in the morning ta the hour of seven Ia ihe O afternoon, when all persona Qualified to vote ae cording to the Constitution, may vote for or against the ratification of each of the said amendments, those desiring such amendments to vote with the written prpdhted ticket f For Amendments,' those oi contrary opinion w vote witn a written or ed ticket, 'Against Amendments ' i -- The attention of County Commissioners and In spectors of the Election is also called to the 4th sec tion of said act of - Assembly .which provides that separate ballot-boxes shall be furnished for each amendment to oe voted on. Done at our Ci our City of Raleigh, the ninth day of and in the nlnetv-seventh u aJune, A. D. 1873, year oi American inaepenaence. ; TOD R. CaLDWECU By the Governor: .-. . j . J. K. Nsathkbt, Private Secretary. ...ione U-30dx i.. ; :: , Medicirjgs- .Peiruirieryj i &b: i r JUST DECEIVED BY STEAHEE: T) EARL'S WHTTB GLTCERINB, KAGNOIJA .A' ,iaimi uxa isioom or xontia; and upera 1 Perlihe, for the Complexion; PhiU- ;.(;'. rjome Kathsiron. Tricopb-.: erons and TJrsina, foe the . HaJx: Lubin's Extracts, Mnonam,iMTeoar man tay waters, erman Cologne and Otto Reses, f ortfce Hand- kerchief. Also. Radwava Rn. ' " lief, Resolvent, and Pmi,. SaapartUa,r Rosadalis, Kennedy's Discovery, Ferrated Bark. Ferro- j rBOspnpratea Kuxeuiuaays4iark, - - Panercatin Paper, Mosquito . -Paper; Fly Psper. Sold by ,t-- ' .r if vutt jjvmnr ' Druggist and Chemist," iU'litiml , ;ji.i 4 uilitQtoPm- Oomer. j ?!iuneS-tf . ..I Formerly.:: lYnson? i flHAn nf iHlfnra nA tha 19tK of alt, JLK is finished tai within three mllis,of Ihe Springs, and passengers will be met by backs every day except Sundays. Tbe Air Line Railread passes within- eleven miles of the -Spring, and if informed in trme" hacks win be sent to' meet those who may fcotoe Jn- toat wsjt, "Coaveyamoes to. other, points msy be had if desired. The house Is now being en larged andimproved bv the. addltioa of three piaxsas tne lengut oi tne DniKiing,.rvo4a na-warm..Dsuis. wmte UolDhur. Red Hnrohut and -Chalvbeata water. 4 Band of music andf other. Murces of amusement. Fare first i class; ' Fort orther particulars apply to T j 1 iM m ttt tmmrtnn tiL i ' ..:. maj 7-lm T. W. BBEVABD, PrbpT. FairajslBlee1i6 1 Yn-l. INSTANTLY GIV JBEWx:?NtiaSES NEURALGIA, DD?TQEKL4aOlYo 81CK, BEAD " '"Vcbd'larrh62a. 'J null tr-:0J2i'.;n. tnJcli .u i !pURRABS AfeUSXrORB EiOT-eNET A FRB . ventive, but a sure eureKif, Feyes and A.ne, viuiiwv' - - . MaOTfactaredlrs toeT.)v:i s Jl iNQTflCLMJpLIAElriCTNAi xaaltorasle by afi'druggista iouq icl Lr.mafs-tf ! Mori uacon, 'lRy..SAL, Aim 8MO V WESTBElf Jl Shduldei nd'Slthes m Homhi 8ngar-Curtd Cains aad.ralUart Strips.. , i ana coxes. PURE ZJtRjTDJJOES i jAiTUBSCSHOICJ T5 TABLE BUTTER BES?1 FACTORY CIlEESE, j For-sal by 1 may 19-tf ovoum a. , uuijimvoi 1 ' " .-.1'') T 120,00? i- iaiKi.-t IvH .fpr aaleiby-jfi't ra'rt urZ .rtnaz - aaeeur k-t-ili lol i-wnxARn.ERbsc. ... i ; i i Ti :i I 1 v a . Tsi - I TN Lcri-s IV BUR'-gHJ'' feb8-tf ADRTAKtSTtolLERST uurty days preceding tbe first Thars- f Angnstvl873, in the Raleigh M Daily Bcnti f the " DailT . Era.', and the "Dailv Kawa." nA also for the same ' lencth . oevenin district. "American," . statesvine : "WsfchmanV SaHsbarj..-- i-a -... ' ,, . Eighth District" Pioneer and " EIposltor,,, i irRj'-ikmr.aiivof jntEs" west J.lVof CharlottoN. awlU be Opened fof toe je- LtSINESS CARDS. V t - 1 i I.I) HI I & YOLLERS, i Cornel ront and Dock. St., iJVIt.irilNGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS I IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on us -and exxminiiigour stock. - nov lft-tf ; frKsxaa: .TitolT'lo -y-wifl .yi't i!t i.- mi 1 1- ,1 u- tr( I wui give prompt, personal attention to tne -saie or uujuueut ui vduod, naval B tores, uenerat rreanuc, etc. etc. Also to receiving andf orwarding goods.? cer Orders solicited and DromDtlv filled. -f sep ss-u ni,iO i. .. Iiii.txliuoill r- OMJOSSION MERCHANTS 1 Grain, Flonf WAY. and Also Presb ,voronnd3TlesvlresuelAIdmtnri : NoaaadI0N. Water st, Wilmington: N.Cv . Proprietors of the Merchaht'a s r loonng auua. .NATIONAL HOTEL, to - ft.J-futv vt,i Mfrivl n ffiiiTET:! ti iit J&.. VI -ja ii a, rropnetor, ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY. OF" V, l . : 1:-::-.-. - W,s 1ANPMlftrr:Ka'5Hi VATE, THE rate for xaixsnwrWaRO wfll-Ue t&M amf $2.00, per dsyaccord'mg to location of Rotnnalf Junewmo-'- -' !' n U 'l Ml 11 -ill 1 1 1 1 1 I l l I i) MISCELLANEOUS Real Estate M 4oan Association; ' ,: SATIirGS 'BANK ! 1k . !.;:: . .''.-nt j.t f - j ri. JNO. WLLDERTKTJiSaHrr- . . . ,. . . .President, i nus. ii. jncivu x m ..-x is neaiaent CHA& 8. ELLIS....... Secretary and Treasurer. Jno. Wilder Atkinson, of Atkinson & Manning.! Alrloh Adrian, of Adrian Vellers, ' - - - - Wio. H. Bernard, of the Wilmincton Star, r i I Isaac B. Grainger, President Bank tf New Hanover. nAroHh nvr4a nf TTapni jSi Hnmll . . . : i Thos. H. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead k Co, ir Reger Mbore, Brokers ' ,n.n,-i.x .i!.0i?. f bamnel Northrop, of Northrop A Cnmming, , George-W. Williams, of Williams & MurchiBon.1 mHE AJaOVtf tRP0RATI0S. ctiartered; X by act of the General Assembly of. North Caro lina, is now prepared to receive deposits of ONE DOLLAR and upwards, on which " ' "EIGHTiREflTaB m th will be allowed. tJ,o?-i ,w.t;ii( .-r: L , The safety of the securities, the constantly : n.nlf.1 , WM . . ,tnv. , It. Hk.ul . of InterCBt, and the character of. the management, unite inmakmg this the .-.... ... - ; SAFEST AND BEST'PAYING SAVINGS SCHEME ? cfi:- i .; ri:f-w : ii. ' !ri,ft.i-.-s win I ever offered to this community. 1 Interest allowed on all soma remaining one month j i . . . . . , Fifteen days notice required to draw oat money. ' Deposits received at any' time by the Secretary and Treasurer, No. Market street :- .'; j ; Junea-tf - - . ,. , . T I ' . '1 , Fire and Btitglar 'Proof Safes. Tbe OWest & Largest HaiinractQry of Safes IN A9IEUICA ! I 1 rf rpHESE 8 APES ARE M ADE WITH THREE AND X four flange around the door, of refined wrought iron frames, with angle corners, and - ..; Wairanted Free from. Dampness! - From the Sclentifld American, May 8dV 187S. 1 j . 7 . i ' Since the Beetofi flr we have given- some atten tion to the real merits of vadoua safes, with a view of supplying our own office with the best article in tbe market, and have accordingly made selection of a dry filled Alum and Plaster Safe, manufactured by Marvin & Co., 865 Broadway, N. in,,, i.a , We wfH deliverlnese Safes lij WUipington afaame price as charged by manufacturers In New Tork. ' june7-tf WTLLARD BROS Agents. ! : 2.500 Aqyes of laiiat$2 Per Acre.; ATMaSwa, PTaptatipn ... Offered flat a : Sacrifice.., Uis ,-t.4 A FINE . JfLANTATION, . CONTAININO . A handsome residence and 1,500 acres of land, sit uated oa ; the Waters river. About twenty-eight miles from Columbia, and within a few miles of the Wilmington, Columbia and -Augusta -"Railroad is ow offsred for sale at five thousand ($5,000) dollars. Before the war the place was valued 'at fifty - thous and dollars. , Soil fertile, adapted tor the raising of corn, cotton, rice, Ac, and abounding in timber of every Tariety. .n-.n ouj Mit; Besides the dwelling house It contains out-bild-ings of various kinds. Lreparfly 1 Richla-d and partly in Sumter county Terms, caah ln adyaace. v-. vr Jily, .,. xrifOaVERSiWRIGHT, 3anl4-tir , University oathCaroynAj -fi'. ? Mdyor' Office;0 1 ;cn CITY O., WILMINGTON, W..XJ;, ) j aLL BILLS, CONTRACTED BT AUTHORITY j! of the late Board of Aldermen, previous to! the '4 at of May, 1873, will be presented at once forpaymeni, ' jsiiiii'jttol i'lirt h-iiiul: ,r"r.- twi'.' i and persons holding them, are requested -to send tu J t!.jj,U j .Ti .. .,71 A. 1 C. , . . . tj 1 j them'upforeollectufa Immediately; ::) ' is i vi inne5-tf W. P. CANADA ; jitayor. Vii..;i .!;.,:. :,U I J.'J IJ.'t'JV'.-t . b TDSCARORA LODGE, OIF0ED,' W. C;,: No. 112, AnVi'-Ai j sj sivi;; .'toy g.Te2L d-Tsts. ' Af X' RE&TfaR'cOMimNlH OF TH Lodge It was nnaolmonjsly. 1 .k i"-.:i. la v.'io fsemlvd. That all Maons be, Invited to joln.na ' tn eelebraung John 's 1at.' the 4th June proa . imo in connection, and in aid of JSt, Jotm's OaasaH 'Astlum Brorder of theXodge. ' 1 " ' j inay S54sa'-:Ui 1 . li i.:jv:j.'. a.. aa, vv MMaaaw mvv I :: lj A CAED. 1 1 OEIav T1NQ purchased ike interest of Mf.-rock, j will continue to conduct the business at the old r 1 Stand, No. I Granite Row, where I will I stana, a 1 uranite kow, wnere 1 wm oe aapi PPT. to aee my 01a rnenus ana customers. . oct 1-tf '.!!::!:! til? .f! WKB , n -AiAijEr s.;,J;"' i PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .AT. $2 SO X . per annum.' AdvertiBinr rates liberal. v T- T -Hliri'r . f JQHN EER3H AW, PropY gCYTHES, . V . GEBOOKS; ,-, ' GRAIN CRADLES, At- ' ;. I-;-.. .Jaiijq ' ji3aiini;sc-a '"ill wiii -jiJl ili."!:! GILES MCXCHISON, H i -Bacons t-'Sacqxi J i 1AA AVf-L CIIOBlgRa AND SIDES 'f.V.VjYMVu.oi;ima.5KS4a:i ; .' June 81-tf .... WlIXARDBRbs? Life Insurance Companv . . . Richmond, ;i Virginia . ............ j- .. H. , 'otsi t'i 'i'w'?i'a ,wM;h , -?iaA vi;'' v.- j'A .,.... Over 15,000" Poliisie Isstifed. AimTToaee,. $15000oo 1 lifi1 fe 1 t -9i I' i 1 tPromut ! i ..VI ,Mai;Ki :,.'f' 'L M Ii k SMALL EXPENSEi SMALL LOSSES, SEClTRE :INVESTMK3!fT8, AMPLE RESERVE, AND GOOD SURPLUS 1 iu-ij! W fiv , u'uui'.i. JPrentluins Cash, Policies Liberal tti1tei Iij;3itiH l'.l L.j;,; . ' -.uAiuinaL Division of Surplus, ATKIMSOH & HAHKIHO, Qsnl Atsnls lasftrshce Rooms, I N. Water it !':.il.:f' 'It. .CEdward,.T sidenti ,D. J. Harteook, Secretary; J.J.Hopidn aeletsmt Secretary Prof. Ei B. Smith, Actuary; a 4, uwiAi,baiHs,H! tv'r; j marjg.tr tluf. oITAK BEPREirtltTED IRThd ui - n t i j . , ,. .,,, LQsImioB CarjUverool audft, f NovSrVaefcan .wmpany, uspita..i..vv.v.. ........ 10,000,000 Hartford Insurance Company, Capital a Wnm Jiattonal Fire Insurance 'Company, oi ' ,00 , HartfowL Capital..,....::. ......... too tContinental Insurance Company; of New -York,. Capital. .......... ....... sscoiyr Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, Capital l . . . . ... .v. . . i n . . i. . . . ; . . 1 500,000 Virginia Home- Ineuranoe Cpmpany, of Richmond, Capital.v... 600,000 .MARINE The old Msrcaatils Mutual of New r:J4FE-rtThe Oonaecttcat Mutual of Hartford. i i - l vii?l f f t U.TETNSON A MANNINQ, 1 7. .V ,:'1M!'J ;i General Ageuti n r Security igaimrt Fire. w TIIE, KbitTH ? CAROLINA HOME JNSUHAACE COMPANY, This Company coatinues to-write Policies, at fait rate,' on all classes ot insurable property. All losses are-promptly adjusted sad paid. Tbe u HOME V U rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to Insurera of property lu North Carolina. . ...... r, - " Agents In all parts of the State. al n K. ILB ATTLiB, Jr., President, r " C. B. ROOT, Vice President , t BEATON GALES, Secretary. ' PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. , ' r ATKINSON MANNING, Aoinw, jangl-tf. iviJ-'Jx; : . Wllaungtos, H.C, )U 51 WlXlTOGTOir MUTUAL ;;Fire Iiisurtiice pompany ! rnras home i company tully oho an- X ized on a secure and permanent basis, and often to the public ample security against loss or damage by fire, as .well as ..i.i - ..u i-,t;. ' Chieaper Insurance, than can be effected to any other Company in the F'iaii'Xi J.-'" .-.frl 't -'.:: r. -. , , r THOS. M. GARDNER, Agent. t u . 1 . j . 1. 1 ... . . , , Ap BO-tf v i . Qffif e next west of the Court House. 'MISCELLANEOLTS. A. Grekiiuvald & Co,, VJNLT,8JttSORS' "TO .iiiAT.ll JiVi'WJ--. J ' , vyQREEKWALD & CO.. NO. ,7 MABKBTJTBKKT, r,n- ,i.u r . tt. niTii ... .f.ii j -j il iinn wmor.aBACT sxajjebs ia . Stzns,'8ears,: Tdoacoo &o. ; ' only Salesman for the house. 1 ti;"i s'l. 1 OCt ;Thte Sxlmtfeir1 News. Mi'iTI ., i.ia.!ia: 2:cfc,. -paper, . fop.the Time !iw-lo':-fFc7frJ Hrr - AN INDEPENDENT. AND FEARLESS JUR ' N AL;' bEVOTED' TO 1 THE- 'INTERESTS :a""!,OF THE GOOd'AND TRUE PEO- 'tllMl ,'r1- H Jiii 111 :t'iTj! i' ;CBr7.BlmgJe copies $8 00; two copfes (5 03. J& iy Address, J.ff j (f .DARR OSTEKM. ?Jl 1o Hir-f.I..ft!! i Sumter, S.C. .W.'G. KxmfBDTEditor. k- ... . :...:li.illr-..Hr.,l'.i... Yjlifointii jftm iNVtoiWaTKa THE GUMS! XX nrifiea And PirfumM the Breath! Cletnsrt, BcautlOes and Preserves the,. ; I Usatt daily, sod your teeth will be the last of K 1 ttore's if ts tof aUyoU. " ' 4 ' TOM 7-U goLBYiiL DBtfOTiSTS. (!!V!Ti!M iJl liit 'J '- 'J . may W-eodly tn t sat ; ..; .) ; r , . Corser Fonrtbaoa Market it. Me sgent for th iTsnowsed ChickriM Wafer and iBiehle Pi anos (form erly Ass apnl5-" Wa Hare Eeceired; by Steamer To-Day ACUIflCVIVtVI. ,, Mwi n-j ct-t ci.-! il FRENCH CANDIES, . . ImHbA TIpIl Vmnes. Dates. rj V 0, r. I : J ( :Jr resniis, Msw'-.'fr Jellies, Preserves, a, . , ' ' f eb JT-tf iii r ' WEST CO. . . - . . - InMM. .COLUMBIA. UNION Issued oaiiy - - 1 1 A npHE, 1 Ja. P4 ssaea -r weekly, li, Oai i. . . , ... and nroiKi. iabs IwruTia. c - v or ana K'" tournaVP . A iivmIv. dauwUIL r he. toadawer romw, v Ushed at the State capital ' ."The Daily ipiUL lne wuij ...i i u..j.i. m.iwntdi. aoa IUVTUUIK 10HOU.Jf vwf"l . lorning (Suad Uons torariaWy In advance. It wQl contain the tolejjraphio information, market and commerce r ports, ""The' Weekly Union," published everr Thnraday at the low arte of- Aa eUent sa jrertiaing medium. Rates. reasouable. -, Bsc woxknejrexecato57' Jsn ! -1 r 1

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