Jmpany Inla. $1,500,000 ! Prompt ! S3, SECURE .3SERVK. US! jc Liberal, .urplu. jlEIllAEEllts,- lateral v't-: jUKdwmrda,Yk 7;J.J.IIopkln. Uh, Actuary jj, mar S8-tf r"irYY"i - MNCE CAIS .OSSBS. l and " ' . ..-..$10,000,000 luranee ; . I 10,000,000 ul.... s,wo,oou 'Ti of ......J 600,000 'f New . v vsoo,ow ....... 1,800,000 M"7, Of - ....... 600,000 Mutual f New ' ' r'i of Hartford. I MANNTNO, l a m riTVTIONS. Fire.'' r.TTxr a 'e Policies, at fair i"PrtT. i and paid, The public favor, and re or property la 8tate. irt (NO, Aenn, unington, Ci. u TTJAL ' ompany! ,T ORGAN- nt basis, and offers tat losa or damage nncc, ;r Compi Company In the i i NEB, Agent. he Conrt House, OUS.f Lottery. LwiKCss. IS.. Oct. 4th. 1873 13.. Oct. 82nd, 1873 U..NOT, 8th, 1873 15.. Nov. 26th, 1813 '5,onl8tbDec,"3 Ordinary" Drawing ;2FnUPriW .....$100,000 ' 0.000 Jt,000 10,000 . 10.000 '' ioiooo v? J0000 to the 4,500 2,700 1,800 1,800 400 totho tuthe to "the , to th e 450,000 O fc BROTHER, oy only authorized viva CO rcwi" J rlans. U.,N TI ,otaHasna,Cos jane ao-u"" Cornej Market its. tot- th renown ea Chickering Wiher and "IV- Pi- JtJIAUAA"'" J. -.: HE CAPITA State mt OBB. Mchma? e Bute, and as . State b second W j Price $8. UTheSenWeekly rheapeet and best ('rice $6. (. Thi Weekly Sen ln the -BtaW."" of choice reading pbicewi KISSINGER 60(1 White Lead, Oil. FLANNEJV8. TCLL If -fc-' alios uy'"- 1 TL !ARCASONNB. fFBOM the fkench of OU8TATB HADATJD. . I The following was one of the latest com positions, . in verse, from the pen of the lute John R. Thompson, of Virginia: I'm growing old, I've sixty years; I've labored all my life in vain; In all that time of hopes and fears;-; I I've failed my dearest wish to gain, j I see full well that here below Bliss unalloved'there is for none. My prayer will ne'er fulfillment know I never have seen Carcassonne. t I never have seen Carcassonne 1 : You see the city from the hill, It lies beyond the mountains bine, i And yet to reach it one must still Five long and weiiry leagues pursue; And to return, as many more!-, ..... Ah! had the vintage plenteous grown! The grape withheld its plenteous store: - I shall not look on Carcassonne. : . I shall not look on Carcassonne! - Thev tell me every day is there Not more nor less than Sunday gay; In shining robes and garments fair ' The people .walk upon their way, One gazes there on castle walla . . As grand as those of Babylon, A Bishop and two Generals! I do not know fair Carcassonne. . I do not know fair. Carcassonne. The vicar's right; he says that we Are ever wayward, weak and blind; He tells us in his homily ut Ambition ruins all mankind ; -, .j r " Yet could I there two days have spent, While still the autumn sweetly shone. Ah, me! I might have died content When I had looked on Carcassonne. When I had looked on Carcassonne. Thy pardon, Father, I beseech, In this my prayer if I off end ; One something sees beyond his reach From childhood to his journey's end. My wife, our little boy Aignan, Have traveled even to Narbonne; My grandchild has seen Perpignan, And I have not seen Carcassonne, And I have not seen Carcassonne! : So crooned one dav, close by Liraoux, A peasant, double-bent with age. "Rise up, my friend," said I; "with yon I'll go upon this pilgrimage." We left next morning his abode, But (Heaven forgive him!) half way on, The old man died upon the road; " Ho never gazed on Carcassonne. Each raortal baa his Carcassonne ! FIELD AND FIKES1TIE. A FEW 8BASORABLB HINTS.. Evergreens which grow thinly in foliane, may be made to grow much I thicker by pinching off the shoots lieve the destitute, plead with prison now,' early in summer. Some kind, ere, console 'the sick, and cotmsel.fre as Norway spruce, will throw" out quenters of yum shops to J go and new'shoots; others, as" Scotch pine, drink no more." From the report will form lateral buds for shoots, next lately issued by the Superintendent spring. ; - of the- Yokefellows, it appears Fruit of any kind set too thickly that' .daririg the past' three years on the trees should be thinned freely tbey have given out 180,384 print before it grows large enough to ex- errand 83,972 verbal invitations to haust the tree. - If any are stung by attend prayer meetings, 77,659 tracts, insects, take off all these injured SDecimens. as thev will draw as hard on the tree as. good one'si-and be worth little in the end.- ' ' ? Weeds to be: killed with'little labor, should be destroyed before they come up. Go over the bare surface with a steel rake, and the operation will not onlv promote the growth of the crop iritli ce-twentieth of the labor rel , ' i , - . vt:iiv tiees, aei. Bummer ur . 1. . . . : 1 1 J 1 . 1 j I tuia epriug, buuum uuvis iue gruuiiu iur sumo iei auoui uieiu utauu luei- i low and clean, and then mulched with several inch pa or hav. rrrasa or atraw. I to prevent their dying by; th'e hot sun oi mia-summer. Vegetables. Plan t snap beans and Champion of JSngland and other I good peas, for late crops. Winter f Pahn'l nroa mntr oat svn AnnnmriAM I 6 ..aj ot, vv, vurIO .. ovu. v ubuB I ort this. Vassal- province vUatU-X850, clerrly show the advantage of quick and early in Drusn. Straw and Other mnbish on the ..V, .ax..-. sit. : I vestments. There will be four separate and dis- ,.! ,-, . -, i -:i, i ground, (especially -:pnf heavy- SOllS) t ' . KC-- " 1 '' - .-I " i ' - 1 I uure sowing, Keeps away tne turnip fly, and we have better crops. : f -.1 fkbtilitt or; WATBlt; ! ; The Hon. Robert B. Roosevelt, in a speech compariqg .jGsh culture with Agriculture, shows that ' an . acre of water will 'produce mbre human " sus tenance than an acre of land, but fails to show the amount of Capital naaaA i. r '.' vt.ucu iu;ik an aruuciai acre (oi water as compared with the Jabor bn an acre of land. He saS: :; ' - . The relative fertility of the" wter and. the land is altogether .in favor of the. Water.-' An nem F 1 tSnA Will: nrrt- duce corn enough "" to ' support j s i - Pn " a r. tombstone ia j the. cburial hurnan beino-. "hnt. an nf wnfor I eround at Avignon is this remarkable will support - several , persons. Viand could readily be made, with proper ou, iu sustain ine lives ot many more. The former. requires manuring, work- ing, planting and harvesting; the'lat- tr merely reqaires harvesUngVknd; that, where the fish are sufficiently abundant,) is 'hardly labor at all. While the yield from iaa land. is rea- Bonably large the profit is exceedingly small. The field must be plowed and harrowed r and fertilized ; , the r corn must be' planted r it must ' be plowed, and still again it must be - hoed, and U last, the ears must be stripped, busked and ground. -u What is the riet ural increase of fish growth in abun-: she was genrou and deyoted to, all dance, almost without an effort, find- wbo surrounded her, her influence ing their'owri food, 'and finally taken, nas beenfouhcl .in ihauy pf the great m wrae net - which does its fishing est improvements of - the ; age,, and while its owner is sleeping. V'r - - will be in' those still to come..,.;,;,- j' r ' T ', ' - -"Were there even a few hearts and V A truly brave and nohW editor if - ? .this'artbwould he h :,-.i -mu VT 2111 jl - -- m w..u 11J IU1LU LVf DUUU .-H.II XIPnT. wrong,, which does not affect the pub- c, will seek his adversary, and; face . 8.1111 Tarft to face, settle, th .matter witb 'w and then neycr sayaprdy abiutit m iuDeia.acott, i which is to be trans- ',-W;'.P.rt!he at vv astungtori; -f A " ; - - a ii IS JUNIATA.. r-. . Search for the Polaris r:. rpi ". . : Erour' a private letter from a lead- The preparations , of , the J uniata, Ing buisinesa man of JraSvile, writ tne vessel selected to so to Disco to ten Mondkv afternnnn wwn th search.tor the Polaris and crew-, hav- trr "kaan. i i.v.i anchor laV ceedqd .upJhQ Sound.,vr0to her destination. ,Hadither.weathet. been" somewhat more favorable she would have gone outside. " She will probably tvC xr rK ' touch at bt. John s IS. F., for an ex- . ira supply. or coal anq othet necessa- lie's. Commander Braine i has cbarce of the humane ri understood . that ..nothing, will, be spared . to make ; it SUCcessfulJ' A : splendid crew, it seems, has been ie- I lected for the occasion, .while the of- hcers are spoken of in the highest terms. Should the Juniata find ' the crewof the Polariia at; BiscVor IJper oho n in iciuiu WiVU tuclll-llu' mediatelv. to', New ' York. or fin. Ms ouoBuuumiruyi tueir wuereaoouis, efforts,.made ta -rescue, them I without delayv iever has any event of the kind , created such a profound f sensation and-the:result-of-lhe pres- ent'tmaertakihgis awaited with deep anxietv. The folio win o fsrarf ulls list of officers'' ' "'1 ' CouiinandevDanier fH." Braine, commanding.. ; ' Lieut. Commander J.' C. Merri .mari,. executive.:1 y' '-'.'.ut :, ; .-' ; -;J . ; Lieutenants George WDe Lobg, navisiator; Geonre-V J. Ideui'Edward J. McClellau and Charles AVvChipp. Master J. Upton; - ' v . , Eiisigns-Wm. F. Bulkley, Sidney! II. May, Samuel P. Comley and John D. Keeler. " ':. --. Midshipman J. J. JIunkerJ-' ? J, .:ufg"eons -Ti rAl Walton, Chief; B. F. Rogers, Assistant. - , Passed Assistant Paymaster The odore b. lhompson Engineers Henry R.' Jones, Chief; John 'J. Rarry, 1st Assistant: II. E. linoues, Assisiani. . r , cCaptain'iTClerk Q.3i HarburyJ Paymaster's Clerk II. Clay Wood. Acting Boatswain Peter Hnckins. Acting Gunner M.: K. Henderson. Acting Carpenter L. L. Martin, ' Acting Sailmaster G. Van Mater. Tne Yoke Fellows. u There is 'an association of young men in Chicago called the Yoke-Fel- lows, the objects oi which are to re- ao ii Dies ana xestatnenisiiney uave attended 8,637. and have taken part in 3,439 religious meetings; they have made 4,332, visits to , saloons, 648 to the sick, 24 to railroad . depots and vessels, - and 249 to prisoners; they have held 1,894 religious conyersa-, tions, and have relieved 502 poor per- aww aw 1 . fu , tf -.1 sons, ineir saioon-wonc nas eviaent- f2?1ve0gbkf v3S; not the place to try and convince him of the error Of his Ways. . ............. .Aetaeea and tn.e Saltan. The ari' Arabic journal 1 , . i ... , Jonnce8 that the AmbassaoWrom Acheefi has delivered hia credentials to the Sultan. It appears that Acheen ped itself under the protection of he Porte back as -1516.-- The . , - - boIJ(1 ofHegiancesmttstave been iwitFii - 11 ri 'nr.iif.ffTirNH- ni wr. wilm 34 ,. ivv", , . . ."r .-nn v., t t nartlfirilarlv lono-name -o-ot into, diffi- ,. Vi" -: (i. , "T: -rno - v " ? . - "iand - aDDlied to Turkey and r - J 7T-B T aT w 1 renewed the oath of allegiance, lie received in return a decoration in dia- f,, P4; f-fin.fiS haVe Deen very grauiying, dui uia not W TktM i.:.nlT,A Unl,..J glTQUIIU IllCblWll VUG UvlLf TT OlillCU. . t . . , : ... ; v 3 1. owinaixnere serious aimcuuy With- the AiutCh Of - bumatra, another ambassador -suddenly . appears.rr The' a;,? buitaa must think by this time-that ar at -a ' these gentry are like. Mother Carey's chickens, always driven into the Porte by a stormu J'j u li&ZSJ iiJii-aUa U ; . , Mra. MUl'a pltaph. epitaph, written, by John Stuart Mill, nr memory, of his wife, by whose side " uvw "f0- i : " To the beloved memory of- Har- jiet Mill,"the dearly-loved and 4early- a-egretted wife, of John Stuarts Mill, Her Great; anoX-oving -Heart, Her Noble Soul. ,,.i;',v; i , Her, clear, powerful, original land comprehensive intellect, made .r.her the guide and support, - ; The instructor in wis4om, and the example in goodness,' ir As hevwas the, sole earthly delight of those who' had thr happiness to i g h:i juuAnc if - l already reopme tnenopea-iorja,eayen. 1' - -. . ..... . ... . She, died,; to the irreparable loss of November ?, ,lgg, -,;.,r, , j I , 'I .4 . . .-a .4 , 4- A - correspondent 7 writing from Ridgeway, sayBr; " Themerican Fruit Drying Company of Ridgeway, is now wvaporaiing - beef,;: fruits and I , Uv the vabolition -of - the common schools' of ,Teias;over;.137,DQ0 .chil I dren are enabled to attend dog hghts; Knoxville Press ani Herald. Gbaetly Scenes in Naslr-mie-Kav- JJojiifir extracts: , r'v The condition nf Ihi-npi riaa rfpn STSS tained from the undertakers ; but I an. fully-satisfied that there were at least twenty-five to thirty more who Z!?7 f 11 1? erent parts of the city and buried, i I know of cases where whole f amies of negroes have-died one xsase "where the man nct biswife were lying dead on tne peer ana .three children dead 4A Mr, Jenkins; of Edgefield, had two1 children to di VestArdav Thov "were.hoth at- Sunday sehooi in the 3 o'clock. The disease ; seems, - how ever, as a general thing, to- be con fined to the negroes and .'the I poorer; class of white people. - I noticed that on Bunaay put of fifty-six , there ' were ' Duriea by the county.- proper medical attention can bet had promptly the case will vield to treat proper medical attention can bet had - I nent. .ullany have doubtless died from Ibt and likewise from overdoses of r f .While spakin of Tpreentives, I Avtllive "you'what I consider the best prescription ,that , can, 'be followed : JHaVe a bandage about ' half ! a "yard wide, made of good soft flannel ; keep it tied around the bowel a, ' and -every morning rub the abdomen well with spirits of camphor. ' I use - this" con santly and tequire all my:'people to do .so. .. . i. t ,., ? .. if ... i Ji':;Ml6 this and live prudently, eatihg no iruns or , vegetaDies, T.ana Keep from getting Beared," and you will be fortified against-chorera. r. i - ; MISCELLANEOUS,; BqotsK Sashg; Blinds, i Paints, Oils, and Glass. 1 i A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED .STOCK. Lowest cash priced Call and 'examine,' '- V .'. : : : ' ". s, NATH'L. JACOBI, ',. i u i. . '-..;. , Hardware Depot, 5-5i:i:: SVfKo' Market St. 9 Ci it Ji I i. ' BTulders Hardware. LOCKS, HINGES, BOLTS, Ac, ! of every deacriptien. . : i -J . i- Agency for ". THE CELEBRATED SHALEES UAJsil, UOLDEa AND LOCK. IT WllXNOT GEtbTJT OF ORDER OR WEAR .out in a life time.. . ...... . , ., . . . . . V . . . . t -!.i. .. ; Forialeat"-' -:'-V ' ?' l KATHL.vjACOBt ': . ' ' -' . ?. nardwari Depot,- Ko. Market St ' BIRD CAGES. COOPERS TOOLS. " ' iatTpenterV Tooig,; , MACHINIST TOOLS, Turpentine Tools, . -. . A- . ' - .i -, W. JACOBr8 --"..'.-' '.J " ' -y Hardware Depot, , , O Market Street. may 20-tf CATAWBA VALLEY GRAND GIFT Entertainments. 50000 .Certificates will be Issued at I ... , . each .i 1 i'- aiarteredbytiwrLegteiatarepf North Carolina, for ' ; lne Benkt of common School l tnfl PraftP Vrinfl - ; ' I ubci AiKnuamenii aim jiainoauons ox wilts I . . . n . ... . - tu. ... . i . . u I tmci jentertamments ana mstriDuuons Every Certificate entitles ita holder to ac admission to I .1. J - U 1 IV. SI.. SaFo I j. : . .ni v i- fc- 4,410-Glftgjr Certlcaes $3 50 ! POUR GRAlTOXlITTSrAlMREaATrNG $2950, -' 'ffliiiss umivn wirra, w all t00 US V AXiUJS. I . ,Ttfi'.4" Ti-TiU . I in Y.-;.a UUIiik uvIAMfaa a4onwH XT V AVONTPreriS hrer, can have them redeemed or exchanged for cer- vilT. :' "i " " i r :" Agenta! wuntinttoL C"c I a SW , m . . . .... 7 i' June H-lav vf -; ' c T vsi wse ws easssairw . " 4 j f ; DETED BEEF, JQQ BBLS. "EMPIRE FLOUR,' , fTMTK WELL KNOWN AND REIJABLE EXTRA s . - i FAMILY JLOUB,"" i :0 AT .1, V?- ... "." -'i til .i atss uneS4-tf , 4.i i l dMO. MtERS; ! 0'C4ai0'l.r ;.Seje Aent,j 11 and 15 Front Street ' 'l : RICHMOND ArtMtMtiiraFIrofl ;-f orKaU Store Co.," Nos. f,000, 1,003, 1,004, 1,006 Cary Street, v RICHMOND, YA.! (5-. Speclaltleei It' PRONTS FOR STORES & PUBLIC BUILDINGS ilfrina'eT Cape Jk 8UlePolnune-'Ae. - . , . ... . . . -. - ' i I-; GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, CAPS ft SILLS' Cooklnff-and Heating Stoves, l riii;j - i' . ..I . .-mmrwmiM iilflltMr1. .t ; ;;apod8nvweafri sri.r ; - - JMi4.. . .) T7A1ITEDJ ,:TKVtil UA'iit situation fejMJ&V&?Zn& work ae8ired niore,'ihi' wageia only comrsation wm be required, v vl 3 ?i.r p ' 'tiiattK- ' STAB OFFICE, ; Jui'e ad-iw ', d. MISCKLLANOTTS, -r,r "yyi WUXBKMOVlt TO OTJBNKW BTJILDINQ Corner Front and Prlneen St., t Between this date and - . i-f '. REPTBISBEB 1 a WB WILL 8BIX OUR XKTIKS - RETAIL STOCK AT COST,' As it la onr desire to open with a , Fresh and Complete St6ck, - - f ' i : Hence onr determination to dispose of the Bamebe tore moving. , . - . , . .- ; jnneM-tf ' . .' " A B.VfflLL. , Salt! Salt! -Salt! . QOOHA sacks American and ' ... . r i-imTTT eixtrvmsm a t Trif AndWortningtoalTOB SALT,- V ' For sale low ly " ,. : J " WtLLARD BR08. ctl-tf ; . fob sale, ; . - APPLY, TO J. C. STEVENSON. p.i" Hrtf. 1MP0ETANT SALEi :Of Public . Property. A T A MEETING OF THE BOARD OP MAN x. agers of the Cape Fear and Deep Rhrcr Naviga tion v orxs, as ine iuecniive vmee in Kaieign, on tne aa 01 jane, itfs, yie ronowmg resoiauoni we passed: ; s . 1. Eaolved, That in accordance with th'eT act of the General Assembly, I860, 18SI, chap. ltt, it is deemed advisable to sell the Interests of the State of North Carolina in the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Works. J v.- .; ,' . ' . t 9. Bemlrtd, That the same be sold In two sections," is: lat. from Favettevflle to SharD'a Field Dam: via: 1st, from Fayettevflle to Sharp'a Field Da Id, from Sharp's Field Dam. including the same, up tne uape rear an original charter. the Cape Fear and Deep River to the Umiu of the - a J7aotr TaM the respective purchasers shall pay one-third of the price of their purchases In cash ana tne remainder in one and two, years from day or sale, with Interest from said date, and that the aame be secured bvsetisfactorvbokd. and alien on the. Interests purchased. Title not to be made until payment In full. - . " - i ' -. . . Vo-' .'.-u..)!'! '. 4. Ketolved, That the sale be pon the expressed condition that the respective purchasers shall com plete and put in operation, according to the terms of the charter, the portion purchased, as follows, vis: from Fayetteville to Sharp's Field Dam, within 6 years from day of sale, and from Sharp's Field Dam, Including the same, to Tysors Mill in Moore county, within S years from ealddate. - ' ft, Hetolvd, That H. A. Londoi Md, That H. A.- London. Secretary, and se. Attorney -of the Board, be authorised aid sale atLockvUle, in Chatham county, to make eai ( ON THI 8TH OF JULY, 1873, and that they jive notice or the aame la the Era and Anew in Raleigh, the Eaglt and Statesman in Fayetteville, the Star and itoi in Wilmington, until the day of sale, and by posters. -. .. .- - --. We shall offer the above property for sale accord ing to the above resolutions. ' , .s. , ,., ; . - 1. H. A. LONDON, Secretary.-". B. L HOWZE, Atterney. ' Qnnes-tfll July 8 Farrar's Electric - till instantly give miikf m cases NEURALGIA, DIPTHERIA, COLIC, SICK HEAD. ; ache, DTAKrmoW; ;; ?:; V) !; or pain of any kind. 8olfby all drogglsta. : Cnllls and Fevex; No SXore. : FLRBAR'S AGUE CURB IS NOT ONLY A FRS ventive, but a sure cure of Fever and Ague, - ; ,.. . .r.n , . . ." Manufactured by the - , : ' NORTH CAROLINA MEDICINAL COM'?-. ; and for sale by an druggists. ' " mar S-tf in; Hay! Hay! JN LOTS .TO BUTT t .t. For sale by' i , ADRIAN VOLLERS. feb8-tf r n S mU m'w: - O 'i k-A- k I "J I max June 14-lm DA"W , IANDI DIES, " J ' ' ' - i BRANDY PEACHES,- ' ;U , . CANNED FRUITS, ' , CANNED OYSTERS,! t ': ; ; . KASlNiav '- " o .ctoii i aiiiw. v.-TEAS AND CIOARS.. At wholesale only. - J "i J p jUf u.i- ETtWARPS & HALL.-'.' TTiltT'' SALTED -AND SMOKED western" ML ehoulders and Sides In Hogsheads and Boxes. Sugar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. r '? -) IN? C. BOG-ROUND ' i It puke lard in Tierces and tubs choice TABLE BUTTER, BEST FACTORY CHEESE, i.i -i IN LOTS TO SFITT' I . ; For sale by' "may l-tf . . i : ADRIAN . VOLLERS. ; J Old lAine. BARRELS. FtOUR. " ' " . -. ;.' V? i.V ' ft! (J1 ." nnr. suu r tKK.i j ruiu. S5.0OO LBS. D. 8. SIDES AND SHOULDERS t rvli raWRR-T.S RTTOAR. . . . ' . .. . ... t SO BAGS COFFEE. ' "-. i 400 BOXES SOAP, CANDLES. STARCH, TO. TASH, LYE, TOBACCO, &c Low to the trade ' ap 8-ti iT r EDWARDS HALL. :A.U Greenwald & : C6.,? ' ; : , , ONLY SUCCESSORS TO G.REENWALD fc CO.. NO.T MAB KK Tr ST SB KT, VTHISEIL, BEANDLXS, GDTS, EuBi& Begars; Tooacco, &c. to the merchanta and -ether businessmen of WiU. : mmrton;a n advtifling medium. Advertlse-i I merits inserted at reasonable rateai ' Address. W. R. rfl TEEBY, XiUtot and Proprietol", Rockingham, N; O. ;mebanEvT1xe.'n. c. ri j uanjetaWinclow bnaaes, wci ;ka: i.m f-Ve ai.WrtimiT. ajTlLi' I GRANITE BOTTi SO. FRONT ST. ) i lav ivmnrt rT?OTT,TiflWTkJnrT .h- r JAJffi?Ml?n"v . .W.. B, LTOoaCT.lOBWpop. J ;, BTJpbDlsterhw; and Pa-aiujinr done at '--4 u -u rtujjaiuriii:,. . -;i '! 1 -;:;' jdeclUf -70 tu; .-u...h . . VSII Sfa.aia.Aea'AaakeaaaBrlB. Twalw 1 e1tAr At(ytA eMl Itt tTiA Kaa laaot er a ; I.t.l -ft' i 1J, fl .. ir.I 1r, i . . K l ,1:1 I ,11 - - - - - - - - ar ssj b sj UVWUVH vrwaa aw saa sa sua a J . a euvi uwaw auvt aa ,uv esaa awswe avwj j j . . m m i . s . - l. - . v - - t " - u j a. For Orcularj address. - ' '' ' .- j - jan-tf - : Li I rtn ;u.-:iwforTOj. c ' "m J :-,o 1 m a . , ... ... i v . . . . . i . .. . . . ... . .... ...... . . ....... : ...... f' "..V: Superintendent. I U6.:r.-t ?a. .Aiiniuni,wj;:5.. Williams a mubcbison.' i bNLY SATJESMAN FOR THE HOUSE.' ' ; . . 'Li' ."- ectM-tf .-' - ! ,'M-f-.r.l Y.'ltnAl.M WLVOaUJ L feAT t -- C a. snavateav I'M IJ f TTriU TV ' Hllata 1 1 !-f;-T iTnTfEKK' WTLL' BS 'A.MEETrSG.'1 O TTTE-1 " onlv newsnaoer publiahed in Richmond 1 -- .... ' r "'y 1 . I County, and it being the official paper of the county, atocxnoiaers , yrenean ijompany on .the flrst I and havliig a 'circulation second to no country pa- all"' '.v;... .l i' ihA-Ktate.-U' tmers superior mancementa 1 j ---- m T MISCELLANEOUS. The New York TririUhe. THE NSW YORK TRIBUNE STRIVES NOW. aa it has striven heretofore, to be first of all and pre-eminently a newspaper. In the promptness, ac enracy. -fulness,, clearneaa interest, Tarieiy and con venient and attractive arrangement of Jte newa, its amhirtnn 4a tn he the foremost lonrnal of the world. Years of patient labor and costly preparation have created for it extraordinary facilities for -the collec tion of intelligence both at home and abroad. Not only tne common events or mo uui kuueu ciee 01 popniar tnongnt ana vue cumansvi puuuuu, social, intellectual andreligioua diaoussion are faith- 1 fully reproduced in itacolumna. Its correspondenta 1 watch the growth and development of American I communities; the progress of republicanism In ITranA and Rnntn'41i RrwiPMrl of democratic Princi ples in England and (Germany; ihe ferment pervad ing the whole continent, caused by the conflict be tween the advances -of physical and social science and the philosophical, theological and material ideas of a past epoch; the exciting race between -Great Britain and Russia for the surtremacv In Asia: the wonderful awakening of Japan, and thejOTOgress of European and American civilisation in China. In ail the great centers of activity THE TRIBUNE has its. agents, and no exocrine 1s aver snared to fiive its readers the fullest and quickest intelligence of What passes in every quarter of the globes : American industry receives now, as always, a large share of THE TRIBUNE'S attention. The success, the Mala and the wants of the productive classes are studied with particular care. The progress of inven- tion and of labor saving contrivance, the -development of our resources, the preservation of our public land for the landless, the utilization of out vast min-' eral resources, tne extension or laciuues for bring- . ing producer ' and ' consumer ' together, receive' from this paper the fullest attention and encourage-' ment. . . ' v . , ' . j -at- To scholar and to men of the learned professions and of studious leisure THE TRIBUNE endeavors to make itself esreciallv acceptable. It has excited a widespread interest by the publication of full ' re ports of tne mora valuable, lectures, acienuno and, literary, and its careful and -comprehensive summa ries of scientific news, reports of discoveries and explorations, narratives of voyages, full record of the proceedings of learned societies, and, attention l.:to the cause, af, and- university education. While it can point to the admirable accounts or tne discoveries and labors of Agassis, prepared for it by ex-President Hnl; thereports of scientific and agri cultural conventions from tne pen or nor. u. u. Oilman; the papers of Fret B. Il Youmans, and the contributions of Prof. Spencer F. Baird, of the Smithsonian Institute any ' more elaborate pro gramme of its intentions would seem superfluous. equal rights, irrespective of racer nativity or color. Independent of partisan ties, but firm in its devotion to reonbhean nrinoinlen. .It ndavora to fnlfil thai I idea of its illustrious founder, Horace Greeley, as the advocate of that national policy- to which the preservation of the Uniorr is owing, but the frank and fearless enemy of wrong, whether in the Repub lican party or in any omer. it aeienat it convnv tions to the extent of its ability: but in its news col umns it remembers' that its readers' have a 'right to 'tee bdUVEides Of every controversy: 103 to get the whole tratatof every questioB, whether! t telle for 2 gainst th le paper. gainst the political tneories of the conductors of And finall t. THE TRIBUNE- holds that new era' ; of journalism which is now dawning must be distltw guisned by decency or lai language, candor-or rtate. ment and moderation in lebate.' It eschews 1 the coarse invective and vulgar insolence wbletf have sd often marred the political controversies of. the past; it avoids slanders and personal Quarrels; it la a pa per for gentlemen and ladles lit for the parlor, the stady ana tne noma mresuiei ratner: taaa ue oar room.. It its editorial department it, eommanda the. pens of many of the ablest,, most thoughtful and most brilliant writers Whom the newspaper prof es- ston has yet produced; and it -oonstaauy airaa at a higher Etorary standard, and a arider and wider cul ture. , . r, .-..., t" THE WEEKLT. TRIBuNH contain careno tummaryof news, a very large proportion agri- cultural information, a careful selection of. literary and miscellaneous reading, and the cream of the eorrcsoondence and. editorial matter of "the daily correspondence and, editorial matter . of 'the ! daily eoiuon. '..-- , j ,. .; 5..::11.V ,fi;'i ! it-: ! : . ' .i ' r .. N - TERMS OF THE WK1CKXY TRIBUNE ,j Vi . . . .ToMaaSubacribeBSii 1 ,!.' ' tt-l One copy. 1 year-tissues:.:;.: ..:...;:..V.$ 00 Five copies, 1 year oaissue.:..-.-'..'.,.. 7 60 ' TOOirSTADSBSea. TO HAirXS 0T StmsCRIBXRS. All at one Poet Office, . , All atone Post Office . 10eoples..fl85each. 10 copies ..$1 85 each, SO coptea.. 1 10 each. - - - SO copies... 1 SO each. 80 copisa..' 1 00 each. - - - 80 copies.. 4 10 each, i. -- And an extra to each club. " t ' For clubs of flftv THE .SEMI-WEEKLY TRI BUNE wiU be seat aa an extra copy. . ) 1Cf.--' ;.Vt" .3 J l1 ' TTTR fitWT.WIflTIf IV TWIKIIMK imhTtktio mrt Tuesday and Friday, eontaina nearly ail the import ant newa, correspondence, reviews and editorials of the Daily, with the agricultural and miscellaneous .matter of the Weekly -Ita price baa been lately re duced so that clubs can now secure it at little more than the cost to single subscribers of. the Weekly. It gives, in the course of a year, three or tout of the beet and latest popular novels, by living authors. :, ; r TERMS OF THE ' SEMX-WEEXLY TRIBUNE. One copy, one year,104 numbers.... V,.r...'P.$ S 00 Fire copiea, or over, for each copy. .1 . . .'v. . 1 J 60 Tea eopieaiana one extra copy) ror. .....;. xa w J . 'TERMS OF THE DAILY TlfflSUNE.; To manBnbcribers...:....:...;.........$10ayear li-i'i A;iTi ..-.Jiidi'i l---u ! : Always send a draft on New York, or a post office money order. If possible. Where neither of these can be procured send the money,' but always In a registered letter. The registration fee has been re duced to 15 cents, and Una present- registration sys tem has been found by the postal authorities to be nearly an absolute protection against losses by mall. ' Tern--aflh truuivance. -Aldressv ; ' may 164f as- - THE TRIBUNE, KevrYork. i I ,! I i I I I i II I I I i . , i i , JF. S'GSUTTE,. The ! Wibiiiigtbn -Trust ! Company SAVINQ-S BANK, OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY FROM AJ Ml TO 4 P) M.,' and on Saturdays (exclasively for reeciv- itSH?tPa J ?.a' .icx xi-ut i ; . AUaficbbits kept strictly private and cdnfldoal,, Married women and minors can. deposit in thisia-1 stitction.' subject to their own control and no other. rinoatest allowed at the rate of six per cent per annum on all deposits. yxlya dollars ana upwaras remaining ou deposii three montbsand over. , i .. I'he Baa king' House is situated sd that ladles may attena to their own panging onsineee. j The patronage of everybody is solicited. , u iHrectort: 1 ' tsilas a. maktin. . t on. xr u.w -i i. i i -t i v.u.nt 1 Donald McRae, una. i... .MtUI, i . . ... , i x.oe.uwAM K. E. Burruss, .na Edward Kidder. :.Q ' Ylee PretUeni I S, M. SING, ! , George Chad boom. uasmer. . iunsjB-6m.r.1,.n , .j ..mL-Kl " .4 ; ARCTIC FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, "Hep's" FatentSeir Watering Flower Baskets, vL u-t-U.f .--r.'l uvii' ,T '"''-iil i 'if Warren's Patent CookerSV i ": Patent Wash Boiler;' EngliBh Wafer Irons, Jelly Strainers. ToUet and Chamber Setta. A variety ef Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Pumps, Stores, Tin Ware; METAL' E00FIK(J D0NET0 ORDEE .' ' ' W4.J-... - : :!): ! . - . And upon as favorable terms aa at any other place In the city, at No, 8 Front street, near the corner of Market. ; ,, apS4-tf s T. CHILD, Agenf 1 BRICK 1 BRICK; Fifty Thousand ? --ii . j SECOND II A N i'lf tt I CJ HL1 O 'I ' V J '.fit : '''' QLEANED AND TN GOOD ORDER, t . -4 ifii - .. , '-.'A- Foraaleby Company awreestedpjrj'thas fore thai date.'1 ' ' r'ANHITf iiuLTStr. ,': .ulylS-tdm f Receiver. 1- . --; .- T - . PRINTING ANT) BINDING. STEAM ::.v ti - r ATiT T i i W m TT iVTt tt O " J Q D ;; rill XlUli XI O USCi , ; T -.. . ; -a . -i t " .; ' ; AND-a '.' -. ;4 JBLAHK XBOOr: M ANUF ACTOBT WILLIAM : IL BERNARD, ; PBOPBIETOBi 'S ' .'.;' i -t;-S 1 1 WILMING TOAf N. : C. 1 t.. ' THE ONL Y ESTABLISHMENT IN THE - i 81 ATE HA VING -ALL THESE i .V '"1 'sl'J. -: :!:.') t-'U r31I 3Ji:' ''FACILITIES COMBINED. & '.U.''. n 'J i'l i .i 1 1. i THE BESX ASSORTMENT OF ,:.f ' .?' : if y- i,s i Sr. ; ) I. W: . i I m -tt -p- TT" Ti A Tl TH T i'i C? 1 I "V P K. l- A V9 U. K, S ' I M- , -u'i.-'f - 4- . ; I , , , . . ,., ' i'r i i-" j it- ii.Tn :.' i - ' . , a -, :b-y. i .vine- 1 c 34.i.;.-i I ' Cafdsandih SKILLED WORKnElI :i'm'v. ' Ai -," Vw ! -i. Uai' : v :i- ' i;.i:i;'.) .i! i."'-'i" I ,'TI f S' J-'iilji ' JEvBry Depaxffienti u r. .raiioi tub LOWEST PEICES, CUT AS Ttl : Liit t - '3 C C "' C" TJ .saas I- ' I .. - FOB THE ; G Ofe'.Ji.U. nit'". ! v 1 IE ST ?Q U AL I T I" 0 Ff D H K r ..!. J' -!JJ j. ;. Oj. 'i.-m:'' i .-r. tu fcp.dl i v Hf CS.iT:SVl . - . i -. - ,t-; At t'uli 2.S..J- inniwjiit '.Li iV'f jWiisji') -:Il) - t4'HM; . .- n..r. '.''..'v.'.-V-C! ii.i v 'AND .:!.. f-. .-V , !5 i -.L lij 'jjii-.i ni.ui u-Jl Jo -': :i- :-fil ;ti MvHli i'U ItJ ntl.'lli ..r-sll '-.rsiriR-.l, iiOii ,H: : .Wriir-.IL: -A- il . ii V-l i ' . OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, -rri 2- JLLl 4.'.A'- TSrswil vr A, iiiXGCUbcCl JOIIiPbly s v i ' ',-r " - - '' v,,v"r J!' 1 " It rll! )!! :j:rl ' V t.'-4 ti..; ; ' J u n. f : '-'..ii , i 1 '! ..-1 I fU-'-rt ;u! i :U tio 'i i.-.-'i-t 1 S lt'li Jiri?t ,; U Xi 7 , V1"'-. : :-u.t: ' f' .-i.-.': wi f-i-:i;u'i;'.' Imprpyed ;;Mlim -i '- ' - If , ! n.i -1 .iii.-,) ; -i-ot.:. i;1 . , . . . i ! J:-iitri;ijhi.:.;r-,:j.i;. -V..:.'::.-..' i:-.--v !- VI .T f tt ---'a. .rr,'-T - I'tvili LsrisV'i and splendid parlor picture, soda valuable work of ' iF 1 1 - fS ' t - IV l Jp, I art, Worth more than double the cost of subsCTiption, . . ..... .... -i.. -:i. ,TTZ' I sn trxrPthAr with PWrnwirort' Month! T affords an ;i i 3UT, .V4 .-T Jfi4f & ... - - : We are saakM te 8X1 eraers Ulta . - ' ' - ... . . 1 t . TtT IS l)TH OST'DIB a A TO II '. NEWSPAPERS. Prospectus for 1 873. sith;:ye AE. , , . XHE ALX) IXK Ey An illustrated monthly Journal, universally admitted to do ine nanaaomeBipenoaicai m me world. A representauve ana cnampion of . American taste. NOT FOB SALE IN BOOK OR NEWS STORES ! an elegant miscellany of pure, light and graceful lit- -erature, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec- . I 1.1 1 .,.11 1 T 1 '... .... . uucuov Huouii Biuuj in oiacx ana wuilu. Aitnougn each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE AL DINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. W hile other pub lications may claim superior cheapneas, aa compared with rivals of a similar class. THE ALD1NE is a unique and original conception alone and unap proached absolutely without competition in price or character. Tne possessor or a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and en gravings in any shape or number of volumes, fpr ten times its cost, ana tacn tnere are tne enromos a ci 4 besides I, Notwithstanding the Increase hVtoe price of sub scription last fall, when -THE ALD1NE assumed its present noble proportions and representative char acter, the edition was more than doubled during the past year, proving that the American public appre ciate, ana will support,' a sincere effort in the cause of Art The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, -have exerted them- selves to the utmost' to develop and improve the work: and tne plans for tne coming year, as nnroia- ad by the monthly isauca, will astonish and delight I even tne moat sanguine men as oi tne aiuum a. The publishers are authorized to announce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. '- la addition TUB AJLDLNE wilL reproduce exam plea of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest general interest, avoiding such as have become familiar through photographs, or copies of any kind. The quarterly tinted platea, for 1873. wiU repro duce four of John 8. Davis inimitable chlld aketches, appropriate to- the four seasons. These plates, appearing. In the Issues for January, April, July and October, -would be alone worth the price of a year'a subscription, f . . -. ) T r, ' The popular feature- of. a copiously-illustrated Christmas' number will be continnea. ' - . - To pooscss. such a ValmaMe epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling,; will command .the sub scriptions oi wousanas in every ( section or tne country, but, aa the usefulness ' and attractions of . TUB i AIaUIAJS can be enhanced,' in4 proportion to the numerical increase of its sup: : porters. uepaDusn. mm'1 Itw th. ers propose to make "assurance doubly sure ' by the At JvOpRZMrOM CHROMOS FOR XS78: ; . Bverjr MbMirlbitt W tBX 'Alfiinl wbd pays In -advance for the year 1878, will receive without addl tioaal charge a pair of beautiful oil chromoa, after J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. The pictures entlUedThe Village IJcUe', aadv Crossing the ent plates, requiringS&4mpressloiM and tints to p n picture. - mi same enromos are, soia pair in the art stores. .As 'tis the deter $30 per nation of the conductors to keep THE ALD1NB out of the reach of competition lneverydepartmant, the chromoa will be found corresriondlnxlv ahead of any that can Be oaerea by otner periodicals, , Jtvery suo scriber will receive a . certificate, over the signature of the publishers, guaranteeing that thechiomos de liverer s; shall be eaual to the samrdea furnished the umnL r the monav wlL t, r the money will be refunded. The distribu- i uon or pictures ui iuis gnae, tree to tne suoscnDere 1 of a $5 periodical, will mark an epoch hi the history or art, ana comnaering tne unpreceuencea cneapness -of tile price for THEALDINE itself, the marvel falls ' little short of a miracle, even to those best acquaint ed with the achievements of . inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For Illustrations ef these chromoa see Nov. bsuq ot THE ALDINE.) ! THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT - win continue under the cars of Mr. JUchard Henry Stoddard, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who wiU strive to- have the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with Its artistic attractions. ; if; l''--':"!' -:rn " TERMS: ' '''.;'' "3 ' I f " -tt ' -i r: i r ' ' t j . ! i FIVE DOLLARS net. annum, la advance, with oil Chromosfree. - THE AIDE THE ALDINE will hereafter , be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or clu b rate: cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pub i pul lishers direct, or handed to the local agent, without responsibility to the- publishers, except In cases where the certificate Is given, bearing tbo fae-simile signature of James "Sutton A Co. :-. i:w:ni4inj WASTID. ' 1 1 1 Aut bersani wlshus? to act pemianentlt as a local agent, will receive full and Prompt, Information by applying to JAS, SUTTON A CO.', Publishers, yr . No. 58 Maiden lane, New York. 1 TltK FASHIONABLE SOUVENIR, t - - ..q.. v.1 von Tan t;..5'.i' 1. 1 ! holiday; season i.rt: .'. This year wiU be ' the superb Volume . the aldine, - ; if; : i. Richly bound m morocco cloth, assorted colors, bev eled boards, red edges, gilt on back and sidea truly royal volume e gallery of line art engravings that will be at once a great pleasure to the recipient,-and a demonstration of the taste of the donor. 1 There are about 900 Plates, most of which could not be matched in sire or quality in the art stores at adollrr each. They comprise designs by thelead- 1 in R painters and drauglitsmen of the day. givia 1 widest ranpe of figure, animal and landscape ,liect combined with pursy light and jrraoefull giving the suo-Htera- cure, eaitea oy tne , poetscnota.. tucni Stoddard, forming a, moat, attractive om Henry ',1 u-; i it wmrne HK:rj vi trade cn OUIl LlTCrGAVD QUU pEAD ; :.( jTetoony.toJB, Battle Fielrls. . TINDER THE: ABOVE TTTLE I PROPOSE TO U publish first la newspaper and subsequently In book form, a series of articlea giving the war rec ord of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in November, I860,' to the close of the war between the States in May, 1865. My plan embracea three . divisions u ? l m r n m j . 1st, Accounts of each skirmish and battle on the Soil or upon the waters of North Carolina. , 3d. Accounts of every battle fought during the war on the soil of every State, In - which any of tbo troops or nortn Carolina took, part eroeclai care being taken to show what theeo troops did and suf- 7 fared in each of those- battles. , and what glory and renown our omcers ana men iainy won.,,.,:iV 8d. "A Southern Chart for all time." . Afi expla- ' natioaorthe third division of the proposed plan will be submitted at a later jday' . ':.. i That I mav successf ullv sccomDUeh this arduous , but pleasing self-imposed task, I Invoke the aid of all biv brother soldiers and ssk them to furnish me material which can be arranged and digested so a .to form a complete record of the heroic deeds ef t h sons of North Carolina upsn the battle fields of t h Confederacy ; and especially do I ask all who c a write to furnish me details of every battle in which hey participated, and. the. part borne by their lm mediate commands. . . . General officers from other States who command ed North Carolina troops are respectfully asked to give me all the information in their possession i ative to the conduct and bearing of those troops. - la endeavoring to do Justice to the soldiers of i native State. I certainly shall most carefully abst give me ui tne mrormation in taeir possession rei- my abstain from doing injustice to those from any other, i Address Our Living and our Dead, 7 Newhern, N. C. . The first number wQl be Issued about the 10th of June. Sabsoriptioa price $s per year In advance. t:V,V'ftl' 'ifVw ''wTaCTBBr.n, JOOX,' ' V Late Cdl.lQlbBeaeA 5fc 'CC&fc A GEE AT 0FFEB. r ". , - t v . ONLY $3 FOB $11 IN yALUB t OR, FOR $4 , flS m VALUE. ( OR, FOB $5,$3e ES VALUE 1 irBEAUTTFUii AN1 ARTISTtO CHBOMO. X Isn't She Pretty.' highly finished, mounted aad varnished. Size 18x17 4aierLillie M. Spencer,) retail Drice. tS. will be sent bv malL. securelv done up; poet free, as a premium to every 13 yearly sub : scribev to DEMORSST'S MONTHLY, MMewledged laeaosc.Deaaurni asa usetul twor jtagasme in America. . "'Isn't She Pretty I" la a beautif oi chromo opportunity for tiie JiiveBtment or sue never occur again; or in place of "Isn t cue j"-7 tot tl additional. 'Hiawatha's. Wooing fatter Je romeThompsonT size,15iiA, price fi be sent oest-fseetor betit CSoromou and orert s Month Kforr an equally atrfendid work of art, a geand beanti M cWmo. aaa worth four timesths pr charged. In "tsriUIQtaX it, WW PSeHiMul IAS VUaViutiv Ul JaAAaVV vsMuUevrita delight and aatisf action, and prove . ii 11 miiiii pnu. . imh,, 1 taste and. kind way. New York, Copies ef the latest numbera ef X .1 4