r V ' TV ' ' v." ' - f5 WILMINGTON N. C: SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1873. BY TELEG-RAFH. , NOON BEPOKTS. j . , SPAIN. .. : . New Ministry' Formed Surprise of the Republicans under Cuttnon "Kkeatn. to If onTllaefGen. Nonvllaa ,'" to fee SuspendedDefeat of Don Al : phoneoi - v - " t Madrid, Jane 28. ' Senor Margall has formed a compromise ministry, which , is constitututed as : f ol- lOWS- ' ' ' ... , . s . : v . . ; . President of Council and Ministerof Inte rior, Margall: Minister of Foreign " Affairs, Maisonave: Minister of War, Gonzales; Minister of Finance, Carvajal; Minister of Justice, Bergea; Minister of Marine, Aurich; Minister of Colonies, Sorni. - . A column of Repbulicans, under Casta non, was surpriscdjon Thursday last, in Na varre, by Carlists and fled in general disor er to Pampelunar Upon their entrance Into that city the inhabitants rose against , them shouting "Death to Nouvilas," It is believed the government will supercede Gen. Nouvilas, as Commander-in-Chief of army of the north.:. The governm&nt troops . under Gen. Cobrinely, has defeated a band of Carlists commanded by-Don Alphonsa ' WASHINGTON ' .. . , Mleeellaneone Item. ' ' '", v . , Washington, June 23V Louls Trager, of Louisiana, has been ap pointed Consul to Boulogne. . ' . . It seems to be determined that Worthing- -ton shall succeed Clark as Collector of the port of Charleston, y ' , .' The Commission will issue their report next week upon Secretary Richardson's re- ' turns. ' :- '' ' , , DeWitt C. Whiting has been appointed Appraiser of Merchandise at Mobile, Ala. The Convention of Superintendents and General Ticket Agents has postponed the .' free pass question to their next meeting. ' There has been another fire at Port-au-Prince, which destroyed a greater part of , the commercial quarters. . Emperor William has recovered. A new Prussian Court ' for the adminis ; .ration of ecclesiastical law has been formed by Royal decree,compoeed of eleven Judges, fire oi whom are Roman Catholics. , The Archbishop of Cologne and his Suf - f rages have been summoned to explain their reasons for excommunicating he two priests who joined the old Catholic organization. At Nashville there were twenty Cholera ! deaths yesterday. Raining and sultry. . Memphis reports nine Cholera Interments. weather unlavoraoie lor crops. : The Tribune has a letter from Boston say ing that Butler will have the Gubernatorial nomination. . , - Gen. Quesada is reported to have received V the . $50,000 promised from , the United States of Columbia for the cause of free Cuba. The Cubans here are much elated by the details of the recent engagements in Cuba, and express increased conhdence in the ultU mate liberation oi the lsianaorom bpamsn rule.- : , OUR NIGHT REPORTS. "LET US UATfi PEACE. A Plan for , Terminating Hostilities Between the 'Dutch Government '. . and Athene. v . . ..- '; . . Lokdok, June 23. A dispatch from Penang savs the Dutch government, with a, view of terminating ostilities with Achene, has made an offer to the Sultan to pay the expenses thus far incurred in the war, to rebuild the mosque burned by Dutch 'troops, to acknowledge the independence of the Sultan, and to ab stain from interference withMohommeden- ism. In return Holland asks that certain privileges be granted .Dutch -traders at Acheneese ports. , WEATHEH IlEPOIXT. Wab Dxpartmkut, 1 - OfBceof Chief Signal Officer,. , V 1 Washington, June 28435 P. 1L "yil; -;J"U-. :PrtiabOiiiti : t For New England on Sunday, gentle to fresh winds ' shifting to westerly and nortV erly, and. partly . cloudy weather, with pos sibiy occasional rain on the coast For the Middle States, gentle to fresh .winds and partly cloudy weather, with possibly occa sional rain,:- on the coast. 'For the lower lake region, parly cloudy weather and gen tle to fresh winds. : For the upper lake re gion and southward over Missouri and Ten nessee, winds shifting to easterly and south erly; partly cloudy weaiher and Very prob ably occasional rain, areas. For the Gulf States east of the Mississippi, generally cloudy weather, with rain. For the South Atlantic States, gentle to fresh southeaster ly to southwesterly' winds,! partly cloudy weather and occasional rain areas. " ' Kltseellaneoae Item. ' ' " New Tobx, Jane 2a. - James Jackson, colored, has been con vlctej of the muroer, by a Coroner's Jary, of Mary Sullivan. , v . -: Jere Donovan, highwayman, has fifteen ye&n.. . 1 .'. c";.. ": ' ; While going to a fire this morning the tender to a fixe engine upset, injuring six ' men, 1 fatally. : Five sunstrokes yesterday. Ons fatal. i Health Inspectors to-day are disinfecting the 6th, 6th, 8rd, 1st and other pestiferous ; .Wards."'."', ' . '. Dr. Watts,! of "the Brooklyn Board of ' Health, has issued sanitary instructions and , precautions for citizens to adopt against the cholera, . ' '(,.;,ri Vi-.5 ; n : . Specie shipments $125,000. ': The bank - statement shows a loans increase of $2,633, : 000; specie increase $250,000; . legal tenders increase nearly $2,500,000: deposits increase over $3,500,000. " i " " . i'r. '. J PEUSECtrirfON op ciirintians. Anarchy and Murder In one of the .Turkish ProTlneeo Christians Per secuted aud Killed. . . ' , fT!Tn'0 f' f .ff Jane 2a 1 Ariirch prevails in tHeTurlclsli Province of Bosuia, caused by , the persecution of " ' Christians by Mohotnmcdans. In one dis trict of the Province 270 Christians have beerr murdered wilhltt the past six Greeks ,. and the perpetrators of tbe crime- remain? unpunished and no efforts to secure: their arrest have. been made. Foreign rebresen- ', '-tatrves to-,Tttrkey demand an fnyestlgUtlon and call upon the authorities to! affdrgL pro- ,r o.tectioa to the persecuted people!, s The mur- i "'ders bate treatly alarmed fchristiann fri th ,. t Province and many are, emigrating., j :;-',:&VsiKtfor,4r. ...Tine The CrisU lnthe GoTernnent ?: ''-?''CoBtinee, s - ".-v.i , v j ,j: t !.!:) ,. ..x.ilADEiiH June.28. pointed llinister of the..Maln 1 m. t" -' sitrned nls rxtiolla.. Rnnr-P w f Z ili aroouwtfng lei the qdrtes' thb retirement lirk ""art -w-Xieputie. :to.ria from interDelmtirins;rnif'inrmnr ft' , w. V . withdrawal of the .Minister of the Marine. The remainder of the Cabinet have not been confirmed, and a crisis- in the Gov- eminent continues.-. A motion in Cortes that the body be constituted a Committee of Public Safety was rejected. ' ELECTRIC SPARKS. At Berkshire, Scotland; Miller, Liberal, was elected to. the Commons by 14 ma jority. At Baltimore two negroes were sentenced Jo. death? yesterday. ,Qn6 "murdered his paramour and the other outraged a white girl. - '.; DOMESTIC ISABKETS. New Y0BK,-'Jund 28 Noon, r i i Financial. i 1 Stocks dull but firm. Money easy at 45 & cent Gold quiet at 115. Sterling Ex changelong 109$; short 110. Government bonds very quiet. State bonds dull but steady. f v f ;f'? ?'!"' j';,t I-':: ir' JiX'u anMtunM '.-",...? : Cotton dull middlings 21 cents. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet but firm. Coco steady new western mixed, &J 54- cents. 'Pork i quiet and unchanged., Lard steady western steam 8 18-16 cents. Spirits Turpentine dall at 44 cents. Rosin steady-strained 2 853 90. Freights quiet and easy. j - it , Cotton safes of future delivery opened tb-day as follows: July 20f20i; August 20 5-16; September 181; October 18 3-32 cents, i ; : - .. . 1 ., . " .'' ' Nkw York,' June 28-Evening; ",; Financial Money easy at 84 P cent premium. Sterling Exchange 109. ' Gold 1151. Gov ernment bonds dull but steady. State bonds dull but steady. " '. Commercial. ; Cotton quiet, with sales of 008 bales. Uplands 21 cts. Flour closed less active and a shade easier Southern Common, to Fair Extra 6; Good to Choice $8 50 $10 50. Wheat closed quiet with. holders anxious. Corn is inactive and scarcelyso firm. Pork and Lard are a shade firmer, Naval Stoies dulL Groceries quiet. Freights remain, unchanged. . Cotton net receipts 814 bales; gross 314; sales f or future delivery 8,700 -bales, mar ket closing as follows: July 204; August 20 5-18; September 18J; October 18; No vember 1818 1-16; December 1818 1-16 cents. -" . " Cikcishati, June 23. ;.' Flour dull at $6 50(3 $0 90. Corn steady at 4143 cents. Provisions firmer and more active. Pork- $15 50$13 73. L&rd quiet and firmer steam 8, kettle 8 cents. Bacon has an improved demand shoulders 7, and clear rib sides 9 cents. Whiskey steady at 90 conts ; j - ' p ' Ji . . 1 4 Sr. Louis, June 28. r- Flour dull, business small. Corn steady at 851 cents at the elevator and 42 cents for sacked. Whiskey dull at 89 cents. Pork dull at $15 75. Bacon firmer with more do ingclear sides 9 centsxash; clear rib sides 9 cents cash. Lard nominally lower sum mer Steam 7i7f cents. Louisville, June 28. - Flour steady extra family $5 75. Corn fair demand white sacked delivered 58c Provisions quiet Pork $16 $16 50; Ba con shoulders 7c; Clear rib sides 99c; Clear sides 99ic. Lard tierce 8f9ic; Kegs -01 10; 'Steam ,& nWhiskey firm 1 4091c, -- ' t wi v.u..!. vi at COTTON ItXARKETS. Charleston, quiet 4or good grades and others dull at 14, 15, 17, 1819; Boston, quiet at 21$ Savannah, firm at 18; Mobile, quiet at 1718f ; Galveston, demand light at 13J015i; New Orleans, nominal at 15K J718f ; Augusta, steady at I8f ; Memphis, duU at 17I18 cents. FOREIGN mARKKTS. IiOSdon, June 28 Aoon.r Consols 92j92. : -p2Si8, June 28 Noon. Rentes closed 55f. 90c. Frankfort, June 28 Noon. United States, securities five-twenties of 1862, 96. - ' v LrvEBFQOL, June 28 Noon. ,.' Cotton opened quiet but steady Up fcuJds' 82dt Orleans iyJ -CbUQn'' shipped I' from Savannah and- Charleston, -July and. August delivery, 8Jd. - LATER. , ' . LXTEkpooi, June 28 Noon. " Cotton closed . irregular, with sales1 of 10,000 bales; for speculation and exports 2,000 bales; American 5,000 bajes. . Brfeadstotrs quiet J . ? . . 'i From the Ashville Citizen: Col Hatch reports that at a railroad meeting held at Rutherfordton on Monday, the 23d instant, letters were read from Col. Fre mont, of the Central C. Jiailroad Com pany. A communication from H. T. Far mer, Esq., of Flat Bock, urging a united effort in crossing the mountains, was also read. The importance of tbe most perfect. direct route through from .Chicago on the lakes to Charleston, .and points near it-say from I Wilmington to Savannah, .On the ocean was considered by the meeting. Committees were appointed to correspond with Col. Fremont, also others to meet the Asheville, Spartanburg & Greenville people at Uendersooville on the 4th ef July. Sab-' Committees, throughout the country, were also appointed a very important thing zos tbe work to be accomplished. Tbe in creasing necessity for railroad facilities in all this region-of country 4s. Arousing the serious attention of all the people: ; St. Peter's (E.) Church, CharLtus or Ve.seis smUea for tu Port. lotte, was crowded by an immense throng on the occasion of the marriaee of John ston Jones, Esq., editor of the Daily Ob terverto Miss- Bettie HrTAtersliaier; '.of Charlotte.- The ceremony -'was performed by Rev. B. 8. Bronson, Rector of the Church, and the ceremony throughout was most -beautiful and imprest! re. ; A matriJ monial deluge has befallen the fraternity in this State the present year. We believe there ate one or. two bachelors left The filing h truly getting 4espcraiev X'itL "' The Wadesboro Argus learns from one of the contractdrs of the Carolina Central Railway ' that there are now 600 bands at work on the line from the head of the road to Monroe. We are elad to bear this; it looks as if ' they Tntefided "tbaT the road BhofHd reach Charlotte sdon. w It seems that Mr, iCyrus M. Fisher, who was lost on the Atlantic was one of the incorporators of the Midland North Carolina Li&ikoad, and that when. be was lost be was "e.wr u cora'nS07er to nego- l'owr r,rvr'OTU,"re "coIuu,l uaroiina ruuiroaa. ; re jr-rFrora pjnesertt inieajiorw Rayg thtf JWart-e excursion" of thd Printers to Kittrell s on tne 4th ol July, promises to be a grand affair. We learn hat Billiard; Ten Pin and Shooting matches will come off during the day for a silver headed cane, silver cup, &c. . , . 4th of IT YFAJeYaSaer.McIvff will ad- aress me XHormai ocnooi at oummerneia, fltlitr-A ' XT at 11 n'nlnnl. . A L, 5th July,. a The'Present Condition of Publlc'Educatlbrfld North Carolina.' at fltrf5Jjj.2BuK; it 1 BOUT . lOOO LBS. OP THS VERT BEST, n ii. Y f4 jHmjreoelBd to-dr- 'tr V -e l - . For talenv - -r . i I 1 mv - . AftV. I . IUIIO li-Xl IWRf-lKHirP Mr I '1 1 COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. i i ; 1 ' " STAR OFFICE, June 28. ":. SPiRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts 633 casks. Sales of 678 casks at 41 cents pergallon for Southern packages; also, sales of 100 casks, buyers' option, next week, at 4U, and. 200 da, buyer's option, in July, At 42 cents.' Market closing firm at "41fH cents." '; H. . : '':;t !',:;" V ROSIN. Receipts 1,870 bbls. Sales of 800 bbls Strained at $280 and 50 do No. 1 at $2 75; also sales of 500 dp Strained, sell er's option inJuly, at $3 80. t Market clos Ing8teady. ' ". - - . . . ; : ; CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 237 ibis at $3 00 for' Virgin and Yellow Dip and $2 00 tor' Hard. Market quiet ; but steady.'1..') ' ui'--yk '!:'..: r,TAR. Sales of 83 bbls at $3 00 ibbl., Market quiet and steady. - : f COTTON.r-Receipts 6 bales, j ! Sales of Scales at 16, 4 at 17, 2 at 18 and 3 at 18 cents ' ' lb. Market quiet ; with lower grades nominal at the following quotations: Low. Ordiflary..'.l..,r. 9 Ordinary .-13 Good Ordinary. 16 Strict Good Ordinary.. 17i 1 Low Middling.... ....18f Middling.. ....(.i... ..Id- ' cents ? Ib MARINE; ; ". --; ARRIVED. f ; , " Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. " ' '' .Br Barque Dulcimer, Harrison, 16 days from Bermuda, Sprunt & Hinson. ; Br ' Barquentine E Shun, Edmondson, Liverpool, Vlck & Mebane. .: , ULEARED.;::-:.-.; ' Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. ; ' , : New Yrk Naral Stra market, .Jon 11 ' 26, 1878. . Receipts today, 1,938 bbls rosin and 412 do. SDirita tumentine. Spirits turpentine is iield a shade firmer to-day; but the demand is very light, the purchasers .ol yesterday appearing to have about supplied present wants sales Include 67 bbls at 44 cents. Strained rosin continues very quiet, and in absence of demand the price is weak and depressed; fine grades are also quiet.. Tar and pitch quiet and unchanged. - The cable dispatches to the New York Produce Ex change to-day quote as follows: liver pool Common rosin, 7s 9d; fine do 16s; spirits turpentine, ;- -84s. London Com mon rosin, 8s 6d; fine do, 14s15s; spirits turpentine, 85s85s6d. Tar, Washington. .....3 75 3 87f do Wilmington 0 00 4 00 Newbern......... ...3 50 3 75 Pitch, City........ 3 60 0 00 Spirits Turpentine, p gal. ... 44 44 Rosins, com'n strained, bbL2 85 3 90 . , do . good strained....... 3 95 3 00 " fdoi Na 2....... ......3 10 fil 3 20 " do Na 1 ....8 25 3 60 '' do rpale... ............. 3 75 4 25 ' do extra pale.... 4 50 5 00. ,-do window glass. . .... .6 00 & 6 50 - - - .i' ' New TrlcTecetabl market, Jane 26. The receipts of old potatoes continue light, and prices are again higher and ex ceedingly strong. New potatoes are also higner. In vegetables, green peas are low er, asparagus is less plenty and higher; rhu barb, spinach and radishes are also higher. Sonjd Southern : green corn has been re ceived, but tbe quality is not very good as yet. Couliflower shows a wide range ac cording to quality. Our quotations for po tatoes are in bulk; in shipping order 50c per barrel must be added; we quote: Western Peach Blows $44 50, State do $5$550, Early .Hose $3 50$4, Jackson Whites $4 $4 50. Prince Alberts $4 50 $5, Peerless $4$4 50, Chile $485, new Norfolk $7 50 and cnarieston 50 per bbl. We quote vegetables: Spinach, 50c$l per bbl; Rhubarb $3 $4 per 100. Radishes 50 per 100 bunches.: Green peas, S2f3 50 per 3 bush, bag fori- I. String beans $3 per bbl. Cucumbers 75cm$3 per crate. Asparagus, $16 per 100 for com mon and $3 50 per do for Oyster Bay ijewuce,.ow per odl xsermuaa ppuuoes, f per.- bbl; do onions, $3 50$& per crate. New turnips $4$6 per 100 bunches; new squash $3$4 per bbl; new cabbages $6 $8 .per 100. Cauliflower $1 50$4 per doz. Charleston tomatoes $3 505 per crate. Q & SHIPPING DIRECTORY.; 1.1st of ysssels lai, tlte , Port of mlastB N. CM Juaa 28, 18TS. - K r,.P STEAMSHIPS, -n': -t f.-'J.; D J Foieyi Price, ' A D Cazaux Ansdale (Br.), Key, Idg., DeRosset & Co ' ," ;briqs. ; r" ; ' I C C Vanllorn, Hooker, Williams & ,, ' Jttrrrchison Br Sussex. West, i - DeRosset & Co Br Somerset, McBride, Jas Anderson & Co .1 VL A ll r3CH60irEBS. V,ri d f , Sophia, Robinson, , . r . Worth & Worth FranaisSatterly; Stetson; CTG Barker &Co W 1 Burronglia, Nichols, O O Barker & Co Pyrola, Glnn, 1 0 Q Barker & Co. Tarry Not, Dalbo, Idg, s" Harris Sc HowelL Mary Augustus, Holt, - GO Barker & Co Stamnede. Dow. dis. J H Chadboorn & Co iaa xteiia, x lsuer, rus Williams & t - V W-f -u eM---. , i,. ,.;', i j Alurchison NEW YORK. Schr Sunny South, Derrickson, eld June 23 v'-!' , . BELPAST, Me. . , ;; Scir.S J Gilmore, Dutch, ' aid June 8 ' BERMUDA. : , , : . Barque Dulcimer, (Br.) Harrison, sld Jane 7 ' . BREMERHAVEN. Rufus, Jdrgonsen, -- .- , sld May 27 -;:;;,(.:;':iiyERPoL.: . Br Barque Shun, Edmondson, sld May 16 GartstrangrThorton ' dd May 20 .Vitruyius, Drummond, . :. sld May 22 r;j HAMBURG. ' 1 .: Europa, Thomford, sld May 20 rv f vr PLYMOUTH, Eno. r Oceana, Aslacksen, t sld April 10 Zuma, Bouse, sld , . '' ;,. Jlarch 15 , . " CARDENAS. . ; Brig J M Burns, ' Feb 4 hj , ROCKPORT ,llai Wri;v-?nrtpaprf nrtnftr' bchf G Van Ddesetf, Conner, . sld lay 4 . ROCKLAND. Schr. Pyrola, Ginn, v 1 ! sld June 20 ' GAL WAY, I. .Condor, Lemsbe, J ' $ t sld June 7 THE PIONEER, Published every Friday, at :1 HOTBtiCfiJ, ft, 1) Y . . V. MCDiaTHliL 7MttWVu' u "Jv" ;. T, HAS A LARGE AND -RAPIDLY INCREASING circulation in the Pee Dee country. Conserva tive in sentiment, it fully accords with the views of , vtLf ucet citizens. ... 4. . Terms of Subscription: Oneyear.fa advance! $9 00 Dumontns, laadTMico .......... 1 vs Three monns,tovancer!!Tr.!:. :7..... . 75 Bpeda socles free. Address , PIONEER, WHOLESALE PBICES. t3BT Our quotations. It rtould be understood, rep jeacnt tbe. wholesale pricet gecraHy., .In. jnaklng up small orders higher prices have to be chareo BTIOLXS. raicss. BAGGING Gtany.. - Double Anchor. .... Double Anchor " A" , . . BACON Korth Carolina, Hama, lb. Shoulders, tt, ........... Sldea, $ n Western Smoked v. l 00 18 ; H & & & 17 10 13 17 Hams .... Bides, tp lb.., Shoulders,... '.! Dry Salted 15 11 "X - ' & - ' 10X 10 8 13X y . sides w n ... .. " Shoulders . BEEF On the Hoof. . ..V. I... BARRELS Spirits TnrpenUno, . Second Hand, each. . .. ; New New York,- each New City, each....... BEESWAX B fi BRICKS WUminKton, M.... Northern BUTTER North Carolina, V Northern, 9 CANDLES Sperm, V B....... 75 S 68 80 800 OS & too:, & 8 00 v & 75 10 00 1 & 14 00 ... Tallow, V Tb Adamantine, tt lb CHKSB-Nortbern,Factor7 t Dairy, H- ,u . State, COFFES Java, Kio, s... . Lagnayra, 9 CORN MKAL $ hoshel . . COTTON TJJ W ID.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, 9 yd Yarn, onnch FISH Mackerel, Ko. 1, V bbL.. No. 1, 9 M bbh... .... .... -Mackerel, N. , bol ... No. (I U bbl . Mackerel, No. 8, bbl.. -MunetaT bbl.........:..:.-. . N. C Herring, $) bbl Dry Ood,ft FLOUR-Flne,wnW.. Super. Northern, fl bbl...... Extra do. " 9 bbl FamilT bbl 0 00 8 . 6 60,; 6 00 & 8 00 8 75 10 00 8 60 50 10 00 IS 60 & 0 00 . 9S5 1160 900 0 75 . ' aty Mills-upr-. 9 bbl.,.. Xxtra, ddi.... FamUr. bbl.. 10 50": Ex. Family, bbl.. 00 0U' FSRTILIZSKS-r . u O : PeraYian Ooano, V 8000 , j Baugh's Phoephate, r i ..! Carolina Fert-Jzer. Ground Bone. " -Bobs Meal, - ," Flour, r , " , ; . NaTassathiaho, ,. Complete Manure, - . . , Whann'a Phoaphau w Wando Phosphate, " " Berger A Bou's Phospb. M QLV&-9 GJiAIN Corn, In atore.fi 6fl t. Corn, Cargo, 66 BaM... .. . . Com, New, bushel. 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 I iO IW1 f A. Kft M 00 00 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 57 00 65 00 65 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 7003 00 00 70 00 6000 0000 ..16 i 02X 05 X 80 .00 0 00 oata, Bosaei Peas, Cow, $ bushel , 67M 72X 1 SO ' 7 8 IS 1 15 1 45 1 65 185 145 1UDJ3 Oreen, y Vrrt HAY Kaatern. f 100 Da North Klrer, 9 100 Da. ... HOOP IRON 9 ton LA-RD Northern, 9 D - North Carolina, D. ...... LIME bbl k... 135 00 14000 11 & 260 LUMBKB Citt Bra-8AwmD j Stop BtnH, reaaweo, w M it. . Ro-eh Edn Plank. MM ft.. S4 00 Si 00 M 00 MOO 97 00 36 00 13 & 85 00 Weal India Cargoes, accord Inri to quality, y m. n. Dreased Flooring, aeaaoned ScantUng and Boards, : qqm-1 tnon, 9 Mft........ ....... MOLASSES Cubs, hhda, 9 gal.. . . Cuba, bbls, 9 gal . Sugar House, hhda, 9 gal. . " bbLvf? gal.... ' Byrap, bbls. fi gal NAILS Cut, 4d to d. 9 keg.. . 15 00 13 00 -'. 40 43 31 39 80 ,. 34 85 4 75 28 1 W 1 00 . 90 1 00 o 00 4 35 13- 08 00 00; 00 00 00 00 & & & & &. & & VIVA Kerosene, V gai.... 39 145 110 40 160 100 5 60 1 TO, Urn XHmn, k.. ..... . , PEANUTS tt bushel POTATOSd Sweet, bushel insh, Mortnern, v ddi.... PORK Northern, City Mess.. .. Thin, 9 bbl.... ........... .. Prime, 9 bbl Ramo. 9 bbl............. a 0000 & 0000 wis 00 RICE Carolina. 9 D... 6H& 00 & Bast India, j8 D. ...... 00 Kougb, Dusd....m 1 15 .185 BAGS Country, .9 8 & 6 & 1 T5 & S 33 00 ROPB-i..:. SALT Alum, 9 bushel..... uverpooi, W sacs: American, 9 aack.... SUGAR Cuba, 9 D.. ...... Porta Rico, 9 D ) - A Coffee, 9 D - B " V D..., 1 60 & 149 & iova 165 160 10 i 13 & ?18X . 11 k iox 11 nx W U - ft ID...... EX. C V s ' Crushed,- 9 Jb..'.. SOAP North orn. D 5 yx SHINGLES Contract, .9 M... 4 00 3 50 . 6 50 9 60 80 00 00 00 18 00 10 17 00 15 00 19 00 6 00 1 00 1 75 :35' 45 tjommon, w m..... r- ... C.7.. ma W 800 j j y mi. ...., Cypress Hearts MM. BTAVJk W. O. Bbt, V M- R.O. Hhd.. SM & 00 00 00 00 & 00 00 ' 33 00 17 00 TALLOW B .....!.;......::. TIMBER shipping, 9 M - Mia rnme, w m. - MiUFair. M..... 14 00 . Inferior to Ordinary, 9 D.... WHISKEY Northern, gal.... North Carolina, 9 gai........ WOOL Unwashed, 9ft Washed. V D. O o 00 660 3 50 ,80 WILMINGTON MONEY" 9IARKET. OOJUUtOTKD SAILT BT TO MAxd OT HXW HXMOVXX, " -I. B. GRAINQER, PRESIDENT. Gold 114 -lie Silver. 106 109 Exchange sight on Northern. clues. Par. 1 Ezchangt it) days on ; ?z.t t4t IXiimiC cdls. rar vu. eui Bank of New Hanover Stock.,... First National Bank.'. i; . .' 3S 100 .... 45 110 70 61 110 Wilmington PnMln 8 toc. ....... VWra' " 44 NsiraseeGunoCd.; ........l.v 109 N. CL Bonds Old Ex-Coupon .......... 84 . r 1 r. J J funding 186S.......... 1 DoT " .1868 ....84 ., , Do,.. New..V. .....J.-.....30 Da ' Special Tax.... ,18 " Do. to N.a Railroad .......... M W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 e (Gold Int).90 W.. C. R. R Bonds. 8 c. A 55 Wilmlneton City Bonds. 9ev. 74 ...... 4 7 e.. 80 - - old u . . . . mmt v , new i New Hanover Countv Bauds (10 Tears). Sc(Go.d Int) 70 New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 "Be (Gold Int) .i..t7 W. A W. Railroad Stock ??m Z -- - . North Carolina W..C ARailread w i isA , , WtLQas Light - - , . r - " " RATES OF FBKIOHT. Per Sailing Per Steamer. .vesaei To Naw Tokk . Crude Turpentine 9 bM Tsr bhL Spts Turpentine 9 obi t so a o so o oo a o so 0 50 a 0 60 oooa so o bo a 00 0 00 a 1 75 o oo o io : o oo a o 60 0 00 & 0 60 o oo a o so o oo a o 60 . 0 00 8 00 0 oo a 0 75 0 po a o io 1 oo a a oo o so a o oo l oo a o ooj Keein v ddi.. ........ Cotton 9 bale Peanuts f boahe.... To Philadelphia. 0 B0 & 0 SO S 60 ft 0 00 10 0 00 Crude Turpentine V bbl Tar 9 bbl. Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 0 60 0 08 0 66 o eo a i oo 0 00 & 0 60 o oo a 9 oo 0 00 075 0 00 & 0 10 p 00 10 00 Kosin v ooi........,.: Cotton 9 bale....;.... Cotton Goods 9 bale.. Peanuts fi bushel...... Lumber 9 M. ......... To BAxruioaa. - Crude Turpentine 9 bbl Tar V bbl Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 0 45 o oo a 0 45 0 SO a 0 45 ,909 0 U ' o oo a o 46 0 00 0 46 0 00 & 0 SO o oo S a 45 Kosin w DDI Cottony bale......;. Peanuts 9 bushel .... Lumber wM. ....... -To Bostok ' ' 0 oo a ooi a oo of oo ooo a o oo a go a oo . 0 00 0 75 o oo a o ii o oo a 8 oo Ormje Turpentine 9 bbl Tar bbf... 0 00 o ooj u uu a o uu o oo a o oo u w a o 70 o oo a i io Spte Turpentine 9 bbl UI lVI . . i . . . ... . . ooo a o oof 0 6ft a 0 70 a. so a o oo o is a o io o oo a o oo PeanuU baBheL...,.l Lnmber V M. .V.V. !. f o oo a o oo o oo a o oo 11 60 19 V' MISCELIiAKEOtJS. i v 'x uhjv ' liuiMiA-uairuTactmrera. XJ farmers and busiuees men eenerallv will find The Times'" a valuable medium, for advertising, oc iur uDiauung correct inrormauon concerning toe re sources and climate of the Dan River Valley, In Vir ginia and North Carolina This region is unrivalled In the production of the finest yeilew tobacco grown in the United State, and ito seneral asrJcultural ad- vantages' are superior to any other section of the south. 'The Times" is published weekly at f 9 50 a year, or 1 85 for eirmenths. Address P. BOULDIN, weekly at 9 50 a - X 11 Clmes OBlce, Danville, Va. jan 16-tf - rpiIB PEE DEE COURIER, : 1 tuM!a HAjsuromj, jsouor Arrapnetor. t li A Consenrative ppeJiavln the. largest circula tion of any other paper - published Jav the. iPee; Dee vuuhut. ua uiersiom lb BMCsaveniHiri mnii 30 & 80 J' 40- i' 25 48 , '- 00 80., 16 & ' 18 r w SB "15- 85 s : WX& 1 00.,. -; 1 60 & 1 65 18 00 23 00 : 60 & 14 60 & 1 60 & ' 10 60 & : . 6 60 6 00 & 9 f1.- seea. w u T ....... ou t - ii nAiTJvri STEAMSHIP LINES. imore and Wilmington SEHI-WEEKU STEAHSHIP . LINE ! COMPOSED or tex FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS I. J. XfU-JX vapt v. rrice,, . . , I,tJClI-0E Capt X. 8 ..Bennett, , , , ? , KEBECCAC1.TDK, Capt D. C Chllda, Will hereafter flail from BALTIMORE , ' r- : ' Every Tuesday" and Frlday : r , , . ; AND FROM WILMINGTON 1 . , livery" Wedne&day and Saturday ' CONNECTING AT WILMINGTON . With4 the Wilmington, Columbia and Augnsts, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroads; also the several line or steamers to iayettevuie, j j, . , , GlTing; Tbroncb Bllla ' of Ladlns To an points In North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; connecting at Baltimore with the Bal timore and Ohio and the Northern Centaal Railroads for all ooints in the West and North westi and with steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York and 1'nlladeipoia.., . iT , j?, .- A D. CA2ATJT. .1 i' . . hXT.-j Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Ajtdbxws Co., Agenta, Baltimore. ; '; ' dec 81-tf - .. . . . , PTTn. ADPJ.PKTA & S0UTHEB1T Mail;Steamsliip ;Company ! rpHE FIRST . CLASS , 8TEAMERS . , PlONEEn, 811 tons, Qaptn Joha Wskeley, , . TON A WAN DA, 844 tons, Capt C. C. Wiltbank, form Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila aeipnut ana w-mington erery 'xnesaay morning, at 9 O CLOCK. '.-., - v; ! t). t lll 'Jf:UTO,uK mum r juaoins Portland and all peinta in the- New England States, at as jow rates as or anr otner route. Also to Liv erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Ams terdam, and aQ points on the Continent and East Coast of England. -Throneh rates from Philadelphia to all ooints in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georxia. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rates as by competing lines. rot rreignt engagements ana rates apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agents, , ', . . '. .' . Wilminirton- N C. J. M. FoRsnu, Superintendent into., -.-", '- t ; WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, june6-tf S37 and 23a Dock street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REDUCTION 'IN Spring and Summer AT- J. & H. SAMSON'S. r.T.,T- UVt. : i t) 2,000 Yds. striped Mozamblques at ,15c. worth 25c. A FULL LINE OF STRIPED AND FANCY GRENADINES, WORTH 80c, REDUCED TO A LARGE LOT OF 8TRTPED AND FANCY JT. PLAID JAPANESE REDUCED TO 20 CtB. per laro, . And all others at a corresponding rate. We have just received a novel style of - SE A-SIDE SKIIITS. Worthy of the attention of our customers, which we offer at 75c and upwards.. Lace Points at a great Bacnuca irom zviu uu ana upwsraa. WHITE G O ODS. Piques, Nainsooks and Summer Suitings in endless wmj. - t- Our DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT embraces all .the prominent brands of white and unbleached ix ux wiatna, at prices to aery competition. June 15-tf . ' ndlasses and Syrup ! 1 -I fl a aa X S TIERCES AND B ARRKT.S OF H. S Y H U P! ' Ti , f f - AND' IT ' f Iff C9b AllUICfc . XLLUACiODCDa f W lO TTO J 1UW or For sale very low by OCtS-tf VTIXARD BROS. Corn, Corn. 15.000 BUSHELS IN 'STORE, AND For sale by ; ;L may 38-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. CHiBLOTTB OBSEttTlXa.' TO AD VERTISEIJS WILMINQTONjyND EAST KRN NORTH CAROLINA. 'E ORSKRVRR "nnhlUh nn Tvt. Weekly and Weekly, one of the very best mediums iwr aavenuang.! ,The Obsxbvxb is the only datty paper In Westem i chublerte'R , P"' appiicaoon. 'Aaares'- a J ITU Charlotte, N. a OUR "1 crisis A A A A'! PANCAKE ...... AND . V: " OTHER BBARDS Tobacco , Goods, BtD.PIQOTT, June 15-tf 4 C kl s. i RICE IN TIERCES AND i "' t TJERSONS wlahln? to ntiV thlr rnl J-1-'??!.-.;' I -t' siveiy known amonir tbe merchants and neoDle v6 -5? I generally In Western North Carolina- will find the a BARRELS; 7 tirA)ir.n: QOFFEES RIO, LAGUAYRA AND JAVA; gUGARS-ALL GRADES; E LOUR SUPER. TO EXTRA FAMELT; , RalsUis, CuntlleIa.Crackers, TTff T ATQ mr oTTTin . For sale at ADRIAN ft VOLLESS deel9-tf : . . .-, ' - -. TMIE COLUMBIA UNION Issued daily JL . Weekly, U Cabs Cam etor. A lively, wide-awake lished at the State can i La issued every morning (Sundays excepted), and uuuea to BUDsenDere at f t per """ . BQlcrio7 tiona invariably m-advanceL It will contain th Intuit eiegrapnic mermanrm maraei and commercial rjortiL Thursdav at the low eric of Si: "Ane -,vy eesiy union," puuusuea, every An excellent ad , vertlsing medium. Kate reasonable. eBeokand wore: neauy execucea.- ' ' Jan IS-tf nmiK PEE DEE HERALD' his tag counties, is therefore the best advertising medi r ""y""."' . or. wunnngton,. Add RAIL ROAD LINES. Carolina Company. WII.BIINOTON. ' N. C. I -w " ' May 4, 187S.f IT soe3:eidtjxj-Eii. , ; PASSENGER TRAINS. ' LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EXCEPT SUN dave) atA 8:00 A. M Arrive at Wadesboro t.........w.r.,...v 55P,M Leave Wadesbor at 7:10 A. M Arrive at Wilmington at... v-... 4:85 P.M FREIGHT TRAINS. 1,' Leave Wilmlntrton daily (except Sundays) 8:00 A. M AinTt si ijanrmDurg as. Arrive at Lanrinbu 6:80 P. M Leave Laurinburg at.. ....-60 A. M Arrive at Wilmington at...'.. 6:30P, M Passenger Trains leave Charlotte dailv. - Sundays excepted, at. 8:00 A. M Arrive at Buffalo at. . . . .;. . . ........ 12 :00 M Leave Buffalo at . . . . t . . . j . ' . , : -. 1 .-00 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at.. 6:15 P. M Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions 01 tne uoaa as tne Dusinecs requires.' - A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of this Railway. 6. L. FREMONT, ;mayl8-tf ' Chief Engineer and Sup't MISCELLANEOUS. COFARTNEBSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED ASSOCIATED THEM selves together under the name and style of HILL CO., January 1st,' 1873. forie purpose of making and aistuiing Turpentine, ana carrying on tne tu roen- tine business in general, 6 miles B01 uth of White- ville depot - , t . irrom ana alter tnis aate tne general snpennten- dance of the business will be intrusted to the man agement of G. W. HilL Sen., who alone is author ized to use the name and signature of the Company In business transactions. . a G. W. HILL,. Sen., ; r ; , ' J. B, B. RA8BERRY. -. . i xsr jriB"T. mn. . ' Columbus County, N. C," June 20th, lsfc' i ' ,' Nova Scotia Herring. BARRELS . ''"' - PERFECTLY SOUND : -i . For sale low by ennf 15-lm WILLARD BROS. Spirit Barrels. 1.000 SELECTED SPIRIT BARRELS, or sale by 1 ; - jI -ir si A" . WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. may 88-tf WAHTED. i GOOD COOK MALE OR FEMALE TO GO to Smithville for the Summer. June 34-tf O. G. PARSLEY J. COTTON BATTING. OR STRAINING ROSIN A SUPPLY OF THE best always on hand, and for sale by ! , ..... . ' ; : ' ;- DiROSSET & CO. .i June 37-3t . - . ;. BUTTEB, MASSES, STBUP, HAMS, T?X STEAHERS METROPOLIS , & LUCILLE, 'Choice Gtoshen Butter, 1 ' " A No: 1 Golden Syrup.-1 I , Extra ' Choice aolia Kama In addltioa to above, Daily Arrivals of Bacon, Hay, Lrn, . . u.' yrnp in itoia., xces, ana unss., Lard, Sugars, &&, . 'ij . i '..-. . June S4tf . . , ,BI5FORD, CROW A CO..' I -f OA : AAA LBS FRESH BEAT RICE, "1 " . j FROM HILTON BICE MILLS, y.t. For sale by ; :;-l . ' ' ; :'i ; .'' , WILLARD BROS. decatf .A. O -A. jto f ' HAVE THIS DAT ASSOCIATED WITH Messrs. Adrian A Vollers). who is well known the business communltTfor his inteeritv. exDerience, ana Duainess capacuy - Wilmington,. G,May 1st, IKS. , . i:;-tUU!'S'ii .';'.:-'! "j i 1 COPAttTNERSHIP NOTICE. .Referring to the above Card we beg leave te Inform the business Community that., we have this day en tered Into copartnership, under the firm name of . E. Peschau &;Westerma-in, 1 . f-Forthe transactioa of a- J- ' ; - i ' . r. , r . As . . ' i . : i ! Wliolesale Grocery & CoiiimissiDaBiisiiiess in this dty, 1 and- TeepectfaHy tender our services, promistb. that any busuess Intrusted to wni meet with prompt atentton;t and we .bope ear long business experience will enable us to full sattef action to our patrons. 1 'f ' ' J : ' i ' . " ,VESQILk.V ft WESTEitMANN. , j Wilmington, 2L p.'Xay tot, 18T3, ,T A choice lot of - ri- T3URK FRENCH CANDIES, -; 'JL- , i. . Dried Fin. Prunes. Dates. . . . - i t Freeh Nuts, Lemonv Apples, v.aiao, a. avfFa v vD avvf U-tM p Ktn-u vti 'j ; i.-n,'-. f WlOJT CO. ; 06 FOR S3.:; GE'ANJD lOFr'E,R THE TORKVTLLE ENQUIRER, win present three-dollar chromo to every subscriber for 1873 who pays $3 00 In advance for a year's subscription.' The Chromo entitled "The TJnwAlnnma viiii is executed in the finest style of chromatic winttaiir:' h. iwtnt I. 1.1. Vttj.. i " . . P picture sells in the art stores for $3.. - It is equal CTT&y.? chroluo Premiums ,cJS?bl.otbarp,lbUcat,?n,il ' ' rn; ' WJb! V.lAyr. 4eto -lome Circle, the Parmer, the Mechanic, the Trades- ri i 1.";"' wcuou oi me union; is not sec tional jn its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Beside all the news of tha riv tUataA whi. via to correctness and accuracy, its columns are filled with-the choicest matter appropriate to the different iwMucui--ttones, Historical, ana biographical Sketches. Travel aud Adventnra. Rahhat.h T?Aa)tn-. a column for the Children. Wit uul ITtimnr t A t - iuiu. vurretsuunaenca iitim arhi. KuwruiAn Subjecte, an Epitome of the News of the Day, and J ORIGINAL STORIES. pus- furl ?-,xne pubucation tr Origmal stories Is a feature of. the Emquibkr. and for the next volume we hava iraJ tureu oaveru irom lire pens 01 popular ana enter tainlng writers. . In this Department alona wn mn re- ' promise our readers entertainment equal in chacao- er xoinat or -any or we popular story papers.- . Job - x Be uoBcnpuou pnoe mi uiv jucquiBxa is S3 per annum, with Chrome Premium, or without Pre- um, tw tiy 10 uoacriDers on receipt copies of the paper sent letters te '1 ST subscription. Specimen - appneaoo-r 'A dorees all PROSPEQTUS. The Porn ihg Star PUBLISHED DJULY ASS WEIrif SUBSCIPTIOH BATES-IH ADVANCE: DAILY STAR, One Year...... rr ou '. Six Months ... - :-i;.v- -.-.:.." " , - A Three Moiiths.i, 14 . ' One Month:...;. s 60 .00 WEEKLY STAR,' One Year; t.00 Six Months. its Three Months. 71 Woticea ef the Press: A flrst-class' paper. BotUtbon Advance. Emphatically alive paper. CMdtbon ittiw. Th 8ta Is e live papergnin C.) jv. One of our best excbingesiiotoM c.) Cmiv One of the best dalhr mmm In a nt.t - km j.. A V -nmim One of the verv beet of on- tan BoutKCamliniaji. ,r .. . ' w Ranks amonir the leadinir Daillea f .,.,. Christian Advocate. One of the best D&fllea in th Rtof o InUUigeneer. A valuable naDer.. We cheerfully, recommend It Pee Dtt Courier. : Ranks amone the leadin? Innmnla nf h Hrvntv, ' ! . Marion OS. 7.) ar. . . One of the best and most deslrahlc rumen in Vnrti, Carolina.- Jforort Virginian. , Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmlneton. HizabelA. City Xorth Carolinian. One of the best dallv apers published In the Bouioern eutes. uorry One of our best Southern journals. Aianewroi- per net surpassed by wj.triend qf Temptma. One of the best conducted in the State: bold. Inde pendent and well informed. Eilisboro BeconUr. Ably edited, and has a circulation which toeaki volumes of comment on its influence. Magiulii Monitor. . Onward and upward it goes until now it hu the goes untl Dally in largest circulation of any the SUte.-TW- mom fret. The Wilmlneton Star, now venr much lmpmed, has the largest circulation of any paper in the Bute. Enfield Timet. . The Stxb stands amonir the first of North Ctfolim Darjera in coint of enternrise and Uterarr meriL- .VhttUr $. C.) Reporter. r . ,;SHi -ji-' W,:,', Unanestionablv the beat dallv ionrntl la Norti Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern 8tatefart&oroS. C.) Timet. MY - to For editorial abilltv. eeneral news, correct nurket reports and fine literary selections the Stak h m superior. BoeJtjf Mount MaiL Is well conducted and has as much and great i n- nety of irood readluir matter, as any. DaUr in uc oiaie. narrtnwn waeue. This naber. Ihonch not manr veari old. - eo( the best dailies la the State, andweU mirlU tne support It receives. Louitourg Courier. I 1 ' On A nf fKa Koaf dafly Jeurnals on our exclung ring aave that which encircle tie list. Belongs to no good of the people.' Savannah Mirror. ' The Wllm'r, eton komnKa Stab is among th W newsnapers in the South. . Kich. rare, racr, W,J' , fresh and "on time." lMri Expotitor. A staunch and Independent advocate or uw p ; pie's rights; Deeervedly ranks among ths tow ' that nais oi the southern countrj.-jioci.tngium w r- give A live Bew8Darjer:San4 the best Dafly to the ft& The circulation U larger than that of any ou" Daily in the State, which proves ILitWon Cirm- tctej ill 'fr,M ;0:i--i'j"i:i.iZ'''-- Those of our readers desirinir to take a M!" ' - 1 1 ( m " - 1 "wwj paper iron .norm uroun - iy Stealer .May c 1 I . . m . 11 ..MAt flU DCH" paper ever started in North Carolina n ldly u has the Stab. Though only J " No so ra old, ft Is now a fixed institution, enjoying ence and a prosperity second to none in u SolUburu Watchman. - . . 1 ' The Stab is one of our most highly TlfiJk changes, and it affords us Pleaeere to i ortli ! as one ot tue most racy ana rename 7 Carolrua.A'irwton OaxetU. . Tho 8ta Is undoubtedly sa enterprUto? w. , immiui ui ajiiajiJou uu uvuaiuuw- - ... abilitv. "Mr.-Bernard deserves , erxorwin ouraidifvajxaieff in . uriimWAn a-.- I. in ih front rAoK w of- Southern dailies, well edited, full of f'erVn - readme matter, teleeraphiports, and to evoy Set a nt rate Jou'rnaT 1 our Stote would oethe gainer Dyiuw-' - nalUm, solely by its own merit tne Its way steeuJly np until tt has now fonaVdlncr-8-. menee circulsnon and a iz - iil. age. Charlotte Obterver.- O'! -"'lit i- mii ifccj C. by WnuJI. Bernard, ,,twlnk'5i wi vJ w live years ao, and ha tHtantproP' pubflc favor untU hi assumed we jpaw, lions and brilliancy of a Stab of the """"Xie & lupotntededitorie, B0ws ileJf Vtai f -.Tk.. mnnrta. .aeriCUHUtai ji. I - iwmwbi " :rj rr Hmwrreuij eallanaona matter having riven UrcuUtaoiu--tftrferif Vindicator. Dafli It is one of the mort manly and T'e Jw, U (..among the tooueanfls lit' tne rasanus in w hia paper, bat Uete ftlcl Oodiring about this lalriy ana squsrejy, tt I matter, and the wooeer b,ocb, on I of twety-four nours It, tan J?f 'Lge firit formation, and so varied, bas from w iert 1 ... ra vud 11 ' BU1K 19U1 address N. ebo-tf ; 1 M per annum In advance, a T p.17.tt .r: 1 teoaDHi .jrKirence.H.u. - h itJ fi C-JK.'H uT, Pro; Propneti kvllle,l9. . nuxiA- waaesDoro. s. c i v . dee 10-tf' prosperity... V Jretbyterian, or 1 : .