is ti ti- 3 t a 'i-f 14 a J : j .4 -'! II .y Hi '5 M rJOrttmrr 'lEirrT Wilt Hi BERNARD. )' ' " - . V Editor. CICEKO W II ARRIS, J , - WILMINGTON, K. C: .... Thursday fMoENTNG, July. 3, 1873. ..jCHi.BI.ES A. SANA. This;;. gent'lematt .-.j edits - the - New York $unt a bold newspaper .which, n;.has t ttflJ years ..past-lashed-tlie- s corruptionistsl- o 'every degree ir the Radical party. By Iris fearless ex j -id V9$?& j&ffi.cial: i-ascality he Has subjected; flupArV, to a number of - libel suits.. Rather than put himself in the clutches 'of a Pennsylvania " 'court,5 wMcnhe 'mistrusted as being in pUusIoa witl the prosecutor, the notdHcns ITemble of 'Addition, Di " vision and Silence" notoriety. Thoin ' " il!theS .hacl exposed for his; Phila vdelphia. ring . operations, Mr1. Dana o forfeited1 his " 'bond' pf5,000. . J he is now -sued -by the Washington . ' BpaPiif its f or charging ; them with Ui.iwdSibiThe editor of theT paper published in New Yorkis bound a heavy bop d t , to answer before a court 'iqtbe Dis . trict of Columbia a: charge 'of libel ! ; , .This,unusuaiprbeeeding is (ad n-. der,4be.'principie o constructive libel, ; by which he pubKcatioh'of -a Jibel is , assumed to be in' every place where the paper circulates--aprineiple utter ly false and pernicious, dangerous to - - liberty and sub veraiv e of all. If gal au r'tbbHty.VJt'Vfil)e" a spectacle . , for Americans i when Mr. Dana is brought before this, to im, foreign ':ttrisdiciOTi fo;charge only "coenTzable before a New York Conrt. VBui-sO,;nlaiy ftiiogs contraryt law, tops(toilielecency have ' been done under ,the jiresenwime ')0luiHs&.&e Isuppose iobodp 'will be v ?BliocggttMir outfaef h free neiyspageraof the land must do as the Baltynprlaze ajad a f ew other out- spokhfflaj4h.T9. done, denounce - , the tranmellingTof tie press'Jty tru1 culent individuals who avail tihem- ?selves -ef-the cmrvenienT "tf Corrupt judges and venal jurie WTTgaka .'their.'" 'puTposesof Wlg 1 and , r pelf.Thindepeadejrt;;;ie must ... breakdown this infamous tyrannfy, as I ructions and abases. Of the merits of " ' rj,his particular. case we know nothing; 7, -X tion "of v the ashingtoaBoard of Fnbhc. Works .is not UnimDeacniUle-l. , - xr 5 i vhe fet the" Radical patty bi 'n'as been pusyiieirrosijjgus snams anasuaiues. NOT DEAI IBT. Metin&tephns land ' John Fbrsh'classiaffefet'speak of ; -fcdaKnsMpieenemox jand . Reriublwan'&.'$5? wlri-V-th wisps, tmngstbatjneyer (conxe to: . anytnng, ; .onlyj shadows of what .men: wish jtor. A thousand times jig ILhe last .. pw years haal&e relietion" been made j Xhat. no sueh lusion-was possible ind lately; we haver -bad these; Bag -vatici-vn naUonsrepeiitedinilQflyi asBuaptibhs , .thatrlAteiPy . arise and save the natiohWas b'uried be fool enough to giv& it :a galvanised exfeteiicef ifot Jthe purposes of a State SjlSfij attfran aithzrapl absjihallr-.raetp pf officiaTtife. TThey' refuse to see ariy- vi things V inrAitheYbold' ; attiWde' pf ' "'the' freeV'iuinLnuied:v'i journals--1 bf the country; rftdw.lamong the most eyes to the fact hat in Iiiwa and bihpr States i tffefefiF aJiicy8pmt th1 ere Jong, must devetope.Jin'bpen-re volt againsliQiailliublican party isP . now constitutedPJAM;thfcy leny DimqQ,wnajisj.'gpig gnnn their- eyes ; in rOhiaC?g,! 'Dem56fat8 aridLbaiiejnblica'ns. - a oj resoiuuons in Alien county nave union) nrassmeetiigi :pi all the oppo?-. nents of KadjgaliinjnyhiQ. has been called; for, :tbe.i:30th oi July, for th i 'purposed of 'inference:' flintf prha'pi to form a new party. v ''.pHyas-Hbis mighty jedeen N :-the'old Buekeye State, - . r r 1 -- -We bay redeiyed: :tbe Medical :;;lwVonhJi j'Journil s of j poetical ;,edidne gMt&.It js;publfehed; wilsoW and ; - is under thfe-'edbfial. andL'proprieto'; 'rial control' of J:?T.v Lawrerice.,1 D; T)! bscriptfQii'p.rfce tfZfJZ 1 - -rh Thr jsponge"; seaaoar ' has com . ' . w ovurue ui inanstry. c'-' witfcr- Greeley.1 cIt vfcafieir tlaunedl ;j holy.cdiound who woulj I auapeoe dojot readthrigns S-QVieimef hich'iate plain Inuh. , Theyie.f nseientfain in the SadiSek'tWentioi jof ; bjr.Pe earl rui.f or wo e lyyyffs 'Oneof thiTvOTsersof-the.Gdveni-l ment expedition to go in search of the lost Polaris. ariSy in Jthe regions - of j ; and icehas left' Newl etern ai snow r an a ice, York. TlicJitniateg will be followed, by the mAS-toon-asJthe-Meces-1 sary alterations are made to suit her for the purpose intended.- -This is a 'st.rnnrr.i cTitn - Trr pitrritppn 1110111113 old, and hSj&aLALtQpa. rg . TrT , the recent. overproduction. She has been emnlovedrin the seal:.! Jv.i inAv v--- - tr.-.tUJ. ! ' 'it,;1 - ' 1 1 '1 1 a a r ' ' I trade. Slie'was purchased from Jing- liish mej-ffhiwits, fori 00, antller:- lofiae owners "wnk"repurcutiKo for $40,000 if she gets backs from the Arctic seas uninjured. , t n In such mystery is the latter,,) .part., of the ill-starred Hall expeditjiofi? veloped that public interest; in the ainMStftq fleecier Ce (ftf8 or her. v -..-' : - : - .1 ' li.r nrfiw will he as creat as mis' warm weather will permit. Hut pub- lie Jnterep spIyf f elhsd just now with the thermometer far up in the nineties the average citizen of the United .States is more iitei-est- ed in the difficult problem how-to keep himself cool than in. th more1 mi-. intereB?e1andpnilan thr68 undertak ing to prevent-Capt. Buddingtj)n and his men from becoming too coop up in the land of 'eterhaliceue'rgs. TIMELY TOPICS. The crop of sugar in Louisiana! f or the". past season was 108,520 hogsheads; This is a decrease of 19,941 hogsheads on the yield of last 'year-aod 36,861 less than the year preceding, while, compared with the largejcrojoXJlhe-.last raised wijk J slave labor it snows a falling on amwvat- ing to 350,890 hhda. The product f jbk' lasses also show? a. decrease.' of user; 10 per cent, compared with last year. Under "the: terrible political condition of that i State, these figures arenot tg be: wondered .at.;; ,.,, It would be highly gratifying to ct the great State o,f Ohio once niore right, pplUif J cally. - The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks tt can be done in one way, and it seems to believe onmonTway. "It says: uf the farmers will organize immediately and in- effigently 'eryi tMtJfef the State, hold a State Convention near the last of July, nominate a ticket of high character and .one . whiclv fitlvr- jepresentr. them, they can felet it; The Democratic -Conven tion would endorse such a ticket on tie6tk of August." " . : llr'sfaiqcB fQ taiBrtJorsbip oi Massachusetts are looming up. It is said there is no man of great calibre to pit against thejgeajt ia-the combat; hence it is Lf eared by decent Republicans tliat he will secure the nomination, whjch in that ptate usetts .eiccts iiienCJiutler degradation, already great. will be complete and utter. 1 - 1 Of the 374 deaths in Philadelphia last week 201 were ofchildren unde five tears e tagel j Out .ofcievferyt w-nea&s anion children under 10 years of age, no less than 19 were of those under five years the younger-childreff dyingat the rate of nine teen to one. Now, here are facts for eep consideration on the part of parents land physicians. i-i IV PALMETTO LEAVES. a. ALliflu Jviokii. liaptist tnrnTCh,; m Columbia Countv, celebrates its ceri-j tennial anniversary to-day. The- church was fenuded in 1772, bejng the first Baptist Church founded n tJeorgia. enimn xui u; rv xxarueir, -on ceacn us land, baturday before last, was re fused bail, , and has been . sent j to. Edgefield jail td await his trial at the next term of the Court of General jsionsi.MATWt 5-l3ait f-J - :. The Georgetown Plant of Sat-f urday says.A-bram Hernot, ahas Country, was accidentally drowned 1 3ws injFi 6l$Ma- cumerv ueiouKiutj W piie-urivx;, and got fastened. 1 i.:. "... .. Sefe.ifceer4Jk?Io4lecB. A Washington letter states that the Hon. J. K. Liuttrell, Congressman of the Indian Bureau, an account yf his recent yisifcilo the scene of tl Modoc war, and says he has been abje to arrive &i oniv one, cQnciusum. in reftreHefe tojtrajmelyVithat- n3w& .caused by the wrongful acts of bad white ; men. He was informed ob whaKseoed toh'mr feliable'uthoritv that the JVIodocs were compelled tp slaughter their horses for food on. the Ilnhiresetjini3KBa e4 nSusted .this means of subsistence were compelled by hunger to seek thfe fishing and hurftrng-grounds on theij" "old reservation on Lost river. Mri Lnttrell urges an invesgationTpf the caasetcf the Modofe Hr, and'Ttgfmi to say that never was there a time since the organization of the Govern ment wherrtfeilPBoT'rnuch cor-j ruption . and swindling riot only against the Government and thepee4 pli?i;b6. ,ag3unat.the Iri'dialaastH day being practiced on the Indian re-? servations on the Pacific, coast." I Miss Hoilett, Chicagoinew lady lawyer, has studied Jaw tfire vears. aBwaiIadlhTttidJt6Uh4iar fte'r i severe, examination before the Su preme Court..' There ;were twenty three gentfe&fenHii the class, and she surpassed them all. The average.age Both militaries companies at Fayette Hie art Whaey unffortnl. " I la nlmnt. fhp. y", The Cincinnati Ohronicle insists - ou rwhniug Murafe Halstead for A WT 9( ohio- ' ' ..' (?' Oov- MifthapT Cochran -.Was' shot by Joseph Forsythe.yn Baltimore,, ou U Sunday night, in a" light, and it is supposed will die. - 1 :. - The hail manufacturers in.New4 England havel agreed , io stop: their Massacnuseus clergyman, ioriy vears of asre, xvas wedded to a four- teen-yeafs old girttast week, to the scandal of tho'people. . f . .l'ProCeBspT'HbaMkeeper, of Con-, nersvilley Jodiana, U got acquainted with a pretended preacher, .johrail iWd irain'J and was robbed -of $800. ' The number -oP-the primary schoplSj.ii ..Germany is said; tto ,,be 60,o66and the number of .popils: in theni ix millioBS between the ages of -, and . 1.4j?. a.? yi h Kvn'c -ujO" . j tUmMi hu. Therei:was .trUeisense of 'the -delight of .intimacy 'jAjjtlieigirl who declared that veVievieRioyed?' her lover so well as when" she jtold hi m hJmanyTpJiB 91 stockings ishe had iivnHefenessViHhe young Insh- inHii vviiu Avas icuuv auuuioicu nave stood ior. a moaei wnen Anuiony Trollope wrote his novel.' ' Phineas rS-.It is sai4!that A man in Pennsyl vania owns a Bible -11 7' years old that joasneveHliad-ks-' leaves cuti ' The only 'tbing that a good.many u enn sylvania' politicians have ever cut about:tbjeiroI21bJe:is its acquaintaace. Tlie soiif6f ex-President Jeffer tli tei 'l lleisrepresen ted "s a: ioble,: rjght; bdy'boin tefLpct bredit upon jiis parents ana nissecuon. -,;'iTwo yoong nien i in Burlington, Iowa, quarreled about, a young: lady and fougnvit iout 'Witn pistols. lney did ho t succeed in killinar each other. 1ut one of them sent "a bullet through the legof a small boy., and"-their 'ln- JurHior, tv'asH'tiafied.1 ' I rersons; says tne 1 . vv oriel, who possess the leisore and taste to debter their time exclusively to mat ins: will be interested in the annohnco- ment, or a iroaaway resraurauieur that he furnishes "a good meal all day for fifty cents." ? t.HHr? A will is' registered in Waynes burg, Pa which contains the follow ing remarkable clause: I also give to my beloved wife one red cowi one three-year old colt, ana the remain der of the kitchen and household fur niture." : - Postal- oards may be '.sent to Canada -from the, United 'States by attaching, janj.ofdinxiry one-cent stamp in addition Ao.the,. stamp printed jojj sent to the United btatea. by attach ing an additional " Canadian stamp. 'n - If Russia ever does conquer and annex .Turkey, the rest' of 1 the civi Kzed world will at least have the 'sat isf aptioa'Of knowing that: massacres bf. Christians by Mohammedans, such as that which "has just occurred in the lovice-of "Bosnia, will be thenee torthvrmpdssible. ' t; A divorce case, principally re markable fronr-.ticrfact that both the petitioner ahd-eorrespondent are cieW gymen,-arid that the wifers.infith2lity oCcu ect , wniie .sue . was on- a -visiin 10 ber brother.whtt , also axtergynftan rr-he' : being s vicar ' of parish ':)iear Rotherham, "and his J curate being the guilty person-was heard a f c w-day s .since, tinIoadon, by Sir -James1 lan: Ben, :Tyno raa(ieLa ueceo nisi,', wun .;t Xlt Hon'. Allen G. Thai-man. The- ,Cinoinnaii Commercial : has mapped-out the ground for- thertWo pot4cali parties; in. Qhio. rIt hisjopg weJmeditatiu On the situation and has had a fewmmntes , conversation twith iigentiejmaitin f full possession of a large fund of information, lit onnr.lrn1ta t.Tint. TTnri Alln d Tfinr. man will be the Democratic candidate, for Governor in Ohio this fall ; that heVill make jthe race and.-xniss, the goyrshipiuKiwillObhisiown successor in the senate. " Mr. lhur- man. won the Senate, by .making :the. me uommerctut, " ana ne is not sin gular among human (beings in; look inginpon Mraself as Capable bf Idoin'g the same thing twice" Walworth as an Author. . 2A'wnterWhl0KcwlYbrk Times who-has:apparently) read the novels ml cue uiiB -.niausueiu a racy ai onhpasrWltra9h'is letters'-to his wife, . conies - to, the conclusions that theauthor of."W.arrock,'5f"finding t pdssiblel toAei'a-'genms, and too much trouble i to. be a-i lunatic," had "dbera.teJyV adopted idiocy as a profession." In. this line,' the, Times arLiuie miuitu ne was a iuosi, uriiiiani suecss,"aconclusiQa which lie i the more,ren-eorcjng'f or fear some-pOrtien oMheuMKrmlght be -deluded lufco.TKinsideringy bitn a liter rv :raari:!-' 'afidT Bo'Thharffiacr; bis ' inde ijencies- ana Druianues to- tne literary proiession. ' ;-Thet'3esceridant8 of GeneiaLJohn rStafk, the ; revolutionary r hero, pro pose io euiarse iue cenieiery iu i.x ew Hampshire:" in which his bQdy.,jests, J co'naitioni ' ;a ,"'.;!:: r-f , nboiit 14(t candidates for admissibri to theMilitary.'Adademy -wefeJaely exajrqirjoJj fiSJio'f whbjiJ ipassed both the Academio and Medical Boards; I'iftyrfif e anafdates T were Tejected an;d "twelv? nominees :failed;to report for examination. f Anotlierexamina-j tiori'Willbe heldln August. ,rVj. , son Davis3has"f ecently become ! a! ca et m .heTifMnia Militann Insti- DOltVSf ITV DIXIE. - Ex-Governor Charles J. Jenkins, of Georgia,has- booh: presented witha goia meuai, yotea nim,Dy ine; ijeia- ature.ot that bfatoV last.. year..- v-r -A partylof lfv'eu assaulted the trrti mnraliol . nf . Camilla tVin nt.VlPl. day. : They were successfully caged, however,. -before-Vany damage- was done.rrrr- yi : ..-. f. t--' . ,'r" "'ir:r 1 A murderer at Me.ll.dlnJiUL Msslppirasketo on then Fourth pf ! Julyv-lanjrthe judge kindly consented,. as-it would help along proposed celebration. - Two policemen in JMle ltoeK, Aik put out in a boat and resetted a young mail from drowning oneafter-, noon last week, anden nauiea mm tefoie k cqurtnd had; bim: fined for bathing m the riyer before sunset Hon.' James . Ross,-! of-. . : Worth county,' one i the vieterans of th& war of 1812'J bad 'one; of 1 his: liip-bone3 uy a imiwvywvx uaj .; -m? IS eigntY-nye f years:-Or , ' age, anOi.xne accident Will probably" '.tetOXlOate-ia- tallyf coloretl socieiy iii albotton,, Kxa.. is CUlieu lue evuieu iiren!, They meet in. the COOl ofthe evening : .-.'. '- 1 ' ' '."t ' .i :': Once, a iWeeK, anu tue 1 rutjeiuigs 4 V-t riably end- Vtfith .an 'attempt bh Vthe part of, some of the more -prominent Tnpmhrfl tnmh pari, nt.hpr'ft eva' f. , ..i- - ' v y. ', ; j-. ' ' IJ" ' : - " ; .. .' TJj; .iNewoOrleads 'Picavune, (De.ruocratie ie):Bay8 of : the Beauregard . : u It is. a LonisianS, propo- movement sition-for Xiouisiana aloii -to .save - . -p . , v garruteu, oy uiu, ,t7. a who n& w hold "us by the .throat. heartily support-the great end sought to be obtained. r We heartily assent .. . . . . . T II . .1. i law .tJifi -whitfi YT-ftr.ft nosspsKesJ v We' merely desire a political unification of T 7 " , . . i i : I ' ...... . : , aw i tiii . c'. Tne Process of Kmbalmlns. .- v V iTin nrnnoHi''fni-; thA - - : .i' . j , , 1 . . ' , i i " J, f.y "movi jHK.vwowM-vi p. u processest 3Lhe Circulatory. System JS cleared.' thoroughly ont-by "W ashing With C6ldf water?tilUit! issues iquite clear frorn th'rf.h- This ' mav " o- cntv tvrd to fivfilmnr Alfiohbl W ' r.T n! . . , injeptea go as .apstract-vasr rnucn water as possiuie. jiuis ; occupies about a quarter of an hour. ...3. ICth'er 'is then injected to abstract -the fatty matters. -.f.AAis - occupies ' two to ten hours.: 4.v A istrorig solution '6f tannin is then injected. This occupies; for : 5. LThe body" IS then1' dried in ' a current Of bf Calcium . This mav OCCnOV tWO tO five hours.. Tie body lsthen perfect - KWU; ofo irr. " - ' . J-K- -tt HH-J" UW,J j.wu,iauH .ejuiiu. ispecuaeiis wmcij jre a8 hard as Stone, and- retain the ishape IO glVO ivne COlOreu :raC6 all'Tine; ppitl I :Wiuou KuuaimnauMs.' - iae puDiicauon ana u icai rights- and privileges Under the tribntlon to every hoqsehold being deemed, perfectly ahd equal t6 the " best, jwax 1 same wilj be attended to at once.' If any Health offi models A'tnore simple form Of in- I cerahall neglect to make complaint at the .request iectioft. suited for" ' anatomical bur- poses? consisted bf ... . ....j- . . ... 3fiycenne . . , . .. Softl'Sugar,.;.:. ilipjirts. Nitrate of potash. :tt ! it is. found that, after saturation; for some da VS-in this SOluti6li the lilfts become' comoSmtlveWnndtrdctihle and change' neither jihize-nor figiirei1 'JL Tunnel Sccon4 Only to tliV HOoaac. . . . Tie 'BaltinwrecandfiPJot0mac tun nel 'isV l -withTLtbaf excentioteof iti ; Hbao;Tunnei;ithe largest V'dii this, side of the Atlantic,' JIj; -tva8, built in fe'etpeT month peing7veonstructed ifdr ia portion, of the route. .Thd ground was broken "upon June l,5rI 671,' and upon the 27th of August 'thelayins' of thjinasonry begnq ; f romithat uiue. io ne present tpet woric tias Deea prosecuted "with i mkrvelous3 and the tunnel isompleieddnd a;dbnble trliclcjaidilougu force T'; emplqyeda upon i thes work ranged frbnt,40a to "00 Taeii Kt ijnter-. ent periods,' and.'th&epenei arnonht- ed to 'hearlv-$l)b.Xi(w'perl '"' . ' - Foree of OaitliU1"-07 ! On the-motion of' Mft?; & Black; the cohVerttibn'ofPeh adopted' a rqyisionV that every; metn-; ber f thet Legislature within twenty daya.after ljottnitorsWirtai an bath . that he hasuppeV the co!n stitution to,1 the'., best., b!rabiiitiy' that hp has listened knowingly Ho- no corrupt private Solicitations, that he has'taken fld b'riberyTioraided!.ih iinV, r&AiUam .s:-. tl ThemniVwho has , taken ; a .bribe would, pot heitatewtatake thts loath; and; a -dozen qtheW If gpmething; flsore effectual th'pathpnnot'be. found .oiy'iiV'poiTnptibn, v-tbe Peri nsyl van ia vcon vention' will have . ..b.ejejd.irj;jga ' , In.., Great Britain.rtwo.! men's have; died within a feWf-mpnths who each ' ledi)ioin 'the! tihieofetifc nd; the oth er the practical eldI.ih4phl losopher, and TJrassey, the Celebrated railroad.builderV'both of whom owed nothing directly Uo i university train ing. The present most 6mihehtjSnet f lish : thinkelr iri. upejuuer-is tweoeiievej-a"-gTaa U ate or.any scnQot m learning.'! VYal lacei the great naturalist, has had no ad vantage; frwrrreollegff or university,; andimany 6tnera could'be' mentioned' ,ho are influeneing.European thought: or, leading its practical who, have; not'' been members ,6f ttbe, learned 1 schools.'"-:v"'J'-- - ' . A . general vand 'gevere ' drouth ' prevails -from NewEngland to Western Nevr Yqrk,' includiBgftlL.6f &eyt :Jersevr all of Eastern PfiUBBolvania, aBd-most- or Maryland "affd Delaware. ' The bordees are not -well de-. .fined, for the arid: and moist lines shftdo in to each other, but a wide section " is 1 ti- dude'd, -land'' the - best and: ,hlghest ipricei f armiS'iu the.' hole 'couhtrv,are:iiov and f have been for a'mocth suffering1'' badly for v want 6f.s-rain',v' LagV.weelC'light shoyers ien over tms wjioie atea. ana vafi grass was SPECIAL NOTICES. 'Howard A.6clatlon Philadelphia - a- r. - ' Att-ii8titutiou ha vine a hisrh rtfrmtation for hon- "lorttble conduct and profeseional BkllL Actiug-Siir- ceoD, J. .. MUUUtiTUJM, m. v. assay a ior x oong Me0 sent, free of charge. 'Addrese, . niayS Sm- No. 2 So. Ninth Bt;' Philadelphia. Mothers. Mothers, Mothers, . . Don't' fail to procure MRSr WINSLO W 'S "SOOTH ING- SYRXJP'f or all-dlseaees Incident to tho period ef teething in children, it relieves tne cniia irom pain, cureB colic, regnlatea the bowels,. anl byiv- - rngilBiief and twsahhtonhc-chlld, gives rest the malfbH ,. -mrs., winslows .6 SOOTHING SYKCP.",. . fox sale by all druggists. 3 j jahe34-eod-6m tu-thur-sat. - ; . i . v, . ; MARSHAL'S OFFICE. City of .Wilmington, N. ,C ), ( ' Jtots 23rdj 1872. Jb it CUizens of Wilmington ; ; j , ' "l rpnp SEASON O?" THE TEAR HAS ARRIVED when it is usual to adopt more than ordinary . sanita ry measures, to prevent the . Introduction and spread of epidemic diseases. ; ' Our City at present is fortunately free from any i - nniedtate cause of alarm vet It is imbotiant that energeUomeasbres are adopted "by every citiaen, by a watchful care oyer their premises, and giving as- m will not east ft ffloom ovr th! cmnmnnitrJ To I avert suchalUsaBter and mlrfortune: it is incum- r . .. ...... .... .... 4enton an residents. to cneerroiiy accede to tne re-. quests of the.-Ctty .iAuUioriUes .'and not" wait compulsory orders. There are stsingent Ordinances which mper? all ;bwners or occupants of lota to keep them free from noxious weeds, filth, gaibabe, I h other, matter liable to engender disease, with I heavy penalties for an infraction Of these Slanicipal law?-! . : ' trust that It will not be my unpleasant duty to pro seen t any Indiyidual for neglect of adutyim- 3 safety ever, is I. poseoior personal protection as wenasuie I plain, and should tt be necessary by reason Of com- tlon to prosecute any citizen for a neglect of the provisions of the Hearth Ordinance,' It ' will not fee I. 1 .V t itl . a. .-. RIL 1 1 1 " ..t - I I 1 , , I k - na nestfid tfnlace a,b ln6am?or6aFe,:on the street adjoining the prem-. J-i'l iscs. i By so doing the Qlty carts will fee enabled to 1 4o a much greater amount lof wortota reiiovaL It T he. ctistonv on tb ErincipaJ; business I streets to put store sweepings, papera and wastd in' "t8; this is prohibited by an Ordinanca 4&8 tat- it also entaus a very considerable ex- I pease to-, coUeet in heaps Ifor Temoral.1 -Hereafter,' , 1 barrel or fic must be ised or this purpose, and the carUwUIpromptly. remove the eontonts ol the I' . -The carto-wfflMjnore , traah off, at aayimei,. 1 nioreeclaDy onThntsdayPfidays and J .1 nrdays. .'. WeeoB may bo - thrown on the-streets, in. l v or piies.andwiii oe Wved fat ow. W Other collected matter must be la barrtlsm boxes-J'i'- uisiniectanis may ne. naa on.appucaaon, actne i arehal'sfflce, furnished by tne City to all citizens tree of expense.- The Health'-Offlcers, 'who- are for convenience charged with receiving complaints from tovUH the premiBesof aU ecpndiUon theBame,are citizens and Instructed persons to report on. the designated by a yellow rosette, worn outside of the J coati Td avoid the complaint of 6ne citizen against I with maiatig compUinta npon Information fumisliear I v.i--,tI--. i a- -i i j -a. 1 u Vltrr . v"vuu y office when not m9re convenient to make the same ton Health Officer. "Any' person wanting, the acmH i enger cart to visit their premises may notify the Health Officers or Bend- word 6tnis! tiffldeandthe of citizen and faU to bring notice of tuch eom-! I 1 .1 if i. i n 1 a- I ed Bofllcient cause for his suspension, and any com- I plaint neglected or not duly attended to will be a sufficient cause to bring the officer before the Mayor for a hearing. : . '. - ' .With tho full, co-operation of onr citizens, aided by I the enforcement of the law against the careless and. Indifferent,' It is to be hoped that our City .may be' freed fromihe calamity of ' any -great mortality so Imminent at the present time. ' ' -, - . t . GEO. W .PRICE, Jr.; City Marshal june zo-h . . ,. .... i V, AUSCELLANEOUS. 1 Corner Fourth and Market sts. Isold, agent for the '.TUNING ; renown ed. Weber ani Gbehle Pi WlLMINCTOri anos(form- 8(foi rKn is verly Knob april5-tf Tobacco, Starchf Strafe 1X A BOXES AND CADDIES TOBACCO, ? .15 Bbls. and tf.Bbls. Snuff, .i-. i 60 Boxes Starch, ' ' 1 ' ' ' r 85 Caaea 1 and 8 z. Snuff. " r--, T Pot sale by. : ' - -f ; 3hn9tf - - ., v. W. ItEKCIINEB. Caiiy; ' ciilles, latcps ; BcIinappsV QQ BOXES.CANDY; , 175 Boxes Candles, ,. ; ,v.. ,.: , . , ! ' . Cross Matches f'; ' .' J . ,' f - 250 Cases Schnapps nf' v i '-' j For sale by F. W. KERCMNEi juue 29-tt . JffjjO and.S9 N,orth , Watei- Street. Vi 11 v JULY 1st, ,1.873; Account on. our.. Books will be ... . 1 i AH Bills due by us ,vvil. be paid u- .. -oii'-pTO8eitaiIopVv" .i . .MXJNSON COIX ...... .City.Caothirs.: july 1-tf f e -Hate RefeiireOiSteiiBr 'TflKt ... - cnotefrrof-oT ! PUKE FRENCBr CANDIES; p J :.; : . h inried Flsrs. Prunes. UateBl c :. t ".'' U Fresh Nuts, Lemons, ApplesL ' Jellies, Preserves, fec,;&C .- .'i --V-'- ' :,T lep-ir , L, Vi , WEST, A CO.. i The HalxgliWeeli . - - - : LAUGEST D A1IT, AT TlEDE G AFiT Alt THe' Oliest ! tbe. State:, irnt Me J THE SENTINEL HAS BECENTLY UNDER-' ' gone changes and Improvements Which make it one of the best newspapers of the State,' circulates in. every portion of. the State is and as it s second to none as an adyertiSins medium- Price b SEMI-WEEJlLY SENTINEL. The SemtWeekly .Sentinel is unquestionably the cheapest -and best paper of the kind in the State. Price $5. : , . .... . - '.'jf.s-if it '-' r .;'".'":''-- THE WEEKLY SENTlNELi-The ' Weekly 'Sen tinel is among the largest papers in 'the ' State, and contains from 2ft to; 80 oolumns of choice Teadinff matter. Including the latest telegraphic' neWs from all parts of the world. For the- present no advert tisements will be received for this edition Price of subscription, $3 in advance. 1 Address - ? iRErWJd! ap . ; jinn TlNEL PUB. COMPANT. ' BUSINESS CARDS. A. ADfUAN. X H. TOLLXB& APRIAM & VOLLEBS1 f Corner Front and Sock Sts., " - -. ' WILMINGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS s .. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on ws ana examining oar biock. - - - . -nov as-it - & CO., I yimKKALMMIS8K)2!riIEItOTANTS; j wiuumiu fl1D' WXLMINGTOW, N. C. -, - . - T 1 .. UK' Will slve Dromnt Dersenal attention tcr the sale or . shipment of Cotton, Nayal Storesi General Produce etc, etc. Also io receivuiir uiiuiorwaruiiiK u.; 2T Orders solicited and promptly filled. . . .7-r-: : ' B' F BIITCIIELX. & SOX, . . .. .' ' it:-1 QOMMI8SION, ilEECHANTS n j. And Dealers in Or aln. Kloirr Hay. (and ald - i'rel Ground Meal. J? eaniiomiqjr jt :r i'!" and -Grits.' Nos. .9 and 10 N. Water st, Wilmington, N;, C Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Hills, &OVS5-tf , v'.-if-i iJx., 5 I ISJA'T'Tli'Nr'A T 1FT'TRNT'!- 1 ""'.: yb.SPrcpTfttox,' n I.,.. .. ',' t .1 ONLT FIRST-CLASS HOTEL EST THE CfTY-OF .' - ''TpilJQjpOijy; fiT -t-t7. 1 . On ATJTJ ATvlTl AITTRR ,THJS DATE,. THE rate for tranbiknt bojlrp, wiUjbe $3.00 and $2:0(V per- day,; according to locatioa of Saams. june4-lmo f ;..? ,j; J ' ; ' vMISCTLlMjrOUST j ' '' " '" v ::t-- -' y ' ? '.rthnl ' Tnn''- "nfl wf nhW5.nnnlo4in I SAYINGS r BANK ! ) JNO.' WILDER ATKINSON:. THOSH. McKOY , . V.yioF President, d ua vvuuet auuuwu. ui auuubuu o .aiainiiua. f Alrich Adrian, ot Adrian VoUers. JsaacB.GraiSMrt PrfisidwtBank NerIlandver. Thds.BiMcKoy,of WiA-WMtehealJ ,84. I .... J .uuy.w .v.. r.i - i - . . i Hunnel TNorttiron. or Kortnrou & camminarJ m Qeorge Wr MUam8,tf wiijjmg Murohiion. . . -.-...- . . -. ; - rpiIE ABOVE CORPORATION, -CHARTEREp JL by act by act of the General Assembly of North Caro i rLffilkanS onA ui3 L.; Una, is now , i , . T . . -v ice naearaend b rrrJrrv -i;: i- -itt a - n- Tur tTO - n r j m a. I liurm rii ii.ihii ki i i mcniirita i n .-. . ' DIRECTOUS; ; ,h tSJSS renarea tos receive . aeposits ot uruii'i: nsvaa-H EIGHT PER, CENT. .INTEREST V- ft tiV.j will be allowed: r -Theaafetv of the -Behnrities. the constantly in- creaons capital of the -Assocaatioir, fthe liberal i rate oi interest, ana tne cnaracter ;onue nrmaKmg uus tne 8ATESTAND BUST PAJTNQ SA viNGiS SCHEilE, - K i ever offered to this pmmunitje. ' 1 ?,WJ1,tt?ll, "lfff ' XT - -a ' - . i- - p'. . ?$ Jifteen days notice required to draw but money. Deposits received at any time by the Secretary, and' sso. 41 MarKec streec.- . J li ft, t Juneft-tf l ire A ;;M A K V,I JSf. &SCO. Tie Oldest &LillaEiif?Wcf Sis " IN AMERICA 1 ",',, T'lIKSB SAFES ARE MADE WITH THREE AND JL ' four flange around the door, of refined 'Wrought iron irames, yntu augi corners,-ana Warranted Free ia"3)ampnqsst, . t '...'' "V. ; v - " Piom the Scientific American, May 3d, J8ti.;; Since the Boston fire we hare eiven some atton. tlon to tne real merits of various safes'; with a view. oi supplying our own office" wiln tne, best article rn the market, and have according made selection of a dry filled Alum and piaster Safe, manufactured by Marvin & Co:4 265 Broadway, N. Y,-, . t "i i We will deliver these Safes in Wilmington at same! price as charged by manufacturers In New orfc june7-tf f; VraiAED'BEOS.iAgeitsl 2.500 Acres of Mat$ZPer;Acre ' ' . vTtt n. vajLuauie cm.'. uiiereu!'au; - ; ; sacxuice. I t . - .'A.nA J. nated on the-Waterea "river,1 about miles from Columbia, and within a few miles Wilmington. Columbia and.Aususta Railro no w-oCered f or sale at five thousand $S,W0) dollars,. ueium uie war uie piace wbq Y2uuvu jn. jijxy iiooua and dollars. Soil fertile, adapted 'to the raffiiflg of corn, cotton, rice, Ac, and abounding' in iimber of every variety. " ' ' . j .Besides the dwelling house it contains' bat-buildings of various kinds. Liesparfly. ia -JUcblaxd. and partly in Sumter county. Terms' cash tn advaneet Annlv tn - . . . i . r. RIVERS -WEIOHtJ . , jaal4-tf ... : University Soath Carolinao. J : ; f i .Mayor's-Office J : .t ' ' CITY OKrTOIOTINGXOJr, N. c.r; :i ' .'' : '. ' . v'- ' Jnne 4th, 187?. i73.. ,All of the1 late Bbardof Aldermen, previous to thellst' of Way; 1873, will be presented at once for payment, i mi personS !fiolding?them! aM"dieste"io snd th'emupforcecflonimmedmiely...o r lxP? r aV 2iv.f R CANADAy, Mayor, A CAED iJXft.yiNat)utchased t!he interest of Sir. Brocki wfll continue, to conduct. the businesa at the did -f-ii. )),u tiO- iii. w:.ii i stand, N 1 granite Bow, where, I wiy be chappy jta Bee my old friends and cua)inera.iivjb l jfill j -n-tfo.,!;: 'iH '&rI;a;;WEhBj y. ... .. ... ;t i " ar-iTLUiiry, e . i-1 IytTBLISHED EVEBY THUESDAY AT $2 50 ,1 per annum. Advertising rates Hberai' i 5 Wit BaiwARfv Agent. - " - 1 (jan if i ; , Bacon Babonfi r rijunfeiSl-tfi - f5-' ';tV WTLLAraiROsT QAIJV AT :-i.'i1 St AND tRT-TOB EL' EBRATED - ' - Ward Brand . Iar ALSO 'Bra finx Imported ."ate at racterpjr engeipentoJiimT CAROLINA - aVSftiWQM: .COMPANY. arltet sireet- l INSURANCE. : '-" Richmond,' Virgin Over 15,000 Policies Issued. . .zAwuial Income Over $1,500,000 ProgressiYe I ProsDeroiis ! Promjff ' I SMALt EXPENSES,. SALL LOSSES, SEOll- Ilf. . INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE . ri -it if " tj ' ,' M1U' r AND .GOOJ, 8FEPLUS! 1 1 Prcnitnmg Cash, PoIicSes Libera A nimai Division of Surplus, t5' Insurance Roins, 5 N. Water 8t t -. W. C. Carrington. President: John T. v..,. President; Dj -J; Uartsook; Secretary ; j. j. Assisfiint Secretary5 Prof. E. B. SHiith, Actuary; b D: Harteook, Cashier. narJ3-tf .Rooms. $27,000,000 FIRE INStTKAlSci! r . rfVA. J5KSENTKD AFTER PAYING BOSTON LOSSES. ' itteenlnsuraJice Co., of Liverpool and k SgC - 10,000,000 Comnanv sew I pwnixinmrMic'enJmn!iVifjVi:;:" iMi ' I Yirgm ia, Hdae. siirance Company ' of ' , muuuuuu, vauiuu.,.. ,. Sf ' : " I hxkink "n. , a . , ... . y LIFE-iThe Oohnectiout Muiual of Hartford. .. aTkinson & MANismio ,!- .. General A?snia -rr I ENCOURAGE . ..t J --" V - MOMK.lNSTITl'TIOAS. !i J,' i. 11 "Mi. (.;,f Security gaijist lire. . f -J. b"TbJa50ainy-i)biies to write Policies, at miae8ol8ur1&prSper fair f re8, on au classes ox ?nanraipioperty. I ' All losses' are jgpmptly- adjusted and ljT.HOMB?iBrapi3ly.groing in public paii The favnr kii,1 . appeals, with confidence to, insurers of property in North Carolina; - ' ' .. , . , ' ni Agents in aliparts of the StatA 1&Y ETbATTJLE. Jr.. President. v ; tlB..ROOT, Vice President ' ;.( SEATpNGALES, Secretary.. - ruiianM uuwriiK, aupemeor. i ! i: ATKINSON & MATOfOfa. kr.rxti -; augtf ' ...Wilmington, N. a MIELLANEOXJS. ' 'f v" ' A 'Proclamation ;.Jg V THE OOVBBNOB - . OF NORTH CAROLINA. "EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, j:- BALitia,-June 9th, 1873.. t Be it-known to-all whom it mav concern: That in conformity with section 8, chapter 153 of the acts or the fieneraLAssembly passed at the sessioa of 18Ts- '73, in relation toi amendments of the Conetitntion. L Toiv Ki Caldwell. Governor of the State of I. North Carolina, do-order so much of the preamble . of said act as sets forth the alterations proposed and BglGCU tu, Hill UIO BCGUQU IWCUUU W BiUU UU U IK ;: hitlsdrtShs ad- the -DairrEra," and thl "Daily News." a:iki'."BHwiik - joiu ieugm i oi ume in uie louowms weeaiy papers, pueusncu in the various Com; :onai Districts of the State, -tost Disbict "North Carolinian, Elizabeth vicy ' jsxpreaa, vy aJMnngton. Second. DistricbVNews." Goldsboro; 'Mail," .Third' Districtr-"Star,'. Wfthmgton; "SUtw xnan,'" FayetteviQe. , vFiffli District-iNewNorth"State," GrccnsTroro; ."Ohronicla," Milton. ' fiixthDfstrictT-BDempcrat,' Charlotte; "Spirit of , the Sowth, Bockmgham. : . .Seventh, 4 District "American" ; tatesvillc ; S"WatcbmaB,"! Salisbury. r Eighth .DistricW-" Pioneer" and "Expositor, Tlliat 'pbrridn of the preamble ordered to be pub 1 lished is in -the following words, to-wit: " AVhkkki.?, The last General Assembly, (three fiftha of the -whole number of members of eacd House concurring',) (he bUiwmtaming the samehav 1 trig been read three times in each House, propose . tbe following alterations of the -Constitution of the Stale, t-wit: Alteration in. relation to the public debt; alteration in relation to the office ol Superin tendent or rnn in yy qiww- retauuu fc i v-a , wfwacnm ui iciauuu iv k--- the General Asoemhlvr alteration is relation tow (e Commissioners; .alteration in relation to Fat erat attd other fefiicer taflding-offict" , .The evcond section of the eaiaact ordfered to be 'published' is in .the following words, to-wit: , - It shall -bethe duty M the Sheriffs in each anu PVPrT MTintTr in tha Utata tA Arum nnllR fit -the 8eV eralalBctiou precmcttmhte'couutyonthesaid . Thursdav in Aneuat'ext. and -file same ghsll & . in iffi afternoon, when all persons qualified to vote cording to the Constitution, may vote for oraga me ratincation or eacn oujje saia snicuu..-.T those desfalngTSftctf'afiignaments to vote with w written or pciiitad ticket itFoa Amendments, .tnose of a contrary opinion to vote with a.wriktoT print ed ticket 'Against Amendments.' " ''-aoi3--jp hiJ t"";:1 The atfeution of .County ConMniraioners CTdjB Spectors of the' Election is also called to. the 4tn tfpnpf said act of Assembly whieh Pfo,vlf8S separate .ballot-boxes shall be furnislied wr w amendment to Demoted on.' Done atowCitrof italelgh, the ninth f lu B.Jime, A. IX 1873, and in ,the ninetyseW118 . . . year of American Independence. TOD K. CALDWEtL' Bv'theOosartadr'-ili J, B. NiATHHET, Private Secretary. . . ''June ll-soof " ' n -' . ; " , - . "EGrS iTAILS; " 25 Toi pus Hoop Imhu 4tl75 Bbls Giue. .. Vor aale by ; P. W. KEECHNKE,'M and North WterSt i'THETIONEEK Published every Friday, at -tTAk A LARGE AND RAProLv' mQKEgf jLLcvrculation in the Pee Dee eoon.try-rt!evrsof r 5 I L t live in sentiment, M lauy apporue wiu ottr beet tirizena. ' , ' . :-.-,.-. :Ii?.ft-i:J' Terms of Subscriptipn: ' a--'"". .-! ' t110 One year, la advance. . . . .V. .1 . . j T5 Sixmonthf. in ad vanoe.y.4fi,i.'...-i fi Three months, to advance. ......... .- Y-iVjt Specimen copies free- Address ; 1 PIONKH-. feb26-tf . Florebce,S.u V1 :u-i i.-lC j-sri No. 6 market Street: I;''; , i 1

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