InOMTHTG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILx, BY kith or MTMcsimox. in adTance (by main. ...tTflO Six montM, in advance ( ' ) S 50 ).... 00 Three moni advance ( ' nhVriCTdeiivered iny part of thl Wfteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not auttaorired to collect for more than 3 months in, advance. , . ' OUTLINES. . Yesterday at Sacramento, CaL, ike fast est time ever made was five beats in 8 :4X, horse Thad' Stevens ' winner. Eu genie predicts that France, Austria and the Pope Will RgalU wmo iu uio uuui, Mtci kuo restoration of Napoleon. She acknowl edges her visit to France is politicaL -r Reports are coming irr from the great storm in the Northwest. - New comet dis covered at Vienna! j Amos West, . rreatest dentist in the world, died in Syra cuse, N. Y. Family fend in Win chester," Va., and mother andone of her sons fatally wounded. 77- A man at Pioche, Nevada, mortallj' wouttded five men. Butfalo-haa been earthquaked two days.' Cariista bfcekade Vfch. ) - Bank of England forgers to be tried at the Old Bailey in August Shah gave $20,000 to the servants and police of Buckingham Palace. - International Commission on - Ox TlAnnanlwoaia Mtittrfs mr.A ooaraoveaxuc lowstone expedition doing well." J$ew York markets: Cotton,' 21c.; turpentine, 4044c; rosin, quiet at $2.75; gold 115 115. - - - Inmaitateamer City of Wash iagton went ashore -near - Sambro light, Saturday, but all were saved. , CONFEDBBATB1 SUUVIVOK8 HKJSTlNCilN lBEOBLtCOIINTY. : Statesviile and 'Iredell co'unty; cel- Crated the 4th bv holding a meetint? of survivors f rota: ,the . army, a a vw , uu , ui iu jj a aj w purpose was declared to be to. pre serve a record of the dead of Iredell's soldiers in tlje 1 late war. Capt. T. . S. Tucker presided and CoL Charles li. Jones, editor of the jTntelligencert acted i as .Secretary. Maj. W.. . M Robbing. M. C, from that distrtct,' offered a series of resolutions which were adopted. These declare the purpose - of the -organization, that it ihas no sectional aim, that a ;central tcommitte of five be appointed to col lect and prepare matter for publica tion, that the person in each school district ahall gather up and transmit to the Central .committee 1 all infor mation in reference --tof the men of the respective districts, that the i.pecjs pie of aister countiea are invited to aid Iredell in her work, . that county promising to extend assistance where possible 'to 'other counties, that a committee of. three be appointed to issue aii i address, settio forth objects of inquiry :wdcnrging general co-op-cration,and that a committee of five nL.II; kn lnfliiMiofful r lMff PAnatL 4 , 1 - I bUblVru uuu fcw -am n o av mm - jr-laws for a permanent ite vSoldien Organiza-: ex-Confederate- tion. V,i:vrz.Sv?Hi " ' ": I GXJirL, A i7onor.J able statesman- Hon. Abram - W. Venablip, by Capt.: Taylor Martin , and by Maj. W. M. Robbins. J , 1 ; These' proceedings we gather 'from the full report which we find in the iStatesville Intelligencer, received last soight. " .. "1" - " . Thus Iredell is . ahead in the noble undertaking of collecting arid pre-; paring matter for . a war history, of the State.:;What- county will come next?- What ' tire- the ' snryiyors in New Hanover and neighboring conn ties doing! JLet the work go on.v?; -. eeitCKAA.K WIArO.IS-BRCTAI. Ort "Pridav - msrht Ea" young iriariC named 7est of .unbleniished reputa . tion and aroiab dbposition, waashot ui rarespeMe;piUlaT saloon in Charlestons by.anotber; youth in eom"r pany with his brother arid,two other, companions who, did not.: attempt to nMt7n ,Art;Ww- Tli oaaanlh tiw, --'--- was unpfoyokeAhd the murder AdeUberatCly execnied.6ung -was simply a quiet spectator.-Young TJoffua addressing, insulting language-1 to hun, struck ana then snot; mm, j from mlatsbU died in a few moments. This ia not all of the mormnemt'omy i. 4 i ii A frm n1Z Wtre-tery tbwile, a aamuy named A.itue .were at .oreait tfast, on Saturday, a f end broke put,; ILycargas emmenced firing1 nj four wnen iwo Mifna . .hmucu vouai tWa-- i..,:. tb ing being returned bj the other fons. rZ"J mnded, eapture4 04 Oscar was wonhdedL etaptured Ao4 ' a r- - v -' sent, to :jvL I Ahoiber: Ma'll0ied'. Clinton was wounded, as well A the ..mothe. Clinton died Saturday evep ing and the mother will die. 1 1 ere are three ; murders growing it of the practice of carrying con- - cealed weapons. A youth has j ust as :much use fora cobra ia his bosom, as he has for apistoL : ; A STATE OBANOB -Of the .Pfttrona of Husbandry -wiUJ rproDably .be' formed : to-morrow m Thus' two creat ! State' institutions, the Farmers and the -Teachers' cojun cils;' VilUbe"inaugnrated the same day. ' '"' ' ! s ' :' VOL; XII.--NO.r01. TMK STATJS EDUCATIONAL COIf-1 Assembles to-morrow in Raleigh! The proceedings will be read with great! interest, Some of oa toost eminent' d ucp tors will at teucL . NEW, AnVBISTISBaiEJfTS. R.J3Kbwma 4s fiQ-Notice, F. W. Keschkeb. Bacon, PqrL'&C MTTJ&ONWr. AucUon r ) P.' HESBKSRjEK-Onr&ns. -3 A Colored. TTasaam Foaad. Oead Jury I oTlnqneatTiM.yerttet, &e. r ut ounaay aiiernoon, . soonY auer ,.tne 1 storm had passed over this ' city" a colored 1. vnmn tsr tviv namayvr n.f in; a aM4 i - I annni tmn tniMi Tmm tha wituiiinMi f:V?ri of her daughter to visit some of ber' rela tives at the Young plantation near this city Rafter casfcgHilto4 Bridga. she was taken suddenly-illand meeting some'per-' sons -oo'' the - road she. informed them of Tier c condiUon and requested them .to assist" her w tmr. way.-- They . render ed her- What aid - they7- could until meet-: ing with y another - party, who ' agreed to assume the respoasibUity of conducting her to her desUnation.) Pretty 80on3dwi ever, she became so exhausted that they could get no further with lier And she was P1 in a comfortable posidonon th6side to apprise ber friends of her condition and whereabouts, ' Assistance was sent to her. but when her friends arrived at the spot designated it was found that the poor wo- man had died during the interval fmdher j corpse was found at the loot ot taerauxoaa I embankment where it had rolled- when the breath left - her body.' ' This was about 8 o'clock Sunday. J night' Her. friends re mained by the body until yesterday morn ing, when Coroner Hewlett was notified, who summoned a jury and held an inquest at 10 A..M. After a thorough exnmi nation intd all the, circumktances I attending the death of 'the unfortunate woman, a verdict was rendered that deceased 'came to her death from causes unknown to the jury. i ne ooay was iounu aoout bhh fa oiue i -it:.i-vjj...ii-w- .-.' - ; I iromuieflnase. , . BIayora Court f; The following caaes were disposed of yesterday morning: : Sarah Roy, charged with being drunk and disorderly- on the streets! on' Thursday night last, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and cost&- Eliza Faison, charged ..with being-drunk and 'loafing - on the- streets, 'was,., found guilry. Judgment suspended on the pay- mentof costs. ' h:i43Z.-Zt-."?f-- ; Sam Goodson, charged with stealing a douWe-bartel gun, the property t of Geo. ,03 required to give security in bejsumof $10T) for. appeatanw next term of the.Superior Court E. J. Hancock. M. E. ThompsonT'C. Wallace, C. Payne, Jaa v Turner and I. Herring, charged with bathing In the river wfthm the city limits. Judgment for one-. half, the penalty and; costs in the cases of Hancock Tnrrierv and Hernng. The others requirad-C to pay jtte enalr and costs. -:ri , rCarrie.Felton, charged with cursing, che orderiy conduct and drunkenness on the atreeta on Saturday night - last, was found guilty aud required to j?ay a fine of 20 and the costs.' -" 7 : ;, ' ; ' - John Merrick, charged with! being dis orderly, resisting a police ofllcer and draw ing aknlfe over until throp Cuniming's1 MHI when a yessel came near the wharf and a line was thrown ashore. The: rope struck: the boy and knocked him overboard. The little feUow,.j rose to the surface, struggled a lew mo ments' and again sank. Johnnie Daniel, son oi jura, vr. r dose at hand, : and lading tttiifrboy I ormld inevitablv drown iinless assistance i i - lwaCpmptiy r - ..'aasi-i: fift'iiaxaBaliai.alav- rogo tb the surface the secesd time and kept nis neaa aoove wawr- uum i Capt ;W. 1L N)rthrop rescued . J anactorJieroismtooereQirapiewup tobeleftrecorded. .. .. , Vr , J ,. aSMtiatBtlaaWarkjaavae 1 ;;AwUtesaaor by the name of Jas. Xiichois, i uiobeluik v;u. v. .,. 7-- ftoWMttottoXflAiowJ ago to serve out tae amount y4 disorderly conduct, was brooght ln day at the request of CaptKey, who was J mhnnt .i-vinir nort knd wished ; to take 1; J .1 -.:. - nnrtand Vwished to take 1 r-- -o ar - .... ... i 1 hois w&lk lulmolBtMysenttnf to paye Inne. ; Kichols, however, rerasea w go on board andwasfeonseqnently locked' up in the Guard House until he can be returned to hUpld quarters. ' : The commencement exercises 01 Liutner- Jmt iT'Amata Seminary; at Lutherville, Bal- timore conntyi Md.; took laee on the 1st insL The exercisos were commenced by the Rev. G. D- JJernneimj 01 uaa ytte 0.! Bernhekn, Among the essays reaa on uw ocua.- . . , ... u7The Social Element m Mari;M apli and she LaIao partieipaiea us on wnxFMnny..vaseonunueo: i ouent Bpeecn, m wnicn ne sraieaxnoKn asnteneed'td aa fine of tlO I r. tiarreu Becona Livisiott jjitw warovtscs i ?...r-?. Aiie. otaie wrance. . x-awrons 01. For sale y . .. f. w. iniH TTllirninir i 7 S -. ...... I WlUIJTWeU Haul , lUUXalCU . UUh Ullat XJC UBU 1 J a.r .ami jrrT.A VoMa , a I af XMJ. a-. SjtrvtS mUVTlim. - , :- A uuovauvui naa av vituutuvu ua ammviku I HarateAo - toUke Be IM?ejo Jo fine frenzy 1 gnbBe4ttefltly remitted at the request of the . , A number of parties were exemptedfroin , ruLki XftrtJlCfi " ' "- ' UalS, Sulf, "RlIuTM HuIIIS. X ?Lr - Hn rolling, but he didnt become jackar i. kIj ir , v , -7 poU-tax for reasons satisfactory to the The poorert stand c tonaw for A few days since a small colored, bp ' ' - ft I piamurr. jn ine sum, , i 4 . uy: -.. ;, ;J .- six-miles around Milton JeVerseem .thinks I o n aa bushels oats, Li' ..rf .i Umh. .itm. t. neTerthe8S- J t l ' " f; anr QoedmanL 'colored. "Chareed with Board.. , (, . . ; . i i . .r th - . .... I O.UUU i5 v waa va tuu w aiiaa aw " www . i i . ii i i j . i. ' i , i , i . . - i . WILMINGTON, ., OIIB CITV FATHERS 1 i Spetl Senler:of the Board., of Aide r- j laea-'A BaiT and a Kttrelr Bfeetlae Jaeb the Wlse Jttaa mm Tl Great Uealauert'ir Yon want to Ilavf a Good Time, lne tlie Street Carts Alderman Bank Peanrailr JTaek- aMperat4 He Aapeara In hl The Board of Aldermen ntet' in special 3ott yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.. At ieas" th& meeting-wus calfed at Jhai nour, but owing to delay caused joy the w lison lacttoa, who aeid a caucus j in t$e cart-house near the county- jail, the-' Board was not called to order until 4f o'clock.' " " , , , v . , VJH5USU .xuuas i IW j! Jh? tae? -e I ""u ",1j0 vu uua pauis tutu xcoi, announced that he' appeared there in his uiiiuuu iul ,HA aairpri in an anmm 1 "l. Vn raU J man nprj-wuri tan meeting was caiiea ior. i when he was declared out of quested to take his seat, ; . On motion, the Board proceeded to the election of First and Second Captains and Sergeants of PoKce with, the following re sult Q & FmsrCAPTAfii-ljoha Flttgorald, 6 votes; Henry Kuhi; C i : ' . .. Sscokd CASTAiK--Rxbert II. ' Brown, 7 ; H. Kuhl2:T. H. Bmith. l.! LlJiBJ&S!! Alderman Bants here arose, with tragic air and fearful "voice, and "said if he were Euhl he wouldn't have the position to which he was elected. Being clearly-.out of order, he was required by .the ',' Mayor to : take'hls seat Alderman Wilson then- seized hischa- peahx and started t leave," remarking that ! ne naa unporuni businesa f put tiie JMyor informing him that he could . not; . leave , -without , pennissibn "of J&k 1 Board, the Al derman replaced his hat and dropped into his chair with a -degree of recklessness that excited the admiration of every individual j in the room. . . . . ,1'Paraou Banks agam became jackassper-! ated and declared that a swindle was going 1 t ii :. .. . t on, and he wouldn't stand it His general conduct was so decidedly out of . the line of a preacher that the Mayor felt constrained umw. um, vw" i,uuuuwu vimooU with i,t v. rv. compeueu 10 nave mm ejecieu irom umj room. The Parson then put on his assumed nb of " Oily Gammon rolled his R-swith t much pathos,' begged pardon, and retired to the seclusion of his 'Slishabffls." The Hoard then went into the election' of I . Second and Third Sergeants, with the fol- j lowing result: t . :-a. - .y j " Second Sebgeast Lewis Kixon, 1 '6; John Evangelist, 4. Tnnrn t Sebqkakt John Evangelist, 7; two. votes blank, the Wilson men becoming badly demoralized. Wilson was excused from voting on this ballot, out of regard for Ae excited condition'of his nervous system, JUdernian Banks became gackpeTated again, and indulged in more language uife becoming an Alderman! He said he hadn't voted willingly for anybody, and went on With a tirade about ' swindling and gag ging," his character; of, u Oily Gainmon" being .tost eight, of entirely. The- Parson showed very plainly that he had f uHy the amount of venom possessed by the average human being. ; He, was repeatedly called to order both by Aldermen and the Mayor, the latter finally having to call in a policeman and to Inform the unamiable Parson that he would have him removed from the room if he did not desist . ' Alderman Brewington, - too, gave venrte bia mtrlotiei arfor inft vervornate BJidelo.l . M " T . "- The curtain now rose on the great act in the drama, Alderman Jacob the Wise Man appearing in bi famous role of The Great Beslgner. ' He advanced to ie footlights Amepnori9i, J;: T"1 mm, lmM.mi "" i be, 0b dta Bode.?. Quicker than the swoop V facok motioti to accept and I . - Li rLI .i.r-L i more suaaen ana more u the: fcoQint swindle' him, and was aboatto repeat "the oldold atory,' when the Mayor flie pstiferoua parson, positively and Anal- if his bad cnfe; were : repeated iWOuld; place ' Mm, Jn7: custody of the Lonlcen The Parson appeared againis his character of "OnyjQammon, land, otn- ; iseu tu ucpuii uuuku wu wvtwji Before retreating tQ;his ' "dishabills,- how: ever, ne saw ne "wouiurauiBrpruocBUB U. .VwIlAj? i AAJCA w r V aw VvumuuuoMiUf , Thanks seemed to think the "contaminated", I M, a c ani . an ."dkL 'fivervbodv else tpreaeniortAai&iattari O Hiram Hannibal Hawkins, tile gorgeous r.H iTnnfHnative orator from the JTifUH Ward, then got upon his pins and inquired if he could resign hxfavor of Capt. Jno. L. Holmes vHei was greeted by a very de-r monstrative 'yesi" but the tiling hooking too serious for HrHrH.,4 the Gorgeous and Imaginative,, he said he only axed . for hv formation. bjcotjiab BUSINESS. .'-i1: - i s Thff f Aldermanic pot having graduaUy , borne down from a furious boil fc a, com- paratiyely moderate simm huslness was transacted 'decently audi. 1 ,f nv wJcassneration:: - . , ,-.-r-, i I i,. i '- . . ;0 - ... . . 1 O J ' - : I . . 1 'i '.i 4pW j'fc. : ,4?' - - - ,4" -Wit..- ilnl.Olff..;. . v-f 'B d Ml NrwHi o- - i .-s e.i,i -o oo- . i uiu uia aaiv uuc, iwncici,. naa . r .u- ? I . r ' m- r.t t - l 1 . N.-C;,: TUESDAY, pended policemen who might be reinstated should receive pay from, the date' of their I suspension.' Alderman Banks moved that I t. Vl.i'l. l.r--j'J 3Jr eriuH net; but this wasjbst . The dog .ordinance vas passed. Taxes purps of the male persuasion $1 00, and. those of the female persuasion 2 00; $3 0Q I forxelease from pound when captured with out badge:, if HQt redeemed in 48 hours; half-fine for release of, dogs whose badges have been lost, if impounded. Al- derman Brewingtpp. suggested with much pats that ,"50 cent ware enough, ft door, and ai 00 fnr & sha drvcr-" but the Ufl- TOOT. - - .. .. . 1 appreciative Aldermen didn't seem tpthlnK Brewiagton's ( aoqk)gical ' attainments suf- qk)gical ' attainments suf- very larg: one under her.; cooking stove a Uie adopUon of his sugges- 'few eyenings ago and disjatche,d him.- '' -t "by the Board.M t ,. .rMessrs. X IL Jlyrover .& ,Ca, we . " ' i VO"egiJraycians ana Burgeons i i. " '.jfj.- l ? ueciu,ea 10 rWrir-A tt t wt"t i'ttt" " -""e i ine contract, was passeo. . , -. 17; lie; report ' of the' Board , of .Assessors being called for, the Quurman, $L Cronlr, Esq stated that the City Assessors and Mr. iqners; had been. on a common assessment; ; when, on motion of, Aldennan Wilson, the question was re ferred to a committee to report at the ad- jjooji. meeting thisyeningj"? This. -com- j mittee consists of the Mayor and Alderman Wilson. The difference between the two assessments bi said to be about $ 40,000, and relates chiefly, to .first-class dwellings, and the Increase is made, by the County Com- ;missionfer3-J The petiUon of Mrs. ilrP.. BotlrwelVtofatenpont cashe K rlana3 -frrtrri far ffnr nn firhrn1 house, was granted- . : '. I ''' r v . mvHHvw .vbm i vh - - :Petilitt pf Meginney, eomplaining of city alables as a nuisance, .referred to! Committee on Fire Department f ' ' ll i . Hfitition of tlnvlrra of PJtW watrona annrO- priately; I referred.' ; Also, Ti Pette wav and others. . . - . , . ... : . ; - , TJ-'TT,. "iJ Wuianteforgas lamp iit front --of h resi- dence. c-S UmiMm4 Cornplaint3mregardtobm-postmg,refer; red to-Ckfannnen Ordmancesi'a uvuvi-niun nauum uuunw i ptviv- wbiks, roierreu iu uumuuuecus ovrccva mm I r. , i-.r .-I - fi: . namw-;". : : I f 1 - The Mayor reported that a number ol I nergnna had madft comhlalnt that a house m r - ' - -i 1 , now buUdrng was unsafe and dange the walls being very thin; and the question was referred' to the Committee on' Fire De partment, with power to act. -j . . ;, ;r A bid of the City Assessors, for, 78 days services each at $5.00 per day, was referred to the proper committee. :v?;' hs e; . y On' motion JrOf Alderman' Flshblate, the Rules of Order ireprteditt a previous meet ing were adopted, and the Clerk authorized to have0 copies printed. t i ' Alderman Brewinron moved to reinstate policeman R. H, Leak, u pended list; brt.Aldernian now on the sn Moore "stopped the leak"; by moving to refer to the Commit tee on Policewhicn was carried. J , On, motion, t was resolved that all appli cations jtor positions on the police be refer red, to the Committee on Polk. : And then ,ilir(Mlia4lim il-UmmMl TnAflt lhl evening,' 'at '8 6'clock, -haviBg done more at m - . S .11 preyious meetings of the new Board com- bined. ' ' ; -: --'f:l ' ' - Blaclatrate's Cavrt.' David R Robinson, colored, was arraign ed before Justice R & Woodford, vester- rdayVcliaried wi stealme ice ticket from -arii- .t t? I UWIk W JiMHVVM w v HUB wuiu stealing plstot'lrom Joa.ash; ;which was' found In1 Ms t)bssessionJ and xecov, . K 0-7 .1 ered, was required to enter into security ia the sumdf S200 for. his appearance at I Court.;, He heldip answer other -charge. Vj,, heard hereifWr.1 J r iUU"ws - w-t- - Justice tThos. 'M. 'Gardner t -'Martha feuttoni charged .'with assaulting Mary Toomer,-'? It'eoldred. mlssed bn the' paynienf of costs, j n The samel barged ; wfth J assaulting fMartiiaBealso cOto Case dismied on. ine payuwu yi wow. ? Hilton,'.; Case dismissed on the payment of COSta. I: iJ'-,!i j.t fh::'- -' Frank Beatty, charged with assault and battery on. the-person of Jas. K Dickson at Hilton on the 4th of July. Case missed on the payment of costs.' - '''t-ki,..'. ; i Archie Ellerby,- charged with assault and battery on the person of Jos. E. Dickson at the same time1 and- place; I 7ase dismissed at complainant's costs. ' ' . -; Jos. E. Dickson, charged with assault and battery on the person of Archie Ellerby, on daylast. Case dismissed on' tiie pay Pen. mi Joseph Bryant, charged with assault and .battery-on the person of Jos. E. Dickson at Hilton on the ,4th of. July. Defendant committed' for trial this -morning, at . 10 MSA uA , ITlndjBala aaA Ball ..:.: ; .:.;! .5.ThiS'city ; and yibinh 'Was .'yyted'by 'severe wind1 and rain storm on J Sunday afternoon, about 5 o'clock", accompanied by f1- .owerd acconnhnents was cided and pleasant change, in tiie. atmos- .'jT"i"vi.f;T-. i . . r ;".7a r -. ; , 7f I support ior ine xegi8iaiure juxrueo. n.1 .-- ' . and battery on the person of .Jos. E. Dick-1 ceased, in company with other boyjwent iBnow, independent candidate.' , l.-muv-,i W ;'.r. ..r,,,,.. son, both cplored. on the, 4th. of July, at to Wtwster's dock, about 6 o'clock, forthe h, '--L Tincdlri makes oyer half a, wheat I AT COSTlf AT CQSTl JULY 8, 1873. j Xoeai -Dots. .' ; i ' " -r i - j. The drawins of the Louisville Library Lotterv takes nUrte to-dnv ' ' " l . ' . ' - - f,i v ilMnn '?--?Wux . Sarah Roy and Eliza Faison. both clM ored, were Sent tb the Work ouse yerter dav i t :a .' 4 r-i Gapt. Green 'bf the- stea ; Jirtt State reports plenty of water in the rirer Justnbw, for "boaflng purpoSfcs.,: i :S ,B.;H.-CI JaUenUne, formerly a printer ia this city, bijt now. Agent of: Geo, P. tKowell .)&.- Co.,; AdTertislng Agents, v, w y.iere,s I ': Snakes! are' said to bo verv nlfintifnl in - VT "rr i. i . v the woods below the city.-' A lady found a very largf one under ber;, cooking stove a wU est-hiuh . At VwMZ&n - 1 " about the 1st of AnguatTh.seior of the uns wu ionneny eonnectea wiin toe y etteville 2feta and is a 4 writer of decided abilirr. '-; ' i . i-un. .u ;i ; .A meefing ' of tie friends of ; Geo. ; L. MrftViorTi carats YiAtY ' i.n.jti..i.. I tion?: endorsing Mabson for Post Master j were adopted. The published to-morrow. resolutiona will "be Poneat it Oaf on uutUne. A colored Amason, .answering to the name of Martha Sutton, had a hearing . be fore Justice Gardier, yesterday afternoon,, on the charge of assaulting another female, some jnention of which la made in? the re- rt of 'the Magistrates Conrti mmedi- I mtrla an aooanTf n'tun - wn XttVdilp-' 1rrT torL 1 man, ihfront of the Magistrate's ofllce, and i Aaaw saaa nosuuis uvvia aaaawuava waswa wm w- was re-arrested. ; She was again taken be- sore Justice. Gardner, who rendered the same iudement aWlnst "her ak in the ore- I vinna piaa trmvn Vior intAi-thnJ wiatrMlv I . rf - reBsea M Iar w0 corner ei, ;;iiia, ana Prineessatreets, when his-prisbner suddenly halted" and deolared her tMirposel with iuV th. not toiro any further; The officer seized f petition of Jas. ef.SpeciaA Deputy Joseph .Whjtaey, to b WrfehX COmplalnlng-of I takaa to tha-.Canntr Jail , Ho and" nro-'i John. -;u : , t. i.; i. ! MS Atmie i TQeasUTes. wnen ' EI18 . SPOWeu BgDw Jx. t struggle ensued, m Whicnthe Woman useu 4 . . -' . .--i--' i . I ner nails, teeth and. parasol to con&tderaple J advantage H against the officer, bating him 1 vaJn- u liii w awiwiwiT xu uiw - vuvw4 wii mw tween them . managed to drag her along. though: at a very moderate gait, in the di-. rection of the jaiL .She disputed every inch of Xhe way, however, and assailed. tiie offi cers in every possible, manner, giving vent in the meantime to the most abusive and profane expressions. As she was , being j dragged on the pavement in front of the Opera House a dog entered the lists against' her, seizing and tearing at her skirts, and by the time she' reached the prison she was very much! in dishabille, ' j .-; Conntr CsunIiilMMH. ' t ine xjoktq mei last mgns accpraing 10 adjournment, r nv' i' I 'In the absence of the Chairman, Commis - sioner A H. Morris was' appointed Cbair- I than f tfltlL. ' ' . ' "I I . It was ordered tbat Marion Jttopre anaH. t ; UAffiaf a ha annAintaH aaII hrl1 A-m-m fnal orth adeof teilTownshipj Holhngswortli, and, jI. K. Paddoson, re- . 1 , Orderedfurthei jhat Q. M F0yaw be appointed poiiioider for tJuruvision wara ex -a, u. riggnv resigned, 1 D- Hewlett appointed IKMholder of i ; --. ; s . . - - iL-- ' j " 1 t : l. - f r - l, prefer, nce to footways at ;BJleys Creek and Guf- 1 f .. WB v5V'cT,!Vl rrlw r: ?: ninuie on jwauaanAyPrages... Several other matters of minor importance were disposed of , after which the Board ad' journedjQ: Wednesday- evening next at 8 o'clock, bns ri'SiZii'a'i !; cf Drowned.,. , , ,We regret to learn. Oiai Jhnmie Mitchell;5 alittle ioacf the late. JamwtclielV M weU4aiowiv gas-fitter, 'was. drewhed late' yesterday afteraoonwh D .r?"' v' purpose of washing a dog. The rest of the - ' ' . ... -1-' u. boys concluded to go inbathmg, ,but told Jimmie to remain, on a little plot, of grass near, the .water until they, got .through. Soon after - he -was seen ? one of the hoys with his pants rolled up, wadmg in the edge of the dock,: and it is supposed that he got beyond Ma i depth, as when they next looked for the little fellow,- they could see only his hat drifting off with the tide. ; The alarm was instantly ; given an xx 10 UJJkj nm ouuou&uu 1 ; ivwivvu m taken to the residehce of his afflicted moth er, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets: when Coroner Hewlett was notified Pereiiat::i-',;'u l' ..' 1 -Key; HjtS Moran-TetuTBedfromWiite-' ville j Saturday- evening,' whither he had been1 hi attendants upon the ' Wilmington District "Conference of the M. E. Church, Souti'whichbody hasTbeenln Session dur - ?n fho nast week! He was aceomnftnierl by Bev. Mr. Bagwell, who ' filled Ms pulpit Sunday both morning1 and "evening, much to the satisfaction' of., his hearers. as' we learn Jdri Bagwell, is ajoung man of de-' cided talent deep jpiety,. great energy; and -will, unquestionably, i become a. strong ihan in the North Carolina, Conference - rZHOlSoTll787 Streets and Sewers. The sewer at the intersection of; Front and: Queen streets' has been-,' thoroughly overhinWIinnd, 4a fcielfttrrrnut. in-'excellent I "7 . T". 1 TT"3?JAln M daybetteme5p ieiboriobi -Thlstreet iaVaxalltllW Bankj,.. Mt,. Airy to :. t ' . , v . . , . .i is also to be graded and put in order. , f ;-T 1 Itadles' BeneTOlent Society. bt the5 YdungMen'a Christian Atsocuition 1 xi vr . vis - x usauajr uut . ,-ol. y jwv". .iu..f i l Members and visitors,, and all others Inter- esteo, are. requester to auena. as Dusiness of importance wiiibe orougnt Deioretnem. Remaining in -the H city post-office J ttly 7th, 1873; N . :;;:-...(! , , ; . i .';; ' AAhdew Anderson, W B Anderson: Winianl Anderson, Albert Arment.! H n 4i B. John; Barry. Miss Hattie ', Boon. George Batson, George H Bekwithj Darld ' Alfred I Kvntvt IJilr! KlTrnMt AuKaih ' Brewer,- Barden Burnett, . Miss i Jennie, f Brewer.-- Barden Burnett, , Miss I , Knvea. Miss Josenhine Bttrnettr Mian' :Tntia- Buyea, Miss Josephine Burnett; Miss' Julia RJH Berry, Sarah Biggs, W B Burkej-lfil- 1 nam J Bryan,. wiiitam arown,- ? ;t, , r tj.---jars AiOUisa uqpeiy, Jos Lt-uapps, Lybe' Chapmon, Mrs Suskri s Carter, Mrs TenerCheanutiWiUiam Cowan,: William-, Collins. . '.' . i D. William Dinrun, John Henry DavisJ Jessey Dixey.;;i. . - VK ... E. Miss Ama E Mnddle 'Miap Mand JOsnous, Joseph i'3Sagerton.s' s jfe ick,jttrs in G.--Key O J (ialtes, jnTMargaret ; 3ar-t rMMl - ffiSrnSS I nawa F. !LQT'KrraI- : .v :t I. J " B,M,Hagerman, Mrs Joanna Hall, l amuiu JJ u am vua - ' -- - - ' ' i T i ' r I kins MatUe ' E TH'ea7 chard j HolenisrraMrKe--Haakins, Sophy, "Hill, -Tl)ojnasiHn4enKte?'W ft Holldw, Mis I - J " I TT 1U.4,min Vino- HoiilK 2rs Margre&t King; Jlra Lons Koonce; ifn TT-A&edXoyd,. Miss flattie Lee, James .If LffieyF t--v; f n in y r:mCAnn?a I JH-caiiinan, jjamei jtwaimian.- t v::; tj I . t V I. f ' Oj Patrick Oales. r : ':;:.' " r : Anni Kn iit ThftTAdlelBei WUiag,- of ttteflAuison neighbor- Ltm .wiit itn, !?7; . herself , rimxora. pto aouat toe - saa accident L -Fr John- Pate ;Georffo Petersoi f T.; daift I R. Mrs C.Bothwn,:C!barley Boley, C H I Robins, Miss Oharlotte Robinson.' Henry - u m : . S. Miss Virginia Smith. Miaa-Atmie Stephens, Dayid ' Scarborough;- D . Spicer, MrsF E Skipper, Mrs Ikurt gletary, " Misa Katie Smith, K Scarheri Jtfiss-' Ailnie Steward, Bradford Scarbrough,' Mrs. A M, St Georee. , -. j -- T;-Mary Turner, R A Thommas, James j -.i W.-.Thoaas Wikon, Auston. Wielehee- ton, ousan. arnner, pan wiuiot, - ueorge IVilliston; Gerheed 'Williams, ' James . Wel tonAWittaniJ J Walker. L MWil- Hams; Mrs M O Williams, Nancy Watteraj' Jiiben Whorten. Persona calling for letters in the above list will please, say " advertised. - : If not caDd for within 3d, days .they win be ient to tne ueaq juetter umce. . --. i 1 .Wflmmgtdn,5 July 7," 1873. -115 i I , DJllJLUa A uaOllUUia i ' ' ' ; - ' ' I , !;.tajerfi& still kUlipgpiad dogs tt, y, Olotteladyk died Friday., t ..:.vf, r: . ;;rirl Wow ScMboranghi a Bale)gh clerks 4iedothoidavr itt. Overiottfcjbusdre.shares laWilSU-TT j been ralMHsrlbed to the Gbidsbort Buildinif , 1 1 . i . , ; , - i . i ..--.!. i I r-r xae Dtate wrange . ratrons or - r a. wuv w wnidWMti.i -- u .' ? . . I -The 0ddFellowa !of ; Charfottei4,0U0 had "an elegant haaonefc at -OatesV Hall on I; R Art Bbta.Ftonr,, I narJ vemng.. t '.it; j.t. lemons ;; Otage laue will run a stage, daily between Charlotte and' Wa'des . r At xne ijouisourg j? emaie oemi- 11 aannal address to-morrow.- i " 'J v " : 1 - -T- a:-BoniWe4i)r bf theNestf Vtomgeri -was eleeted-P. ? Ch ot the Knights of. 'V"' . . T'ZrV UD"a"'J8 "TU .i .. The .Wake Conservatives will rVnn and' oats are fiood. 'Corn and cotton prospects-' encouraging;- saith - the IPrormi l Mr, Westof Pcsrhoath, and. Mr.: Foote,' of this State.'wlU commence re. moving Obstructions from theBoanoke in a fewdays. . - n j The Raleigh firemen bad a jolly timeinFayetteville.,, Maj. J. C.MacEae welcomed them in behalf of the people' of ;FayettevUle. '.-; ; w:w n f Running his boat against a snag SriP drowned on the : 4th. ' i s- - Among the graduates this year of WafihlngRnr and Lee University isH. H'Burwel -rfihis-fitate and L. B. Hanks and Ii. A. Cheves, of . U. The -Madison JEnUrprise pnb lishes a rumor of the death, of a little daugh ter of Mr. Willis ja Traits Of Bobkingham county, caused by tne bite 01 a aaace. .-i-: . a The Chronicle saya the business men of Milton subscribed f 700 to prosecute. 1 cencernT the Roanoke 'NavgatitaXi Conv, I ttanv: 1 ' ' ! :" V'-" -'' ' - the suit penomg 10 oreaxjup me 01a iogy Tterj'B. Wi-Kasbil LaGrahee: K: C. wishes tor engage the services of a: practical printer, who is able to take charge of an office. A . man with. ;no family 'pre- . xerreQ.f y,--. r . rPL.,i Tjj-I-a L: j- jJj.- ?V)f Wadesboro has two radishes, one measur ing 20 inches in length and 12 inches in cir- RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Banare one day...... f lOurflays.V.., -A i.'.T.r 4.4...... rr '. five days.... ii". ....... Vt...... oTO . one week..-. ;.r. i. 8 60 8 00 6 50 weeksr.".":.... TwonttB:.;, ".TTi3. oo A 4 . . . Bix months. UV-VH - - 00 . tyContract Advertiiements taken t propor tfonately low rates. Fire Squares estimated as a qnaiter-column, and cumference; (he bthlcr, measuring 18 inches rfr- A? meeting of. ithe.; .Pan,. River Coalfield Railroad Company was held some Coali days1 since m tstatesvuie,'we' heat by tne &m ;iViaa'rQsolve4 lo 'make oaieiu, v lrgima, as may De aeemed most eXnfediimt'ftfir rni.l ani-wva .4.w turn owbuoi.aui A'ted-veaiF-xdd dausrhterof Mr. was caused by wantonness and a foolish de. sire to try what proved to be 4 fatal experi ment; yvV. Enierprm.f i. t f : ;Mri.B.aILfBeeKe8i denies the statement, in a card printed in the Surry Visitor, that Mr. G rib aid attempted to whip a negro boy, that bo beat " negro woman nearly to death, and then fled theneighbor hood. " He is said to have justifiably whip ped the woman, and ia only absent onbusi- rt The. Observer informs ns that the joint meeting in; 'Charlotte -pt coUon been at loggerheads, appointed committees iuxuucctb ana, . .eouon ouyers;; wno nave tCf'adopt some flexible-sysfeni ln'regard to thepurcMse and: sale of cotton that would be acceptaUle to both buyer and seller, and to report Ine same in Charlotte on the 20th ofjnly;' ; : Itr.Thwterrapin, story 4 cometh through the ' Arffut fiom Wadesboro: Mr. Richard Steele; of this county,' hi the sum aeJCoilSSO, found a high laud terrapin upon whose back he placed' a - distinct ? toark.'Wmleeumiitheat last week he- came 1 ,upqn,the, fame eld terrapin. This makes the old' fellow 'twenty-three years old, wlQr good prospect of becoming a iPsorrufo. PxraL W now ban. b; stock over 30Q reams of news paper, sUe 4x38, weight 30 lbs per rnillifi'lsood, rag paperVaM ill be sold, in lota oui for oaea, oeaent by esrewC. 0. 1). I NEW;MDyEimSEMl2NTS. JfC, CBONIUIC, Auctioneer. h TTBQStY:.2OBBia. . rtm moeniwo At lft O'CLOCK, - we will . JtraeU, la front of ou omce, an assortment of !aouscliold& Kltebcri Furniture, veqakffer caaki feirry Wbw, se baskets Cbam- Mgoe,;isazs meaL two rous carpeting, caps and Sancert, BlBhea, Plates, w, ., -- i ' 'Here ICHT&'b. Her6 ! t L i. LL.jti j.ii..ri. . 1 . . . , T?1 LIN -CABINET ORGAN mar be aura he Is getting, In proportion to its Biro, capacity, etyle .Tbe Best Ixistruinent Warrant all out1 Work As np to even tils high standard,- and are willing to ua ijwusDV, "j lurae. . our - nouvin. lowest pncea styles. Without extraordinary facilities it wonld be le to fnraigh organs of . aaca excellence atsm prices. , " . 4 For sale at" " '-' ' HfiTJTSBKBGEB'S s JnlyS-tf ' i lire Bdk an MobIc Store. , .EALZIQH, liTOETif CAROLETA. ,JgVr.E.r BDB7?TKLI Principal., , , 'lv1&S&&;i - fift Principals. I , Pnf t. Bimninii'Vifil nf TtigtrMTngnal Music. 'The next session commences on the 1st of Bep ,taser, J873.- ..t . ..-- .. .. . , t. Pot Circular ana Catalogue address t 'J ' "1 - r JRBV. Hf BtJWSIb SON, July 8-DBWtlScpt ' t Baleigh, N. C. s Kowlandlnft ax; schooner Aim & 8ns an. '. . " ' - - T. W; KKKCJUTKB, ? jnly 84 . , 47, Sf sad, SflNojlto Water street. , ) , rT. :Tr 1 15 poiK c.a t stffiS, y wi 4wJ tut ' t-f -. 'i r Bbls.Pork; 7 ffci Water Street. l - J n.i. it.r;.j. -i a Tierces Hams, All ' f 'k- v '.'c. ' 1 ' julys-tf' i J "TI, SS and Worth Water St. aiM nil Clerries. rilll I "ttM,-'. " f 11 i J'orBalehy . P. W. KSRCHXEB, I -V V V X vMUvD W MHvVArl M1UT VUvllIv yffig tT.-Sg ad t9 Horth Water St. .ysieryLooivea at juasr : jATCOST! ii I' At Soloiilon Levy's, Store ! ptOtK OICE! COMB ' Attf AND SEE THE DrjifiootelClop4!BootsJ,SliDesl pats, ,; , ; ; , JTBUSK., &e., ; e. A foil an4 weD .selected, stock hi . aB departmenta. AFTJIilliniOPXADIEff'WZAE. f I an deteraused to, change my bashiest, and in order to do that I offer my I &WPf ad swfor yoHnehres and Save at Least: 25: per Gent, -X.s vi.BypiirdiaeiagyoBTQoodflof At too old stand, soatheast eopier Front aadMar - ketatreete!i;,t!r J f . atayl54m-nac rrEAVKLINa ' BAGS, VALISES, SADDLES, JL-Hameea, Bridle vouarm, iiame ea. Trace Chains, WMpa, Spars, log ( illara. Shammoi an, Si a ,H-LaaaieK JTaataer jwwra, Aiie urease, had lerr Hardware.-. Also a large lot of second-hand (MOdt, i . " . t 1 . . , . - . - au78-tfnae Wflnnv' : - - 1 I Roiwaliiif naMralmt Rnvralnal 1 f ' tf t 4 3 1 s