!;'- K Ml i h .; t ; .-hi t'i4 11 V;' i ! it i - if. ii- 1 SIjs Hawing Star ... WM. ABEBNABD, 1 '. Editors. . , . CICERO W. HAXtBIS, J ' . WILMING TO Nt N. C: ;TtWDAT MOBKtNG,Jui.Y ,22, 1873. ELECTION FIRST" THlTltS- 2)XrN2V&tr$T. ' .tbeJeopze will vote O &PONjF&E PRbpOSEICON, S TIT 1JTI.0 NA L AltEND MENTS ANI FOR TOWN SHIP OFFICERS; stored to, life, .and its management entrusted , to efficient bands ? j Then KM voie for Che proposed Amendment to heonltitution placing theppoint- -.p ment of trustees and the" general con trol of theaSairs of the University ,;. in theands of tha legislature. ; THE ANTI-MONOPOLY JP IB T X, THE PABTT" OF'THBFU 1 tube. . ::):.,;:::: j : "' ; ;The cry of the - people is, "Doua i ithsHonopol Rings ! f eyrthaii 'th:pastl!4liali ; be 3pat and tfiat the future shall witness ?- tbe redemption1 of the L country fm, llJtnefessioji J)UtiP?-8 9h ye leaders yejbaen who use craft and iivt4guUere.iritt' ftil.'of your arts- ioxraj; The s grtple'sAitij1?! party is forming The muttenngs of f thunder in theJrVest are becoming r louder a rrroreStinCtr Thd farm andotKer solid men are moving. le battle-cry has sounded and the engagement bar already commenced. . Irlllailroad extortion and tyranny mast mk who fat- ;;' . ten on the Government must be driven :w u:i J i !ou ThWsatrap styl6 of government in theQnth jnder. the irresponsible OrientaKjtoiot at Washington jnBSt;comg jtp ?fji;.eqd Commercial Ar-'i :;iprosperity rijbd Btab; I !" ' .-f v.TJi.isWiiniite py the .:-;-' fi,mtelHffent public in all the States. . 5; , The Wesfc' with freshi characteristic : , . earnestness una eai basMjnly one a -w jOjji littUfL-oon Hoiih, - East and j South will beupBhouldei? to shoulder, p f : r - breast 7 ta jbp are .. leading themseivesjthey vspiin the f old hacfe-horses of : the Democratic and Republican parties. The past is -d.past.Tjie future is for new men, for ; t lTie P?ple themseltes.' ,No J more land-grabs, ,110 more back-pay swm dles, no more lobby-subsidies, no more Credits .Mobilier Freedom! .There must be honesty Instead of plunder ing virtue in place of debauchery- ability in the room of ignorance and .ir. : 'J: limbeciUtyJOtni ment, the f armers in he i-TanJt. ' l . , : s: We wish, here ; to, .direct attention . , to the platform r of the rLividgston H-'.. unty, HUnois'arme "Tnej-tt are , kOO jusvsilaiik Iff 46e rpbitfbii4,"and they are broad endagh to cover the whole situation. They declare .con:, ':1tv jraaroadcorpotions in denunciation of all-taxation , fp the 'K bezrefitror cpBCiaFxlasss as nnitist y- and oppressive j 3 in favor of free banking under the jnopet security; (4) in opposUion iW jail land -grants and (5) in favor of the Civif Service Keform,anatang honesty ana capacity the only; Valid claims-: forpoblic em ployment, ipjfche end that "the pfnee should j seek theman, and ' not the man, the bffice. fj 'rlMj 5 J .:. .. . AsiLiyiugstonand throughout the State of Illinois, so it is through-. - but theTSrest.!-' The people are in ear- nest. They mea to, be duped no I loncer. -TTtwv re ifiorhtirtt thai monopolist-' and ' will-; soon "lock horn8' with. , the f ;giant i v tyranny at Washiogtion the CeniraU hydra, which they 'propose1 to decapitated -5Tbe: idea of Csesarism will never . prevail in this country-- -.- We arealwavs ready with our God jf speed -fo? nay movemcot looking to Vihe correction ttf? abuses in the dri: . ministration. oft the pGovernnrait, and. " ;-We have "been' anJ ardent champion; i from tha very first, of the, people In- . theif c6tite8t with J the" .".bloited cor-' . - porations. ' In these signs-of popular. . discontent in various parts of the land ' " "we'think we see the beginning: ?of a - great Liberal party, which shall make the3ibtieapdprospeiity "df'the. . country secure. . Let the people 'ber', -; si's t - K' ti i. l severe .and f act with discretion I.JlhjE?; end .will be success. It will be1: de-: served, and it must be won. " Do you-want to economize in the . , ,admtratidh -6f ' the: State Govern ment? Then be jgnre ybu vote for providing; .:the vlelifitalAembIyZcI T5" '."JiS . ' Do VQU.waut to be taxed to death . , to paya debt illegally contracted nd for whicVou'naVe derived ho benefit? aenstav at home or erond vote t the' Amendments; l : i t . ,; tha Amendments abolishing the officp - ;Y - of Stiperinndent -rand providing for biennial sessibh's of There is opposition to the Amend ments; therefore let all who have the good of the State at heart go. o "the. polls and vota for them. . . ' U ' Vote for every, one. ovtheeight proposed Amendments to the Con-stitution..---ci- - - ---- .j PROiaiNENTPEUSAlLSt English critics praiso our dead ret He Timrod. -:-(-.- -J : if lieK Dr. ;Mm"iralapopake8; of 'Athens, Greece,! a idiasionatyi of tvs Southern iPresby teiian Church, was In Alei andria on Friday. ;: ' ; ;'. ;J: j f;; : - The wife ; of .Don: Carlos is'de scrlbed a'tiy'.possessdbr.i'obu m'ea, haying golden na'r and dark blue ; eyes, ad is considered a beauiifnl bldnde.; - i'ie is re ported to have masculine courage and t.9 be anxious to march with her husband at. the head of. the Carlist insurgents ? " 1 5 -A&f " We cheeifuliy correct some mis statements Into which we, m common w 4b. other journals in the East Were led in giving a sketch of the Assistant Bishop 1 elect of the ; Protest int Episcopal Church !of t' "s State. 1 Instead of Pennsylvania,- Brvj Ly,, man was born iu Boston, Massachusett s, wheiice lua parents removfid to. the State -of NeWtypikduung his, irfaucy. He grid-; uated in the y eat 1837, atHamUton Callee, earlJtica. Instelidoirig1 sixtriyi s oTd he has several yep-s Co Hve before r iiYin at that ynetajbfe Dr. 'pfiaxfc was,originally a Eresbj leilan and hid com" menced- studjTng for the miuistry of s that Church before hecentered rJ to Episcopal Church. -? palmetto Leaves.' ?; A ne.w; iactqry ;js.;talkej3 j of? an Greenville.,. , . . Typhoid fever prevails in Co lumbia to4n alaiming extent! inaSi .Tnman'yfeections of Barnwell and Lexington counties the crops are suffeilng for ra;n. . .- . . Pieces of gold havejbeen found on tne piantation of Mr." YeTber,"'ia -l dewberry. county. . ! ;s , There will be a called meeting . of the South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Chuch," at . tljie to wnrof Prosperity, Newberry . coun ty, on the 23rd inst. . . It is said that the only colored Associate f Jief ormed ,jjPresby te; "an" Church is established, at -Due .West, and has an Immense memberthip-i one hundred and thirty members. ;... . Mr. : -Hw G,:t JW"orthington, just appointed collector; of ' the port-of Charleston', S. C, is'a native of Marv-; landfrom:whencehe Cali fornia riaoxl practiced at the par of that Stao at the - samo .time as .the late ' Senators Broderick and Baker, andvwas i afterwards1 elected as -the first member.,.of Congress from; the State" of 'Nevada. He has latterly been practicing law in South Carol la. COMMEUCE OF THE TVOULDv pt-, MJ, '...'. Comparative . Table Embraelns tlie - Leading Natlens Enelands uperl ;rUr In f onnage, nr In fto?. Npin lr of Vessels. ' n--V h chancellor baa lately cortfe aAvorumiV nons memorial regarding the riesppcrl live commercial and warlike manures1 of the. . Jeadin g powers.': Acconjin or t these official figures !:EngIarid ex- penaea on ner navy last yearj tul iy; 83,000,000 thalers, France 69,000,000, KusRia K 22,000,000, an,d Gepnauy ,00d,b6.d T-thaUr, it will fbe ire-' membered,' is; about 72 cents.; For the current year England jab d France are spending apput theame amount aslast jrear apdermaTiyf:4,00,000 moreSiTbbect of this" German memorial j1,?probabTy7o show tha though promgiouss compared WWTtrnrS former itmSes,;' as yet economical when contrasted with -that of other powers oft tbe same- lank.-wMcb last, too, already possess enormous, and well of ganged fleets, while Germit n y has still- to build up, in great pat.. ber navy. ?r . Ibe same document contains .an in teresting; table -of the commercial marines ' of - the-1 leading maratime states:.. ; ome of these show the fol lowing results:.. . . .; ; i '" Averrie Vessels. Tonnage. Ton'ce England.'. 26,367 5,690,789 215 I 263 ! .63 Uermany-., . . 5,110 1,776 Prance , J5.778, .1.074.676 orway . . . . ... 6,833 U31 ,622 Netherlands... yA 1,985 iCf 628,578 301,253 j 6' I Austnx. . . . . . . 3,114 110 lt2 1S dm .83 .in 143 .342,589 ?.. 328,815 ! 272,399, 2.'jg(22$ .. 188,802 ( 182,09a1 t, 88,392 I I 3,744,319 5 G recce. '. r. ; T 5,512 Spniaj f . , , r-1,414,.-Ru9sia '..'.4,..i.' 2,648', Denmark i 2,853 i Turkey'. .V? 12,200 - Portugal..., .... 817 j United States. .26,393 These figures show that our count ranss ursi iu. iub worm m i jie num Der fldpiBmpl6jed!4ji and second in the i tonnage bo engag$dH j: juups me,, most remarjkaoie. zacc m these' statistics is the closeness of the race ibr. iconi mercial' aupervbrity -bc-j allv surDaasea "France .sin- the! total uuutMct 4uj,yjict euijw, mA44.arLtti uuu little : j;bel0 wheinthe;, total of tou insLge&U Germanylsoipasses: them both inthe jatterrespect, and ranks! third injihe merchantraarinef-the world. Yet; it has abtly?ioiie-fourth as many yessles; as Italythe average ton-, bage teingexceedingly'5 heavy; i-'l; mmt,JiapiGTm mafatime commerce "is cohcentrated iri Ham burg," whose' 400 ships haii'e an aver age a'pacifey(0of sggff-otons, and ftf iiremenioTwliose:iS6ft'i ships ; -navean. average canacitT . of .69 ton8.HThe great North German steamers j bring upTthis latter averages '-If -is worth noticing that the highest average ton nageis ascribed to the Netherlands; ST A It I5JAffIS. The census reveals "'nearly 2,000 poets as living in London. . ' f The Lexington dazette says Professor Pratt, of -Washington and Lee University, ha&. invented a mill for mixing and, grinding. phosphates ina5id8 " W - v' ' ahort noMrSna , place .when . sh4f 4n was visiting,, .with the r. b.,! "iou will see by .my signature that,J am, nlarried.,' - "' ' ' . 1 1'", 'u - - 7-"A,wItness in an Oregon court, called to testify as to the character of a certain individual, declared him to be a pretty good man as good as the average of " sheep men,? at Jariy rate.' The independent newspapers are outspoken,: and they, tell too j much truthfor tho interest of those ' Who darkly plot iri secret places,5 says: the Meld: Tar f imd FarriifM If the Oress could ,ohIy ; be"intimid influence. would be call:!ppweriui ana the desperate schemers would baiin- their.glory'4.:-': ;;; Vc::MvJ Vr IJXl-OhjoXDemocrats.Ceem tp. be badly, .pressed for. a .candidate for Governor; " "The refnsal of both Gen". Ewing and Senator Thurmari toac-' cept the honor leaves, the. held 'open to' less1 promiuenV; menu The ! prom inent' candidate' now is Judge Wil liam "Br Caldwell,uxaf Signer of the fa- ing the Liberal Convention; Another candidate is Mayor Johnston J of Cin-r cinnatL' ' ' ' - J !r'..o "'Messrs. Tabb Meredith, RoyaU and Triggi second- in the Mordecai McCartv duel on ,a - writ of habeas corpus iwere takeii before TJudge B, "W,i Lacy,' of 5the County Court of JN ew i5Lent. -.Atter a.; Drier, examina tion into tbe4 case Judge Lacy allowed bailt and Messrs. ! -SamueL Pulliam, Mitchell, Daniel, rand , AYilliam B. Myers," became sureties for each I of them in the sum of five thousand dollars 1;t6 ran6er- for their appear ance for trial, at the4 aeptemper term of the Hustings court. ; ' THE PERSIAN MONAKCHY. A Brief Sketch f the j Vartoae : llyna ties The Shah J no Descendant . of x,.Cjrrus.;;i . In the middle .of th : sixth century before Christ. ! Persia emerged from theafkhess offantiquity and? Gyrus founded a mighty' empire, "which in cluded Asia Minor and JBabylon and Pafious endeaybred to' invade Greece but, as every schoolboy knows, utter ly failed, Jiis son Xerxes being defeat ea ana a similar rate oemg ms ..own at Marathon. The great Persian. m-r pire$v2,800 miles from the Hellespont to the Indus, arid 2,000 from Pontus to the shores of Arabia; was beginning tcTdecUne, when Alexander the Great conquered it after.it bad lasted from 56;-330.B. C. . JNext cam$ the Mace donian rnlo over Persia, for five bun dred years, ending-J22GA. J)J After that forll5ft early ''-four- centuries "the Empire of the Sassaniansj or the twen tyrejght .ruters'descendedfrbn Artaxf erxes (the f Gre it Lyori'), ending out;65lCbIK .Then e .CaUpbg conquered Persia, and retained it until 1220 A. D. The fith period theri bcfT gian '.by Genghis Khanl becoimng sov-i ereign,' and the Mongols ' and ;Turpo taais prevailed in15p5 ,', AiJ), when Ismail Sophi founded; modern, Iran, the new Empire of -Persia. - In 173C Nadir Sbah succeeded the last 6f . the oopmpnnces, conguerea iiignauisian, invaded India, t took ODelBij.defeated the Turks at Ei i van, arid was assassi nated in 1747. -A immber of 'preten ders ftrowiiaT,attQ after many-jeVretcontest- the present,. or Eladiar dvnastvi was fonrided iri 1794. Jby Aga Mohammed, a soldier of ! fdr-! tune, and great-granatatner ot - tne present Shah," wJxose reign began ? in 1840.'':;jrPt'ty.tioltbstanduig. Dean Stanley's pulpit declaration,-4 is no nearer, reiaxea; to .juyrus, xarus, flatterToyalty, eyenfof' the barbaric class, seems to have been too powerful to ie .resisted, !-,vTrP - , , 7- .... An Enoch Arden Csse Ia.'Fal Rivera ,;VAbut!two years and a half! ago an unknown peddlar was drowned.iri the' ,Crab, pond. at. Fall River, Masai-r-: About, the -same time another man jnamed ;MeDonald suddenly disap- pearea iromvira city, anaaiier aue inquiry andeseafet, people began to settle down in the belief that the vdrowned man and McDonald were one and the same. About five weeks afterward -the body of the drowned man was recovered, and McDonald's ; wifer who was then living -at 5 New- tybtSit caxriaJtoTBgeJtiltQwa Very much decomppsea, ana.tt ne, leatnres almost" tfr quite ' beyond recognition, biit "Mra"-McDonald thought she cdutd recogn'ze it as the - body of he husband by a scar or mark on one of the fingers. r So confident was she in her 1 opinion ihat the vbody was given up to her and she had it buried. Mrs. .McDonald waa now a widow with fi ve children, but iri "due course of time she married again, her second hnsbanddbeingia ;Mr. Benson; and went to housekeeping in a tenement on East 'street. On Friday; last, jvhHe p theT "children .were 'I playing about the' dooiy they were astonished by the Sudden appearance "of : their father. ---"They. Teoogn'-sed him at once, and immediately ran up to him and addressed hini by that endearing appellation.: . Iri the. . xneantime, hus band No. 2,t v.who - was in the house, beailncr the exclamations of the chil- ufei'Aier'wr Vlndow jhj4ioIf left the premises wuaousiwaiwngiwaer iot introduction, or, explanation j Mr. McDonard v entered ' the' house, and 'ttTiearirig hdr malti irS stoddl began, ra;Upraidhisvwife,7and demanded the patentlTjoth readyi and willingj. at OBcPpaeked up her effects andi de. I parted leavinjzr behindHliemtothe are ot McDonald the favecbildren, Ostejitatlons and Costly Funerals A Change for tne Belter. At the funeral of a person of no inconsiderable social i distinction, -in this citv in the early part oti the wee i tuc iiewepauei icuvi bcio- i I.. ' a L. -A ' I corded the Jactj'withheustptoarl expressions or surpnse, tnat tne cere mony was conducted With unusual Tjlainness.'There rere no-pall-bear-" ersVonlf i8a feWftowers'on tbenoasketA ficeJ tocori vey the surviving f elallveS w'tiUtr last resxiug' piaw ujl mo uo cease4.',, u The1 circumstance1 is j worth; fcdting ki'iin.lbjlfH, ostenta tious display oiis such occasions , is falling into disfavor It'is'higli time that it should, riot only on .the ground oi eooa vase, duv ecouuwv, .i'iaauwu has - a s wide 'enoujrh domain t of her o wn. X" withbutT encroaching cupoA. ne, -precincts oi vvu .- j. w pie in liumuio uiruuuitsttin;coioiJiJu. iri "such1 cases, tii' iiriitat& thecristoms of: the 'wealthyVarid M thi riiatter of snowy ana expensive" iuuoi3$ it been "carried to a " wasteful and lidic- uloal excesss-'- Every3 parifeh ! minis ter has experiences which, tell against the viciousness-of -the fthing;1 ! Many a -p'obcinan'. has: been kept in debater jl'i year .of twoanerely I to ,:meet;' the funeral expenses oi isome. member of hislfamily;- Death itself iis a terrible afiiietidnJ'rindebrdiy circnm-! stanoes5J)ut; whenLnnian pbligation of that kind is aperadded r.io it,, the Bufvivor; garely; has cause for remOn- strarice;Iri 'the-dhstari'ce ' abojve " kt ,laded tfi? Ii inkr to2;bej;Biated that jinej decease was jt communioaub vi she desired 'over her1 mortal iremains, erethbse pVescribedin jthe Order A- KA T?;J?X1 -'t.A- TAoT .- ?XTrtK. ingrcan add ta the adlemn jmpressive ness of' the8e,iwhatevervthd average sexton, or the average urideiiaker, or the average hack-driver inay 0ink to tue uuubrary .Xonns iKcn'a Christian. Associations, iTJies0L?8Ocieties becduubgc as tneyrdeserve o 4 be; ;k r fprmdable pd werl Vo, see. it stated that! there are now 928 associations on r the roll i in - the - United j States and BritisK Pr6vince,sy.and Hiat'of -these 38 have buildingaj alud1 at ' $1,754,42 p,. and 34:bye. bQUdingijturids amounting tp $432,937 Snch: are themoriey figures wiin; regara-topniy a,1; iew: or tne moro , ; fortunate associations" in the large cities, but they giye no ajdequate"5 idea of the solid financial coniiiti6n: ;drtu'e gTe7iQajoiityv if not' an,!,of the sariie ; class. i of societies i ih-thifil coriritrv arid. : the CanadasJ iTWhere- ever there is a moderate-sized eettle-;. ment, there is sure to- be a Young Men's. Christian Association busily in teresting' itself ' in :practioal nrM" tianity, and, therefore,; receiving the aid of merchants and - of - other em ployers:' For it i? the mission of these associations; expressly t attend to the sptniuai, .moral anamateiiai wants ot merchants1 clerks, and of : yourij me- .ohanics, to make then! honest arid vir- tnOus, :to.jind .'.pleasant; homes and good ciety for them," and, to. jslijleid them. from. the' thousand' dangers. to hicbyourig men are exposed npOn theirentrancQ to'brisiriess.' life.-1 The assiions;; recdg nizable work in uplifting the 'moral tone' of employees, making them faith ful, sober and industrious,' arid this is the great reason wny ; the, mercnants and . manufacturers - have '- so heartily backed-the appeals of. the .organiza tions for aid in erecting :"and f urnisb mg buildmgs fox-t-heTrnse. ; ; mi ttfJTi4 . aWlt; The London correspondent of; the Hew York limes' ridicules the beople. wno nave, iounatne onan tote wittv. arid gives a specimen of his 'attenaps in mis iine.ti iurti i" , .4 " One day he was looking at !a nic 5 rir?;of donlcey, -and asked'the: price. ' TveO; hundred guineasV-B.thevre ply. Surely,' obsenred the imperial aliv'jfor apoiirid: But ' theri sug gested aa., danng -diplpmatisU the painted donkey is cheap: to feedi .ilt ls-recorded with pi'Oper awe and rev- erence tnat tne ohatt; deigned to keep up the joke.' After scarcely an in Btanta rellectiou he exclaimed: AJ, but then you f can't ; ride -hirii,'ryjpu vye inins mai win ao very wen lor AjShah: ! ' California BIOTlns Asalnst monopoly. . . There s a ' strong independent movemenYin California against mo- I nopolists an4 their leading champlou; oargent, wno; some time ; ago s was tmrni in 1 emgy oy nis constituents. Not only farmersi' but laboring and uusinesH men in general xase an active interest iri'the State campaign, Hyhicfi is to result jri-lUie election of a United States Senator,! Sargent and hisjgang' are sparing no enronrto aeviae ana .defeat the people',;'and navy yard and custom houses- arebeing , garrisoned tor the struggle. a .-, ,'. S'i It seems that the Courier-Journal was badly sold in the story - which: it imblishQa aboat the winners of the $100,000 pr-se in the Louisville li brary Lottei y,- and ' which was pub lished by several of .its enterprising J cotemporanes. , 1 he whole etory turns out to be a Jioax.v '.No -owner pjf . tH' winning ticket has yet -been discov-,' ered, and it is' thought that no ticket entitling the "holder 'to the caipital uiize was buiu. . , The recent rstatemenu of thej KeiP xorK jm7map tat themirie oric JttcoTiamm that the entire fetib lie domairi hadibeen sduandereol uliBr; Mrf"ppears;js;. a misxaK .!g?.CfcosVJ(fiy larialk-i ed .jtoany'maUo Iaafds pponaaraUroad; orporationsf but: f hel vuiumissioner oi ; tne : lana. omoe says there witilalittle left, and thatT the: 85!? Syilljtkepleasure 5n dis posing jq Jt'jUTlhSsTiai lowr rates ttf t enterprisrag settlers.-'; iT j BacVpay'Eocl" carrier'st NOTICES. '.TT ALL'S ilcfllan Hair i Rtnowerj U'-'-.- S IE Will UOHILIVBIV . v- - . t - r ' , j Ev Esjpj KB o fxjk yjn jLtk TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOK. It wilLorevent tbe hair frotn fallinET out. It Is tha Dest QressingTirine woria- masmg ureiese, Btlir, praeoy air ivsaiiay, eoit sua giuBoy. "For B&Ie by all drugglstfl. Price fl 00. R. P. HALL & CO.. Nashua. N. H.. Proprietors. jniy i7-eoaiw-aw ' .... . : i ( .) . 1 n Howard Association, Pnlladelpnla, Pa. :,: c An Institution harlnsr a hleh reDntation for hon orable conduct and professional skill.! Acting 8 ar son, il. S. ilUUUil'l'UJM, M.' v, en sent free of charee. Addrc Essay s for I'oung may S-3m : No. 2 So. Ninth ec, Philadelphia. Ittotners, JTIotUera, Motners, sain, cures cone retaliates tne Dowels, ana oy eiv- ing relief and health to tha child. gives:jresti to.the. mother. " ) . r -Be sure and call lor -t.. . . oav.'-.a. MKS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINQ STKU?.' For sale by all druggists; .!. june34 eod-6m tu-thur-sat n.i ' . .-(:. "Hi MARSHAL'S OFFICE. Citvf 'rarhirifftonrir. C ,4872. - j. June 23rd pttB SEASON 6F THU t BLAB HAS AERTTKp when it Is usual to adopt more than ordinary ;sanita ry, meaaures, 'to prevent. the , Introduction and spread, of epidemic diseases. . - .. .r.. uur uuy at present is lortunately free rrom any imme&iate cause of alarm ; yet It is important that ' energetic measures are adopted by, every citizen, ty A watchful care over their premises, and giving;; sisunce 10 me antnonues. in everv eonveuent man. ner, tnat tne pestilence now in other umet near to ub will not cast Its gloom,over,th?8 community.- To avert such a disaster and, misfortune, it, is Inotm- benton all residents to cheerfully accede to the re quests of the" City1', Authorities " land not wait sompulBQrj'or.ders.; There are stringent Ordinances which compel all owners or occupants of lots to keep them free from noxious weeds, filth, garbabe. or other matter liable to engender disease, with heavy penalties for an infraction, of these itunicipal r( I trust that it will not be my ; unpleasant duty to prosecute "any individual for neglect of a duty ias-r iweedtecer80hal protections as well as tne safety of. the entire community. vMy duty, however, Is plain, and should it be necessary by reason of com plaint of Health Offlcers or my personal obeervai tionto prosecute any citizen for a neglect of .tha provisions of th;HeaUhrOrdInataee, it wDl not be wiout sunleient ctui Tne publicatidn; and dis tribution to every household., being deemed' ttJt notice of the requirements of the law. (. To facilitate the removal of1 an waste or bSeosfva matteri'all persons 4r requssted to place the asms in bartyls ps taw, on the street adjoining .the Cem- lues.., oy ee aoing ine.wy cans wiu , oe enaoiea 10 do 4 much greater 'amodrit of wotkria 'removal. It has been the custom oti the principal 1usinesa streets to put store sweepings, papers and waste in .the streets ; this is prohibited by an Ordinance of the City; ft also entails a very considerable ex pense to collect in heaD' for "-reaiovaL ' Hereafter, Narrate oz tacccfsrast be- used for this- pmrpose, and .the cartd willjprompyy,. remove the contents 'of the ' same. The carts will remove trash off at any time. bat more especially on ThursdaysiFridaya and Sat-, urdaya. ). Weeds may ber thrown on -the streets in heaps ox piles; asd will be removed at once but other collected matter must be In baml 01 boxes. ' disinfectants may be had on "application atthe ' ICarshal's Office, furnished by the City to'aBciuaana Ifloe'of expense, . The. Health . Officers, who are for convenience charged with receiving complaints from citizens aid instructed to visit the. premises of all persons to report On the condittdn of the same, are .designated by a yellow rosette,-worn outside of the . coat, i To ayoid. tjie cbmplaint Qf one eUen against another, the Health Officers, are apedally . charged with making complaints upon information furnished by citizens. Complaints may aleo be" made at my office when not more convenient to males the. same; to s Healta OnocrAny person wanting the scar vsngerj cart. 1 visit, their premises jobs notify the .wm. vwiu(Hiiu;wnt.n ion pmw uaue -same will be attended to at once. If any Health offi- TTuHk fm 1 . . . . . M ... vet shall neglect to' make complaint at th4 request of any citizen and fail tb bring notice oi euchtos)- " WW WlW W IUJBBU, WHIM .(AVCW ea Buuicjeni cueioc au saspeneioftjana any com plaint neglected . or not dnjy attended to will be a Bumaent cause to. bring the officer before the Mayor trahearint.,:;ff:L,!- t" ' J 1 : With the full -operalloB of our cftiaeM, aided by ths enf OKcmmt of the law vi1nt th nwlMt ah)' indiffsrenW it is tohpped,that our City msybs.l irwarom me calamity -or any great morULUt 90 I june25-tf :Jn ortttoUarolina Gazette; rpHB UNDERSIGNED WILL COMMENCE IN FayettevWeVN. C.. pn or about the 1st pf An- gnst,thsjpublicaaonof weekly-aewspapefr to be Btv ed "THE NORTH CAROLINA OAZtfTTTI . The GAZBtni will be consistent! Consermtf va and devotedly Southern in principle and - politics. wui auvucaw economy, miegrtiy ana reiorm in thsdnUitifltitimf:BoUitoisnd.-lfstionalGov ,ernmento;.t wiU favor the aymentv by North Caro lina, f her just and equitable indebtedness, and no" more; it will support the nomination and elevation t w uiutc oi Bca men oray as are pieagea SO economy an wora;; and U wl Janailefably; oppose thM re election to Dlace and DOSltion of in and 'all nnhli officials who have proved recreant to the high trust -sCy deoUd t Ike. adtanomiett)f the tmio. ia- earn uuouuu buu rHiimeruuu interests or us town, sec UoaaDd State, la shorter Us jrublishers wiU labor hard to render.it welcome ana indispensable in the countingwsm, on ths farmland! around the home rflreside.'. rr . , t- r--,. 'Brtogtag to the task before thent years of expe rienota their hnsmess, (both being .practical printed ers, and one of them engaged bx journalism for the past eight years,) the undersigned hope lor the lib eral patronage of theirpeope, and walexert all their energies and abiQties todeseie4tv I UBSCBiPTipK:-f3 88 per year. Names can be for-. -warded'to the publishers.- of left either "at the storm !San at th K. TjMaKjSthan, liaq.i tfersob btreet,r at the ot- , flee of CoL C. W. Broadfoot, Green street. root. Green street. -"" July W-tf Publishers.and Proprietors., '- 1 f - , .j..., i Itj i to ' 1- f t r" . Vfiltl.iV, i'. . rt , .. ... .... CARTERET COUNTY,. N. C i ciias.1 JiiBiinti),riioruiKTOR. , This splendid Sea Side Watering Place, ! situated St Beaufort Hatborwill be open for the reception of: fcntsts.an nusyia out yiamU VytTh Mottly,'iraiie letl, 1873; ' PPiS ACNOWijroGEDTb BE THE MOST. DE . .nuniJiilctil Olii ioirt,.!;:,!!."::! I southern Old yus Steamer leaves iln-eotsorJkfevr'YcirhsTery.weBijr i- fT Parties, wishing to i engage qooma: wiU. please ad-, treseasibove;' , ? . " ( July 10th, 187 ;ii-J"Wirr 3m. ....... .F Jrafir8 i SPECIAL Pon't falltopiwMEwrNSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP for all diseases incident to the period luuxuiuur. jmpkeial, . QTmpojmmojjm fcsmdmiJavK Scotia HerrihE 1- iMgiisn-weaarast, woiong, ana uncolored Japan. My teas are .selected with a special view "to iny 1 family trade and are guaranteed fresh. t o1 A July 19-tf J. C. STEVENSON. BUSINESS CARDS. EC. TOLXXBS. & TOLLERS, Corner Front and Dock Sts., . . J WIIjMIrf OTON, ;N. C. TlCrnOLKSALK QEOCEKS i W IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Oonntrr merchants will do well by calling onus andexaininingonr etock. '-znov 19-tf ; MOFFITT &. CO.,' ! . BITERA pnMMISSIQN M EKIiHAN Te A " ' " '- UrilMINGTON, W. V. Will jgfremteipV pesMnal attention to the sale or snipment 01 uocton, jxvw. stores wjnenuxiuuuwj etc, etc jubo to receiving ana lOTwaram; Orders- solicited and promptly fille d and DromDUV fillet Bep23-tf oiis iaii-'i-t j ill - 1 c omussioir mkroh)cnth . . c -si vv.i Grain, Flotir, Hay, and "also ifresn tMIOC Nos. 9 and 10 N. Water st. Wilmmsto N. C. -,. Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring CmjiANEOUS. -n:JiU. , :: SAVINGSj J3ANE I i JNO.' "WtLIJfiB ATKINSON1 '. 'J THQS.iEL HcKOTy4ii.5.i....v:.."V3oe President CHAg. S. Tf T-TS ,r t Secretary and Treasurer. Jt- i Juo. Wilder Atkinson, of Atkinson & .manning,, ., Alrich Adrian, of Adrian & Vollers-i ; Wm. H'PernaM. eVther Wilmington Stab; 5r r i: Isaac a. urainger, iresiaent vans: or -xnew jaanover. George Harriss, of Harriss Howeil.; j f xnos. ii. jM.c14.oy, or w. A. wniteneaa jo. Roeer Moore. Brokef.- n. &J-xaXj ; Samuel Northrop, of Northrop & Cummin sr. , ,- George' W: William, of Williams & MnrchiBon. - - l Mi 'TV& AIWTB 'TOBPORATION, CHARTERED JL- by act .Of the General Assembly of North Caro lina, is now prepared to receive dc .eposit8 0f ONE do: jLuutana t ana opwarda, on which . Si. iii' i " , -' ... i ,. will T)e allowed. :iinti i Ths safety, of the - securities, the constantly in creasing capital of the Association, the liberal rate of Interest, and the character of the management, unite in making tms tne . " ; 1 SAFEST AND BEST PAYING SAYINGS SCHEME ever offered to thia "community. , , ; .. 'n ' J Interest allowed" on all sums remaining one month FifteeirfiifeiSfrutIC9ieuuired to draw out money. Deposits reoefted afcany timeby the Secfrctary and JTreaeurer, No. 41 Market street. , -uheB-tf'" ?i,j.-. 1 1 ituii;i Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. m Oldest & Largest Manufactory oiSafes ' zisr AMERICA i THESE SAFES ARE MADE WITH THREE AND four flanges around the door, of refined wrought iron inuues. wuu angle comers, anu )::': , , Warranted ' Fre from Dampness! From the Scientific American, May Sd, , 187a. ;t ' Since the Boston fire weTiave eiven some atten tion 10 tne rtai meats or vanoua sales, wnn a new of supplying onr own office with the best article hi the market, and have accordingly made selection of s dry filled Alum and Plaster Safe, manuf ac tared by aiaryin a km., xbo uroaaway, in. 1. Wa will 1pttvr Uima Raf&a In WflnTlnrrtnn at umk Jit ' .-VIA ':.: 11 iii : - mi- 'i'-. price as cnargea oy manuiaccurers in few xotk. 1: '-t a Id ir' "f'i ' : ." ji--T . tjune7-tf , , WILLARD BROS., Agents. in ..-J li t': s - S:1 C -RICK LN-TIEBCES. AND BARRELS iFFBES-RIO, LAGUAYRA AND JAVA; 'UGAES AIX GRADES; v;' 1 TLOUR SUPER. TO EXTRA FAMILY; r J? ;- - - - - Raisins, Caudles, Fire - Crackers, , IN LOTS TO SUIT, 1 c. For sale t a7 1 ' ADRIAN- Si .VOLLSRS' 'flee 19-tf l1' : ' ' ' SXJPPLEMEKTAB,Y t DOG ORDINANCE.1 'TK IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OH AL dermen of the dty of Wilmington, N. as follows: , That the owner oi any dog within the city Emits wbo shall fail to pay the tax imposed by the dog or- di nance shall be subject to prosecution for -violation of said erdinanc and reqnired to pay a fine not to exceed "ten (fioy" dollars,' at the discretion of the i . i ' "'-.- - - i ,.." Mayor. Passed July Bth, 1873. " I -r-. k."J"-., " j : ' ; lAttest .T.1 C. SERVOSS, citx ok trn.irii JM3TON, Ni C.,l xxXrj BILLS "(XNTRACTED BY AUTHORITY of the lata Board of Aldermen, previous to the 1st of May, 1873, ill be presented at once for payment, and persons holding them are requested, to- ftend s.quiA- .4:.f.Ki iu Hiiiitit ii(U3-'.u;ut j- :. , toemupforcollectipnimmediately.., . ,:. .' jonsMf ',t;'V.'P4CANA6iY,IasoV'!' iseiccLiiijariujiL ana Day fiir THE MISSES NASH AND MISS KOLLOCK will Mi -.'-Ja.y il uVlUMii fill' ij'Wil -V , .- . : resume the exercises of their School on Friday, 25th "'Clrculaaf6wardedpnapiricatIoh.',i iJly;i3pd2Wi; hijiivmn hnu v 1 hiM i-'J:: , , Cora 'Fourth and Market sts. ole. agent for' the renowned . Checkering Weber and F Gsehle Pl an os (form- erlv Knob ; apnl 5-tf . , 32 900 AMRICANAND .s ,, ViJ ? S L .- .,! iIJVIBJPOX)LCffiOTJNi)lALtlM And Worthlngton FINE SALT, '.nil u: ; i' u sole iuw vy ct4-tf .-.i tut; t:,.o WILLARD BROS. , Badon f Bacon i 0 C CE iK 1b SHOULDERS AND 8111X81, (ll t'l JiJ Jilt j t For sale by WiLiiARDBROa.: I barrtctju.' r or rt; yiSO , trrv BARRELS .V r-r PEtFE(7rLYSOTmD--.l I , For sale low by r . i JnnelMm J ; - : 1 ' 'WILLARD BROS. Jl,: ' o?:ei liS ifSUBAJ'CECQMPAHT'of TIE&ivh riBANTS . XIFK. AND ENDOWMrro-n ... 1 jieies at tne lowest rates consistentwith rV11 participating and non participating. - 1 Safety, ; ' ; . " Special attention la called to its ;:PoiiMS Eeserve Tabies ioiiowsr -1 ' Cash and CaBh Items,... 7 ' 1379,463 74 Bills KeeervableI.i...ka.."'","-V JS.tfct 73 efeired Preiniumsllltrl?: ' In hands Sf Agents,,.. 61 jiouumicu uuij rroperty and BuDDlifis 1 w home and AwnHia f"" DKBITS- Beserve,r Re-Insurance Fundj Surplus as to policy holders,.,.. Ins as to stockholders,,.,. Number of policies issued l09l ; insuriiif to oi? W - This itemincln.,rt:. 2?& f2,W5 l ?Pve,rt? 'WS a umberedvalaei D -Pl"60 1UI a.llH'JKIJ Mi 'alaeofmore UU1U UUUUIO hlXB iUUUUUl, xf-i-32 em :MSiift bit A-.O, JCoTLWatrv D.a B." TENN ANT, tf J ;i.:.1StyiccPre8MaL . f -,w" . ; 2nd Vice President.' ncii .n i-oecretary and Manager. ,f.Pcbeiween Front and Water Streets. Seat- ii tttm cIimoutlTirgliiia. "' '! ,K, i: X)rer J5,000! Policies Issued. AtiTniar Income Over $1,500,000 Proirekiye ! 'Prosperous! Prompt ! ..." i jjj. SMA. EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. V i jt AND t GOOD ' SURPLUS! Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, ATKIHS0& HANHIKG, Belli Agents, Insurance Booms, 6 N. Water at President; JV i Harteook, Secretary; J. J. Hopkins, Assistant Secretary; Prof. E. K. Smith, Actuary; R C. Hartsook, Cashier. ' mar S8-tf, ; BxsTirance Rooms. 27006,d00 FIRE INSURANCE CAf L ,j IXAli BEPBESENTED AFTER- ' ! FATING BOSTON LOSSES. f - ". ; Queen Insurance Co., of LiTerpool and I London, Capital.....l.i1...i.....,......$10,OOHlO( , North British and Mercantile Insurance J ; Company CapltaKi . . . . . i 10,OOS,060i , Hartford Insurance Company, Capital 2,500,600'; National lire Insurahee ' Company, of Ratttsx&Ca&trt..iii.i,... ; 600,0001 Continental Insurance Company, of New -York, Capital...;.:.... ....... ...... 8,500,0(8 Phmnix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, ' Capital........:......!...........?! 1,500,008 Virginia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, Capital. . 500,095 'MARINE The old Mercantile Mutual of Key LIFEThe Connecticut Mntual of Hartford. i . . . ATKINSON & MANNING, ! Hi ; . -,t General Asenti novM-tf ::. . ENCOURAGE 1 ,l xS- ' V ' - I---'. HOME INSTITUTIONS. 'Secty agdiist Pire. .: ,TKE NORTH CAROLINA HOME LXSUBAXCE COMPAAT 1 ' ' BALEIGH, N.C : ' Ii: JH" - Jf- U! ;. .-.:'",;-. ; - - -This Company eomtinaes to write Policies, at fair rates;' on ail classes' of insnraUe property. ; i All losses are promptly : adjusted and paid. Tbe ""HOME ? is rapidly growing in public favor, sad appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. ? . . . . . Br"'Agentr in all parts of the State. l a;RH7BATTLE,r4President.ii; . C.B. ROOT, Vice President f ' BEATON GALES.HSecretary. ' : : PULASKI COWPER, Supenriser. ' augl-tf Wilmiigtoa, N. C . , t MISCELLANEOUS. OUR LIVING AND, OUR DEAD ; u -j - !., - -. i. f-OE- Yi: ft...,,! : TTNDEB THE ABOVE TITLE I PEOPOSB TO U publish first in newspaper and subsequently m book form, a series- of articles giving the warrec--ord of NKh Carolina from the election of Lincoln In November, I860, to the close of the war between .the Stateain May, 1865. v My plan embraces three divisions :; , - t . r . ... "1st. Acc6untet)f each Bkirmiah and battle on uw soil or .upon the waters of North Carolina. Sd. Accounts of every battle fought during ik War on the soil of every SUte, in which any of ue troops of North Carolina took part especial care being taken to show What these troops did and ni feredin each of those- battles,, and what glorj a renown our officers and men fairly won. , ' 8d.-" A Southern Chart for all time." An expla nation .of ths third: AiviatoB of the, proposed pto wui pe suDmltted at a later day. buti All IDT hmfhur tthlitim i material waicft can oe arranged ana aigw!w -to form s complete record of the heroic deeds or sens of North Carolina upon the battle fields of tne Confederacy: and especially do I ask aU who n write to fnrniBh me details of every battle in they participated, and the part borne by their im mediate commands, , " General officers from other States who comtnm ed North Carolina troops are respectfully asked w give me all the information in their possession w1" ative to the conduct and bearing of those troops. ... In endeavoring to da iustice to the soldiers m ; naave : from Address Our Living i ii-ThVfiirt ntunber wffl be Issued about toelO&ol June. Subscription price $2 per year in advance. Late Colonel lOthBegiment, N. C. S We JamReceifel lyjieaier To-Day m) vj Achoicelotbf ' I JURE FRENCH CANDIES, - '" 1 '. h ,nuliedFigs,Prone Dates, , JTieSh NUtS, Jjeimnw, -rr- - JelBeg, Preserves, 'Ac Ac WEST A CO. ;:.;'r".;.Hay-.!, Hay ! TN LOTS TO SUIT j.i?' JL. l- frriol fo sals by iliii n 'i ii ADRIAN VOLLKBS. Uny.v J ... 1 BicelBice! 1 niu uuv.uiiwu uuu luneilUTB lUrttto nil . . i - , TEe conditicp rttoto r 18 to 3.650 00 143,874 19 dec 9-tf f-' -WJLtm BBOfc i n

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