ABOVX BEN BUTLEB. ' . . ' (AFTER LEIGH HUNT.) ; About Bea Butler(of "back pay increase.") Awoke one night to think whom he might fleece, , ' ; . And saw within his room, -where shown the moon As bright as hem! curse smiles! a spoon, A demon writing in a book of gold. Exceeding brass had made Ben Butler bold, ; And to' the goblin in the room he Said, 'What writest thou?" The spectre cocked its head. "::-:v.;- .,- And with a squint, egregiously unclv", r those v a i Anawerea. i.ne names v served ine.u J 1 M And is mine one? said JiuUer. Tianot J. of here. Replied the demon. Butler scratched' his . ear - - - And looked askew and said, ' ' We'i, Gobby, . . then ; .:; .' V t' Jinrc-r-y ) ' ' Write me as one Who alfrays goes for Ben." The demon wrote and vanished. The next night v '.f It came again, in lurid, sulphurous liht; A : And showed their names who served Old Nick the best, j v .t ! And lo! Ben Butler's name led the rest ; i FIELD AND FIRESIDE. CAUSES OF DEW, J If dew fell, it would fall for the same reason that rain fall; but PWjUieh JbeiproWfwarpUlated nnt. fall lL 13 Simnlv ft rfonnait Ti. i u , C",vi',,"iT5: .. loes not iall- of moisture, air to a greateror lesseivdegree, and f wuwu w .uStw -r will alwaya form on any cold body exposea 10 ine moist air, in precise- 1 aIa mama nrn it tlmf v I 1 V 4- II I ei-Afi takftn from a Mid ' aa11 ' jinrr' Kuuucuijr f" "o nuauc, , ivj i i tne moist, wimuer air, wwwh uuua nwij u w . w vuyiuj , uvji I does this moisture come out of the bottle or stone, as many, people be- i5flv hnt from thi :'fflr fi Tt i finr tW lieve, but trom tne aitu dt is fpr.the, same reason . that moisture Will on-' r"." i " "1f4lKAKnntfr,nt iWwW r,CCOrW ripnse aeramstine window nanes wIiptv j - the air is cold outside, and moist in- AVrovJjmUn :.7 tl,a n.A rfn c An. , r. . Clue, wu uiuutuiu oiunijr licuiuis, whUe . its : deposits , form chrystals of ice which we so often ad- or ice, Huitu we bo ouen aa- mirein winter. - v uenme weatnens . -i I. j . . ?. 1 . " . a liri ; 1 . 1 I cooi euougu, me moisture ueposuea X , The only point left to be explained is,; why does the ground become so coVl during the night, so muchcoolerihan the air above it as no cause the lat- ter to deposit its moisture ? Thi was for manj-years a vexed probleKtill Wells first suggested the radiation of obscure heat, which takes place from the surface of the earth ; thr6ugh ; the clear atmosphere in the space above, and so causes the . surface.to become much cooler than the air itself. "lie ucjuvusiuwu " uuS ui., fcuer- I mometers placed at different heights. I and also by the fact that dew is only deposited on cloudless nights. When there are clouds, they reflectthe heat, I or prevent it from escaDin?. The surface of the rth' thus 'beinp- ke from cooling, no dew is deposited,; CLOVER AFtBR'POTiTOES, ThtH8vWere long smce reluctanily-convinced that viv,ti UiuvB11Uu.u J T following crop potatoes; as it will after most other farm crops. Ex- I penence has taught us and a some- f what extendedobseryaOoii,baSt proved 1 that our experience is not exceptional -mat a weii set, inics neia or ciover crop after potatoes. - Indeed fnllyrl have we been convinced of this, that -----v - we have at, tames thought' the state- mentould be MfiVtb. not be found. The resultsare different, ;. without- doabt r on dif- ferent soils, andj thfl same soil when Tinner ' nifrpirent. treatment.? - still . the rule, , .wes; holds ; good. Since was called "to 'this matter we have . carefully observ unuer oDservation ,iast veara larere i fiaM f .--U;--! ed resnlti. .. W hiul JZlZZZInf- correspondents in th "r" "4 "u J etiuug nuii, Fi.Greglfeffi for;ng!4rithiSi mrnmg 1 P ? 7 snie Lwme, au sown wiui eat when seeded clwer Trt Ot whifth ha1 KoDti rlontorl with nfirn I ' :r2i"iruT w?. w,.pwhw vcu. gra88--mo8tlycloveiwas?CUt,-?on - - ? . - to be as greatltsf last" jreair. " V,T.-i-:'ir-. .ii . , ,ii- .... - ' j "-: vv5 "The Jhuma!jives in India'by; wild anals has become so v appalUug, that, it jast . English ' xaruament "is seriously debatuag dif- ; .t lndiaarusca tQjiave been killed byWila beasts in the'six vears Tmmd'tiL'ririedrn! 1870, and for the entire neninsula it is 1 i ... . .... f5 Potion were cprn,wiw grown was - impetttS.wjlUte-giveii. to the i5.Ui) ul?r rf... f .r . - j - judged to be-doubteM po-: ttelSliniitMm bal HAYiv I I : tatoeswereowhr'ep 100 . 0t- O I MM SWS. wealth'aBdferUv,,, ! . . 1ftft bbls. pork, BLHi.Hmanru -mn.i, v. i vwii u'ttM. r i haira I idoti mvpn 1.11 mih 111111 wuvnnn 1 lilii uti iiiuui uuiu - -. ... ... ... who ha avLorif.nt.K .Af 'tJiI-r lmo toViiJi a rTftanbndent t of 'the: NbW ii sw-rrS rTtWirtiijTm Tri riiprtinTiTTrii r estimated that 10,000 persons afe klUH getthe worst 0OtUniesaHBneceeas ed'annuaUV taiiMrkr Afiiinrdiwnia tbe idea of and. igai 8ervice,'recentiyTeaa aipaperrjiacnig iisen m . jjacu . oaj Wfore the English Social Science As- that tbey!:must have something tcr mi wnicn tie stated that, int n a Dublin mod w YtntrWot-a -tA i - V V I VWVB- " " twenty-seven,-thirty-fotir arifl iffMy "v,cu people. It WOUld attack a' party ai kill four or veat a time, j Once , kUledft:fath,tfioiafer ni three dreiitafi wek ' fore it was shot it killed seven people, It is stated, that there are' sbikarries, or haate'rK whose business t is to kin theBe.aaimalsrjtind wba'teceive ire - Wards foe'doin cr aai:' .luiii ihev have no desire to kill off all pf lihem and thus cut off : their source; of . living.! The English Govp.i'rriorif nnw nrniwMAit t.ft V en'oll body of men for this purpose,- - ajd tp make ,a; systemallo slaughter . - the.-vt.icot"fl .v. rs1trco 'rMtnt.Kra' 'kopards i .1; ,,.r l JVARIIIMnrAw . ' 1 . . . ... 1 I ' ' : : : ' 1 ... -, . -, - ' 7 ; 1V1 SB . .bi raaa'vmv - it - ... - iuo cotutue Question-con erre.s and 1 denVvJ?PrTem'ntBXhe prMl- 2551:2 caaal - m T 7"'l V Um Sun-Telegram. U. - - r, ."Washington, July 18. 1873. .Jt ia ; . -. ' iVJe5,8allr needed that the, irl re i 'T,UM r"enenw is to be the leading subieol hrnnt. before (Congress at its next session. t. HQOD1AT1 I m, - o -:,"-. "-- vuuii. i lliat aUree tOrtlon..if .thfe.olo f l lUl. 'Ji. i tavor on the eisrantid: and snAmnna this connection is ma nlain tft;wmit dispute. It is known alrendv that i a powerful combination to .advocate the construction by the general Gov- ermnentoragraD system of fcanaK to permeate 111 rwierthf amlbrcadth the -West-and thebouth haj beeatoey; U lormea amongst., members . of Uon- i . ; Qe resident's partiality for one J r-T - l ciple in his ' annual message and hisj derstand the truth. influential . aid can be ' cohfidenUy 'ither everi wilt2- vyuuvcu yii at ait times, u nuer uieSR 1 circumstances the rrobabi!it.v lahafcl-' irt.tbe furore-and-popular-qlamor oundatioto 0 for the expenditure of j manv mi lios-bv-the United States. But it will not be safe for those inter- estedto assume that thiTcan be done ' .a v t-v - , . . - : ,"'-tr'vrrJ..,. w -.4Jti-.iJv-i. -.afelwutsJ! .Bsaist .; ,i...-juA j.i,iivi. - especial lJispaiCu. to.tue Plcw jLOrK limes. I reWYorkTimes.1 vr;,lJ lo" J'i as ' lerar-isof the f,4 Hlijrdsr. " rr The Postmaster!iGeneral Z Srf- :wPT m 0t the abolition of. the franking privilege m. Yt be annwent for three months - T, " .rP?" PrP -.,jt.'"" "r'Al 1 . a - I , m - - 1 l" WlUCIUl lUlUim' lie 19 Ul . . vji.-- he QPionhat , nqjegiumate j argu; mente caa presented in favor of a . .v u.:i v :r : v r r VV ? J .v m"CU that, after an honest trial of the inewi IEViY.2UUJ. LUtl -. U1111C1' C. : UUlf fitatca i f " . I i the. attentive , consideration of thQ people: Ue is confident that the ab- afree-niail tr wdiso in- crease the revenues of the postal t9L M soon become seos Ummg. j, , Mmirafcetrin?riu Ceertla-An b4'i ' iiait GmpitaUat 'Bteana Basineaa. tvlt seems that an'gKsb-tcapftasC ,who was induced to visit Augusta, was 'so well satisfied with what.be "saw .that he proposed . tJaat if a com- pany, WltMa capital Ot lUO,00O Was l fnrmi arnnM t.V t.nftt to th l amount of $32,000, calculating to use laportion of the capital in laying out streetaandnsdnstfuctifig sewers. No xffiwnit.rwig.TTumiinM ;w fnrmmnl ORDINARY DRAWINGS rominencireiuguw making i up tne requirea aiaouni, auove tue i f 3,000. 4 TJaemtaU8ttOrQep;j I Efiglahd, and as an evidence tthat ei mef nt biness iramedielr thirty-two comTtailY thousand- 'dollars to the tnmnanv ir - A nrnidt.il ' Thfi .Aiinranir at 0e Vent to work to purchase land the bkv ndOntafkoua: to the canalr ftnd now r owns-5a 1 very vatmite mvei ity bf the canaL. The company has - o - :;:vavjir j.Drettvneariv ases. fiariisfrcaitelistnreferred to, as w wrf, ti"iAtian Ta tr j0iQ? him iQ: ' manufacturing U,.. banal, stated ihat-he would' head a ajaptfonXIitt)anTEngland I with eleven tlKrasaod -pouBda (fifty-five . t ttt tjji Jrs.i j. . r.Lr;it.'v. u.i t t "l "u"? "fJl w. " the" capitalist, siiaagtiihe of sue- Ue -j. : ..U JL i 1 jt. .. agement iro prcrmmenirJMiguau cap- itaiistg ajfr the Wlieme is "-perSected, ina - 1- .t;'4r Iiava ifc will W a WV W- W a ( w wav w -? 7 . , 1 Bemau-lLsJl6, Interview or at Newspa- per Reporter With the Great Ger- The most remarkable of all the re- York TFbrhad with Bismarfk re- It IS the hghtOt the btatej em- I God : and in this fight'theState I t - t ? UaaUK.!HA .W-I11 I, - . ... . . . , . .stji 3.1 wQrsnip-weu,n;penie uieiu wwswp A t txka tcthe -nlac ' of "r the rfain'ilT W , 1 ... 7 1 1 . we, liiie l fevervthtogfjromhd. indiifidual; let IfpreBCnoe now nu wueu ue euan io cdncoived add bortifhow fed n ia ' y6uthv;birlb 5 lie" 'shllserv as-a fibtdier what jshall be rhfexother life, lnnialwnrbe airmarryV how maayf leBildxen ii 'shall have, anct,r finallv. it needibe m hen he shall ffie. 1 hamau whabelievesin'Gocl-reft-: sons nus: '.vxou. ,uutu .w glory and.for my w teinporal and ? ternaV happiness; that I. may gain I ihia - hth -Trrribfff-thffTdTltieS that 14 '6weS W&toJ ncP'hp1 fl&d l-hat I taito possesijtaa one nidstptetventmy Vr -""tf nnriW Tiocia ilrlt.ift n.nd'eH10VinS I 1 lao hI naa,hM innnnatA-rpr. nn a I fVmmisKinn Merchan y - - i - i wmuawj ...it w.vwy v" w iiuiiv i oem nna rtinii mi nnirw in , , oy no nurnau authority. This reason If ingus all fallacious. but the ideaat e Voin'of It is the:root'of, allaC I j"i iicW 'T 6-i 5 1 "" Pirationa for personal freedom . j It is ' iY.'a 'a1- tbe rooA of what one of your Ameri- canemagogues Years ago called 'the higher law. v-When 7 one knows that "o,e,not-e308t,tnen ne Knows that.no such n2hts could .haveibeen coaferrd.,and no such-lduties ,im. posed in. a word, th J li ! - J 1 . j . 1 ? - . i. I iitriuiv LO.in Rnmnn ainn nr Tnri. i . : . . fr- r; " I .'J;v.y;i.w.j V a . i . : me mori than, UwArwiKi. ttn. - -. - a . T!:.1 tK,Pvoi rh.io,:, r t.Oi ahtlaAmericlrtThe assesl . -IS have wished-toicrush ome. that I Ukht .crush ChtiamThlyiraBe me ft,,m,.. :.wA?T,- x. anything icould console -jne f(ir the dueiorometime to comV,; it frpuld, wo lik wiui;es,ine amazement oiinee i T!.,t JnLnrJ I 'tUhtfrVfero rjUm ' ! ' Ki ' tti 9, .'I f f f - Hi i to Kuji8.t j r f IagSCELLANEpiJS.n j f! pll tintf Gla - : . , , : ;;k -' ;it's-Hardware; DepoMi-vla" sHsfltfitr't hioix-Sa-.No. 9 Market St-"- ; v.i:mx) ;t mm j - - - "1 iivW - WiBlllld.ArS .-HardwflTtt tjMX&imrmvsL bot.ts W H i I I - OUltSy uIHuSa, BOLTS, &C, a'i j-misjwaw te every description. ' " - 1 ,151L&TEI)" ;SHALEES - JWi&i'. 8 Asn. HOLDER AXD LOCK. Xjont bra life time- NATH'L. JAC0BI, v . I ... S Hardware Depot, ; Nd. Market St. BIRD GMESi tmux COOPERS TOOLS, ,-:I'"-lI2 m it 'Carpenter Tools, I ; MACHINIST TOOLS, O K 'Turpentine Tools, . ..- ft. i- N.r JACBTsl Hardware Depot. ? ECII2 tfjbiket Street. : : TTWti a TOtoT Tntf PrV 1 : liQTeiy. w".! l878Claas 9ia..Oct, ItlL lSTS y -'"j f"" .i"'?'' q.MO?; 4Bg, WWhl IBTOtoaaa 16Nov.iBth; 18T3 Spt rRisrat T ml8ttiDeC:,73 916,4 The amount drawn In eveiy t Crdtnary Drawing 111 be VvOuTl j . . wui oe - v $450,000 diYided into 782 Fall frizes. -. (Mi -as toixowb: ; f ,, i-i l Pnze ot... ;;.ieo,ooo 1 Ofa avO000 i of...,..;?:..:... ...ii..4i. f 5oo i of.... .:....:.' 10,000 " ' ?999 r-v iX Z V33;Ir3: ""T-iftXXX 646 ! of : 800 each 193,800 OV VI a m m . -vyvw 9 Approximations or fSOO each to toe $100,000 Prize i 9 Approximations of $300 each to the . $50,000 Priae..:...-..,r...:..x;H 9 Approximations of $300 each to the 1 4,500 2,700 1,800 l.SOO $25,WQ vmx.. 9 Approximations of $300 each to thoj V - $10,000 Prixe 4 Approximations of $100 each to the two $5,000 PrieB..'...,....'..y 1 1 X n ................ 400 kHArem all nnfera to BORNIO A BROTHER; "wWrror Sew Orleans, la., Not 71 i nravier street . . .mantjel borniouu u KANUEI UUltMlWy c: First SulvCollectoT for exportation in Havana, Cuba street. 63. jnnesuwtf - n.. yT W.,V lf UUltt, HuJ rUll Uttll' flUllS. 'wW;'n :Tr ! I - - - EX. BAKQUE SNOWDEiT :T r I n 4 l'1 ll'i -BfTf O X BOXES ULK blDES, Q ?r..TT -rf.TwSn , Vf f Til CROW ft CO;.t s witsoirr XininoNiJLTED 4iFMvr)8t!I0 J four years. It has no superior now in use, beingnot I 1 Ai . j t.it.ta. I JOlliiollC8 Wlvn gu-Hl mutt TOLUtUlO 1UUUUUW (M vs- rUMiiiM lerstakeaprideittfarmingandatthe same time pot forth propereirorts to ntheiri p. xioafl poinx in oar furricmi.tiiT!i ub trxte, wuere xariu - ' i i t l ; u ft VSUR OLD VELVET RYE VIRGINIA GLADES,- S yearaeld; Brock's Kxchiige Old Rye Maryland CIulv" 1 " j : GOLD'DUSTTBTE'ANlBbuRBON1 ?,( u. " B Select,"" Golden Wedding, - r v i' ' ' ' i ' - -Finch. -Rob Boy, , . V ' A IS "OLD NORTH CAROLINA ! h ,in . un iiatiw. mr 1 1 If9 tjLl .it'. aXJ AJaal vvAii ' Vf.xxxoxwEiA i,.At low figure- ' inlvlOvtf io -f'"Tnurtn rront suvfu Post copy ...,,;., .,t.(.rt-,hl vt - : Fruit-yriaps. -yrfAWKrAKTBAWgEBY.' Fifty Casef'ldfrto.r ' AT LO.WillfS) Matthews' packing-finest Syrapa i this market. KJfl AfS aiJBUWJ W wa 7 North Front street, vr. a a va'nrvai M nmnW 11 'wauinauipiwa. uaDtpw. j.;,v. d. . acnanan, 1 iuaci THB TBIBUNB is the cfiam 1 ' -.rioiwia- i o, j 1;' I ' - ""Vr:C-'V. f canal rishts. IrresDective or race, nanvtty o i;w ;iz : r-?-jTe-ir7z n,-LdsSi,-t 1 r.f : i ir,r'-jr:"jr"-'ijrrTxr vxr independent . n..n n a M W U I . IVT1V ..... ; , v MISCELLANEOUS. --w . TTT3XTa i m A I ipna phi m Irtmroi n aa uMiuuiuura inn wumoi dM - lf9nftend Perfamea the Breath! Cleanses, i TJse H dafly," and your teeth will be the last of Ka-tui-e'B iftd t fail you.-' 1 - i , ,l SOtli Bt5 AT,t' DBTOSISTS. j ' . - may 87teodi'ta th tail I , -yoT-vi ... I years of sufferine. bv taMne kr. Pitler'e Ves- discovery Of J.R Fitler. M..," regular' graduate Physician, wWt whom we are pereoaally acquainted, faohas for 89 years, treated these disease exclu- slvelv with astonishine results. We belisve it our 11 Christian duty, after deliberation: to conscientiously . eequest suflarersto ue it, especially persons i n mod- erate circumstances wh cannot afford to waste money .and time on worthless mixtures. : As - men we seriously feel the deen resDonsfbilitv on us in DUbKcly eBdersiaz this medicine. : But our knowledge and experience ef its remarkable merit iuiiy jnstmea our action. efenefffiis& I contributions ofrrf.kgpenc BabrdJ of the tSwikS' jr Bmitluoiikii lnsUtnte any mow elaborate pro V D Prankford,. Phila. , Key. J.B. I m,, .. ita intenttens would seem nDerflnons." n., suuereu sixteen Tnos. Murpny. jj, -nonials from Senators, Governors, Judges, Con- l etc,, iorwaraea grans witn these diseases, s One, thousand ' aoiiurs wiu db Dreseutea to aov meaicme ir came i aiseases snowtne- ecraat ment under test, or mat can 1 ... . I prcoae-fpnMinaUg son sending by letter description of affliction will re- ceive legalll.Bi guarantee, naming the number b: iKiftlfji to icnre. asreein? to refund money SinyttedStoFPhiTHS adk.aothtaR..4:.M!p V5 --j - -.-.. - 1 $imm oEto&FMRjiEir,.,. t Lt:?ti tWioleateBetaAgenl upon ewbrivBtatoment of its failure to cure, t Afflict) - anl4-lv-eod-Ta - Wilmington, N. C. Office City,;.Cleru 'AND -TREASURER, :. Urrr oy wnaraaTos, ;f i" ; v4--"--v-i'---vta.-;fall8,3.' . AN ORDINANCS TO)5' PBBVKNT THIS DB- .j ... ................. .eliti. ... . i j - "FACBM.KNT OP BUILDINGS ' AND FENCES ; Hi ;.. - - ..... . .-. . ,'4....t IN THE CITY: THE Board of Aldermen of the city of Wilming ton doordain -' i ; SecUon L That every, person Whe shall -post, naste. stick, saint ot affix, or shall cause to .be nost- ! ed, 'pasted, stock or affixed, any pester, bill, placard. snow caraoraavernsement, to, or on any ntmse, i waiu-or rence. wiunn tne city nmits. witnout tne i consent of the owner, or occupant of the premises or i lot upon which such house, wall or fence shall be -erected or located, shall pay a. fine of ten (10. dol lars: rrovuiea., jvnat -tne saiu owuer op occuuant shall complain onxiath of the violation of thiaordl-. nance. 1 ....... f ,rirta'i - Sec. a. Any ordinance, or parts tnereor, connict- i Jntrwith the above, are hereby repealed. t ' The above ordinance was passed py tne jgoara or Aiaennen aiaiy iDtn,itni. ---j: i ,1 n, Attest) 5 T. C. BERVOSS, July l-eod4t - ... ? . 4Mj Clerk. i, ' i i .j . i i i i ;jxegistmuon-jN onee. ; ' E . : 7 ' .HEW HANOVER COUNT T, . urr.ci or thb coudtx (JonmasioNKas ' Jttl 18, 1873. t.a f ...ti.i v jt ' I 'n i' rpHB REGISTRATION BOOKS OP THE CITY -L ef Wilmington are now open iy the following DdMlacS xtegisirars, ani . . . . FIRST DIVISION, ISTt WARD.--C. ' H. $trodee, at residence on. 4th Street. -' .-JmL .1 j 1 SECOND DlvisioN.-FIRST WARD.-rWm. J. Kellogg, at residence, corner of Bladen ana Third streets.'" .-' ',-;'-..-r. ,:': . - ' -- i ' ' 1 1 House. SECOND WAKD.Wesee J. Cassidey, at court THIRD WARD. Thomas H. Gardner, ner, fU pffioe nTt val itf HnnitHniM f FOURTH WARD.James K.'! Cutlar, at-residence. Sixth street. ...: FIFTH WARD, Anthony Howe, at work shop, Queen street . ,1,.. s -j - j y I On Saturday, Atunst 2nd. ail Registrars of elec- I tion will be present at the several designateorpott ing places in the county and keep the. registration cooks open irom o ciock, a. au, unui oo ciock, P.M., as prescribed by law. ,, ' t , . . T.AWSO-"? HL RICE. ! TTor Oonntv rJommissioners.' - jmy la-iw - r , , Farrar's Electric ILL INSTANTLY GIVE RELIEF IN CASES Neuralgia; DttTHERiA 11 W. . . . iwii' ACHE, DIARRHOEA, ' j ' or pain of any kind. . Sold by all druggists. ; . ' 5 - ' i - it Cliill And Fever No More. tatiti tmt aottk rrrfKB is not only a pre- T W ': : .""""-' . 1 , . J- Manufactured bv the - f : - NOETH CAROLINA MEllIGINALCOMT. ' . and fc sale by all araggteta, ' ';s jmar S-tf o. . . w.. j tof l . i 'i ''" ' j ...,.SUJUUisa.ViWkX-lSVU-1 . f - :Mascjr .:; &;;iPo.;liIalelpliia Xand 3CX Ale and Porter, - COU): fSf "OiUARTER iAND HALF; BAKRELS,' O and in Bottles at 75 cents per doren, the samei delivered to dealers families and.shipping depots in the city free or charge.- Also, arrangements made With Railroad and Steamboats Companies to return empty kegs, and botttes free of .charge. iFor the (vumtnr ft doz. Ale. Soda. Sarsanarillaor Porter pack- edm a Darrei; iprtne aty, zaesen ins Dox.ixnetA.A. . . " a . . 1 a - a Inn arrr rHaesey Ale aid Porter -equal in strength, body, and Aahv a. I aa of nnn-rTui-i-i.'h r VtA nHoA it an lm ealnut framed cards tor-dieWiiutlon free ef charge to dealers, subject to be called for at any . i . . . a . . . ... tune py ne uuuenugneu. v. , ji . r i i. A' LLi -PARTIES . - ARB ' HEREBY'- 3VOT11T1JID against nsing, selling or buying empty bottles marked H. or M. ced H. or M. Kordianaer. as tne penalty oi 11 ordlana.er.asXho'.peri-aflryof tne law will be rigidly enforced on and after 21st Inst Parties returning bottles before 21st inb will be re waraeu.; .- . - - . . ); !. ;.. - ' L KORDLANDER, ;. ssf ; I '.. .iS if , tFoarth and Hanover street l July I5-lm'-i H ..jri.:iti'---wilmingtonJ N. C: G. !::BoneJg&2S6iis7 ..In SL,Jrin;if. o-jyt'U r , 1 . .i- -fi -k.; ! r t i TTAYE OPENED A-' BRANCH OFFICE AT JKp. IT Nortli Water Street, , Wilmihgton, NJCufor the transaction of .a strict Commission and Forwarding Business, and solicit consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and other Produce. ' Liberal cash adv -Slfa" Produc for sale or shipment Refer v permiash I First National Bank. I . wA- -rrrNEST OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA AND LA- lUestgradespf Coflejaandwarr JVAlUW.iJL'. JUIJUtO C W.. ;' 7 TJoHH TJVnr) trot jnlyl3-tf EALEIGH, N0ETH CAEOIINA:' j T?'' EY.: Q. .BTJSWELL, Principal. - t - afiSSiaTS iptaL Pmt A. Banmana. Vocal and Instrumental Music The next session onunences on the 1st of Sep- For dircuiar and Catalogue address- i 1 - . - REV. R. BUR WELL A 80N, . July WttOAiilnWtlSepI - Raleih, N. 0. ' MISCELLANEOUS.' The'New ' JL HB lb 1KU9 BU1VCU UC1CWIUIO, W IK) 1UHV1.M1 KUU - pro-emtoently newspaper. In the promptness, ac cnracy, falnesa, clearness,' iatereet,, variety and con-r venlent and attractive arrangement of Its news, its ambition Is to be the foremoat-joornal of the world Years of patient labor and costly preparation nav$ created for it extraordinary facilities for the collec tion of intelligence both at home and abroad. Not only-the common events of the day, bat the ten den cleg or popmar wougat ana me currents ui poniretu, social, intellectual and religions discussion are faith fully reproduced in its columns. Its correspondents .watch the growth and development or American communities; 'the progress of republicanism in France and Spain; the spread of democratic princi- Sies in ngland and uermany; ihe ferment pervaa lg the whole continent, caused by the conflict be tween the advances of physical and social science and the DhilosoDhical.'theoloeical and material ideas ef a past epoch; the exciting race between Great Britain and Bussia for the upremacy in Asia; the wonderful awakening ot Japan, and the progress or .European ana American civilization in cnina. in an, the great centers of activity THE TBXBUNB has its agents, and no expense is evec spared to give Its readers the fullest and quickest intelligence of what passes la every quarter oi tne giooe. , , i ,t erv c 1 'American indnetrv receives now. as always a large access. share of THE TftffiUNB'S attentions The success. the trials and the wants of the productive classes are studied with particujar care,. . The' progress of invention- and of labor savins contrivances, - tha develop ment of oar resources, the preservation of oar public land for the landless, the utilization of our vast min eral resources, the extension of facilities for brins- ins -producer and - consumer together, i receiver from .this paper the. fullest attention and encourage- ment. to mak&ltsejf especially jccettble. ' It basj excited SJLJ liaSlJi. j F7l a Widespread interest Dy tne puuucauon 01 iuu w 1 tne most vaiuaoie leuturen. Bcieuuuu maa and its careful and- comprehensive snmmar lies of scientific news, , reports of . discoveries and. explorations, narrauvea 01 voyages, iuu.rtouru oi the proceedings of learned -societies, Jand attention to the cause of chool and university education ratrie aceonnts 01 tne. nitoml tnnvABtiosa from, the nen of Prof. D. C. Gilman; the papers-of Prof. B. il Toumans, and the pion of r coior. it partisan ues, nut nrm in its aevouon to republican princlplesi it -endeavor ito fulfil the idea of ita illustrious founder. Horace Greeley, as the advocate of that ' national policy to -which the preservation of the Union is--owing, -bat the frank .1 .4.1 tt.i 1. k, IHt.Bt:i VJLI.ltJll 111 1.1 in 111! 11J IB'UIIUUC. V ' iv t k ffiS a.ZZfc tt JlMitffAtM tuwh col. tions to the extent of Its ability: but in its news col umns It remembers that its readers hate a right to- SslttMwM ""filTO. ?5!,,J,(, lidptoany,THBTBiBUNE .holds -tuatUr 0f ieurnlkm wMchisnowdawnmgmiistbedistm- whole truth ef every eueetkmVwhether it tells for or I of journalism which la now dawning must be distin- jnent and moderation in debate... It Aschews the coarse invective and vulgar insolence which, have so often maired the political controversies of the past; It avoids slanders ana personal quarreio ; i pa per for gentlemen and ladies nt ror tne pamir, jjs stndv and the home fireside, rather than the bar-. roont It its editorial department it commands the pens or many oi tne aDiest, most uiouguuiu' most brilliant writers whom the newspaper prof es- ' sion has yet produced; and it constantly -aji "higher litorary standard.' and a Wider and wi tare. iiir t UJ " :U 1 aims at a wider col- tfttc w kkk r.v TRI HUNK, contain a careful summary of news, a very large proportion of agri cultural information, a careful selection of literary, and miscellaneous reading,' and the cream of the correspondence and editorial, joatter-of :the daily edition. 1 -r TERMS-OPTHH WEEKLY TRIBUNE.- 70 Mail Subecribers. One copy, 1 yea ;ar 62 issues., ...i. ..$3 00 Five copies, year 63 issues... . v 7 au - TO ONX ASDBXSS. " . 0 SAltKS Ot- STIB8CBIBIK8. ; all t k Tnat HfflM l' AP l: Hni Post Offices ' 10copies..$lS6each, .-ivi lOcopiea.tlSSeach 30 conies.., 1 10 each. r..( '.aw comes, w i w eacn,- 30 copies.,, 1 00 each. nn I rr' l . SO" copies. . ' 1 10 each. And an extra to each elub.1 1 For clubs of nrtrTH SEMI-WEEKLY jRI UNB will be sent as an extra copy. vy t a; . v .-". ''?t!aifc-!Tr br.-ti Jiiui-rtl - t- -,j .'( j. "i !i-! f"rrrFrt . .ii.i i 'THBSEnl-WEEKiYTRIBlJNB,pTibliBhed every Tuesday and Friday, eontams nearly all the import ant new, eorresneaaenca reviews ana Buionau ui the Daily, with the, aRricultnral and miscellaneoas matter of the Weekly, ' IU price has been lately i vIhamI r that -.ltih rmrfTiorw ecnre It- at little more i than the cttoadn0e -abCTibertuo, the Weekly: PTatestunT ... ...... ... . , . . ... -t .'. . , i ,n i... tv, fm 'i i TERMS OF THB 8HM3-WKEJLY TKtSUNE. One copy," one yeary 104 numbers.. ..'.....-..$ S 00 m-rA mniM. nr over, far each cooV. 1 . 3 GO it ;-tKi. Ten copies (and one extra copy) fov.'.. - 3500 " TERMS OF THE 1)AILy) TRIBUNE. V To mail subecrfiieTS.'.: J.Vi....i-.i....-$l0ayear !i' 1 i. - ,. ; m t irl '? L '.. t . . ' ' Alwavs send a draft on New York, or a post office money, order, if possible, ' Where neither of these can do procurea sena mo money, put aiwapra ui.m registered letter.- The registration fee has been re duced to 15-centa,- and the present registration ys- . tern has Utxm fwnaa pytn pyf vu ue nearly aa absoute,pro tectum against losses by mafl. Terms-Oash in advance. Address. ! may!6-tf ' " THE TRIBUNE, NewiYodo F..lA'.'"S'CHU.TTE,' Wholesale and Retail Dealer In an kincls of.;; u Parlor, Chamber, Dining Kitciei & Office FURNITURE, ' j Carpets.ftfidow Shades, fa. ORAMTE BOW, SOUKEBONT ST. ry Upholstering and Paper-Hangmr done at short notice and in the best and latest styles -. Jan-tf " " 7ifl;Vi: ' U A '' ' 'I ?: TheTilufliiigtbn Company S'A'VINGS'B ANKl I ... . r ..-!.:..,,.: r: ........ j . 51. Market Street. ft f PEN fcVERY WEEK D AY JTEtOM 9 A. TO 4, ! Pi M., and on Saturdays (exclusively j or receiv ing deposits) from 5 to 8 P. M. not " V -All accounts kept strictly private and confidential. - Married women, and" minors can deposit iA this Ini- - stitntion.,snbiect to their own control and no-other. inMtrnHE Aiioweoat tne- rate or six uer ueuw uer annum on all deposits of five dollars and upwards . remaining on deposit three months and over. J- u , , ' The Baakiner House is situated eo that ladies may i attend to their own banking neatness. ;.-1 j The patronage of everybody. M soumiea, i j. ., 2 SILAS N. MARTIN, tlx Gflaa XT TUTo-; 7 rreeiaent. Edward Kidder.'1 ;: I". Ml KINO, J i. .tj j) t-jii. . Cashieft- George Chadbourn. 1 JtH ' i? amuy .Excursion 1 KV' OH 'tlMttS .'AUClBLVt i. I..;,? zt u... .u.;i, i i i .!,', TTMD3 STEAMER WACCAMAW WILL ILEAVK- I X. on Thursday morning, J oly 24tb, - at 6 o'clock, for Smithviile and the Blackfish Grounds. She will stop at Smithviile one hour and then proceed to the une Greunds. then return to Smith vilie for tnose who prefer to remam there. The Band will remain at Smithviile, where arrangements have been made for danctafftmtfl retterr of boat. The fall Italian LBand is engaged.5 jt,. y.M I tuanm jtxo nqnors anoweu on poara. " The Ladies wiu furnish-' Ice- Cream. Lemonade, .Confectioneries, Lunch Coffee, fcci, at city prices.' Tickets su cents to do naa omy oi tne mem oem of the Society, a; , : i, ..july lMt 18, 21, Si, , 4 ' W1XMIWGTON : 1 '.,.' S I" 'I I SAVINGS 'BANK.'l WILMINGTON, N. di Julyisi 1873. ,! I rpHERE WILL BE A"mEETIJ ITING OF THE STOCK-' flavines Bank. -at the .Witmincrton Ubrary Association, at 11 O'clock, onXhnrday,.th.4fhlnst.'v;, j , , July 16-16, 21&S4 A. MARTIN, Pres t - Vhlir GltVwTaXfiR: i I Jl . - - if - 7 w 1 f, .... ... t OFFICE TREAStnBSCtr Artn .... CI'JCX . llUl4iJU'jroIC, . Cnrr o WmnHaTON, July 19, 1873.-' P3 THE CITY TAX BOOKS' HAVING' BEEN placed H My' POssesgionI ehall commence .col- leetinetthe city Taxes ior its is, an uonaay.xne zlsv Jnstant iuki-Mi - a. tUSttVOSBv .July -iW vny xreaBuieranajoiiect8E. ' Spirit Casks ! ' Spirit Casks !' 'tOfiA spntrr casks, A4UV For sala by. "VVHi. PRINTING AND BIDDING. r; 3ir? STEAM L.-'i 3.;.'. !".',.; tV 1 ' J J b Print i n g H on s e, 4 -1 1 j I 1.,. " BOOK " BINDERY ANO r! i - ",BLHK BOOK ; MAHOFACTQBY, WILLIAM H.t BERNARD,. r ,00 , , t ((-J.I S 3. rnopRiKTOtt, ,11 . i ijlA i(! 1 I l""'J u.ir. J- . j 1... .S:'j5: : THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE yi'. 81ATE MATTSPCP ALL THESE lit It -i'l.tH .1 i li. mi - 1 iS.'O-'! 1 Hii 'li 1 ' - -j . . . ... - "! .. FACILITIES 1 COMBINED. j !, ' - 'i 1.1 if a .v. "ii 'iji nWflM.l:?.? : I ;i-"i .1 THE BEST ASSORTMENT Ojfv.T 1 ttpe; pa'fii;s; i I rt .5 a 'jj. ziJl Cards and In ksV - (V,i Li -iiiu'3 '-.- J. i i '.. U"1. J . ... Tc:W e U Hi SKILLED ; T7pEKIIEll: "I : 1 v) EveryrPepartnletife. J. J J ' U i." no Jns l. 1 'lll l.O( v . J' ' ' a' I iity. '-. ,7-'' . 1 n't. 1 V4, ij Oi..!i.l Jt MOT THE r i" hi 3 L L& ii3 w. i' r 4 .ff. L07EST PRICES, 1 BUT AS -S. I J f if. LOVPRIC ES AS -'j ,41.1 4 j yi iuaijcuuuujuiinui fj j. For the i -it BESfWIWOF f OBi Printing,. Billing 1 ib 'Una 1:J! i' 1 i I 7 'AND - J I.' -t i . 11 it :4- 7- j JNj .'lyJ -! ifyr ClT r ,f . i. . ...... T J-i "n:jil --F . i .i, ' r .' .-.-...... IX (I OP EVERY DESCIUPTION, cl i " .- j 7'ii.'1uo; 1 Executed; Promptiy.T44,4itfI6i ANDf I 1 -- ' S r L F TJ L IlY f - ,1 i 1. r- i ti Improved - 'Macliiiiery ! t- I i :ti'". di OF i .-! i l y4tfii -..'.i ... t .t h SINCE ADDING i I -3! . ... ... sr....; '(--l cJijH ;iiu J OTEAr.T POViER, . i..il ' - 1 O V . L. . If - 1 ..f ' L. '' . 5 "il W am enable te oil orders wiOa ' w 4 NEWSPAPERS. Y E A E SllAlA An illustrated monthly Journal, universally admitted - to be the handsomest periodical in the world. A representative and champion of American taste. NQT.F0R. SAILS rj? ;BOOK; 02. jNEWS STORKS r nfafi ATtDlNB WHIE&ISSUBD WITH ALLTHE JL regularity, has none of the temporary or timely . Interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an. elegant miscellany of pure, light and graceful lit erature, and a collection of pictnres, the rarest spec imens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each Bucceedine number affords a-fresh Tdeaanre to . ita fidenos, the real value and. beauty ofVrilE AL Jiiwut oe-mos.appreciatea. alter IT nas been bound up at the close of the year. While other pub iicauons may ciaunrsupenor cneapness, ascomparea with rivfcls of a similar ALD1NK is a unions and original concepUo--alone and onap proached abeolutelv without- comDeUtion innrice or character. The possessor pf a complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity of line paper and en gravings in any shape-or number -of volumes, for ten times its cost, and- then there are the chromos besides! 1 - '- - - a X, a 'mZ'A3V DKPAETMENT. Ntwnistincs tb' hiceHseln the bnce of snb- -scription last fall, whenc TliK ALDINK assumed its present some proportions ana representative cnar acter, the edition was more than doubled during the past yeajv proving thab'the Amerioan public appre- ciate.- 9,-ena t will support a sincere efiort in the cause of Art. The ie nubiisuers. an le publishers, ai ers, anxious fo justify the ready confidence thus demonBtra' ated.' nave "exerted tnem- I -selvssto the utmost to develop and improve the plans for the coming year, as unfold ed by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends of the ALDINE. , The publishers are authorized to announce designs from manyof the most eminent artists of America. - In addition THE ALDXNS wfll reprodace exam- . pe of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to tlie highest artistic success and greatest general interest, avoiding such as ' have' become familiar .through photographs, or copies of any kind. . The Quarterly tinted plates, tor 1873. will repro- 'duce four .'-of John S. Havis' . inimitable child- sketchs,:pprDpriate-to-.the four eeaaons. These piates, appeanng in tne issues ior January, April. . July andOctoberrwonld be alone worth the price of a years faoscrgiaon. f f r t The popular feature of a copiously-Illustrated "Christmas" nwaber will be continued. To possess such, a valuable - epitome of the art WOfldj at a COBt so trifling, will 'command the sub- senpuons oi tnouaanas in every section oi tne cemntry. nsfe-As the nsefulnefea; end attractions Of THB AlilMB an be iUianced, 'ta . proportion to ' thenumerical increase of its supporters, the publish- 'ers propose to make "asgurance doubly sure'' bytlie -luuuwMig uuvaraueioa oneroi ...! , 01. t?aopxtEMIUU CHROMOS FOR 1878: I Every snbscriber to THE' ALDlNEwho pays in advance for the year 1878, will receive without addi-, clonal tharge a pair of beantifnl . oU chromos. after ' J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. The pictures -entitled TUe Village .Belle", and.. Xiossing the Moor" are 14x30" lncbesaTe printed -from 35 differ ent platea. reairias 35 imprekaona and tints to per- feet each picttir. The sam chromos are sold for $30 per pair in the art store. Aa it is the determi nation of the conductors to keep THE ALDINE out qi tnereaen ei compexaoninvery aepartmeni, tne cbxomoawill ha found cortespemdmgly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every sub scriber will receive a certificate, over the signature of the publishers, guaranteeing that theenromos de livered shall be equal to the samples furnished the S agBnt, er tue money wul be refunded. - The distribu Uoa. of pictures of lids grade, free to the subscribers of a $5 periodicah will mark an epoch in the history Lsf art, and conaidermg the unprecedented cheapness er tae price ior tmi ai ,ih hk. iceu,a marvel rails . . little short of a miracle, eyn to those "best acquaint ed with the acmevementa -'of Inventive genius and .toptoveawtchaaieal ajpHaneeaVs(ForifluBtratlona .0rwsejCftrj3PWs see Jjp'l. sotj pi juajum) vunwuH ODeersn&eare jar, uuiaru neury Stoddard. assisted Xv tha best .writers and poets of HBday,wty-yetrrTe:t-iiaye' the ""-literature of THB ALDIS&aHrat 'ii keeping! with its artistic TERMS: . FI VADOlJjAJkSleVaninm, In advance, with oil ' chromos free.- 1 3 liEHH Aianrg wffl-haBBtftet be obtainable only Dy subsenpuon. There will be no reduced or club rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pub Jiahen direct, or handed to the local agent, without responsibility . to the , publishers, except in cases where the eettificate is given,1 aearmg the f ac-aimile ' snaKure oi xmes txjfiaw us vo , , 1 i..AJrypa-san,wiahaie'toacspcrmannuy as a local , 1 jent, wi receive jfoU and prompt iniormatton by , applyingto, JAS.-JStflW09Sr 'COv, Publiphers, . , :NoiJa Maiden lane, JieWYork. Tl'vASIiafONABkiE SOUVENIR, , HOLIDAY EAS0N a ; .; 9. Li' yd iTilayearwiu:be-'' -tub suvEKB Volume 1 v ..fU . JPHB AlVOIJfE' ill;: : Richly bound In morocco cloQi, assorted colors, bev eled boards, red edges, gDt on back and side a truly royal volume a gallery -of fine art engravings that wSl be at once a great pleasure te the recipient, snd a demonstration of the taste of the denox. - There are about 300 plates, most of which could not be matched in size or quality in the art stores at adojlar each,. They comprise .designs by the lead ing painters and draughtsmen Of the day, giving the widest range of figure, animal -and landscape subc eta, Combined, with pure, light and graceful litera- Stoddard, forming aHnost attractive ornament for theparlorexfeh)raryir;jij .i.s - - i DeUvered Ireft liberal dlscountlte the trade on this volume. Order i 5rNWi?'PnS)llsherB. JAMES I . : . I -KTa.. U.I.A t.. Vh, CATAWBA LLEY :,i .LAm.coMPAM;s EntertaiiMeilts. 50,000 CertiScate? will be Issued at 60 KA aaaVi I -M . . . . . - . J.qu'rtere4ythaIalataTeot North Carolina, for . , nuvue va aifw, wiiiuivu awcawa Y':i - and Poor Fund. , , ' . fraiSi OEIGQTJUi AKD ? i NOVEL FLAN, IS WVI IJ. I. uuw "V. t.ii yf-.v . mi. . J - eetmnta :-Theiis-wulbe(5foor- separate and dis- unci jain!ninnian.s moat ijioiriuuuouB vi Every Certificate entitles ita holder, to admission to each Entertainment,' ' and a share .In the Gifts pre. Sen ted at each. ; Four opportanities- by purchasing arJr..lY Hi-t4UWfTSH Ail fclrtie-JJ ;-! ... ; FOUR GRAND- GTJT8 AGGREGATING $2950, AS holding certificates signed W. F. I. DAVIDSON. siaent- ;ia,ii. julutln 'lreas- nrer, can nave tnem redeemed or excaangea ior cer tificates la the above. ' Send for Circular. TTAT.T. Jk On ,f s I f. ti Agents, Wilmington, N. C. jnneS4-lm. . ' , jititiii) j.ow,;peices: .tlllrfOi ,y - c CHEAP 1 B OOT.S ii;-,-i'. f . J SHOES' BSpJ;stiJi Are often Very deer.'tlie.' best goods for fha least w money can be fenndat . 'Geo Jr. French & son's. i - ; - t9 North-Front street. JulyS0-tf : Bacon, Lard, i Butter, TBYr SALTEI)" AND ' SMOKED ' WESTERN U Shoulders and Bides in Hm?sheads and Boxes. J TT - TJuaWaat fiivtrMl UU PURE LARD IN TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, BEST FACTORY CHEESE, j , i nrf Ivors to stJir. J ' For saioby il ; iBXaH ft Y0LLER3, v l...? . ' . ... malWf - nunated, JtuySO-tf 1 7. wVbsechneb TUB UTMOST DISPATCH. Post copy,

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