1?v THE HOBITIIIG STAB. v PUBLISHED DAXLX.iJX, .... , '4 K . . i . . . ' SJlXBS OE.SUBSOXTMM, 7 . . v 111 ' line yeaf in aavanc 41 t uiau j:::: S bU 00 75 in advance u,i" L Au Subscribers, delivered in any part of art of the mrtMiB Cents per week. Our City Agents "if 'f thnrfi to collect for more than S months in are jll.il, - advance p .' OUTLINES. : Cholera subsides at 'ML.' .Vernon ; and Princeton, Indiana. Eighteen cholera deaths in Lagrange, Ky., in three days. $40,000 fire at Mt. Qarmel, rV' i - The Gordon Kidnappers will be held for trial in Manitoba. , Receiver of the Brooklyn Trust Co. will be able to pay 50 nor rent - Two deaths ana two down of yellow fever on a schooner, Havana to Vew York. English in Africa burned a t0WD. Cape Coast, Africa," full of refoeees from' the fury of the Ashantees.: Believed that coal will advance on ac- f count of Pittsburg meeting raising rates, which will cause a strike. $60,000 fire at Cleveland. Cholera at Wheeling., Three yellow fever deaths at Halifax, jf, S. Another severe storm reported in northern England. Government forces in Valencia desert Spanish cause. New York Markets: Cotton, 21; gold, 115f; spirits turpentine, 43; roein, $3 00 3 05. Booths on the outside of 'Wash ington Market, New York, were destroyed by order of. Board of Health. Col lision took place in a New York public gar den between an exhausted band which re fused to play and some pic-nickerai -Coroner's evidence decidedly against TJd derzook, the West Chester murderer. -Horse "Bowling" won Saratoga race, first purse. - Baron Wohrerton is dead. Thought the Iowa train robbers will be captured in Missouri. ; Interesting crop statements from Southern States are published. - Attorney General Williams told a South Carolina delegation that only aggravated Ku Klux cases would be prose cuted. The delegation will interview Grant at Long Branch; THE FOBKl OF TICKETS. The Executive Committees of the different parties have set forth in a short address to" the ' people of the j St.at.A' a form for t.h tinVeta tn Tw used in the election on the Constitu- , tional Amendments next week. This , - - v form explains the change made, by reference to the article and sections of thfi Constitnt. on wriiVh w mn. I . vvuownuuwu, n uiw . no wu" i frbm;thespirit ceive lawto bo unnecessary. T AUthat is xe- quired is to have the words " For Amendment " or " Against Amend ment, aa the ease may bey printed or written on the ballot and1 have it 'de' posited In the- box, intended 5 for 'Ihe ballots oi that' Amendment.' ': ' Only this and nothing more.'" ' BRIEF OF THtTDBE ZOOKGOSS r -- CASE. - - Tbe West CIteater Murder .BlrsteVyi' TJdderzbekls n6t a nice name; one might very justly be forgiven for dis trusting an Udderzook. ' The 'man who has just figured in an arrest on suspicion, - in ?West Chester, Pennl began, a career of infamy as William TT 1 1 1TTM1 - , 1 t .- uaaerzooE. vvniiara was tne Dromer- i in-law of one "Dr." Goaa, ,an jeasr- i K w inonmnXfl 1 n h nfo fnr&9K fTrf in favif nf ria I wife, who was Xlddexzoos sisten I One'dav there iwL 'an 'exolOsibn "in One day there ' was 'an 'explosiori "in Goss's lahoratoryt in thecharred ruins of the building- were i found the blackened remains of a human body, which was alleged by the widow and Udderzook to be that of Goss, and on which application wa Tnade for the . amount of the life insurance. So far the case is not a peculiar -one. But not long after this, Goss being sup- posed &ad, a stranger topping at a wayside inn was taken out inHhe: wagon of a casual wayfarer, aa though thft lattnr KA nMt nAn f tr ontraatoA v.. r i fn,-- in the wagon and Vis" supposed new acquaintancesaprred JIoDoih&af t.,.,i .i i.ir i . i i 3 ZirU xwbu luau DM Ul .11 E9t VI9Kt: I woods. Thismnst havebeenthe toiss-f ge"fm '"Sri?! ff1, inir Birav. v.v; t.oWx,; t 'inihavo 'Tio'rlror of the lids, whicl v5t0-i :.:JlKrfVtw''fTTrikitch-ftnl' ovein a most grotesque derzook. ;i The muder:niaBisu posed to W Gosai who &$i&m abont vhi rrr.ft llv rii v1tMv fundhadfein farce of col lectins "the 25iOOOdnc on his life insurance- was carried on. i?r 5 . ; . - j Udderzook' indst haVea5Jbi6 wn l-th:'at Goss had hrs money :aboht.. hird; ;he knew that Goss waa'laa good, as- dead to thecommunity who had known him ; why not kill him ? B at, whose was the''hri1v'fnnnf.in If fo ntiliea nf Cinaa'd laboratory ? i"We'"will .irot pa'fsueHlw: rairn:. rin. t jJ tails of a:tme Mory' are , abandoned to the blood-curdliBg 'novel-writer. v .'V-; 'm, Ml ffc . Postal pisbonestf Tv-rir-i - ts iLJ -i' "I if criti .;.:ia5,o and peculiar design of postage stamps, to replace the abolishe5: fns of executive "Departments. The ready excuse was that these official stamp5 were intended to -prevent improper e of the ma-ils-oy priVate'persons. Now it turns out that this device has proved effectual. J At least one post- master is reported to have sold a . goodlf lot 'of 1iW'officiaL8tamps,! tb ?deastP8are D 'uusen in fio rrnrnrr Arvnnr rnBnnnn. try coveringi the-private" 'corres-oiV uence of their purchasers iust as was sueration Will tor recover' lit a hur- aonsA nf :u . v . i - , News from tho crops throughout Alabama is doleful enough. 1 1 ' 'I t. $ VOL, XII.r--NOi106. SOUTHERN SHORT, STOPS. " The crops ifT some portion of Sura- tertsounty.S, C., arej(ufferirie for want of rain. . f , . Airs. Charlotte Harris died at Stone Mountain, a., recently, aged 104 years. - A youth named Gorham Sawvur! waj drowned on Monday last while m bathing at Qak Grove,1 f12; miles north of runswiok, xGa. . -kThe Selma -V'ltmes . savs that in the course of a week more caterpillars I wHrberon. ,eyery planUtlbn' in the prairie lands of that and surrounding counties. 1: -; ? vv-i ; The board of trustees of the tTni- , vereity of South Carolina, at their last meeting ordered the establishment, of witb?sn7 m CeCtl1? . -Ihe Pant8VLille (A- Ad?9Sfi says the cholera has entirely subsided aTIT aB"ieuuii,y. uncase, wuiuu is, very annoying, pam- ful and dangerous." v :"it; - A serious ' accident occurred' on Tuesday evening, toa son of Mr. J. C, Mallonee, about seven years old, at his father's residence in liutledge avenue, Charleston; by falling from a window. , .. . , - A meeting was held at Marion Courthouse on Tuesday last inMhe interest of tho Cheraw and . little liiver Railroad, and was ' addressed J by Captain C. Dunn, J. T. Walshvi Uq., Colonel J. H. Hudson,. General j VV. VY. ilarllee and, Colonel W. S. Mullins. Iosa of Slsht. ," "f i A little accident, carelessness and ignorance in regard to the- condition. Btrength and power of the eyeirlo en- Qure, nas given to. many an earl v fS1 understood that writing on the cars, steamboat, coach or avtWin tr in mrL "eamooai, coacn, or-aaytmng in mo- tyn, is intended to impair, the eyej gj ' ' .. .. .. -.I .. tomed all hi lif e time t read " lviT'' I DV"WA ww wu aucus- physicians attribute: thloss, of his m - ' -?t r m- m i eyew? ;Very: sobn a cancer formed - in the other, which caused his death. vl ! 4" -Tbe great historian Prescott -lost his eye-sight when a student by a bit of -bread thrown in "sport by a fellow I Bluucu iauic- A oi. scis- sors or a fork thrown in sport or an- i eau8ed1Le. f8 of : eye- " " r ;VwYr nomplacciijAfmnahcvwas very ambitious to finish a set of linen for her brothers, spent almost a winter n atifJ,l,in.;tt.;nn. nn nf i., at night over the work, uit which she took great delight. The result was. the nerve of, the eye was"; so. ininred was oougeu: wnouy i,a give up sewing; knitting and reading, un- ner - penalty of becoming ' perfectly blind.: V "S,r p i S nT! ' - . . - . , A-x . t. . a y ouug lauy, wuo ivea dui ten lies by tram from school, used to sperJa-tn time lttOTuaying a certain lesson while she was riding down in j the morning The result waaaeeyefe affection of the eyes, hich.a disabled ner irom siuay ior a long time, it is always hurtful to the eyes to read in the train, though we may not see the effect so plainly when it happens only ocpasionauy. a steaoy practice like young ladies, may produce'even wofe sults when the system is i a bad state. ; , , - Never W by, twilight, nor. before twg m the morning. The little rafflrS'i before lit e 8 SUndOWU. . . . I know a vou'nff "clersvman who is remarkably. ;weil-bred man, but whose eves are a nerfect deformitv. je su ne rameainem ovreaainsat TT a 1 '' 3 . 1 1 1 . night.Jonrtna infemlvrwKeS he was : ' Jvt" -" "a- . " TT . O which .mannerir Doti'trfaDcy Tyon can' 4 ,;whatou;please. with your. eyes, ana yet have them serve you faithfully. l'01' .BPlv .ryr.-gv1. uyyvr.u., lost. eve-Klcrrjr. rj Extract from a Paris letter. The Slialt a SportlttK an. ' : PH" -? i " ? I l J C 4 i-MiT' AMitirMTM at flight " 'rT' -mrr 6';: r!arrif Tclirsfiffcl stationed 1 bet ore iwn j ,nrcfw; vWiw-""T explaining to "Trim'the mysteries of tho mmfl nt ra .ftncLwniLe. - nis Majesty played 5 several tifnes m& Ba BeTra iifuepauu wtUK- 0 riih-rii noket. nrobablT- ft'mementOi nTh , mrchande,, atarallff.eonfoseci - fa haa great aimcuiiy in explaining the game to his Majesty, and pronounced her. Words in such a style that, the Shah mistook her for a TGer- -man. dignation of. Jhe. nut-seller,, much to, the amusement .of the Shih,1 Jaughed heartily and handsomely re- tefil!? i ute. . . iuo wwww w mwi uo uav son th.Cj sanwruJai0rj 'stopped marchand de coco (a. ple-1 stoppc monarcn- was uiu engag iwur , i their TnoowiTrtVTJivirjjaL iae((wie Woyiwaddcther'HvefiilVg jib be fotudaiinngihomeTnightol n tbe;Chamip"Ely88V'Ki-x -WILMINGTON, N. C, ; FRIDAY, ..:.:- NEW ABVBBTISEDIENTS. ;I M. Cronly. Auction Sole.' Giles & Murchtsoit. Grass Bladea ' "3. C. STEYENSON.-.-Presh'lNuts. ' Local Dot. - Louisa McCuller, colored, was sent to the Work House yesterday. -- '.-. The Brig Mariposa Milton, arrived at Demerara from this port on the 2d inst , The Bchr. ' Charles Sawyer arrived at Kinston, Ja.: from this port on the 3rdinsL A dog fight was the only interesting or exciting incident on the wharf yesterday, do- b have at last been received to supply the de- mand. 'l ' - The Bepublican meeUng advertised to place at the Court House last night did not come off. i : -Maj. J.'C. Mann; "-who has been absent for tyo or three weeks past on a visit North, retted to his FbA t I Up to the time of closing "the books yesterday 1,253 dog badges had, been dis posed of. - And still they cornel ( . . - - ' Messrs. Vick & ebane are having a large and fine .brick, office built, on their premises.frontipg on Nutt street c- ' A called meeting of the Board , of Al dermen was to have taken place at the City Hall last night, but it was finally postponed. ; The crowd on the excursion to Smith- ville and the Blackfish Grounds yesterday is variously estimated at from COO to 750 persons. i Amos Wright, colored, who was turned over to the Sheriff by the - City Court, charged .with larceny, was committed to jail yesterday In default of security. 1 The rooms of the Library Association will be kept open from 3 P. M. . until 1 P. M., instead of closing at 8 o'clock as here- V--- last, but the types would liave it otherwise. '' ' " . ' . ' . , Aa meeting of the depositors of the old Wflmmgton Savings Bank was' held yesterday 'for the purpose "of agreeing upon " ; . h uft . tMi.uBiH5aw un a V an t3S iix.nu w Kf iir nil iit-i i Cue of Iareenr Before the May- ; ore Cottrt.r'."'J"" ; V iwr : " I The case of Alex. Almond, colored. charged with stealing a sum of money from ilr. J. wmiama, ' which was alluded to in our last, came upfor a hearing before flie Mayor's Court - yesterday inoming, and resulted in his! uitV.Thinag:tt dgntheasermttoWe of-the 1. it v T A27 7 "J J toe deed and -part . of the money had been one, we called on His Honor to request a statement of 4 the grounds upon which it was based. He informed us that the only evidence against the defendant was that of his own confession, extorted by promises on the part of the officials who arrested him, as the testimony proved, that if he would confess his guilt he would get off ' with a light punishment, while at the same, time threats were held but to him of the' dire consequences which would ensue if he per- rfsted in denying his guilt ! Under -these circumstances, IDs 'Honor considered the evidence not competent in Uw and the defendent was released.' ' fit looks like a singular law to persons ?not familiar with the code at will admit of the release of , a ' confessed rcrindnal pn - such a pretext, but we suppose it is all rlghe:',.:-:- 1 ' i ff i ; f -f 0 ri tg Bfeettns of Colored,. Itepubllen at j A Mabsonian meeting was. held in. front of the City HaH last nUAt. ALsefr of reso- lutions, were passed and Mabson and others Ma (Mabson's) claims to the appointment ;to I we posiuon-j'OT posmuerr m itf. ,ciyr. I Mabson was very severe on the carpet-bag element,' cliques, &&, and especially bitter 4a his remarks upOn.GerfAbbott,,who ,he said was indebted f orchis seat in.thQUnited States Seaate to tiie colored men; whom he mw ;pbi .,e hei4 up as the truelypes - WMte Republicanism such men as wn- sod, CantweU -and : Gerken.' but captioned Ms hearers to beware of wose who came here for the purpose, or ndmg.lnto power Were unwilling to give them a fair showing I o O : . ,.Q return. ' Th Amwif'wkii'4tAlrsLblT lanre one. but the enthusiasm was not overpowering, - Wreefced Schooner i -r "r-r.TTT' -s ' iTh'e "Schlr. Anna Shepard, ' Capt. Terry, . , .,!.. r JfYl.il.w v" nereioiore auuueu w u uYiiiS . I -wrecked on New River Bar, was gotten off elyandiowthiport pterdaX. P7 oi ner w" .y .fywf t four bales of w-kaBg-badly, but is kept comparatively free by the steam pttm'p'bf'thefesl'.'B'ryhb i4.;kept conttoufa'yttriC jnie '.vessel will; be t on what are known as e Raurbad gaoaia f 0r the presenVto await ordfira f rpm 0xSg h.r onihe way. lorjoaal r j -- - - ; . J The Blrer.';,: .. rr-'., ' . . -;' The steamer,. JVirt fiteto,; which ; mrnvea .-r--v., . ,otnr hntdldnot last wnaeuuuKu.wwwiB v -r.-rT ..?. obut'd, to resort to flats .to bgbtet -'Uiem over the shoals. I i 1.1. i t . - The Excursion Yesterday. -"' The excursion to" Smithville' and the Black Fish Grounds yesterday , under ' the auspices of the Young Catholic Friends' Society, waa- a grand success. ; At the ap- j pointed hour the welcome whistle ; of de- parture sounded and the steamer Wddco' maw, with banners floating to - the 'breeze,1 moved majestically from the wharf bear ing upon her spacious decks a perfect little world of excursionists. Both old and young were ;: well represented among the " dense crowd. Those with careworn features and venerable aspect ; those who are just com: mencing , the battle of j. life j' the hopeful youth and smiling maiden 'and the happy little ones whose merry prattle ; and ! gleeful augh sounded 80 joyfully across the waters I all were- there! 'As the noble1- steamer swept rapidly down theT river' the scene on board was one of pleasant animation. The sun shone mildly, seeming almost to temper i its genial rays as if in sympathy with the : joyous crowd. Dancing was indulged in, but the over crowded state of the boat, rendered it a matter of 1 difflcnlty , Large parties were eft at ; "SmithvDle . and Fort ; " Cas-j well," : &nU then T. the steamer , rapidly wended her way to the Black Fish Grounds j but the finny tribe, having no relish for re freshments, did not "come up" in anjquan- tities, , So, after a short time spent iu this I diversion, the boat started a little after mid day on her return. , An hour was pleasantly Spent at Smith ville by those who ' had not I eft the boat in rambling around the quiet i little town. Once, airain on .board, the steamer was regretfully turned homeward, i Then the various refreshments' came into i requisition. v They ; were dispensed with a i avish hand and the ladies fully deserve the i success they met with by their indefatigable ! efforts to render the occasion a pleasant I one. ; The shades Of ''night found us home again when' all left the scene of their, late pleasure with many pleasant recollections of the happy day. It was hailed by all' as the crowning excursion of the season. : .:. " mm mm' mm' '" y BIaror conrt. ; - : - i . ' " The following cases - were ' disposed of yesterday morning: .sff, Daniel Wortham, charged with stealing peaches from the yard of J. C - Lumsden,. was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $6. Joseph Mott, charged with, the same of fence as above, was fined 6. , , : Amos Wright, charged with stealing iron from the Carolina Central Railroad, was re quired to give security in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Su perior Court, I-..--. :.. ;. ' r .' I Louisa McCuller, charged with fighting and quarrelling on the street, was fined $20 and the costs. a in --'iyi" .'rt'i-rJvj' -""t 6v .""", & I her appearance in Court when summoned so to do, was fined 2 2$. , . 1 ' , Maiy Jones,-charged with 'the . same ."of fence, was fined $3 25. ,' ,-' . . Lizzie' Butler, charged, .with the same of fence, was fined $2 25. , t , ,; u- v Anotner Baee lr tbe Carolina Taent ; cifc.' s'njJ.n-- t--z X-vi ' ;v-ViS" t At a meeting: of the Carolina Yacht Club, held Wednesday night, it was determined that the next- race should : take - place at IVrightsville Bound on Wednesday,' the f3th j a' a -i t t -i. a. .w.WI i..Tniniatr'ruteTtf.V. nfftnw -.--o. . j.-, --j. i qaenuy do auoweu w sau unaer any uaa or quantity of canvass .which may be deenv . ed proper py tnce who enter the; same. Ample preparations will be, made , by the Club to consUtute th coining regatta one of the most .pleasant ancL -interesting ever witnessed oa our waters. : -r v -'In'., At tho meeting Wednesday night Mr. K.- E. Burruss,' the winner in the last race, pre- sentea tne v;iuo wiin two nanasome prizes td be competed for iri the'approaching're- Awt wioAan m'.ria.ielgatieMk srtt.and.taIiai.Mttiiiv: umij ouM.uwuuu, i uh . voiviuiii Central rood Wednesday mornjng to Work oh, Messrs Singletafy ahd'doWan's' con tracts, j iifi'3'3'i bxwvialy.iunoiq n.' 4: ; Work on the Pee DeSe Bridge is progress- Jng under the1 BUpcrintenderice" of ',Ml"s V. .uennanan; wno u PuiutiKauiiuui(wue abutments under the Western end. . , . 'J ''J?-i::J' Lm' -"-rr- - v' Itllltafftoni'.1 " " ' . ' . From Mr. Samuel C. Larkins, Clerk" of .-,1 W. T. Tt nuArrr anrrntaa -j' j. . . . . ' . . 1 .m mm 1 . j x'-jK ataeUtrate Court.. ..;, .J ; .! iTI.t " a. a.aJ a n AMintAH oay; on iub i;uura?r w jmwu, cwjr on the'oerson of .Henderson'. Davis u'i Case 1 1 A 1 t . . a ,aa-1- a Aat-'AWv dismissed on the payment of .costs. -,o , l ttS:i. J 2. .a ..aa-jaV.a . . v . ttf 11 - t . '..1 TTT t . last week, .vvaixeroamesc-ana,- waiter, ni,Mv,oii '.nmfl vnanntft abnt a'ihrAAAriv eayt Cheek came into James' shot), pleked up apairof biacfesmiOi'sXongB and 0CKed'l Jim rdown-Ubroismzhimiconsideiblv4 James rose, jerked the tongs out of Cheek's hand and , truck h a blow overto head, fracturing his skull and producing cohcus; ision of Se, brain. ; Cheik-has b5een'in' a r u0ttB Rv inp.fi Rnd iittlfl orVnn hopes entertamed ot;his recovery.,: 1 , 7 the Board of Commissioners of the town of 1 Board of the Btate Baptist conyentlon, held TjiilnkAWrtn'-thk :;weMlarn that 1 ad ?he phurch m 'BaleigV aew a..calledtm.eepg ot t;ra A.,a. hold-the next. Convention in the town of ' BOWS,- r- -mTIKS, : ; c., (S;c. Pa4i8fle?f.a' Mayor Yarrenon. i !.u rf -J ..5.,; - L ( ,.,. ( -J mtJnsonWcoI, "' of said town, .which was received and ac- .; ! tt-. Ahllailroadj is spoken of from n iaiysax - , ityCiotWers.j j ! -' , i A, - a" " i V " ,'"7 ' 1 liriufes after the fall, -i I..C01. $harpe,;of -Statesville,5 acbt., . v, ! Ing as the. authorized. agent of xUe nevdy elected uoara oi uireciora uie T..0.. R R: took forclble'possession.of the same bsent. on Tuesday. ' 4 1 he irOOpS pn OOin SiaeS are 1 ex-woveruui ti , a. uaucuu, w. uu ure, i eeconu bu auu.icniifu nu lis uesame , aid to baveacted jiobly. iNo.livelost, was tuutedHan ,f "' " "t": v" " """1l1r ' 'id no blood spilt. CoL Johnston was Shaver, daughter of Rev. D. Shaver, IX'D.4.? "I'' -' --"e Ifiii i JULY 25. 187& ; CITY ITE1IS. 'Fbiktots F.--We ' now have In stock' over 20Q reams of newi paper, size 84x36, weight 80 Bs per ream. It La goed, rag paper, and will be sold, in lots to suit, for cash, or Bent by express Q. O. D. ' PanmNo Ink. We haire Jnst received is stock of News Ink for summer use, pat np in packages of 5 poonds each. Cash or C. 'O.t D. orders promptly filled. Price 23 cents per pound. , , '' J The consolidation of the Carolina Farmer and the . Weddy Star having largely increased the circulation . l.t. - J u m . . , . . .. I auYcruser wui una u an . aanuraoie i medium of communication with 'the farmers and planter of the two Carblinaavru:' ci in:v.;u; . -Book Bhbibt.-T Moiunira Sr Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Xolin? is a work- manlike manner d t reasonable prices. Mer- chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of , their orders. - ' ' i Job Pbibtih0. We 'call, the, attention of mer chants, clerks of ' courts sheriffs, . lawyers, railroad and steamship "officers sand 'agents, and' others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the Xoemiko Stab PanmH Estabushkcht for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job Pbiktins. We can furnish at short notice Cards,' Bill-Heads1; Letter-Heads, " Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bills, Cata logues, Bills of Fare, Bhow-BUte, Checks, Drafts, Ac. . Satisfaction guaranteed. .. . IF XOI7 " rr t ) Want a Cook, . Want a Situation, , - ,.' : Want a Salesman, .:,-- 1 Want a Servant Girl,... 4 . , - ... Want to rent a Store, ' , , Want to sell a Piano, Want to tell a Horse, . . ' . Want to lend Money, ; ; . . . Want to buy a House, I Want to buy a Horse, , , , t . : Want to rent a House, - ' r K . f ' Want to sell a Carriage, - '-.. Want a Boarding-place, M. ' j'j ; Want to borrow Money. . t ' ; . Want to sell Dry Goods, j Want to sell Groceries,' ". - . . Want to sell Furniture, " I Want to sell Hardware, ; - ,; '' ' i Want to sen Beal Estate, ' ' Want a Job Qf Carpentering, -; . ' ?. Want a job of BlackBmithing, . i Want to sell MHUnery Goods, 5 ;,'.. :, Want to sell a House and Lot, ' ' ' ' Want to find any one's. Address, ; Want to sell a piece of Furniture, i " ' Want to buy a spcohd-hand Carriage, ;1 js . Want to sell Agricultural Implements, , , r Want to find anything you have lost. ' : ; . Want to Advertise anything to advantage, ' , Want to find an owner for anything Found,'. : Advertise , THE MOENING STAB. 5 ' Spirits Turpentine. Duplin and Sampson bro'ps good. Kaleigh has killed another mad dog. wjiasooro. The fine Oreensboro court house I i noorlv nmnW0il . . I j -T- The' smokehoase. of Mr. Cyrus Knight, of Wadesboro was robbed Satur-: day night - .; ;; r.;r . ; .; Judge Boyden has, recorered his health1 and resumed his seat on the Supreme Court Bench. ; r ' '; "' . ; i u uwa, '."lie vvxycu , uxttuiAwii. a.-l .a. . . la ji" 1 " lm :. mt i;' ij ' Vi??iisii"ili:isi near Catawba White .Sulphur-springs, fell - lilto a spring and was drowned.- 1 -j J - xne jJitio - noy oi jiur. oigmon,. : , - The washerwomen of Hillsboro manding 75 cento per day for washing ana Ji"P Brice and J. MenittJ were attacked, bv nnknowni)arties:on the? street;' in Magnolia, on Saturday night last, receir? j- i. f xne woiasporo.rzscnflrcr)Bayaij reports from various sections of , Wake and i a Lj-. ' .a-'A-lJ J ' " adjoining counties represent thQ crop aus- t)ices1aiore.!favOrabreii' '-. rt i ' i Gieb:, Smith, coloredof Haleigh. had a sunstroke while at work Wednesday, and is Buffering touch, with little hope of recvery,Bays.mejSmwjtu c . --..v: n-. - i; -.Thursdav evemnrr of last week; ti l near, Waahineton, the still-house',' seven or t jjimiea. says the jamresi. ; ' A formal Coltege' for, the .edu- ntlnri hf colored teachers, under the aus pices orthe . xj. unurch, JNorth,; win he established at ureensooro.- lr wiu De-put in course of construction this year. i i- -:- Greensboro'' JVSt.. North 8taUb rumored that ft mbvementiS onfootto .1 establish a large Umveraity at this; placet or r yoanjt men. : We understand a large amount ,oi money nas ueen. raiseu xorsne purpose. J ' j ' At a meeting of the Executive IJflnVillfl tO JNllltOn. , thiinCB tUTOUffh rBT- I win and Or an t ft tr Tlmversitv Station on ;;- the f: a R. 11 ' The Lynchburg anatariLRVVfi lvHle Railroad Compant. backed by1 ttie B. f & O. Jt. Ri .wUl buUd it' - "' 111 1 . 1 . a - ", . . . . ' A-ra4a .1 t)r0wn jug,' tt'is announced mat unams .and' Stone, of the editorial ataP,' are. alsd- SraaTSr?J 1 ; lJLmAlrl: unsupwBBureu;yuuui wia.juuuu' iu a , a An aAvt vtv Mmnv KaonTrar. " ipyuu . . imuvm vl countv. on the 12th inst . This is no doubt I the bodfot the lad who was drowned 'frbin.Lt July S4-tf - st.Js8 and North Water street: scnooner wreynouna. rupwveu. uu 18th in ra fimSJ- f. J" I wieam as weocr SJJ" mj&i JlcSSS& oneof the,bestcithns.of..Cabarru8tyr' . .... v;nw1, hv.' fa fmni huran a nt PihMm railf rr ijr-j. c.,. ; , .-. r.-.i learn- from i.thel ! Atlanta X QnuMutom. that on the-afternoon of Taea; I daythe 15th, Dr. G. W. . Graham, .son the officiating clergyman. t tf 1 WHOLE NO. l;80i; 'NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. ' AUCTION SALE. M.t CRONL F, Auctioneer. ,By CBONLT it MORRIS. . t TTOTJSKHOLD AND- KITCHEN FtiRNITUEE, ' ";'"""' vertlsea, will oe sola at tne resiaence or ar.iA. rap- coner. on 7th. between Chesnnt and Mulberry th, at 10 streets, on this day FRIDAY), July 26th, O CIOCK A, JO. t - r j JulySMtv' v . - ft -l 'i " . ! v-' Grass Blades I -AT- New Hardware Store. July25-tf GILES SB MUKCHISON. ; . Fresh Nuts, . ;JTJST. RECEIVED, AND PERFECTLY FRESH and juicy. , , , , , ' . . , , . . : Dundee Marmalade and a large assortment of Pre serves, fit , ' .:-, !. -I july 25-tf . i .. J.3 a STEVEN80N'S. The Mystery Solved at Last ! Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! AT COST! AT COST! AT COST! At Solomon Levy's Store ! IOME ONBi COME !ALLr.- ANDEE THE , ' ' ; GREAT : FALL IN ' ' Dry Goods, CIotMng, Boots, Sloes, Hats, A full and weQ seleeted stock In all departments. A FULL LINE OF LADIES' "WEAR. flam' determined to change my busiaesB,' and in order to do that I offer my t c . .,, . -r ,j ENTIR STOCK-ATCOST! - 4 . - . .' . -. r .'. -. - . '-, , No humbug! Come, and see for yourselves and Save at Least 2S per Gent, : - By Dnrchasme tout Goods of v i !: . ' - iji-t- ' ' -i 80L09ION ' At the eld stand, southeast corner Front' and Mar ket streeta.-, ,-:; :..!. '' inay 15-4m-nac - rpBAVELTNG BAGS, VALISES, SADDLES, jl- xurness, Bnaies, u nirnmns Ttvlla- - TAv44wtta1a - IT., Trace Chains, Whips, Spurs, Dog Collars, Shammol MWUVBV VllUIVSt VyU UOUlliD, Skins; Leather. Feather Dusters. Axle Grease. dlery Hardware., Also a large' lot of second-nand Esaaotery uooas. Ijr..-ro ihamftC.; Imay&if' hae '7 mo. South. Front S - Wilminirton. N. XX .5- !l3:;MISCEWi$rEOUS. j ftl tr . $1 75 -. r. ' i VA - H,. A FWJSOKE LEFT: ; . i iTHOSE eMaNT HEiEREL in KITS. i THE SAME SORT. !A ery low price for choice Pish. I' - ! '-1! 1 Boiled Mackerel 1 tqb brkakfasta-tempting dish-buy chas: . MTiCSS A CO., ; ,? North Front street. JulTltf. "THEREIN! sutfuff to whrt tmrri rrtrna--' Jtti. MTrYrw-fiiirt I I rillcareallv. excent in the rarest inst&ncei: btft, I there is such a thing as sacrificing one pleasure for GO WHERE ' Tou will obtain menial delight Jn tton that will prove no sacrifice of of informal st. time, when tried at w-:w - ..-,'-.-": HEINSBERGEB'S ' july aa-tf if iVi ik and Music Store. :1 NOMA AKB TOTJBr SELECTION OF i i TJncn Suits. . -,t : j; Y' -' '''' i-" -' ii u-i CASSIMERE SUITS,; H ' ALPACA DUSTEES, ' J - GOSSAMER SHIRTS; '' ' Balnreggan Half-Hose, I QAAMJfAii1lAs: f2 Q BOXES SOAFj.SOpXJSS VAlJUaJ, L-s 100? BOXES CANDT, . , r , - - ... . For saleby r. LL -F. W. KERCHNER, , JulySf j tJ S7, 98 ana j North Water street a6SiWa 011S. it t ?e-horsewaons,i2 twcmtorsbdo. j ; --! : . -. a - it .a? i kwxLJas -i . . n ..... u . r O -t'tu .h..v - j ' v ' if, oiiv : ; w tw eam'HMm. Soapi s Candles, ! Starch.5 ? ! :' J F) nivnTTa nf Jiitit-v. t - EDWARDS HALL. LOST. - it rvNS PAIR OF EMBROIDERED SLTPPERS.' UN-' wilv. of .rT-rT j VTT? and July S-tf THIS OFFICE. KATKS OF ADVERTISING. One Senare one dsr... -.t. . : v . two days, ..1. J cc 60 , " ' three days.... ' fnnrHftTa 3 00 60 " " fivedays..... 8 00 ..; one week.-.iji,w.ii..i..i.. f M ."'oJ.'Two weeks.......... -5 52 " Three weeks..;J. 5 . " , "... One month... ........... .......... 8 . " V. Two months.. ,.........,....... 00 V- Three months...; .. .' i. ..SS 00 , " . Six months. . . ...- . i .85 00 , -i". Oneyear.i. ...'..60 00 - C3yContract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. v, . - ' Five Squares estimated as a. qnarler-eoleirm, and ten squares as a half-column. - - , , 1 MISCKLANOTJS. AT COST.; AT COST. At Cost, At Cost; V AT COST--AT COST ! GRATBPULTO A DlSCEENINQ PUBLIC FOR its immense patronage during the past week, we have determined to offer still v. , : Greater t Inducem ents, . . ?o-wiT:r; , , i , Black Gros. Grata Silks at S3 50,: x ; .. 'WOETH $5 p - . Black Gros. de Paris silks $1 63, : .(.,WOBTH'W75.';';'"''' ' JAPANESE SILKS 45;CENTS WOETH t& CTS. JAPANESE SILKS 30 CENTS WOETH 45 CTS. Super. X Black Grenadine 70 cents Worth $1 00. Super. X Black Grenadine 85 cents Worth $1 25. Low Price Summer-? Dress Goods ATs PER'cEp'bss tan' cost. Good Domestic Ginghams, 13 VT cents per yard; Irish ' Linens, 89 to 75 cents; Blue Plaid Home- ' - .spans, 80 cents per yard, t . '7.' - Best Needles, 5 eents per paper; good Pins, 7 cents ; per paper: 200-yard Spool Cotton, 4 eta. a spooL All kinds of FANCY ARTICLES . very cheap.: - We have but a few more weeks before our remov al to the magnificent- store, comer of Front and Princess streets. Please give us an early call. .17 market Street. $7,000 $7000 ! $7,0bp$7,O0Q-:7,06i). In , Six Days,j r, r I'.-In.Slx Bays, '1 tn Slx Days, . In Six' Days, " ; I N S3I X' D A Y Sr AT OtTB LOW PRICES: THIS IS NOT 8TJFFI . cient ; We appeal to a generous public tomake It : ; A -m M AAA A -m M AAA . A 9 M AAA -i .... i,ww,yw,wy,-;,-,ijirt The ensuing six days.' We have fixed our hearts;; upon it do not disappoint as. Come soon and se cure bargains. r . .-" R WpU f U ' ' J, ' 17 Market street Gentlemen; Attention ! GRASS LINEN COATS, i?n . BROWN DOWN 8TJITS (good) . ; WHITE DCCK.VBSXS; " M I 4 20 . .. IIa -Hodeat 7e. pet?pl tmavp- " wrds; Xlordered: 17dlft aty v.; 0Each;; Sngpenders and ' r ', ,H 4 ' V "4 pVards j , Eelient, ,-1T 1 (, ,sii . 4 r Boots , $3 SO . i : ' ' ' OtJR ENTIRE STOCEf OF Y. ': il CI0THIKQ Must be sold without, reserve before removal. ; ' BWEILL, . riajCarket;. Street. . july SO-lw j ;;:Cdraaj;Porti anSHails, ... BUSHELS' MIXED CORN, i AA BAIiES HAYL . . Wrt wwafinirnid 'I-UOfa YO J'3 v I' ll 11 J. r"" 'V.'v'x'fT;ftr:;jl''5o' Exad Kt&i . OK BOXESiBULKBIBBB.l T,- sisj i5 X JfS.l .1 'M-stflSiJ fji?.2' ?f: Jutvll-tf BINFOKDi CROW COiv ijF ., rtrr.t'.' l' ' i :.' LOW PEICES. ? -rrjTiT:,i.'"i'cc Aim: 2: 11: i - Are often vry dear The-'1 bes goods 'for the. least , money can be f o4 at juiraotf 5 ttTB WILL REMOVE TO OURNEW BUILDINO 5 Corner Front and Prtnees St, ; ;-. -';'-: Between fhls'date'and '-1 SEP X K M B K 1 at. i ' . Ta TUX 8EXX OUB KATIUX . RETAIL STOCK AT COST, " ! :.' ' '; ';.: ::.' V' ;:.'' :.' " : ' , As it is our desire to open with a ,. . , Fresh and, Complete Stpcjc.,. Hence our determUAtioa tn dispose Of the same bet tore moving june30-tf 'B. WEILL. ; WILSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. s - i GRiCTJLTTJRAI COMMERCaAIv . NORMAL Xjl and Collegiate Departments. "Entire average expenses, $200 per year. u '4-" ii a FA, TIE BEGINS Octi , imtUXi Address, for, Catali M., Principal, ,!,.WjlBoa,NC. -i -W July.l0-w3m Th SbaVlagr Saloon. JOE TURNER INFORMS HIS NUMEROUS friends and customers that he has recently fitted up his establishment, in the rear of Mr. Runge's Sa loon, and is prepared to do all work in his line, sack ' - 1 r . i i : ' 1 . 1 - 1 i . as snavmg, xiair (juiung, ckc, w now wjnw lousiy as 1$ can be oone inxne. axj. -x TO DEIKSriSON'S JPAXENT i SHIPPinO TAGS.' k Over 200 millions have been used with I in tbe past ten years without complaint ' I of loss by tag becoming detached. All my Expeess Companies use them. ygouL. ay Print " en ua swuvum cicrjnuum - ap S9-3meod.-Ttt.Th Bat . ,.t' i1!