2 THE lIOrJTHIG STAR, j - - - .... - - ' . 4 -i ii I .""liUTM scaScairiaK. la advance fbr mall).. n oa , ma months, is advance One month, in advant nv. fit-r subscribers., 8eUrted In" any pert of the ritT Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are T not authorised to collect for nor than I Broths in OUTLINES. Prussia commawlert wf??Vtyldea.U fthdi captured frort Inargenta. until , make? wet.SSf Jmslufa Iowa AnttMonoDolv tjcke;oM-thMtfUcfltie3 represented - Kw York markets! Gold 114! 3lli4? 4JJ mtton li3U; spinw turpenune 44; rpsu 4. ;ntine44; roa i.r firm $3 12.- jRSc ktitt . i sUtement of a large apecie deflcit inU&fti ,TW-iJJ,bfl robbed. - Great storm continued ves-, tne two Spanish iron clad.s f rom th i Insargenunow' 4ecnnra over at the request of Senor Salmernn , !ti t-'rA tnorizinff him to do so. ; In the mean- I -time some Railora ent jthse t ' TTT I " 1-1 ' I jpyergjiajalshftmiadethi charge aDdjt,hjftJa8S?gejjUry indig- j naniai uiarierenceUir-jMiereat- en lo bfienlitlwikme j t - . . . . f hy 7-'' -'lijBTW"IWmwiu,L j . shownla letter from a. Tialeigh:geDtle- ',;v manwho t1b'T)ealo Sioksa - ' county, in which it is stated tbh vote in the northwestern counties is smalli1 IrigCTerally'cdrjciBded thatr . Z- A , V, t' - I iuiure-ueveiopmenis wm onog to , iiffnt wTi fTrirfTrUTP.u , . " i laitlW . UC JV AWK WMWU.U U a OU4tft( I laionties. th votc"te3ite"lReilican8 gen llngf into the quUo&f The election. ia Uomberland county J in relation ta th amepdmentB resalt- ed in'theaojpUon of ll exceptthe I 2d, "which rejected by a raajcirity I of -246 if " ' In Chowan ihAjnendoients all pre- vailed with ivenige'ijonty of 2io. s In Wilson the highest vote for fas IQglIugKpBl.againat 2fl. . !Z- .m3fr:Am -fvdttT YPT.,,vjB .v. . v In Rockingham almost unanimous .fA ,K-aJl& Pnkr'AS t "cnsTfif wUtWloWl j -r r-i m 1 . j in vtumora average maioniy lor 1 Amendments 1,155. f ; t t ! 4 j J i . "mlm ,aU 1 ! I . teath r Cm. H. 8aaler J i oin rnle in a lartre etten? Aot teW5?He A telegram'ffora New York an1 - :BdTOeVPf'thdetbi'6f'the wellnown t GeorejSadertbp prior X ine war was ..u acve jxeuyicxy, pi- lUcianaud.dBnBgr.lhBuwM.waa kn I agent :Crf WPHa I - 5?f W.- W; Yon-. Campbell neflf xapy-rf4 4dlslsittaaisifrii UQAil ? i Quite a large number of the tax-payers , from various portions W 'theJ r.orinty utetf the Board of Conntv Commissioners at the Ctourt Hous larehingi for the purpose . " . , of presenting their gTierances on theque ' fidn'f ijfaonwMcnTtas created so much Xf?? The tax-payers were" represehtedfpy MeaWJk)&JlMX IkBaaev3icounseL ; and DjvjS Satehwell and. ;Hr, Bonce wunams; while. jir London appeared, as County AttorneW represent the Co iei genuem i . . i i acquieu j memaei vp .&?&f, '.';-.The diacusdoja; elicited muihinformati0ri" ' on thevexedcestibK1ind4ftgTe brteg about .tetter undeidtogbetett: . .uv. uu-njui ouu - h - winniinewiKiB, For exampleJJT," abpWB.tbitihe County dlSeiSneA ;Of;l4.00ai and Ove th 8tate - t .'tHa(SfriaiS Except jit JkiMfl?0 ! f :i jOwottgh aifungof the whote; matter, a lttorougn Strang ox- mewnwe; matier, t tiiei,& thte assmen, 4We knp.or oo .hfclra9e. Jcrt"aseattm $m.w!lc4a-tlt8W .ucu iroffiMsutvsiit. wy iot .ouu-. stated, irmg-ia glad "to 'sell 'Idajtodw-U mtfai'' or iiiihu M;prirt'vVaimsaaonv.tte The result of the meeting was, :that the Ikard adjourned to meet next Monday and " P 'tetteifdpialgt of ail ndmdual: tM-pavers whose property has - eulased'toohigh" We hope the' tai& i payer w rem'ember thia'decialou of.the .Board, as h is the tnly action ihe Board can ae witnont vtolating the-law.'-v- 'blrduWHri 'iheaWe bf, rr?8 V1w?f secret service, and many strange anec- Carter" heaowas probably catlsedby strfk dotes are relatedif ithoda bf inst- 1og: when waif Shrot gamrngJafoririAtMa And opductiag; intothe, water..Martia aay he slepttinder espionage uunng nis agency in .vV I .JMcw !,vi.qw i : ' ada. Snce the tottfiffliu'tp&i'in of his'tinW is Canadi and Europe, f Justice"JV JL Cassidey issued warrants' j 1B I Startlla DTeleizicitta-Ar4 r" -Cret laterest aXaolDutted In k4 i 1 -t . ... ;;: shi ir mmSntg ierday;ta' rtfepetici.-jagf rjeal'bf jftWillie Carter'raora Mpedallijltf; lttecame a fixed fact that a murJer of lUia iBerfi4 lere and -; there discusangitbja. 'T 8earch. of tle colored who; with young Carter-- when ' fie' left 'bis l'V.3"; the afteniooBi MfoiB!; IAice uni iiwocu' umm 'jawng 1 Ms;;a 'diiiSd dteiMni'saloiinatedm? tak& W aueMaomee,'ownf' a iarg erowa Bpeedily gathered to hear what he had to aptixe facts fronj fhe ta6re favored pnea b were ffd alf portunitj bf 'fisteninfe P&o had been ordered by Ahe coroner for thedtentibn; ad his statements implicates a -Woman t 'the name bf Elizabeth' Jewell (an, inmate of ifL xerea iumen -apUaray; jenUca, young t -t j ia arf AaM Carter away' and5 kill 000; slndthal the; same offer was made to two other colored Anderson Freeman and Bill Hooper;: livmrnm wgemero tft. urejt on aitemoon ana on uie way Anoer- r H(aPfelTs o kffl Carter, and on his refusal to accede to the proposition, they said, Well, if you won't 'do .rt wgLf.-.-insalktlw creek fk; a point near the butcher pen, not far from, the bridge, Anderson and Hooperundressed and went into the water, leaving Martin on 4he' bimki Marthi threw ?CarterV clothes into the creek, when the latter lump. li-ciepl thU on the bank. Anderson and Hooper 1 j .,.;!.., , .-n-: Immediately seized the garments and threw taemfartherTritothe anwhlct they took hold of Carter, saying tney woild iYmvn film anil fAw!n him nnAw Ka'. twatariOliariin; I -it... Tn Tr r."ro tf', "''tf t" theche boys was to drown Carter, rair ofiC Upon beins asked bow the bod v of decjd)0cttft:m ble manner, he .renlied lhat he ttmld aoi' telL He said 'he had no knife, but m rejjl ply to a question stated that the other two ww.vrMvn: Martin of tlie arrest of ElizabethNewell And the' three boy which were placed In thehandsbf DepV uty BUerif! Mocriawho shortly after effected I the arrest of the woman and lodgeder lin f mO$P& mSULl BO! and I 8 jWash wh a accompanied by Jttw boy MarUn were sent to look after the beys w finaJhr WttCfeedea: itt arresang' Eul ftooperi W'wi'M!artrn1 were also ilodgfed -Hi fT" ;'" l: v 1 :.' . I I The Coroner' jury-were la Bession' again , ,. .lJI MJ5iJ.-i.ft di ' - ,u- i yesterday morning,' but the teathnonyihrdw very lmie Additional light OB ttbe unfor. tunate affair, as Neither .of.bozi ife plicated in the murder lieeii' learn that the 'investigation I be resumed, this moriungat 10 o'clock, j when further, deyelopmenta.inai be ex Litel - J . I t-aif'tainal otmifSDecfairvfinth Uon theowit &eliag pf ; )graM jniignatio Xcfted Utitn- uhit4: ! ? , ali UUM2 iJSYD ucen NMCU UI VUB pfvpv Tjce that the boy llart malrodingtothe t iti W- Wall "nn -morekiri tnlheiFarowi. l4iioVtoArTia--WwfthVbun than i -there was in soldien shooting and- killing I each-otler l&baltte.nd ka)ihjrArere l each-ptBer Ubaltle, US5W cWScWw h the transaclion she ,koA,1a thfe)im4wever;hi8amtoihurt takes wfca.8 proper, aegree, pi auowance. iiTwairiaett'-iwill' bef brought outln jpk aaicklvraafig fLwlde ; aridus'i'Tepbttc 'Active eorts axe being tmade to captnre tBe retnidh yQxneit- rjrobabiy ere the iirreBtigation comftinff Wwillbe in thercustodj1 " of ;the 1 atrthorities. '"'.""V i' 1 ; 'a V f. i- . ' ,tl I :-r,tfie weather. was-Teiyr pleasant yea- i teroay. -J- .. ' .til . CJJI e i Tha Jaenlbejs pt 4hft jfiTd Boar, pdrsuajat .1 to adWuromfinti jaet ajt the office of, JuMVi m Si. Woodlord yeiterday If JLfcr ,k; r.d3n laotidQ; Stt ifcarEflO U VrkiWaailrte'Pter ver"o! ajsll OeVkbf m wV'lWrd the, toli 'aai i aly I as(roJtedf to make Jdai "warrants for the Board f - r4 A P0?10 nP::Ac?1iBf from .Jhepew axdet, Ji Sbm bat, BiTMfic bgsiteia eaec teUgi wnmiority of tbotefcs"twaiu declared lrWid'a'' short 'Mdreaseilnf 'forfhltiie dtftlea'of- the ard'anthkasisirei 'dmday,thaa( Aif red Howe was men elecea Auditor of i 0jJusUc Gardner .moved, that he,amqun$ un motion or justice liaraner; , Ihe-uon- sUble'g bond was &xed ml ; $1,000. :T Cobst&ble Wy Naah presentedh4sbondr fbrapvalwitttsW.iP. Cnaday, 3A.j H.J Moiris'ind OweA 'rney as snretieA!' fhk sureties came fotard1 and Justed and! the .lond:wataotedv8tiect toleraiinystir. lUViAWU U1CU UUJUUIllCU. nuvjcviiuun cau oi tne unairman. t .Of .all atmospherifr phenomena ,ran is the most camncioas.' both aa regards its ire- J quencT as weu as uie - amaun wnicq . nun " . 1 Al. . 1 i 1-i never .Tains,-, whfls in. oer pbrtkMui ithe amcmnl wldchaUs annually amounts to as much as 501eet .?st 'Ate .. ibus n' iBUuonoia: av xauotunsiw-a .ti day ia considered a Terr heavylrain, wjiije id Sbotlana, when as much as three inches of rain fills in a day; which; has occurred often, it bt not looked nrjon as anything 1 Here in-'Wilmingtori, tm tbe Ist'ofJuly ast; as we learn trom' 'Hi: 'Otib Shnhze tne8ignaT olScer; ''i' Bttie over two inches fell witlunless'ihaif twelve hourst n I ' xpuu iui uuavfya4iv uuei) uujimj, Mic tohh of July at the ' dhTereni rBijgnidVSU'j iiOna, and . oeUecied hyf the Sisnal.Boreau 1 at vy atomgton we learn naK were was an expess of ran in the upper aad. lower lake regions .and, haJi with exception of the, south AtUatio nu the. eastern, gulf t States, where the f aU.f rain wasnotmai, there was a deficiency; of I rain! In all other sections of the country. ytdiA ia?t &lli'4 $ Vf :The repom from UiB";Bniamtr'or' Mt Washlagtbn'shbw a-fainfalrl' dfjiS inchesy which exceeds that of the same month iin -fAn encamotis amotmt of rain ha fallen lately in yario-stions rf -jelryi horth:of here," deluging acres andTacres !of land, bijuring crorsping away bridges ana causing greumweu jracnu. - The following cases were disposed of yes- torday morning: Cliff, charged with cursing and swearing off thestftea: mtwere finfed eachlO and coeUand,Jolin8on .and costs. .JO ' t 1 . Joshl Jtohnson,' lor failing to appear jat. court, af behj attmmonedto do so, wiia fined 1 and costs. Jig Gim;mliW disorderly dnf duct, wasf6und JfioT ghiltyand the case dismissed.! i sta vit ana distwderlyc6nduct on the streets, was found guilty and ientwattopjEbM bf Jackson Davis, chanred with disorderly conuuee ana uwuiung uie xuvuuj ti .-p. Conner at hi residence, was fined $20 and duced to $1Q and Xha. ooets on the applick- Jtlaaiatrata.Caaurt,, , , .v ,. , TheitoUTwmg.case venbefyrri astice ?jGeo. ; Williams, 'tolorel' charged'' With stealing a , coat f rom the buggy of Mr' AJ urpn,4f ftoHky rin:kiN)nb!bf the cart houses of the cityon Wednesday night, was' found guilty and required to pay Aline' of $10 and the costs. ' " , 'ArfredsConner; charged with ommltting assault and battery on the person of Lewis Martin. Case continued 'over until today at 12 o'clock.. ,?,r:.,t";;'i.'tf ! ' 'By the same, a peace warrant against Al- ' 'mi.r,:. . -ia .i.ikJv . Alfred Conner, charged with1 assault and , battery- the ;praigaret Ai !alartin.: Case postponed until to-day, at 12 . - " ' '1 a w aa .'.tLl,'! t" .. A lia, la tla aUe-kt JDIreetlaau , i .. '4 City MArahal Price: liad a force at work Yesterday on the large sewer leading frbm tiie jaii to' the riter and will continue it I until this Impwtant avenue ef filth' is thor- J oughly cleansed :ef the vast amount of sand andj rjfb wi jp osfeiiSdt. We learn that in some parts of this sewer a mah cau walkuprlgiit with.an "urno Yi?m . " J ' uiau The German Barque ifynfoer, TesnowJ sailed from Maaslut for this portion; the 28th 'nl't:':'"" . . icr M!vt ui, tue uiemuerii tu uie .uiu I... I.. J ..j . . I' f ; 111; 1 .. Jl .... ...M..Tt J.t.,.-.' ... . I .vi miu t . i 1- S-: rj-l Jiiut ..!. i I , ' l . , . . .Time month . 1 r i .....1 fxri a?T; Jfnt, t,n?oIu.BgJbttweei4,i, . Relaf meeting of 5atdpteilEneto niejtiIioi?litliia.enjngt o'clock. - i ; lijiaithe Board bT XidnstSeeYWregiw 11 Tired at New York from this, port on! the jilt 'irtitl tiiji-.l-ur f-J 01 vfyiJll JOii I Vteiii-theitictiihjl. jthlit4iahotial murder fwasjUken tdjKingataiBjaCJ jye.; route t tlnlonldepot kiapldly ippwiachiBg' 1 M-1e rutf'l iiln-toJthat twfct bv'-T'oartAiiaBd Bladen1 loverls WiiSkfimtt1 wmie ana me oeanaint fliaqsaru , rpqn w undergoing the process' of slating. tf Jf r-coa i Irtr-Mai' Arrest, .;iWiSWPtffaMatt'' ;nWe ate informed tl a strange , colored man haihegiront South CBna, ha been noti growling" Around Bladenborb,! on, the Carolina Central road; faj several days. past, and early fsestorday inorning, between Jraun ef and dtBMloeKh broke into the store of Mr'Hester.xIThkt individual; who, slept pi ftfi atqre, bppenfidte b-a awake at the time, and. just as, tne-roboer a,neaa and shoulders appeared through the opening ne aiscuargea uiree Darreis ui nis pisua. at thir rnrrutfer.VJ: whftymdhiierjri-Jdi peered' 'and took & ;-th ;Wo4da' A'rjoiit Hi e-'clocleihi . fhe morning he crept from his hiding . placa, and ' got t on iiboafd the rrei trainf then(ctnat,4jladen-. boro' inrordertoeet away. Several colored people however were on.lhe Jock out for inny ana speeaiiy enectea ms capture; ana but for the interference of the authorities of Bladenboro' they, would have made short work with the miscreant.?, The colored people generally of i the 'places: we nhder .sUnd,,deseryeTeat' 'credit if or -tlieir be havior 5 on the occasion. The r party .ar rested gives his name, as Robbrt JonesV and he is now in custody awaiting triaL 'J ; ' . - . 1 .... S- neetlns; f r ilte?rtew Hanover' Aerl- ii aawrl S4Vctety,iit PIat CaeweU uVu WaaaUiaalaiy. 'n :U A tjbttT PtV.fttie.fi-' -Sti! f ' .The party from Wilrninrton; who wpnt on the steamer JfcrtAiBarf upon the invita tion of CapC Paddison, ; arrived at' Pdint Caswell at 12s30PMV:! 5 The meeting of the! Agricultural Society wasf held m!the'Pesbyterlan Church; and' was well attended:' It was called to order bv deol Zi French. President, and Majj J, CManii was 'elected1 Secretary. -.t . j Esq., of Wlm'gton, ater which there i was a Mscussiou, , which was taken ., part in by utisci Rev. Colin Shaw, Dr, Bui, jbim. fL. turphy.and, AB.Bhck JSaqn. y ,The meeting . adjourned to meet atPolnt Caswell, whenever it will be coavenient for the Depnty of the State Grange Patrons of Husbandry, - toi gof there foorganizet a rmnge.i - ??j;ft:0 '?ti rtJuqoi: i n 'Ji-Mr. Nntt'i addrel will published in 1U11 UCICUWI, "j , , v .. - - . ... . - itrarMS: Vaitertreatee Wltk ia Cr- During the (progress, of -the ' investigatibtf before the; Coroner' jury yesterday mom-' imr two colored men! named Be veriV Scott.' (formerly a1 poBce" officer;) and' "Henderson Davis,! toojk icertkms;atabn; of ithe' iQuestidhs askedAwitlieBs by the vfcireiian and one of the th1uryme!aid behAyi Cbmplairit was made! iol Mavor, Canaday. wno iss,uea warranis .iprwiarresrABa, ftlvor. r TVGrh;of :tHfftfef jon'.'the, sPjaye river on vyeanesaay, commencing anoux o'clock and ooaliaaiita; until 6 in the after noon. MTjMuiiTeriosiia Excellent boat-' iagordervwitiithe probability of a further lriser.it : ivflni-itv '-.:'. fn) We learn that thjfpu rples pf.;Bur- 1 " .a aa gaw, otDow. aexes, afemaxingprepfrauoBs ' f or a, grand pic-plcaj -that placci vwhlch ia 1 expected to come. pR to About i two 1 weeks. ;The Italiafl triBg -band: wliL.be -engaged and a fine time is expected: u-M trr-W I 1 1 iin.iaawan; inn: , A. . .-- ... i ' !. a. . ( ar S a ii tl. . ! j A I I 01 Berne county nave rormea xnemseives in to at military i organization f to be called the 'Bertie Biflea," and have asked the Gover- - 1 ' . - ma a a - . m -a 1 : nor lor arms,., ine opjecsx.wis.qrgwuiza-, tidnls to protect the countr .igainstttie detiredations bf a band of desperadoes. -- The band is composed bf -the persons who recently !-broKeoux-'OE tne xserue' county iaU. and are led by Ooe.Sh OalrircWi,.Bot- er, aliai Edwards,; Theyhave. committed iiandry depredations, and .murdered an iu bffensive man m his owUbxjttse: The Sher iff with a torn of mccre; than twtv hundred men attempted to arrest them, but- did not iucceea and it is When-last heard trom: they g around the 'premiesbf-a' planter bnRba Anke river! -whose life they have threatened fpr having bee n instrument .in tile arrest and imprispnmentox a pwioa ptia gang. 1.4 jl!. aa aj-maalBt ah. IfAnrlair AVAnfnM YatcA ' during a squaA on- Monday, evening last,' ha KArtrttiPi1 FririTifia:".' from ftonth Creelr. Caritrdu SaiterthwhiteJ had her mast torn out and the vessel driven . Ashore ia the 1 cinity of xiense Kiver light house. H'jiitThseVaiid Jtnagnu1cnothure rtfortiie.Baiii IteW an, ana uw vuiaios a iarge, thouebtthe band is increasing.-4- were'lurkln I the latter. ia3artuaawm&n& It' a7wable medium of comiMnlCTtioa.Iwtthithe fanifcra and TBiaTuia ui a. it a' nare jus nscerraa a bum; yi, Keare ititi'. TSi Mi ro Stab B6ok Ind- bmhw MMwani neeamy aottiat fttaenj OC pmaT .! vj;V 4 v - - . ' -. . J ' t- i--13?3 toa traraa.-we,cau Ute AQenuoa -of tmer tWuitcrefiaorcbnitBMerW Uwfiaaiiead nayig waera iu prmimg, w tin laeuxiMMi oueseQ a tfce ! MogaTK, 8tJl JMMtia' Ahb foe tM ftfompf wfaiftrt iWtloiK f aB: wdluU "c - ' - . m. . - . 1 . ' --- . nul. T) frfirK?f?ftfah, at jjapficih' Cai4a. BOl-Heada. IeUer-Heada. Proenunmea. Batr tickets Blanl PiipbleULtag'nd-Bnli, baJ l -Dm. ai JI S bWjJ. Wm-.-WLl'Vi I'VvLw- 1 snaiiuu wi x ara puv WAuio, iuegu, vnuth ,i f 151 f ' T 0 1 W Aa '1 l ' ' 'V i j"TeniKj 16 -iarwoTO v"i i Wint a Situation. ... . , . tat i.v M i Want te.renfc Stow, ,VO Ti f; 1 Want to aeQ B -.Kfattb,1 ilifl x nr.. .a it . tt i ' r n 1-J -.1: , , " aui w out a nwre, . , , . . - "WaatoeBCarrla, i"3 "'!' WaataJoarduigplace,-: ' ' Wjnktd'bakTowaiettr, iTv jJl Want to sell Jnunltore. :. . ., Want to bell Hardware. ; . . WanttoaWEataW' .wi-iJ.in' cWant!aJdb,offcarpenteTh.1,5fil'''''' i!M Want a Job of Blacj-wntthtng; 3 1 ui- . Want to iB WlUnary Sooaa, fC U 10 ;i io Waat toaeU Qoqe an&Lofci iu-Ki : i Waat to and any oe; Addneta, . , , t Want to Beil apiece air Furnitnre, .;!: y Sriat'to 6ny a ioc6nd-haB barriaget attiaell Ajpiciuta SO' WaatfoaaDrtUiBii:ye'l -il' 7 . . WanttoAdsartlaeaBjrtAUig foadTaatae,':! ; Waritto find aq ownar foe ajiyttdng Vjovmif. on r-.i ;J1. : Spirits TurpdJitiiie j .Mica mines orj'extensUra scale in negreauy enlarged.. ? u-Si itJuTa LWiiL issue aa a , aa eight pagejtia from October 13. -ri i; !..., f Wadesbbro xoW ' reports hevy freshets which .washed bridges. : 1t i t The colored MetHodiat denomi nation .otwadesboro contemplate building uiemacnurajaDuaqaajerpiamueiTOm Trie ; Baptist .denomination, are ouudiQg a. lare ana commodious church, at ilea Mm, in Anson county, which will cost $l,25ai ;-f , ' VI (rersbord !rroi learns ' tHat twb'fitfle bWs were k&Ied near that town oy taiung on a wagon and bemg run pvter. Could not learn the partioulars; - mc.i i " invited to deliver -'the oratkm oa the occa sion pf the rt-union ef the FayettevfUe light Infantry which .takes place on the 23d ins 6ns Simmong And ) MiUyjnLock hart, coL, were arrested and committed to jail in Wadesboro, says the J&rald,. on the 9th inst; charged with the murder of tiieir cnuai an lniant or put a, : r.i.. at- - f w ' cmia 01 tnis city is at present m the pos session 'Of iU fatheri Mr.4 Jto& Godwin tof iWUmington street It sis; three years old, weigns op pounds ana Answers touie nftme of 'jinmiie.":,;-ii. . .-,,.....1 1 ; j'.o '-! nr i i ifl,-ix' ' f j , vr -An 4 jr v ae , couriiy oe v cotcon, plant is, perhaps, not quite, sof. large, aslis1 Inltfohnston we are informed' that 'cotton- wxsuwua luuuiuiaw Eivirtui ouu tuai Uld fields present aimagnificent appearance: . aim Hickory JVii g3 Richard Isacca, result ias that both of therHwer WoWiv &nBotll seriously In1uTedilsaae JoAie WiWtte fooa ' li. t9w mt&lJo !neJ r: r-elKh(&rtlPo:McIVei. , SHperinfteBdent j of jfuWie Instrsctioay 1 re- . - j.a a . aaja' a a . . a-aa lurneaMewwnneyawjrow nura, aew iurv wnere necaa pee n. ia at tendance on the Fourteenth Annual .meeti tbtg lv.tkeTKgtietaar Kducaonal 'Ateocia-; uoa.'. !ixoe rrotessor aniernu us that there: were About Wdelegate in attendance, rep nting States pf vtie Union. w :t: m fvpig!ffwf a -E.ro.in, vt inena,; we learn that a Miss ppsk.aaestimAble young lady, died recently from takine mor phine undei theliirpiegslonthatltwaa quin- inc. At ti)Q tune 30 tithe latal occurrence, Miss Edds was on a visit to rthe family of Dr.' Jones,'3teckleburg county, Va near yearaof age. .tmd weatly1 beloved' bV'all .iwnp knew her. snjv iu mmu . a serious anray occurrea on isi! 1 . . t . - . . . t ..VJ FT-. Ick Cr0ek,cilitchell couaty, last week ' amed MilL u fTroutman chifffeed 0n6 of the Hills' with it '1 Ae resuittwas an atrray oetweea iinis ana Jrqutnaan and his, two , sona.j.in whlcn the elder Trputman had his skull fractured and ,ii .The questiou pf the validity pf the lease of the JSorth Carolina Road by the Richmond & Danville Road has been argued" by; able . counsely and 1b kiowpending in our Supreme Court. , so also tne -i cruesuon 1 waetner c ine iUchmond & Danvi.ua RoAd. has.the au- tnonty to cnange me guage is now. oeiore tbe courts.- It is charged by him' mat the Richmond 4&lDanville JRoad has violated the terms , of , the; contract made with the TJJrectors of the iNortir Carolma Road, in the matter of" the charges for freight ahd Passeneer fare. 'These, rates, it is allesred. jiave been mcreaBed beyond the rates stipu lated ia the lease: Nowv if this charge be tnuv And'we,.pre8ume, Mri -Webb, speaks knowingly; should not 'the: Richmond & Dauvflle Eoad be held to account ' for ; its violation of the contractr : And should not the said Boadbe made to comply with the cpuni Svood 4hW seemasonje horses hd'Deen stolen from the "ranged 00 the Roan Mountainf Suspicion attached oU two' 'men named HilL One nis injuries are tnougnt to pe-mortal , 1 l V-,Thia from the Haleifm . Ntvoa: , .naapfi-tbe feaaeJ i4iidn!accordi?i rro Ui. reilt jdtOw: Kdra lla:R6a'ittT4ilr W?9??dl thAiWly I hW.iWA jihrt thiLafoasand,4ollaw 'SSvnott- SF"" affil- vt iSi LLV o-ciocauajL niaeeai ampenancetanu . m. 1 1 I.I .8 -. T i V ..-" AT CQSTt vAT COSTlAT.STt I .jiasyi' t iifaXtt T''vtl ? ii'.;;t- a-.i sas5 tiiiolonron" 2lievy7s vStora I .. , ; arjaunja.8, e .ate. .,, 1 , A fnll and wen eiectoq . ato,ta allpartmeata. A FULL LUTE OF LADEES T7EAXU 1 . f ui I am determined tochaiure nrr baafaiaaa. and ia . KNTIRB--STOCK i AT COST! n !ke lnunbiJgr' Cbme and aee for 'jreartieiVes and fiaVetit peroGent . . . I . . . . f i. f At the eld stand, aobthearf corner 'Front and t - r . - -1 r Kar- i.-lwtnwato.t ,si'MiA -uilf teay r3tenae' . . . . 7, 7 . Shawl Sinp Bkiceia, Ac, at the Saddle i si ! -!- -"-'.JB rvt t i.'i t -"if '.x 1 ' U i 's I'is.H'tt so i uu. iii Harness aaratf iaaJ-'T' J Wnmhigtoa.Tr. cR V CVU DIM c MISCaaUANEOTJSi' i CORN! BACON 15TEOPIII0LAS3ES! ' ' Just, ileived. V... : ? i ' . it Ji ii - ' t , . ! ' i t -i 20 QQQ bu5?-mt,s1iPrn . i. ; iyx boxes Balk a'a-STOKS.5 If-'? ' 50 - ."'' ;? v!J"20 i0AIT MOLAS.SR3, , :. ,;a h '1 -Viiaate'loaa'h-ilt'j'-J ...satSTtf.., .,,(t , (1. j BCsypHcW A W . 3? aiiT tj.r i EAA BDBHXXJ3 OAT9D Jyd .73:.; BIJSHKLS O. if-- 1UUU ... " ; ' A. ., , gQQ bales Gogo sHrppra aAT.rt i '? -f A A BALES XX QUALITY 1T."T. HAT, tWw; iuio a r TJsmiA4crKi crJHir,lttJf ll.UUU oufaTorito brands JEx-Famfl ?am-. ,WHAT;BoltMeel,ifcarlHoaiinAc. .! Tureho''61la''dinW''Woi'yet gel tti4 ft, 1 OWO JOf! W'JWii lit.i''. I'J Jl nJ I L:.TQ)SbwlVcCat".;' ' tli-ijii'. .m.r '"-?''rl ' r. .t? -.tilit 1fiVi ! .o.nT vy Lflod tli Tfws-iw-r , ang 3i 13-11 1 1000 Wi WWW A?vW9Bf V(1 i -j.1 t tiin.yorsale lor by 1 ! fV, f -,; : ''aagloa r WILLIAMS MUBCHBSOir. i ,rili; : . t i'; i li .iMur, 'tf'ii ''j f t r iU-!1,":i$ 11. ana, ju aeon. 100 B? BBLS. CITY MKSSP0BK, .Hi 150 hlr , ores1 Mti&b k s'ides, i.r i,,?-.;..- .... jrorsaieiow oy i.aag .WILUAHtfA'MtTBCKtBOIt. ITova Gcotia H6riiTiM J i K A" BAfiBKLS . , f . ? , ? OU i: a Vivi-f M-.f '!! t-UTi.w; -.aM t L' lane iLlni ' '0fi iSTiAiD;BBOa. i ..t,, in,; ,rui - .'f " . . ' ',f. -ktAtlfjiLjir ORDXSr OP THA BOA&D GT 'XV Tmateea, at their last regolar montbly m eat ings U persou owning kjtiu Pine Foreet Ceme tery are respectfully requested to clean qfC tfc same r have thejnr cleaned by the Bexton, atf seoa ,a Bracucataey ; j y s,ms Lllvi toa.i. R1VP8AK fclCMJ .--V Ji jJ'f !iaai3 ar A. Paper Mill at this place and wishes to employ a competent Boperintendent , who aaderalands ue manafsctiue to take charge of hyta whom a fair sab. arywmberirenV y:i'vf;i -oil OJ t?ii'y , - WALTKB y, LSAE. BocKwettta, July ao,lS79. aog l 3taw3wFr nainipnvinrr - a afiaw- aa- a. iff L "Hi Ja1k. : 1 VT'ri' " 4FJ a1i .; w Z oatM-" ...as oa liW,5maSl A!olajna, and tea naareMs Wmt-LWt - - a4e" itiH , hijjc ii t't 1 . -tr AKEOTIS.-; . --: 111" "UUAI, III 3i inolflwfr'.'OT idi -lo ,.-..-; ; ' nleaauit ifrtP, W lh iPeraami not aa uroaaa' can' atop at Bmimyiue, wnere tne mnMp will .remain frr their !tiMiBO u1uor anowed-wnfaoard and - -; tionable penona, '. - . s - atfwatebeff oMfA'fit fotttJi 1 Whole tlcJurU, fl-Children under Hyearf plge. and ty tne Committee. , , t . ; iiHjOfil5nif:(T. " t. i i r ' A S -,tr V, .1,9 tee. ' , ; . tiiw-i :fTQ'y Vvnd '( 'tyvxttSQr XTTHlEBa TH4 1ASGEST ANMEST 8KXBCT-i-CIIC1CE FAKIlVSr -rBUPPLiIES J THE VlJRlF1 L0WES1 FIGURES. . -nvoft cAi Lav t i tuiiaodto 5&j;iil -. yuuo tu wautw ink ljeuivj Jiftiin irtwn flj, was;0 7-s;l 'sim'-iifeir. WJatlSIIf G5TOBT If C ' - . . Caartorad ky tthtegla&tare bf JSorta CaeoAa for - s s Beneflt of poor and Commoq School ynnd. p ; roa cmcuiABa, jLnaxsBrj;-:r;,:: fnajif l-U?Ty, Tir TOlMagtoB,4?! c. , tf.j.l firJn.1- aa.nt - a a t ao n. ' enaiBonror the Klsgv. Cmhra, Albest-Luiel x ' ffloek SwiiUH,The Cola-jfl Mrs. Akott: Xnu Skaes's Hnahand.'A Land Life, t 1 - v -rnree weeas, ite uometn oc, she Saw.. -V-v e- - . ?- v tAa avail a - u uiwuBDnAimta : -j W -. - - - . Al Ai.a attj fXVUJkJJa O - . -c . t I . -IF f J A A BALES PBDCS HAT, ; - v . 1 A A AfW?Wuf$''r'S5 TftA?0 js ' t n'AA'BXJSlmSbATS,il 0 Vyl 5Sir ' j anlft0 aSiraVi ,bp, 50 rj3? SrStf J wTLLTAKS AB&. S :i t. Hl;iil.t ,IATCEES, f EE AHDT. PEACHES, ic !200iOOSS.ItAtCHB8jn.- u'U! ;?.vit 5q i:i wiMv i ,-t.' fit i-l;'ti;'' .ii!i'Vi Mill li 1 rtr&OLESALB AND HKTAIL DSALKBS IH - Il.iiivi" Hi -it kli'i-iti iilii.i Vti 3 iuji, -; , ang 9-tf 4, Blaurjkpt- street, ,J iMuscovadd Molasses. ptt'-i'J 'J;i' 'JtSCAlkkOLASStS,;r V For sale by l.la3jrfcBirKBi:: ang Uti. . ST,S8aadMerth WaterSt. b tubs? lsaf. LAi,- hltierces- taktly ' iaV wrrrvt fAwn ftOTaaVtHcxD SmraA3rD . - arrefVAJv W 7 i. " Oa a T0 OTTATTT TWTkaS S Wri CTT-rVVaaca For sale by Jane Sl-tf "WTTJiATSD ESOS. 10 -M(et44r -7 ftijitialisalftJitfUi watarstaatt '-.Uv'V H j t , jOLABS, PpTTTvGOLD LB AF PAUTTS and. 1 , . VABin8Hfcs, BRUSHES. 8ABD, . t kf Pi tityEftjft.WATEBS,ie. J u i-m niWWrPUja a-iaiT(YI Thw. A:;".ktvrf"tfe":r I. - - - V :v r . - v. rl