THE HOENING STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY - . . ; tUTKS OT 8I7B8CBIFTIOK. . in )vance (bv mail) ..$7 00 i-EThs. In advance (" ".... 3 SO " ) 00 " ) 75 0ne nionin, ' v,fiiWered In ikt nart of the Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not 'authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. :v - -; - -. . OUTLINES. Cholera in Turkish proJince of Bosnia! Grand Lodge of Kcsher Shel Barzell met on Tuesday in New York. Balti more American, celebrated its centennial ye3terday. Three men killed in a feud in New Orleans and a fourth : mortally wounded. Gold, 115f in New York, - Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Chambers of Georgia have fallen heir to 13 millions dol lars in France. A large mob in Le Cogres, Kansas, demanded a murderer of the Sheriff, threatening to burn the town if not complied with. The Smith's Creek murder case still drags its slow, and now.beginnlng ;.to be wearisome length along. The evj ulence as given. by the four boys is conflicting. (? Sentiment is divided as" to the guilt of some of , the boys. It is to be hoped the , preliminary exr animation will be completed to-day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. P. Hall & Co. Hair Renewer. Geo. R fWnch & iBoVs. Best Goods. Tnos. E. Rraklett. Grand '. Scheme. F. W. Kebchnkr Bacon, Pork, &c. i J. L. Barden & Bros. For Sale. '' ; The Forffery Case. L . . Massey, the forger, a full account of whose arrest has been given in these columns, was brought before Justice Gardner yesterday forenoon for examination. The prisoner gave his name as David Shepherd Massey, and we are satisfied that this is his real name. He registered at the National Hotel on. the 6th and 7th of August as "D..S. Massey, Fayetteville, N. C" The case' was contin ued for a few days in order to secure the at tendance of Mr. Asa A. Brown, the princi pal witness for the State,1 Who Is now on a visit to Bladen county; and' in default of $1,000 bail, Massey was committed to jail. During the short preliminary examination before Justice Gardner, Massey was posi tively identified as the man who passed the forged check Tuesday evening;' but . be stoutly denied ever baying seen the check, or having any knowledge of the transaction. Coming so closely on the heels of other crimes committed in our city," the case of Massey excites considerable interest in the community."- : ' -'- -i Capt. Pattaison and Hit - Steamer Northeast. ; ' The ladies and gentlemen comprising the passengers of the steamer Northeast, on their return trip from' the moonlight excursion on the 8th inst., held a meeting over which John D. Kerr. Esq., was called to preside, with Mr. James W. Coivin as" Secretary. After remarks from the chairman a com mittee, consisting of Messrs. Owen IL'Bol lingswortb, Jaav.W, Coivin, E, JL Hawes, Jr., and R. B, Frayser, was .appointed to prepare resolutions. ;;The. resolutions re-; ported alluded in glowing terms to the pleas-, ure that had been Experienced on the trip, the excellent accommodations afforded nd the care and attention so abundantly , dis played by CapL Paddison in ; securing the comfort and promoting ihe pleasure and en joyment of the passengers on that interest ing occasion. ' 1 ' f' ' " ' i - : '- r -a Mayor's Court. " " ' , The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: . ! v ; . . "- ;!" Violet Hicks, Henderson Davis, ' and others, charged with not heeding a sum mons to attend as witnesses. Caa continued until tiiis morningV1 'Mitt.ii' '!'. Wm. Ryan, charged with drunkenness on. the streets, was found guilty and sentenced, to pay fine of $10 or go to the Work House for fifteen days. ' 1 '.' . 1 ? The case against the parties, charged with assaulting J. H. Carraway was continued until this morning, and that against Beverly bcott until to-morrow mormng. One' or twb'othe'caseV'weYe1 continued over. if --t ti The New Steamsnip Raleigh- . , The Baltimore of Tuesday tataf)' It is expected that the new steamship Jtcieighi lately buih by the Baltimore; and Wilmuig-; . ton steamship company to accommodate the largely increased trade between .Baltimore and Wilmington, N. C, will be' put regu larly on the line within a few weeks, as soon as the finishing touches' are put upon her. The ilifcfthas not yet made her trial trip, hut will do so in the 'course of a' week or two.. In addition , to the Bakigh the pom Pany have now running .regularly. between this port and Wilmington three other new nnd excellent steamers, viz: the D. J. Foley .iMcfflt and Rebecca Clyde.". ., T .". '", ; . ' he Carolina Central. V ' The West-Carolina Record, of Rutherford- ton, learns from a private letter from Silas -N. Martin, Esq., who is now atNew York, that a proposition is submitted by him to the Board of Directors ! of the Carolina Central .Railway Company, to extend ".the . road to that place, provided the county will , Issue the : balance of the bonds subscribed it. to the W., C.' & R lUuxoad-Vbeing some $25,ooo or $3QtOQ01 ,,?.v J, ;:; , ; ,.. ntron. or Husbandry, t -4' ; Mr. J. S.,'Lone will address the people at Koeky Point in the interests of the Patrons . ''i Husbandry and will organize - a Grange W that point on the 20th inst. ' Renresenta- :tive8 from bthsf sections Wanting Granges uwjia fte present, as it is impossible for Mr. xjoog to visit every .Townabip-V : , vi ? s7,;',t-' I : A, white woman, who was pronattneed . very ill, was admitted to the City Hospital jvawjruay. VOL. XII.-NO. 129. The Carter Murder'; Case. B,,FTH POCEEINGS. i W: . ' . t .......... - 5 The interest in this case continnps rmft. bated, and-yesterday no developments of u teres were made to vary the monotony of the continued repetition . of the testimon v arid the statements of; the accused. The . i i -' -' . . wuoie course of the evidence, showed the affair as far as ever from a correct solution The Court room' continued crowded during me entire time. Messrs Adam Emnie , and 1 John K Holmes appear for the accused.' . -, J. J. KEKGAN. - - - 'i was sworn, and 1 belnsr examined bv the Court, said: I saw Mr. Oarter Monday at ine jfoor House. I heard of the death of Willie Carter Wednesday morninff. ' Mr. Carter Was on tne rbad! on Wednesday. I saw him that evening. I did not hear him make any remarks about the murder. I was travelling with the corpse on Thursday. was in the city on Wednesday, and saw Mrs. Carter at her own house. I did not see her anywhere else. She seemed to be sorry about the murder. ' ' - BY COROKEB'S JURY. ; I did not learn anything from either party about themselves, except on Tuesday previ ous to the occorrence Mr Carter said that the reason be had not attended the meetine of his order was because of a fuss they had at his house.' ; Mr. Adams had called for him to go.tb the meeting and Mrs. Carter objected to bis (Carter) going. That she raised a fuss, for she thought they were go ing somewhere else; and then Mr. Carter slapped her, Mr. Carter said she was jeal ous of him. He did not say why. GEORGE COFFEY f affirmed: On Sunday week I saw three col ored boys and one white boy pass my house. Two of the boys were black and one was a yellow boy. They passed at six o'clock.-!- I identify- those boys in the box as the ones. 1 can swear the yellow boy in the box was one of them. The colored boys were Quar relling with the white boy and treated him rudely. The big boy was chasing the yel low boy away: My son told me their names were Willie Carter and David Hicks and his brother. Elijah was' not there. The boys were going towards Chad bourn's mill. "- - - WnXIAM MEREDITH - - sworn: I was in the city last Wednesday. I saw Mr. Adams. I did not see Mrs. Car ter. Mr. Adams said said that Mrs. Carter was at his house. ' ; i " ; , llY DEFENCE. I was here Tuesday , and Wednesday. The conversation took place within ten feet of the corpse at the shed. I' asked Mr. Adams why Mrs. Carter did not come to see the body and he said she. was in a delicate situation arid it would not do. I am certain. he said she was at his house. It was on Wednesday. . ', " . - , ",. ,: - ;-. ' J" BURBXXX BSDDICK : : sworn : I was present when the conversation took place between Mr. Adams and Mr. Meredith. Mr. Adams said Mrs. Carter was at his house. ? I .am'certain it was on Wednesday." I know Mrs. Carter. I have seen Willie. -. 'r JAMES' MUBPHY , . " being sworn, said: I know nothing of the murder except what I have read in the papers,-?,! ;(?).; ! ;' '.- .. . ; . WILLIAM MARSTELLAR UTj.-bi s j swoirn; X was on the wharf yesterday, and we were speaking of the murder and a man said, I saw it." I said well you are the man 1 want, and I started pretending like I was going for an officer, and when I looked arotuid Xsaw theiiam gping away fast,; But I am not able to .identify Murphy, as .the . ji. h ...... - . '-y - Ma 'tyyWt S tfTbi" 3i r. c Sn V ; .i v. ;' being' sworn,, said: I a was sitting "on, the wharf talking to Marstellar when that man said. ' T'saw the murder.!' I am quite cer tain it was. thai man. (Murphy), but I don't ev.l.iiaiiie.;;. y," ; .. i 't'.AMESMRrREC i ( Iwai working on a flat for Messrs; Hobaies and Nash all day Monday , week. by coRoksB's jtBY. ' :V . : , ; I did not see either Devane or Marstellar yeaterday. - I was not there. ; I was on the flat. : The flat don't go. up Smith's Creek. :y '-ztX LOtTISA WTLLIAMS SWORI?;' ; I knew: Willie Carter. ' I ; da nptilbic. David and Elijah. A boy named .Pearson stays with, me ' that Willie Carter' used to play with. He told Pearson that he liked to be with him for he could keep them other bovs from beating hinv I told Willie to tell his mother that the boys beat him,? and he said that she did not care how much the boys beat him. It was on Friday. He said the bovs had beaten him. . He did not come on Monday. I have seen . scratches ;. r ... .... . on Willie's leg. . He said his mother whip ped him. -I have never heard him mention the boys' names Who heat him. : .' w . i! JOHH PEARSON, , - being called and sworn, said: I, knew Willie warier, .usto netsu mu louisa Williams' house. 1 have heard him say the boys 'had beaten him.' ;, I don't know the boys names that had beaten him, He said his mother did not care about him. ' " EDWARD HASH' " T . ' 1 being sworo, saldt.'.; I know the man James MornhY. He was in my employ regularly, I4on't recollect that he has been absent at , alL j .1 have always found him correct in all f'i: . ROBERT POLK..?. hi , beinir swornVsaldL ;I know fllte Carter arid his father. :tJ I have -neTerJxeardt of WiUie beinff illtreated. I have never heard . . ..... . 9 -- .livv ' '"' 'i - I Mr. Carter speak of 'it ' . .;: said: I know David tTnrtin;; . He never did any work for' me. ' Heworked on my place 1 WILMINGTON, week before last. Crawford. He was working for Mr; ' GEOROX. STATCHER " " being made to understand the nature of an oath, and then sworn, said: IknowJimmie Anderson. I don't know , where be was last Monday week. I think I played muster with him last Monday Week.5 It was about 6 o'clock, I think. -I did not see bun until evening., ; He came to my, house. I don't know where he was about dinner time that day. , , , ' JOHN STATCHER sworn, said: I saw Jimmie Anderson. last Monday week, between 2 and 8 o'clock. I stopped in front of the house" where a lot of boys were playing muster at that time. I am certain Jimmie. Anderson was there between 2 and 3 o'clock. i ,.-.t T. J. THORNTON . ' - , sworn: I did not have David Martin in my employ last Monday , week. ' ' He has not worked at all for me...! didnot see David on the premises ?that Monday ; morning. I heard he was there. . . . : ; ? ISJt'OiX DAymMARTiNrf Tf was again called and made the following statement: Duke and Billy were with us at the creek: I have not told about Duke before. Jimmie threw the rocks over Wil lie's head and Duke jumped in upon Willie and held him down. Jim -cut off the piece of flesh with cork-screw knife.. Neither one of the knives shown here yesterday was the one. Duke cut round his arm with a knife and then took the hatchet to cut the arm off. Duke carried the : hatchet there to cut some pine burs. f f Here the witness was told by Justice Cassidey of the enormity of the crime he stood charged wi;h, and was told the pun ishment for one found convicted of such a crime, when he continued: While we were going out there I sw Willie have some big bill in his pocket it looked like a ten or twenty dollar bill." I saw the corner stick ing out of his pocket; the corners were green and white; the figures I saw looked like a twenty. I don't know what became of the money; I dont know that the money as taken out of the pocket of Willie; I did not see anybody take it out L, Billie, Jim arid Duke and Willie were there. Eli jah was there, too. I met Elijah on the sawdust road before we came to the place where the knife was sharpened. ,'Jleft home at 1 o'clock. ; . Duke caught up to mo in the street. 1 have seen him rtore; 4HelJves at his aunt's when he la in town., tie WOrks with Mri 'Joey Elhs on fthe Charlotte road I don't kriowtirnereSElijancame down , to the -creek - about fifteen min utes after we got there. He waited on the track where.we left him until then. We went in swimming before Elijah got there. I went in after I - saw Elijah coming. Willie was killed before he got there. I only slapped him . because he put a chalk mark on my back when I had my clothes off. . WilUe was on shore struck when about four or five feet from bank. V He and Billy had ajfight about a biscuit When Willie stooped down by the water Jimmie pushed him over and held him down with a stick. Duke and Jimmie held Willie down in the water until Billy filled his pants with rocks. Elijah had not got there then. ' Willie was laying on shore when Elijah got there, but his feet were in. the water. Then Jimmie cut him, and after that I cut ' & little until the knife trembled and I quit After that Jimmie picked, up the, knife and kept on cutting. He ? cut the place on Wiuie's head. Duke then chopped the arm off -with a hatchet ; I did not speak abort, the hacket before this time because I did ' not have iton my mind, Elijah, held the arm srae unm liia bJmd tremblei -niHh did not i'fil' hmi two.5doIlal3 apiece he would t : ' J; us.' 4 Oon JOipwwnat cecameor ie .tjremy doliaral saw in $ pocket .! thought, I comdpay Elijah with the money Mrs. Carta promised mR7i. iTVline' was' killed when Elijah came down to the creek; 'I had nothing to do 1 with the killing. No one struck him with the hatchet before he was dead. We stayed at the creek about an hour. Elijah, left first, then myself. ( I left Billy and Jimmie there. ,; : Here a croga-exarniriatlon by' the jury tMd (dbrhfg any 'ntM faCbi t lightl j J. H. ADAMS . ' J being called, said f Mrs 'Carter was not at my house, on Wednesday. I was at her how twice Ion We4esday;- and she jwas there both times. She was in bed. I think I must have said to Mr. Meredith that Mrs. Carter was at the bouse instead of at my, house on Wednesday. ' " ; - ' . ELIJAH MARTIN i ( was called and again stated: I know noth ing of the death of Willie Carter, j I saw him Monday morning sitting at the gate, sit is not so that I :was 'at . the creek, with the i boys. ' , t . i . 1 , f. -. -i - BY DEFENCE.' ' ;!j-io ' - I was at the butcher-pen at 1 o'clock! saw Mr. ' Tilly ' coming behind J me. Mr. Wiggs told me to wait until Mr. Giles came to get the harslet Mr. Wiggs stayed there about three-auarters of an hour. 1 was with him all the time. Then I talked to Mr. Sykes. I saw Mi. XJileaand Mr. Sykes and Mr. Tilly there. Ary was there. The pen is about three-quarters of a mile from the place on the creek where Willie was found. Death from Paralysis. Rev.' Isaac Hines, a resident of Cape Fear Township, in this county,, was suddenly siriCKen whu ytutujoim uivu whast but walking in his .field.lDft:: J. U fihephard,iv suntmone4 to himitrtfound fhe'caseoDeless. l&i dtedonMonday night and was buried Tuesday 1as$; He was a highly esteemed local preacher oi the Methodist Church, and willbemucmmissed In uie commuuiy wucra uo uiw N.-C., THURSDAY, Local Dots. " There were' several heavy showers of rain in this latitude yesterday forenoon. ; A white man by. the name of Wm. Ryan, confined in the Guard House, had several spasms yesterday. - .. , i A young alligator was the attraction n front of Mr. G. P. Lamb's, opposite the City Hall, yesterday afternoon. ' A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carolina ' Central Railway was to have been held in ' New York city yester day. .. ; i . " : ' , The thermometer, in the . Star office ranged as high as 84 yesterday, bul at noon, directly after the heavy , rain, it only indi cated. 8l!degrees.. ,,,..,-i-' The Board ; of County Commissioners are having daily meetings this week for the purpose of hearing complaints in regard to tax assessments. ' " '""'': '- "'- The reported death of .James Dial, the murderer of Floyd Oxendine, has not been confirmed ; We , could hear nothing in reference to the matter yesterday. ' A. Queer Oeclalon. r ' ' .';. ; Justice Wnt H. Moore, one of - the new ly-elected colored Magistrates; had his first case1 yesterday. It seems that on the recent colored, Masonic excursion r to Smith ville and the Blackfish Grounds, a: couple of col-' ored men had a difficulty.' bquire Moore issued a warfant for 'their arrest, and the case was heard by" him on yesterday The aoray, as ue lermea ic, iook piacc on me high sen, and was thus solely in the juris diction of the U.' Si f Courts. , This fact was, however, ignored by the justice, who sentenced one of the party, WH. Howe, " .to pay, a fine of $40, and also required him to enter into security in the sum of $200 for his appearance aBrunswick Superior court, $200 for his appearance; at New Hanover Superior Court and $100 to keep the peace, sentence against the other party was not so' severe; he being onlyrequiredto pAy $2 and ' costs, although the difficulty was decided to' be an' affray. We are' informed,'-how everthat the learned Justice reconsidered his judgment in the case " shortly : after rendering the decision alluded to, and we have not learned his ' subsequent, action in ine matter. . Arrest of Another Boy Said to do Im plicated lu tl. Murder of "Willie Carter. ,-;;;,'-'';'-v'r.".' It will be remembered that in Monday's proceedings of the investigation in the Car ter murder case it was testified that David Martin said that a boy named Duke was an active participant in the murder, he having cut Willie Carter's arm off while two of the other boys held it, and that he also helped to drown Willie, : Upon this evidence steps were immediately taken by Sheriff Black for the arrest of the boy, whose real name is Duke Walker, and who was in the em ploy of Mr. Joa. ElBs, one of the contrac tors on the Carolina Central Railroad- !A dis patch was sent to Mr. Ellis bv Sheriff Black. asking that the boy be detained, and yes- terday he received a dispatch from Deputy I 0u t;. xJA oucru "iluTc'i " "& DW"us that uuke Walker had been, arrested ana was then in custody, whereupon the Sheriff telegraphed a request that he be sent to Lumberton and that, he would Mave an officer there to meet him. : The boy is ex pected to arrive here this afternoon, in charge of Special Depaty Sellars., ,, , . Prisoners from Brunswick. Three colored , men, answering to. the names of Joseph . Jones, D. W, WiUfams,' auu,wif.oVum,iiaiHiu fat the charge Of; an officer, toi be taken to Srnitiivme for oojmnement in ,the, cemity J-;A hnnrlawwjui wimmitted atMeares i ikAHrglarywaS COmmnMjaeaKS ttlnff ' fnr )aVfl ncv and orders Jiad Sif;en " " J ' i-UL irt . ana resisting an uiuuer.iii mo uiJH;uo.ijio his duty, ..TJie u8Y?r rjinawictpounly. AC Itanserbua :EekVacioiii Hi JO'iJi. A dangerous sink in the street? was dis- covereu vesieraay eveuins un wuuuu tWeeh Market and 1 Princess streets. : The ueep x uo prux ,ua to nrevint acciuent uuui luo byu uau ;uc remedied by the street force. "( Excurtian TeUayi"1- ' -.1 There will be an excursion 'to Smith ville and the Blackfish Grounds to-day; ' under the auspices Of the Machinists'' and' Mack' smiths' Uniori No.' 2, Waccamaw Market ; expected. . .' -- ' . ' . ... ; Wllmitieton Builaing 'Aseeeiauon. - ' At the reguinr monwry ; meetuigi vl. iiw 'WUmfnairrti "HiiiMhif Association.' . held last pnfrW U Kharea bf stock were redeemed Wfollows: Twenif-five atf 149 75, 'fourteen shares at $150; fend five shares' at'$14? 50. . i' i - ..' ! 1 1 ' ' We publish thisfrom the - HUls-r giveuwuwreu mo um ttuivh uicso; jy fallen near to a Banasome iortune Dy me inos, rouna ana Doxea, wiui gooa jtunaines, ec jiien;reslded,lwhb were tthde susiieioh bf , deatti of a relative in floathampton county,' litii dnWtheokr chared wim' the WwW Newbemlmea ftsWWis ml will'leaye the wnari'iopxjoi i which cause her arm was broken. I XUVJUliULLLV At ,VV. caxXA. street at 7 AM.' A fine time; is ' ..BriViTi; . Practice economy by-ij boroiiewrder.expiainingthatwe got our m' i aaaressi - ino uuiun- wutw woktsa "ew formatiori' from the BAleigh-iSnei Cwef. were also higbjif think), The;wumingtonns,.on tne ...i. A t.a n f v u :W that Mr Benton was bornatOxford in this State.; It (aiKairci rpfpiveri tranmon oi mis conntn" . . . .... . . .. I ' . I tnaTnga gartfoHaKi jams, uu mo r"' . , w. amues-wcsi HillHhom no thn nld flnntineaMjoad -.tWnnn AantrhifT ff Thou. Hart whn 1UW10 Sbwas &ehtonoldnWadwhereMr. centthe cMnmr.'''-v'-w m ito AUGUST 21, 1873. 1 1 CITY' ITEMS. 1 i HI i PatNTiNS Ink. We have Just received a stock of News Ink for ammer age, pat up in packages of 25 pounds each. Cash or CO, D. orders promptly filled. , Price 25 cents per pound. , - , Book BtmXBT. Thx Mobhiks Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Killing in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable, prices, Mer- chaate and others needing Receipt Books, or other I I work, may rely on promptness in the execution of weir omen. PimtTrao. PAFBB.-We now have la stock over 900 reams of, news paper,.' siae S4x36, weight 30 lbs per ream, , It is good, rag paper, and will be sold, In lots to suit, for euh, or sent by express C. O; D. The eonsoUaatk. of the Caroiin.Farmer and the . Weekly Star having hugely increased the circulation of the latter, advertisers will find it an admirable medium of communication with the farmers, and planters of the two Oarolinas. ! I - s '.J. I, Job PBiMTara, We call the attention of . mer- .chants, clerks of .courts, , sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steamship officers and. agents, and all , others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the MouKraa "Stab PBiNrara' EsTAiLisHJCintr for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job PBnmwa. ; We can, furnish . at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bffls, Cats- logues.Bffls of Paro,Show-Bins, Checks. Drafts,. 4c,cr sattsfactloii guaranteed.; n u;h r Fcboaxivb r'nxs have become a settled neceesitr with the American people- Indeed, cathartics al- - ways nave oeen ana always must ne nseo, in some form, bv all mankind. In this conntrr tha trilalar form of administration has been erowine in favor' since Dills .were lrst mada of aloes and Thnharb. rolled into a balL Their high position in the public 'confidence has' finally been' secured and fastened .into permanency by Aver's Cathartic Pills, themost skulful combination of medicine for the diseases they are intended to euro that science con devise or art produce. Those who need pills no longer hesi tate what hills to take if thev can eet Avers Pills. Wheeling (Ya.) Press, u . i i-t . ... , , ap 10-eodlw-th fWantaCook, :.. ; :., i:i t . t Want a Situation, , , want a Salesman, , .Want a Servant Girl, .' n i .:- V. Want to rent a Store, Want to sells Piano," Want to Bell a Horse, ' ' Want to lend Honeyr , Want to buy a House, . Want to buy a Horse, : . . Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, f, . ' ' i Want a Boarding place,'. ; " '' Want to sell Dry Goods, - ' Want to sell Groceries, Want to sell Furniture, ",, ..ta Want to sell Hardware, Want to sell Heal Estate, V Want a job of Carpentering, u : Want a job of Blacksmithing, ; Want to sell Millinery Goods. . Want to sell a House and Lot, t ; a Want to find any one's Address,' ' ' s '. Want to sell a piece bf Pnrnlture, '-' ! I Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, 1 Want to sell Afiri cultural Implements, - , ; - Want to find anything yon have lost. , : j Want to Advertise anything to advantage, . Want to find an owner for anything Found, ". :', ' Advertise in S'J 1 : THE MORNING STAB. C 'M '; Spirits Tiirpeiitiiiei :i Richmond county deserves great creditti of : . . ,.. . '.';'t' 1 : . -The Monitor mentions: a Bap tist revival at Kenansyille at which seyen t persons were baptized last Sunday. , . The iS Hillsboro :Hecorder . eats I Gov. Graham's health is better, and he will I j whibwi bbwki ; ; Major Daniel S. Hill, a promit nent and estimable gentleman of Loulsburg, died on theflSUi alter a protracted illness. John Allen " Ketchey,:f who was convicted on Saturday last, at bansouiy, tn tha Rnrfimefhrt of the state. oi the crime ox rape, i has tasen an. api I ; r Charlotte ' Observer Aki tnat on aturoay test, jw. wiiUMn wauace. I who lives in Mecklenburg , county , was ITTr,10 fivr I , ., ! , . WdJd dy Col0neX I -. " , ' . 4 .vt,v-r I 1 ' 1 ' U A ifnV iAnvirff h aa A Aiont v vyAaxav, ui iAuaAwuuijt uooiurj the Jilrs, Wary miller WbO eipects. to Start Jlr thatpiacef-; ' i M Um nnrthlinolWonnir 1 - " , 4" , ' two to Charlot'dur ato, j . . j Titim AravriTr. roar 'rnnNnov Tiroi Mrs. .Ckvington'a kitcken,, which, together f stove.' Ac.', "will amount 'to a loss of- be- Wlin a lot Q( silverware,., coosiing utensiis, tween' $700 and 800, says- the1 Monroe Rvniinel -rAtrrota 3 t.Ai i Idarri I that the; Hon.- David- Settle, of Rocking- ham county, met with a paiitfulaocident,- nfmrriaTixirn tt nlmnnt Nnrincm I In. .tawba county , by being thrown .from a norse agamst a tree: ; injuries not aanger- OUS.'- Ji lU "is- ,i.'KlJVM i f Weldon Wewi . 1 Mrs. ' William Aaron, an aged lady of this ceunty.i while riding ia a buggy with Mr. Jim Popela few 1 uays since,; was tnrown out oy, - uxe -norse 1 a teleirraDh fellow in Charleston has suc- y ai in fino- fortv-two VerhAaof Rrrin- i f tut)e a postal card, three thousand ana i twentV-six words. 4 Briggs', i though !fi fast mh l1 n0l-w oe rivai ' Acorrespondentwriting i froni Faison's gives uajnuaccount bf the speech f h? Clinton. It was an able ten" interesting of. Jttev. Jir, maraDie at iuo x air mau wwn . , , ininntnir the venicie a?ainsc a tree, irom ' 1 " ' n i t Hii..-, u ;,' s card writer, must now spread his saus, for buvlne ' . ": J ' " : : '?lWj$&h 1. i&T rrf otA i hpftnr.v oi tin; ueiiea. . - i . i . , ,; Mr., McK!enwithe1StaU..M Vi i af, . . -JTT " v . ja ii th1s rrn..n vj.1- oin,i xrr"Mn4iTr! rtWnAWTTni'itisjl rtwin. rand Mr. munroe, or Tjnow nur.1 naa organ- Led stinanothPat Fannvmett county, I 4 . . . . i mil , Zl SS lnrnS te. - 'rmdmn-o I knocked on the tracr Dy tnrcaguiooi the i 1 WHOLE N(X? 1,824! eutcoming Petersburg train', ;bn yesterday . morning, when a short distance -uiis siae or Reams. . The train- was backed for the: pur pose of s taking up, as was expected, the dead body of the unfortunate negro, but he was found near the road quietly husking corn and apparently undisturbed by the se vere bump, ' Li , .rj,l ,' , ,f The tobacco growere,' manufac!- tures and buyers from all parts of the State met in Greensboro day before? jesterday. organized the Tobacco Association of North Carolina and enjoyed an. extensive barbe cue. Dr. T. W, Keene, of Salisbury, Was elected president, and - Eugene Morehead, Esq., of Greensboro, vice, president:-! The .meeting adjourned to meet in Greensboro -.Some .fortnight since Mr.' 'Wil liam Harris, brother to Sheriff Harriss of Person County, shot a negro man through the fleshy part of the right breast, and the wound mortified : and the negro is dead. Mr.: Harriss ' was arrested and . confined in keeping , of : the Sheriff, but. the other day suea out a writ oi naoeat corpus Dejore Judge Read.' and was bailed 1 in the ' sum of $2,500. -The : negro was ' insolent' and attacked Mr. H.? vtnyfsp; : uThe story of the degradation of the University: is thus punsrentlv told in a DarasraolL . from . the , Hillsboro , Recorder- j SP6 fhthe young ladies called upon Mr. TflX I iV." CTZT.- Tided the. Chapel was restored in. as good order as when the permission was granted. One of the young ladies replied that on ex amination of the. Chapel, they had found -it filled with Cows. -She supposed it would be an easy matter: to drive them back into the building when, the exercises were qver.". The permission was obtained, - :, : 5 i Hundreds if , not. thousands .in this and other States, says the Eaale know John Pence, who drives the stage across the JBlue Kidge. lie occupies,' perhaps.' the most responsible and dangerous position' among. the whole craft, of American- stage clrivers, j , J?;pr fifteen years has John fence carried the passengers and' mails' safe over the tallest and most majestic range of moun tains east or the Mississippi. srot miles - he drives along the very brink bf the preci- ' pices, and. slowly he follows , the . narrow,, slippery track tq the mountain's dizzy height. ' Never has one sinele accident happened to "him id harm himself or those ia his Charge. : uit;in ine suuness ;orv ine nignt has ne sounded his stage horn and heard theechoes- reverberate from peak to peak and range to range and fade away into melancholy silence. ' Mi3 lire suggests to us thoughts of romance and novelty. i" si v . f An indication meeting of citi zens of Chapel Hill passed these resolutions in-reference to the ' infamous- letter: hereto fore alluded to by us as having been writ ten,, by, President Pool of the .'University Mrs. Spencer: 1; That the letter of the aaid Solomon Pool, President of the, University of North Carolina, so-called, so wantonly insulting Mrs. Uornelia fhulips' Spencer, was mean, malicious, cowardly and infamous."r2. That we take this occa sion to renew to Mrs, Spencer the assurance of the continuance of our profouudest es- teem and respect, and to say to her that we have taken action in the matter not because, we felt that anything was .necessary to make the insult of Pool fall harmless and stingless at her feet,' but because we wished to throw off from ourselves , the ; slightest,. portion oi tne disgrace that mignt attacn to us as memoers pi the same community with, a creature so devoid of every true instinct of manhood as to be capable of wantonly and maliciously insulting a woman at once an honor to her sex and to her state.-. , , r DIED. SINCLAIR. -f-At Lumberton. N. C. on the - 13th inst, Henry McQueen, eon of CoL James and Mary B. Sinclair, aged 8 years months and 14 days. : ' i 'litnsviiie Meraia piease copy. . ? ; , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, r TURPENTINE . HANDS' X' i.i.1Xi BUSINESS LOCATIONS FOR 1 " BtTYlNGr ANT, DI5TIIX.;. i rraE SUBSCRIBERS HAYING DETERMINED 'JL to change- their business and remove; further South, offer fo sale-their entire property,' namely: I der and located at exceQent business stands for Biyr j lag produce and selling Goods: 85 to SO fineyeimg 1 Knlesland Horses: 6 first-rate WaeOns: Hatnees. 3 first-rate Turpentine sous, ail in gooa running or- I . - . ' i. ' . i etc. ; X.UWI acres jrarmiBg snoi umpeouaa f purchasers otf very accommodating and easy wilt be reouirocL tor particulars call. upon or address JJ i. .Ai fr.BABDEH, BBOSj Q.ti J 'anr81-8m . r . . I ".r.-l . : i-:.. .. l". : .i;r!M ir;?T Ji,'.1 -'nBicnowt erl ....r ....... .. 't Us the only infallible preparation for ; ' EESTOEpJG GEAY,; HAIR ! -I TO , ITS vOR AGIN A 1 iCOLOB PRO M-O T E ' I T O B O WT H. offered to the rand aoaomplish r DreDaratiom Our Renewer is not a dye: it will not-stain the skist as others.' : .; . t .-. .. It will the Hair from falline out. - It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken, . vw- Onr treatise on the Hair sent free bv mall. " ST Pi HALL A CO., Nashua; N. H., Proprietors. Fobsaleby an AugglBts. Price $1 ea U aag21-eodlw-4w Wz Best Goods" At the lowest rates. Our Boot ajadt Sboes give universal satlsfac- aj uri Siij Clt- nf ll ar f u -a icju , - ; x - rl iaHhH.ndBhl. S. H. Molassoat 100 Bbla ff- W': SXUCHKEE,! -L I unit a-Ar 1 f.. pUffaifelOIiet3"r-HaillS. O . -i '1 Kt S3 SUaAB,;(Aia ORABXS). Bags, augsi-tc1' l ? : !r,,ttaad WHorta Twetet st It' is the cheaDest Dreoaratloer ever publics as one bottle will last longei more inan three bottles of anv othe; RATES OF ADVERTISING. , 1 a a. . . UUC CSCI I HV.. - ... m m . m " four days.... ..IZ ....r.. S 60 . flvedays.'.;"..:.v.".....ii....-..."i S W " oneweofcj 8 M t i"s Vt Two weeks oW " TbrcWKki,ti it. J W - .One month 8 W , Two moBUiii,...,.,.,. 15 00 . . Three months .v. Six months ...35 00 Contract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. ;- - Five Sqaares estimated - aa-'a qaartci-coluina, and ten squares as a half -lumajt , j - j . . - MCJXLANEOUB. GRANDEST SCHEME E V E R iK N.O-W N. FOURTH GRAND GIFT- CONCERT FOR THK BENEFIT. OF THE ' 12,000, CASH., GIFTS; ,$1,500,000. Every Flftb Tieke Drawre a Gift. THE FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT Au thorized by special act of the Legislature for the benefit of the Public Library . or Kentucky, will . take place In Public Library Hall at Louisville, Ky., Wenesdair, December 1873. - Only sixty thousand tickets win be sold and one half of these are intended fez the European market , thus leaving only 30,000 for sale in the United States Where 100,000 were disposed of fori the. Thiid Con cert. The tickets are divide&jieto ten coupons or parts and have on their hack the Scheme, with a full explanation of the mode of drawing, i : At this concert, which will be the grandest musi cal display ever witnessed in this country, the un precedented sum of- ; ,,; jr. . i Divided into 12,000 cash gifts! wfli be dtrfbuted by lot among the Ucket-bolder8--tlie numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wheel by' blind child ren and the gifts from another. .. ; kmipi '' 1 LIST 0B GIFTS.: v ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,.. g.......;., 4350.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT,.......:...... 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFTMii.i.Vi M ? 50,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, 85,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, 17,500 . 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each,. 100,000 : 80 Cash Gifts, , 6,000 each,. .v . . . . . . , i: -. 150,000 50 Cash Gifts. 1.000 each... ....... 60,000' 80 CashGiftad -v500eaeh,;,000 100 Cash Gifts. -400 each,. ....... ..... 40,000 160 Cash Gifts, ' 350 Cash Gifts, ' 825 Cash Gifts. ' sooeaca,......w.... 4&,uw 200 each.............. 80,060 ,100 each,.,... :f SifiOO " 60 each...... ........ 550.000 11000 Cash Gifts, ' . i -- 000 the tickets are sold oe not, and the 12,000 gifts all paid in proDortion to the tickets sold all unsold tickets destroyed as at the First, and Second Con certs and not represented In the drawing. ' .PEICE OF TICTCETS.' a' or eacn c a500t 8SU1 15,000; 227 whole tickets for $10,000. No discount oa less than (500 worth of tickets ate timet , The unparalleled success of the Thlro Girt con cert aa well as the; satisfaction given Jy. the First and Second, makes it only necessary to announce tho Fourth to insure the prompt sale of every ticket. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted In all its details like the Third, and fair particulars may be learned from circulars which will be sent free from this office to all who apply for them, . .. Tickets how ready for sale and all orders" accom panied, by the money promptly filled. . Liberal term a given to those who buy to sell again. ' ' !Lu;;joK l,,r THOS.B. BBAJaXETT, ; m . Agent Public Xlbrary Kentucky ' r . . . - t -r . f , i , ana Manager uin upneen. J " - - : Pnbllc Library BuUding, LouiSvUie, Ky. ang 21-3awam Th SuniaW ;. ?' Bacoii and Fork. 1KA BOSES D. CS. STDES; AND SHCfULrjERS, rrr HHDS. AND BOXKS SUOKED SIDES AND 4 O SHOUjERS, -. - For sale by t r - augSl-tr" . - n ' f. W. XSBCHNBR. Corn. Qats and Hay .1 10 000cOBMELS WEITS! YELLOW 1,000?;;! . "BUSHELS OATS; ' 200- . i 'i' augXl-tf. ,17, 28 and 89 Nortb, Water street. The Mystery Solved afrLast ! yBaI8r4aralns! Bar&rainsl AT COST1 AT COST! AT COST! At lSololIlOll, Lew's ' Store ! VSolris ONE t 1 COME ALt I1 !&ND VSEj' THE sol ilXtlW tfn4?' Ji.'jf A full and well selected Stock In afl denartmmte. IA FTJLL XADTES! WEAE. it Jandfitominedto change my paeaiesa.. ana in order to do that loser my , " . " JSIMTIUH: ttTUUli. AT VUS-l I Ne, hombagl ! .OoBie and see, for yourselves and SaVe 'atLeast SperGent., " 1 ' By purchasing your Goods btui ' K i") -A ' OI,OMir.X.kwTt At the eld stand, southeast corner' front and Mar- 1 ket streets. may i54ni-hac LadiesV Belts, . i JADIES', ANDs GENT'S THUNKS, SATCHELS, Shawl Straps, Belt-Satchels, &&, at the Saddle and Harness Factory of , . '-.-. jj J'.S.Topluuu A; Co. 1, ! , No. 8 South Front St. - maySjnac;. .-!;) u 1 1 . WflmJasjUm. tf. C. r EICTJ11SI0H I'TQ:; SH1PB1LE NTOURSDAT, aiST! AUGI7ST,'t UNDERTHE The steamer Waccamaw will leave foot of Market . street at? A' Mb. on Thursday list of Augast. for SmithviUe' and the Blackfish Groaads. A rood Band of Music will be in attendance and everypacuity of fered to taake it a sleasaati trip tealU. Penoas not wishing to visit the Blackfish Grounds can etop at Smttimile: where the music WiU remain-6 their A on board and refeet aUebjec- tionableperSenev . i i!T!'rpj jl'j i 1 . ..Refreshments furnished on board at city .prices. I'Whoie Ccketai $ll3hildtfl "under 14 years: of age. in kbati U'i oi sii hu:o kSlqx: f ikuijIw m:w BELl ?v iug l-td 'H ..If rwi. w.... I., . 'jixq 'i'-iiitntftt Committee. I TOTAL. 12.000 GIFTS. ALL ' C ASH.'"" " f , ambontuur to. .i j ..... . . . . .i . . Et500, The distribution will be Dositlve. whether all Jl

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