THE nOElIHIG STAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ; "T, KATXS Or BUBSCRITTIOH in advance (by mail).. I 5' ' one year, ;-r months. In advance ( )... ,.. W ).: 4-. 4 00 )..... ...i.. 75 Three mouths, in advance ( n month, in advance ( " To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week..: Oar City -Agents are not authorized to collect tor more than 3 months in advance. 4 OUTLINES. ; -. . ,,.:.- . - .,. -. 4. - J - ... J. J Baker has arrived at Suez. j-Tcn thousand people at Iho.; Springfield jraceav, Judge T. A. R. Nelson died in Knox1- ville of cholera. Near "Wheeling cars went down bank, and three Germans were killed. Over one hundred " and twenty five buildings burned in Belfast, Maine. Gen. Custar, of the Yellowstone Ex pedition, defeated tb. Indians in several engagements. Teller of Albany Na tional Exchange Bank confessed stealing $40,000. 5-77- Miss Prentice, an aged lady, ' ' perished in the 'Belfast iirel - Fire at railroad caused by rotten rails and sleepers injured several., rrrNew York markets : uoid-'ittt ' opinisiTirpennne - 43t; Kosin $3 10; Cotton . 2030i. Belfast with accept aid in her distress. Loss by the fire $400,000. TT-Explosion, not fatal, at Pittsburg. , , THEOITT. -' t ,. -. ... ...."l. I, 1 , . : ---- - - i , 1 -i . NEUr ADVEBTISKiriKNTsJ i CZ&-&u&Bi&'WltikL Carolina. , GiIiFKKCTi8oa?fT-Boot3,&c. ' Williams McBcmaoK.---Flourt &c W. P4 Canaday. Mayor's Office, Chas. D. Myers & Co. 4 Fair Trialj ; J. K. McIlhkt! --Medicine &c. See advertisement ' Notice.- D. J. Gilbek Wanted. THE FOBGEBf CASK. KTaaaaiiUai ,.eur.jn. aU .Wax y p ,., ' te4 to Jail Im Deffcals tf OM aaa. Illars Ball. The' case of the State Versus David s! Massey, -who as" detected in the recent forgery, came op yesterday before Justice . (jardnrv.yMessrs, John London Atd Du brutz Cutlar . appeared, as prosecuting at torheys." " CPrisoheir "pleaded not" guilty.) - A. A.' Brown Was sworn, and being shown said: I did not sign that check and never saw it before vesterdav. I did not sien anv " check on the ?tia of Angnst, 1873. I have ...seen; theV defendant , before. ' Once a the ' 24th of June1 and once 'on ,ihe 8th day of. t July. - He went with me on the tlth1 day of July to theBankof New Hanover, "when . he filled outs check and :I signed iU He" ; saw me sign it and gave -his name as W u- . Ham &i:rttitn X A2L jm&k tnn - ) mm ri l ara certain yon saw me sign the ckeck.. ' oner came to. my., store on, last-Toesday nigni ana gave nis name as u. j. Ainiarow. Svnntedi i siiitfjo&Mr ffe the check and I gave him a suit worth thirty dollars, and one of my' clerks gave him the balance : r-'of.tue rJieilt, twerity dollars 'in jaoney He l toiu me me cucck was gooa. ; . Mr. Munsoa then identified , the salt of ciuiucs n uivu tiau uccu iu luc prisuuv possessoal) -j J ' m 1 eertaia that the pris- oner is the persoo.-o " U:ZJ-:-:3S ; L J. u. etrsnon sworn: rneqienaani mi a suit of clothes with me on Tuesday night j'.at Mr.' .Gilbert'a bar-room. , Ha never came back after them, and I turned ihem over to ' Sargeant VahSoelen. : s I identify : these a1v1iai oa 41a oamo ' Am Mrlain t hk irkfla- uner is tue penua wiiu icii. uie VHnucir . J; N.vyahSolrt'io and said: A War rant was placed is my hands for the appre hensioriof Dj J. MouidrtowI found the pris- . oner in a house at the corner. of Fourth and . .Castle streets . , He gave hia, name- as Ma sey. Bat elng identified there "jsj the per son I wanted,- I arrested him. H dehEed pixliftrjgtrbnt' fB AMSiitb jdc , ilBj GiaUgeH s worn, Wid r I -know ! Mr. Brown's signature. Het has money in the Bank of New Hanover. c donV think flte signature on the check is Mr. Brown's slg" nature, though it resembles it in some re-' S. B. Thomas sworn : identify !MaaBey, Vthe prisoner as the man who cametoMr. Eatz's store, some time in JvUji for some goods; Haid hlB-name "was Brown; -j beard them speaking of a check for fSdOO, but did not see iL The prisoner said be would rather get the check changed before , ' getting the goods. 4 tl s'ri j Here the evidence closed for the State, and the prisoner being called upon stated that he had no evidence, .but emphatically de died the forgery. " , ) tn default of one thousand dollars bail, he was committed tO-jail for the action of the text term of the Bdperlof Court, J Hi i.w. may! Van (rt . ; 4' - 5 -:r' The following cases were disposed Of yes ; lerday morning; , . ; -; '; U I ; ; Three women, ' charged with keeping a , disorderly house, were found guilty, and required to pav the penalty and costs. I Patrick Plinn ; charged with : disorderly conduct on the streets on Sunday, ' was found guilty and required to pay a fine of $20 and the costs.;' i.". . ; ;: Henry King, charged with larceny, , was required to enter into security in the - sum of $50 for his appearance at the. next term . of the Superior Court. Lewis- Gaose, charged with violating a city ordinance, was found guilty and sen tenced to pay a fine of $10 and costs.''. ' The cases of Lewis Merrick and several others were continued over. 1 - as si Si ' Mia OTrkar4. A colored man fell overboard off a fiat opposite Messrs. O. G.7 Parsley's efflce yes "erday j morning ' and "harrowly ' "escaped drowning, 'ii Some of his cIoed, friends very promptly Went to his assistance and wter they had Bucceeded with much diffi. cnlty ia getting him safely on the wharf he wusea them for not getting his hat, - . . 1 : : 11 "IMWaMaMMMaaMWWMBaMaaaMMaWaawaWaWWaM III I ' II IllHI l VOL. XII.t-tNO: 133; tteorft-anlxlng; a.I.48:e.,VJ,r y Messrs. J. C. Wood, P. G., ' John Maun der, N. G., W M. , Hayes, L : G., of Cape Pear Lodge No. 2, 1. O. O. F., and W.. W. Yopp, N, G-i and J. M. McGowan, Secre tary or urton Lodge No. 67, left this city u x . waj: lor me purpose or reorganizing -cijsj--' m . ' - . vuiiunuus ljoage- JXO: naTl at Whiteville, N. C. Upon their arrival at the depot they were met by Col. W. S. G. Andrews, D. D. G. M., of this city; rThey theB. pioceedd to the Lodge room and began work; quite a number of the old members being present. After the preliminaries' were gone through. with, the following officers were elected and duly installed for the ensuing' term!: Cot W:M. Bakiwiri,, S.;R .G.V K. Haynes, G. j J, H. Summersett, V. G. ; Kev. G, W. reTreasuren' Tbo appointed officers will be installed next raeetingr . After the , installation of officers the Lodge took a recess, but! after partaking "of - a 8pendhI, dlttner prepared by the brethren, again re-assembled "and initiated two candidates, the five degrees being conferred n pon,; them. The degrees were also conferred on quite a number of the old members, u Columbus Lodge No 27, we learn,' starts out under very favor able Auspices. 'They have good material- in the Lodge and will know no such word as fail, --v ":,' j . ...:., We are reauested bv the nartv who went fVom thW &f tb retuVn'theTr thanks to the Whiteville brethren for the " kind' attention received by them. , ,? ,:; ;- i .:.!!r .V' Hakea iCarbaaMn. CarUr -et at ' An application having been made before His Honor, J edge BusseH, by Adam Empie, Esq. counsel for Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, for a writ of habeas eorpui in her case, the mai mer was examined into by His Honor yes terday and resulted in the following Order do lug sent 10 sneruzjtsiacK, wnereupon alts. Carter was discharged from custody: j tate of North Carolina ) - -' . , .. VS. ..... : ' ! ' Elizabeth Carter. ( r This case coming on to be. heard before me upon the -writ of habeas eorpu saed out by the prisoner's counsel,' and haying heard the testimony and argument of connsel; Tt- ta tliaAAan rtri iT Vw tkn Pamv 4Vtai tha said Elizabeth Carter be admitted to ia the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, with Ad&mJmpie and Robert Carter as sureties thereto, for the personal appearance or the. said, .Elizabeth Carter at the next term or ue Superior Jourt of ?Newi Hanbter ; county ta be held in the Court .House in Wilming ton on the : eighth' Monday after r fourth in August, 1873. Upon the takinj of the said bond: the. Sheriff of New Hanover county will discharge the said prisoner, and return all papers in this matter to the Office of the Superior Court Clerk of the County of New Hanover...:r-.:. .1 .? .-,1 i '.- - Dak L.'Ru8Seli2 rrt r ' ;. 1 . j, a a ' A' Calard ' Say'.. Drawned Hla . JSady . VwaS BaeaTactaA ... ..1 : . .-. i - A colored boy by; the name, of Ephraim Hines, while in bathing with a number of of other boys at Topsail Sound on Sunday afternoon last, about 2 o'clock,,, was acci dentally drowned.! They had1 gone but to the bathing place in the Sound ehannelin a boat, in. which they placed their clothing, Li the midst of the sport, Hines, who had swam off some distance from the balance of the party, was suddenly beard to cry for help. Some of the other boys hastened to his assistance, but before they could reacJbt hln lieVhad dppeared beaeathbe' inurky waters and was seen no more. The accident occurred at Capt Mosely's place. Delaware Nixon,, a member of the Board , of County Cemmissioners, ' who- :reWider near, had a boat out and dragged for. the body with a ieine, ;. but up tbt yesterday forenoon -it had berecorerlCnr; iWietfwas no tified and d.hA.i as the body Is foundJ' v ; . 4 r . j v. ;io j Calara a KreanrataW j "V" ' dqkitdfiii ; e. ateamer Wateamav.f&i of the Cape Feai'R-Cimnjvved W'Terysuoceasxul' aadraaaJit affair the number of excuinistsbeiri niated a about two hundred and fifty. Ab exciting incident occurred on the boat 4nriifgiIie trip In the'sbape of the prenfere birth f an infant which, np;,pt4 w are informed, was found toi be dead, iaild the remains were cemmitted tOfchedeeb.11 " - The boat reached the ; wharf,.' about half past 8 Vflbclfc'f: 1 A'ira'u:;::-tv"rrt ! Saturday morning, about 10 o'clock, a suspicioas looking chiractet '.'entered Mr. D.! G; Gilbert's, saloon on .South Water street (which is kept open all night,) and seized a $10 bill, t which was lying on the counter, and made off with it He had not succeeded in getting far, however, before he was seized by the 'throat "by Mr. Strat ton, , the clerk,' and made to disgorge, when; with a parting kick he 'Was told to go and sin no more. ! ' -ki ' j Bevolttnc "We were informed yesterday Xhbt the body of Robert Williams, who was drowned Off the steamer NoriJuatt a-few dayr ago and which was recovered and buried near Hilton, has actually been rooted up and partially devoured by beasts of prey. Some provision should certairily bemade to pre vent such a horrible occurrence in the future. TfceBlver. The freshet is very heavy , up the river and much damage will ensue to. crops ;in the low lands. The overflow is so great at Elizabethtown that the boats cannot get withto ahaif jjjite of kmdipgplace. The river' IsprWlo' be? ftifling ' 7 - '' "" "e a aai " ' ) . -.AtO -o'clock yesterday morning the thermometer was at 84, soon after which it attained to idegr&s, Where it remained until late in the afternoon. - H'R' V OR Nl N (ft . kST A IR ; . .,- u, ,1 . . -X- i.,;. i -, 'i..; jifM It, I. ; '. r '-Mi ,j t1'v - "h'T-' ! ; WILMINGTQNrj N ,I.caI Dots. -;,V,5,V".:'.,T'i'.!H." '.? S Mr. II. Brunhild has '-returned' from his European trip.' n " : A ' - (1 ; ,., A white female patient wasentt to the. City Hospital yesterday. - j ,iUiri r'Charlm Tt lATvt'fnrm.rlw nf ! this Jcitjt, died in Eayeltville aSaturday morn J " 1 n nr lucil ,r J..U, Carr&way,js(radually recover iifg,1 bur is sim unabTe Voappea at the City Hall. s r' 1 : n u ' 0 v : ili The Norwegian Brig Veita, Anifersbfa, cleared from Providence,: R.L; for this port on the21et..)..t ..1; v).-f'--..n , n I ' '." -;Thechrarr6fc .rived' at Georgetown; S. G.; from thlsport rontue Hfch Inst ... '-', " ', , ' 5;! vEmma Wright, colored, .charged with disorderly conduet on the streets, had a hearing before Justice Gardner yesterday, who dismissed, the case on payment of costs. vy'ilijrpy colorec who is under a doable sentence, completed her .term' of service in the county, jail yesterday and waa 'transferred to the Work Housed where she rwill serye f pj .thydys' i 'i f ir. W. J. Woodward. - general asrent UsjJMmcm I asso-, ciatq editor, oi. The l&nOb, is now in the city convassing for those papers. Both these publications are highly meritorious I J n thf irrespective fields, ajidt we cordially recommend them. , i 4lewCItyDtrteierr , We are glad to learn that Messf S. G. Hall & E. War rock have made arrange-, ments for the publication, at an early; dayV of a Businessand General Directory of the City - There has never been a more urgent! necessity for a reliable work of this Charac ter than' at preeiSi, owing to the great nttin herof 'Xchah'ges and removals that ;have marked the 1 rapid progress 6t .: Wilmington for the past year or two.'; We hope our business men will liberally patronize this important.. enterprise; .It, wills be issued previous to the Fair in November, and 'ho collections made until the whole edition is .completed and delivered , Kir Liin ni 1 ii 111 iiu nMjmr ' Seath tTaahlnetoa' Araaaed ,..;: ..TMMUa.lMrtQufir astic crowd met 4t South1: Washington and on motion of Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Chair man of the Executive Committee of Tax payers, uie meeung- was - organitea Dy calling Mr. Morris Collin to the chair, and nominating Dr. W. T. Eennett for Secre tary. The chairman in a few remarks ex? plained the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of hearing the reports of com-' mittees and to push forward the investiga tions of the illegal and arbitrary mode of levying taxes,' &&, &c. .. I . . T)r. S. 8. ft&tfthwell was called nn tftpn 1q make Ibis report.! tHe showed m tHrmost impressive manner tnat tne dooks 01 oar county officals were inaterribly loose condi tions and showed, too, from comparison; with other counties, that we were the worst imposed upon people of the State. V T f-He showed that the records of the Coon-1 ty Commissioners showed no meeting or transactions to hear complaints as the; Taw directs. ' T'l ' ' ' i ....'.: i ; - Dr. Satchwell's address was to the point and in an eloquent manner showed up In not very complimentary terms the County J Commissioners. Tnnn'TTnTmfl TiAxt thnk tTifi flnnr i mm? made "f hiaayfunt efforts in behalf of the tax-pay ers. He handled the County Com missioners with gloves off, and as , to poor Flack,, he skinned htm alive, and he tFlack) didn't iave a friend to come to his relief r . ' Captl J. M Wise next took the floor and spoke at length, sympathizing, with, the people.-1 As 'an honest Kepubllcab, he could see, the great mistake, in putting such men in office, and Appealed to all. White and 00L ored, to look well to theiractsnow. ' - v: Mr.; ' Briee ; Williams then.'.lft a manner cbniDlimentarv to one of ; his aee. took ud the State taxes. . He showed that the State taxes amounted to fzl.OOO'more than they, required. He bpened the eyes 6f the people to their present condition, and appealed to ;:. Maj. Engelhard, who is always looking to ing to consult and advise wiUi then being present, he .wascalled upon. He disclaim ed any iQieQUon; oi masmg a speech out; would advise with them He expressed his astonishment at the revelations revealed by the speaker; the increase ; of taxes' arbi trarily. &c. The spirit of the law : was riot complied with. t The ' township assessors made their report to the . County Commis sionerswhat became of it f . It stands there as their report still, '.but .hardly one of their, figures, but others instead oyer their signa tares. He advised them , to get good legal advice, know that they are right and then go on, and he would assist them with his paper, and purse. The farmers .were the men to complain that they had to pay all the taxes' finally. It must come out of the ground ' Maj. jB. being a guardian of the interests of the people, he was listened to with much in terest '' - -' -' I ,.. The people were now called upon to come forward and pay Ltheir subscriptions; which they responded to cheerfully. l ' ' At this stage, . on motion, there was an additional committeeman appointed for each township, ; to take up subscriptions, Viz:' - i . . .- - UnioarJohn Dv Powers, J. Moore and E.;Garriss.-: p V!"J ij f . ' HoIdenGeorge Jordan. , . ..? ! Rocky Point-W T. Ennett . . . Columbia Chancey Costin. ; i Caswell-J. P. Moore;' . , , , ". ' ' Holly Bobert WUliams. . . . Cape Fear David Saunders. - . Caswell Dr. Simpson. , . .' Grant C W. McClammy. Harnett A. H. Morris. Federal Point-H. Davis. . Wihuipgtonp-Maj. Engelhard, Duncan Holmes and! Anthony. Howe. , On motion of Dr. patchweutne tquowmg Mantkms were adotteti f n T i r I H ,XjJSeaoluicL, That this meeting, held without distinctkm of party o color, -express their protest and indnation at the manner of assessment, irtade this year by the;BoaTd of County Commissioners, and we will go on and never cease our efforts forredressof our grievances until we have exhausted all the means f law, of the Ckmstitutionjand our inherent rights as freemen and citizens, to redress our grievances .and to secure. our. rights under the law and the Constitution. It was directed that the proceedings be sent to the WUmington papers; for publica tion. ' -w'i "if ' v . . ii The meeting then adjourned to meet a the can of the Chairman of the Executive Committee.' r WlTi Emntrr, f ' ! Secretary pra.tem., ..! 1V93 1873 ! OBAND JlKUPif ON CKI.EBBATION I 1 . . r i . I it ll-'. Klclitle4ki Aitalvaraar f tk Fmyett Vlllc ladepenaent Xigbt infaatry Capatpanr IBe Daya.Af.Aafd lmtdg j tfU0 Bevlv4r-Swy&jef af Rtal' illoia,- Cal. WaddeU kad Others J ' ' ' j prom1 "gf star' Correspondent - Una .'J Kilt: :jt.l iv it iM : PAYETTKvriXEi . NC. ' .August 28. " jMyheart ja sojfull o th plqasant j recol lectipns of, bygone, days; so f nil of, the hap py and gldrious remembrances of the past! that I could not, if I , would, refrain from giving jiu4aai account of the proceedings which characterize 1 this as. a -day fraught With more real happiness and 'enjoyment to the citizens of bar good old ! town than any other since the 23d of August, 'I860, f ' ' Eighty years ago ' to-dajr a number, of , our, titizens' assembled' together: rana,;''forthe: ' - . . . . . . . f t , ' 1 j t Cred honor: 'brsranized this! old and! honora- iAe company--oI because it a'dontin- uous ana uainierrupieu, oigfuxowju irutu 179S Jip io April, 186i, .and ' honb)ie'e cause from ,iyeiy'.eariit;hWory it has been tha pride of Fayetteyille and, the beast of North Carolina.. . , Jt appearance ; on Che streets to-day j-yas hailed with many 'ex pressions of Jbe deepest pleasure, and upon the faces of some of those who have ,f pi- j lowed it m the days that are no more,, might liitve been', trickling down tears : ot Joy.' an'd iu It's ranks old men whose locks, are ' silvered1 With the frosts' of age and Whosbonce !proud' 'and'erecV forms 'are now tottering' beneath! 'theVeighcy of years might have been seen stepping; 'off with all the stateliness and elasticity of ear- ly manhood, y This Company has seen ser vice in two wars.( j A spirit (of patriotic duty has always animated the hearts of its officers and men. : In the war of 1812 It tendered its services President Adamayi ; was ac cepted and ordered to the front, and again in the bloody, drama which closed not long since, when brother was arrayed against brother,' it bore a gallant and conspicuous part; and to-day. far away from th scenes of those fierce conflicts, its surviving mem bers, and others who have since become attached to it, meet together in this Its first reunion, with tears for their dead comrades and cheers for the Jiving. j,The Company Was foamed at iU armory air O'clock A. Ml tinder 4he command of Maj. Wright Huake and, proceeded- to camp Eccles, Ha old stamping ground on Cross Creek,; for target exercise, after, Which,. it proceeded iwitU "saddened hearts and silent tread to the cem etery to do honor to the memory of its gat hurt dead.- Three rounds of blank cartridges were fired here, which called to the mind of many the genial faces of its dead com panions. ' In the vicinity' of the celebrated Cool Spring and upon tho opposite bank pf the, Qreek,: may beeen a solitary grave, where the, remains of Isaac, Hammons, an old colored fifer of the Company, wbq had -served 'them1 faithfully', ' for, many years, was-buried by them -with military honors,; since which tune,1: at each anniversary out of a high regard for him, it has been the habit to fire one round, . of blank cartridges Over his grave, which was done to-day It then proceeded toMilitary Green, Where it i sras joined; by the. Xa; Fayette t Light Company, its guests, whenboth Companies were formed '-together :and the battalion- ; placed under, thA oommand pf, Col. J. B. Starr of the La Fayette Company, jand were marched to thetemiharyto heaf the address of CoL r W. S. Mullins, nsm of Marion, 8. CL,but a former resident of FayetteVille. Cot; Mullins commenced his addreis by sayrag'lthat when he received the invitation to deliver an addresa 6n the occasion, of thq 80th Anniversary ) of the Fayettevie impendent , Ligb,t,1lufaatrjr jompany, ne regaraea it as a commanu, which: comingfrom such a sbttrcehe could not refuse to ofcteyC He made many pleas- uw f "TT i Into permanency by Ayer'a Cathartic PUIa, the moat ant and happy allosions to his .old lameAinfai eTjmbiaaoa' lor eaaei his l)oyhood5f happydaysf and, hJ early oiiecuons ox me f oia company, j ie. fcVette ville.: and of his old eolletee mates. whose) fadaaha missedu Haalhided to his i - . - m At a i many pteasanc ramoAea,, aipp&we oy the murmoring waters of Cross creek, where, he had whispered words of love,!and plead lor-klssdiftomfair'.maMensiHe said he jjany.And regarded it a an indication tl&fc our people, were neginnuis jp gei, upon meir legs agaiht!that they we,re beginning! to think more' of ' ttemseivesV and to become sawyiHewaJrarticularly-i severe,1 and spoke with iscatiaiag sarcasm of .-thoser Who are responsible for the present condition of I things in North' Carolina, , its government ing of the UniverBity: 1 'His speech Occupied' A- Uttle more than an houry and was .well ie ceifed sud gavef entire isaUsfactioh to the lari tree crowd of iadie. A4 , gentlemen , Wb , ad Aaaemhtgd to hear. him. . After his Con hi clusion the Battalion was 1 retortnetrana ied by CoL Starr to the 'Fair Grounds,1 where dinner was to be served, 'and while waiting for t to be announced, most, persons .were ; sharpening their appetites from an abund-' ant store of Wines arid liqtiors WhlcK had been provided for the occasion. Id a short time the doors of Farmers-' HalLwere thrown' open, and a dinner, pronounced) by many to be the handsomest ever, set in .Fayette ville, was heartily partaken of after Which champagne fcorks began to fly in' every di rection-.. For a; great niany years it has been customary With the company, at each anni versary to prepare , thirteep regular ; toasts and have them replied to, ,and the follow ing are the toasts on this occasion : ' ; ' -- ii: -:: i-KB6inAit lOABTS:;1' i, f 's ' 1st The day We celebrate; Embalmed in nleasant memories.. ; We -pauaa to1 scatter immorteOea. . . JBesppnded; toj Jby Maj. D. G. , i Music-V Abld Lang Syne." !l .;..; ' 2nd.-The Founders of our Corps and their earlier successors ; Exemplars1 of Pa triotism and Dutyj we cherish fond recollect tions of, tbeii;.virtueM jRsTndedtpbjr Majv A. McLean, .' t . .! ,, .uj, i , 1 ; Music" Washington March.. Ju 1 . l 3rd. Our comrades on the fleld-whO fell in battle or perished by disease, -y- Hallowed be their memories, Besponded 4o by Maj j.u.cjttaejj., ,,..,.v,.,i.a,. i.j.'f ; Music 4 The Bonnie Bhie IPlag" , ' 4thl Our iruests." J-'! ; 1 " Ji V' -I ; o MtisteCome Haste to the ' Wedding.? 5th. Our absent friends: Here's ahealth to them that's awa 1 -CT . 'A Musio-r-,, Oft in the Stilly Niehtw rLet- ftertTeadirv V''. i - WW North L uarouna : 1 ever ' loremost in the right ever mindful of her fealty. Re spondedtoby Lieut-Gov. Brogden, f Music "The Old North State.P . i 1 - 7th. ' Our Country and its Beneficent Insti tutions.1 Responded to Dyu'Jfuner. Music M Dixie. " ' "" lit ' 8th. The' Surgeon Corps,:' 'Aptly, .typified by- the 'eagle's eye; the Hob's heart and the lady's hand. 7b Responded to' byjpi1." B:! Robipsou.. j. '-.. u ':.;,:.; -.! j Music r Annie Laurie.'' . K tth,'. The Press : The engine of intellectual force with motive power of vast capacity,' U governor, should; be staunch and true to moral promptings. . Responded to by J. ,H.,Myroyeri ;t . ,j i,h,,j y,,,,; 1 .;. !' ,J10th. The Ban The5 threshold 6f thje tern- uvi v -vbii inu nnvi uuij--xiuimcinu ahoald be . enthroned. -i Responded to by Music "Tlie Temple Bar. Quickstep.'' ' ' llth.: The Mechknfe and Manufacturing :Oaf t: Embodiments1 of Merlins ipprth- aad aoiMi : RcatBvement.- s itespooaea to by , A. A. McEethan. ti ;.-i t ., ' t fePJipru. ,k12th: ,!Internal Improvements: jhe high -wa ways to commercial greatness. , KfiSpooded to ny uot-' W: jhcu McKay. -- t , ;Masio VThe Old Fiilka at Hente. , lath . .Womanv the soldier's; .friend t ,.Wheapain and anguish wring f the broijr, a ministering angel thouf 'Responded to by Cap. W; F. CampbelK1 J i ' ' ' ' ,u Music-H.'The Kisa Waka. ndin : .;..;( ,., After dinner was all oyer, the battalion was again formed, with Baj, Huske ini com mand, and marched 'to the front of the National Baak-, rhere the prizes were awarded to the sjireessful contestants, by Capt Neill W. Jiay, in a beautiful and ap .propriate speech -The firs prize, a very handsomelsUver fobtet wa won by -Mr.; John A. Bykes. his ayerage being 2J inches. The second, a handsome copy of DickensK Best Thonght&i 'was. won by'GaptJ.'M; yann, an. old member and former officer of the, company, his, average eing4 inches.. The third, another copy of Dickensv less handsome but quite as useful. Was wpsr by MriD. 8J Maultsby, Jr., bis -average being 4& inches. ; The best single shot was made by Maj, John (D, , Cameron, of j Hillsboro, Who is an old member of the mpany; it bdng a bentre shot! ' 'The tiobkV were pre ented to the eompany1y Maj.' pM. pale, ia man whom every member' the' com pany, loves, and of tvhpm they are ;espe ciallv nroua. It will . be remembered that ' shortly after'its'return, from the Peninsula campaign, the company was called together for an election of 'officers; and Mr. Peter M. Halo iwas elected. Major, since which time there, has been, no other ejection until April last At thp conclusion of Capt Ray's Bpeech; the Hon: A. M.. Waddett, who was E resent, was V caDedV-:upbh,r and in his (usual appy strain, as he only, in his easy and tut inanner . caftjdo, ntertaineo; tne nit ket ept' yip ' forever. '-'He 1 1 spoke of ;his mther.Hueh Waddelt EeaUo vour titv. as being pertiaps one ot the oldest living mem bers of it, -and said that, he had begged; hinv when he left home, to present Jus , kindest regards to everymemberot it 'It was grow-, ing;dark by thitimeand Col; Waddefi's remarks were: necessarily shortened ! to the great disappointment ? of every one for he is a favorite hero and the people love to hear him talk.- 'Everybody' seems to Ihaye enjoyed themsert grtatry,- and : T think there is no doubt of it;-Mr.-: Editor, for I know at least one, gentietoan who was so earned gwajt while , at,.the J"ajr,, Ground,; that he actuality forgot himself, and think ing that the cold, chilly winds pf November had come and that Jhe1 'Waa attending an agricultural fair,; .was really i inviting Iris friends in to take a look at Floral HaUH At the conclusion of of CoJ. JVaddell'a speech,-, the battalian was dismissed and the Inde pendent Company mardied to the armory, where the annuu i election b(onieemi was held.wiithefollowipgxe8ult::ni;t. v.'t f Major Wright Huske. . ... 4 1st Caplam-Charlesaigh: V' , ' .' i . , Srd Captain-Ai A. McKethad. Jr. ' i I 4th Captain A., ft Daingernerdi ; ' 2 .The names of the other officers I have not been' able to ascertain. " , V ? i . ' Thus ends the 23rd of Augh: a daylong to be remembered, 'and one which I hope- X shall live, to see celebrated many," many wa, -v.!! if Mnoonrs mm l u-: h " -: ' J , VltAIt PuBAAnva 111X8 aaTe become. tetUeol m With the American people. Indeed, cathartics at Waya have been aad ahravt amst bei naecLt ia Mae oy au mas kib a. in wis -country tai adminigtiHtiea 'baa been growmfl aincepllia were fire made -ol aloes a&a riwbarh. ua 1 ito I eonadenM ; tntopenaai niuea una m oau. i neir niEn tmbukhi in no '.Jeea teenred raeteai art prodi iroduce. Those Who need pills no :loneer heal-, what pfflstofaln Ifthey catt 'frtAVerV fills. 1 H5Sraf.f1 -mid lnliio9i.w.a .aajtllreodlwO&inW.iJ 3t:-U djiav iwuuirT'VU . I Pwrrpta PAcaa-Wa aoar aava -In itftek ver W 5!W PV ;fJh x3i irfJght 90 m Pre&p- lif cnjedragpaiKC, aad wp be M, ia ota to snn, for ca&n, or ent,Dy eipresau, o, jjl f n jeW ABVER' tTIS ? i t tI i i EMEJ c i-iiif -T H.l. CITY. OF WILMUfQTOar, N.' C. It ;...! i.llll ttii efcif.5 iAarrAlSKtb'tS'M: I ofnee np to 13 JL, 3rd at September, 18TS. f or iakp tog Uaiforma (winter) for tae Plki tM of the: jCtty, lacludlng Capai, Merchants tending !1A Wda ' wifflaeBd' tamplof cloth' tltat they 'proposf) o 1 make them of. Thirty (30) days allowed,- after eon- . - t Miii'ii..: vit In 'iTftiJi'i.r--' tract ia awarded, for furniahtaf afld anifprma to tba city. ,;' W'f ' 1 '1 'J,ixi'-"l'n ii in j 1' i Farther infonnation can be1 had on' TippAcaUon al the Marshal's 6ince. t . , . .. . ji .: -!', i t.'i 'K'lur.iirttt'l i-Mi's I 7.1 Bids will be submitted to the Board of Aidertneh at tbeirne meeting. , -tji jiftfil l' );! M'H H V!i!!iJ"u i'W.'P.'CANAi)l.t', ,H . Soap, CaudleaV Cracta, Starcli. ! II, III I 1 I I I 1 1 OAi BOXES 80 AP,' ASSORTED. ' 1 A A BOXES CANDLES, Ml 2 BARRELS JJaiQI AND SODA CRACKERS, iQ A BOXESl lAUNDRT 8TARCH, - al-Jj r VVf. t.. i : t ' j at9Mf,; iWjluab mu jecnisoa. . SPICES, v r v-,ij; V ' -t I ;! 'Stl -j i Wbole and Ground. , ; . TTRBSH FROM TOT JMPORTERS AMDJBl " COFFEE,' S08AB, 1ABD, STEorTl MRAGSfSdE'iaOXFCTL -fuT If 150 BAGS PXDOS RIO OOrTES, -) ) f MWIAM, MI.III.IW.H , f XUBSnTRALEAF LAiU). j -j-. ft j j; i'j AAA. BARRELS ASD B0HHDS, B. STIttP r i a iJJ A0U UUCA JLUAi&BBAS, 1 ? For sale low by . .. , . . y i WILLIAMS A MURCHISON; angift-tf tVHOL'E NO. j;82. DBUGSHEDICIHESCflEMieAIiS: I AM RECEIVING BY STEAMER, AND, EXr . PRESS, a complete- stock at - 7II--X- PETJGS, HEDIOTES, i ? ' 'A" Chemicals, Fancy, an Toilette Articles, 1 " Which 'I'offer to the trade very tow.5 'Cat ii H :. , . . ,. J. K. McILHENNt'," Drag and Chemical Store, Llppitt' CcraeK ' anzw-tr , ' Stato of Ilorth Carolina VV?C HANOtER.' f 1 .,.-.,:. ,.. j,.. ,-, :-. - y, j . f,v, OrrKra oTTOaSuMJHomCbnBT CtaiK-, .2 :'&i'm:va,.l ..ii -.V- SSd Aagast, Mrs. , i. ; v., . -fr- T-r A TTHE REQTJEST OF THE OKIOINAL COR- j. ponton, proposed ia the plaa of iacorporatioa of -"The Wiaiinetoa Prodnce KxchazmLr and of thasnbacribersto said plan, aad in puraoance Iaw. I do herebr call a aaeetinflr of said corpotators and aabacribers, to be held .at wpqaea Cem- mercial Exchaaee. in tba citT of Wflminetoa. at IS 'clockM.,Taeyrl the aeUL day of Anftrsv instant, for the election of officers and the adoption nt suitable by-laws for the government of said" pro-' ; ang S6- I :;;u. Harkot BuperkrConrt.,-; SB's;? -Vi a-'Vi itij.s- BolBoot ifM i in:... .- .IU -i.V.; - ' GEO. B. FSENCH 80-S..: MflUJ; flats: j i nnn fIoub; aj ALL GRADES; QWBlt'san 8MO -im: Wat rl. AND vu BODS,-. SMOKED SVLDIBS.-j,, 1 A A A A bushels' Htrkaf "rttBifcB 2. JJtlBlllUjS UAIs,' ' - ! ' For sale low bv ans mtltM v. WILLIAMS MURCHI3DN, I mbpKBBAHb srarj casks!. ' ' 250 sprjirr-casks, -f'l ' aag'sV-tf- Vn. ' 1a !. wiMiinsna Huwauufl, ? j'A FAIR f'liol o.'i'i ..?nirii ltitoij .dJ .7tJJ Af.T. TTAtf PHOVEO THE ' FAOT: THAT AT ' times the largest and best Mockers' ;;;:;;pcel4,,,. FIX jSppDS AND WES PMCESl may' HW f CHAslriTEyS -ifaoA.- 2fl 7li:!3HiiiH a; .iC".i.-;-:filitri-' fti,;;r k. .,C;;V FnmtS if ? IVy ' ft- i'j; . I'AUi '.lLLtKi -J1 Ins f nArffalns 1 Darratns ! sin. is. : -Mi L'tlis m -i'.i ti;ju ;ni 6tfi irm AT: COSTl! ATCOSTi AT COjST! At Solomm'-Les 8torel (THE ;A fail and aiectea ak m aU fleraftnea i.r, Jti".tiif; if) ,7n;(! -X9 :- .Taltf dfltWia'a'l 4a4it'l. cdfirtadQthatl after :w .unU oJ 1 "I ! NTIriE STOCK CkW'uf 1 humbmi s Come aad see fpyoarseteaand; l.-ytJj 1l t ,fi .t-."V JU tba DM stanaJwaflfceast-corAer Froaa and Mar ketitreeta.' "'- -l 1-iiiMT,5imWlomi riaar, 1 ii'ti I? H.-f. 3 y.kDTJtS iND GKSTlS ltiDl.lSA'tCHiLS, Shawl Straps, Belt-Satciek, Ac.', at the Saddle iani t HIKifi':'."'! II.:- .;'Sit, I. i' .Barn Factory, of . .,,, .,( 1 -v Jr.s.Tapkaaa dpCa, . f . . m 8 SordayrontB., rnH OlU MEMBERS OF TTHE 1 AtfltETtC ! ULi- Jttaw aau Uiab araeamesuy reaoeated to meet at Commercial Exchange, on Water St, at fthe foot of Princess street,' toiht, Augnat SOh; at S ,ac'lck,,F. HL-.l n -it. 1r 'j.l--tili-'-; ; Those wishine to become, members , will please meet tat aame' time and place. By order Vreat dent. m. A TNO. ' 4, SOUTH WATER 8TREET. .THE IX-'' Drmking Saloon will be kept pen all fcitjht, from and after this data, At B. Stntttao, Niht, and D. 3. Gilbert, Day Conductor. sag SO-lt 1 H 1 ii 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 ' - ' " - , t iu MISCELLANEOUS. ' ,f' : f A NOTHER LOT OF '-1 -J ! r.'j:'f The ttest in the World," i.ii-H lI.(t JU!T"I.Tvi,1 t lrf y .,A.itltn , i GEOKGE MYERS'j t vm&MtiyM '" "IV'tbtttSo. Front Street TMXOTS TO SUIT4 ! i??'-i J h r ; 1 ; " J'XfOHW " i'l feb4f ADRIAN VOLUtRS. v If I HOICK JUBUAS, r iw" '', at dO eamtaatarj angM-tf It aad U So. Front Street. J'. 1- ilfU-U'aati. : , ana. a noes 1 unJ.y.-.U .. RATES OF ADVEIiXISINft." three daya...viY.. t 00 . " ; . fonrdaya..i-.'...., 60 - " fivftdyH...,H.v.t,........'3 OP 'ODeweei......... mm Tlireewecke ......i. 800 .... ... - m. ... Oj,e month.. 8W ' V'.Vi WafietarJLliLrv ... " 00 - Three months,.. 00 .ii"! L 8-Wntli..V.lri-J.r.-.. .86 00 ".' " One year.. . , .60 1)0 r?fCoD tract - Advertisctaenta taken at propor Fiv Saa&rea estimated as a .aoarteiycolnmn, and ten fcflurca as k lull -eolotan: ' V ' 'r FOR'SALE-FOR SALE. 'Ig'iBBIX BUaAR.i; f lii !! ImJ . , i;!ti'U -.-7-J ii K.!-.-IU M!S : II! O KA SACKS-COFFEE,, ':; "l:i " ' ft' til-I'm 11 250 6R0SS MATCHER j j'f iii '.tt '.-i Mil !'iuh'it 1 A A BOXES C R. AND D, S. SIDES i t J iu f-t-ll 1 htl HHD& AND BOXES SMOKED: SIDESW LfV SHOULDERS, , , , 9TfyrMjPBT fftTC MOLASSES, ?FTH6 HafTindBWs. 8. H. Molasses, 800 Bbls saaideaTiseca Byrap t hj.i 1 1 11 i,( HELSOATS; ( ' 1 111 r'ili.ifiill j0q' tubs lari; ko kblsj crackers, A TIERCES HAMS. . -v , .XT 1 SBLS. oimt 9nrt ii -ska Ra QMUl, 1 ' r'i 1 A A,Jf-W. P. AND MJJSKET CAPS, 800 Cases A "V -Brandy1 1 Peaches, 1SC( CAses - Schaapps, 75 - ,;. Boxes Candy, . . . - OKA Boxes and Half Boxes Candles,-; 10 Tons 4DJ Hoop Irbn.- dafctt j' i- ' ' M ' ":7 ' angl4-tf W F. W.KERCgNER. i Uuarantino Ilotice. fTIHBl FdXTWTNO iQUARANTINE KEQULA-J-UonwUlbein force on and, aTtef the . . 1st A1J yessel from portasontbof Cape Pear will fenact to t th vletting station near "Deep Water Point," and await On inspection of the Quarantine Fhyslcfsav 4(v .-'f... -,rrr,T'.i vtd AH Teseefe aaYlnf eleiffleMon board on arrival, L ti. Vessels not lacladed as aboweswill proceed to Wilmington without detention.' . jf. .... ifjft -'.J ft .j i y,-;-'- ' ' 4th. Pilots are especially enjoined to make cwef nl Inquiry, and if not satiBflai with, the atatemenU of the captain, or ir the Teasel Is m a filthy condition, gey will bring the vessel to tti eUtioa-foa further "examination. ' ' - .', i ' - - !" Yt:- 're. . i-f ,'.r. f . Vtfift lTf ' " " 5th. PHofe wilfnBy vfolktCdgthe quarantine laws are subject to forfeiture of their braaahi masters of vessels to a fine of two hnndred dollars ($200) a day for gTM'f flaythpyfiHHtgTTi iparairin laws, and ai AH Tesssuljec? VtAfionriinder these relations jwaise jflag; ba Uie mabrigging, port - 4 . y ir. w jfvi"rn SSllj la V. u ,,i iAiiayaatinWPhrsician. TIjiad?El!(TQrK FINE i 5J ;(' v.nif ,' ?. T5U viva A -rrv TVTCjmTT-r SUBSCRIBERS HAVING DETESMTNED ;toaaga their . buateeaa And seanove further lamely: :or- inv- in produce and selling Goods; J5 to' 30 fine young Mules Jand Horses; fist-rato. Waona, Harness, Carts, Ac; 8,000 acres Farming and Turpentine Laivia,Hiaaa4adboiea wafcg BnDdtogs, Sta bles and houses for laborers, together with ail goods, wares4 and -merchandise,' ami numerous Other ar ticlea too tedious to.menttoa.f,K-. niUut Theabweproperty Is all situated lit a very healthy locality and Will bo; eJd . Iota and parta to suit purchasers on yery accommodating and .easy terms. GaodpasewltarsaMiabM IstoreW added; will be sSd2sfc?o? 8 J- : . yif- rfi fjoYi A4BDJOT iBBOS., . - . Ebeqezer, 8, C. 3 F9sesei give Janaai? lib tezfe n: ' angSl-3m n a w.w . a v -iiii U 3 L: atA liV K-'a, f ' T V, a i.ia , - SEtJARS'. .no o iuiirBa.eA BAreei: t.j Inirr ,!aau Ladm3-fl ;a.;a: ft1feT ii!li'J .toil y'jfLltLn '1''' Wi IU iiJ;i oaf .;.'-: JTCal. Ultra, i'tui fyip- tti-it h vm Ii :!' wi Ju: . :" .. RustJc ajidasnantipados CIGARS Il-OIGABS!! "li tJsiNE&s' AT'couNcbs'c'ci raeLwat, JJI with Distflletxv Mate aad Wasoa, aad Lease on nlace for S rears from igt next Jannarr. 80S ACRES PMH LAND on CJC. E, wV'known astheCauaeway tract. , :(. A GOOD PLANTATION on Cape Fear TJlver kaowa as Walker's BlndU i Place formerly Aha prop erty of Isaac Wright, containing 600 Acres, more or less ma good sUtoof cvlttvatloa. 1 One goodjsmall plantation pn Carver's Creeki with comfortable Dwelling House and all necessary out bouses, stables, Ac, is good atatatof i emulation, good water and and an abundance of good rich marl, eontalning 190 acres, more or less; This will' be sold in connection with, business place on Cape Fear river, known as West brook's Landing, or singly, as may be desired, also with the Mill Seat oa Carver's Creek, known as the Brown Mills. Each of these three places will be sold singly or ail together on good time. Apply to F. W. KERCHNER. ang 83-1 m. - Jonmal copy. ir ForSmitltviUe: i vin'' t v.a s aiaiir; gTJAME3; FIRE FLY WILL LEAVE a G. Parsley JvOo.'s wharf on : i'U -i ivpn-y TUESPAY, THURSDAY AND, tiz.1: rirmi fx", i. i " SATURDAY XVElllNGS, At 4 o'clock, precisely. RetarniDZwfll leave Smith viUe sA7o,clecarA. Mi ' angli-tf Cotton Yarn. ii 'to -1: t: hi: - fDOTTOT Y AllN, a. itxr WBTms. ....... , ltut tn-litbc- "iJ ''! For salalrjr:'.- tt nUot lu-i Jaly 81'lir n: :.: c EDWARDS HALL. Hova Scotia Hdrring. 45 i' FEKFECtLtOli- IT Ti,"' V vr" V1-'h'V?:vx tr.'t. - For sale low by , , f, 'j .t( s if Jane 15-lm WTXJiABD BROS 1(1(1 -I" J.'liO,.J I