5? HIT r-"At Judse Ilaliburton, JpCSift August M Black- Umler tffc oak-tree lying, rlkfo ?i Budding learea A see... Burst from the maple-tree ; - : r And the rebias and. linnets r-, ' ThesoMtOf.U.UUleftlBTT,,, " ye Juve fcorae we taye come, , To the land of our home, ; Frra fifr5 tBc'sear- 4- We have come, we hye, comer And the woods whisper, Come,? cA. And my heart it saysCoifce," 'i- For I knew 'twas the spirit j Of song heard . I .,'. That Sinltti tWiWtt Mif THEfIKESBAB:g 0 Jt -. ...... .TlfifaIt i t a?ml I) i i ...auraAs afrtA ' Comment m Hp, ;AtWi. vrnA - Besides ibis steriifif fc'fece -r&H work tbe Cooverindti ""ettdOrswi 4 tlte . . r im '-i - . . ii-, '. j 3Nir 1 Ohio piauorm, wiiii its acceptance of the'constitaiiorial amendments. bui for the farmers in the mining interests thlfranpoaoni sorrii-; we suppose for the purpose or saying sorB&bi3ran4P0 of rrfnVrl ItrSMliEita'i 'JaniMlS fLnt. ow,-of lutiaaerptrray 'HntbhirfsVjtr'Wr Sfckte&eaiu adioxxraed.frfM5tfeiF'df the Ohio f , platfoimw iTgmjScinii'iQi' 4h& course which trteler lat ut for itself in returning to i first princi ples with y ltfie 'rhodern improve ments tacked!-'coa?i'Bat'i the Jgeiw of '. the.''ConveDtib"willWiiBi knock down blow which tt"Mf )i the sala ry grabbers sigtializedy a4t 'Was, -by i a stunner. MtoQipary who voted - with thcgppition, but eat his utcbeVs mav with the ma- jority. eHH'esbarre! IK t Philadelphia .: Td the nominees pfthe?.coavjentl no objection , caii -jWinade-xet .foUqwed Jhe fortunes oftheiT party urouiidUfciuruiouiiu.Biaaiogeiai a participated Jou aU,ciimeao .JborT'S ! inated.ru iie JconveBtiotLjcoata--6t l. -t- i- : K. T uay 4isgenuenian 01 greater abUities:for tbe-head of the ticket, 6r . one "who commands lit a bigber dp-' "grafOthp lil h Iuet(avltizes of ttMpaerany years Be has been-an ornament to the bench an4HM this city as a iudge up- n"ilit: ypaial-!-iyhba -rnever' cisiona. and as an advocate and author Hutchinson, of Alleehany, a business man of high character.' was nominated ig.dne oiaie xTeasuiCTsajnzjii Fort :Siim.SSSh Uompanyiu4iT THJisui'i A TCsmeofx4lewleti6iSsi form is borrowed frothvhiq Dem cracy 'j'.rfkewiymfc ..! oLsBrrtl o-jtsJ resoiveori axeTyaoose; that't-Sdrary Grab was dishonest aoa'aUffiporaW. and thl its porters were pwrlhyof .public Tboh fidencebUl ArTOifveW6n befofe confronted it with the , necessity et confronted it with t VAK . 1 rebuking alprominent and trusted hold ofifeif v Jest earnest, The PQ , jscracy, what-- ever elsheyiraverddhe, have mthu j matter acteat MDrasmKiiioh- uobl7,Woyaiaffi r rf cneapoiMia .aJVaTJunaaoationB. These seosjb iJiaxftadoaaxxxMEt thin .tha.ThJbia4jaMfeut k$j tatives qv the ear and led .him ont. io an otner conventions an ao an oiner conventions ana DaniEs parties .- f Brwiuilto JUwskemJpi AAgmtt ISA . t'.-.i-t df jia jmiuirt bit floiolmlx ff I - through thirf'ftwllgftkl, WtdTltIoYTdianII&lcVJrLiMel teetf yetrufaagaThe4ll 13 fj.hing requisite f r their peuloah(uirocvv' a ; It now becomes on rjpaihf utlsu W tOrBBbiisl autnenticated reDort that . .were set !rrnorf Sife arhand2of Kudawlsf the men murdered, the women treated ! in a mostiQutrageous, an4Pluflpp ner, and the entire outfit aDDronriajtid XT rn rt mA.. I cans cannot visit tbe land fGdd, andJibertZ with suythiag ef ;.valf ia Uieir -Dossessioa. . unless. In, .forfee: f uffieientt dverawei the ferowEnf tUaikhpti aw w wu v vawA ua reroembeii1.tlxta'oeitieihiehr are4 Amencansajidrthert whftmlthkt . fiwrft a'nwalt 'the acme pf We shall follow this last lwiliih "Mil- tlieovernor-f-the-State. trl ml.tt. . i i . n I. 'I anna s principle hang every ranch-. ;itnlfftwrlerfrtr4hh snbt where these infamous crimes are co 1 mitted, mm they surrender vthe . crirainala. - , I tut " . r f wane- Taurpaazuo v mives lengthig' to "be ' placed under lot mate reffand r.WBat stosS"t0 we tne oanv . Btrttctioa.imxnediatelri' There - 'ate ixuuciku. oenuneL i We have done what we could tj complete the list of North Carolinians wno nave become eminent abroad. We have a few honored names tb add. GeneraTPrncEre"yirendersori bora m Lincoln county, was Minis tet io j ranee trom Texas when knowh as the "Lone Star," was first United ernor of that State. t Dr. Wm. McPheeters: Raleigh, is head of the medical prX fession jn Sl.LQji9wa8 editor of th b Medical Hevieto, thoTeading publicj -tion in the valley of the Mississipp is Professor in the Medical University of Missouri, and was Medical Dired V h"- Sterling. Price's commanH r a. aL . TT . m y . - gittuuaicu ai wie university or jNorta Carolina. ' Rev. Samuel B. McPheeters, T. IK, a brother of Dr. McPheeters., ,was born too in Raleigh, and ; wis "ah alumnus of ounversity. He w4s also a graduate of Princeton College, New Jereey,il,XIe. was- the most in fluential Presbyterian minister up io the time of his death in the Missis sippi Valley. T He resided in St. Louis' for many years. A touching anjd' tasteful memoir of him has been writ-L ten by Rev;Dr?firastyV 1,5 1 ? Br. Arthur Taylor born in Oxford 'was and may be now, a Professor i n the Medical College of Memphik, Tenn., and stands at the head of tie profession in that city. We find a communication in the. Warrenton 'Gazette in which son e few names are affdetl. " The Associa e did what he could to perfect the article of Dr. Pritchard, and regre it did not meet the critical approb i tion of the gentleman from y!arreji. We; aSatl anelT' of;h!s JaAaitions. He says: I I " Among these, is Judge John Hay-i J 1 tit y t m I wooa, wno was regaraea oy uniet Justice Henderson, TnA. by,. Judge Murphy, as one of the greatest law yer tho-State hadi ever jprodircd.--Af ter filling the office of Attorney General and v Judge 'thCrfcuit Conrt and making the earliest repoji, of 'th e- decisions of Bur highest Couit, he. emigjated toTennesse,, I belevk' prior to iSOOj3 In1 lcame leiuoeit there, as a Judge and a historian of 4batState.i Wheeler xitates' that he resided in Halifax in this1 State f bit Louisburg. "Haywood's meeting. noti8e caKes iH name ironx nim.'. T He also claims that " Gen'Robe -t ville, five miles north-olo Williams borough, if his cotemporaries add schoolmates' eafl'be trastedasauor ity. The late PhUembnHawklnsV 4f lranldb3Hse4.,to,(f elate; tha,, he wis at school with him' at vWnaamsbor- Iough, and gave many incidents of his Granville, the father of He late Judge L GilUamv j stated; xiJiatthe. house InJ wnicn ttarper-was lwrij55was,Binen no one in Granville questioned the stat hQeyej-, mat iniiawKiBBiocai.ea-ins'uu place at Bowling Green, in Caroline I that his mother, if not both hi par ents were from that place. his, last, residence, at least, .was in franklin, seven or eight -iniks nortjh of Louisbnrg. "Havwood's meeting. still standing, as above : stated, near HyfinjtiDA'jUck. of courage-ana foundation Id build on. a4jtr I confidence crjppled them. the ditvei Rochet iNewYferkTwis a native or w range counttyix. V4.l&imi emigrated to the Tennessee valley in the earlartiofi this eeirtoryr He was xunueny a tK-Vf auu.uuuii court ox wrange, lina, whose greatest : achievement, hawevw,,waaioofc,ealcniate4Jtoi eh- era countrymen, x aiiuae to capx. it will be remembered, sank the Ala- waonK4vi and dlea' A friend in Fayetteville sends is iirwi.. nTn.n fpii, ll 9liJ 10!C tl ftvMit sail on ol mioistil -yooawait-Ufi nane"sf ia Srominent man from this section f resident Eiwnoa- sua k tohtvi Robeson. He has been Judge of the !-ov: h cnt&,iyovb the ana Htanoj Another 1 flist&ffiea laattve'fTi'itJaW). lfibaguein. lie Jof b 11 JUK, 1 tl fr.ll rnnsfdArprt the neM8klWyPJJ0m lWAQWJio Jftarjcea, will have ruffs placed insidetiink: breasted oolonaises have a pret finish vlne tothe Jieck toy Kft4dne' a it is trimmed. The neck of the dr m wt4i a ,ffy.!irittirr to, toa wbm ery close and hie'!! ttroui,ialfd is called the "Amv Robsart? ruff. ,.Tfie edcre : for instance, a uoionaise pi iblaekut'JaHrltt white rJt) is above. Ruffs offtdrcsshtaterialxife prettiest when made to serve fe& toimialnlioiJtheitOBjfc tt tborsake', iaetead efsnwniyuvasstne arotrna tn v nf IyiA3 VUJ11 Mil u liaveilZaa:mis3;''J bf Boston, oirMSatafaaiasrwenv biwndiitbelrepthi oaWei taftdJaer' nagiisa'-oiiar.'WKn. pouwu lerimroftRaKW jAntaAnsefc jwMt r- 'FatmoutuAlfcKW ee$,gor TUB GRANGES. . . Whit . QajSSQ to missonrl Action r wumhiIi tonTi,tion;i l.'ilIl'n.i I I St. Louis, Aug. 27. An immense meeting of Grangerp and, veterans of tike Mexican warwas held to day at Sweet Sjprings, near Brownsville.' 'Heavry1' i5,t)00 people' were presentf-many-af whom came rprna, great .distance, A ood many prviuaieuv iuent jiiiciuuing jpempers oi the Legislature and members of the! press, wefe alsorimittendance. Mf. iThflfnas. RAJlentMas,te? ohA.tate orange, opened -the Grange part qf the tneetihVithi S fifte-fti whicli" h lidlcBl! jhea lac o iqtersji b-; siowea on pe iarmersmqvement at the outseT; but he said it had now b4-f cdnie atreat power and attracted at- tetftiort from' all quarters and all par- i . i. : . Li . vi! a-:L Buniwuuig w.ua) auout puuno auaire. ! our rominen'part inline m6vemetit.0i He warned monopoly s not toi'betooexaetini?.or. they might iikertheraXthei grangers) q.tootrii rhich a Committee ws appoiftf ear- to prepare address to Congress Kfti i the subject of pensions..;..? vu-t.m Chicago,, August.'. 21 1 .At s the i morning session of.; the Watertown Conventionof .Grangers, .r.)!yochrane, Master or the b range, delivered an address, in, Which it is stated that bothpoiiticai partjeseredeiwimiind, tHe tarteftrB-iaJvUod La 'Wei own political machine. They had no co fidence in the present leaders of politi 'calaffairs.' He'insMedhatpoliiids: lit l ri M- ' -4 1 " snouid dg cxciuaea i rom ineix ranges,, but at the same time there was no. gooreasohfc why Jfalltael fcea)i4e On the.contrarsi it was the imperative y aWhravileof eWieV duty I 5 .11 . - I and Natioat:alaraiii.'IThe address wis f reouently- aplauded., George W. Maxon made a speech demanding ia ffrisrevenue nTy, lwaa stati Hihe roSeedingiiai the were aa? Granges .now-in fay rorr-j .i?ej0iWconsin, the arerageJ membership pemg 750, and it was: operation btrMt sftrltfg. The ordr verywhfeiwa8 spreading, ia Iowa there. ere.;500 igsrauges ana- iff oilwrStateAhiJrtcWaie.was gratify ing. Thfecprtivjiyrtem xtrnrtrmn oa ticranf run lr find sAtrtrMT lAi large amount annually to the Tirmerp, At'iOM Convention aajOHb meeting of farmers .was held to con sider t&': propriety of issuing a call tion. After some discussion, it wis resolved to issue s call' for a 'Coriven- tion trsnfeet a JMadisoa not Iattr thaja&epterober 15. . Everything bad4 been jurreed, upon, and the, pall wiuff reauy xor Bignaiures, ous uu uue uau nerve WWgwtOAPffrV majority of thetAtiditj'dre'M favor of ia. seDarate and indeaaeUUiftcal i ITTew York Herald.1 --The ITwa-Bwto aitMrWMf last -laraCTdi rNra. iBcotix gsteongl v conrobpptt gmojpt ?wraa In our columns regaromg ine amw clonic origin or tne recenr tuang Branch gale. TWeMatteitwintbti tbe ter and a ggsf drawing af6unamTn Bnidbtik Atlantic cOnaetffls warm vapcjrt ad'eu arr'ihty VioKiit and Htfrrentikl rams, accompaniea oy tne nowiing tembeaaaltH iulSQffiJBdld anti-cy- rains, accompanied by the howling Loner Branch gale, descended ovfer the heavy and 1 widespread coast BtoWhrcH we had then t& chm&l couW thaWtha to which the Lorla BrawllWm was edV-aiid!-t lis a !rf Uio: lBVee aaV6d alona the JPaetiaasta'aBd.afl, snenvagaiaaiuii iauuuuBrrrMM x most witMnitt9newertipn the eyes of our seamen W thejieces-. onlfildtirAllan porta .fjorJEnrope ef li-hei bawmet- m mtym ptd Mp- as enabling them, by the aid of tne- weatuer repurbo, w ouwipw wf. alrrfost :Tliikndwn 'but dangerous f oC Brawtea andyt Hook ,wold rence valley f roniylfctogfMinp iirnTotrHatidnTforuthe stonri fore- castSIlXVliJillXa 101 . .o a vA: n A country editor whe yidiitlf knows hoir1hii4ise Bay wthe xpTeBsdd'we,; was first usea Dy aa, tief (ttfpelieved.ttic-irraers weee thenotlesi ctasVof fytiple in exist-- tencei 'affd it!wUme!,that th'ey hafl; ii iVrraut v ArftgT0 wing, -A p6fb J anuary- there will : oe t wentv-i 'Statesftaking',a addressed the Mexican veterans, at-. they were Grangers should rfeU f Apooy political rights and d uties as 6ltrfe!nkr ; 9 ApproxtmattonAof $209 ach toib ' tended was due tothemortheast wino, nr. T rtfiFm f 1 t 1 in. . 1 jia9i BrkuY bf 1v Artift re'mons. and on reachihfir ia 4 mirror and, Baw-twamenrpreyiow i 1 ' . .L MISCELLANEOUS., r DO YOU "WANT A ' TEHPERANCB . PAPER, THEN SUESCHXliBTOB .ii.nl. liirt twi X ,; i(L fSiiiiUi. u. -f II - . .! ; WHITAKEIt, ATr.t A; YEABh t . 7 1 Xi and beat Family and Temperance newspapebt pBhHBbe4 ia tlW;Jk)uUl,. .' ; ( 1 (i I ..( Ite (sdiior, Rev. . Hj . WhiUker, Jiaa been, oa jected,with the preaa for nearly, tvretitf years' ana 'by .lobe experience has learned to make a good and ;we4aJ papers 1 i - i v.i. TheoDbiiDB Hnnter UiO. the North CaroUni Pet. in AasocUte Editor; and Kev. J.T. Whitley, of TaL, a gentleman or fine ability, lBJttorrespotHMng Kditor. ' No paper Booth baa : a.largec' list t. i eostrllintore, and no paper has a greater tariety at pleasing and n1 MglitA Milk au ) f H&fi,i8)i XRE SOCXAIi CIRCLE," -5'i 1 1 l!t78 1ii.l 110 J itii 1 i. i ) i 'J-.ii it I Wkich constitutes the Llterarr Devartmeat of itbe 1 paper, is prettkled over by Mrs. If. K. Wbltaker, bet- s: A ktrgearpa ablcontrtiMtrtf aaBiet aer ikxlie management or thia depaitnent, ,t-iijt t I 'WbbrxJtted Of TebpeHDiM aadbf tbe CarolinaandflorldAr . v r ..ir . r . Tbia paper la to Kg aeVenfh VQlnnUVmd fWerf; ea-' er in 4h South. SiMAGA- ZINS for one year. .m:i..it . t. Havana ovm lottery. M OllllWXltTTHtArfXC;8.' S ' OlasaW?;; Jnly jjsmirjiiaimkjjo 4tiLa8 Claaa08.L ffuli 89 th. 1873tll6t913.1Gcl.2nd. mT Casus 900.. Aug 14th, lS7SClaaa 914. ov. 6th, 18T! uiass uiiT. Aug. bwui, u573;i8B ia.,iNov. sttcn, j ClawiillkSd-17Ut.TI8 J. jLLrt f iiiiul. t Grtod Kltraortlnatf 'T3 -.wiiiM V us ii jho&Ml H ' iii;:i(i I 5450,000 diviaed into 7B Wrwes,; 1 Of... oUivUO 1 or . .j... 1UWW i " " of 5jixffe&. .7. . . .-. 10,000 J10,.' lOt il.OOfteach.i.tuwH-lH'I SOt.j" ipf. 600eah....,WMM". .40,000 Uff Lri -Kf 5 '800 eacW.T.O Av.i1.' 1 93;8QO v;.Ji abUrliiwationf ISOoeaditQtae.' .. i 4 Approximationa of $100 each to the itmxauw rnea omU 3 TQYBXVI 4so,ooW mm wslon. erchajits, whe are my only authorized . fj enw mm umun duuw tu mn wr 1 First Sub-Collector for exportation in Havana, ( 4 :tree. "6A" ' Cl -iHiiIM M, TrliUftfeV,"ja! OoT. ? pniiaTeio -Ajstm anditf T5AUU"d 1 ra.Cenla. t aaEL the BA1B overadtodallan4fiii4Blppl eh Hv tinn mf ciaron" JUfi ' Brcani'ementa maAe wiUkBaiboadaadSgboattmpaiae f xoaatrt slo. AWSodaSareaparqi orfterpiick. i ,edia Abarrel; Tor the ciiy, xazenwa pox; -nas fVasae Ala and Portet eonal Is strength, body d ' "i . k a. - m L.a iAk . Lai6rWalaut.framea ctodis tofrfflWrrbtaion Tnae r f charge to dealer, aabjeci to, te culled for at any fourth n4 Hanoyer street, B?Hf Wnmlngtoa,' N. C 1 illirVAi i. IT olTaiTr's Electric xttill instantly givb bkld!? ,js $Bt& 1 f - V4Acarjs.DiJi4irJ A or pain of any ldad! Sold Iby an droggista. J Chills ttn4 FeT. nci X VMitiTa. but a aura core of Perer and Aj BX- of actored by the H oRMTjAlrAaricraALCOirT. -I and toe Bale by drazgirtB;-'-- mnrs-tl THY-8ALXKD. AND JCOKZD WJCSTJUiN JJ gy-uw 6UeaJxog9MiMidaCnd Boxeaj Sogar-Cored Hama and Breakfaat Stripa. -------- j-rx rw " CITY FTJBS LABDV 3 jDTO TUBS, CHOICE uooii ' iMrMl.bxi,a.:i Al$Bfj&' VOLUmaJ UU1 iimiVff vrVL N TTTeTTRSTIJAT OT ( wfjjM QdSMpTmtt&S Vn Ilia .tif BMrtianifliadjM 2f&i and hope to give, aa heretofore, entire aatisf action. .aaiai 0 glintUtf Will continue I to see all hi friends. SWAXJJ A CO.. InlylS-tf io. 1 JlarKet : Market afreet ij OKI Mil nil i I llll nil LIolasse3 and Syrup X" ff" :i:i TIERCES AND BAKRKTJi OS! Hw .11 AND T- Hti KOI Bam uiia iaiv iit Pit fH3rjnsl f?HM AJSuice'lol ;0j'!!'?'1"',i' resh Nuts. Lemons. ADPlefcT 4elHeeerres, c. .s,,, f?B4 -ei-w-Ai una ,; wt miiUi-Sfslqwt 1 o. Bin. ( 1 T aavornd are aoUj,6ae-ioarib the price; otua, ita- j :it'tol!!BtiiI!aitta'SS r4Jt stwi9CTMTifllirraianflri.y .IojieJgent I tt hf It e VwmMvaed Gehle ftnos (form- j PRINTING t AND I BINDING ' 1 I ' , . . STEAM Job Printinff Hon se, . .It u ' (KM) if ft BOOKmsBINDERY iir L i j -, h I J Sll'V.l- li I JliP. ..BOOK 'MAHDPACTflBT 'A A n K V. Yw O T r) Y I If. .1 1 VA MRHPHIKTOU. !C WILMINGTON, N. XV hu-j'p5 itj !qj f Tiiwl ,!! 0ir,i : pi ;. s-i4i . tit t$ .a. .;,f.lif ir uici 'xMt ' t.,-.' i.tr it 1: TtiK mxsnr AssoamtEBDriov) " Ti ...t:!i Li if. J-sinlH a am r--a- -e: W-W "T- tfVL ma .isrftalt. Kti intit. jitb r 1 K)ri;ri -srii .IT?,! v;5tfjl Jui tk'if (i.'f f-l i fJ J-'-iDS 'rsduiii tf8 i h.u r.rjii?it,fi vTi js eidd Ot, baa Iic .boaimJa nosaini'i ff lot c 0 C? SEIIiXaEB oYl 0il I.v-jO.". isslii irfie f .oVl t-.ox iwa 001 brinies e$?!e i' )-fM?J ni iijJi'f 1 .catgut .'Hi... 2ii C.-'l'l .iSlui 1NS1 -fili Yi Vi& " ii: muD iijinl fcJhsq . .i ; ( t- ' ; rt s ...: !j 6l7EST: FBiCES, i tk" 0 Jr. 4 .ooshi-rviK ft em&illi7T .ii! ,T9Uriai O a?iA A tftoexlUi Ji i, ,uot41Vl s1 1 ob -nilfloqioJ 0 o" ,0101 otr tot . MOMSD GO ,f!U? ( "ifco OS i4 a Kil?iS .ruill O 8 icbH aM UTiil,: '.V. -:.' .' .iwJtnal OF EtMailPTION, : .cUoi feWd .IS,I ,)iii'It siyi$ (K5c,I ETETOeilietijiASQmptlyJ AND 3.in jifjirrnrT? rotir.it ih-!. 1 fJt'j'.tij r -( Ji In iiol u'Al ' :ifA'Ji ... - .......... . . M..t f,T4 .iff 0 'i"1'1 "t .; ii -y. 1. 1 ... . ... . , t ...t. ... 1 t ai J,ruUlJW" JiLu.n.iliu sii ol r.i 1'ji '. ili- 'i ti;iJcJ 1 I . . ... I . . 1 t ! . 9Yl J'l tviiii ior-l lfiJLf s3ldl-JJLiow 1 1 V' .tlfetrf 14 rwiIJ fni il jiif f initio .-)A. o1l ftss ;,'t;I:aol au iify-J uji I Ja ' J ill!' . 3 r.3vr- m A-dikiaif -aflii AvaAra witu .t"ti fj w-7TTf "nnf-.ir'.iriiTTrj'.-.t-Tf.-ti.r.-i .rr-l kJ fries I Jii iKiif iw i ,xa'J U'jx J hiZm k . . ..... r j -... .. .... ... 1 hi. ut THE UTMOST DISPATCH. MTsbliiANEOUS. rir'B NiW Yd&K TEffiUilB STRIVES NOW, JL, as it has striven heretofore, to be firetof U and pre-eminently ft newspaper. In the promptness, ae caracyj f olneaa, cleameBB, mterest, yariety and coit Tenient and attractive. arraaeeraeBt of its news, .its Jtmbitioa is to b the foremost, journal of the world. - A VMMnl viaflcmt 1Krr HTiff Mbt:f'nfim.MHnit-1iAna creates Jer itxtraowlinarr laciEUea fon;thecoilec tioa,pf iatelligente both, at homo .and atjread; Not aijf the conimon events ot the dayj bat the tenden cies r popular thoaght antr tne onrrentsot political, sociali lnteDectaaJ and relicfoas discusKm are faith fully reproduced in itcolamB8. J Its correspondents watch the growth .and deveiopment.ot American communities;- the'-nrtyp-regr of" reimblicanim' in -France hd Spain Che- spread of democratic princi- rl -it.. ,1 j , r r a. tng the whole eontinenW aosed bv tha-conflict i- t vidb on niif Uli 1111 . uiv ituiitwt hw tween the advances of physical -and social science, and fhepnileeophiet'theologieaf and material ideas. f paat.epoch; ; the exciting noe between ureat Eritaia and Russia for the anDremacv ia Asiai tlie wvuueniu awaeiLipK.oi aiapan, ana ueviugmi vi , jsnropean ana American, emazatton tn -uaia.' in an. the greatCentera e acuity THH-TRIBDNB has its agents, end no expense is ever spared to give its readers tbe fuUestand onickest Intelligence of what passes In every quarter of the globe. 5 ' Antericati industry receive now, a Antericati mdustry receive now, as always,'!; Urge abate of THE TRIBUNE'S attention, The access, tne tnaiaane. tne wanta 01 u Studied with particular care. tbe wanta of the productive classes are. the wau .artiCuls "The progress of tnTen- tion and of labor saving cootrivanccs,. the 4elop- ament of oais resoarcae tapreeerauoi of or public land for the landless, tbe utilization of our vast min--eral resources, the extension, of. facilities for brfaig ng produ i ead OBSianteri-togethert eeeeive. rroaauuBpaner tm niut anenoon anajenceras- bm or Btuajous-leisure xjuc m'ttuttuus enneavora to make itself especially acceptable, i It has iexsited; a widesDreadf interest br. the Dublic&tion of fall r5- ports of the most valuable; lectures, scientific and-; literary, sod its careful and comprehensive summa ries of scientific now a. roportg of discoveries aad' explorations, narratireset voyj ilorations, narratireiet voyages, full record pf i proceedings of learned secieues, and attentipa. the cause- yof. school and .university education. we to the cause. While if can Dolnt to the ie accounts oi ue ilscoyeriEaMd labors: of Agassiz, prepared for it bj u-rnuueut xuu, uf reports oi scienunc .ooa agn cuttural conveBtions ren-th'peaof PrefiiD. C. uusaaaa oei papers -oi jrrau mi ai x onmaae, na tne gramHief as intenttenS wod seem sapeMluottsJ i In politics "EHil iTJOflUNJl.ds- th-.hampioa pt, equal eights, jrreepeotiyejof. .raoe, aativity or color Independent of partisan fles, butflrmlaits devotioir to repuMican'princrpleS, it endeavors' to fulfil' thei idea of its ilhiaWoa.lQtoBderHemcoireele. as the advocate, that, nmonai- poocyr.M . wmcu the presersauon. oi taa v i nion Is' owiue. Tut the fraak nA .IdMMiMnw tv0 nrvnti n '"-ri tx lW iri Vl Honirfi. sni Ueata party os la any other, it eiens ;uovic-. 1 ijtoos to thexteaef Us abflityj bn jo its jewe unnauirememoera wuu us reaoers nave a ru w see both sidefrof every controversy, and1 to get1 the- ifc remembers that us Ktwhle truth of every question; wheth it tetis ror br gacasbuenouaaut'uieri4s r .the cenaaaprs pr "Ind'toaW, THT)oidV:ftkt W WieonmUsBf aicb is-newawnkjemustbedietm- guiBueu ujmmKj'ia weng, 1 uaauw w 1 ww a moaejauon.mtOeDaie,, veacnewB tne coarse iil vective and vuj rar insolence which have bo vecuve ana vuj often marred the pc4fticai controversies of tho past j i it avolda si srrl its ind beMMpalmnasreistjaihi av per or genueineu a&a latiis-nt tor tne parlor, . ipe tudvand tbeliome fireside, rather than' tbe bar room, "It it edftorial department it 'commands thdi qaetieiauBaiqptor Ohe ablest (tnoabhoaghtfai taAdj mostbriUiant writers whom, the pawspaperpqf8-( sioa has yet produced": and it co: nigner utorary standard.' and wider "and wldefcciii rare. TUB WEEKLY- TRIBUNH contains a careful su mmary of new a yery large proportion. 01 afyl cultural iionu uuonaauuB. corei iu seiecuya ui uienrx: .and miscellaneous and the cream the, rvespondenee mn di matter- Biine .ySTBB WEEKLY TiaBTJNB. il f J liiw saiJIPSbeplerB;ivW -.;T eiikneA;.: Five copies, 1 year 63 issues. . . . i'isna3iDk(aeViii 'wiyBl)iisfcWusis. t Attatoney QmceU. JAft at owOStiUH iu coDies..xi eaca ,..1, . iu comas..! -km SO eopiesr-flO eacb.1" , . 0 copies. 1Tb5 eaihti Wcoi.flfresohi x L'MeepiesIljLOeattW e Acbibvdf Uftw I THE.- JCetl-WXitKLT J;T11I- BUNwilJ swtasaBjextJ-- '. ?n:i j 1 A OiO f4VCmi -: :iiTu ' 'T!.".1IaJ ljJHiJ YiiaJ I t: T&E fejO&WKET TRIBC2ibilsbed eveW Ll-ucsosy asKtirrtay. caitaJMneartii aawimworv I ant news, correspondence, renews and editorials tor the Dallv. wttn me azricuiturai' and miscenaneotisJi mattr.ofthWeldy.' toptioe-Tia been-lately fee dneed so that clubs csn now secure it at little mora .1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 - .L.. ,IT 11 r- than the cogt-tA ainrLe -eubecrioers of the Weekly. It gives, in the coarse of a year, three or four of the best and latest popular -novels, by living authors. .HV9i ttQ-H )-- II TEBHS OF THE SEMI-WEEBXYj TETBUNEJ One copy, one year, 104 numbers .... .v.iu.isi;$; (M Fiv eopie. 0 over, for each copy .y. . Ed Ten' copies (and on extra copy) f oj ,85 DO TERMS 0F-THK DAILY TBJBUSS. TotfSSr..Vr.f.i AlwW SV dift on Kew'4rooV;po8t offlce 1 AJWSya seua S unui on ltrw x wjl, ur wif money order, if possibie. Where neitber of these can be procured, send th meney, bat always in) registerea letter, -me regisiraaon iee nas oeen re duced t 15 cenla and the breeent KHistraaon sys tem ha been-found, bv the nostal sntooxities to be hescriy an DSOiut protection againBt tosses, rnrinau; in gaMhs' Oaahinadvance.- AidresB. I .. yimay fjtu ui i -Mq-UK xtoin,) jut; Jiew .Ttocu mMiiyijiiMi 7 1 393 9?3iOSf& riirjametsi sjfewiilufti ol Vti-liUi3iilix liiiil tiiivr Afib J 04; .1 . !... J P. M., and on SaturdM ing deposits) from 5to 8 P. yoO il-jfl9ia 9iii JjiuI 9iioq,W si ii OP WarwmWliafifirlfis tpBif fttifs .tntnn nMwl In Mull Mm luntml nAlu4Mtn Intere 74nanm remaiaine The nan King :QflseJsadtaated so that ladies mav, attenatonMwnaMuiM-iBtBea, The tjatrrjhaeetreVerybocfriB'Soncrted. ..- 1 v..:.1aTTjQ AT VI a. ) 1IAN. MARTIN, j v i 8UasN. Martin, -, . t4SfSW A . JILVH pM Donald McEae, Ai J viHuiiONALD ICcBAE. I 'n i ij-i H.yiceftresidenil H stlIji ink i1 lhadbitiL..-3t-i----'3'i"H A OaaaleiL , ii Im. C6 EOE $3. - 1 A tli Iniki --. TI rfi " fntfi laiup 1 presepi a:. ter forltTS; .1 ltir4wWliir ehmmi in everv sul Vh6-pys-i00 in -advance ftwaryear's subscrrptien: The CbxameMentitlea finegu; Jsctseatedln the printed. St sttleaf caromatie samtnitn f tha mriiited mrfaci py 17M inenes, ana tna, Iblctoe seinrin the tot stores'or fi It is equal! in, kwv4aaafi tD'anVAoC ihflchrtmbrmimm bf-" BUI ill TO f red bv other wnhlicatipmi -tii-I 1 i-rtlni r ! Tbe ENtfunusB is a family paper, devoted to th; Exma Circle theFarmer, tbe. Mechanic, the Trades-. mm' iSfka In every section of the Union: is not sb& tienal in its character nor partisan or sectarian , Besides all tne news or .tne aay, coiiatea wuu a v to orteetness4and Vonracy,4U' eoinmne tee filled With the en ninyat maaer appnopnsM to ute wrent d epartments--Storiesj Historical, And , Biographical ' Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath leading, columB for the-CMMren, Wif and Humor', Agricui-: turaL Correspondence from Abroad, Excerpts on all Subjects, an Epitome of the News of the Day, Ac. ' -- - -- - - - i j -iCRI&INAL STfilUW. in Vt TM nmAMtmHtad ot MirhMl Storie Is ft fSStOre tf Xb BHwrBUBvand fprtha nextvvolum we ha-ve pro hwut kavami rmm 1 t n r nens oi doihujic ami. eiuep Vvrritem-J In 'thisrepeTtment alenetoe ran prntiear readers entertain raft ewnLinJ cbazne- ter tatbatf ny ot W pwiatywny Pfei,n ' r Tbe subscription price of the ztqtiibxb Jfl 7 annum, with Chromo Freminm. ori-wkbOu ' tatbatf ny of ttif plaitto pafers,n V o apw I umnm. with Chromo Fremiun vut'ifre- I :miumTtwd coplBS 6heyear$5 one-eoatxionths, eevyrthree-BOBtfeSv f !., A he- pronto viu'twi nromntlv mailed to subscribers on teceint of trr- - - . . .... , . T - U nDIQfTI ' ' - f & qecn-n s'n.n t "'TH'T,3 mjmdojk adxsndfiustOBiccs that h hasrrecentrv fitted i establishment, -in the rear of Mr. Kntice's Sa- , andls prepared to do aU work in Ms line.'sucb Haavd1UrBBamtMaomiiifi o liKlffTraB&SSS "3rS'-, iTr a u i .i a. i.ji I su hstpiwi wwr iuamtvvBKMvmiviJVTaiM)iv uvi aw. iously as It can be done ia tbe city. . 48 Prospectus, for 1873 , An dlustnnndnh1yeraaXliveV8ally admitted to oe tne nanasomestpenoaicai in tne worio. - A representativer -aad- champion - . of American" taste. .. , . . NOT FOE ALE Jljl B5pK OjBt CSWS STORES! an eleennt mislanv Dure.li2htaaAcraoeful lit- eratore, and a collection ot piebjjee, tbe rarest spec- wa aruBtic bkui, in disc, ana wmta. , AJtoouga each succeeding number- affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beaaty, of THK AL DINE will beamed: nimreciaUd. after it t ha ;been bound up a the close of the year. While other pub Jications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with tirvals of s Bhnilar classy 'THE ALMNB tea uone wtdrjuiap iDetition. in arice The nossessor of a" ' comblete volume 'cannot duplicate the quantityof -nnepapev nd en gravings io-Any .lutp s.iStamheBor.volaciMa, for fen mea ite.-coeti Bthect tbW :atr .eJWP0 awl 's :;m;mKx.( iiAtu : .Sia i6tll(S f wwuW ill' -,-5j"ffW Notwithsttedla too Increase in the once of sub- Scrkttion. last fall.' when r THE ALurNE asoained its "present noble Wportiohs -and representative char acter, tbe ditien was more tbaai dobMsd Aemngi the r pastyear, provtaK.'tha thtf AmedcafcbUcpre- ciate and. will siapere effort thejcause 'of Art The pub acgdous to jtratod. lav to lot iave" 1 1usdfV"thVeaiiT cbn&denee mas demons; -aave- Berwa nem-. 7 - . . I. selves to the irtmbst te jdelop!ji4 )lnlprovithe worlq and the plans for tbe om asnn fold- ihght ed by the monthly jssues, will" ssto! andde! even the most sangnineu saiiOTine f rien ds of the ALD1NE.- The publishers are authorized to smHKtoce dcii?nk from many of the moat eminent artists of America, In addition THE ALDINB will-, reproduce exam- Sles of the "best loreigh'masters.Belected with a view the highest artistic success and greatest general mtesest svoidise snchwaaj'havB .baoome familiar uiuuiciii uuuu uitiMui. lur lo ts, wiu repru- iducd fcur trf Johir - . a'- imabl'-luld- sketohae,' appropriata.tA thdifoor eaaon,li3Sie8e 'The 'popular feature tef; A Wptoasly-nittstrated such,, a valuable. uitbme of the! art at a cost bo trifling; wilt 'command :th sub- pr thousands ia every, section of the coantCTut-ait the, nsefulness AntL Attraction of THE ALDLNK 'can be 'enhanced.' lii -rirorwirtion to beiaumerical inaseetitouppoeatiepubii8h- 'TBSiBXnt CHBOUOS FdKlRSi 1 tt. tfir'KveBhSsferlD6:T)f in jioor are iw mesas ' aw pnmeot rrom differ ent plates, reqnirine3$ impressionfl aad .tints to per fect each, picture. 'The sam chicaner re void for fceMalrin'thert stere,As-tts the determi nation fjthe oendnctors tftAeeB ALDiNB; ont ei.ina reacQjOi compeuaon uteyery aepartment. the chromos win be found cOrregpondTnglyuhead of any that can fee rUfrrnd h-r1ofbVrTortodinaWi''igvrrvtmh yyereebbeequalto'-tbeBamplw a tT3ey wllLbereiJineedf jThe dlfltribu- iion of pictures of this grade iree, to tbe subscribers of a $5 periodlcaX; wDT mMlcAdipiocbr inttte history of art, and cciieidermffib-ufepresedefU cheapness f theprioefor THE AXlipwiteeU, the marvel falls llttla-short'hfa miracle! fevefi to'those best aennaint- VOlierfiievemenW of inventiv' gsnhi and unpiee isfy,riijfgppiiimoea.i i trOTAiinBtraaona 4 tke9flromo f&j&.jurn$jgg .AXDINE.) THE IJTEtASEFAETStEST l.-! rwtll eonffiSeum&ereawe .;Etc1iaVHenrT te4daid. assisted. bit the beat, writersj taaAoeets of i'ttJirrt who wfll7v.-liave-tt of TEBHS: VJFTWJfBOLL mwiiii'.' Ini AdviuicsL with oil cuvmcsiAe&j Inn i .VWifi-ri'i ;iUt Ai4werear obteiuahlB only sfd willbe ho 'rtduc a ceo or ciuo ons must be seat to the nub- direct, or handed to the local acenV without jcesponstmuiy to, me puDusners, except in cases hreHhe-erpntate-is:givenV bearing'-the fae-aimile Mgaature of Aames Sutton :'& Cosvi -yjm kt ni Any perooxi,-wionuiK w acif peimimenuy as a loca agen will recdve ruiff prempft tef ormation by TUB FASniONUlI;Ss7rIB. yiBiiffat-i A :rEWira.ii ikxIkoJI A This year win be iItriutiT i,ilii5iIirit5)!i i,siii JUchly bound-in morocco clou, assorted colors, bev eled boArds, red edges, gilt on hadtsml sidea truly royal volume gailary rf la srt-egtavllg that .will be ss once a great pleasure to the recipient, and Adehtohstrattoa of the taste bf ttedonorj 1 TeteasaMsw-piacesviBaewhu ould In Ih. .aa adeUnreacte i n h i . i w .Mnvo w Ylwy sesnntise i aasig ioL the lead- "H'AvmnrrhtnTTnY 9 lha Am'aIim Uw. ' I lects. comiu I tore, edited by the psct-scholar, Eichard Henry I .ntiitlasir fmnbn j inqsili a)iiii tji. uuuillWllH for tnepariororiinr-'- of Titearinn fll iit'iik Jr.fri lE3fi 01t s AJmSTKJ JCHBQMO. ?J6net3herFre ;my Bnisneo, i movntea sidTBrnis1iediu-6ize retnriee, IStSKuUlte '2SBVtncrHyri.inA I e a 1 affords 7ep$eWiBlty iAivetaaift'f At aneto snar iipasvejiiiaeuTP r-.T.forlad taddtu jtuAwataArS jvooing gaiter Je seVteioTFlw ilSTwillbe sent 1 J I ana aemncesu sontn , lnsasKBB f etri AZBSStand nresentna.wuAcAvb wiu.ae ,antf prove era mSkrtTft arltH deflorilrftti A fetarv rmfedeof-rrtfwd aona aarsvBWl)emii)ss!WBMd. Ark. oCeniesf ;th latest .nncabers ni?iii.,,i W nut vUTiili ni Ha 0-arhH aJUHtlfl noB!iM"iwnrfliw il?-yiiiw tftll 1 ! ,-:rtil in iixi fivw SfiliADEyol ffV5! 'clreuhrtiorftty 'vany-6f the smi Mouomg Counts vEstablisbed in J84S, it is, and has been the. organ of the up country ever Binoe advertisers knew its value; .It Is the only advertiBtogmedlum to Anscii'Counti.f1 Advetttoel Advertiseri Temsiwasonabl;''8nbseribeivSub seribeis Kverv jnerrbnnf aad -bnBlMsn man should i. Ii,; in .!) nil! . lit siii ii-ul i i 'iia J1 fcili; ji'L l ui4 T The Paper Tforr tttl"jni5ie, AftiE '5Arfr J,,NAIlE0TET10.taBEiI!aKEaTS ; PUS OF THE COUHTBY.i'r?il 8inglep3f)ij copies $5 aa ; Addja,.: 3tt,o.cAB0SniW, , " ww " Bumter,B.l lfcMrlfirawnW.'v'--.- ' The 0aGii?4ournal, TjiJBLISHIIli ETE5Y;'TOrjJE$DAYi , ATJ, 2 50 t Mlti, VnjijoHJlKSBAW,Fp'r. ' W. H, Bxsiusd, Agent. UanlVtf unique ai rtgmal . conception-! Proacha-absluteiv without, eona or character. 'vnrunmaaT To possess world. UI JSUUBtriULlOU. jiiX rate: cash for sanscriDti Ushers cty.v. ms laxw tail sent by aKminM EEsrsicocsr -zpAmesiea. 1 kmAM than jin rtla tha ovar nf annBAMnHAii tatftOffetfacr 4thmorertT4lWthrfrfforAi n f DE2EE8T'.i-r HJuB icnMsaiunsoma. itv .... , - aWigfictlori ieeUni 11 illll wuHiructea ai7 mues." tnree were urowueu. to Know.' eft AeUs. aprUS-tf