WILMINGTON", N. 7.. Sunday MoENiira, Sept. , 7,-1873. IiA BEPVBUdCB FJOAHCAIS. : It is believed that -the -Frenolr are on the threshold,, of revolution of some nature. .iTiere is no grave ap prehension entertained,,.we believe, ot a contest "of Vwnia The ' fighV wili doubtless occur on the floor .of the ;Assenibiy,rwhra the last 'change of administration took place. The As sembly will convene during that pre! ent month, when startling events may be looked forVj 0 . . ; 4 f Tie condition of affairs in France at this time is critical for any of the principal factions striving for the as cendancy. , .The, Republic has probft ably more friends than the monarchi cal coalition, in the country, .but not in the National Assembly., . There, for some months, .stifling process has. been going on, and a not inconsidera ble majority ia found firmly arrayed against anything bearing the name of, Republic :1(But . .this ..body , does Jiot represent France It is a reyolatipn- ary body : of the most cowardly , in-1 stincts. .;. All its legislation )has been partial,, tentative, and its spirit has been : from -first to : last factious . and explosive, without a spark of the fierce physical courage, however, of the Assemblies of the two previous republics It is emphatically a rep resentative : body of class inter ests. -The people of France are mischievously misrepresented by this Assembly."; With all that has been done since the immolation of Thiers to garrqte the freedom of France, the sentiment of her people remains Re publican with' probably an accretion of strength due to the course of the grand conspirators at Paris and Ver saille8.j. , . What under slightly different cir cumstances yr& might consider the next : strongest faction, that " of the Bonapartists,' are ' also weak in the Assembly' and in the Cabinet. "We do not, therefore, from the rather vague information that comes by- cable and mail, regard this party as possessing even with the moral weight of McMahon's sympathies, any. con siderable importance' in the political movements now going jon and soon, 10 cuibimaie in me. esiauiisnmeni. 01 some kind of government. We turn, then, to consider the strength of the jotofir. moriarr iLifjJ. faction branches', of the. Bourbon house have made a temporaix f nsion, by which they hope. -lo Seievate De Chambord to the throneP The plot is to use as far as possible all the conseTvative elements in the Astembly to 'procure the proclamation of Monarchy ion the .assembling? tof Ihel legislature; and then counting upon a maiori- MsMD pagans - of Bourbon restoration; they expect to flrtat ttollilisirfcridh liver a recon best-laid schemes, and avenges the cause of down-trodden right in a way. 1 littjft dreamed . of 1 by ie oppressor, ahd wrongoerr3 So it mty jU mth the tentative Republic now seemingly. IoapJ tJtMderlhtteeilthe old tyrants of France. Thiers is stUI livugihgVolf "ana: worn with , the inirratiinde of the mainritv m tlm legislative body,:and:the French still " , Tl love him and huzza for him. " Vtve Thiers P is aslrequent as, M Vtve la liepufyiquetf an4 ioth formulate an undying sentiment of Frenchmen. Yesterday the,. Democratic State . Convention of Texas nominated t& fitt-be fiis3 reported lohsr our wJeeTaoh ic distatc?jls. The nomine for. Governor. Hori ltichard Coke, w a native of Williams-, r burg, Va. which placer be left more than twenty years ago. Three of his brothers residea-tWid-State-one f themtftV1gsTe;lJof Edentqn, wasrjTeyojf i8 a prominentman jn the Northeastern part pf our State- , An uncle of Judtfe CokefougbailaeLA'ith Gov. Wise . -. near Yorktown. .in , I ft32. . - i ,;. 1. ! ri id 1' 1 . i I 1 ,1 ',i : 1 ne nommaiion , or J udge Coke ,was effected ibyi.thev withdrawal of ,riiishnwpM.jivaI;.,C61.,,nubW tmvsixin. rDauov wnen lke.was nominated unanimously 'by acclama- f tionrfamid'great enthusiasm, r This I'i UUIUUiaUVUa- ai vuiupilUCHI 14J tb lai ented and worthy man. ,v"' "Jill JrerKins.fc?- wn.M3. j uiau uxan Marks, a,. .veteran, jbaggageBmasherj 'experienced- religion; at Koufld Lake "1! and has smce contessed irt nnen otTnVr tHatr e had smashed structed palace of the Tuilleries. But timeaCtCTLiteocis lntfilxftwlest tsekert whicln .-.lO.-tbp .business. FemlBlne Shoulder-Ill ttlns. The English ladies as well as Eng lish men sometimes hit from the shoulder. A Miss Rudman,lives near Bristol, and owns a small piece of ground. Here' also resides Mr.'red erick Smith, who claims a right of way over Miss RudmanV ground. The lady resisted - Jflo attempted to force"- his-wayj " and put his-hand hroogh the bars of the gate is order to open it. Jo use nis own words in Court when the case was tried: . I TVfiRA: Rudman "hit straight out from the shoulder with her-clenched fist, and struck me pi.t.heitace,it She re peated this 1 th'reeutimes. ' She1 also raised her foot, and kicked me more than), once Sin 4 the arm that was, thrdufflf the crate-bruisiner me very much, and making me sore for a week. one men seized piyf wautuig-Buv;., wrenched it from ine, and struck me several times on my back and shoul ders. I never touched her, but told her if I was doing wrong she had her remedy. i-t " s George Alford, ttarmer, snarea no better fate, .for he, while assisting Mr. Smith, received 'one straight from the shoulder of Miss Kndman, on the mouth." ' Do you know who you are hitting tn. said the farmer. X es. said he . lady. "A was me," said the farmer. "I know it, said Miss Rudman ; ' "you have' no busi ness here; Til give you another if you don't got. Mary,, go arxL fetch my big knobbed . stick; Til show, them whether they have a" right here." They did not wait for 'the knobbed stick, but retreated from the position and left the ladies victors on the field. J.Baltimore Ga2ette,Iday. Tit Late Hon. D. W . Brrlneer, t The remains of Hon, D. M. Barrin- ger, of North Carolina, who, died oil MondayattheWhiteSulphurSprin Greenbrier coantyi West s Virginia, arrived in Baltimore at 9.20 P. M, on Wedhesda v. via Lvnchburcr. "Va irif care of Adams Express Company:- xne remains, wmcn were m a metauic cofiln," encased' in a: jineJ Jbox, were placed in the warehouse of the Com- pany, on- wmo- arenue, iroin wnence they were removed ' to the establish ment of Messrs.; Henry W.; Jenkina & Son', Light street, vesterday xaorn- mg. tren. Jttutus isarnnger,ot v;nar- lotte, N. C. brother of, the deceased, and Lewin; vYcBarrmgerand Martin D. MrJSarringer, of Raleigh, N. C, sons of deceaseov: Accompanied the body to this. city. " At 9 . o'clock this morning the remains will' be taken from the .Varerooms: of Jenkins : & Son to Greenmount Cemetery, and at 1.10 o clock carnages containing' tne relatives and friends of deceased will leave the Mount Vernon Hotel for the came place, where the funeral services will be held in the chapel of that beau tiful city of the dead. f LI 3 m m Sickness and Deatlt fro: ImpareJ y ' r ,., ,. rater. - " The village of Aeedmore ia a set- Botetourt, Va., around the base of Tinker mountain, some few of the families T having their-houses across the line -ih Roanoke.v-In the whole settlement , there : .. are some two hundred or - more -ieoplei t About' seven aeains nave saaaeatjoccttrred among these villagers; indicattn g tnat poison bad in some way been inddeV ed into iht systemu ' On, visiting the locality f :11. ?a at3pnce ap parent. Instead of using fresh water springs, 01 wmcn mere are none ex cept at . long, distances, the afflicted iammes nave oeen using ine. water irom noies, qugt in tne pants at tne baw.iofatbe r hUL where an . imphre milky-or muddy water gathers. ejjbldjgnttractive tor human ctf bidityj; recent ramsTfayei made these pools doublv imDnre..bv..washincr into iHem mm irom me nui saaes on wmcn most of the cabins' are builti Tne KatUsb Cafclle DTlnace." t As indicated by cabl dispatch the Englkh Catholic.. Pilgrimage Jto the brine f pt a he beatified H mur, Miria dred pilgrims, the Irandt embracing representatives .of e.th? ost4istin- euished families in Britain, took their departure, f rom Iondon. L-The Ebg- under theVnsDices a very influen tial committee,'' at the head df 'hich. are found the lTuke-of Norfolk and the Earl of. : Denbigh ; the secretary jpeing ixra jry aiier ja.err. 1 ne move iiiriil. wiiii'.ii lip ipvpii Tnrvmvn-nnrTi inated iolely araong-thaityhas jthe sanction of -the- Catholic bishops,' iArpUViJo jMa;iningaxin4ah-eady; euv a ieciai tuner 01 wnnen ap ,prpval to ihVcoinmittee. i Ilrlzbter Days for fflexleo. i flThe. Journals of Mexico tak a very cheerf ul Vie w.V)f the prbspe6tsaof that repu&iuj. :Theferferaeai'say9that it " apijearsf.nowas.jf the long and , trying ordeal throufrh which Meieo vuiiyu u.u4ea uiabiast enaea. '11. ii; .r. . . m ... f-ui8t,,HJKerjpg j enjoers or tn Tepic revolutfori have , been extin guisu"eafihes''c6untr wmiite f$m$tm& m wisely Jad- iuimsierea, m strong in the confidence any local distvirhances, that, may oc cuf.' Mean while1 the" country Is mak- luii MouunutuuiesssHi iiii t uirecnona. t vmiure-jisMia proving, roanuiactones springing j op,: rauway&Deing Duiit, nd.theTcaue which have been most ! aptiy&jin, producing internal discord 1 are being removed. " .- - j inS&sisslpbrasked dov emor Power for hlaaautographr trndji don for her son, who had been. en-A APOje. jpegiUn'tiary :'t for totie y?ari ;The young man got out and fled from the State. v.-,..t ?; Alacpue,tTdrar'4-Md'nraT wascmenbed; esdiyiPlxlhiin LITGR4RY NOTES, M. Thers, workupbn 'TheAtls jn Ralywili be issued. j Fenimore Coopers ?bee hunter jtill lives 1 in 'Michigan, aged 103. $ ' - Olive Logan has still another new Tbook in preparation. Her last novel has reached its eighth e edition. Joaquin Miller is passing a seal -son-with-inisterGladstone-at-hisI county seat in Vales, Ha warden Cas tle. - - rr Mr, 'Walt. .Whitman is .recoYer- lnsr from'his attack" "of "paralysis, and is seen qnite? bftet itf the streets of Philadelphia although be walks but lttle.. -(. u t ,, . J ii if ' ProfeesorAksuSeeley, of "Ecce Homo" fame, is stated to be engaged on a life of Stein; theVgreat reformer of Prussia, after its overthrow by the, first poia Tt'i fud r 1 Goethe's .Faust," it is said, is partly borrowed" from a legend, and r Tif' aiV.---4.i -'!!. v juarguente is mue. ue lwvuiiuyr, whom Goethe knew i-when, . like his hero, he was studying alchemy vl " 7 1 5 . i t a if. lAW&ni'iriayLt v.Ji : Address 'of tne State Committee A Vistas' Demeerats1 t -Vote for tne Farmers Ticket. ; . ; " Th"evCnairman of JtJieIowa JDemo- cratio State XDentral Committee issued the following address on Tuesday: i " 'Your ommittee haviag observed in dications of a popular ( uprising; amid these 'outraees "deemed it unwise to fcana-StateonYehtibif ;bf the De mocracy, rather preferring to await the fusing of elements , in an inde pendent Convention before it should communicate with I its constituency :xne. iree4 con yeniion, at xes juomes, "has been, held v It . Appears to us jto promise 'a ' strong Tbllowing, which will the more nearly : equalize the, po litical forces of the State.- There must be an opposition party in Iowa If this be not the Democratic party it must be another Dartv. and if it be not another it must ' be-, the Dem ... K ' . -. ocratic party. seL then, when we advise the Demoo racy of. Iowa that the Anti-Monopoly j'latrormxMmiams xxie germmai ineo ries of Democracy and promises rem edies for the : evils herein named, which the Democratic Dartv1 has proven powerless to correct. Wheth er the new organization shall render necessary the continued existence of the Democratic party .depends upon the strength it cancdevclbp?i KBeliev ing that its purposes are right, and that its triumph rwilL secure for the peopie. every gooa aesirea oy a pa triot, we counsel its active support by all Democrats who seein the part nersnip or tne leaders 01 tne two old parties in Congress, in measures of fraud and plunder, an indication jthat the deathles principles of Jefferson may reach the people through a purer cnannel and cleaner bands. - v 'i 5" : 1 nianesota Farmers Platform. ' - - Their platform ' is very long and diffuse. It denounces the existing senrient to individual interests; re fuses to support any person for office who wiirdeny, or object to the exer cise uy, tne xegisutnre 01 tne power u reverse ana annul at any time any cnartcreorpnviieffe orso-cauea vested riehtiior any prsvilefire claimed tobe involved in any barter , to any cor uosatiuu ur raiiroau wmuu "experience! has shown may bo exersised by such corporation to the detriment of the public welfare; favors tariff for rev- enuexnly; favors governmental im provement of the Mississippi, and other riverr opposes lamasalaries for vvi cheers as uiceip 10 maKe oraoe- I and-denotiBces the Credit Mobilier and -fAheimanagement of 'the State treastrryj-. &y' r - A erand recention is to be 'ffiven to Mile. Christine Nilsson, at'tfie Ar-t cadUff CluV,'New York,'on the even-, ug of the 18th.- j Downing s -Ninth Itegunent Band of JOCL .pieces,, wil tender the Club 'and its eruest a sere nadeVthe Swedish: societies will tender their countrywoman a vocal serenade, and tttfrff will be a rare entertainment in the , Club" House of a musical and literary caaracter. - xne iuo- lenaer thersaamejjComplimenttto.alviniS on the 11th inst and to . Tamberlik later in the season. . e uVjf I BleCartr. The-Richmond naners fitata .that " --1 I t 1 ( , 7 the case of VV. Page McCaHywhb ia charged with the J killing oJbhn B. Mordeqaij-Aviuiealled in the Police Court Twtrwonnng,5 and coii cused, Dr. Culten testif ying that ih,is condition at present. was 116 better man at tne time ne was'-saox. our. appearai r r A" 'dru liken fellpw,wamleied into. a; thus accosted rum: vti . " Whyyjaraesdo you knp,w)(hat condition you are 111 1 . " Yes, m m m the gall or pvness and bonds of 'nquity, , Ask jno some hard que'shV8.,: ' " j U.fetasnresiBed his o&ce of Secretarv'oftate of Mississippii tending probalytOjCoMne)himfeeflE; in the f uture'mdre closely to the dis charge PCjOntiea asPresident of Alcorn University. --jo -ik.gtory da currenfeXhat WUliam M; 000, recently, , that he .wottHbe ac-; 'quitted, In the endfll'thcbargea i brought against.him,' and -liat nobody -McCarty ill-befa bailed j hynJ ustiee ,Wbite in Jhc.suna pfj 1 P,000' . for his appearance in Uctooer. uinj.u ; ; wunw tai.e wio uet. a. SPEECH OF CASTELAK. Itennbllcans Blast Realize Tlielr Those who conceived aud presented great ''ideas .have nqyer realized or consolidated them in anyx epoch of history. I desire that we should sub vert this historical law. I desire that the Republican party should have been Drooheta yesterday, bat should be politicians to-day the'party of aii iaea yesteraay, out me party 01 ac tion to-day the party Of' ypposStlbu yesterday, but "the party of; 'govern ment to-day r tnat it should transform itself,, and:, naturalise .its; statesmen,, and its parties destined to command without abandoning its fidelity to its .!!! .i Wt. i i . . . -1- i' laeais. vv nat a mourniui speciacis 1 -Hie uiusi wuuruiui Q;cvbuit3 iu Eu rope ! P All that we ; have defended has been realized by the conservatives. Who sustained 1 the idea of the auto nomy of the Hungarian ; nation? A ..republican, Kossuth. "Vho has reauzeu iu ., a cuiiservaiive,, xeaic abolition of servitude in -'Russia? A republican, liyellef of IIertzen.-Who has sustained xtt . An emperor, Alex-r andpr U.Y ho sustained ? the , idea x of the unity of Jtaly?, (A republican,' Mazzini. .J Who realized it?, A con- the Idea of 'the unity of ' C. ermahv? The republicans of Frankfort; Who has realized it? . - An imperialist, Cses- arist, : Bismarck;; iWho has 'aroused the republican idea, three times stifled in France because .the first 7 republic was a tempest, the second a t dream. ana tne mini uotning more, tliania name who has aroused it? A'distin- guished tidet, Victbr Husro i "a creat orator, Jules'Favre; another orator no less illustrious. Gambettal - Who has consolidatediit? f-A bonservative. X biers; so tnat it can never, be f con quered by. the monarchical -coalition of tpe Versailles, Assembly . nor des-i, troyed by the sword of the man who presides oyer it' to-day, the geherai bf the Caesars: Whalis it I seek? What is it I desire? To what have I devoted my whole life? In thinking of the advent, of ,thp republic, in striving tnat, the republic should oe: made with the rapubheans, by the republic- cans, ".but , for, all ,. the .world. v And now what can I think? " Can I believe that your conduct, that your proceed ings, that your cantons, that your mil itaryiuprisings, your praetorian- dem agogues without name, without title. without responsibility,' can save 'us? JM o, no. ; H romthis cnminal madness, this most insensate of suicides, we can only expect. the speedy .destruction and the irremediable dishonor of tne '"' ' xiseoa,rteons Politicians. " a - The Will county Anti-Monopoly torxventioni which met at iJJoliet on Monday last while it did 'many ex cellent thmgswaseedlessly ungkl 1a6 t n n a h . n - J it 1 xb uosseu Bomt very puny, put acunir- aoie resolutions, . ana maae . some strong nominations, ana, unaouptea Iv, if the, members' Of the 'Convention and harmonious in their purposes and direct' their energies aright the ticket will carry the county this fall. 'These facts should have made the Conven tion moremiableTgenerous, and Gal lant than , it was in its .'treatment 'of Mrs,,r Mcintosh, "whose, name ,,was t before it asji candidate for School Superintendent:" 1ST a election naving taxen ptaco on, tne nrst oaiipt, Mi 'McrntoshV fitness for th place was icabvasseF( by several ' members, upon ' the very absurd rgT0undK that theparty "wbUrd beT held -up" to'-fecbrn and wealcee"dTflr&oiae,d. a-o- .Tfitime'astdng passed since! it wna a. TTi HT.T.pr nT Brrrn rnr n inrtrriin offernerself as1Jawcari'didat,e,fdr any" position he.ts ; atfied tofiil As' raras strengtnis concerned, we snoald riot W surrirised iif ' MrsT Mcintosh OUVU1U pVfW DWVligCOV IUiH on thelctSffiKusTielp elect the weaker loneslBbi certainly willJ if there is any. courtesy among the voters or Will ounty, .or any realizing sense of the fact that an educated woman air 'ether, things brangeqalis jusliaa avdilable for the superin tendency of county schoolsasjaiiledacated man..-.; Upon the second ballot, Mrs. Mcln tosh was nominated by Iear'inajoih fix ief1MftcUe8. Sha was 6claii43cnee," and "tnen the convention ref used to make her nomination - unanimous,- a 1 cuStbm' Whieh has been observed1 in ndmidaV inar conventions f r'om' tlmo 'immemb' rial. TETwaapiece of petty spite unwortnVofT'the . Mcintosh "r and! thS,,iBpite. was , yep ieel upon her. bead,.:.apparently,; because she was a woman - 1 The f alllnSiOf b Nw lark Denied 1 i!.- erstle Coaventlou. : i,Ja TwehtV of' the thirtv-three"'ihenn bers'brtbe ' Dembcratic -State Com mittee met 'Wednesday' 'at;; the 'St. .JMicnoias ixotei,.: auu uismissei a lauQuia wav trie time- ana terms of calling, the State Con ventipu...Tlie proposition to unite with the JUbera KepnbucrrrPas'callv-was not enters tained. v.' Upon - the proposal 4 to iijr crease 'the ntfinBer of delegates1 iud give'the Wberal Repttblicansa ije)-f resentatibh' 'inf the 1 'Convention'' tnere! Wai a?divislbfi!'sentiment: '-bnt 'it 'wa firiallV left to the"de,eisio.rf,o,f khe bf indepen'denWcltiolit i'TKedan' xne usua.ioruj, wiwr -ouiv vcrysgeu pi-ftt Ifi?tiat.inii'Trt ?aTP Whirs'' whrt i-Jii iSofctf isaDDointfeenF was. acuuii as wuuiix rnvnc nu mo vuww- - .'i .."Is tion to unite in the Convention. .'.'' MS ieaAel'ittiens 3BMfel?eeD fess iMdi1radbis'bodVKaihorriblt tau- bervicthe.oo Ten clere'd toli'umahity we'feai-.-4 t. SPECIAL NOTICES. $ PE ATI'S ASTHALjDIL Aleo)ttteIy ?:Jo. t Perfectly odorleu. j Alvrlyg unl Barns' in my lamp without danger of tarn luum iiaUne qualities rapenoi to or; taking: fire. 'Manai'actarea expressly to ttispiace tea use or volatile and dan noesible lest. an niDYHI II T 1UI CU11L111UCU Millions, of gallons have been sold and no accident directly or indirectly has ever occurred from ling, Bwrmg or iianuiuig iu in iramenec yearly loea-of life and property, re nt from toe use bf chearf and dangerous oils in the United States, is appalling. ers throughout the country recommend the ASTRAL as the beat safeguard when lamps -ar ''UBed. Send for circular. , . hnles&le by the nroDrietors. CUAS. PKATT & For sale at retail or tne traae eeneraijy, ana mi 6pO., OS Pulton street, New'Sork. - "'. i mx flfjeUa&ra AEeikrK RItlaeni, i von I lau to urvum jiuu, w oiai o o w x ii TNQ STRUP tor all diseases incident to tho period ' w .H A m C tlf KTOT TT,a OAAV1 of taelhinir in cnllaxen. It reuevea tne, cnua rrom mxin. cores colic renl&tes the bowels, and by eiy- Ing relief and health, to the childy gives rest to the motner. " . , Be sure and cn for tshi.v uu "MRa WINSLOW8 SOOTHING SYRUP."J Tor sale lyaU druggists' ' i ' " ' june24 eod-Cm tu-thur-snt .. ,u ,. , ' il. BUSINESS CARDS. ib.voixnu. 'ADBlXNft TOLLERS, . Corner Front and Doek Sts., . -v - -.,... WIllMINGTOW,: N: C. . TVTHOLSSALS GROCERS' ' - ' 1 V f f - IN ALL. ITS BRANCHES. - Country merchants will do well by calling on us and examining our stock. t tux l, -u: snoy 19-tf MOfFTlTT'dc CO., " ' f-tll 5-li.vr- -!-.'-Mi . - .;i !. ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , ' .. NortU Water Street - n v:?" ' ! WII4IIEINGTON, Hi C. Will giye prompt -personal attention to the sale or smpment 01 uonou, JNayai stores, uenenu i ruaucc. etc, etc ajbo i recei viag ana iorwartung xooaa. fj& Onicra Bolicitea ana prompuy ttilea. -eep SS-tf ..-. s:tr,i s.- jf i-'i ; naa B. FJ MITCHELli & SOJf, G And Dealers in Grain , Flour, Hay, and' alao Fresli Gro round Bleal, Pearl uomlny Noa. 0 and 10 N. Water st Wllmhxeton. N. C. I Proprietors of the Merchant's Flouring Mills. - . HOT 25-U ,j 1VOSCELLANEOUS. i HEAD THIS: Binford, Crow ;& Co.7 u nr Have Just Received, ; 2QQ IALE3 HAY PRISm HAY, x , . j . 20 000 BUSHKDS WnUfl CORN, gQ) BUSHELS OATS, S00 BBLS. PORK, " j , O A A tblfc "and HMsJ SYRUP, ' ' j t(i Hhda. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 300 Ksgs uu nails, ouu udis. rjour, cc. c . ' i; p . For sale low by . B1NTORD, CROW CO j ! : ang 84-tf ; a : . ; Souta Water street Jirst ? 06-0perative Store. JJAVING BEEN APPOINTED MANAGER OP the abore store, I will conUna e the business at the Oil Stia, corner, front M Dockets., .-. Where will be found constantly a foil line of , , . iesi, Family ' Supplies. ' licceivlng Goods by every steamer, we always have them fresh and are determined t sell at LOW EST FIGURES. Give ui a calL . sept 6-St . i . A. G. HANKXNS. Who Wants Him ? : A ., COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN, OF GOOD J.X. character, long experience and extensive ac auaintance in the counties along the line of the Carolina Central Railroad, will accept a situation as went, ooK-Keeper, salesman or travelling agent for any respectable mercantile house or firm in- Wil mington, at reasonable and satisfactory compensa tion. Appiyatiniaomceiiumeaiateiy.. .- -augS9-eodtf fri Fresh ! Teas lTTST TNBTJY WHILIS'tHEY ARB FRESH O - and in full strength. Best quality and always J z-ji ,i- 3 M.v.i J.aSTEVXNSOX'8. iresa can oe oaa u i . eept 6-tf '! ' '"t'&iS. STEVENSON'S. -j ir.j sn mi -in VTNG purchased the Interest of. Mr. Brock. will continue to conduct the business at the old stand, No. 1 Granite Row, where I will be happy U aea my old friends and ctutomerm. . ". --',, - ! ectl-tf.,. . .. . , ... ,H. WEBB ' i t ..m 1 .Ml m.iii 1. ,1 . ., , ,1 ,1 I ... I tia jjsrjvALUJsVoR. roji $LkjjiValije r ih TrE inCAUTlTbl,' X "Isa'tShe Pretty AirrTlC'CHROMO. and Varnished. tee lSxlt ghly fiaiehedl, moanted retail price, SS, will be sent by maiL securely, done np," post free, as a premium to every $3 yearly subV aaiber toJOEMXlKESla MONTHLY, acknowledged the most beautiful And useful Parlor Masrazine 4a 'America.-' Isa'tShe Pretty 1 Is a Beautiful chrome aadsplendidpsrior pidurerSnda. vaJijabie work Of art worth more than double the cost of rabscrfptioB sua ogim;r wim iraDDRH t jn.onuuyt aauras an opportunity tor the Investment f such aS may : never occur agata; or In place of "In't She Pretty,r 1 or i aaaiufMiai. . iuta wauia s wooing, laiter ae rotue Thompson ly, for one year, for $5." "Hiawatha's Wooingi,-U' aa eaoallyBplendidworfc'of art, a. large and- aeautl f ul Chromo. aBd worth four times the price charged. Husbands, fathers, brothers and Lovers, do viot fal Dost-iree: oc 4.. ..hun'li. tn-m Til" Vf rkUTCT'C Uini7TI0!.l present it, With a beauHful Chromo, It will make ayes sparvie witn aeugnt ana sausracuQn. anttprove a monthly reminder of your good taste and kind feeliogj Address, W. Jennings Demorcst, 838 Broad- way. JNew.vorK. uopiesor tne latest numbers the Wasrazme; 83 cents each, post-free. -'' : lieifflflettMmal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ' AT 2 SO I .per annniB-.' Advertising rates liberal. : , j . jrn?i irw'-Rjiti 1 'w ' iwi. w, it. nBKmrmv'AtKiiiai" . jan 14-tr : .,u.T.fl.. ui!.i nihil if-, ' 1 v;!:jji ii; 120:U00ir f ni i . .V . . .-w r Toy HT-ntaTx nn a m rtynn" - ia;!T .i -iitf i jfcjptpttHjijTqM RICE MILLS, iJil XT 1) due t.r Kor sale lyi , WTLLARD" BROS.. I.'il-v.'f,- V . 1 1 -i!lJ 1 - -. .WILLARD BROS. PjRtTATEOARDING 0 'NORTttJinte Front ahffcona"BtfSgfs,""MRS. MARY CLIF FORD, Proprietre8a.iOjmmedioa iousef clean; and well ventilated rooms, polite attention and the the aestof farei- fii i.iij't:4'.-ii'i-.-'tf -:.j i - j t. HOICE M-BSTNASj ' - .if. VI r4 l"lHO IK .. at 60. cents per .4oeni j v.. 'At. - -. GEo.lkrrEas ; - aul0-tf - - : 11 and H SoFron Street. MISCELLiANEOtTS. GHAIJDEST SCHEME EVR KNOWN. FOUR X H ) ; fok this jJENlTfT o5Sb37 12,000 CASH : GIFTS ( $1 ,500,000 Every Flftn Xleket Draw a Clft. -,, . I ' thnriKea by snecial act Of the Legielatnre for mTTK FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT AU the benefit of the public Library of Ke-.tucky, will take place m Public ldarary liall at uouiavuie, ny.. Wednesday, Decemtepr 3 1S73. :' - -j. ; Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one half of these are intended for the European market,' thus leaving only 80,00(1 for sale in the United States where 100,000 were disposed of for the Third Con cert. The tickets are divided into ten: coupons or ?arts and have on their back the Scheme, with a all explanation of the mode of drawing. - ' , . At this concert, which -will be the grandest mnsi cal display ever witnessed in this country, the' un precedented gum of ';'-' 5 ;' , . ; .$1,500,000; ;: Divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dietribated by lot among the. ticket-holders the numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind .child ren and the gifts from another., . , , . ' LIST OF GIFTS. r ' ONE GRAND CASH GD7T,"..... ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ONE fiRAND CASH GIFT, QK& GRAND CASH G1FT,.... 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each;. . .V. . $850,000 ...:- 100,000 50,000 85,009 17,500 "100,000 150,000 -50,000 40,000 40,000 .v:iV 45,000 30 Uaaa nuts, s,uuu eacn,.. ....... 50 Cash Gilts, l.OOO each,.. .....'. .. ' '80 Cash Gifts. .. fi00each,.iu....l . 105 Cash Gifts, 400 each.. - -' 150 Cash Gifts, ' 300 each, : . :.i. J. 250 Cash Gifts, -,. 300 each,.,...,..,. - OO fir.. ,nA - - ' " v 50,000 11000 Cash GUts, 60 each,.. '4..-. , 560.000 rrwrsr. jnmi hTirr ;at.t. ia st mlT T , . amounting to..-.. $1,500,000 Tne distribution will DeposniTe, wnetner an tne tickets are sold or not, and the 12)00. gifts alt 'paid in proportion to the tickets sold all unsold tickets, being destroyed as at the First and Second Con certs and not represented ia the drawing. ,( j ' 'antA tyVn. "aVKn M sTalwaa QK ATT TsMifka or eacn coupon, $5 00; Eleven whole tickets for $500; 32 ticket! for $1,000; 112 whole tickets for $5,000; ta whole tickets ror f io,uuu. no t on less than 500 worth of tickets at a time. . The mnperaUeled seceeea of the Third Gift-Con-cert as well as tne satisfaction riven by the Tbst and Second, makes it only necessary' to announce the Foarth to insure the prompt sale or every ncaeu The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted in all its details like the Third, and f oQ narticulars may be ImttimI from rirralara which will be sent free from this office to all who arrolv for themJ . : .. Tickets now ready for sale and all orders accom-. panied by the money promptly filled. Liberal terms given to those who boy to sell again. THUS. JS. BIMMI.I 9 . ... .. . , ana manager um uoncen, i -' Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. aag U-4wSm",.N,-Y ,, , ,f,..T,,t., . yyE wnijBEMqyE tojjur new BuiLDraG . t. 1 , ill ' j . , .if . Corner Front and. Princess Sts., : Between this date and SEPTEMBER la. -X : -. : ; WaC WILL. SXIsL OUR XMT1KS . . . RETAIL. STOCK AT .COST, .. - - I, 'f . - . ; i Is e .t;: '1 As it is our desire to open with a , Fresb and Complete Stock, .st . .: . - . : - :i.-r,'. 'f;,!:?; Hence onr determination to dkpose of the same be lore moving."- - - 1 ' --.t- j j H juneSOf, liei.-! iti H-j t-rt-.i? ; B. WEILL. L.hu s ;.!.-IN A BI ERICA 1 THESE SAFES ARE MADE WTTH THREE" AND four flanges around the door, of refined wrought Iron frames, with angle corners, and ' - : tf iJ,"8ihce tie Boston' fire we nave viven noneatlAn. I tioa to the real merits of various safes with a view 01 supplying our own omce wun tne best article tn the market, and have according!! made selection of. a dry filled Alum and Plaster, Safe, manufactured by Marvla ACo., 865Broadwayf N.'T."1' Jl -w We Wffl delfyer these Safes ia Wllmliigton at same' price asebarged by nWufsurerilailewTorki jhfni .W -i'i f'lfisB BRbS.i Agents. i-.T.T3TTC!TTk.TTSCt37T,Jrt. nrrv-WTci t " JJ tJ O JLTCH9 'ilMvill AVJ j3 JP -it; i 1 ; -LLViii -.'W i;:?!l 'mix i' I s:".f f i . rrB SUBSCRIBERS HAVING DETERMINED J-J tOChaneei their- blUliBOSO-aixT nwu fnrthor -1 vurr " ue ueir enure, property .namely: I CI .. j : i . . . .. r a uni-raw x unienune eoiis, ail-in good running or- uu lucMeo -at exeeueat DusiueBSrBiandS fpjr bny- bie8 and houses for laborers, togetherwith au goods: tides tooballoasto mesdonj; nercnanuise, ana numerous otbes ar iousto meaaon.; v inv.ii.i-.'u ! "v property is all situated in a very healthy? Prltt TeaollI M tntH Tiri mirtit tn unit i ne aoove pro locality and wtft purcpasers on very accpinmpdauugand easy -terms; Good paper, with reasonable interest "added will be; required. For paruculara call upon pr address J. J. careen, itmngnam, s. u.,or - - iti lu ibvtin taatvij; L,' babden &UROS. j . . . Hbenpj!tr S C.'t ' Possesion given Januarj 1st, 1874,- 'fi j 1 i; jiS'tti-'ei; tJt - 5 .. r N. LOTS TO SUIT r 5feb8-if 1 5J i :!' r irt ADRIAN VOLLERSV 1 fNoa Scotia Hemiiffj 4: PERFiCTLYSdlND i junela-lm . , t f WiLtARD BROS. Cotton Yarn. T ATJREL IHLL i AL tOrT PRXCEv SI Juiy3f-i W 'WABDS evived. BARRELS CELEBRATED iSti ff ; -.-.-v.- LFrom New iWhctrt'f I few For sale bv! . . , - , t Inly 30-lw -ftn WAKD'aiaALL. LcTnfp;iysi7RAKc piEDiioirE & aelStS iTifelnsuranceOompany Over 15,000 Policiei Ltsuei ' l.-r( :, ProgressiT&l Prosperons ! Prompt ! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE ;t : , INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, AND 1 GOOD SURPLUS I Iremiuiii Cash, Policies Liberal. Annual Division of Surplus. - InsuraacaBoea , N. Water st WP- CaffingtpiiPresident; John U Edwarosl Vice fwaWatfj BartoaoVta;.i HoptuM, . AssisSecre;t E, B. 'smith, Actnary; B. C. Bjirtsook. Cashier. j ! . nurt8.u Hobms. $27000;wOO FIBB IH81XBANCB CAP. 'iTPAl, BEPBESENTED AFTER Queen Insurance Cov of Liverpool and ' London, Capital.v.":;..'..... tiooonnn Hortii British and: ataantite Insurance ,C!ompa,.Caiutal....-.. IOOOjom Hartford Inmiranee Company, Capital. . aW(w! National Fire - Insurance Company, ol 'ouu uuu Hartford, Capital.... ...V.. .- mft Continental Insuranoe Company, of New- Xork, Capital..i.. : ssooooo Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, Capi..iwiil... ; 1,500,(K Virginia Home Insuraaee Company, of Bienmond, Capital.'. ....; i'.'.v. i . mm -MARINE The old. MercantUs Mutual of New !"w.:'-.t''f,'-ifr fi-fr"-!;:! v LIFE The Connecticut Mutual of Hartford. ATKINSON MANNIHQ, , General Aeenti novS3-tf 'ONCOTJlaAGE --V HOME nVSTITUTIONS. 1 ' ; - . .- : ii ? Security against Kit. ' I THERTH CAROLINA nOIIE raSTtTUAHCaB COMPANY, ; " i '. r . BALKTGH, N. C ; ' ; This Company costinties to write Policies, atfait rates, on ail classes of insurable property. 1 AH losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing ia public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property ia Nerth Carolina, - - L i t" AErentsinslloarts of Oie SUIa s B. JO. 'BATTLE, Jr., President. . 5 C B. ROOT; "Vice President. -..'"' ,. 8SATON GALES, Secretary. , ' PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor: -f 'j r t -: - ATKINSON MANNING, Aram, sag 1-tt . Wilmingtou, N. C ' 1 'MISCELLTEOTIS. f GREAT REDUCTION I 'i y , ii' ;, 1 - j - ri - i i i . Spring and Summer 2,000 Yds. striped Mozambique - ' . j . , at 15e.. wortli 25c. 'A ! FTJLL IlNST OP STRIPED AND FANCY J. GRENADINES. WORTH aut. REDUCED TO A LARGE LOT OF- STRIPED AND FANCT PIAID-4APA5ESE SEDUCED TO 20 CM, per Yard, , , - - ? ,!li,: rl . i! .i j ) And all others at a corresponding rate. . We have just received a novel styie of Worthy of the attention of onr customers, which we offer at 75c and upwards.- .Lace Points at a .great sacrifice troa $10 00 and upwards.' pHI lS GV !D Si ... . , -. a, ... T - Piques,- Nainsooks and SammerSnftiiijrs in endless variety. - . . -. ' t -. ' - f. -,v " Our DOMESTIC. DEPARTMENT embraces all the promiaeat brands of white and anblesched ;iu widths at prJcee to defy oompetition. iri. ,iU .,tia jii- i --t , f CAEtERETOXJUNTY," N. C, CatAS. jkiBBAJXD, , PBOPBIETOK. f This splesdid Sea Side Watering Place, ; situated it Beaufort Harborwill be open for the reecption ot igoostsonf l t:ilA-Sii i . i .. -. . . . ' . . . . .oaa4V W UUV.A rr IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO. BE THE, MOST DE- ivr-j l. Jt 'iM4 ;u.nii i On the Atlantic Coast ef IhexUufted Stales! dt fined to be The Terminus of the" sreat Souturn' Steauir leave. Parties wishing ennra roams, will pleaee vl- dre8as above.. , T J ' .'. ,ltj jtitTjiFli-it i..,. j : i"W2tt6iwWoiks- Pompany. (mWESTT-FIVK " THOUSAND. DOLLARS. Or' X the Capital Stock of the Cape Fear W ai' r Works Com paay havinrr been! duly subscrlbeU, meeting of the subscribers to said stock will be he" at the office of Messrs. Cronly Morris, on neodayi the 17th day of-tfeia month for the pnri- of organizing said Corporation by the election ol President and five Directors aocwrding to the T vlsionsof the Act of tfaej General Assembly i'a,r porating said Company., . liiMiSl -MM'i 1 W.' A. . WRIGHT, -i.!.. !. J-.-Ofc ntrw ifoRAK. i ii'vi r? . corpora wre n araa m wo ' T AT- . 1 1st Uifiept4-m ., V .. .niJll. .,!-" Holasses mild Symp !- ' '-'lEBCES AND BARRELS o" 'WstiIndia Molasses, aaJsltXaAvxa- .v. ay. 0CUk lOltfc -u.-B -,wrvVT W V ' wnnS- O 0rO nrnT lSTl TlWl )H. A1N; KILLER SOk)THiljCr SYRUP,' FLAVOR- BrUbw. Sam! C. at J iGREEN A 'FLANNER'S. aag -u