THE GATE Of DBetlTI. Gate of Iteaven! Gate of Glory! Swinging from the walls of time -Massive, -poaderoasund -hoary,; . i Open now thy leaves Bublime I A I. jo before thy leaves sublime? " ; One who speaks with voice commanding. He has conquered death In sin; tl -' Let "the King of Glory" In. ? 2fever more, jrltli harshest thunder, ; Shali thy grating hinges move;. ) ; Bolts and bars have burst asunder .l . At the potent, touch of Love. . ; . Clear the passage, "wide and bright, ; Flooded with supernal light; - ; i Conquerers, too, o'er death and sin, i Heirs of Glory, enter lot t " Gate of Heaven I Gate of' Glory I . ; Let thy archways, old and hoar., ' -" Kng forever with the story;" : Grander than e'er swept before ' ! Through the harmonies of Heaven, Through tb8 songs of the Forgiven, Hailing him who entered in, ... t. Conqueror over death aad, sia'V At SONG OK TIIK SCiENtTISXS. . Here is the song" sung by the professors aoJ scientists at' the clam-bate after the Portland Conference; "jt : 4 , Cum clammus htvalvulus " I Consumus by halvulus, r - ... ; -. M r , Doubulus 4rubbokw .nu . , Comes with the grabtrahis, w !' ; So, now let ns gobbulum;' . -J ? . And deesa. hima snobbulum 1 Who, when in delirium ! Exit lobsteriuni, . :' it ' ... Refuses the ginny I - Good spiritus vini 1 - i ' " r- Gallic! Brandium, - ' - - ' - J When it IsMndiom.. ( Open Air Exercise. iThereTis suclithings having too j n.)i avan nf fcvavnicaintlin I We all koQW.lhatth.ere is. also such; a 'thingis tob litilftH TKiSt wnJefror io snnnose that there in ro little danai-' of excess . that the ganger , &qT be disregarded. L'rslti$Vquiic--ea8yifor with overworked bralrf an American to make a bad matter wotse by over- working his body.Thatis one source of peril., A second is, 'that men who very badly ;needopen exercise, . laseu iaurciousiy..;asi,p iimet; itina, I amount.' and." accomnanvlnff diefcinav I follow out some idoomatic" advice i :- ' i ... .r i I 4 given-1U1 8i general ;WaV, -iue "'injUreM, I or at least, ineonvenieneea by toe re- I suit, and forthwith stop ' all exercise outnioors. This danger is very seri- oa.v and make ihe'hard and fast rules r - .1 ' - I. or empirKra as-inev are in any case - rifKrnlnnR- : Undoubtedly; ' as a general rule, raorej active exercise in the air and sunshine would be .an excellent thing for most people' If , it did nothing else, it -would, enlarge i their range of sensations, and-teach them something of jthe t great ruumbervof .pleasures wuiuu xosniuie -Tnoney, antnequire no stimulus ta give them -zest Xhis would be especially.trttQ; of our young men and youngr womea ia i the cities, to whom life is nearly always in dan- ger of fcecpmlng "artificial and alter- nating between undue excitement and undue lassitudeOtf ihis' class, too, we mav ur&eJ and with, entire sinceri- ty, that tdore airlaHdsanshmefonld make them. .very, .much- J than they are now, would give them I the grace of unconscioos- iiealth. and the ease of unconscious strength. I Thatcrtainly,uld'y4dss to even the most autif til.of our young belles, or to their admirers- i. r,1 A Bride Starts en Her Weddlnsf ot :. "',;.' i .Alone. .- .' Tlie ; WashiriglonS(far5 ofA last even ing says':" " u-, j . MA vounsf1ru&hmaker. hamedbhn Ropp, esldifigtfthfee nortji- J west. DDaredfat poliwheadanarteTs 1 yestefaayf and complained tnatTd4r in? hig temDorary . absence ia rllalti- ri Kai r4n 1 . . -t . j,f! j JrLri.i.isiJf. l'i umiea pat a snOl IipaesiACe.aaaaeiS f . his bed and toara:taViricr with bbr I 7- " . 77 . p. , i SUndry articles 6f household furniture and HOOOlri cash.' With the'iid jtf the detectives tho distressed Benedict tiaaUyrtauiedthat hwtraant oon- :. 8oi$'l$bjpj feather bed -toNew-Tpifby'Aaais Express." He' alsdascerliifledJiser. tem?orary-'totjmn'p'1 nlace :ifiltJiew 1 - York, seema she had rKOiie, and ha lAft fni-Aar VftrV last' p.ven- I ing, previously telegraphing the llx- j press Com Dan v to hold ho trunk, las I they were stolen. t Before leaving faud&LjbsiX ssevr iorK ne learnea mat it was bis wifeVinlenJiork for Europe vto-d Ay. It 'appears that me eoupie imeoaet.tQ;:tWJMiTfop - on a bridal tour.after their marriase 1 but owiner "to business eno-affemeiltS: Mr-Rhpp was Obliged tVtemporaijly) defer the trip,.-It; just poeaibl& that on raeethiff his wife in New" York he nay conclude to make the trip wih out any iurther delay. ue was a I hloude wtudow Cwheii", Hupp married I lier, a fewweeksago, aud, is about thirty years old." , ; -'-ii'- - Eleciloue In New Mexico and Wyomi Salt LAKivSept.i3J The returns so far asTeceived from of the: Hon.- Stephen B.';SUkin, the Ke pabiican candidate for ""delegate 'to rivo,. p., n.aiianaa i,Q loto liomn- cratW'delegate,i SantaFe 'countyr which went .-Democratic two- years ago. ha gone Republican by more than 500-maiority: ! , .1 .i.;' 's;;; The election vesterdav in laramie j Tj . - a T TT m ' ' " was elected. with the exception of a member of the Lower House. " - f , The course of Aicbrn' and er, the recognized leader of the carter, Jiltra-pegro r element;, in Mississippi, bodes no coodito the Convention nominees, and unless Beast Batler and WiWfttCCeeaitt Duying nsm on,nne- defeat of nirson-m-iaw and the trns'tration of his hond specu- uu Uiav HaiBlV :Ut5 XUUUlcU autUUtt A TEnttlllLS TnCNDEnBOLT. y Ltjcntntnsxwr Killed outright Two FearftillT Burned- lorrespondence Norfolk Virginian. I J calamitv wrnnVi nA. - Suffolk, Va., Sept. 4, 1878.' f Mr Charles Wilson, the esteemed . :A large and ;well selected stock. here of a fearfnl a ami'txf ' Journal. , Mr. Wilson haalttnot&Ven , . u t .- : curred in this county to-day." About a Prautical interest in' the charming seven miles from town, on the Somer- resort in question, and, as may be iu ton road, reside the familrnf Mr ferred' was "prepared to specially eu- vuaries oumner. rhismorniny Mr i b. left home for North Carolina, leav ing his wife and children at home. Th6 family,- cpnsisting of Mrs. Sum ner, her? little daughter, about five years old, and two sons,' about seven or eight years of ace. were nAnr H go Ihednmer table dunhg the previ- j lence ot a thunder storm. ; .."Just 'tHen-j a blinding: flash of lisrhtninff filled the foom,: followedy temfic'peal of Lilimnpr 'rhuwoiif mi r . - n ov vllvx Ui tile; liUUSti I wa shattered, and the family ; pros- xrated by the stroke. When ' heln arrived, , it was found that the two uoys naa - been mstantly : killed, and the mother and- daughter very badly burned.-? So severe are their injuries, that at thU" Writinsrthev are not ei- pected to recover. ; It is said that the! aeiicate health of Mrs- S. will render her recovery impossible. " , New York Bulletin. The Eiid f Deadheading ? The Farmers .Movement " in the West is likely to be attended bv at least the good result of breaking ;up I the" free , pass system on .railroads. j The agreement of the leading railroad wmjiauica iu iuw yt eat, . jib toe com- j raencement of the summer, to issue J no I more passes, has been observed. I "With rea.Rnnn.flla fiKf tt' f ' A a ' o -nln 1 only the outstanding passes having an unexpired term'.'to'j run - remainj in force. .; These, for the most -Dart, are v eia.oy piaie omciaisana members ot the Legislature,' and the time during which hey are to-cease in operation' will expire at the end of the present, year, when no more will be issued, 1 he companies reserve the right of 'franking a xailroadmagnateor a Con-, 6"""" ui w i.ucir ivau iu special cars; but the mass of dead- f heads' have been cut off in the dew of I - 1 m imti)Afi An4 t. .Iln J xl. . & I uy1 tiujuuuuwj, auuuu aiiegeu uisi I niu amuug mo lauuxorus i f the fashionable watering-places and favorite haunts; of summer travel " may Te traced, ;fto ; no . ; inconsid M r .il erawwucg w, w unuuess ui ib nirit. nf tr,Wrrmmt .Th0 spirit bff their agreement. - dead-heads on every through train between e the. important centres j of travel constitute an important ele ment of cost. . It has been calculated that the Union Pacific Company lost," from this cause, an averageof a thou- vv"i vu. . v v. j wij u mai line. ; At ; some periods of the year the loss was as much as five thousand trip. ' Almost every railroad com- pany was liable to similar losses, ine ;pay as you goprinciple can hardly f to increase- the revenue of the companies. lit must be some ad- vantage to " stockholders ' that iho bundles of paper imarked D. H," which the conductors of almost eveyy tram retured to tneir olnce, snould bow be in a fair way of becoming a reminiscence of the past. ' rr,That the change will be an immense reuei xoc over-worKea ranroaa manag ers cannot be doubtedj rThey will no longer be badgered in and out of of- fica hoars, .and at all places and times f oriprivileges, ihe granting or iwith hpldmg of, which is too often made a personal, affair.. & XheY- can, meet all such demands by the inexorable role absolutely! prohibiting these favors lii future. .... ... vv t;sT'T i t Then, gam -Railro Presidents anuireci Ion crer - have--their -.finery sensibilities I ? ? i-u.L I uurt auu . ium wuiimuuc m-.uuiuu i nature cruelty; tested" DV i-herfidy , j'- r" it "'"--'- i OI persona WIIO, alter a Degging a pass on various; ;pretes,iean o aid get themselves kuled for sake of the damages which the companies would be compelled ta pay to their families on their death. ' tuw..'.'.'' I i5 -A BlOieulone mass. i . A JTeolcuk (Iowa) ladyj Awhile o-awd initrra TinTmtJof lie.'do duties, ; - ncouDtered; toou lnTJtii; flour barrel." 'NowrhioBt laies-Juln- uiierea a iew leminincfe. soneKs and, theij80ught isaf ety in the garreTBui this one possesses more than the r- imary greei iemaie;courage.. She snmmoned the hired jnaaahd told thini to gjet the5 shot ean:-call the J)ull dog, and station himself At; a contend ieiit distance.' r JChen she climbed tjilf, way up. stairs and"- eorameheed; !to punxxh the; flour barrel 'vTgorouslv-with j a pole.; .rresentiy; ine mouse jnaue its appearance and started across the floor. Xne Dou-aog at .once went an pursuit. The man fired ndr the dog dropped deaa : xne iaay laincea apu felt dowti! the' stairs .and.' tbehlred man. t.hinkinfir that she was killed, and fearing that he would be arrested' for I murder, lit out and has not been seen Salaries), or Cojleetore." . - . A rVashington dispatch says I . . Commissioner ; Douglas, ot tne in- Hernal Reverrae-BureaurTeturned ,to the citp tolay,vIand .will - resume of-, ficial duties to morro w, Preparations JmtMmX2hemnl sion will soon begin, and several recommendations ot more than orai? collectors of internal revenue instead of leaving; the adjustment, witthe bmrnissioflpre" F"ith iniswoner wUL prphahlyrecDmmend that they, beincreaseo .ana, equaiizea, as nnder the .existing "scale great ir- regularities iisV Collectors 111 souin- J ein ;ana -foTie l SQea, jaisincn t 4B6 1""v'" much -greater proportionately ; than I nww uwvuww s"' - , A Western JQditor Dive. From the Chicago Times. T herta -regatta at Geneva Lake. Wisconsin, on Mnndav last I and among the "Chicago spectators JUJ!.'.,M ?esiiviues oi uie regatta lie was standing upoh the, bridge waitinc for the boats ? to start, when she was somewhat rudely, though- if appears MiujyuuivntHuji f , JVOIilCU . Uy . ill Bill ping gentleman jnst at his elbow. ? t The latter individually, although tQtally unknown to Mr. Wilson, was really almost as much of a character as the editor Of himselfJbeiuff no less distinguished a personage than "Red I 1 1 qtiHaH Mibo " ,4 ' 1. I n I f .. ? A. ; uuicu J1 uup 111 &vpg near Geneva Lake for fa forth - coming pnz!e heht. .n " Anuoyedjat having been so careless- J7 pushed. Mr. VV llson turned a gaze of scorn! npon the unknown so marked and severe as o stir at once the latter' disgrnst. " - 'Maybe: you .5 own' ;tlm ;bridge," quota Michael ot the nominally gory palms. ; "Well " sneered Mr. WUson, "I probably paid aboutas much for the building, of this bridge as you or any other man upon it." . ' Yi'erhaps you own the whole lake, too ? continued he of the sanguine paws: ' ' - ' ' "I certainly have done more for its lujprovemeu.ii man a uozen . UKe you, , retorted this some what justly incensed editor. v ! -Thiiro the voice of lled-JIanded Mike" as he replied ; r rt ,..,ntvf s . a hen. vou had better lierht over into it ana it is getting along," at .the same time laying his brawny fists,- npOn ' the ! astonished journalists and heaving him 'plump j into, the 'water, friends promptly 1. jerked :the floundering .involuntary I bather back, to shore,. where, having vmomtu o uij ouiu, ouu icai umg i he had been i'chinninsp to a profes- sional bruiser, he responsibly saw jthe m o n.n4-n I i a( 4 1 inlrA ; A n.l - nAnr ahz iiiagmmuo ui iuo jw&c, auu uun v;ij- jjro.i uicuuuu ui iu as ugcij ujr one. ; :'- ' '- MISCEIJANEOIJS, V.l' liAVUlfcUXVM, . -;.:.!., C & A. RAILROAD, , On the 15th or eptemler, 1873. From Wilmington, 3i. C.t via Columbia, ,-S. Ci to AugnstfC-Ga and Return,' ; .. Including Three .Days in the : . Round Trip. Leave Wil- V mington at 3 o'clock A. f BATES OB FARE : From Wilmington, including all Statioss east of Wniteville. :..........;.$5O0 r rom w mieTiue, mciaaine au mauons east oi Nichols' i . 4 00 From fttcnois', including afi Stations east of Sumter..,..: .......'.Ci,............ S 0 .From Sumter to Augusta, Ga. CO ; First class COACHES will be famished for ladies and gentlemen, and tneir families. . ( : N. B. Tickets should be bemrht early, and' ie obtained at any ef the Stations of the W., p.. A A. xuuicvau. i- ' - S. B. JENNINGS , ; - j, : W. .R .8TANSEL,J ? . v ' ' W. J; STANLY, . , W. J. COLEMAN, . ang3Mw , ' ,. . ; Managers, Notice .of Sale of E E A I ; E S T A'-T E IK WUttbl 1 Ff AND IN 'EXECUTION OF TEK power of saleonteined in a eerteln inortgsge I e by Dental Klein and ' his wUe to " The W iU j made by mineton Buildins AssoeiatiOK? bearinzTdate the 2d daTOf Aumst A7D 1870. and reeistered intheof- l1Uf tlw Regrf toe eorotr otNHanover m dook ' ' atpave xa anaroxiowrng ueiaait nav- ig been made to the payment of the snm.of money SS winat38Q,cio(.M.jqn Wetoe MmtoW b,s. . j The lUand ,and Jrenilseg j , Vf ti'i:' I Conveyed in said mortgage, iru: a certain Wt or lr. n4nii aMat wltK Tli,lrnMnu fljiu Tnf. atWf ; and numUgnortavrardiy wlta turnneon Auasuentn-:i street to lymrrn street, Hieaeee nrarmy-wiui, jam?; Ida street' toWood- street, tbepoe southwardly with v,i .... weight t stedman, ; ' rjijnfjjgtg August 83d, ists. , , Attornejrt aug i4-oaw4wSun - -' ; i nBTTf!Q . - ir PnTnTiTTHi - nnviffP 1 1 V . MUUorrJllJJlbinLOrTufll ,T, AM ''RECKIVTNG , BY, STEAMER ANP4 X 1. PRESS,, complete stock of Jfc v , ,u i 5 I - V -t - ;DBUGS, HEDICINES, Chemicals, Fancy, and Toilette Articles, . " ' ; Which I offer to the trade very low. Call at ; J.K.McILHENNY'S,, A H Dmgand Chemical Store, Lippitt's Corner. f aug ?6-tf , -, - - t ,: .. , r Mayor,Qffice,- CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., i ,c '. - ,-.;V. ' , . ' June 4th, 1S7S.J )U A.LL BILLS CONTRACTED BY ' AUTHORITY of the late Board of Aldermen,' previous to the 1st of May, 1873, wUl be presented at once for payment. and persons holding them- are requested to send them np for collection immediately. ! r4unefr4f i W. P. C ANAD AY, Mayor. -r BaconJ iard and Flour.' andD. S. SIDES AND SIDES and 8HOULD- 15Q TIERCES, kegs and tubs lard, f bbls. flour, all grades, " I 75 V ptt-tf. ;u ,n.i For kle by m 'lrLnm:rm 38 and Sd North Water street-. , . , iorn , rTwine Jjagging, lies : JLi: dLW KnA rolls standabdbawin, BDLS.,;SIDESL0T;',id "ABE0W" 1 i,vvu ties, . ..... .... 5 bales bagging twine, a 1, , - , , . 4 Kor S&ie DV - -" r. tt. Isept 6-tf , S7, 28 and 89 Norttt Wfttet Street MISCELLANEOUS. DoOTS Sash. ' Blinds -VWito, . . Odfe, AAlUA, Paints, Oils, and Glass, AT NATH'L.JACOBI, t ; " ( Hardware Depot, -.- f i : . Ko. 8 Market St : Builders Hardware. 11 LOCKS, HINGES, BOLTS, fcc, , i '.'.ot .every: description. Agencyfor r . . - f " : - THE CELEBRATED i SHALEES SASH, HOLDER AND LOCK. " r TT Wiix not got oijt op obderob wear ...... . 1 For tale at , NATH'L. JACOBI, Hardware Depot, V; No. 4 Market St.; bird cages; coopers tools. Carpenters'. Tools, , , .!'.. i i. .. , ; . . MACHINIST. TOOLS, y. Turpentine Tools, ''V ' -N. JAOOm'S." ' ! Hardware Depot, 9 BKarlcet Streets may SO-lf dq YOU WANT ' A TEMPERANCE PAPER, TEEN SUBSCRIBE FOR THE FRIEND OF TEMPERANCE, PUBLISHED AT RALEIGH, N. Oi, BY R. n. WHITAKEK, AT $ A YEAR, AT&&vZ2iiA iSiSweV. published in the south, BedwiS'thepratoi Wfeltakefl' h&s been Con- for nearly twenty years, and IgJ?? xferife a"ettme,tolink gooaana TheophUu UunterHai. the North Caroun Poet, SSSiitSZSk ubciui reaumg matter. IRE SOCIAL CntCLE," . 1 Which coiiFtLtatea the Literary Department of the paper, U presided over by Mrs. M, K. Whitaker, bet ter Ruewu tome literary paouc&s " jojuuib a. nay. A larse corps ot able contributor assist her in the management of tills department;''.'.: '.Ul- , v ' The. Official Vprgan i '., , - Of the Order of Friends of Temperance, and -of the State Councils or JSorta carouna, Virginia, noma , ThpH to IteeeveBth volume :weU e- At f3 a year, it Is the cheapen in the Bon th. forSafia will trive the XBIEND OF TEM PERANCE and PETEKSON'S ? LADIES' J1AQA ZINE for one year. , r, , . . ,. ; . - -. i Address,' - julym -tf M. KORDLANDER, SOLE AGENT FOR i i j & , , Cos' Phliadelplila Jfassey SOLD IN QUARTER AND HALF BARRELS, and in Bottles at 75 cents ner dozen, tbe same deMrered to dealers, families and sbiuDiM deDOtsia the city free of charge. Also, arrangements made witn Tiiiwm and Steamooat companies to reiarn empty- kegs and bottles- free of -charge.' For the country 8 aos. Ale,' Soda, Saraaparilla or Porter pack ed in a Darrei ; lor tne city, a aezen in a oox. i ucjaa. Kassey Ale and Porter equal in strength, body and norted article. '-' i. large wainuijrameacaraB iior xuBtnoauoa f charge to dealers, subject to be called for at any tune ny tne unaenugnea. i j i'.: u. : .' Fourth and Hanover street, ,jnly l5-ly t : ;:tat Wi)Tniiigtoii,,M.l. Saco. : lard, : Butter, DltT 'SALTED AND SMOKjED WESTERN Shoulders and Sides in Hogsheads and Boxes, r i ! .fBogeKSired Hams and lireawastBtrlps- " . FTJBK LARD US TEKRCEa AND TUBS, CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, BEST FACTORY CHEESE, -m : j x;VlTf E.OTS TO "SUIT ,' tpsaatsbyiT , - ADRIAN. 1 YOLLERa. Wt; .Nil Zi) 1514 ... ... I -IS Ann i o": f m THE PUBLIC IN !6EHERAL.' j j ANTH FIBStJDAT OF 6CTOBBB,-WB WILL S ...... : i . ...I .ft' wrro ,'.ji.-i i';.7f TO the -stoteiioir occupied by BCr.J F. A- ""Smitte No, snume uowwue wu(in TSbr SJleanlfK KowJwnerewwsaauexDeet usee youau andJiepeMgiyeijaiUlejrslBl entise fattsfactipn. iivw !.MW'a nri-iiv" -Mttmtiris n yJ 5 Will continue with uaAnAhopestosee allhu mends. A. WKJiliiN WALD B U., i juiyia-tf,- o?-A3lItatree . iThe iWihmittgton' v.TruKt yXkrmp .,1 f 1.1 .. AND,, uT. I CS-AJTTTR1'.! Tt?' iV X iWXiSX uA XiAN tJ. j !;:.. . rJiE.F:r.',''l 5 l.TjMarket rstreeti f OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY FROM A. m.'TO 4 P. M- and en Saturdays (exclusively for reeeiT- ing deposits) from 5 to 8 P.M.,. ,;V H-:t:7hi i J ""All itccoiints kept strlcfly private and confldehtiaL Narried women and minors caWdeposit in this In stitution; subject to their own control and no other.. Interest allowed at the rate of six per cent per annum on all deposits of Ave dollars and upwards remaining on deposit three months and Over.' i The Banking House is situated so that ladies may attend to their own banking business. The Datronage of every ooav is soucitea. ii lAncUm SILAS N. MARTIN, j CO an TM Vlartin ,V i-'-f XlCOlUCUk :, DONALD McRAE, s Donald McRae, ! E.E.Burruss, . , Edward Kidder, George Chsdbourn. f - : . .! Vied President, m F. M. KING, t'i1- jjs 'js J. Cashier.'' . .... , ! i, June e-bm ,:i .... . ! ' For Rent. '' -' THAT DESIRABLB TllKUJS Hxuiti uw lul ling on the corner of Elghthand Market streets. Hosse contains ten large.Rooms, Kitchen and good well of water on the lot House-newly painted and in good order, -i fl ,,T L't '- 1 Also, that large brick store 6ii South Water street. No. 1SY ioaven,edlrAppjy to iangS3-tf ' ' i;- - Real Estate Broker . Por Smithville. TEAMEB FIRE FLY WILL 'i leave o. a if 1 . . : Parsley Co.s wKarf onr ,-- :"" ' TUESDAY,' THURSDAY AND U .J ; f : , SATURDAY EVENINBS, Atoclock.orecisely. Eeturnlngwin leave Smlth- ville at 1 o'clock A 1L- vumg lp-tf J Houses for Rent.. i vismm s EVER AIi WELIi tOCAXBD . : H0XJ6ES F0R,BEOT.It I : Apply to augSS-tf THOS.- H. ' WEIGHT. ' PRINTING AND BINDING. THE f'STAR" 'f STEAM v- -I' 'V i Brill tin spoils e, BOOK BINDERY .-,.1 - AND BLANK BOOK MAMACTOBY i. PUOFRETOH,f WXLMINGTOJsT, JsT C. SI TEE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE HATING ALL THESE FACILITIES combined; , ? TUE BEST,i8SORIOTENT P? SJ-M MS -. Cards and Inks. Hi. SKILLED WORppN ,;n mu corn I o. IN --hi i Every Department. 1J"I NOT X H K . LOWEST EICES, 4 s; BUT AS ! .' ...l . .. ! -ti L O V P, R I C E S A3 1 ANY i OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. v li : l ..' FOR THE nnsz:s i ii!'j3'S . BEST;PALITTOFif DBKi 4 -fhr-'oo t ; i 11 tOfl:t ai3l uail e yii vj-'- l 1 ,,H:iiitiug, ' Biiling ft Vs 'i!iI.';i aJ i AND f it i. V i 3 i " - OP EVERY!DESeRIPTION, Hi: ExepUteajPrbmipt;ly. i - ! - . AND 81 I L F TJ L L Y Improved Machinery OF 1 ..I i i 'l " ' " ii' f SINGB iABDINCi - i -i-i 1 ' i.i . L.V m 4 ' - Waft enabled t fill 'otieti wit!n .; . . -. j jr. . rij s:.',k'! i'-:;i THE UTMOST DISPATCH. fir it - MISCELLANEOUS. .';Mi,Estate::Etaop, :AssotiaBinii SAVINGS' BANK1 I JNO. WILDER ATKINSON.". - ;. .President THOS. H. McH.UX.i........,: . Vice President CUAS. & ELI4P.-J---V. Secretary and Treasurer ' ' ' DIREOTORS :j " ' - ''': Juo; Wilder Atkinson; of Atkinson & Alannms. Alrich Adrian, of Adrian & Voliers. , j Wm. H. Bernard, of the Wilmington Stab." - t Isaac Bl Grainsrer. President Bank of New Hanover. I George Harriss, of Harriss A HoweU. - -v j Roger Moore, Broker. , t Samuel NorthroD. of NortbroB A Cumminfc ' t George Wi WUliams. of .WiUiams & MBrchiaon. i rpHE ABOVE CORPORATION CHARTERED ' A"' by act of the General Assembly of - North Care-1- I iina, is new prepared to teceiye deposits of ONE L DOLLAR and upwwds, pn wnicb, r i INTEREST' 1 i 5 will be allowed. i creasms SAFEST AND BEST PAYING SAYINGS SCHEME isver vuecvuiwfuiw Hituuuujr. .; ... vrr-, J Interest allowed on all sums remainmgone month. 1 and longer, . , - ; - ? n ;-; f L n ? I .... ........ .n.B n . . a n n n 11 n 1 n 1 1 t . . nNi. .111 r wnrvnofm -JJepoeits Treeelved a and Treasnrer; No. 41 j june r -f , ., 1 , (, v 1 ; I HavanaRoyafcEottery.; ORDINARY DRAWINGS. 5i: ... ... " . ! . 1 Class 907. . July 12th,1873 Class 908.. 1 July 89th, 1878 Class 912.. Oct" 4th,' 187S : Class 918. .Oct Sand. 1873 CiaSS 8US..A112. 14tn. 18 Class 914. .Nov. 8th, 1873 Class 915.-.Nqv. 86 th, 1873 Class 910.; Aug. 80th, 1873 Class ,; Sapt 17 th, 1W3. Grand Extraordinary Drawiner. 916. on 18th Dec.. 73 The amount drawn in every Ordinary Drawing $45aO0Q divided into 782 ull Prizes, as J"oixwa: - i v .... . . ( .e 1 Prize ot..,. 1 " 'Of.... 1 of It of.,.. 1 00,000 f e- :......-'"6u. 2 -." of 5.000 each : io;ooo . io,oo 10 lrt ' of 1,000 each. .L, ........... . - 80 i-ot ;i.0Oeachi. .V.-.. .--j.v.ii:'- 64G " : . ! of ' i 800 each. ... : ... -. .v. u . 193,80 9 Approximations of $500 each to the $100,000 Prize.::.. . 9 Approximations of $300 each to the $50,000 Prize.. 9 Approximations of $200 each to the . '. i i . a,roo ' 1,800 e Annmxlmations of ISOO'each to the 3 $iu,uuu rrae. ....... h ji,ouu , 4 Approximations of $100 each to the . .-. . - ' . tww rrizeu. ............. -f . . tyw Address all orders to JKKIHia iSCUTiUt VOUU111BD1U14 JJX-X VUtU L lD. TV UU AaXJ CAM. w. u corresDondents in the United States to receive r . ders and cash all prizes in New Orleans, La., No. 77 Gravier Street. - - MANUEL BORNIO,-? '"; First Sub-Collector for exportation in Havana, Cuba street, 03.; - . . jonezo-aawu ' t 1 t K C. RICE IN TIERCES AND BARRBT.S; COFFEES RIO, LAGTJATRA AND JAVA f j GARS-ALL GRADES; : r ' TJR SUPER. TO EXTRA FAMILY; X .. .. , . . . Raisins, Candles, Fire CracKers, ' IN LOTS TO SUIT, ADRIAN & VOLLERS. h. decl9-tf -.t Richmond Academy, 17. fticiwiiXte trinciDai. J. T: PAYNE, GRADUATE ; OF WASHINGTON , AND LEE DNIVERSrrT, ASSISTANT. THIS SCHOOL. IS , LOCATED -AT- SPRING HILL, Richmond county. N. C, In the midst of a very hehlthr, moral and mtemgent-coinniunity.-'-Boys and Girls will be thoroughly prepared for Cel- lee or the active business Dnrsnits of life... ..: t - - Pupils coming In to the school will leave the train at Laarinborg, from which point they wUl find easy transit to the Academy, only 8 miles distant. ; - - Board in the best families, including washing, sc., at the low rates of $8 or $10 per month. , The eheol isnow ooen. -- ---. . t' - - . - -j - r Tuition in all the branches very low. - For furttier particulars aaarees the Jfnaapai. ... H r : , (, x sept-iw .-, , . j '.Property, for Sale.! ; BUSINESS AT COUNCIL'S, C. C. RATLWAT with DistiileryTVules and Wagon, and Lease on place tor 8 years from 1st next' January. - - - ouo AyJtLtm fir is liajhu oauu n. w. mown u the Causeway tract. .v j A GOOD PLANTATION tn4 Cape Fear Bfver known as Walker's Bluffs Place formerly the prop erty of Isaac Wright, containing gov Acres, more or leea. in a rood state of cultivation, ,-r ..j t j- " ' One goodjsmall plantation on Carvef Creek, with comronaoie uweums ueuse ana auecessarT uut bouses, stables, &c. in good state; of enraratkmi containing iso acres, more or less. , rms will pe soia to connection with business vlace-oa Cape 'Pear i i xir ii t al-. . ..1 may De aesirea, SJ80 wuu tne mu oea- -on carver a Creek, known as the Brown MiHi" Each Of these tnree pieces wm ee soia smgiy or su-togetnep oa good terms. Apply to is: ' F.iWi KERCHNEB j ugzinni,t tfs Ji f- V'ouniaicopy.ji -4r,j f Central Mw ay' DoiBany. "T"",1F'f f " ft rfv if fcr IT trrrt KficuTCt -nnr TuxKrciTn-w' nj"r- fi Qri rTV PREVENT MISUNDERSTANDING, ' CON- X slgnors are informed that when they claim Tniey must sd. state to theReceiylng Agent when the first drav load is delivered. Iu order that the propor tional charge may be entered on the receipt vor- 't The Diamond1 Bracelet,! H TM i ; ETil . i Wronglit liy ; One Man. -BY SUE ' J DICKS01T. THIS THRILLINGLY INTERESTING STORY, written exnresslv for OUR WEEKLY, will be commenced in Its columns on Saturday, September 18th, 18T4. OUR WEEKLY is an eieht vase Litei Peper free from politics and sectarianism pub . lished every Saturday, at Charlotte, N. C. It is the only strictly literary paper in North Carolina, has already a large circulation, and its publisher spares no pains or expense to furnish its readers with the verv best nrodactions of Southern talent. Subscribe how only $1 60 a year less than three cents a weeK ror a nrst-ciass nome uterarr fa. ss home Literary Papery - J. O. H. NUTTALL. .Address i ? -ut I sept5-D3t Wit iV, Publisher, Charlotte, N. C. F A C ri TTTTrPrPTP ' Cuil'U' ! X XU-,; " J.. 'k ,. ; Wholesale ana Jxetau ueaier in au nnos oi ; - ! Parlor, Cliamlier, Dlnlns, Kitclen & Office FURNITURE,, ; Oarpetg,:WiiidQW Shades &c) i. tin k.-KVTKV.aMi: : so: FRONT ST. tart upholstertm ana tTiper-tiaagmgiaone at abort notice and ia the best and latest style. ft i Jana-tf .. . '. j.- Corner Fourth and JuarKetata. Sole agent , f o r t h e UUNINCaREP, renowned 'Weber and Gehle PI. anosCform- -erly Knob it GoM. aprQ6-tf Th fULinirr ct th w.nrft.lMi. the MinRtantlT, In- I "-4". ,wiii.. LndchaSS0 themaSLe Sr-crassef7e 5 JS" US. SJf?. ? FeannbtduolicaietoeoBMttky efWpaW-mBd ee- . " ' r nwMnhaH nhanl .i vriHUMlt AmnATlTlUl 11 Ttnf'A t anv - time or xner Becretaryi agf the edition wtt-mow than dobbied during the Market street.; n f- t j v 1 ye&l. proving that, the Amerean ptibiie appre- f . . i 'is' i- v i' : I ciate. and will suoDortji sincere effort in ihe caune f rt NEWSPAPERS. prospectus fox tsiz SIXTH THE A L DINE, An illustrated monthly journal universally admitted , to be the handsomest penooicai in tne worm. A representative and ' champion . of American taste.. NOT, FOB SALE CYBOOK: QB JSBW STORES ! THE ALDINE, WHttrflSSDED WtTH ALL THE regularity, has none of the temporary or timely . interest ehsoeteristicf Jordriary periodfcals;. It is an elegant mieceliany of ure, light and graceful lit- , , erature, and a collection of plcfurea,'.the rarest spec imeua of artistic skill in-black end white. 'Although . eacn suoceemng numDer anoros a rresn pleasure ui . its friends, the real value and beauty of THE AL " IJlME wm most apprecwed alter it naa Deen bound no at the close of the year. r.Whileother pub Ucationg may claim superior cheapness, ast compared - with rivals nt-m .iTHHUff.ltM,' TUS AfaUtHS IS onique and : con ceptiew alone n&'nnap- ! sravinss in any-' .shane ;6z numberbf votemee for tenumesiiB cost, ana jnen aerrare jairyHHJt . . ,--r,7.v ..v ., wniwithstAniitnsr th .1miim in tha Bocexrf snb- scription last fall, when. THE ALDINE assumed its- . . -- 1 . . . . . . 1 ciate. and wiU buddqtL. j of. Art. Theimblfsiiers; -anxious to Justify the ready confldence thus deirtonstratea. haws. MrA4tAT iliam. selves to 4he fiimaflt deTtlOT and ImDrove- the worki and the plans for ibe, coming yev, aa iinfold- even the most sanguine friends' f the-ALDINE.- The puoiisnen are auirionjseaie-announce aesigns from many of the most eminent artists of America. Tn addition THE ALDINB WIU teprodnce exam. pies or the best xoreign masters, eeiecteawttn a view to tha hiidiest artistic success, and eenersl interest, avoiding such as .nave ome familiar through photographs, or copies of any kind. . The Quarterly tinted plates.' for 1873.- will repro duce four of John ' Davis' o Inimitable ehild- -eketches, appropriate to the four seasons. , These plates, appearing In the issues for January. April, July an f October, would be alone worth the price of & TMri an bxralnnoB.r The popular feature of a coplouBly-Ulustrated "f!hriHtm" nnmh will be continned. . LWOBWI PUV11 V OlUUIlu wauv V nuv " world, atacoet so trifline'. will command the sub scriptions of thousands In. erery r section of r the ceantrv. but. as the- usefulness and .attractions of THE ALDINB can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publish ers propose to make "assurance aouou eure': oy me following unparalleled offer of j, - cn,...l!f;-,. 5i'"PREMlUM CHROMOS FOR 1873: lil f ' Every subscriber to TUB ALDINE, who pays in ' advance tor tne year iY3,wm receive witnoux aaai tional charge -a pair of beautiful' oil chromos, ' after J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. The pictures entitled "The Village . Belled and. Crossing the Moor" are 14x30 inches are printed from 25 differ- -ent Dlates. reo uirinsr 25 impressions and tints to per fect each, picture.-- The same chroKioe are sold for . AAA J . . . . . S ou per pair ul tuo wi twnfa ,,a tuwuowjimi nation.of.the conductors to keep THE ALDINE out or the reacti oi competition in every aeparnnent, tne chromes wiQ be found correspondingly ahead of any that can ee osered Dy otner perMxucais. v, jjyery sub scriber will receive a eertiflcate, , over the signature Of the pablishers, guaranteeiiig that the chromos do equal tc- the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refundori. . : The distribu tion, of pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers of a $5 periodical, wiU mark an epoch in the history of art, and considering the unprecedented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls little snort of a miracle, even to those best acquaint ed with the achievements oi inventive genius ana improved mechanical appliances. (For HluBtrations , of these chromos BeeNovs issue of THE ALDINE.) ?i THE LrrERARY.CEPARTalENT,s will Continue under iam of KrV mnard Henry i JStddard,a8sistedby the best: wrjtere end poets of the rxay, wno wiu strive to nave tne nterature oi THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artistic attractions, , . 'v-.'.fT " . '. 1 1 . .TERMS: j e- x FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance, with oil chromos free. r t ' 'THE ALDINE will hereafter be obtainable only by subscription, - There will be no- reduced- or dub rate; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pub- Ushers direct, or handed to the local agent, wi wltnout responsibility' to .the pubnshers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing -the f ac-aimile signature of James Surfcoa A Coj :,r ; Any person, wishing to act permanently as a iocs asrent. will receive full and nromDt information by applying to - -' ..,) i ! ra. "A0 Bunvnavu, ruoiisners. ',- Dn,juuaea iaissAfWjXiifrs. THEFASmOItABIE sOTJVEllIR, ' HOLIDAY - SEASON ! $ This year will be , , .J s TUB SUPERB yOLUMB-...; -,. .1. . . ... . ; -"v .... ..ZTir,f;: Richly bound in morocco cloth, assorted colors; bev- eiea postob, ramora, yn w ic urn Biut- ltujj . royal Yolome a gallery f fine art 'engr-rlngs that be at once a a-reat Measure to. the redolent, end a demonBtratioh of the taste of the donor. . , There are about 900 plates,: most of which could not be matohotl in siM or qualtty in the art stores at a dollar each. They comprise designs by the lead ing painters and draughtsmen Of tie day, giving the wwestranef ngeje,-animal' and landscape sub jects, comhined witii pnrepisbi and jeraeeful litera- twe, eoitea py tne poev-ecaouLrt . aro tienry Stoddard, forming a most- ttracUTe . ornament for theparlorQHbraryi-- - ----' - rttruis, -fs. .: DellTeredtreeC illiberal diflc cn this Tolume. Order promptly. .. ., -r JAMJSa HU1W1XJM A uul. fltbliahers. v . . . .. - NO.-68 Maiden lane; New York. deel7-tf .i..-i-. . . w J OAp.L,ATolj urirw-'-. LHenry BwItos AND TRY THE CEL- fEBRATEQ Ward Brand ' Cliewiiig Toliacco: ALSO, ' ; HIS run UrUKTIU SEGAESii iifc-to:) .i k6; teBtaVltM? Street: of Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum- aiscoverv of J. P. Fitter. M. B' a regular graduate physician, with whom we are personally acquainted. wno nas ior tst years ire&iou. uienu ; aiBeesea exclu sively with astonishing results. We believe it oar christian duty, after deliberation, to conscientiously ren nest sufferers to use it. esneeialrf'persons in! i tmoa- erate circumstances wno cannot anora so i waste monejC&nd time on worth! ess mixtoreB.', Asclency- men we senousiy xeei me aeep reeponBiDuuy resuug on us in publicly endorsing this medicine. - But our knowledge and experience of Its "remarkable merit fully justifies our action, i Rev. Ct EL Swing; Media, Tn anffawwl ai v4-aay bus Vinfatn VtArtAloae TCtrnr Thos. Mnrohv. D.' D.. Prankford Phfia. : Rev. J. B. , I Davis, Hightstownj-W. J. ; ReTi J. . Baehaaan, I rr.w. a a RmMu PttiKnnt n v : I Bev. Jos. Beggs, Palls CfourchTphii. Other testi- nnijtRin from Senators, , Governors, Judges, Con- I gressme Physicians, e I phtetexptataiagttese . I dollars will be presented te forwarded er&tls with diseases -. One thousand presented to any medicine for same diseases snowing equal merit unaer test, or tnat can produce one-fourth as many living cures.' 'Any per son sending by letter description of affliction will re ceive gratis a legally signed : guarantee, . naming the number of bottles to cure, agreeing to refund money upon sworn statement of its failure to cure. Afllict ed invited to write to Dr. Fitter, PbilSi fiia valuable advicecosts nothing. rr.-r.-,. jMl4-ly-eod-TtfSa "-i'J JWflBiffltOTl N. a SaltrWt! 'Salt! 32! 900 SA AMEBIC! Ain . i 51 r 1 i-t. i! And Worthlngton PINS SALT, 1 1 T J For tale knrV CtJ-tf WILL. XARDBSOS. fTTBDDING CARDS; AND - VBrnSG CARDS ,TV printed In the most elegant style, at . augll I Dresent nooie proportions ana representative cuar- PtliHng and PubUabJng Boseft , . r-r.-'-."-r.

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