TEXAS. of ill Platform Demoeratle Stato WILMING TON m C. : Sunday Morning, Sbpt. 7, 1873. ; BY TELEGRAPH. ' NOON REPORTS. : ' TUB STORM AT MAGDALEN I8L , AND. n Nine Anierl- and Wrecked Additional Partienli . can Vowela Ashore ' Loan of Ule Small. 4 - 1 Halifax, SeptTC The American revenue cutter Woodbury, from Boston for Cape Breton and Magda len Island, arrived this morning. . The coast wrecking steamer Lackawana, engaged for several months on the Atlantic , wreck, sailed for New York' to-day, the company having abandoned the wreck, which will now be sold. The cable steamer Kangaroo sailed for London last evening. A heavy southwest wind - and rain storm prevailed last night and to-day, " . . A letter received here to-day from Mag dalen Island gives the following particulars regarding the late storm there: .... "'The- tide rose to . an extraordinary height, causing a very heavy sea in the bay and the vessels to ride heavily at their an chors. At daylight on the morning of the 23th the scene that presented itself at Am herst harbor is above description. Nice American schooners were already ashore ' and wrecked between Amherst and Bacque harbors. During the day vessel after vessel continued to break adrift from their moor- , ing, and those who: were far enough to windward ran for the' harbor and anchored with the ground tackle they had left on board, while others who had none were obliged to run on the beach to save tne lives of the . crews. Many did not strike the channel and were wrecked.. At noon - the barometer fell to its lowest point, 28.90, the shore at this time being covered with . the debris of the wreck, and hundreds of ships wrecked. Destitute mariners were wandering about the beach, not knowing' where to go to find food or shelter from the storm. The inhabitants of the village did all in their power to relieve the suffer- ers and administered to their wants as well as their humble means would afford. ' About 4 P. M. the bark Swift, of Jereey, from Blanc Sablon, which had been riding with four anchors and cables ahead, was driven "from them all, and having 130 souls on board she endeavored to reach the har- - bor for safety. When nearing the breakers she became nnman sgeable, drove upon the - beach at its entrance, and became a wreck. When night closed in forty-three vessels were ashore wrecked. Fortunately the loss of life has been , very ' small : Only three bodies are missing, all ' from the schooner E. S. Smith; of "YYellfleet, Mass., and one of the bodies has been recovered. V iyYYYf r;-'TEXA8.;; yyy i Demoeratle State Convention Jndse , ; Coke Nominated for tne Governor ship The State Ticket Complete. j ,. . . Austin, Sept 6. - In the Democratic State Convention, the result of the first ballot was: Judge Richard Coke, 309; Chasi Demons, 143; John Ire land, 113; C. 1L Winkler, 105; R. D. Walker, 73; Scattering 91. Necessary to a choice 474. - v ' -. v : , -: J ' On the fifth ballot yesterday, in the Con vention, for candidates for Governor, Rich ard Coke, of Waco, received 659 votes, more than two-thirds of the entire vote, and was declared the nominee of the Conven tion. . -:V;L - When the vote was announced. Col. Hubbard, the only opponent of Coke in the , r last ballot, moved that -the nomination be . declared unanimous, whereupon the motion was adopted amidst throwing of hats and the wildest excitement. - ; . Judge Coke was called to the stand and in a short speech thanked the Convention for the honor conferred upon him. ' CoL Charles Stewart, of Houston, moved that Hon. R. B. Hubbard be declared the unanimous choice 'of' the Convention for Lieutenant Governor. . Y; . , j CoL Jna Henry Brown, in a short speech, : withdrew bis name as a candidate and sec " onded the nomination of Hubbard. ' I r , He was followed bv the other asoirants. CoL Finlay, W. H. King and Lv J. Gore, 2. and CoL1 Hubbard was then declared the ..unanimous choice of the Convention. ,. : - Stephen IL Barden, of Lockport, was .-- unanimously declared the choice of , the " ' convention for Comptroller " t EUECTBIO iPABKS. : - " At IJttfelRocki -Australian Kelly, the prize-fighter, is dead. , : . Reports from the interior of California .confirm the success Jof the anti-monopoly candidates. ,- , . r X-T . f - By the caving of the tunnel in Lincoln mine,. Luther Creek, , nine persons were suffocated. . - 5 - ! The London (Eng.) Hour has a special from Biarritz, stating that Serrano has J gone to Madrid. ' ' ' " . ' Johnson, a lawyer of ' Williamsburgb, N. Y., .has been indicted for implication in - Railroad bond forgeries. ,. , , j Whitcombe,' formerly agent of the St Louis Life Insurance Company for Indiana, has been arrested, charged with a $20,000 yf def alcation. .u u r . The Bostoti Journal returns in the matter ; j of . the candidacy for the Governorship foot up thnsly: Washburn, 299; Butler, 262: . .... doubtf uL 25. i--'?vfyitrr ----- j I ; forcer tohe 'Heard on M JVfrlt lot JIIabeaaCorii Fatal Accldtent-Tbe -Go4d nndr Steele Markets; &c. ' . -rxEw Tobk, Sept-6. ' Joseph T..Yates and Jas. JL Johnson, arrested on the charge of complicity in the ' recent forgeries in.'Wall street, were taken ; before Judge Davis to-day on a writ of Jut- - hem eorpm. -The Counsel and Assistant District Attorney said tlie indictment against Yates- was under consideration and : would probably be returned Monday. The wrils - ; were then 'adjourned : to the ; Oyer .. and : Tei miner Conrt on Monday. ,-,;. : ' Charles A. Lamont, a prominent member : of the Board of Brokers, iell from the third. story of his residence on 5th Avenue last ; e nisrht and wae killed ,vt!' .t ;; The Wall street market was excited to 1 day, , with considerable activity.: and 'wide .... fluctuations. Aloney is active at 7 to gold "interest foreign exchange has advanced to -108 for long sterling and 108J for light i The bank statement shows the following v r . changesf ; Gold was active and fluctuating ,; .... - vycuiug at iit, -men aecnmng to ll3i, - :W,Hf ""osetiuent jully to 113f. s The rates paw, 12 .carrying .were 5 to 2 per cent to ,flat;I Thetoarket was excited at intervals?. r..r. Government bonds are weak. with a f ur- ther decline in sympathy with gold. , Southern State securities are gdull -and Stocks opened .firm and then declined St Paul, Common, Wabash? and Ohio's be- - .v.ing most prominent in the fall. ' Bt Paul and Common fell from 58J to 46; Wabash, 07 to 68; Ohio's 88 to 37f. Western Union . advanced from 90i to flli and afterwards lost the improvement The decline in the Temainder of the list is to per cent , but ; without pressure to sell The decline was i in anticipation of. a very unfavorable ' bank .--..statement. ..i-i. . - ... , Leadlnc Points Adopted Ty the Convention, &c - - AxreniT, Sept 6. , The following are the . leading points of the platform adopted by the Democratic State Convention. After the usual prelim inaries the Convention congratulates the people on the repeal of many odious and oppressive acts passed by the Republican Legislature. : They proclaim that when the Democratic "party comes into power they wUl administer, the Government in the in-! terest and for the benefit of the whole peo ple and not of party, and however much they have been provoked to hostile and re taliatory measures of the outrages com mitted on them by the Republican Legisla ture and State government, it will be a part of their great mission to rise superior totheir just resentments and administer the govern ment in such a manner that every citizen of whatever politics, religion, nationality, or color shall feel he is really protected in his life, liberty and property; that the Demo cratic party affirms the past opinions and policy it has ever pursued; that it is the bounden duty of the State to maintain an emcient system oi common scnoois ana io insure the means of securing common edu cation to every child in the State, and that every adopted citizen may enter into the spirit of perfect freedom and action in mat ters of conscience, the i Democracy i of Texas declare it to be their firm conviction that legal interference with the merely so cial habits of any class of citizens of native or foreign birth is contrary to sound policy, to - genuine democracy and to the en lightened spirit of the age. . They favor the calling of a 'Constitutional Convention by the Legislature. u , - i JThe Democracy of Texas adhere to their past policy of developing the material re sources of the State and favoring the best interests of the people by encouraging the construction of railroads that to this end and to encourage the investment of capital in such enterprises, they will favor the granting of liberal charters ,to companies able to build such railroads and the donat ing te such companies of alternate sections of vacant lands, under proper restrictions and with such provisions of. law as will protect the people against oppression and unreasonable action, until each section of the State has its equal proportion of roads. They are opposed to granting money sub sidies by the State to secure the building of railroads as unequal in the distribution of burdens and benefits and unjust in princi ple. : '"-MV. This Convention' denounces as false and slanderous the imputation sought to be at tached to the State of Texas by her ene mies, that she contemplates the repudiation of any of her just and legal liabilities; that the situation and sufferings of our frontiers men and their families are deplorable and demand our sincere sympatny, ana tnat tne most earnest exertions of the Democratic party will be used to secure their speedy and adequate protection in the future,' be lieving this to be paramount to all other duties. t'-X'-t' fi ? e The report of the committee is signed by John H. Reagan, chairman, and other members. , The following resolution was unanimous ly adopted: J i ' liesolved, That we deprecate the action of the Democratic members of Congress who co-operated with the Republican ; majority and President Grant in the passage of the back pay salary bilL The resolutions passed by the Ohio Dem ocratic Convention, denouncing Grant's policy in regard to Louisiana; were 'con curred in, and the report of the Committee on Platform was unanimously adopted. - - MICHIGAN. Snlelde-The Verdict of the Jnrv In the Matter of the Michigan Central Railroad Disaster, Sec- . ; in 6 :.J.i ; tL DETSorr, Septl C . Edward Moore, charged with poisoning his mother-in-law, suicided. A portion of the new round-house of the Michigan Central Road fell, killing 3. 1 The coroners1ury at Muir, on the Detroit and Michigran Railroad, find Win. Brown, brakeman of the express train, criminally guilty in disobeying the orders of the con ductor, Knell, to go back farther to warn the freight train. .The jury also find Con ductor Sheran, the engineer - of the Mont? reaL and Brakemen Cotney and Low, r of . the freight train, guilty of criminal negli gence the engineer for running at a greater rate oi speea wan tne company's rules allow ed; the conductor for not having the brake men at their posts, and the brakemen for not, being at their posts. ; They are all tin custody except Urown, who is in Canada. WBATHSB BSPOBT. A ' , i WabDepabtmeht, I , Office of Chief Signal Officer, v J Washington, Sept, 64:35 P. 1L . ) - Jrrobabuute.' - i ' t--. . For New England, on ' Sunday, light to fresh winds from the northwest and north east will prevail with clear or partly cloudy weather; for the Middle States, gentle and iresn wmas, mostly irom the northeast and and southeast ana partly cloudy weather with probably rain over the -southern por tion; for the South. Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather and occasional rain areas; lor the uuit mates east of the Mississippi, partly cloudly weather with rain areas; for Tennessee and.; the 5 Ohio valley., partly cloudy weather; for the upper lake region, diminishing pressure, southerly to westerly minds with partly, cloudy weather, 'f with probably occasional rain over the northern. The majority of the afternoon telegraphic reports from upper Michigan, Dakota and Rocky Mountains-have not yet been le- ceivedv;A"i:ir.tj?. I s DOMliSTllJ MAUKB'CSi i - Now xo&x. Sept 0 Noom. ; StockVduh. Gold 113. Money 7 per cent Exchange long, 108; short 108f. State bonds quiet Governments dulL Commercial 1 Flour quit and firm. ' Wheat dull, noth ing doing. Corn quiet and heavy. Pork quiet and , unchanged. Lard dull old steam 8Jc Turpentine firm at 44a Rosin firm at $3 25 for Strained. Freights firm. ' Cotton' firm v and held higher, t Uplands 20; Orleans 20. Sales of futures opened to-day as follows: September 18 15-16; Oc tober 18 8-1618; November 17; Decem ber 17 ,13;10 17 15-10; February 18f ' , i Naw Yor, Sept 6--"Evealng. financial. Money 7 P cent gold to commission. Sterling Exchange advanced to 108. Gold 113113i. Government bonds dull and lower. Southern States bonds nothing if .- with sales of 675 bales at 20i20 cents. Flour 510 cents better and in fair export and trade de m and common to fair extra $7 15$8 50: food to choice $8 55f 11. Wheat dull and 2 cents lower for spot parcels; arrivals firmer. Corn unsettled, and closing with noon's advance partially lost Pork heavy at $17 C24$17 75. Lard quiet and weak. Freights firm. Groceries and naval stores quiet ' - ' . . ; Cotton Net receipts 183 bales; gross 1,637: sales for future delivery closed firm, with sales of 12,400 bales as follows: Sep tember 18 3t-8219; October 18 ; Novem ber 18; Decemberl7 151618 cents. Spirits' Turp entme . marine: . ' : - UUUC1U clubs v,.r ; ' now has two feaselyall doing, o VommerctaZ. Cotton quiet and steady, v 1 FOKlBIGN JtKAHKKTS. '- PAMs.'Scpt 6 Noon. Rentes 58f 30c. , ' LrvEBPOoL, Sept 6 Noon, ' Cotton stirofifc. Vs .Uplands 8idi Orleans did. Sales 12,000; speculation and exports 2.000 bales. ShiDment of new crop on a basis of Good Ordinary,' deliverable September, 8 13-16d.' Later sales include 6,000 American. LATER. New crop oif'a'basls Of Good Ordinary 8fd;.do Low Middlings b 13-16l8f. A PlBOPLtBS VICTORY IN 'CAI.I- FOBN1A. The Ballroad Candidates "Defeated in San Francisco,; Sacramento, and Stockton Twenty Conntles Carried hr the Antl-Ballroad Ticket. Sak Francisco, Sept 4. The yoto of this . city; in to-day's election iH nnixpeitedly iiarge, amounting to 26,2 10 votes out ot a total population of 200,000. The counting oLiJio.vQtea will not, how ever, be complete before Jbriday or Saturday; only 5,000 had been count ed up to noon to-day, and the Anti Monopoly ticket was, then7 ahead of both the others. EhongTC nowever, is known to assure a complete victory for the People's Anti-Central Pacific Kailroad Monopoly ticket for mem bers of both branches of the Legisla ture, and also for. most of 4the muni- cipai uuiceni uii iu " At the election yesterday Mr. Ste venson Carr, the manager of the campaign on" behalf of the railroad ticket, issued orders to his followers to abandon the Republican legislative ticket arid go in a body for the Dem ocratic candidates. His followers did so, but without avail. Ia neSrlycveir JUrsrnt beard from thus far in the ihteriorthe Independ ent Anti-ltailroad ticket is ahead. Everything indicates a great victory. bo far, it is known4 that 24 counties give Anti-Railroad majorities and four give Republican. There hre 53 A Hdi8patcbf from Got. Booth! at Sacramento announces a majority bf i,uuu againsi tne ivauroaa ucicet 10 that city, which is the stronghold of the Central Pacific Railroad Compa ny,- who-. have their i principal work shops tnere. it was previously re ported that the Railroad ticket had a majority of 300 there, which it was expected would be overcome in the county. i r Alameda county has gone rAnti- Railroad. ij Stockton' gives 500 Inde pendent maioritv. Yolo countv and the city of Bemcia have gone Inde pendent rail returns from Alarys- ville City give a Republican majority of 170 over the Independent ticket The total .vote of the city is 857 ? The'returns froni the interior come in slowly, and render it impossible to make correct estimates as yet. Under .t l. Jl'a ine new coae, tne canvassing 01 Dai lots is very tedious, as each name in the numerous split and scattering tickets has to bo separately counted and recorded. Lauriana ? Cook diedf in Franklin county, a feways ago, aged 73 years. A small colored girl - named Williams was run over by a dray in Raleigh on.jfnaay.. , , ; i- Directors N. C. R. R. Becret- sessioned in Raleigh Friday. . CoL T. M. Holt, presiding. , x L C-jhiU U . Hon. M. "VV, Ransom, ; and Mr. Sutherlin, of Danville, will deliver addresses at the Salisbury Fair. Mr. John Nichols withdraws from the Job printing business ;in. Raleigh, by selling his interest. . . . . , , No alcoholic spirits will bo per-' mitted to be sold, and no gambling will be allowed at the. State Fair. , ." E. W, Pou, Deputy, &c, or ganized a Grange of the Patrons of Hus bandry at' Egypt, Chatham county, on the 4th inst. At Salisbury during the storm Thursday' evening? several ihouses were struck, the lightning stunning the cook of Mr. Alex. I'arker. Dr.'D:T:MillarcirPr6fessor of Natural Sciences in Baltimore College, has resigned his position, and will go into mcr- cunuie pursuits in .suevmc. v The Charlotte Observer chron icles the death of Mr. Fred. W. Waddy, Assistant Auditor of the Air Line Railway. Mr. Waddy was in his 23rd year. He was a native of Gnffln, Ga. t - ; j italelff h Jveaf i rhe private room of W. A. B. Branch, Esq;, on Hillsboro street, "was entered, by some thief or thieves yesterday morning, and robbed of eighty dollars in cash and a fine Colt's pistol, r i: -;sie urrauu AAKice uoueuotaies L O. O. F. meets in Baltimore on the 15th. the N. C. delegates are Mai. Beaton Gales., Raleigh, and Dr. J. H. Baker,, Tarhoro. Major W. H. Bagley . and John C. Blake, Esq., will also atetnd. : ; y Weldon News: We learn that Shehorn, the recently released penitentiary convict, . is creating disturbances in the upper portion of this county. , Warrants have been issued for his arrest but ho. swears vengeance against all officers-of the law. In Henderson, Friday, Lazarus Blacknall, . a colored youth about 18 years old, shot and killed his sister, it is supposed accidentally. He playfully pointed a loaded double barrel gun at her, the gun went off and the whole load of one barrel took effect uuder the chin of the girl who was Iving on a bed. V ; " ARRIVED. " " Stmr Gov Worth, McDonaldFayetleville, Worth & Worth. ; ' ' ' " Stmr DMurchisonJ Garrison, Fayelteville, Williams &,Murchison., ,? J 1. r.; . Ger , Brig .Dorothea',' Reetzke, 50 days from London, EPeschau, in ballast, . s -' ' CLEARED. . ' Steamship D J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. , . :- . . ' Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. - . . Stmr Gov Worth, McDonald, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. - . , ...... Schr Joseph Fish, TupperNewburyport, -via Quincey.'G G Barker & Co, cargo by J H Chadbourn & Co, and Northrop & Cum ming, . , , ,,, ,j -mi 1 y .-J , . PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. a vl ' " Stmr North State 520 bbls rosin,4 137. do spirits. 15 do turpentine. 13 bales yarn. 1 Stmr If urchison 148 bbls spirits, 686 do rosin. ' y;:sq3-.y ; .QiuH-v r ' ''' '; ' ' EXPORTS. ' Y h:..U-:., COASTWISE. 'n t4i Baltimore Steamship D J Foley 40,- 000 feet lumber. 241 casks spirits. 208 bbls rosin, 165 do tar, 21 do pitch, 40 bales cot ton, 180 bushels peanuts. - Newbukvpokt Schr J oseph Fish 13'J, 600 feet lumber. . - CONSIGNEE Per W. & W: R. R. Sept. 0,1873: S L Fremont, B Weill, Aaron & Rheinstein, S Hanstem 'Jf A bchutte.'JSd wards oe H, Geo R French & Son, Evans & VonG, S Bear & Bro. U A Price. S .Louis & Co, D A omitli & Co. . ..... .... . rAf Oar o notations. It eiould be understood. ret resent the wholesale prices generally. In making up small orcers nigrar prices naye to pe caargeq. Amicus. 5 . SHIPPING DIRECTORY. ,( LUt of Vessels In tne Port or .Wll- mlneton, N.' C, September 7 1 i ; STEAMSHIPS. Tonawanda, Wiltbanks. dis.: r ' ' v .. - i . ' Worth & Worth brigs. . Ger Brig Dorothea. Reetzke. 1 E Peschau Victor (Nor),: Peterson, dis., - REIleide , BARQUES. r Br Bark Elizabeth Knowles, Carmichael. ' Y-'" j ' i J R Blossom & Evans Asterlide (Nor), Alsen, dis. , R. E. Heide Diana, Machaelis, Blossom & Evans, t (, SCHOONERS. Mary A Ivans, Day, dis,r Harriss & Howell tnls Port sld Aug 23 sld Aug 23 Rev. W. D. MoffitLJate of Rich mond county, is in - Jail in HnntsvOle, Ala. The cause of the incarceration of the Rev erend gentlemen is not stated, but it is hinted, says the Rockingham Spirit of the South, that the too great desire to follow the teachings of Brigham Young may have sometmng to ao witn tne abridgement ot his liberties. A , TO T( i - r;" ! The Pioneer is in receipt of a letter, from. Webster. Jackson countv. which states that on Sunday night, the 31st uiv me jau a. max piacewas oroaen into by a band of . ruffians, and Ayers Jones, charged, with rape,.- and John, Bryson, charged with Tiolaung the U. S. Internal Revenue Laws, set at Uberty. The parties also carried away two stills which had been seized by the U. S. officers. - u ; following additional pro LOCISiaHA, JkND TEXAS. Yellow Pever ,at -Galveston and , , . 'SnreTesort, "4cc y'y '!;'; ' Nbw Otbxkaks' SeDt 6. The Austin Convention remained in ses sion until 2 o'clock A. M., when i( adjourn ed sine die. . - Great; anxiety is - felt regarding yellow . fever at Galveston and Shreveport. j Private "telegrams state that boats from Galveston are quarantined at Houston, thereby stopping all through travel.; j . 'JYY ELECTRl C. JP A IIKS. t f .' . . i ? - ' A'-' Boston dispatch says the footings at Butler's headquarters show Butler 316; Washburn 283... ixr.Y:. -,yY A Matamoras, Mexico, dispatch says an outbreak is threatened over the contest: of the Governorship of Nuevo Leon. . No can didate having a majority the result will be determined by the .Legislature. : ' At San Francisco,' William Dwyer, prize fighter, was . stabbed and. killed, Andy Fringate and : Jack White, ' gamblers, ex changed the contents of their six-shooters. Both are dead, each being hit three times. v The Commissioner at jWashington bus not adopted the patent cigar box, against whieh dealers have protested, but invites .dealers to suggest some means by which ine government ana ine tax paying mer chants may be protecteu'. - j f mm - -.T t . I . . . . . iue new iors uans. Btatement snows a Joans decrease of half 'millions; specie de- tfease one and 1 three-eighthsiof a nuHion : I legal tenders decrease six million;, deposits decrease seven ana a nair millions. j .. , 3 iThe week's importations were seven and five-eighths of a million,' including three ana a quarter million in-dry goods.: . : . I Washington Correspondence Richmond Dispatch. Ab6Ut XlHtler Cnanees. : Opinion varies considerably here' as to whethes Butlar W4JI run as an in dependent, (or bolter) candidate for Governor in Jklassachusets in, case bis hbe8it)f beinrnonimatect- by the Worcester Uon vention are blasted, which now seem imminent as the smaller town itr the western part of the State are heard from. It is con sidered here that this is Butler's last chances linl the future not,onlytfor, VTOvrriior, uut lur oenate ur wne Presidencv, to which. it is well known he has ardent aspirations, are hoje- lessly deatL Jhuuld he persist in running against the will of the Con vention he will be read out of the The miums for racing, on the second day of the state 1 air, are onerea: it tinning race, purse of $100, mile heats, three or more to enter, for horfes four years old or 'under, owned in the State, $00 for first, $25 second and $15 for third; running race, sixth day. a purse of $100, three years old or under, owned in the State,, three or more to enter, f 00 to nrst, to second and $15 to third. Messrs. .Tvl&Holt, lion. Thos. Settie, Gov. T. R. Caldwell, Hon. A. 8. Mernmon, Hon. M. Y. Ransom, Hon.! W. 'A. Smith, Hon, & H. Rogers, Colonel L J. Young and Capt TfF.Lee have been ap pointed a Committee to invite the President of the United States to attend the Pair. 'A delegation of the Committee will 'visit the President in person and extend the .invita tion. , : , ! " The following, is from the polit ical part of the salutatory of Mr. Knight in the Wadesboro Argus : The political chaK acter of the Argv will undergo no change. In the future, .as in the past, it will bo the advocate of sound Conservative, principles. wiu wiu u(wso ana ueuuusce au-irauas, rings, organizations and other appliances that are, or may be originated to infringe upon tne ngnts oi tna people. -1 h f Newbern -Jiepublic-Courier : Z The life of J. L Hickman, cominOuly I Jered anown as ".Beau mcaman." we learn that Mri E. X' Guthrie, of this eUy) will pre pare a biographical sketch "of the life and character of this celebrated individual who died at Washington last Tuesday. Persons having facts or Incidents connected wi;h the remarkable "Beau", should communi cate the same td Edmund L Guthrie, box 591, at Newbern, N. C. . - i I Asheville Expositor : On Satur day nierbt last a difficulty took Dlace on Cane Creek between Riley and John Ear.; wood and George Mitchell, in which Mitch ell received a dangerous, and, it is feared, a fatal wound.,Earwood was- committed to jail-to await 'the result of Mitchell's in juries.. The unanimous opinion of those present is, tnat tne assault upon tne .Ear- wood boys was most uncalled for and un- Lin ef Vessels Sailed for j BRISTOL. Kobe, Karasler, : GRIMSBY. Junot Lindt, L.UJXDUJN. Br Barque Sophie Gorbitz, Gorbitz. sld Aug. 2a von der .Luke Kohistonf. Placeman. sld Aug G N Gredelohen, Dethlop, , Brig Victoria, Schultz, . :Y Brig Ard, Jackson, Else Esehricht, Esehricht, ; t Dorothea, Rietzke, Douglass, Wilson,- . ' MARTINIQTJR Schr A Richards, ' , v . . - SWINEMUNDE, Barque Bertha,' Schwartz, NEW YORK., Schr Idabella, Fischer, Schr John, Gabriel, ; r" Schr John Masser, Abrams, Schr John Kelso, Kelso, , DEAL. C Neumann,' Gaedebehu, i , BELFAST, Me. Schr S J Gilmore, Dutch, LIVERPOOL Carl AueusL Petersen. , Br Barquentine Elizabeth Tayloit, eld Aug.: 1 Jxampier, Roberts, Tarpeian, Young, Ulrika, Petterson, Brig Leda, Muller, . HAMBURG. Bertha, Hillerich, Nor Barque Heyn, Beck, Nor Brig Flosta, ' Andersen, Nor Barque St Olaf, Haskell, .MAASLUS.y Ger Bark Mynheer, Tesnow, . rrTT i A r)Kl.PH A Alice Iieav Foster, , I , cM Aug. 26 KJfiWKY. Marie Rose, Schultz, aid Sept 19 sld Aug 6 sld Jul v 28 sld July 27 eld July 23 sld July 15 sld June 2 sld June 25 sld June 25 eld Sept 4 eld Aug 28 sld July 17 eld Aug. 13 sld Aug. 14 sld June 8 dd July 24 sld Aug 7 sld July 17 sld July 5 sld Aug. 15 sld Aug 14 sld July 23 sld July 23 sld July 15 i sld July 28 BAGGING Gunny . .1 . .Doable Anchor. ...... Double Anchor A". BACON North Carolina, Hama, w B . . , ShoulderB, S) ..... . Western Bmonea , - , i Ham. . . ..... . . ::Y:.y;. .v.'.: Bides, $f tt).. .;...;... Should CfB..... ' Dry Salted- ' ' Sides i ....-... .. ' Shoulders .... . On the Hoof , BARRELS SptrlU Turpentine, ' econa usna, eaca. ..... .. . New New York, each ... .. New City. each. . BEESWAX lb BRICKS WUioinjrUm, M... : JNonaern........ ......... BTJTTfiB North Carolina, V lb -' Northern fi .. ........... CANDLES fipenttt f) ?...,.,; J.BUUW, 9 JD .... Adamantine; $1 B.... ...... CHEESE Northern Factory t V Vtarj. V ..,..;... . State. t ft.... COrVBB Java, ,...... Rio, v i. :i. JLaenayra. 9 fi CORN MEAL bushel. . . i COTTON TIES DOMESTICS Sheeting, t-4, V yd Yarn, s huncr.. ........... FISH Mackerel, No. J, bbL. No.1, bbL... J Mackerel, No. a, V bni. . . . . , No. S, bbl. ' Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl..... : Molleta. V bbl.i. ...... i.-.., . N. C Herring, 9 bbl...... Dry Cod. fe ....... . . FLOUR Fine, bbL . Super. Northern,' Dbl.,.., Exuado. " ' bbl...., Family . . -V bbl... City Mills Super ttbbl. .. ; .. . v. Extra, bbl.v.. A " - Family, 9 bbl.. Ei Family. bW . FERTILIZERS j FeruTtan Uuano, W 8000 job Baugh'a Phogphate, " , " t ' Carolina'Ferdlizer, , ; j urouna none, -. - Bone Meal,, J ' - ' Flour, , . . Navassa tinano, . Complete Manure, . " -.- " Whann'a Phogphate , Wand? Phosphate, " ' ii Berzer & Buu'e Phosph. " GLUE a s.....;...... GRAIN Corn, In store, V 68 lbs. Corn, cargo, v ao u..... Corn, YeL; W DuaheL.'..;.. Oats. 9 bosbel.. .......... Peas. Cow. 9 bushel ...... BTDES Green, 9 1 v.... Dry, v 12 ...........h w HAY Eastern, 100 as...... North Riven v iw HOOP IRON 8 toa.. :... LARD Northern, 9 16. ....... North Carouna. V !..-.. LIME bbl LUMBER Cm SteahSawxd ( Ship Stuff, resaweo, V M. It Rouzh Edse Plank. 9 M ft. West India Cargoes, according; to quality, 8 M ft ureas ea j?iooitiik, bouhjuou. Scantling and Boards, com-: mon. 9 Mft , MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, B pal Cuba, bbls, tt d.......... Sugar House, hhds, 9 gal. ? - ' bbls. tte&l.:, Syrup, bbls, gal , NAILS Cut, 4d to &&, 9 kejr. UUjS j&erosene, vgai. ....... jjara, gai.. - unseeo, y PEANUTS POTATOES Sweet, JB bushels Irish, Nortnern, y ddi... PORK Northern, City Mesa. Thin, 9 bbl... Prime. 9 bbl. Rams. V bbl....;. BICE Carolina, tt lb., East India, V . 16 18 00 18 9 ' 11 & . & J15 ' 10 19 11 13 f "18 12 11 . :' i 11 10 RAIL ROAD, UKES. WilmiTi ortnTi -rrrlvr - - - -orr w n ciqoh IIAIL.ROAB'CO. 1 1 nmimtm 6 i . i . . 75 t 58 28 fl 00 oa so 35 .25 " 00 16 , ! 8 & i 3 00 815 & 175 & . aa i a io oo & 14 ou st! 40 4i so 58 : 1 Change of Schedule, Wilmington, N. a, Jime 2ft?T. ' N AND AFTER JUNE ai ( KJ eenger trains on the WUmiaeton 5TpA BAilroaf iwQl ran as follows JumngW), Wei At & &' 18 13 15 & ;80. & G & SG . & 02 H& eo , ... i ; ittAII. TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sundays ex. Arrive at Goidsborb ..". T JtocKy jh ount. . . . . . , Leave Weldon daily "SundaysM(p. uoiasDoro Union Depot.,.'.; 8:15 A. u S: p. S; 3, Km, 1 EXPRESS TRAIN. 9:30 a i. 1:16 p S- 5:30 p. J 18 09 9 50 14 50 7 50 10 50 6 50 6 00 5 CO & ; 0 50 700 800 8 50 9 50 10 00 12 50 19 1 65 & 23 00 Leave Union Depot dally Arrive at GoldBboro. . ; . Rocky Jtouat. Leav Arrive ...At 555 p u 8 50 000 - 8 5 50 7 00 8 00 10 00 & aj 9 75 & 10 50 & 00 00 & 80 CO 00 00 00 00 & 60 00 48 00, 53 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 -57 00 55 00 & 6500 00 00. 67 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 60 00 0000 16 SI ' 80 ,,. 82V 75 8334" 1 50 1 73 T " 8 io i is 1 00 1 75 1 35 i t to 130 00 185 00 r 11 IS ' 1 50 IU) 34 00 3 00 SO 00 90 00 97 00 25 00 S3 85 00 Rouzh. bash.. i. ...... , BAGS Country, tt St.. aty, 9 - ROPE SALT Alum, 9 bushel.. ...... uverpooi, 9 sacK........ American, tt sack SUGAR Cuba, tt lb portauico, v ......-... A Coffee, tt lb B i . 9 lb............ Ex. C tt B.. Crushed, tt ............. SOAP Northern, tt . SHINGLES Contract, tt M.... uommon, 9 M. ............ Cypress Saps tt M,......... Cypress Hearts tt M..... 8TAVKS W. O. BbL, V M K. O. Ilhd., 9 M.. .. " Cypress, tt M.... ........... TALLOW tt S... TIMBER Shippin tt M . Mill Prime, tt M........i.j Mill FalrTfJM....... ....... Inferior to Ordinary, 9 1 ... WHISKEY Northern, tt gal... ' North Carolina, tt stU. WOOL Unwashed, tt ..,.., - wasneo. v , 15 00 87 40 S3 97: 35 895 28 1 10 1 00 SO 1 50 0 00 4 35 19 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 9 ' 00 4,15 23 00 & & & & & 49 24 28 80 850 29 145 110 40 300 100 550 & 0000 00 00 1500 8 8 6 75 60 45 10 19 11 io 11 13 5 9X 1S5 - 8 33 00 165 150 19 W 11 13 4 00 , 3 58 6 50 9 60 SO 00 00 00 18 00 09 17 00 15 00 IS 00 5 00 1 00 1 75 90 35 7 6 00 309 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 00 17 00 14 09 800 500 3 50 , a 40 WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. MISCELLANEOUS. TIE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER will present a three-dollar chromo to everv subscriber for 1873 who pays 3 00 in advance for a rear's subscriDtion. The Chromo entitled "The Unwelcome Visitor"- Is executed In the finest style or chromatic printing; the printed surface is 13 by 17 inches, and the picture sens in tne an stores ior fit. it is equal in respecF w any 01 me xnromo 'premiums ox bv other publications. 1 The EHQunutK is a familv paper, devoted to the Home mrcie, tne jranner, ine Mechanic, tne Traos man, alike in every section of the Union; is not seo tlenal in its character, wjt partisan or sectarian.' Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness and accuracy, its columns are filled with the choicest matter appropriate to the different departments Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and AdventuM, Sabbath Reading, -aeolums for the Children. Wit and Humor. Agricul tural, Correspondence from Abroad, Excerpte on : all Subjects, an Epitome of the News of the Day, &c? ORIGINAL STOHIES. I The bnblication of Orirfhal Stories Is a feature of the ENquiMB, and lor the next volume we have pro- curea several rrom me pens or popular ana enter taining writers. In this Department alone we can OOXRICTSD DAILY ITTH BAHK OT HW HAXOTXB, : X. B. GBAXNGBBy AKSIDXKT. ) BTJTIKO. BXLLnrO. . t . .... '.y.. ... j . . . .... 13 - - - Wa SUver. ....106 . , 109 exchange stent on Northern dues Par. Exchange SO days oa -. 1 " t ; i a r . . ..11 ttcdis. far vau selling, Gold. Bank of New Hanover Stock.. -.i....... 25 jiret rnunnii nana,. ...... iuu , Wilmington Building Stock, 49 Mechanics' - - .....H,r?;i;.;.. 47: , , Navassa Guano Co.: " 108 N. CL Bonds Old ExkMrpon.......... 84 " . . 5' 1868,... .-.34 , ' 1 Da Hw-ri.-.s.t.i.!.-.i..'.;.C..SO ' 1 t. Do. ; Special Tax.... .U....1S j Do. to N. C. Kailroad. j!" 5rt J W. W. B. B. Bonds 9 V (Gold Int).90 wmaB,oo.J.ii 35. , 28 110 .75 U7i HO ill Wilmington City Bonds, 3 Wc . m i . , 1 on old 6 ttc 65 ew 8 ttc... 65 (Gold In t) New Hanover County Bonds (10 years). o (Go.4 Int.X........i...i:..i .v.T0 New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 - ttoGlnU..C.i.w.i.97Ii W. S W.. Kailroad Stock Par inn a . . I "North Carolina B. E. " 100). ... .40 ' Wjf.0 Eailrdr ,1 60;Cli;i iif W3.as Light Co. . ?. (." ; M) 70 . (:J RATES OR FREIGHT. - ' I .us ; provoked, and that John was perfectly jus- lirlahln in otnhhini Mitholl ! . , COMMERCIAL. promise our readers entertainment equal in charac- ter 10 inai or any or me popular story papers.- ? - The subscription price of the Ehquibbb Is $3 per annum, with. Chromo Premium, or without Pre mium, two. copies one year $5; onecopysix months, SI 60: one copt three -months. 81. The Chromo will be promptly mailed to subscribers on receipt of suMcnpuon. ispecimen copies or cpe paper tent on application.' Address all letters to ; . , dt10-tf L..M. GRIST, Proprietor, T, Proprietor, Yorkville,S. af; party. . (111. Richmond Enquirer. j Geo. Kemper and blm Caiivaas.i The gallant and gifted champion- in-chiet.or the uonservative cansq is marking a splendid canvass, as every body who knows him knew he would. LfTTa moTinjr -right orr'anoons the WILMINGT O N . MA U K E T. BTAIJ OFFICE, Sept. 6. SPI1UTSTUKPENTINE.T Iicceipt8 820 casks. ' Sales of . 325 casks at 89i, and 40 doi (selected) at 40 cents per gallon) for; Southern packages. Market steady. j ROSIN.Recelpts 3,532 bbls.; Sales of 950 bbls Strained at2 60,160 do extra No a at $2 7U, ana 100 iow jfaie at Ifa so f3 62;:;Maxket flteady'; Quarantine Notice. ri-IIE FOLLOWING QUARANTINE REGULA- x nous will oe ui rorce on and arter the f 1st of June 1873, tmtii farther notice:, f 1st All yeirtels frtta ports south of Cape"Fearwill come to at the visiting station near "Deep Water Point." and await the Inspection of the Quarantine J-.' f 4 .ui .1 i. , .2d. All vessels having sickness on board on arrival, ur uaimif uau rciieB during me TOTS?e. ar m.- quired to come to at the station for Inspection, with out rujiru 10 we port irom wnenctt iney sauedv 3d.; Veesels not included as above will proceed to' t .... - . T . 1 I . t uuiiugLun niuwui ueienuon. Y To NkYobk. Crude Turpentine tt nblj xar v rw. ....... ...... Spts Turpentine tt bbl rcosin 9 DDi....i,..ii. Cotton tt bale.-. Peanuts tt bushel . . . . . . - To PrrruDlIffill. Crude Turpentine tt bbl iu wool... Spts Turpentine tt bhl Koein v ddi......;.... Cotton tt bale.......... Cotton Goods 9 bale.. Peanuts tt bushel...,.; Lumber 9. M..... . To Balttmors. Crude Turpentine tt bbl xar ft DDi.i.. Spts Turpentine 9 bbl KOSin DDI... v"" ........ reanuts tt Dushel dumber tt M. TO 1JO8T0K Crude Turpentiue 1 Tar ttbbl....... SptsTurpentln0. KOBIU'V DOI..V.... Cotton tt bale,.... Peanuts tt bushel... '..A Lumber ttX.i...vJ. I Per Steamer. Per Sailing veaaei , 60 0 60 0 60 0 00 1 00 a 0 00 0 50 0 60 ou 64 U (XI 0 10 0 00! 0 00 0 0 50 u J 0 66 4 00 1 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 s 00 0 00 0 75 6 00 & & 10 o no io 00 0 00 0 45 0 00 & 0 45 0 00 a 0 90 OOO a 0 45 0 00 S 00 000 a 011 0 00 8 001 0 00 & 0 00 0 00 & 0 00 t 00 a 0 00 0 00 0 00 uuusaooo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 MISCELLANEOUS. , H ptr&TWEiJS -The Raleigh Sentinel. ular with sales of 150bbh at $3 35, 107 doat'$3 40. ind 125 do at $3 50 for Virgin and Yellow DipK subject to extra, and $2 h'eTtdy;tte1trngbfclfefcV-'an,d by f or llardi iSId 10 f .cotton rn.xnB.Bm, - Boston, firm at 20;. Savannah, 18; Mo bile, steady at 16i18;? Nw Orleans, vtry firm at 15iai8i; Cbarlestonf-firm at 16 18; Balttoore,'flrm atf 17,19lSi; Norfolk, .' auaacipma, lirm. at 17J, ivi 2Qi; Augusta, 18. - i i t day: speaKing wnerever ne nas aa appointment, and occasionally on his route to-rientlifUidaatic crowds who gather in front of him and demand speech before ho goes further. He A isroti8iirg:, th? peoplj wakening 4tnem to aensa ofctheiP. danger? in spiring them with confidence: and exciting an enthnsiasm in themorin .tains AryaUejicbwUirjiot be abated until the' great battle has been fought and a grand Conservative .u TAR-Salea of :12Q. : bbla at $2 . 85 per bbL ; Market quiet and steady, j. Y;. ' COTTOKlteceiptii bales! Sales! of 4 bales at I5f, I at 16i and 1 at. 17J , merits per 3b.' Market steady at i the following 9ations;-"; i "... JibTOrdinaryO i. & 10 Mil m3& W the captmn, or V the vessel is m a filthv condition: they will bring the vessel to the sutiokfor further examiuauon. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating the quarantine laws are subject to forfeiture of their branch; masters of vessels iu a one oi two nunarea dollars ($2uu a day ad LAKGEST DA LY AT THE CAPITAL rvertKt......,.:;;;;.; iH Goldaboro Union Depot. "ao p. S :0 A k The man train makes close conheoHnn .t . .. for all points North via Bay Line and Aconi. p ? routes. "wjiua trttk Kxpress Tram connects only with Aconi rw, route. PiUmuHi PsJar si.t?i on this Train. - --s tan FREIGHT TKAINS will leave Warning weekly at 6:00 A.M., and arriveat i .JJW W KXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will u. mington dafly at 60 P. ItTaad arriviT!!1; General Snpermndg, M. Junemf Carolina WILIHINGTON, N. e... ' ;PASSESGBB TllAKS. ."T EAVB WnJONGTON DAILY EXCEPT SDi. j- uys.....'.... 8:00A y Arrive at waaesooro at.... 5:25? 5 Leave Wadeeboro at...:.......' .. 7-ini'i Arrive at Wlmtaeton at. t. ." " 45 p u FREIGHT TRATNH. " r,Jl Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) 6KI0A.lt Leave Laurhiburg at 5;oo J Arrive at Wilmington at. ... '." g'g p J Passenger Trains leav Charlotte daily! Sundays excepted, af.V. 8:0OA.ll Arrive at Buffalo. t iv. ...ISflOM Leave Buffalo at. . . .' , lk)0 P Arrive at Charlotte at..... ' b-is v v Irresrular Lumber and Timber Trains ran on liAtii portions of the Road as the business requires. ajjj ouge wui soon ran m connection the trains on both ends of this Raifwav. ''. - " , 8. L. FREMONT, may 18-tf ? ; r.--. Chief Kngmeer and Bnpt , STEAMSHTF LJHES. , Baltimore and Wilmington SEHI-WEEK1I STEAMSHIP LIKE! QOMPOSED or thx FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS - p. Ji FOLEY, Capt. D. J. Price, ' XVTClXIiK, Capt L S. Bennett, -REBECCA CLYDE, Capt D. C. ChOdi, Will hereafter nail from BALTIMORE ' Every Tnolsday and Friday, ' ; AND FM .WttMINGTON Every Wednesday and Saturday, - CONNBCTING AT WILMINGT01T With the WQmingtn Columbia and AagnsU. Wilmington and : Weldon, and the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroads; also the wvetal lines of steamers to Fayetteville, Giving Throngl! Bills of Lading To all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia ana A lanama: connecting at .Baltimore witn tne Bal timore and Ohio and the Northern Central Baiirotd for all points in the West and Northwest, and with steamers and Railroads for Boston. New York and PhDadeiphia, .. . ,f i, j; r or ireignt engaeemenis appiy io rr.t.-. A. D. CAZAUI, . , .. Agent Wilmington, N.C. , Axdrxwb A Co..' Agents, Baltimore, dec 81-tf PHTT.AmPHTA & S0ITTHEM Mail Steamship Company rtHB . FIRST ' CLASS STEAMERS PIONEER, 81S tons, Capt John Wakeley, TO W AW AND Ai B44 tons, Capt a C. Wiltbank. form a Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila delphia and Wilmington every Tuesday morning, u 6 o'clock .;:.' '-.v. -&Y 1 Tnronzb Bill of Xndlng I Given to New Yorfc.Boston, Providence, Fill Biver, Portland and all points in the New England at as low rates as by any other route. Also toU erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Ams terdam, and all points on the Continent and Kas! Coast of EnglandLt ' Ti nrougn rates rrom pniiadeipma w au North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabacw, IjOnlriana, Mississippi and .Tennesiee, at at kiw rates as oy competing unea x ur x reiuv engagements ana raws ayyij , ,j ,U i WORTH fc WORTH, Agente, J.M.:FoR8HXB,Superintendent m L. JAMES, General Agent, f June J3T and S39 Dock street Philadelilii. si FORWENT , 00 fib deo , 0 50 & 0 60- O OO j 70 :050 JOO ; 0 00 t 75 o eo e io 000 0 50 eo o so 0 00 & 0 80 " o oo a o so 0 00 J 00 0 00 8 75 000 0 10 . 7 00 Of 8 00 0 00 a 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 75 5 0 00 & 0 45 0 00 3 00 0 00 Q 00 60 t 00. . ' 75 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 70 0 00 1 10 0 65 0 70 ,9 50 0 00 0 13 0 10 11 60 13 Tjxat onb-Tkas, from lat op October. i11P.l-f ti-iii 1 it -'..t iii -1 ' ' if - -.. " NEXT. THE on Front treet:f ati ckesent: occuDied by Tartr Webbx Esq. For ierma and niarticulars app !?. rngaisep?,?; irticttlars apply . Real Estate Bn ' CRONLY jSngarC oio M Molasses. 2?jQ: BBLS. SUGAR, ALL GRADES, OOy SACXFFER-rLaguayra, Rio and Jsvj, OKfi HHDS., TIERCES AND BBLS. CUJ LASSES. QOK HHDS..' OZO LASSES, s. H- i. sept 5-tf, . For sale by ' F. W. KERCENEIi. . Tictory, f. i is, -f Ordinary...... 13 ,r Good' Otdtansrp. uvi l5it Aim .".f ; Strict Good Ordinary. 16 JLOW , jdidclling. . . . ,.llf-. . ,-r Strict Low 'jfiddling. 18 "i l Middling.,.. 18 , ;, Strict Middling 19 t - V 4 for every day they violate the quarantine laws, ani au other persons aro liable for each and every of fence. - ''i u.u. aii ,m:iB Buujeck uj viBiuiuuuB uaexuiese- ruiauons wui set nag In the mam-rigging, port W l'.i bm S ,:Y. W. POTTER, - uoarantme I'nyMclan. I r StW.mYJ .. .h - ?ort of Wilmington. N. C.f!i .3inwe.si-?ay5n-tu frtx-': i iSUi ii.jti i--' isnaving saioonG 'TOE TURNER INFORMS ' HTa lirrfTiriirbrvrTa, J friends and customers that he has recently fitted aa Shaving, ' iously as it can be done in the city. T18 OWest DaUy in the Slate tot One- 227 ; ANOTHER LOT. OF,, s ; ,: Tbe Best In the World," i-' t '. JUST m STORE, ..Af' -; GEORGE RYERS auglO-tf ' . 11 and 13 8a.Front StrecL DihtillcrV Goods Spirit Casket 8T AND ARD SPIRIT CASKS, T , 50 Tons ltf, 1 and 1 inch Hoop Iron, BBLS. GLUE, pHE 8ENT1NEL HAS RECENTLT UNDER A eoae chansres and imnrovements which make it one oi the best newspapers of the State, and as it circulates in every-poruon of the SUte is second to' none as an advertising medium. Price j. ',,$." T, ', . , f '..,.-, j -t Y SEMtWEEKLY SENTINEL. The Semi-Weekly Sentinel is unquestionably the cheapest and best paper of the k ia Uie State. PrtctS. v. , . j j v( i : TUK ttKKKI.T RKM'I'I N KT TTia Wu,VI. a tlnel is among the largest papers: in the - State, and contains irom a to u columns or choice- reading matter. Including the latest telegraphic news from all parts of the world. . For .the, present no adver tisements will be received for this edition, . Price of sept 5-tf For sale by F.'W.KERCIINKR. p5.t SENTINEL PUa OOMPANT. Ie Hare teuton j Stealer To- t " f r A choice lot of s ...... . PURE FRENCH CANDIES, Dried FjCT, Prunes, Date. -'t..'') 'Fresh Nuts, Lemons, APP. Jellies, Preserves, Ac., Ac. . . , , f fehS7-tf - ' ' WEST fTHB ITIOKIVING STAR BOOK B 1 KRT is complete in an all its fPP?S and is to chargo of one of the most skillful wor" in the State. AU kinds of Binding .ejwcutoj ineauj. cheaply and expeditiously. :: I808 11 " 1 r

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