THE HOBNIITG STAB, BATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square, one day, A. . . ... ..f... ...... 5 " fourdaye........ .t; J ' XT nn PUBLISHED DAILY, JJX BJ.TK8 Of BTJB8CKIPTI0H. ' $7 00 . S 60 . 00 TO ToCitySubicribere, delivered In my partofth .A mV teen Cents per week. Our City Agents are rCity Agents are -- not .uthortaed to collect for more advance. Oregon Radical Convention was turbur teat. A. R ShejAerd appoloted Got J. ernor District of Coliitobia, Vice Cooke, re- si,rneL Eighteen deaths from yellow fever at Shreveport Friday. A slave slip was captured. In an accident on a Spanish Railroad 17 killed, 76 wounded. Cortes adopts the whole bill increas ing powers of the Government Some of tue Alcoy communists have been con demned to death. . Insurgents in - a last place of occupation,! was evacuated by the Germans yesterday. American tl,e eroiau jrcvc.ujr. AutClla , mrmuUcalo.n- mnnA Tuesdav. Mobile will dnaran- 1 """"" ' I New York Markets: Cotton, 2121; gold,41U.-' Total receipts at the At- lantic and Gulf shipping ports this year have been 3,651,346 bales of cotton, against 2,732,286 bales last year. . James Howard, a St. Louis and New Orleans boat burned; bat fpassengeisr were; sayed wtth baggage., t t4 . -,;-,; . j The 1 colored Episcopalians of ! Columbia have purchased a lot and I will soon commence the ejection of a I church edifice. ; ' A free fight occurred near-Wil- liamstoit,. L G., last. week, between a number of drunken negroes, in which -one was killed. , j - - ' Gilbert Green, colored, was kill ed on Dr. Paul Pritchard's plantation! in Iseaufort, last baturday night, by a notorious negro ruffian named Wm. Kingr :tf. Tbe Griffin (Ga.) Star says' a I young maa of that town tried tobor- I nlace &'few davs ap-o oh il 4.000 P'ood l Kolhrtemb and failed. Mi itlfoll i I - j o o I It is proposed to hold a conven tion of the editors and publishers ol "Florida. TMwshaTeTs"- in Jacksonville on the 15th of k October' to organize a State Press Association. J ' . - stantly killed at Brooksville. Fla.,' on Wednesday some't tinkniwn ? frft. . 1 P " y 7- v g .in a nela-at44ie-4ime ha was show f 1 - A -plalte-lonl Edisto Island iwrites to the lSeaufort SowtAern nnv'comrjaB that-rnavIbe -orjrahized son to Augusta or Aicen. i ist s.?ii-'Ai."J :tlJ' . I IJ I f J vuuuvt. Fix, on Sat u shots were exchanged, each-party f u vwol sv wmiwu -m Lunhani, on, the . pubUc road,, near 1 """" I A "TT 77 v! I VI COO blKU SU . fcUV . VVUa . V. ,MVUVlH s,tw. v- inu Sessions.' "'at' Aiken. -kSV- C.i on the charge -of highway Tobberr, iandt a "&ttto&&rj being all pegroea. . . u J J. JU. JUcii.ay, otboevxiie-and J. PSeithernf-GoJflJBbiahave purtsedri-infwoo-tormeriy 1 t.rui ij.i v - ."4 -j. . . 1 - l i I Spring IslAndJ - situated 1 oint, in Beaufort sum of seventeen thousand dollars. I ihe.istod ortfatoatrtwO'thoxi- I sand acres, , nd;f- wasyaiaea , Deiore . -. . . O I vw;" J; uuuars. i i w the duello as a means of ; arbitrating difficulties, between gentlemen.' J '' I indeflnittly d. . 7 ' ' Tho TraiM.A(Iatile Trip ;-NewYoek September 12: n of inflatirtffnhe tJalloori me wotk. i ftf". iKvoa .1a.i UiAtm 1i uiW V UJU, iUVIMUiKf fM I'lags i have been hoisted in different! parts of thecity-as ainfeta that .!!5?7 - Z ' . Aul. J a"urT-. 1 Wfboh ojrtbe grpundjperini teirtinsr the work of inflatiner. It has v ,a . , i j f., ' been decided to; abandon thy and. t?;" rUea.. 'T.ulCr 'Sh8t' . ' ttmcff7 ife?fllreJSW carcelv a hrpath of wmd nlowinirJ It 18 estimntol tTmt. r nnn bnnrlrfli thousand people are already5 in1 and -wut the grounds, . - wear, In :advince .(by mail)...;. advance I.... Three month, in advance ( . .... mtx ZnltoriZ Wlt ?f TO'b.cA.had date to Mr. Green, who will deliver the successful Fnday.S.i-KenyoniiCoxuS; been pumped into it, nearly 400,- 1 .... Co, New York, faUed. Verdun, the XMJO feet escaped. :' nearly r- suffo- ffly hereafter. . , , A IStdAdatd1 thatf Jhe- has 'tried Paris the mill near which Peayer reported MIOUOWS; ebratiou or the Holy Euchar- Willis . Melvin and others; judgment green, pn, his caterpillars,, three times, he had been fired upori. One of the" V 7 o'clock; Morning Prayer at. If against rtotfflfor'cosii M&pi. Lewli and they are astroublesomeas 'ever, soldiers held up his hat and told Deav- 'clockj Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock, j : the 'same. . Beatty; WVMaHett; 'dgment -BPOhe umciipailllectlbn iri er to fire at, which he did, after put- Sertices at St. Paul's (Prot Episcopal) for pialnUft ;Idridge,ucas thesamel Anderson, the citizens voted to subt ting it on a pole. Church at 11 A. M. and 8j P, M. Rev. 3. jhidgeai scribe $50,000 to the capital stock of v The certificates published bvDeav- M. Ambler, Pastor. Seats free, f ; ; : j for niaintut. , Whitfield v. Anders :, eoin- shooting tnree times.' viyaw was vuu., , ur.Bj,B v. uvdcu vu School House, on Ann between Fourth and r?:??m?i.'!m-zm-?'rT..r'r almost in8UntlylkMeci Umw 7; r!s. "?PPto tooil irt&XWlBaii&j Scnool matter he found tluit the boy was frightenr mortally, wounded. . , , . . . ' lawsjof jtheFederal Govern- fat93ffA:'M r: ' ed by a large ratUesnake.jaeshotthe reptile, "Wlnt? wi lcl menC and Peaverlsow trying to m artV if cnicolored cutting taa pieces pre badly, v " w J v I -v n a a n a- i trv t Mod An a r W n a hi n a I I 'The ' Ausiista C XJhronicle ar, saysathere¬ a word a warrant, Jjut .another .of, the same dM of truth in Wdispatcb from Wash! name. Irt VSalityj hereas never hetWeini GoV. fitoith 'andieiGov, l)iiiwixiT;mjmM oyu, ,fJfO fcliC, SUT WltttC, .W UlMPi MCJffTf fiuo is vennm VkXn :ihotehU?lnn& I oTntraffes that areever r beard of soup bunch, 5 cents; snap beans, suing year:- G. 'Wi life to harft diseourkced and Onfibsed f because thd cOLtmltiOvl& ZT&Umd 4050 cents a peck; .beets, 10 cents ! Polk, F. E. T. J. vtotftfh- k urtu-: j wOh,en,?aSai.toeaUstied jury-j An immense crowd, of people wwt man, "lsappdsefie is good anlhority.' i HE TA r -Vr-r -L-? ' ' XfLf Oai. NO, 150. to Brooklyn to-day to see the balloon iiiuaieo. .oiany roofs of high build ings in Jthis city were covered with people people with glasses i6 view its promised ascensionThe process of muuuon commenced this mnm nn and continued steadily during the day and afternoon. Many peeple be lieved therewould bea bona fide as w--- . Miiiji 1 cension but ? others' were sceptical. At ten minutes pastiour P.; M., the half -round with;, a creat eaVW .4 subscriptions up to October 1st will be crossing a place where there is usually noih gAn.,,1 ; . i l , , . ,,r , , ing but a branch and easily forded, the wa- sound, and fell flAt upon the ground, payable to 3Ir; Y. J. Elwelh and from that . ? t. 5 , ' 4. JaAijaglt - uoadWf.stood on the lee I Ride. Inspector Falk,-Mr. Goodsell ' ' J -2?! V1 h aa . mwani -neioro snirted tneir 1 1! 1 ... .."& uuneu inline neumg "P, Diaue a gen- eral rusfif over the ropesT with the in tentidn of tearing ;the ; balloon into small pieces and carrying them off as mementoes, but' the strong 1 force of police oa ihe 'fjronijdliharffed and drove them back, but not before manv bad succeeded. ; The person who had contracted to fill the balloon said that it would be all f ollv to v attempt another inflation, as the bag,:, was not tnado of the proper material. So the enterprise is abandoned for tfie prea- cnt. i DE1VSB AND MAST. The Cock-andBuIl Story of So per vl- r Perry Exploded No Relstaae la tbe Western. Couatle to tn Hev Anthorlttec. - ... ! Correspondence Raleigh News. J ;' ' .Mo&gaktoX Sept.TI0, 1873, j JBdUov XTetcs : On Saturday .last ' Deputy Marshal Deaver and a squad uxmen reiurneu zrom a trip ia me j South Monntains and - exultantly, re- ported4hat they had been fired .upon manbadlv wonndedin-thti tnfttRWv. ' f . ; -T . a Noone believed, the Rtorv: and vea. to maKe rnqumes, and tound the peo-1; . I lerday two gentlemen, one a Kepnu- I auxx -f ."CT- - lu,mcr. I nient citizens , present , were noticed f lican and the other a Democrat (see j D D. Sunday School at 9i A.-M. Weekly 1 -f j. McDowell and Joha Mo- noie wenOUt to the Held Of battle prayermeeung inureaay nigmaiotociocK. I DowelL . . ...... , , p nimguwr : wnyrignorK oitiiju-ji. uor.ju. ounaay pcnooiawi wie.ngui. - ilal. rrayer meeung weanesaay at I BEtw2fcffli SSrbSW most respectable, men' 'resident! there the effect that Deaver and his 'men .-...v. i.u,-m- s..-.... of intoxication, andtamnsed them-1 wii i mi i. .f rr. - w wm r v 2111 ii m.h I J - I gelves bv firWoff their ristols around er were either either obtained bv ouecuor j.woiuns in ois , report says, i that. T)pavpr and Mast wpto Ji.rrpat.pd I w - -a- . . -w or-;i I reflection, the--integrity of Judge nwAVlnAA rk a irvinnaciAn Ar ion tbat there ia a conspiracy here to troteet r lfficit: distillers- and that Judge Clarke was imposed, on by a,AAA a Annn ma am 1 these, a conspirators. .r J oispirators. r Whereas., he and 'ilast were " bound" over b the Jndgc ! on. their own deace . , 3of -the sergeant A-wwAi t WTr,f against them, herefore' not beind: himA'nrfMthemiVWaen'ilhe 1 : . 1 -I Iht Kino noma x . r .1 " 1 r r tri al .was oveVlaeut . Mast came to that We had xio rbtht td fire o"fi Gar- dirierrtuirhtlne time 'Ve did" so, I J. - , ' . . - . 1 . F f T : l. assure y0n'I4td noty tMnk iwe1 Were Tii'n.'PUiii: w. i i . Ji . now that tne wounded man was noi LI "v.i. 7", . , , , , . , j even taet one. agamsi waam iney.uem of their lives to testify againstltbe soldiers. V .The ;,RepubUcans are. if possible, more' locensea against jea ver than the JJemocrats, ior iney say, with truth, that ibis Course is bringing discredit on the VZi" Tnxn1 Tlir rtermission. X firive the OTE.-DJ permissiuu, 'ut nams of Capt. W lliougnoy j? . Avery, of the Piedmmt rft-asthe Dem I ocrat who went out .to. inquire into I thfi.trnth hf T) paver a stOfV. &JL 1 r A Vance Joke. fAsheville Pioneer. During troresof Vhe libel suit atf Marion, lait, week, Judge MerriU mon, while in-4be midst of an elab4 n Jlv nk.fciEtatnte of T. .l. t j :J I Ajimiiaiion, aiiuueu tw vua ureaanwa in London, and ouoted from the in London, and quoted from the famous . barrister and statesman,? r?-7 oZhoi was an Irishi CllLoA "Was he a l?wV? nM'Ha radnated'as a h"od4 iewuuit?twx i jfl0ga5-juiar!i aoo, t alter , inaQJting i perpecK; apples, yineiiiui5Jj cts. per mj 4 weajot,evwBHs w - near Foot j him forihe courtesy shown ,thenx 0$ I rieacheal WctaTif a pick; VdriM i2d f fot,ttrt.f jnale.wks seven feet and county, for the I the trial, "said. rI see. now. Judge, i ( eight inches In length and measured twelve ttrei'balf'dninfe rmmittinnum : : . ..--- T" WILMINGTON, .apsis Gurr NOTICE. To city suwnw Routu of market . - ... B&IfSSE.a From the 1st day of October, next, the City circulation of The Morneso Stab South of tlie centre of Market street will be exclusively in charge of Mr. ' Hugh Green'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MlSSKS KENNEDY IlABT.-School B Kotice of Academy of Incarm Academy of Incarnation. ; "Mtjnson& Co. Clothing. liiiACK. raxes.. , HenrV BxjRKHiMKK.-rT-Tobacco. E. Pkbchau & Westerman. For Rent D.: Pigott Tobacco.' v : !' ', ) Mr X J. H. McGartty & CoC-i Copartnership. ,Gns& JIuECHrsoH. Removal. ;H,rB. ErLEKS.For Rent. , ' Ckonly fcMoRis!- Auction. . W. J. ELWELii." Furniture. ' - , See. Notice of .Concord Chapter No. 1. Williams & Mubchison. Corn, &c. F. W. Kerchneb; In Store. IIeinsberger. Live Book Store. Georob MtERs'.Fruit Crackers. Chas. D. Mtebs & Co. Groceries. See Notice ATI P. and the In d. Mask Club. The-3reaEastern-Cireus ison the march and wili be here fix October, as first announced. W. W.- Durand will be in the . I cityt6lay or to-morrow , and make-;aH necessary preparations. Our CnarcAe To-day. , ., , ) I Services' in St. Paul's Evarig. Lutheran j r,y. as follows: Sunday School at 9f '"j"1 Church, J . . ... . . . . . . coraeroi mareet ana J inn streets, at n A. services at i!Tont street m. jv unurcii at Ci, v "v nuemamy be- aBdanf to ?ondact strangers toasts. TW ti ft Mnmn t, t s 1 I pastor - " t'ror' v -1 1 . . ... ; i V 7? cf- .V ? Church Jo-day, riAinM V . W .. . . m j """f. ouuu BIM5r AnnuJ Services at St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Th'xrA a iouows: uaesavf ana a. jji. ves - twra rhntpH tKP W.-Imilmriinn mvan i 1 : biiadeiHentChnrebSeiaiNo EnisoonatV ievArv Rrinv ' 11 'a " W Children's services at 4 P. M Nkht ser- vices at 8i P. M. On Wednesday ever atSi'P; m: r ? 4 ! WIImlaittoB Betoll market.' ! following prices ruled during yeater-1 f day afternoonr 1 Oniohs."' 10 18 drier quart; cabbagei ,523 cents per head- Irish Dotatoes. 40a50 cents, "a . necki lOgrpeK8buc;jplesj804ft 1 ? r r "sv . .Wnnla Ki(l .1iiiiKi'iiM1iu VnKm Afa 9 r j" r '-iv . . - Av. i).H wi ni t-i oi-.r--i f- I UUU. JIW KPW lWBr . -ZUU w ceiftf F tMd- fctieesV- 25 cents I peruuiLnureruwa iuwim tnii v per pair; i r . f-.- : - r i DDnng cmcsens. vwasu cents per 'pair; . shouersl08rl3i; cents per s, 20 cents per , bunch i oysters, (SouadV&O ceate aValfoff;clams,'25 cents a Labuicb p5cen ftdoa; shfifnps 1 12f0 cents per quart'; green corn," 2025 ceni3 a dozen; tomatoes, 510 cente per I quart; okra, 85 cts. per', dozen ;twater - 2575 cents; sturgeon 25 cents a chunk (5 lba); egg plants, 515 cbi each; v",1", ' . , ' ..... ffranea. 50 cents a neck: green field Dead. 23 cents a peca; nutter neans, ioau cis. a quart;turnips, 10 cents a bunch; bell pep- snta pecs:; nce,.iroawy cents a dozen. ;rs fT-w- n.l...,! ' ' 5 Z ' We understondJhat Mrf f Solicitor .Cfrit mtiS ed the papers in the. case of Keaves, tne tAtfc,rlthlan..-tndorsement rei . t..j- t! i spectiuiiy iorwarcunz uicm w uujc iw Lrindma- his orable ;actfi,n: ly onrniehding his orable ;actipi ,Qd declining to issue any order for the dis .persott oamnuweu iu: jau. ... f'l., ' autnoniy, ouisung wi.ivhh ention to Drosecnte the alleged crimii iS8 tUMeuwa8 expecteaiawmga. andrwmprobabiy discharge the prisoner, he being, it seems, the property authority piereuOses. . ?, - - - , ' I M this It is proper to state that Mr,. Reaves, thd II'. i '-vU'. 'iLJ-M-'l'- ..4M iatlier, nas tne sympauues vx. u wuib Ai0BB ' (:r i oommtmlty inhis distress. V VI II . X , I ' K 11 . .TT I 11 ...II ;:i . ,. , . . ' - ' N. i CM SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1873. Bladen Superior Court ' was in session -at Elizabeth town during the past week; The case of ex-Sheriff Eldridge was again con tinued, -and We learn that- it will probably be stricken . from the : docket if not tried next term. - No cases of - importance were tried.7 "' - - ; i-' ' ... . - . . . . . i . i From a gentleman who was present we learn (hat the lowlands in that county were flooded with water.' jn . one instance, in cupants of the vehicle were compelled to bimuu uu ,uieir .iet; uiuu uie uanger. was passed, i mi )... . -n . 1 - Considerable, improvement in the way of building is going on at Elizabethtown Messrs, Rinaldi Tfc Co., arc about complet ing a fine brick store, two stories high, with Masonic Hall above, being the largest build ing of the character in the county. . Sev eral new offices .have, also been .completed recently , . - j. I. ! The crops- are badly damaged ; by the heavy rains. ' Since writing the above we have con versed with a gentleman just from Bladen Superior Court, who gives us the following additional points?'5 1 ; ' .y hK' 1- " . Tlie 'Court convened on Monday last and adjourned on Saturday morning at 2 A.JM., having "been in almost continuous session, aH day, for five days.. There were present Hon. Dan'L L. Russell, Judge, presiding; Hon. Edward Cantwell, Solicitor, and the .u u : v .1 -n -nr. irT "Wjr.- oam iWBpie yv, Devane, N. A.:McLean,; John; W. EUis, TM. TT T T-JJ:U T TT T i. -T;Trrfr t v. v. 4ijvU, oaucuu.-iiucM, ana it u. jaeivin, jCiSgrs. : mr. itaaaisn is a eraduate of Columbia Law Collew. New Yorki. and has recenUv removed to' Eliia- bethtown from the State of TTisconsln. We hear him spoken of as a young genUeman of considerable attainments and learning. yf-hQ Kj. fair to be an ornament to this. his adopted State. Among other prom- There was a large amount, of business tfcmsacted on the State docket, abwtninety caaea bcine tried or disposed of. Of these fiftyight wero convictions, seven acquit- d twenty-five (old cases) dropped or J5 - in "rau Jury returned thirty-five j new bills,1 and twenty-seven presentments. ThefoUowlng , ai i- -,.-'.;..-.-''.' ere disposed of on the civil docKet: I nromML Svkes ex. .Robinson and Whit- I j . 4.. ' . 1 . ; ... 1 JnTbnter Snakes. On Monday last J. G.'Wagner, Esq., of 1 -r wnen-OTt jumpea, seven ywuig snajtes, "ng' r,"kjrTL- ' i lacaes ih -woem,"ijucu no ! jluiou. -uic then' dispatched the 'male snake and tied the two to his' cart and dragged them home. Arriving ihere he proceeded to cut opea the. f'enfiJe I snakes- Jumped otttand ahqwea, every fv$ .W ,, prepared f or batUe, tat I .they were soon putout of the wayptdpiog I tn imnrr r All TftfE TTlPaSlirPTnP.nt WflJI I .tv .-' : ' J - '". i -- -v t '- - ' ; 1 and a half inches to diameteri having elev- I ' " , j eleven inches shortCT.and ?meastired elevea i . o r - i Mud t.hM!mnMoM 1 , -."y1""0 f nn nn exhibition tttife:OfcTflJii7ons(-.? Brotlierliood o Xoeomotive Enzl- At a meeting of the B.' of L..E... Division J No.' 100, held on Tliuraiay evening last, the .following officers-were elected for -the en- Gates,, a E. v Rrddick; SJ El; Z.W. Nettles, T. E.; L. B. Lyons, K Al- Ef G, iforne, S. A.' E. ; B. F. Baxter, Guide; Robert Smith, Chaplain 1 L. B. Lyons was appointed a delegate to the Convention to be held i 'm TmTt The Veteran of the ,111 -j i. ln.inuaaeipma. llexleaii War.1 :We understand that an appliCatioa has lQl3 City:8nd will be submitted to iFren questing on hehalf !6f the ,nni;vnrs nf rttTf&fSnTwar at.Raleich the assembling of. ihaState Convention at iis:' r- a lLTLT 7.. Z ill Uertaialy add an additton featare tothe I wroeeedihirs of that interesting occaadn 5 r . . . h' .'-'! h Inmauanie jueuera. oa; ,un oj Thri followine-. nnmailablfi .letters remain .r1 - " I x Hi&.rK)st-oinWieijiLtS)cttMrJ.'JBeu i.Joiiflj WadeaboroUMtaGeOL riAndersen l.-Tj'fT .is-Tirtii irL' 1 Mtfgohif -MclcaTet oflStal'; Hetei,TerWMsi'll&c Ea4y etteTme. - - .ii --r "--"OTT-lir- :, - j Umbrella Soaliiisf. fA I --We . understand mat at tne oupenor ICfourt of Bladen lait'week' one Moses Iur4 die was foundguuty oi stealing an nmoreit I .n sunt trv thA Ptmitentiiurv.- fnrMwri i , ; - : - vAArsL n TTmbrella thieves, take warning f J 1 ' w r One colored woman sent to the City Hospital yesterday. ; . j , ( t , , ;. See new advertisements on fourth page, second and third columns. , , -.., -.,i . .. . . . . . (; : : . . : Two conyicts were sent . to the Work House during the past week.:. , . s . -' Regular jnonthly ' communication rof Concord Chapter No 1 to-morrow" evening, at 7J o'clock. - ' '";'.'-'!' ,r - The sale of flour advertised by Messrs. Cronly& Morris has been postponed until Tuesday next, at 0 o'clock. f . ; - During the; past . week . marriage li censes were issued i for five couples,1 of which only one was for whites. : u- v j .... ' I ....' 1 Those indebted for city taxes slumber on the very verge of a dread ful volcano which is liable at any moment to open and swallow; them up. t Better look out! . rrr. Tho receipts : at the City .Treasurer's office, during? the rpast .week amounted 'to $1,807.63, of which $795.44 was for specific and $1,013. S9 for real : and personal taxes. 'Sheriff Black' Ijbtiesax-payers that he willpe compelled to sell property1 for taxes if not ' paid !? by' the ! 1st of October. Time is precious to those who wish to save ixouoie ana expense. . . : The verdict in the Walker murder ease was as follows t " That the deceased came to his death' from blows caused by Frank Malpass, but Henry Ourganus being equally implicated in the affair." ' :."., I 1j The detention' of the mailswhich has become of such frequent occurrence lately, is said to be caused by a raiu-oad War be tween' Tom. 'Scott, ; of the Pennsylvania Central and the officials of the Baltimore and Ohio. road. ! " " '! " " '' ; - Justice Gardner rendered: judgment against Moses .Whiting, of the police force, yesterday, for the sum of $50 and the costs, for making an arrest without a warrant This is the case alluded to in our last, where judgment was suspended. k j investlsatlon. in the Caie of Jamei Dial, tbe Alleged jSIarderer of , Floyd Oxendlne He is Committed to Jail for Trial, &e. s. r We learn that James Dial, aUas Locklear, was carried on Friday before Justices Allen and McMillan, at the Court House in Lum berton, on the charge of killing Floyd Ox- endme at EoTeka, Robeson county, on. the lllh ulf,u lie was ably defended by Mssra. ITormeUt and Frenchand ,as ably prose- Rowland. A number of white "men frem Scuffletbwn and Vicinity, appeared on the scene of faction as friends . of the accused. and labored earnestly in hisbehalf, during the progress of the investigation. , , Mr. William Wilson, I who , brought jin Dial and delivered him to the Sheriff, claims the reward offered- for hini by the Coun ty Commissioners, but it is said that he will encounter some -trouble in obtaining it, owin to the alleged fact that Dial made a voluntary surrender of himself to WflsonL Solicitor Cantw'eH will no doubt unravel much of the mystery 'that now surrounds this1 fresh ulfletpwn, tragedy. Thai' it does not by any means show all its atrocity ua uie Bun&ce is me general jmpressiop in Robeson. Dial has been committed to jail without bail to await his trial fpr murder on the first Monday in October, , before Judge Russell, and wasjto leave yesterday, in cus tody of, Sheriffs McMillan,- who . is .ordered to convey him for safe-keeping to ( the :jjail of Cumberlaad county;; Dial's friends,' we loarcL are confident of .securing his acquittal An !& will be attempts -to be proVea in ii iMshafas he' Remained ' fSe f6it ho- f ire' the1 muirwitbllCiimmiicrs, whesl krtiest'and discharge,' on the imarge oflrting aicessbry before the fdert i&thk i killing 'of yiepuine, appeareq. in me coiuips oi i BX4, vyuuiuiius. it is saia, wiu swear luai Dial i was, at 'his . place a. few,, mumtjei befoxej the report of the gunajt ked.Jx- lenoiqq; was. aearoti t v f; j j)U:H i,-. i. . V J'i. .I Arrfyai of tjio" Steamer Ittiie.J;' . The Tittle steam'propellr -Dwsii?, recentl; r purchased by Messrs. "0. G.' Parsley & Co. , arrived here yesfef ay"6rning, about 7 o clock, after quite an extended voyage ffom 'New 'York:' caused bv unfavorable ' Vea4he Thelis mtendied towing Ants ' 'ii' tA'.Jnt O. 'mUnka 'afiKi dmHhg the sumer'nioriths ffl'brui regulajly; between thl place arid Bii'thae In dimensions she is 80. feet iorig?Jly iedt beam, draws s4 eei of water Un'as i pabia capable, .ot acepmnodaung ., about forty; passengers. , ,. $he . also .has ;au'; uppei" deck, with awning, which will accommodate quite a number, ? She is a jhandsome boat andr will- no . doubt ; be,;,- tery "Use ful . ' acquisition i io i our n harbor. Bhe left yesterday AftWrnobd for Smith Ville with several passengers.? 'We should 'liave stated to 'the'prcfet place that the '2ra-registe L5.ti tons,' has an engine' of 15-hbrse pow' aijd was builtat' Sac B'arbbn'ir.'t'' 'Cap uuaries rvayner as ui cuiuiuuu. , . Mortvavy. iii J ?nlt - .ryi-yt .During the Week closing yesterday,! there were only twTt ini" mWnni rn Oakdale Cem eteryu -i These Arere betb children j one aged 5 years and the other' Still-born. The disr 1 - . ......-! . . ! ease of ie! former was- congestion of tne i .''TrtHPinAFrtrftstTfeoloiteaf CemeteWJihere were 6 Intermeibf yhfch 2 wert'affults 'and1.' chndrenl.Thia 'makes a "total of 8 '.:..' :; 4iLiii0ijil''ii.'ir4..d;iLi.vyuoil 1 ltt tne two Ciemeienes xor i-ue ween.- iT 7J " - ' im ,M:ttiir 'inu-.T R s& '"WmPMcUTeul colored, "was sumnioaei S'inst?ben Wm?ie HariHss. vesteifdaVi lanswerthe charge of BleaimSAcroscut 3saw ifrbm'riIit ggEfljel quired to' give security m ae sum pf2j$fi)6 for his aDDearanoe at the. next term of the Superior Cou?t,f in d$f aultbf "which he'was yyf r i f w j WHOLE NOi 1,845. A telegram Was received by City Marshal Price- yesterday, ' dated at Baltimoie, and signed Frederick' Peterson ..requesting the , arrest of a tall woman with a red face and flowered dress and a man with sandy mous- tache and three, scars on the left side, of his ace, who had ; left ; in this direction and were, expected ,to arrive here, by this morn ing's .in.V.'.he...nhal telegraphed 'to. reterson to have the order lor, theijr, arrest sent i an, pfilcial , form and specify the charges against the parties, to which he has as yet received no answer. The parties are supposed to have eloped, though nothing is aenmieiy Known.. , : , , Assault Upon Colored Womani --r ; Last nurEC abbuF7T'oTclOck7''on Market. between FrontanddecVnMfreet8a colored woman by the name of Eliza Jane Davis got into a- difficulty with colored mari, when the latter struck the woman a severe blow, knocking her, down .and stunning her so ihat jt.wasome minutes, before she was able to get up. It is also stated that he stamped her. A warrant was is.shed for the , arrest of the party arid he Was bourid -"over j for a hearing on Monday. '" ' "j , , ... . mm , , rf- . Struck wltb. a spade. A well-known colored man of this city. by the name of George Betts, insulted the landlady of a boarding house on' Market, between .Second: and.: Third; streets, last - night, besides breaking tu number of her dishes, when she seized a spadend dealt him a blow, which inflicted a severe wound, from the effects oif whichat last accounts, he was suffering severely, .physician Was called," who 'dressed the wound. ; '- I ,Lat Papkbs. To Mr. J.. Harris of tne Front Street News Depot, we are indebted for copies of ttre New York Ledger, Chimney Cbrntr and' Fran JMHSb JUti$trtted Newspaper for. Hie. current week.: Jlia stand win be open anm 10 'clock this morning. : . r PatNTraa Papsb-v-Wo w ase In jstock over S00 reams of news paper, sue 24x36, weight 30 Hs per ream. It id good; rag papcr. and will be sold, ix k)U to Buit, forh, Orvent by expreeflO. O. P. ' ' ! ! VI -J- .,!. - n'fK Pklktlno Ink. We hatV Jopt received a stock of News Ink for eummer use, pVt ap in packages of 35 portnda each.'1 Cash or C. 0D.'' orders promptly filled. Price enta per pomio:x-' Utttst1) SPECIAL SN0T1. 'J3t '-'GK'ONLT; Motioned'. By GROJSTLT & MORRIS. FLOUR JBiplJt I'll TION. 1 AN TUESDAY:. NEXT. 16th INST., AT 10 XJ o'clock A. M.. we wiU seU at out Sales BoonL xo.:5onn water street, r - ; ., . , ! 150 Barrels Flour, assorted Brands, , Just landed from steamship . Raleigh, from .Balti more. Warranted iresn and souna. i ? septf14-ltH School; for ScTqiing Ladi MISSES KENNEDI HinT, rpHIS SCHOOL WTIX, BE-OPEN ON THUES J dav. October 2nd. : Department of Music, Toealand biBtrameatali mn- aer tne cnarge or Professor if. TamDureiio. 4 , i.BeDtl4od2w-- i,r,i - - - ,.(& .V V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oh for Abridgement of tbe chasm, . " A Fourth street footway spaased by Iroa iea:, To clasp- m hds mum iu Isj wtu tuaam. And retrospecf the past with mental eyes, From LodfsiaG ftaat Fracch artillery. To Brooklyn's pass way with its James art-iil-erj. To City Fathers; sho ithers; showyou!eateiBtt dBalSt f and chUdhooa wa.(whilewpe def er- Maids, men and childhc i Exclaims for WaWorks, the Bancpncwrlng. -. ana grip tne ujroai of tyrant junster. P 0j Come, sun-browned Laborer, fia Tour hour " 1 j Xo bridge your Wo-way by freeman's power. J i jo:iAXAS&E IXTT-OF! ,,"'teeC&eMtefr7' !'f TO fit h-m HYGO Hfel" tU iJ YVii e - mciA j CALL AND- Ju ATEIAL.T j HENItr BtftttfHRjtEB. , .,Ko. 6 JnTarket Street sepflttf !i .if:!.. OV XEEB i.'j-1,' . .T - . i j Jt urn, WWWV A WUW I FOB TWO DATS REPAIRS AND Q "sepiiUf 1 J- yTobaeconist. if .j.Hi,, ATTENTION',.. House 7LD FXXENITTIEB ,3CADB NEW Jr-Oejaning; v uraeini Yarnlshin Cushioning'.' and Work done. e aad at "shortest by experienced workmen. Orders left, at , Jfn J, A Parksr'i paint shop. If. B. corner tnd ud ' Prinpess streets, will tsceiYe-prpian;atteatioB.t:j'ti 1 Ho drayage to or iro. . ,. ... rpHE STOKE ON THE COBNEB OF KAEET. and Water streetsnpresera occupied by J. Q. Ban f iJ- ?-' .f!lJivl--. ii-3U - f man, s.: ane of tha most dssirabla business strands in thecity. Apply tO!Ct!Hia' 7-jd)Ml?. r-f eeptl4-tf S.B.EILEE3. 'ft m I Sit II i I H'H .1 " nve aays ow " TwobmhiUib..........;..;...15 00 " . .if TbreeaKmtiMi...i1..i..,.,-. 00 " ' Six montha......'...:::.... ...86 CO Ofleyear....... wf... ...... ..60 00 tWCortxiiCt Advertlflcmenta taken at propop Uonately low rates. . - - . Five Squares estimate as a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half -colainn. tNEWs JUJ7ERTISEMENTS. v Corn, Bacon, ? Flour, c. 5 000 F83215 P18 WHTTE CORN, 000 BC?PELS PRIME MIXED OORN, 1 fl fl BOXES D- 8. AND SMOKED SIDES, OA HHDS SMOKED SHOULDERS, . v , miV l$V-ri-il iii-.-.' 'St?-'; ''f iiv:tit ; l. -f K A BBLS S H SYBUP, ltlV, ' ; ; , - ;'.'. 1 r KA I1HDS S H SYRUP. . -., 1 000 BAREELS. ?LPUR. ALL GRADES; Q BALES LITTLE RIVER YARN, ; ; 2 BALKS JJTTLK RJYR SHEETING, -J BALES BEAVER CKEBK SHEETING, Wri'!----r.,-,?(.J.i'.'.rV,.-,. -I K A BBLS REFINED SUGIARS, bags Prime rio coffee. bags laguay anp java ; coffee, ' gBALPRrMEmY,,; y . . gQTUBSLEAFLARD ; . r ; ... yCASES.SNUFF, . , - BOXES SODA, , . ... , 50 ?.CANDT' ; ;l "l 100 B03ES 9A1PLai -p K A GROSS MATCHES, , , . For sale low by , iJ' fit- . ..!tw iiSi. ttit . Vi I sept 13-tf , , WILLIAMS & MCRCHISON. IW STORE! BOXES SMOKED SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Boxes D. S. .Sides and Shoulders, Bbls City Mess Pork; Hhds, Tees and 'IJbls Cuba MolesjLHhdsTcps and Bbls S. H. Molasses;-Bbls Golden, s Fleece Syrup, Bbls New Orleans Syrup, Bush. Prists White Corn; Bush. Prima Yellow Corn; Sacks Liverpool and American Salt; Sacks Blown Salt; Bbft Flour, -all grades; Bbl&Sngar, aB grades? Bales Prime Se lected Hay; Cases Brandy Peaches; Cases Schnapps , pts, fe qts.;; Bbls Brandy, Rum, ;Gia &' Whiskey; is iBUs Bagging, Jbs toysid; Bdla . . t . 'Arrow and Side Slot Cotton Ties;. Tons 1 -: Hoop Iron, U ISt and Inches; Standard (.. Spirit Casks; Papers Riyeta, 6, 71 and Q pounds; Bags Shot, Buck and Drop; Sacks Coffee Lagaayra, Rio and Java;, Dozens Buckets; Boxes and. Half Boxes Candles; Boxes Candy ; BoxesTobaccof it K For sale ;by;y F, W, , EaiRCHNjSB,;; sept 13-tf,,.- 27. S8 and 39 Water Street HAVnfQ-A30HvTnT-FEO3r-NEW YORK, WE are prepared to. offer this week a ftae aesort- taent:of';tresh'-;-p :b:.Viil " n , being oa4eternunaiton,tokeep at all thues, as tne an assortment of Groceries and Liqiiors as can ': '' ':.'-. '.,!.r be f onncU4b cityt-w woald eewUally Invite all to .. . . - . I I -ir . r. give us 1 call, and bear(evidence olthe correctness T i r-.-..- . -;:4 ' . i.i"ll t.!l .-f f our'aaperttong. i ! fiii'ie iUi tf h J i v 1 i J. gnfjjS '? CHA& MTEBS A CO-v .seplil4H irfV ' jTSbfthFrxtotsJ. rpHB RTOTtB A' TTFtTCBTCTJT rifirTTPTim BY tlffhfrV PBSCBAvWISTKHMANJI FHUIT CRACKERS AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FANCY XX CBACggB, SugrtfiCar cd PlHttms, Sugar-cured Pig Shoulders ; Smoked Beef and Beef i?.Jgoui;ll:.ia a. IlOW 1? lu-rio. ?1iai fiM? Ot : Biff IjV tfe " tu L'Pis?sauClTo b-4 9jr.tirii! a.t.ifarf 6 So Frontsiriet. TteMysterrSblved atLast I p i -j?' s.'-" 4 iiH-jiift i',. ire. ,. ISarffains i arjgains l Ilarsalns I AT, COST t ) AT COSTl 'AT COSTI ;i i0l' --'! I" 1 At "Solomon Levy's Store ! COME ONE! COMB ALL! AND SEB THE IfH'i-"', im i', -t.I'! -:7m ,. A,fuU and.wU selected stock t aB 4epartmBtav i AiTTLLtHna 0T LADiXS'TTEAB. iTfHi- -f i -fli vlht l4f"l's;if ! I am determined to change my businesB, and in order to do that I offer my ... hnmbngU Ootoa and see foryoarselTes tnd ;S25 Cent,, At,tbjB ei stand. soutneMi conlei Front: aad JTar- k Iut- jiuiJu vttj -jtj .lint --i4& t j"adibs: and, ffjtNTs TsmjBAcnsLs, Shawl Staaj, BeH-Batchelsv Ac ate fiaidte and Barneis Factory of nvh-Mf-l iixAi-M itra L M3vr .nr"' iniftf SVTefeliaim-ifcrCo.- a ? 1 4if i-- s t llfV.:8oIrjSfc,. maj8-ttnae Wflmington,N.C. i v: t. .; j ;r "lif.j i -sjr -l.Atl .'