THE HOEIHIIG STAE. pxiBIJSHKiy DAILY, BYT - .f r, w ; - r.i n - a t BaTM Or SUBSCBOTtOX, . Ter.' in advance '(by' mail)-. $7" OO months, i advance (" "... ., 8 60 SmlnadvanceK 5........... 9 00 Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authoriied to collect for more than 3 months tn advance. ."-.-'-v. -:-,. . OneSqt Sanare one dav. -..,.. ..-.,....'-... two days, i ..-. ...:.'..k7 '1 60 1 three dayy . -'wi.-s.'w.. - five days.. ....vv- S 60 S 00 ' 3 50 ' 5 00 6 60 one week.. 5 Two weeks. iThreeiseekB.: -One month... a no Twa month . :i:r'stoo, - Three months. ..... . ... ... . .:...'.;.. oo . "4ae.i.i.WnW:iL..i::..0 00 ey-Contract Advertiseiaento taken - at ,propor- tYQL. Xn.-NO. 152.: ... WILfflNGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY,; SlPTEMlJEli-.17,1 1873.'; : :ffiWjg(NJl: l r- Five Squares estimated as a quartef-column, and ten squares as aiiau-coiumn. -:: ... . ... i , , v . i - SA i .1 "y':P"' - -,.it--."M I:;-"' : t j j - " . 4.tAi;J- I . J ' .' " i ' - . . k.rL. ' ' t J I ' I I ! I i ' . II I L I ' 1 I - I J OUTLINES. Steamer. Ironsides 6uuk on Lake Michi gan, ftndaonexf ttw peoj aUl;of;?whom goi-reij; t w, ,,. ad acciaeut on roe ueirou ca juu waukee R. Rt killed 20. Roudout Lutberan Church bgraed. ; : Loss of life at the Havana fire from 20 to 50.' -j v jlcxicafl War veterana " have formed a per manent organization, , t -rrr"-r Ectectfc insur ance Co.'s affairs are being investigated in jfew York. - An , unknown schooner the prohibition laws itave tended to corrupt public morals, More changes in Eng lish Cabinet expected, p- Dennis bhap- man. of Chicago board of trade.suicided yes- ,.r.i!iv. me ironsiaea was overloaded, i Thirty-five interments br Shreveport Monday.' Mayor KeHey of Richmond, yesterday welcomed the Pharmaceutical Association, a Mordecai duel seconds again admitted to ball in Richmond, case j not being ready." Cottoii,' 20i2D, turpentiiie' t42ic. j , Kisin ; $a 10.; v Mayor' of i 6hreveport says there is ,no money in treasuiy and he finds difficulty in buryiug the dead. Fever on the increase. , . ; :' - !;V:- HELP FOB SHBKVEPORfi The ; Western - Union Telegi-aph Compauy have generously to J forward free of cost any monoy, that may be sent to the sufferers at Shreve-1 - ' , . -v -.- port. By this means their wants can be instantly relieved. ; . '-f "?". .1 It is to be hoped that the humane ous appeal that goes up trora anucted ShreveportJ ; Hdndreds of her3- peor ioti f f.las. 4rW 'I . r - ; I suddenly sank m the Mersey with, all; on l.ard&y Jast,' after. a brief illness, of iu- dale to' Mr.-ClreeV who will delirer :thn ,MZ4h.&ttoKMl4B. termitteotfeverr ' " "! l Uaner reaulnrlv therein. ' S, didate for Governor of Massachusetts, says !- V- ,m m mn x-,; .) . m ' ' f were unable ta nee iromt ne ) pesti t tatterdemalions whose nominal busi lenee are, sick ;of the fever, ; while J ness it is to guard the railroad transit the mortality is frightful, and the I of the isthmus, n I hese burlesque sol .WJtntmn is said to be . jrreat.' diera were .thrown into! the; gap be Our city, whiclu; , has ; ,feartully suffered from the same -epidemic, knows how., to sympathize ' with our Southern friends." This sympathy though, is useless unless it assumes a practical shape. Money will serve - thera more now than -words however kind. We surest "that a fund be I ., .;.nfn,,,i tnTxms5ana: I It wonld be better to send suchl to sen ' amounts as may be- donated to-day, immediatelv; and liereaf tefto forward .. - -- such other sums as may be dedicated to tliis philanlhropio purpose. I All 'amounts left at the office of the West nion Telegraph Company or, at the office of TnE Mobninc Stab will V (r. ikn nnff....x. nrlttmnf l.l.n I ecu w,". nuuuu.uv.-j. , New York Tribna&I . i-. The President's Latest Appointment. rMm'i...ii'Wafl. nfrofrf of Governor of the District of Colum- bia upon Mr: Alexander R. Shepherd, This is,an appointment not fit to :be J made. ' Mr. Shepherd lias been the I Vice President and executiTe officer Ithe governor ot, the Uistnct oeing 1 ex-officio President) of the Board of :Zmrr ':-WJ'mJi:' i that in carrying pnt thecostly; im provements which this Board under took a great many . frauds shopld be'com mitted" "and a great many more should' be suspected for the . manner in which" the work was ;"done" Offered every .facility for dishonesty-; We do not purpose to inquire just now: how far the Board deserves" the bad repu-; uuuu vuat aitiicues u u; uui wruiajf .1 say tnat tne loilowing charges againsi it are established beyond apy..aesl won: i. xnat n nas maae improve-1 ments at such a ruinous cost as to in- volve in some cases almost the" abso .um;, cumistauuu , ui ..wicvivv assessed for benefit; 2. That it has tli..i.r; "j.- tlUH v oeeu. improperly t uu juu . ontrao-Aona nnws! 5. That , it has involved th Titrip.t .AS "Z-7:-A .u-n.- ft lea.yeJtjbaakrupU These charges are beyond dispute. is also alleged, with strong; probability , of 1 truth, that the; Board has shaped, its im- i $rovements so wLtttrfarther4he real estate tpeculations of Jflt. bnephera nd other members, instead of ad- - -vanciag tne mieresis oi me wijf, u , K ,ttnat fraudulent payments nave ueen 4nade,on 4i systems something like hat which, flouished under the rule , m j . . ii vr V-U W ?ean? Bn?Un NJLTth -HAt. OUeiMlCIU, BS ! WO UAVC nouu, " , . ' , , the managing man ot tne&oara, anu . - . 1 t Tl ' li ; " j. t..' ' .T:- .u- " .. . . v .n.-i lyrcocuii lUVCBtlgavlVU ui v ua.w u uwnu as the Canadian racine ttailroaa scan rial nrill Vwa rriwr imnliAaf.iATi " TllA ill rect evidence is silnifieant only when compared and sif ted. .. There seems tab but little inclination to do that. "W'-VK .jwsJ V cial embarrassment, and threatens to.nv a broken vow behind, him, so it Happens inai ne is generally tion to be found in congress), anu uuui . . , ,. , ' . . T. T . TS1 known as the "Boss of the Washing, them are graduates of her State University, true that me legation of the disease is now street,;Newrkrllrs. J.?L. fll.Ulei. 'ton RiiSfr" ' " New -York has nine -'out of thirty-three; far jn'oved from us, but a fearful pesti- !Tille, 'NJ CK a-.'wrtj7.;j-.fH :r:n "g , m PeiirisylTaniaiinioutef lence Uke this halts not usually in one or ii- -e e 1 :. ; - : . ' m m f 'c five out Cftwentyone, New England is not r ."r (v,;,;--. -. . tHi k-'ti atf'a-i.-' j i!-. i,. i.t)mr.h.lf.Mdtii two claces. but becomes wide-spread in its Tiie Clrr- f- I T 1 U W-fc T IT IU'J V 1 II U . Illf III11U a I U III I I1 1111 II IICLLC1 IIU V 1VWW wuwa 1 w - - - r f . -u ti: I Ktfttf extendine in ase from Maryland : Mr Edwin' Fuller's novetis now nearly-ready for the finder. He has about completed reading the-proof-sheets, says the JSeniind. , , -r ' ,' r j PALMETTO LEAVES. i ? r-t;Thct Anderson iJnU&tg&lcer i-e- ports several deaths: Lieut. GoV.m. GWM issued nn order to i the , managers iof election of Fairfield county to hold a senatorial eletioirorr Wednesday theethof October next.- t,,-r " j . ThAjgA&sQaJhteUigencer re grets ,tp announce .the. death of Maj. George ,W. Raiaklin, which occurred .. xosiaepcQi near aiaotowo .onJat- t , r our veau. j - Hie Hartford Cottrant relates how a young man,-a native of that place; A w .i Ts.- i : . , . i 8essod 0 twenty-five cents and a long: ing for Thome, r Not- being able to raise any more foods, he stepped on .board a train of cars : bound for Hew x ork. In time - he wa' met by the conductor, j but was nuable to pay nim ana was put on at the next eta- . T . i? : Mt. . . . . ' tion. Boardincr. the first nlffht train I after that, he took off (his' shoes, and I when the conductor 'duestioned; him hisshoes were be found. - Be ing kind-hearted, ;the conductor ; let hini ndo until he could find them, which was not at once. In this way aQd bv other shifts the vounr, fello )W actually reached New Yorklast week. I ffe was almost starved to death, hav- -7?.: 6 u, 0 ...o. . miKj - vii uu arrival ueru. lie learned ihlt unds tot enable him to -come in the ordinary fashion, without 8 many, changes of . trains, had been' Tke Te Pot Tetapest ta Panama CorUscatequv who has fust been Tardered by ; the Panama police, was commander of a squad of native I tween the opposing forces of a recent afternoon revolatiqn in Panama;' the entire dozen of them went solid for Neira, who consequently: became j x-resiaenu u scaiequi, nowever, was more iateiy28uspectea- oi JUKewarm- ness in the Neiran cause, and, declin ing an arrest by the armed police was summarily-shot on the spot. -1 his seems farcical, thongh it was tragical enough to TJscatequi and a. bystander wbo Taff fH- Uhm 1 ;"w"V-o:-TT'.--i"A5 '?i":r jjeaving out me ;wo ueams, , me whole affair is a close copy of the av erage Central American .revolution. "The Toad. Under the Barrow." An j BngUth Breach of Promise Case. .- - A AO oa j-vP Tti rVi rtrAmiaa iroa broaght t0 trial at Lincbfungland, tbe other day, in which the plaintiff vaa' 9 man -' Misa Jpnifinsfin h'lfl . : - promisea to DecomeJiirs. omun, dui according to the jilted Jlr. Smith it was she who made " the proposal, and actually 'engaged twa young men to p . wv thttt some ftrranfrerf ""t , lT trZ t h 'm r- SxiaT jpnlrinunn said vhe.n tfee4rit" was 'served T11 marrv him i-ng es me and whenrve mar- Um ViV m'ake him live: like a said to Mr.mitn, "ir tne toaa naaixibraryAisnelafion'-tlib evening, at ,8 nnderihe' tiff, at the last reporx, -was impiaca- i hia nH thaMMnraa aril i .croinor on. . .. .. - - . fftU14 juw mt-y f. - O O ; xne serenity ot vnc ueauvuui vuiiigc f TlrKtrvlllo Bnnker ftonntv. Fla.. I waa disturbed recently by anamnsing incident' 'A'gentlemanr not. ailO - i unknown ta fame, and posses- - . became enamored with one of isakers I fa; incrhtersand;iwas ,'iust in the j act 0f jintitig hefiortunes widthi,. i when aruavai coumy aamsei very uu - iXpecteoUy appeared, and entered her I - i . a I LOO LQUCU JUillllCU 11C CI WWWUluw to tne gentleman oeiore, anu ne ioo. I k.- fn Vo nn nnnntrv. d "errifr. " . fc ' ; m m T ' ' : 6 Mrs. lEIizabeth .Bennington,' r one , hundred and nine years of age, died J n Oconee county (Ga.) on the 2d inst. I She was the mother of I nine' children- ani at the time of her death was liy, I ing with her youngest child, who is i sixty-six years oio. , fr, It appears that of ,317 Senators and . representatives only about 87 are I mllPiwHi - Aa to States. Styl shtfScS?nStab I M J. . I,., .1..: m-mhAH -DM (jaruuus, lut bia u uu iuuo uv...... coUetre men. which is the highest spropor- I . " J -mm v J -11 I Ktitfa extendin i nd ueiaware vu a cj.ho uiu n"ui and Nraska aro,me pnly Stateswhich come p to thepropotfac of two tlurtB. J lutie .in' it I not a single graduate. n as Detween-me t . ,.:w nnnM of nrpn- rHVris who Where for the buroose I Nnrtb and South and ine Jiiast ana w est, i mcu-i f"- r: r - . . .... t-., - fnr North Carolina jB rtii a nound of cure." Ul I ing arrangements fof the advent , of a copperhead snlke.,,. Whiskey was freely the country and calls for the heartfelt caused by the feat of a small boy who rode administered and a poultice of snake weed - - atllV d aid ef Christian rple everyr a.lafge hog triumphantiy through the streets,- was applied, which put the lad out of dan- eympauiy anu followed by a retinue, of howling inxhins. ger. . - wnere- . ." -!'. ..-.-"- -. -'-V KOTfCB.' ' To City Subscribers Sontli of Market 1 " ' ' " Street. - " : ' From.lheUst day of .Qctober next, the (Jity circulation of The: Mobnino , BtaS r Fnth f tl, ipt nf st wsii h.." . exclusively in cuarge or.w., Mugurefeo. Ml subscriptions np to October. 1st will be payable to Mr.- -W J. Elwelh and from that S . H V?rTWTlvn A nnti rn ' Mcnson & Co. Clothing,' &c. iC. . It . CnESNUTTW. B. Association. Gkeen & Fianneb. Vinegar Bitters. advertise V Cane Lost.' Simoh Soi.oMOK.-Drr Goods. &o. 'John C. BBAm. Paving Stone. S. W, Fowlb & Sons. MedicaL T.'C. Seiivoss. City Taxes. Local Dots 7hity;"".ontisually quiet yester-1 day. r Mullets seem to be unusually scarce for.'l the season. : ' ' -y.;.- .. ; .-j I Police arrests ;were few and far be tween yesterday. , , - ' '' !r .Watermelons have almost disappeared from the market.. : .. t Tt,n- A "if .Ot.. Belfast for this port on the 1st inst, ; . AUV A XJ. , UUOUKi DSIICU 11UU1 y The river is reported to be falling rapidly, bnt i38ofar in good boating order. - The Xda,- Mueller, cleared from IIyh erpool for. this port on the 1st insL. 7 TheLctus Wkhard; Wilde, cleared from London for this port on the 3rd inst i BrigUhcfc 5am, Jordan, cleared from ew lork for this port on the lotn mst . New River oysters are looked for by the last of this week or the first of next The Board of Aldermen will meet in regular monthly session on Friday evening next ur harbor fleet is gradually increasing in number as the business of the port im proves. ...Persons baving houses to rent should adTertise them so that parties in want can know wbere to be suited. The Sophia Gorbitz, from London; and the Eintracht, from Dunkirk, both for this port, arrived at Deal on the 2nd insL The Gartirana. Thornton, arrived at rpool from this port on the . 1st "d eui.creu.uuk wiwuu yu mo Uo. , Xiigub iu jireau wiuus, uiustiy nuui uio - - ' . North and East, with clear or partly cloudy weather, predicted for to-day. Mr. L. Vollers is rapidly completing 'his elegant new establishment, which is to have, an entrance on Front and Dock streets. ; The Committee appointed to institute a new Lodge of the Grand United Order of T - ,ntI,. f Wilsnn leave forthat nlace i f I this morning. . j - A surveying party connected with tne New York, Norfolk nd Charleston Rail- tatfmJZiwtfi the city yesterday and r-s rA, - ' National HoteL 'rr. Complaint is made by parties residing I north of 406 Wilmington and Weldon Rail- I road that the Btreet lamps are net lit at the proper hour, or with the proper regularity. - The 51st regular meeting of the Wih - . , - M, .w.., i inn nnt nuoon . win lemuvti uu uic lDtui i i 1 . ' ........ . i piea Drmr. o. a. jneusuti a uxug phb. . - ' . V; j The snrViTowi of the" mexiean War. ' l . a. jwesnauoweu w a uum iKuogiofiu .u J our paper of Sunday last, u wiu,De seen oy f ollowin that the propbsed Convention t of the survivors of the Mexican war wm oe I iiM afRAimirh instead of Goldsboro. as at first sueeested, and that the time has been 1 flxeflforthe loth of Octobers ' i - - - : ,lfTiwrl, of A Mexican Witn of the recent meeting pi tne i Mexican War. I have been in ire the nroDosed nlace of Goldsboro to Raleigh and the I time to the l5tn oi'UCTooer. annnjruHJ 1 . -n, -I ft,- nmnvioto this and the request of a number of those I ,-;-r, lafo mMimr T ramectfullv i Kpommend that the Convention ot the Sur- Vlwa.-: of the, Mexican War be held at LBaleigh, October 15th, at 12 o'clock noon. J? Chairman of-Wilmington Meeting. Wilmhsgtou, Sept 16, 1873. Thk viri nf th State penerallv are rb - quested to copy the above notice. The Yellow Fevtr. . i Tn 'wW of the fact that the yellow fever a .1 n vinlant hma Sa rnirinor RO fear- d points Jn the South, r,TiwLw thoH. I wowu it wtmivu. ties to look weU to the sanitary .condition I';-'.'.. '''(. "i: 1 iAi !.;'..(. iiiuMn. Oi tne Clly &nU Ht! IUC UCT-tMiu; jiin-uu- I . . -, v ;,k t t. I TlOnfl TlHllAilV UUSC1TCU PUV. fcaaiivw. . becomes 1 raivatres and devastation. It will not hurt - i. 1 t ' - . - Tn tw tnnection we would remark that Wn, caitlm f Bd at BSpSTei I 'atia Ttrprimwd for emergencies II we escape ? iv; KsJi:!S2fJC Iaeorpo ration 9Tetlns of ihe WII- mlacton Produce Exehne;e?; , - The incorporators and members ' of ihe Wilmington Produce Exchange metyester-. day at the Exchange rooms - at 12 o'clock. The following members were i' present yiz. Messrs. D.'R. Murchison, A. J.; DeRossetJ A. H. VanBokkelea, fpeschau, S. R. Birdscy, Jolm T. Davis, Mchard W An fdrewsV J. CantwellvJ:T?Ranki&,yiJ6ha w.' mMTC&oSJMj, Thos. C." DeRosset, John D; Voddy,' S. jW, Tick, W. P. Elliott, Chas-H. Robinson, J, J. Scott, T. M. Smith, A. J- Howell, James A.J WTllard; Clayton Giles," Wi ' R.r Keaaa,- R. p. Barry,!iRo.gerMbore;ClP.!'Mebw --'ni. i-t' f i'ivii-- , ' . -7 --i " . . 1 Dr. W. W. HarrisBtofliAchairandiae ing Mr. Rich8TdW. Andrews to act as becre-j Mr. DuBrutz Cutiar: e 'Attorney of ; r-" - . - I ue AxcnangeueingpresKut, "T- ,fte Pmn pt incorporation setting lortn vae ODject t of the meetinff and the benefits of the i)lan .u ; ' : V -' f 1 A call was made for Ihe incorporators when, a-quorum not ;being present, an lia-i termis8ion of 10 minutes was bad. At the expiration of that time, the meeting was again called io order, when the. following incorporators came , forward in answer to j their names,' and the meeting was declared fully organized, viz!: Dp. A. DeRosset, E. Pescau, Roger Moore, I F. W. Kerch- ner, & W. Vick, James Ai Willard, A. H. VanBokkelen, J. L. Cantwell, R P. Barry, Clayton Giles, T. M.' Smith, J. W. Hinson, Richard W.' 'Andrews, Andrew. Howell, J. J. Scott and D. R. Murchison. The Exchange then proceeded to an elec it-: .1 1. . tion of officers for the ensuing year, with the following result: ; . Capt. D. R. .Murchison, President, re elected. . , ..Mr. Chas. II. Robinson, Vice President, re-elected. ' . r The following were elected a Board of Managers: Col. W. L. DeRosset, John W. Hinson, E. J. Lilly, F. W. Kerchner and A. H. VanBokkelen.: On motion, the matter of the adoption ot the By-Laws Was postponed and referred to the Board of Managers, to report at an ad journed meeting, to be held this evening, at 4J O'clock, V ' - 'The meeting then adjourned. r ' IHMonle Dedication Ceremonies. The dedication ceremonies upon the completion of the new Masonic Temple by the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is to take place in Philadelphia on Friday, the 26th of September, and the dedication j 0 e Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter . on tne 29tn or the same month. All the Grand 1 uuicers ui tue ranu 'Xjuuge auu uraua I - . V -.. . Chapter of North Carolina have been in vited and may of them will no doubt attend. Messrs. IL. H. Munson and A. David of this place are expected to be present. The occasion will no doubt be one of much in terest to the Masonic fraternity as the pre parations for the event are on the grandest scale. Experience Dearly Baugnt. Yesterday morning a gentleman called a ji 10 ,- .a g him with a note 1307 drequesting him to send him,five dollars. The money was handed to the 1 boy and he! decamped with it to parts un J known. ' At least he never made any re- j turns to the party who was so anxiously I awaiting the oresald.7:',The boy was a I perfect stranger to Doth P aeaungwitu. f rr f, ;5.;.j; & :, .. -0tf:t j re before' this trl - The following cases were " I .v :---x-. :. lf : . . ' 1 : 'Rnmon UTolTmaov nfi-Mi1"iinfh ohon. . : ; -Kamseyuorget.cnargeowiuingiitingantt I other disorderly xondnct, submitted and wH requireu w puj uuo ui fo.uu. t ,t f a party charged witn seinng luor on Sunday was fined. $25. A IMflteult Feat. . .The large, bay horse belonging to Messrs. Hart & Bailey will attempt the.difficultieat to-day, at 3 31, of drawing . n engine weighing 6,000 pounds from the, wharf foot of Market street to their foundry on Front street. ! He is said to have performed the feat on a former, occasion, but; there1 were 1 : ' .. U T. v- . ; . . , vincea euner pro. or con. Released. Under advice from Judge Russell, Sheriff --r - : a , r Tl mac reieasea me young man jx. . weaves yesterday on the evidence produced that he 1 was ah escaned lunatic from the State Luna - trt Asv iim of South Carolina, Sheriff r-- uerry ui juutiuu wuuijr, ouuw. voivuiiii, j wiegrapneaina ne wuumi arrive neru on the 5:15 P. M. train, and Reaves was then tr ha oiivpmr) into hflnrta. ' . , ," uc.oi . . : - , The following unmaUable letters remain ' I. 1.. ulnffiM Sr. tl.Sa r,ir. TUfr Hannf m mo jAraiuuivo iu ,uu .vi; .r uvmj I WQvLU. V 1 ul wva I - . 4v .as 1 1 T 'ill' l ?i Wehad a can yesteraayirom. jut; w. w. U or an a, Agent ior uaigai s ureat jutsiern ofmak- that Iff :-.- !Lii : . ' ':i"!..i.w.'ifii.'!l'A'...-iir' mammota snow aooui uiexutu vi vciooer. ; .4 ,f . aide. The : only excitement yesterday was U-'.J . i. Pmhtino PiPKE. We, now have In stock over 200 reams of news paper, 'size 34x36,' weight 30' IS per ream. Xt is good, rag paporT iid will bt sold. In lots to suit, tor cash, or Bent by express C.;Ot p. Ui t'arNTiNa Iim. W have Jftst received a stock f Kews Jnk for summer Use, pnt up to packages of 25 pounds: each. Cash , or C. O. brelers prompUy filled. ;4 Price 25 cents per pound. , - ! 1 i .. ' The consolidatiQi ef the Varolino Farmer and the Weekly vSior haring largely increased the, circulation of the latter , adTerQsers win., find; an admirable medium of conunnnicatjos with, the .fanners rand planters of the two Carolinas. , t- ; ; ""' Boos BEspiBT.r-rTH JloujnMa T4 Boolj Bind-. 'doe W??8 ptP1 WlsM"0 immune manner, ana u,ntwiuuue, pncee ier- chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other thetf 6dersi4 .fem'i rfiii aH suJ J- I ! L !-rT-"n chants, clerks of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad- ahd steamship officers and agents,' and all others naving orders lor printing, to tneiacniaes onerea at Moesih Stab TMUpBXaA&ummt for the prompt 'and. faithful . execution of all kinds of Job 'PRnrrote. Wo can famish -at, snort . notice Cards, Bili-IIeads, Xtter-neads, ; Programmes, Ball Tickets, Bka, Pamphlets! Tags Hahd:BiU, Cat; logues, Bills of' Pare, Show-BiHa, Checks,' Drafts, &c, &c ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Want a Cook, , " ,-,.,v:," ' . Want a Situation, "' . : .V : Want a Salesman, r '."! ; V Wtot a Servant Qirl, ' ;J "' - Want to rent a Store, ': - ;: Want UyseO. a Piano, :u Want to sell a Horse, ';;r :s ...-7 Want to lend Money, Want to bay a House, V Want to hny a Horse, Want to rent a House, 1 i Want to sell a Carriage, ; i Want a Boarding place, .. ; : , Want to borrow Money,. . ,r . . v , ? , Want to sell Dry Goods, 1 ,: Want to sell Groceries," .' ' ' Want to seQ Furniture, ' .!' . ' ! Want to sell Hardware, : " Want to sell Seal Istate'' ' v , Want a Job of Carpentering; -. . h c , . Want a job of Blacksmithing, , i Want to sell Millinery Goods, , . Want to sell a House and. Lot, V; , , y Want to find any one's Address, ', '.' ' Want to sell a piece of Purnitare, ; ' k ' Want to buy a second-hand Carriage - . Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to and anything yon have tost, -Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner .for anything Found, Advertise in . ' TUK MOKNISa STAB. . : Stokb Payixmts. The artificial atone natented by Mr..8chiUinger, and adapted to the formation of walks, ornamental stone-work in buildings, cellar bottoms, gas and water-tanks, and even wash-bowls is believed to be the best substance in use for these various purposes, but especially for sidewalks; This stone is composed of Portland -cement and gravel, to proper proportions, has no .vegetable substance in its composition, and is not in the least affected bv -climatic influences, but will preserve the most mi- nute and sharp lines on its surface for years. When 1.14 otA.ll. (. t. I . 1 lue longnnessoi, lextare, tnereoy preventmg crack I In IT nf1 rflff,T1mT in tllA na.fu4iAn A it a Intnl. a V ing and chipping, in the perfection of -its joints, ex- ciaawK us peneirauoa 01 irost ana water; in its adaptability to any surface, however uneven; and in the facility and perfection with which it can be con- strucxea id wo diocks oi any size, form er color, thus giving to the walk a beautv that cannot be attained -when the natural stone is used. About 60,000 feet oi wis waiK. was una tor tne Department of runue r-arKs m wis city last ran, ana one winter's use nas verified its Utility, and laree contract for it am now being executed by the city authorities and by many private individuals, to be used in' ornamental walks throughout the parks and on private domains. jxvw j. urn nana,- wune su. iau. . The citizens of Wilmington will do well to read the advertisement of the Southern Artificial Stone Company In another column. - The Company at P311 we Pvement in Ealeigh and the W. m to do ta hope I to receive a hearty welcome., 1 Tiunpexitiiie.' Alamance jail is emptyJ' t I iurs. jumnie yv unairer, oi; tne waa thg Sheriff to settle taxes with t3oe 1 of his sawmiiron'Mount I VVMUXOBBTi: WSJ SLtWU. 'A . ...... i J-HO TJTOieCL .OI reVlVinSrs UlC i especiauy m cuiuvaiea circles, nJki t .vnn,W:jjfjrioo,ii-f.iTni T m. HolLPxesidentof the North Carolina 1 .griuiuou.owieiy, iJjt;riuuaiy, ait. a. ui i W'S.'W -?t "f r Jtne jn.aieign.zvew says xne car penters cabin pf .the new fair grounds was Durgiariousiy enterea on Saturday nlgnt ana several articles belon?in to some of the employees . taken-i therefrom, i Suspicion points almost directly to one Douglas Basr kervilie. i .,. , . t .... ; , . -. .. ; - i .-.-?- Raleierh JVeioJ Gov. Caldwel issued pardons yesterday to the following convicts now confined in the State peniten tiary : Geo. McCalL white,' convicted r of burglary in Wake, January 1873 and sen tenced to ten years.: McCall is sixty years of age. ' Noah . Fox,, white, of Alexander a : : j i .i of leoo, ana sentenced to ten years. . A large and' most . respectable meeting of white citizens of Raleigh! con vened in Metropolitan liajl, Monday even- . - nn - fjommitt.fl nn rfl hlin schools renoi-ted through their Chairman. 1 Hon. K...P, Battle, that $4,000 was on hand uu,i".'" yyyx J more might be expected from the ireabody i fUna and that 82,000 be raised by volun i iaiy suuscnpuoa t ; Newbern limes raeutv Wal I lace, colored, was recentlv arrested in Jones W -S' Pe'V'Md was tM. i tnat county, wuo aiierwariw iiireu vraiiBce to work u?on tjefann, , On Tuesday last, I W ailftCB VlSllBU XHC W UCiU UU VfUllO UUIO I , ' 1 V.-1, A1ini and fatTlrfind T hia ATTlTlTJsawO Ta-pm V TT U tkule M UA uuu w mm vmuiuj a asm au where he remained until Sunday morn in sr. when be stole a horse, and with the. animal paid Newbern a second visit,, where he was arrested yesterday morningupon tne cnarge of burglary,-with the horse in his posses sion, and taken to the station-house. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Siiion Solomon I T.-.f-- . r-.-- . " .,.-1.-. -1 l(. i ,' TXTHX REMOTE, OCTOBER 1, JO THE COM V V modious store No. S3 Market street, wkere he t will open a large and. weu-seiectea stock ot ' Dry Gobis. Clothing, Hotjons. Hewillbenieasedto see his eld customers and many new ones at 83 Market street. ' : vNEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! T ! Auction ! Auction ! ! 1 A T 18 OCLOCBT TO-DAY, 1 WrtE SEEL? AT ilnv Sales Room. No. 80 North Water street, a lot of Peaches, Currant Jellies, Baspberry JeEtes, Pepper Sauce, &c; One Oil Can, Pickles, Sardines, Tomatoest Ginger, Lye, Extracts, Ac.; - i j It! Spool Cotton. Three Show Cases, : Cheese Baii lot Tin Ware, lot Measures, Soda, Candles, and a target t tot oi vrocKery ana uassware, sc., 'c natiotm and Counter Scales, i;r.:1A3L&, BUNTINGi 0,i ' Auctioneer. ' -f 1 uu w ' rThe 'Best -and Cheapest ! K-Manr&i ''-; tyr nmig't I -14 One Half the Cost, of Stone! i- .--. . . . r- t yiUC SOUTHERN. ABTTFICIAL; gTQNE q03f-! PANT. MANTJFACTDKEES OF ABTIFICIAL , 43. f A.. U.1W A. W I I.I ' A... KAVAT, . TX)B Sidewalks; Corbihg, Tlooring, and all other JD purposes lor which real stone is nsed. , Exten sively nsed in New York, Philadelphia, Washing letgn ana tne large clues. ;. . ' .-, . -i . PRICK LIST FOB felDEWAtKS. I V?v "Natural or granite color, less- than i . 1'" i. fi 1 . . . so square reet .r . pu cents per root. ratnrai or granite coor, over w '-'" " I Witt itssis uuui iuu qquaro jioew -, r to i . - .1-. . . . . r Natural or granite color, ever 100" and less than 800 square feet. 40 . r 4 tnanieuu granite sqn colo Natural or granite color, over 300 and less than 500 sqi nare feet, - 43 : Natural or erani! te col. lor, over 500 , and least than lUOOsq uareieet, w Natural or granite color, over 1000 squarefeet, , . 38 .. i. . r ;..i:i-.! . - . i !':(. . .. l' In alternate blocks, with different colors. 8 cents per square foot additional. - ' k The foundations (which Bhould be of Sand) to be prepared by us, or we will do the same at cost Descriptive pamphlets can be bad and orders left at this office. -. - - . - : , - - - JOHN C. BRAIN, Preset"- i-' k , " Southern Atincial Stone Co. CHAS. C BUTLXB, Sec'y and Treas'r. i No oarties are authorized to make collections for the company, except by order signed by the president or Secretary and Treasurer. $ 1 1 . M a r k e t S tv o t - MAOTPACTTJBEES OP i.-t'.. C LO T H I PJ C, , . ANDDBALEKSIN , f FnrrtTshing Goods, Hats, Caps UMBRELLAS CANESyfct' &c . Haye on hand a large and well assorted stock of Fall and Winter Clothing. Latest style SILK HATS Just received. sept Ttf 8YEUP VitaBies'liI and Enriches the" Blood, Tones up the 1 ByBiemBunos up tne Broken-down, Cure Female Comnlantta. ',Hu-.vt - xnousands bavei J t been changed by the im w uua raiiouy i ; from , weak, afckly, suOerlDzcresturea. ta a : ibmd. liMlthT. mnA firn-r TTArt aiul hmium . anil , invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. -'. vaunon. no sure you get tne ngntaracte. Bee that "Peruvian Syrup" la Mown tn the glass, f Pamphlets free. Send for one. BETH W.FOWLB ; . A SONS, ProprietOES, Boston. Mass. r. For sale br ii druggists generally. sept n-Deod&W ly alt wks Cape Lost. VTCSTEBDAT AFTERNOON, A CHILD'S WHITE P1QUS BRAIDED CAPS. A liberal re- ward will be given if left at the septl7-lt, STAR. OFFICE. ' ' 1 '' S X 'RE6TJX. A TT1EKTING Li IiiiiiiitoifiiiltinAssi)datio& 1 i - i npHE REGULAR MONTHLYMEET TOFTftE' -jk,. wuaiiOTtonijuiKiing AssociaaDn be held at the rooms of the Wilmington Hbrary Associadon this evening at Sekslbek. J Wj i j.. J 'Ami i v ,,.i7-v.-j j .ri ;;.Yihegar;Bittersi rjARRAiicra j aperient, r congress Wa teri 'Allen's Lung Balaam, Simnwna' liver ' Begula- tpr, jfamts, uns, vamisnes, uiass, urusnes, dtc., V t ii ' '!-.'; i.'i t-ii'i-l .11 !. a . . , ' f ior sate iuw oy . . . - . . . " ! -- ,1 ; . GREEN FLANNER. '' sept 87-tf.! i FINAL NOTICE, i ; , OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR,! ? . r. Crrr .oF WnjaHOTos,N. Ci v . ,. . . . . .. ... - September 15, 187?. v J f-; HHz-: Si'f ' ':'.-.; it?, . . - i-. Oitv Taxes. A LL-PROPERTY ON .WHICH TAXES RE- JUtAl .-. 'iif t- (-- i ' r.-.. main unpaid . October 1st, proximo,- will, be AD- 'J.j'i---- . .. .: .1 ..-j ----- .A-iM VERTJSED and SOLD, as o, longer indulgence wmbe'giyen.- .-.jfi..; cr.;..f.f: ''.i''. T. O.. SERVOSS, Treasurer and Collector. sept 16-tf nac School for Toiing; Laiea . . HEIS8ES KENNEDI A JBART,!, , PHTNCIPALS. ' - . ' (V THIS SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN ON TBTURS day October 2nd. -f .. . : .' ' ueparcment or music, vocai ana mstrnmenau, un- der the oc rroressoc jr. Tamnureuo. - , sept 14 W nac Su Wed&Fri . Ladies' T ADIES' AND GENT'S TRUNKS, SATCHELS, j-i - - - . - - Shawl Straps, Belt-Satchels, &c, at the Saddle and Harness Factory of . T. it. :---4 ii v Ifwr JF S' TopbsUaa 4 jOev - , ; ':.. . - ; No. 8 South Front St, may8-tf nac. .. wnmhurton. H . C a i rpHK STORE ON THE CORNERS OF MARKET and Water streets, at present occupied try t. (&. Bau man, Esq.. eneof the most desirable business stands In tharity. . Amflrttt..... sept 14-tf H. B. EILERS. 5 ! Coal 1- Coal ! i . .i-j 3QQ TONS GRATE COAL NOW LANDING ex. " Alice Lea." Consumers desiring to lay la a winter's supprjwe are prepared to famish at LOW' EST CASH KSTES. ' 5 V ' V" : ' t eptlS-tf 0. Q. PARSLEY A (X). L MISCELLANEOUS. Corn, Bacon, Flour, &c. X1 nnn BUSHELS" PRIME WHITE CUK21, BUSHELS PMME'lAtrjED Ct)RN, 0-J 10030 iESK S.;ANDSilbKEDSlDE8, n' HHDS SMOKED SHOULDERS, 4V ,r... 150 " " . : 1-'-" S S H STRCP, -n " ? ' ' i' fiARElS1 FTJIt," ? AIX OTtiDEsV BAjLES LTTTLSfoYEl BAIlfrrliE'E 25 15 wemM;: JQ 3A6S PBIMB BIO COFFEE. " pQ BAGS LAG u AYRA AND JAVA COF1T Jtlfi, . -i a a bbls feiL'poRK: c; $typn is&".6Ufirl O A A "BALES PRIME HAY, 50 TUBS LEAF LARD, s . ; CASES LYE, ! la tr.s&t;-;'- (jr CASES SNTJlWf-;;.:. BOXES SODA, ' BOXES CANDY, " . T hA BOXES CANDLES, ( :.) 1VU 50 GROSS MATCHES," BOYES SOAP, " For sale low'' Svi ' sept 13-tf.;. t WTf JiTAMS IKJTRCHISON. IPJ STORE! . 7 f; JpXES SMOKED . SIDES ' AND SHOULDERS, '" ;;'.t Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, Bbls City . - Mess Pork; Hhds, Tees and ,Bbls .Cuba ' n. ; ) Molasses; Hhds,Tces and Bbls S. H. I. 5yrap, Bbls New Cleans Syrup, Bush. Prime White : Com; Bush. Prime Yellow Corn: Sacks Liverpool and American. Salt: Sacks Blown Salt; Bbls Flour, all grades; Bbls Sugar, all grades;. Bales Prime Se- ;ij . -.-j', .i- . ...i Jij'if. ..!' -Ji t C! ' ' " lected Hay; Cases Brandy Peaches; Cases Schnapps, -v . - ; .'i-.-i.His ' pts. & qts. ; Bbls Brandy,. Rum., .Gia & Whiskey; .J: ' . - i- -.-.. ; ; iit fi!.!- ' f 'a' , Rolls BaggingSX s to yard; Bdls .. Arrow and Side Slot Cotton Ties; Tons ': '-.' ;;i t.vv;,-'.; if-.r ."w v " " Hoop Iron, 1, ljf and 1 Inches; Standard ',' n i ; r . : " t;:j;ii i Spirit Casks; Papers Rivets, 6, 1 and S pounds; ;i- .! : ! . i jv : . Bags Shot, Buek and Drop; Sacks Coffee, Laguayra, : am b ;.'" !.' ' -1 i : .-t - Rip. and Java;. Dozens Buckets;, Boxes and Half Boxes Candles; Boxes Candy; Boxes Tobacco.' - ..For saleby . - t - , . . . F. W. KERCHNER, sept 13-tf O V 37, 98 and 9 North Water Street. ' Notice of Sale of fEB AL5nB ST AT E BY VIRTUE. AND IN EXECUTION. OF THE power of sale contained in' . certain1 mortgage made by Daniel Klein and his .wife to " The Wil mington Building Association,'' bearing'date the 3d dayf August A. D., 1870, and legistered - in the of fice of the Register of the county of New Hanover, in book ZZ. at page 664 and followins (default hav ing been made-in the payment of the sum of money C nnv n. l.n . -f .W . October, 1873, sell for cash, at the Court' House In Wilmington, by public auction c- ' - The JJdnd and Premises . . ' Conveyed in said mortgage, viz: a. certain lot or ot Wilmington, containing square in said city and bounded as follows: -Commencing at' the junction ef Gwinn street with Dickinson, alias Tenth, street, and running northwardly with Dickinson alias Tenth street to Rankin. staaet.tbe(ioe eastwardly with Ran kin, street to Wood-street: thence southward! v with Wood street to, Gwinn street, thence, westwardly ' with Gwinn street to the erfSnlngfr' " SEN17 FOK SAMPLE" QF '.iff ?mi5.. '; so. Oili:.-. vvi;"- i-li TTlTTTrn nTi ittttitici ? A-ND:'A -FULL." ASSORTMENT eOFJ FANCY . il. . CRACKERS, fresh every week. . ,' in:) lit loyal rj Lin . sugar-Curea iig uams. - Sugar-cured Pighouldera; Smoked Beef and Beef Tongues; " ' . i.ia .- - - I.:,Jfn; TE r. W.O R ,L D 14 V Iesliijev;ery 5Vpelc,' ., At ;,;! -GEORGE MYERS', .. jeep U4tf , rl,4 )v H and 13 Sa Front Street - '.Tor'Eenti'.; . - THE JSTpRB AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY ' . Messrs. Fernbergef &.Co. ; w.('iJi.i:i ii';.jfcfei. lift "' .'' t '? -:. - . v Apply to : sept 14-1 4 K .PESCHATj WESTERMAN. hvt m ; Eem6valsr P,W THE lsOF,OCTOBER WE WILL MOVE ' , . Handsome Iron Tront Store, One door north Bank ofNeWuanovr on Front st . We respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage j. so liberally extended to us by our friends. ' - sept 14-tf, ;. , , , , , Gn MURCjpSON.' 1 ' r s ; i-s JCAIR NOTICE, IS - HEREBY Gim THAT I am compelled by law, to sell, property, for taxes if not paid before the 1st day of October .next. : 'z.';Jj' ) Pay up and save costs 1 WnjfiKSTOir, N. C, Sept. 14, 1873-D4t Wit ve us :a Trial. HARDENS AND INVIGORATES TEX GUMS t Purines and Perfumes the Breath! Cleanses, Beautifies and Preserves the-J " ".-'.'iii-f.'J'f i-t-.i !-' - " --J-T E-E.T H 1 ".TJee it dally, and your teeth wfli be the last of Na ture's tdftftto faQ you. : '.- . . .;; . .-. !? r "sold by ALL dsugcosts.1 may27odJytatiisat 1V' - , : ---r- i' t t 4 -

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