v. .Wain.,. Ml '.' -- ' t . rHEIiDAHDBDEtEIDS 4h UtttlBKS OF,niPPy.HOtLOW. ?' S..;!MTi i t.iSS I .tun;. V pii0ii.eMHMiJM niural AlahamianJ, . ; ky&t Aaiuoritie Simday Uv Ep- K.au4 wb?tasf-iaii .. Rhoep. are parasitic insects. Inslieekl ! fc H is called fluke-ieref oreto iwfJ the animaly some remedy nust iirjhe 1 s-.,,; if -.-.?) -cL faifiu K3' V s. aiven that will operate through; tr fiver andidHe;r itaiw idea. Among the remedies are white lye, I 9.1 .ravages or 1?he;"yeTlpw i fever wiii iiiwiu biio unci uceouuia tcie gntphed.!:Itspp first made1- tnownttiiwiftl'tfj vniu it..r.Uu night las Vwbeo thedealha f or the hnjg dattmounted id 'thirl v- I which The Board of Health, finding that; ft 1 had no authority, resigned in a iody last night. The Howard Association continues, ta furnish relief in all cases'; where it is needed, supplying nurt:' money." and provisions when reulrest: The weather to-day has been morel i MqTmJtm WKauar hopes, are ttdrtaiheti1' thedis ; tad t reached its hight. ; FOJBTH si I'-i THE HERVIO I1ALL. hi from hard-wood ashes, to be repeat ed daily uutil the effect is produced. Turpentine, thoroughly rubbed aport the loins is a good auxiliary, and it also used interallyr in doses of, a Interview with the Scientific Ala if of the Expedition-Hall Died a.Natufal Death London Tribute. ( tablespoon ful evry day in the fpod;!-? aeapfA Mi" 'IZY&& IJjj exald r for three offowr-dayfc. Copperas pul venxed, , j a loses teng'ff'htouH! pre- eciaLIn f, "Sept.: 20. ThefolLowing is a portion hf&ti terview between ; m.j tAia jort tthat l&aJaV:'t'TiowhfimfiKi jti. I Ponden and Dr. Bessels,- of" the I vmn k diKna Un ft.--a.. if 1 ne ioliowl two or four ounces dailyfedn wti guaJIyi merview oetween a Jieraia to? )r. Bessels, ot jooa nf arsenic to beincrejised bv-1 4ow. Uw Sunday ' fourteen deaths oians , aiyunaee: ur. cesseis Baiaf UUOVU w- - - i. : J I one-quarter graiiii eaeh .day for .three or four days, or Until an effect is pro- 'jnMul the animal ' to td donstantlv'wereimriea; wnnout' permits, nven access io ireau uanu uatus uw flf'M .7i . wBweii'titw s uestu Mr. common muni 'I'tlA WftJ mycepie.8mTeQ in xne csenaie. oi tne SfnUd Sjtates. 2; f I The future; statesman first sarW tne ligh'ui j. Herrfordsh.aiVfitiia?ii stoneVriwrjof'--:Wales, in the year JR.fljad is theriBo?e. fcrtF-ouT years of age. He is the ftftft sonlia- family o thyrteent,cnuaren, eleven oi ,-wnoju are still living,?, eight vbrQthets and three-sisters. . ; , - When; be was but two year? of age his parents immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio. There Jones, graduated from the Cleveland High School, and 'beV till UU81UCB9 iUO ,0O UCii. , Hewitt &Co. He was next employed asateUetmtns-UanaliJanK, sjieveif jMtfQfkffl lwaaktoft P,u1 of ;, the; gave up'cou'nttogankbUls, ajidtook rpHE gQUBTg c Sassatf e' with his-VbrotheV Henry for 1 A P i . i. l .r j r a 4, wer. reported,.: and, i .withonU-Ue vu wu"uS,:l iUUilu "V.nimen ! Slighted doUbC, it ;least;.five or -six cn Papers thai several very siyand' xreau-cM;.t4 t'lis !" .aiwH i vj tjk " :' ' As a preventivHklibjBjsall-ih WafeHeMigi xgoloaiB Lband. 80ft:(bitaiuino8y MtmMmmii'Mmber same. Since 0Id Wat-'wave.'-hi?!!; tSrMSphi ;se been troubled with this diificitf ty, an-d rt)t4i.to.h.e,Mu.Bhitand will be consumed. s - 4g Aiotatia t Wdaya of 51j which M1 t0r, f11. a tortnight. He. ap? W1U - ! .."Mtlf rrth4ai ioVk- peared to be ui perfect health i when, i . i T j tL M IN ;Tt.ii - ; ,iv -1 r 7 ! - - - w ftwwa pr ,f .ftVlLUtiiCUi. I . -t ft : -T u .:sr i i J i.y A.irtrfto!:sJ n r! fontfli nnt iQftmita rrLiui ' entering upon the voyage 1 noticed. .. . f.n u- .-5 i -i i uency nave Deea aoroaa. it is pas sible that the Government at Wasby we have to say for a graver occasi'Q.' but I must emphatically contradict the statement that-CaptaiaHaU died: other than a natural death. He was J tiVfi ,AtiraiCttOiras.i .f.r. tootsy ..npt rastectable , 8 F . vuya6el uuwceu, - .here' fe-nothmgxharwllf'ipffi ihg5J:n, and kothin? na , Bis heth early laying in Uete. abetter, i if as ;tdoyit!it Tm$x$s&cfc lof its eP!nod of h.,s lll"e.S8' Th caii j j a r .., v i;---J r..jc..r "ff-, . .vo that he was noisoned is too absnrri t n wel , as to oeieu wna raw huhcb, uuiiuuuctj - amt:4! spread, as j the i j ml ' ! in nieces of nrooer size ffld father- hiatnrtiSaVW J; be serioyntertained. The rumor r r . . ;v.i " -..a ":??r"rfr " .-strengthens tneniaiiu preyenwr .ne ;55?qiL;at night, may naue Deen tounaea on - tue u 1 1 : ! il. , . i liaiiucunaLinnH or t,rr ravmor nsr. pnr,. weakness. ,vuuso. ,wtiwB: seeuaim Maunaayriwaeas.be.erea lioird ot .G u iT " ur 1 r"ti betels! ButfocTinteddea-HhVerolttnce. Sch1maQ'he engineervsays thatgaH for exhibition, we would not recom- ment of Hs preiepVi thi rty Was alt ran'tP0?0fP mend its aslt ianVfMto&e SoW a ?Bces laying i?ah' rgntneH against hl-hetothetttited left at ?! the crew more than another e?0lted it' iiwiiM;i i. ivt im-i'-HW T . .f .,.-...1 . .. - . - - 3nly.6uposed, ; bjui in English- 1 m -. ' The "Vylsh wei tbierelpre, still I The Great 12 Centre-Pole Tentand OneIandred Thousand AFVUCtt 9 VllOUVUgV 0UV WW . . GM ? 00NOBET FORTHB BKNBPTP 3P THE 1 1 !(!, iia,ooo Kverr "Fifth Tlclte Draws a iam." 'T CONCERT AU- ecial act of the Legislature tor BDircLiDrary or nep.tocKy, wiu gan Francisco, iA,the Oars urea, i taeic larablw.LibrawliUUatLoulavllle;K which sailedrfrom Cleveland qn! tbe l " ""J:;?.. T , . i 2Gth of Septembei,. 1849. The vessel' Wednesday, December' , 1873. rtasRpfl tlironfirri: tne weiianu ,vajuu a a t i t and rtowM't.ftSHf; Tjiwrenee. stdrjDiner I Only sixty ihoijwd ticketf wttle soldandone f 6r a month, at MontlfeW QfieTWrtflK other riol'ntft ' on. tHe, , river, I Nine F wfierJimTiBO were diattasedof for the Hhird Con- . , trt ZrA-A 7rr i , : I Prta and save ,oa tbeir bade tna scneme, witn a - ; Jon pr ppms to havft developed i at ' an .earjy . age fl, ' ttete If or..ofS?e, an,d f-car dieplayever wltnepsed In thia ooantry, tha ,un-l fj'' V '-;:! .'.CiiMV. iiiliJ Jj-vti! Ili'.'l - if "(w! I f V fnll (iTnlanatlon of the mode of drftWinff. At vats etweerv woicn wui ue ui granatsev uiuin- rlishmanriw-' san Jitan if nix A fiHrlet Info 12,(XjO e&slt glfte,1 lot amomrTttM ticket-tKiaerUie nitnB tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind, -Child- Ma and the sifts fiom another. IIS OP GtiSTS. v:. :MUpnk rTnlletmVnenfi to ir locitiohs M erfeil aKW Lctu . Another phase of his mania was a lav In "tb'ese case1)dnldttst will be I andrnttsior'bat ffor tVentt-four erainatlo i - . t.-. - i-I U-'ii j:2lfe ''Lf-" :v- thine unless it tnnnn io aHswer uener.' us ib aues.uui:Mvuia uib jinsmin mennt ah.v w.is t. r . .-. . t .... hare the same effected the dencv one 6t,aniWSt ff,. rP8 AAe-tastwg wasmostlyidone w to lav. ! - esei srenerall v wonld' hBaift to- eetner ana congirtfiK iks 5jnTin. t h il a it-uiiKv. t? -v u!1 , P .7" J Cove J ."while others made Va.i- -I j. T7 -1 mained comfortably In tne B isco storn pon.se. . ELq he Jap-, peped to' te&v,the Custom House ? is riot stated, but he i sdbejuntly traiv el)ed through Califoraia,' andehkaged m mining; pursuits in CalaiVefas and 1 Tnoluinne coiihtieg. Minine did not F . r . - ' i j J I itti a T-rv a ott f m mil i.jdnSrtked, 4oin.,,Trby, 8S.SlSI.fc:ri: county as jisuice, gi vuv itw' subsequently s'erved : oRjfepvpy SheT iff, Sheriff, and State Snatpraridin. 1867iie stumped California,' as a pan?. 1, didate for, . Lieutenant-Oovernor jon the Gorham ticket. The ticket -was defeated, and! Jones in the same yekif came to Virginia City, Kevada, a poor ROOIAN HIFPOXmOME AND EOYPTI AN XI&AATjLH. gtrittntedby ber Mine TTS AJJQMK5TT ATION TBUK PAST WIJJTBK JlAivKa ruuit 'I'lMJOS u&UJtt tmaj 4&aT YKAK i ahtl then fTwas cohfeesed the Vonarch Mastodon of the road. - Over a million dollars bare been ex- nMHi(rf i mak thin the mast BtimendoaB and ereateat w oria Kxposiuon ever auemptea; ana an immense ' Twelre Oentr-Pole iPavilioB. .cowcrinff oeCi-far aens-of CTonnd,. and-waeasoring 168,000 yards of $250)00 100,000 1 50,000 ; 25,000 17,500 i 100,000 1 150,000 j nn nnn 40i000i 40,000 tram is wnnirsA tn exhihlt its t.hirtv-one dens of llvlnff Wild Beasts, breathine Sea Monsters. Plnmaercd tds llBeaiitfflj, tad the coioami irasi jvi jnsisg itT-xu . v ;t!!' . ; , . ,Braii4 C omliiiiatiQu ; ;Mor e to imkM nv foimnvirt this ftfJrah of Shows 160 carl. 6 Dassereer coaoheiand 4-eateine art brouiAt into requisi- tton, and tie aerricea f oyer 3,000 men and horews are necessary to the- supceaa of this juipreeedent lerpnse. . en- ; -a, i Ui.ili i 45,000 ..t...., S 60,090 nination not to5 at or drin any . was nrsi nasieq Dyssome tasting wa4 mostly 1 TT u .1 C : . I A ti." iJ'aTi. ee. genertlly : ouldddle to4 u! 05T ONE GRAND CASH GIFT.... ONB GRAND CASH GIFT, .-. w .-..V..' ' 80 Cash Gifts, B,00aeach;...r f - IO Cash Off tsv v 1,000 eachyU . ; ; . . I ilm ntmh fft "'-! ,JAVl aafr ' I 150 ah .Gifts, , OOeacn,!; . S50 Cash Gifts. 800 each S3S Cash Gifts; 100 eaeh.-i.-..i-.:.i.-. ! 82,500 11000 Cash Gifts.. . i 60 ach ,....-.. ; 550.000 Herehestraokfcuneandthe.Cpm-floTAti uxoo gifts. all cash. - stock lode. : Hia, eaieer (on this-! cele-1 amountog te.....,..... itsoM i ,;v. V.' mmoriti. 1 The diBtrfbQtloiiiwfll benosltfye. Whether; all the "e.vr""- tteketo ra said ey snd the 18,000 gifts alr baifr teading of the.entakmin ie roportioa toiickeu sold-sii ulisoidT tiekete h ni pueuii I'BeTng tfeBtfOyed as at the First and Hecoqd Con- I cbm ana aotreprtaeaiea m tniuor wing. , A Grand Triple rJlenageilie, In Four Beprat Tents, combined with the Colossal MaaeamAvlary of Tropical Birds," and Caravan of Elephants, Camels, Dromedaries, Elks, Buffaloes, ete.,,etse;; r.- Circus Performance Ilf THE LARGEST HIPPODROME TENT IN THE wOBLD. EVERY ACT DOUBLE ji-AO jlt-a ril"t"iSct &--s4bft;i-- In 2 EingfjAt tk&iUBsy.iiau under one Editor Mornma Ifeios : homfeir -jiTibiiCnfi- 'Wn.I-jAi!! S. Hew Tn addition to vonr lever article 1 tioVoto nA vo 0n.wm.M..iiLj. or ycsieruajr wuttuu wrir"c i atternoon tne C Balloon Buhhle, - If'&tQiXpigxi few f tTity-tnteIal5; facts tnat may lniresi yoartoierjune j take aoy 4 readers, particularly of , the!; younger I gested to class. And hrstj we give ;a table oT J that somethhjeohe:batv fet th me vaiouyuu.4ui wl?uVgS?ogracioncrw hed rr , wpntedintellecte wonldlf f&F S?i?Tff mM. iti"1,t to Buddington: "If I die, you I vearg heriilfesedFa colossal frtamrtt &Y -.fWrW 5?r5'4 P9n& besiaeanrsmprMtwxnp would sayv "My last wuhras thatipart. ownet.wiaWl1? va thtiunoa.-wota of tickets at a am. ; -u ? I-i :,;S i . i -vt .i ,Ti-i ' ' Hi tiTHtmnrgfl Tons I J.PQ nnaotnuina mcceswi me.xniru mm wm- .wa!i I von strive xo f?o to tne wonniro ft: i ioMiu wj r-- j i tir vAnn ; . .1 - a . . i j i ; . j . r jij; A . Hnni i .. Vw .0 gnnnmn lehmanr. nt this trrosn tin- rf,-i . .' .i tc . i I icucan-tne matterlsng- jortv?no. i t ?nr tnnnirhTtit J 1 : I iledmcceasl cert as well as the' (Mtisf action' rfven by the First 1 8ecwt, ial4 xjMlnwcesasrr to adnonnce the Fourth to Insure-the prompt sale of even ticket. Vhe FbrnHh Gift CmeerCwlU be i 'eeaducted all its And the details like the Third, ud fall particulars ma; eairom circulars wmcn wiu do tent iree Velocity in oac hour. Fres8ore on jonqfoat MUea 1.. 5.. 10.. : SO.. 40.. : 50.. 0.. 80,. 100.'. Ol the winds. Lbs.' ' 133. 493. 1,968.. 4,429.. force r-W .Hsrolypercep .IJussperceptib . I Gentle, is,ses.t tible.' le. IHI nleasant wind. Pleasant, brisk breeze. Very brisk. High wind. a a. ii ; e .1 t-!.:-v U ! .tt.li. LI1U KHHX1UQ All. LI1K XinUMM JtVKO- 1 . mr ir..Jl. -;1ft ? f.admnntM":thi citi- ciation at Bradford, yesterday, jQapl ifhAt thtf LraiBricfc.Sessioii recently. f eua xgnizea an pompeueo im to I tain juancnam, oi me nnusu D3Tyr j sUT a tUtrtel' Ot att'hout's do sor! or forfeH-nhe neonles' oolf f who was on the Arctic when' sheMlfH f2jL-ui-''ttLwii AUU'' w4llif itcfl,hsi4ka1th first ceived the men rescued, from- the I find him not;gSvaii - omos io au wno anuiT ioe menv i t - . i Tickets new ready for sale and all orders accom panied by the money promptly filled. Liberal terms given to thoaa who bay to sell again. ; si : .' i i.aad Manager Gift Concert,' . dA nAAnl i'rtn'wM-'-nrrt.K tt?rt wfiw Eh?-j TO J .AtrTE -;"T -i.-. iLli-' r -1 PttblicIJbrarTBirildiaftgU)aijrefll,B:y .".rr m Viirv "r. r.r'T . ' . ", absence. -rev?iriiea into court, r tt I atiga-4w3m -.s v , ,-, tit wiii'-OTiTTrejinr r rx nna.rn 1 not von T i u tiioti rnBnTion Trnm T riu - . nr. ' :, C .1!! :: " J 'Grand Pavilion! : ; TWO STUBS OF JOKS HOESES, -ls ; DUAL CORPS OFEOTSTJSIJCHNICS, AtE BIDESS, ACEOBATS, 'gymnasts, clowns; etc. step by ordering the streets and illeya l,?plaray,A? if0 ChairnianAre'you unanimous IHaTOlia Eoir flushed." Think of that ! jFour the voyage of Captain1 Hall, ; which hA unnr wr(i?-t? ! . i M. ) 't.!: InTlyy 7u1i, .T"?iif.fi .Tise4iM:bTiQgktEa order I had gatherad from members of the J ForertariW'are yonr WorebiW;!r-,f;'J 1 " -' u 1 tctarn the water loose fromi the fire eiTjedition.:He;saidlhePol A 9n ninA tA thr. TGreat 'liubh-i' u rtfeWiAViifeWifcK. A stoniMe tempest :- 47,71. ;iA mtttton. I A hurricane f jAjaancan that tear,p t i'Vu.,- v:4V.WCi4.aaOCUltlon I FH U,JB iuiuumujj mc u- I terl ..:;-llj;; y : . ' irfoVeiTetc: TT 'e fT??80 .af5':,n,nr iff S" Murtu-1 ChainaaB-This is not a - i weni nam i nam io warr. ! . i warn iu lauiuue d.ud. liiuwuiuo proper Class SOT.'i July tZtt 187SfrClass9M.:Oct 4thl 1873 Clasi.l..Oct. Knd. 1873 Class 14Nov. 8th, 1878 Class 915. .NOT. 26th, 1873 Class 908.. July th, 1873 1 mi. : ji : I , ... .... " "; . , L l . -r . . . t . I TeruiCS. , ,1 Class fllO.. Am. 80th. 1878 " rT11- 7 i T r ast rngut tfie gas -was permitted nearest point to tne JNortn jroie ever F0reman-We first decided, yovCr ChSMiXsiTthisTsI at iy D-1U uegrees, uicry trine i Q esCone from everv street, amh iiln f eaCMd DV. ClVUlZeu . man. JL ne ICO J txr v: .u.A U1 1 OrsadKxtraOrfinarTDrawlnff .lfi.on lRthDec "I3 than 1,000 ounces avoirdupois Bigh4:;M, disinfecting, experiment, was soft all the way, and stronger bW:tfiiority bVfore gaiagJ--- ry-'or e cubic . toot, and its speemc ani barrels of . tar were hurniidin l.veaselfteoald have attained a innch I j. uJilKi i -VThn I t . i . t . - " 4 . gravity about 1,020. - j i : " HappycHoltows rell as Wviomen higher latitude r ' 1 v' ": " Wam klV Simons in thei end. -oioO'dlvidfidinto 78 Full -T - w - - -' - . V i - I rr,l TP , I 1 " . . L ?. ' . j-t r I T - '" : Greatest ActlcTeB4eiit td Aarenic An- EVEBY DAT AT 9 O'CLOCK A M. AN IJjjhXjf' 1 MgeanVaM Long ! 3 crimson ana Kia oens, inree urass ana xceear Banas, unua Dieam jriaao, me music oi which can be heard fonr miles, and a fall Martial Band, as in the days of '76; Twenty Beautiful Women, add ome hwidBed horsemen and pages, monnted, and followed by theCsvalcade with their flags, banners ,and parapheraalia, mounted gods and goddesses, in Original costumes, with Living Tigers, Liana, panthers I and Jagaarskwee in the streets.- . ; . I v-i tart Before, each exhibition aGraadBaliobAJCnBk)B wm be given by a celebrated lerohant who will make Journey Beyond the Clouds i,;. ; J .- v :.i ' All ttte railroad rnnnlng into the dty have ben arranged, with to bring people at greatly reduced Doott open at 10 A. jl., ana I ana i rv j. renormance commences an nour i more to the cubic . '- ' .' - " i " W4W.BU3AHD, General Agent ' WDsbir, TllursdaV.'Oct. ilaoToiTrlday, Oct 10; Magnolia, -Tuesday, Oct 14; Lumberton, Thurg iay,0tlS;BoghatWday, 17 Wadesboro,thrday,18; Whlteville. Mondar, 80. ;. Now admit, which you iff; Tour ar- n9.Aei a1xa tiifc-t Mretft "' in i tKA Wnrth- TheLondon Observer closes ari obifc-f tide j ustly expose, that-a Walloon has i ett rt bt he citv: HaBnv Hollowi 1 narV3jon Captain; Hall: ajfff ollowsr a sustaining power equal to the lift jbe locality ia which the disease! first lfThc rude wooden monument tb ing power of gas which -connnesj iitf larlcet street, intrepid American, standing alcin , t -a" : -?r on tm nver Dane, ana men m nosia i mvc wuuw, u h LauhierJ 1. ire mqe wind?, teble j a grand memorial trophy and j against a head velocity and pressure per square foot! win filtrVand inixed no- nromisch- lenge.! above. A vessel beats "against the I ivtii&kkLt sM t "The crew'bf tlhe, wind on a law of physics krfow.n as the resultant o,two forces, the wind being one, the "resistance of the water, the other. ' .But the balloon is sub-" jected to but one' force--tTie wind with which it has directly to contend, bppbsing ; to Vt- the cross section through, f vertically,- the greatest wid th bf t1ie7balloon, and to Over- -, sustain, in addition to itselljan easrin and rnaehinery capable bfWertiBg pou mi 1U8BS w ioe tUIOORvana p; pursuances a propeuing-power great er than, the Wind .JatJn ory. of navigatiBs (k air, ence shall determine., accurate Jwind na will ly one thoTTsanrl nucrrnjfl and low I from JLaverpool for JNew -z'orKoni.t wT - - . A . t I a A insu-rrflff JWeTiOialiyd mere Detore ii uuww ,,i,. (tJt, ,lj!f:js.; the pestilence visited . them geUngl L " ' mm ' m m l their rsabsiftence chifiyr'br stealing, HYDROPatomA. andCBefe it was toot'tnat whea the 1,1 . ! r 3"5t -nuiwMiampjuiwriP ? 3! police or detectives' desired :t15nd a rTnteretr; thief or niclcriocket thev sonp-htlhirnl f l" sUilat i j The scenes m this Jloisahty sincd the ye find in the Medical Record aA rtoofi ng him for ac- agreed Chairman Oh, eo inside. eafchi of the three toen who were, in thfe-mi- nonty.are theynof i-opinionrtthat this man i&: guuiyj.;. w , iusuac uy ick them, agree about it. I don't neattt to hearuiy-mere 6CyoRr.'dl)eraiions; X 1TIH Ut . C A UUlUVV '1 " Of..... 50.000 ,1- M, of., 4... 5,O00 Sl " ot?.7..... 10,000 10 " of 1,000 each , 10,000 8t - h . of 60ewh......i 40,000 4fi " ot - SOOaach.. ... 193800 9 Approximations of $500 each to the ' $100,OOaPriae.u...... .......... . 4,500 9 Approximations of $300 each to the . $50,000 Pri..J.,..V........ 9700 9 Approximations of $S0S each to the , - , 8 ATproxWaonsof$200aachtotho .. i $10,000 Prize. 1.. 1,800 4 Approximatiooa of $100 each to the ' : ' two $5,000 Prizes i 400 783 Address' all orders to BORNIO & to Oonuniseioa Merchants, whs aro my osly auth correspondents in tne unites. & 450.000 ROTHK1 i.; cping OP:os te.exeioeg AWittrJry3? i ifJb tf TOVty8 7 uoie phobia. A little girl was wtten I tryrv- "..ae jnry tiien,4retirefl,j ana .arter, a families Tiave been stricken, djown, mad dog who tore out of her right: feimttnteste fianded in a1M.e"6Be:hiVe'Mte ;; t oMtsprey,-Here-in wnr cases-iT-- and aliswerifefit man and Mrtoteft4thoIiaTW ' I oarents laree; families of -.children I lpor. She was treated bv immedat'llvi:fhai&ia ;itO,TOKir fOXtllQ the- hovo lwipn oarrierl ftwftvbvdeathleavd.-.hvwk U LkHktiitinVM emen, Verdict. not keeping it wet constantly by whidh.thloon Vhen caught by jppfwW4tnirf . seekiiTto-hwJSs:irammawi fc2feterytti t V vfl . iV arf adverse breeie x&ii'surelu. ascend S-.-A..,. i tw -? Tlt dil '-'o'i2!rL; t arrfLJs' or desceftd XAiufhofsttix current. an A n A ::: oa w cessf ul, nsef ul b; navigation, then, would sie,e; to ep,"lpsitiy charts of -air earrei9 hot kiown yeViandHbe4re1ftr passage jfrom H, VU-jlili r(! fcilri iJJ' .;W. The Calirrnla JKJceU. . X'alifornfa'tslBoon to ' have the ex citement Of another general election, that Ton Judge of tn Supreme Court, which occurs on Wednesday," Oct. 15. Jt js. predwtMaitildlaM closely contested. Possibly two Supreme , J udges ;Will " be efaosetii the mitter is now in soniebilbC aMd IftJarinot be decided until a "close examination of the code, "WliicTi lS J rattier obscure,, is made., Howe, PistrietJiadgeSwalre: also .to fee chosen,! aadr !fcuvwaiaco will choose a. police Judge. . The. latter tion,.) e:pjelwUcM complexion or ; the entire Police pepartment. of the ' ' city will-depend upon the offleial elec ted, asthd Board of Poliee Commis sioners consists of the MayOT, Police Judge, and the Chief lof Police, and the Mavor. -alrteadv elected. Is a Re publican, and the Chiet .4s a lem crat. Should the Democrats succeed a sweeping change will doubtless be jnade.:' " i j Xo Wosdsr tbe Varaisri droan. The; Minneapolis THbjM&' t&j the ad vane'pirtHe rchllTariff on wheat three cents a bushel oh the three line -of railway which afford to Minnesota farmers an ontlet for their surplas of that grain-, wilL cost ;thos jfihners a miUion of 4oIlarAnaoretorjaaiie t year's droiitaa it wool at the rates of transpoHaphiclY.hayV hereto -Tbe.IhikeofBatibor, the leader df nheOeairTtdrmtn Catholics, wh6,'aUhbrigh-i:tirjt 1 jtlsMte ol iia avmnflthivoa ww Y 4 Vk A Ptub4w Government has just been appointea a iuii utenerai in ine vxer nan army by the Emperor. tf&mm In a low, dingy sha:titltier7wMiaay f which we enterea tne ratner, an insn- WOuh a cufrzcP a second time now. (To the, nriseaer.)!. nctoeiji mWlna6haiFtbfle 4ead, with I.u.K nAuMrvaiiehsraioU at.6uk&Am&Mth asrain voifwifl t!- J nnCn Itia-luunn anil 1 . . . . .-. .l ii 1, 1. 1-in'nt"..' -w--. 5 ? 1 .'irt"tM' nw wau uwppcu uiiuiB uw, . ammoniawaijnjfeaseii'j tnree nos gei'on: so easy-. - - in a ru& fiowtructed bedTay the drons? 'This treatment was cqntin- prisoner It is my first Tffenc4, and wife aUtlebpiinttiof death,, arid on tUl Augast4bawoBiidjioi; b9 WjMM mXi3 otcrii eaeii-sida t hoi..MeinrQlia ftbDat -ftf!alMwiW-barafa'iMIkitant' ilf;llielltbflfl5 ,l.rwTiiiMTi'r"Bv I uunng ine wnoie penuu, auu is wa , iwjyjF-yii - JJ- w "; ail apwn who ine xevej uu oy , healed withOiiteaYingA .sioar. ABXWWtMSI tAh PgfJi soul to nurse pifcare-fbr-theta; infaol, itears have'ttriceihout fs MSSfe; the patient to eptirely ; of I fel.J and were baned irv the rotters iJ reKH ve or : aectf and cash all prizes in New Orleans L.j Ko. Tf 1 First Snb-Oollector for expertatio in Havana, Cub. Wirt, w. fr -?.ft,f:.;,.,nneza-ttwu i i i .. n:i. n . i i 1. 1. . . ii i fTlTTT-TTiTti-rnT-VT-ri T A "vTTVCSiili BiriiG 'Ind distill! i I I ll, f i r n. ii l I m n . STTBSGRIBKIIS' &AYTN& ' i aVito Hinnm tMr anrinui and- mraaM further. coma, oner v aaie: uiuu uuir. yrujjeFtjr, bukij i i Real, Estate ;pi;:tevissociitiei. JNO. WILDER ATKINSON. . .. . . . . ": . i .President THOS. H. McKOY Vice President CHAS. aTjayf w.f jSecretary and Treasurer - DIRECTOBS: Jxm. Wilder Atkinson, of Atktesoa 4' Manning, v Alrich Adrian, of Adrian ft VoUers. v, , r; i Win. H. Bernard, of the Wilmington Stab, - 'Isaac! B. Grainger, President Bank of New Hanover. George Harries, of Sarriss A HowelL : ThaeT H. HcKoj, rf W. A. Whitehead fc Co. r Roger Moore, Broker. . . Samuel JN ortnrop, or jn ortnrop s wnmmmg. , : . George W, Wiluaini), of Williams A MrtrcMson. rras - a6 ' cbiBiTI0lficaiiTEEEb X.c act of the General Assembly Of North Caro lina, is now prepared to receive deposits' of -ONB IVT.T.An and nnwaMl on whint iw . BIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST The safety -Dt tha secnrUiwi, the constaatly.jln cressins capital of the, Association, the liberal rate of Interest, and -the character of the manag-ementv SAFEST AND BEST PATOTG SATING SCHEME ever offered to this coxntnnntty. . . ;.t y ; $noU Interest allowed on all sums remaining one! month ana longer. IT.IIIIll MINED Fifteen aays nonce requires jm draw-put luoucy. i. tiormirft o -vavniriini at nrlv tl 4hn h' thn 'HflrrAfjirV 1- AI.WB.S9 A VJ ' W. ... ..II " J , . W ilVauaM Kif JI-WnWiatMnt i ii-' ; -, Jii I ttttdi' I u, Vfln TTriAftv liS-i'irEdwaai Hawv r . r ;! 1 1 -VtrtT 'nil a -nnri' fSIiika. i Borne nine aiucuiu. yoipiatio i Tahip and on Hnftdreds, pfsimilar cases might per-1 le - resident of Scrantotil'PaiJdied V, mi.n t,Q nortion on in I ... i .1 'iAl.-?,Pw',,w-'''J' 1. r r J'ri 1 ii JlTi " iivuii ot nyaropnooia. ADoui vnreemon.uBilAr stools miBV t' ' r MVJ-T..iLT .''11 J -T'"' . . . . - .THi r q moa ri r r tin. . I)V H. isnuui I f 1 f ) ir. I .... r S.rtf3&fe?4 fufi estenine,' ( 8U0H U a flrst-raie Tnrpentlne Stills, all in good ronnineor 1 Ant aad loMted at eetfifnt basineM atjafidB for Lay;- Inr prodnce and sellia? Ooodst S& toiAO fine; young. JHjoies tana .hmhm &.arsvme .vssoBSuaniess:- Csrta, &&H 2,000 acrea. Vanning and . Turpentina 'lMdiL'roana-tadWrA4dtiioSBtrIIdlngB. 8ta- ; 3le:and booses lor laborws, togetbr with all goods. wares 1 and .nxsrcnaadlBo. ana wumeroas ptner r- Sryiealthy ,U BUlh. terms.' will be veQntred. 'For particulars call upon or address JJ Barden, Effingham, S.- G.or ' 1 . $ STw . . - "J- l! . BARREN Jk JBOaJ'' ,;81 njeuhO ii' aWnkJ-H. A.i 51 ticles too tedloas to mention. e above IsallBlWatedMavej JTh locality and will be. okL In lota sad parts to suit purcnaaers on very sccominooaung anaj eseyiierinB. Good paper, with reasonable interest added, iwill be SfarJset Street Xj P. M., and o Saturdays (exclusively for ;reeeiVr Aofftutara Bitters HAS NO EQUAL IN THIS COUNTRY. THEY are a most excellent to ale and an. efficacious .. -.CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ,r .ythFrontStreet CREiAM & FACTORY CHEESE I OIXTBOXESIirPRIME OEDEK. sep 34-tf f' PHAS. D, MYEKS .C0., T North Front street A magazine for cultured homes; magazine al rawsup0'tbte advancing tbeugfet social progress and spirit Of .tbj timet) a magazine in which the lighter literature of the period is made the vehicle of par andtaflblfr sentiment CH'AltIY; tfi ilorig'ttme iHnce mfSAii ippeared In kdanawl art so tovelsi and so exquisite In design id xecution,as.th larai, elegant line and aim hyf inehe&r'ta Possession Wven January 1st.' 187' AH acbonnta kept BtrictlypnTatoand. coalldeptlal. ' Married women and minors cah .depostt in this In-i Btitnuon,' suDect to inerr own control ana no outer.. ilaserestaUewedsttho rate of ts per cent -per ipwaras "5 each case known, l)ut now, tbaakul-wtk MldjgtMi)CmTiiai fdotr. Godther will ir receive-at im lTZZiM iidkJn Sl rabies, Lteu,, oy.A ismai. saog. i 1 last Monday w takqii' L4 are nearly worn out.witri their ardu- gereiy in, with the final fatal result "HVSi vx1"" UHsP rtli, mentloneo-T jaruawieys jcase la irt wft4t fevio3tefTMley to to be dangeilyllfAiuht fit is effect a ure hit ufarad WlseveraP reported that the scQurgteA rpken of the re809rceg which ignorance arft' Out in several other portions -ot -the- sAinA' KA-th. 'hr'tSrT vkiniv n. aeaaiy viicuw vi iiuc . unc, w j r J. F. ETJECKEET, iProtessor of Vocal , and Initra melitalBIaslc,' r Banklne House is situated- so that ladies may attend tatheiw& bankissr basinets. '- x ... ..., Vfee Pres3ent ow aWdcta;.Fia aope!sd Charity; put tne axeaest ox uifie u;viarity.' it.SO Il FOlt S3-.K0. Chriatiaa nd-axaci stmue steel encratinff.r "Tne ennsuan. uraces." d the faces of such it seems as It the art- vision, t Every snbscri- feer te ' AaratrB's Uxottbatid HoU UASAznra " tor lflTl will irecvire a copy of 'thia splendid (5 picture ntxav Price of Hone tagaciaa $M ayear. Speeimen copy of Magazine 15 oenta n., '.lOCAI. 'AGENWANTEieveryVhere to get ubscribess. for.oor baatiiiit 'iBgaidne, so well known fthelaattweatTyeara,aAa ad-greatafa-vorlta with the neonla. , IntaUisLt mem and women an make large commissions. Bend far agents' con- naenttai circular, xeu can narajy saow "Tne Cbriatian Graces " to any persoa oX taste and fine religions feelings' without getting a subscriber. - No ' reappointment aaom prompt euvery or - pictures, 5 we have mada ample, arrangemeota for their rap productioiw. r.j,, -.. . T. 8. ARTHUR. T809 and I(esnutsreW, Philadelphia. rare and heavenlv 1st must have seen them W tt 1 - ii um 7t-m DonalA McBae, ' .BJ,Bnrrasa, t-f; Edward Kidder, r iU i ! 1 1 i 1 I I rl OQ n I XT OTTP.Rt fir Lllti 111 LK. LIIO J UU 1 . .)... : LATER. ' - I - . 7 1 V't t:'"' ,rXAtrrr.Ti.TTTi tO() j -.i lbihlnJIi(ttetMrOtlft SWiy I Agency for THE DISEASE-SLOWLY SPBEi - i ' : - - , . , 4 , m j 4-i ?m i a nn . f . s-a. - Depot, WJKJMJIyWlJYVt yAKi .-Bi'i S Market St OCHOlAEB'ATARterEcrPpiXY REQUEST. i O ed to commence at once and continue during the 'A t I.TO-'O M entire BCholaftrearjj j r tTj :. l.,..aw, BCJLTH; "ffiC, , it f t T . " J AwiiIwr , In- Vti Al mnilnal George Chadbouto;, J Caabler.. PRESS, a complete stock of Whifh nfli6ted"Hhe' WOUfttf'Was kluly Asenevfor ,t"m- sept 16-tf r , J ar mail saiMam:nMEt u VU iMfliaV'iVUV vms v , MWm U fllJ I PBII U' VII ' V U 11 I IW W MsyBHis, Sept." 21. T WILL NOT GET OUT OF ORDER OB WEAR Fever is , i-li. taa.,wound was. tned.i 4t W ;Cunous 819WXi M:ya-4haBbin--'tnis aire the most IBlllyi iAilH'"' vfiwa . w Ii AM;-;rt nnw ho. noorlv 1 Oft FCD""V" . " . , aru aMuwouu,n ... t a;.'vj mim:-.-: if .-rj'Te . . - JT'T. r , . . j . nmmmm -mmmmm ThPotTOe 8p4&m fiahhwghnr l&Ti ca-arftfeprfce to-day. TEe Ho .tV Mental i in . ni ww ei aua-a Servtet wi'mithef'fhB railrlWlAwfatiaat roads: notsteanibbats lasabrfnelrff lissrhis - . , , it, j i NATS'JU JACOBL t r -U'i4 Hayr.,Hay:!', flTtoTS TO SUITr ' -1 ';: For sale by J. i; rtf 1 1.5 T AM REUKlVlNU BT STSAJKEB AND EX- 7 i - i Chemical laiicy, and Toilette Articles, " - - . VT1.t.V T jvJWa. waww 1m oll af ' '?X 1 4 i SJiBl McILHENNY'S'' V, prug and emici Sto'reiIft'Bra' A aag8-tf i ANEW $5 PICTURE OF SURPASSING GRACE and beauty given away to each subscriber to 2 )'0TJnifD1f I fil7Tlir fnn 1010 WilUJJlLUWiVlU 1U1 IU Id. CHEESE, AC. - , 'f si. 1. i ' : "'i rit yi-' -.ilctM TVRY .SALTKB sAND BKOKED WESTERN J Shoulder andBides ia Hogsheads aad Boxes. 8ng4af?uredB4uiiindBreWst8tript. 'J.trA Uml'jl-,iI .'e (fc'iitl inui - o . ,N. O. HOGROUND, ' PUfiK IApD IN THECES 420 TCB8, CHOICE TABLE "BUTTBRtBE8T FACTORY CHEESE, Wr aale by s u ? ADElAW 4T0LLKRS. may IS-tf itus s rtf t44vU4 tebS-tfi15 ADRIAN i iVoixjasisk ,.; .ware Pepot, Cotton Yarn. it .-. am v a f. u i . u mayor's PITY OFnril.MIIfGTQN, im lifl I T lVBEL aIII.1. bird cages; wire on puuaavrr ' w w liuJ-scW j wai -w .M.AaiAi - niinijiwf sim vis k iiiu wit, XL z ez. uiai u w t . , . -- .. . .-. . . . f Jn. f L iOW PRICE, -ijs-ytfi SILLS . , V BY; AUTHORTTY rlfaj.'lffrk wlllpe teBDteo: tonce foTpeynient, "Jlii. t , ...!!. -.'i-.r ' 'I'll ;--'!. .i.-jj - them np for ooUectkm immediately. - aly m&JMT 'All rWa I- quite active lies nart The total nnmber of deaths last week, 1 sixty-nine martyrs, lthaa e3rTted. t,Taater 4e:jidl 1M0$& M t of the siekness is still np town, up, and threatened a rescue of the maySO-tf ' . Hardware Depot, 0 market Street The OajndenfIJptirnal,: i'lrl ;Wttf '1 -r-C-aM! tfBLtSSBD jt VEttx (TMUitSPAjt-AT f S SO A J per annum. Advertising JDfteeUbfral. Iain JOHNKERflHAW. Prop'r. 4 Uaal4-tf 'juaeS-tf iimKKi W. P. CANADAY, Mayor. J .i. :!!. V-r-jis W. H. Bzbxaxd, Agent ; b BUjTHB, IIASH PATET01?(i top, a-hermetlcany sealing Jars, from eepf n ti ft Oi BTEYENSON. TO lOUSTQIIEES IHB 'I8BEHEBAL. ivN THE STEST DAY OF QCTQBKB. WE WILL TO the store now occupied By Mr. T. A." Shutte, No. .. S Granite Bow, where we shall expect te tee' you all and, hope, to give, aa hferatofafa. entir aatisiaction. Wffl entmue will u and 1 nlylS-tf --.-y jib tee an ah Wends. VWAI.Q ak CO.. No. t Market street. : Shaving flalppiia JOS f .-TUEWEB I raFOEMS- i lfflTMBBOUS Mends and eaatometa that he has rewwtlT no his establishinont in the rear of Mr. Ianga s a 16WSdtoSito dx U work inhisch as Sharing, fcufcnttlng, ., asneatly aad ejpedk ioualy as u can be done w the city. - - w-