lttmiB'l'm'''m'mmmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmm'mm' J-',; W'.-rt-- .-r---?-. avytfcit4' BauauaaBaaalBi THE HOMIirokSTAR. 1LATKS OF ADVERTISINOt. " l three days .i.. 00 " four days 2 60 M HvedavB... ........ S 00 fITBtlSHJPD DADHE. f, . . 1 . KxTKS OF BUBeCKITOOS. .me vexr, in advance (by mail)... $7 00 w months, advance ( r " ) 3 60 months, in advance ( ) 00 month, in advance (" " ) 15 0To t"ty Snbecriber8, delivered in any part of the Fifieea Cents per week. OurOfcy Aeritare B! authoVucd to toltedt tormotelhan 3 igX la advance - " ' .on weeV.l !if- ik .lf . 3 60 ro, weeks.,, Oq month. 8 w - Three montSs.... ...:.'..!. 00 " r " (fixaioatta,,!-....., ... 00 " " One year..-. ::!!...... v.. V.:.. 80 00 . OConbraet AdvertieettentB takea at propor Uonately low rateav - :TO Five Sqnares estimatea aS a qnarter-colnmn, and vol. xin:---yo. ar vviLMiNOTOiSr n. c, Wednesday, October i, istc. whole no. i,7.. mm wmmmmm " - . ' . ; - ' - " - ' ; f. OUTLINES. a ,in.irl Window is deid. ' Pres.- ,nt of New York Stock Exchange made a cnet ch at the opening yesterday. LAST NIGHTS MAILS. GEOHCIA NOTES. City. Bubscnbera are -.earnestly p-equeptea I - KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dbc- tors say Shreveport fever was imported Cuba. President of Howard from 4swci!itio, SUre report,,, made, an earnest uppcal for help. -Peelia btter at lowing mt df Jny Goiih: Cincinnati. Arkansas cmt ar seems Ui T , ; as suit airainat Oovernor h , r.-.rr W."-" uc -..m nave .every faith now in an advance" IftSW TABEj mkDna -.w. 'JTii'il HL li r & J? I , .. . ..A, ... ir. t t J find that onr informant was cliehur in er- I v 1 toasrtortMo 1 cirtylihet .. TIT vutjia,,.,,,,.,;,;-;-,;;::, - some of the subscribers may :recs vetheM, t been OUt. with l)0r k rnlk' 1ia:jktii 1 mvtwn tint uu anui a Vf r lrB beCOflte3"1 t u y raiuwuaae." ner. iaiuw iw w iuhh;, wv, wo puf. p. 1 - . ' i -SUXSdlXLWUkSmWSTlJ. will be no reasonable groriria .cnjpiatni. r ,"r ' , A Times reporter wrung the fol-1 A littfe Coln.nbiis iriVl ho8hPetoander 81141 Wmier . HILLWEBY GOODS, uct- -r '-Ui.ij i " pjeB, anu oeiieve lliat the market r . r.v..v v,fl(Wr ,v.. . (m wiwakw '".wv v i ,. , , . t -. , .-. i - LStock market of New ork closed wifi be more bVihW. Tor a teS I M5It1 fffi5 W, m . . i ii ik Hisrpra lira - - 1 . . .-. ; - l.. i vein iwiun ue ditui ai uyuimaiu. dk ne j w w hjm nahn Kubmi hukhhum hiiui !A t6rrel'&Vd"etii foY'iu'e,Savaii- we have the business thoxpugblv iystetnaJ iM notchrfm apatent on-it; thougfr, . yu, Witwttch., .tltV d ore accident. wiUi6ss of life on Scotch leaf,! 1w4lMaUlirilie8 l' AftviiMepublican, writing 1 tiz uow, and caa guaraptee Momptn . ' firro yesterday; no excitement. Lj.l, ft&Xfi)m&t- nanemi "'- ?."" . I ou uut OI a great part ot tne worth mnrfi acciaenis nu ius ui moui ' mad, fuses deposits, not caring to increase cleii- J rfUem r $r? oOfAMratieJX; fewi atipeH5 Pfl&Pwt ojt cpitQa igl3iiOMf1;glodniy cal force. 1 No sptead of yellow fever rnqooted'eioepsirese 6f-ra44raAi. nign. ine apprehended in Montgo Ifew York, cotton 18i19 9t " TiiWcjwii, verer ptrblisnedf a ver !ong'tbd mery. In I n a caes, prices are ow i too lovr, evFgreatlStJugbujtjthoiM)ttoa I No police arrests yesterday.' - ' F. fi&lkjj ''Qbientr lias , 'learned' j from : turoentine 40 I and in that of good dtvidend-uavintr P,antW l i . .. ..... i. V "-iVien' Rohri ' soin S?m Tn the city pnvate ! source ' that pur 'dtetinmlshd t Tr-r; ,ilr .. ' 'ov vMc w- ntuc(- i iuaii uy me. name or xois i yesterday;: ; . i .??r,v iet us notfobgbtihb OFPicB Baryto bring theih up tollieir actual I JV kiUednearBrookavilleoii Sundav 1' ... ' L, citizens, intimated hiawUlinoiesa to deliver OP CHRISTIAN CHARITY. 1 w'rirt.rThAiWia-fAi.W JW.. I la.i IX.-'-iLL'L'-J! ; .wmms . i'.WW"..' I W. "i A ?.WK i W v v a.w. au mash it a i tatag m to. a . Having enlarged my store and. stock, I can : ofler superior inducements in my line of business to i 1 1 I n i ' J..U. i ' , . ' ( ' I I punt tnis nioruiiig ui our iciegriipnic i a;ii as tuu pbia;JDc4aig f" :fHBfn- piacea.jt in .tfe anas a; l . i " u".. I ooened. owlnr tn !'t.h vr- I-irrro mi it A- I Air fli-inY nWAan"An' '.it-.j ' f'aearl ...nflTCMPW IllIlTlli. 1 1 1 1 1. I II iri 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 41 1 Mfl I t-. . , " w . I ... . w . v . v.. T lluav lauu ! uv incu. I x" , r - , . V wreaiDy.Wj.itrverMBt,B,H8 mm, and'he ran fwa 1tred on an4 for this tripten Ik?voimI what any American I late hnnrl 1 ill ri"K : apd flint n i m m.iiiao I fit.rnrvlr ttivim ima - 1 1 . .1 I litv ever was bv mortal aickne&g be-1 amount of capital nas been put into after. ... . ... fore. "The sick and dvmg," says r"r"'rwu . 1C lirt,uu Ul u,e"an8 - " g I X .m . - " i - . . h. President of tlie Howard AS86eia-4l er.aia. ratU. iiniH,. J the rresiaeni oiuiexiowara Aksotia i WD1C ,dWDUo ooMBoaidinij'.anan. , - rC it--1i . ' IthesMavor'a .1 , Hi? r. NEW ApVERT'iPEWNTS. : FIHAL IIOTICE. OrFK TRa8UBOT COLCTOR.J CtTT OT WimrHOTOK, N. C!. J- fiVftiA ;.... ..rSeUnlwa5,:lffa J Gity Taxes. iX PftOPKBTi'ON ' 'Hicm: TAXES' UK- main unpaid October 1st, prbiuno, will be AD- VKKTISKn ana! Soil),' ; as no fongcr fnafgrnice -- ,. -.,1; C. 8ERVOS8, . Treasurer and CoUeCtr, will be glvsB. ; 'sept idae ' illSCELtAKEOtrS. ;e e a1x;:.e s;t-a t e . finter MeSt.'Mjfii'-.iii-. Mm.' tir VIRTUS' AND-XN EXEOfrila- OP THi J3 -power of sale contained in a certain mortgage ' mate by &eiel Klam and hte'WiW to TteV)l magton Building Association ''bearing date the 2d -day of AagU't rA. 1.1J0. ana' regisurea inxae ot- nce or ine negisier or me eouniy oi new turnover, ialokI3.Atpagote4 aiinfoUowUft (dManU iiav ine been made in the payment of the nm of money te said .mort- secwedtabe paity aald nsertrage), easee. xne wumingian oiuiuing abbocuiuou, . wiU at 'cWcfcl(; on Satardaj, tb Uth day of n.nWa ull tar rAjih si the Conrt Honse CITY ITEMS, crease of custom. ONJS-RICE TERMS CASH. KXCHANQK COBKXS, - !'; : 'i'u "' 'Sihraaingtoa.. a -IV Kia lwnnL nr "Afrtrtti Pwrnlinfl" in tilftt The .appeal, for, Jr , whiclvxwe that tbe money: .market wtU beeorne his arrest fetcreltto his wife, and yesterday. j f- . . 1 tnMtmmmtii-, . a. t 1. I rnarr no il. tji. t. V 1 ' I il. Au i I . . , ... ... . , . I ifljTka auu.1r A nlnff Prinnita alrplit 19 I ' . - - ' "- - . .: . I IVllAlAsaln anl HabI HiivoM x.. w - ; I ,venienc)e.oi tne amen ?p? : the tenent pt l. f?."""". r -TT": .r.f r. ' J' IIW LWIHUIQ AJIVlUflI..--l0C UMTnSTiiMlUB; I -. X 'ttlTO WUW W nvm 9 aciwuiiaiiui xopp, aueu iroiu xvwtiiH i we trust tnat.tiie ume wiu oe nxea soon. port on , tlie ltb.' .'.' I The cadse h one that shoald erreasre dur arrived at Heivoet from I earnest sympathies, and from the reputa-' f 'rJJrJitiT5SSnmSStimi h"wj . ... hum oy uu ueiuuK atiKt uiiuu ixa rwwx lltik insL . tton of Mr. Waddelr for abiMty and learn I aooD fob thk least moxby to gaiaaa to- were, au . ease for .trial before Jg;' W Tr Ooart vefcterdav.i ; . 1 yc"6""ul """"""S i .ii i -r . . r - r i xw . uuiuiiott-wiiveswu ussuuie - - . . i tl0n, are aooui. to ueuepnvcu oi nia.i my qt nXtQj'ti n over th fro t.h., ,.1. AM kV?K - The''-Herrtirae.' ' -MuM-ii commonest comforts that humanity A sending over rniUiona of eoldj imch la9ta.l tx ?r4rniv rh nn.M.tin 1 AjifevMrn tat thi nort m the -latlt'idt .. . j I will oAma intxi atJvn uiinrWAttatolv jrii-i,'' . v A . . t i : . - i i 1 Book BncoaaT. Ths Meavua Stx Book Biad- cm otter tnem: - ; arrival and thVt soert? &hrl ' ' Jtfiii Can the humane people of WiU had auckiSSIhlFxt rain2ton and North Carolina bear I all thedmii : , , i ! iJ w v a lamj ivij vu jisviayiii us "T" vv"wn w ...!. , The Lancjt and.Jremises Conveyed in sid' mortgage, .thfr a iceriaia lot or barrel i bounded as follows: Commeacnis at Of Owian atreet artta Zicklmxa a&aa Twrth . street. and running northwardly with Dickinson alias Tenth atreefcto Bankte street; taenqe aalwairrrwlifcan- P R narfalBotice will be ekvea to' the Ladies I kin street to Wood street, thence Bouthwardry with rf, .WIf??!.?;.81?.. -T" .rfr'lirobd straati to.--Crwaaa tiea.KaM wasawardly .1..,.'. nitxyvna'' 7nW them? A great us, but of our give what we SrirRveBOrt.- ! nous, ioqk.wiiq wvance inpncea, i taojasaadi aollaral-; He refffsed to Washington. I of air extensive charactcf had been mvA tU.n.m. tia nnrn The September mm.!; ; .. sai , i Mi.'uArJ Li.i.?'-ir ; I l im; llnu'.ii llritr itooe. irorAxvuLOi lor I . i i2abiu!r cummuiee;wniuii wu unnxin. i. - o .uwaiwn. .I i . . io-1.. -a.. , r-a - i - -r-i-. . . . ....... n ..... I 111 r linn n . Bain tnnt tna aatTUs. I f. . i . '.I.' . . I th a r. ma annlran rr Ika Vjt Mat in IBt. 1.. un.inciai crisis is upon I , " , . x - -4ayry4.jwB sariSj4ie' state-: "r7-!vww'r -i f 1 means we ought to of v t - 4 .i rr I-tt ai- .- "4 i . I """"o, uo uiwiAoiuuu iii biic uaixtc. laBrinmnasa xuwarKO.1 vnntuivu, r VS8 h L to, aaUfretla ori I UH'lIUl Ulb" ' - : I ef Ue firu4 mtaerr Opxnlnav DISS0LUTI0H. Wllmtitfton, If C-;-) . ): -:' The "silver lining" Wash ix Ti,n -s..tiK, ATxr-Tiii. 18 concerndd, Mr. uoixld thought that I oWctJialrBTfe ture indicates that the yieTT ofiSiie 1 ? I pf,all, tbe carof tie I MAmfam to-dy. nllb,somewhat lowerthan last year. H aaang indi- OM of tke-weatlier- pro Loatea that we will haveiaoA more settled j( weather until the tow changes. j ,, Job PaniTiHa. We caa the attention of mer- , chants, clerks of conrCs, ' sheriffs, lawyers,, railroad ' ana MeaBHihtti offlren anil aMata. and all others fctorlna-erdenfor rianac.W'tMfalttIea dTered at : ? i v : ; 0QTQBR 1873. Che : JloanwSJiB raramta nrcaausaaKR ior Ir rpHkV COZljtSTXfJCSSillF EC ISTENa . : BbV- financial I i-nnn.. w. - wiv. ii- uHm rOT ' ' " ; ........ j and crowa l Qards, BlU-Hada, ietter-Haada, Programmes, Bali rampmeta. rags, uana-uuis, maf i 1 Fare. 'SaowSma. CBecks.. DraftsV Satlsf actibit guarantfeed. - ' ' Crseine 1c Deltoaset. Ir Una day ifiBaolrediby auitital coaaeal Sums- party wiD-sis Cae Jrai name la setOement V The acreage also appears to be four ??: V vt ir?? iFW-'B f BnumwtoiuiBp; . ir-.o. i t . I Ihrouerh bankructcv before it can ever I Kii VAfvAo '.,4 v.V 'A -. per cent, less man in lot, malting, a . , v "v ,i - , - - r " ttwYr.M'?Tt. , ""J Ljn.;A f ' ;u;i. I De-tnaae ro.payrv - ., ; rV ; d r ;r . . I niaklhfir or ifcniatinb''the aaid aaaar .teres mostly in Ohio. Indiana. Till- f tiO iaL Kar add itU acouSidlSel. rwery traw swKlBirsif i . IQ TT-m. Remaining ja the 1 city postfOfnceBepi 3 -Wr,w;; v.: j-vrMi-..-,.,:,-;,-,!. ii: ' , ATenner , Albbertton. H H Adama B llary ljond Sarah C Brown, Porip. sey uoce, aryiiryant, Joaga Best, Aiofees . o( accounts. octi-lt THOQTEtJtJtSj " T. C. aJtOliSlCT. Insurance Agency. with Owinn street to the beginning. .WElBUTa8latAN. Attorney. Wilmlngtoxi, August 13d, lffl3.,r ,j . sept 11-lm-Wed , , . i li '" ' ' 1 I' i '''. I I I I n ' I ! R EdOVA L . . . (S, H, F18HBLA.T?, . SOTBatlNTENDENT,) gAEEJECO.THJE LAEGK AW. COM- Eecentty OcoajibyGeerge E. .It; iK-Jl.': nrn8,iHjauy iwiuxru w .aiimon i A Teport-fer of the Demc it? Illinois. ine numoer Pu'shiaatlaaa if. uon m sepiempera z2, aBove aver- rp. , , . - ru.mnL. I V . ".,-r vv..rT .r . . I ncA. t age?21. Wow average 581-toW K; S 5wSMS5 laWWK ' xSSS? S -- i7 -diUo. man Btrdu rtcA, bpund for; this port, pot back to Swine- C-A,,U Cole, Chaa Aifk,-CT CaUn, j 4erol Lon4pn V Globe Th dwman TUMiia HnM UHni. I f! If fa!irTJda Polfl Marther ("71 art. .' U-ST V IWnirhton 3acOb Jjawsofi, IX! H ta-arey aauiamac voMpiwy. GOS A&SKTTS OVER $,000,009 00. iiiti : nit' w., a iir: Lriirri;ii nvnxiK in s m . . . i t w s j . -. o - . o e snmA lnrnrmuinn as to T.n nrnranip i i i j i. Tdi RMin.h.Mn. k4M'i.i.ii i v.j wrr, f!--"!r- n , JtT -r . - i iooks uau ior. or. . xxenncais. esDociai- i . ",ib,,uumibi("1ht w wuui r, wc4 ru "l""' effeet on the fii-eeerv teaide of We're- i uit-.f I-iLTi- i awM. .1 WDraieww, m ages and the proportion of crop pro- aWw. WalllfAsrV ..v". ' 8WVttUU1 'I ' " rr.tT" X TTrT.? J QOim wW8y duced by each county is 81. xpe styejtr 8Md:""reflffxhe couaii . ,, , f 1 Betas GealL;. r States averaffinsr 100 or more are u tj . j r ' . i. , A eonlinuow-and heary rain ciri-f W - , . I. . I, S ,-t-j- :uii a 'rrx,l.r,l i 1 M Darra, Peter Diakins. . iTi. tmm T.llgua. BJ1I1 law i P John C Field, Joel Farrow, L D Fby, 1 ASSETS W the! UKiTED STATES, " WW op launn ererjwff ati nxU TMIOSIATELT iidob receiDt o rrvurnh IJHrtftn Mtrrl r . .- ' ..: r r- - SCHOOL BOOKS ! 8ch6ol' Bofi&fe; : School Books. ; Jar and eomptete aprtent at . : iLester'M Gotten- I aatJafactoiry proof, WITHOrJT, PEI)tJCTION!for . NBW ABTBBTnBHBim. . IV Cl Sravc-Pinal Notice -T O BBBVoea. City Poll Taxes. ; IftrkflOK & Ca CUung, Ac:: -To Whom it may Concern. u P8niJe?ITA,Vc?r- op oar trade voold be scarcely ' , -Ubeable. 'AS J rule; -busmesa men. wta and Oregon The averages .of whelher of large or small, conceroa. the great corn producing States are asr trade nae neaxlv, all . their follow: KentW 94. 5hio 91, ''iBfiSrffi!'-SC ana 8,, Illinois 68, Iowa, 81, Jills- , do ubT(IKitf(4(kfe i'thing aa to -Minjaesbta th thTe felt J ersey in the East report ana absolutely higher averages ot con- jri, deposiU Ta 4teX&tom mere- 0uilkt & IiCrxrrency, &c. dition. Maryland, irginia and Flor- j tho proceeds of their leaBatheir & IteRossxr & t?yiixABW ida present higher hgures, and all pfiuom 4arto dayitisatewn or?rthtriVStateS loer.ian.1-n S they were to-foseHhat,:' tTieywM Ctohlt MixC3or Sale. 10i4' w'b luusP"' me xiiauiiu onumieu6flI Jf Jtilry smau.l ; coast promise an average crop. Hie .Sja- Af tlxeir TPneirxltaLl i '-4 'r'irl.li1-''-"'" ' vild of th"rWW-r SiM rl "tfJfii- I A H.ias0fca A- Bamoerjei wrgw sufwifigj ms in (Se'elfty nave'been visited by- HRHicka. Hiin- menced yesterday Baoraiafe aad lasted aafil 1 jaet Heflia, Henry Holland, John E Htm- threy, Ltik F IlawTdna, M Hashitia, Mana - ar sasiaiit a . iuaitBx a-i vr . uasftaant Mni t-a '"a r'K'rfrj, f ynra--rry i ..i Howard. eamHalL iLlilanklBS.. w iatenaU. aCtev night, -dalosmg; the Btreeta. and -ehd- ering locomoUoA ioenaelj, ,dj sagrpfbie. j , ; rrTft 50th regular mfuOhly meeting of "s c'h 6 O L E 6 o k s ;- Just ReoeiTel'''-'niacli',! ; ':'.:!' ' (: -: J i. ' For sale at, IlEIKSBCE'S ' Live BobW and1 ITaslc1 Store. sept30-tf J Nancy Johnson, O L Jackson, Cbpt yield of the Southwestern States Wa unusual last y2ar, but will be consid- J firmg .tmJoUarcsH w m t thftllecbca.'Bni4h - tioa wiU be held M the rooms of the Wik iUjeu tatendefJ M ituly, Robert mington library Assoion tbis eveniiifi xucas. v"1' ai74a'dAr '. M-xiarDera Annmoore at js .cxxeai, MiiuMi, , . , , AJtfredli)akaiwJoaeph. There u an ugly place in the TvetDjeat (iljaaiser, oholy Mernrian, Bedous Hiler. ernlhe West aide of Third, between5 Mar Newtorrjtobjffeat ' : . ; lPh PrivNaaS MWBQea.w ui uh) auuvKuie . vvivrv piuw i jroner. r- -. i . persoxiuilduled byi, ,7 T ! lr-Baywaaoali Job Bewoiaar-. , . - . - . . v.. ' I y,ivBBaaii f i 'v IaaOjvkat ia the cargo of the Steam- I : &-?lxU)mas Skipper, . Laura SjMktaryy Yau.FlreJsaMl IKXavriac; . losiixaxice (mpaiiy OF 1 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. An Old aitai Reliable Company. VnmliT llnlUinir Ttlii alioiil Bejtweea Water and jTrMt atreeta. ' octitf'- J ' ' ' ' ' i- : l) i ! ,mi i j , ' i'iii'll'J. ' nin If I BOOTS, AITB , SHOES AT WHOLESALE. ; Crao. P. FaI V Na. 39, ' i lirtiFraiai V7 eT-9 .vralVV a rresisaxasri 7 r Itt-.ui ai.- ! iaa i f 1 alhxfierl,,,. I W-AhhWood J J'"Vf alker. ' Mc ' WiK m. Martte. aemberef thai , Yc Bama TealnmWrLriit Sue WllLm.'Bok FtaiiciJ- f iti t i . I- drably under average the present sea- r-uiives of tfcetffkm with son, naving suffered from too much t ..inin th efTt of the 1 "oic i ecu uiuHi, iu lunous reDorn i n AHamtui r .am 'ii'-" -L...:t. i of local droughts are somewhat an- I 7itA- - that -th' :dlx5cultv C?- -z7r ereL thatV.ffeteience to the stringency a,iJnPersonacalllna-l from bad seed are common in OhaV 'r7iv iMtAvfavoH with thA I . .. w tnitfHi willhs vhuitMl , . . i nr. -uii J -wi" i :..: 'V'JU i. .?! . TnJ;asaaaT.Bclaaia.Wbeexecat Mf - : M;Mn.utin'riu,,iti-mn ki i .."ttS".";!! ; i w vus veaa iener. umce. Uwe.wau f his arrest. when!. cehceihad'been eonxmittet by hn, and lardllne, made bar appearaaoaaer yetter-1 : . - . sat mi.. .' no affidavit had been made by any party dai day Jo. the firs Ue In many truths, jSbe l, , St,iTlf.aiTfilitmi .m.u iuiuuigau. rammer arougpts j-aA' ftnttoM not state jta were uiiurions iri ivrtlom. nfr snTn rif:L xt. xnu nntiaairtit the States, and i,r Indiana, Illinois, .npoedi vj materia' io a' a, Missouri and Kansas the crou I ; Kw Anwn bnins. I . -l . . . - a ww vf?r ,tt i : - i- i x.!i l. .v.u v ut jsmu flnaBnnRiiw4.n)y aarun. ncr 1 1 . IS TL' lOIW tWA wwLn ialur t MuH. H.4 ' "L .riWi Cim Tlf K. SUCH WHH Hui.:aH JWfU - T - -if . ' i-L.T,ai J' '! - .'M-T'r., t I' usual. Injuries from chinch buir iielt tkt Bmimxeitel e tttndFttirt-b?!,, -W'The'Sdttimer visitors at Newton reported in Indiana, Illinois, Missojatt 1 iff.ll & waxTantaHeanj nol'4M)aimltted in his r$ew I engaged rtpsrl!it ,1 torNQj gtenukaJ u. l' and Kansas. Grasshoppers proved m ? It'waa.totlier clutrEed :-ifuTfitbttoc0 p'df-QrBtine:-:w destructive in sections of WisconsiB jxtlV , trV, ' 'm m' ;': .lowaiand Kansas. TL? f pT H .smaetour. I nremdlnir In hia. Conrt oii or. f Jk VmMcmi frMmr. . . " . ' ,'. i i I ageyjeM. . i . :o iist Irj&t.m,;! , I. The Department of Agnculttire is aentiv7 haviBe -nwans or Sn- fVt the29th day of Beptember lsTiiJ .f? onn4 ' The eeee Sberiffi Sowwrs; ofUmSH a circular for collectinfr thai ZhZ.-i .V-:'.aiki...h .WSthlr tlM Hfe. 21J:-'U:.V ia'-4i''il-.Trji ,1 ed.Vlie 3astia4-Bonaa7 School at. Jttaaoa-1 - Damdsoa, aasi jut pakHnCd the.. State I , of seasons experiencing a sVs- I w xwa. ,hoevefrbuiiriess 'had twin. nnrir hioaM, I b. w : iiPflCEOEIi a Q-rand Openirtg; KAY,eETVKBAt. CBlArVO eaBaVtlf 69, C L O T H I Bl C : Wtti aat- fateat Bex Opener.' Call ibid -HLHIIISOIH; CO., Bank!' Call Mid CntUrineStoelc. r -fi" 1 ' i -( ;: 'ibtO.-'fcVBSSCxl'i sons, "' !, '',lrb'AMtlreet f. "'7' rr CITY CLOTHIEKS, pHB NOSWEGIAK BASK BISIJNDO IS hereby reported ready to receive cargo. Lay-jday' bejatataday. , ;; ; .j, r ; F O R SAL E , TxLtftVAlAlafl&9 iAND DESIRABLE .With all neceaaarj outhouses of .brick, sitnstednpon xtAini'iT'. .!.;jr ,K juvnl nur.Y'i ' east aide of Front, between Walnut and Eed Cross r uu l .;v .vl . Vii'Uii'jif. ni i; streets, with rear entrance oft Bed Cross street, Terms liberal li conformity with the present ciai stains. 'Mi i, m: y 07 -f U jjli'V-l' xU; 'Anct'rs, Stock and Beal' Estate Brokers. anan- ;septa8tot - -.:vtlT:' octl-84 lssmno: -tesults ASICS BUILDIITD UH LOftJ AESOCIATIIXrr. i Jrru COFFEE, FLOUR" AND 1 RICE. AOXiO All Winatic warfare upon cdtton insects. Lt1e4 (WtMrt and fetter prices UWIUPW protection against, mese 1 jen obtained. r , , Wcu 1'iuic gwreiai auu lJX tthA Jutttl VAU1 . : "tent man ever neiore. in niany .diiriniriii lxade badLtjol been mat erial- , UMiances great anjcoeBlJ is .varied MVffifi&ffyft&c1, W6ohid Ihe use of arsenical compounds. The'l Jd theswha4 PWed.-iOJ I .m! circular savs the annual losses in eoaVli iuu iii.-J U'Ji 't'- .aJD:J-fui t i guilty tieas iT :i,i-f- i i. i rK5 .VTimulii a Bsiar knx tiEbceV feicE,' neiow xcpa,;, Wtation. or bluride avkf&Ji ' ton from ray.ages of cotton insects Hinonnts possibly to half a million of i j'f ,ri.;. -l bal es.ui years Wy to half a million el'7.;7' of " insect prevalencKVT.beyever'f pftbl eaxingt. unoaJbissub- I show a loss during the ''w5ek of pol Auy Uctbeaxingt. uuortjbisi t willle jladlylreaaivdd fiBm pi --tiff tVtvrr r ,f-TltTT I hi arx.Wp.Ah.Vf.1 1 Wrv arrant, coatraiyto otj C('L; )Ubsenppearlrlg haa bee f6rotri exnects avicteontfOili n senouslv ill in WaaluniErton e! tSine past, Is nitfchlhiproved. er.H who do not receive the circaiat eiH; enaepesjnn 1 djCting inquiry, as well as from correspond- J paper; to .the puTo.,neriyeilt)j (--us ana other wno ao. ..... 1 tuifldi nuiuain aouan aoaae uutv v 1 ? CkBrnaMfr or CrUflea Cheeks. to beat hotne !n a tew da vs.' I xirfESAintNo OtVT1towto TAimia et 1 1 1 sasn isaiui wuw niasaw iw acwsuiiNf, ; . - . .:.... . t i .: ! ... . -l iv i. - . t -- t . .. ., . . . It T'J-1 'li1 tlti.HKU.iti. frMMtwhll 4VkWa ilih I ?.'sw w. ; f ... . .. ent, the peace and dignity of the Staled - 1 ' -' ' ' MONTHLY BILLS, I veae athe MB; I .WBlcamaaavssaunasjea thAFest, aeeavaiat' Co ,.,tl, t ...... r. .-i . . ' . ' tieii'iV 7. Wind tSfHorth Water street nisses Burr & James iLfc'-itEer' TjxEa1 arobi.''ON Hi: H i - if 5 Hi ili a I i ataaar oeter asm. Mrs. IL, S. Cushja; wfi eontinae la .charge of the Bnoiaramii. i . Shraef the Bir Boot. , f j "il H Husicai Department ii'mil sept 25-tf if i i artless than fifteen million dot lars intbe tion ari(i the disf eadant, thaaaa la. hbv own. hehalf. taVl W" r?' fM" clZ: .,x.V ' ' ! f'" r w- r 1 r w l 1 -w- rr -m i i i , ' I ili I. d rja n-j j ,tmi l j aa 'j : . v w . . kiiM a a u nifi. huki iimi . a , I . . Jl.wi. mJL fw,. l.aa.aeTeraienaeaany werwjana "'-"l r .. n..ji Ll u.kit.: V- l wavaa. uua-aa aaa vauov.!.. - I ann.tni vuAaMav manv 'Tawas In I ' UlTmTlin' HQiTIC' rTTii 1? xrTnR h ipmes. i.nirir ari-afcel ivw f industry and apUbilftyahTd na and tradei Was"' ! ;"-; :: 4if Ir The examination of applicants Wwitloet-.esitatk, 1.: '-. V' Gr ' admission to the corps of cadetmia 'tbepaat .l??01 tilWBefiatlhN AxTaeialToa Z'T'-rZi V. .... l . i r i. . . .. I ' ''i" V , " ' Y ' det llt ' V. - vtT- P.- - TTiT--i i- I . ... la.. 1 I thrtntrht enontrh nad. been elaCrteatosaowar -Tfti helrrtr Ifte lfit ftxvr of ' October, tne 4, riieUaJestn.Yix) aavs "To i .. ....... ..... t ii i miKiioir a. tn tifir artiiifarii.H . i.n nava rctr msnv morasH. i o o ........ i i c - , . .. . - . . o t ' 1 1 - -f . . ..uaj. a.Uv-.r7 -rr..--nl mx, rwirn?1&ff?TiTT.- i -4 , kki- . .a tair."1wt -iftnlfl 44it,iVK4iWf U.War.K I irinf 0vid Collins, white una Alexander 1 ESHClVn' aww .T r . 1 .... . aa, i. La, J i T Jl . t U .1 n .J. J..3Xi i I Hlsjl nr. ii were examined, and of this numbetL itooui niteen oi ine most raernonoui ones will be appointed. The exami heticT mi 75wj' mere win soon oe a revivan ,it.rrr r.-i-i-,- --m 2 : ,j r." "f. " t et. iuhji.u.i. . fi... nation of anDlicants for admission a kiXiAiVK cadit n.;,h.nmm. !, W ?n rim- . i.i ItoJ&mU.Wk.HrtA .-.n f sion; .'As three removals are eenerallvae- ferwtjiijswnHsi. r - - r-i urioor-l arsaruucusi scaasi-Y yiiuww - . tili- I J.'vm :. - :gf sm 4J"th intAn4 close oii ''TeeWaVyr- Abed presenjrowhio one flrai-' dred applicants will be examined, and all who may pass will be appointeE S uiumea)aityf.ana,entr tne icaaemy on the 1st of October. aVetLT- r r fa'WT bAW part of the afternoon, and muchhi. arlwi a,,. M. SiriT? Irr -Itf'yj X J terestVaalmahaleste jVness.jobnat XtwUtniVrndieator : The Trns- ':'M S'itU'imir" ' .' nhfortunately happen to be a.stormy V$ j'-, '.JXedy at'S oelock, On the mora I. .r. t. v.. . . ...... . . ... . uw. rcSUBIUI. V . BC1 MatHkHWla.JUP.CMWW Mebane. Mrs. Eliza E .Turneri . wife' of Josiah ,Turjier;iJSr.; and Inothef ot Hon."! weelah'ThrBer;: ertorof tie xlaJer$ v " ' . y . ii b., ..r,i,' i.-i.-n. 1 j. x., a .nr i':x '1 IBUO7HU Jcoavaiai'c.A jua. iwri i.r ir.;ijjJ.ii!Lri vti, ? f f put; .7 .11 ."if. ... ji a. xiA rvllaiM mill in Naaaarj. &: np A!SiXaHXlMMJHxUI :- ' ' ' ; ' . r I AioftflPMlAhlX a TaA BTHUU A.A It nTM.H VAftTIT- 1 - T ... 1 ala wni tr as a m .am ' ' 4 n::i .. i..i. -a-- tees oi me t-wswua v8 aw-T , n n -w-w -r J AI1B noam Or narV nillflRrH X- I . all 1 alawaari.. Mr J I mvl. l.t tkTV. a. llnnaaiiuJ aia aan. I 1 n . 11 aj al ffl tiilT -" . " r " - . ' '"T ' ' : " a -v. - .t.j 1 . - . r - ' T. -. r- .wn-csHijiwa u, wrrM7Ta7rFi 4 awisiwujs vaw--- - wjt w..(lJnu uiwr, wsm ,w i crmw .uwrca, ; J?ae w, .the CAtSWr,,9rl A Iat HtBSOJra.r Wnx. moujre- IMM--lwetw SJi nouaced la yesterday's SrAB.jthe bnsinass LsBdharaiha avam number of.TamOvalaT Thebphalus laaa, otUmaDdcbarity, r ArwlMiLL TAX to a t AheTLNkv Ue- Kat&ral cienM. aA4 itevi ixvon 3i. U lv. ln-. ml." :I5.x.-x,..:'Jlh' . I aJ..ii, . ..... uaaaMUhiuia Thai M1IIMIW III UUX XXOUIOW 1VUUWVHIWH TT Ml I TTH1 Mllnl Sinn TTallTWIII Til I UrPT I ITir IMTH III I C t - -'. I - . 01 Uctoher after I A luieswur oa vtreca. sou axwm kruavuw. .. . ... . . . . r w , t . , wiici 1 11 i,MnMhi , a 4iaiB. a VaaOiujaaalnar I all rwrtlftfawt 2firaVivMaBaBundrrwn vaa-1 txa .im.ik aiinii. rttriixdiTient aim. officentfor .moiyvn, And partment onithe first a rei'MA of aovora mnntlm wasxaipwpsa-war- rinir-T77 Ta7T?inlT'"'cTTaj? 57 - l -a. ---s- : t d waaene ma Bainj-flBtao ciaaea ot vmn-rJ j . ir.. i . r,,ti ..n.M ' " ------ I AAMfiriAn ' 1 I x - - . x. x.U . . AX .al.!- I 1 m ii .a . f-V - . ?1 I 1 3 1 a a a. -XI 1 I A number of officers of high gradei ' - I wroav. .MjfffTO will .iexamedw axnear them Captain bpots and Uapt. liryson will also be ' tire gaze upon tiiifairifliar-iaWla TlieiP examined for' ptomotioa to f'uTSc W 3 m'mt Id IJf cetttoOTea. ' ' . Vh;-;aao 10th of October. 2 I prayer. Bank sustalaedBO injury from the pan panP uvawiMivi-iHiw, iV"f ! I WSVXk.B MV I - ... t. Il . . . 1 t ... - ., I" I TO! !,.!, J T.nnk.1TnnJ vlvl X Ka n Iva a t-pvrval ifieiu,wr kaaajaai-aa. xv.. .uwa.v.. kiip udiaxu iiiuiiM va "uo"-v rriencea ' t)iOTe iris zi'orior ' j utTn vy KS I -a-. ' ' - -'-" ' f .1 i it i mil Inll'l. -Bi I it saai henltiaunnnn I I 1 it f f I I sTT T - "t . - ..'ATTiir. M aasWl' iu , . . DaossiiT ca. r, i i '. j '."M'li Ladies9 "Beltsy- :-!.,!..rfTeiaaua ., lla8 SoataftatSt,'' ; BuiyS-tf aiie -,! :-'' ''WTlat.Buitiit.KiV- . V.ll , J.J It ! HI L.-I i .-I H betow tAe to vm f xAterffle. i Her fataer.1; aiiaae''' BE ;.AlTOaxxsXb' BOttiaidat this oiBoaem tdwOetobeu, aa. i- i iChimberlan4. AAsociaon.,, binding them 'selvl&tery tifelior adjgioa liWthe'arrtjssioti lottprahd ef KJreat tiaoa iatxWtainr 1 aax7arVTtTsVAJB BOOK BKD- t im Wanflafelt'aav aB UU -appoiutmeata. and JipJt aarKM the g'gi freedom and safety of their country." I tiitmriyaau irrtoit-'y . (aagmr is Bacon imd liatd; xtexW&'sVandW 'Shoulders BASBElii, EE(3S aWtUBS LABI), Mx..-T i'iL') l." - '.! il -1 l:i ' For sale by - . .. ,i i t ' 1 W. EIBCSffSEE, sept 88-tf tr, K and, North Water Street t u Dickey Eevived. QABJtEaClBUBsUTXA r i I DieSST FLOUR, 'J.ii i ?Frdn.! Ne'Wlteati '"' .Forsaiaby;, ... EDWARDS BALL. For Bent,- ' TSTOE2 O'TaraE E'C) EtABKET aW atrietL atBaaWaieid MaiWm- naW Esl'aortl. aaicanyiau&IM stands' m the city.' x a t6 w , y ,1 'I'M iii'.i S-'l riAESiaiixA WA 'drAxBaauUsh Begula- toi?aa& iMlaca Bruihet, &c :., ror sale low dj - . sept87-tf GBSEN AVJflaANNEB. Ta -".m