f HE MORNING STAR. . . if:?'' HlBtlSMEfl DAttTBTT-' RATES OF ABVKRTISINC8. One Sqtore one day, ;'- - .- - lmi raw. . - . ..1 . -. . . t . j . . . . . "v three days. n. ... 9 OG i . t . i: --,-. , ' - : -J 11 1 1 - RATBS Of SUBSCRIPTION ar in advanee (by mall).. yU in Advance (" " ).. pix months, ,m i i 7 00 . 3 50 . 4 00 Tl'Tri advance " ")-- 75 One "'i' wrihen. delivered In an part of the .ToS7 Cents per week. Our City Agents are d7;StbrEed to collect for more than 3 months in 1101 utu . ... ..... . .1. v V advancr. OUTL1IVKS. Carnier won me pnc vu- uiumu tuam- ;T , i0 Grinnell & Co. expelled l" I' ', Vew York Stock Exchange. Forty -one yellw fever interment iu Mem pliis Thursday. Twelve iu Shreveport, . gjx Uvea lost and Texas town of Sam pras submerged. --'No yeHoWl fever iiiTL'xas Evangelical Alliance met ...i.. with trriMit crowd at Madison vesicruajf "" e --- - Square ChurchJNew Ypik. . lion. ,W. E. Podge made the opening, speech.' Two Columbus banks suspend. At, President's request Secretary Richardson writes declining to assist Charleston with currency. New York markets; Cot ion, i8119i; Sld 101H; spirits turpen tine 41; rsin $3 902 95. --Y"ellow fever is spreading ai Montgomery. - TilK S1TFATIJI ;W NBW TOBK. How Matters Stood, in. Commercial and Financial Circles on AVedue daf. Times of Thursday. Wall street was excessively . dull" yesterday. The excitement conse quent upon the opening of the Stock Exchange had subsided, and as there was no crreat advance or decline i prices, people wher had .no money to I to transact, kept atwj. - There jvas a fiillinG: off in prices tfoefrghont the ilav, which was attributed by some to the lack of confidence in existing values, bv others to thejscarcity of money, aud by a few to the designs of the great operators who naturally wish to obtain as many stocks as they can at the, lowest figures before in autmratiiig a bull-, movement. ' - Very many people vrell known in Wall street, and whose faces are familiar bv reason of their contiuued presence at the tapes' of the stock indicators, were yesterday making preparations! for going into other business than stock speculation. .7 "? Tfj . The truth is, the 'greater number of Wall street habitues bnve been "clean- ed out," and are about retiring, the iirevailini? idea beins that even -VVall street is too hot for au abiding place. Speculators who were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a, few days ago, by the terrible fall in stocks, and bv the locking up of their fuuds in broken and suspended institutions, are now left without money to settle their board bills. One operator, who was worth 100,0Q0 before the panic,; was trvinsr to borrow enough money vostmW to settle his Brooklvn board c;noKu I "begiuning of the Jinaucialiiisaster. Ke:ii,l h was t red of SDeculation. and intended to go to Cleveland. The a few weeks every national bank that Institution. ' Eighty-fite orphans are suspended institutions are discharging which closes permanently. will be sue- aow being fed, clothed, educated and fur some of their clerks who will; be te'eded'bjra Tie'w' bne.' When af por- nished with a home in the Asylum and obliged to seek other situations, which, tion oiily af.the .circulating notes of many more applications are on 'file. Win in the prevailing state of affairs, can- a broken bank has been redeemed, a teris coming on, and blankets, fuel and not be obtained. .5 Jf r I Many of the houses whieh are still I sound and going on with busioesfi.; i l....- v j: 1 f uive curiaueu expenses oy uiscurg- oia oanK notes are gaiuerwi m-; . - ready dooe St Joha Lodg; Ho; 1 has ap ing a part of their working force, 1. .A.proritioa jwggessJ hertpfoTC L,iBt . i ricHn. f iU , ... I looks very dismal to the clerical part in- the-UnHd' tts agings banks of the community. Even where will be revived in Congress this win clerks have not been discharged, their ter. This proposal Vhus always met salaries in many instances have been 1 cut down, which is, of course, to them "an intensely disagreeble proceeding. The only failure w&ich Occurred dur ing the day was that of Norttrup & Chick, a banking house of good repu- "uvii as ueiiig conservaiiive anu euu- i lucted on sound business principles. I In spite of the dull tone of the market. I 1 was quite evident yesterday that noney was coming, into circulation money was commp imicn more ireeiy, ana tnat connaence i is graduallv oeinf? restored. The fail- nve of North rup & Chick had no peV-J:. ceptible effect upon prices, aud was not received as if it were of any 1 great moment. A feeling ratheTl existed that there cannot bat I c Jituures oi urmsior acenaiu time, and they will occasionally happen until the trouble holds 1. bo far as their effect upon He waa pierced with several bullets, ent of costs i the prices of bonds and stocks is con- and carried tp Denver in an apparent- t .Lrtbee dtxs cerned. it is IUpvp.I that tli worst ' itin, Na-.ffnArd !was .WrR WTtfTx T iS . ri of the uanic has been oxDerienc iii tnat there can be no resistance I to an upward' movement; by business ."'pensions, ut present. Money is flowing into the street much too rap-r iiiy to allow of any great' decline in r ealities, and as soon as confidence K rwt 1 .. ...!... ...Ml nn, U( iiiiwuicu, MUCKS Will UC niOIVOIH !.... VI . I. 1 "I 'IM. . i .- . ': ) .rli vvi'iaiiic uricjis i ii An irreeiioacas. Custom aiouse 'e uusmess in the w-.i iar-'e vesierdav. and although the receipts were not so great as before iiaiiicj the indications are that they will speedily increase to former gures. . : . : The stock market closed verv weak,' ami with : but little. buainesldoin(r. ta k about thu fistabnshment Ot . . Slock Exchange Clearing House, continues, and the proposition look- yg towards such an undertaking is liU'orably looked upon in all quarters. , . i '" fllliCOiTIJUSUCIAl. SI'f DATI01V.( i'he feature of- buihes4ivlDmmer- ial circles yesterday was the activity 'A the PTflin t.rnl umliMmnir ATtfin. wve purchases. Dartieularlv of whaat'.'f o . rt "vrntivwaxTrt . "i.uniy tor export, and of oats, on ,T"ie "aae account, at hrmer prices. llo- iiour., market .was alaa. fairly act-1 quoted stronger, and some dealings reported for forward delivery in ex tra State for export, this last forming the first of this . pbaaeo .trade since the panic. . The provision trade; was comparatively tame, and with the ex ception 'of bakdrf; which wao uotrd higher, buyers had the advantage.--' Cotton Kxehanro thr.. wau .....mauuu 1U uariy delivery transactions at Bshado .hotter, prices, Iargely for export; options ' for 1 tor- more animation m earlv rloliv . w " ward delivery auored H In the ocean freight market,' the craiii gaKmut,s ana charters formed the most important item. The charters were particularly heavv for oash ml ordersat full rates. General mer chandise was eornparatively quiet. fcxu leeimg, nowever, in mercantile circles was much more hopeful X - i 'John '11: James, ' the Atlanta banker, is, issuing loan certificates. -The merchantSTeceive them as readily as they do greenbacks. , . We have positive information in our, possession, says the Atlanta Herald, which warrants Us in making the assertion that Foster Blodgett will come back to Georgia in less than 'thirty days from this date, aud stand his trial for the several offences with 'which he is charged. Hinesville (Ga.) Gazette : Mrs. Mary Dyers, ia company with Mrs. Stnbbs, .was returning from church in buggy, and the mule which they were dnvingtook fright from a dog" suddenly jumping over the fence in front of tbem, and ran awav. Both were thrown out of the buggy; Mrs. Stnbbs being slightly injured, and Mrs. Dyers was bo badly hurt "that she died in a half an hour. The violent cyclone 'which proved so disastrous to different sec tions of Georgia and Florida, did tit tle damage in Liberty and Mcintosh,. bui in Bulloch county, in the latter I oiaie,ii, was aisireasmg-jn. tne ex- irerae. resiaes me ereat uama?e to I the cottoncrop, the destruction of 'so many, mills is a. disaster which is al most irreparable. " T rom private let- Ura Wedearn that .eveiy mill in the , county, with the exception of one, .was. destroyed. .The same report comes from Tattnall county. NATIOIVAI, PANKS. New Bankatb 4ftiavllbedlaPle of Suspended Onas-fjpost OtlLcem mm " MkVlHsrs Baalcs. ISpectal -Dispatch to the New York Times.! "WAtllKGTON, Oct 1. y ;The.rrcaUting: -nxtes pf.the sus pended national banks are already being vigorously; sought 1 after I by various uarties who arc desirous tr AmUfLJloitW liiKu.IWiiP Kntl - i i.i i 1 tian. There treason i;o believe from' J-tnfArmnflrtrf at hand hcrS 'that wir.Hn new bank may use that wortioa ia starting, and its circulation may be f 'extended, from'. tnfte: 'to titoe As the ' ii r -. , , . , . . . I with great opposition but its f riendfc; think the thousands of. depositors in savin es -banks who have been so greatly fngntenea Dy the tronDtes now iassinff Vill join Sn the demand upon the Government to provide ab? J soiuie Bccunuy agaiusv iubs iui iw lui- fx6elrnd wHb'idwsave" 6bj small 'sufrjlus of earnlnsri. whichroust be safely deposited, and easily pro lisaraWoiwherjevep necessary.- ! , stj- A Bold One. Malor'Atoerljri of the U. J S. Annrj Wh his attempt to -' rob 'paymaster at lUver Bend: oitt. the i Kansas Facifac Railroad, has not only Irecoyered: bat escapea. ne n bskj iu . mau ui great strength, his ibodj being a .peK' feet model of the Olympian athlete, to receive visitors at nearly Itwaji jths intention of thj.ttthrities to remove bim to the county ail lat weel4.and this coming tojjiis .knowl- edge he resolved to escape. On Tuesdav nicht wx.' men. well iarmed 1. .4 A (..tk.,.. Hmdann I 1UU piCpCV Vw f in i n iiiimuilsu iu a uuro jai i msvi I-'. .1. ' I. ' : ' 1 A.inniins I . . u' l!U: Ji I took possession of the building and carried off the wouhded bahdit,, t It is supposed that he is now concealed in the Rocky Mounfeains, and aa he has many Wtnl friends his rgcapthte will 1 be difficult; , 1 . A BdIot. i , : m 1 - - a -m A -an v M r r -v n t-m n . w raM ..niuuie-juiwiiBu. wwuiu uu ; emNmWmleJ:' 4 nurry Demg-maae wmcu hw uu. ne 18 UU wuire man- iwwipi- v. uw Senatorial associates. XJoribveV tle fearpet-bag Senatbr from Florida, is charged bythe,; Repsablicaqa of his own State, or td speak more properly, the State Which be represents, with alrmwnt-f at Ov TJI al least qjw,uuuj .1 . u:u u v. - more ian meguw grabbed from the National Treasury in the sbtape of back pay, t t -S ) -we learn from the Jlercua tnat a colored dot 01 12 or muy"2i' Uvinz near Wadesboro, was caught between . i a j 1.aa1 rT A lrtXTMt ' aa maahsd in ! ofti of the 1aW bOneS being broken, he other dislocated and nearly 1 au ms veetn gone. WILMINGTON, E C IT Y. NKW ADVBBTISEDtKNTKi T. C. Skuvoss. Final Notice. ' SsiPt-i 6s- Gatixrd's Mikstbeia V ; See; ailTertiseraent "Wanted." ; Williams & Murchison Ne w York. WaLt5h CasKvWnled. OCB 01ILT ClHCtJATlON. 1. Wecluim thathe eUy circulation of Tsb MoijK(j Stah is. nearly double as large as that of any other Wilmington pa per. , . 2. We claim that the aggregate circula tion of The 3I6rnikq St ar, 'city and coun try combined, Is nearly fifty per ceut. larger than that of any other Wilmington paper. 8. We believe we can establish all we claim. At all events, we challenge a com parison, as we have often done before, in order that advertisers may determine whether our superiority in circulation is over-estimated or not. , Local Dot. . , - Yesterday was another lovely day. Light frost reported up the Carolina Central road j? esierdayT Mr. S. F. Gardner, of the Wadesboro i HeruJd, was in the city yesterday. The Great 'Eastern circus is meeting with great success on its Southern tour. Two colored patients, male and female, were sent to the City Hospital yesterday, Preparations are being made for a camp meeting at Brown Marsh, on the Carolina' Central road. ' ..... " ' A noted; punster at . the Court House gets off tbe following: Why are some of our ULstrateslikaanta they are' f eeIB-j (flebly: inclined.' Nixon street was left in darkness on Thursday Bight, after the moon went down; nn icmm iu - if t light elsewhere made' the darkness morel visible fn that particular locality. The ixielWatiham. Which has visited this1 -port severai Himes, was picked upj Petition of J. Arthur Springer for; per abandoaed at sea darine the late eale. and mission to lay a track from the dock 'to his carried to Beaufort, S. C-, harbor. She was badly damaged. ;Tfce Herald says Charles Lorcy, who was for some time an inmate of the hos pital in this city, set out to walk to the head of the .Carolina Central Railway to procure work, but when he arrived at Wadesboro his strength utterly failed and he was kind ly ministered to by the charitable citizens of that place. Orphan A avium. r' "UUU 8 VV1C ViIora WC": - "06"'113.' ?wned. by the Ma- sonic fraternitV was, ; as ia welt known. voted to thtf orphans of our commonwealth, bv the last session of the Grand Lode of heavy-ekrthinz will be required to make I )n$e onea comfortable- and in order I tn :olori m m mnr tii.n ' tw v.v aiJ UVU1.VU m WVMIMUPMV, vyBumug W. M. Joisson, Alfred M. Waddell and J. C. Mann, who will not only Uke pleasure in the reception of any voluntary subscnp- tionswhich the charitably , inclined of our J . year's rent of . the , , Opera House, pro city and vicinity may see fit to make, but vided he places 'there a heater and have also arranged for a musical concert at the Opera Bouse about; the ,14th Instant, foru the; benefit of the AayJum, when the Ledge Choir will be assisted by Mrs. Kahn- i wener, jxuss ureenwaiu anu uuier lauica and sentlemen. whose wettfaibwm'innsieat l hilitv nfl thn nnhi RiihWt tn which 11m pioceeda'are'to be applied wul1' no dbott 1?drawloizethersalarand aDnrecUtive' an- dience. J - Myor court, 7The foUowing cases were disposed, of I yesterday morning ScloioHill, charged with disorderly 'con- ;j faC was discharged on the payment of jj0sts.. , v Stephen Freeman, "'' chargei "with being aiaoraerly Judgment suspeaded.1 an the rlVment Wai guaif rAA rtn thfl navment of COStS. rai,:. aIio nrai with iraino- and' abusing Rena Young, waV found guiity and' quired to oav a fine of .lOandcosta. tuw ix'tt with ,nvn ln.lnA.Ari..JtMi;it!nir a nn. I nest), UIBVTUVIIJT WUliUV auu iwmniuj . f I.. . . Jt. J-. i iim nrnmrin ins oiinnim! oi uia uuir. irai' I . . i found wi aentenced to pay a fineof $20 and the costs, . I AS A . . Habeas Corpus. 7 Officer Moses WhiUn of the police, force, who was fined $10 for contempt of Court a few days since by- W. H. Moore, J..P. had a hearing before Judge Russell yiester day on a writ of habeat eorm vimcn nau been issued in his behalf. Defendant was; rased on giVbag boftoVin the sum of $100' for his appearance at the approaching term', of the Superior Court. '. ? Vremt sHreet M. Cosireto. ' The pulpit of theFrout street Methodist is to supplied as follows, U Uctooer, oy ev. ju. ouwtui,,u oou bath by Rev. O.' J. Brent; and 3rd SabbflJU by Rev. L. L.'HendreB. jneteeu-le. AW mejeor.w noticed in this cityiasfi ahmr8o'eibck. It started I lust north and west 'of thifehiWand took; r - aiZtiJ&ktt,4err trail pemoa h, wmcu wai tiaiimv xj minnie after the meteor had disappeared; N. C, SATURDAY, BOA II D OF AliPEKMEN. Syuopsl of the Proceeding. The Board ine't last night in regular ses sion. The Committed on Ordinances reported an ordinance to the effect that hereafter no fire wood shall "be piled on the wharves foot of Dock street; Market street and Princess street, and that any wood landed on any other wharves shall be so deposited or piled as to leave an open space of twenty feet in the centre of the street at said wharf or dock ; also ten feet on each, side of the sidewalks, to admit of free passage to the river. It was further ordained that any person "who shall violate this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $10 or impris onment, at the discretion of the Mayor, Communication from B. J. Jones, Treas urer of the WUmingtou Gas Light Company,- andGeo. W-Pricei Jr., City Marshal, relative to the manner in whieh the street lamp-lighters' neglect their duty, were re ferred to the Committee on Lights for re port. :' -" Petition of Q wen lL Hanjey, relative to, the establishment of a meat market in the lower portion of the city, was granted, with the proviso that he pay the tax imposed by the ordinance. ' " " Proposition of James F. Post to furnish acd pot down Belgian paving blocks at 3, 3 20 and 3 80 per square yard ' for Nos. 8, 2 and 1 respectively, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves. : Petitid'i of citizens residing in the neigh borhood oi Eiehth and Castle streets, asking that some poitu.ii, of. the police force be stationed in that quarter, was referred to the Mayor. . . -i.. It was moved that the ordinance concern ing the stationing of the police foree be re- pealed and the same waatherefdre ordered rnPDUfi ' The Committee on Police Were instructed to coTMider1 whether it' is nbt advisable iuiu crease the number of the oUce force. ; wood, coat and lumber yard, at the corner of Front and Mulberry streets was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves Jor report at the next. meeting. Petition from the same.f or. permission to . erect a wooden office on the above premises, was referred to the Committee on Fire De partment. , Petition of -Charles . Wessell for permis sion to erect a wooden, shed' in front of his store on North Water street, was referred to the Committee on Fire Department : Petition of F. M. James,'-requesting that his taxes for the present year be remitted in consequence of .his 'having" opened Eighth stt from Woter to Dawson through his ProPe"7 wiuiouv any. .remunerauon irom the city for the same, was, referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves for re port. The Committee on Streets aud Wharves reported progress in the matter of Boney Bridge and were granted further time. : Tbe Mayor stated that he had ordered : nineteen Umins discoutmued. to accord ance with the Instruction from the Board, and had directed that a lamp be placed at tne corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets. J Jt was ordered that . J. Pennypacker J be allowed a credit of $400 ou this I makes an- .entry the family circle, I having same, i upholstered and painting I and gas-fitting dose as per proposition and I estimates handed ia by him and presented w ae uouu ai nut meeiug. . . - Aresolutroa ttat the offiee of Superin- 4 tnni of rnt v Pnhll fVrtortln h rllarftH I Sraeant;' waa passed. ' - :' .The firUrd adionrnaa to' the next fesoiar The Board adjourned to the next regular "meeting.1, :A Crajrr peeetVer.' , A cwweo weman paiieu w. ue yiucw ui . . . . , flo the Bgister of Deeds yesterday to ascertain what a certaia ; .party was worth by ah ex amination of i the: records.: It transpired during the investigation that about , four months agher affections were beaelgcjd by a'certaiir gay Lothario, whom she at j first TefuWdronthergroundthat tie Was fearful showing that she'WaS emtiienflyf alive to the' 1 lmiHvou,;c ui iwaujj uu. , """"V 1 prospects in the future. Nothing daunted, her adorer cnceiv happy idea to allay l?Wf h.s prudent dulcenia J on .this score, . tie told her tnat ne wouw I um u w '-vv w-m Vir - 1 tUn AamOlA I 1113 UIVUVtVTi ! A uwwvil uv uuuv. I omnTirnrliVflilfl lmm&tofPwWa- Tn . . tkma to ''give hm,er hand apd heart. He weotoff aad shprUy returned ;,witn a document, witnessed by a colored preach er, which he proclaimed to. be: his last will and testament,1 in which he devised all. his property- and -effects; with' th$ 1 exception of eoe niule; to the beloved ; W bis heart pn condition that she would marry him. : This was a proof of affection and'a chance to ' better her conditio ' whici could not be resieo:. ,! She consented without hesitation and thiaftwo were( ioihed together , in the holy ' bands,1 of matrimony. . . Too' late disco'vesed that she; had been seduced hef life gie-blessedness by ( left her. " with the tag toJpJd" !ediwbofettttiteaHotse could hear 'any tidings of her 'yf depeiver," aad'waitedin vainv when she tooiteps to find out tha.xtent of- tbe XQrtuha be had (iww.il" l.ftw TtiiKpedlai io addlnit'ttara was no such panacea, for to bligbM'ajEtfar y.,.s ;.r.i Tr-frr-TTTT)! T-Jk 7 V-.: 1 tiona At least no evrdence'tAUhit effeet wuv. v - o tert office,' and HAt disappointed damsel de- OCTOBER iv 1873. parted in sorrow to her deserted hearth stone, firmly impressed with the conviction I that If all is.not gpld that glitters.'.' Skiff A: Gaylo'rd! . As before 'aiinbuhced, the celebrated Skiff & Gaylord's Minstrels and Brass Band will give two performances in this city on" Monday and Tuesday evenings next. A new feature in . Minstrelsy, introduced by this company alone, is six end men, three Jbone-players and three tambouriuists, all playing upon the ends of the first part at once. Skiff & Gaylord's is a. decided im provement on minstrel troupes in general. Evauxellcal Alliance. Reva. R. 8. Mpran, D. D.. J. B. Bobbin and H.. T- Hudson, of Ibe North Caroliua Conference of the M. E. Church, will at tend the Evangelical Alliance, which com menced its session in New York yesterday. CITY ITEMS. Paarrma Papxb. We now have In stock over M0 reams of news paper, slae 34x36, weight 80 t per ream. It Is good, rag paper, and will be sold, in lota to suit, for cash, or sent by express C. O. V. Book Bikdxbt. The Mosinxa Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a 'work man like manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of thei orders. , ... . . -, ; ' r Job Paatraa. We call the' attention of mer chants, clerks of courts, sheriffs, lawyers, railroad and steam ship officers sad ageats, and all Others having orders for printing, to the facilities ottered at the JtoEfON Stab Paumxe) E8asuskxziit 'for the prompt and faithful execution .of all Mods of Job Panrxixe. We can fnrnlsh at short notice Cards, Bin-Heads, Letter-Heads, Programmes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets. Tags, Hand-Bins, -Cats- logaes, Bills of Fare, Show-BQls, Checks, Drafts, Ac, Ac Satisfaction guaranteed. WautaCobkf'.''. Want a Sitaatlott, . -i J " Want a Salesman, ' 5 ; Want a Servant Girl, Want to reBiStose, "Want to sell a Piano," Want to sell a Hon, Want to lend Money, Want to bay a House, Want to buy a Herse, . Want to rent a House, . " Waht to.seU'aCairiage,' . '" Want a Boardingplace, ' Want to borrow Money, ' Want to sell Dry Goods, Want to sell Groceries, : t Want to aeU Furniture, Want to sell Hardware Want to sell Beal EaUte, ' ( , Want a job of Carpentering, ! Want a job of Blatksinithing, Want to sell Millinery Goods, Want to sell aHomse-aad Lot, ' . Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Fumttare, , : Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to sell Agricultural Implements, 'Want to find anything you have lost. Want to Advtrtl8e anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, - Adverttse in IHS MOBNING STAB. Spirits Turpentine, The Kinston Gazette records the death of a horse 38 years, 5 months and 12 aaysoiav The Wilson JPlaindealer says the cotton crop will assuredly not yield as i weu as it pronuaea a montn or two since. Miss Margaret S. Harrison of Mftroe. has been artnolnted tenthe M tha Monroe, has been appointed teacher of the Fourth Form, in the Orpham Home, at Ox- ioro. Col. Thomas Holt has resigned the Preaidencv of the North Carolina Kail- road and Hon. W. A, Smith has been chosen by the Directors to succeed him. The Raleigh Sentinel was shown a private dispatch from the manager of the Great Eastern circus which' stated that the receipts at Henderson" Thursday amounted to six thousand aoitars:' The Wilson JPlaindealer savs: Mr. James H. Taft was shot and killed in his -store, .eleven miles below GreeavUle, by his clerk on the 30th of Sentember rsun- I posed to have been accidental. ' r- The oenttnet cviUA upon the At- I hWUVT . (Al. w: WttD au lUJUUUUVU IS" atinirlff certain nartli who are trnasainc? upon public lands in Dare county.1 ' 'A icon- siderable quantity of lumber has been : cut nnnn informed that Mr: Emerson VTekwho lives TIT 1 'j 1 7v horse and dragged some distance,, his ! foot having caught In the stimip. '. ; ' ;CUpt FuTghum, Secretary State Agricultural oociety, learning; iuai ao special trams were to run irom uoidSDoro l to the State Fair, telegraphed to President Juiord, and the latter replied that a train would be providejdaor the purpose, - Newbem ' 'Times ? Ex-Governor Ponderi, of Delaware, and party left Wed- nesdav eveninar on board the steamer Jas. A. Garv. for Vandemere. at which place they have purchased the large SAW mill for-' meriy ownea Dy addou ess viu. -r Salem JPresk f From allportions of .the' State", east of the Blue Ridge, We learn that the apple crop is deficient. West of . the mountains the crop is good. . Honey will be very scarce in1 this Stale., In this vicinity fears are entertained that , the bees will perish' this winter, 1 not having made noney enough to suDsist upon, Of the recent mysterious murder near Piyetteville the 'Gazette says: On Mon day last it 'was reported toat a man answer ing to Underwood'ft-description had ;been seen skalkuMriia the, woods in the vicinity pf Robinson pond, and; had been heard there repeatedly praying aloucL' .Pepufy BherjlT jncaiiiian, accompaniea Dy an om cet: went in pursuit, but- failed to sea anything of him. if i . . .. , - "t' j Wadesboro ' l Merald; "Rev. S 3. Alexander, Evangelist of- Mecklenburg reaovierv. : vcsumiwu. ..a .. jrceaoyterwpi Waik'dp and Mr. Utegerald were'ort Elders. The church and lot of the 2 dists. wbaoHBiidioe a three tnous- si ; - . I and doUar onet:a epurchasea Dy me iWWBW 3 r.-.1 stitlnlfi. W.iu.l 1 -.a. I - v- tt. W m si . Ttr rJf .1 mi.iswiiwi wiwwi': .i"""jt. the crops mixed aka .road to Rnb8Ph( ue otaer oay-rsome Terr- gew auvi ww lerybad.' IVe not3ced a greaf deal of very fine corn along the Way; bn every where WHOLE NO. 182. the devastations of the cotton worm were apparent.' ; The ' farmers, s generally, ; how ever' do not speak despondently. . They have.alreauy roaue a larce Quantity or grain and forage, and in some sections the yield of cotton has been fair. :. .' ' . i ; U DIBD. i- --M- H1STNQ. In thl cttr. on the 3rd Inst. Mrs. Mary 31.. wilof Richard .F. Bisuig, aged 30 years, 6 months and 17 days.' Dearest HoQic thou bast left oe, ' , - And thy low we deeply feel; . ' .Bat 'tis God that hath hereft us. He can all oar sorrows heal. OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights Only, Oct. 6th & 7th. The household Word, the world f smoas SKIFF & GAYLORp'S Minstrels and Brass Band, rpHK MOST STUPENDOUS ORGANIZATION JL travellins. now on their return from Havana. Cuba; We travel m lands where similar bands dare not fellow us. A new era ia Minstrelsy, introduced py tins uompony omy. BIX END KEF, 3 Bone Players 3 Tambourlnlst, AU playing upon the ends of the first part at the same tune. - Don't fall to witness features that you have never seen. ADMISSION Drees Circle $1,00: Parquet Circle 75 Cents; Family Circle 50 Cents: UaUery 25 (Jents. Beats for sale at vox umce ourmg oays or snow. oct4t . . For New York. . L.INE ! rjpHK PINE NEW SCHOONER John I. Williams (750. Todj), CAPTAIN PEAOXCE, I S ' NOW BECETVTnG' CABG0 AND WILL HAVE qUICK DESPATCH ABABOVX ' For freight engagements apply td ; i; Oct 4-2t , ...IWTJLLIAMS AMTJBCHISON. K POSITION: AS. CLERK IN A GROCERY Store one on the wharf preferred by a gentleman.; I possessing contiderable country influence. Address P.O.Box 182. octat : " , ; Wanted, A HEALTHY WET NURSE,- . APPLX TO- xx. . : WALTER CONEY,' . Corner Market and Water streets. oct 4-St FINAL NOTICE. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, r ClTT OP WnJOHOTON, N. C. , t September 16, 1878. ) City TaxeS'. A LL PROPERTY ON WHICH - TAXES RE- 1. main Unpaid October 1st, proximo, will be AD VERTISED, and SOLD, as no longer indulgence will be given. T. C. SEEVOSS, Treasurer and Collector. sept 16-tf nae Ladies' Belts, T AD1ES' AND GENT'S TRUNKS, SATCHELS, Shawl Straps, Belt-Satchels, &c, at the Saddle aud I HaraesaPactoryof 1 1 1 JSTsks 4cCot Na 6 South front St, . mayS-tf aae Wilmiiuaen. N. a MISCELLANEOUS. TITK WILL REMOVE TO OUR NEW BUILDING .ft Corner Frosit smel Prlneesa 8t., Between this date and::. 8 K P T B H B B ft la t . . : . ' . ! : - : .' : WS WILL SILL OUB KNTIKX IT RETAIL .STOCK AT C0ST,;; , As it u our desire to open with a Freaii and j Complete Stock, Hence buy artermlnauon to Suppose of the samebe- ti. WEILL. I V 1 TTaww flxrrtltl' Stltraf Ap Xa.J.s Ojfyf OUT BAUtsranasHAY, , , ,r a EHD8 8 B STEUP, jgQ BBLS 8 H SYRTJP, ' BBLS REFINED SUGARS, 2 QQ KEGS NAILS. 2 QQQ BUSHELS OATS, For sale low bv sep 18-tf , WILLIAMS. te . MUBCBISON. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT EITEA0RD1N ART. G-rand Opening; ' NAY, BVEB,AIaG KAMI OPBNINGS, THIS ' WEEK, OP 1 CLOTH 1 IM C ' With onr Patent 'Box -Opener. Call and see 1IUNS0N &:C0., oet 1-u ' " tTY CLOTHIERS. . WILmNGTO? !'' School, KTH STREET; 'BBTWBKN' ANN1 AND NUN,' y wui reopea.iajisaajr, jjctoper eta. umiuon ror; the scholastic year 01 pine months : Primary De- 1 urtmi . asn .TntMiwnktem.L 1 sn. nWk IK X. mNTOlf, Prfadpal.- 1 -. . " rrr rWi1 BTOfii ' W ' KdaSENt 0O8 PIED BY i,m.:,r..it i-ijji. i:v . . , nii.'n Apply iM;itv:A, i-.w:m i h -r v. sep 98-lw ';' K PESCHAU A WESTESMAN. ronr days five days one week.-. Two" week.. -- . 9 M . 3 00 . 8 5C . 5 00 . 6 50 ; 8 W .16 00 .32 00 .85 00 .60 GO Three, weefca. , . . Two months. Three months: ........ A . tux months une yoi S?Cohtract Ad dvertlscmeiits taken at croBOr- ttonately low rates. FWo Squares estimated as a. quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. MISCELLANEOUS. ' OPEfTA T HOUSE. . PttOF. WKMAJS'S' ; " G4;T E,X H. I:B I T I O N, TTOUIl NIQHT3 ONLY; COMMK2STCINQ ON Jl Wednesdtv, October 8th. . Hatlnee on Saturday at3o'claok. ... Gold and Silver Watches, Table Sets, Tamlly Bi bles, Silver-plated Ware and ethereeful and hand- rone presents . '- I V E N A W A Y At every enterlamment of Prof. Wyman. fheWii!- ard and Ventriloquist,' wh9 will appear in new and wonderful feats of magic and novel experiments, , wyma& a ungnaiue, ni ife-moviug figures or LUipotian Circus. " Admissonvt8 cents; seats in Press Circle, 50 cts. Doors open at 7 oclock to commence at 8. A FKKSENT TO "EVBRT PURCHASER OF A TICKKT-NO BLANKS. See Bllls of the Say.. oct3-8t - - SCHOOL, BOOKS, We w Stock' :tlj.'i v FINE SELECTIONS, AT BOOKSTOEE. OCT. frlW, - : I" .; . .. - THE LARGEST' STOCK OF ' BLANE BOOKS. stationery :r dk- ' " Standr, 'Pea Racksy Sponge" Ctrps, ' ' ' ; ; Paperj Weights,, Letter...: ;r.';ir ' ... Clips, Letter Piles, :j PENS, PENH0U)EES, ULE, '"' f Cutters, -m . -c6pyinslBxnes. Let- ' ter Convine ' Books. BQl Head ' 4 Bores, roWAface'Bdres, PaplfrWslfeaers, Rubber Bands; Alc-fd be1 fofthtlia, Hhe city, are " 'For sale at oct,8-tf , . ' HEXNeBERQElt'S live Book and JIueic Store. BOOTS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE. Geo. II. Frenclt Sc -. i ; . t : r. if. i .Sons,. SorlllriiiitM Next North of First Na tional Bank. -Call and Examine Stock. ' ; ! i ' ' ;GEO.-R.' FRENCH St SONS, sept 80-tf ' - : 'North Front 6trecL Oape Fear Academy. THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION WILL BE gin on Monday, October 6th, 1873. . . Ponetaal attendance is earnestly desired, FRANK H. ALFRIEND, oct 8-3t- Principal. Q-reeiL 5& : Planner, Wholesale and Betidl Druggists, ' A ND CHEMISTS, AND DEALERS IN1 LEAD, A Oil, PnUy; aiaeiBt VaiulaUui. &c, Patent Med icines, Chemicals and Fancy Articles, . octS-tt 47 market Street; For Bent, rpH STORE OTHEQRNXS OF MARKET : and Water streets, at preeeat oecnpied. by J. G. Ban- man, Esq- ane of the most desirable business stands ? 4n the.city. t Apply tD r j " ! sept 14-tr a. a. huhmo. . J. F. RUECKERT, PROFESSOU5 OF VOCAIi AND ' ! ISTRUALTAlMtrSIC, Sfir. 4tia it markyitta ' SINGING, PIANO,' VIOLTNK, GUITAR, CLARIO net Cornet; also Orchestral sjtd Miatary instru ments thoroughly taught, t sept 80-tf BACON;' POR& AND SUGAR. an JsftA AnSlPfisussjtesss and Hhd. UU BmokoD Sides and Shoulders. ISO I BJbls. Pork, us uia uugar. : j : ? '.v. .ror saie ny t F. W; KESCHNER. Misses: Burr & James -y-lLL REOPEN 'THEIR ' SCHOOL ON Bloadajr, October tn. . Mrs. M. 8. (shlil Wtinue In charge of the Musical Department,; ,sept25-tf ,fft BARRELSt PERFECTLY SOUND ;f'' For'saielowfcy' ijuns 15-laa .-a.- - r I ; i WILLARD BROS. 1 1 1 Notice. F ROM THIS DiTB OUR BALES OF COAL anu WOOD will be STRICTLY FOR CASH, and no order' will be lli lea raw p d f or. ThU rale we are DompeUed to adopt; su adhere te. htrjctly as we shall hereafter keep no accounts whatever, and we hope tmr friends will hear tMubV insd Vhen send ing tneir Salt, Salt, Salt. Q'sAby ; VLtyEL;;i;SALt-Now I s landing and for sale tyr trjwharf by j: aep 18-tf , WXLLLUUf A MTRCHISON. , J ISaiiv S alt 1 JSalt.7- Jl 'ifl 'SACB' 8AL?:')JTJST? RECEIVED BY ScheonerMlnaievui txl ,jv7 Ji '2.itaoi JS0X&M 1 i1. W7 KKRCfBNES, f ;oct tf ,a j. t ss4 T)Ny W ' ;1 1 Jlt7iCl)DlNtt CARDS' AND VTBITING CARDS 4.mPttt5aa.at :amgKl; r;: Prbtfx and Pasilaalag Hons? , . i.-.tl . -

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