WILMINGTON', JV. C. : : .; Saturday Morning, Octv 4, '873. BY TELEGRAPH. SOOX KJHPORTS. XIIE YELLOW FEVER. The Work of the Great Seonrge- -tor- titer lteports of Its Dotage. Montgomery, Ala; , Oct. 3. No new yellow fever cases has been re potted here since Monday last, only five deaths of the disease have occurred since September 23, and. only four cases, all mild ' but one, are under treatment. Shrkveport, Oct. 3. : ; - There were twelve yellow fever deaths yesterday: , ! Memphis, Oct 3. ; . There were forty-one interments yester : day. . -- , The appeal for aid states that the fever has been increasing daily, and that business . is suspended and charitable societies ex hausted. "Money is what we need to pay nurses and buy food, bury the dead, shelter orphans and the. helpless. ARKANSAS AND TEXAS. Cholera and Yellow Fever Little . Bocb Finances. . Galveston, Oct. 3. The town of Lapassas has been inundated bva sudden rise in a creek, and six persons lost. - Thepostoffice is among the houses . swept away; : , t i The doctors say that the disease prevriil : "inar at Calvert is not vellow fever and the panic has subsided. ' ; -. : Little Rock, Sept. " Dispatches from Texas towns deny tie. presence of either cholera or yellow fever. . Citv money is refused by everyone; Stringency in money matters is greater than ever. ' " "; . - ENGLAND. Heavy Shipment of Bullion for the United States.. ' ' London, Oct. 3; The steamship Italy took $350,000 in bul lion from Liverpool for New York yester day, and the steamships Baltic and City , of Paris, 535,000. ! --.. The ateamstuD Russian, which also left i t Liverpool yesterday for Montreal, carried ELECTRIC HP ASKS. ... At New York, Gamier won. the billiard' match fr $1,000, the championship . and diamond cue in 47 innings. ' . Grinnell & Co. have been, expelled from the New York Stock Exchange. The house I was largelylon ori.Vanderbfit stocks, ? The Illinois Central Railroad has been mulcted in the sum of $43,000 for delay in , the shipment of gram aunng the war. , At Chicago, Professor -won the 2:45 race, i than the 257 race, time 1 5, 1 -2A, 1 55. V V- A Westchester Pal, telegram says that Daniel Jones, who murdered Nelson in Highland township about a month since. 'has been captured and lodged in jail. Both were eolored men. . - . OUR NIGHT REPORTS. THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Formal Opening in Steinway Sail, New York A Tail Crowd In Attend ance Rev. Dr. "Wooleey, of New Ea rn. President Addressee of Wel- ' eome, &c.,' &c. " ' ' - "r ' '. " ' New Yoks? Oct - The Evangelical Conference opened with prayer this morning at the Madison Square ! Church. i- The formal opening for business took place later in steinway Hall. The vastihan ws crewded'd texoess ."with dele ' ' gates. -They sw aimed out on the lobbies - and stairs at eitber end of the block through which the hall extends. The. large platform was crowded so that as early as 10 o'clock there war hardly .standing room. The Ori ental defecates in white tartana were con sdIcqous obiects in the vicinity of the chair. Hon. Wm. Dodge called the meeting to order and said: ."You are here assembled .from all parts of the world, from countries . having insti- .tutions and laws quite aiHerent from ours. " As for ns we seek no' alliance - with the State we only ask protection and full en joyment ot religious UDerty. ((ireat ap plause ) We trust many of you will have opportunity of visiting our. far Western lands and beyond our inland seas, and see . iBg the marvelons extension our country is ' undergoing.' "When we visit your countries we are deeply interested .in looking, pver the works ot centunes, your grand cathe drals and your cities of renown. When . : you come, here we ask you tp look at what has mainly been accomplished in a single ' century. The object of your meeting has been discassed ; for a . long . im e and the country is alive to this convocation. - Not i ' inly .our own but other lands are Mewing you with intense interest. The eyes of God and man are upofrr ui Let us :hope that t the blessing of God may be upon ts. - Eve rything possible-lias been done; for your comfort. I Eflve vou as the sentiments of all our hearts a most cordial welcome toi our . country, our homes and our hearts. (Ap plause.) ' . After singing a dozology a prayer was given oy iviv, uT. uoaee, oi f nnceton. - Itev, Dr. Segg, of London, next read a por- . .lion oi tne seven teem n. cnapteroi sr. John. after which there was prayer by Rev. Matde - Jprochetf of Italy, and was followed by the ' Ieag of Canterbcrry with the creed. Tlie : entire .conference then roie and Bnaa with once voicertheevangeKoal bymu. Corona-' tion.' The business' of effecting a periua- , nent organization was then taken ; up and i" a list ot omcers read and adopted. ? Dr. '; , lThpodore.D.;'Wool8ey, '6f New Haveni was General .Secretary - Among' the Vice Presi- ' -1 gents were Wm. Jf. Uavemeyer, Lord Al !fred ChurchUI, of England, iron. 'R. C. Winthrop, .of . iMassactroBeits. ! -liev. A. Boober; Rewi Mr: Buckingham, of Conoec- ticut ana wm: jii. uoaie, ot JNew xork lev. I-Sckenck ww bikers were appoint ed Honorary becreranes. i The President, Dr. Woolsey, then took the chair amidst "applrtuse and delivered his' address, lie said: We are met here to-day "- -because we believe in-the ' communion of 8 lints. (Applause.) We believe that man in hit nature, his aspirations, his senses of want, his need of redemption is one, (Ap-. . , , plause.) And.fhat Gpif is one, and that iu . u. all-tiie, wiwisttnfoTiaibgs of -.tb-.ieluistian "' character and christian -Tife 'there is one '''-tftristian 'carticter; -the', sjiirtt of'liive fr . . , God and love ofman resting in Jesus Christ ' our Lord in the hope of redemption through d : Iim;.' ( Applause.) '.fts. believe ,:(in One .;r:GrieaiVUniversal Church that has' lasted ' : through all time until now and is to last - until the. end .pf alt ;tbings. (Applause.) J otwithandhig tuemecacppiyyerhas; q .a Been? ucnionpiaea. uy; ucience vgr.eai;J8Ujf;a- ler aod-aDmausei. zae emiren eoes on Dray lug still alUh toe;. ahaf long aij there1 "fan diffusiveness' of the gospel.. Gentlemen, I need not re- peat the welcome already given to 'you; yet, as your President, I may once more say to you that we welcome, you ,aU. We welcome the Lutheran, we welcome the children of free, i-heroic.-, Switzerland and representatives of France, the much suffer ing and glorious church of France (ap plause). We welcome'tho8e'fr6in aH other parts of .Europe and those who have come like fast friends from the eastern lands. It was then announced that it had been agreed upon that pastors should make their own arrangement with delegates as to ser-' vices. The dean of Canterbury then, read a letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury, praying for-God's blessing on the efforts for the spread of reformation. Never, he says, was there a time more apt for attempting to check the spread of .superstition, and he trusts all will cordially unite in doing so. Kev. Mr. irrocnet, or Italy, spoke on the condition of the Church iu that country. He said Pius IX. is conscious of diminished power. The clergy clung around the Holy see for support and alL are eager to crash the common foe before them. All the Ital ian priests; do not believe' what the Pope taught, for only a few years ago 0,000 of them petitioned him to abandon temporal power, but he refused. For all that refor mation is to be expected through the priests of Italy, for they are always ready to do .the bidding of their master-; The people, though Roman Catholic in name, J are indifferent about their - religion and instead of seek ing out the truths prefer to remain inactive in the Church in which they were born. He referred briefly to the various parties in Italy, and said there were over half a dozen Protestant denominations who had each their churches and large congregations in that country. - After paying a tribute to the ingenuity of the, Jesuits, the speaker said Italy was divided into three parties, the Priests, the Protestants and the Infidels, and present indications showed that Evan gelicals., were making vast progress and would make more if they had sufficient literature of their own. An autobiographical papet. by Professtor A. Thulock, D. D., of Halle, Germany, was next read by Dr. Witte, of Koether, Prus sia, the former having been too infirm to attend the Convention. The hour fOT adjournment having arrived,- it was announced that the Conference would reassemble at Association Hall at 2 o'clock this P. M., and' remain in session until 5 o'clock. The evening meeting at the same place will begin at 7 o'clock. After a few additional notices, benediction was pro nounced by Bishop Odell, of Ohio. ENGLAND. Five Peraoni Killed br the Falling of a Chimney Spantish News The Bombardment f Alicante. . , ...,"3. V. i London, Oct. 3. A chimney. 220 feet in height in a village north of Fleet, fell to-day, instantly killing five persons and maiming a dozen others; A dispatch from Cartagena says the in surgent frigates were. fliot iniored during the board then was killed. .They are nowtaklng in coal and making preparations to attack Valencia. The Spanish Government' has issued an order requiring all vessels arriving at ports in Spain from Liverpool to undergo quar antine. ' . s qriiK imoDocs. . Preparations for tbeir Exeentlon, Sec. . . .. Sak Francisco, Of t. 3. Preparations have been completed for the execution ot Capt. . Jack, ' Schonchin, Bos ton Charlie, Black Jim Barnichaand Slo luk at 10 o'clock A. M. tp-day at Fort Kla mathv The scaffold is a large contrivance, erected just outside of the fort. Some de lay -may be 5 occasioned by - the circum stance that the order for the execution will have to be interpreted for the condemned. They seem much depressed from a knowl edge of their impending fate. - FRANCE. Xbe Political Situation Excitement' . .-In Paris. ; ; , '. Paris, Oct. 3. '- Tlie city ;iias' ,Veen ' futt of conflicting rumors to-day . la regard." to the political situation. - Tne report whicuvraiBed mote currency : 4nti Caused the greatest excite ment, was one fitatiag that the ' permanent committee JJor tae ; 'Assembly would' order that body to meet oa the' 13th Inst., and government officials now absent from, Ver sailles nad been ordered to proceed there immediately; but' "dispatches from official sources m V ersmlles pronounced it untrue. WASnGTQJI.V i Fall cabinet 3l.eetin'CominataUon of DeatliTSenUneeAnplleailan ;for Relief ot ; Cnarleton-r-BpIr ! of SeeretarjrBIenmrtaojaV'-v There waa fall cabinet attendance, ex cept liobesonr - " .. . . The President has commuted the death sentence of Scoluk and Barncho to labor for life at Alcotos Islands, California. VV uliams, colored, who killed a Vinnnia drover named Habn, has been sentenced J 211 1 XT 1 4 i.1 : anu wiu iiaug uu itoveuiuer itia. j Following letter was written to-day i . U. S. Treasury Dep't, Washington, t) Oct 3, 1873. ' if . To Samuel Y. Tupper, Esq., President Chamber of Commerce, Charleston, fiL C: Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the memorial of the Charleston Chamber Of Commerce, addressed to the President of the United States and referred to this department, wmcft, after reciting tne present stringency in the money market and dimcuity oi .ootaining currency, requests that the 6um. of $500,000 be .placed ; and maintained on deposit -with the - Assistant Treasurer of Char wton.Uo be tjsed by him in the purchase of.: NjrYork Excliange from the banks. Jj.' ' nccessaiy or;.the Treasury ;.-pepartaieut losena tprroivcy oy express to tJiiariestou fromytime,fo tim,e.v irfd to buy with it e-x Change 0nNew Ydi-k in Competition " with private ... banks.-, - Should ; llius ."request be granted, 100 other place in - the country might,-wtth equal proprfety wsk the Same" relief, and if all such requests be granted, the Department would find itself engaged in an extensive exchange -business, fixing and regulating "the Tate of exchange be tween different places in the country, and the publie u(idA ordered by taxation only for the purpose of carrying on the govern ment, would ,Qe employed to a very large amount in a business which ' Congress has not givtu: the Secretary of the Treasury auihorify to engage in. , 'With due regard to the proper manage meut'of the Treasury.. Department within the provisions of law, X felt it to.be my duty to decline all similar' propositions from other pltee3,rnd your request.must there- fore receive the same response. 1 have the honor to be, very reSpectfully- . Secretaty-bLthe Treasury: OHIO. Tlie fetirntta an4-0epsltere A Bon on TA fT.affMrSMepeniiieiniir.j, ; ' .The bankers hero , refused to agree upon any pla for rnutnal' protection, 'ftn4 this sews jbeong';pnhli made general run on baoka-i? Theiollow infe speckled, Rechlet!siBank ' and the CoinitierclftT fla;;Jir Otnerreusenslons will proDaDiy occur. A rf:,Otfte?e liief&ignai .fflcejr, rr AiAWasluiigtoia; Oet'3 4:35 P. Mil PrdbabUUie. For ' Saturday ia: the South? Atlantic States, northeast winds "veering to south east, with generally clear weather, except on the coast of Greor sorgia and Florida. Comparative Cotton Statement. y .-'; -, : ; , . New York, Oct 3. ' Cotton statement for the week endingthe 3: Net receipts at all U. S. ports during the week were54,107 bales, against 90,905 the same time last year; total receipts to date 141,7$), bales; same date last year 250, 514? bales. - A'in't The exports.jluringthe week were 9,699 bales, against 60,361 same time last year. The stock at all United States ports is 112,925 bales, against 194,213 same time last year. , The stock at all interior towns lessSelma. 86,945-- bales; tamo; time : last year. 22,1 04 Dales. The stocklirTjigrpOol is 645,000 bales,, against 704,000 same time last year. American cotton afloat for Great Britain 28,000 bales, against 11,000 same time last year. - ELECTUIC fcl'AKKS. v The schooner D. F. Kuling, from Savan nah for Baltimore, was abandoned off Mar lines Industry, 'At Cincinnati, yesterday, Dennis Cary killed W. T. !NefiHe, a young druggist. The quarrel was about some goods, j Senor Solor, Spanish Minister of Colo nies, will leave spam on tne SUlh instant to visit Perto liieb afld Cuba.- At Binghamton, Me., two horse, thiefs, after firing 'upon and wounding two of a posse, escaped into Canada. At Atlanta, John H. James, Banker, re sumes to-day-. At Montgomery, 1 death from fever and some new cases reported yesterday. DOMESTIC SXAHKKX8. New Yobx, Oct 3 Noon. MnanciaL . Stocks active. Gold 110$. Nothing doing in Money. Exchange long -7J; short Governments dull State bonds quiet. v CornmerciaZ. . Flour quiet aad steady. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn quiet' and firm. Pork dull and nomhjal new $1717 50. Lard quiet - and unchanged. Turpentine firm at41 cents. Koein firm at $2 90$2 95 for strained. Freights steady. Cotton r firm Sales of 772 bales. Up lands 18":" Orleans 18. Sales of futures opened to-day as follows: October 17 9:16; Noyember 1717 7-15 ; December 17 ; Sanuary 17i;February 17; March 18 cents. ;! , . . new York, Oct. 3 Evening. - c- , Financial JIonQy eaaier and in fair supply at 1-16 i cent-commission.- Sterling Exchange dedmbd to 17. ; Gold Weak at 110110i. Government bonds are strong and. activer. State bonds activer at nominal prices. - Oothmerctal Cotton' steady, with sales of 1,430 bales at 1819i cents.' Flour firm, but not ac tivecommon to fair extra $6 70$7 35. Whiskey $1 05. Wheat 2&8 cents lower. I The difficulty of selling Exchange checks dull and lower mixed and yellow o76U cents. Coffee a little stronger at2022 cts. Rice quiet Carolina - 8J9i cents. Pork steady. LardHrmer at 8 7-1 69 1-6 cents. Spirits Turpentine firm. . Rosin quiet Tal low steady. ': Freights firm. ; Cotton net . receipts-" 114 ' bales; gross 938" bales; futures closed barely steady, with sales of 13,800 bales as follows: October 17 11-32; November 17 3-6; December 17; January 1T5-I617f cents. ; " x. COTTON nARKTS. ;. Memphis, firm at 16; Savannah, quiet at 17$; Charleston,. steady at 15, 1616h New Orleans, firm at 17il8; Mobile, fair de mand at 1517; Augusta, quiet but steady at 15? : Macon., moderate at 151; Norfolk ' 17; Baltimore, quiet but firm at 16 17 IS; iN asliville, quiet at 15i15j; Boston, steady at 18. POHEIGN MARKETS. . . . . London, Oct -3-rrNoon. ' : Consols 0292i. United States eecbri lies fives 91 J. i . ' Erie 43. f ' ; " . LrvKRPOOL, Oct. 2 Noon. ; Cotton strong Uplands 89d; Orleans 9i9d. Sales of 15,000 bales; speculation and export ,3,000 bales:' ; - Cottou Sales for the week 85,000 bales; export8, 000 bales; speculation 7,000 bales. itfiCK 645.000 Dales: American 180.000 bales. Receipts 60,000 bales; including 4,000 bales- American; : -actual export W.OUO bales; anoatai6,000 bales; American 29,000 bales. 1 - ry 7 Sales of Uplands, on a basia of Good iQrdinaiy, shipped October and November, 8 13-16d. No sales to arriee sellers 1 de mand 1 16 advance. -, ' ; LATER ' Sales of Uplands, on a basis of Low Mlcl dling, shipped October, 9d. Breadstuff s -quiet Corn 83s. LrvKBPOOii, Oct. 3 Evening. ', ' Sales of American to-day 8, 600'. "bales. Sales of Uplands, on a basis of good ordi nary, shipped November, 8Jd. Common, rosin 9s. and 8cL Spirits tur pentine 22a. and 6d. to 33s. . , . Paris, Oct 3 Noon. Rentes 56f. . London, Oct 8 Noon. ' 'Street - rate for discounts i per cent be low banks.' . . ... . '., . .-. MISCELLANEOUS. GENERAL Agency: Liverpool Londou & Globe (Fire) InsuraucO Company: ;Q08-A!8a'PTS OVR , ' $20,000,000 00 v i -. i i v. i ' i i ' . ' V t : ' ASSETS I. THE UNITED STATES, 4,000,000 00 All eaes paid IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of satiBfnctory proof, WITHOUT DEDUCTION for interest. ,; . '. t: . y i '. . ..- '' : x' " '' Ta. Fire and Sfarine : Insurance Company j OF RICHMOND, VIRGIN IA. ; ASSETS $300,000. Ati Old and Reliable Company.' ...,....Blarptjr Wplialnfe, ! " PltlirCEsS' STKBT!, Between Water and Front stir. pct jrii!: , ; j . SptBafrelsHpop Iron, Glue KAA NEW NEWfdsiFTiriABELS TtlsSl66IRON ' JQQ BAEfiELS DISTILLER'S GLUE iT .- For Bale low by a BeplWit. WILLIAMS & MUBCHISON, War Dkpaktmkkt, COMMEEC1AL. WmWi N QfT MARKKT. $TAR70FFiCE, Oct 3. SPIRITS TliPElfriNE.- Receipts 179 casks. No sales reported Market durfand nominal af 88 cents. " J ""' ROSIN. Receipts 1,128 bbls. Sales of 1,000 bbls Strained at $2 35. Market firm. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Receipts and sales of 132 bbls at $3 00 (subjecfto extra) for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 60 for Hnrd. Market steady. TAR. Only 25 bbls received: and sold at $2 25perbbl. Market qiflet and steady. COTTON. Receipts 81 bales. Sales of 33 bales at 15, 9 it 16 and 3 at 1GJ ceuts per lt. We quote: Low Ordinary. . . V . . 10 Ordinary. 13 Good Ordinary. ..... 14 J Striet Good Ordinary. 15 - Low Middling 16 Strict Low Middling. 16i Middling.,;;..:..... 16 Strict M. (nominal). . 17 L- cents lb. MARINE. ;'.!,; ARRIVED. Strar A P Hurt, Worth, . Fayette ville, Worth 5c W orjth. Br Brig Albion, Smith,. Richmond, Va., Vick & Mebane, in ballast. CLEARED. Sttnr A:iP Hurtr Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth; Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Child3, Balti more, A D.Cazaux. n a an ' RBOBIPTS. ' PER RIVER STEAMERS, &v. Stmr A P Iluit 54 bbls spirits, 12o do rosin. List of Vessel in tne Port of Wil mington, C.i October 4. 'T3. STEAMSIUPS. Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, : Worth & Worth ltaleigh, Oliver, AD Cazaux Regulator, Martin, Barry Bros. BARQUES. Herundo, (Qer) Hansen, RE Heide Maria Heyri, (Nor) Beck, E Peschau Diana (Nor), Joannasron, ' RE Heide Ulrika (Swed), Peterson, R E Heide. Br Bark-Elizabeth Knowles, Carmichael, J R Blossom & Evans; Br Nancy; Bryson, Reid, ; Vick & Mebane Elizabeth Taylor, Whiteside, -: Vick&Mebane BRIGS. Albion (Br.), Smith, Vick & Mebane (Nor) Flosta, Andersen, R E Heide : Victoria, (Ger.) Schultz,; E Peschau Brig Black Swan, Winslade, E Kidder & Sons Nellie Mitchell, Cody, J HChadbourn&Co Uncle Sam,' Jordan, " Harriss &. Howell SCHOONERS. Ben Borland,' Brittingham, - ' Master Minnie, Hudson, Master Anna W Barker, Snowman , : : - r-'iflfl Barker Co Tarry Not, Timmons,' Harriss & Howell John D Williams, Pearce, - r.'- vWiUiamS"& Murcbison -JN1to-tar,-Polana,' - . JH Chadbourn & Co Henrietta. Langler, in ballast. . Williams & Murcbison BARQUENTINES. Black Pool (Br.), Edon. Vick &Mebane Geo Booth, (Br) Seaman. . Vick & Mebane LaBelle, ; - dis., REHeide Aitst of Vessel Sailed for tills Port. BOWLING. Alby, Topp, . sld Sept 13 SVVliNJSMUJNDJi Hermann Helmrich, Oestereichsld Sept 11 15AJNUOK.. Schr Ad die L Cutler, Smith. BELFAST, I. A M B., Strang, . ' k BRISTOL. Kobe, Karaslert . . 'GKDISBY. Juno, LindW..,. eld Aug 28 sld Sept.1 sldAug 22 1 sld Aug 22 i : . . r, ... ; . LUJSUUSH. Nelly, Haaland .. . eld bpt,4 Garstrang. Thornton, ent. out . Sept 2. Leda, Mueller, . ' j ' ' . isld Septl Laus Wichard, Wilae, ' sld Sept 3 Br Barque Sophie Gorbitz, Gdrbitz,; sld Aug. 20. Von der Luke Rohlstorff, Plageman, ;. sld Aug 8 G N. Gredelohen Dethlop. . , aid Aug 6 '; aid July 27: sld June 2 " 0d Sept IX sld June 2o Brig Ard, Jackson, . Douglass, Wilson, Delphin,s Hasse, '' ' '' ' MARTINIQUE. Schr A Richards. . r- , ' NEW YORK. Schr Luola Murchi8on, Jones, sld Sept 27 ttchr ilott Bedell, vanKeynegom, S. T. Baker, Davis, sld Sept 20 sld Sept 12 eld Aug. 18 sld Aug. 14 sld Aug 11 sld June 8 Schr John Kelso, Kelso, : . . ' DEAL. C Neumann, Gaedebehu, BELFAST, Me. Br Jessie Goodwin," McKenzie, Schr S J Gilmore, Dutch, . LIVERPOOL. Brilliant Star, Audlson, sld 9 ent out Aug 29 eld July 24 sld Aug 7 sld Aug. 15 ent out Sept 9 Adolph, Carl Angustr Petersen, Exampler, Roberts, Brig Leda, Muller, ' ' 'Juno, Ibbeken, Bertha, Hillerich, ' VdAugl4 Nor Barque St: Olaf, Haskell.' Md July 15 NEWRY. Marie Rose, Schultz, sld Sept. 19 j0-i ,- DUNKIRK. Eintracht, Schuchert, sld Aug SSs ' GEESTEMUND. '' ' Bosse, , sld Aug ANTWERP. . -Frey, Halversen,' ' sldJSept 23 Eiiae & Aunar,V"endt, eld Aug Vi. Augusta, Doney, eld Sept 8 EXETER. Abbey, Eastman, sld Aug 9 AMSTERDAM. . : ' Elizabeth Cath, Anderson, " eld Aug 8 RICHMOND. : , l Ger Barque Xiouise, Valilrua, - eld, Sept 18 CARDIFF Burgenneister Kerstein, Ehrrenreich, s ' sld, Sept 14 BARROW. , f Freude, Braune, sld Sept 3 '". '' ;: -r. . sTimvn"M : . Ger Barque Claudia, " ' sulSep'it . f.-i MavviJNKMUJNUja. ; Clio, Schupp, .. r ; sld Sept 7 Onion Sets! Bulbs! Just Received per Steamer. ' KiON " SKT8, HTACISTJI AND 'TUIJ?. Fall and Winter.: Cabbage Seed i ALSO ; "HtAOINTH 1 iGLASSES ! - seps 27-u N. is. corner From ana M arket sts. THE OIUTINCt STAR ROOK nirivn. X ERY is comblete in aH all Its atstoltitmpnt. ana is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen iu. the Stotc-r A4 kiade of Binding executed neatly choapij and expeditiously. 1 r . aug ii-tf S WW0?' 9lJW ft? miflef eiooa, rep reseat the wholegaja BrBe.ejierally. In making np pmall orders higher pricey have to be charged. ABTICLE8, PRICKS. BAGGING Gunny. . 16 -'! ' Double Anchor. Doable Anchor " A". 16 . SQ 11 13 J8 : ii n 10 iv3 " 3 00 3 15 2 75 BACON North Carolina, Hama.fl Shooldera, '.. .. SideB. fi. Western Smoked 18 9 11 '. ...f-. Hams.. Sides, -Slb.i. Shoulders. Dry Salted-1 1 Sides f S,... ... ... Shouldera 15 1 ! ' 10 BBEF-- On the li oof 6 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Socona liana, eac n New New York, each ... . ' New City, each .... I. 2 75 2 m 28 8 00 02 20 35 ;83 00 IS Ok & BEESWAX-9 lb.. BRICKS Wilmington, M . . . Northern, j ....!.'....:. BDTTEU North Carolina, lb 30 6S 10 OU 140 80 Northern, w in... , ..: 40 43 20 13 CANDLES Sperm, B.. .... 4 Tauow, ig st ' Adamantine. 8ft i . . & & & (A CHEESE Northern Factory $ Va Dairy, creamy B State, COFVEE Java, E IUo, to. leruayra, 1b 1G 15 30 S6 66 & 8 28 CORN MEAL bushel . .. ..i COTTON TIES ft.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-, id Yarn, $ bunch FISH Maokerel, No. 1, V bbL.. No. 1, bbL.. Mackerel, No. 2, boi . . 1 . . . . . No. 2, $J bbl Mackerel, No. 8, bbl.. .. .. . Mallets, bW. , N. C. Herring, 9 bbl ' Dry Cod, ib FLOUR Fine, p hW.w. ;'.;,- .... Super. Northern, bbl Kxlrado. " , bW Family . . " $ bbl City Hills Super., $ bbl. . Extra, $ bbl. Family, bbl... Ex. Family, bbl .. FERTILIZERS . Peruvian Guano, 2000 fts Baugh'H PhosDhate, " Carolina Fertilizer, " . " Ground Bone. " Bone Meal, ' Flour, " " Navassa Guano, " " Complete Manure, " ' Wbann's Phosphate ' " Wando Phosphate, " ' Berger & Butz's Phosph. " GLUE 9 B....i GRAIN Corn, in store, 54 Bs. Corn, Cargo, W 66 fts Com, YeE, busheL. Oats, bushel Peas, Cow, 9 bushel HIDES Green. 9 ft Dry, $ ft. ... HAY Eastern, 9 100 fts...... . . North River, 9 100 ft. .... . HOOP IRON 9 n LARD Northern, 9 North Carolina, 13 ft.... .... LIME 8 bbl . . . I 9 15 1 65 i 60 18 09 22 00 & & O 8 50 000 ,9 60 14 60 . 7 50 10 50 6 00 6 00 8 560 6 CO; 600 700 8 00 8 60 9 50 10 00 12 60 80 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 60 00 16 7 00 & 8 00 10 00 900 & 9 75 10 50 & 00 00 00 00 69 00 53 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 22 90 75 75 2 ?7 62X . 72Jtf 175 8 .12 1 65 67 50 7 10 60 40 1 50 130 00 135 00 11 12X 1 60 160 LUMBER Crrr Steaji Sawed i . Ship Stuff, resawed, M It. . Hous4i Edffe Plank. wMft... 34 00, 22 00 90 00 90 00 27 00 25 00 33 85 00 . Wert India Cargoes, aocordingl to quahty, v - Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. . . Scantling and uoaros, coin- 15 00 S3 00 MOLASSES Cuba, bhda, 9 gal - 37 Cuba, bbls, 9 gal Sugar House, nhds, 40. 42 eal. '24 35" 625 28 1 10 1 00 30 1 50 0 00 4 25 19 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 36 28 80 650 29 bbls, 9 gal... Lard. eal 145 1 10 40 200 100 6 50 . Linseed, 9 gal.. .4 Rosin, 9 gal.. PEANUTS 9 bushel POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK-Northem, City Meee.... . Thin, 9 bbl ' Prime, 9 bbl. Rump, 9 bbl.. RICE Carolina, 9ft East India, 9 ft:;....: Rough, $-basa..... BAGS Country, 9 ft City,- 9 ft.....: ... ROPE... SALT Alum, 9 bushel. ....... Liverpool, 9 sack American, 9 sack SUGAR Cub, 9 ft Porta Rico, 9 ft ..... A Coffee, 9 ft....' B ft C " 9 ft , Ex. C 9 ft... ......... , Crushed, 9 ft....:.... SOAP Northern, 9 ft SHINGLES--Contract, 9 M.,.. .Common, M Cypress Saps 9 M, Cypress Hearts M. STAVES W. O. Bbl, 9 M..... R.O.Hhff., M....:; Cypress, 9 Mi... ...... , TALLOW 9 ft TIMBER Shipping, f) M ; .MiU Prime, 9 M .... Mill Fair, M... ........... ' Inferior to Ordinary, ft ft... WHISKEY Northern, gal... -: North Carolina, t gal...;... ' 00 00 00 00. 15 00 9 & . 9X 00 w 15 2 8 .6 75 60 45 12 11 lova 185 3 23 00 165 150 10 12 11 12 1SM& 5 7 V 4 00 2 60 6 60 9 50 30 00 00 00 18 00 09 17 00 15 00 12 00 eoo 1 00 1 75 20 35 euu aoo 00 00 00 00 & 0000 & 22 00 1700 ,14 00 1 8 00 500 8 50 : .40 vuoi-unwasnea, 9 9. Washed, 9 ft - WILItllNGTON HONEY IHARKKT. OOBBECTSn nAILT BT THE BAITS OT NKW ELiaOVKB, I. B. -GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. . . BTJTDHe. BKLUBe. Gold , 108 111 Silver......;...... .'.....;. .108- 106 Exchange eight on Northern cities. ... .Par. Exchange 30 days on cdls. Par' al. Selling, Bank of New Hanover Stock.. 25. 100 51 60 108 .34 .23 .24 28 First National Bank, Wilmington Building Stock,. . MechanloB " " ... Navassa Guano-Co. " ... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Copon . To. Funding 186... .- Do. " 1868... 110 80 76 110 Do. . New 20 Do. Special Tax.. 13 t Do. to N. C. RaUroad.. ...60 . W.'&. W. R. R. Bonds 7 $c (Gold Int).90 W., C. & R. R. Bonds, 8 c... 55 Wilmington City Bonds, S 9c ;..70..; " 7c 80 ol4flc.....65 " . ' new 6 c..65(GoldInt) " 1 8c....::...80( " " ) ew Hanover County Bonds (10 yean), 6c(Go.d Int.) 70 . New Hanover County Bonds (5 yean) 6 fcJGoldlnt). ........97 W." Ranroad Stock (Par 100) ..... 69 North Carolina R. K. ( " 100). ....40 W..C ARailread ," ( M 50) Wil. Gas Light Co. " ( " 80).....70 RATES OF FREIGHT. Per Sailing . Vessel Per Steamer. '.' ' To Niw Yobk. Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 6ft 0 60 0 60 0 00 1 00 a 0 00 0 60 0 60 2 60 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 60 0 00 6 06 "0 00 0 00 . 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 ,7 00 , 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 9 00 0 00 : 50- 0 OO; 0 00 a 00 0 5 2 50 0 is 11 60. 0 60 0 60 ' 70 - 00 175 0 10. 50 0 60 0 80 0 56 2 CO 075 0 10 8 00 0 45 0 43 b 75 0 45 2 00 0 00 00 75 0 75 0 70. 1 10 0 70 0 00 0 10 12, Tar w. not. Spts Turpentine 9 bbl JXOam M DDI......... Cotton bale. Peanuts 9 bushel j . . . To PHTLADZLPHUl. 10 000 Crude Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 50 e 00 0 55 xat W 0D1... x...i.. Spts Turpentine , g bbl 0 eo 1 co Kosm if DDI....:'..-... U 00 0 50 0 00 3 2 06 jvoium rtyKU Cotton Gooes p bale. Peanuts 9 bushel.; . . i Lumber fJ.M ' ' To BXtTIMORK. ' 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 0 U) 10 CO Crada Turpentine 9- bbl Tar 9 bbl Spts Turpentine yi)W Rosin 9 bbk-."....sv..i Cotton bale......... Peanuts 9 bushel ..... Lumber W M.; , .; T9.B08TOK OudeTtirpentiue 9 bbl Tar bC... ....... Spts'Turpentino 9 bbl Rosing bbl. (Cotton 9 bale,. Peanut 9 bushel. Lumber ;M;i..a.. 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 90 O 60 0 45 0 00 200 0 60 0 111 0 00 8 00 O 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00 0 00 n 00 0 00 0 00 f 0 00 00 j A 00, Q 00 WE ARE PLEASED rpo BE ABLE TO AGAIN NbTIFY OUR ,emoking friends of the arrival of a1 fresh lot! .1: .:u-- - , : -et hkt JJopulai?. brand oi Segar, i6 LaJBarepia) 99 ; - Which we guarautee to- be jeqp&l in Aavor to previous shipment. Call and try them,, m 1;,'. -J for 25 Cent 1 CHAS. ,. sep 28 tf i if MYERS i"CO 7 Nort Front Street, MISCELLANEOUS. JUST RECEIVED, A ; JjARGE stock of , Fall and Winter Millinery AND . MIL.L.IXERY GOODS, tXTHITE ' GOODS, MX chief t, Hosiery, Skirts and Bustles, Ze chief, Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Hand-made Hoop lustles, Zephyr, wqrsteq, .earner Velvet Belts; Real Hair Switches, JtfecK 'lies Rushes, and ; .t , , , ( ;; All tlio Novelties of the Season Usually found in a flret-class millinery store. Some thingnewina " ' :'"'". .'' : RUBBER UMBRELLA. Having enlarged my stere and stockj lean offer superior inducements in my line of business to Wholesale and Retail Buyers. I have added to my stoc"k a department of House rnrnisMni Gauds. . .' . - ; ' 1 Thankful for the patronage hitherto received, trust by fair dealing and GIVING Tills bish I GOODS FOR THE .LEAST MONEY to gain an in crease of custom. . i j ; , r . , ONE PRICE TERMS CASH. .A. D. BROtTN, EXCHANGE COIINER, Wilmington. P. S. Special notieVwfll be given to - the Ladies or the Grand Btllllnery' Opeiilns. dctl tf " " - ' . . Fresh Goods perteicr Benefactor. A NEW LOT OF THE ' "Best Batter In the World." FRESH GROUND Empire Extra Family Flour, . In Barrels and Half Barrels. 6ollen and Extra New Orleans S Y B U P. . TRY THE OCEAN TRODT. Fresb Canoed Prnlte and Vegetables. At . . . GEORGE MYERS', sept21-tf - 11 and; 13 Sa Front Street.- : Just Received A LARGtE LOT tthe Celebrated HYICO SmoMng . ; Total CALL AND GIVE IT ATRIAL. HENRY BURKHIMER. No. 6 Market Street. sept 14-tf MAKSHAL'S OFFICE, Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 23, 1873. NOTICE. V7N AND AFTER THE 1ST OF OCTOBER ALL Hogs and Cows found; running at large within the limits prescribc by the ordinance passed' by the Board of Aldermen, ; will be taken up and im pounded. GEO. W. PRICE, Jr., sep 24-tf CIly.MjirshaL Bacon, lard. Butter, OHEESIS, d; C. DRY . SALTED AND- SMOKED WESTERN Shoulders and Sid es in Hogsheads and Boxes. SEgar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. C. S06-R0UNI), CITY. MJBS PORK, RUMP : PQSK, PURE LARD EST TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, BfiST FACTORY CHEESE, IN ItOTS TO SUIT. , For sale by ADRIAN A VOLLERS. may W-tf .. SUNDR1E S. g a. RICE IN , TIERCES. . AND BARRELS; QOFFEES RIO, LAGUAYRA AND JAVA; gUGARS ALL GRADES : : jpLOUjl-4JUPER. TO EXTRA FAMILY; . ; . . - . it.-.. ; Raisins, Caudles, JFlre Crackers,. IN LOTS TO SUIT, ' .; ' For sale at ' ADRIAN & VOLLERSV dec l-tf ,. Removal. ON THE 1st OF OCTOBER WE WILL, MOVE Into the - 1 " HanuWnic, roii Front Store, One door north Bank of N"ew Hanbvi, ' on ! Front st We respectfully ask a cominuanceuf the patronage so liberally extended to us by our friends. ' eept 14-tf : ' ttlLKSf MbKOHISON, ,. KEY. DAME L UOItRELLES English and. Classical School, QOUTHWEST COR ER FIFTH AND ORANGE -0 streets. The Fifteenth Annual Session will (D. V-) begm Monday, October 6th. The elements oT French and German Taught without extra charge. . . sep91-2w , EiceiE 120 000 gKBSa BEAT RICE, ' FROM HILTON RICE MD1LS, -' " For sale by ' ' ;r "" ! - ''' Am-tut ' , WTt JxXhd tenos. Mullets and Cheese. iCti) BOXES CHEESE; - v! 3 , ,j -,.,,t rytyt "-!r w8yyFL - f 1 1 aay rJ.BABREICSLEBRATOsIi! j3 ji ni: , - , ,. kjluui .iiew iwnont. Fdrsaieto'- i' 7 J rz?77-j; ; July go-tf . i EDWARDS! A HALL. - 4RAIL ROADvUNEs wumington & Wfel RAILROAD CO. Change of Schedul A WUmington, N. C. SeDnAfS?:r. anu MAIL. TRAN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sundays ev. cepted) j. Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount : Weldon .'. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays tsceoi- . ed) At Arrive at Rocky Mount Gloldsboro Union Depot anu 8:15 A V 2:11 I' v 3,50 I'. V 1:16 p EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily Arrive at Goldsboro . Hocky Mount ' Weldon... Leave Weldon, daily, ... Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldsboro Union Depot 5:S0 ? v 9:33 V v H:34 V. J" 1"20 A. v 8:25 h 5 11:43 p. v 3:10 A. j' I The mail train makes close connection t for all points North via Boy Line and Aconin "M ' routes. 4lua wi Express Train connects only with Acani. r route. Pullman's Palace Sleeiit, on tuts Train. r s l -FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilm. weekly at 6:00 A. M.. and arrive at 1 nw p n l" 'RESS FREIGHT TTJATXTO .11 , u jnington daily at 2:00 P. M., and arrive .wi'"' M. "J .w 1', JOHN F. DniXE, General SuperintccdenL eept 11-tf General Sup'ts OUce ) WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & OUSTA Ii, It. COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C., Sept. 7, A). t s? Change of Schedule, THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO effect at 3:30 A. M., Monday. 8th tost: BAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally. ) Leave Wilmington . . Arrive at Florence . Arrive at Columbia . . . Leave Columbia Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington. 8:30 A. v 11 ilO A. Ji 4:45 P. ;.i 6:40 A. J' 11 SO A. X 5:15 P. v Night Express Train Daily .,. : days Exccpted.V Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence . . . . . Arrive at Columbia " Arrive at Augusta .'. " Leave Augusta Arrive at Columbia. . , . . . ." Arrive at Florence. . . ; 7.7 Arrive At WllmiTwrtnn 5:45 P. i. 11:22 V.. 3:48 A V. 8:20 A 5!. 5:50 P. Vi 10:35 P. il 2:27 A 5! :uo A. : .raesenzerB leannsF Wilmington em Hi k-ak p OF train, make close connection going South. - JAMES ANDERSON, sept 7-tf - . : Gen'l Sup't. Carolina Central. Railway CompanyT WILMINGTON. N. c, 1 '"'.'.' May 14, 1S73. j SGHEDTJLE. : - , , PASSENGER TRAINS.' LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EXCEPT SUN days) at..... 8:00 A. 51 Arrive at Wadesboro at !:25P. 5! Leave Wadesboro at 7:10 A. J! Arrive at Wilmington at. 4:35 P M ' ! FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington daily (except Sundays) G :00 AM Arrive at Launnburg at 5:30 1'. M Leave Launnburg at. 6:00 A. M Arrive a Wilmington -at. 5:30 P. M Passenger Trains leave Charlotte daily, Arrive at Buffalo at. .12:00 51 lScfaSj a.g .1 fXK AND AFTES JUNE 2u raSTA J J senger trains on the' Wiiminirton a,,i vr'A Railroad will run as follows : h a,i I rr'"r1'-H t fin-fr inr-iii i i I-imimuT vrf-L Leave Buffalo at. . lrtXJP. M Arrive at Charlotte at.,... 5:15 P. 31- 1 Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of the Road as the business requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection with the trains on both ends of fhis Railway. ;.oi, S.L.FREMONT, may 18-tf . Chief Engineer and Sup't. STEAMSHIP LINES " Baltimore and Wilmington SEMMEEKLY STEAMSHIP LINE: jQOMPOSED 01 thb FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS . . JT. FOLEY, Capt D. J. Price, , IiITGIIiIiB, Capt L S. Bennett .-i REBECCACLYDE, Capt D. C. CbiMs. Will hereafter sail from BALTIMORE. : ' Kverr Tuesday' sad Friday, AND FROM WILMINGTON t . Every Wednesday and Saturday, CONNECTING AT 'WILMINGTON With the "Wilmington, Columbia and Augnsti Wilmington and Weldon, and the Wilmingtou, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroads; also the several lines of steamers to Fayetteville, '' living Xbrongli' BUI of Ladins "To- aR points in' North ana South Carolina, Georiii tunore and Ohio and the Northern Central Railroad ror ail points in tne West "and Northwest, and witn steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York and Philadelphia. . For freight : engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, ' ' " - Agent Wilmington, N.C. Asdriwb & -Co.. Agents, Baltimore. dec 31-tf PHILADELPHIA & S0UTHESN Mail Steamship CompaDl rpHE FIRST CLASS STEAMERS PIONKEK, 81itons Capt. John Wakeley, TONAWANDA, 844 tons, Capt C. C. Wiltta form a Weekly Line, and sail alternately from Phila delphia and Wilmington every Tuesday mornii al ((o'clock. j. . .. Throuh Bills ot Lading Given toNe York; Boston, Providence, Fall lii"'" Portland and all peints In the New England su' at as low rates as by any other route. Also tu erpoor, London, Antwerp, Bremen Hamburg, Al!' terdaaa; and all points en the Continent and CowetHd England. i J Through fates from Philadelphia' toaU points'" North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, hf Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at us i rates as byeompetifig lines. . .For Freight engagements and rates apply to WORTH & WORTH, Agent. -..:.. Wilmington. N. J. M. Fosbbex, Superintendent Or to . i A- ! - - WM. L. JAMES,. General Agent, , , June 6-tfl 237 and 23tf Dock street, Philadeipl' MISCELLANEOUS. Corne-' Fonrtb"01 Market A'- for t renownw ChiclcM Web-! RislJe ll -anog(f''1l,; erly f.'f Oi Bacon ! Bacon : n'w For sale by , r l wn KU08., re wrrjii Jane 31-tf