; vi hi It ? it "ft ill I J: iJ if'' ! 5t 'Si' T fi i ft J4 J? I .11 1W I ft ! t J- K r 'i'Ak if, '"ft '-4 5 1 M a.l .;: Jt ... ,r- ., ,. , , . i i - -y i I jt Morning Jttarv WILMINGTON N. C. SfNDAY MOEKINO, OCT. 12, 1 873. BY TELEGRAPH. : . NOON BEPORTS. Maise, was lost during he late gales near the Isle of Pines. Of the crew, numbering 26, only 2 were saved. The English schr. Mischief was wrecked and is a totalloss. The crew were saved. - fbircs. ; Th Baxaln Cnrt Blartlml Ameit cans Prwat-TIi Comd.net r ! Accnetf. a Metz Damagrtns: Tett mony Arrest of Baron Snoefiel &e.- '' . . pAKis,Oct 11. Among.the spectators at the court mart! at of Bazaine Jo day, were many Americans. The-reaclineof thereDlvof the 4efence to M. Rivierie'a reDort will begin next -weather report. "War Department, Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Oct. 11 G:35 P..jVU Probabilities. ' For Sunday, in the Western Gulf States, southeast winds, rising temperature and cloudy weather; for the Eastern Gulf States, northerly winds, partly cloudy and clearing weather; lor the South Atlantic States, iaUin barometer and cloudy or threatening weather; for the Middle States, spvtheasl winds veering to westerly, with cloudy weather and light rain; for New JSngian asterry ...snncu, cloudy ana threataniQff weather . for the Lower Lake regions-cloudy anot tkaringctireather with .nortUTCestiwia; toe the LipBfir-j-iteKes ana ihe Northwjit,risinghatoetdrjrtth north- Tallow 42s 6d , Paris, Oct. 11 Noou. Rentes 57f. 90c. ' " : LrvEBPOOL,'Oct. 11 Koon. Cotton quiet Uplands 949id; Orleans 9f94d. Sales of 12,(MJP hales. Specula tion and exports 2,000 bales. Pork 713. " ., LATER. t '. Sales include 6,300 bales American. s , UFland,on a basis of. Good Ordinary, shipped November and December, 81. Breadstnffs steady. to M. Jliviene's report will begin ne L-est winds aonOjartly cfaudjd Clearing Monday and probably last until the middle eather - iilf A otthe week, f Jxl-v$- EC'- " Among tne aoeumenis reaa h u utjbi ut seventeen millions cartridges in'the Brsenal of Metz, pf whiqh;only , one : million, had been used-when tiw place ";aptulateL; aad that when Bazaine said he had no ammuni-. tion the fact was he "liad no intention'Of fighting, Prince FrederickCharles and other Ger man officers .wiU not appear before the court as witnesses for Bazaine unless his counsel declare their testimony indispensa ble, i. There, is a rumor here that Baron Shoeffel has been arrested, but it is thought prema ture. . . . '." - It is now reported that Count de Cham bord will go to Hainult, . Belgium, on the frontier of France. ' ' 1 The German authorities have refused the DuVe D'Aumale permission to visit the battle fields in Lorraine. Denial is given to the report of the seizure of Prince .Napoleea's p&otograpns. , SPAIN. . ' . The Report of a . Carll$ Victory De- led A Victory Claimed for the Re publicans. . J Madrid," Oct 11. ' ' Tlie government squadron has' anchored four miles from Cartagenia. The report of a Oarlist victory on the 6th inst near Ciraufui is Officially declared false. Gen. Morkraes reports that in the engagement on that day the enemy were defeated and driven back, with a loss of .100 killed and 500 wounded. The Repub licans had 19 killed and 140 wounded. " Destitute Amerlcaeli Vienna Ef " Jeeia of ; tlie-Paak mDIons in " " YrEOTTA, Oct. 11. i Mr. Jay, American Ministerv has written to Washington l-ectimmewding that pro vision lie made -for -sending home from Vienna a number of waiters, laborers and other Americans who are now in this city in a destitute condition. Many-travellers who jiold letters of credit"; frotn; suspended banking houses in the United 'States Jind themselves without f nnds and compelled to accept friendly' snbseriptlonsto enabfftthem to return home. : : . Spirits Turpentine. - A grand daughter of ex-President Johnson is at school in Salem. Mr. M." Lyrly of Salisbury had his arm broken by a kiqk from a fractionary horse. J At Oxford on the 8th Rev. Jno. W. Primrose .wa elected Moderator of Orange Presbytery Daring the recent gale tlie liijht house schooner Spray went ashore on North West Point Royal Shoal. . Rev. .i A. Stradley baptized 23 persons last Sunday at Ames' (Baptist) Chapel, Granville county. tJ-i Conductor Hancock, of the A. & N. C. R,R.,La lresigned "andhas been succeeded -by Mr., joha N. Creagk. Mr. Frauls Pace is erecting a I three story brick cotton factory at -Cary.' The machinery will be put in ueiore Jan uary, says the Aei&, , . -: FRANCE. A protest Agalns Uio Claim of Count i le Chambord to tbe Tkrone, See. , Pae, Oct. 11. Twenty-seven members of the municipal council of Paris have published an address ia which they declare that thefAstembly has no right to alienate the National sov ereignty and affirm that the majority of the people reject tne claim or count de unam bord to the Throne. 6t H ranee ana request Deputies from the Department of the Seine o declare f rankry how they propose to vote upon the question! of a change in Govern ment when it 'is brought up in the Assenv Diy. , - t WASHINGTON. NEW TOBK. The Storm, on the Florida Coast Shipments and Receipts of Specie. New York, Oct 11. The storm on the Florida coast has inter rupted telegraphic communication . with Cuba. European, steamers take abroad to-day nearly half a million Mexican dollars and specie. Seven hundred thousand pound sterling have been received at the assay office since Monday and fifty thousand is expec ted to day, all from England. ELECTRIC: SPARKS. Half a million of dollars were: shipped from Liverpool for New York yesterday. An arrival at New Orleans reports very heavy weather in the Gulf on the 9th inst Satanta and Big Tree, Indian chiefs, captured in Mexico' and held in Texas for raiding into the latter State, have been re leased. - ' The schooner Mpnongahela encountered rough weather off Nantucket and lost her starboard cutter and split her sails; At Memphis there is no abatement of the fever noticeable, business is almost totally suspended, and parents and children aban don each other. . The money received is judiciously distributed. ' - JQtfseellancons News. " i yAESssaiasrct 11, ! Slatter -was convicted as indided, and Rum Row is deHghJed. The better classes are shocked. - " ' MiJonwayy s;M. C. of Kansas, fired three shots -at -e-Senator' PonieToy, Qne slfot toerely perforated tte skin; iThe emf ploymeirt Ckmway!a wifeintbTreasary, I . being partially under Pomeroy's auspices seems 10 nave Deen me origin oi ineirouoie. . I .-r PENNSYLVANIA. ' ; Trouble Among the Cotton Alllla ' Pcit. ADKT.rmA, Oct. 11. The Frankford cotton mills ' are running on half time in consequence of the falling off of orders and the difficulty in procuring currency to pay wages. Campbell's mills at Manayunk are closed by a strike of the operatives. At other Manayunk mills work continues at a reduc tion. Southwork foundry is closed and GOO employes are idle, refusing to work at the proposed reduction of wages. OL'R NIGHT REPORTS. SPANISH AFFAIRS. Severe Storm.- of Wind Havana, and Other and Rain at Points The City Flooded with Water Vessels Driven Ashore Reuses Unroofed . MUItary Matters, &e. - Hatana, Oct. 6. 'A' severe rain storm has -been prevailing here for the last two days. -Danger signals were hoisted at the United. States signal office, this morning. All the steamers in the harbor are getting np steam in expectation of a hurricane The wind .1 very heavy. A coasting schooner anchored at the. mouth of the harbor broke adrift and has gone out to sea. The sea is very high , and the waves are breaking oyer Mono lighthouse. . The water, i jibing -and (several . streets are already iiiuadaed. TJie steimer.: Valley Citv, bouqd to Key West, has put .back. , " Official reports state that the insurgents, l,O00trong, -Btfrprised a Spanish eoltima near Halquin. During the engagement jthe Spanish commander was wounded and taken, prisoner.- '.The .Spanish loss in killed, wounded and prisoners - is 125. The re maindee of the ' rolamft ; was reinforced and pursued the . insurgents, encoun tering, them b ia their -encampment in . thechapperaU; The insurgents were beaten and. obliged to abandon their camps. ; The - Spanish- losa in, this angaffement was 11 kHled and several wounded. : The insor-. gent loss is reported double that number. A body of insurgents jn the Central De partment,' under Maximo Gomez, attacked SatjtaCiiiz delSur.but were repulsed, leav ing J& killed in the village. The Spanish - loss was an -officer and 5 soldiers killed and . 1 jwldier wounded. . ; .' : - - Havana, Oct. 7. The Mercantile Bank, suspended to-day. It is said l he suspension is only temporary. : Some damage is caused, by, the high wa ter in the,'; streets pea thft shore. Many houses are flooded. w The. sea is. breaking in the". doers ;aad training, away furniture. Several persona have been drowned. A1-. most all telegraph Hneon tb island are . down and communicalion,, is much inter rupted, ' J On the night of the . 8th : of ptember, OaarHananamo was struck by the tail of a hurricanes;, , All the vessels " in . port were driven, ashore, the . roofs of many houses were blown off, and other damage resulted to buildings. -'! ' M ( A letter from Gabra, dated the 2d inst., nays a Spanish force 400 strong, under com inaod of Cot Dicquisz, was defeated at Canadohousdo bv baaduof insurgents from the United States,, on the 29th nit. The in surgents afterwards attacked another vil lage, but were repulsed with a loss of seven kitted.' Two hundred and seventy men of Coulmain iff De Gucz .have reunited and joined the force of oL- Esperdo. Firing was heard on tlie 2d inst. at Giqu between Calderm .and San Crjstpyal, ..where CoL Es pondoame op with, the iilstjrgenta. ' The ' result of the engagement is unknown. Pre cautionary defensive measures - have been taken here. J -; . -; Havana, Oct.' 8. The German Bri Specufaipt' f rom Peqsa ncol for Bremen,, has arrived liere with, the loss W spars and bowsprit and leaking bad- y ' le encountered the stotm of kk and :.7th..: At .Zaz evcral vessel went ashore and 'kwere wrecked, . The esiae crop suf - fefed severely at Quiebra Hpeha.' Alt the :. villages Along the coast suffered severely from .lhe floods. The Spanish steamer ELECTRIC SPARKS. At Paterson, N. J., only one silk mill is running full time and several have entirely suspended. At Jerome Park, New York, Tom Bafwl ing won the 2 mile race time-3:S7f.- Peak ness won the racetime 4:08. Grin stead won the J mile race time ijl'Tf ! Tlie total imports at New York, for tile week amounted to $7,219,707, of whicdi $5,128,587 were for general merchandise and $2,091,113 for dry -goods; v.- ' At Baltimore, St Luke's and St. Paul's, Churches were robbed of altar furniture. A golden chalice set with diamonds and rubies, taken from St. Paul's, was valued at $2,000. - ! At Montgomery "three fever deaths for the past 24 hours, ending last evening. The deaths yesterday and Friday were'-'of old cases and attnbuted to tne cold weatner. ! DonKSTie New ! York, Oct 11 Noon Stocks- dull -Gold- opened -a Money 1-42 andlnterest'to 1-16. abdiintelrest. Exchange long 6f; short 7$, Governments dull and weak. State .bonds quiet. ' Omrrutvldl: ; " -' ' 4 Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and heavy. Corn quiet ' and- heavy.- - Pone dull and - heavy new $16 75: Lard dull old fiteam 8. Spirits Turpentiae -quift at 41 cents. --- Rosin quiet at $2 80$ '85 fof 'strained." Freights dtill. . Cotton nominally lower. Uplands 18; tX)rleansl84. Sales.of farares opened --t0- idaas felloes': Xtetobe 174516 7f No vember 174(ai7 8-16: December lTlra 175-16; January 17 3-1617i; February 17f: March 17 11-16; April 17 cents. . . ; New York, Oct. 11 Evening. ; '" - ' man" I ' i Money is easier ' af- T per -enH 1-16 commission. , Sterling - Exchange good bankers', 105106; sight bills sold at 107; commercial bills dull at lU4i105. Gold 108f . Government bonds -: are steady. State bonds are quiet with little doing. ; , , VomtoerctaL , - ' : Cotton quiet,-with sales of 429 bales at l8it8$ cents: Southern flour less doin and, shippers holding off; there is a slight decline . mi some Instances,? I Wheat heavy and l(&2-.cent8 "lower-common winter red west ern $1 56. Corn "fnlly 1 cent low er high mixed and yellow Western 63 68 cents. Pork dull and -heavy at $16 15 $17. Lard dull and lower at 8 le. cents. Naval stores steady. ; Groceries quiet anJ weak. Freights dull. ' . , jj. ) - Cotton -uet - receipta 320 ' bales; ross 1,501 bales; futures closed steady, wita sales of 11,400, bales as follows: October 17 3-1; November 17 1-32; December 171-32; Jan uary 17 1-16,- .: t COTTOlf MARKKTf ' Norfolk, lower at 17; Baltimore, dull and lower at 15, 16$, I6117f; Philadelphia, 17. 1818; New Orleans, dull and nomi nal at 16f, 16, 17$, 17&ai&f; Galveston, demand good at Ipwer rates, 1315: Charleston, dull and Ipwer at 15J!, 15$, 16 I6i; Boston, dull and little doing at 18t& 18f ; . Sayannah, dull and nominal jftt-lnT; Mobile, quiet at 15,. 162(gil7T; Memphis, steady at 16i16j; Augusta, dull and nom-' inal atl52t5i. . . ThV AsKenre Citizen says Geo. Mitchell, who some time ago -was stabbed by John EarvrOQd,-onj,Cane Creek, died of his wound on Sunday' last On Wt4apadayr wWle pranking with an old gun, two lithe negroes on Capt WhHakers' plantation, in Nash ' county, were shot, one quite serfxmsdy,, ; Last Sunday night a strange than deposited a paper box and bundle on the bed in the room of Mr. Webb, of Ashe yDHe. He hastily withdrew and the box was found to contain an infant a month old. Neios : Gov. Caldwell yester day issued a pardon to Andrew Skinner, an old colored convict in the Penitentiary Andrew was qbnvicted of manslaughter killing. a woman) at the Spring term of ;Wayne county Superior Court in' 1869s, and sentenced to ten years in the Penitentiary. ' "At .the Henderson Fair, Judge Merrimoh's subject was the importance, character arid iJtenity jbiilabiffj The pur pose of the speech was to show the neces sity existing ;n North Carolina for a Jiving, practical and aggressive public spirit in fa vor of all industrial pursuits and especially agricnJtuTe. " ;; .a ; '-r The following is the Comfnittee to attend to members of the Press at the State Fair, next week: T.'3, Eangsbnrg, JDcaly -JSennel; Capt S. T. Williams, Daily News; T. M, Argo, WorJc&ng Merit Journal R C. Gray, "Christian Admcecte;R. H. Whita ker, Frien4 of. Temperance; It. T. Fulghumi State Agricultural Journal. Salem Iess : Clinton Flynn, of Yadkin county,1 who was convicted of burglary at last term ef Yadkin Court and sentenced to the Penitentiary for ten years; entered ' thai institution- last week. Bur glaries are of frequent occurence, of late, and we are led "to Believe that more sum mary pnnishmenti might cure theevilto a great extent. : The Republic informs us that Haywood Green, of Newbern, cot his cloth- ing caugni in a grist, miit.ue was tending, Thursday last, and before the steam . could be shut off was drawn down the shaft, and when picked up was found to have thiee ribs broken and his arm broken in three places, rbesides receiving .internal injuries, which, however, were happily not serious. T-nAsheville Citizen: Lieut. Col. John- A Fagg of our town will attend the Convention of Mexican soldiers, to be held in Raleigh, on the 15th. He, as senior officer from .North Carolina, will preside.. .North Carolina furnished a gallant regiment to that warr and it is but meet and proper the survivors should form an organization to perpetuate pleasant associations. 25 or 30 years ago Henderson Smith dreamt that if he should cross the bridge at the in tersection or rfiount and outn streets, ana close, by bis residence, he should surely die So strOBgly is he impressed with the pro phetic, nature of this dream that nothing can induce .him to risk the crossings and from that xlay to this he has never been up town. v, ... , ; . ; . ; f , --;TKere will be several meetings -interest Tnmne thermTeTghTTir next week. , Oik the 17th Hon. Vance, one of the vice Presidents oi the Southern His toricalctyt-willorganrze m branch so ciety er this State to be -auxiliary to the parent society. , On the 18th inst, the suf- vivmg panrcipanrs mine mexican war re sidiog in this-Stte wil meet ia convention for the purpefse of for riling "a State associa tion taaetia. eopcert wHh those pf other Stales.1 1 The 'Mies Is fnformed that the identical flag borne ly the N. C. regiment in that war will be displayed on the occa sion. k Several committees of the Press.. Ag eociation those on Legal Advertisements, on Agricnitural -interests anq immigration ana the ; .Executive uommuteerwiu meet :; "IT-rf Superintendent Mills says of jbie St John's lOrDhan Asvlum: The neonle 1 . . . a . r are requested : not to believe any rumors concerning, the suspension of the Orphan Asylum at Oxford. The contributions f0r October bare so far exceeded the enrrent expenses .fpf-feedihg,1 clothing and teaching the children,-. But we do need about $30u to be spent in bedding and $200 for stoves. Instead of $500, w6 need $1,000 for Octo ber. . liesides, some distressed, fatherless, motherless and penniless children are ' ask ing admission, and we are not prepared to recefer tbenv, ,Tha institution will jaabie ndhtifulineSfewJl he Aug mented In proportion to the contributions to its support 1 u GOMMERG1AL. WILMINGTON MARKET. , , -STAR OFFICE, Oct. 11. i - SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts of ! 10(1 l r-t! f enr 1 AO io4 cusK... oaies . oi:ovv.'C3SK8 afc 00 -euba per gallon for . Southern packages. Mar ket quiet ROSIN. Recei Dfs 1 .262 bWs. No sales reported.' Offered at . $2 30 for Strained, but without bidders. '. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Receipts and sales of 133 bbls at $3 00 for; Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 60 for Hard. Market steady. TAR. Sales of lOlbblsat $2 50 per bbl. Market steady, COTTON. Receipts 134 bales. Market dull and nominal, with no sales reported. jn New York Naval stores market, Oct. 0. 1873. There has been a.fair trade in spirits tur pentine, but mostly in small lots. Sales in clude 225 bbls at 41c. We quote merchant able order 40i4lc. Strained rosin has been very cfUiet to-day, aad tlie value more or less nominal at $2 85$3, 90. Fine grades are dull and without new feature. Tar is weak at about $3$3 S7i for Wash ington and Wilmington. PitcU steady; sales 17 bbls Southern at $3. ' City quoted at $3 25$3 37 for prime delivered. The Gold and Stock Telegraph Co., report as follows:" Liverpool Common rosin, 9s 3d, fine dp,. 15s turpentine,. 32s Cd. London '; Common rosin, 9s 6d9s-9d;-fine do, 12s15s; turpentine, 31s 9d32.- WHOLBSALEPKICBS. " Our quotatleaa, it eboold be understood, rep resent the wholesale, prices generally.. In. .making I Tip small orders higher prices have to be charged. . , Eeal ..Estate M .Loan , Assacmtian m. ' t .j .: SAVINGS BANK-! ' ' MARINE. ARRTVEIX Stmr DMurchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Steamship Metropolis, Nickerson; New .York, Barry Bros. ;. . - ; , CLEARED. , . Stmr DMnrchison. Garrison, Fayetteville. Williams & Murchison. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, Barry Bros. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. . Stmr D Murchison 722 bbls rosin, 40 do spirts. EXPORTS. ' FOREIGK . f Nbw York. Steamship Benefactor 1,708 bbls rosin. 205 do.spuita. 171 do tar, 50 do crude turpentine, 379 bales cotton, 11 packages mdse. ; SHIPPING DIRECTORY. tut or Veasela In the Port or Wll mlnftTton, N. C October 13.73. . ' -: .:' STEAMSHIPS. Metropolis, Nickerson, Barry Bros, Lucille, Bennett,' A D Cazaux Pioneer. Wakeley, -Worth & Wprth Uebecca Clyde, Childs, , A l Cazaux BAKOU1CS. Atlantic (Ger.), Sobering, ' EPeschau Louise (Ger.), Bahlrius, E Peschau Kobe (Nor) Tarlsie, R'E HeW Ilerundo, (Ger) Hansen; ': , ' R E fleide Maria Hey n, (Nor) Beck, " E Peschau Uinta (SwedX eterson, K JS Ueidev BrSark Elizabeth Knowles, Cariulchael, J it .blossom x iuvam BRIGS. Carl August Petersen, Vlck&Mebanp Ara, (Nor.l Asachsin, RE Heide Queen of Commerce, Murdock, ! ' : Harriss llowcU Albion (BrA Smith. ' Vick&Mebane Victoria, (Ger.) Schultz, E Peschau ling Black awan, Winslade, ' E Kidder & Sons SCHOONERS. .. - Ben, Davis, Williams x& Murchison Charles Dennis, Wicks, ' ADCazSjix LuOla Murchison, Jones, . -;-': Wiinatns & Murchison S: T. Baker, Davis, Northrop & Cummin Ben Borland ,'Brittinham. . . ; Master Tarry Not, Tinunons, . ; Harriss & Howe Henrietta, : Langley; in ballast . . , ... Williams &Murchisoa BARQUENTlNES, : . La Belle, Skare, - R E Heide this Port. ' 6Af GES6 6unny . . ' T Double Ancnor. Donble Anchor " A". BACON North Carolina Hams, p , Shoulders, lb ............. . . Sides,- lb '.. Western 8moked , Hams... ,. Sides, q8St,. . ,.r ..u....,r ' Shoulders..... .. . ..... 0rj Salted '' Sides lb ... j . Shoulders ...j, r.. -BKEF On the Hoof BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Sccoud Hftnd, each New New York, each New City, each. BEESWAX B BBlCKB-rWUmington, il Northern ...... BUTTER-North Carolina, $ lb. Northern, S B ' CANDLES Sperm, S, Tallow, . . Adamantine. Sib CHEESE Northern Factory 9 lb Dairy, cream $ B . ' .. -wtate, v COFFEE : lava, B ...... ,. Rio, V :: .......;.... . . . Laguayra, V E CORN MEAL bushel ... . . . . COTTON TIES ft DOMESTICS Sheetlug, 4-4, $ yd FISH-Mackerel, No. t, bbL.. ; NO. 1, 9 H bbL.. .... .... . YMackerel, No. , V hoi No. Sl, Vbbl Mackerel, No. 8, bbl....... Mullets, hbt,.....tw....... N. C. Herring, 3? bol. Dry Cod, .;... FLOUR Pine, $ hW ... super, jsortnern. ddi .. EartMdo. 44 ; bbt.... Family 44 bbl.t City MiU Supers $ bw-. '.. . : ; Kitra. bbl... painfly, bbl..!. ' . Ex. Family, tbl . FERTILIZERS -! Peruvian Guano, 9 8000 tbs Baurh'sThospbatai4 . 4S '. Carolina Fertilizer, 44 44 Ground Bone, Bone Meat,-- , :.. 44 Fldur , ' " Navaasa (hiano. Complete Manure, " " ;': Whann'S Phosphate4' 44 Wando Phosphate, 44 : Berger & Butz's Phosph. 44 GLUE ft GRAIN Corn, in store, fifi tbs. Corn,' Cargo, 56 lbs Corn, YeE, busheU ....... Oats, boebel. Peas, Cow, bushel HIDES Green, ft Dry, .$ ft HAY Eastern. 9 100 lbs.....: . ' North River. 100 ft. ..... HOOFERON 9 ton........ ... LARD Northern, ft North Carolina, i0 lb.... .... UMK bbl. i ; . .-. . . . LUM BEK CiTT SnAvSawiB-H Ship Stuff, resawed, w M ft. Ronch Bdse Plank, w M ft. . WestlndiaCargpes, acoordingi to quality, 9 Jan, . .. 1 .null 1 ( 13- n &" 15 Qk 16 19 It 13 JNO. ;W1L1)ER ATKINSON CH AS S. ELLIS . . . w Sei , DIRECTORS: vi...,'ilre8ident CTipe president ana i reasurer .if - i'1- ' ir . ' $ Mapnwg. HAIL ROAD LINES, ''is ''"it . ;10 8 Tun wiii4.Atktason- of Atfemsom Vm:aBeriuef1MWihBbnA r ' Isaac UTavxer, jrreswviiv p":.'" 0wirff6 Harriss. of Hsmss HawelL ,, ThoiH. MeW,f .W.tWMteheaa iasOX'- Koger Moore, Uroxer. ; ; . ' Sanruel Northrop; vt Nortbrop1 Crjfil George W. Williams, of WillmA Marehisbn.. - 2 3 2 CO 815 so 3 58 "28 8 00. , 10 eo m 14 w nnHK ABOVE COBPORATION, CHARTERED JL 1 lina, . X by act, gf the General Assembly of . ortfr canv 1, is now prepared to receive deposits or kjisju 20. , 80 25 00 -16 16 15 30 26 26 & & UK 60 30 40 ,42 ' 20 . 18X SIX 28 02 18.09 0 50 14 SO 1 60 Iff 50 , ft 00 6 00 5 . CO & 650 0. 8 00. . 5d 10 00 12 50 15 1 65 (23 00 850 000 8 550 7 00 8 00 iooo : 00 a 10 50 0000 DOLLAR and upwards, on wiridi EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST will be allowed. A. , 1 Th safety of tha Boboritlea, the eoMtantly in creasing capital of the Association, the liberal rate ef Interest, and the character of the management, unite in gating ms we . - SAFEST ANKBESTPAYDTG SAVINGS SCHEME J Avar nffnrHd to thfA COtniBBnltV. . I "' ' interest allowed en all sums remaining one month -k anA'longer. . ; r-i : Kiftpen davs notice rea aired to draw out money. ''Deposits received at any time by tbe Secretary.; and Treasnrer, No. 41 JIarktstreet.v jane 6-tf ; . FEESH CKACKEES. BENT'S1 WATER CRACKERS', ASSORTED QUEENS, MILK CRACKERS. ;; Fruit Crackers; .... - ' 1 ' , , Albert Biscuits, and a' Variety! of Fancy Cakes, at ''' :' " "' ' ' ' GEO. MYERS'. 90 00 00 Oil 48 00 00 00 da 00 SG60 53 00 4000 00 00-; 45 00 57 00 65 00 6700 TOCO & 70 00 00 00 22 95 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 16 - 90 mx 85 67 123 7 10 , 1 60 & 1.25 130 00 135 00 11 MX nx 50 8 nx 65 Dressed Floeniig, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, conx- : JCOLASSES-Cnba, bids, 9 gal.. UOa,.DDlS, V KtU Sugar House, bids, ft gal;. . . : ; ".. 1)I1 sat.,. 'BytabVbbls, V'gaf. NAILS-Cut, 44 toj0 keg, v gai... 1. aa ffal.. Rosin. PEANUTS bushel. POTATOES Sweet, J8 bushel... Irish, NorlJiern, V bbl . PORK Northern, City Mess.. . , Thin, 9 bbl Prime, 9 bbl , Rnmn. Mixhi I - RICE Carolina, ft............ East India, VJb.j.... Rough, bush , EAGS Country, V ft - U,ft... ....... .. SALT Alum, J bushel. livorpaoL-y saclc..,;;.x...r. American, sack 8UABr-Cuba, Porta Rico, B A Coffee ft.... B " ft , C 44 U.ft.,.........v. Ex. c ft :.. Crushed, $ ft... SOAP Northern, V 3ft.......... SHINSLES--Contract; Q M:.;.v Common, $1 M Cypress Saps $ M," . ;...'; Cypress Hearts a M STAVESW. O. Bbl., M R. O. Hhd., ft M Cypress. M TALLOW a ft TdMBKESbippingM.,, MU1 Prime, M Mill Fair, M.i..'i;j. ;. Inferior to Ordinary, B . WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal'. North Carolina, gal.- ... WOOL Unwashed, ft Weshed, 9 ft...:. 1 50 24 00 ) 00 20 00 80 00 160 87 00 ts ee S3 85 00 15 00 87 - 'U' . 37 . Q: t& I 23 iio in a 80 t50 .0 00 4 25 160 00 00 00 00 3'00 i .'.. 42 M 28 80 ssa 145 40 200 75 5 50 00 00 00 08 M 00- . x '00 00 1 15 1 35 ZX& -' -28 75 . a 00 i;oi 1 165 160 MX .2 50 tl 50 9 50 30 00 00 00 18 00 15 00 laoo 5 00 1 00 1 75 20 35 45 9X& vx 12 ' 11 10X 11 MX 12 13,- i IX "B00 &. 3 00 00 00 & 00 00 ' 00 00 . S2 00: 17 00 14 00 00' 2 60' ! 40: BATES OF FREIGHT. . JL s?nrsf dd Sept5 slcl Sept 26 ' " ' 7'. . .0 cMept24 aid Sept,;24 support. I undertook this orphata work because I had faith irr tbe benevolence 01. sue. people-' oi-ine state. sly laitii was well-founded, ap4 I shall iwllow, my con ductor and fear no danger. . Let tbe friends of the enterprise 88istJiowK. bdirect cod triUSgtfejb torofwjtffego.r theapcaching winter. Task', DeifevingthaTmany will an swer. - ! : ' ' - ' Spirit of the Age. Co Erie 41. ErieAf. FOREIGN MARKETS, ;., LonBeiw, Oct 11 Noon. hPpE $PIRtT. OF TEHS AGE WtLL PftESENt A J. pair of fine' pictures worth $3 to every sabscriber for 1873, who pays $2 50 In advance fof a year's sub scription. The pictures entitled Raphaerg Cherubs is exeontQd, ih the finest ..style :of lithographic printing; iheprtatbdiurfaceof uclis 22x28 inches, auu tueuiciiireH wn iii me ncores I or A ou per pair. Rev. H. T. HUDSON. f EditorsTI ! The Agk is a weekly family paper, adapted to the borne circle, the farmer, the mechanic, the trades man alike, in every section of the StateV is is not sectional In its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day. collated with a view to correctrjesa ana accuracy, ftp, columns will be filled with the-ehetcest Tnalter appropriate to the auiereni aepanments ston .aistoai jndbio-' graphical sketches, traverknJ adventure. Sabbath ns, mwa,iimqr, agricultural, correspona . an eeifome efuie'news of the dav. Ac Omsinai. Stqbxbs. The publication of original stories Is a special featarv of the Aex, and for this year we have procured several from the pens of pop ular and interesting writers. In this department alone we can promise our readers entertainment eqtnJto'cftateeter te that of any of the popular story pspcrs. - j- - ; iBwjV7ijK-rtxt6tto4mei -rt&. with 2 JLlat f TeeeeU SsUled tor ;'BORDEATJX: Claudia, Diose, . - FLEETWOOD. Nornen, , Jengen, . . KUIT1SKDA11. Ifoewe Ahrens.- . . - PLYMOUTH, Eng.,1 Zatla, Otouadseri, " '. aid GLOUCESTER. W A Sarnowr Buesert" .. v HAVRE. .Vera, Sarensea,! . : BOWLINE. Alby, Topp, Clio, Schupp, , t ld gept 1? Hermarin lieltnricn,' Oesitete!cn,ld Sept 11 JJAiHUOK. Schr Addie L Cutler, Shiitli, BELFAST. I. A M B., Strang, GRIMSBY. t Juno, Lindt, , LQNPOtf. -Nelly, Hasland, ,. Leda, Ittaeller, - L Laus Wichard. Wile. : 'Br Baroue ftdohie GbrMti: (Rrirriitj; " . . :? . r .TT,- T7! " ' a.-' '.. . . ;,.8ia Aug. 2a Von der Lnke Rohjstorff. Plageman, i ,'-:- ' . ;:,nra Amr ft vr x vjrreneiuucn, tfcmiup. imaglaas, W uaon, DelpMn, Easse, - ' MAliTIlSlUUE. Schr A Richards, v.' NEW YORK. Schr Mott Bedell Van leynegQ.m, - sld fcSept ia DEAL. C Neumann, Gaedebehu, . ' 1), TUBELTASCrTMjl Br Jessie GoodwinjMcUenzie, ; , LIVERPOOL. Garstrane, Thornton, Itrviricible, Jarnes, ' Brilliant btar, Audlson Adolpn, To Nbw Yqrk. Crude Turpentine bbl Tar bbf.... ...... Spts Turpentine & bbl Cotton i bale .1. 17; Peanuts bushel .... TO rIULDBLPHlA. Crude Turpentine $ bbl Tar ' Spts Turpentine Rosin bbKi: f bbl Cotton & bale Gottoa Qooas. 8 babxi Peanuts bushel Lumber M 1 To Balttmoke. CrHda Turpentine ft bbl Tar bbl 1 I VUtlWU LIUtC . . . . reanuts sldSeptlS eld Aug 2 sld Sept 1 i sld Aug 22 . cWSept 4 .ski SeptjL n rM Hent. ft aid Aa 1 sld June 2 ldSeptl sld June 25 aid Aug. 14 sld Aug 11 June 8 Lumber Tar bb 0U tarpenttne . 2 bbU Kosin v DDI cotton Dale.. Peanuts busheL I 0 50 0 60 0 60 0 00 1 00 0 00 D 50 O, 060 5t'6A 0 00) 0 10 0 001 0 00 0 50 0 eo & 1 00 00 0 60 0 00 2 00 S 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 0 0i) 10 00 Sailing Mel t AA A ft -4K ' u w 14 V 0 00 & 0 45 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 45 0 00 2 001 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 0 00 & 0 00 0 00 0 001 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 eo 0 00 WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET OORRBCTKD ItLY BTTHB' BiOTC oir HW HAKOVI. I. It. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. I ' i 1 -BXLIN. Ill; : L s 1 ! ; : 1 i - .uvj-.v v ' -'-arms. Gold 108 8Uver. lia 106 .-mi nangc m(Ub uu rruriuera ciuot. . . . . rur. Exchange 30 days on " il X Vedis. rar v ai. Belling, . 51 .An. 80 70 : no; anm. 01 otvw turnover eieca 11. mmtnon Btulame stocku Mechanics.., "... tr..rr-- N. C. Bonds Old Ei-Coupon ! , Do. FundUig.l8(i6.. Do. " 1868 Io New Io. Se.ciiil Tax... AW Ri BdeASTSOtflfflntV'. ew yc. . . .t (Gold hit) . 50 . 100 ..34 .-i5. -..A ..24 ... ..20 ..IS - j LATER' L LATER, Exampler, Roberta, . Brig Leda, Muller, Juno, Ibbeken, . HAMBURG. Bertha, Hillerioh, ' Nor Barque St. Olaf . Haskell, v . NEWRY. Marie Rose, bnltz,; " Eintracht, Schuchert, GEE1STEMUND. sld Sent 25 nt.Mtat Sept; 20 r sld 9 ent oiit Aug 29 ; sld Aug 7 sld Aug. 15 ent out Sept 9 44 v,. . gc.,. . :80 New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), , cJkd Int.) 79 New llanover County Bonds (5 yeqve) d " ( " A3). " " 50). Kc Nortn Carolina W.-i p & Halroti Wil. GasLlshtCo. .40 v-s1d! Aug 14 aid July IB jld Sept. 19 sld Aug. 25; ; sld .Aug 22 J? ilni ifcon, N. C, 8eit, 2:1, 1873. j sld Sept 28 ,c!dAqgl2 -ciaseats : ie.0VP7:KKmaiai jnOMBiataresi tl 85. Bverv reader or tne Spirit or thbAsb, aipub- iisueu uuvn uxvwvjiBeriwsuyrquesiea 10 renew ineirpaironage. aeuaioi specimen copy. Address.' , f '' ) . "'.' tf .T "t.V I iwwuua et bkuuuutun, Kaleleh. N. C. ANTWERP. Frey, Halversen, . ' Eii9ex Anna, yvendt, , . .. EXETER. Abbey, Eastman, -'UJio JA- AM8TERDAM. Elizabetk Catbv AnderBon,:"! -; CARDIFF 1 nxgpnneistec Eretein, jajwenreich.. , FrurlevBrarme. tm. sld Sept 3 - StETTIN.15 ' -ul . THE , WORLP-RENOWNED empjee nmz AND THE "Best 15 utter in tbe World," GEORGE MYERS', At ectT-tf li and 18 So. 37ront Street FOR THE MONEY. 1 : ) WE OFFER . BOOTS fflll SHOES : i : , !.::. 1 ! ' , To Cash Customers at - t - . ' ' ' u : ' t Lowest Yrlfiem - Cell and examine before purchasing wfflTnalce rt ' pay you. : . 'i OCtll-tf GEO. R. FBENCH &"SON,' ... 88 North Front street, HOUSE FURNISHING &: 0 a X 3 At the Xe w Hardware Store. oet " : GILES MURCHISON'. 0 00 0 eo 0 50 0 eo ft On Ch 70 Fa,50 00 ' 0 00 1 75 0- OjO 0 w a 00 0 so 'ff 00 0 50 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 50 0 00 2 00 0 00 & 0 75 0 00 0 10 7 00 8 00 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 46 0 00 2 00. 0 00 d 00 6 fee 00- 75 0 00 0 75 0 00 a 0 70 a 00 a 1 10 65iB 70 3 50 a 0 00. 0 00 0 12 & 0 10 ; 7 esttmony from tlie ?atflef Fielfe;; TTNDEB THE ABOVE TITlH I PROPOSE TO U' nublish first in newspaper and subsequently in book form, a' series of articles giving the war kc ord of North Carolina fiom the . election of Lincoln m 2o vetnberi 1860, tb the close of the war between the States in May. XBftc. My plan embraces three divisions : ' 1st. :.Accohnts of each "Bkirmifeh and battle on the . soil or upon the waters of .North rarolina. , , 2d. Accounts of every battle fought during the -rrar on the teal of every Stated in -which any of the trooDS of. North (Carolina toolc Dart esneciai care bein? tateir to show -what these troops did tend suf fered in each of those battles, and what glory and renown our officers, and men fairly won. 3d' A Southern Chart for aM time." "An expla nation or tne.uuxd oiviaian Ql. toe propesea plan will be submitted at a later day. 1 .That I tokj aaooesBraily acoompliib this ardaons but pleasing ;self-impoBed task, I invoke the aid of all my brotner soldiers and ask tbent to" furnish tie natariai whkik. jCSAh arrahced' and digested sn as to form a complete record of the neroSc deeds of the sous of North CawOna tpan tb battle -fields of the ixmieaeracy ; ano;e6pecuaiy ao. 1 ask all wnp can write to furnish me details of every battle In which ,taer parocipatea, -ana. tn'pm.De.py taeiriin mediate commands. - ' General officervfroia ofherStates who command ed ftorth Carolina, traops. are respects ally asked t gitie me all the information in their' possession rel- atits to tusonouct and beanne of those tisooo&v In. endeavorins' to do iostlea to tha soldiers of vat nauve ataiex 1 ceriaimy enau most carexniry anstaia opra, ootne raj pence to wee imm any otnerj . . at" Newoern, Address"' Oar Living and pur J . Thf ftrst number will ba issaedt about tbelQtlkor d nnp. suDscripHon pnep peryear iu aavance. ! . STEPHEN ; POOLi ' Late Cslonel.lOth.RegJflient, N. Q-$T ILL fii;. THB, PEJiUVlAlT .8TRTJP- Vitattzes- ' an- 33arkbes 1 th - JBlood, Tones npr tha i 1System3niluJrtho iiircBMO-cwwa, vwem I Female Complaints, I rvaSiMlftvEi-' tnora, I3yspepsia. ' 'Thousands' navs Obeea changed by the! Sm' feak slcklv. waoDg, neaany, ana nappy men ana women,; ana JavmCdi esnndt rasdBably hsattaU tofrtrs Ma trials Caution. Be sure yon get the right article &eu that "Peruvian. Syrup" ts blown in the rias Pamphlets freBi fiend for om SETHt W.FQWLK 30N8, Proprietors, Boston. Mass.. , For eate- by drUggistaienBraBy.' ' - r ' sptl7fcIeoWlyalwwad . !; t j FAJ1ME1W HOUSE, HAXtm THbRotGHLt OVESttiuLEl)1 ikl cleansed tb above Howe, HeatKetttlfc- aeBeit a snare ot tne piDiiopatrQBage and, from It prux imity'to Steambosts, Railroads andbdstntss piaaes, call. .- Fare the best General Sup'ts Office, OUST A w. b. conPAmr, ; WIlirmdTONvNl C, Oct. 11, -tea 1 rifffg'''fon1 irF"'"ir.i"''rr fTfT-5tj3jbi"s.? tfKae of Schedule. fHS FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO Txv,, effect at 4;80 A. M., Sanday,, J2th inst: U DAY EXPBESSTBA1W, (all-.) Leave Wilmington. '. . . .i Arrive at Florence . . . ; . Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta, Leave Aagusta. :l ....... Leave Colombia Arrive at Florence Arrive at Witacdngton. . 4.30 A. -. 10:31 a. .. 3:0() p . . 8:( 0 P." 4:8!) A. .. 10:20 A. -. ;2:48 P 10.-C0 P. Ji. M. X. M. Si. Ai. SI. 11. 1 days E-rfcieiT.y Leave Wilmlneton.... a-m t Arrfve at Columbia , . 4.1 n a v!- Arrive at Augusta: " . .V: ..... 8 -ib 7 m ' Arrive at Wilmingtoti,'. . , 7:ioa'v " All trains make close connection hnfh vi .5; tenth., . ' . : ' Puuman palace Sleeping Cars on al night train i ' " J AMKH ANDERSON ocMl-tf ...... ; .... Gca'lSup-t. Wilioiiigton & Weldon KAILHOAD CO. 1 ....': . . ' -!.:.?. Change of Schedule. Opyitne or 611ft, Sttfkbintxnbent i - - Wilralnonv N. C, Oct 11th, 1878. f VN AND AFTER. OCT. :12th; INSTANT Pk KJ Senger trains on the Wilmington and Weldim Railroad will fun as follows t : - - ' MAlli TRAIN Leave Union Depot dally (Suhdays ex . cepted.i. .--.w... 'At Arrive at Goldsborp Kocky M'unt. . WeMan , v. ' ... Leave Wbldon dally (Sundays except ed). J...: ...,.-.-.. 1. tl Af Arrive at Rocky Mount vjoiasooro. . . . Union Depot; 1-Mi A. Ji 11:50 A. M 2:00 P. M 8.50 P. M. ' 9:.'K) A. M. 11:25 A. J!. 1:37 P. M. 5:50 P. 11. Leave TJnlon Depot daily Arrive- at Ooldsbor.:. Leovft Weldon,- datly,....: . Arrive at Rocky Mount v.vxiLJVr. V . . . . . . . . , ; .;, Union Depot. ' At 1Q:30 P. Jr. 3:37 A. M. .5:53 A. li. 8:00 A. M. 8:00 P. 51. S:48.P. M 11:50 'P. V. 4:05 A. M. The mail train makes close cnmtettHon it. ' Wolrlm, for all.Doiuts North via Bav Line. and Aoaaia Ciw.k (Ontes. ' Expreps Train cocnecta onlv with AoaniaCre-!; routfe. Pallmavri'a Palace Sloepins Cars on tbls Train. ' . m- TRAINS' will leava Wilmmimm in. weekly at 6:00 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P.M." EXPRESS FREKJHr TRAINS wffl teave Wi). nungtoa daily at ,2:00, Mw and arrive- at 6:00 V. M. octli-tf JOHN H. DIVINE, .General Snperintendent Ganrtmst, .Ceirtial Rjfljrar Mmi t ; 1 - - - ' ' ' " ' Is BATE WILMJNGTON'DAL!r(BXeEPT SUN 4. day;) at.. . , . . .,. ., .p . ... M A. M Arrive at Wadesboro'W. . ...... ... . . . . . ; 5:25 P. M Leave. Wadesboeo. at. . . . ; . m 1 :x; ; :10 A. M Leave Wilmington daily ecept . Snsdaya) 6:60 A. M Arrive at Laurmburg at... 5:S0P.ii l8Te Lattrfcibtirg at.vJ;. ...."ft . . i i '. I . . . . . ; 5 A. 51 Arrive at Wilmington at..,.. 50P.M Passenger Trains leave. Charlbtte daily, 1 finndays-execpted, -at... '... 1 .... '8:00 A. Jl Arrive at Buffalo at r, ,...,...12:0014 LoavisBttltSlo at.:: . ... . . . .'. '. . . 'l :00 P. St lArrive at .Charlotte at...v .vi-..).: ...j.... 5:15 P. U Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on both portions of theltoad as the basiness requires. A. Daily Stage will, soon, ran in connection with tha trains on- both ends of this Hallway, d ' - ': '.'( Li'HEEMONT, I ; may 18-tf Chief .ftngkieer and Sap't - Baltimore and Wilmington pefccaa visiting tha city-would da well ' Riv ate a ; and eharses reasonable. '"ELIZABETH WARREN, ' ? 00 t)0 Q LBS 6ui.ttm& And sides -SEtMfBEIliT. STEAMSHIP ;tlHE! OatPOSED or tbs FIE3T, CltASfiTEAMBHIPS FOWEIC, Capt. D..J. Price, , ,r , &,VjCIAEBar)t. L 8 Bejmrtti 1 BltBCfoDK, Capt D. C. CblWf. IharbafterfrotoiiBALTIMOREi LTBUry- Vae'adaT aruCt VtULaf. , coarNEcriNct 43? ipiicngton With hft JvlUigtan., Cotwabia. and Aagusta, Wflmlhgton and Weldon,' an the' Wilmington, vuariotteaad JKutherfortltailroadi; also the several uugb u Dieiuuenj uf r ayeneyiiie. GfVirie through Billa f Lading To all coints hi Ifrmii iWmih ri&tniina aporoia .&BdAiaa4;rHUanotHua BatsiaMMwtth the Bal timore ana u mo ana tne Northern Central Railroaos r aUpxnsts in the West 'and Northwest, ' and with steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York and For freight engagemeats apply, to - i-ir-V. CAZATX, . Agent, Wilmington, N. C. AFMiw' A Co.; Agents. Bar&nore. . dec 8UtX; , ,. . ('!'. '.-iFo saje by June Sl-tf WILL A Hit HUAt ) 10 000 LBSFRBSM BEAT-KJCE, ,: . . -ir PHM HILTON, CE,tILLS, t .; i.,!'! Km i yn', dec 4-tf WU.I-A Rl BROS. Shavmg Saloon, L.T.OE. TTJRNEH, . INFORMS iJlS, NpMERQIfiS - irrenas anu cuuranrs mme IT;IB recently ntMC np 9iSiWushmeaMahrearo Mr, BtniisiSa loon, and is prepared to do all work in hi line, md Hair Cntting, Ac, as neatly tftMteroedi ' A AND AFTER THE lST.OF OCTtJBER ALL Hogs and Cows found running at large within the ; ,rr.- ii ' .uiy .? jft t'"-? '.-. imitprecribed by fee OTditfaVaCbyHbe Board loon, and is as shaving. Vj. as jft can bedoaavin th.city. will be taken up" aira int- s-.'-n . of Aldermen. itf -ilSS. ifiWW- PKICE, Ja., EldiJd 8 City Marshal. . The Ca4,.'Jbriial,. TctojsdsDrKVEHTfiTihntsaAY 'AT- a 50- L nfrmWHi?m&?&:jij. 'IIS 1: EemavaL U ;Ji:n. .Mi1.'lt WW tted pM 4or; -Ti hifc aTeTf 4e-mfcrif keftaeVnAtntmh on-' compelled to adopt and adhere to strictly as we 1 - . , ..... , . , . on iaia(taal4'eM .ff'.fi- tdillo io jn'inf:ino : l TI?BOTITHI8A?rO8AL0Jf e&ASUm -T WOOD will be STRICTLY FOR CASH, addno hope our friends will bear this in mind when sena- ront staadt. ;t!i!Oivlfn' -.r'i ni HJ i PHILADELPHIA & SOUTHERN iilai! Steamship Company ! jl-: fpHK. FIRST -a . CLASS; SXEAICER0 PIOMBEH, 81 teass Capt Jb Wakrfey, -'tt)f!AWAJI 1X4, 844 tins, Capt C. WHtbsnS fotaia Weekly Lift, and sail alternately from Pbils dalpaia a&dHmagton every Tuoi4ay njoruint;- ai po'plOfck. ' - ' . " Thro agliy mil df Lading: Qiwa 16 New TOW: Bdston; Providence, Fall River. PtrHaBdAUid.aU MHats in .tna ow England States, at as low rates as bv ianv. other route. Also to Liv- :rpooL LAndonv Antwerp, iiree, Hamburg, Aw- Coarttof Etj I J ' "P Vpauueut aua jw ,i through rates front PhUarlebphl to all points iu North Coroliua, South Carolina, Qcorgia, Alabama, LWaiSiariai ' Mississippi tod Tennessee, at as 1' rateH as by competing linen. For Freight engagements and rates apply to WOKTrW6-WOKTH, Agents, Otl$-li- t :: tiu i -!-. ' . 1,1 u W.M.L. JAMES, General Agen ' JdhVa-tfV 'Stftana EKDock stteet.yHHadelphiH. '"EuDlfened'. f.f tl ,1 very nday. at :01I WW OiiJ Vi r)--f. i n HcreelufxySerW ivajtakenttaatet:M fatK acootds witb tha views or mm o.iot.r-'' -, Six months, in advance 1 ltmMabitlia, Madvahcai.l 'Al.Xl... f mm x 1 " -- Ger Barque Claudia, ald Sept 17 ? .tir, 1873-fif O. G. PARSSEY t X, Wt9-Iw ATKINSON & MAnHIN.'