WJ.jUJU.A1V jr-JL'UJX) JX. V. : FftlDAY MOKSrtNG, OCT. 17, 1873 BY TELEGRAPH. BEPORTS. , ; THE STATE ELECTIONS. Th InilMuiiJiiiti Ahmil Ik rall farm . .W.B- rm 1 . v ti .1 . , ftably Sleeted Governor of Onto A Democratic Legislature Conceded : Pennsylvania NeamlUi. Elected in Oresoiu ..." , -V " . : ' Washington. Oct 16. A Democratic IiegislatBre lor Uflio is conceded and Allen's election is highly probable. Allen entered the canvas as a , pure Democrat, -with no entangling alliance. ' Tho: Philadelphia Press estimates Gor don's majority for Supreme Court Judge at In Oregon Nesmith's majority is 2,500, a Democratic gain of b,574. , . OAN FRANCISCO, UCl. 10. The judicial, election throughout the Stato was quiet and a small vote was cast. It is bcltevedlhat Mekinstry, independent . candklffto "for Supreme Court Judge, is .-elected.. . --.,..;: . ADes Moines. la;. Oct. 1C. ' it Ps i- -- -; j . t The-Tlepublifean- majority is reduced fivtm S OfW H Thk irwnf irna ara that. t.llfl ..Democrats and AntUnonopoliats have a ma jority in the House, but the Republicans have a large majority m the senate. - r - CENcnnjATi, Oct. . 16. Returns from Hamilton county -give Noyes 13,320, Allen 13,933 and Collins 3700, with the 19th ward and one county ' "nrecinct to be heard from. The 19th ward last-year gave a Democratic majority of 672, and the precinct to be heard from gave a Republican majority of :101. Appear ances are in favor of Allen's election as Governor. - FRANCE. Prospective Political Movements Right and Left Partisans Rumored Disagreement Between Italy and France. Paris, Oct. 10. Upon the reopenins of the Assembly, the Rigbt Centre, acting in unison with the Ministry, intend to propose the prolonga tion of MacMahon's tenure of office as President The Left are willing to accept the proposition if accompanied by a plan for definitive organization of the Republic Slnce the late elections many wavering deputies have declared in favor of the Re public . . - . . At a meeting of -Bonapartist deputies yesterday, at which Rouher presided, the organization of vast system of petitions, ad vocating an appeal to the people, was dis cussed. There are rumors afloat that disagree ments have arisen between the Governments of France and Italy. It is stated that upon the termination of the present crisis, Cheva lier Nigra, Italian 'Minister, will take a leave of absence for an unlimited time. THE TELLOW FEVER. Condition of Affairs at Memphis not Improved Shreveport. Memphis, Oct 15. The latest reports.of the visiting commis sion are unfavorable. The disease is be coming more scattered throughout the city and there were forty-one yellow fever deaths to-day;' ; , Memphis, Oct. 16. An appeal to railroad officials was issued from the Citizens' Relief Committee, at a late iour last night, at which time a larger number of new cases were reported than on any day during the past two weeks. Shrevepobt, Oct 16. Yesterday there were twenty-five inter ments. SEW YORK. " .V- Miscellaneous Items. New York, Oct 16. The Democrats of the Sixth District have nominated Sunset Cox for Congress. , , Taylor Adams, of Atlanta, Ga., for the past seven years a telegraph operator in the W. U. office at New Orleatosl died in the latter city last night . - EHGLAND, v Steamship Clrcassion Proposals for r the Engagement of Irish Laborers. v . ; Loxdox, Oct. 16. The steamship Circassian arrived at Liv erpool last evening in a badly damaged condition, having been in collision with some unknown vessel. The "Secretary of the Irish Laborers' Association writes, that he has received from the United States pro posals of engagement for 20,000 men. y ELECTRIC SPARKS. At St. Louis, L. P. Barrett, actor, has in flammation of the bowels and brain seri ously. ' ' : ,' .'" . Grant has arrived at Toledo, Ohio.' Sher man presided at the reunion of the Union soldiers. . - ' - ' The Groton mills at Woonsocket, R. L, have posted a notice that-they will run on half time, and other manufactories are con- 'templating the same thing. The Vienna Pre&e of yesterday says the explanations and excuses of the Porte, rela tive to a circular recently sent abroad by letter, are not satisfactory, and Count An drassy will demand ample satisfaction for the offense. i m;r xigiit reports. GEORGIA. Action ef Augusta Exchange Sale of Railroad, &c. Augusta, Oct. 16. The Augusta (Ga.) Exchange has con formed its cotton classification to hat of New York. s Heretofore it corresponded ' with Liverpool. The BruBswick and Albany Railroad was sold at public sale at Brunswick for five . hundred atfd thirty - thousand J dollars, to German bondholders, who hold over two millions in first 3 mortgage bonds of the road. ' ! ' : " 1 -"' ' p MEllIPHIS,- Mlsslon of a Bale of Cotton Reports ; JSor;EnMrKlnc;. . ... - -, , j . J Mxmaa, Oct 16." A bale of cotton sent from Walnat Bend to be old for the benefit of the Dominican Slaters broneht $1.5XK). The shirjoer -will send it to St Iouls to be sold again for the name purpose. Repertsio-dy are enfiooraging. PRANCE.. The Conference With Count deCha , . oord. .. ,v : .' Parts fW 1ft V-i k pu.lti?n -wUicl1 met Count de orrwuitai. (A Will JUKI., IS f Hi lclT io raria to-dav. -'The : Shir' fcoce are unknown, but jt is believed the negotiations have failed NEW YORK. Bird, QrlnnelL & Co. Declared Bank. : New York, Oct. 16. GeoreeBird. Grinnell & Co. were this morning declared bankrupts and their whole estate placed ! under the control.of the bankropicy court,,, une in 01 No vember is fixed for the meeting of creditors: Their assets are 13-millions and liabilities 20 millions. Jos. Cob urn savs he will fight Tom Allen in West Virginia or Canada, lor $z,3UU to $3,000. ,1 '.; --In the Superior Court to-day, Charlotte Gilbert, colored, who brought SBit against the .New York .ana Charleston oteamsmp Co., to recover ten thousand dollars for being excluded from the state room on one of their steamers on account of color, was awarded $75. - . . Albany, Oct 16, Charles II. Phelps, defaulting cashier of tie State Treasury, was brought before the police court for examination, but at the re quest of District Atturney Mack the case was postponed until Saturday and. Phelps remanded to jail. - . -, ,, WASHINGTON. American and Mexican Claims Com- mission-New Trial for Slatter, &e. IVashington, Oct. 16. . American and Mexican Claims Commis sion.- The Commissioners having named Sir Edward Thornton to act as umpire, he has accepts frankly the nomination, pro vided his -government will consent to his acting in that capacity, which consent he has asked. , : The counsel of Slatter, convicted of mur der, have moved for a new trial on the grounds of the discovery of important fresh testimony, the misconduct of the jury, the perjury of two jurors and the verdict being against law and evidence. The .intelligent feeling is in Tavor 01 Blatten weather report. War Department. Office of Chief Signal Officer, , Washington, Oct 16 6;3o P. M. Probabilities. For Fridays the low barometer in north ern New England will move eastward over the Gulf of St. Lawrence, followed by fresh " southwesterly winds, cloudy and rainy weather over the Eastern States, the western portion of the Middle States and Lake Ontario. For Lake Erie and the Upper Lake region, northwesterly winds, rising barometer and cloudy or clearing weather, with somewnat lower temperature. For the Ohio Valley, southwesterly winds, cloud and rain, followed by northwest winds and cloudy or clearing weather. For the Northwest, northerly winds and cloudy or partially cloudy weather. For the South Atlantic States, partially cloudy and clear weatner. SPAIN. Admiral Lobos Removed, ice. Madrid, Oct 16. Admiral Lobos took his squadron to Gi bralter for coal-without consulting the Gov ernment For this action he has been re moved from the command of the fleet oper ating against the Insurgents. The Minister of Marine, Senor .Oreiro, has himself as sumed command in place of Lobos, and will take the squadron back to Cartagena at once. The armament and crew of the Saragosso were materially strengthened wxuie ai vxiorauer. . CHINA. Terrible Flood Thirty Villages Swept Away Great .oS of Life and Property. . Sax Francisco, Oct 15. The steamship Colorado brings letters irom jreKin wmcn state that an edict had appeared stating that thirty-seven villages had been swept away in the Province of Sbansee by the waters of Young Tmo river ana its orancnes, they having burst through their banks, and that a great amount of. human and animal life had been lost by ine noons. , PRAIRIE FIRE. Three Children and their. Mother Perish and Four Radly Burned. . Omaha, Oct 16. A prairie" fire swept over 25 miles of Saline and Jefferson counties. Ten school children were caught, three of whom are dead and four, dreadfully burned. The mother of the three was fatally burned in attempting to rescue them. ' ELECTRIC SPARKS. Gordon's majority: in . Philadelphia is o,yS5; majority in lavor of license, 32,494. There were 44 vellow fever deaths in Memphis for the day ending at 1 o'clock last night. The Selma (Ala.) Exposition has nosr- poned its fair until the 25th of November. on account of the epidemic prevailing at numerous points. . , , . DOMESTIC MARKETS. New York, Oct 16 Noon. .. v ITincmciaL . Stocks antivfi and vrtv st.rnrnr hnt Smum. ' J WV.VU, KSMM ..l,U- lar. Nothine doimr inMonev. 1 ner cnt. liuiu uiu. oiu xuo. Jbxcnanee: lancr ti- short 74-. Governments tnm atiro nrWK nominal quotations. ' State bonds active. Commercial. Flour dull and heaw. Wheat dhll and declining. Cora dnll and nnminallv lnr Pork dull and heavy new $16. Lard dull 1 . . r. ... - n .. om 8wjnm $. opinio lurpenune nrm at iiin. turnn anil at p 80 for Strain rl Vrpirrlita nm Cotton weak and irregular sales of 1,028 bales. Uplands 17; Orleans 17f. Sales of futures opened to-day as follows: : October 16 7-1616J; November 16 7-16; December 16fl6 7-16; January 16 7-16; February id; aiaicii 10 y-io(ajiOf cents. Nkw Yokk, Oct. 16 Evening. Money closed at commisnion. Sterling r.xcnange nas neciined to 100. Uold 107i ius. government bonds r nothing doing. Slate bonds dull, but little better figures. (JcmmicrcuiU ., ; Cotton irregular, with sales of 2.519 bales at 1617f cents sales to arrive , at much lower rates. Flour dull and declinine- common to fair extra $3 30$7. Whiskey lower at cents..; Wneat Heavy and 1 2 cents lower winter red Western $1 25 f i 55,' inside price for Inferior. krn slightly favors buyers high mixed and yel low Western -60 cents.; Rice unchanged forK lower new lo 73, cash. Lard dull and lower at 8i cts. Naval stores easy. Talr; low steady. - f reights quiet. COTTON' JtABKBTt.' New Orleans, supply liht and demand good at 15. '''15, 16. 16, 17il7jh--net receipts 4,084 bales; Galveston, nominal at 1210114 net receipts 419 bales: Memphis, dnll and drooping, at 15 receipts 1,823 bales; Philadelphia,-dull at 17 net receipts bales; Augusta, dull and nominal: at 14r -receipts 1,000 bales; Boston, dull and riomhiaJly lower' at 17f-net receipts S bales; BaltUnore, heavy and lower at 15 toioj uruoa xcoipta uiues; : lOrT01K, lower at 16i-rnet iecelpts, 1,784 bales: Charlestoa, easy and in fair demand at "14. 141.15, 1515t net receiots 2.33 balesV ftavannah, quiet J6 net recekts 5,129 bales; Mobile, quiet p4 eafe at J5HtljB- net receipts 782 bales, "" FOREIGN MARKETS: Loxdoln, Oct 16 Noon. Erie 40. 2- - - . MI PAMs,:Oct. 10 Noon. Rentes 57f. 20c. LivkrpooIu Oct 16 Noon. 'Cotton easier but not quotably lower. Uplands 9i&9d; Orieans 99id. Sale of 10,000 bales. Speculation and exports 2,$00 bales, ' . , ' Cotton to arrive lower upianus, n a basis of Good Ordinary, delivered Novesa-. bcr'and December, 8i; Orleans; on a basis of Low Middhngs, snippea vcioDer ana November, 9d. Rales of Orleans, on a basis of Low Mid dlings, shipped October and November, 9d. liard4is. va. xeei ou. xreaasuin:s quiei. ..LATER Sales of Uplands, on a basis of Good" Ordinaryt-shipped October, 8 13-16d; do. October and JNovember, efd; do. delivered December 8Jd;do. Low Middlings, shipped October, 8 15-16J. - - . 1xnoon, Oct. 16 Evening. Spirits Turpentine 33s. 6d. FbAkkpoRT, Oct. 16 Evening. United States Bonds 97. Paris, Oct 16 Evening. Specie in the Bank of Prance has increas ed 1,000,000 francs. Kentes 571. 57f C - Liverpool, Oct. 16 Evening. Sales of cotton to-day include 5,700 bales American. Sales of Urlands, on basis of Low Mid- ling, deliverable October and November, 8fd. Spirits Turpentine 34s. 6d. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. Oct. 16. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts 174 casks. Sales of 10 casks (selected) at 40 and 250 do at 40 cents per gallon for Southern packages. Market 'dull. . ROSIN. Receipts 779 bbls. Sales of 250 bbls Strained at $2 30, 100 do do. , delivered, at $2 30 and 300 do do., on spot, at $2 30. Market quiet CRUDE TURPENTINE. Receipts 131 bbls. Sales of 200 bbls at $3 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and $1 60 for Hard. Market quiet and steady. TAR Receipts 38 bbls. Sales of 110 bbls at $2 50 per bbl. Market steady. COTTON. Receipts 93 bales. Sales of 3 bales at 14$, 90 at 14$ and 2 at 15 cents per 33. Market dull and drooping, with no official quotations. New York: Naval Stores market, Oct. 14.1873. 'Receipts to-day, 1.075 bbls rosin. 46 bbls spirits turpentine, 6 bbls tar. Spirits tur pentine opened quiet at 41c for merchant able lots, but later, with private dispatches from Wilmington, quoting an advance, the market became very strone and at the close 42c was freely bid. Sales included iuu DDIs at 41 c, and 155 bbls at 42c Strained rosin has held very quiet, and in absence of demand the price is weak and depressed. A lot of 1,000 bbls, by the Benefactor," which is expected - to arrive to-day or to morrow, was freely offered at $2 80, with out buyers. We quote at $2 75$2 85 for common to good, bales i?u bbls at ws 80. There has been a fair demand for small lots of fine rosin, with sales including 200 bbls No. 2 at $2 90, 250 bbls No. 2 at $3 12, 325 bbls good No. 2 at $13 23, 100 bbls No. 1 at S3 25, and 150 bbls pale rosin at S3 50. Tar has been in a trifle better demand. Sales 200 bbls Washington at $3 50. Pitch in light jobbing demand and steady at $3 25 $3, 37i for prime city delivered. The following figures were received by the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company. Liverpool Common rosin, 9s 3d; fine do, 15s. Tur pentine, 33s Gd. London rCommon rosin, 9s6d9s 9d; fine do, 12s15s. Turpen tine, 33s 9d34s. MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr North State, Green. Favetteville. Worth & Worth. Stmr Northeast. Paddison. Point Caswell. A H VanBokkelen. Br Brig C F Eaton, Bedford. Richmond. Va., Sprunt & Hinson. Schr Sea Bird, Hagon, Georgetown, II ar riss & Howell. Schr Ray, Dennis, Tar Landing. Edwards &HalI. CLEARED. Stmr North State. Green. Favetteville. Worth & Worth. Stmr Northeast Paddison, Point Caswell. A H YanBokkelen. K or Brig Ara, Asachsm, Bristol, Sprunt & Hinson. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. Stmr North State 628 bbls rosin, 64 do spirits turpentine, IS bales cotton. cnr Kay 125 bbls crude turpentine. 180 bushels peanuts. EXPORTS. . FOREIGN. Port atj Prince. Schr S T Baker 178,375 feet lumber. Bristol,1 Eng. Nor Brie Ara 2,275 bbls rosin. ' CONSIGNEES Per W. '& W. R R Oct 16,1873. R M Glenn, G A Peck, W A Falconer, J J Scott & Co, Murray 3e Co, John' Kobmson, Owen FennelL H A Bag, H G Everett, J H Strauss. E Peschau, J B Huggins, Vick & M, Geo Myers, Edwards & Hall, Player M & Co, a ti Manning, Jas Chapman, Mrs Susan Davis, Jno C Jleyer, L T Beatty, Thos H Smith, D M Pearsall, Wonh & W, L Jones, Williams & M, Sprunt & II, J M Henderson, G Boney & Sons, MISCELLANEOUS. Do Ton Want Temperance Paper? Tben Subscribe for THE FRIEND OFTEMPERANCE PUBUSHED AT RALEIGH, N. C, BY B. H. - WHITAKSR, AT $3 A TSAR, AND YOU WILL GET ONE OF THE LARGEST and best Family and Temperance newgnaDera pablihed in tae South. Its editor. Rev. R.H. Wiltaker, has been con nected with the press tor aearlj twenty years, and by kmr experieaee haa learned to make a good aud uetrul paper, n nntec HilK the Korth Carolina Poet, ta-Aesociate Klftor, and WT-'I- T WWtley, of Va., , ranuemMi or ane aomty, jgjjorrespondmg Kditor. No paper Sooth haa a larger lit of contributor, and bo paper ba a greater variety of pleasing and aaefnlieaaing matter. .: -THB SOCIAL dRCLE," Which. conrtltuteB the Literary Tkipartment of the paper, k presided over by Mrs. M. E. Whitaker, bet ter knewa the Uteraty pahlie as "Minnie E. Ray." A large corps of able contributors assist her in the managftiweBtot thie department. - The Offlelai Organ Of the Order of Friends of TemperaDee, and of the State CoBncUs of North, Carolina, Virginia, South VMVUua auu at lOllUA, - . wi.; This paper is to its seventh Tolmne and well es- tabliBhed. . . .i ; 14 At 83 iyear, it lathe cheapen paper in the Soath. tST For 3 10 will eivwthe FklKNn nn n'vu PERANCB and PETERSOIf'S LADIES' Waoa. ZiNE f or one yearv - ' jnly-tf Raleigh, If. C. SHIPPING DUiECTORY. List of VmmIi la tk Port of'Wll mfneton, N. C, Oetoberlt, 73. ' ' . - BARQUES. : Juno, (Ger.) Lindt, Viek & Mebane. Atlantic (Gerx schering, . ; m rescnau Louise Ger.v'Bablriu, E Peschau Kobe (Nor) Tarlsiei ' RE Held uinsa Dweaj ireierson, su neiuo. . "iJlUUS. Carl August, Petersen,. . Vick & Mebane queen of uommerce, MuraocK, Harriss & Howell Albion (Br.X Smith, v Vick & Mebane Brig Black Swan, Winslade, -E Kidder & Sons - SCHOONERS. Stephen G Hartj Piersou, J H Chadbourn & Co Ben, Davis, Williams & Murchison Charles Dennis, Wicks, A D Cazaux Ben Borland, Brittingham, - Master Tarry Not, Timmons, Harriss & Howell Henrietta, Langley, in ballast. Williams & Murchison BARQUENTINES. La Belle, Skare, R EHeide. Iilst of Vessels Sailed for ibis Port. BOSTON. Br Brig Lone Star, Kennedy, eld Oct 15 GREENOCK Elite. Avry, eld Oct 1 NEW BEDFORD. Schr Gov Burton, Phinney, aid Sept 30 SWANSEA Dragon. Thomesen, ent. out Sept 16 Nornen. Matthlesen, ent. out Sept 26- BORDEAUX. Claudia, Dinse, " - ' sld Sept 25 FLEETWOOD. Nornen, Jensen, sld Sept 26 ROTTERDAM. Nocwe, Ahrens, - eld Sept 24 PLYMOUTH, Eng. Zavia, Omundsen, sld Sept. 23 GLOUCESTER W A Sarnow, Bussert, sld Sept. 24 HAVRE. Vera, Sarensen, sld Sept. IS BOWLLNG. Alby, Topp, sld8eptl3 SWINEMUNDE. Clio, Schupp, sld Sept 17 Hermann Hclmrich, Oestereich sld Sept 11 BANGOR. Schr Addie L Cutler, Smith, eld Aug 28 BELFAST. I. A M B., Strang, sld Sept 1 GRIMSBY. Juno, Lindt, sld Aug 22 LOJNJJUJN. Nelly, HaBland, . eld Sept 4 Lcda, Mueller. sia ept 1 Laus Wichard, Wilae, sld Sept 3 Br Barque Sophie Gornuz, Uorbitz, sld Aug. 20, Von der Luke Rohlstorff, Placeman, sld Aug 8 G N Gredelohen, Dethlop, sld AHg 6 Douglass, Wilson, sld June 2 Delphin, Hasse, eld Sept 11 MARTINIQUE Schr A Richards, , sld June 25 NEW YORK. Schr Idabella, Fischer, eld Oct 14 Schr Mott Bedell, Van Reynegom, .sld Sept 12 UKAti. C Neumann, Gaedebehu, sld Aug. 14 BELFAST, ME. Br Jessie Goodwin, McKensie, sld Aug 11 Li V xirtfl 1UL. Garstrang, Thornton, sld Sept 25 Invincible, James, ent out Sept 20 Brilliant Star, Anderson, eld Sept 9 Adolph, ' , ent out Aug 29 Exampler, Roberts. sld Aug? line Leda, Muller, sld Auar. 15 Juno, Ibbeken, eld Sept 30 UAJHUUKU. Bertha, Hillerich, sld Aug 14 JNor Barque bt Olaf, Haskell, sld July 13 NEWRY. Marie Rose, SchultZj sld Sept. 19 DUJNKlKJi. Eintracht, Schuchert, sld Aug. 25 GEESTEMUND. Bessc, , sld Aug 22 AJVrWJSKl. Analia Hedwig, Gehm, sld Sept 30 Frey, Halversen, sld Sept 23 Elisc & Anna, Wendt, eld Aug 12 Augusta, Doney, eld Sept 8 Abbey, Eastman, sld Aug 9 AMSTJSKDAM. Elizabeth Cath, Anderson, eld Aug 8 CARDIFF Mira, Gunderson, ent. out Sept 28 Bursermeister Kerstein. JbJirrenreicb. sld, Sept 14 BAKJKUW. Freude, Braune, sld Sept 3 STETTIN. Ger Barque Claudia, sld Sept 17 MISCELLANEOUS. Sign of the Big Boot. "TTBARBNOW OSTERINO OUR STOCK OF Fall & Winter Boots & Shoes, which we have personally selected from the BEST manufacturers in the United States. Having purchased our stock during the present Monetary Panic, - We have been able to secure the Best Goods for the Very Lowest Prices, And are prepared to give our customers the benefit of these Kednceel Prices. Our stock comprises all kinds of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Buskin, India-Rubbers, For Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and" Children, bole Agenta for the celebrated Ransom Boot & Joyce's Famous Gaiters. Wc aliiio keep on haad Sole Leather, Calfskins, Shoe. Findings, RBRIR1IIBBR-600D SHOES! LOW PRICES! CARUt DUDLKY & ELLIN, Sign of the Big Boot, 41 Market street. oct 12-diwtf Salt and Molasses'. , AAA SACKS AMERICA A7TO LIVER JUim pool SALT, .300 sacks blown Salt, ITS bole and tihds Cuba Molasses, 850 bbls. and hhds. 8. H. Molasses 10 bbls. N. O. Syrup, For sale by F. W. KERCH NEK. oct 12 tf T, 38 and t North Water street. Crackers, Candy, Candles, &c A BBLS. SODA CRACKERS, SI BBLS. LEMON I U Cwnkers, W BoxesiGandy, 1Q0 Boxes Candle., Cases Banff, 900 Boxes Beep, 100 Boxea Tobaecb. For sale low by octlXf 'WTTiT.TAMS 3t MURCHISONi 1 Dickey Revived. JQQ BARRELS CELEBRATED - BICSEY FL0TJB, From Xw Wheat, ; For sale by' ' :;:--' ' jnly 80-tf EDWARDS A HALL. THE MARIpNSTAR U the only newspaperpoW lished at Mar ion, a O. Merchants and dealers SfermterB ta Wilmington should remember this U lieing of fte seasons they wish tod tance their interest In the Pee Dee secOon-Wof WHOLESALE PRICES. tJf Onr uuotatfons. it should be understood, rep resent the wholesale prices generallt.Ih 'makinJ Hp BDuyt oruer-uqiBw imwh inuv wm cumnu K PRICKS. BAGGING Gunny. - t . .. . iwuDie Ancnor. . . . .4 nnnhU Anchor " A". . AM 16 BACOKKorth Carolina, Hams, fl r Shoulders, ...,.'.. I n & u l? & 15 sides, V , Wejitern Smoked , -Hams.. .. . . Sides, Tb Shoulders. .. . .... Dry 8alted ' Sides Shoulders It 11 & 10 10X 9 & 18 IS ie n 9 BEEF .On the lioor BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, 6 Second Hand, each. . . . S 75 & isew rsew rone, eacn ... .. New City, each . 310 3 75 30 10 00 14 00 88 40 43 30 S 58 BEESWAX lb......... BRICKS Wilmington, M.... 38 S 00 03 30 35 35 00 16 Q & nortnem.. BUTTER-Korth Carolina, t Northern, V lb. CANDLES Sperm, ... & & Tallow, V .. .... . Adamantine. lb 17 CHEESE Northern Factory fi Dairy, creamv - State. ...:...;....... . . . 17 - IS 30 COFFEE Java, !....,.. . 63 S7 1 00 15 145 Bio, lb . . JLaguayra, V B) CORNMEAL bushel COTTON TIBS lb 3(i 28 & DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd n 1 40 18 09 .9 50 14 50 7 50 10 60 6 00 6 00 & & Yarn, bunch FISH Mackerel, No. 1, 9 bbl... No. 1, X bbt Mackerel, Ne. 3, boi No. 9, bbl Mackerel, No. 3, bbl.. Mullets, bbl... N. C Herring, bbl Dry Cod, ft FLOUlt Fine, V bbl Super. Northern. bbl Extra do. " bbl Family " bbl City Mills Super., bbl. .. Extra, bbl " - Family, bbl... Ex. Family, bbl .. 33 00 & & & & 850 & 000 8 650 7 00. 8 00 10 00 9 00 9 75 10 50 00 00 1X& 6 00 650 700 8 00 8 50 9 50 10 00 13 50 & ft FEKTW.tZKWH- . PerUTtan Gnalu, 8000 lbs Bangh's Phosphate, " " Carolina Fertiliser, " M Ground Bone. " " Bone Meal, " Flour, Navassa (inano, Complete Manure, " " . Whann's Phosphate ' Wando Phosphate, " Berger & Butz's Phosph. " GLUE B GRAIN Corn, in store, 50 lbs. Corn, Cargo, 56 8s Corn, YeL, busheL.. Oats, bushel Peas, Cow, bushel HIDES Green, lb Dry, S HAY Eastern, 100 lbs North River, 100 lbs HOOP IRON ton... ... LARD Northern, lb North Carolina, lb 80 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 16 95 00 00 0 00 53 00 40 00 45 00 S 57 00 65 00 67 00 & 70 00 70 00 00 00 S3 & 97 MX 70 75 1 50 8 12 1 65 125 7 10 1 60 1 50 18500 130 00 11 & 1 60 LIMK bbl I LUMBER City StbahSawid i Ship Stuff, re sawed, S MR.. Rooirh Edse Plank. M ft. .. 34 00 33 00 37 00 35 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality, V . it Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com- SO 00 33 80 00 8500 15 00 35 00 XilUU, U 1. MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, gal. . 87X Cuba,wu,gM.. .......... Sugar House, hhds, gal. . " bbls. gal.... Syrup. bbls, gal NAILS-Cut, 4d to d, keg. . . 40 43 36 38 80 560 33 145 1 10 40 300 75 550 S3 37. 35 25 & OILS Kerosene, gai. 32 lAra, liases Mfe::.:::::::: wm, ft eoj. . . UTS bushel 1 10 1 00 Bosrn. 1 90 1 75 0 00 4 39 19 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 9 00 PEANUTS 1 POTATOES Sweet, bushel. Irigh, Northern, DDI... PORK Northern, City Mess. Thin, bbl Prime, fJ.'bbl Rump, !bbl RICE Carolina, ft 00 00 0000 15 00 95 jfast India, v . 00 135 Rough, bush... 1 15 RAG8 Country, 9 S. 9V Citv. V ft SX 6 75 40 40 X VX 13 11 FL 8 33 00 145 155 10 12 ROPE SALT Alum, bushel.. Liverpool, sack.... American, V sack.., SUGAR Cuba, ft roruiaco, v ft... a uonee, n.... B ft C M ft Ex. C ft Crushed, $ ft SOAP Northern, ft ,. SHINGLES--Contract, $ M Common, M - CypressSape M, Cypress Hearts M 8TAVE&-W. O. Bbl, M R.O. Hhd.,M Cypress, M TALLOW ft.. TIMBER Shipping M. ...... Ml 1 "Prime; WM.. . MiU Fair, C , Inferior to Ordinary, ft..., WHISKEY Northern, gal.... North Carolina, gal WOOL Unwashed, . ft Washed. ft 10X nx 11 13 13X 6 IK 4 00 3 50 6 50 9 50 30 00 00 00 IS 00 09 17 08 15 00 13 00 5 00 1 00 1 75 30 35 600 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 & 83 00 17 00 14 00 a 8oo 500 3 60 40 BATES OF FBBICtKT, Per Steamer. Per Sailing Vessel . To Nw Yobk. Crude Turpentine bbl 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 00 0 00060 0 50 0 60 0 00 70 050 00 0 00 1 75 0 00 0 18 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 60 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 10 7 00, 8 00 i . j i - . VPft0 45 0 00, 0 45 0 08, 0 75 Qa 0 45 ooo3oa 0 00 0 08 0 60 00 75 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 70 0 00 1 10 0 65 0 70 3 50 0 00 0 IS 0 10 11 50 13 Tar tDi. Spts Turpentine bbl 1 00 0001 ftosin DDI Cotton bale Peanuts bushel. . . . To Philadelphia. 0 50 0 60 3 50 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 55 0 60 1 00 0 00 0 50 0 00 3 00 Crude Turpentine V bbl Tax bbl. Spts Turpentine bbl Kosin ft DDI Cotton bale... , Cotton Goods 6 bale. . Peanuts bushel Lumber M ' ; To BAX.TEKORJL 0 00 0 7M 0 00 0 10 0 00 10 00 Crude Turpentine bbl Tar bbl I Spts Turpentine bbl o oo a o 0 00 0 ' 0 00 0 ! 0 00 0 0 00 3 I o oo o : 0 00 8 I 000 0 00 0 I oooaoi 0 000i o en o i 0000l 0 00 0 I swmia.v om Cotton" bate. i...... Peanuts bushel Lumber M,. ....... To Bocros Crude Turpentine bbl Tar bbLT;... ..T.... Spts Turpentine bbl KOSia DOi. Cotton bale Peanuts bushel Lnmber M iriL.HIINGXON flONEI 9IARKET. OBBXOTXB ST TOT KAXKGT TW HASOVXk, . I. B. GR.V.INGER, PRESIDENT. BTJTIHe. SXIXXNO. Gold K 108 i 8ilver. .104 , 108 Exchanere oitrht on NorthArn rlMma Tar .KTChRn(rA!lflriflvann fc .11 llifSedia. Par aL Selling, Bank of New Hanover Stock. First National Bank,. w. Wilmington Building Stock, , MechaDW - " .. Navajuw Dnann rVv '. ' " 35 100 51 6Q W 34 36 84 30 13 110 80 "ft no N. a Bonds OH Kx Do. FundTOB - ra, w&. .. Do New..... Do. Special Tax,... 50 W., . W R, Bonds1! cXGold int)'.90 v W JL. . AIVIIUD. O t. . . . Wilmington City Bond, 9.. 7c..... old- c. " ' new 6c 55 .70 80 65 (Gold Int.) 80 ( " New Hanover County Bonds (10 years). "Wo(Goji jnt) .10 New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 c (Gold Int.)... 97 W. AW. RaOroad Stock rParrOO)... m North Carolina ft. R. . loo) '40 W. C & Railroad . , ( 50 h". Wil. Gas Light Co. Sto.....is The BalQigh Setinel, LARGEST DAILY AT THE CAPITAL T'HE SENTINEL TT k a TnMmtm w ' 5Tvr , mml pwemew wuclt make it one of the beaUMwspapers of the State andM u circulates in every portion of the State is aecAd - . Miwium. .race $0. SBMWKEKLT -Tha AaMi tit senaneris nnqu paper of the kini THE WEEKLY SENTINEL. The WVl. ia-n kJjT SENTINEL. The WeekW -.: ftSHBSl WaPl Iron contains from "Jr".'"" "te. teiearanhic new. fm Hf-??L5?.,V wotM?.. the-nreseit m i'.r,. edition, Price d : .lVS ' v- " -"w.e. Afloress K.t SENflNEtVtfR. OOMPANT. MISCELLANEOUS. FRESH CRACKERS. ENT'S WATER CRACKERS, ASSORTED B QUEENS, UKACAJSUS. . Fruit Crackers; Albert Biscuits, and a variety of Fancy Cakes, GEO. MYERS'. THE WORLD RENOWNED EMPIRE FLOUR AND THE "Bcst'BuUer In the World," At oct7-tf . . GEORGE MYERS', . 11 and 13 So. Front Street FOR THE MONEY. WE OFFER BOOTS and SHOES To Cash Customers at ' Lowell Prices. Call and examine before purchasing will make it pay you. GEO . R. FRENCH & SON. 39 North Front street. oct 11-tf Just Received 1 A LARGE LOT OF Wl-? t the Celebrated HYCO Tobacco ! CALL AND GIVE IT A TRIAL. HENRY BURKHLVER. Mo. 6 Market Street. sept 14-tf Bagging Ties and Glue. 3QQ ROLLS BAGGING, 800 BDNILES w8"' 2QQ BBLS. GLUE, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER. oct 12-tf 87, 28 and 39 North Water Street For Rent, A DWELLING HOUSE, CONVENIENTLY AR ranged, and pleasantly located on Fifth street, with line well of water and a cistern of rain water on the premises. Enquire of T. C. SERVOS8, octlWt lAtCUyHaU. Bacon. Fork and Flour. BOXES SMKD SIDES, BOXES SMOKED SHOULDERS, 5Q BBLS. PORK. . ygQ BBLS. FLOUR, For sale by octl3-tf F. W. KERCHNER. BLOE BOOKS BLANK BOOKS. rpHB LARGEST STOCK EST THE CITY Demy, Crown, Cap, Quarto, Long Cap, and a variety of MEMORANDUM BOOKS. Also, Letter Copying Books, SCRAP BOOKS, INVOICE BOOKS, PRESCRIPTION BOOKS, And a full supply of STATIOITEET, At HEINSBERGKR'S octlS-tf Live Book and Music Store. Oats. Hay, Corn, &c. 2500 BcaKLS ats QQ BALES PRIME HAY, 10 000 BT7SHBLS P1 CORN, 5,000 Sanllt7krpool and ameri- 250 hT AND CUBAMOLASSE5, For sale low by oct 12-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Pocket and Me Cutlery, RODGERS', WOOSTENHOLM'S, NEEDHAM'S nd other CELEBRATED BRANDS, For sale at PRICES TO SUET THE TIMES,' At the TVew Hardware Store. octlfctf : :U GILES & MPRCHISON. Bice ! Rice ! 120 000 rBEH B?AT MCK. : : FROM HILTON RICE MILLS, For aaleby dac-tf , , WILLARDBRQa. Hay! Hay ! JN LOTS TO SUIT For Bale by feb8-tf ; J ' ADRIAN A VOLLEH8. - The Qamaen Jqunxai, CAMDEN, 8. C, - t . PUBLISHED' EVERY- THURSDAY AT 2 AO per annum. Advertising rates liberal WH ia..A.w a& JOHrT KERSHAW, Prop'r. Creamery's, l,HiT LKQAT TABLE BUTTED IS. SiMJ) VM : MprFroatstteet. NEW OULEANMOLASSJ STfdS.nARD Rn, SUGAR.HOP8B Bacon! Baooni L1Q0000 SHOULD B R AND 81DEH Spirit Barrels, Glue, Hoop Iron, fcc 1 flO ft l?07 A1 SECOND HAND SPIRIT ,"ii.LBBL8 ' 1000 New York Spirit Aais ui Bate row dt . WIUIAMSHXCHISON. ,t oct 13-tf ; Shaving Saloon. aTshe"' ffil. UhUtoget Jyead in th st o "i iTVTT " 7y mom sMiiul workmen RAIL ROAD LINES. General Sup'ts Office WILItllNCXON, COLUMBIA & AJ, OUSTA B. B. COMPANY, " WILMINGTON. N. C, Oct. 11, m at "Chansre of Schedule. THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL nn effect at 4:30 A. M., Sunday. 12th tasu BAIT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leaye W3mington Arrive at Florence...! ,. Arrive at Columbia Arrive at Augusta, Leave Augusta, ' Leave Columbia Arrive at Florence. Arrive at Wilmington -. 4:30 a. m 3:00. b 0P."i- 4:30 a.j 10:20 A 2" 10:11) P Night Express Train Daily ($,, days Excepted.) Leave Wilmington , Arrive at Florence .V J"- X Arrive at Columbia. 1 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. ' a.:" Si. Leave Augusta. v. A- S!. Arrive at Columbia.. ! Arrive at Florence o.f M. Arrive at Wnmington " i i Y f M. All trains make close conTivtiAn" kAiv u A- M PuUman Palace Sleeping Cars on all nilt ti oct lt-tf eu'l sup'). Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO, Change of Schedule. wrc.foKT'l ON AND AFTEfi OCT. 12ra ENSTiT v-0 senger trains on the Wilminptca imrt rV RanroacTwillrunasfoUowsr MAIL TRAIN, Leave Union Depot daily (SniMteys ex cepted) At 40 A. il. awito at uoiaabora, . .. . -. ll: 5U A.H QCKVlBiUnt 0 :CU 1'. Jt T " WW - -- 3. nettve n tauoaaaoiy psunaays except ed) At 9 Arrive at Rocky Mount n M A. Jl 25 A. V uoiasDoro . . Union Depot... . .'. ... 5 87 J!. :M P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily Arrive at Goldsboro Rocky Mount. . . Weldon Leave Weldon, daily, Arrive at Rocky Mount Goldiboro .., Union Depot .At 10:30 P. K 8:37 A. X. 5:58 A. 8:00 A. J! 8:00 P. X :48 P. 31 ll:EflP.; 4:0o A. H The mail train makes close connection at WeMon for all points North via Bay Line and Acqnia Cm routes. . : Exprees Train connects only with Acqnia 0w:- roilteV.Pmam, Palace Sleeping enthisTraln. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wttnajetea ir weekly at 6:00 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 IvI. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wia W v(T mirigton daily at 3:00 P. M., and Rtsire at 6-00 f M. . JOHN F. DIVm, oct 11-tf General Superintendent CaroM Central Railway Compaay. TTIIjrirNGTON ' N. c., 1 ' ; May 14, 18T3.1 PASSENGER TRAINS, LEAVE WILMINGTON DAILY (EXCEPT SO days) at .... 8:0OA.Jf Arrive at Wadesboro at..... .... ,r)-25PM Leave Wadesboro at .'.'. 7-J0A.S Arrive at Wilmington at. 4:35 P M FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave WDnungton daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A. M Arrive at Laurlnburg at 5::3fl P. S Leave Laurinburg at 5:o0A.3l Arrive at Wilmington at .... 5-30 P M Passenger Trains leave-Charlotte "daiiy! Sundays excepted, at. '. 8:00 V S .ww .uwv ............ ........ ,...iz:uu 31 Leave Buffalo at 1 00 P S Arrive at Charlotte at 5:l5R)i Irregular Lumber and Timber Trains run on toti portions of the Road as the business requires. A Daily Stage will soon run in connection wili the trams on both ends of this Railway. S. L. FREMONT, may 18-tf 1 Chief Enaineer and Sup't. STEAMSHIP LINES. Baltimore and Wilmington SKMI-WEEKLT STEARmt M! QOHPOSED or thb FIRST UlAflftSTEAllSHIK 1. J. FOLEY, Capii.D..Ji Price. LUC1XI.E, Capt,L.& Bennett, REBECCA Cl.XBKCapt D; C. Chilli. Will hereafter sail from, BAilTIMORE Kirery Toeedatr mud. Friday .; AND FROM WILMINGTON Evry Wednesday and Satusrday,, CONNECTING. AT WRMEtGTON w.8 WflnJngtea. Colombia and Aw Wilmington and. WcMten, and the warning Charlotte and Rutherford Eailroada: alee the sevtai unee of steamers to.ffajcettevUia, GlTlntX TJasoek BUle of LadiiMI To,ll points in. North and South Carolina, Ge"' awj Alabama; connecUng at Baltimore wthtbs B totore an4 Ohto and the Northern Central Saitoh iotup rathe West and Northwest, sad eamers and Railroads for Boston, New York Philadelphia. For; freight engagomente apply to A. 1. CAZAUX, i , Agent, Wilmington, " c PSXIABELPHIA & S0UTHEEN Mail Steamship Company! 3"W FIRST CLASS STEAMERS iWi EKH, 813 tons, Capt John Wakelcy TOM A WANDA, 844 tons, Capt C. C. WHito" ferm a WeekrvLi&B. nn mill itjrntelvfroniPliil4: delphU and Umingtou every Tuesday momii'" o'clock. - Tbrongh Bills of Ladlu? Given to New Tors, Boston Providence, Fall Ri'; Portland and all points in the ew Kngland ht"-; at as low rates as by any other route. Also to u erpool, London, AntwerpBremen, Hamburg, terdam, and all point on the Continent a"tt 1 Coast of England. . ,.it Through rates from PhiUdelphia to all P"1"!' North Carolina, South Carolina; Georgia, AW Lonisiaua, Mississippi and Tennessee, at s? rates as by competing line. For Freight engagements and rates apply : WORTH & WORTU, Age"'11-, Wilmington. l J. M. FoMict, Saperlatendent. .O to. t . ... ' xm. L. JAMES, General .Veen.; . June a-tfj 837 and 33a Dock atreet, PMladdl. IT H E PI ONE K R. such edl Published every Friday, at '1' ! Florence; S. e.; Hrf. f. McDi HAS A LARGE AND RAPIDLY Ici circulation in the Pee Dee country. of tire in sonttment, it folly accords with tne onr best citizens. ... Terms of Subscription: .j One year, in advance. ." 1 Six months, in advance. xnree monins, in advance r'AvEEB, Specimen copies free. Address "IUJr s c. feb26-tf Florence. 1 tewnaaMgfli IBBci Inn l3;t I tf and

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