I ATKS OF AD VEIJTISINfc SIS .jmiii:ait KA.TBS O SUBSCRIPTION. . .. vtatr, in advanot inail). . . . . Vionth, In advance (" " Jaoatka, in advance ( " - ) f 7 00 S 60 00 .w month, in advance . ( " ) 75 Tn Ciw SobBcribert, delivered in any part of the fifteen Caata per wet Oor CHOf-Xgejita ace advance. w -. - r- OUTLINED. been made against certain New York de tectives Seven interments in Shreve port Sunday. - Bbth- parties in Ohio concede Allen's election. - Seventeen vine, is dead. Convention of Chiefs of fire departments in session at Baltimore. prinfmg establishments. Jesuits are ordered by Government of Italy "to leave their Quarters in Rome. - Latest from Verplanck says 10 canal Doats sunk and 15 lives were lost. i Examination of wit- nesses for, defence vin .tokes .Mse com menced, resfdent (tMsits Loo. tlon County (Va.) Fair Nov. 6. Case of Bank of State of S. C. reargued in Su preme Court OfTf. Sir Edward Thornton accepts office of Umpire of Mex ican C3aims.Comnvssjpn.,. - Nprthwesl erryw.ndsVW . - Defaulting clerk of Atlanta postoffice t)ne to Cuba with six" thousand;.. . Dull and1 quiet" V IhV ikmeUairon of King Cotton. New York markets : Money easy at 7 per cent currency to gold ; cotton dull at 2 fe$&l?if ipirKafHrpentine 40 cents; rosin unchanged; gold dull at 108i108t. fFnannraging reports .from Memphis. The Last Day-ClMlac Scenes. 4ce.. Raleigh News of Sunday. . eerdayrtha Thirteenth) AfnGSl airMf Me fforth Carfctina JAgricnl tnral Society closed its brilliant and. successful terra.. " , . . 1 The attractive prosrammean-j ally large number of visitors . consider ing the fact that It was the closing ' day, and nntilJaW the afternoon the crowd nngerea around the pleas-4 ant scenes of the eventful week. for transportation, drays in numbers! were passing to and fro, giving an I animated, business-like appearance to the grounds that favorably compared; with the bustle of the two preceding U'he-1rtrttttoft'bf tfteIrfv-co m- menced and ended with the closing ' RACES. ? A premium of $150, offered by the( Society for the fastest good horse toj be driven in a wagon by his owner, was co n tested1 for by 6of. M. T. Leach R. S: Gantt, Esq., and Pulaski Cow-' per. Mr. Cowper's horse evidently manageable and could not be brought? , to his work. Col. Leach's horse, fori style and beautyvvAuld win, but Mr, Gantt's horse' ouncf it an easy matter; to win the race in two heats in 3:37, Had he been pushed he would doubt- V AtrtingaBr aurse $T(ll)j best two in three to harness forcoltsj was next in .tirder. Mr. Young' is ever Mind, JVlr. Wianple s r lyaway. and Mr. Nixon's Lizzie were the en tries: i' NeVei4fhfl wdn'ffte the'-fW making 3:16f in the best heat. A foot race between a dozen oi more colored boyrf ftnd men for a $4 purse furnished much amusement to) the spectators. No names were taker) which Mr. EmryV Lightwood :won single mile heat 2:01 over Emily Long and IixQ$kb m - - ' Sironach's Grey Dick and Roanoke were trotting for the best 2 in 3 to . race. :: ' In conclusion we might go on anj say much about Jbe Fair, what it has accomplished, fce., bat just at the present writing we M are tired now and sleepy too" and our " little bedj teh-Msei ynTveriTitlle glTn mis wees, nas more attraction ior us ihan wnting of Fairs. Tlw recent quarrel between Pius IX. nod William of Germany show! what progress has been made in th? ritkjtKltjCircjb rgt Since the eleventh etnry. -The cause and ' ihe -motive of tlj quarrel are almost , exactly the aqftea in the earlier one; i tw human nature changes very little In the uruirress of aares. It is now as t'Mwi thV cfUel letweeii spiritual an filial -Attliiotd v. iliewTaiial ikalasi the lsnperi! anurur-projyrey disguised !i the tm nide by an nnquestionably sincere zeal for the Qirch and on tlie other bySJiltfJIty" earnest pro testation of devotion to puoiic oraer lint while it is difficult to tie any aspects of the two conflicts, method of the quarred have changed to an extent which forms an almost ludicrous contrast? to the prompt and ravage reprisals of the middle ages; .While Henry - and Gregory, upon a 4 wafHart 4M-rd4iion tan4nvvestif i'hiksteShcr others thrones vacant, and set armies in motion to sustain their fulminations, ; William d PiusonpiieciMyi similar ques tion, content themselves by an inter change of polished and sarcastic notes, ' which will bAread wkawaaf fcinMr? tor the importance of the issues in volved. . ' ; ' . The letter of the Pope, as befits his claim H,i8piiatuak iSperaaoy,' the more direct and dogmatic of the two; He informs the Emperor that his Gov- oroteoty which heakBS canB U iepa- n. . IT GTRi 1 11 1 1 i ' vk IsIJI vol. xttia?-." 1 rate from the person of his Majesty, is aiming at the - destniction of the XKiVrV ef,.,on- nP Yarns him soli mrOiiSnid 'sSaIlthatilsilW'fWW,. nres will enlv underminA hi i, fnnu He makes a --ioivl r,o; "n?Q,.ar.;1aim, s it will be variously rnfe!by 1 Gathdlic'flafrSteS tants. ia Ravins that all the baptized beloffVWlifnifa W ex- 5"f 'ft&teW to. tfcEmperor aop w me scanaaloti8 con duct of his Ministers.-;" 1 he Emperor, very much at his leis- is pleased to have an opportunity to correjctain IinkaiwivcuiiJniii nf is Holiness. He assumes the full 91 brdonwstj.4iaAaimrftal. He complains of the rebellious spirit dis- lie regards as eqhalTv dktoval and rin- .defend hrrmfcha cofflUmdsi&nAUii ft5fiJrhere seems moiriijftjhihai I Jiej &3taiioi tin courtlfie ttBMf6VW lonsid- wm ucruaus mora or cannor t.nan nt .ftG.flf ... The ClTllServHA . wenew rules "are. - somewhat corH- patch, hiviiytherhe &t.'kbd "ffro- ncaauij ecrviuw i iu ue repienisneu a eredJLMigAjGHinnatL Savan- nat hd'NewY.ork. . These drtd-be formed en a: -a ueiecteu irom the coroptffnmaaTatBtaAny ref-ij nrwUf riQfcthA oHfaoder of imllinffi the minor offices at Washington will! a little pitifulhabSMTclemand8 of I itool Juirpstd-o&cag. .com-; LioeaatrTiiie ainMssieawoaTaicoa1 s A ,to .Li. itXj urn : NOTICE TO" JtbtTTMiri TbajtgagwapwaSt caSaatiitattifcaaday morn-l ioziq great tbafcwe are compelled to itoqbaaad4 irnianni m arwt im anTamaemaiifa lorn raai laaatt at aa early an hour aa.Ioaatblan order, that the. mar: witheertaiiftrMecdtaeKalalMtoa. The ffcumtUJ6fe&&ti4lfr4ate as fol- jcfomrem tnroucn nucuiTmaiig. . . . nr. m.i " . thronrh. and wsv dv : mails...... 5 AjMj aj'MKrtYITwaSdayi-, and -.j J Tayettevillc by C. C. R W. dafly 5 A. Mi arr4.-r3-4 ai,W ? ftvif hits s-si at". unsiow ij. ii., vnorse man; every REIT ADVEBTISEnENTS IlJyvJMJjjJtj led to!i.1i,AHJl!l' f j5IEaw-goJto. frwtf 0M aao Ji1kAakM IaWnsnbeWiiJVaardvt last, with the exception vmt&tue 'twee akedaMl wbtywnii allodad! a ooi1 laluvlBrbrt4rtaiaed aiwttw34 burjr esterdas. Wder the ch-jgaoUlapat; SheruT Wilson, from whence therjffcre lr Ioxjm ailegea par- rem3fcrer.TlTakln Tan find excitement -which the crime ha&evdKed throturh th &tmii2W.TPU.u'&&Z2A .t.M 4. fcrenc,fwouTdbesre extrao: 4ai iiai&vUe com- 'Toaa of the BrtDfiluSlUfctk 7 IS' - ttiiatoinoer ,liTiDbeen beached BearrJS out to De uie uniisii jmvtuuv cXVtdtfxllil&t la theStSsy, tbe. lthinst by Messrs.. J.-XL Blossom & Evans, bound bbls. rosin. he sprung a ieaK on mur- day night and was run ashore at or near TubbJlnlek ; toWt?fiveipr sixfnjlles this t-wwrt to lotA'afe her, bntCapi:' Pdtiei- foundlMMQidi)flf awlftance and retnrnedlirWe learq the.;cargp will probabiy be saved Ifthecssel.'does not all escaped , tiolM tio-ib ..ThelaiiiutiOtitlit WtneriStonA the tew Methodist t Church rat Weldon. has Jo4aBotssarf n account of a previous anMgenyftt,Q thyDepnty Grand Maker's, whfth ejfllsr hftpi'esence mHhls.cfryon Wednesday. -TheiLadge choir will gonp. and the ies. wframnlm: Appolntmenta y uiwtp aiaiawa. r ftihnayy1 Oct' SBth ;StofthtIlle. HJsiitbi Tuesday. " 11th . . , , . , , - .jb tMi MotintaJn'iJMpei, SndaJbiri lOm. V ;..UakBtUle. ll l it v' -l l II II V 1 eai- iosoci, caawuoESday neft, the 24th lnsfr, nhm it,wilLppaItily take place. This postrKnemenVwatH- Me 5 w eal-ar. rft enutur .iot-tii ' - Local Dota. juva nwi -hij Finnic? Kj. r(vmatinujK tcses ia mms at tl,WUr mington Garden. f We "tea daTOmfrnrat the dintheria There were no eases pr trial WSftefe tlleMayr'1lrti5te1Aytiia,- . j Regular comiwmioattoB f Wfinlag- VJ'atfc fallfng1 Wtha -StameqiSleyiyle on 4 U C agi weather predicted &r;ftts&tttad We learn thjat ftfrfi,.Em&;Qk- cua took in abont. 8,(a at Wadesboro h juvroe accotnkntes tt! '4riK srf v ,Tjwri Suuerlur Cuurt for Aumiu uunuia mni- vened af -"eUAj, Judge Buxton presiding.- r. . . : wersJeSattMkdance inu pe nor i-tjnii - -"jr -v. rStsilton Si :y, fiwtaL:i het cool kaoBirh ThtTJalttiAieS&lro aflftrned ft&MhisiMrifi at ' r J K ti The erQ4oQecliKtive Engl-. neen bad thdr initial' jnieiirfg in -'Phlla-, delphia last eeto2ito.tc;Bt.'Xyons was, theefetiasciCl , J I JShmmetBgatatMmwtfiMte (A.! JSrdelthtDof! Portia irV,wasWj low BostonHfa'1 flistre&3ffinistakeJ IWVr.'nS'Vti) ax the?' tM: oxhT ov?T ingKai wak atteacted woaritJattanitionJ and receifed siyaQoaeomp from comrJan4ftXh&l'i rT,W Jja4 pronounced ex-j iqniflitabyfoveryotos wbKaawtttsnai??vA 1 LtowjQdMHnas8iottinrjbaat8,0 i,ravje the'-" !4uanai Kewf tad Tennesjfe fanut Crop for the yeJjsig Sept. SOtbt 1873." The crop fpt.Tfeatiessed is estimated at $675,000 bushals; stock on1 M TOT reap ending ep 1873, 4,060 ; tocf oi fiaM 4nvCincinnaU 50,000; of aBAdffiffc8m New York.' LkMM fnC-rt To .-tofrf nl xuKHt.!iaisi? tswt a j The Virginia crop, for the year ending fissuettSati87an-ft stlnianW?t8Sa0Od buahelafor. the present, year , one-half the pBSvtotta crbpailtfantedi, but thd unusual araMbitaaaoa will. prbaly brithA ii-iwaW'tfOThaW I lor.iha.orecadia. or present year,? -K .xwta ,xj aia 1gr ad .airpwtaiayb F WJiW5WMarWnoma prices en? TrStK9fSt6nt5ji8c which a, lsnrar DrentTTttoriwiU be taken f oi seed than usual The weather oa the averf ga-fcavbeamlaTOrattsalcto The payeai aavat'renMuiable one hi the ala&W'llfrfcw'umidT low ndoeajravaiUBit tha rslk8cxeanoatia. the Kre anshmrjtTon' caused thereby, and the aapaa aadrtieavy. advnm ya o.saj. sa'Ji j to have 8e ,r -jtoxyy from uul ftlMl6 JSorUiUapcroR erlr Crt. - - , lowinecompHseiSeGrradury: Mr. Henry MToaGU' f6reraah 4nd fe8Srt.-MJ a Bow4WJohq BofordV JohuJQakens, Jr. I Brt.T ,8muel prr Guy HaJl, John Moore,. J ames ncaett, jrranx ynaton, sx and JomfMcEutee' 1 V ITi(t,M"1 ; X f . 1L. wahI - .ftlA 4n !;'' IS ' T ntiliO'dcckiVfieh Qis docket wsJ taken up. - 2foL pnm .. were entered m waf end:caseaihe following being the only ones otherwise ; atspjbsed of: State et. John' King, f nl OiuUr. State es. Robert Green. guilty. Judgment suspended w the pay ment oftcoatsr s , , -A colored woman by '--the name of Eliza nerestfrdarope cif Mf W and striklBe a.gcMd,Tthedanghter of Hanriih Bryafa1.7" Cas niisydori the pay : tWObJi-'DOOMp cnargeoj wa' twiui ana batteryjon the ptWMitjeiM both colored, bftAiftg before Justice Crardner. and was reauired to pay a -fine of Zl h- H-i" 3TA -.uit K-OJj , IlteKbIai DeWew "amjd'on tbcl?argaf assanit aaatiattenptatiia person oi woau ocoit. , vwnii'inii'..i,vi the jfaymentb! c6sU. vv i i riii i ivi i'inrai , - TE4TomMct4rSf nnS?efMf?nfsn- mington. on exhibition in Floral HalL dnr-t : -fixnorts Jbr U7 J llL I in this city yesterday morning. The foV laarn l il re LnclrN X J T&lff1?fairut 'iM "i j ?d-j irfstforfi I The residencfijaJSu, TJttD1Hm OQ Second, between MavtetftAaftDaStmrts, was en tered on Sunday nrght.-betwecn 10. and 11 oJctockV-Und rdbbePawksbif cif articles of clothing; ificltidfng'tyopc,vi9vsa haUi a4flri8ahawLaevef4l4bfea ., amoanltog ih-vauia to410. -A TmrfntberWf he wmwWe topea, tut.t.tU9;Jo4s pfofhts articles was not discovered.-twiil jyertera tUy -ot b gwd gaingipjpta8 oi incprpiessionaweipn4a firrtumrrJKM-daWfitrtt I which arrived here yesterdav'frdm BSlfSA.r Irtand lpoTt8iTingexHieWcea heavy ; afe'dtl tl'Tth1 ofolier4boiU2& ttila S6utfieasir flfetJa)feaibilwch both masts were carried away f'J Jbf'masis' ero rhftd aad antyotiCifiuJtion her course Set tU.V port, Wbicll ' she ' Hifottb A, ' htH'yUrdtiy tiVoralBg, wWdsh waydis-i covered about 20 miles3 fWrtfrt''Baf DVttie itei&4p'&eaa 'reurttlrt thette,When: 8lK5 fwt'. Ufertjfin! tow atWrougt'sareiywtHtt ftorl. MJMaakoCbipatMfS4xaeatMi faaaw lAKPa4. a IPr, aa&wHl fttiWtd hi lots to salt, for cash, or seat by expray, jj, ; TKtkn6mLicr&?cSyJrU and the wCtlfeaattdv tajiHiaaqwm Ada: Uiaa-aateMttd jwqaia-vW cukT,nnV(5aon r;thf ,rmefa(Md OttLLU. -(L!vrriiJT?5 ' JinjllT' .fair. hook iinBitT-."--i-Ha Mvisinxa txb book una ery doe an kind of Binding and Baling M&IUlik- Tnmllbe imiiihiii. t 1 i umLlu pricaa. X work, faManmJajeajr JaVrtK3Mcaaon their orders. chaata. ckrks of eonrta. ahariffa. hnrvera. lal and steamship officers ageata, and all o haxklB QMarl forTtetb,totWfacnUles offered MWW'l iio&4 ItckeU BtaalCaaaiklila8iMaik( 4f0AJBjn J)area&boaM,iBekstatta4 Hi! trpSVnwm hav. ,fouc twfc I iL1"t? iito' ) ''Mt o woi'j ib Wawtteiaddlaihaafla ntliv'tif JnI iif '-if. ' ynwaata hBaBoaaiJ fvii n f .' 1 i"fW.WW..1o o-s-r.Ho ) .if ! yraotto Want to i SfattB4t.rrjcwta, t-o t ( ti J r. !or-.t tPaf'fiftaltti' -nil .3 tt'jtn dnWJ PHflW'jTJ'2 n -1: LatramttoaanaHtMaaiLo, 0- i'S i WS , , ,Waat to an a ieitof Fwnltarew -s , ,,r -WactAertlWaartffltrJ'adVant vaaUft aaltaBdwUifyMaiaH VMUMk'1" kd ,aoU9np ut ts-Uwl inoi tTiiidfi .ixiMitwiM'yeMieruay-'iriQBnHng rraigne9 oetore tne Jiaraw, aaargwi witu neiDg on Jra-ehrypsategfln tlMberglititrtfced oi walnut Dnage, oa the JtrayeUarVtueTOadi near iary, ua was Jaqdjase to th nex, term oi ine DunerxoatJonrK ana lauem MM witfUtoHaecFtbaWbfat1 iKie BnemnarcE ine ueaaai xvesai jusonsi tXaht rreent to I6arn as we ? , pS f cause 6Ttb dgterifloil'of ffie caML"ni 4Bg SaSsknry timestemrias, thai UCQB. jaroJL nCLO WUUUiqUCUiWL UUlflD Froirnr Mnilemsn .wifo cattferiinln wlearft'that attHe-' tffle of W d fcssol Wiabtrm tavy baaotattempWO t .Wmp,! wonj M.anu il jrdw Tkiefrbm tbei hirrotletiOot mr( IaDfoC-ihe kaihhiesiaowael'Of prth.parxdinai$jres paafestiaB.jlyL KUUUKU A in I11VU1U IB ill f eatb wife a trialifirant aaaddve of tba-OhUdron ars-tisa ; a&A thejUpa ana anaoat dtoirafr thtfetfattetolWoT to titbeisfrang cauw "tit rever whifc Jhas Jeiaedia)daitiie faiailyii aatunS't fBf; w?bft- Um jwaaaed sea wim (coves, vmcr ve which um'ed the atBacetfl' wtthbciBon- ens aiuumia. Thuse wuc-iead thte-wotrld do wcll.fOVtasaitlufrifliafciemory. : - BlowiTibtrrgiar items ara night. They entered the store cellar of liBr!tllsxrW?andin on leather, &a Among other houses they a yellow Modoc of. the AuW1 persuasion entered thtf Mlcned'or Hf,' d. merson, living between this place and Tanceyvillei andl&Td fUOr&ftSJrning by Mr. P., who asked who was there. The a&mietvamii!;. striking him on the arm. He succeeded in knocking the "cpJoiedV gem'man" down and securing hhn with ropes, leaving him absjwoealMi prisoner managed to get out his knife and cut the ties that, bound him; ad ttb;ioUoe4 bytba twetyiys flrnaTacnflsi pwwi,flf,v nan i' l.TD'it nmel nwwya.fhtt a i iiuiHiav r. w whuwu iu mawW iuntqi - r n ttreaai yi r B t ne no? I J J.'V whb sntJcieeded M'cMBftaltilml t If ben S the youngest boy tookJfo&fef Vd itogro . ? . : j . : 1 jji ' .Wl lEieippiakIth'l4ata 4BQde4 iarteeiurr hjwl, HtownV rfwt9r i ' - .'! oteoaflCiAjiDt4 2s-otWll.(jtt J'iiJob I abont 1300 or 1300 pounds, the coktr of one black and white, and th other white and yellow mixed, and pasturing them or filing information mo aIwraatyeaaiv,wU1 are (atWidK-; ward. They eaoaried from Mr. Thomas Johnson's! .ibmfiw'i -nat ; PibrvrSSgle.; -pIlQNTje3W:Kai9;tJlRTH fAQXaatLBf ry7ttt eirrrca',i'wffl'M'ttldl6 hieild 'v.. r-- xj ana. i. . i ftrtW ,3;ir s-,.;,a Ors. 2aieene9 Itndly?ti XXeatiaajr'4 rTfijwWM -lJif l!f: imat TO ?;uoV nifaUmaJrra BosrrBcca cottcsscbiAsi am t urmwm UMdanha aH k) maimisb vk i n"nt aujiTCTfgywy,wrT':J)flii no -rxjauaHr.TQwirAcroxccs m qainme. A most positive remedy for BUtoaa Fcnr. and CroseatMna of Liyer bdrf'r?! ?giHyrrofed vbal mwy 4 - if - ' i . . w i . f n TT: x i r y 9l-HftiJri rtro4J ba rats? JWdiwtiii A'fJBibd iojf YvJ liT3lj!wa aw ua b-? i Jl'O .' 1.niO(i IjCJ? ofif. R jJjmwn !.') tl ft JF7JXI3 lit ."JSPTfi kWiijKHfliltiOi las w nsx)t !di iv.'l' jiH-,jrnialtJk. jaBTiBBi5iani;.'i: Tofctbo hfaicdtnf i atMiIoitord'iiWAatba;ii " - weoBuxiaT jErenuur. wee of yds wo la well f known,. hm aeantaK ltntbb 1 iiei ilrm I'ifiit 7rsA' HnitrnfiTf "0512,1?. 7 JtmwiaMliuMrgea rwalftrf.-i il hi -Jit nat arti Itiff flurl-i Jaiild ina Irrr;d3' esw 9inil odi brie jiii; . (waHBaaAfcaa' latWdaaaj tfMgyaaWao ua td boa e fed bail sds mid Wot isw ffiitpni fc iiODlond lnTftl:-oif -t Beat Goods for ttiVmUWl Me. pJBfii-are reare&'fo-'gWe Ait ifalttjaiitV milkl r- - . coiBDnsea adl kinds of v p - . . - 6ri( :r'i'., nhM&U ni 7-hn j j Boioatentaii taBaatebrateaVJsTvin t Q nut itiTT(nroo'o dTrvrmmrt! UifH ba .-. n iVil bM-bn-ff I MEZ&f&i&mst-HaQ&u I ass t la V . f . Jjw Jhsw. ,M.itiiif t! ,ooi Ua-pxaaeJuWtBiEO totnUiaai iujor saw r.cwH? to k-kkj is -yab It! r ULU.H aa" ' i v.e.Wr cot I iIa7EE90Oie onsas on jugA neck: and... Daejfci -un nis . knifee1 other "pked' up 4'rpc. ; ItnoaKedfMr Jx&M&k 'WfthtekriA tit.:- rHMiLlnWi Llb..Hli1l'f atf o -HirrafclaUaeiuaifi Msl ChMlal aadSletel L, I rr; jfJO ISTKl) h &;jsfckrgK, O iHf 1..RE -OUT - b?l rtaawa aaaaymniiy iinaiaij ay ram? 0ELLIIIG ,T feJ UuitM ' O t wo fVIIai !- 11 ffi!'.3tr 9i .- otrjavla tkaiJriatBAaill,.Tfa.V rr -HoSsv f ysHPjaiapi , H i rrtW ol Shi mi a rIt ,l,a pJj I Jjs 'I Hr. fjg ,-rilHs )IC iti'ff: tVilil? b f I na. -r l. -it S t. Ki.: . .7VBB)fTOOiAB.waa4ji ; J fclW yefcwfefeW.i7ake' Claret, Blackberry Bn?' ' a pifbifrdMa4TTfl fotftta? 3Tiaai delfaKKd -la snrrsasi bf aha 1ft' It' ! 'fi f u u i jUiMn-t CQffitTi'' OATSl " Hiali irarLiidu 'elJJil eKaitriOil hiff f H dlli TO IO 81 SJflJ S'-JiUOtl DaoaKolaaaea'.'r BAtttO eprlr,' ,lfcliiW 31lJ FMV Viiom aiT .i-to"- fWon tirst 100 w fi81 so i ;TsW "yr,9f-tij aa iiV3; aa M o a rara n a ssm I AA-WUJ aaaWG.r:' i :irr kfttT93 9-rt-jrifi."id-..fTO iJid'v iii -r:d I 4rlMV GWVfWr!T WWt jaotf8aa3r suo.f-j!dj!: Vd bh&at tb )ib tci BdXnAfeieb,fT , .aiJhodjua -atiiKJ -i JMatajaanr-By- foi, i r,f-.5J cVriflO ncriyj irjBjri - - ' a r T. ' r . FEE0H CEACKEBBw rtrr $-i't bmv f7nrii v 1 i ru rft CaACKSSSJ' : ASSOBTED ifr ;f;to-ni Siii'JJiri irifsf 1Oi-j.',i pwiOi .ejU. . Jo owtHtfc- JonoiiM nid ngfil Jii fhl f:i1i?'il tfVOflt) Vibiqji f n va e tttrfo ja ;tf -ftflj aU, wca irt lid saueTouI'rj oi9v iiisUix'Ctii nc y mlrg -Vn yry onlhSn .-to.I w irtiWffii;; ftdw ctid lo 9a botUcKia 4 I J ,9HIU lWWi!;BVrTl J it !ftoli i r ternary hSlr 'id ax4 fiaeiiiosajsTwjJ WEatf aafllSamfias ddiT p:ij 4Uiw of . oj 5P ;ui-'-io jfiOfiBiiisiJtrs OCt 18-tf 8S Nqrta Front street t'T KM fjir.l 11 a a tt tr yfci rtsU'A ft f Valyy - lfoiiiw ?ia(aTrKel Fras'irevrBt7m tawasspssjaaawcB;-! - iit -mi: r- 1 rt I)r A Y RTtO bis b i mib v-i or iM,iK "iim-i at. Low; Prices for CA6H. ant ito inertta anaxe of pnoiUS patron- taramnsn sun aq it that aan bar DBf wiS hate ehart b bi.'H' ( ;!r ".'V. L. t'i " !u'i!! 'J'.il ij!,iivw & nHieovadA 1 1 t i;.ir n. .. Hilt tirwnfirjtT i. Voraalaby i iu 1. ;srLw -1 r 111.' il 1 ar'iij-iir;yii (w5Ska-;-''odr-'.,strt7b- iicfddw i bd.do' J Meadaand paaau aefcoavBig, ate, as neauj muTtr" 'wasty as ia Tjaw-tllTr" t narw ; 4t LtlV'oj mWaWo srwa-tz Tt&fVs'cyiViM cojnnieta in ,au s jssauneas, SVthe atataj, iAMa4 JataAdt eeariawsfly M Of one OI cae mm ikluiu wraor aaaprao4exitotoBaly, rvVio J krts v mi'. i rfSaHBRl sett" Wb "Monticello ''BsWtllBa io. bnr, d-jn biia aS&Uy&N i cii trufc.-l !.. sinnjHuiXiu todflta TO , rjfi txiTfra, ft 11 a nj I gQ HHD8. CUBA lOIlTAW, JlaBSJCS, 1 euatoi tfooierathatheliaa reeeaUy ftt4 witarMinnlawiit at m tlT.OMIZ 6-60 r5-" SSI r i H.9RPJd.aiL" Kitchen Fninl. set t irrr ' 3ir srFntTir; JAi srtTiHiiairaiiiiai ii!j Vib I'b ;di.tw ittiir.6g vsiintl ;ri-ijii i-" a- rB a A4fj.' !.. r rV 4 -i i . iS'-wa'.-- OB .r rin -bitii.."ii?i iJSJJiflA i ? w6fft 'fjoWrSrrf ' afeuanSiic'to to attach to any counter ia a fjaftf$tea:ttjar . SaMiiiadIS 'mwr t7X I -BASoJDBTt copli . . - . vnas Yiioiisanw iBKVjava, Inaandye largest and most beantlf nL ana yaried aaapxtaient iiro n hi! y"d WrW.CbaaiMrW'Gto ljiffia-i ijfiini!tif,q jhv 'iifimoitJ:.'. soon;, ana a general assortment 01 t 1 jgmroRD, cbow a co. . will vill , ou- !-i5o .ijifu vi.T. a&m ni "1!kh -cd isyi.. Ibp.V them. " j - . .T tan ,nf m f cfHiKOTaQLoxowjico. en 194f . Boath Water street. ra. jJka3-j-W,, ' . a- - J,weaa, yujj?jj "'H'-1 il iDaKMtgala to.deyr Alaoy r oiiw''pfigsSSrf I - ocsiv-u - . xLLrt v aoo i ifcit ax . i 'lit In irnN!'iirj M''l' etvlliirttuiteda ia5rsxarjaAX.i vaht- ed immediately. To one that can cxnae wag jacom- Breaded tfie highest wagea will be- paid. Apply to Nepi Hardware Storef CHOrfXWAkB TOJTOBfc WlWDO0a,lirBAT O Cutters and BtaSera. Kl Whisks and Apple kadsaadaL'broase, WfoeraV OialHOda: Btferav f Sbarpieri, CMeUD UteoetiIajtrrf all biaaa, I and alL arJkJea, needed: la JioaaeaieeplM;. sate Drasa, aaa.nni aas a, Dark Sejewa, Imery QAA BACW COITM, , . Cotton Yarn. BVdi3'-aaii 'zayf -s9cs ,i Avdw I JatySl-tf qedwabds Hall, r7 aiivttifliii 15- -1. i