' . t ... ; I M J , . . Stl 3'J ?. c Witt. TtISSAt:M.0BJnWQOCTi 21, 1873. h .... JwFrw-Mw Agents, Baltimore, areaoleagentafes Thb M oaartea be found QRtfllj atanj West.timor ru ecu S IS c racism. Wo make tins-extract from the AtlaAtara'wil straight om or hovuidk ., .On the other hand we- fln4 Ahe Ramckls Demcrac j jleMed principle to' liberalism id ine persfins; rarouuqg oy jw The puaji gifts ihejuiattf made ae as noth ing compared, to whafr-tbey would hare made had they stood firmly by the prln ciplea which to? aipne.rnke ihein, fprj$ld able. w In Ohio they werethe incarnation-of State sovereignly ,irA. Pennsylvania they; J ruckled to the bastard liberalism, which: seems to force the country iatoja f choice; of evils." ---- .v i This " a opinion as is a opinion" a genuine Bunsby pinion with all the wherefores" oTUnat able-; reaaoner.; The first thought that strikes say end. who knows any thing about &ecam- paign in Pennsylvania thaidicu,j lous misstatement? factathVabove DaraiTTBDn. n -remunvatwi vu? ocrats almost woro wrfinoq the Democratic platform of Ohio, being ' the incarnation ox state oov ttfai 4t6-lhe iiTHbtrati ii lVJk"ation" would Wl ffcvrti more ei a more con 1 .tl M 1 ,4"t- Then the -HedfcFtries to create tha sylvaai waastheTsahV .of rtruckling to .tilmt I5CttonlsnThi8 ii not fair, fQrji-as-r.Vttitave just saidi substantially the-samfi latfprro al - thoserof Ohio. Theicr 'irrticlrfofl trrM'" j"3T s'ic je?i rcm at w3-utf Tfe firB skv' takn,: and the 3s ew Jersey Southern road, the) iJaltirhoM and Ohio Ksilroad -ba jfij secured control. It is also officially announced, by; lose inclose businesi and persenairelatidns witn Mr. Gould .i tlaneasnreibrAtob . settlement of his partnership arrangej ments. . . " .Tbet;fwse.irWod aidjoajtB of joaejaryt power and entie7: wjth. Irawal ffomTlbe field oL acflaiTii sal WaillnnMf- Mr Jay Gpujd ij the shrewdest opera' ter Wall street has bad in many vAffiainitmoHlraoTspecu liilO T'Sf'.'S V iire .-t-i-.-r wa irnwls iators, adventurers and thieves. Wi "pnkd0 oughit o ibcbngtnlateol 'n thoe casioo. vdie mabYiaagerous man, and - ihere-is probably o man astute and .aiaySouTakggiiS "TherfAtfe gaged by a DliMFpEbWOikfc vent a series of histories 6 Pffie(Jt4 Stije.bnnbie wil Obi7' Inven CiWrrtlfeijrXetteBlev. Bistdrian rative isn't worth any msafe 4rii The onlrn9eis1f6make her TOMOT indiviial who iri blifitHgnorftm?e of the J. & O-ulaf w xey gmomrhwiptvpa ft8! ." The Boston Gflobe has an.eliio4 -rini beaded Thetsommonness t)t ttmi i eomntotMieaaTp wmrnoiMWty'bet Tr-- MriUtfV;. Motto O 1 he rencn KepnbucanS are active . in pressing the campaign aiiM monarchy. Ye8te?day3j)(gagj Lef t held a confere'afid feltt members of the McatITftiJtn P SA -.er tbgetbers.. Siew Vr. Melaton, thj, great Jgncli Td ins wffe, lidrf tmd three daucrhtera " which is sometbmgt larger than th estates ordinaryv-left by American ereigntv," have nothino: to say hermiw4feoireve3 refefWm A Tear riHUra the Streets EljJrt-at taWllairIf tmlJ QCiraplLie ' DeaejriptL of AjTtrk to Golnjr On Memphis Correspondence of jTew Totk ncxnevyear jsramnnys wu Deen the river became" iavigabje the lently that ttrade antnnatrstry were py'tKiiv toefll gencjcholej.the! 5Kda fthbse tbomallbeco: J .hAi.M ha.i mn it f nil oonrse djrawntouSjtbsympattriT app,aIoi Jra:!i is deadly, swift and sure and 1 fougWrwwessfiflry Tytbye most; undiiMff' viaaacaP3 eMrtwgy,il Tftce at bur disbosaJu'h i i - .. , , , , i I The ci ty,. has .entirely changed inn peartnea iIthMil;fhei; brief I . lerteW4iiedrf6ia'tei jnott iwbo.,oao-wdth.siWlta hbtffitanVwm MdoVtoMthJi I 1ftittltilr an whetHhey arc bcoil -attr&iS am 8 WilSr t'EHaQD emptied streets, their white and hagj gard facSB311i bk. 1 z x ma a a w a ar HV"rJ breakine and broken TbeaiOs. V hold families have been burned faW 4ke vaults and tanrrj 4&e-feH wiinin a xew nours. -JMJsnY with helpless little children pareWsre3eMB3 tkfridftiy thine lika-rCmfmbla,2tim3xjar? nomes ior inese is one oi ine mwi If ties which have$t$B4 such noble work. The money wfcicl is sent to'Gietn fromW;prter asT( is ever an nrgenFttceilrtypipB, r' n ( has enormously incrasd. ijaajda bf bread which once brdusrht five eenra loaf fifteen cents artf-bw "dmiww UMTTiilVTiaen tekm QBSseAjilhjeH di 1U4 6,, , r .S.ydOH I added,, h&aTajCrW for aid are made by able-bodied' upon tifc&mfmbfim 'tmbtt authorities, 'leaeAjlJtjalaBBa would be willing enough to workout them to do, for baaiftess is stagnated W&Aneji bayeejbferown oaJtof emf the commissary depot, and not lest noise of hearses rattling throng th4 hsrftatnmdriFtti4a. WStUrivlal faauwtbaftiorses ean go, and everi rapidly enough is heard, and at mghl fires casJbljipoBhe sky ai thoughI)eatnwere celebrating bil victp rod, the pdof aiSsg and sobEKJ GUce EdMUHes thd appalled sense of him who ventur abroad in thiWhltlowed time. The "Wfi.. Mj,iJ maps bo OOeWiti e evenms and remain ia the oSotfiYPmBrn mg. ; 3Iany of those who thus lMlf e kfthsv ielzed eri?Bed- !rabl ltknferUteoeitbfr.:far whohfir :anv appearance of being irfft&SSeld; " . 1 JeoT't Jaa't XiJtnS? S3. ; ..-.s:-W4t to -1 THK HBABTLESSygSS AyPliTBgMAyiTg wnicn geflwaaAUKdaapanv sncr tienibJeHplaaOTesaxwkitbii!'! bjtrWi oaran inreves, - piCKpaBasmusa n biiriHartim. 4KrbaveleenrTboul tbeAMhWHbriver firfrrterKAfrrtifc m&mm gi fw in the pl4rritarnarjmi3ing sucH tttnrif CUrvVfVM1Urranoin morn A lmvA IT d -penpte tern ! IrecW reoktesgrirhd-Teady MeJrfWKmiort 5 or-Hiofioiwanrtt.8 a jj kw3 r Qut of between thirty anjfort v pf sncn - saloons, : wnicn comraonlvre "SfeftWyaiVend'to the other rtrrToa-ljttiit'Ofi.and thfabjrnd meanadMM mvmmkr' 4 bol4heW!Wlos WAiome-i 4MrKpshilYJC0fBiBrf hM all . m' ASfi ffc.'--lJJiHi QOmsmeA for hoursxw1.6ni aw wtth the saenie2iouaoyiJiafc aafeom haveWsiittbl! RSSSSK doortfeMljgff row, f .wherem theSserv wea,were ieeded. j olbrido hTortytWo 66wp. deatb,: and espair .OEr.eve.ry hrtid.i JSs" nrespgefei I 'Sditbttf kM:tfiyrBs TKiue VuHjaaratEeledQ ycaniit2f aliave. advisers he -bave done all thev" Todaibh ' ielinoli'i s 'f J 5" closed, not one peine, open jnprth off TJ-; Uuarm.hhth 3 tub STEKisTfcdla -grtOtfe dbsbetkd 5,, faioideee' kreas' death 4 SfilMtlwftTuej-; rtlSrfOTaBttSSjae iu I f ollojra31iss0ailuri aa7 D7 a i aaMa burvffiff OTTaeldJ kntinBatfl therftiiXi&dbXtab'Jtfti .taAk-i 1 - The Jctettte Monthly. J4! ikw -airwi they 8houldjiod time for burial.-- J There Mre not. ; indeed, v hearees rhf for Ed work, and- Bomel SxiS as nine dtfrpseVareT f pvy toflhejairas yf ungel iKewagon and driven 9aX j ) jnanijd Henlowhoail iolr itiy Ltcitbeirlnt resunir-tOce. Ifhjun or tne norses .sucn a wagonjruu. Wg awathtejrtlyJT :rabttfAbcIe.rgi:meot t!ole 4yAH fi! doedbthihe Jadefatigable, qSistemf j SIS self-imposed task of relieving the so 3 r. - tha 'b- Wirfi ino iF culd, andifoar of. them have: fallen iMS fSv' " I w-iif .iiawyW. atH; -Maai-eamr: : : , r V. "1 1' . !It ment,XaTli -tgecoai aseaae, the! othAtiaUaUuatsl 4 ,fanHlBW;amrfWidrLo4irnww 1 ,1F : tlt I 1, "1.1 rjUtoliteHUMW ye" or mor 8he ha. her f rtftrtutej pjind -weanncr apparel insured for M0. t Padouv xne: inw- or Auejsr jan-i, (ra. a7 a ki jr-r' iw - -it' . b itijf va. y t 1; '-iixii'B: . a t . 11 1 t r era and tnW 'ceiotial re1niri,aT4r6l trOTlwdfaoiiegyirgtktfaAf the Sdlof Ahgnst; Halle. sMcDonald, a! rs 1 -1 TCtfl-Kat;., ottD g Aty - "eiongmS W One or too igrng to We' famili Witt , BBgrlO-iBBHi DUO BfUB BirHttl 1 to .MiJ:s3?oalAiconsail ligatJBrinasaBd before retiring rej moelaerbsene lamp frdtfiHbBed fi.mJmWg rooms mmnnicating. joor was awakened by her bedfellow getting into bed a second time with a awake. In aTbout tittee 11 mimitfta JXhen she went intd the room whew W tamp was, and to'TOtrfe-sraeTrb.f 8mokeeabu e rtgwJws so strong that Miss McDonald was &mtHWttmt&fo somewhat alarmed V ""i v,.vi-ii..;..-, 1 r1? TSS tOTrTO? ySwiSaOT in irtHkaSiMaBi mmmmmm iUB9Bte Iai.MsM ovMri laV eztm ncr hnt tn trnnV and a amaii inni 17 v" red irnnk contained tia. or.lhiei j and the frame was charred and black told Mm she bad had a fire, and by ainoun Fire-! Marshal Sheldon's lnouiriea wai wbelminflLnrooia affainaLlhU .ftliend ot arson in tne tnim negree, neing exceed thrlif But the Httle woman was firm in hfl a t mis HaeofarV3MttS nocent. Recorder, Haekett senteiiced her to ijir j impnsonment ror lite, in doing so he nrciIeashowna n'e! inardene tofW, the only place r awrm awufKuoaiavtT. i W4V nu -onirnunlWt'laVg;a a strongf barriwtturabe was carried out iition. -aw 'nvu3B aid m inrnwmvfw.uiLz. aue4 roaKajJberr Urove. Illinois, went witn4us. wlf i Id Frovey Illinois, went witbpttattwafldf t a WDodn near Iheir house ,to pick p I nlnniaillriat lUu'.4aAaiafMa1-;aa LaaTiiUCrrtbat bcbbiiBbjad,eaaijj 1 trrsp montpraiter a inue gin was passi assino ' -mi. to a certalri T!, , and insisted npon a Uial. TWrKhfe ;rtB AodjaaarI ni"lRttkl SSWa 'fete36 tbebbdyJ i oearcn was maae anu we ooavor tna murdered man was found.- lie had been plowed in by one. Williams, fathej - in - Uw. tp.thevictim Another love t uo Vj-joU'S wiff, at l t tos thatrWilHam8 ? who had a quarrel ltfrVoo3,was' oIy anccwnplice X"m HvV7"gr.i3P ;.;i?,ff f,Ulil m . mMarskfeyayU awjpWpoiw 7?. TTt 'The hatf took1 of ibe Qharitort Naturalists, after years of intes- j ligation of ffieoM AMempbi wocaan 1 toij,waB WWWW 11 ..II i vi Aff iadti mwtenl itnipfMiife&'toUl 1 ii -.1 ' j i Uliawliupbevraa - j 4rottKd iitw4ryHaWeshTv r-n W ) . 1 , . " Uof iiMiiiirWtiimixif jlod.jwtieijMr Ltfcswfwat bf. large-herd of eookiog foreswiitedto tied ' out - what- the . animals lived oif j lie openedseVettil tand'jnd, toxnAcha itfuUuof iBlgarSt suiijifllfiia suiJ -a,ii?it .a fM y aouMSi!a'tiV4lninaiaanji .i-o hVae Anes mcra CanaTBoai Sela- heorU&i ,a-rt .t'Wtai! tux irj3 .eftw ka ofoal AjOwMeAployedntb' aislrf PennsylvanfetlHgaf rbm the mines WTjsruTTon tide-waterJ made bv Customs officers ip DeWferfti t I and New Jersev witboritttt?iM4Vnf1 law. as alleged, and inlffeffflTir&'irtrfhJ decrees of the Courts1 bYnb 'tTAftft,? States. The SecreU'roTthTriar I tha TTnWWl Sf Ztrux ! regard them: a anrnWroW -'r 'tha and vested in hiniWibe fcomtnj tion. Oonnsel also., anvn . tKnt V. stands ready to raainUiR tieaahargea beta thn nrnrur ,riii,-., 1 I 1(11 M IVHMIV W M' 4ttoerJM o we alien" xirarr ea OMW WW''?0 enroJffaaMw-iiVtb trade, was written by an actine Sew h-etary enmm:ttmne & abi nna fSSS on the re4 j ai -..u Ax 1 aHrMt?uBf?lf.JVaa-noi AjwToaa i,neeaovox,BeiOJiakieMtkMi 44nr9MBB fPLs).wsam;aTaaaam.irs4 A Jeeitf ?0rtflrtctf ' to: ab'SaSWri rwSston;bf f rgjPjMJ wbbaff esh d?ani JW Jkyr&milteJXimfim veefc8 near US-g--:Si wi.LHSitwh jvuuu furauu..jwi rpwad teti sptnft;TeYldet-a Y Which SfttfeIdnW Slftfnht . x - . i fufKrlbS Uto mdiilarialih, hM WjMiiHtfIS iWP i aajr waI. 3 1 . . jjfenir .ueoka.iuv. nrm -u,-nji irvinnr. 1.0 M 5 poseo. in i&M.Vbmm r ' r7'" i 7 r- a...iw. t l. - . ; 1 - -v - ' u!f a-roft ?l f3jjio Yffr jrfgra alMUFiiaAiiSEA.WiNK a (i . t t t6Bt TiijMV rtoraA .. fvultmt f' sit .rrns sd no raiil saline L ,&901 iiiiw fill if $httof. !.?:ftW ! i".'"iry 9qijbs .bb -pW5sftlSWI? sSn84Sg .rrai ' iohfjfe' SPECIAL NOTICES. ajnouavtaxav. . f 2W. T"J. ' ASTRAL OIL arf ectlT odorlesa. KXIwavr6nl uuaa aapenof wo saa. trna tpresaly-to diaplaca a of of expioautg r ti tint exokxllacr tor t tine 1-r mi mna t1Ta Tta af. loaalb tert. ad Its eriect bonilB: moa4 t ita ofcntlwh I ae ia orari MUUont of nUosa have been nld and no accident d1ictly or indirectly haa ever occurred fron purning, Btorlnx or nanauneit. ana angarona wis in lid Fir tSomv Cbmpa panics amr Fire vommUBion-- atirj.rennmnirtifl tfm nnvnik as the beat aafeKB&rd when lamps are used. " for circular. ; .tf J - -. I , Jnr aale at retail by the trade general lr, and at whoTeaale by Wpttoi;aAJji'Pr X., 108 Faltoa atreeCNew York. ., fi , j..n ,,1.,- ii!Miiarf -mU st.rf!T5i4!; -;-!' : Motliera, OTothera, pJerj .v : p Pon't fail to procure 1i"WtfrSflJdWS 80OTB 01 teetniiix lachlldren. It reuerea The chud from pain, cnrijeltCi;iwa)ate tba bTswalav and by girt ins reuor ana neaiin to tne child, givea rest to the Be aare anc :bi I,. -MRSt; WCWIAIW? eQOrHINO STKU1." , For aale by all drngKlsts. . iut A. ADBIA1C. . . n : i; !VPiW raa avarwa.saa, WILKf INOTOIT, N. Cv TtTHOLESALB GROCERS Donntry inerchants will do well by calUng on as an axaaoin tnk oar atocxJ i nl Ui-riinemfoM-t B, F, MITCHELL. & SOBbV"' ana ueaiers m Crala, Flar, Hay, and aia'1irre& 1 1. 1 ., .V ,. , .. .1. 7t TBI . i". Vi-i-ii noTift-tf The only Reliable Gift Distribnton inJb,e,C9vnjt a f K- JL -Jul JLJT KJ a 6jf " Two Prizes $1000 each in Greenbacks Chaiiiflj Solid and Qopble Plated, 8Uyr lri3f 4iariJe,tt ? number of Oiflji 10.00O. an XT I-':rliJOl(i.-i nmnlnnia si 1 lv mU - r 1 94ne Tickets $1; Six Tbkefo) ffirara Ticks CIrculara oontalnlng t fail Itat of o"!! -TTwv.rTsry-Tr ",ia. Kill i v w n a hmi aaescni ' i." . J J ' a mm X four fiangev around the door.'Of refined waoshi Maxraziuajnxe nraaiiajcsttiiaaai at . i a dry stlXeajLoa and tlmtut OA: , WirellVe-sieelA FHin and KeSrf , riMbW&i ili a fiM win .ruai'JUJ iy3 wuianiueaoo azilm 4 tV"fcWrfi vad oj i 1 .. ........ HOD 1 ' 3Ja .aimm cdvjwjy vr u ia onr n a - m vnrfn tH lit :irTJT!fsiKxniiruI J J fi-.a J i LHi 4ira9at:iiuiaiuuiua '4 ed in a barrei ; fot the city "a djiain In abox .-v juneLVlm .nnwuJiA.aiwiHyar IsttA to ainjtn f fTfhmri rr li TinFiin' I 3 1015 ' AV. ..VI - V ULItL AN If 1 f- r. 4t 4c MarKefSi 4 MQlatf sjJqtid rOOS will b HTRTrrrKV-BAtt ,W1U fie sued nntU nald lnr r .r. .1 f8Utteveafterfe at we aanaoants whaterunri nope our f rtewda wm bear this in ndra iPRATTi Aba tly safe." ilnfttinar ? unVb at Oi mnfiir jid :tjltinfler i ten BBltlnsrronvw tneUitHti Tnentmranee vi n m bl ii . a a a aa w aaaw mm L BiiTrlxei't each WiCJrreiibac1tl djreM: reenffiiili trcjuwv wnmimnn iau use oi prizes, a descrip BSffAhAjnutnaeoldrawl MBattli aroate-ia aW?flo 6retwatrai aqd. Auilu.ihrtn? mn sre it "iiMim ' H -i , s 'J -u, m mmm, n ' ' iitfBaasBiEatjaBBs3 AAaLINGTON Insm Anc e Company nichrX jind, Tirglnta 0ver-5,000. PoUcie Issned. (y is!? - I.-; .lojiri.'- 'i -!.! "'A g,in:i Kf rK)'!5 ' Miinlisl "-'flit Iti'ft ?0"V -3.i-j.W 'Ul'!i ? 'yJi;KT -jll SlJAptSIjSmi IEB,SBB aiii-'M 'hllo yi'.: - ','. .t-.;(.i; !) 1 ti- :- I'ii'A i'i Iemtuuis Cash; to!icls Liberal; i.i v UiXt'i iOtVio at: ixif.n m iv3i.,.f h AliittbMOIirfsidia iit.1 ,li ; iuniX'ji fill . .liii'ii. ii i -i ;IawaneRooiaa. S-Miwater Btu i ' v J jmi v;rv'i i!ai?rT -m 7 r; ;Ci-'iiur W. 4 tertftStwi, P&S john t wards ifyt pa?at; ft jT. )iarp.actVar AaaiataataBrtataiKftaf. K H.tSih AetaaryrB. Kor aertiiein' " ' ' " Company, CaaaHM! JLatA r. aUl: .... 10,OtA,000 Hartford XnaiiraaceCoaipanTuOapital. . .. 2,506,000 National Fire Insurance "Company, of SenrafM3C6ntpanVrfewl! - i Yerkv Caplul w.viiiv--. . t.u).". . vv-aOftjeoe 'rlAlttHaV-Th:M alriaatile'jlabtal Wir -. !UFB-rThe OoanecUeal a3o iuvftto&i froJilKHJf'Rl JS 00XO KMirm 'tit! "This aWViaBeailWat nuun wjipiupMnsaiia posac Taroa, aodj appa, with, conadence, to tosnrers of property in. .c .tax-payees; IT O TIQ jS 1 1HK BOARD bF" COtrNTY )birjilSSK)NEBSS K -i- .. ... . .-. ............ ,;u;; of ew Hanover county will hold a meeting, coav: l. . i. C ..Will a I '.TSj;r- j jaencing Monday, Octobor SOth andcxMUhinins.antIl Saturday, ttetofc,lwaoy.jtel tteaoars ollOA. M. and4Pfor the-jjarpoeeof hearing ant' extuAkiing complaints tax 'payers itpon the mattet of assefesHiMits of 'rieal; i in manner and farm asset forth, In Section l"! .of jPerenae Act, being .atitled "How fOfnplainU j Comaaisaionsrs hatbjs propertj.CHher Kal or pert tonal, has -y y 'j 'ranisil; aVthal bn ii charged with aa exceaaura tax, ha shall preaeat bis 4dBe! br JTandjsattsamaaxiaaas) axaaaawaaj wlUieaaea necesaarr rorTa juat declaion of the ene tip1-, If thny rtariida srtr at Ua mainiainsTit,ey Shall also ffive iudtrmtmiMmSnnt hirt fnr lv t&e mveatiflatfcm; bat TT the Comity" XSHnnrtaaSori the jfraanAsJbfe ihr r TES tPcMWtiojeodeatraaconat Wf'sn-w awpnai-iwis' reMeretL eettiaed xlark,ahaU be Vi Credit tha Sheriff wtth the 6Vehirt fiT-htf1 iCSI flatttsifflar, oroiitpaza tiJ jirfA ,fef wipsaaiKwul feaowthMaMavsaMtcVthh f ActiaTwktoe theJtasjRjttAda afeabatttosfci W t4yiapleta OaaaeafaWfathtn '''tfen, sauiai 1. pai cllaMat Cuurman. i fid Mnit eill ii:Jf rj nand the nneet .Man ft CJaewiaasn v nsit i - ' T a a i V" ?7, WUCf 'Hit i acroon ana saiiabary. oHlir-AsjliiL: llfiiA-irtvyi.wT. J . - .. . - H:Kbfrfi ttofvIrfr WaWS'ff 'f I-?51? :?n; KoioAliniJ::.V!ijb9nb5W f). counties SabKrintW wm8 dJotalng annnnv-r . .-r ... "Sfmtm 'into? 1 -bo fv-wia -iniR 2uliA tSQ 1 Wir- - va a 1 a 111 as ?T Lka thitriur Ji ''IT "Machfn tb Maii I. -vvWv I dVri11 ifi iJfi rfr. I .nuaa wnen BendV- PnMlBhefl Weetlv-- IT .f,7r ,3T.- THE'STAR"" .BOOK . BINDERY iV sMtrA-- 'f.ij'V;' ' . . , - 4 1 RUB :1fiflir) lit B:0Oho!) . -fl iAiftl''iill . lwiii f; 'V?jf!iith fR01Cf SZ'TlkU -fi .jeis t;i,,.u i&aa-i Ts 7?3 ; i-injK i5 ii:i n.i - :f'ii!Jr!v'''" Ii '1 ;iBil?rm TUK XISKtSKFSfKfAl'r OV ,i a ,-mi siin- ;a )- ? ; ; i:1i: Tf1i'ilfi -i-itHKf :f JJiCTif, LklE B.mi:i !! vUltio itX tvAi fci)'?r t DQpajrtirient, ''Ait j rtit? fi f is -r, 1 1 s-;.1 -.j"- lOWEtjT PEICES, SlflHf!d &ffr t.!u I H t ,m a-i if, 11 -.-V.'1. .! Jt' J :-i ! ( ' Mill ,ttt ff );ifcja,;;r -v ri lvh" vi.' j; j iniiji "'i ! i f-"i'. ' - if r ?jvvi -l K.ijaiY ,iI ;.riitiiC'ii y rt.pHStiit tfj'j ffjul f:f- i.,.."f; -;. mnAei fi'Hn sjuiun m :f;iti.iwi jit r t-mv brJduf wiH ii5rl TVO UkZ lava frfaTy-ortj ' -r -- ;w .- r'v. - ... ,.L;- rt. : kd Ji Jfi.l r $iar j1c?;ifn 'f: 1, itl iiU:, slot Hilf;1 dl !-. 5aJii-'fU Vf. 4lJiti 7T.V fl(i-j viMfl:?iil lsi i ! i. 1. ..'ilij 5 VWUf.Ifl ll HIJlnJ.Kk- i v5ft "t 1 -f ifi-aiSibr' 'li:ff)'".tJ1 if!l iLU'--'.vrw'j -'.-yitf. .... rry... Pf-r W:i?iriiSiriaiar'afaaaw j?l .,. - L-' - r'"'". "- ' -" ' ! . ? U riHiJ ?. ! . i--i, t1?' ii Wis artsaaid t 1I aMIw wltai tTi? Orti.JdfJitfifitnL lirrfi :-,.,r:u F, - ' - lAVAUa ; n't ?-. tr,-.-!'. .o 'ti y. birtvii i. ; - . , .,. X'tiK i fji;;'! ' 1c- -iwJK j-?; -.! i . . . tk.. "V - . ' . Wt 1, 1873-U f." ? f6:i ?ii 3(!j TOTStTjfui sift Vi?Tl"vii roTTTinterr n i : gaton 1

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