liOTTERIKSr- H4- NEWSPAPERS. SPECIALTIES, woKTii a a nnmnlesa man amid aw; ;t Vhkt throfi 2ed tkedailvimart f 1 1." i) , f) 5: TUI?PJ5NTIl&oiDS, FINE r E V K'Rv-Tv NOWN, -:. JJ! fi'7i-'1U f--f-5 ffjj rfjff i lo 'p4 f 'j1' " ' n'.'fistn .(' 2.-1 " (,-t i r?l ; .T" 7 Let fall a word of hope and love; 4JaadrerMrom the heart; A whisper ipnjhe twnjiiU Ibiwiif"1 A tr&asiiwy breathe ' ,T,jj It raised'a brollier 'fruin tb8dustp"" it saved a soul fm death. - , ri 0 thought at random cast! Ye were but little at flrst'; But mighty a&lastW ,i-u'ia yt Jore. it. ftJJsip'rT p.hi t BUSINESS LOCATIONS FOll A pre-enunanl iwfswaptjpe8. Call and examine; Mwepaperj. a tke pfompineeB. ac- CUT! vea: AT mhitian or .New York.'ftihftvritort'ittrttt. v iliil6' GRAND fiOfcCQHBRT ing vturpentine; Kuoethe straff $42SyGoa ufjttao funds : BtiiJfers7Har4w9X5J .7 : ircsf. ;.' f fMIK SUBSCRIBEBSx(ViMSEBTXBMINSD social, IhteUectnal and reliriou discnission ir f,7ni' hOCKBtlHHt&X&, BOLTS, ftc' -; nj t 8oatlj: offer for ae their en tin Antecrtv.. inttiol fc Tttrpeotlne tUllr, n la good raenlnsdr. - watch the growtk -and1 dwelopmeirrrt American Si"1"5 the progreea of repnblicanlem In .of very dosctipfjoitjj lent and ft6mctii.-2y," -r. v, RICHMOND. yfeetiBtr- h Armr or- Nftfcrn VlrsTlala RBlirmtarl- - i-if-.'-W'' cal Society. . . , , :I. -f , .. . ... . From th Richmond. Mngyirer of ; Friday we gather additional particu lars of the naceting,pf 4UA Southern Historical Society and a.sfcort. ac count of the meeting of. t,he XfArtny of Northern v lrgima. tlD last was. first, in order of time.t!Tli rljatt of 4 the House of Delegates was crowded Thursday night.; s The;' report ;7as. J follows:. t . ,t .. :,!S. Y At" 7 .O1 ocelot Btf'mltf.wM ; cauea to w y ivniwrati ixz 1 ueej President of the Asoc.atioW,twho4 in few appropriate remarks, introduced Col. VeDabl,.A. A. G. and I. 6, on Gen. Lee's staff; and now Professor Colonel' Viewable gavea1 hisWfyM the sixty joaya -.iampai5jO f and move ments from the Wilderness to Peters- . t (' 't . . Durg, snowing now vjrenerai jee naa met ao4 rfMed General Grant, and down; oil heparif t)f;W?Feaeral commander,, to a position for the seiire of .Ptersbttrsr-wUila Gfdl Lee's troops were fn fiiie coMtfonui '. by the euemauda in army m tne enemy's couniry, while Averell's and IlunUsrV arnaum were routed and utterly useless jtltiit this campaign had been conducted oft the side :Jof the ; FederalsV-lwitlifJaik army (including reserreCid ifelig. forcement available at' any timeT of 275,000, White Leec Had t ion'e time1 -an available irnfrof 7S,O00fnen. At the close of GolooelJrTeMbUMj remarks Colonel Carter, chairman ojF a committee appointed to drau resoA lutions for the purpose of entpffiftaft new members, presented the follow'! jng, which were ad6pted "Bli,;j The comraittee entrusted with the duty of prepaKng'and submitting ;to this meeting a plan for the more efficient orgamzafioq bf(the Vii'gipift Division of the ' Army Jot ' !Nbrtliern Virginia, beg JeaTeoHpcrt that in. their judgment it is not within their proviuce; noisit a&tbjg, tiqic fiP- dient, Wgghtnm&LtmWo the plan already-mbcedinthTe constitution feTeireratrpltofr;C j body; but they deem it of the utmost - importance teat tueorganBsatioa shall nt nnAA MO on m i k a. t A nm1l M 1 . CFj .1 tivatorm bv the constrnction of roll of actual contributing; ; members, and therefore rntnmenfl ""'' " " . " . " . j !,. ' ; .'. 1. lue enrollment in this house to nicrht of such Confederate soldiers 'and sailors, resident in Virginia, - as'.13aay ue iiere present, ana uesjre to uecome active memoers.-4ithft jADdo 2. Toe ase8sn3fit4E a yearlv fee ui uue uuuar upi eu memoer. -3. That'thia eOjHment and, so far as practicable, tne collection of this assessment he effected. . bv , aahcra. to be appointed fiykt6htiniw for each aisle endxihe&oach,'iia iery of the nouse who shall receive names and fees at such time as may be indicated before thwadjonrnment. 4. That thebodj i mtnted be enlarged irommistjtae by elec tion from thoseeSrioTe to member- sbip under jpaudmM whom ' are Teone'Sleo,"to Wrid ib to Major Waited Mairtin of" 'e' 1 ecjuive committer,-iRictamatfd; V f their applications with proof jofibon orable 8cr vice under tb? , Coafed erata flag, and are farther requestedt upon. " luiormeu" w ineir eiepiion,. xo forward tbefr 1 Hrtiatten fee to the treasurer, Major iRrWy MtitiS? Uich- 5. rhat eacb, .meiuber.-so eeeted, receive, a ceHiCcaiV9i wjmVe&fypt such forra-aaaliaoeidofii iyptti, to carry xhem, juto f.effecV. ..A .laree number of etr 'meKibr were s:h,;i officers were-elected Wserv ijOn' suitjjr year: 0b. Fits -Leef Pwietttf ' J-o!. Ji.'l4rirn.Meofrl Bradley T. Johnson, 5 VicepTesidefitsJ- Mtfof; 1'ohert St ilea. Treasurer: George L. taiies; penera;lt Wra,; Payjje, el Ti iftitJWHfer fcfergebW VlJIi.4 McCreery, Major Walter C. fartby anl Colonel John B. Carey, Execu tive Committf: f 'fterwrrreff!!!! vcnug aujournea. . 7 aonlker-B aXfatorleal Soelety, Immediately? naon ithcRad Wmmeiit of the Vi rginia di ision of the Army; - wa aa ',ff.n e f ki j, tyaaW V-jW.MH '1 fW- - meeting of the Southern 'Historical koeiety, Geh. Early presiding, iQoU Ha.iforrl-8?eretary. 1 f;'.',;:.y;; ;,.,'V;"Y Gen. W we made some- remafks 'ex-' plaining a plan of history! he thought' would be ' writleri ttnd' fa'voring the acceptance of Col Piektt'w archives' to be used as teir .uaerit deserved. ' General Wise also spokeof the bat tWoTprewrs Bltt, and uMJl "tST thousand mW'f romXthe J Afmy of mmorce Beaureeffti4fit Kotler. in- "eca caught nd, tbe larmy' -tmder: "eaureorard itrrVitlrT o'iiaia Kv'aV ave seen thJn.f and flaDked'arami?ftmghdt1 mia'tn V.W miT'.Vtfr.! Sent sOTtr t IhAaKsnV .- 'Jr IV' -' r '.'rvlt . L?fHM.tUOif H llimntAM. ... Uie og the f f ffeo banfcj f The judee decision which shotiM give alularr Wanks to. adhere, to hs sphered their legitimate business, A rhotiofi. f f Jstioe oKinue: to,VtfairJv:,toet id IxhfiAiA ieSrA4 Ut;inflhce8 , surd ronndinsnrK TirioAn s " -J ; ' !mg "the prisoner. .-'Sir HMriIlajiib ! A teIegfarn trom:inc 1 HoUaBd, the emment prrysiciatt:! i Be and was bom at KnstfordCheshjre, October 27, 1788, rid .'4dueS & the medical brofessioh at Hi TThTii.- JtityofEdinbiTgh, where he Wived ' Tr. euwa aoctor in 1811; 111 HAllonil 3 11 aiauuauy acquired em-" lneuce in htprQEfeSKmpaadiwas ap- MwPriyWii-.iioara,.j -Aie late Prince Albert in lfUo khiAi in'ori lie wroJeseeraLyaloablark inH ISrtMlS- Typhoid Ferer an Hrsriene- y o ""spiia .argues , tnax tne-dis e4ajaBrtwentabl as omi0 r.Twl .that , the, time will,, com&jrhen Wtl s j'iros, S tSBatiwe whiehJ "Mgw vuMW! uweasttj m aovneuow or er feorflQected; KiSrainagej'ithas therefore been cikedthe filfeTfir, and;,tofvthe.fikh iatiar. th4t no one ean approach a --case i of typhoid fever withdutr naTrinff some otrntiIirt rt I. , - o 1 , , i.iMuu w ujrieue.' j. Dis, ne claimed, gb the diseas&bv winen and W ."f1 airtatbiejftiau blhe jus of drugs."' fw "'"t' ',;-, 'r A DlMpaOintaMBU.: .) u.- ; 4 r Most of the department elerks were paid off at Washington Wednesday ,an(lrTJiureday?!niey.:were f ondly ex pecung 10 receive a part or tneir pay in silveri hntlnnt'rirm' irflrrVA-'trTil triov iu silver, butBOt dno' dime did they get, an wmvthen remarked : the currency they received was more Kii-T auuuuiy tPKU USuai. , i Four hundred negroes and over oot The tmfWitWhSn ana ireoineii. AViastieeoHtitsune negroes were marching on l.he villag tr of Jgle JUakje. declaring their Snten- tion to capture it and kill all, who tinn A AAnt ! onj tJll 11 U I I should resist."' w - ' ' ' - ,MISCKr.t,AMKOUS. For the Benefit and tmder the' ' 1 ; a . ..... . aji . Case Fear Mima okmm 'AM UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- peintedbytheExecattTeCoiaialttee f ta aaorei pointed by the Executive Committee of ' the aaofe ( aoovvusiihu w HIOJ.Q Mao aa-jyanai 1 aiiauviuosiw tvt a GIFT CONCERT during the next Annual Fair, re epectfnUysc41cl ttrioatidnsM articles suitable ,for srieea. Five hundred prizes wUl be distributed ,'to the,trcBaiwmiar tieketaf ana tlas.-frleBAif 'nf hr r rAsoalattoaare-cxnd4e .j . r.- .- . ... I the prizes. Anything from a tuooeend AJollaf horte t ie a noop sairt win ne accepts Die. 1 ne names or all contributors, together with their bis1ness card; j and the amount of their donation., W0J be published , in pamphlet form and widely distributed. ; l' 1 THE PRT55ES WTT.T, T?R "TfcrtTT4i . i j. ITED DURING THE FAIli! Those wishing to avail themselves of this most ef- 1 jfeptfveteode of Atfverwiiaiiiar iHaMAefts y 1 will nleaae commnnirgf wllh" -the subscriber during va.wWAarkiMti..iAiir '.wm I TyrriT;"r"r oepuDiuaewinte7iucwaDoer. nsmi kntln. K. ni4. nn 1a ! a. Af th. Va TIi I button will be made on the lastdav.of the FairDe member lith Ail Contributions sTioaldbe addressed to-,, 3 -r ' Kl. , "UtC THOHAS TT. CARR, . .set d4Wtiiitttot, n.'ic. y oet29tf r-j.. ir T AUBI.,1I-.A. as JailJricX fill ' For sale by , i'i .!: .'i July 81-tf r EDWARDS fe HALL. -f- rj &&fQY$&e. it- f j'to rpRONTPEWNO aA. la St James1 aniAa' Aer, st the Church, on November 3rd, being the d for reStSgpews rftddChScli -it -if. t:o'frI ill jb ana aefitroyit.s ri4t isan " 1,1 -.-i -.rj?sni i apcldCTttoonailudr Sole Ifta&er. CalfSH'alnwMf was ot tne, greatest importance, and N&Yr AND FRESHw GROUND j iiijiafir with it he would prefer to carry an v . irij?:--1 1 . :i.fft wl & Brow: T.'Kiiroeaar'iemBaaa -Brw.,-' ' v : J--.. t V , J( K i , , r,l SiwlBanki ot ltewHanow.oadsb6roTwUsoa' t.N0BTHJRPJfOAUU. cnurcn. will be aora to nienesi pia- nrTt if.T.l.Ki'i Kin Ail LA i .'rf SIS lif - f t - It, !i . XUJS.CELEBKATED.SHA1EES XT WTT.T. hJVf. nnnn.. 1 I X -biittaliiff-thr- s:isr-y,uj'w njtAK 1 PJV .ir I rs " j illard ware Depot, Ncv a Mk Sfcj ' f BUGGY HARNESS,' . .7-1 --! Biding Saddles; AcJ; " ? A eoiriptet assortment Btind 1 :? i :- -!'- V si mmmm.i:::: is COOPERS TOO.S r " ti -yTA ' , .1' UACBXHn&T TOOLS.' ." '! -u ' -at--'' : - "ilT ' ' i w ii !. N. JACOBI'8. !i Hardware Depot, K ARE NOW OlTraElNGfOUR STOCK OP pnll , W; , .u m . all & Winter Boots& Shoes, ! ' .Moiir.f.f Crooda for th4st'Priea i prepared td gtr6arest6mera the benefit neaneea rrieiee. Qar-'stocki ( eomprtMi ajt Ppiffgt ' Boots, Shoes, Gaitera, SUppera Btisldjis, ForlAGeaUemen, Miwes.BOTt end CMldtfn. ..I 5 o aecbhi wfjirOBieoratea .t f , ft f , v rtwByBP .. . . . - . ilaHrfmM n.:i... IlBlHBnBER-GOOD SIIOKS! LOW ' Ja?RICES!- CA81IJ:u;a t A- DUDLEY & ELU3, . i b i Rim nf ttntRio nw t , octlSewtf ,;f t -4'l Market street BUCKWHEAT, Maple Syrupy iKIBBBsad NEW ORLEANS SYitipPl EHMRE JlOTLTE ' ,..-,K-rr li AND TllSr 7. v: n,' Best potte In the World," "r English dairy,, ickglish CBEAlk, pine ap ju plk, EitoaBi AJ;jxraA " 1 , . -i w . . ; , ,. r , GSOROS KTJERS', j . f . 11 and 18 So. Froat Strt - m ' - AND- n ! f ! iTTn nci TKttVoc . HL iSP - sf aoV l.XinoRD, crow , co.? offer Ajpcfcis. "ne r jTlifir ifi GROCEKIES, .-! 'i f;; Comprising Baeon, 8 agar, . Coffee, Nails, Bagging, - m t w jf ww a ww, warn vpt. . fall an arnrtlirtn hffnm -malrlnir ttinr i.MlVli..fa f oct 80-tf - t Hootn Water street. .11 mat nivf ' .m. fs- f tlish PotatOeS AAloti rVyV'riry 2" rJ - FOR SALE LOW BY ...Jia v Jt;.'lafilflasiiiT j i t Mayor's Office. fsibiTroF witoGTbN.fc October 81st, 1873. f 1 1 n AUAau&nuA wim an vuJ"AJvnv uii ' ii - s . - "-ni- I me cuyi.perapna, .oesiemg 40 lay. pavements mast l have the CSty s toesabil for doing so, ; The topprtance of enforcing tale or- l uuuuice can we seen a,a xiaocei 1 j-eoaier iot a 'um 1 H..w e-n'"- ' '! '"iefi "!i &f"t " v - ' -. rr;.-. flmtoTin d i n iiiiia iiniir.iA if t .siHT:o"ro.i;j I i - a 5i . . - . W n a IS VAAB JIa aaal . . - i i r T I . . - .. - - i -.: unw 1. ;n . . vx 7 a I. ft. xir .i. T.rii j . . . T .aaBBBBBaaBBBBWaaBBaBBMaaaBBBBBaa Q U II I fI lVlfi . &rn ,Z ' ; ' 'Hfc-',:?-w:Sp-; itiJSA r.:r;M. tave accordingly made selection of -j,. "i.ft.'i 'T, 1 . .. .; n I :. ' '" .iiiri' 1 noVl-3t ..Mayor,--. ifotice. T HAVE LEVIED $&Tif jfc&M$ f tNDRED EDWARD W. TAYLOR. nov J-6t Sheriffidf l?ruhwicJ4 county. a, a JR. Hi J -3. ai a. wi4tiW'i(atBir.it4 titl -." -. ci iNflr o :4TAvfor.rsdc net Comet ; also. Qcchesyfflan, jftfltary - tostraw. W. H. BxajrASD, Agent. v. per annnverttrini; rates liberaLu-- 7- vjj . J tT I. i J,. U J.. . n.-nw j a "n h ba'n e;.q!'s;s Real Hair Switches snd Hair Filings, Neck Ties and Rushes,. HANMIADE HOOP SKIRTS AND " ", . PA ,-!!' -kf'5 ') 1 i:1 r Agent, for the Rubber Umbrella. ONE PRICE TERMS ExcitAtf'dM ddiusrjm. October 23-tf-'-J 'IfliU ax. :OSU;0 ;!:;??( ft ;-f !!1 -i MILLER'S,' SjSFES . r- 1- .t$i BALTIMORE; MARYLAND. SA WW flfftfPf ft?1.?? ;,sTfvf(it AWiy i pqoare,i)O03i I mont and Warnnr- atrppta , . i --- .I'.l VERT VAWTTtTV IYW XL and-Fire-Proof Safes. (BaBW.:rj&eatiia ,BaVnlteDoors nroved COmbiBadorf 1a4ch. Rank Vanlta-nnm rnT-f r r, ? H -aWiV ; ,sict! ipok it.i.usTitATEt-cATA- i ILLUSTRATED CATA 1 Refer to all'the Banks ' in!Baitiia'orei 'TreasMjr'ljie-' partment. Washinstoa. D. C. Branch. Scott A Ort . O. J. Matherson, Augusta; National Bank df (Chefritj xer, ismiuijej ntQiton, unesterr it u. 3s Ki JohnsoBv- & C6.. Palmer A DePinh. Savannah Ah tTirmsr'n ,uuw ui Muuiarai xuu ib rticnmonn, va.4' uumoa: rana, uunioni worta Conat- onw InBUrancs eDinjwj,: f and Teiledin Two Hundred Fires, oct 14-eodOm Th Th Ett SALT -SALT. 17,UUU S-AOJlb i i -;; . , MICAK NDIJRTOOX: GE0XTJTD ALUM u if s .'!:) ji ji :j . .i., .i,'v-,.. aitt JU A -;.Ajp 1W)W ...-w w;m - f Lit FORSA'aSBrrrL'; . Oct 29-tf " 1 i if I - wfLh.rh,l5.Tcsr TOFrfflPBprfCPlPWr OF - I Ftowdered Sage ,i!1tfs-ieicaW sausagei making 0f ! m .'-2Lni H9)( , TI TT T T O I 'M 1 B XTLB.SJ CANARsWM.Bfiyo6D, for sale at " f J. K. McILMENNY'S oct 7-tf Tas oiiaijaiatf MjhtJP;AflWBjieA Wsm rwiHiESinN ATtiEMAnisnrnpntrTiwsi! awn IJLt four' flanges' around the door, of refined wrought iron frames. tl aeornerstn4ni-.T v-h Warraatsd iFreo afrom DairiTmf - j From the Scientific American, May 3d, 1873. cetfBosWjresra iivei somi attln-i lo the real merits of various safes, with a view j l"tfon to the 1 sopp-Mag oar ojra'lc wtta-tteubeatasticle m ppiying our ownemce wita the. beet aticle m larket, and have accordingly made selection of I sdry filled Alum and PXaster.Safe, manufactured hv J nry nned Alum and piaster, Safe Marviar;G F. A. Schiitte,t.&?Mayer, TTHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEALERS. tIK it aii tunas or . ,:ta:atu hhhmh Parlor, ClianilorviQfflces-XMni , : . j, .rnr-7i',t - ! Boom and Kiteben : . . t ,, j1,,t BeaainS-Wifaddw RhiAiU knA Waft 1 ,8pecial attention is called to the1fact'uleaIpi, suDerrisipaiifeMflStartteiBaatfcra ittaAtorefiaar-'l an teed as represented. J TlbhoIotarinB ln all tMiuhal anii inrrifTHf HaHbHtwi done neatly and with aispatchr&taxj , ornitareaiade to order. if su w I We invito the nubile to call and examine onr stock. beiog satisfied that ltwiU e Mate ?rf Ably, both In price and qaaUtywlS tMfAeWer house. . . . i .... . . . ... TL . . . "... ct 5-tf WEDJHNG CARD ANl -SMITING iCARD9 printed in the most elegant style, at : t '-. wm. H. JuuuiAiurs aagll Printing andPabibmiBaa ' IPMSB rWl same priced (thargedbj! atantifacturewii New, Jorkvu 12,600 11,500,000, 1 Every Fifth Ticket- Draws a Gift. rpHE FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT AU'i X thorized by special act of. the Legislature for the benefit of the FuWitS LlbTary ' of :Ke-tscky,"wfll takesiaee in Public Ul)rry llaU at LoaUvltt4 -Ky,. Onlviiitv thoneiaa tickets wUlrftoo bail qf ctbenerate intended 4ar tbipeaniBiarkBt ; ' parts and have on their back (fie Scheme, with a fuU expJauation ofjh,mqde of .diaMriHg,,, At this concert; wnlch-tHil be the irandert mui- cai Qippiayver wltnesmett n tm8 country, the un precedented sum of . r $1,500,000 If. ,i'';'5 iii'i .tJfiSJjif 'II Divided into 18,000 cash eilta, WiU b dlstribated br i( auiuug uie ucej-nuiaers vie -tickets to be drawn from one' wheel ren and the gifts from another. ' .??; ff T S!rfiU'v.ntf Jt(ii f-HUp !:; - S55 G5ffi Sash . rawt .,k4hm mo ONB GRAND QNfi GRAKD- ni vasn untsi itf auu eacn... 45,000 S50 CaBlGrft4!fV80ft eat). Sfi V; - ( 60 eachy. ,;. 50.eft '1 j, rrw, TOTir. 19 iw nTFTa att oi in'! -f. ,T.!. IFTS LL CASH: ..""SW." .v.T.-y-. ...vfwwwn The distribution will be 1v whath. all ih. tickets are sold or not, and the 13,000 gifts all paid In proportion to the tickets sold all, unsold tickets SSfSS ,0. certs and wotiiejresenlja inthftjdrhwsteg. ... Whole tickets, preach coupon, $5 ..sI..W00; 82J tickets for ai.000: 113. whole, ftskota for "1ti,000; WhoWttcfceti foKf laidOK WW? UASU GIFTS 50 Cash Giftt'BliCoaeam.. .lilll WoOO Or.. PCPIl.w , I J -":",.' f oafe bfllJlatot wriweom: the-- mwepaper proles n . i50.oo: Halves aas.00! T.tta.i?fc5 1 wOdlUdiJrr Kixftofe S.a KiM8T ataaaart. aaa a wider and'wide. Oftl . KlAVttBi tohnla Molrnta Inn I ! iriflVf wui Tiff f .!;". nlf ,Jf ii.,wTrfr ,, trijT vr.5!? - - "IgP" "iw of ;nejeft aawiCInrOi tL':tttfn!Wmxniifl "--Krh ii'iHrt.o;.H S5BtfuS'Pn5cf,8'i tbajaMrdOiflfliOaii "tei aiinennce'1 Vtfckat: taUM, wiffSelmel Uld iaJl. JtMionfi .iMininii I., Jeamed fronfciretarit whli-li. uuflomof tcau who auDir-for i : TlCketB mmrMlfo tnr aato mrtA all Ul i .rm ' I nsTHfiS. E. BRSrxWrBZ JltllJP fwonnfj iu nuujrfc of.rj ,J f gent Public Library Kenti wlsnvfJaii' ni'uUu "JI2 1" Uni'I'J'j I.I i A fl-ent PnKttc l ihm, irTt . i , i-.wsSm-Sfi awatawam,t .i-i-.i . j:if??r!.rJ'f Havana S6yal Lottery.. '.in f ORDIMRY DRAWINGS. - . .'is jiiif-.'sn roi io SI8S-,ll 12thiI878IClass 13..0cK'fth,.ifi78; Class 90J., July 29th, 1878lClass 913.-.OiS2, 173 vhiso uw..Aug. in, 1873 class 914.. Nov. 8th, 1873 Class 10. iAni: Sftth . IftTtllnjooo aik . ui. imi Class 9U..Sept U isra brand Exwordlqary Drawing, 9lB, bn 18th Dec,j .T The amount drawn, in every 'Ordinary Drawin" ! : ' "'-I wffi-he :--:. f 1 of. of of t5,000 each 1U.VOU 1 n AAA of 1,000 each... 80 1,i loo each!" 64 193,800 f Approximation g of $500-each to the . iw,s 1,000 Prize. 3 f ApproxiniatioM of; fS8a' each to' toe " 4jwywj i oo.ow-nwe.,. ; Apw6iiniatkmsof $S09eac 2,700 to the lSO 1,800 , 4 Approximations of flOOeacatofhei .1 AAA 400 : 783 ! ft 'J r Address &iw lKFXl Commission MeK?h,wheareinycakita ders and cash all nrizes In N nri.n. tVx.'I wiiuuucuu ui mo vmiea oiaies to receive er i , . xlatiublLi bvxjhiu, First Sab-Collector for TtvrtHnninn... A-v. stteetviM 5. ejj J ' .!:?!MTnTflT a-tt iilnrlngtonj Nwaix-Sept- -Sj I87a'(f a . f M-miiiWr;-'(-!'fti' ..HaVJLIWiSi-aJ, u -m-w' . a i - r .1 r u jurriut THE 1ST OF OCTOBER ALL 1 limlte precrihd Wthe-'ordin-ifea.. k- VTi;I'3i r"K). fit ffcftl e ( .inHih! !! .hii! si 11' .! WsnEJ;9e en;ap, .imV, j 0 ! "fBacon, Lard., (: Jutted CHEESE, TRY 8Al4viTQ5J 44Itrn XJ Shoulders and Sides inWtmYutaAmmmA Scgar-Cured Hams and Breakfast StriDS. ! T M f 11 K U T ; 'Hru. A I Si. ma PORE LARD TNT TrERrrBs.ajTTv mna rTr ; ??."''' . " t7t -rri--rr ; v i vi - TAE BUTTER, BEST FAOTOinr-ClISESB;Hl Wnaa1iA''t. ' i' -aiuah YUIaIaERS. 1 mayl4f ! J .'if - - " - " i r" - - I .1-'- . . ! T " 1' I t J. 1 I ftREAfFAHIlMEDICIIES! ,pOMP. EXT. CORYDALJS. THE Gl w saoje aiierHiiveiorBiiaii Stable altenitive for kllfliMwiaea ariaJajiwrryfc, puwi:' jij'f ' i$ t i ,i ni "JEURALGIA SPECIFIC. A CERTAJN AND ITS BeynriarNeaBalgi R)frrtMiti,,5fer'- vous Headache, and all nervosa pains. f STZ i.i f wiiiwuiB uo I J yvxisff- eUD.,'aw'irwueoy; aor vnms. . dlJUOH JieTfr..fl7)n 1 VlllOVlBtiATIA Afl.iira. ..Jfi.l I ngestions piMyeiiSDi5eaI L nire-a cimnn. i'- f" li"i - -f" , i- Ttt rPERFEOTLY'SbTJNpiJ'' -.f - w. .rx -re s: j fci-.M j-:, sV W aaOT-aaaTr .1. I ' 1 B. laT.i W IHIi. r .r m va.w -zbl. ar a STAR RoeK Bnaaw l Slr?SSTS5i theSate Att ktods finding executed teaOr ;cheaplyimdeeiitjur ajeol .o4aimfT4 , l-l 5450.000 divided into 782 Fall Prizes. I Jsaao B. Grainger, President iBanlt of New Hnwovtff. -a IS - or ; JST. C. HOG-ROUND, TAR. GREENE'S FIT CURE, FOR THE CURBJ. P"epeytsrBpasms,and convulsions of I i ail kinds.. f-i u, -; f i lo -.h-i --.vCUTl V) r AfEDIOATED HONEY:, POIT -COUGHS, COLDS. 1 Tata DurchaBera on ver required, fur particular g caU trpon w addreM J. J Barden, Sfflngham, 8. Ono i w:, i j . . (lf. ,:L,ARDilN BpS; . ; j Possession given January Ist, M74i ?- " ' ang H-9m i ,- -i i .i r -- The Wiimingion Trujit ;Coaipaa7 --1UT ' - i " 51 Market S(reet.? flFWEVTCRYfWXKX. SAT FROM A. M. TO 4 ; , J-(vWa,8atnrdaT (excjostvelr tor jeiY lagdeposltB) from 5 to 8 t.M. --. ' - r; - ' ' I AH aoconntskepi sttky iMTvtodconBdentiaL lfaPei wpen And mlnocs can deposit in ikia ei.ii.auon, luojeci to tneir own control and no other-. i tolereat aUowedatJOi.rrate of att aMup qn aaoeposits of five dollars and upwarda x ua xwuiung J kttendto taehr Kdward Kidder, F. M. KINO, Cashier. ifMayor's0fl5rcei Jnna At. -DM." 8 rr? fXL BEUA CXCTKI BT AUTHORITY tpf the'ajte fipard'of AlderijY?Tioesli 1 . . -- 1 h . i ,, .- ,. ,i n.. i. - ii I XiT Mi7frii!;7 .TTcrrTT .TTii fil:irr; I -i ' I ndpersoBB :libldlng. the are1 guested W' send; I i t:-'.,: . .ti J .J. 'tui ; - i ' 4em Aux6teo1r nhu i rfrPs ..-trif rim I ? -t,..r,..i. t-t ,... t I t. , ' , -V"!"1 . f . V l '.Vrr-AMVi ai&uv.A 1MI aril; A YiSi I ; a'y ' 1 t ' -!nf) r f ,'f?-ntrfrMjrriJ''-'' rw , , , ReaJ; Jstat6;l;;Loaff ; Associatftii: JN0.' WILDER ATKINSON; . " . :.'!:. I.rWdent THOSj Ii. MoKO Y,. ..... 4. i .... s . . . VicePresident vnAS. a. jbOJUlo.v...i Secretary and Treasurer ' ' 'DIRECTORS - ' '. Juo. Wilder Atkinson., of Atkinson &' Uanning,. . AWch Adrian Of Adrian A VoUers, . V -, r , . mj. .jhihi, VZ IW ww iiniin.iini QTU iVaalcof.- I X br ct of the General Assembly of Sortho I i?"? PreBarect w receive deposiU of ONE iivi4AA.att apwaitta, on. which.! ; t'rtf i,-! ; EIGHT PER CENT.' INTEREST ai a. . ii j. JlafacaiWea, the constantt; istantlv eiesaiBx carom m vatt the liberal rate r utiereBt,:aa ta e&amcter of tbw inanagement, Interest aflo wed, oaea HGEira.iP I I vepoeiie reeeivea ataoy umeby the Secretary I arwi iham. jivii. JSr.. t: iTtt ?TfJ. . dt '-.: . 3 'f'.t .fiiVf fi vjr.iU I ! sea aat 'T TtiF-! I t -ii LjesiiiQiil.BPiii lift Battle FieluS. TTNDER THE. ABOVE TITLE I PROPOSE I XI a. X . . a nnrtlfaW .jew ruyupa. J bookwmi a series of rtii AffihPaAAa fltawkaa. divisidnsr rrr,'.m .i.mrt.wfr lsLhAcobnntaof ea aldnBlshrkBd Hin'im th-' "o" ep.JP9 we, waters ef rnert&arottaK tit wii .1 f. --Ww evexi.jaiuron.oanm nas W14 UIO BVUWI tivcrjr Dia(. apyf:the.. trooDofl NOrtai Gsrelitie )ecal care seine takes to show what eheaa di andanfK fered in each of those .battles,, i 4 wa;gioiyattd, rewwn our omcers ana. men, lalrly w ou. "'a oauxoan, cth for all I""H ATfmi.' aaucor uexatodidtvaifon thjpto x hj aacceasnuiy accompiisn this arduous but pleasing self-imposed-task, I invoke the aid of I mJ 'T oldlrd-ll ia teAfurnish me J nnlete record of tha hemic lnila nf tha I sons of North C&xjWuDtelhabatUaAeidsof the (Awaua m uiiuiimb iwura oi me aeroic aeeas or ine .Confederacy; SIfflra.rf". ' writ jm i j y w BTWy ouuemwiucfl I meltonSaan ?tWf -JfT. ed North Carolina troops are respectfully asked to SJ'T'.r. 2"?"?,? possession rel c wnwn awn oeanngor In endeaTCwiiir tAo iiiatilciB to the aaid.Aiw nf mv MtafA I ( A. 1 T . AdoesaOttr Livini?and or n ui The first number will hi lajrnml .st. fh.,mv -W UllC DUWZlIjaijflTjrmnTIArTAAPlAAHmiuw. I itii ,wS-Msi Trrr - U ) 'hi. i ..-1, ! ii J ii io -Aui I: o . i i; ri f ififi. t fTf - ftiiiiA ct,(tf,ii (;oi,M 4 Xi thi S JtHVaUiKES. will present-4 I- la-chromo to- every subscriber fbr!9$ bvii picture seiis in toe art Stores for tr i.ftWW,.! TrelbyTOronbaer9" vpswucfMniiiniwr, -mecoame,'tne Trades- SiiaVMI0! wUnl; not see-' xrcmues an j,ne news oi ine day, coi a with a view eorrecmess "and steeuracv. ttj' .1 1 . . - ' wiathehSterny loams 'are -filled -i.a"A j j'-ixttj -j i-yyrfti'Wf'1' -i.- SWtodeaealsnse JU- nV&Sl thiiewp Wte, , - &e areaeTirai m;j the ipens efpular sad J enter- ESaSS2 iwitnw ..x - . - -. . dum, two copies one raar a5: anvamv- 1z numtha. 1 111 kaAft-J.TIj t"D" JSSSB .Speeb. copies oftbepaper sento umtmpaa IsauaKnatMla a'vert BeaKhT' P wonoerinj locality and,wiab.oJd lot and ti;i 1 uropan .en -.?- irs : v :.j.0tw ;- r.n- IJ .-f:i!'!;i m'.t ?fi, w,iwenironai aepartmentit commandg the The ClironlonWedlSmTv : j I" exghteii Jh.the fines, atyleof crtto prinang- i Address ' ' -i h ."decI0-tf rorWfie,sra aVi.i. -"r1 az auvoa ui nrrvMicAi and soclai eclehce a material Ideas cv in Asia: the Rr centers Of actlvitv THBTRTWimr v.. t . .uion Hni iiwum lBiuisence oi what passes in every quarter Ve"riobep!in? JI-v aunmwi magi snare of THB the trialffand 1 1"lor 0waWToet7iai develop- 3 Und for the landless, the ntUUaflonof ouryartmin- . ejrejMrces, extension of facukie7 for bring-' . r ... mnM mr tun Buprema I tbe oy Teeerrernojr. mimn: arlarr TRmUNfi'S attention. -Thesucc, . the.. wants of the productive classes are from thk paper the fttUeetattU.L:XXZ . ' H a Ji T jr. tile luarnea proieFslonB I. eraryi-1aB4 Ma careful andr con I rieof science news, repetta . 7.VT "-"w oy me pnoncauon. of fuU,ivh, wres, racientiflc aiifi - aprehcijslYe vttmfnai w ancovenea and if : xovairea:.fiiU.TiiA . of lardil mrlAtiM anir f,.ir- to the oaofle of School and nriTersit edncattoa l Aeic-neatBjn vtherepwtaor andaer? gjltatal eonventions '-from the pen of Prof. DTC.' Independent of partisan, tiea, but firm inlu devotion ; . to republican prindpleB, it endeavorr ja fttlfii thd' idea of its illustrious founder, Horacff Greeleyv'as thefaAvoeata of that natioaai policj? to which ervation f the Union- is, iwingv bat th- frank . fearless enemj ot wrong!; whethar tathe Repta ' iK",Pr'manytBrf-' nefensr its eonvlef 1 uuaa.pj um exwraoi laeJaJUDtttmitamwi coU r' t umnsit remembers that its xade have anient to see both sldea,6I everv. .contovarsv. ' fnT tn wt t&a. wnS" of verroaeBtion, whether tt tells for pr . aptast tb politic tlwrtes of the. candBctort' of of Joarnaiism wi E holds that new era r now daWninmuBt be diBtin- I mifimMl BT flBf fn w Af li.nn .... .. - .T . r 1 i r-i .' it.-coarse invectiva and valoai'iniinlmmvhii.K T nfl fn.i -.... ii 1 j 1 .1 i.ij-Tjrm " .py liit avoids alaiidei(nd I per for gentlemen and tstady and the rand corregDondence and enitnriaL ' ; :. .i'A ,l'ffTIJf TERMSOF jTHE WJCKKLT TRIBTJNE. Oneeem. 1 veaiLjfiaAiaMaaji'Un fin-:.'. 1 tii. L Fivicppiea yeaiiaso ui arv viiCrruBi wiiir- . a ii at ana vntt fl 10 copies.,;fl 25 each. s .- ib eonies.5s m cop 0 eacBi-H7(j r Seois7f Meach.' wi oisa.iweaca. ni80copies.i.; tlOeach; ' i r ,a; :g And an exja to eachciab. ,.s r.v., . ,, iSEB.C,Sv0f THE-SEMI-WEEKLY TRI BUNE, will be sent as aextra copy, . , t. "TBSEMtWlMKIr TRIBUNE, pnbHshed every Tuesday and Friday, ceatains seariy an the import-' f? S.e CQftgepQadence, reviews and editorials of . the Dally, with the agricultural and miscellaneous matter of the Weekly, -v its price has been lately re . dueed so that dubs can now secure it at little more than the cost to single subscribers of the Weekly. It gives, in the course of a year, three or four of the best and latest popular novelty by Jiving authors. 'TEBMS.OF THE SEMI-WSjYTRIBnNE., Ope copy, bne ycaf, 10? tiumbejs'. w . . 1 . v, .Jk 3 00 ' Ten copieed one extra copy) for. 25 00 r ila -TERMS' OF THE D AtL x ' TRIBTJNfc-' '" ' ' jTo mail Jnbscribersi. . :UiJini ...$ui aye' 'y&ijFpi? d'Paorkvotrtfifflce' . money brder, 11 'possible. - Where neither of these ' can te procured send the money; ?"b alway' m a r ittiwocu ivtwi y ime registxauoo lee nas -Deeo re duced to 15 cents, and the present, regtatration eys.5 , tem has-been fonni by the postal . authorities fabe ieariy anabsolute protectfon against fosses by audi. f a tie vasn maevance. Address, iu Utif:--!-pUf4t;flL vi,fj-TBTrJNE;New;YerfcV(. ONLY $3' FOR $11 IN 1, OR., .FOB. $4 -1Q T-KT TT T TTW . ft nAmA. . fXBEATJTIFDIiliNif IItMc CHROMO. X " Isn't She Prettv." hbru. finish fee led, secur eniajt teeery. $3r yearly t to i"S MONTHLY, acknowledged most pessuiat-ang aw; nil Parim- xr.min Amerifn. Is&SbaPnttviiaabMMfSXw SlPSMWla T-lnaWework of, and together with Demorest's MofitWyairds an oppeninnityrDr uiettveetJnenJr f $3-sueh'st maV - Auwwwwu.r mm. All unm aim. post-free: or beth Chromoa and TUtmartmt'a -Mnth Tji for one year, f or $5. " Hiawatha's Wooing " is an equally splendid work of art, a large and beanti M Chromo and w few tinwf the price charged. Hasbands, fathers, brothers and Lovers, do not fai to: su ascribe for DEMOREST'8 MAGAZINE and pregent it, with a beautiful Chrome. It will make; B lfWMaa nssai vuiin itiOauand ereve. TOUT mod tAjtta anT Unit feelingv,AtoeW enniagT)eiBOfcst(iBroBd.5 to, ac SW ERIENDf OFTEMPER ANCE! PUBLISHED AT RALEIGH, N. G, BY B. DJi 1 . f : r f -5 I r rt , ? . r A ND f OU WILL GET ONE PR TOE LARGEST , XX and best Family and Temrance newspapers published in; the iSooth.! Its editor .12aw W II irvu.l. J i i nectedrith therlit. Zftt r ' aw eoiwritey- brlSreluaIer ubciiu paper. .' Uix Theophilus-Hunter HiO, the North Carolina Poet,', is Associate Editor,' aad ReV. T Whmey,' of Va. A a ffepUemaaetoe ahilttywisctiespciaaiag itoRi i iTrt nanneA;tk t f-TZ i7" I T . jih t jaai KBUafiainTBifx ; i ' iw uaaain ouuiji uaa w iajintr..iiunT..vmrianxnra t : . nsereSfa Which constitutes the Literary Department of the paper, is presided ovwby Ura. M. K t&;ttiiZZ A HO. lAm Af Ah1.iUMdlinu.u. k ... ' i'tr 1 1 . 1 1 A V . . i - vihw uraer or jrrjends'or Temi ce. and of the .Virginia- pout IfP1. eveiithVtfuma an ell'eiv itablished. At$3 a year. It is the cheai naoer In the tionthj . For $3 50 will ethe FRIEND. OF TEM--, lADIESyIAGA- ; WHJTAKEB, : ii ; r. Raleigh..N. a W' -and 1 msnea wsnDCTUereftt li per annum. Uona iBvanably in advance, It wlU contain the latest u : : ; sifigrauuic uuorraation, marsei ana commercial,! Drta -The Weekly Union,' published eve iiuuwn w wdjuw ma w. s AaJazcauemiaiii -f ri , la CLA rjBeid,rther,,tlaiv. the bai i 1 1 1 ' i-i w uirwiv mil T tt .ii. . . - jm immm iuiw a couuiui a caremi OmaMt yof-naws. a Jaarr-laraig 1 1 wit mrb- f lished at the, Stato.' caffitaC '"Thei Daily Unipnl? , 1 JssnedereryniernmgnntoysexeptedJ J . 1 1 1 f a I itil . -rrTT" f""rw -TStyf wS!l2T?f ,a? frfT, : eoa fide CircnlaUonaiian' nanar hetweeil fh nd Wilmington with fxrhats oae exception. i xuvmtsrcuanis oz-wifiaingtoa iwtU 'fltnt ltto-oe, l tpneor ine oest adverUaing mediums on the Caro--r s. Una Central Railway-. -arTre guarantee a large a . - i" - .3 fVi :i0' sept -u ,.t,T ,

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