C J. "' i:W"i';- .V:rujfI :r:,OKiTi3lH f - .fl-ATg an 1 .-V- THiS liiuitHilliJ dI Aa. - -. MOM B H I " w Ik - W L- f 1. 00 e so OMHMmth.. .15 00 7B To Cttr SnbwaritoerB, delirered nj part of ft ty. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are I Lot auUiortzsd U collect for ftipre tli I monthala 'ttomotfA J f t t ! tH HI j L, THURSDAY, NOVEv?BE!'t873r x & WHOLE NO 1 909 S&!Prafr:s OUTLINES. GEORGIA. a ji., - i t;-: n - KiinijiniA v-aouiirf - I 1 -vrv e? ,s .:r. y J k va aw anMTDtwinAtt mk.wk mAntHl in ulvtnM C u . i 44 1 in a ainnth. m AdTSO9 TT The election news from aUtheState8tl27 857 .olubqii voted Tuesuay is gooa. estate itint 40 PN?isVMi2ild4Hl by Ifire. - - V xi x ?i :i eu wtu ai. AJiooop -xry la ueu. i-r- Conservative gains in Virginia as faaf as reported. New York markets: turpentine qdu at rosin rau 2 80 for strained; A number ijoweu mius wots wreeiourtovume. t Shanks. Tribune editor, discharired in I Brooklyn. " I i an rriyaterloasMarderNear Cbainpalcu. v,.;jn loot o ...U1! William Harrison, about 17 years of umoer easi ot me oiu iair-grounas. i Night-time came, and.be failed to re- l MW? hv neighbors; who deemed it most J i,vi 4i- 1.. i u-:; I quamted witn the woods, had got bst, aJffi?jjay-t2 80me houses atft U4llghtf ifQm in, tne morning. iut morning came, aud the absent one returned not. Siiivh' was inqtitntl A rminU nFti: 4t -i - "V. v rr ' I SSaSH :iJh 3 i ? Slng mitnftBrt dish" himself a neighbors !childh tfldrte4 ofct Into I practice not without nrA.t'c maa iwa laera- Poiutm- 3 Biorx I da.nHnWnrand found tneooject or the searcn or, rathes, the hfolesa body pf their for- mer comrade- Heras seated in the centre of a little Pn space of ji hich he had tied a utring, and Laehjcb nte extmet tnat not a struggle or ?Pasmof asingle muscle was made, ,ave the closing of hands ; the body recKGrl over upon the left side, aud thus he was found. His gun, which was quite a valuaboaiL gyas gone,' upp08ej2yi5 tiUTJed awav Bv the murderer. I Tbe body was removed to Urbana, I and Judge Terbrook. p the absenee of the Coroner, called a jury and held an inquest thereon, on Saturday night,- Dr. . Allen making a post modern ex iallinCi' -. Th-ftr vUtiicevS tf inj rdeMopetf only tbe facts above , .arain Ia .t, .i, I TrTfl, ZS'"I-r"Vr dhet from some unknown hand. Aad thus the matter rernains a.oro- fonddtBcrYsteiaaflWtite wretch I who committed the terrible, act. I - . I That it was accidentall ly done by him- the range of a I fielf, is placed beyond possibility, by the location of the fatal hnt And tYu nnsition in which I t the body i.was ifotf(tn &6,Wnfi ll&X wuiueu Mir. xu is ev men i, ww tu murderer crept slyly and cautiously I up to within ajufiiyoort-distance of J his nnsnspecting victim, as he sat in that lonely little glade, placed his .gun on a level jwith the. sitUdftfS08" tare, aadretf tHe fstefshbtr-1 What the motive of tbe awful deed was annot even be conjectured. A RhmUb Ioa Tragedy. There are social tragedies that often transsend in denth of nathos the im- agin atron rjcrifJneTMiirrnlrvH wrought upiff tin? noveIist,-with all- the causes that led up to them, all that add gloom' to the act, they fas Pirate many of -us; while in real life "they happpen, are told boldlv in a few wordf-and jfeotten.J iifereils: one frora'a'Kusslan paper. A young girl and young manvIiving near Mos cow, were betrothe(. The girl was 'of great beauty, the lover was the hi f j-ich parents, . and on ,her 1 t") ; 1 1 1 1 tr t mm an niitiWnflW 1 lta irnMH I . a ail retired, and he was with difticulty Dattery'on the person of John Gibson, pis . conveyed to his father's housed The -iMiVfaeai .iiarta5S:gi.i0i euday,how s-it at the ball which he had ar-1 . rged, and danced with his be- l'thed. When the dance Was ended llus young lady requested the band 1,1 play a favorite air, ( and retired to the balcony, whence imme- "i was found to have shot herself ;rongh the heart with a revolver she Til cocealecL .bttf r upon jer assigned- the discovery of her in nded husband's brutal hatnre as the ather &0ye, of Washington ad resswg a Bchool on the subject of aSrv..ce,ebration8 a young miss S? f K " A hen, ..:..,ubt miss'V replied the father. 48eSl C.oncord Smi understands a Whi-.r11111 Cabarrua conntv mde 800 Srouiid.' eet tatoes from one acre of ' . . : WPWuQjUX5it3WlJ devote f 100,000 water works. i MuSewjS'oIa-iabus) factory I Works threA.fnnrt.tiC ;m ' k .31? i j. ue gin DOU36 Ot Mr. VV.. C tiar-T WntyVmS-tir9e on Weanesday or Thursday last, ti -n,o cr oaies: o f an averirft PaJetothre "ald hatf "StjBrea. . Thev alaa report 46091 acres in corn; prob- . a " v. 'YVi vv " average or L V1 on?a5.ton, .Jlerflld t an-4 'a8, the largest 'plahterld 'RpDsbn Sfgfcffjf MXWO-rPOks, the " -.-t ,4 mi! " ' ' A?i - fnfe mUUvWmtYf thAlZ Dsoh onnt v i ? : KC,J tr t-: i. i . 'AraoFg Persian etiquette; .(sayscaritempi rary) a rule that; Where a. gnperldr dines' -whhMfnfttniV a hi it 11 ,Mw fr.L to be . performed- is, especiaUy at court, .strictly prescribed, The dish ortrav'mn'Rt 1m KpIiI t arnia ianrth- Ujfrrirf bTeniajj .Wafifil"leMtl' hadi a u a. ui uiuuicufa ue wsh aifr m i state. oTlIier utmost nerDlexitvi To put Wnatraf els4Wher6 than in its appointed place-an operaUon whiearequired sdferi KberaUofe was out of the question, To allow his cTieMhe6V4)eardrto fee xoiigraei viaJU impMsiWe? He Hiras Hqh&T, tn t.ti wimaSnn anrl nlnnriny hia I to the occasion, and. Dlaneioer his ffftminsr ' beard, Into dish.of.,: cords I which stood on the tray, he calmly complete? fhp1jptt&pQ(ja' ap- plauseaTidamuSemGnir of the be- holders: ' , , . iSr " ' The Ohio Constitute nonatitntJnnal (lonvon. - - I iio - it iartTMnifiaaiiUwihinfotX&ii rffltf fti laS; tnrSoM of the peophby-UilCl dsbf April next. The new Constitution will re- distHet' - tblfiStaie - 9&A'''pr6iid96r new legislature ana otate omcera, uju r -a -i . . I bfb'gflljO I f" v T ffW'w Vertiasr. t as&d In 'adTerUMmenU f or that ltrae at M early teanto -atttatnuy I wttb ft, Mafia The 'rnalls Win close from this date as fo lows:'' - Northern thfodgf (digbt) malls..., 8 P. M. " throjagh atfd way (day)' i mails ..........-... . . - . . - 6 A. 2f . Southern mail. Oaroltoa Ckmffia g - ii. j.ti.- ''inA?:.- nZZZll V.aHT t jLH' &jiu&ril - ' IZ , .Xfr g. ,r i p m FayettevillebyC.C; r-B'4-i '"- rJ-! r a xr I x: iiuaT . ........ : ...... m v juew jlDTSjaTlssMBiiT'S. t - Gko. R FK-pcHxfc SonrB .at -rorty-ioar grangers in (xeoreiaV? JyK'itmamq , T.DjAjVVCa iV: E. Co., Na'l Advisory Members of the Executive Com-, iu,ie a5d theT are requested to meetwith Before XtisticeCassidey yesday : : : Executive Committee onFriday even r T..M;?r-nvw -.r. rin i . iflg, November 7th, at the Purcell House . V T . 'm. . :.t- ..1. MooVe charged with assault . . t nh r"ZS-- Cft8e 6n4m V , t .t jtiayaHa'aai. i I - i i -,. The following cases,: were disposed of yesterday morning: r with i CUrSIDg SOU llgUHUJ uh hwi bucc. Maggie Miles was rtquired to pay a fine of tR and ItobeMnesia .ln'thVcaMi with: disorderly conds,gatfgmm Tax joleted coming of 187V73, arid hereafter wH, only am-$ie,-complaintS' embraced under the pro-' .visions of section 18, of the same laws. A writ of habeaM corpus in the case of iton, the alleged child murdereu, is The County, CpMnSJtyiyEm- uitaer section 17, chapter liovmwa V i uueosec likely to be Issued. . UaJ ocopi laemi the cases ot wm. Woodlwrry,, amXi-Taylar l JSvwas, coloudf charged ftfi lpaWrobbery, The evidence iaiat waalnwsr en tirdy of rcnfsfiBflal .cjutracter Vbd - fti44irfe:li cIs.iii-JtT!.-.lLr.- W.ffWKlnK X ;P tt BMsdeaetv i for Uftobtin.tdeiMr Th Dbia on tbe 21st of Anrit' 1873. and con. tained a cbeck for $100, made payable to i r. j. -u. Aaama, tnerr ioiog Dttsin ness in Cto tfl-83Rj of April, jnst w ,d afterwards, the check allu- i-shin nf Wnhkmr 'Vin(trvr,v rt no. gbtiatethe same with Gen.S. H. Manning clOM aroused tuat Wocberry nad becothe possessed of the heck wrongfully and re! WA Thereupon Wood: &errj; at Ue instanee of one Taylor Evans, Feat oe'ow Jusdce Wm. fl. Jierrick and got ont a warrant against Gen. Manhlng for forcible, trapass. in withholding-the-heck,4 Inthe trial JuaticeJIerricfc called for the check in evi- dence undet he promise to hand it back ,w.STS.v - . woaj Jab0 sioing ho, nuw eyeKJW if ppeared nevldenc e tool tJr.r, ".HWw ww JM VT nia" feed hW rfvejpcneck from ?M a witness to from Cap t Paddi isMSfmonv Col. Brink got out.'a warrant against Wm. . - - . t 'TZ . T' . T -TT1 . f rt?.? $ d& f? 16,01 the-- Supenor CJaort ;oodberfj v1 of perjury !n conneUpn witJ cwe aad ws acquitted. Jadjrment was suspended as tooooberry and he was held : to . appear at the present term of the United States' District Court. - ,,.r District Attorney Bage$!lcon ducted the prosecution andllessra. fai.G HcBae and Alex. T. London, being assigned by the J f . ' J M - 1 F PMW.UW Tle iury,'ftr a short absence. isverdicguastoWni f P4 to, Taylor Evans. Jadgmentl Wcrfbrry case will bp pronounced 1 wusmornmg. . V' v : t a a Derenu.jijr j W owuu , aa yinvpwv f ff fT . aaaamT . aaMhW np the 'ater part of Joday. r . , . -; , , - Hachanlra Banavtats; M tt Acar v ;.tt.".'t v- - i. - -:- . The auaual meetlog !ef tHechaaks Banding and .'Loan AsaocUtiou wsajfielc at, the, xoorns' of the WihniugLrbraryi deemed tpiiihiij afowii: 0n' share'ai 128; lahny-flinB shahsff and .four .shares at $129 per shares show iagan a"rage '''Juu-' This meeting went into an .electidiafpltt Board, of Dixectori ifor the easufngyear' Jn,: O. G. Parsley, Jr., John Sbolarj W. J. Calais, A.; HvYanBokkelen. , The annual statement wifl; appear la, oar Cape Kear Acneiitnru AtUMtuon. CoL A. A McKey, President of the Cape ITear -jLgrtcuitarai Association, Onas appointed the following named gentlemen C. Stevenson, H. H. Munson, R C. Myers, E. Peschau, O. A. Peck, and AlexStrausze. Slare Saeak TbtayJaa:. ; , - Some thief entered the private boarding house of Col. E. P. Hall on Front, between Princess and. Chestnut streets, on Tuesday evening, and stripped the rack in the halt of all the hats and caps it contained,-sever LaJjia number,.' and made good- his " escape with thenX: Ji.This daring robbery , was con' mitted arl .hi '.jKP cannot, yiwf pf suchbreCt6Sa 4 meiinnds.of our citizens the importance' t&bron tbe- alertfor Mitonratidivtf ffiim rio'op-1 portunities te succeedln tiietfafaievlsh prd-, pensities. ,fV f!;tt-J.AT-J nil Sandy, -Oct 88th. ; ."ii-: . jf.'.Sniimvinia.. u' " Nor. 9th. ....... . . ..Greensboro. Tuesday, " flth. .Salem. Thursday, "13th. .Reedsville. Saturday, Nor. 15th jSgjiS' SundtTv- .. . .7 rif a irorauM oostomc was mailed at Philadel- 5ni Tir.jj-ii . vs.. a s Tarboro this evening,,; "'?- r jn TdofM JaBaW .W'Sehil a great improveTnent to' the Dpnae en- trance.. , k rr r'dii:- whw 4-wmua ;iii.:siio auTanuige ..j - paradao-ds-Wo-conclude with a ""JS 1 aa ww - - - x ' y " w e?""S a nwguivu wucu uc uwwtw in tne narnhhnHmvl tar tlio onrilii rf lfih I ttt- . j .iw.v. ,.v y. .. wm.equearpr 10 raise ax,auu rorine aadCetoat sla-eets.'2 . , s ; H .a:9l,J5i,-. kftFayettevmeTuesdaydrnmg ' :J& u Th riiate' df oneof tneemyessels L6? pure waswresceu yesieruT o, w9 canre, i ;wir Tiff f " ".T"f(iif,,J"i"w vumivd casewin prooaDiv epme betpre ,ta.ayor.t-i-i. .4ri.ii21ii:i' Vtl -ir-lii This mormnsr.. . . . ... 1 ' . i . j - - -i - ai.zi a. a i tAJtw mr. z. l na a.iiaai aMiM-ai CawiCy' 2a-anaitaalbMrW : 1 ' - : " ' At ,lneetinr thi jfirjatdr y wb uwjuj ui wie -ssacrm; oruner, xwrgiatcr of s: ,d Btandeper Vere :re- ceived, - approved,' and- ordered registered and filed.- : ln!I 'J' Sheriff Black'bondhre Mcltae. S! Bear, P, .Murphy,,, John lO. t ---i ;. Deedvfo$,W0V sefdreW W.P, Can- aday.iA. H. Morris and Brinfc5 1 monfprmen.O ... ..jhamajajjotiMD was at-1 lwed i-nthteSeiber dO obe: l? ; - -UcnprSoc -st tfVaa avaiaW.A'Aii 4 aas-a-a-as-a-aaaBMwi a . , 1 ItlSnderC anSSSe GeoJte.ArnbltrrVlsit-tohisold, -stamp. your chUdrefi.-1 ue( 16 mggrpnidisiortae purpose of aritatine 1. al v,"'r ' T ' ' " " r2 ' ?gipn , of .colored f, me-OTffr!i' VpHALr" I'knmmimt in .. Ii itaieire - -ii".' ' - 'J , I tlAw that will 1-1. 1 .11 I,. . .1 inn in that dinwtion. r Th "m anil Arc.: I ars advised tortand from uader, 'Arnold I expects ttJ locate lure again and pen his batteries in earnest. What he wlU -accomplish remains to be seen', but we pan ' count on lively times in the camp of lh6 . truly kryaLiMrx;-! i . i - T tae PulteauariaaA! Wrk HMim. The. fUow, areamong the xonvlrtiOnA 4t the late term of the Superior Court, 'fei' whom conuaitgioula- wayx. Issued, to 'Sherii - - -ri ipta ; Luther aad battery 4 taonthS; ,JSchard Moore,, .larceaytfl;li liiOjQffisi-J'olm..M mslafcVFUlya months; Alex, : Martin , larceny;. ia months; Romeo J5ayis, forgery, 4 months. the;ffueMm otk Jmition W . cninrAd p Thd Boston 7OTmiai attres vf-n.' jWo iiP!aft avr,va- yaarairj. iMia.ih-.M--8t-.i JpshuLoftkrceiiy.o- Dockery, Jaroeny, 3 year r' ranwwTiMa-TW now hare la tock orer SOO Mamaorlfew p-perta' SttSS,' weight to Pr na. at la oe4;papy;and will M sold, In toUotlftiJtuor caai. orient sraWc. OlT. u" jp& ms6rjtatfaa of thp (WoaaivwTJMr aoatha a ! .' ..'I liti rJtu it: of the latter, advertiaeni will find it an admirable medium of fxmununlcstftm wftfitoe farmera and planners of the two Ci Book Bniasar. Tba Moalrora Stab Book Bind ery ones a9 kinds of BlndnW an. Hullnr ' in' a Work- jchante and others npedlng.iecii Bdoke, ot othef work, may rely oa promptness: m cae exerauon or their order. - v r ?.' '' .f- Job Panrrara.-i-We1 can the attention of mer- chaate. derlta of eonrtesheTtffs lawyeTg. railroad and fteaauhlp loffloeri and 'agents? aneVan' otherf baring orders for printing, to tafltaeOtttes offered at 1 the Momma flt-a Faunrxxa Bfaai-aBvan'forT the prompt and faithful .xecntton of all Alpii of Cards, Bin-Heads, LeteiHBeads,i JVograintBei,' BaH Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlet. Tags, Hand-Bills, CaU-loieBla-or- Jar "ShW-BIlla, Checks, Drafts, Ac.. Ac SatUf action gaaauteed. f ,,. , '! I IF YOU Want a Cook,, ..: , Want a Sltnatton, . . Want a Salesman06 WmW 0 Want a Servant CM . U Want to sen a PJaWi, ww.itf 1 ' " i-H Want to sell a Horse, . , f. Wantto lend IConey, 483 "'V 'im"X..: : Wanttea Haaaet .T . aat to bay a Herssj : IjLl' ' Want to rent a Boose, """"" r r Want to sell a Carrla&Q HUB U V want aiioaMJngUce, . r3V"4J T3i wani 10 Dorrow a.oney. Wantto sail Dry Goods, Want taseO, Gnwerias,.) g,- ' f M Want to seU FanltBrei - --- - fc " '."I Want a Jobtf BlckB44Bfi ao Au?lf4 Want la Tl VrnMnarv Annda r-r - t ; . .i ... .T Waatto fladanyaiaBAddaHas; WaattoaattaatoceefFaraltar, v Want to bay a aocand-luutd Carriage, Want to aefl Agricultural Implements. Want to find anything yon bare lost, Want to Advertise anything to advantage. Want to find an owner for anything Fonnd, Advertise ia Six-nonnd nnt.At'?-.JeTns.:are in pm 6ik--i fcd yt t)itT - 0 , " (oSpar-abnrjC fl( 4T.r; Onnrtftttftnaadiii n central dep.li w-raMroansi-t - ThWeWoit xair baU Friday . tT - The iMifli ? Af tltV ;itir poor has i a series earnest taestmgsta the Bapi tohurch.JA. .. .., ' wants- Col. -Wad- fOeU to teUth&MaMoIians about .rHvitmm i ., ; -, c -uave,aearu-noininE Ot to e iAir'Lujie; JBailroad sinoa. Sainpsoo county of tlie large' 'tobacco mahuiacturies at Dur- f am suspeBded Operations Saturday night, i nrk., ild al., - ,3 - - , V..Sa'Sr J church at Big Branch, Boheson county, on 1 rsdaj3dof Jp WAm itkttiJfJVIZ liwunaau. uvunr near nniciTViii ' rticrTit f good-lbokMig w ' woman from, parts unknown or the rerwrter entAHrl ' Wivnp Cottrtorttf reporter ratertd My i"J; if . 2 "S? 111 Sflwlise JarBeeh ionated, there ismi tMqTaenciiig of ButfefT that if "-IhV attempts ! to. Wecnrp. thaK1i.hia Mam-nMm. PaU 1v rt - - aj" vr arv-p vv- u u xau !0rBD,P ' " - lf -- ---f c P0;THE .ZI0HET waWiiiJ'liiVMV , M O ODSJ, .TT IT. ,fi M THAJT jLNT HOtrSK ' INMt STATZ. : 1 T1 :0 in:MiOT0f. B. yratNCH 80S' a By ante at the! .T. DJ,,.HKA,KB3, SecreUry. TttL Beltsy BeltSaicheli'.at't&i 't-ti 10 f; fit 3 ,8. Taitaaa Se Cjr Si i it 7 mays'aa0i'; MISOELLAlEOUS. BTJEVElOSrlAlE. ft? Br. Barque Elizabeth Enowl : j 1 'TBy CROHJuT MQKBIS. . . . . : .i ! i1 iLi ! ' 'TN PTJB8TJAKCS OlA HBCOKMENDATIOlf OF A Snrreyors, duly appointed by the British ConsoL we will sell, in ft-ont o( oat Sates Booms,' Booth Wa j tr street, to the, highest bidder,' on Saturday. JSor vemheii; JSTajataleroWek M.t "'' ;' HKiii3iti!8TiiissA ' raaoAKQHOSS ANT) CHAINS, BOATS, , Wim everythintr attached, appertaining and betoatt ing to the1 said Barqne; Elizabeth Knowles, of Loa-i don, Snglaad, SS tone, stranded at '-Taws' Inlet Beach, Brnnuwlck connty, ia behalf of all concerned, ; ' MALCOLM CARMICHAKL, , ' J I". -Master.. PTTTT.ATlTXPTrtX'; Mail iStr5amsliit Ooinpaii.y l i rpHB i jrat8T; CLASS BTBAMZBS' - V: ' lONKICto,1(TJ toni, (pt John WakeleV. :. - ,i:iIIA.'arANIA;!844 toinCapt'C. d. Wittbank. form a Weitiy iW snd sail alternately frbnt PbOa delphiand Wiaatagtoa erery Tdesday OMrning7at Given to New tjbrtr, Boston, Trorldence, Pall Rirerv PerUan4 and all petetaa tW Mew Kngland States, at as tow rates as br ear other lootew Also-to Iir. erpool, fcoadoa; Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg. Ams tdaausadaU.aehea tlM Conflneat and Bast Cbast of .England. - .-. u . -i-T4uoaginWfrtak Pbflselpb4aJ to sJl points TOCsrohua, Sonth Csrolioja, 4orgiav' Alabama, Xoaisiana, Mississippi 'and Tennessee, at as low rat aa by wimiwttn lln.' ' m - . x or jreii mezitsB and rmte motytr to . i t. I - . A1J raErr IX a : aaTXVTtZX Ar - - : - t ."Wlf. . JAMES. Oenefal AsnL V, - to5! No. 1 Granite Eow, SQVTH FRONT ITBBBt, - J. HAAS & CK Fropzietoia. OPEN ALL HOUR5, DAT AND NIGHT. BEST Liqaors, Cigars, Ac. always on hand, and po- drtv Vmroi avn! flu OlioiJAt-A ri : i StocJderseeinff The-Bsmk -of New Hanover ' - ' I 1 V : : A GENERAL .(MEETJNQ T TH:-ST0CK:- i.ftL .Li' - of psuviwsebytauaa tobe innd.tf lwlrtng Hfiay aia nrtaBloaafeiati, -ii:tte : . . T'W J. ?? "''' f"MJiuie JUUfll M USUI) day .ofwemlieri ISat tea Q-keltA;'M. m j order;ttj 2oar4 f .Piwetewi; :cT?--:"l(ertAaat. K Matthiwb, Sec'ry. , ?aor a-0t IN ST0EJ3 IIT STOEE. 300 ?A9QWAtJ' v1 "V;: 800 ifWWWf, t s;.v AjlM iri, si : ciaei ' PoLs'd ITS Cases Oft BOXES DV Si -filDES, t25 BbSa. and jBbla ST O B. VolaMac, ITS hada. and aUa. Cub. tfolilsBw AfiO loMea, 10 BW a. and Boxa CnvcktB, , . - 7C 3oxES CAjroTas,iBoatt camdiwij (Jl5OBpzealandain.0ystera, iv 125 'SatfB. ! 5 AAA SACKS SAUT, asOBttlea Hay, -9UUU lOOBobdlea Hoop Iron, ' PACKJLCTS Irv'rB, lJWfl Ban TsiiaL. , ! SOOOO W. aSj2?Cai.,. 2 AAA BTOHBta OATS,4 400' Bona Backed iijfU'Kjfir. V-oaaliby" aovS4f PANIC PfilCES CALL ANDfSEE FOR iYOTJRSELVES.' llalance Stock, of .', iCSiildteii's i: Olotaiiiig ; i. - uu rtli-v-?'n ,V Mt7NBO CO:' 4J nova-tf A M iBAKIISOMSLT PEASTEd. ftdtb IT tbejnjlnentplaat i - a : ' " i MONTfiLX ' -IN3TALMSNTS,1 ; ' AT 4 t TT-'r?-;!-'!. 1 . mm. K t. LrreBookiacstore. I - " ! ' j t . BDCTOBD, CROW- A CO.- OPTER .a. PTJLL Cprising Baeon, Sugatv Coffee, Jfafls, Bagging, .'.", Mnnta,Soap,.8tsreaAievr .v,u t i.VtSUil -VJ-J JiWW X1ZUITI, Jcauaid'aee them bWoWniaklng VowVpwAases- alaewbeeb.l'.ioht' S ' s'"ij - r-i . '' , octSMf-i ' " "P ' : sooth Water street OjA W.Preshlett'ctWtB ' ,-:'-- 1 Kl BUa,'Presh Soda (Jrackers,, ,-.,:(?'; JgQ Boxes iCaadlea. : i i ! . i CA'Attes Candy, ,v jfc ; . . .,, ,?1j t Porsalelowby . : Oct 3S4f -" WILLLUtS MTCSBtSpN. , : .Bsiip. Bacsn,1 ftriv Hfllets. ?r: 1 QQ0 BATtRTgr ytxxm, all grades-. 200 B0xs D ' AXD BMOKXD aiDiSi -O KHH&S, SMOEXD gHoitLbsss. 5 - ' g QQQ BUSHELS PRIME CORN, ( BABJRKTKTjLLirts, " , ' ; ( ' ' ' Pofi.sale hjwbr i,, octit-tf ' WILLIAMS A MXJBCHISON. .'t Cotton Tarn. AVREt nf 1 ; COTTOJf YARN, lAJiLOWPBtClV .' ! - - r. -rsato'tr lWi tf ' ;4i'- . EDWARDS HALL. SEWIIQt EQBBOIDEET; .ief: st-'t ' --) " M'r ?i i m -I'll- . : -nt-IXRtoJROTHE CJTT AN. COTvTf; or making .TJaderwearl Briidiag, Xmbroideryi Stamping. Crocheting, Plnldng, Ttcklig, , nfttehlntc". and Cording, ieft at the Rooms . of ; the. X Plprance fewiarMae"wnbe'n praptfr exc tiglps;qhlhgrti j it Mmravtmrtvwth vwn w.Mwao mat, uipni'!- aecTom ana Jaanerry streets, oyt. . aa--a-trii . 1003 jaae vaj jM' spstnger. JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OP THE LOSS OP aeertiacatoforlvesharesof the Capital Stock of ha Wnmfagtoti Tbifltng aftrfaHtm, IsSUedtO Ira Skhjper. Application will be made to said corpora tion for anew certificate. ' . ' ' . will occDpy their old Banking TTr,Tir . i I yandSS?vbo?a w 11,6 Pt three ; ' . . . " " 5 ' fftESS"! that th.T , tFAMILY GROCERIES" I '.-' - , ; 1. II .Ma virtiiieverarit' I J ?VineavBdk te;iaieat ami awstplr; e glate j :0ASI1 IOfCDER3 SOLlCltfet). 1). MYERS 4j Cp. S and 7 North Front street. 7 ' - -r Jor jthe Benet and under tbe .07-H Auspices oftiu Cap Feiif ttoiiai . XHjSjTJNBiaraGNJED JfHiYrNf BEEN Ap pointed by b Executive Comnttee of the; above AseoclaHon to make the neceesary arrangements for a Grjj CXOTCE'dnrlng theekt AnnualTair, re sjiectfnHy spncts.contrihoUpaapf artWes enltable for prizes. Prf hundred prizes will be distributed totheporebaera:6f tlck4ia,fandhB frlonds'of the AssoclsUpn are, confidcatli, reHd npbn to ;furnleh the priiefL' !Anthmgfronithansand dollar horse tea aoop skirt wat'bpi aceeptabiefc The names of all. eqntramton!, together with then; Cosiness card and the amount of their donation, will be published in pamphlet form sad widely distributed. THE PRIZES WILL , BE ' EXHIB- Those wishing to ava themselves of this master. -f ectlve mode of '' ' ' . ' will please communicate with the subscriber dnrinir h month of November, as the list of prises should be pnbUshed on the first oft JDec H,??. .BM4?fc:S htst.dai.alfba mttJjb eemberlithv Anttantions Bibnld be addressed toi ? ;-r-irf' lfr7r ' fiiii iwi'V-- . Da. THOMAS B. CABS. oetsa-tf CAUTION- ;Tas" Scales, E.4iAiRBAM I CO; ' ' MILES' A LABII TILL, if. rvonej:Jrawer, A nre.VrotaetiWiStfaMasfTaUewea1 Amfra1Iy avd'apted to f Stare keprst-b,: i ' ; 'Pter!WIT? t COMPARTMENTS , , 1 . . Per Bills, Currency and Specie, or -to attach to any counter in a few m ckls.;BeadT' utestime.: '! '-,? . . 'sold'At' " ' Falrbaiika Scale) fWaireliKmsesV' ';. ; rilt'BROADlirAxV'lWW';T i -. AND BY THE,,. . J; itardware Tra4e Genermlly. . sept S-Staw4 a Tn&Pr ' Give Trial; HARDENS AND, INVIGORATES THE GTJJfSI Parifieeand Perfomes the Breath! Cleanses,' BeantmessBfeaeresitheiti, i :a: .m ; TEET-ffrl-hf::;" ' Use It daily, and your teeth wul be the last of Na tore's gfta to fail yoo :i I ' SOLD BY ALL-DKUGQI3TB."! , maya7-epdly tathaat ',.. v .T-4i x -4 , ', j . ii 11. .1. .. 1 1 " 1 . . i li J"MT"rMMM"Tii i ii i i ' NifijuiTtiJ i. us a jQ0Brj0HSLs6ATS ;i JlAifV BSLSAN& tfO HHDSi S.H. SYEUP AND VlCBbMolaatea,.p-jo .r-pi .-j-g BACCTAIGSAPE8, fe'!jvli. Jtra . 1 -f AQ MLB3tf3NBl'ru6ABS,'! ' r jU' ! ' V ' : ' s . .yersalelow by .f .. . , ; r 1 act 'i4i mo . .-WILLIAMS yMURCHTflOX. ; "TrANTED TO RENTTOpETHRII PTJB nlsbed roomaforiOdae kph State aooatioa and rtefi: A4iaVfe R.PoWonfce B'afia';,rTS Ww; :. - ;tnfv: - Meat Cutters and Staffers, " ..' ' ASSORTED SIZES, . Tb wa-wwrwea fm I; S i 1

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